Saint James Catholic Church Iiglesia de Santo Santiago


Saint James Catholic Church Iiglesia de Santo Santiago
Saint James Catholic Church
Iiglesia de Santo Santiago
1145NE First Street McMinnville, Oregon 97128
Phone: (503) 472-5232 Fax: (503) 472-4414
Saint James School: (503) 472-2661
Parish Staff
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00 -3:00 pm
Except Thursday’s 11:30am-6:30 pm
(Lunch 12-1 pm)
(Thursday’s lunch time is 3-3:30)
Pastor –Fr. Mike Walker
[email protected] Ext.224
Parroquial Vicar– Fr Joseph Hoang
[email protected] Ext. 225
Horario de Oficina
School Principal-Shirley Gray
Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 –3:00pm
Excepto Jueves de11:30-6:30 pm
(Horario de Almuerzo 12-1 pm)
[email protected] Ext. 231
School Secretary-Rebecca Hoffarth Ext. 230
Parish Secretary– Dominga Vargas Cisneros
[email protected] Ext. 100
Saturday: English 5:30 pm
Sábado: Misa ene Español 7:00pm
Director of Hispanic Ministry– Deacon Raul Rodriguez
[email protected] Ext. 226
Sunday: English 9:00 am
Domingo: Misa en Español 11:00 am
Monday –Friday 8:30 am
Misa entre semana 8:30 am
Director of Religious Education-Engarcia Arellano
[email protected] Ext. 234
Director of Youth Ministry– Mike Douglass
[email protected] Ext. 233
Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confessions: Sat4-5 pm or
by Appointment./ Confesiones Sábados de 4-5 pm
Business Manager– Tami Witt
[email protected] Ext. 222
Custodian– Anita Cervera
Baptisms: Call 3 months prior to the baptism
Weddings: Call 6 months prior to the wedding
Mission Statement
Saint James Catholic Church is a welcoming parish family, who worships together as Disciples, receives Jesus in Word and Sacrament and proclaims the Good
News. We commit ourselves to the joyful love of Christ. Our faith is expressed in service to all God’s children. We go out into the world to share and invite
others to experience the love of God.
Nuestra Misión
Iglesia Católica de Santo Santiago es una familia parroquial que le da la bienvenida, que adora juntos como discípulos, a recibir a Jesús en la Palabra y Sacramento. Nos comprometemos a regularle una alegre misión de amor a Cristo. Nuestra fe se expresa en el servicio a todos los hijos de Dios. Salimos al mundo
para compartir e invitar a otros a experimentar el amor de Dios.
Saint James Pastoral Care Ministers
Rick Allen & Janette Allen
Steve Bernards & Kathy B.
Vince Bernards & Shirley B.
Bob Bogetti & Darlene B.
Susan Braden & Roger
Lala Garcia
Beth Colbert Moline & Eric
Karen Davis
Alicia Diamonds
Rosemary Douglas
Frank Dummer & Bernice
Stephanie Hatfield
Tim Hermens
Mark Hyder
Barbara Martin
Laura LeCarpentier
Mike Miller & Heather
Irene Millsap
Matt Mullaney & Jackie M.
Bill Sandoval
Thank you to all our volunteers!
Pat Swanick
Erin White
Renee W. & Tom
Charlene Williams
8:30 am
Monday Oct. 3rd
Daily Mass
Bapt. Prep (English) Fr. Joseph
Tuesday Oct. 4th
Campus Ministry Linfield Collage @ 9:10
Tuesday Oct. 4th
Formation Prayer Group 7:30-9pm
Mass Intentions of the Week
Misas Intencionales de la Semana
October 7th
Catholic Daughters of America
Eucharist M. Oct. 8th @ 9 am /Church
Wednesday Oct. 5th
RCIA Class School Library@ 7 pm
Thursday Oct. 6th
Hispanic Music Worship 7:00 pm
Adoration 9-7pm/ Adoración
Friday Oct. 7th
Apostoles de la Palabra 7-9
Spanish Choir 7-9 pm
Baptismal Class Onlybyappointment (English)- Monday Oct. 3 @ 6pm
In Loving Memory The Lord is my Shepherd, I
Clase de Bautismal (Español)- Martes Oct. 4, a las 6 pm
shall not want… Beside restful waters he leads me,
Marriage Preparation (Spanish/Español) Oct. 11 a las 6 pm
he refreshes my Soul.
En Memoria de los Fieles Difuntos.
Clases de Quinceañera (Spanish/ Español) Oct.18 a las 6 pm
Youth Mass October 9th @ 6 pm
Religious Education Oct. 3rd & 4th @ 6 -7:45 pm/
Catecismo Oct. 3 y 4- de 6 a 7:45 pm
High School Youth Group Oct.2nd @ 7 pm
Middle School Youth Group Oct. 5th @ 7
Weekend Readings
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
1st Reading: Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4
Responsorial Psalm Ps95:1-2, 6-7, 8-92nd
Reading 2: Tm 1:6-8, 13-14
25 de septiembre.
XXVII Domingo ordinario
1ª Lectura: Hab 1, 2-3; 2, 2-4
Salmo 94, 1-2. 6-7. 8-9
2ª Lectura: Tm 1, 6-8. 13-14
Evangelio: Lc 17, 5-10
Gospel: Lk 17:5-10
Confirmation classes begin on October 9th at 3
pm. They will be held the 2nd Sunday of every
month. There will be classes in English and Spanish.
Catholic Campus Ministry at Linfield College is on
Tuesday nights beginning this Tuesday September 6th. We will be meeting from 9:10-10 pm at
the Emmaus House. Contact Mike Douglass for
more information.
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From Fr. Mike
Carta de Padre Mike
"Para los hijos de este mundo son más astutos con su gente
que son los hijos de la luz."
Desde que me traslade aquí, he tenido varios amigos que me
preguntan: "Entonces, ¿cómo te va en McMinnville?" Por lo geSince moving here, I have had a number of friends ask me, “So, neral les contesto con una respuesta común: "Me va bien. La
how is it going in McMinnville?” I usually answer them with a
gente es amable, atenta y dispuesta a ayudar. El personal es
common response: “It is going well. The people are friendly,
bueno y la zona es preciosa. "También les digo que todavía me
kind, and willing to help. The staff is good and the area is beau- estoy acoplando que todavía estoy tratando de entender las
tiful.” I also say that I’m still trying to figure things out. There is cosas. Hay una gran cantidad de complejidad en tres iglesias y
a lot of complexity in three churches and a school. I see a ton of una escuela. Veo un montón de potencial y estoy feliz de estar
potential and I’m happy to be here. It’s also true that there are aquí. También es cierto que hay retos. Nuestra situación financhallenges. Our financial situation is a challenge. It seems like
ciera es un reto. Parece que estamos pisando el agua y que nos
we are treading water and that is restraining us. It also seems
lo detiene. También me parece que necesitamos una programato me that we need better pastoral planning to set some clear
ción pastoral para establecer algunas metas claras y desarrollar
goals and develop a unified vision or mission in our minisuna visión unificada o misión en nuestro ministerio. Por último,
try. Lastly, I think we can do better to integrate the school, par- creo que podemos hacerlo mejor para integrar la escuela, la
ish, and the English and Spanish speaking communities.
parroquia y la comunidades de habla Inglés y Español.
“For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of
Really, our situation is not much different than any parish. There will always be blessings and challenges. This weekend’s parable by Jesus reminds me that our response and work
is important. The parable is basically saying, “Look around at
how much effort and energy people put into secular
things. How are we doing in putting our effort and energy into
heavenly things?” The answer to that question is always going
to be a mixed bag. I see the dedication that the Knights, Catholic Daughters, Charismatic Prayer Group, Outreach Ministry, and
so many who continue to step up so the church can survive and
thrive. I also see opportunity and potential for growth in being
a church after God’s own heart. I see blessings and challenges
in my own ministry as a priest. Jesus constantly reminds me
that he wants me to show initiative, to do my best with what I
have, and not grow tired of giving all for him. I also believe that
this is also his desire for the whole Church and every one of us.
As we continue to adjust and settle in maybe we could just keep
a few things in mind: How can we better put our lives at the
service of the Gospel at St. James? How can we foster the good
that we are already doing and move forward in faith to take on
the new challenges that God puts before us as a parish? Finally,
how can we better ground ourselves in our God and his ways so
that we do all things for love of him? God has blessed us at St.
James and isn’t done with us yet! I am excited at the potential
he lays before us and know that with God’s help the “children of
light” will do far more than we could possibly do on our own
because our he is with us in it all.
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En realidad, nuestra situación no es muy diferente a cualquier
parroquia. Siempre habrá bendiciones y desafíos. La parábola de
este fin de semana por Jesús me recuerda que nuestra respuesta y el trabajo es importante. La parábola es básicamente diciendo, "Mira a tu alrededor en la cantidad de esfuerzo y energía la
gente pone en las cosas seculares. ¿Cómo vamos a poner nuestro esfuerzo y energía en las cosas del cielo? "La respuesta a esa
pregunta es siempre va a ser un poco de todo. Veo la dedicación
que los caballeros, Hijas Católicas, Grupo de Oración Carismática, Ministerio de Servicios Sociales, y tantos que continúan hacerse cargo para que la iglesia pueda sobrevivir y prosperar.
También veo oportunidades y potencial de crecimiento para ser
una iglesia conforme al corazón de Dios. Veo bendiciones y
desafíos en mi propio ministerio como sacerdote. Jesús me recuerda constantemente que él quiere que yo muestre iniciativa,
hacerlo lo mejor posible con lo que tengo, y no me canso de dar
todo por él. También creo que es su deseo de toda la Iglesia y
cada uno de nosotros.
A medida que seguimos para ajustarnos y establecernos tal vez
podríamos tener algunas cosas en mente: ¿Cómo podemos mejor poner nuestras vidas al servicio del Evangelio en St. James?
¿Cómo podemos promover el bien que ya estamos haciendo y
avanzar en la fe para asumir los nuevos retos que Dios pone
ante nosotros como una parroquia? Por último, ¿cómo podemos
basarnos mejor en nuestro Dios y sus caminos para que podamos hacer todas las cosas por amor a él? Dios nos ha bendecido
en St. James. Estoy feliz en el potencial que pone ante nosotros
y sé que con la ayuda de Dios los "hijos de la luz" va a hacer mucho más de lo que puedas hacer por nuestra cuenta porque Dios
esta en todas partes con nosotros.
We want to thank the Knights of Columbus organization, who contribute their time and labor every day
to the church. They show their passion for Christ through their hard work and participation. We want to
thank especially Rich Murphy, Bill Geary, and Steve Tyree who donated their time and money to create
the beautiful monument of wood and copper in the front courtyard. They give so much of themselves in
their volunteer effort, without expecting anything in return. Thank you very much! We have witnessed
their great effort, as they worked tirelessly under the hot sun, to finish on time. This is a beautiful gift to
give to the church. Their beautiful work is for all parishioners to appreciate and admire and care for. This
significant effort was done without forgetting the message of God our Lord. Thank you so much!
May God always fill you with blessings!
Announcement From Knights of Columbus
Father Mike will bless the new cross in the Knights of Columbus area behind the Jesus
statue on Sunday October, 2nd after Mass, coffee & donuts will be served. The
Knights will have information on joining the Knights, as well as an ongoing video.
Our Advertiser of the Week is:
Nuestro Anunciante de la semana es:
Macy & Son
Knights of Columbus
Thanks, Macy & Son, by advertising in the newsletter. It is trough the generosity of our neighbors in
business that our newsletter are published at no
cost to Saint James Catholic Church.
Gracias, Knights of Columbus, por la publicidad en el
boletín. Es gracias a su generosidad de nuestros vecinos de negocio que el boletín de noticias se publica sin costo alguno para la Iglesia Católica Saint James.
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Dear Parish Family,
October 2nd, 2016
It’s hard to believe that September has come and gone! We have had a great start to the year
and look forward to more learning, growing, praying and celebrating.
We had our Jog-a-thon this Friday. The children, teachers and priests had a great time running, walking and raising money to support our school! Thank you to all who supported this
important event and to the volunteers (including a couple of the Catholic Daughters) who
helped count laps. We rely on our fundraising efforts to make our school operating budget.
Our goal was $10,000, and as of our Tuesday collection day we were at $4,900.25 I will let
you know next week our final amount, but it’s not too let to help if you would like to donate
to the event, all donations are tax deductible.
This month we begin work in earnest on our self study for Accreditation. We have a scheduled full work day on Thursday, October 13 followed by a teacher in-service day on Friday,
October 14th. We will begin our work together on Thursday by looking at accreditation factors regarding how our previous self-study Action Plan and the recommendations of the accrediting team resulted in improved student learning. Next we will delve into the quality of
our School Program including our Mission, Catholic Identity, and Schoolwide Learning Expectations. We will look at the organizational structure of the school, data analysis, instructional
methodology, and resource management. The self study is a work intensive process. Please
pray for our staff and school community as we work together to identify what we do well and
what we need to improve.
We hope to have input from all of our stakeholders in this process, so I welcome your input as
parishioners on our school and how we fulfill our mission. The School Advisory Council will
also participate in the self study process and help us continue our good work.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
In Christ,
Shirley Gray
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El Grupo de Oración Carismático te invita
Rumbo al Jubileo de Oro de la Renovación Carismática Católica 2017
Extendiendo la Llama – Promoviendo la Cultura de Pentecostés
Servicio de Sanación con Robert Canton
St. James Catholic Church
Octubre 7, 7:00 PM
Octubre 8, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Robert Canton nació en la ciudad de Cebú, Filipinas y vino en los Estados Unidos en 1973 después de graduarse de la universidad con
un grado de contabilidad. Desde 1973 , ha estado residiendo en Stockton, CA. con su familia. Robert recibió el bautismo en el Espíritu
Santo, en noviembre de1984 , una experiencia con la presencia y el poder del Espíritu Santo, que cambió su vida por completo.
En 1996 , se formó y se eligió "Hermano Bob" (como se le llama cariñosamente la Alianza de los filipinos Carismática Católica Comunidades de rezo en América del Norte por amigos y asociados) como el Coordinador Nacional. En 2006 , fue elegido como miembro del
Consejo de los Servicios a la Renovación Carismática Católica Internacional con sede en el Vaticano (ICCRS) para representar el habla
Inglés América del Norte, América Central, y el Caribe a partir de 2007 .
También es miembro de la Asociación de Terapeutas cristianos y el Consejo Pastoral filipina de la Diócesis de Stockton. El hermano Bob
ha hablado en varias conferencias y convenciones regionales, nacionales e internacionales y ha realizado retiros, seminarios, jornadas de
renovación, la curación concentraciones y cruzadas no sólo en América del Norte, sino también en Asia, Europa, África, Australia, América Latina y el Oriente Medio.
Robert también fundó el cantón Ministerios Robert, una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuyo objetivo es evangelizar al mundo entero a través de la enseñanza, la predicación, y la curación en el Nombre del Señor
Jesucristo. Su libro: Milagros sin fin: Dios está derramando su Gracia milagrosos sobre su pueblo
Testimonio: yo era ciego y ahora veo !!!
Hola mi nombre es Tania Michelle Avendaño, nací ciega en mi ojo izquierdo. Asistí al servicio de sanación en la
Iglesia de Santiago en McMinnville, Oregon el 5 de octubre, 6 y 7. Fui sanada por el Señor el viernes, 5 de octubre,
cuando Bob Canton estaba orando por sanación por mí, empecé a ver en mi ojo izquierdo después de sus oraciones. Pensé que estaba imaginando cosas, entonces preguntó si había alguien aquí que había experimentado la
curación. Levanté la mano y alabe al Señor por el milagro de darme mi visión en el ojo izquierdo. Esto es un milagro que Dios hizo por mí, ya que estaba completamente ciega en mi ojo izquierdo, todo lo que puedo decir es que
los milagros sí existen. Durante la Misa Parroquial el domingo por la mañana, 7 de octubre el Diacono Raúl Rodríguez, durante su
homilía, pidió a los que fueron curados durante el Taller de Sanación por Bob Cantón de que por favor se pusieran de pie. Muchos
se levantó incluyendo yo. Yo estaba sentado a la entrada de la Iglesia. Desde el altar, me pidió que cubrir el ojo derecho con la
mano y seguir sus movimientos de la mano para probar mi visión. Yo era capaz de seguir todo lo que hizo. El mundo se ve diferente
para mí ahora que puedo ver con mis dos ojos !!!
¡Alabado sea el Señor! Mi curación demostró que Jesús es verdaderamente es un Dios que nos ama y nos sana.
Ven y experimenta a Jesús que nos ama y nos sana
Parroquia Catolica de Santiago – 1145 NE First Street – McMinnville, Oregon 97128 – 503 472-5232
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Towards the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Golden Jubilee 2017
Spreading the Fire - Promoting the Culture of Pentecost
Healing Service with Robert Canton
St. James Catholic Church
Friday, October 7, 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 8, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Robert Canton was born in Cebu City, Philippines and he came in the United States in 1973 after graduating from College with an Accounting degree. Since 1973, he has been residing in Stockton, Ca. with his family. Robert received the
Baptism in the Holy Spirit in November 1984, an experience with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit which
changed his life totally.
In 1996, the Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities in North America was formed and elected
"Brother Bob" as the National Coordinator. In 2006, he was elected as a Council Member of the Vatican-based International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) to represent the English speaking
North America, Central America, and Caribbean countries starting in 2007.
He is also a member of the Association of Christian Therapists and the Filipino Pastoral
Council of the Stockton Diocese. Brother Bob has spoken at various regional, national and
international conferences and conventions and has conducted retreats, seminars, Days of
Renewal, Healing Rallies and Crusades not only in North
America but also in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Robert also founded the Robert Canton Ministries, a non-profit organization whose aim is
to evangelize the entire world through teaching, preaching, and healing in the Name of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
His Book: Miracles Never Ending: God Is Pouring Out His Miraculous Graces Upon His People
Testimony: I was blind but now I see!!!
Hi my name is Tanya Michelle Avendaño; I was born blind on my left eye. I attended the healing service at St.
James Church in McMinnville, Oregon on October 5th, 6th and 7th. I was healed by the Lord on Friday, October
5th, when Bob Canton was praying for healing over me, I started to see from my left eye after his prayers. I
thought I was imagining things then he asked if there was anyone here who had experienced healing. I raised
my hand and praised the Lord for the miracle of giving me my vision on my left eye. This is a miracle that God
did for me as I was completely blind on my left eye, all I can say is that miracles do exist. During the Parish
Mass on Sunday morning, Oct. 7th, Deacon Raul Rodriguez, during his homily, asked those who were healed
during the Healing Workshop by Bob Canton to please stand up. Many stood up including me. I was seated way back by the entrance of the Church. From the altar, he asked me to cover my right eye with my hand and to follow his hand movements to test my
vision. I was able to follow everything that he did. The world looks different for me now that I can see with my both eyes!!! Praise
the Lord! My healing proved that Jesus is truly a loving and healing God.
Came and experience Jesus a truly loving and healing God
Parish of St. James Catholic Church – 1145 NE First Street – McMinnville, Oregon 97128 – 503 472-5232
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