Portafolio - daniel serrano
Portafolio - daniel serrano
work BRAKE GEARBOX DAMPER αβus KINEMATICS ELECTRIC WRITING STRATEGY Daniel Serrano | [email protected] daniel serrano work in progress about this document about me This document is not an exhaustive revision of all my work. Confidentiality agreements impeded me to retain copies of most of my engineering job. Of course, the experience acquired lives within me. I am a cultural kaleidoscope. Half Spaniard, half French, I have always lived in the verge of different cultures. I have lived in 3 different countries, visited 17, and been in 9 different states in the US —and yet this represents only 8% of the World. I understand there are many different ways to interact with people and with the environment. The world is a universe of cultural frameworks and heuristic biases. I spent a good amount of my time leading an enthusiastic and passionate group of mechanics from which I learnt many useful tricks to better deal with work and with life. I could not find a way to capture all the invaluable experience I got from my colleagues in this portfolio. I am an avid learner. I try to self-teach myself in different disciplines. That spirit was what pushed me to move to the US and keep learning immersed in a different culture. I believe that the best way to learn is practicing and making mistakes, provided that you learn from these. Meanwhile, I try to learn photography, which I found useful to spend more time observing things. Having an ESFP Myers-Briggs type profile, which is not very common among engineers, I am passionate about my enterprises and I like to make work fun — I would not have survived 12 years in the Racing world otherwise. menu BRAKING SYSTEM Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano Printed 26/10/2008, 15:35:15 hydraulic conception 2D48A-02 012 BAV-TAV 7 2D48A-04 018 RDAV 2D48A-07 018 RGAV 5 9 9 3 A BOMBA FRENO Pinza de freno delantera derecha 10 11 11 2D48A-06 014 pDAV 10 2D48A-08 014 PGAV Pinza de freno delantera izquierda 8 Depósito líquido 1 1 8 Salvo indicación, tolerancias generales según ISO 2768 -mK Este dibujo es de nuestra propiedad. No puede ser reproducido o distribuido sin consentimiento escrito Dibujado: Limitador Titulo: D.S.H Papel: Material: A PINZA DERECHA A PINZA IZQUIERDA Peugeot Sport España B.M.Racing Circuito de frenos 206 XS A3 Nº Plano: 2D48A-00 Escala: Tratamiento: Rev: A Hoja: 1/2 Printed 26/10/2008, 7:12:43 A PINZA IZQUIERDA 6 2D48A-13 025 LIM-BFM 8 6 1 2D47A-03 2 Bomba de Pie 4 9 8 CP2326-90 Pinza de freno trasera derecha Pinza de freno trasera izquierda 2D47A-01 5 3 7 Bomba de Mano 9 9 A BOMBA FRENO Salvo indicación, tolerancias generales según ISO 2768 -mK Este dibujo es de nuestra propiedad. No puede ser reproducido o distribuido sin consentimiento escrito Esquema de implantación del sistema de frenos 1 Elementos y enrutamiento de las canalizaciones 8 Dibujado: Material: A PINZA DERECHA menu Tratamiento: D.S.H Peugeot Sport España B.M.Racing Titulo: Papel: Escala: Circuito de frenos 206 XS Nº Plano: 2D48A-00 Rev: Hoja: A 2/2 Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano Figura 4.3. Posición de la T pasamuros de la instalación delantera desde el vano motor hydraulic prototyping Figura 4.3. Posición de la T pasamuros de la instalación delantera desde el vano motor Figura 4.1. Vista del montaje del kit de freno de mano hidráulico y el limitador Figura 4.3. Posición de la T pasamuros de la instalación delantera desde el vano motor Figura 4.4. Salidas desde bomba y paso de los tubos al habitáculo Figura 4.4. Salidas desde bomba y paso de los tubos al habitáculo Figura 4.2. Posición de la T pasamuros de la instalación delantera desde el habitáculo Figura 4.4. Salidas desde bomba y paso de los tubos al habitáculo Figura 4.5: Vista desde atrás de la instalación montada. 01 Documentación técnica 206 XS – Desafío Peugeot Total 01/04/08 Frenos 206 XS 4 D206XS - 04 Edición 01 Fecha 01/04/08 Frenos 206 XS D206XS - 04 5 Figura 4.5: Vista desde atrás de la instalación montada. Edición 01 Fecha 01/04/08 Frenos 206 XS D206XS - 04 5 Figura 4.5: Vista desde atrás de la instalación montada. Edición 01 Fecha 01/04/08 Frenos 206 XS D206XS - 04 5 Figura 4.1. Vista del montaje del kit de freno de mano hidráulico y el limitador menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano system design The design of the braking system started with the definition of a design process. At this stage of the design most of the data had to be estimated. I developed a software application under the Matlab environment to facilitate the iterative design of the componentʼs dimensions. The tool allowed to converge to the solution reducing the uncertainty of the first design stages. ! menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano front disc design With the results of the design of the brake system I selected a brake disk. The design of the disc bell had to be tailored to the disc specs, the hub specs, and the geometry of the suspension system. The designed disc bell was validated using Catiaʼs V5 Finite Element Analysis Module (FEA) menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano bell FEA validation ! menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano mfg. blueprint menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano caliper selection N:\SolidWorks\Customer\cp7606-20cd.slddrw Last Saved: jheritage on 22 November 2005 13:32:33 7 8 9 FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION 11 10 P W5 MAX W4 MAX W3 MAX W2 MAX W1 MAX N 114.00 112.50 1.50" BORE (LEADING) W1 MAX 1.50" BORE (TRAILING) © AP Racing Ltd. 2005 10.30 10.10 PA TH R15 WA 0.0 YR 0 AD IUS 1 Alterations Particulars Date & No. P Tel: +44 024 7663 9595 Fax: +44 024 7663 9559 e-mail: [email protected] Web site: HTTP://www.apracing.com FIRST ISSUE B3965 05/01/2005 22/11/05 B4434 2 # CDA # JH N CP7606-18/19S0 ADDED M L KEY TO DIMENSIONS: ‘PL’: TOP OF PAD MATERIAL TO MOUNTING BOSS FACE WITH PAD SITTING DOWN ON LEDGE. ‘U’: WHEEL CENTRE LINE TO CALIPER MOUNTING BOSS FACE (DISC Ø/2)-DIMENSION ‘PL’. 'U' DIMN DISC ROTATION 20 19 AP Racing Wheler Road Coventry CV3 4LB INSTALLATION INFORMATION DISC & CALIPER MOUNTING TOLERANCES TO BE SUCH THAT THE DISC IS CENTRAL TO THE CALIPER TO WITHIN ±0.5mm. CALIPER TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN ±15° FROM VERTICAL. DISC DIAMETRAL CLEARANCE SHOULD BE 2.5mm NOM. FROM DISC O.D. TO PATHWAY. BLEED SCREW MAX. TIGHTENING TORQUE 17Nm 'PL' DIMN 53.00 41.90 R5 MAX R4 MAX R3 MAX R2 MAX R1 MAX R10 MAX R9 MAX R8 MIN R7 MIN R6 MIN K 18 17 TECHNICAL INFORMATION: TOTAL PISTON AREA: 22.8cm2 PISTON MATERIAL: ALUMINIUM ALLOY BODY MATERIAL: ALUMINIUM ALLOY ASSEMBLY WEIGHT: 1.70KG (LESS PADS) MAX WORKING PRESSURE: 70 bar M W7 MAX 16 APPLICATION: LIGHT FORMULA CARS R11 TYP. L 15 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 4 PISTON CALIPERTO SUITIRON DISC Ø295.0x20 MAX W6 MAX W5 MAX W4 MAX W3 MAX 14 13 12 THIS DRAWING IS CONFIDENTIAL AND IS SUPPLIED ON THE EXPRESS CONDITION THAT IT SHALL NOT BE LOANED OR COPIED OR DISCLOSED TO ANY OTHER PERSON OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF AP RACING LTD. Zone 6 5 IF THIS DOCUMENT IS PRINTED IN HARDCOPY, IT IS FOR INFORMATION USE ONLY AND THEREFORE IS NOT SUBJECT TO UPDATING CONTROLS. ALWAYS REFER TO SOLIDWORKS VIEWER FOR LATEST ISSUE Initials B1 4 3 2 INSTALLATION DRAWING Issue No. 1 K CALIPER PART NUMBERS CP7606-12S0 – RIGHT HAND TRAILING (BEHIND AXLE) CP7606-13S0 – LEFT HAND TRAILING (BEHIND AXLE) CP7606-14S0 – RIGHT HAND LEADING (IN FRONT OF AXLE) CP7606-15S0 – LEFT HAND LEADING (IN FRONT OF AXLE) DISC CL DISC & WHEEL CL J J CP7606-18S0 – RIGHT HAND TRAILING (BEHIND AXLE) CP7606-19S0 – LEFT HAND TRAILING (IN FRONT OF AXLE) REPLACEMENT SEAL KIT SEAL KIT (HIGH TEMP) CP4518-JJ H THIS CALIPER IS LIMITED TO 70 BAR WORKING PRESSURE APPLICATIONS. 130.00 MOUNTING HOLE CTR'S 16.00 2.50 MIN FRICTION MATL 20.00 INLET PORT M10x1.00 BLEED SCREW MAX. TIGHTENING TORQUE 17Nm G OFFSET G F H 113.48 F 46.10 E 6.75 9.00 E FRICTION RETAINING PINS CP7600 PAD FAMILY D D PAD AREA (MAX) 44.90cm² C C SHEET 1 OF 1 SCALE 1:1 DRAWN RADIAL PROFILE DATA B DISC EFF PART NO. DISC Ø WIDTH OFFSET RAD R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 CP7606-12/13/14/15S0 267 18 37.25 111.85 156.00 147.00 138.40 124.20 117.40 82.45 85.45 100.50 126.70 138.40 4.50 34.00 48.25 54.90 59.40 59.90 62.40 39.50 CP7606-12/13/14/15S0 295 18 37.25 125.40 170.00 161.00 152.40 138.20 131.40 96.45 99.45 114.50 140.70 152.40 4.50 34.00 48.25 54.90 59.40 59.90 62.40 39.50 CP7606-18/19S0 295 20 38.25 125.40 170.00 161.00 152.40 138.20 131.40 96.45 99.45 114.50 140.70 152.40 4.50 35.00 49.25 55.90 60.40 60.90 63.40 40.50 DERIVED FROM TITLE INSTALLATION DRAWING DRG NO. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 menu 11 12 13 14 B CALIPER A 1 CHRIS ARROWSMITH APPROVED 15 16 17 18 A CP7606 19 20 Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano attachment design I designed the attachment of the brake caliper to the front wheel hub. The material used was a high grade AL 7075 with a hard anodizing coating. Using the forces obtained in the simulation, I conducted a FEA analysis to validate the design. Although the analysis shows regions were the part could have been further machined to reduce its weight, cost constrains forced to retain the stark physical design ! ! ! ! ! menu ! Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano GEARBOX Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano mechanical setup The definition of a gearbox for rally usage has a particular set of requirements: • Bigger tire diameter • Increased tire adherence • Higher torque at wheels • Lower top speed In addition the whole gearbox had to be changed due to the inability of the carʼs original gearbox to cope with the new requirements. I developed a software application to facilitate the design of the gearbox stages and maximize torque and power availability. The visualization of the results was overly improved over other software tools menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano interface constrains engine interface command interface chassis interface driveshafts interface menu Gearbox drawing courtesy of Peugeot Automobiles Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano command interface installation drawing courtesy of Peugeot Automobiles menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano DAMPERS | SHOCKABSORBERS Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano process mapping Obtain Car Sprung Weights No Obtain Car Unprung Weights Calculate Critical Damping + Calculate Theoretical Damping Law Test on Dynamic Simulator + Obtain Suspension Kinematic Ratios No Yes Define Shim Stack + Test Damper on Dyno Compare Results with Theoretical + Test on Car + + Validate Damping Law + No Theoretical Calculations and Analysis Physical Test and Analysis on Lab menu Project 306 Maxi Daniel Serrano software simulations To validate a damper setting, the usual methodology is to test on-board a variety of damping settings. This is an expensive process needing about 10 iterations and relying on driver and test conditions. I developed a model simulator on Simulink that allowed to pretest damping settings and adapt them to the unique characteristics of the car. As a result of the pretests, we only need to go through one iteration on the front damper and none on the rear damper. menu Project 206 S1600 Daniel Serrano assembly design I designed the physical components of the damper as the different simulation were done. The whole process was faster and less tentative due to the data obtained during the simulations. menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano detail design menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano design analysis Commercial damper dynos test dampers at predefined frequencies. The outputs are the force, speed and position at the the damper rod. The obtained data needs to be post-processed to obtain any useful information. I conceived a software application and conceptualized the GUI in Matlab in order to analyze the damper response on the car wheels. The tool allowed to compare different settings for the same end an compare front and rear responses to better understand the coupling effects. menu Project 206 S1600 Daniel Serrano rear damper menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano KINEMATICS Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano mcpherson strut • • I developed a software to analyze the kinematics of the suspension components. The goals were: • menu to understand the effects on the set-up to understand the relationships between the different components to design an optimized solution Project 206 S1600 Daniel Serrano semi-trailing arms visualization plot variations menu Project 206 S1600 Daniel Serrano ELECTRICAL HARNESSES Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano power harness design Printed 30/01/2001, 15:34:07 BM34: Cajetín Potencia Motor Long. 2D56A-06 (CC – BM34) OJIVA B OJIVA A 2D56A-04 (BAT - CC) REFERENCIA LONG. OJIVA A OJIVA B CABLE 2D56A-03 325 6-10 6-10 Radaflex 0.6Kv 16mm 2D56A-04 1850 6-10 6-10 2D56A-06 975 6-10 6-10 Radaflex 0.6Kv 16mm 2 Radaflex 0.6Kv 16mm 2 2 2D56A-03 (MASA – BAT) - + Salvo indicación, tolerancias generales según ISO 2768 -mK Este dibujo es de nuestra propiedad. No puede ser reproducido o distribuido sin consentimiento escrito Bateria Dibujado: Material: Tratamiento: menu D.S.H Peugeot Sport España B.M.Racing Titulo: Papel: Escala: Instalación de Potencia 206 XS Nº Plano: 2D56A-00 Rev: A Hoja: 1/1 Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano control harness design Printed 27/03/2001, 15:33:03 7 6 17 6V Negro Inyección 4V Negro Patm 2V Gris 8 2V Negro 11 12 3V Azul Tª Agua PAP 18 13 2V Negro Régimen Manocontacto DA 2V azul 19 16 3 14 32 V Gris 15 4V Verde Lambda 380 Derivación 2 16V Rojo BM34 4V gris Bobinas 2V Gris 2 V Negro Centralita Bosch Origen 20 2V Azul 1 Tronco 4 Tronco 3 Tronco 2 330 32V Negro 21 Tronco 1 Masa 210 2 Derivación 0 Derivación 3 Masa Velocidad 3V blanco 2 V Blanco Derivación 1 620 10 4V Azul Lambda 9 23 3V Amarillo 22 130 4 200 2 V Negro 5 24 55V Centralita Marelli 1AS 25 4V Negro Diálogo PC Versión Multiplexado Salvo indicación, tolerancias generales según ISO 2768 -mK Este dibujo es de nuestra propiedad. No puede ser reproducido o distribuido sin consentimiento escrito Dibujado: Material: Tratamiento: D.S.H Peugeot Sport España B.M.Racing Titulo: Papel: Escala: Instalación motor modificada 206 XS Nº Plano: 2D60D-01 Rev: A Hoja: 1/2 ! menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano technical documents Documentació 4. SISTEMA D n técnica 206 XS – Desafío ocumen Peugeot tació Total n té cnica 206 Tota XS – Des l afío NUM DE FRENO S Peug e ot MAT El KIT se co ERIA mpone de lo s siguientes L INSTelementos: x KIT DE CA ALAC NALIZACIONE TIPO IÓN 1 S MAR AR Adap CAJE x KIT DE FR t ENO DE MAN a d o 2 O HIDRÁ r E LON tique Cana ULICO x KIT DE FE G tado NOS DELAN M12 3TEROS lización x m 1 A m RAC 00 a x LIMITAD dpat OR -3 OR DE FREN4 ador ENT Flex. ADA TRASER RAD Avia O Adap x SERVOFR A ción t a ENO S d ALID or 1/8 N 021 5 A BAR TP a Cana x PASTILLA -LIM -3 lizac S DE FREN 1 6 OS ión /8 NT 1 750 Adap Pa3 tado 4.1 KIT DE C Flex. r 90º ANALIZA7 CIOAda A v iació NEpS tado n 02 Rect Las canalizac 8 3 r a 7/1 5 LIM o iones se m Cana 6 ontan -BFM aerokit flexi sust li itu z ye ble e incluyen a nd o a las 3de c 9 ió / 8 n to a de arandela orig do 105 s los adapta Tp s de cobre asam dores necesa -3 en. Están realizadas en fijas. usroen 1en s. Se aconse Rect 0 los lugare s que se Flex. rio ja A o el Cana montaje montenvia locsiónadaptado lizac Los racores 90º 0 1 3x3 ión 28 B res a piezas de acoplam1 FM-T mach ientoAd apntadel tip una buena so A o R s d estanqueid1ad or o cono-c Flex 2 basta . on Un apriete 87 Avo, po Cana con apretarlo ontrac excesivo pr s a la manoiaciónr lo que para asegurar 0 lizac ov oc consiguiente 1 ar ía más un 03cu deió 90º fonrmaciones M10x1 s pérdidas3 en Ad 0 ar R to en las00ar ARde vuelta. el a a is ciprc taui -3tas de ciD . doto 90º El kit de cana Flex. 14 erre, con la r lizaciones seTap 87s0 Avia com ción ónpone de la s siguieMnt R 032 10es ecto x1pa RGA 00rt : aes R -3 Con 90º M12 el ob x100 870 NUM adap jeto MAT tIA de f adLo Rect MARCAJE encER acPO o ilit LONG hufe res pas TI s rá amu ar las a RA i n CO 90º R s Etiq ros pido siue INSTALACIÓtalac ta s do te n c dela s pa N AVione mm i a EN n s TR s r AD t a L 0 A e e a es 30R SALIDA 1 Adaptado DAR las pin ros por n carrer r quem a, se zas ench y 03 ática M10x100 S a t 2 -3 u e r p RGA 2 f aser de m e Canalizacpióenrm R. as s es rápid rmite l onta it cana a su Flex. Av os, iemp iaciójen s01 lizac e el em s a 3 e 2 r BA T pasa e Vp a dismeuros ión leo d djun TAV que sí como titución 585 ñada real-3 t e a de lo x 90 e 3 izad macho casna º stén 90 la a e . n 4 e s a sig l ane lizac Cana Sliz situºa dición e ac n peió a i x o o n d e r de Flex. Aviación xac e m a d s s e i t n r e plan ígi en am 5 01t4 la s RD Pasaºm9ure AV en os las s 5de te la da74 debe osn reinctsota ust-3 ituac-3 alum Rectoy mont i e l ó a n s n c a 45 q 6 d º i i je. de lo uem ón d nio o Canalizacióne se ática r de Flexelan s pa c s m t ran 01 acer . Avia de l obre sie 7 ) o 6 aPD u .2taK o, n eció Ad4ap a ca AV ros f doIrT 43 o s 0 naliz mpre q u i nale M10x100 eas-3 DE F Recto adic tand u acºió s i p 90 8 ó S o o n R n fle e la Caenacliz r en en n ENO en l ión oac m x c i n h ible p a Fl g u ex o s así c .DAv ún c fes ne ción 018 RG cana EiaM 9 our aso Pasa mos AV A lizac rápidos m o dreectodel sop N p 74 5 e O i r ora mitid Rectoones (p -3 la pa HIDR Com 10 os lo lanc te-3de bo t 45ºasamur olizac ÁUL yaiósn a mo o s de raseras mba cCa onna e I C . Es s Fl ex e d a l . os e O Avia xplic lumi ifició ePG canda 02d tos 11 frAV s 0 n Ad ó p e ap i á ta n o do e r y r . n l rago 430 El v de la o de m Recto á s deM10ex1 apaar -3 a horq 12 SeTapósntago d 90º tado serie 00 uilla no, la p e la perm , d e c r de fi M10x1 bie b entr i jació opia bo egad te el e omba p 00 n por so arrocerí mba n. a, e uede ldad mple o. de 0 l ura o d .625 al so soporte e b ser reco ’’ omb p p r o t u r ado te d e a d s e e or Edic p de ión igen ser fija fren ara ada do b . o d 01 ien e m ptar la EdiciónFecha 01 long ano 01/0 i t d u 4/08 e d d Fecha d e istin 01/04/08 to d monta je iáme tro . al Frenos 206 XS D206XS - 04 Fren os 20 1 6 XS D206 XS 04 2 menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano technical website I produced a website to facilitate customersʼ access to technical documentation upgrades and eliminate distribution costs of the paper version. The rally version was developed and published in 2007 http://www.peugeotsport-es.com/desafio/index.htm The homologous circuit version was developed in 2009 http://www.peugeotsport-es.com/circuito/index.htm menu Project 206 XS Desafio Daniel Serrano αβus the customizable touch screen interface Daniel Serrano αβus the customizable touch screen interface Project developed for a course on New Product Development during Fall 2009 I was part of the team of five students that developed a concept for a new computer interface. The new tool attempted to answer three questions: • Why can’t I see what I am about to type? • Why can’t I set up the keyboard of a computer as I please? • Why can’t we integrate all the computer peripherals in one single interface? You need an internet connection to download the keynote 10.5 Mb Germ of the idea During Summer of 2009 I attended the Summer Institute of International Scholars at Tufts University, where I shared experiences with twelve students form eight different countries. I could observe how painful was the experience of writing in an American typed keyboard for every one. To write a short email in the laptop of one of my Japanese friends took me a lot of time. It was a frustrating experience. The idea started as a new keyboard, evolving as we deep-dived. menu Daniel Serrano STRATEGY Daniel Serrano strategy Company R Document Link How to... Experience Design 26.8 Mb Business Strategy 3.5 Mb South Africa International Strategy 1.7 Mb Agent Based Simulation Paper Model 2.5 Mb menu Daniel Serrano