February 22, 2015 - Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church


February 22, 2015 - Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Pastor: Fr. Mariano Varela, IVE
Fr. Octavio Cortez, IVE
Fr. Richard Yevchak, IVE
Deac. Fernando Flores, IVE in residence
Mark Frederick, ext 108
Shirley Pestka, ext. 101
Beth Shank, ext. 109
Beverly Miller ext. 110
Music&Liturgy:Lisa Knutson ext. 102
ParishTrustee:Frank Cesario
Daniel Scott
512 Mulberry St. 387-2565
IVEHighSchoolSeminary: 387-2565
7:00 am Mondaythru Friday
8:00 am Saturday
5:15 pm
7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am
1:00 pm (Españ ol)
See bulletin
SSPeter&PaulParishOf ice:
105 North Fifth St. Mankato, MN 56001
Phone: 507-388-2995
Fax: 507-388-7661
E-mail: [email protected]
11 am-noon; & 4-5 pm
After the 7:00 am Mass
Contact the Parish Of ice at least one month
in advance of the desired date. The usual
time for Baptism is at 4:15 pm the last Saturday of the month.
For registered, participating members of
the Parish, arrangements for preparation
and the date are made by contacting one of
the pastors, at least six months before the
All articles for the bulletin are due by 2 pm on
Tuesday. Bulletin articles should always be
turned in to the parish of ice with a contact person’s name and phone number.
Please register at the Parish Of ice.
Mass Intentions
23 Monday: 7:00 AM
+Dolores Goodrich: Dean Goodrich
+Mary Marso: Don & Joanne Kvasnicka
24 Tuesday: 7:00 AM
+Dee Tacheny: Nicholas Engel
Intentions of the Pope: Mallory Hoffman
Oaklawn Health Care: 3:30 pm +Souls in
Purgatory: Mallory Hoffman
25 Wednesday: 7:00 AM
+Les Schneider, Sr.: Les and Phyllis Schneider
+Sister Mary Blanche, ISM: Clarence & Lillian Sehe
+All Orphaned Souls: Lai & Khuou Nguyen
26 Thursday: 7:00 AM
+Anniv. of Rich Landwehr: Fran Landwehr
+Anniv. of Father Raphael Hochhaus, S.J.: Clarence
and Lillian Sehe
+Deceased and Living of Dick and Bea Kunst
Family: Mrs. Don Ray
27 Friday: 7:00 AM
+Phyllis Niederegger: Tom and Nita Looft
+Bertha & Alfred Tresch: Liz Tabor
+Deceased of Nguyen Family: Lai & Khuou Nguyen
28 Saturday: 8:00 AM
+Wally Zellmer: Delores W eimar
+Sharon Yonkovich: Mike Y onkovich
+Raymond Roesch: Family
Weekly Schedule
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
Mt 25:31-46
Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19;
Mt 6:7-15
Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13,
18-19; Lk 11:29-32
Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:
1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12
Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8;
Mt 5:20-26
Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8;
Mt 5:43-48
Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps
116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk
Sunday, February 22
8:40 am and 10:40 am Catechism Class- Room 302
Coffee/Rolls in Jesuit Hall after 9:30 Mass
5:00 PM Stations of the Cross followed by Soup Supper
Monday, February 23
7:00 pm KC Meeting Upper Room
Tuesday, February 24
7:30 am to 12 noon Adoration in Xavier Chapel
6:00 pm Finance Council in Room 203
Wednesday, February 25
9 am to 12 noon Mission Quilting in Upper Room
6:00 pm RCIA meets in Rom 203 of Xavier Hall
6:00 pm Re-Discover Catholicism –Room 302 Xavier
Thursday, February 26
7:00 pm Rosary for Priests in Xavier Hall Chapel
Friday, February 27
7:30 am to 6 pm Adoration in Xavier Chapel
Saturday, February 28
9:00 am Legion of Mary in Xavier Room 203
3 3
The following is a continuation of a written document of the USCCB regarding the Mass and Communion 2006
In virtue of our membership in the Catholic Church we are ordinarily free to receive Holy Communion. (CIC, c. 912: “Any baptized person not prohibited by law can and must be admitted to holy communion.” see also cc. 213 and 843) In
fact, it is most desirable that we receive the Lord’s Body and Blood, so that Holy Communion stands
out clearly as a participation in the sacrifice actually being celebrated. Indeed, we should all cherish
the grace given to us in the Eucharist. We should strive to receive Holy Communion regularly, gratefully, and worthily. We may find ourselves in situations, however, where an examination of our conscience before God
reveals to us that we should refrain from partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ. Moreover, we should be cautious
when making judgments about whether or not someone else should receive Holy Communion.
Lack of Sanctifying Grace In order to receive Holy Communion we must be in communion with God and with the
Church. Mortal sin constitutes a rejection of communion with God and destroys the life of grace within us. Mortal sin is
an act violating God’s law that involves grave matter and that is performed with both full knowledge and complete consent of the will. If we are no Longer in the state of grace because of mortal sin, we are seriously obliged to refrain from
receiving Holy Communion until we are reconciled with God and the Church. While we remain members of the body of
Christ and continue to be part of the Catholic Church, we have become lifeless or dead members. We no longer share in
the common bond of the divine life of the Holy Spirit. Because our sin has separated us from God and from our brothers
and sisters in Christ, we have forfeited our right to receive Holy Communion, for the Eucharist, by its very nature, expresses and nurtures this life-giving unity that the sinner has now lost. St. Paul warned the Corinthians that “whoever
eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord” (1 Cor
11:27). Manifesting the Father’s mercy, Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Penance precisely to allow us to confess our
sins in repentance, receive absolution from the priest, and so receive again the grace of the Holy Spirit, who once more
makes us living members of Christ’s body, the Church. (See Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter On the Eucharist (Ecclesia de Eucharistia), no.
37: “The two sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance are very closely connected. Because the Eucharist makes present the redeeming sacrifice of the Cross, perpetuating it sacramentally, it naturally gives rise to a continuous need for conversion, for a personal response to the appeal made by Saint Paul to the Christians of Corinth: ‘We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God’ (2 Cor 5:20). If a Christian’s conscience is burdened by serious sin, then the path of penance through
Objectively, certain thoughts, actions, and
omissions entail grave sinful matter. As Catholics, we are obliged to form our consciences regarding what constitutes
grave matter in accordance with the Church’s teaching. While it is not possible to make a complete list of thoughts and
actions that involve grave matter, they would all be serious violations of the law of love of God and of neighbor. If we
follow the order of the Ten Commandments, some examples of such thoughts and actions would be • Believing in or
honoring as divine anyone or anything other than the God of the Holy Scriptures • Swearing a false oath while invoking
God as a witness • Failing to worship God by missing Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation without a serious
reason, such as sickness or the absence of a priest (The Code of Canon Law obliges the faithful to participate in the Mass on each and every Sunday and holy day of obligation (see CIC, c. 1247) • Acting in serious disobedience against proper authority; dishonoring one’s parents by neglecting them in their need and infirmity • Committing murder, including abortion and euthanasia; harboring
deliberate hatred of others; sexual abuse of another, especially of a minor or vulnerable adult; physical or verbal abuse
of others that causes grave physical or psychological harm • Engaging in sexual activity outside the bonds of a valid
marriage (For different reasons, some Catholics find themselves in a marriage that is recognized according to civil law, but is not valid according to Church law.
the sacrament of Reconciliation becomes necessary for full participation in the Eucharistic Sacrifice.”
Each individual’s subjective moral state may vary. Nonetheless, persons in this situation should seek to have their marriage rectified according to the law of the
Church so that they may receive Holy Communion)
Father Mariano Varela, IVE
Do you feel you make the BEST Chili in town?
If so, bring it for the test and be this year’s winner!
Saturday, February 28, at 6:15 pm held in Jesuit Hall
The Whole Community is invited to attend, taste and vote for the chili you think is
the best. Come, join your community with fun, food, & fellowship! $5.00 per person
To enter your chili for the contest, please call Shirley Pestka
in the parish office, at 388-2995.
FEBRUARY 22, 2015
Loyola Catholic
Loyola Kindergarten classes
celebrated their 100th Day of School on February 16.
The students are proud to be “100 days smarter!”
On Tuesday, Loyola students in K-grade 5 enjoyed the MSU Theater department’s presentation of
Rabbit Tales, an original musical about the Golden
Rule. Catholic school students from Madelia, Madison
Lake and St. Peter joined us.
We have initiated our Lenten activities. Primary
students are having weekly Lenten prayer services, making donations to Food for the Poor, an outreach to families in need living in Latin America and the Caribbean,
and praying the living Way of the Cross. Intermediate
students are focusing on a change of heart, taking part in
prayer services centered on prayer, fasting and alms giving, the Way of the Cross, and the rosary. High school
students are making use of online daily Lenten reflections, praying the Way of the Cross, giving extra time to
prayer and service, participating in a Passover Haggadah, and collecting money to purchase a computer for
the staff and students at San Lucas parish in Guatemala.
Students will have an opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance during Lent..
Kindergarten Round Up is on March 10! Join
us at 4:30 or 6:30 for an hour-long introduction to our
Kindergarten program. Bring your Kindergartener-to-be
for special activities in our Kindergarten classrooms.
PHÚC ÂM: Mc 1, 12-15
"Chúa chịu Satan cám dỗ và các Thiên Thần hầu hạ
Người". Tin Mừng Chúa Giêsu Kitô theo Thánh Marcô.
Khi ấy, Thánh Thần thúc đẩy Chúa Giêsu vào hoang địa
và Người ở đó suốt bốn mươi đêm ngày, chịu Satan cám
dỗ, sống chung với dã thú và các Thiên Thần hầu hạ
Sau khi Gioan bị bắt, Chúa Giêsu sang xứ Galilêa, rao
giảng Tin Mừng của nước Thiên Chúa, Người nói:
"Thời giờ đã mãn, và nước Thiên Chúa đã gần đến; anh
em hãy ăn năn sám hối và tin vào Tin Mừng". Đó là lời
The 8th Annual “Pasta with the Padres” fundraiser for
ECHO Food shelf, sponsored by the four Mankato Area
Catholic Churches, will be held at St. Joseph the Worker
Catholic Church on Sunday, March 8th from 4 to 7 pm.
We will need a lot of helpers again this year with both
the dinner and Silent Auction.
Funeral Lunches
If you would like to help serve funeral lunches during
the month of Feb. please call JoAnn Hensel at 388-7510.
Minister Schedule for February 28-March 1,2015
Sunday 7:30 am
Sunday 9:30 am
Sunday 11:30 am
Extraordinary Jerry/Mary Huettl
Ministers of
Barb Bruns
Barb Johnson, Vicky
Goettl, Richard
Al/Linda Kluever
Joanne Lamm
Lorraine Carpenter
Altar Servers
Michael & Edward
Nguyen, Natalie Benton
John Torgerson
Sarah Leonard
Cassidy and Matthew
Krueger, Anne Wood
Andrew Burgess
Shirley Pestka
Dan Osdoba
Bill Dickmeyer
Mallory Hoffman
Cindy Willaert
Paul Scheurer
Mike/Jean Spellacy
Rosemary Burgess
Lauren/Pat Johnston
Cathy Thomas
Joann Rigdon, Judy
Kraft, Paul/Ger Kragh
Bill/Louise Dickmeyer
Tim/Shelly Altenhofen
Gloria Brosnan
Magdalen Spriggs
Mike Spellacy, Jim
Schweiss, Richard
Keltgen, Les Schneider
Phil Chester, George
Wilmes, D. Reimann
Juan Rodriguez
Jerry Krueger
Bradly Schulz,
Curt Eichers
Don Slater
Mark Brosnan
Tom Mocol
Saturday 5:15 pm
Youth Ministry
Contact: Beverly Miller
[email protected]
Faith Formation
Beth Shank
[email protected]
Faith Formation Session
Wednesday, February 25th
FEB 22nd: Youth led Stations of the Cross.
Meet in Choir Loft at 4:30 pm
FEB 25th: Sports in Fitz 7:30-8:00 pm
Y-Disciple Small Groups 8—8:45 pm
5:15pm - Chicken Pita Meal in Jesuit Hall
6:00pm - Report to regular classrooms
Grades Pre-K - 8 - Fitz Building
Confirmation - Upper Room
Adults - Xavier Hall Room #302
7:15pm - Closing Prayer in Church
Confirmation Year II
Stations of the Cross Sunday, Feb 22nd at 5:00 p.m.
What: Candidate/Sponsor Session
When: Sunday, March 8th;
5:00pm - Stations of the Cross in
Church 6:00 - 8:00pm - Session in Upper Room
Youth Prayer leaders arrive by 4:30 pm. Meet in Choir Loft
Hungering for a Better Life in Tanzania
8th grade and older
Our journey with CRS Rice
Bowl begins in Tanzania, where
a simple soybean is changing
lives! What actions can you take
this Lent to change lives - at
home and around the world?
Reflecting with Scripture
Genesis 9:8–17; 1 Peter 3:18–22; Mark 1:9–15
MARCH 21st
Mass, Dinner, Praise and
Worship, Adoration!
8th-12th Grade
Pax Christi Parish
Rochester, Mn
When God created us, he made us in his image and likeness. That means that every human being has a special
value and purpose. We need to care for each other so that
we can be the people that God calls us to be.
♦ God never leaves us. He created each of us as unique,
valuable persons and works actively in our lives, desiring that we grow closer to him. How has God been
at work in our lives during these first days of Lent?
♦ Today’s readings show us that God gives tangible
reminders of his committed love and his desire to be
present to us: the rainbow after the flood, Jesus’
preaching, the waters of Baptism. How do we act as
tangible reminders of God’s love, especially to those
who are most in need?
♦ This week’s CRS Rice Bowl Story of Hope takes us
to Tanzania, where we are reminded of the important
role a community can play in supporting an individual’s work. This takes trust and commitment - two
themes apparent in today’s readings. Am I committed
to myself, my God and my neighbor? How do I show
this trust and commitment, and where is there room
FEBRUARY 22, 2015
In Our Generosity
Marriage Celebrations
for February
The parishioners of Saints Peter and Paul
Catholic Church joyfully acknowledge
the following wedding anniversaries:
Don and Eileen Weller, February 3, 1962-53 years
Les and Phyllis Schneider, Feb. 8, 1964-51 years
Richard and Judy Wheeler, February 24, 1979-36 years
If you would like to join the Marriage Celebration Program List, please contact the parish office at 388-2995.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross begin today, Sunday, February 22 at 5
pm and will continue through
all of Lent. There will be a soup
supper following the stations in Jesuit Hall.
We Imitate God
February 15,
Adult Env.
$ 6,689.00
E Transfer
$ 3,437.00
$ 11,019.87
Whatever you do, work at it with
all your heart, as working for the
Lord, not for men, since you know
that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3: 23-14)
The Call To Be Catholic
"Raising Holy Kids in the Digital Age" will be the sub-
ject of a talk by Chris Stefanick on Sunday, March 15,
3:00 pm at Sacred Heart Church in Owatonna. This is
part of "The Call To Be Catholic" speaker series. All are
welcome. No charge, though a free will offering is suggested. Child care provided. Chris Stefanick, an internationally-known speaker to youth groups, will also conduct a high school retreat at St. Mary's School, Owatonna, on March 14 (contact our REP office (446-2303) for
registration/information). For more info on the speaker,
see http://reallifecatholic.com.
Sick Call Visiting
If you know of any parishioner of SSPP who is sick in
the hospital or nursing home, that need to be anointed or
receive the sacrament of confession, or see the priest,
please do not hesitate to call the parish office at 3882995. Any of the priests will be glad to go to visit.
Pro Life
Lenten Day of Reflection
Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Janesville, MN invites you
to “A Quiet Day of Prayer and Reflection: Compassionate Presence” on Thur sday, Mar ch 12th from 9am –
3:30pm. This is a silent directed retreat based on the
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. During this
season of Lent, consider setting aside a day to nurture
your prayer life and deepen your relationship with God.
Call Jackie Cesario at 625-2395 for more information or
to register.
Deacon Fernando Flores, IVE
who is teaching
at the seminary and serving at 9:30 am Mass on Sunday
will be leaving SSPP at the end of the month. He was
called from Washington DC to prepare himself for his
ordination on May 30th, 2015. He will be doing a retreat
and finishing his final examines. Thank you Deacon
Fernando for your time with us.
Our culture...has become
hardened to many who cry
out. We idolize the strong
and beautiful and tend to
disregard the weak and imperfect. In our own lives,
have we been programed not to call for help ourselves or
to look past those who do?
Rosary Society
Rosaries prayed the weekend of
February 21-22, 2015, for the courage and grace to love as Christ
loves, Sundays, 7:05 & 9:05 am in
the Main Church & Wednesdays,
3:30 pm in Xavier Hall Chapel.
La Cuaresma es el tiempo litúrgico de conversión, que
marca la Iglesia para prepararnos a la gran fiesta de la
Pascua. Es tiempo para arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados
y de cambiar algo de nosotros para ser mejores y poder
vivir más cerca de Cristo.
Cuaresma es la época del año que dedicamos a escudriñar nuestras vidas a la luz de nuestro Bautismo en la
muerte y resurrección de Jesús. Las lecturas de hoy son
como un catecismo abreviado de lo que nuestras vidas de
bautizados significan. Tal como Noé pasó por las aguas
del diluvio a una alianza con Dios, así también nosotros
entramos en una alianza, una relación con Dios prometida por nuestro Bautismo. El salmo nos recuerda que si
realmente vivimos la alianza, el modo de vida que Dios
quiere que vivamos no va a ser una carga, sino una fuente de amor y verdad. La carta de Pedro ofrece una explicación de lo que significa nuestro bautismo: es una plegaria a Dios pidiendo una buena conciencia. ¿Cómo obtenemos esta buena conciencia? Las palabras que Jesús
proclama justo después de su tentación nos señala el camino: “Arrepiéntanse y crean en el Evangelio”. Podría
ser un buen ejercicio espiritual mantener estas lecturas a
nuestro alcance durante todo el tiempo de Cuaresma, un
medio para ayudarnos a volver a una vida vivida según
nuestras promesas bautismales.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15;
Mt 25:31-46
Martes: Is 55:10-11; Sal 34 (33):4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
Miércoles: Jon 3:1-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
Lc 11:29-32
Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25;
Sal 138 (137):1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12
Viernes: Ez 18:21-28; Sal 130 (129):1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Sábado: Dt 26:16-19; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 4-5, 7-8;
Mt 5:43-48
Domingo: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Sal 116 (115):
10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mc 9:2-10
En la Cuaresma, Cristo nos invita a cambiar de vida. La
Iglesia nos invita a vivir la Cuaresma como un camino
hacia Jesucristo, escuchando la Palabra de Dios, orando,
compartiendo con el prójimo y haciendo obras buenas.
Nos invita a vivir una serie de actitudes cristianas que
nos ayudan a parecernos más a Jesucristo, ya que por
acción de nuestro pecado, nos alejamos más de Dios.
Por ello, la Cuaresma es el tiempo del perdón y de la reconciliación fraterna. Cada día, durante toda la vida, hemos de arrojar de nuestros corazones el odio, el rencor, la
envidia, los celos que se oponen a nuestro amor a Dios y
a los hermanos. En Cuaresma, aprendemos a conocer y
apreciar la Cruz de Jesús. Con esto aprendemos también
a tomar nuestra cruz con alegría para alcanzar la gloria de
la resurrección.
40 días La duración de la Cuaresma está basada en el
símbolo del número cuarenta en la Biblia. En ésta, se
habla de los cuarenta días del diluvio, de los cuarenta
años de la marcha del pueblo judío por el desierto, de los
cuarenta días de Moisés y de Elías en la montaña, de los
cuarenta días que pasó Jesús en el desierto antes de comenzar su vida pública, de los 400 años que duró la estancia de los judíos en Egipto.
En la Biblia, el número cuatro simboliza el universo material, seguido de ceros significa el tiempo de nuestra
vida en la tierra, seguido de pruebas y dificultades.
La práctica de la Cuaresma data desde el siglo IV, cuando se da la tendencia a constituirla en tiempo de penitencia y de renovación para toda la Iglesia, con la práctica
del ayuno y de la abstinencia. Conservada con bastante
vigor, al menos en un principio, en las iglesias de oriente,
la práctica penitencial de la Cuaresma ha sido cada vez
más aligerada en occidente, pero debe observarse un espíritu penitencial y de conversión.
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Membership contact:
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For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
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