Annual Report - Seeds of Peace


Annual Report - Seeds of Peace
Annual Report
“I think conflict can be resolved only when the
two sides resort to a dialogue process. They have
to forget their pasts, however bitter it might
have been, for we are all living in the present
and for the future. I feel dialogue and accepting
each other’s faults is the first step toward
building peaceful relations.”
Janeen, Indian Seed and 2006 facilitator at camp
A Message from the President
Dear Friends:
As the new President of this incredible organization, I embrace the opportunity to make a difference
in areas of the world where the need for peace and a strong generation of young leaders is so urgent.
Against this backdrop, I am reminded every day of the founding principles of Seeds of Peace—to
empower leaders of the next generation. We owe it to them to make the darkness of war a distant
memory, and the beacon of light and peace a reality.
At camp, and in our follow-up programs, it is not only our goal, but also our responsibility to provide
these new Seeds with the opportunity to see firsthand that there is indeed a way to resolve conflict
peacefully. When the Seeds return to their native countries, they continue to practice the conflict
resolution skills they learned at camp in the various community outreach programs and alumni
activities the Seeds themselves organize. Seeds of Peace prides itself in providing the next generation
of leaders the chance to experience peace, and to understand the need for mutual respect and
Annual Report
International Camp
Middle East
Global Outreach
South Asia
American Seeds
One of our primary tasks ahead is to create even more ways to integrate and engage our network of
Seeds alumni in the programs and events that take place worldwide. It is a testament to the success of
our organization that many of our Seeds alumni throughout the world are now in powerful positions
in government, business and medicine. Many of them have worked together recently, taking initiative
and planning their own events to promote the message of Seeds of Peace.
I would like to close by thanking all who have supported Seeds of Peace in the past. It is because of
our donors that we are able to achieve success and build an even stronger foundation from which to
Nicolla Hewitt
President, Seeds of Peace
Seeds of Peace
We are especially proud to report that for the first time in the history of
Seeds of Peace, dialogue sessions were facilitated by Seeds of Peace Alumni.
Professionally-trained facilitators are an essential component to the success of
the Seeds of Peace conflict resolution program at both the International Camp
in Maine and regional programming. Seeds of Peace has employed highly skilled
facilitators—specifically focused on Middle East and South Asian history, culture,
and the conflict—to sit in the dialogue sessions that are held daily at camp.
“I learned the basic techniques
of conflict resolution such as
compassion, listening, and
dialogue. Altogether these
experiences provided me with an
exclusive opportunity to sharpen
my communication, negotiation,
and the debate skills.”
—Tamara- Palestinian Seed
n its 14th summer, Seeds of Peace
welcomed more than 400 new
campers to the “International
Camp” in Maine. The neutral
location, thousands of miles away
from conflict, provided Israeli,
Palestinian, Egyptian, Jordanian,
Indian, Pakistani, Afghani, and
American Seeds with an environment
in which they were able to cultivate
new friendships, perspectives,
understanding, and leadership skills.
For the first time in 2006, Seeds
of Peace employed its own alumni
as facilitators in the Middle East
camp program. They combined this
new expertise with their personal
experiences as former campers to
offer the strongest facilitation and
specialized dialogue session in Seeds
of Peace history. The campers from
2006 emerged at the summer’s end
as motivated leaders, dedicated
to creating a future of peaceful
For the first time in Seeds of Peace history, dialogue sessions at camp were facilitated
by Seeds of Peace Alumni.
Peer Support
Group Challenge
Each summer a select group of Seeds graduates return to camp to serve as role
models and provide support to the new campers. The programming for these
campers is focused on advanced dialogue and enhancement of their leadership
skills. Early in each session the fifty-two 2006 Peer Support campers participated
in an Outdoor Leadership Program, a three-day mountain backpacking program
designed to help the group form strong bonds. Their summer experience also
included a trip to Washington, D.C. where they took part in a community
service project at a charter school with children in grades kindergarten through
six, met with high-level politicians and government officials, including Senator
Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and engaged in dialogue with several other members of
Congress at a luncheon hosted by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA).
The work of the Dialogue Sessions was
reinforced during Group Challenge,
which involves demanding physical and
psychological trust-building activities.
Dialogue group participants had to depend
upon each other to scale climbing walls,
navigate high ropes, and tackle obstacle
courses. The trust and respect these
activities fostered between the participants
maximized the impact of the dialogue
“I learned how to listen to others and be open to their opinions and
ideologies, even when those opinions are different than mine. I
came to find that even though many people have different points of
view than me, I can still listen to their opinions and respect them.”
—Oded- Israeli Seed
Dialogue Sessions
The Dialogue Sessions are what the Seeds themselves call the highlight of their
experience at the International Camp. On a daily basis, the Seeds gathered
in small groups for professionally facilitated Dialogue Sessions. During these
sessions, which form the very heart of our unique conflict resolution program,
the youngsters shared their personal stories and laid bare their innermost
feelings. Those discussions included anything from the fear of terrorism, the
humiliation suffered at checkpoints, the anger of having homes destroyed and
loved ones killed, and the conflict between Israel and Hizbullah. As the campers
learned to listen to the perspectives of their new friends, heard the narrative
of “the other side” and started to face their own personal biases, they began
to acquire the understanding, compassion, and mutual respect necessary for
peaceful coexistence.
The hours
spent playing
sports, learning
to swim and
chatting in the
bunk put the
principles of
coexistence into
daily practice.
in a variety of
camp activities,
the values of
respect, and
leadership are
instilled in the
Camp Activities
Recreational sports and arts activities laid the groundwork for the daily dialogue
sessions. The hours spent playing sports, learning to swim and chatting in the bunk
put the principles of coexistence into daily practice. Ordinary scenes—a game of catch
or late night conversations after lights out—were extraordinary when one realizes the
exchanges were between Israelis and Palestinians or Indians and Pakistanis. Through
participation in a variety of sports, the values of teamwork, respect, and leadership
were instilled in the campers. These cultural activities nurture the Seeds and encourage
them to work together and reflect on their hopes, fears, and shared experience through
these creative processes.
Delegation Leaders
Seeds of Peace offers dynamic educational programming for the adult Delegation
Leaders who accompany the youth to camp. At camp these educators undergo their
own transformative experience to parallel that of their young charges. Following
their summer experience, they become key advocates and institutional liaisons
for Seeds of Peace in their school and home communities. At the same time, they
impart the values and skills of dialogue, tolerance, cross-cultural understanding, civic
engagement, leadership, and the peaceful resolution of conflict to an ever-widening
circle. Delegation Leaders comprise a network of over 300 department heads, school
principals, Ministry of Education officials, professors of education, elementary school,
middle school, and secondary school teachers across the Middle East and South Asia
and the other regions where we serve.
“What I saw at camp changed me. Before camp I really thought
peace was nearly impossible, but when I witnessed things in my
co-existence sessions where people from different sides would be
considerate and listen carefully to each other and absorb what each
other were saying it gave me so much hope.”
n order to effectively continue the
momentum built at the International Camp
in Maine, bi-national and multi-national
programs continue throughout the year in our
offices around the world. These programs are
made possible, in large part, by US AID. Our
international offices are located in: Amman,
Cairo, Gaza, Lahore, London, Mumbai,
Jerusalem, Kabul, Ramallah, and Tel Aviv.
“Our friendship was stronger than our
disagreements…I’m sure our life would be
something else if our leaders would be smart
enough to learn from our generation.”
Daniel, Israeli
Interfaith Services
On Fridays, Shortly after lunch,
Muslim Prayer services are
led by a Muslim within the
camp community, usually an
adult delegation leader. The
purpose of this is two-fold:
first, to provide Muslims the
space to worship, and second
to create an opportunity for
non-Muslims to learn and
observe another religion’s
practices. At the beginning of
each service, we also provide
a short explanation about the
service, and worshippers of the
faith make themselves available
to answer questions. Jewish
prayer service is held after
sundown on Friday evening,
and provides the same type of
experience. Christian services
are available Sunday mornings.
Through these opportunities,
Seeds come away with a better
understanding of another
religion they might never have
experienced firsthand.
Adrienne, American Seed
Middle East
Regional Education Program:
Bi-National Programming
Seeds Bi-National Events: 2006
Over the course of 2006, Seeds of Peace struggled to
maintain bi-national programming for Seeds in the midst of
a tense and unstable political situation. This was a year that
started with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s massive
stroke and the Hamas victory in the Palestinian elections.
Cross-border contact between Israelis and Palestinians was
The bravery of parents, Seeds and Delegation Leaders,
and the efforts of staff, made Israeli and Palestinian
participation in International Camp possible. During
the summer of 2006, the light of what camp represents
flickered, and Seeds of Peace kept the momentum of
peace and coexistence alive.
Seeds of Peace worked hard to maintain bi-national programs
for Israeli and Palestinian Seeds. The realities on the ground,
though, made it extremely difficult for Seeds, and even for
staff, to meet legally across the lines of conflict (Palestinians
from the West Bank and Gaza need permission from Israel
to enter Israel; the Israeli government forbids its citizens
from entering most of the West Bank and Gaza). Because
of this situation, Seeds of Peace focused on those who
could physically meet in the eyes of the law—Israelis
and Palestinian residents of Jerusalem. In 2006 there
was a series of dialogue sessions at the Center for
Coexistence in Jerusalem.
And yet the Center was still too empty for too long. In
response to this situation, and after taking into account how
to make the most of limited resources, the decision was
made, in the summer of 2006, to close the Center.
“The most important thing I’ve taken from my
time in Seeds of Peace is that creating peace is
not to stop violence between two neighbors, but
to have security, trust and faith in each other.”
Mohamad, Palestinian
Graduate Seeds visited an orphanage in Egypt, bringing the
message of Seeds of Peace.
With so many physical barriers preventing contact,
Seeds from around the world found one another
in cyberspace and on the phone. Threads of
online dialogue continued through SeedsNet, a
communication tool available to all Seeds alumni.
Seeds from all involved countries and conflicts also
worked together to create two editions of The Olive
Branch, the Seeds’ alumni magazine, that represents a
permanent record of cross-border and multi-national
cooperation, the Seeds’ achievement—one that many
far older could barely imagine.
For Seeds who wanted face-to-face bi-national programming
at a more intense pace, there was one chance, thanks in
part to a sponsorship by a Spanish pro basketball team. In
November 2006 fifteen Seeds spent a week in Badalona,
outside Barcelona, to engage in dialogue and to challenge
themselves to go beyond what they experienced at camp.
The problem of how to create bi-national programming for
Israeli and Palestinian Seeds loomed throughout 2006. In the
fall Seeds of Peace established a full-time position dedicated
to this objective.
Focus on Higher
Education for Israeli &
Palestinian Seeds
Mediation and
Negotiation Training
Seeds of Peace realizes the critical
need for its Seeds alumni to
obtain access to higher education,
regardless of availability of resources.
Through a competitive application
process, the Middle Eastern Regional
Scholarship Program, funded
largely by Oprah’s Angel’s Network,
was initiated in the Fall of 2006
to provide funding for 18 Seeds,
equally distributed among male
and female candidates. Applicants
apply for up to $3,000 annually,
which helps cover the tuition costs
at Palestinian and Israeli universities,
fees which are substantially lower
than for American universities.
As part of the Graduate Program for
its alumni, Seeds of Peace developed
a course and coursework to train
Israelis and Palestinians to work
together in developing the skills
necessary to effectively engage in
negotiations of all kinds. The Training
Course contains uni-national and binational components that spanned
over two years of coursework,
training and seminars.
The curriculum includes ten
course modules that introduce
course participants to the
basic skills and techniques of
negotiation and that help them
develop a personal and effective
negotiation style. These sessions
include: Our Own Negotiation
Models; Concepts and Basic
Elements in Negotiation; Stages of
the Negotiation Process; Conducting
the Negotiation—Skills, Strategies
and Techniques; Communication
Skills; Negotiation Pitfalls; Culture,
Gender, and Power Relations; MultiParty Negotiations; and International
Simulation and Feedback.
Two Israeli and two Palestinian
professionals conducted these
courses. In Israel, Michael Tsur and
Ganit Poleg from the Mediation and
Conflict Resolution Institute Jerusalem
served as instructors for the Israeli
uni-national meetings. Palestinian
trainers Khalid Salim, and Rasha
Fityan of the Ta’awon Youth Forum
were the professionals conducting the
Palestinian sessions.
The course’s
final component
was a weeklong bi-national
and meeting
in London in
March. The
American School
of London hosted
the Palestinian and
Israeli participants,
and the Seeds of Peace alumni spent
one to two hours per day conducting
workshops with the school’s students.
The remainder of their time was spent
in intensive discussions about the
Middle East conflict. The objective
of the course, and particularly of the
week in London, was to produce a
group of Palestinians and Israelis in
their twenties, who have colleagues
from the other side who have been
trained in the same negotiation skills.
This was successful as participants
reported that their discussions
in London about Middle Eastern
politics were the most productive
and constructive that they had ever
experienced. Their shared set of skills
and common approach to dialogue
allowed them to delve further into
the critical issues than ever before.
“In these days of great sorrow, this
is our test. Now we must show a
light in that great darkness that
is surrounding us.”
Yaron, Israeli Seed
Global Outreach
Seeds of Peace inaugurated a
unique day camp that brought
together over 200 eightto-ten year old Palestinians
in Gaza with lessons in
non-violence, forgiveness,
reconciliation, community
service, and cooperation
within Palestinian society.
“I always tell my friends
about Seeds of Peace
and the great times I
had there. I also talk
to them about politics
and tell them that peace
is the only solution to
the conflict, and now
six of my friends are
interested in being
Amin, Palestinian
Community Outreach
Gaza Children’s Day Camp
Seeds of Peace inaugurated a unique day camp in the summer of 2006 that brought
together over 200 eight-to-ten year old Palestinians in Gaza. In two ten-day sessions,
“Seeds of Understanding Camp” taught non-violence, forgiveness, reconciliation,
community service, and cooperation within Palestinian society. The camp focused on
youngsters from Shajayia, a disadvantaged neighborhood in Gaza. At a time when
the only images out of Gaza are violence and despair, the success of this program
demonstrates that reconciliation and tolerance can still be promoted. At the request
of the parents, children, and the staff who ran the camp, Seeds of Peace hopes to
make this an ongoing program.
Seeds Café
Open to people from all walks of life, the Seeds Cafés provide a welcoming, nonpolitical framework for Israelis and Palestinians to get to know each other as
individuals, by transcending the often charged atmosphere in the region. Aimed at
promoting cultural exchange between Israelis and Palestinians, Seeds Café is held
in Jerusalem and Gaza. Discussions cover different aspect of social and cultural life
in the region, with specific emphasis on the Arab-Israeli issue. For example, at a
Seeds Café in Gaza, forty intellectuals, from academia, politics, UNRWA, medicine,
and education gathered with Seeds to discuss the social and religious aspects of a
peaceful society.
“Seeds Café is neither an academic nor a political platform. It
provides a wonderful opportunity for people to meet on common
ground, to get to know each other, and to talk together.”
—Dorothy Harman, Coordinator of Jerusalem Seeds Café
Seeds of Peace Action Summit
Istanbul Conference
For five days in September, in the aftermath of
the conflict between Israel and Lebanon, Seeds of
Peace brought together thirty of the organization’s
oldest Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian, and
Jordanian graduates. The Seeds came together
in New York to develop concrete strategies and
initiatives to provide ongoing opportunities for
Arabs and Israelis to work towards a better future
in the Middle East. Their meeting marked the
launch of a new dimension in scope and impact for
Seeds of Peace.
From April 27-30th, 2006, 75 Delegation Leaders from the
Middle East and South Asia, along with invited guests from
peace-building NGOs in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey, and
the United States met in Istanbul for a conference, “Volunteerism,
Peace Building, and the Development of Civic Society.” The conference
aimed to provide members of the Seeds of Peace Delegation Leader
network an opportunity to exchange ideas and to coordinate activities
and projects in their effort to enhance community participation
in civic life, with the goals of promoting tolerance, peaceful
learning environments, critical thinking, dialogue, and the
peaceful resolution of conflict within and between their respective
Building on the strong foundation of programs
they participated in as teenagers, the Seeds of
Peace Action Summit provided the opportunity
for these older Seeds to play an instrumental
role in shaping programs targeted to university
students and young adult professionals. Divided
into four different working committees (focused
on politics, professional networking, technology
and community outreach), this core group of
SOP alumni charted a plan for increased
opportunities for engagement between
Arab and Israeli Seeds and members of their
broader communities. The programs are already
Arab Educators Program
2006 marked the conclusion of The Arab Educators Program (AEP):
Building School Environments that Encourage Responsible Citizenship
in Youth. This landmark two-year program (funded by the
Department of State-MEPI and Seeds of Peace) equipped two
groups of Egyptian, Jordanian and Palestinian educators with
curriculum, training methods, resources, and connections to
encourage peaceful learning environments, to cultivate the
values and skills of communication, dialogue, tolerance, civic
engagement, leadership, and the peaceful resolution of conflict.
Thirty Arab educators from the Middle East began the program
in the summer of 2006 by participating in “Building School
Environments that Encourage Responsible Citizenship in
Youth,” a ten-day training seminar at American University
in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, participants who began the
program in 2005 participated in a follow-up seminar in Cyprus.
The overall program has been extremely successful. From September
2005 until December 2006, the sixty trained “Arab Educators” reached
over 20,000 students, 4,129 parents and community members, and
2,311 additional educators in Egypt, Jordan, and the West Bank, and
Gaza—a far broader reach than ever envisioned.
The Seeds of Peace Action Summit
provided the opportunity for older
Seeds to play an instrumental role
in shaping programs targeted to
university students and young adult
South Asia
Bi-National Programming
Seeds of Peace launched an unprecedented coexistence program for Indian
and Pakistani youth in 2001. Since its inception, over one hundred Indian
and Pakistani teenagers have graduated from this program.
Seeds of Peace South Asia Regional Conference
The first Seeds of Peace South Asia Conference was held in January 2006,
in Mumbai, India and included more than 57 Seeds from Afghanistan,
Pakistan and India, as well as 25 adult delegation leaders—all alumni of the
SOP camp program. The event was largely funded through a grant from the
Department of State.
The conference allowed Seeds from the three South Asian countries to
reconvene, take the skills they have learned about dealing with conflict to a
higher level, and to apply their training to dialogue across national divides.
The conference also served to strengthen the SOP network of youth,
schools, and educators across South Asia and to build communication
between these groups and the American Diplomatic staff in India, who also
participated in this unique event.
Indian and Pakistani Homestays
In November 2006, Pakistani Seeds from Lahore, along with eight
educators from a Seeds of Peace partner school in Pakistan, visited their
counterparts in Mumbai, India. This program was designed to allow Indian
and Pakistani participants to visualize peace in South Asia. An in-depth
workshop was held discussing the dire possibility of an India/Pakistan
nuclear exchange. This frank realization allowed each Seed to recommit to
the principles that they gained at the Seeds of Peace Camp in Maine. The
Seeds visited schools throughout the city to demonstrate to hundreds of
students how Indian and Pakistani youth can work together to build a more
hopeful future.
“In the atmosphere of mistrust
that prevails between India and
Pakistan, a nervous finger can
press some sensitive triggers and
then all hell can break loose. This
is why I consider amity between
India and Pakistan to be a necessity,
not an option. And, I believe that
organizations like Seeds of Peace are
the ones who instill the foresight
and give the incentive to young
leaders like us.”
Mira- Pakistani Seed
Seeds of Peace Seminar on
Social Entrepreneurship
Drawing on our older Seed alumni’s commitment
to the mission of Seeds of Peace, and their unique
perspectives and talents, a seminar on Social
Entrepreneurship was organized in February 2006
in New York City bringing together forty Seeds
through a competitive selection process. These
Seeds, all students or graduates of American
universities and representing ten countries from
the Middle East, South Asia, and the Balkans,
discussed the concepts and applications of social
entrepreneurship and generated ideas for initiatives
meant to create positive change on their college
campuses, in their local communities, in their home
countries, and in international areas of interest.
American Seeds
The unique and life-changing experience
American Delegates have while attending
the International Camp in Maine leaves them
energized and motivated to spread what they
learned to others. In the fall of 2006, Seeds of
Peace initiated the American Seeds Program.
The goal of the Program is to enhance the
leadership skills of American teenagers,
improve their understanding as global citizens
and spread the message of Seeds of Peace in
their communities.
An American Coordinating Committee (ACC)
of 9 Seed Alumni was created to serve as
the representative body of American Seeds
alumni. At the Thanksgiving Retreat in Boston,
the Committee members led brainstorming
initiatives to be implemented in 2007, some of
which included a facilitation seminar in April
2007 in Washington D.C, the Big Seed/Little
Seed mentorship program, the creation of a
newsletter for all alumni Seeds living in the
U.S., and a “Seeds of Peace Campus Day”
where Seeds on various U.S. campuses will lead
dialogue initiatives, cultural events, and other
types of community outreach activities.
Summer Internship Program 2006
Summer internships provide Seeds alumni with
critical professional experiences and networking
opportunities that are yet another step on their
path to leadership. The Seeds of Peace Internship
fund, established in the summer of 2006 enabled
15 outstanding Seeds alumni to capitalize on
professional internship opportunities across
the globe. Their work ranged from community
development, to aviation, broadcast journalism,
academic research, finance, banking, healthcare,
and human rights.
Thanksgiving Retreat, Boston
Over the course of a two day/two night retreat in
Boston, 45 American Seeds and 15 International
Seeds (graduates from 2001 to 2006) re-united to
formulate ideas about their programs and identify
effective community outreach initiatives in line with
their interests. Speakers and staff provided these
Seeds with the tools and frame of mind necessary
to carry out these outreach activities, whether at a
high school or college level, while highlighting the
core values and lessons learned through Seeds of
Peace. Plans formulated included campus dialogue
initiatives, leadership roundtables, service events,
and cultural/international events, many of which are
currently being organized.
American University
Bates College
Bates College (ME)
Boston Conservatory
Bowdoin College
Brandeis University
Brigham Young University
Brown University
Bryn Mawr College
Clark College
Columbia University
Dartmouth College
Deerfield Academy
Duke University
Earlham College
Embry Riddle Aeronautical
George Washington University
Georgetown University
Graceland University
Guilford College
Hartwick College
Harvard University
Hillsdale College
Hotchkiss School
Knox College
Lehigh University
Manchester College
Manhattanville College
Middlebury College
Mt. Holyoke
Newport High School
Ohio Wesleyan
Peddie School
Phillips Exeter Academy
Princeton University
Sarah Lawrence
Smith College
Stanford University
Susquehanna University
Swarthmore College
The College of NJ
Texas A&M
The Kent School
Thunderbird School of Global Management
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Michigan
University of South Florida
University of California at Berkeley
University if North Carolina
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Michigan
University of Missouri at Kansas City
University of South Carolina
University of Southern Maine
University of Southern Maine
University of St. Thomas
University of Virginia
University of Pennsylvania
University of Virginia
United World Colleges Pearson
Vassar College
Washington University
Wellesley College
William & Mary
West Virginia University
Yale University
York University
Skody Scot & Company, CPAs, P.C.
352 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10001 . (T) 212-967-1100 (F) 212-967-2002
To: The Board of Directors of Seeds of Peace, Inc.
We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Seeds of Peace, Inc.,
(a not-for-profit organization) as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, and the related statements
of activities and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Organizations’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion
on these financial based on our audits.
Corporate and Foundation Support
Avenue Capital Management Corporation
McGraw-Hill Companies
The Barbara Streisand Foundation
Bear Stearns
Ben & Jerry’s
Bradco Supply Corp.
Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Capital One Financial Corporation
Celine Dion Foundation
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Creative Memories
Delaware Street Capital
Deutsche Bank Securities
The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation
ExxonMobil Corporation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ford Foundation
General Motors Corporation, North American
Goldman Sachs
Hearst Publications
Jenner & Block
Jon S. Corzine Foundation
Lehman Brothers
The Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Northern Trust Bank
The Oprah Winfrey Foundation
Orleans Homebuilders
Paravi Equities LLC
Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P.
The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation
Pulte Land Company, LLC
Roseland Equity Partners, Inc.
Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Skody Scot & Company, CPAS, P.C.
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen, LLP
Seeds of Peace continues to strengthen its role in
relationship-based fundraising, facilitating growth
among major donors and diversifying its sources of
income. Seeds of Peace was awarded $1.1 million in
grants by the State Department and United States
Agency for International Development. Increased
revenue enabled stronger program initiatives. The 2006
conflict between Israel and Lebanon made the execution
of programs more challenging, and thus our need for an
expansion of revenue sources more critical.
In 2006, Seeds of Peace raised $7.9 million of gross
revenue which is $1.7 million or 21% higher than
in 2005. The private sector income grew by 5% or
$300,000 compared to 2005.
YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 and 2005
Total Support and Revenues:
Contributions (non-event)
Government grants
Contributions in-kind
Camp fees & misc. program services
Investment and other income
Release of restricted assets
Total before special events
Special events:
Auction sales
Less: auction items purchased
Net contributions from auctions
Event related support
Less: related direct costs
Net special event income
Temporarily restricted:
Contributions and government grants
Release of restricted assets
Permanently restricted:
Total support and revenues
Program Expenses:
International camp
Middle East/Multinational
International youth and camp summit
Education/Public relations
South Asia
U.S. Program administration
Total program expenses
Supporting Services:
Management and general 1,656,454
Total expenses
Increase/(Decrease) In Net Assets:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Increase/(decrease) in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
$ 697,472
Net assets, end of year
We conducted our audits in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards; the
standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued
by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States,
Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A-133
require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining on a test
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe
that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the financial position of Seeds of Peace, Inc. at December 31, 2006 and 2005, and the results
of its activities and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles.
In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated
July 15, 2007, on our consideration of Seeds of Peace, Inc.’s internal control over financial
reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations,
contracts and grants. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance
with Government Auditing Standards and should be read in conjunction with this report in
considering the results of our audit.
July 15, 2007
YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 and 2005
$ 71,520
Cash and cash equivalents
Grants and pledges receivable
Other receivables
Prepaid expenses
Property and equipment, net
Security deposits
Total Assets
$ 975,314 $ 584,188
829,499 1,124,869
$2,632,997 $2,650,792
Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 420,392 $ 914,821
Loans payable
1,500,000 1,500,000
Due to grantors
Deferred income
1,935,525 2,579,272
Total liabilities
Commitments and contingencies (see notes)
Net Assets:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Skody Scot & Company, CPAS. P.C.
Total liabilities and net assets
$2,632,997 $2,650,792
$100,000 and above
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Peggy Bernstein
ExxonMobil Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric H. and Helaine B. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. James M. and Nora C. Orphanides
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Jane Toll
$50,000- $99,999
Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Mr. Joseph Gantz & Ms. Paula Blumenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ginsburg
Mr. Stuart Miller
The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation
The Russell Berrie Foundation
Mr. Gilbert “Buzz” Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. and Lila Silverman
Mr. Peter A. Weinberg
$25,000- $49,999
Capital One Financial Corporation
Delaware Street Capital
Mr. Harold Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feinstein
Ms. Ellen Iseman
Jenner & Block
M. M. Kaplan Foundation
Mrs. Helen M. Kurtz
Lehman Brothers
Mr. Paul Levy
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and Sue Mercy
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Olshan
The Oprah Winfrey Foundation
The Righteous Persons Foundation
Rosalie Katz Family Foundation
Mr. David Strasser
Mr. and Mrs. Arn and Nancy Reiss Tellem
Mrs. Nancy Reiss Tellem
The John C. & Karyl Kay Hughes Foundation
Mr. Casey Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Judith Yarmuth
$10,000- $24,999
S. Daniel Abraham Foundation
Alpern Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Altman
Avenue Capital Management Corporation
Bank of America
Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Roizen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Biederman
Mr. & Mrs. James Block
Mr. Edgar Bronfman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Callan, Sr.
Cogan Family Foundation
Mr. Kenneth P. Cohen & Ms. Darcie Bundy
Collegiate Corporation Madison Avenue Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Milton and Shirley Cooper
Jon S. Corzine Foundation
Mrs. Christine R. Covey
Crosby Family Foundation
Cushman and Wakefield
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert De Courcy
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Deitz
Deutsche Bank Securities
Mrs. Deborah S. Katz-Downie
Mr. and Mrs. Ira and Nancy Dubois
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. and Heidi Epstein
Fannie May Confections
Firestone Country Club
Ford Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Gantcher
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan and Alice Gantcher
Mrs. Sarita Gantz
Mr. Tim Gehan
Mr. and Mrs. George G. and Barbara Gellert
Mr. Bruce Golden & Ms. Michelle Mercer
Goldman Sachs Foundation
Mr. Paul Gottlieb & Ms. Sara Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gottschalk
Mr. Steven Green
Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Greenblatt
Dr. Jonathan Grossman
Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell R. Harwood
Hearst Publications
Mr. Warren Hellman
Mr. Ron Hershco
The Hudson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hurand
Dr. & Mrs. Allen I. and Valerie Hyman
Ms. Wendy Katz
Mr. Rashid Khatib
Mr. Brad Klatt
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Connie Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kushner
Ms. Harriett Lake
Mrs. Lee Langbaum
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Lawrence
The Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation
Levine Family Foundation
Mrs. Elaine Gorbach Levine
Mr. Michael Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Lovejoy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Rhona Lubner
Marble Collegiate Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Menschel
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Miller
Mrs. Deborah Newmyer
Northern Trust Bank
Ms. Yoko Ono
The Patricia Kind Family Foundation
Mr. Zak Penn and Ms. Michelle Weiss
Plymouth Hill Foundation
Rational Games, Inc.
Rita and Harold Divine Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Joanna Rose
Mr. Marshall Rose & Ms. Candice Bergen
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rosenberg
Sam L. Cohen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Samelson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. and Gwen Sarnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schachter
Robert M. Schiffman Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Zach Schreiber
Mr. Brad Segal
The Shana Alexander Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Wendy Shenfeld
Mr. Frank Shunock
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Siegel
The Silver Family Foundation
Mrs. Harriet Silverman
Mildred, Herbert & Julian Simon Foundation
Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Skody Scot & Company, CPAS, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Solms
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Spero
Lydia B. Stokes Foundation
Susquehanna Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Tanner
Mrs. Janet Wallach
Mr. Sidney J. Weinberg
Mr. George Weiss
Mr. Ian Weiss & Ms. Marna Broida
Mr. Marvin Weissberg
Mr. and Mrs. William and Mary Yarmuth
$5,000- $9,999
Ms. Leslie Abrons
Alliance Bernstein Foundation Fund
Ms. Carolyn Ugiss Altieri
Arnold & Porter, LLP
Ms. Adrienne Arsht
Attorney’s Title Insurance Fund, Inc.
The Barbra Streisand Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David and Lisa Barse
Ms. Viviane Becker
Benevolence Committee of the Collegiate
Mr. Stuart Berg & Ms. Natalie Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Linda Berkowitz
Ms. Marla Bermack
Mr. Richard A. Bernstein
Better Way Foundation, Inc.
Blank Rome
BMG Music Publishing
Mr. and Mrs. John Bohlsen
Ms. Anne R. Bord
Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Brinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Lois Broder
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brody
Bryan Cave LLP
Mr. Peter Buttenwieser
Capital Communications Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Rose Caulfield
Ms. Debrah Lee Charatan
Mr. Alan Chesick
CIBC World Markets Corporation
Clark & Weinstock
Mr. Stephen A. Cozen & Ms. Betty Spolan
Mr. Billy Crudup
Mr. Dave Cutler
The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation
Celine Dion Foundation
The Don Yoder Foundation
Edgewood Properties, Inc.
Mr. Gary R. Fears
Ms. Lynne H. Federman & Mr. Joseph Korb
Mr. Edward Fein
Mr. & Mrs. Moses and Susan Feldman
Mr. Sanford Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fishkind
Fredrick & Karen Schaufeld Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Helen Freeman
Mr. Peter R. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. and Jane Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallant
Gerson Lehrman Group
Ms. Sharon Ginsburg
Dr. Jane Glass
Mr. Seth Glickenhaus
Mrs. Gail Gorlitz
Mr. Jeffrey Gould
Helen & William Mazer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Harry and Joy Henshel
Mrs. Joy Henshel
Herrick Feinstein, LLP
Mrs. Amy Horbar & Mr. Allan Ruchman
Mr. Zachary Horowitz & Ms. Barbara Natterson
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hughes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Caryn Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. and Lauren Jacob
Jewish Communities of Western CT
Jewish Youth Philanthropy Institute
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kalish
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and Norma Kaplan
Mr. Stephen Katz
KB Home
Ms. Eva S. Kedar
Kenduskeag Foundation
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Dr. Barbara Kravitz
Kushner Companies
Landau Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jude P. Laspa
Mr. Robert J. Lee & Mr. Ayman Hariri
Mr. Daniel L. Lembo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David and Ruth Levine
Drs. Thomas & Patricia Loeb
Lucile and Maurice Pollak Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lundy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mack
Mr. Ray Mahmood
Maine Conference United Church of Christ
Alexander M. & June L. Maisin Foundation
Mr. Darryl Mallah
Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Hani Masri
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Marilyn Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Svetlana McDonough
McGraw-Hill Companies
Middle East Peace Dialogue Network, Inc.
Ms. Constance Milstein
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot A. Minsker
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. and Carol Mizel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Adriana Mnuchin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrow
Morse Family Foundation
New York Community Trust
Mr. William Obeid
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. and Sam Orleans
Mrs. Jane Overman
Palm Bay Imports, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Peebler
Mr. Charles Poliacof
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Jean Pollak
Precision Piping
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Marilyn Ratner
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Rogers Foundation
Ms. Marlene D. Rosati
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rosenzweig
Mr. and Mrs. Hannan and Amira Rotem
Mr. and Mrs. Evan and Lindsay Roth
Royal Abstract Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Betsy Ryan
The Sallie Mae Fund
Mr. Michael Saylor
Simmons Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Anise Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Sirulnick
Mr. Trond Skramstad
Mrs. Barbara Solomon
Mr. Miles Spencer
Mr. Warren Stieglitz & Ms. Carla Harman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. and Bonnie Strauss
Mr. Sebastian A. Stubbe
Swift Arrow
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Nicki Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Taub
The J.M.A. Foundation
Tides Foundation
Mr. Enzo Viscusi
World Presidents’ Organization - Ontario
Mr. Robert Zwang
$2,500- $4,999
Mr. A.N. Abramowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. and Anita Adelson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. and Jenna Park Adler
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. David and Judy Albertson
American Friends Service Committee
Hossein Amir-Aslani
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Catherine Aresty
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Arsham
Mr. and Mrs. David Avital
Mrs. Pernilla Avital
Ms. Pamela Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Jamie Baldinger
Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Jodi Balsam
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Baraf
Mr. and Mrs. Zvi and Dale Barzilay
Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Judy Baum
Ben & Jerry’s
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Berman
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold H. and Susan Bierman
Rene Bloch Foundation
Mr. Mark A. Boyar
Bracewell & Giuliani, LLP
Mr. Richard Braemer & Ms. Amy Finkel
Norman H. Bragar Trust
Ms. Arlene Brickner
Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Brodsky
BRT RealtyTrust
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Kate Callan
Mr. and Mrs. James Casey
Mr. Phil M. Cedar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chwatt
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Claar
Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen
Creative Memories
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin and Stacey Cross
Mr. David Cross
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott and Julie Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Durst
Ms. Nicole Duval & Mr. Elai Katz
Eos Foundation Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Mary Epner
Falk Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jane Falk
Dr. and Mrs. David and Leslie Fastenberg
Mr. Michael Feldberg & Ms. Ruth Lazurus
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
First Data Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fortunoff
Foundation for Middle East Peace
Mr. Jon Edwards, Ms. Nancy Fox, and
Ms. Anna Edwards
Frankel Family Foundation
Mr. Dan Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley and Ethel Freizer
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Christina Gantcher
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Arlyn Gardner
GCP Capital Group, LLC
Mr. and Ms. Hilton J. and Mary Geartner
Mr. and Mrs. John and Deane Gilliam
Mr. Barry Ginsburg
Glen Oaks Philanthropic Fund
Good Works Foundation
Mr. Aaron J. Gorovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Barnard J. and Rachel Gottstein
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. and Edith Graff
Mr. Andrew J. Green
Mr. Douglas Green
Mr. Martin B. Greenberg & Ms. Michele Elson
Gloria and Martin Greenstein
Mr. Ismael Grinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Haberman
Hancock Lumber Company
Mr. Gary K. Hart
Clifford Hendler & Deborah Neipris Hendler
Ms. Francine Hermelin
Mr. and Mrs. William Herzig
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Hirsch
Holcam Associates
Mr. Richard A. Horowitz
Ms. Barbara Hudock
Dr. James C. Hurowitz & Ms. Doreen B. Brettler
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Franny Ilany
Innovative Accounting Solutions
Ms. Sherry Jacobson & Mr. Eugene Zuriff
Jerome A. and Estelle R. Newman
Assistance Fund, Inc.
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater
Phoenix, Inc.
Joan Brown Diamond Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
Mr. Ralph Joel
Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Henrietta Katzen
Mr. Alex Kaufman
Mr. John Khoury
Mr. & Mrs. Mirek and Maryann Klabal
Mrs. Avril Klaff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. and Debra Klein
Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP
Mr. and Mrs. David Lehmann
Ms. Jill Leiderman
Ms. Nina Lerner
Mr. Gary Levene & Ms. Debbie Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lexton
Mr. George Lichter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Rosalinde Liebowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lifton
Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed
Dr. and Mrs. Rick and Yaffa Lukash
Ms. Heather MacAllister
Majestic Abstract Corp.
Ms. Naz Majidi
Mr. and Mrs. John T. and Mary Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Lester and Sonia Mandell
Mr. Ronald Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. May
Ms. Gabrielle Miller
Ms. Nancy Greene Milstein
Newtek Business Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Amer and Kristen Nimr
North Fork Bank
Frank E. O’Donnell, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris and Nancy Offit
Mr. Michael O’Malley
One Liberty Properties, Incorporated
Mr. Joël Ornstein & Ms. Gabrielle Maione
Our Voices Together
Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Maryann Palma
Pepper Hamilton, LLP
Mr. Larry Phillips
Mr. Richard N. Pierson, Jr.
Ms. Laurice Rahme
Mr. William Rand
Mr. Ronald Rechter
Ms. Hilary Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Hal and Babs Reiff
Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Reinhard
Mr. Richard Riess
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Judy Robins
Mr. Gene Rockower
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Barbara Rohdie
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie and Leila Rome
Ms. Nancy Roskind
Mr. Robert Rothman
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Rush
Mr. Mike Russo
Saint Joseph Provincialate
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Deborah Salzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sass
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Satinsky
Mr. Robert Schloss & Ms. Emily Sack
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas and Robbin Schoewe
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. and Lisbeth Schorr
Ms. Amy Segal
Seinfeld Family Foundation
Mr. Marvin Seligman
Sesame Workshop
Mr. Gary Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. and Joyce Sharfstein
Mr. Eric P. Sheinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Scott and Tal Shore
Mr. and Ms. James D. and Elizabeth Silbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ken L. and Vicky Silver
The Simkiss Agency, Inc.
Mr. Donald E. Simon
Michael and Claudia Spies
Mr. Kenneth S. Spirer and Dr. Joan Leitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart and Kim Spodek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steinberg
Mr. David Sterling and Ms. Mona Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. and Susan Stern
Dr. Roy Stern
Ms. Barbara Stewart & Mr. Warren Schloat
Stonehouse, Inc
Ms. Norma Svedosh & Mr. Julian Svedosh
Mr. and Mrs. Sy Syms
Syrian Lebanese Club
Taylor Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Janet Teich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Thaler
The Albert and Lillian Small Foundation, Inc.
The Vera C. Hendry Foundation
Mr. Mauricio Umansky
Mr. & Mrs. Leon and Marsha Wagner
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn and Irene Weigel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weinberg
Mr. and Ms. James M. and Brigitte Weinrott
Ms. Dindy Weinstein
The Whitehead Foundation
Williston West Church
Withers Bergman LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Witkoff
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald and Paula Wurtzburger
Mr. Jeffrey T. Yarmuth
Mr. David Zensky
Mrs. Barbara Zuckerberg
$1,000- $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Virginia Aaron
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Abramson
The Academy for Educational Development
Mr. Ari Ackerman
Mr. Robert L. Adams & Ms. Julie DeVito Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Nancy Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Alligood
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Giesella Alter
Mrs. and Mr. Patricia and Roy Ambinder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. and Theresa Anhut
Apple Lane Foundation
Mr. Gideon Argov & Ms. Alexandra Fuchs
Mr. Robert Arnow
Ms. Susan Assadi
Ms. Diane Asseo Griliches
Ms. Chantal Attias
Mrs. Auld
Avanti Development Corporation
Mr. Lee Axinn
Mr. and Mrs. Buster Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kirk and Ellenore Baker
Mr. Paul F. Balser
Mr. Brett Barakett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Kathleen Bargallo
Barnert Temple
Mr. Ronald Baron
Dwight E. Beach School
The Beechwood Organization
Dr. Darel M. Benaim
Benjamin Peace Foundation
Mr. Jon Benson & Ms. Pamela W. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Avi and Lisa Berg
Mr. Roger E. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Judy Berkowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. and Carol Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Wally and Roz Bernheimer
Mr. Bruce Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Ruth Berry
Bethesda Friends Meeting
Mr. Fred Bialek
Ms. Joan Binkow
Mr. Carl Bisgaier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Blank
Ms. Hatte Blejer
Mrs. Lois Blonder
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogen
Mr. Irvin J. Borowsky
The Honorable and Mrs. Rudy Boschwitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Gitte Botero
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Boughner
Mr. and Mrs. Gabreille Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Leo and Frances Bretter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Eileen Brinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ira and Myrna Brind
Mr. David C. Brown
Dr. Ralph Brown
Tyler Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brownstein
Bruce, Steve, Gerald and Diane Solomon Fund
Buchbinder Tunick & Company LLP
Mr. Daniel B. Burke & Mrs. Harriet S. Burke
Mrs. Kerry Butler
Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft
Mrs. Mardelle Cagen
Calypso Capital
Campus Coach Lines
Mr. and Mrs. David and Joanne Canvasser
Mr. Jonathan Caplan
Mr. Gerard Carlucci
Dr. Leonard Cedars
Chabad of Port Washington
Mr. Robert Chalphin
Drs. Lewis and Pat Chartock
Choice Media, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes and Jill Christensen
Citigroup Payment Services
Mr. Gary Claar
Clark Realty Capital
Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Elizabeth Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. James and Nancy Coghlin
Mr. David H. Cohen
Mr. Jeffrey Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. John D. and Ann Cohen
Ms. Talia Cohen
Dr. Ardis Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. and Judy Lynn Cooper
Mr. Howard Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Leon and Toby Cooperman
Ms. Lisa Coran
Mr. Matthew P. Courey
CRT Capital Group LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cruise
Cushman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben and Jennifer Daniels
Ms. Deborah Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I. and Barbara Davis
Dr. Charles J. de Sieyes & Ms. Carol R. Ward
Mr. Craig DeLaurier & Ms. Bess Oransky
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and Lynne Deutch
Ms. Nancy G. Dickenson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dix
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Donner
Doris Duke Management Foundation
Mr. George E. Doty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. and Nancy Downey
Mrs. Ruth A. Drucker
Mr. and Mrs. Monte Dube
Mr. Robert Dubois
Mr. Stan Dunn
Mr. John Dyer, Jr.
E. Sambol Corporation General Contractors
Mr. and Ms. Todd E. and Julie Eagle
Mr. Thomas J. Earley
Ms. Martha D. Ehrenfeld
Mr. David Eisenberg
Ms. Amy Eldon & Mr. Jon Turtletaub
Mr. Lee Elman
Ms. Luisa M. Engel
Mr. Frederick L. Engen, Esq. & Mrs. Theodora
C. Poloynis-Engen, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio and Lydia Epelbaum
Mr. Jonathan Epstein
Ethical Culture Society of Westchester
ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gift Program
Firoozeh Fardshisheh
Ms. Kathy Feld
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Patty Findlay
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Rachel Firschein
First Congregational Church of Scarborough
Ms. Susan E. Fisch
Mr. Daniel Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Gloria Flanzer
Mrs. Marcia Flanzig
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flatto
Ms. Dorothy A. Fox
Ms. Elena B. Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Frankel
Ms. Kathy Franklin
Mr. Donald P. Freedman
Mr. Stephen Freidus
Mr. Douglas Frenkel & Ms. Marlene Weinstein
Mr. Richard Freundlich
Mr. & Mrs. John Friedman
Ms. Marilyn Friedman
Mr. Paul Friedman
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney and Ellen Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. William and Lucy Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Eileen Garber
Mr. John Gavaris & Ms. Karen Malita
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. and Janice Gazer
Mr. Sheldon Geller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Rita Gelman
Dr. Roberta Gerson
Mr. Robert Gewanter
Mr. and Mrs. David Gitlitz
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glick
Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Judy Glickman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Carolyn Glickstein
Global Impact
Dr. Steve Goldbas
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Goldberger
Mr. and Mrs. Josh and Yvonne Goldfein
Mr. Bob Goodman & Ms. Jayne Lipman
Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Dorothy Goodman
Mr. Robert Goodman & Mrs. Jayne Lipman
Mr. Alan C. Greenberg
Mr. and Ms. Steven and Avra Greenberg
Ms. Peggy Greenhut-Golden
Ms. Phyllis Greenman
The Greenspan Foundation
Ms. Jessica Greif & Mr. Nick Gorevic
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Grill
Mr. Ronald Gross
Guilford Publications, Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey Gural
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and Sarah Hagopian
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halpern
Hamilton & MacAvery CPA’s
Mr. Frank Handelman, Esq. and
Ms. Bonnie Bellow, Esq.
Mr. Walter F. Harrison ,III
Henderson Capital Management, LLC
Prof. Faith Hentschel
Mr. Layne Herber
Mr. and Mrs. Gene and Esther Herman
Mr. Stephen Herman
Ms. Carol Hexner
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Vicki Heyman
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hillas
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Hirschkorn
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hoff
Ms. Cynthia Howland
Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Theodora Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Mamoun M. and Susan Hussein
The Hyman Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. Andrew D. Hyman
Internal Medicine Specialists
Mr. Sy Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Jacobson
Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland
Mr. Robert Juceam
Just Give
Ms. Lia Kahler & Mr. Thomas Huber
Mr. Daniel P. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Ellen Kaidanow
Seema Kalia & Vedula Murti
Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. and Hannah Kalikow
Mr. and Mrs. David and Ali Kamin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. and Marla Kaminsky
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kandel
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Karr
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Kaufman
Mr. Jack Kay
Mr. & Mrs. David E. and Annie L. Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Kennedy
KG Group, LLC
Mr. Charles B. Kingsley
Mr. and Mrs. William Kinsolving
Mr. Judge Kirby
Mr. Alan Kirschenbaum
Ms. Jill Kirshner
Mr. and Mrs. Seth and Beth Klarman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Kohn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Koppel
Mr. Joseph Korff
Mrs. Phyllis Korff
Ms. Mary Kostman
Ms. Liliane Krauss
Mr. Jonathan C. Kushner
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell and Fern Kwiat
Mr. Michael G. Lacey
Mr. Steven Lafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lamle
Mr. Jerome Lande
Ms. Wendy Lang
The Honorable Frank Lautenberg
Mrs. Patricia Lawrence
Mr. Joel Leavitt
Ms. Sara Leeder
Mr. and Mrs. Elihu and Sheila Leifer
Mr. & Mrs. Steven and Miki Lenter
The Leon Levy Foundation
Mr. Emanuel Lerner
Ms. Talia Lesak
Mr. Mark Levin & Ms. Jennifer Flackett
Mr. and Mrs. John S. and Dot Levy
Mr. Richard Levy & Ms. Lorraine Gallard
Dr. and Mrs. John C. and Raquel Lewis
Mr. Larry Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Randall J. and Patricia Lewis
Barbara Lidsky, CSW, BCD
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Liman
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram N. and Mary Ellen Linder
Lindin Carpets
Dr. & Mrs. Paul and Dorothy-Sue Lotke
Ms. Jennifer Louchheim
Ms. Lois Lowry
Mr. Zel Lurie
Benard L. Maas Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Magder
Maine Community Foundation
Makoff Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Nancy Manocherian
Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Marbach
Mark/Lis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Cookie Markhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and Kathleen Marsal
Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Joanne Matthews
Maurice & Carol Feinberg Family Foundation, Inc.
Maya Makeover, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mazur
Ms. Elizabeth McCardless Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Nancy Mendelow
Ms. Joan Mendelson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Patti Menkes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Menschel
Mr. Tod Mercy
Midcoast Monthly Meeting of the
Religious Society of Friends
Ms. Deborah Milgrom
Millbrook Capital Management
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan and Cathy Miller
David and Lucy Mimran
Mr. David Moore
Mr. Richard Moriarty
Morris L. Levinson Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Abe J. Moses
Ms. Barbara McClure Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moskowitz
Mr. Daniel Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Donna Mylrea
Naida S. Wharton Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Diane Nelson
The Neusteter Colorado Company
Mr. William Neusteter & Ms. Sue Talesnick
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Jeanne Newman
Mr. Louis E. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Wendy Newman
Newmark & Company Real Estate
Mr. Sam Nitze
Nodarse & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Stephen A. Novick & Mr. Evan Galen
Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Nowick, Esq.
Nu ‘Uanu Congregational Church
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Melanie Nussdorf
Mr. Ber Oberfeld
Mr. Mauricio Oberfeld
Mr. Yoav Oelsner
Mr. Bill Olin
Ora and Joseph Mendels Family Foundation
Ms. Jane Oster
Ms. JoAnn Ottman
Mr. Saul Pannell
Mr. Mark Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Dorothy Patterson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. and Susan Perl
Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Barbara Perlmutter
Phillips Exeter Academy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pickering
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pileggi
Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Sheila Plotkin
Mr. and Mrs. Abe and Irene Pollin
Mr. & Mrs. William Potter
Ms. Joanne W. Prager
Pritchard Family Foundation
Ms. Jennifer Prosek
Khether Raby
Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Tawny Ratner
RBS Greenwich Capital Foundation
Real Soft, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Melissa Redman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rego
Kendall & Susan Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Barbara Ripps
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore L. and Celia Risen
Ms. Dorothy Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. S. Dennis and Leslie Rogers
Dr. Heidi Root
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Brett and Debbie Rosen
Ms. Sandra Rosen
Ms. Sonia Rosenbaum
Mr. David L. Rosenberg & Ms. Karen Fechter
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rosenberg
Joseph & Evelyn Rosenblatt Charitable Fund
Mr. Joseph B. Rosenblatt
Mr. Martin Rosenman
Ms. Barbara L. Rosin
The Roskind Foundation
Ms. Laura C. Roskind
Mr. George M. Ross
Rotary Club of Seminole Lake
Ms. Charlotte Rotenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Daryl Roth
Mr. David Rothberg
Ms. Marsha Rothenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rothfeld
Mr. Steven M. Rothstein
Mr. Ronald Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rush
Ruth and Jerome A. Siegel Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sachman
Mr. James Schaeffer
Mr. Michael Schaenen
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schatz
Ms. Betty Schoenbaum
Mr. Perry Schorr
Mr. Mark Schubin & Ms. Karen McLaughlin
Mr. Charles Schwartz
Mr. David A. Schwerin
The Scone Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Seidman
Mr. and Mrs. John Shalam
Mr. Abraham B. Shani
Tarun K. Sharma
Mr. Louis P. Shassian
Mr. and Mrs. John and Marilyn Shelton
Shereta R. Seeling Charitable Trust
Ivan Sherman, M.D.
Mr. Gil Shiva
Mr. Charles Shoneman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Judy Shulman
Ms. Uzma Siddiqui
Mr. Herbert J. Siegel
Mr. Stanley Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Eileen Simmons
Simon and Marie Jaglom Foundation
Ms. Carrie Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Patty Simon
Ms. Beatrice Simpson
Mr. Thomas Sleeper
Mr. Matt Slepin
Mr. Alan B. Slifka
Drs. David and Lois Slovik
Edward C. Smith Charitable Annuity Trust
Ms. Jean M. Smith
Ms. Patricia S. Smith
Mr. Ruben Sneider
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Carol Snyder
The Sobel Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio E. and Nancy Sosa
The Spence School
Ms. Pamela Sprayregen & Mr. Eric Weissman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. and Lee Sproull
St. James Episcopal Church
Dr. and Dr. William D. and Kathleen Steeves
Mr. James A. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Joyce Stetson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Penny Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. and Thelma Strauss
Ms. Elizabeth S. Sunde
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Stephanie Suskin
Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Felice Sussman
Mr. Sidney Sutter
Sylvia and Robert Scher Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Evelyn R. Tabas
Dr. and Mrs. David and Michelle Tarica
Mr. Sasha Tcherevkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Claudia Teller
Temple Sinai Sisterhood
Temple Sinai
Mr. Gary Teplitsky
Terra Capital Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Moyez and Pamela Thanawalla
The Fay J. Lindner Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Werner and Joan Thiessen
Time Warner Inc.
Mrs. and Mr. Annie and Robert Tirschwell
Mr. K. Chris Todd & Ms. Amelia Gomez
Mr. Bruce Toll
Dr. and Mrs. Emanuel Tress
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Truen & Michaels Associates, Inc.
Mr. Juan Tyberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Umansky
Mr. and Mrs. William Ungar
Mr. Ejikeme Uzoigwe
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. David and Lori Vise
Mr. Michael Wall
Mr. W. Stewart Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wallerstein
Mrs. Audrey F. Walzer
Dr. Stanley Walzer, M.D.
Mr.and Mrs. Frederick L. Webber
Ms. Ruth Weisman
Ms. Jackie Weitz
Wells High School
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. and Lois Whitman
The William and Joan Alfond Foundation
Ambassador & Mrs. Frank and Christine Wisner
Ms. Roma B. Wittcoff
Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Young and Nan Woo
Mr. and Mrs. William A. and Selina Woods
Yorktowne Cabinets
Mr. Jeff Yusem
Sogand Zamani
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Marjorie Ziegelman
Ms. Barbara Zucker
$500- $999
Mr. Bernard Abdo
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dean and Nancy Abelon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. William H. and Vicki Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. William Ackerman
Airtek Environmental Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Jan Albert
Mr. and Mrs. John K. and Sharon Amdall
Dr. Michal Amir Salkin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. and Kathleen Annas
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey and Meredith Arnold
Arons Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Arroyo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Avila
Ms. Aliza Avital
Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Nancy Badner
Rev. Richard W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Anna Bakst
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Julie Baltimore
Mr. Philip G. Barber & Ms. Amy Stursberg
G. Kenneth Baum and Ann K. Baum
Charitable Trust Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Julia Baumann
Mr. David Baxter
Ms. Jeanne Charn C. Bellow
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and Avital Ben-Josef
Ms. Macky Bennett
Mr. Lev Berenbaum
Mr. Damion M. Berger
Mr. Richard Berman
Mr. William A. Bermont
Mrs. Willa Bernhard
Mr. J. Scott Berniker
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bernstein
Mr. Jeffrey G. Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Ken and Janet Bernstein
Mr. Timothy Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. and Mary Bijur
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Martha Birnbaum
Mr. Scott Birnbaum
Mr. David Blatt
Mr. Daniel Bloomgarden
Mr. Michael Boccella
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Boehne
Mr. William Bouton
Mr. John Brady
Mr. Bill Bram
Mr. Jonathan Brandon
Ms. Lauren Braver
Mr. and Mrs. Billy and Robin Breitner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Amy Brog
Mr. and Mrs. Adam and Shari Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. and Nancy Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Susan Burt
Mr. Brendan Calder
Mr. Brian Cantor
Mr. Jay Cantor
Mr. and Mrs. David Carlin
Ms. Maria P. Carrico
H. A. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrry Casagrande
Mr. Frank D. Catrickes
Ms. Phyllis Cedar Haber
Mr. Jesse Cedarbaum
Ms. Kehila Chadasha
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Chajet
Dale Chakarian Turza, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Luke and Maureen Charde
Chicago Sinai Congregation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Janice Cicero
Ms. Lisa Cirenza
Citigroup Smith Barney
Mr. Evan Claar
John & Golda Cohen Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Eli and Eleanor Cohn
Mrs. Sandra L. Cole
Ms. Vanessa G. Colombo
Convent of Jesus & Mary
Ms. Barbara Correia
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer
Mr. Peter Cureton
Mr. Edward Dale
Mr. and Ms. Aaron and Judy Daniels
David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Joel E. Davidson, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. and Beth DeBor Ttee
Mr. Tobias Dengel
Dover Foundation Incorporation
Mr. Jonathan C. Downs
Mr. Ryan Drexler
Mr. David Edelsohn
Mrs. Edelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Robin Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Caryn Effron
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Jodi Efros
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Einhorn
Mr. Jethro Eisenstein & Ms. Stefany Gordon
Mr. John Elcano
Mr. Michael Ellis
Ms. Jill S. Eng
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Janine Engel
Ms. Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ettinger
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Mandy Fassler
Mr. George Favvas
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Feldman
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fiorini Landscape, Inc.
First Universalist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Victoria Fisher
Mr. P. Wesley Foster, Jr.
Polly Franchini
Mr. Andrew Frankel
Donald and Pauline Frankel
Mr. Joshua Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. and Linda Freedman
Mr. Arthur Fried
Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Nancy Friedman
Mrs. Beatrice Friedman
Mr. Harry Friedman
Fxfowle Architects, P.C.
Mr. Kayvan Gabbay
Ms. Yael Gani
Mr. Philip Garoon and Family
The Honorable Sam Gejdenson
Geraldine M. Murray Foundation
Mr. William Gilligan
Ms. Nathaneil Ginor
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. and Susie Ginsberg
Mr. & Mrs. Myron and Myrna Ginsberg
Mr. & Mrs. Mike and Edythe Gladstein
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua D. and Robin Gleiber
Mr. & Mrs. Gold
Ms. Lenise Goldberg
Mr. David Goldenberg
Len Goldreyer
Mr. Jay Goldstein
Mr. Lawrence B. Goodman
Ms. Lindsay Goodman
Dr. Nancy R. Goodman, Ph.D. &
Mr. Louis Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. and
Barbara Gootkind
Ms. Herta Gordon
Mr. Michael Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gottesman
Ms. Jill Gottlieb
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell and Julie Gould
Mr. Bernard Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Rori Grant
Mr. Steven F. Grant
Mr. Louis Grassi
The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Mr. Alexander C. Green
The Grenell Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Elyse Gropper
Mr. and Mrs. George and Antonia Grumbach
Ms. Janet Guth
Mr. Theodore Haber
Mr. Marvin Hamlisch
Mrs. Ray Badner Hammerman & Dr. Ross
Mr. Jerry M. Hamovit
Mr. Cliff Handler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Barbara Handler
Hannaford Bros. Co.
Mr. Murtaza Haque
Harper Collins Childrens Book
Mr. Dennis Hartin & Ms. Margaret Fox
Harvard-Westlake School
Mr. Tim Hawkins
Mr. Mitch Hecht
Mr. Ted Heim
Mr. and Mrs. John and
Marilyn Heimerdinger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helpern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. and
Jacqueline Helpern
Dr. Leslie Hergert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Susie Hermanos
The High Five Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan and Joan Hillman
Mr. Todd Hirsch
Mr. Jay Hirschson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hoffman
Mr. David Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and
Margo Holland
Ms. and Mr. Christine and Mike Holly
Mrs. Mary Horowitz
Ms. Louise Horvitz
Ms. Sharon A. Hosley
HP Employee Charitable Giving Program
Mr. Ed Hyman
Ms. Laura Jackson
Jacob L. and Lillian Holtzmann Foundation
The Jane and Robert Katz Foundation
Jewish Community Alliance
Jewish Community Endowment
The Joelson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Johanson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Phyllis Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gene and Miriam Josephs
Mr. Michael Jurnovoy
Samuel Kadison Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Aimee Kakos
Mr. Michael C. Kane
Dr. Sherri Kaplan
Rabbi Stephen A. Karol
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and
Susan Kasindorf
Dr. Peter Katona &
Mrs. Dorothy Mermelstein Katona
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Diane Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katz
Mr. and Mrs. George A. and
Martha Kellner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Rachelle Kennedy
Ms. Claire Kenny
Kersten Foundation
Mr. Rishi Khanna
Mahreen Kidwai
Mr. Isaac Kier
Mr. Gary D. Kilmer
Ms. Sarah King
Ms. Zara Klaff
Ms. Erika Klauer
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. and Harriet Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Klingsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Jennifer Kosak
Ms. Lori Kotkin
Ms. Phyllis Koyner
Rev. and Mrs. Armin and Evelyn Kroehler
Rhiannon Kubicka
Ms. Amy Kule
Mr. Andrew Kule
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lahav
Mr. Eric Lane
Ms. Karen Lavine & Mr. Donald G. Kilpatrick
Mr. Jason Lees
Mrs. and Mr. Lefkowitz
Mr. Michael Legum
Ms. Lisa Leibowitz
Mr. keith lender & Ms. Jill Jorschick
Mr. David Lerner
Ms. Sylvia Lester Gabella
Ms. Marianne Lester
Mr. Bruce Leventhal
Mr. Stuart Leventhal
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Levkoff
Mr. Larry Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence and Stephanie Levy
Ms. Judy Liebman
Dr. and Mrs. Richard and Amy Lipton
Ms. Amey Livneh
Mrs. Jane Lombard
Ms. Aileen Louik
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. and
Donna Ludwig
Ms. Maria Maggenti
Mr. Piero Manara
Mr. & Mrs. Nick and
Annemarie J. C. Mansour
Mr. Paul Marantz
Marc E. Leland Foundation
Marcus, Clegg & Mistretta, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Jennifer Marrus
Mr. Philippe Massoud
Max Kagan Family Foundation
Ms. Kira McCarron
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Debra McCurry
Mr. Alan McIlhenny, Jr. &
Elizabeth M. Ackerson, M.D.
Mr. Dan Meade
Mr. A. Richard Metzger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C.G. and Elaine Miliotes
Mr. Philip Milstein
Mishkan Shalom
Mr. Jeffrey Mitzner
Mr. and Mrs. Lester and Dinny Morse
Mr. Keith Morton
Ms. Harriet Mouchly-Weiss &
Mr. Charles Weiss
Mr. Anthony Munoz
Mr. Bill Murphy
Ms. Sara Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin and Aileen Murstein
Mr. Larry Nadel
Mr. Louis Narotsky
Dr. and Mrs. Noel Nathanson
Network for Good
Mr. Justin Neubauer
Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. and Alice Nicolson
Mr. Robert Nitschke
Mr. and Ms. Ron and Debra Nudel
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Linda Nudelman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oestreich
Ohio Savings Charitable Foundation
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Mr. and Mrs. John E. and
Judith Oppenheimer
Ms. Wendy Orange
Dr. and Mrs. David W. and Judy Osgood
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Nicole Paisner
Seyed K. Paransun
Ms. Mary Parsons
Paul and Harriet Weissman
Family Foundation, Inc.
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Mrs. Alice B. Perkins
Mr. Justin Perras
Ms. Elnora Peters
Pfizer Foundation
Ms. Elaine Philis
Mr. David Pincus
Fontaine Piper
Ms. Leah Pisar
Rev. Roy W. Pneuman
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua and Roni Podell
Mr. Lee Pokoik
Ms. Phyllis Prager
Professional Risk Management Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Margery Puder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Joyce Rappeport
Gil A. Raviv, Esq.
Reichlin Family Foundation
Mr. Resler
Ira M. Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Mindy Richenstein
Mrs. Eunice Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rizzo
Lee T. Robbins
Mr. Selwyn Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Pilar Robert
Mr. Stephen Rockower
Mr. Albert Roer
Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Ellen Roman
Mr. Daniel L. Romanow &
Mr. B. Andrew Zelermyer
Mr. Leslie Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Baron and Margie Rosen
Ms. Katheryn E. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. and Florence Rosen
Ms. Wendy Rosen
Mr. Lonie Rosenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Michael and Patty Rosenblatt
Mr. Samuel Rosenblatt
Mr. Daniel Rosenbloom
Ms. Tara Rosenblum
Mr. Kenneth Rosenfeld
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Rosenfield
Ms. Lauren Rosenzweig
Ms. Claudie Rosmarino
Ms. Delilah R. Rothenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. and Stacy Rubin
Mr. Philip W. Ruedi & Mrs. Laura A. Staich
Dr. and Mrs. George A. and Nancy Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rush
Mr. William Salesky
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Salmon
Mr. Zach Samton & Dr. Julia Perlmutter
The Sandra and Lawrence Post
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. and Ellen Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Jill Savin
Mr. & Mrs. David and Laura Scarbro
Ms. Lori Schechter
Mr. Robert Schechter
Mr. Felix Scherzer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Katie Schissel
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Schneiderman
Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Thelma Schorr
Dr. and Mrs. David and Rosalie Schottenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. and Elizabeth Schwartz
Ms. Maxine R. Sclar
Mr. Larry Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Morton and Lois Seaman
Mr. David Seeler
Ms. Elizabeth Segal
Mr. Richard Seitchik
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Serfaty
Rabbi David Shneyer
Sholley Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. and Nancy Sholley
Mr. S. Richard Silbert
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Marion Simon
Ms. Carole Sirulnick
Mr. Jon J. Skillman & Ms. Luanne Selk
Mr. Daniel D. Skwire
Joel E. Smilow Charitable Trust
Mr. Byrom J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott and Deborah Smith
Walter Allen Smith, Esq. CPA
Chris Soester
T.H. and Mrs. Stephen Solarz
Mr. and Mrs. Jay N. Sonecha
Mr. Enrique Sosa
Dr. Robert Spiegel
Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Sheryl St. Pierre
Mr. and Mrs. William R. and Bonni Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Dee Stegman
Ms. Jane Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Tara Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. and Talia Sternberg
Ms. Frances I. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James and Phyllis Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Lance and Shirley Stier
Mr. David Stonehill
The Jessica Strasser Tzedakah Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Valerie Street
Mr. and Mrs. David Stump
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Catherine Teitelbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Liener and Karla Temerlin
Temple Israel
The Marvin Lender Family Foundation
The Morris & Dorothy Rubinoff Foundation
The Selma Oritt Foundation
Mrs. Florence Thomases
Mr. James L. Thoreen
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph and Eva Tokarczyk
Ms. Catherine Tolchin
Ms. Martha S. Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trainer
Mr. Judson Traphagen
Mr. and Mrs. Erik and Randi Treilman
Mr. and Mrs. William and Joanne Troy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Fiona True
Gabe Tsuboyama
University of Central Florida
Mr. Eric M. Uslaner
Mr. Edward Vasser
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and Diane Vickers
Village Real Estate Services
Mr. Thomas Vogel
Dr. Allan Wachtel & Ms. Ellen Miller-Wachtel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Florrie Wachtenheim
Ms. Myra Waldman
Mr. John Warshow
Mr. Stephen Waugh
Mr. and Mrs. Guy and Marie-Helene Weill
Mrs. Marie-Helene Weill
Ms. Sherry Weinstein-Mayer & Ms. Rachel Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Erin Weisensee
Mr. Jeffrey A. Weissglass & Ms. Jeanne Affelder
Mr. Josh Wesoky
Westbrook Warren Congregational Church
Landon Westbrook
Western Presbyterian Church
Dr. and Mrs. Lennard Wharton
Mrs. Louise W. Wiener
Mr. Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld
Mr. Mordechai Wiesler
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcha
Mr. Mike Wilcox
Ms. Margo Wintersteen
Mr. Myles F. Wittenstein
Mr. Robert Wolf
Mr. Jon Wolfsthal & Ms. Shanthi Kalathil
Mr. Neill S. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Reva Wurtzburger
Yellow Springs Friends Meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Geri Yonover
Mr. Mark D. Young & Ms. Rachel A. Carren
Mr. Michael L. Young and Ms. Debra Raskin
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Young
Mr. Rony Zibara & Mr. Grant Innes
Mr. Michael Zigman
Ms. Claire T. Zuckerman
$250- $499
72nd Street Medical Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Tom and Abby Abelson
Ms. Marilynn Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Zack and Maizie Abuza
Ms. Martha Ackelsberg
Ms. Anita Aitala Engblom
Ms. Nancy R. Aks
American Jewish Committee
Mr. and Mrs. James P. and Carlotta Anderson
Ansajic, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David and Madeleine Arnow
Ms. Leslye A. Arsht
Mr. Jad Atallah
Ms. Elizabeth R. Atkins
Ms. Emily Atkins
Ms. Jayne A. Atkinson-Gill
Ms. Susan Auerbach
Mr. Emmet Austin
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis W. and Pamela Bakal
Mr. Claude Ballard
Mrs. Betsy F. Bard
Pam Barone
The Beckman Family Foundation
Mr. Joshua Benaim
Mr. Neil Bercow
Mr. Eric Berman
Mr. Jonathan Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. and Alison Bermant
Jacquelyn Bernon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bernstein
Ms. Maya Bernstein
Ms. Vivian Berry
Ms. Deborah Bers
Mr. Leon J. Bijou
Kal Bittianda
Ms. Susan Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Eleanor Bloch
Ms. Ann Bloom
Mr. Andrew Bloomer
Mr. Mark O’Leary & Ms. Regina M. Blus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Sharon Bockoff
Ms. Suzy Boshwit
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bowie
Mr. and Mrs. David and Timiny Braemer
Mr. Gary N. Braitman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. and Cheryl Breslin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Amy Bressman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Brofman
Ms. Judith Bronstein
Dr. and Mrs. David and Jill Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Brush
Ms. Kate Buggeln
Mr. J. Michael Burns & Ms. Mary Jo Hollender
Dr. Alan Burnstein
Ms. Roberta Burrows
Ms. Emily Burt-Hedrick
Mr. Laurence N. Butler
Robert Buxbaum
Ms. Elizabeth W. Cabot
Mr. and Mrs. Angel and Beth Cabrera
Camp Takajo, Inc.
Mr. David Cantor
Mr. Neil Cantor
Mr. Guiseppe Carenini
Mr. Richard Cartier Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Stacy Carus
Mr. Lee Casper
Kelly Cates
Mr. and Mrs. Don Chaifetz
Ms. Lisa Chajet
Ms. Yvonne Chan
Mr. Christian Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Jennifer Chene
Ms. Ariane Cherbuliez
Ms. Susan Cherbuliez
Mr. Scott Chisolm
Christ’s Church
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. and Maria Civello
Ms. Terry L. Clarbour
Mr. Arnold Cohen
Mr. Daniel H. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. David and Janis Cohen
Mr. Lawrence J. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Neil and Dana Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen
Mr. Ronald Cohen
Mr. Simon Cole & Ms. Laura Kelly
Congregation Beth Ha Tephila
Mr. and Mrs. John and Carolyn Connors
The Conservative Synagogue Religious School
Jean Cornwell
Bogdan Cosmaciuc
Ms. Claire Costello
Robert Courey
Ms. Barbara Crews
Ms. Kathleen Cronin
Mr. Daniel L. Cruise & Ms. Liz Bowyer
Ms Marie Curie
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot R. and Melanie Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cyrell
Elias F. Dagher, P.E.
Ms. Samantha Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Carrie Dannhauser
Mr. Mofid Deak & Ms. Fatima Abdulsamad
Mr. Bart deBie
Ms. Meredith DeeBello
Mr. Patrick Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Joe and Becky DeLois
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denmark
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dicenzo
Ms. Kristen Dickey
Ms. Michele Dispensa
Mr. Matthew Dlugasch
Mr. Ken Doctor
Mr. and Mrs. William R. and Jane Dopheide
Mr. Stuart A. C. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. David and Jo-Ann Drucker
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ducker
Mr. Daniel Toby Edelman
Mr. Hal m. Edelman
Mr. Philip Eisenberg
Ms. Janet Elkins
Ms. Helen Elswit
Ms. Rochelle Emmer
Dr. and Mrs. Marc S. and Michelle Engelbert
Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Tina Epstein
Essex Meadows, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. and Debra Fagans
Mr. Joseph Falik & Ms. Deborah Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Falk
Ms. Sima Familant
Ms. Emily Farber
Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed M. and Deena Fattouh
Ms. Heather Feinstein
Mr. Paul Felix
Susan Fellner
Ms. Lori Fields & Mr. Marlin Risinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Barbara Fierman
Mr. Bryan Fingeroot
First Congregational Church of Blue Hill
First Unitarian Society of Madison
Lawrence Fischman
Ms. Marianne Fisher
Ms. Christine Fletcher
Ms. Elizabeth Folgeman
Forest City Science & Technology Group
Curran-Foster Family
Mr. William Fowler & Ms. Bridget Nedzi
Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Erin Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. and Cynthia Friedman
Dr. Edward and Carole Friedman
Mr. Darryl Friedricks
Ms. Jill Furman
Mr. and Ms. Paul A. and Sharon Furman
Marni Galison
Ms. Janeane Garofalo
Mr. Philip Garroway
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Elaine Gaynes
Ms. Judith Geller
Mr. Fredric Gilde
Mr. Ted C. Ginsberg
Mr. Fred Giordano
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Laurie Girsky
Ms. Melissa Girten
Ms. Deborah Glasser
Mr. Gary Gold
Mr. and Mrs. goldberg-schaible
Mr. Robert Goldenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Barbara Goldenfarb
Mr. James W. Goldman
Ms. Susan Golkin
Dr. Sara Gooch
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church
Ms. Mary A. Goodman
Ms. Nina Goodman &
Mr. Alexander D. Freudenheim
Mr. Sheldon W. Gordon
Ms. Tara Gordon
Mr. Colin Graham
Mr. Michael Groothuis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gross
Mr. Alfred E. Grossman CPCU &
Dr. Edith Grossman, Ph.D.
Ms. Midred Guberman Kravetz
Ms. Sara Gubins
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. and Mary Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Sheryl Haberman
Ms. Marilyn Haft
Ms. Ann T. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Jan Hallsten
Ms. Lisa Halpern & Mr. Nikos Notias
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanvik
Ms. Cynthia N. Hardenbrook
Mr. Ram Hariharan
Ms. Suzanne Harrison
Ms. Mary Harscher
Noha Hassan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. and Sheri Heckens
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Henston
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Heppe
Mr. and Mrs. John and Rosalie Hermos
Mr. Roger E. Herzog
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey
Charles Hildreth
Mr. Richard Hiller & Ms. Marsha Hurst
Mr. Stephen F. Hogwood
Mrs. Shelley E. Holm & Mr. Steven I. Holm
Mr. William Hoover
Ms. Sarah Howard
Ms. Abby Hoyt
Ms. Deborah Huberman
Mr. Michael Hudock
Thomas Hull
Mr. Benjamin Hurwitz
Ranya Husami
Audun Huslid
Mr. Amal Hussein
Hyman Meyers Family Circle
In The Woods, Inc.
The Honorable Karl F. Inderfurth &
Mrs. Meredith R. Inderfurth
Ms. Roberta Isberg
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Iseman
Ms. Kelley J. Jackson
Ms. Diane Jacobstein
Ms. Ellen J. Jacques
Ms. Emily Jaffe
Ms. Gail Jaffe
Atit Jariwala
Ms. Michelle Jarney
Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser
The Jewish Museum
Mr. Collister W. Johnson
Henry Paul Johnson, Esq.
Jonathan M. Harris Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
Mr. Adam Joseph
Mr. Edward Joseph
Ms. Stacey Joslin
Ms. Elizabeth Kadin
Mr. David Kaiser
Mr. Steven Kalifowitz & Mr. Justin Kalifowitz
Ms. Bina Kalola
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and Cornelia Kamedulski
Mr. Todd Kaminsky
Niki Kanodia
Daniel Kaplan, AIA
Laurie Karol
Mr. Casey Kasem
Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Rita Kashner
Mr. and Mrs. David S. and Judy Katz
Ms. Susan Kaufman
Dr. and Mrs. Mazen Kayata
Mr. Daniel Keeler
Kekst and Company
Ms. Caroline Kent
Robin Kent
Mr. Roger Keren
Ms. Amy Kimmel
Ms. Christina Kenan Kirk & Mr. John Hamburg
Mrs. Monika P. Klein
Mr. Raymond Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Klintberg
Ms. Hanan Knoll
Mr. and Mrs. Seth and Miriam Kobay
Mr. Max Kogler
Mr. Seth Kolkin
Mr. Stephen Konigsberg
Ms. Dana Kooistra
Mr. Martin Kornheiser
Mr. Paul Kotrba
Ms. Rachel Kreiss
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and June Krisch
Mr. Timothy J. Kroll
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. and Patricia Kuch
Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Susan Kulick
Mr. Joel Kurtzberg
Ann Marie Kushing
Laham Family Foundation
Mr. Jim Lanard
Mr. Alex Langerman & Ms. Amy Lehman
Dr. and Mrs. Mickey and Judy Langsfeld
Mr. Robert Lanman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. and Martha Larsen
Ms. Kim Larson
Ms. Stephanie Lasker
Mr. Peter Lattman & Ms. Gillian Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Julie Lee
Pearle Lee
Mr. Barry Leff
Mr. Michael Legum
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Lehman
Mr. Mark Leifeste
Mr. Robert S. Lemle
Mr. Brian Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Levin
Ms. Jackie S. Levinson
Mr. Jon Levison
Ms. Danielle Levy
Mr. Jerome Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford and Bernice Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Deidre Lewin
Dr. Warren B. Licht
Mr. Paul Linet
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. & Virginia Link
Mr. Joey Lipton
Mr. and Mrs. Don and Jin Liu
Mr. Robert Lombard
Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Loren London
Mr. and Mrs. David A. and Patricia Long
Ms. Beth Lorge
Mr. Benjamin Losman
Ms. Barbara Lowenfels
Francis Magnotta
Ms. Karen Majorowicz
Mr. Jason L. Mandell
Mr. Robert A. Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. James and Leslie Margolis
Mr. Jeffrey Markman
Mr. and Mrs. David Markus
Ms. Andrea Mars
Ms. Ali Marsh
Mr. John Martin
Mattlin Foundation
Mr. Robert S. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell and Nancy McCrohon
Mrs. and Mr. McCulloch
Mr. Darren McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Molly Mercy and Family
Mr. Paul Metselaar
Ms. Patricia Metz
Mr. Michael Meyer
Ms. Stacy Michaelson
Microsoft Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Caryn Miller
Mr. Andrew Minkow
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall and Michele Missner
Mr. Christopher P. Mittleman
Ms. Patricia Morgan
Mr. Kenneth P. Morrison
Ms. Karen Mudrick
Aruna Murthy
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas and Elizabeth Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Margaret Neimeth
Mr. Michael Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. James and Virginia Newmyer
Northwest Missouri State University
Fran Obeid
Ms. Mary O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Jane Ocker
Mr. David A. Oestreich
Meredith Oppenheim
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald and Nina Oppenheim
Mr. & Mrs. Randall and Elizabeth Outlaw
Mr. & Mrs. David and Andrea Page
Mr. Victor Park
Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Ann Parks
Mr. William Pate
Mr. Julius Pearl
Pemaquid Group of Artists
Mr. David A. Pepper
Leslie Perkins
Ms. Shari Perlmuter
Mr. Bruce A. Phillips
Phoenix Closures
Mr. Mark Piesanen
Mr. Jonathan Pincus
Ms. Suzanne Platoff
Tatiana E. Pohotsky
Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. and Elizabeth Pollak
Mr. David Popp & Ms. Cheryl Aylesworth
Mr. Joseph B. Potter & Ms. Janet C. Jennings
Mr. Jonathan Powers
Mr. James Pransky
Ms. Alice Price
Ms. Jessica Queller
Mr. Jeffrey Rabin & Ms. Pam Goldberg
Ms. Susan Rabinowitz
Mr. David I. Rachlin
Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. and Sharon Rassman
Robin Ratcliffe & Lawrence Pixley
Ratner Family Club
Mr. Matthew Rauch
Ms. Susan Rawson
Gadi Reinhorn
Mr. Marty Resnik & Ms. Sherri Appleton
Ms. Patricia B. Rice
Mr. Jack Richter
Mr. Adam Riemer
Mr. James Riley
Ms. Laurie Rippon
Mr. Stephen Rivers
Mr. Kabe Roashan
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley and Marian Robboy
Ms. Laura Roche
Mr. Nathan Rome & Ms. Bonnie Alpert
Mr. Ken Rose
Mr. Dave Rosen
Ms. Amy Rosenberg
Ms. Robin Rosenberg
Ms. Irma Ross
Ms. Eve Roth
Ms. Margaret Rothschild & Mr. George Heidorn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. and Alexis Royce
Mr. Alex Rubenstein
Rubin Management, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Steve and Susan Rucker
Mr. Daniel Rudick
Sam Rudick, D.D.S.
Ms. Susan M. Rudin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Jennifer Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff and Jackie Saffron
Aliya Sahai
Dr. Anthony W. Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Jane Saltzman
Paul and Bettylee Saltzman
Mr. Kasra Sanandaji
Jamie Sand-Goldberger
Mr. Thomas Sandlow
Dr. Gabriel Sara
Ms. Serena Sassoon
Mr. Romano D. Savocchi
Scarsdale Synagogue - Tremont Temple
Mr. and Mrs. William Scheft
Mr. David Schieren
Ms. Kerstin J. Schiwietz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Sheila Schlesinger
Ms. Beth Schoenfeldt
Ms. Lauren I. Scholnick
Gil Schorr
Robbin Schulsohn
Ms. and Mr. Schwab
Ms. Deborah Schwartz
Mr. Donald Schwartz
Mr. Kevin Schwartz
Ms. Lizzie Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. and Martha Scott
Second Congregational Church
Ms. Marge Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. James B. and Lynn Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Harriet Shapack
Ms. Allie Sharma
Michal Shechtman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sheffield
Mr. Neal Shenoy
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan and Judith Sherman
Shore Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. and Joan Shore
Shoreshim, Inc.
Ms. Nancy R. Shurka
Mr. William D. Siegel
Ms. Susan Sills
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Skodnick
Mr. Martin Small
Mr. Daniel E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Helena Sokoloff
South Congregational Church
Mr. & Mrs. Marc B. and Karen Spector
Ms. Sabrina Spitaletta
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. and Laura Starbuck
Mr. and Mrs. Dundee and Patricia Staunton
Mr. Bruce Steele
Mr. Mitchell Stein
Mrs. Victoria S. Steinberg
Mr. and Ms. Matthew and Connie Stevenson
Ms. Sandra Stoller
Mr. Michael Strassman
Susan Strommer
Pat Suh
Mrs. Nan Talese
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Tanne
Temple Shalom of Newton
Mrs. Lisa A. Thompson
Ms. Coralee Thomson
Ms. Olivia Tomaselli
Mr. Scott Torgan
Mr. and Mrs. Jan and Linda Treilman
Trinity Financial Charitable Fund
Triton Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and Vanessa Troup
Ms. Courtney Tuckman
Mr. Eric Turiansky
Unity Church
URJ - Intro to Judaism Class
Mr. Kenneth Usdin
Mr. Thor I. Valdmanis
Vector Commerical Properties, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. and Margaret Vidale
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Viorst
Mr. Paul Voigt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. and Patricia M. Wald
Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Laurie Walden
Ms. Mary Walsh
Mrs. James P. Warburg
Mr. Seth P. Waxman & Ms. Debra F. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Weidman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. and Bonnie Weill
Mr. David Weiner & Ms. Charna Sherman
Peter Weingarten, AIA, LEED,
Judge and Mrs. Jack R. and Evelyn Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Yair and Carol Weinstock
Mr. Stevenson Weitz
Ms. Daniella R. Wells
Mr. Clifford Westfall & Ms. Dorothy Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Gary and Dana Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Tammy Wien
Jack Wiener
Ms. Nancy Wiesenfeld
Mr. Joshua N. Wilkes
Windham Friends Church
Ms. Lisa Wohl
Mr. Michael Wolfe
Ms. Shari B. Wolfson
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wolowitz
Ms. Joan M. Woodward
Ms. Judith Worthington
Ms. and Mrs. Margaret A. and Margaret Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John and Dorothy Wroblesky
Mr. Hootan Yaghoobzadeh
David M. Yannucci Charitable Foundation
Ms. Christina Yi
Ali Zamani
Ms. Florence G. Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Diane Ziering
Ms. Suzanne Zimmerman
Ms. Susan F. Zinder
Mr. David Zott
Advisory Board
T.H. George H. W. Bush
T.H. William Jefferson Clinton
Her Majesty Queen Noor
H.E. Shimon Peres
Dr. Sa’eb Erekat
Board of Directors
Dr. Odeh Aburdene
Mr. Tim A. Attalla
Mr. David Avital
Mr. Richard Berman
Mr. Paul Bernstein
Mrs. Christine R. Covey
Mr. Joseph Gantz
Mr. Alan Ginsburg
Mrs. Barbara Gottschalk
Mr. Fredric H. and Helaine B. Gould
Mr. Jeff Gould
Dr. Allen I. Hyman
Mrs. Lee Langbaum
Mr. Eugene Mercy Jr.
Mrs. Lindsay Miller
Mr. James M. Orphanides
Mr. Samuel L. Samelson
Mr. C. Michael Spero
Mr. Arn Tellem
Mrs. Nancy Reiss Tellem
Mr. Malcolm Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jane Toll
Mrs. Janet Wallach
Mr. Munir Hussein
Mr. Sebastian Stubbe
Mr. David Strasser
Mr. Hani Masri
2007 Staff
New York
Aeshna Badruzzman
Alina Yavorovskaya
Antoinette Abboud
Catherine Joseph
Elisha Meyer
Fayth Centeno
Kate Lewis
Leslie Lewin
Mark Tsigler
Marni Pearce
Nicolla Hewitt
Rowena Hill
Sara Hussaini
Tammy Sun
Tenika Thompson
Yury Shvarts
Claire Ayed
Daniel Moses
Raya Yusuf
South Asia
Tom Hancock
Feruzan Mehta
Sajjah Ahmad
Tel Aviv
Paul Mailhot
Dor Kaidor
Leena Yahia
Eyal Ronder
Eric Kapenga
Inessa Shishmanyan
Azza El Sherbiny
Ramy Nagy
Washington D.C.
Ashleigh Zimmerman
Chara McMichael
Mohammed Isleem
Omar Tayeh
Sarah Bennett
Sarah Olayan Xefos
“Amid the violence and
animosity that surrounds, I
find true hope. For me that
hope is Seeds of Peace. It
always will be.”
Yair, Israeli Seed
“We come to camp to see
what it looks, sounds, and
feels like to live in peace.
This is not youthful idealism.
We do not have a choice.
It’s either co-existence or
no existence. We’ve got to
live together or not at all.”
Palestinian Seed
370 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10017 • Tel. 212-573-8040 Fax 212-579-8047
1054 31st Street, NW. Washington, DC 20007 • Tel. 202-337-5530 Fax 202-337-5646
[email protected]
Seeds of Peace
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New York, NY 10017-6503
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