2 - Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
2 - Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our L ad y of Fatim a C at holic C hurch Revealing the light of christ The Baptism of the Lord El Bautismo del Señor january 13, 2013 13 de enero del 2013 105 n. la esperanza san clemente, ca 92672 949-492-4101 • Fax 949-492-4856 www.OLFChurch.net @FatimaChurchSC parish calendar/ calendario parroquial JANUARY 13 - 20, 2013 c – church/iglesia, h – mcgowan hall, s – school/escuela PARISH OFFICE HOURS SUNDAY/DOMINGO 1/13 All Masses 8:45am - 10:15am 9am Mass 8am – 11am 2:30pm Hurricane Hurricane Sandy Recovery second collection Child Care / kids 1–4 years of age (H) Children’s Liturgy of the Word / kids preK thru 4th grade K of C Pancake Breakfast Ad Altare Dei class MONDAY/LUNES 1/14 11:45am – 3pm Bridge Group / beginners & seniors 7pm Alcohólicos Anónimos TUESDAY/MARTES 1/15 7pm RCIA 7 – 9pm Jóvenes Para Cristo 7 – 9pm Angeles de Fátima /Adolecentes (c) (c & h) (h) (h / e) (h / e) (h / e) (s) (s) (h / e) (h / e) THURSDAY/JUEVES 1/17 9-10am Work of Our Hands 9:30am Bible Study 7pm Bible Study 7 – 9pm Jóvenes Para Cristo /Equipo (h / e) (h / a) (h / e) (c) FRIDAY/VIERNES 1/18 7 – 9pm Grupo Juvenil Alfa Y Omega / 18-35 años (h) (c) 8:45 – 10:15am Child Care (kids 1–4 years of age) 9am Mass Children’s Liturgy of the Word (kids preK thru 4th grade) (c & h) (h) (h) MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: Daily Mass: Reconciliation: Eucharistic Adoration: Fr. Michael P. Hanifin, Pastor [email protected], ext. 111 Fr. William Hubbard, Parochial Vicar [email protected], ext. 113 Robin Margraf, Pastoral Associate [email protected], ext. 117 Ron Runolfson, Business Manager [email protected], ext. 102 Rosa Rama, Faith Formation-Children & Adults [email protected], ext. 119 Javier Castillo, Hispanic Ministries [email protected], ext. 116 Lourdes Rojas, Office Manager [email protected], ext. 101 Aida Lopez, Maintenance Spanish Music Coordinator, ext. 101 Maria Juul, Accounting Assistant [email protected], ext. 103 SATURDAY/SABADO 1/19 9 &11am Masses Coffee & Donuts (after Mass) CLERGY STAFF (h / e) (c)) WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES 1/16 3:30 – 4:45pm Faith Formation for Children 6 – 7:30pm Formación de Fe para Niños 5 – 6:30pm Mission hospital nurse visit 5 – 6:30pm Visita de enfermera del Hospital de Mission SUNDAY/DOMINGO 1/20 All Masses Monthly Food Drive / pick up grocery bag after Mass M-F 9am to noon; 1-6 pm Phone: 949-492-4101 5:30pm 7, 9, 11am, 1 pm (Sp), & 5:30pm M-F 7am, 8:30am; Sat 8am Saturday 4-5pm M–F 9am-9pm; Sat 9am – 5pm; Sun 2pm-5pm Mary Kay DuBay, Confirmation (Youth) [email protected], ext. 104 Bridget Goodreau, Jr High Youth Ministry [email protected], ext. 106 Alexandra Ganley, Administrative Assistant [email protected], ext. 120 PARISH SCHOOL Beate Nugyen, M.A., Principal [email protected], 949-492-7320 Cindy Clark, Administrative Assistant [email protected], 949-492-7320 2 welcome to our lady of fatima parish j a n u a ry 13, 2013 f r o m o u r pa s t o r / de nuestro párroco fr. michael p. hanifin Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Fatima, This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The Lectionary readings remind us that Jesus is the Father’s only begotten Son in whom he is well pleased. At Jesus’ baptism he was anointed by the Holy Spirit and commissioned to be a light to the nations, to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement, and release from dungeons those who live in darkness. This week we celebrate the National Vocation Awareness Week (January 13 – 18.) During this week parishes and other Catholic institutions ask their parishioners to pray for vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life (religious priests, brothers and sisters.) A recently released census of the first quarter of the year indicated a growing number of Orange County residents claim to be Catholic. That number exceeds 1.2 million people and represents 42% of the county’s population. This increased our national ranking to 10th largest Catholic diocese in the United States. When our diocese was established on June 18, 1976 the local Catholic population numbered around 300,000 Catholics. The challenging news is that we have approximately the same number of priests today as we had in 1976. Our ever aging priests are asked to do so much more today than we did when we were first ordained because of the increased demands on our limited time and resources. We priests love our vocational calling. I can tell you that my decision to become a priest was the best decision I have made in my life. However, for our growing diocese to continue its mission we need greater numbers of priests and religious to serve the Catholic population. Please pray for religious vocations and especially this week speak to your children or grandchildren about serving God in a life of service as a diocesan priest, religious priest, brother or sister. Queridos parroquianos y amigos de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, Este domingo celebramos el Bautismo del Señor. Las lecturas del Leccionario nos recuerdan que Jesús es el único Hijo procreado del Padre con quien está complacido. En el bautismo de Jesús fue ungido por el Espíritu Santo y se le encargó ser luz de las naciones, abrir los ojos del ciego, sacar a presos del confinamiento y liberar de los calabozos aquellos que viven en la oscuridad. Esta semana celebramos la Semana de Conciencia de la Vocación Nacional (del 13 de enero al 18). Durante esta semana las parroquias y otras instituciones Católicas piden que sus feligreses recen por vocaciones al clero y la vida consagrada (sacerdotes religiosos, hermanos y hermanas). Un censo recientemente publicado del primer cuarto del año indicó que un número creciente de residentes del Condado de Orange afirma ser católico. Ese número excede 1.2 millones y representa al 42% de la población del condado. Esto aumentó nuestra clasificación nacional a la decima(10) diócesis Católica más grande en los Estados Unidos. Cuando nuestra diócesis se estableció el 18 de junio de 1976 la población católica local enumeró a aproximadamente 300 mil Católicos. La noticia retadora es que tenemos aproximadamente el mismo número de sacerdotes hoy que teníamos en 1976. A nuestros sacerdotes alguna vez envejecidos les piden hacer tanto más hoy que hicimos cuando nos ordenamos primero debido a las demandas físicas aumentadas durante nuestro tiempo limitado y recursos. Nosotros los sacerdotes amamos nuestra vocación profesional. Les puedo decir que mi decisión de hacerme un sacerdote era la mejor decisión que había hecho en mi vida. Sin embargo para nuestra diócesis creciente y para seguir su misión necesitamos mayores números de sacerdotes y religiosos para servir a la población Católica. Por favor recen por las vocaciones religiosas y sobre todo esta semana hablen a sus hijos o nietos sobre servir a Dios en la vida como un sacerdote diocesano, sacerdote religioso, hermano o hermana. OLF SCHOOL NEWS & EVENTS You’re invited to our OPEN HOUSE JANUARY 27, 2013, 10AM – 1PM Educating Students to Become Catholic Leaders of the 21st Century! Transitional Kindergarten through 8th Grade 9am: Children’s Mass Campus Tours in English, Spanish & Mandarin Science Fair Curriculum & Extra-Curricular Activities Information Financial Aid Information & Enrollment Applications Call our Admissions Office at (949) 492-7320 or email [email protected] for more info! Mardi Gras Casino Night 2013* SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2013 6:30 – 10PM @ MCGOWAN HALL Ideal for your spouse and you to meet up with your fellow friends and other parishioners! A fun-filled, social evening! Celebrate Mardi Gras in style! Tickets are $45 per person. Includes admission, hors d’oeuvres, no-value casino chips and one raffle ticket! Purchase tickets at the school office or contact the event chairperson at (949) 492-7320 or [email protected]. Must be 21 years of age to attend. ID required. *Meets/exceeds permit requirements on file at school office. Gratefully yours in Christ the Good Steward, / Agradecidísimo en Cristo el Buen Administrador, Father/Padre Michael P. Hanifin Armonía* Empatía* Desarrollador* Conexión* Inclusión* the baptism of the lord / el bautismo del señor 3 parish news and events Work of Our Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry BIBLE STUDY AT OUR L ADY OF FATIMA In this “Year of Faith” open your heart, mind and soul to the Holy Spirit and join our Bible Study. Our first Pope, the Apostle Peter, calls us to deepen our faith and increase our knowledge of Scripture. Be prepared in your walk of faith, as it is our duty to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord” (2 Peter 3:18). You’re invited to study The Gospel According to Matthew on Thursdays at 9:30am, McGowan Hall, room A. For more info please contact Mary McMenamin at 243-0948. THE BIBLE TIMELINE: THE AMAZING STORY OF SALVATION EXPLORE THE BIG PICTURE AS YOU LEARN THE ENTIRE BIBLE STORY FROM A CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE. This study features 24 lessons by Jeff Cavins that walk you through the entire story of salvation from creation through the establishment of the Catholic Church and beyond. The series starts on February 5 and is offered on Tuesdays at 9:30am (contact Mary McMenamin at 243-0948) and on Thursdays at 7pm (contact Kathy Godbout at 361-8910) in McGowan Hall. Please register by Sunday, January 27. Work of our Hands brings the traditional art of knitting and crocheting into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in our community in need of God’s comfort and solace. You’re invited to meet with us on Thursday, January 17 at 9am in McGowan Hall, room E. Although the ministry gathers every third Thursday for fellowship, attendance is not required to be a part of this work. Prayer shawls can be created anywhere. For more information, please contact Annice Douglas at [email protected]. Free Income Tax Preparation at OLF/ Servicios de Income Tax Gratis Our parish is providing no cost tax preparation services for all households earning less than $51,000 per year. You may be eligible for certain tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit or Credit for the Elderly or Disabled (short form only). This service will be available on Saturday mornings beginning January 26 from 9am to noon and on Tuesday afternoons beginning January 29 from 4pm to 6:30pm in McGowan Hall, room E. An appointment is not necessary but encouraged. To schedule, contact the parish office at 492-4101. La parroquia está proveyendo servicios de Income Tax gratis a todas las familias que ganen menos de $51,000 al año. Puede ser elegible para ciertos créditos de impuestos (formas cortas solamente). Este servicio estará disponible los sábados comenzando el 26 de enero entre 9am y 12pm y los martes comenzando el 29 de enero entre 4y 6:30pm en el salón parroquial E. No se necesita cita pero si se les recomienda, favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial para más información. FREE Nurse Visits at OLF – New Time/ Consulta de enfermera GRATIS - Nuevo Horario Talk with a Mission Hospital Nurse on Wednesday, January 16 from 5-6:30pm in a private setting regarding your health questions and concerns including nutritional counseling, coping with life changes, blood pressure counseling, and resources for you and your family. There is no charge for this service and no appointment is necessa ry. Just drop by McGowan Hall, room E. For more information contact Maria Ayala, Mission Hospital nurse at 364-1400, x 5063. Vengan y dialoguen con una enfermera del Hospital Mission el Miercoles 16 de ereno entre 5 y 6:30pm en privado sobre preguntas y preocupaciones de salud; incluyendo el asesoramiento alimenticio, enfrentando los cambios de la vida, consejos sobre presión arterial y recursos para usted y su familia. La consulta es totalmente gratis. Para más información favor de llamar a Maria Ayala, enfermera del Hospital Mission al 364-1400 x 5063. 4 welcome to our lady of fatima parish j a n u a ry 13, 2013 OLF Men’s Retreat 2013 Chat with Father Mike All parish men and friends are invited to our annual 3-day retreat on Friday, January 25 through Sunday, January 27, 2013. This year’s theme is “Remember and experience the life-giving embrace of the compassion of Christ.” SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 7PM-9PM This month’s Chat with Father Mike will be held at the home of Roy and Maureen Calvetti. Their address is 2812 Corte Esmeralda in San Clemente, CA 92672. The sign-up sheet, along with flyers containing the contact information and directions, can be found in the vestibule of the Church. The retreat is being held at the Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre. It is a spectacular location offering a prayerful and thoughtful environment along with excellent food and accommodations. The suggested donation of $195 covers your accommodations for two nights and five meals. A deposit of $50 will reserve your space. Please contact Doyle Manning at 949-369-9612 or Eduardo Jimenez at 949-584-9680 for information. This is a wonderful opportunity to join with fellow parishioners and men from other Catholic parishes to express and rekindle your faith! Get-Together for those who are of Filipino Descent FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2013 Fr. Mike invites all those who are of Filipino descent, and those who want to be, to join us for our first event to be held on Friday, February 1 at 6pm. This is an opportunity to meet fellow parishioners who are from the Filipino culture and heritage and to celebrate with each other. This is a pot luck event and if you are interested in joining us and making or strengthening friendships, please contact Sue Reyes at 492-2914. Our Lady of Fatima Planned Giving Workshop / A Strong Tradition of Charitable Support TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 4PM-6PM Planned giving donors have provided essential philanthropic support that has enabled the advancement of the Catholic Church to ensure that the Catholic ministries continue for future generations. Planned gifts include bequests in wills or revocable trusts; life income plans such as gift annuities and charitable trusts; and beneficiary designations of retirement plans, brokerage accounts, and life insurance policies. To help you with your estate planning and how you might designate Our Lady of Fatima Church in your estate planning, the parish will hold a planned giving workshop on Tuesday, February 5, from 4 to 6pm to help you with the discernment process. For more information and to register for the workshop please contact Father Mike at 492-4101. Martin Luther King Federal Holiday Día festivo de Martin Luther King MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 2013/LUNES, 21 DE ENERO, 2013 The parish office will be closed on January 12 in observation of the Martin Luther King federal holiday. The morning Mass at 7:00 AM is cancelled. There will be an 8:30am Mass on that day. The parish office will open once again on Tuesday, January 22 at 9am. Se les recuerda que el lunes, 21 de enero es día festivo de Martin Luther King y la oficina parroquial estará cerrada. No habrá Misa de 7am, solo habrá la Misa de 8:30am durante ese día. La oficina se abrirá otra vez el martes, 22 de enero a las 9:00 para sus necesidades. around the diocese Day of Reparation for Abortion: 40th Observance of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision JANUARY 22 In observance of the Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion, Bishop Vann invites the Catholic community to observe the day as a Day of Reparation. Catholics are encouraged to practice fasting, abstinence, and prayer on that day. Also, you are invited to attend Evening Prayer on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 to pray for an end to abortion and a renewed respect for all human life in American society. The service will begin at 7pm at Holy Family Cathedral, 566. S. Glassell Street, Orange. There will be witness speakers and we will also honor Cathy Clark, Respect Life parish representative from St. Martin De Porres, Yorba Linda Parish. A reception will follow in the parish hall. the baptism of the lord / el bautismo del señor 5 Mass Intentions / Intenciones: SATURDAY 1/12 5:30pm Connie Pappano SUNDAY 1/13 7am 9am 11am 1pm 5:30pm Misa Pro Popolo George Bancroft Dorothy Gibney Jose Lara Carlota Rivera MONDAY 1/14 7am 8:30am Frank Flores, Sr. Jeff Richards & family TUESDAY 1/15 7am 8:30am Jeremi Schmidt Anthony Mastrangelo Guiseppina Salluzzi WEDNESDAY 1/16 7am 8:30am Frank Flores, Sr. Evan Richards THURSDAY 1/17 7am 8:30am Ruby June Stack Ramona Medina FRIDAY 1/18 7am Evan Richards 8:30am Norberto Arriola SATURDAY 1/19 8am 5:30pm Benefrido Serrano Sanchez Family SUNDAY 1/20 7am 9am 11am 1pm 5:30pm Jose Chavez Misa Pro Popolo Norberto Arriola Carlota Calvillo Jensen Gray WE PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK/OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS Elvia Perez Peter Crowley James Hassan Lidia Valdovinos Tom Padberg John Smith Rebecca Morales Jose Lara John Ornellas Dalia Ornellas Jacqueline Nowak Rosemary Kern Lina Melissano John Dempsey Angela Rosales Victoria Jung Juana V. Villalobos Daveen Nichols Jim Ireland Debbie Stranahan Larry Mountford Chris Fort Kathleen Schouten Dona White AND FOR OUR BELOVED DEAD/ Y POR NUESTROS QUERIDOSFALLECIDOS Marie Cook Paul Dyer Gabriela Teran Virginia Corder Garcia Connie Pappano Guillermina Rangel Dorothy Lambert Viora Primitiva Dorris Write-Walrose Luella Lenahan Donald Ronald Wanda Perrault Carmelita Rollins Lorna Seno Gio Weldon Carroll Irene Frydrychowski and all victims of war and violence. 8 welcome to our lady of fatima parish OFFERTORY REPORT DECEMBER 23-31 (INCLUDING CHRISTMAS) Basket $55,101 Received by mail 14,370 Electronic giving 15,175 total$84,646 maintenance fund $1,113 JANUARY 6 Basket $11,045 Received by mail 2,085 Electronic giving 10,336 total$23,466 maintenance fund $4,420 SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick Parish Office 492-4101 Baptism (Infants – 6 yrs) Larry & Sandy Hooper 498-9690 Baptism (7 – 18 yrs) Rosa Rama 492-4101 ext. 119 Confirmation (Youth) Mary Kay DuBay 492-4101 ext. 104 Confirmation (Adults) Pauline Crabb 498-3647 First Eucharist & Reconciliation (Children) Rosa Rama 492-4101 ext. 119 Marriage Parish Office 492-4101 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Larry Hooper 498-9690 j a n u a ry 13, 2013