St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church and St


St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church and St
St. Mary Immaculate
Catholic Church
St. Peter Mission
Rev. Oscar Diaz
Parish Staff
Lisa Lambert– Pastoral Associate
Patricia Giacomini - Director of Rel. Ed.
Juana Hernandez-Briones– Receptionist
Phillip Myers - Finance Comm. President
Jim Goetz - Parish Council President
St. Mary Immaculate Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm English
10:30 am English
1:30 pm in Español/Spanish
Weekdays: 9am - Wed, Thurs, & Fri
7:00 pm Primeros y Terceros Viernes
del Mes, Misa en Español
El Rosario se reza media hora antes de misa.
Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confessions:
Saturday 6:15pm or by apt.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación/Confesiones:
Sabados a las 6:15pm o por cita
Benediction & Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament: Every First Friday 9:30– 10:30 am.
Office Hours:
Horas de Oficina:
Martes a Viernes
12 noon—4:00 pm
Tel (707) 263-4401
Fax (707) 263-0606
[email protected]
[email protected]
FACEBOOK: St Mary Immaculate
Catholic Parish
St. Mary Immaculate Catholic
Church and Office
801 N Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453
St. Peter Mission Mass Schedule:
8:30 am English
Weekdays: 9:00 am Tuesdays English
7:00 pm Español Segundos y Cuartos Viernes
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 4, 2015
Let the children come to me; do not prevent them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
— Mark 10:14
St. Peter Mission
4085 Main St.
Kelseyville, CA 95451
(mail and telephone St. Mary’s)
Vigésimo Séptimo Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario, 4 de octubre de 2015
Dejen que los niños se acerquen a mí y no se lo impidan, porque el Reino de Dios es de los que son
como ellos.— Marcos 10:14
From the Pastor’s Desk… A covenant with no cracks
The union between a man and a woman is the model of all human relationships. This adventure is undertaken only by
those with a vocation. God intervenes to put his seal upon the free choice of the spouses: It is a consecration that divinizes
human love through the sacrament of marriage. This is a divine reality that no man or institution may break. To touch this reality would be sacrilege. Our generation urgently needs marriages forcefully shouts to men and woman around them: “Love exists!” This is the same as saying “God exists”.
God wants indissoluble marriage; The Second Vatican Council states: “As a mutual
gift of two persons, this intimate
union and the good of the children
impose total fidelity on the spouses and argue for an unbreakable oneness
between them.”
However, this pact of love is continuously threatened by death. When man separates what God has united he is plunged into a
deep failure. The spouses suffer, the children are hurt. It would be naïve to think that divorce solves repugnance.
If it is real, it needs to be faithful: It excludes any other love that could come to overshadow it. Love risks it all, forever!
There is no “bargaining” in love, you either take it or leave it! It has a definitive seal. You cannot enter into love watching the
clock, as if stingily calculating something provisional.
Society needs marriages that are “one heart and one soul”. Marriages that are open, caring, generous and happy.
Christian marriage, lived according to the Gospel, is a fountain of personal maturity, generosity, peace and happiness. The
vow of love made at the altar is irreversible – “all the days of my life, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer” – it is not
guaranteed by two wills in love, but by God who makes it into a gift for the spouses and a sacrament for the world. As a gift, it
needs to be received with joy and humility; as a sacrament, it is announced to the world.
Let us promise to strengthen these convictions and proclaim them without shame. Let us be on the side of those marriages which live a complete love, committed in each and every circumstance of life and forever, marriages that strive for make
their love progress more each day, marriages that value the Christian celebration of marriage as a sacrament of God’s love,
and that assist younger Christians to understand and discover this value. God bless you, Fr. Oscar
Today, Sunday, October 4th, Feast of St Francis Blessing for your beloved pets!! At 12noon, we will gather in
front of St Mary’s church. PLEASE make sure your pet is restrained properly. This will just take a few minutes.
Sacrament Preparation for Adults /RCIA
2015-2016 REGISTRATION - Next
6pm in the Rectory. Registration for Adults who wish to receive
any or all of the Sacraments of Initiation
includes any adult who wishes to become
Catholic, who was never baptized or anyone from another faith tradition or any
Catholic adult who has not completed the
Sacraments of Initiation. Please register
NOW to receive sacraments at Easter
2016. Please call the office at 263-4401 or
Lisa 245-7281. Anyone who wants to
learn more about his/her Catholic Faith is
invited and welcomed to come and join us.
Mass Intentions for the week:
Many openings, call the office to add your
intentions for deceased, illness, birthdays, etc.
Sat 10/3 5pm Pat Beedle +
Sun 10/4 10:30am Pat Beedle +
Sun 10/4 1:30pm
Wed 10/7 9am
Thurs 10/8 9am
Fri 10/9 9am
Sat 10/10 5pm Kathleen & Bill
O’Connor + (Anniv)
Sun 10/11 10:30am
Sun 10/11 1:30am
St Peter’s
Sun 10/4 8:30am Pat Beedle +
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meet on the First Tuesday of the month at
6pm in the St Mary’s Hall. Next meeting is Tues, Oct 6th.
Next Weekend there will be a Special 2nd Collection– Oct 10-11. This
collection will join with our local Knights of Columbus council and the
Knight of Columbus of Marin Co to provide support for those families
displaced and homeless and a result of the Valley Fire. We all know someone who is going to need some help in the coming months to get back on
their feet.
Retiro de Sanacion Familiar—Todos son bienvenidos al Retiro
Espiritual presentado para toda la familia y que nos ayudara a profundizar mas nuestro seguimiento a Cristo Jesus. El Grupo de Oracion El Senor de la Misericordia los invita a este retiro el 10 y 11
de Octubre en el Salon de la Iglesia de Santa Maria en Lakeport,
Ca. Los dos dias sera de las 8:30am a las 5 de la tarde. Venga a encontrarse con Dios y con los demas!
“Fall Fiesta” a fundraiser for the Lake Co. Passion Play
will be Saturday, Oct 17th . Seating will begin at 4pm,
and dinner at 5pm at Rancho de la Fuente. Tickets will
be available after Mass. Menu will include Chicken
and Beef Fajitas, Rice and Beans, Flan. Appetizers
and no-host Bar, Raffle, Live Auction and Music.
XLT//Catholic—Católica, Saturday, October 17th, doors open at
6:30pm, event is 7pm to 8:30pm at St John the Baptist Catholic Church in
Healdsburg. Inspired by that internal calling we invite you to join us for
XLT focused on the 3rd marker of the Church “CATHOLIC”. All are welcome. Young and old, Catholic or not, we promise an encounter with
Christ in the Eucharist that you’ve never seen before.
Del escritorio del señor Cura… Un pacto sin griestas
La unión entre un hombre y una mujer es el modelo de todas las relaciones humanas. Esta aventura se lleva a cabo sólo
por aquellos con una vocación. Dios interviene para poner su sello sobre la libre elección de los cónyuges: Es una consagración
que diviniza el amor humano a través del sacramento del matrimonio. Esta es una realidad divina que ningún hombre o institución
pueden romperse. Para tocar esta realidad sería un sacrilegio. Nuestra generación necesita con urgencia los matrimonios fuerza
grita a los hombres y mujeres a su alrededor: "El amor existe!" Esto es lo mismo que decir "Dios existe".
Dios quiere que el matrimonio indisoluble; El Concilio Vaticano II afirma: "Como mutualgift de dos personas, esta unión
íntima y el bien de la total fidelidad childrenimpose de los cónyuges y abogan por una inquebrantable onenessbetween ellos." Sin
embargo, este pacto de amor se ve amenazada continuamente por muerte. Cuando el hombre se separa lo que Dios ha unido,
que se sumerge en un fracaso profundo. Los cónyuges sufren, los niños se ven perjudicados. Sería ingenuo pensar que el divorcio soluciona repugnancia.
Si es real, tiene que ser fiel: Se excluye cualquier otro amor que podría llegar a eclipsar la misma. Amor arriesga todo,
para siempre! No hay una "negociación" en el amor, ya sea tomas o lo dejas! Tiene un sello definitivo. No se puede entrar en el
amor mirando el reloj, como si el cálculo stingily algo provisional.
La sociedad necesita matrimonios que son "un solo corazón y una sola alma". Los matrimonios que están abiertos, cuidar, generoso y feliz. El matrimonio cristiano, vivido según el Evangelio, es una fuente de la madurez personal, la generosidad, la
paz y la felicidad. El voto de amor hecho en el altar es irreversible - "todos los días de mi vida, en la enfermedad y en la salud, en
la riqueza y en la pobreza" - no está garantizada por dos voluntades en el amor, pero por Dios que lo convierte en un regalo par a
los cónyuges y un sacramento para el mundo. Como regalo, tiene que ser recibido con alegría y humildad; como un sacramento,
se anunció al mundo.
Vamos comprometemos a fortalecer estas convicciones y proclamar sin vergüenza. Estemos en el lado de esos matrimonios que viven un amor completo, cometidos en cada circunstancia de la vida y para siempre, matrimonios que se esfuerzan para
hacer que su amor progresar más cada día, matrimonios que valoran la celebración cristiana del matrimonio como un sacramento
de el amor de Dios, y que ayudan a los cristianos más jóvenes a comprender y descubrir este valor. Dios les bendiga, P. Oscar
Knights of Columbus PULLED PORK DINNER!!!
Saturday, October 24th in the St Mary’s Hall.
Doors open at 5:30pm. Dinner at 6:30pm. Pat and
the Knights are loading up the Big Smoker to make
Pulled Smoked Pork and all the fixings. No-host
bar. Tickets will be $10 for adult , $5 per child,
$25 per family. Tickets available after Mass. or call
Patrick at 245-7280.
The Ordinary Synod on the Family takes place next
month, Oct. 4-25. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten
the Synod Fathers and to direct them in the will of the Father
and the glory of Jesus Christ and His holy bride, the Church.
Finally please study the Instrumentum laboris, the working
document, which you will find on the Vatican’s website
"A Prayer For the Upcoming Ordinary General
Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Family
in October"
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love,
to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our
families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
may families never again
experience violence, rejection and division:
may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready
comfort and healing.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of
Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and
inviolability of the family,
and its beauty in God's plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
graciously hear our prayer. Amen.
First Holy Communion
and Confirmation classes are FULL and have
BEGUN. If you have a
2nd Year student, call
the office immediately!!
God bless you,
Liturgical Ministry Schedule OCT 10-11
Lectors 5pm A Haack, S Schweifler
8:30am K Sanderson, S Blavet
10:30am C Pagulayan, P Myers
Eucharistic Min 5pm P Wiggs, D Moreda, L Lambert
8:30am F Maxwell, S Blavet, L Cernas
10:30am C Pagulayan, T Kalk, E Kalk, T Dingwall,
S Woods, B Woods
Altar Servers 5pm H Lambert
10:30am I Cubilla, N Larsen
Ushers 5pm E McDonald, P Lambert 10:30am P Navarro, J Patti
Please pray for those who are sick:
Por favor recemos por las siguientes personas:
Mary Sachse, Darrell Perry, Nancy Davis, Carolyn Fanseca, Richard
Medeiros, Maggie Magliocco, Anita Rabedeaux, Scarlett Michelle
Reardon, Karen Marquez, Herminia Canchola, Bill Sterbenk, Tom
Dingwall Sr, Rose Vierra, Ray Pato, Fran Pato, Lynn Vierra, Sharon
Ornellas, LaVerne–Ornellas Saltz, Denny & Irene Deaver, Kathy and
Paul Zunino, Jeannie Rigod, John D. Baltazar, Jose Briones, Nancy
Gard, Carol Scott, Michael Cernas, Ofelia Alive, Gerome Alloysius,
AnnMarie Hansberg, Benito Villalobos, Sara Hernández, Margie
Tellez, Evangelina Gomez, Miguel Mosqueda, Walt and JoAnn Cannon, Dorothy McDonald, Patricia Schmidt, Travis Brasier, Lucille
Rammoni, John Jojola, Gaylene Hines, Doris McKenna, Tyler Kreuger, Hope Brewer, Andy Skonberg, Marcia and Bob Chalk, Hank
Lescher, Ray Cernas and Sharon Turner.
Sunday 9/27 Plate Collection: $ 3,889.00
Thank you for your generosity, God bless you!
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Southern Smiles
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Accomplished Insurance Marketing
Customized Personal Insurance Service
Marketing Agent #OB74777
Maryann Sanderson
10918 Rosa Trail Kelseyville, CA 95451 F ax 928-5914
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Farmers Insurance
Pat Lambert
Insurance Agency
License: OC86728
[email protected]
(707) 263- 7111
367 Lakeport Blvd. Lakeport,
Knights of Columbus #7611
Queen of the Lakes
Catholic Men Serving the Church
And the Community.
Jim Goetz (707)237-1561
Meetings: 1st Tuesdays of the Month
6:00 P.M @ St. Mary’s Parish Hall
John H. Tomkins Tax Consultants
Diane Tomkins Plante, CPA
P.O Box 1140
QuickBooks ProAdvisor
5925 E. Hwy 20
Lucerne, CA 95458
Individual– Partnership
707.274-1843 p
Estate– Corporation
707.274.1206 f
Not-For– Profit
Kelseyville Appliance
Dave & Mary Morse, Owners
3532 N. Main St.
Kelseyville, CA 95451
707-279-8559 707-279-9715
[email protected]
755 11TH St. Lakeport
Flowers by Jackie
Pat Tyrrell
108 South Main Street
Lakeport, CA 95453
Antoinette’s School of Dance
Antoinette Goetz, Owner
91 Soda Bay Rd.
Mail: 730 Crystal Lake Way
Lakeport, CA 95453
707- 263-5617
Chapel of the Lakes Mortuary
A locally Owned Family Business. Serving
Clearlake, Lower Lake & All of Lake County
Since 1977 Estevan P. Estrada, Owner
We Provide the “Care” In After Care
1625 High St. Lakeport, CA
Dr. MarkBuehnerkemper
Family Vision Care
120 South Main Street
Lakeport, CA 95453
Wanda Holson-Lopez,
Realtor Lic#01198282
Re/Max Lake County Realty
1675 S. Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453
707-292-0687 cell , 707-262-5700, ext. 107
[email protected]
Westgate Petroleum
Home Heating Oil Gasoline - Diesel
Biodiesel - Lubricants
Claude Brown, Manager
3740 Highland Springs Rd Lakeport, CA
Tel: (707) 263-6512 Fax: (707) 263-0225
Jones Mortuary
Lake County Memorial Crematory
Karen Karnatz
Manager FDR 2505- EMS 8691
115 South Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453.
(707) 263-5389
Fax (707) 263-1665
Mac’s Marine & Land
Macario Tejeda
Cell (707) 245-9201
Home (707)279-9414
[email protected]
Lic. # 993800
Lincoln Leavitt
Insurance Agency
Tom Lincoln
850 N Main St.
PO. Box 850
Lakeport, CA 95453
Up Town Dog Grooming
Shauntel Stark Groomer
5281 State Street, Kelseyville
(707) 245-8042
[email protected]
Dog and Cat grooming!

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