760 242-5819 Hours - Apple Valley


760 242-5819 Hours - Apple Valley
Our Lady of the Desert
Catholic Church
18386 Corwin Rd.,
Apple Valley, CA
Office Hours:
8:30am - 3:00pm,
Monday - Thursday;
Fridays 8:30am - 2:30pm
760 242-4427 FAX: 760 242-1195
Website: oldccav.org
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time -
Diocese of San Bernardino 909 475-5300
Parish Administrator:
Rev. Delwyn G. Haroldson, C.R.
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Suresh Manickam, HGN
In Residence: Rev. Henry Ruszel, C.R.
Catechetical Formation: Susan Janowicz (ext. 18)
e-mail: [email protected]
Elementary Formation: Irma Muñoz (ext. 20)
e-mail: [email protected]
Youth Ministry/Confirmation: Shari Hartz (ext. 19)
e-mail: [email protected]
Religious Ed. Secretary: Yolanda Serrato (ext. 21)
e-mail: [email protected]
RCIA: Roberta Leruth (ext. 14) or 760 946-0915
e-mail: [email protected]
Administrative Assistant: Robin Mutschler
e-mail: [email protected]
Office Manager: Imelda Salgado (ext. 10)
e-mail: [email protected]
Receptionist: Pam Herman (ext. 11)
e-mail: [email protected]
Receptionist: Patty Magaña (ext. 17)
e-mail: [email protected]
Head of Maintenance: Jeremiah Blackford
Maintenance: Fernando Silva
September 4, 2016
website: www.sbdiocese.org
Mass Schedule
Saturdays: Confessions 2:30pm;
Vigil Mass 4:00pm
7:30am Mass
9:30am Mass (Deaf Interpreter)
11:30am Spanish Mass
5:00pm Youth Mass
Weekday Masses:
7:30am, Monday - Saturday
Religious Education Office:
760 242-5819
Hours: 9:30am-4:30pm,
Monday - Thursday
Closed on Fridays
For emergency anointing ONLY, call
760 242-4427 and leave information on ext. 5.
Emergencia de unción de los enfermos
SOLAMENTE llame 760 242-4427 y deje
información en ext. 5.
From Fr. Del Haroldson, CR
September 4, 2016
Page 2
What is the cost and sacrifice of discipleship?
¿Cuál es el costo y el sacrificio de ser un
Day by day, over and over again, we have to do
discípulo? Día tras día, una y otra vez, tenemos que hacer tres cosas: (1) Jesús siempre
three things: (1) Jesus always comes first. (2)
es lo primero. (2) Posesiones siempre son lo
Possessions always come last. And (3) carry your
úl mo. Y (3) carga tu cruz. ¿Qué significa
cross. What does it mean to say Jesus
decir que Jesús siempre es lo primero? Sigalways comes first? It means our love for Jesus
nifica que nuestro amor a Jesús ene que
has to be more important than even the love we
ser más importante que hasta el amor que
have for our family and for our self. What does
tenemos para nuestra familia y para nosoit mean to say possessions always come last? It
tros mismos. ¿Qué significa decir que posemeans we must be willing to give up all our possessiones siempre son lo úl mo? Significa que tenemos
sions so that we may be possessed by Jesus Christ. It que estar dispuestos a renunciar a todas nuestras
means we have to be willing to spend everything we posesiones, para que podamos ser posesionados por
have for Jesus. What does it mean to carry our
Jesucristo. Significa que tenemos que estar dispuestos a gastar todo lo que tenemos para Jesús. ¿Qué
cross? It means 2 things: make a sacrifice and make
significa cargar tu cruz? Significa dos cosas: has un
a gi to God. The cross as a sacrifice is choosing to
sacrificio y has un regalo a Dios. El sacrificio de la
become like Jesus in everything we say and do. It
cruz, es escoger ser como Jesús en todo lo que decican be spelled out using the le ers EWTN:
mos y hacemos. Se puede explicar usando las letras
E: Encounter, means going out into the world and
searching for people in need, and then bringing
E: Encuentro, es salir al mundo para buscar personas
them to Jesus one day, one person at a me.
con necesidad, y luego traerlos a Jesús, un día, una
W: Washing Feet, means humbling ourselves and
persona a la vez.
denying ourselves, to serve others.
L: Lavar los pies, es humillarnos y negarnos a nosoT: Table Fellowship, means that our love should intros mismos, para servir a los demás.
clude everyone, the unwanted and the poor.
M: Mesa de comunidad, es amar a todos, hasta los
N: No Boundary means we need to reach out
no deseados y los pobres.
S: Sin limite, es extendernos fuera de nuestra zona
beyond our comfort zone to forgive those who
de comodidad para perdonar a los que nos ofenden.
offend us.
The cross as a gi is when we are willing to suffer for El regalo de la cruz, es cuando estamos dispuestos a
sufrir por Dios. Significa que hasta cuando estamos
God. It means even when we are suffering, we will
sufriendo, vamos a seguir amando a Dios.
keep loving God. If you are like me, the one thing
Si eres como yo, lo que más me da miedo es que
that scares me the most is that I have to carry a
que cargar una cruz. ¿Alguna vez te has
cross. Do you ever wonder why we suffer? Maybe it
preguntado por qué sufrimos? Quizás nos recuerda
reminds us that in the end, all we really have is the
que en el fin, todo lo que realmente tenemos es el
love of God. And maybe it gives us the opportunity
amor de Dios. Y quizás nos da la oportunidad de
to make a special gi to God. Let’s look at our model darle un regalo especial a Dios. Vamos a ver nuestro
of Jesus on Calvary. Jesus was abandoned by his
modelo de Jesús en el Calvario.
Jesús fue abandonado por sus amigos. Fue traicionafriends. He was betrayed by Judas. He was innocent
do por Judas. Era inocente, pero fue condenado a
but he was condemned to die a shameful death. To
morir una muerte vergonzosa. Para el mundo su mithe world his mission looked like a complete failure.
sión parecía como un fracaso completo. Lo peor de
Worst of all he bore the guilt of our sins. On Calvatodo es que cargo la culpa de nuestros pecados
ry, on that very cross, we can almost feel Jesus’
En el Calvario, en esa mismo cruz, casi se puede sensuffering, when he cried out “My God, my God, why
r el sufrimiento de Jesús, cuando gritó "Dios mío,
have you abandoned me?” There was no answer.
Dios mío, ¿por qué me has abandonado?" No se conAnd despite all that suffering, He s ll loved us and
testo. Y a pesar de todo ese sufrimiento, todavía nos
he forgave us. He said “Father, forgive them; for
amó y nos perdonó. Dijo: "Padre, perdónalos, porque
they do now know what they are doing.” And in all
no saben lo que están haciendo." Y en todo ese sufrithat suffering, right before He died, he looked up to
miento, antes de morir, miró hacia el cielo y dijo las
heaven and said those most beau ful words of love:
palabras más hermosas de amor: "Padre, en tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu.” Y luego murió.
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” And
Este es el regalo del Calvario. Jesús no sólo ofreció su
then he died. This is the gi of Calvary. Jesus not
dolor y sufrimiento por la salvación de la humanidad
only offered his pain and suffering for the salva on
como un regalo a Dios. Jesús también le ofreció a
of humankind as a gi to God. Jesus also offered
Dios el don supremo del Calvario - que a pesar de
God the ul mate gi of Calvary--that despite all the
todo el dolor y el sufrimiento, el abandono y la
pain and suffering, abandonment and betrayal, He
traición, Él todavía nos amaba y él todavía amaba a
s ll loved us and He s ll loved God. Can we do the
Dios. Podemos hacer lo mismo? Cuando estamos en
same thing? When we are in pain and suffering can
dolor y sufriendo podemos ofrecerlo por la salvación
we offer it for the salva on of mankind as a gi to
de la humanidad como un regalo de Dios? Y
God? And can we make it our gi of Calvary? These
podemos hacerlo nuestro regalo del Calvario?
are the requirements for discipleship and they are
Esto es lo que se necesita para ser un discípulo. Y es
the same requirements for saving our soul. It may
lo mismo que se necesita para salvar nuestra alma.
be demanding, but it is not impossible, because with Puede ser, que es exigente, pero no es imposible,
porque con Dios todo es posible. Y si hacemos lo
God everything is possible. And if we do the best we
mejor que podemos, Dios y Jesús harán lo demás.
can, God and Jesus will do the rest.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
First Reading — Wisdom 9:13-18b
Second Reading — Philemon 9-10, 12-17
Gospel — Luke 14:25-33
Monday: 1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-7, 12; Lk 6:6-11,
or, for Labor Day, any readings from the
Mass “For the Blessings of Human
Labor,” nos. 907-911
Tuesday: 1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19
Wednesday: 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17;
Lk 6:20-26
Thursday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6;
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3-6, 12;
Lk 6:39-42
Saturday: 1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18;
Lk 6:43-49
Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17,
19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 [1-10]
Page 3
Primera lectura — Sabiduría 9:13-18b
Segunda lectura — Filemón 9-10, 12-17
Evangelio — Lucas 14:25-33
Lunes: 1 Cor 5:1-8; Sal 5:5-7, 12; Lc 6:6-11,
o las lecturas de la Misa “Por la
san ficación del trabajo”
Martes: 1 Cor 6:1-11; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lc 6:12-19
Miércoles: 1 Cor 7:25-31; Sal 45:11-12, 14-17;
Lc 6:20-26
Jueves: Mi 5:1-4a o Rom 8:28-30; Sal 13:6;
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
Viernes: 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Sal 84 (83):3-6, 12;
Lc 6:39-42
Sábado: 1 Cor 10:14-22; Sal 116 :12-13, 17-18;
Lc 6:43-49
Domingo: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Sal 51 :3-4, 12-13,
17, 19; 1 Tim 1:12-17; Lc 15:1-32 [1-10]
We disassociate ourselves from the estate planning mee ng
On Sunday August 21, 2016 a parishioner, without permission from the parish administrator or the
diocese of San Bernardino, distributed invita ons/adver sements for an estate planning seminar to
be held by an a orney who is not a parishioner in our Church, on September 3, 2016 in her home.
The diocese of San Bernardino has its own advisors for estate planning. Please be advised that Our
Lady of the Desert and the Diocese of San Bernardino do not in any way support, agree with, or
associate themselves in any way with this a orney or the estate planning seminar.
If you have any ques ons please call the office of the parish administrator.
Prayer & Mass Intentions (Oración—Intenciones)
Sunday, September 4th, 7:30am Mass:
Joseph J. Biodrowski †
Timothy Michael Stanley †
Sunday, September 4th, 9:30am Mass:
Joe & Larry Peters †
Rudy Sanchez †
Chris an Serrato (birthday)
Domingo, 4 de sep embre, 11:30am Misa:
Por la comunidad de la parroquia
Sunday, September 4th, 5:00pm Mass:
Phillip & Michael Koreis †
Ed Bowling †
Todd & Lisa Moen (healing)
Labor Day, Mon., Sept. 5th, 7:30am Mass:
Jim Friedhof †
Tuesday, September 6th, 7:30am Mass:
Marie Antoine †
Wednesday, September 7th, 7:30am Mass:
Steve Sullivan †
Thursday, September 8th, 7:30am Mass:
Ana Maria Sanchez †
Friday, September 9th, 7:30am Mass:
Gary Greear (birthday)
Saturday, September 10th, 7:30am Mass:
Ana Maria Sanchez †
Saturday, September 10th, 4:00pm Mass:
For the people of the parish
Be y Bal erra †
For the deceased members of the
Knights of Columbus
Church office will
be closed on
Labor day,
Sept. 5th.
ESL (English as a Second Language)
Interested in learning! Classes will begin
Tuesday, Sept. 13th in the Ministry Building,
Room St. John the Bap st at 10:00am.
¿Esta interesado en aprender Ingles?
Venga a las clases comienzan el martes, 13
de sep embre en el edificio de ministerios,
cuarto San Juan el bau sta a las 10:00am.
Page 4
Bernie Esparza
Esparza Family
Catalina Hernandez
Gonzalo Perez
Todd & Lisa Moen
Joanne Bartholomew
Suzie Dunagan
Patti O’Brian
Mary Jo Hegarty
Joe MacSwan
Becky MacSwan
Nancy Lacivita
Rose Mary Newlon
Claudette Kirk
Gene Kirk
Angie Marie Cardillo
Angel Dorantes
Heather Young
John Hopper
Carl & Kristina Strub
Clifford Rodgers
Tabitha Hartlage
Skip Lind
Ilene Gilmore
Miranda Salcedo
Suzan Arment
George Small
Clodell Taber
Tracy & Jeff
Kyle B. Stark
Mary Damiani
Virginia Field
Lori Stark
Zella Stark
Toni Dotson
Camille Zemp
Carrie Stratton
Kimberly George
Kerri Holbut
Michael DiPietro
Frank Kocsis
Patricia Tarango
Jesus & Maria Diaz
Fernando & Vanessa Galvan
Brenda Cavender
Robnett Family
Martin Gonzalez Jr.
Gonzalez Family
Gomez Family
Nellie Alvarado
Richard & Carmen Franco
Cesar Padilla
Jaime Padilla
Adam Padilla
Brad,Jem,Baby Rose Hindman
Dave Koerber
Edward McClure
Claude Janowicz
Audrey Ceglinski
Chet Hanna
Michael May
Jim Price
Arthur Moss
Epriam Limpiado
Evelyn Roach
Florence Van Alstine
Bob & Deanna Carlson
Christine Parker
Linda Pacheco
Sid Adams
Bee Higgins
Maxine Fierro
Hector Delgadillo
Kavan King
Christopher Gagnon
Scott Gagnon
Leticia Collins
Deborah Garrett
Yvette Vincent-Zepeda
Kayla Johnston
Tom Johnston Jr.
Christopher Johnston
Lorrie Axton
Keith Sayer
Brozowski Family
Fr. Robert J. Levis
Bob Rosen
Michael & Guadalupe Castillo
Anthony & Eric Salgado
Hans Smallwood
Samantha Wilson
Frank Mutz
Amber Helenbrook
Mary Teachout
John Welch
John Willis
Linda McIndou
Phillip Steven McCafferty
Caitlin McCafferty
Dani & Joe McCafferty
Lauren & Connor McCafferty
Meagan & Matt McCafferty
William J. McCafferty
Anthony Zura
Daniel Zura
Rebecca Zura
Larry Harrison
Lisa Callahan
Bernice Clothier
Mary Tankesly
Kathleen Weimer
Chris & Trewina
Clair Plisiewicz
Geeg Eash
Jennie R. Casey
Debra Garrett
Tom McDonnell, Jr.
Tom McDonnell Sr.
JoAnn Sweeney
Richard Sweeney
Pauline Grecco
September 2016
Page 5
By purchasing Scrip through the Church, the Church
receives 1% to 9% from your purchases.
Stop by the Scrip Table a er Mass!
Son tarjetas para comprar o regalar. La Iglesia recibe 1%
hasta 9% de sus compras. ¡Compre después de misa para
sus regalos!
Albertson’s 4%Arco 1.5%Applebee’s 8% Carl’s Jr. 5%Chipotle 10%
CVS Pharmacy 6% Del Taco 4%Denny’s 7%
El Pollo Loco 6%Home Depot 4% Jack in the Box 4% Lowe’s Hardware 4% Olive Garden/Red Lob 9%Pizza Hut 9%Smart & Final 3% Starbucks 7% Stater Bros. 6% Subway 6% Target 2.5%Wal-Mart 2.5% -
$25, $100 Gi Cards
$50, $100 Gi Cards
$25 Gi Cards
$10 Gi Cards
$10 Gi Cards
$25 Gi Cards
$10 Gi Cards
$10 Gi Cards
$10 Gi Cards
$25 Gi Card
$10 Gi Cards
$25 Gi Card
$25 Gi Cards
$10 Gi Cards
$25 Gi Cards
$10, $25 Gi Cards
$50, $100 Gi Cards
$10 Gi Cards
$25, $100 Gi Cards
$25, $100 Gi Cards
Join us
for a Women’s
Silent Retreat
October 7, 8 & 9 2016
Where: El Carmelo Retreat House
926 E. Highland Ave., Redlands , CA
Register or more information contact:
Lela Hernandez at
(760) 221-5440 or [email protected]
Theme - Family:
Today and in our Catholic Tradition
Single Occupancy $198 or Double Occupancy
(per person) $170 (Includes 2 nights & 6 meals)
The Wednesday morning bible study group will be
presenting "A Biblical walk with the Blessed
Mother" by Edward Sri. There will be 8 video sessions
and a work book.
We will be starting on September 7th at 10:00 am,
in the hall. If interested please contact
Jim Chambers at 760-242-8310.
Church Ministries
Page 6
(Ministerios de la Iglesia)
Adoration: Shirley Smock 719 351-5548
Altar Servers: Tom Cook 760 243-1427
Blue Army: Stephanie Rowe 760 694-1894
Bible Study: (Wednesdays) Jim Chambers 760 242-8310
Bible Study (Thursdays): Jackie Ray 760 242-8519
Boy Scouts: Joe Bertola 760 242-2040
Catholic Daughters: Kristin Stewart 760 240-5837,
[email protected] or Kathy O’Neill 760 694-7395,
[email protected]
Choir Directors: Jeanette Cox ( 7:30am Mass)
John Tonyan ( 9:30am Mass)
Rafael Montañez ( 11:30am Spanish Mass)
Terry Constant (4pm Sat. vigil Mass)
Charismatic Prayer: Dennis Blackford 760 247-9318
English as a Second Language (ESL) 10am on Tuesdays
Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Allee 760 403-5183;
Spanish: Maria E. Novahom760 242-4505
Filipino Ministry: Loyce Gutierrez 760 887-6674
Food Pantry: Wed. & Thurs. from 9:00am to 11:30am
Funeral Hospitality: Bea Stanley 760 242-5793
Giving Hands to the Needy: Antonia Gamez 760 552-1158
Guadalupanos: Rafael Montañez 760 221-6968
Grupo de Oración: Angel Dorantes 760 887-7071
Hearing Impaired: Linda Hardy 760 964-1089 V/VRS
Knights of Columbus: Stan Stanley 760 242-5793
Lectors: Chris Cook: 760 243-1427;
Spanish: Maria Franco 760 964-7639
Life Teen: Shari Hartz 760 242-5819
Marriage Encounter: Robert & Denise Borruel 951 520-7478
Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe:
Ramiro & Mara Alvizures 760 684-0040
Prayer Line: Mary Clavin 760 242-2754
Prison Ministry: Cindy Dorcey 760 900-4319
Pro-Life: MaryAnn Carroll 760 242-3509
Quinceañeras: Arcelia Diaz & Pahola Diaz 760 784-1840
SCRIP: After weekend Masses/place order in office
Senior Pot-luck Luncheons: Richard Janzer 760 247-4555
Sunday Scripture Study: Peggy 760 961-2617
Weddings: Armida Romero 760 953-4473
Ushers: Flo Donaldson 760 887-1117
Community Services
Al-Anon: Saturdays at 11:00 am, office, room 3.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Call Nick 760 900-8290
Caritas Counseling: 909 388-1239; Catholic Charities:
760 242-2311, ext. 8454,16051 Kasota Rd., Site 700, A.V.
CEA-HOW: Call Liz for meetings 760 242-8310
Second Time Around Thrift Store: 760 241-0700,
15527 8th St., Victorville
The Lord’s Table: 760 241-2043,(Hot meals 11am-12pm)
St. Joan of Arc Church, 15512 6th St., Victorville
Appointments will be scheduled for
preparation. Recent baptismal certificate, first
communion & confirmation certificates will be
needed. At least six months to a year
Se harán reuniones para la preparación. Certificado
reciente del bautismo, certificados de primera comunión
y confirmación serán necesarios. Notificación de seis
meses a un año.
Infant Baptism:
Parents need to call for an appointment with
Yolanda Serrato for children 6 yrs. old &
under. A copy of the child’s birth certificate
will be needed.
Bautismo Infantil:
Los padres necesitan de llamar para hacer una cita con
Yolanda Serrato para infantiles hasta los 6 años.
Es necesario una copia de la acta de nacimiento.
Funeral Services: Call the office for information
Servicios de Funeral: Llame la oficina por información.
Tracy Taber (President)
Bob Von Buelow (Vice-President)
Ginny Tapia (Secretary)
Frank Amico
Maria Conchita Franco
Manny Joia
Larry Caldera
Manny Hernandez
Andrea Mendoza
Mee ngs every 2nd Wednesday of the
month at 7:00pm in the office. Call the
office for any date changes.
Looking to make contact with the Parish Council?
Email at [email protected] or speak with
us a er any of the Masses.
Diocesan Development Fund
Campaign Progress
Diocese Goal: $83,200.00
Pledges Made: $92,622.00
Gi s Received: $76,892.44
Donors: 274
As of: Aug. 30, 2016
August 27-28, 2016 - $19,021.11
Upcoming Events—News (Eventos—Noticias)
“A Journey Towards
For those grieving and
suffering a loss to
Murder & Suicide
Ten-week Support Group on Tuesdays from
7:00pm-9:00pm star ng Sept. 6th through Nov.
15th, 2016 at Our Lady of the Desert Church
Space is limited. These 10 weekly small group
gatherings for those who have been impacted by
death through homicide or suicide. Each week
integrates and builds upon the reflec on and
discussions of the previous weeks. A endance at
each session is required. Early registra on is
encouraged to allow me for necessary interview to
par cipate. If you would like more informa on
please call Anna Hamilton at 909 475-5474 or
[email protected]
“El Camino Hacia la Sanación”
Para dolientes de una perdida violente de
Homicidio o Suicidio Grupo de apoyo de diez
semanas los martes de 7:00pm-9:00pm comenzando El 6 de sep embre al 15 de noviembre, 2016 en
Nuestra Señora del Desierto
Espacio limitado. Estas 10 reuniones semanales en
un grupo pequeño dirigido ara aquellas
personas que han sido impactados por una muerte
por homicidio o suicidio. Cada semana se integra y
se basa en las reflexiones y discusiones de las
semanas anteriores. Asistencia en
cada sesión es requerida. Registración por adelanto
es preferible para dar empo a una
entrevista necesaria para quienes desean par cipar.
Para mas información llame a la
Hermana Rosario Coronado, E.E.P. al 760 261-3013 o
[email protected]
Next Weekend, members of the
Congregation of the Resurrection including
Fr. Gene Szarek, CR, the
Provincial Superior of the USA Province,
will be at all our Masses. Please support
them with your
prayers and financial contributions.
Thank you!
Próximo fin de semana, los miembros de la
Congregación de la Resurrección, como el Padre
Gene Szarek, CR, el Superior Provincial de la
provincia de Estados Unidos, estará en todas de
nuestras misas. Por favor, apoye con sus
oraciones y contribuciones financieras.
Page 7
Dear Diocesan Community /
Querida Comunidad Diocesana:
This fall will come together to learn and
share our faith.
Este otoño tendremos la oportunidad de reuniremos
para compartir y aprender de nuestra fe.
The conference will offer four keynote speakers, 50
workshop sessions with topics in the area of
catechesis, personal growth, spirituality, marriage
and music– in English, Spanish, Vietnamese,
Korean and ASL. All workshop and keynotes will
touch on Jubilee Year of Mercy, and ways to
effectively catechize our children, youth and adults.
View the full workshop descriptions here:
La conferencia ofrecerá cuatro conferencias principales y 50 talleres con temas en el área de la
catequesis, crecimiento personal, espiritualidad, matrimonial y música en inglés, español,
vietnamita, coreano y lenguaje de señas. Todas las
presentaciones y taller tocarán el tema del Año del
Jubileo de la Misericordia y ofrecerán métodos para
catequizar efectivamente a nuestros niños, jóvenes y
adultos. Vea las descripciones de los talleres aquí:
It’s Easy to Register / Es fácil inscribirse:
To register online or by mail visit our web page at /
Para inscribirse en línea o por correo, visite nuestra
página web:
Everybody is welcomed, Invite all your constituents! /
¡Todo son bienvenidos, pasen la voz!
We hope to see you there / Esperamos verte ahi
For more information or questions contact
Karina Gomez at [email protected] ,
(909) 475-5452 or your OCM Vicariate Coordinator. /
Para más información o preguntas por favor de
comunicarse con Karina Gomez al correo electrónico: [email protected], o al (909) 475-5452,
también puede comunicarse con su Coordinador de
Catalogs available in the lobby of the Church./
Catálogos disponibles en el lobby de la Iglesia.