St. Mary, Mother of the Church


St. Mary, Mother of the Church
April 24, 2016
24 de abril, 2016
St. Mary, Mother of the Church
5th Sunday of Easter
5th domingo de Pascua
1008 Vandora Springs Rd Garner, NC 27529-3546
Office: 919-772-5524 Fax: 919-772-5534 Website:
Rev. David M. Chiantella, Administrator
Emergencies only 919-909-0514
Email [email protected]
Deacon Ronald Soriano 919-426-4791
Email [email protected]
Marie Chenevert, Elementary Coordinator
Email [email protected]
Joe Vuletich, Youth Apostolate Coordinator
Email [email protected]
919-772-5524, ext. 109
Mary Dziepak, Music Director
Email [email protected]
919-772-5524, ext. 102
Rosemary Montague, Receptionist
Email [email protected]
Mon — Thu, 9 AM - 4:30 PM
Lunes — Jueves, 9 AM - 4:30 PM
Olga Salas, Recepcionista
Email [email protected]
Lunes, Martes 6-9 PM; Jueves, Sábado 6-8 PM
Mon-Tues 6-9 PM, Thurs, Sat. 6-8 PM
919-772-5524, ext. 100
Today’s Readings
First Reading — Paul and Barnabas continue their travels, spreading the faith and unifying the churches (Acts
Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and
my God (Psalm 145).
Second Reading — John’s
vision of God dwelling with
the human race (Revelation
Gospel — As Jesus has loved
us, so we must love one another (John 13:31-33a, 34-35).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from
the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Rev. Chesco Garcia, Ministerio Hispano
Música- Jesús Acevedo 919-649-1051
Lectores- Rosa Marin, 919-398-0004
Monaguillos- Érica Villegas, 919-264-9153
Ministros de la Eucaristía- Cesar Sánchez,
Formación Religiosa- Mike Munster, 919-567-1565
Quinceañeras- Olga Salas, 919-772-5524
Bautizos-Jeymy Luna, 919-946-5719
Presentaciones- Aurora Saucedo, 919-279-2281
(5-9 PM)
Enfermos- visitas a las casas o hospital llame a la
oficina, 919-772-5524
Social- Kathya Peña Centeno, 919-723-0310
Visitas Virgen Peregrina- Jorge Fajardo
Lecturas de Hoy
Primera Lectura — Pablo y Bernabé continúan sus
viajes para fortalecer el espíritu de los discípulos
(Hch 14:21-27).
Salmo — Bendeciré al Señor eternamente. Aleluya
(Salmo 145 [144]).
Segunda lectura — Juan tiene una visión de Dios
morando con la raza
humana (Apocalipsis 21:15a).
Evangelio — Al igual que
Jesús nos ama, así también
nosotros debemos amarnos
(Juan 13:31-33a, 34-35).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976,
Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la
Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con
permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
This Week
Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM
Sábado Misa en Español 7:15 PM
Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 5 PM
Monday through Friday 8:15 AM
Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday after morning
Esta Semana
Saturday April 23
sábado 23 de abril
5:30 PM Caroline Vu, birthday
7:15 PM +Jesus Argueta
Sunday April 24
domingo 24 de abril
8 AM
+Bill Lovegreen
10 AM
for the people of St Mary Parish
5 PM
+Michael Layola
Monday April 25
lunes 25 de abril
8:15 AM Jose Manuel Rangel, birthday
Tuesday April 26
martes 26 de abril
8:15 AM Maria Isabel Zetina, health
Wednesday April 27
miércoles 27 de abril
8:15 AM +Anna Mae Loebig
Thursday April 28
jueves 28 de abril
8:15 AM +Catherine Stauder
Friday April 29
viernes 29 de abril
8:15 AM Nicolasa Juarez, birthday
Saturday April 30
sábado 30 de abril
5:30 PM
7:15 PM Abramha Alvarado, health
Sunday May 1
domingo 1 de mayo
8 AM
Roberta Tarantino, birthday
10 AM
for the people of St Mary Parish
5 PM
Ariana Baptista, health
Reconciliation: First and third Wednesday 5 PM
to 6:30 PM. Every Saturday 4 - 5 PM, or by
appointment with a Priest.
Baptism: for Infant baptism preparation, contact
Deacon Ron (see bulletin cover for contact info).
For Adult baptism preparation, contact Father
Marriage: contact the Receptionist at least 6
months before your intended marriage date to
schedule marriage preparation.
First Reconciliation/First Eucharist: Contact
Marie Chenevert (see bulletin cover for contact
For Confirmation: Contact Joe Vuletich
(see bulletin cover for contact info).
Parish Council: [email protected]
Find us on Facebook: St.Mary MotheroftheChurch
To schedule a Mass intention, please call the office.
Para solicitor una misa, llame a las oficinas de la Iglesia.
Si asiste regularmente necesita registrarse en la
parroquia. Para más información sobre las
registraciones y bautizos, favor de llamar a Jeymy
Luna al 919-946-5719.
Offertory/Ofrenda (July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016)
17 April
17 abril
Documentos requeridos para el Bautismo de niños
menores de 8 años:
• Padres: copia del Certificado de Nacimiento Del
• Padrinos: copia del Certificado de Matrimonio
por la Iglesia
Estar registrados en la iglesia al menos 3 meses
antes del bautizo.
Las clases de bautizo son primer y segundo martes
de cada mes a las 7 PM.
Jovenes y Adultos Mayores de 18 años
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana– Padre Chesco
Year to date
Año a la Fecha
$458,554.56 (83% of goal)
Catholic Home Missions
Next weekend’s second envelope is for Share
Sunday. Your donations support our parish’s outreach to the needy in our community and also help
Catholic Parish Outreach, the Hispanic Family
Center, Garner Area Ministries and Habitat for
Maria y Leo Rangel,
[email protected]
Coordinadores Ministerio Hispano Mike y Beatriz
Munster, 919-567-1565
Submissions for the bulletin should be in at least
10 days before the bulletin date. All items are subject to final approval by our pastor. Please submit
items to [email protected].
Recibir los Santos Óleos o Eucaristía
llame la oficina-919-772-5524
Please pray for...
Please help us keep our parish records current.
Notify Rosemary Montague at 919-772-5524 in
the parish office if you have a change of address,
a new phone number, e-mail address or if moving
out of town or to another parish in our area.
those in need of God’s healing,
strength, and comfort, and especially
Joan Allinson, Anita Augenti, Gerry
Barlow, Charity Betts, Donovan
Bosman, Violet Brennan, Will Cannady, Frances Costello, Anita Curtis, Irene Dingman, Charlotte Driscoll, Kevin Dunphy, Mary
Dziepak, Raymond Dzierba, Joan English, Bryan
Ewing, Mary Gabbard, Ann Galavotti, Clara Gambetta, Brenda Gay, Joe Heil, Evelyn Hine. Bill
Hunt, Jennifer Hutto, June Jean, Stacey Jones, Sue
Kerrigan, Werner Koch, Sonia Langen, Brian Michael Lee, June Lentz, Kathy Leonard, John Lipps,
Marcos Maya, Eddie McGloin, Will McMichael,
Marie Millette, Landon Moore, Raymond Nery, Ed
Outten, Helen Outten, Sylvia Pagan, Roland W.
Petruzzi, Dee Phelan, Sion Pierce, Elizabeth Pires,
Jerry Potter, Karen Reilly, Lillian Rese, Ellen Roberts, Victor Smurro, Bettilyn Smyth, Cathy Spillane, Heidi Starke, Annie Stewart, Steve Stolarick,
Bernard Streeter, baby Tyson Such, Melita Suspine, Alton Timlet, Cathy Tomany, John Tuck,
Mary Ann Villano, Hazel Wolicki , Faye Yeisley
and for the repose of the soul of Therese Kollatz.
We encourage you to use the offertory envelope
each weekend you come to Mass so we can
credit your participation in the life of our community. We realize that not everyone is able to
make a donation every week, and that’s okay.
You’re credited with attendance even when you
drop an empty envelope in the basket.
One of the reasons we track participation is to
help you. If you’re being asked to sponsor someone for baptism or confirmation, you’ll be asked
to provide a letter from your parish stating that
you are an actively practicing Catholic. We look
at the participation record to determine whether
or not we can provide such a letter.
Can you imagine a world such as the one put
before us in today’s scripture readings? Communities of believers everywhere would support and
encourage one another and be identified as Christians by the way they love each other. It would be
a world with no tears, no death and mourning, no
crying out in pain. “Behold, I make all things
new,” we hear the Son of God say in the second
reading from the book of Revelation (21:5).
Is this world of John’s vision only imaginary?
Are these faithful followers for whom Jesus
prayed only a savior’s dream? Today they are put
before us as a worthy goal. How much closer can
we come to this vision of a true Christian community in our lives today? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
This Sunday’s “Youth Jubilee” previews July’s World
Youth Day in Krakow. Its
theme from Matthew 5:7,
“Blessed are the merciful,”
echoes Pope Francis’ warning
that “the practice of mercy is waning in the wider
culture.” In countercultural witness, therefore, “the
time has come,” says Francis, “for the Church to
take up the joyful call to mercy once more. It is
time to return to the basics and to bear the weaknesses and struggles of our brothers and sisters.”
Jesus affirms the same in today’s Gospel. “As I
have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34). Francis concludes, “The Church’s
very credibility is seen in how she shows merciful
and compassionate love.” Jesus too asserts, “This is
how all will know that you are my disciples, if you
have love for one another” (John 13:35). Thus mercy “makes young” the Church, the world, and
everyone. “Mercy is the force that reawakens us to
new life and instills in us the courage to look to the
future with hope” (Misericordiae Vultus, 10). —Peter
You will not see anyone who is truly striving
after spiritual advancement who is not given to
spiritual reading.—St. Athanasius
Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
Around the Diocese
National Prevent Child Abuse Month
Parents, guardians, and adults who care for children face many challenges when trying to help
keep children safer in today’s fast-paced world.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children (NCMEC) offers easy-to-use safety
resources to help address these challenges.
NCMEC’s Web site offers a range of practical
information for parents and guardians that will
help keep children safe from harm at: Our diocese has a code
of conduct adults must follow to create safe environments and protect children. Reading and
following the code conduct helps create a culture of protection and keeps our children safer.
Access the Code of Conduct at http://
-of-conduct.pdf. If you need particular help responding to a report of abuse, you may call: The
Diocese of Raleigh office of Child and Youth
Protection at 1-866-535-7233.
Stress in Your Marriage? – Retrouvaille is a
program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage.
Some experience coldness. Others experience
conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know
how to change the situation. This program has
helped many couples experiencing such difficulties. For confidential information or to apply to
attend the program beginning with a weekend on
September 16 call 800-470-2230 or email:
[email protected] or visit the web site at
In today’s Gospel Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another
as He had loved them. Do we reflect this love in our lives and relationships? Let God show you how
to love your spouse and others as
He loves you. The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter weekend is Apr 29-May 1, in Chapel
Hill, and Nov 4-6, in Atlantic Beach. Early sign
up is recommended. For more information visit
our website at:
or contact us at [email protected] or
Catholic Charities Counseling Services are
available to help adults and/or children cope with
numerous life issues, including depression, anxiety, relationship challenges, family conflict and
more. Counseling provided by highly skilled,
compassionate Licensed Counselors with an
average of 15 years of counseling experience.
Most health insurance accepted. Thanks to the
Bishop’s Annual Appeal, a subsidized fee scale is
available for people who cannot afford the full
fee. Please call 919-790-8566 (Raleigh) or 919388-3065 (Cary) to inquire about services or to
schedule an appointment.
Save the Date! Ignited By Truth
Next Full Conference February 2425, 2017 Raleigh Convention Center,
“Bringing to light the truth of the
teachings of the Catholic Church and
igniting in all hearts a love for the
Faith” Bishop Michael F. Burbidge,
Vigil Mass Celebrant and Homilist Speakers to
be announced soon!
Mark your calendar for Catholic
Parish Outreach’s annual Pig
Pickin & Open House, on Saturday April 30, 3:30 PM - 7:30
PM (or until the pigs run out).
We will have pulled pork or hot
dogs, potato salad, cole slaw,
baked beans, hushpuppies, and drinks for $10 a
plate. There will be a bake sale and Bluegrass music. All proceeds will go toward providing food
for our clients. CPO is grateful to the Knights of
Columbus of the Sacred Heart of Cathedral Council for helping sponsor and cook the meal for this
fun event. This event is held at Catholic Parish
Outreach, 2013 Raleigh Blvd.
"Raleigh to Rome" is a weekly
Catholic news brief of local and
global Catholic news hosted by
Billy Atwell, Director of Communications. New episodes are
posted every Friday morning! Watch and subscribe to the Raleigh to Rome You Tube channel.
Para solicitar flores del altar, por favor pase
por o llamar a la oficina.
Cuando llame, le pediremos que:
• El fin de semana en el que le gustaría que las
flores que se muestran.
• Si desea una pequeña ($33), mediana ($38) o
grande ($43) arreglo.
• Si usted tiene una preferencia de color de las
• Si desea una dedicatoria impresa en el boletín.
¡Gracias por la donación de flores!
El primero de mayo es reconocido como el
día mundial del trabajo y conmemora seis mártires de Chicago, quienes fueron fusilados en 1886
cuando la policía trató de impedir una pelea campal durante una huelga de obreros. Curiosamente
esta fecha no es reconocida por Estados Unidos
pero sí por muchos países latinoaméricanos. En
1954, el Papa Pió XII apoyó los derechos del
obrero incluyendo a san José Obrero en el calendario cristiano. Esta fiesta celebra y recuerda la
doctrina social de la Iglesia católica, una doctrina
que insiste que: “El mensaje cristiano no aparta a
las personas de la edificación del mundo, ni les
lleva a despreocuparse del bien de sus semejantes, sino que les impone esta colaboración como
un deber” (Gaudiam et Spes 34).
Es justo conmemorar a san José como obrero
en el día mundial del trabajo, porque este santo
varón nos recuerda que al trabajar uno colabora
con Dios en la creación continua del mundo y de
la humanidad. El trabajo no sólo es derecho humano es una responsabilidad que se debe tomar
con amor al prójimo.—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S.
¿Están buscando un fin de semana
perfecto? ¿Un fin de semana para
acercarse más? ¿Quieren aprender
una técnica de comunicación que le
permita a cada pareja explorar áreas importantes de su relación en un
espíritu de amor y comprensión?
Un fin de semana del Encuentro Matrimonial
Mundial es exactamente lo que buscan. Se
pueden escapar de las distracciones de la vida cotidiana y concentrarse en su matrimonio. Para
aplicar para el fin de semana Junio 11-12, en la
Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel, Cary, visite o para más información pónganse en contacto con Jose Luis y
Deborah Auces: (916) 538-8167 o
[email protected].
Paluch Co.
1 Pe 5:5b-14; Sal 89 (88):2-3, 6-7, 167; Mc 16:15-20
Martes: Hch 14:19-28; Sal 145 (144):10-13ab,
21; Jn 14:27-31a
Miércoles: Hch 15:1-6; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Jn 15:1
Jueves: Hch 15:7-21; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10; Jn
Viernes: Hch 15:22-31; Sal 57 (56):8-10, 12;
Jn 15:12-17
Sábado: Hch 16:1-10; Sal 100 (99):1b-3, 5;
Jn 15:18-21
Domingo: Hch 15:1-2, 22-29; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5-6,
8; Ap 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
Divorciado? Vuelto a casar? Pensando en
casarse con alguien que se divorció?
¿Tiene preguntas acerca de la libertad de casarse
en la Iglesia Católica? ¿Sabía usted que el Tribunal está disponible para responder a estas y otras
preguntas que usted pueda tener acerca de
volverse a casar en la Iglesia? Por favor, póngase
en contacto con el Sra. Teresa Aldahondo (919821-9758 or [email protected])
con sus preguntas, o usted puede visitar nuestro
sitio web
tribunal para más información. Damos la bienvenida a la oportunidad de poder ayudarle.
Los padres, custodios y adultos que cuidan niños,
enfrentan constantes desafíos cuando se trata de
ayudar a mantener a los niños protegidos en este
mundo acelerado. El “National Center for Missing
and Exploited Children” (NCMEC, por sus siglas
en ingles), ofrece recursos fáciles de usar para
ayudar a abordar estos desafíos. El NCMEC, ofrece una variedad de información práctica, para
los padres y custodios que ayudan a mantener a
los niños protegidos de cualquier daño. Esta información se encuentra en el sitio web:
Nuestra diócesis ofrece un código de conducta que
deben seguir los adultos, para crear un ambiente
seguro y proteger a los niños. Al leer y seguir el
código de conducta, ayudará para crear una cultura de prevención y mantener a nuestros niños seguros. Para tener acceso al Código de Conducta
ingrese a:
files/files/code-of-conduct.pdf Si usted necesita
ayuda para responder a una denuncia de abuso,
usted puede llamar a: The Diocese of Raleigh Office of Child and Youth Protection al número telefónico: 1-8066-535-7233.
¿Te puedes imaginar un mundo tal como nos
lo presenta las lecturas bíblicas de hoy? Comunidades de fieles por todas partes que se apoyan y se
animan unas a otras y se identifican como cristianos por el amor que se tienen unos a otros. Sería
un mundo sin lágrimas, sin muerte ni luto, sin gritos de dolor. “Ahora todo lo hago nuevo”, oímos
decir al Hijo de Dios en la segunda lectura del libro del Apocalipsis (21:5).
Este mundo de la visión de Juan, ¿es sólo un
mundo imaginario? Y esos fieles seguidores de
Jesús por los cuales él reza, ¿son un mero sueño
del salvador? Hoy se presentan ante nosotros como una meta valiosa. ¿Cómo podemos acercarnos
cada vez más a esta visión de una verdadera comunidad cristiana en nuestra vida de hoy?
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
No verás a nadie que de veras avanza espiritualmente y que no se entrega a la lectura
espiritual.—San Atanasio
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Faith Formation Announcements
April 24 & 25 are the final sessions for
elementary faith formation classes this year.
Registration for next year’s Faith Formation classes will begin the week of July 11.
To request altar flowers, please stop by or call the
parish office. When you call, we’ll ask you:
The weekend on which you’d like the flowers displayed.
• If you’d like a small ($33), medium ($38), or large
($43) arrangement.
• If you have a color preference for the flowers.
• If you’d like a dedication in the bulletin.
Thank you for donating flowers!
Welcoming Our First
This year, our parish is privileged
to have 85 children and youth
receiving First Communion as part of our regular
Masses. 13 will receive the sacrament on Saturday, April 30 at the 5:30 PM Mass; 11 at the Saturday, May 7, 5:30 PM Mass; 7 at the Sunday,
May 8 , 8 AM Mass; and 13 at the Saturday, May
14, 5:30 PM Mass. 21 of our children will receive
the sacrament on Saturday, May 14 at 2 PM Misa
in Spanish and 20 on Saturday, May 21 at a 2 PM
Misa. We are proud of our 85 young people—
they’ve completed two years of preparation with
the help of our devoted catechists and their parents
to guide them.
55+ Fellowship Gathering
Our 55+ group will meet on Wednesday, April 27 at 9:30 AM in the Social
Hall. Adults 55 and up are invited to
bring a card or board game to share or
to teach others to play. There’ll be a
spot to gather for conversation if that’s your preference! Refreshments will be served. Want to know
more? Call or text Jackie Schatte at 919-606-8084 or
call the parish office.
Volunteer Opportunity
To honor Mary our Mother please
join us May 1st after the 10 AM
Mass for the May crowning.
During this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis emphasizes the Spiritual & Corporal Works of Mercy,
including the Corporal Work of Mercy to Visit the
Sick. GOOD NEWS: Our Homebound Ministry
team has a volunteer opportunity available for you.
No special skills are required, but it helps to be a
good listener. Visits to a health care facility, nursing home, or to our homebound Parishioners can
be made to accommodate your schedule. For more
information contact the parish office at 919-7725524.
1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17;
Mk 16:15-20
Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;
Jn 14:27-31a
Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:911
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn
Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8;
Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
The Mother’s Day Flower Sale is
back! The Columbiettes will be taking orders for fresh floral arrangements after all Masses this weekend.
Flowers will be available for pickup
on Saturday, May 7, between 9 AM and Noon.
Arrangements are moderately priced at $20. Show
your favorite lady how much you care and help
the Columbiettes to help others in our community.