confessions our holy redeemer
confessions our holy redeemer
OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WHERE COMING HOME IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT! A PERPETUAL ADORATION PARISH 37 SOUTH OCEAN AVENUE FREEPORT, NEW YORK 11520 TELEPHONE: (516) 378-0665 FAX: (516) 546-1416 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: OHRFREEPORT.ORG SACRAMENTAL LIFE MASS SCHEDULE PASTOR Rev. Douglas R. Arcoleo 9: 00 a.m. 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Spanish ASSOCIATE PASTORS Rev. Alessandro da Luz Rev. Carlos Mario Urrego 7:00 A.M., 8:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Spanish 5:00 P.M. DEACONS Mr. Cristobal Sanchez, Pastoral Associate Mr. Bruce Burnham Mr. Francisco Cales HUMAN SERVICES Sister Dorothy Lynch, C.I.J. Mr. Martinez, Director (516) 868-8289 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Stuhlinger, Director Mr. Cacao, Associate Director (516) 546-1057 Fax: (516) 546-0526 Saturday Sunday Weekday Monday – Friday: 7:30 A.M. & 12:10 P.M. Wednesday: 7:00 P.M. Spanish First Friday: 7:00 P.M. Spanish Every 2nd & 4th BAPTISM Sunday of the Month at 3:00 P.M. CONFESSION/PENANCE/RECONCILIATION Saturday: 1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. Wednesday: 6:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Friday: 4:00 – 5:00 P.M. or by appointment. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Offered after the 5:00 P.M. Vigil Mass every last Saturday of the Month or by appointment. MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Crouse, Director Mr. Petkov Mrs. Mulé MATRIMONY Marriages MUST be arranged at least six months in advance. Please call one of our Priests at the Rectory to make an appointment. THRIFT SHOP Mrs. Jewels, Manager (516) 623-3247 DEVOTIONS Divine Mercy Chaplet Every Friday after the 12:10 P.M. Mass BUSINESS OFFICE Mrs. Flaherty Pastoral Business Associate Every Saturday after the 9:00 A.M. Mass RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Mr. Cacao, Coordinator (516) 546-1057 Legion of Mary Miraculous Medal Novena SOCIETIES Every Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. Nocturnal Adoration Society RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday – Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. (516) 378-0665 First Friday from 8:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 7 February 2016 FAITH AND THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS OFFERINGS FOR THE WEEK OF 8 FEBRUARY THE FRUIT OF OUR CENTENARY YEAR MASSES Monday, 8 February, Saints Jerome Emilani & 7:30 am † Florence Iannacone Saint Josephine Bakhita 12:10 pm † Walter Kelly Tuesday, 9 February 7:30 am † Haldis Washecka 12:10 pm † John Pontecorvo Wednesday, 10 February, Ash Wednesday 7:30 am † Margaret Thompson 9:00 am † Marion Norman 12:10 pm Intentions of Vicky Dinielli (Birthday) 4:30 pm Service of the Word 7:00 pm † Clara Nova Thursday, 11 February, Our Lady of Lourdes 7:30 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo 12:10 pm † Irene Smith Friday, 12 February 7:30 am † Ernest Stoessel 12:10 pm † William Miller Saturday, 13 February 9:00 am † William G. Hipp 5:00 pm † Donna Maria Rose 7:00 pm Parishioners of Our Holy Redeemer/Freeport Sunday, 14 February, First Sunday of Lent 7:00 am Intentions of Bishop Murphy 8:00 am † Decd. Mbrs. of the Holy Name Society † Decd. Mbrs. of the Miller, McCarthy & Kelly Families † Grace Hannan, † Peter Tavella 9:30 am † William G. Hipp 11:30 pm † Giuseppe Costantino 1:00 pm † Ildebrando Rangel 5:00 pm All Those Married at Our Holy Redeemer continues with A TIME TO REMEMBER & A TIME TO BE REMEMBERED BREAD & WINE SANCTUARY CANDLES ALTAR FLOWERS 2017 MASS BOOK IS NOW OPEN TO RECEIVE YOUR MASS INTENTIONS! THE RECTORY HOURS ARE: MONDAY - SATURDAY 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. BREAD & WINE SANCTUARY CANDLES ALTAR FLOWERS † Cory Watson † Edna Eulalee McGrowder † Edna Eulalee McGrowder Please remember the following individual(s) at the Altar of Our Holy Redeemer: NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ Living OFFERING: Bread & Wine ($20.00) Deceased Sanctuary Candles ($33.00) Altar Flowers ($40.00) WEEK OF DATE: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT SUBMITTED: ____________________________________ Cash Check #: _____________________ OFFERED BY: (NAME):___________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR y, FSC. And A DIFFERENT LOOK AT “THE MINORITY” “Faith finds expression in concrete everyday actions meant to help our neighbours in body and spirit: by feeding, visiting, comforting and instructing them. On such things will we be judged.” (Pope Francis, Message for Lent 2016) If you are like the majority of other Catholics you probably plan to attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday, like Christmas, Palm Sunday, and Easter, is a “defining day” for Catholics that even though non-obligatory, brings the majority home. Unlike the majority of other Catholics, your practice of the Faith goes beyond the CAPE and extends to Sunday Mass-attendance as well, where you don’t simply fulfill your Sunday obligation to keep Holy the Sabbath Day by going to church, but while there, you offer God and His Church the time, talent, and treasure that keeps the sidewalks clear, the doors open, the candles burning, the lights on, the organ playing, and the temperature just right for “the majority” whenever they choose to come home. And let me not fail to mention that it is you – the minority – and your sacrificial offering of time, talent, and treasure that feeds the hungry, gives drink to the thirsty, clothes the naked, visits the sick, instructs the ignorant, in Freeport and, with your contributions to the Catholic Ministries Appeal (which in 2015, as you can note on the following page, surfaced over $90,000.00), throughout the Diocese of Rockville Centre that provided those very same Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy! Yes, you – the minority – and your sacrificial offering allow the Church in Freeport to give expression to the Faith in concrete everyday actions that help our neighbours in body and spirit. Please accept my gratitude for your offering and may your entry into the Holy Season of Lent be defined not by the Ash Wednesday Ashes on the foreheads of the majority, but by the everyday actions of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in the lives of the minority. “On such things we will be judged.” In celebration of Black History month, Ministries to Catholics of African Ancestry (MCAA) is highlighting some of the Saints of African American background. Saint Martin de Porres Martin de Porres Velázquez, O.P. (December 9, 1579 – November 3, 1639), was a lay brother of the Dominican Order who was beatified in 1837 by Pope Gregory XVI and canonized in 1962 by Pope John XXIII. Martin de Porres is often depicted as a young mulatto friar wearing the old habit of the Dominican lay brother, a black scapular and capuce, along with a broom, since he considered all work to be sacred no matter how menial. He is the patron saint of mixed-race people, barbers, innkeepers, public health workers, and all those seeking racial harmony. His feast day is 3 November. LENT 2016 JUBILEE OF MERCY Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The Holy Father has sent us all a Message for this Lent of the Jubilee of Mercy. I want to call your attention to it and urge you to read it. It is beautiful, concrete and opens up to us rich and inspiring ways to make this Lent a deep and wonderful journey of faith as we seek God’s merciful love and receive it during the forty days that we travel together to celebrate the Sacred Triduum of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. In his letter, Pope Francis says: Let’s not waste the season of Lent! He goes on to call Mary, the perfect icon of the Church which evangelizes and is evangelized by the Holy Spirit. We too, who make up the Church, must imitate Mary and open ourselves to the Spirit as she did at the Annunciation. Led by the Spirit this Lent we can become ourselves evangelizers of God’s mercy by our words and our actions. Pope Francis commends to us the time honored Corporal and Spiritual “Works of Mercy”. He says, God’s mercy transforms our hearts to become merciful, inspiring us to love of neighbor. Take one a day or use them to do an act of kindness. Corporal: feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; clothe the naked; welcome the stranger; care for the sick; visit the prisoners; bury the dead. The Spiritual: convert the sinner; instruct the ignorant; counsel the doubtful; comfort the sorrowful; bear wrongs patiently; forgive injuries; pray for the living and the dead. For me the most beautiful part of his message is when he speaks of God’s merciful love for His Chosen People and the faithfulness of His love as a covenant that, despite all the sins of God’s people, He will always be faithful, always forgives, and will never cease to love us. The Pope takes that and invites us to see God’s compassion for us His people as a model and an inspiration of marriage between a man and a woman and the love that brings children into the world as part of a family. God’s unceasing, faithful love (Hebrew: hesed) culminates in the Incarnation of His Son as the bridegroom who does everything to win over His bride, the Church. He even dies for her! And He does that for us now and always. Make this Lent a time when you open yourselves up to that love, experience that love through the reconciling and healing sacrament of Penance; let this love heal your hearts and renew your faith and your commitment to your spouse, your children, your parents, all the members of your family, your neighbors, your friends, all from whom you may be alienated. God offers that love to you. You who accept His love then must be givers of that love to others. May God’s words of love and reconciliation dwell in our hearts this Lent of Mercy and may God bless our Church here on Long Island and make us instruments of His merciful love to others. Faithfully yours in Christ, Bishop of Rockville Centre PO Box 9023, Rockville Centre, New York 11571–9023 • telephone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.678.3138 • NOW A WORD FROM OUR POPE (ABOUT THE FAMILY) POPE FRANCIS GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul IV Audience Hall Wednesday, 26 August 2015 The Family - 24. Prayer Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good Morning! After reflecting on how the family lives the time of celebration and that of work, let us now consider the time of prayer. The most frequent complaint of Christians is actually with regard to time: “I should pray more...; I would like to but often I have no time”. We hear it all the time. The regret is sincere, certainly, because the human heart always desires prayer, even without realizing it; and if it doesn’t find it, it is not at peace. But in order to find it, we need to cultivate in our hearts an “ardent” love for God, an affectionate love. Let us ask a very simple question. It’s good to believe in God with all our heart, it’s good to hope that He will help us in difficulty, it’s good to feel obliged to give Him thanks. All this is just; but do we love the Lord, even a little? Does the thought of God move us, amaze us, soften us? Let us think of the wording of that great Commandment, which is the basis of all others: “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might” (Dt 6:5; cf. Mt 22:37). The formula uses the intense language of love, addressing it to God. See, the spirit of prayer dwells here above all. And if it dwells here, it dwells all the time and never leaves. Are we able to think of God as the caress that keeps us alive, before which there is nothing? A caress from which nothing, not even death, can separate us? Or do we think of Him only as the great Being, the Almighty Who made all things, the Judge Who monitors every action? All true, of course; but only when God is the affection above all our affections, does the meaning of these words find their fullness. Then we feel happy, even if a little confused, because He thinks of us and above all He loves us! Isn’t that impressive? Isn’t it impressive that God caresses us with the love of a father? It is so beautiful! He could have simply revealed Himself as the Supreme Being, given H His commandments and waited for the results. Instead, God did and does infinitely more than this. He accompanies us on life’s journey, He protects us, He loves us. If love for God does not light the fire, the spirit of prayer will not warm time. We may also multiply our words, “as the pagans do”, says Jesus; or even perform our rituals, “as the Pharisees do” (cf. Mt 6:5, 7). A heart which is home to affection for God makes a prayer of an unspoken thought, or an invocation before a holy image, or a kiss blown to the Church. It’s beautiful when mothers teach their little children to blow kisses to Jesus or to Our Lady. What tenderness there is in this! In that moment the child’s heart is transformed into a place of prayer. And it is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Let us never forget to ask for this gift for each one of us! Because the Spirit of God has that special way of saying in our heart “Abba” — “Father”. It teaches us to say “Father” just as Jesus said it, a way that we can never find on our own (cf. Gal 4:6). It is in the family that one learns to ask for and appreciate this gift of the Spirit. If one learns to say it with the same spontaneity with which one learns “father” and “mother,” one has learnt it forever. When this happens, the time of the whole of family life is enveloped in the womb of God’s love, and seeks spontaneously the time of prayer. We know well that family time is a complicated and crowded time, busy and preoccupied. There is always little, there is never enough, there are so many things to do. One who has a family soon learns to solve an equation that not even the great mathematicians know how to solve: within 24 hours they make twice that many! There are mothers and fathers who could win the Nobel Prize for this. Out of 24 hours they make 48: I don’t know how they do it but they get on and do it! There is so much work in a family! The spirit of prayer gives time back to God, it steps away from the obsession of a life that is always lacking time, it rediscovers the peace of necessary things, and discovers the joy of unexpected gifts. Two good guides for this are the sisters Martha and Mary, spoken of in the Gospel we have just heard; they learned from God the harmony of family rhythms: the beauty of celebration, the serenity of work, the spirit of prayer (cf. Lk 10:38-42). The visit of Jesus, Whom they loved, was their celebration. However, one day Martha learned that the work of hospitality, though important, is not everything, but that listening to the Lord, as Mary did, was the really essential thing, the “best kind” of time. Prayer flows from listening to Jesus, from reading the Gospel. Do not forget to read a passage of the Gospel every day. Prayer flows from closeness with the Word of God. Is there this closeness in our family? Do we have the Gospel at home? Do we open it sometimes to read it together? Do we meditate on it while reciting the Rosary? The Gospel read and meditated on as a family is like good bread that nourishes everyone’s heart. In the morning and in the evening, and when we sit at the table, we learn to say together a prayer with great simplicity: it is Jesus who comes among us, as he was with the family of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. There is something that is very close to my heart; because I have seen it in the city: there are children who have not learned to make the Sign of the Cross! But you, mother, father, teach your child to pray, to make the Sign of the Cross: this is a lovely task for mothers and fathers! In the prayer of the family, in its intense moments and in its difficult seasons, we are entrusted to one another, so that each one of us in the family may be protected by the love of God. Come Home Dressed for the Supper of the Lamb on Tie-One-On ‘with a Hat’ and “no Jeans” Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 14 February 2016 First Sunday of Lent Come Home Clothed in Your Wedding Garment! Make yourself ready. Men, put on a tie; Ladies, put on a hat! No jeans! ASH ASH WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2016 LITURGY OF THE WORD MASS SCHEDULE 4:30 P.M. 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 12:10 P.M. & 7:00 P.M. STATIONS OF THE CROSS EVERY FRIDAY DURING LENT 7:30 P.M. in English 8:30 P.M. in Spanish GUIDELINES FOR FASTING AND ABSTINENCE Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of FAST and ABSTINENCE. All Catholics who have reached their 14th year are bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. P R A Y F A S T G I V E A L M S All Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are also bound to observe the law of fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This means limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals. Two other light meals may be taken during the day. “WHAT MORE CAN I OFFER OUR HOLY REDEEMER WHO OFFERED HIS LIFE FOR ME?” HOW ABOUT: One hour a week with Him in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel? PLEASE CIRCLE A DAY OF THE WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday PLEASE CIRCLE A TIME OF THE DAY 12:00 Midnight – 1:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON – 1:00 P.M. 1:00 A.M. – 2:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. 2:00 A.M. – 3:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. 3:00 A.M. – 4:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. 4:00 A.M. – 5:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. 5:00 A.M. – 6:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. 6:00 A.M. – 7:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. 10:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 NOON 11:00 P.M. – 12:00 Midnight PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL COMMITMENT Please Complete the Form Below and Deposit it in the Sunday Offertory Basket Before Lent. NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL JANE DENGEL AT (516) 379-2331 Bottles for Babies PARISH LENTEN PROJECT (Beginning Sunday, 7 February 2016) The Holy Season of LENT will return to Our Holy Redeemer on 10 February, and so will the opportunity to pray for the babies, fast for the babies, and give alms for the babies as well. The alms you offer will not only fill up bottles with spare change, but it will fill The Life Center of Long Island - a crisis pregnancy center that counsels women and men who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy - with hope! Pick up a bottle, take it home, take it to school and/or to the office, fill it with change, return it to the Church, and let Our Holy Redeemer and The Life Center, (631) 243–0066, do the rest! Most importantly, please recite the prayer that is attached to the bottle. This prayer will enable the counselors at The Life Center to say the right words that a mother or father may need to hear. It especially opens a mother’s heart to accept the truth and to call The Life Center before she takes action in the hopes that she will say “yes” to life! Let us pray with our whole heart for the lives of our unborn children. A MESSAGE FROM FATHER ARCOLEO ABOUT THE 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2015 GOAL: $73,800 # OF PLEDGES: 364 PAID PLEDGES: $90,565.79 REBATE: $31,526 To all of you who can be counted amongst the 364 financial contributors to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA): Thank you! You not only made it possible for Our Holy Redeemer to reach and surpass our CMA goal for the seventh consecutive year, but amongst other things throughout our Diocese, your paid pledge of: $25 helped cover the cost of gasoline for a Meals-On-Wheels delivery of food; $50 helped pay for teaching materials for a volunteer Catechist; $100 helped care for a newborn in the Catholic Charities Regina Residence; $250 helped subsidize housing for a developmentally disabled adult; $1000 helped support a Seminarian’s education at our Seminary. In thanksgiving for you and your participation in the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal, Bishop Murphy has authorized Our Holy Redeemer in Freeport to receive a return on our investment of more than $31,500! Thank you Bishop Murphy and thank you: the People of God in Freeport who made it possible. Please join me in praying that in 2016, with the help of newcomers to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, Our Holy Redeemer will make and surpass its Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal ($74,900) for the eighth consecutive year! Thank You Too for What YOU’VE Done in the Past! 2009 2011 2013 Goal: $57,723 Goal: $62,798 Goal: $69,600 308 Pledges $82,082 Pledged $77,477 Paid $28,890 Rebate 291 Pledges $85,150 Pledged $84,625 Paid $30,021 Rebate 389 Pledges $101,609 Pledged $99,999 Paid $38,239 Rebate 2010 2012 2014 Goal: $60,000 Goal: $66,100 Goal: $72,000 279 Pledges $89,252 Pledged $87,834 Paid $34,701 Rebate 372 Pledges $93,069 Pledged $90,963 Paid $33,110 Rebate 378 Pledges $98,552 Pledged $95,212 Paid $32,969 Rebate DISCOVERING CHRIST What is the meaning of life? Why do I need a Saviour? What does it mean to believe and belong? Why does Jesus matter? Discovering Christ proposes that we find our identity and purpose in God. This course is about a God Who didn’t just create a set of rules to follow but sent to a broken world a person Whose name is Jesus Christ. Our Holy Redeemer – Lower Church Thursdays: 10, 17, 31 March, 7, 14, 21, 28 April 6:45 P.M. – 9:15 P.M. Dinner – Video Teaching – Small Group Discussion Saturday, 16 April 9:30 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Holy Spirit Retreat 10 March – What is the meaning of life? 17 March – Why does Jesus matter? 31 March – What does Jesus want us to know? 07 April – Why do I need a Saviour? 14 April – Why is the Resurrection important for us? 16 April (Saturday) – Who is the Holy Spirit/ New Life in the Spirit: Being a Catholic disciple 21 April – Believing and belonging: Our need for the Church 28 April – What are the Gospels and are they reliable? To Register, please complete the form below and return it to the Rectory or deposit it in the Offertory Basket at Sunday Mass or contact Linda Siani (516) 378-6696; Carolyn Jimenez (516) 546-3910 or Carolyn Terzulli (516) 546-3910/[email protected] No charge for the course. ** The opportunity to make a ‘Free Will’ offering to Our Holy Redeemer Parish will be provided to help cover the cost of the materials. ** DISCOVERING CHRIST REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW AND DEPOSIT IN THE SUNDAY OFFERTORY SYSTEM Name: ___________________________________________________________Phone: __________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ FAITH AND EDUCATION SCHOOL’S IN: DRIVE CAREFULLY (both on and off the road) NEWS FROM THE DE LA SALLE SCHOOL (516) 379-8660 Thank you to Father Arcoleo for the opportunity to address parishioners at all the Masses last weekend. The affirming comments about our ministry were great to hear. Those parents who received applications are encouraged to return them promptly. There are only 18 seats available in fifth grade for our incoming class in September. Recruitment talks will occur in neighboring parishes later this month and into March. We accept students on a first come first served basis and we do not want parishioners of Our Holy Redeemer to be shut out! Also, if you have Box Tops that you have clipped and saved please either put them in an envelope and drop them in the collection basket at Mass, put them in an envelope and deposit them in the boxes by the statue of the Blessed Mother on the north side of the church or the statue of St. Joseph on the south side, or mail them to the school at 87 Pine Street, Freeport, NY 11520. We will be mailing our next batch to the redemption center on 23 February. We are grateful to all who help us with this project. Our goal this year is to receive at least $1,000 during this school year equaling the amount that came to us last year. 7 February 2016 – The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time A Sunday Readings: Isaiah VI: 1-2a, 3-8; I Corinthians XV: 1-11; Saint Luke V: 1-11 Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Class Day/Session: ________________________________________ __________ Catechist Name: ____________________________________________________ Mass Time (Circle One): Sat: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sun: 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM GOSPEL QUESTIONS: (Religious Education Students please answer ALL questions) Fill in the blanks: What lake was Jesus standing by? “Jesus was standing by the Lake of ___________________________________________.” Whose boat did Jesus get into? “Jesus got into the boat that belonged to _______________________________________.” What did Jesus tell Saint Peter to do for a catch? “Jesus told Saint Peter to _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ for a catch.” After the great catch of fish at Jesus' request, what did Jesus say to Simon? “Jesus said to Simon, ‘_____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________’”. What did the fishermen do when they brought their boats to the shore? “The fishermen upon bringing their boats to the shore ____________________________________________________________________________________________.” Announcements for ALL OHR Rel Ed Parents: Wednesday class students to meet in Sumner Hall in School by 4:15 P.M. to 4:25 P.M. on 10 February to go to: Liturgy of the Word with the Distribution of Ashes for Ash Wednesday in Church at 4:30 P.M. Students to return to Religious Education after Liturgy. There will be no Religious Education classes on 14 (Sunday) & 17 (Wednesday) February! Please do go to Sunday Holy Mass and bring the Gospel reflection to class the following week. Thank you –the OHR Religious Education Office staff! FAITH AND FINANCES PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS: Charles Shields III Joann Flaherty Donald Gallant Sheila Walsh ff YOUR TITHING (25 CENTS AND MORE) IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE! (GOD WILL NOT BE OUTDONE IN GENEROSITY!) MASS FIRST COLLECTION ENVELOPE USERS E-Giving Prior to Weekend 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:00 pm Jubilee 5:00 pm Year $ 1,165.00 $ 1,747.75 $ 2,442.75 $ 541.00 $ 1,284.50 $ 2,378.25 $ 2,038.00 $ 2,336.25 $ 1,939.00 $ 634.25 32 35 81 16 34 40 66 95 46 17 TOTAL $16,506.75 462 SECOND COLLECTION (RECOVERY) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00 0.00 200.00 350.00 325.00 200.00 151.00 375.00 737.00 15.00 $ 2,353.00 SUNDAY, 30/31 JANUARY TOTAL OFFERTORY: $18,859.75 NUMBER OF CHILDREN ENVELOPE USERS: 227 CHURCH IN NEED COLLECTION “The Envelope Please” On 14 February 2016 a collection will be taken for “The Church in Need.” The monies collected at this time will be shared among three areas of the world where there is particular need for help: Church in Central and Eastern Europe - the Collection provides support for basic pastoral programs and makes scholarships available for students studying to serve their local church. These students become vital participants in the renewal of the Church in the region. Church in Latin America faces many difficult challenges. Natural disasters in many areas caused lasting damage to the Church, while a significant loss of parishioners to migration and to other faiths, the inability to support itself financially, and a lack of priests and religious to help effectively minister to the large number of Catholics trouble the region. Church in Africa – the funds will go to assisting African countries where poverty, sickness and political strife prevent people from living in dignity. Thank you for your generosity! FAITH AND PRAYER Please continue to say your prayers for the following members of our Armed Forces: Melissa Castillo, Ensign Frank Chavez, Capt. Thomas Collins III, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan Michael George Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Capt. Peter Lawless, Corp. Gaelan Lynch, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Sgt. Kelvin O. Melara, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon,Sgt. Allyson Parla, PO Floyd A. Rivera, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Benjamin Rhodes, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seiden, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Lt. Matthew Talibon, Corp. Daniel Vargas, SCPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams; Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger. Please Pray for our beloved deceased: ROSE ANARADO, ARTHUR BELLINI, MICHAEL DUFFY, SR., JOHN C. HANNAN, PATRICIA HOWARD, CIRO J. IANNACONE, SALVATORE A. RINALDI READINGS FOR 14 February 2016 THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 1ST READING: DEUTERONOMY XXVI: 4-10 RESPONSORIAL PSALM: 91 2ND READING: ROMANS X: 8-13 GOSPEL: SAINT LUKE IV: 1-13 for … Peter Anglim, Moises Arias, Lorraine Avitabile, Doris Jean Baptiste, Vito Bellacosa, Jayne Biscardi, Bobby Brehaut, Joseph Garry Brisson, Timothy Claudio, Warren P. Cochol, Barbara Costante, Brunhilda Cuniglio, Phyllis Doyle, Wendy Eager, Dorothy Eames, Ana Estevez, Andrew Feeney, Roseann Feeney; Lizzy Ford, Timothy Ford, Dorothy Frahame, Angela Franklin, Michael H., Emily Handley, L. Jacques, Linda A. Kane, Carol Kelly, Dominic Lagano, Karen Larsen, Richard Laudman, Jeanne Longua, Josephine Lucci, Angelina Macchia, Sean McDonald, Barbara McEneaney, Donald McIntosh, Amanda Mucaria, William Myers, Eileen O’Connor, Haydee Pascasio, Stella Pescatore, Parnelle Phadel, Consuelo Posada, Kathleen Randall, Baby Rebecca, Kenneth Rischi, Carolyn Rodriguez, Lidiana Santiago, Marie Sheridan, Bill Smyth, Spinoccia Family, John Sturmer, Millie Torre, Sharon Trabbold, Barbara Trommer, Linda Vanek, Greta Villanueva, Gerry Wright … and please call the Rectory if you know anyone in serious need of prayers. The names will remain on our prayer list for four weeks. Thank you. SCRIPTURE REFLECTION “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man” (See Luke 5:1-11). Often, our first reaction to an encounter with God is similar to that of Saint Peter or the Old Testament prophet Isaiah “Woe is me, I am doomed!” (Isaiah 6:1-8) Jesus replied to Peter’s fears with a comforting “do not be afraid,” and then gave him a service commission. The beauty of our faith is that God comes to the sinner to clean, to purify, and to strengthen. We do not need to change for God to come to us. We change because God has come to us. Once we make the change we are ready to accept the service commission He entrusts to us. We become instruments of God so that through us He can approach others. Our humanity is screaming at us to be afraid. This world of ours is full of good reasons to be afraid, but God is saying to us “be not afraid.” He is with us, and with Him at our side we can face whatever we need to face and we can do so without fear. MORE FAITH AND PRAYER Please Pray for Our Priests O God, Who made Your Only Begotten Son eternal High Priest, grant that those He has chosen as ministers and stewards of Your mysteries may be found faithful in carrying out the ministry they have received. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 08 February: 09 February: 10 February: 11 February: 12 February: 13 February: 14 February: Monsignor Richard Figliozzi & Father John V. O’Farrell Father Robert Romeo & Father Gerard Gentleman Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life All Seminarians Father Dennis Whelan & Monsignor John J. Tutone Father Lawrence J. O’Leary & Father Janusz Mocarski Bishop William F. Murphy & Bishop Nelson J. Perez and for Our Seminarians Br. Pierre Toussaint (Alain) Guiteau, C.F.R. Heavenly Father, please grant to Your Faithful servants, the grace and strength to carry out Your mission for the Church each day. Keep our Seminarians close to You and continue to inspire them to serve others in Your Holy Name. Please inspire the men You have called to the Priesthood to respond “yes” to Your call through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen. Mr. Odalis Rodriguez “Looking for a Miracle?” Well, so is Venerable Father Anthony Vincent Gallo Diocesan Priest, Oblate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart Montforte Irpino: 11 January 1899 – 2 May 1934 For more information please visit: The Rockville Centre Diocese Office of Multicultural Diversity Catholics of African Ancestry and Haitian American Apostolate Ministry invite you to attend their BLACK HISTORY MONTH MASS OF THANKSGIVING Sunday, 14 February 2016 4:00 P.M. Cultural & 4:30 P.M. Mass BISHOP FERNAND J. CHERI III, OFM Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana Our Principle Celebrant & Homilist Immaculate Conception Center 7200 Douglaston Pkwy, Douglaston, NY 11362 CONCELEBRATING BISHOPS Bishop Guy Sansaricq, Retired Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Brooklyn & Bishop Robert J. Brennan, Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Rockville Centre FAITH AND SOCIAL MINISTRY HUMAN SERVICES OUR HOLY REDEEMER (516) 868-8289 23 West Merrick Road, Freeport, NY (516) 623-3247 COME AND SEE YOUR DONATIONS AT WORK! SHOPPING HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Closed every Wednesday HOW ABOUT YOU??? Please call Mr. Alfonso Martinez, Director at (516) 868-8289. He’s waiting to hear from you! DONATIONS ACCEPTED: Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and by appointment. (516) 623 – 3247 Volunteers Accepted All the Time! THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY IN OUR LOCAL PARISHES CONFESSIONS CONFESSIONS CONFESSIONS ST. AGNES CATHEDRAL Rockville Centre Saturday, Eves of Holy Days and First Fridays 4:00-4:45 P.M. Monday following 7:30 P.M. Mass Tuesday following the 12:10 P.M. Mass until 4:30 P.M. with Adoration (From 4 January to Easter in the Holy Cross Chapel of the Ministry Building) Wednesday following 7:45 A.M. and 12:10 P.M. Masses OUR HOLY REDEEMER SAINT JOSEPH FREEPORT GARDEN CITY Wednesday 6:30-7:00 P.M. Friday 4:00-5:00 P.M. Saturday 1:30-2:30 P.M. Saturday 9:00-9:30 A.M. (except first Saturdays); 1:00-2:00 P.M.; 6:00-6:30 P.M. Eves of Holy Days and First Fridays 4:00-5:00 P.M. SAINT CHRISTOPHER OUR LADY OF LORETTO BALDWIN HEMPSTEAD Saturday 4:00-4:45 P.M. Saturday 11:00-11:45 A.M.; 4:00-5:00 P.M. QUEEN OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY ROOSEVELT SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE WEST HEMPSTEAD Saturday 4:45-5:15 P.M. Saturday 3:45-4:45 P.M. SAINT MARTHA UNIONDALE Saturday 4:00-4:45 P.M. Wednesday following the 8:30 A.M. Mass (Chapel) LENT LISTEN & LEARN WERE YOU MARRIED IN OUR HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH? Then this invitation is for YOU! MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR THOSE MARRIED in our absolutely beautiful church SUNDAY, 14 FEBRUARY 2016 5:00 P.M. OUR HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH Freeport, New York Appropriate Dress Required Please R.S.V.P. before 12 February 2016 by calling the Rectory at (516) 378-0665. Thank you. 2015-2016 RAFFLE! RAFFLE! RAFFLE! ENTER TODAY AND YOU MAY BE OUR NEXT WINNER! Your $25 Raffle Ticket purchase provides you with a chance to win: $25 Daily, $100 Monthly, and $250 Quarterly, plus: $2,015.00 on 11 June 2016 and A Special Monthly Gift Certificate to a Local Business Your $50 Raffle Ticket purchase provides you with a chance to win the above prizes PLUS a chance to win our Grand Prize on 25 June 2016 of: $25,000.00!!! OUR LATEST 2016 WINNERS! WINNERS! WINNERS! ARE: Date Ticket # Name $100 Monthly 6273 614 959 2630 4460 4943 6493 8699 1466 10760 1320 9170 8402 5236 Daniel Arena Veronica Drinkwater Deacon Greg La Freniere Jerry Frayler Mary Crispyn Gloria Berrin Mrs. Margaret Grupski Braulio Cacoa Debra Klasko Isabel McLean Rosemary Mazza Therese Schryremaker Aura Morales John J. Sandhaas $25 Gift Card $25 Daily: 1 Jan. 2 January 3 January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 January 9 January 10 January 11 January 12 January Date Ticket # 13 January 4884 13112 2564 7967 1895 970 680 7319 6991 3314 10295 8595 1539 14 January 15 January 16 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 25 January Name Sheila Walsh Donald Suchan Bill Maclay Maryann Ross Johanna Richi Nancy Kosofsky Kristin Doyle Chuck Shields Linda Siani Barbara McEnaney Antonio Aviles Nancy Kosofsky Charles J. Southwick CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR WINNERS!!! MENSAJE DEL PASTOR SEMANA DE LAS ESCUELAS CATÓLICAS “¿QUÉ, PUES, VA A SER ESTE NIÑO?” Ciento treinta y tres (133): Ese fue el número de diplomas que el Hermano Thomas Casey, FSC, Director Ejecutivo de la Escuela De La Salle en Nuestro Santo Redentor otorgó a los graduados y ese fue el número de veces que él se preguntó, “¿Qué, pues, va a ser este niño?” (San Lucas 1:66) aunque no hay garantía de que ninguno de estos 133 muchachos llegue a desafiar a la gente a “preparar el camino del Señor” como hizo San Juan Bautista, sí se garantiza que todos los graduados tienen lo que se necesita para “estar preparados”. Y eso es Buenas Nuevas para esos muchachos. Y eso es Buenas Nuevas acerca de esta Escuela Católica, esta comunidad de Fe, Conocimiento y Servicio. Como comunidad de Fe los miembros de la Escuela De la Salle, antes de montarse en el bus par air a una granja, andar a clase a construir una montaña rusa, o ir al gimnasio a hacer paralelas y perpendiculares, se reúnen en su sala de asamblea y reconocen que “estamos en la presencia de Dios”. “¡Sin fe es imposible agradar a Dios!” (Hebreos XI:6) Como una comunidad de Conocimiento arraigado en la Fe, los miembros de la Escuela De la Salle enseñan y descubren las razones tras las cosas en que creen: acerca de Dios, y Su mundo creado. “Dios quiere que todos los hombres se salven y lleguen al conocimiento de la Verdad.” (I Timoteo ii:4) Como una comunidad de Servicio, los miembros de la Escuela De La Salle emplean (a costa de su tiempo, Talento y Tesoro) la Fe y el Conocimiento en el servicio de otros, lo cual es una de las señas de identidad de una comunidad auténtica. “Pues si yo, siendo el Señor y el Maestro, les he lavado los pies, también ustedes deben lavarse los pies unos a otros.” (San Juan XIII:14) ¿Qué, pues, va a ser este graduado? Solo el tiempo dirá si llegará a ser Cardenal Arzobispo de Nueva York como Timothy Dolan; o Juez de la Corte Suprema como Clarence Thomas; o Embajador de los Estados Unidos a la Santa Sede como Raymond Flynn; o llegar a ser incluido en El Salón de la Fama de las Grandes Ligas como Babe Ruth; o a ser el Entrenador Principal del Equipo Nacional de la Liga de Fútbol como Don Schula; llegar a ser autor de un libro acerca de la posesión demoníaca como William Blatty; llegar a ser fundador de una Pizzería como Tom Monaghan; o a ser el “Hermano Fundador” de una Escuela Católica para muchachos, como el Hermano Thomas Casey, FSC. Por eso, si usted tiene el tiempo el Martes, 2 de Febrero a las 12:10 P.M., por favor venga a casa para la Misa cuando Monseñor Nelson Pérez (con los niños de la Escuela De la Salle presentes) nos ayudará a considera la pregunta: “¿Qué, pues, va a ser este niño?” CUARESMA 2016 JUBILEO DE LA MISERICORDIA Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: El Santo Padre ha enviado a todos un Mensaje para esta Cuaresma del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. Quiero llamar su atención e impulsarles a leerlo. Es hermoso, concreto y nos abre de forma rica e inspiradora para hacer esta Cuaresma un viaje profundo y maravilloso de fe mientras buscamos el amor misericordioso de Dios y lo recibimos durante los cuarenta días que caminamos juntos para celebrar el Sagrado Triduo de la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de nuestro Señor y Salvador. En su carta, el Papa Francisco dice: ¡No desperdiciemos el tiempo de la Cuaresma! Él sigue llamando a María, el icono perfecto de la Iglesia que evangeliza y es evangelizada por el Espíritu Santo. Nosotros también, que conformamos la Iglesia, debemos imitar a María y abrirnos al Espíritu como ella hizo en la Anunciación. Conducidos por el Espíritu, esta Cuaresma podemos hacernos evangelizadores de la misericordia de Dios por medio de nuestras palabras y nuestras acciones. El Papa Francisco nos encomienda “Las obras de la Misericordia”, Corporales y Espirituales, tan estimadas a los largos de los siglos. Él dice, la misericordia de Dios transforma nuestros corazones haciéndolos misericordiosos, inspirándonos amar al vecino. Tomar una al día y usarla para hacer un acto de caridad. Corporales: dar de comer al hambriento; dar de beber al sediento; vestir al desnudo; acoger al forastero; cuidar de los enfermos; visitar a los presos; sepultar a los muertos. Espirituales: convertir al pecador; instruir al ignorante; aconsejar al que duda; consolar al que sufre; soportar el mal con paciencia; perdonar las injurias; orar por los vivos y los muertos. Para mí la parte más hermosa de su mensaje es cuando él habla del amor misericordioso de Dios por Su Pueblo Escogido y la fidelidad de Su amor como la promesa que, a pesar de todos los pecados del Pueblo de Dios, Él siempre será fiel, siempre perdona, y nunca dejará de amarnos. El Papa toma esto y nos invita a ver la compasión de Dios por nosotros Su pueblo como un modelo y una inspiración del matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer y el amor que trae los niños al mundo a formar parte de una familia. El amor incesante, fiel de Dios (hebreo: hesed) culmina en la Encarnación de Su Hijo como el novio que hace todo para ganarse a Su novia, la Iglesia. ¡Él hasta muere por ella! Y Él hace eso por nosotros ahora y siempre. Hagan de esta Cuaresma un tiempo en el cual se abran a ese amor. Experimenten ese amor por medio de la reconciliación y sanación del sacramento de la Penitencia; dejen que ese amor sane sus corazones y renueve su fe y su compromiso con su cónyuge, sus hijos, sus padres, todos los miembros de su familia, sus vecinos, sus amigos, con todos aquellos que ustedes puedan estar enajenados. Dios les ofrece ese amor. Ustedes que aceptan Su amor deben ser donantes de ese amor a los demás. Que las palabras del Dios de amor y reconciliación habite en nuestros corazones esta Cuaresma de la Misericordia y que Dios bendiga nuestra Iglesia aquí en Long Island y nos haga instrumentos de Su amor misericordioso para con los demás. Fielmente suyos en Cristo, Obispo de Rockville Centre PO Box 9023, Rockville Centre, New York 11571–9023 • telephone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.678.3138 • El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo 2618 El Evangelio nos revela cómo María ora e intercede en la fe: en Caná (cf Jn 2, 1-12) la madre de Jesús ruega a su Hijo por las necesidades de un banquete de bodas, signo de otro banquete, el de las bodas del Cordero que da su Cuerpo y su Sangre a petición de la Iglesia, su Esposa. Y en la hora de la nueva Alianza, al pie de la Cruz (cf Jn 19, 25-27), María es escuchada como la Mujer, la nueva Eva, la verdadera “madre de los que viven”. LA VIRGEN MARÍA VISITA TU HOGAR Este grupo visita los hogares con la imagen de la Virgen de Fátima para rezar el Rosario con la familia tan a menudo como lo deseen. Si desea que lo visiten a usted o a su familia o amistades, favor llame a Berta al (516) 379-8270 o a Gresmy al (516) 670-2687. Grupo Carismático Cristo Vive GRUPO SANTO REDENTOR Lo invita a acompañarlos todos los domingos de 7:30 a 9:00 P.M. en el Auditorio. El grupo Cristo Vive visita los hogares de las personas que no pueden salir. Favor llamar a Cándido Bran al (516) 852-4320 para información. Acompáñenos los martes de 7:00 P.M. a 9:00 P.M. en el sótano de la Escuela. Para más información por favor llame a Ivette Vasquez al (516) 469-9559. Oremos Lecturas para el 14 de Febrero de 2016 I Domingo de Cuaresma 1ra Lectura: Deuteronomio 26, 4-10 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 90 2da Lectura: Romanos 10, 8-13 Evangelio: San Lucas 4, 1-13 (Por los Hombres y Mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas) Melissa Castillo, ENS Frank Chavez, Cpt. Thomas CollinsIII, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan, Michael G. Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Capt. Peter Lawless, Cpl. Gaelan Lynch, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, PO Floyd A. Rivera, Benjamin Rhodes, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seidon, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Lt. Matthew Talibon, Corp. Daniel Vargas, SCPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams, Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger Reflexión Semanal “¡Apártate de mí, Señor, porque soy un pecador!”.” (Lucas 5:1-11) Frecuentemente nuestra primera reacción con un encuentro con Dios es similar a la de San Pedro o a la del profeta Isaías: “¡Ay de mí!, estoy perdido.” (Isaías 6:1-8) Jesús respondió al temor de Pedro con palabras confortadoras: “No temas,” y entonces pasó a darle una comisión de servicio. Nuestro Dios viene a nosotros para limpiarnos, purificarnos y fortalecernos. No necesitamos cambiar para que Dios venga a nosotros. Cambiamos porque Dios ha venido a nosotros. Una vez que hacemos el cambio estamos listos para aceptar su comisión de servicio. Nos convertimos en sus instrumentos para alcanzar a otros. El mundo está lleno de buenas razones para temer. Sin embargo, Dios nos está diciendo “no temas.” El está con nosotros y con El a nuestro lado podemos enfrentarnos a todo sin temer. “Jóvenes Adultos Creciendo en Cristo” Invitamos a todos los jóvenes hispanos a que nos acompañen en nuestras reuniones todos los viernes desde las 7:30 PM. Las reuniones tendrán lugar en la Sala Grande de la Escuela. Ven a compartir tus inquietudes, hacer nuevas amistades y a crecer con Cristo en lo humano y espiritual, con alegría juvenil. Para más información, llama a Carlos Portillo al (516) 849-4568, Marta al (516) 765-1210. PROGRAMA SUPLEMENTAL DE ALIMENTOS Para mujeres embarazadas y postparto por 6 meses, infantes y para niños hasta los 5 años de familias con bajo ingreso. Proveemos asistencia de alimentos, educación nutricional y evaluación de salud. Le damos referencia a médicos y agencias de servicios humanos. LLAME al 516-377-0157 o VENGA A NUESTRA OFICINA. YOU WILL BE FISHERS OF MEN Jesus saw two boats alongside the lake; the fisherman had disembarked and were washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, He asked him to put out a short distance from the shore. … He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” … When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing. … When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at the knees of Jesus and said, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” … Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed Him. Saint Luke V: 2-4, 6, 8, 10-11 Directions: Find the words below from today’s Scripture reading in the puzzle. Words can go horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all directions (as shown). ALONGSIDE BELONGING BOATS CAUGHT CROWD DISEMBARKED DISTANCE FINISHED FISHERMAN FOLLOWED JESUS LAKE LISTENING LOWER NETS NUMBER PARTNERS PRESSING SHORE SIGNALED SINKING SPEAKING STANDING TAUGHT TEARING WASHING WATER WORKED D D Z W T R P S T G S K B Q T E S I G N A L E D G D D T O J D D T S R Q S T E N E E H G D C I I H T E Y Y W I K K H G M S R S S G A W A O K R R L N F H E S T G U O O L A A O I I T O T I R A N A B L E B W S H A R A N F P N O C O P M H T S U E W K W R P C L F S E C E A G X D I Y E A E E A R S R N W H F I N I S H E D M F I O I N T E I G R S L O A D J D W N G S Y K G N I G N O L E B D G I U S U A C N T G N I D N A T S S E V M L G T E A R I N G Z M E S R E N T R A P R E B M U N J