Schedule Pick Up! Thursday, August 22 – Seniors – 8:00


Schedule Pick Up! Thursday, August 22 – Seniors – 8:00
Important Information!!
Schedule Pick Up!
Thursday, August 22 –
Seniors – 8:00-11:00am
Juniors – 12:30-3:30pm
Friday, August 23 –
Sophomore – 8:00-11:00am
Freshman – 12:30-3:30pm
*You must bring proof of
residency to get your
Dear Parent/Guardian,
McKinney ISD is excited to announce that families of returning students can now update their student’s
information online through the Home Access Center (HAC). Registration for returning students will
open on August 5 and remain available through September 2, 2013. During the week of July 29th, you
will receive an email containing your HAC login id, password and instructions on registering/updating
student information. In order for the district to successfully communicate this information, it is requested
that you provide your child’s campus with a valid email address. If you have not previously provided a
valid email address to the district, please contact your child’s campus to do so. If you do not have an email
account and need to obtain your HAC login id and password, please contact your child’s campus to obtain
this information. Once you have completed all of the update information, you will submit electronically.
We are pleased to inform you that there are no forms to be printed and returned to the school; however, we
will need you to send your Proof of Residency with your child when they come to pick up their schedule.
Your child must bring proof of residency to receive their schedule. Please print your child’s first and
last name on the proof of residency document you submit. If you have more than one child at an individual
campus, please put each child’s name on the proof of residency. Campuses do not have the capability to
share proof of residency. If you have children at multiple campuses, please send a copy to each campus.
MISD accepts the following documents as proof of residency: current utility bill (electric, water, or gas
bill), a contract on a home with closing dates and signatures, or a signed apartment lease. If you are unable
to provide us with a copy to keep for our records, please stop in the office at your child’s campus to have a
copy made for you.
Thank you for your continuing support in preparing for another successful school year!
Estimado Padre/Tutor Legal,
Es un gran placer para McKinney ISD anunciarles que ahora las familias de estudiantes que retornan al distrito
el próximo año escolar pueden actualizar la información de sus estudiantes en línea a través del Home Access
Center (siglas HAC, en inglés). La inscripción de estudiantes que retornan comenzará el día 5 de agosto
y permanecerá disponible hasta el día 2 de septiembre de 2013. Durante la semana del 29 de julio ustedes
recibirán un correo electrónico conteniendo su identificación para iniciar la sesión (login id) en HAC, la
contraseña y las instrucciones para inscribir / actualizar la información del estudiante. Para que el distrito pueda
comunicarle esta información exitosamente, le solicitamos que le proporcione a la oficina del plantel escolar de
su hijo/a una dirección de correo electrónico válida. Si hasta el momento usted no le ha proporcionado dicha
informacion al distrito escolar, le pedimos que por favor contacte la oficina del plantel escolar de su hijo/a para
hacerlo. Si no tiene una cuenta de correo electrónico y necesita obtener su identificación para iniciar la sesión
en HAC y la contraseña, por favor contacte la oficina del plantel escolar para obtener dicha información. Una
vez haya completado toda la actualización de la información, usted podrá someter la inscripción de su hijo/a
También deseamos informarle que ya no hay que llenar formularios para imprimir y devolver a la escuela; no
obstante, necesitamos que nos envíe por medio de su hijo/a la Prueba de Residencia cuando él/ella venga a
recoger su plan de clases. Sin su Prueba de Residencia, no le entregaremos su plan de clases. Favor de anotar
en letra de imprenta el nombre y apellido de su hijo/a en el documento de prueba de residencia que usted
someta. Si usted tiene más de un hijo/a en un plantel individual, por favor anote el nombre de cada uno en la
prueba de residencia. Los planteles no tienen la capacidad de compartir entre ellos la prueba de residencia. Si
usted tiene hijos/as en distintos planteles, por favor envíe una copia a cada plantel. MISD acepta los siguientes
documentos como prueba de residencia: factura mas reciente de los servicios públicos (luz, agua, o gas), un
contrato para la compra de una residencia con las fechas del cierre de la transacción y firmas correspondientes,
o un contrato firmado de arrendamiento de un apartamento. Si no le es posible proporcionarnos una copia para
mantenerla en nuestros archivos, por favor pase por la oficina del plantel de su hijo/a para que le impriman una
¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo continuado en los preparativos para otro exitoso año escolar!
Picture Day!
Tuesday, August 27th – Freshmen and
Junior yearbook and student ID picture
Friday, August 30 – Sophomore yearbook
and student ID picture and Senior
student ID picture
*Remember to bring $3.00 to purchase
your student ID on your designated
picture day!!
You will need this ID throughout the year
for various school sponsored events at
McKinney North High School Class of 2014
Senior Reserved
Painted Parking Spaces
Painting Day: August 23rd at 9:00am. Report To: G119 For permits and design approval Most Spirited Contest: Winners receive $50 (two chosen) Cost for Reserved Spot: $50 + Cost for a Permit: $50 Please see attached forms for details! •
The Process
Friday, August 23, 2013 – We will start selling spots at 8:30 – Noon in G119
o Step 1: Purchase a Parking Permit for $50
 What you need?
• Cash/check for $50 made payable to MNHS
• The completed and signed application for the parking permit (see attached)
• A copy of your driver’s license
• A copy of your insurance card
o Step 2 – Purchase a reserved space for painting
o What you need:
 Proof of purchase of a parking permit
 Check/cash for $50 made payable to MNHS
 A signed copy of the Reserved Painted Parking Space Contract (See Attached)
 Design for your parking spot MUST be attached or drawn on the back of the
contract and must be approved prior to painting. We will keep this so make a
copy for yourself.
 The design may not exceed the parking space outline, and it must be school
appropriate. Black may only be used as an accent/outline.
o Step 3: Select reserved parking space
o Your parking spot is determined on first come first serve basis. First in line is first
to pick! If you get out of line for any reason you will be moved to the back of the
line. No Exceptions.
PAINTING DAY – August 23rd 8:30am – 7:00pm ONLY!
o To be considered for the “Most Spirited” contest your spot must be completed by 7:00pm on
August 23, 2013.
 What you need:
• A broom to sweep off your spot before painting. (This will save you lots of
• Your copy of approved design
• Appropriate colored paint – see below for approved colors. Mr. Bourland or
Mrs. Homer MUST approve paint colors BEFORE you begin painting.
• Home Depot: Rich Navy GLB25 and Behr Dragon Fire (have paint
mixed as concrete paint)
• Lowe’s: Mystified 4011-8 and Valspar floor/porch paint color of Island
Orange (have paint mixed as concrete paint)
• White and Black (outline use only) (have paint mixed as concrete
• Paint Brushes or paint rollers and any other supplies you may need.
PRIOR to May 27, 2014:
Students are required to paint over the entire parking space in RICH Navy GLB25 or Mystified 4011-8.
Spot must be painted over even if you never painted your spot. Failure to do so will result in a $100
fine that must be cleared BEFORE graduation.
Reserved Painted Parking Spaces Student Contract
Name:_________________________________________ ID Number:________________________
Address:_____________________________________ Cell Phone Number:___________________
License Plate Number:__________________________ Parking Permit Number:________________
I hereby agree to abide by all of the following rules and regulations corresponding to my privilege of
having a reserved painted parking spot:
-­‐ Upon purchasing my parking spot I will only use the paint colors listed below.
o Home Depot: Rich Navy GLB25 and Behr Dragon Fire – mixed as concrete paint.
o Lowe’s: Mystified 4011-8 and Valspar floor and porch paint Island Orange (mixed as
concrete paint)
o White and Black (outline ONLY) (mixed as concrete paint)
-­‐ I will only paint within the marked parking space that I selected and will never paint
-­‐ I must bring my own brushes and painting supplies to decorate my spot.
-­‐ You MUST paint your assigned parking spot number in the bottom middle of the space.
-­‐ I will paint only school appropriate designs.
-­‐ I understand that all painting must be finished by 7:00pm on August 23, 2013.
-­‐ If I do not abide by all of these rules, I understand my parking spot will be taken away and
will be painted over, and I will not receive a refund.
-­‐ If I park in someone else’s painted parking spot, I will receive disciplinary action.
-­‐ I agree to paint over my entire parking space in Rich Navy GLB25 or Mystified 4011-8
(mixed as concrete paint) by May 27,2014
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Please provide a detailed sketch of the design you would like approved in the diagram below. Please
note the paint colors you will be using for each part of your design. McKinney North WILL keep this
Design Approved by:___________________________