Last narne (Apellido): First name (Nombre)
Last narne (Apellido): First name (Nombre)
cLrEI.{T TNFORMATION (INFORMACION DE CLIENTE) Last narne (Apellido): First name (Nombre): Address (Direcci6n): apt# Zip code (C6digo postal): State (Estado): City (Ciudad): Cell phone: Home phone: Horv did you hear about us? Ernail: pET TNFORMATION (TNFORMACION Dtr MASCOTA) Pet (Mascota) #2 Ppt (Mascota) #1 Pet {Mascota} Lta +i1 Name of pet {Nombre de mascota) Breed (Raza de mascota) Color Approxirnate age (Edad aproximada) Gender, spayed/neutered Genero, castrado o esterili zada Cautions (Precauciones) Special Instructions (Instrucc iones e spec iales) Reason for appointment: Method of Payrnent (Forma de pago): i_J Debit/Credit Card (de ddbito o de crddito tarjeta) * Cash (Efectivo) f"- i-l I understand that the exam is $65, everythirg etse costs extra. For surgeries, there will be a down payment. I understand thet ifl do not pay, my tccount will be subject to eost ofcollection, attorney fees, including intercst (eny balance that is carried over a period of30 days will accrue a monthly linance chrrge of 1,5-l8Yo per annum).the hospital staffwill provide an estimate ofcurrent and anticipated charges any time I rcquest one. I am reqursting thet veterinary care be provided for pets Bresented by me or ruy rgents. I understand that t am financially responsible for all serrlccs provided. I agree not to disparnge or defrme {any negative statements, reviewg or comments, writtcn, oral, or via electronic communication) the Rego Park/Forest Hills Yeterinary Clinic Signature(Firma) Date(Feche)