File - Blessed Trinity Catholic Church


File - Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
Parish Office
4020 Curtiss Parkway
Virginia Gardens, FL 33166
Phone: 305-871-5780
Fax: 305-871-5781
Sunday, June 19th, 2016
Fr. José N. Alfaro,
Fr. Yamil Miranda,
Parochial Vicar
Dennis Jordan, José Alemán,
and Javier Inda
Our mission is to live the Gospel
message and to bring God’s Trinitarian
love to others in order to be a beacon of
light and hope for all.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday:
8:30 am – 5 pm
9 am - 1 pm
9 am - 2 pm
St. Joseph’s Convent
1040 Hunting Lodge Drive
Miami Springs, FL 33166
Phone: 305-871-3246
Servants of the
Pierced Hearts of Jesus & Mary,
Sr. MarthaMaría Gómez-Chow, SCTJM
School Office
4020 Curtiss Parkway
Virginia Gardens, FL 33166
Phone: 305-871-5766
Fax: 305-876-1755
Pre-K2 through 8th Grade
Mrs. María Teresa Pérez,
Our mission is to witness and nurture the
transforming power of the teachings of
Christ through the education of our
DAILY MASS ………………………... Mon-Fri 7:30am (Eng); Sat 8:30am (Eng)
BENEDICTION & HOLY HOUR …. Wednesdays, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
First Fridays, 9 pm - 8:30 am Saturday
5:00 pm (English)
8:30 am, 10:30 am, 5:30 pm (Eng)
12:30 pm (Spanish)
CONFESSIONS ………………….….. Saturdays, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Sundays, 9:45 am to 10:30 am
7:00 pm (English)
7:30 am, 10:30 am (Eng)
7:00 pm (Bilingual)
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 19, 2016
My soul is thirsting for You,
O Lord, my God.
Psalm 63
The great fifty-day celebration of Easter has concluded, as have the feasts honoring the Holy Trinity and
the Body and Blood of Christ. Last week we began a long stretch of Ordinary Time that will bring us to
late November. Saint Paul tells us today that those who are baptized “have clothed yourselves with
Christ” (Galatians 3:27). This scripture is echoed in the Church’s baptism ritual when we sing, “You have
put on Christ, in him you have been baptized.” This message is inspiring and sobering at the same time,
for in today’s Gospel, we get to the heart of what it means to be clothed in Christ. The Lord tells us, “If
anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke
9:23). For the next twenty-two weeks we are called to take up the cross and, with Saint Luke as our guide,
follow in the footsteps of Christ.
La gran celebración de cincuenta días de la Pascua ha concluido, al igual que las fiestas en honor a
la Santísima Trinidad y al Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. La semana pasada comenzamos el largo tramo del
Tiempo Ordinario que nos llevará hasta el final de noviembre. San Pablo nos dice hoy que los que han sido bautizados “se han revestido de Cristo” (Gálatas 3:27). Este mensaje es inspirador y al mismo tiempo
nos alecciona, ya que en el Evangelio de hoy, vamos al centro de lo que significa estar revestidos de Cristo. El Señor nos dice, “si alguno quiere acompañarme, que no se busque a sí mismo, que tome su cruz de
cada día y me siga” (Lucas 9:23). Durante las veinte y dos semanas que siguen somos llamados a tomar la
cruz y, con san Lucas como guía, seguir en los pasos a Cristo.
Prayer for Fathers
Happy Father’s Day!
¡Feliz Día del Padre!
St. Joseph, guardian of Jesus and chaste husband of Mary, you passed your
life in loving fulfillment of your duty. You supported the holy family of Nazareth
with the work of your hands. Kindly protect those who trustingly come to
you. You know their aspirations, their hardships, their hopes. They look to
you because they know you will understand and protect them. You too knew
trial, labor and weariness. But amid the worries of material life your soul
was full of deep peace and sang out in true joy through intimacy with God's
Son entrusted to you and with Mary, his tender Mother. Assure those you
protect that they do not labor alone. Teach them to find Jesus near them and
to watch over him faithfully as you have done.
Pope John XXIII
Find us on Facebook:
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
Blessed Trinity Youth Group
Blessed Trinity Catholic School
We collected a total of $1,198 during
the second collection last weekend!
Your sacrificial gifts will help us pay for
the conversion of our church to LED
lights without having to take funds from
the annual budget.
If 140 families gave $20 each, we would
reach our goal of $4,000.
Thank you for your generosity.
Deacon Alemán will continue the discussion and
analysis of the book “Rediscover Catholicism.”
The next meeting will be on Monday, June 20,
7-9PM in the Carney Center.
Vocations Cup Ministry
The Sacrament of Baptism will be
celebrated on the following dates:
ENGLISH: Sunday, July 3rd, 2016
SPANISH: Sunday, July 10th, 2016
Baptismal Preparation classes will
be offered:
ENGLISH: Thursday, July 7th, 2016
SPANISH: Thursday, July 14th, 2016
Please, call the parish office for more
Pray for
The purpose of this ministry is to
encourage the faithful to offer
prayers and a spirit of sacrifice for
vocations. Parishioners attending
the 10:30 AM Mass on Sundays will
be given the opportunity to take home
the Vocations Cup. To sign up call
Paola at (305) 469-5013 or Mario at
(305) 343-5362.
Are you interested, or do you know of someone who is interested in learning more
about the Catholic Faith? The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is
designed to enrich your knowledge about the Catholic Church, its belief,
traditions, worship and more. It is geared to those never baptized, baptized in
another faith or Catholics who never received all their Sacraments or have been
away from the church. We will begin meeting on Sunday, September 11, 2016
after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. For further information and to register please call or go
by the Church office.
Sanctuary Lamp Intentions:
Week of June19th
† Eduardo Baltar
Requested by His Family
Saturday, June 18 5:00 PM
Week of June 26th
† For the deceased members of the
Llerena Family
Fr. Alfaro, Ernie
In Thanksgiving for the Pla-Antón
The Pla-Antón Family
Fr. Yamil, Dc. Inda
For All Travelers
Parish Priests and Deacons
Fr. Yamil, Ernie
For the Fathers of the Parish
Parish Priests and Deacons
10:30 AM Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Alemán
For the Fathers of the Parish
Parish Priests and Deacons
12:30 PM
Fr. Yamil, Rafa
Por los Padres de la Parroquia
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de BT
5:30 PM
Fr. Alfaro, Rafa
For the Fathers of the Parish
Parish Priests and Deacons
Monday, June 20 7:30 AM
Fr. Yamil
† Luis Britto
† Jesús Santos
His Family
Charlie and Family
Tuesday, June 21 7:30 AM
Fr. Yamil
† Fr. Hanly
† Patrick Wildenburg
Lynda and Bill Randolph
His Family
Wednesday , June 22 7:30 AM
Fr. Alfaro
† Lolita Melo
Her Family
Thursday, June 23 7:30 AM
Fr. Alfaro
† Dulce Cabrera
Her Family
Friday, June 24 7:30AM
Fr. Yamil
† Patrick Kelly
† Linda White
His Family
The Kelly Family
Fr. Alfaro
† Anthony Mascaro
† Noaran Pino
† Emelina Cabrera
† Elisa Caro
† Adolfo Barro
† Leocaria Pérez
To Welcome New Parishioners
His Family
Tony Ghalloub
Rita Valdés and Family
José Luis and Estela Sánchez
José Luis and Estela Sánchez
Isabel and Francisco Gil
Parish Priests and Deacons
Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Alemán
† Timothy Clough
The Knigge Family
Dc. Alemán
For All Travelers
Parish Priests and Deacons
† Virginia Botte
Lynda and Bill Randolph
For the People of the Parish
Parish Priests and Deacons
MIA Airport Chapel 7:00 PM
Sunday, June 19 8:30 AM
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
The Nativity of St. John
the Baptist
Saturday, June 25 8:30 AM
Vigil 5:00 PM
MIA Airport Chapel 7:00 PM
Sunday, June 26
8:30 AM Fr. Yamil, Ernie
10:30 AM Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Inda,
Español 12:30 PM
5:30 PM
Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Alemán, †† Jaime y Gloria Pérez
† Andrés Quintero
† Maura Cordovés
† Hermes Hernández
† Jorge Valdés
Acción de gracias por la salud de papa
Por la Familia Torres
Fr. Yamil, Ernie
†† Betty and Walter Krysowaty
Su Familia
Su Familia
Josefina A. González
Su Familia
Su Familia
Their Family
June 14 through June 20
Blessed Trinity Parish Hall
June 14 - 17:
7 PM - 10 PM
June 18:
3 PM - 8 PM
June 19:
Happy Father’s Day!
June 20:
7 PM - 10 PM
Sponsored by
Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association
(305) 412-1700
e-mail: [email protected]
Please come to Mass early enough -not to disturb;
Leave late enough -not to insult;
Worship reverently enough -not to distract;
and dress proudly enough -not to offend.
Monday 20:
Tuesday 21:
Wednesday 22:
Thursday 23:
Friday 24:
Saturday 25:
Sunday 26:
2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13;
Mt 7:1-5
2 Kgs 19:9-11, 14-21, 31-35, 36;
Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14
2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40;
Mt 7:15-20
2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 106:1-5; Mt 7:21-29
Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17;
1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17
Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15;
Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80
Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21;
Mt 8:15-17
1 Kgs 19:16, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11;
Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62
Las Siervas de los Corazones Transpasados de
Jesús y María invitan a toda la comunidad a un
Cenáculo Eucarístico
Viernes 24 de junio, 2016
7:30 PM en Blessed Trinity
Santo Rosario, Santa Misa, alabanza y
adoración, oración por los enfermos.
Traducción simultánea disponible.
The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of
Jesus and Mary invite the community to a
Eucharistic Cenacle
Friday, June 24th, 2016
7:30 PM at Blessed Trinity
Holy Rosary, Holy Mass, adoration and worship,
prayer for the sick.
Simultaneous translation available.
Saturdays, 4-5 PM
Sundays, 9:45-10:30 AM
¡Felicidades en tu jubilación,
Happy Retirement, Sal!
Dear Parish Family,
Querida Familia Parroquial,
After 45 years playing, singing and encouraging
congregations to sing, our Music Director, Sal
Rendina, will be retiring from full-time ministry at
Blessed Trinity as of July 17, 2016. Sal has served in
our parish for almost 10 years and in the Archdiocese
of Miami for two decades. Please join me in wishing
him well as he departs from the parish. Pray for me
that I may be given the wisdom and discernment
needed for the future of the music ministry in our parish.
I would have liked to have a big farewell party for Sal;
but in order to honor his request, on his last Sunday in
July, we will have some goodies after the 8:30 am and
10:30 am Masses so that parishioners may have a
chance to say goodbye.
Luego de 45 años tocando, cantando y entusiasmando a
las congregaciones a cantar, nuestro Director de
Música, Sal Rendina, se retirará de su labor a tiempo
completo en Blessed Trinity a partir del 17 de julio de
2016. Sal ha servido a nuestra parroquia por casi 10
años y a la Arquidiócesis de Miami por dos décadas.
Únanse a mí en desearle lo mejor. Oren por mí para
que Dios me dé la sabiduría necesaria para discernir
el futuro del ministerio de música en nuestra parroquia.
In Christ,
Me hubiese gustado tener una gran despedida para Sal;
sin embargo, para honrar su petición, tendremos refrescos
después de las Misas de 8:30 AM y 10:30 AM en su
último domingo de julio para que los feligreses tengan
la oportunidad de despedirse.
Fr. José N. Alfaro
En Cristo,
Padre José N. Alfaro
Support the
Peter’s Pence
Apoye la Colecta del
Óbolo de San Pedro
Next week, our archdiocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which
provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable
works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the
margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join
our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering.
La próxima semana la arquidiócesis realizará la Colecta del Óbolo de San
Pedro, la cual le proporciona al papa Francisco los fondos que necesita para
llevar a cabo sus obras de caridad alrededor del mundo. Lo recaudado
beneficia a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que viven al margen de la sociedad,
incluyendo a las víctimas de guerra, opresión y desastres. Únanse a nuestro
Santo Padre como un testigo de la caridad para aquellos que sufren.
Stewardship Offering total for
the week of 6/12/16 was $8,913.
Thank you for your generosity.
Victoria González Baltar, Austin Delgado,
Milagros González, Ana María Tillit,
John Cavalier, Jr., Isabel González,
Richard Vázquez, Hermes Hernández,
Antonia Esther González,
William and Joan Sachs,
Rose Bechamps, Leo Alonso,
Ovelinda Rodríguez, Margarita Jordan,
Evie Sholtis, Ruth Coward,
Charles Perks, Carol Snoke,
Sebastián Ortíz, Gina W.,
Prudence Highfield, Hunter Ciccarelli,
Jimmy and Libia Restrepo.
The Social Active Adults
For information, call (305) 762-1243
SAAM's last event (Fun in the Sun) was as usual, an evening
full of fun and fellowship! Despite the rainy weather,
attendees arrived in their parrot-head best, enjoyed frozen,
fruity, tropical drinks to the sounds of Jimmy Buffet, The
Beach Boys, and Calypso, and another gourmet-potluck
meal and hilarious activities! Mark your calendars to join
The Social Active Adults (SAAM) for their next second
Saturday Social on July 9th at 7pm in the Parish Hall, as
they flashback to the "Totally Tubular 80s", the days of PacMan, Punk Rock, neon colors, boom boxes, cassettes and
more! Wear your favorite 80s garb! Bring a photo of
yourself from "that era" to show! Bring a friend or two and
a dish to share with 6-8 people and come have SAAM fun!
RSVP by July 7th for table set up, to Candy at (305)7331353 or Tony at [email protected]. Remember, you
may be the one someone new to SAAM needs to meet!
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