1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828


1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Ben Awongo AJ
Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner
7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm
Monday - Saturday 8:00am
Daily, after morning Mass
Tuesday, after morning Mass
Perpetual Adoration
Sacrament of Penance
Vocation Holy Hour
Baptism and Marriage
24 hours
Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm
1st Friday, 8:00am Mass
Please call Parish Office
1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118
Saint John School : 760 944-8227
[email protected] www.saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnschool.com
Page 2
Saint John the Evangelist
“None can love freedom heartily, but good men.
The rest love not freedom, but license!”
... ‘From sea to shining sea’, Monday (4) is our
special day! Picnics and parades, barbeques and
baseball games, fireworks sparkling in the night
sky! Happy Independence Day!
... On the Fourth of July we celebrate the formal
adoption by the Continental Congress of the Declaration of Independence, which announced the
American colonies’ freedom from Great Britain.
... But our celebration of Independence Day has
also always recalled our history as a nation turned
towards God. “We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable
rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
... In 1776, John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail:
“I am apt to believe that this day will be celebrated
by succeeding generations ... with pomp and parade,
bonfires and illuminations, from this time for ever
more”! Gratitude!
... Plan to be part of our special Independence Day
Family Mass on Monday (4), at 9:00am.
... “Be a Witness of Charity!” is the theme Pope
Francis has chosen for his ‘Peter’s Pence’ collection, which supports his multi-faceted charitable
works. Please give generously.
... Father Joseph Mwongela, Vicar General of the
Diocese of Kitui, in Kenya, truly appreciates your
warm welcome and hospitality. This weekend (3)
Father Joseph is seeking support for his young and
needy Diocese at Saint Agnes Church, Point Loma.
... All are invited to Hawkes Home Open House
and Barbeque on Sunday (17) from 12:00pm to
3:00pm. Parishioners Harvey and Joyce Noel
founded and established Hawkes Home Inc. as a
recovery home for men transitioning from custody
to a responsible and productive life in society. It’s
at 1020 Marbo Terrace, Vista, CA 92084. For more
info contact Harley and Joyce at 760 635-0935.
... Our Saint John School Office remains open over
the Summer, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to
12:00pm. Give our children the best, enroll them in
our great school! For more info call 760 944-8227
or visit www.saintjohnschool.com. Serving!
... Our Annual Catholic Appeal supports the wonderful ministry of our Diocese. Please consider
making a pledge if you haven’t already done so.
July 3, 2016
... Plan to be with us on Saturday and Sunday,
August 6 and 7, for our Fiesta de las Flores 2016.
Lots of food, fun and entertainment for everyone!
... Tickets for our Fiesta Grand Drawing, on August 7, with prizes of $5,000, $2,500, $1,000 and
$500 are readily available. Tickets are $2 each or a
book of 30 for $50. Be sure to get yours in!
... Congratulations to Donald Jones on being the
winner of $200.00 in our first ‘early bird’ drawing.
There will be another one next week (10), so get
your tickets in soon! Don is one of our ever faithful
Money Counters and a long time parishioner.
... ‘Thank You’ to the many hands that raised our
Fiesta Tent on Saturday (25)! Mighty! Our Stage
and Beer Garden set up is on Saturday (16), from
9:00am! Helping hands again needed!
... Want to help out? Bring along a ‘Six Pack’ of
anything liquid (water, sodas) with you to Mass!
Make it a ‘Six Pack Sunday’!
... Our Saint John Bible Camp “Following Jesus,
the Light of the World” is on Monday (18) to Friday (22), from 8:30am to 12:00pm, in our Hall.
For more info, please call 760 436-0664.
... Contributions last weekend (26) amounted to
$13,864.00 with 308 families using envelopes. A
further $5,409.00 was contributed ‘online’ .
... A mighty ‘Thank You’ to our Altar Society for
their generous contributions of $2,000.00 to Father
Joseph’s Appeal, and a further $1,500.00 to Saint
John towards our liturgical needs.
... The Academy of Our Lady of Peace (OLP) will
host its first Alumnae Reunion Weekend for OLP
graduates over the weekend of August 12 – 13. To
learn more, and to register, visit aolp.org
... Our Lady of Refuge, whose feast day is Tuesday
(5), is secondary patroness of our Diocese.
… Our 4th Annual Knights of Columbus Golf
Tournament is on Saturday (16), at the Twin Oaks
Golf Course, in San Marcos. $64.00 per golfer includes a great lunch. Forms are available in the
Parish Office. All are welcome!
... ‘Explorer Day’ is a discernment experience for
men interested in learning more about priestly
ministry. The next ‘Explorer Day’ is on Saturday,
(16), 8:30am - 3:00pm at Saint Francis Center. For
more info talk to Father Ben, Father Brian or call
Father Lauro Minimo at 619 291-7446.
... “Liberty is the only thing you cannot have
unless you give it to others!” Happy ‘4th of July’!
Page 3
Saint John the Evangelist
July 3, 2016
“Fresh Coffee & Delicious Donuts”
Holy Name Society
hosts coffee and donuts
every Sunday after morning Masses.
Come join us in the Parish Hall.
Adults wishing to learn more about the
Catholic faith!
►Have you joined us from another religion and
would now like to find out more about the
Catholic Church?
►Have you been worshiping with us, but have never taken the
step to become Catholic?
►Were you baptized a Catholic but have never completed the
Sacraments of Initiation - Confirmation and Eucharist?
►Would you like to discover more about what it means to be a
Join us this Tuesday (5) at 7:00pm in the Hall.
For more info call 760 753-6254
Fourth of July
Family Mass
Monday (4) at 9:00am
Some say tomato—and some say tomahto—you know the
old song. What do you say when you arrive at church and see a
font prepared, a baby in the wings, the paschal candle burning?
Well, maybe you will say that “we’re having a baptism today,”
or maybe you say “we are having a christening.” The proper
term is baptism, since that is the name of the sacrament. But the
persistent use of “christening” in our culture, probably from
due to the influence of the Episcopal Church, is interesting.
Baptism, an ancient word, is from the Greek meaning to
dip or to dunk. Christening is an Old English word that describes perfectly well that more than getting splashed with water, the person being baptized is being “Christ-ed.” No matter
what you call it, there’s always water involved, and then an
anointing with chrism—fragrant olive oil consecrated as a sign
of Christ’s presence—poured upon the brow as we say, “As
Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King, so may you live
always as a member of his body, sharing everlasting life.”
So, in being Christ-ed, you are conformed to his image,
your life is expected to be a retelling of his life in miniature and
you—even though you may be squirming or sleeping—are
commissioned to be a priest, a prophet, a king. This means that
you are called to be one who worships, you are called to speak
the truth, you are called to shape the world and exercise right
judgment. That is the deepest treasure of our tradition, and
every time you gather to celebrate a baptism, you renew your
vows precisely so that you can be more “Christ-ed.” No matter
what vocabulary you assign to the liturgy, the key is transformation of the human person in the community of the Body of
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Hawkes Home, Inc.
Open House and Barbeque
Sunday, July 17 from 12:00pm-3:00pm
Bring your friends and family!
1020 Marbo Terrace, Vista 92064
For more info. Harley and Joyce Noel 760 635-0935 or
July 18-22 from 8:30am-12:00pm
kids currently in grades K-5
Registration is available on the Parish & School
websites, School, Parish and Religious Ed offices.
For more info, contact Religious Ed Office at
760 436-0664
Page 4
Saint John the Evangelist
Please Keep in Your Prayers
Karen Adamsen, Martha Amador, Ruth Ariza, Phyllis
Azarro, Anthony Baggio, Thomas Baglio, Rosily Baratono,
Cindy Bausch, Aiden Blenderman, Maura Brown, Taylor
Camisa, Joe Corder, Rob Crewse, Maria Day, Edward Dillon, Barbara Dorion, Ashlie Dunlap, Stefan Edgerly, Greg
Fix, Kathy Fix, Nick Fix, Patty Fix, Jean Gallagher, Jane
Glasson, Manny Gonzales, Carolyn Goohs, George Hall,
Aria Johnson, Maria Johnson, Cheyne Johnston, Neal Kusumoto,, Eva King, Skyler Koehne, Stella Lubera, Julianne
Maier, Andy Maduza, Pat McKinley, Robert McLoughlin,
Lucy Mee, Maria Mendez, Patty Moore, Luz Nieve, Eileen
O’Connor, Grace Oreb, Mary Ann Pavnic, Joaquin Perez,
Peter Pongwattana, Jennifer Proder, David Quessenberry,
David Rambeau, Ashley Ray, Tom Rechsteiner, Elizabeth
Roney, Selena Sandoval, Douglas Schmude, Brad Smith,
Lori Smith, Gina Stack, Andrew Todd, Nancy Tsoubris,
Jerry Tunnero, Grant and Griffin Waller, Ken Watts, Bernard Wessel and John Whitty.
Rest in Peace
Larry Parsons and Chris LaBounty
We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.
Live on the Internet
9:00 am Mass
July 2
July 3
July 4
July 5
July 6
July 7
July 8
July 9
July 10
July 3, 2016
Special Intention
Jan Feiner †
Fourteenth Sunday
Is 66:10-14c; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9]
7:30am Jim and Helen Hickey †
9:00am Helen Sleeper †
10:30am Phil Petraglia †
Miko Morrissey
12:00pm Parishioners
5:00pm Maria Fierro †
Jeremy Combs †
Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Mt 9:18-26
9:00am Parishioners
Liz Snyker †
Saint Anthony Zaccaria & Saint Elizabeth
Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Mt 9:32-38
8:00am Laila Clary †
Saint Maria Goretti
Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Mt 10:1-7
8:00am Patlan and DiSilva Families †
Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Mt 10:7-15
8:00am Maryjo Burcher †
Hos 14:2-10; Mt 10:16-23
8:00am The Edington Family †
Saint Augustine Zhao Rong
Is 6:1-8; Mt 10:24-33
8:00am Special Intention
5:00pm Special Intention
Fifteenth Sunday
Dt 30:10-14; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37
7:30am Judith Everett †
9:00am John the Baptist To†
10:30am Special Intention
12:00pm Sage Kiesel †
5:00pm Parishioners
Perpetual Adoration
Academy of our Lady of Peace
An all girls Catholic College Preparatory High School
Alumnae Reunion Weekend
August 12th and 13th
Open to all graduates of all class years.
For more info, 619 725-9118 or www.aolp.org
Remember to patronize
our advertisers for making the
bulletin possible. Thank you!
We are looking for more substitutes, especially
Volunteers are needed for:
Sunday, 1:00 am, 2:00am
Monday, 3:00pm
Wednesday, 2:00am
Thursday, 12:00pm (noon)
Saturday, 3:00pm
We also need another volunteer for Day Captain to
take charge of arranging substitutes for regular adorers on the Captain’s assigned day.
Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573
Lupe Cardona (Sp)760 753-7784
Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the
Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night,
seven days a week. All are welcome!
Pagina 5
Saint John the Evangelist
Julio 3, 2016
El saludo de la paz en la Misa fundamenta un
mensaje de las lecturas de hoy: la paz es relacional.
Cuando le damos la paz a
la persona que está cerca
de nosotros en la Misa,
compartimos el roce de
un apretón de manos o un
abrazo, el contacto visual
sincero y palabras
Las Escrituras hablan
de una paz similar. La
primera lectura de Isaías
describe la paz como la
ciudad sagrada, Jerusalén,
un lugar de prosperidad y de consuelo donde “Los siervos
del Señor conocerán su poder”.
El entendimiento cristiano de la paz cambia
ligeramente. San Pablo escribe sobre “la paz y la
misericordia” para todos los que son nuevas criaturas.
Jesús describe un sentimiento de paz que se posará sobre
los que aceptan a sus discípulos y a su mensaje.
La paz es tanto la ausencia de conflictos como una
bendición personal. Que siempre y sinceramente
traigamos paz a nuestras propias vidas mientras la
compartimos con los demás.
En muchos santuarios de Latinoamérica y Europa se
pueden encontrar diversas ofrendas que han dejado los
fieles a través de los siglos. Entre estas ofrendas es de
particular relieve el exvoto. Exvoto (una frase en latín
que se traduce “del voto”) es el regalo que se le presenta
al santo o a la santa en reconocimiento del favor recibido.
Esto también se llama “manda”.
Los exvotos o mandas toman varias formas desde
pequeñas medallas en forma de la parte del cuerpo que
fue sanado hasta pinturas del milagro concedido. El
exvoto más antiguo en América es de una pintura
mandada a hacer por Hernán Cortés en honor de Nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe de Extremadura (España). Esta
imagen reconocía el hecho de ser salvado del piquete de
un alacrán mientras estaba en México. Lamentablemente
esta pintura se extravió en el siglo XIX.
En realidad el santo o la santa no necesita el exvoto
pero los creyentes sí. Estas mandas nos recuerdan el
poder de la intercesión divina en la vida humana.
También nos invitan al agradecimiento de los favores que
Dios nos hace.
Este es un curso de 48 horas que ofrece la
Diócesis de San Diego.
Si Usted esta interesado/a en tomar este curso
puede llamar e inscribirse en la Diócesis llamen a
Leticia Trent Tel: 858 490-8237.
También pueden inscribirse aquí en la parroquia.
Por favor llamen al 760-436-4366
El curso será los martes empezando el 19 de
julio de 6:00 pm. a 9:00pm.. Habrá algunas clases en
sábado de 9:00 am. a 12:00 p.m. para mas
información por favor llamen a la oficina. Después
de 5 de Julio.
Agosto 6 -7
1pr Premio $5,000; 2nd Premio $2,500;
3rd Premio $1,000; 4th Premio $500
Compren sus boletos para que ganen.
Información importante para los Adultos
que desean aprender sobre la Fe Católica
El RICA es el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: se
entiende por adulto a alguien
que es mayor de 14 años
El RICA es un programaproceso dirigido a aquellas
personas adultas que están buscando y preguntando
ha se acerca de la vida católica
►Usted ya fue Bautizado/a pero nunca a completado los Sacramentos de Iniciación — Confirmación
y Eucaristía.
► Viene a la iglesia pero no entiende muy bien la
religión católica?
► Le gustaría descubrir más sobre lo que quiere
decir ser Católico?
Si tienen preguntas, por favor llamen a
Mary Moran al 760 436-4366
El Padre Ben llego a San Juan, el dia primero de
Julio del 2015. Ya tiene un año con nosotros.
Muchas gracias Padre, por su dedicación y servicio.
Page 6
Saint John the Evangelist
July 3, 2016
Saint John School
Pre-school - Grade 8
Principal : Dan Schuh
760 944-8227
Summer Office Hours,9:00am-12:00pm
Saint John Preschool
Kindergarten Readiness Program:
“Building the whole child in preparation for kindergarten”
For more info, or to schedule a tour, call
Annette Conrad at 760 944-8227 or
[email protected]
August 6-7
1st Prize $5,000; 2nd Prize
3rd Prize $1,000; 4th Prize $500
‘If you are not in, you cannot win!’
Stage and Beer
Saturday, July 16,
9:00am to 12:00pm
Booth and Lights
Saturday, July 23,
9:00am to 12:00pm
Early Bird Drawing - July 10 !
Get your Raffle Tickets NOW!
$2.00 each or a
book of 30 for $50!
Tickets available at the
Parish Office
Religious Education
Saint John School
Religious Education
‘Faithways’ Junior-High
Youth Ministry
Hispanic Ministry
Music Ministry
Dan Schuh
Ann McGinnis
Nicole Steele
Isaac Deken
Mary Moran
Julie Marner
760 944-8227
760 436-0664
760 753-4279
760 753-3679
760 436-4366
760 753-6254
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adoration (Spanish)
Centering Prayer
Adult Faith
Liz Beiner
Ken Poggenburg
Lupe Cardona
Shirley Shetula
760 753-6254
760 635-2573
760 753-7784
760 525-6721
Altar Society
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Culture of Life
Holy Name
Knights of Columbus
Saint Vincent de Paul
Joi Catlin
Blane Adessa
Richard Weston
David Pavnic / Chris Cammack
Jennifer Grethel
Olivia Reynaga
Rick Decker
Pat Connors
Sandra Watson
Nettie March
760 470-6316
760 944-0626
760 230-6183
760 753-6254
760 753-6254
760 753-5230
760 753-6254
760 822-3639
760 753-3056
760 753-6254

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1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828

1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Please Keep in Your Prayers Karen Adamsen, Martha Amador, Ruth Ariza, Phyllis Azarro, Anthony Baggio, Thomas Baglio, Rosily Baratono, Cindy Bausch, Aiden Blenderman, Maura Brown, Taylor Camisa, Joe...

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