scripture readings for the week of the trinity


scripture readings for the week of the trinity
Monday, January 11
8:00AM Pauline Morin
Tuesday, January 12
8:00AM Michael Richard
Wednesday, January 13
8:00AM Sharon McLeod
6:30PM(Spanish) Matilda Peruza
Thursday, January 14
8:00AM Sharon McLeod
Friday, January 15
8:00AM Alice and Tony Korenek
Saturday, January 16
8:00AM Hung Nguyen
5:00PM Bradley Barron
Sunday, January 17
8:00AM Billie Bilski
10:00AM Richard Julian Cano
12:00Noon Minnie Mendez
5:00PM(English) Andy Wooten
Readings for the Week of
JANUARY 10, 2016
The Baptism of the Lord
Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11;
Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 9-10 or Ps 104:1b-2, 3-4
24-25, 27-28, 29-30; Acts 10:34-38 or
Ti 2:11-14, 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-13, 14-17, 18-19;
Mk 1:14-20
1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd;
Mk 1:21-28
Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, and
5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10; Mk 1:29-39
1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44: 10-11, 14-15, 24-25;
Mk 1:40-45
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-17, 18-19;
Mk 2:1-12
1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19, 10:1a; Ps 21:2-3, 4-5, 6-7;
Mk 2:13-17
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10;
1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11
This pilgrimage to Lourdes and Italy will be hosted by Msgr. Adam McClosky
on October 31 to November 11, 2016 Price per person from Houston is
Air/land tour price is $2,629.00 plus $660.00 government
taxes/airline surcharges.
JANUARY 10, 2016
Please pray for the speedy recovery of the following:
Jacqueline Aguilar, Barbie Alexander, Rena Alonso, Maria de Jesus (Susie)
Arsuaga, Gertie Atchison, Tammy Babineck, Kelli Bevans, Dwayne Bilski,
Lukas Bobb, Bill Boyd, Imogene Boyd, Chris Britt, Logan Brown, Arlie
Brennan, Charles Brennan, Anna Sofia Cabarra, Mark Carson, Edith Carson,
Benny Castillo, Mary Cedillo, Katie Clark, Faye Collins, Elizabeth
Cunningham, Henry Davis, Albina Diehl, Betty Devine, Jimmie Dostalik, Mary
Derkowski Dowling, Chinh Duong, Joanne Ensz, Landon Faterkowski, Roy
Faust, Jonathan Flemate, Robert Freeman, Kevin French, Louanna Portier
Gellien, Donna Gillispie, John Graham, Leticia Graham, Octorio Gutierrez,
Carlos Guzman, Leo Haas, Patricia Hale, Ava Hamilton, Leona Hanus, Myra
Hearn, Alice Hernandez, Angela Hernandez, Israel Hernandez, Lucy Herrada,
Rachel Herrera, Donald Hunt, Wiley Inman, Mario Jimenez, Bill Kominczak,
Henry Kopycinski, Connie Kelpen, Hilda Kennedy, Michael Lafferty, William
Lenahan, Marcela Lewis, Joe Limas, Gary Lindig, Dominic Lucio, Martha
Maldonado, Ellen Marinucci, Rick Masler, Edmund Mazoch, Justin Mendez,
Sylvia Medina, Yolanda Medina, Julian Mendez, Michelle Miller, Mark Mosser,
Gloria Nunn, Kristen Oden, Richard and Mary Paul, Christi Ortiz, Melody
Perez, Esther Price, Ernest Prodraza, Emily Rivera, Jeff Rivera, Cindy Rocha,
Belinda Rocha, Sophie Romano, Stephanie Roth, Leo Russek, David Russell,
Rene Salinas, Joe Sanchez, Christopher Sarchet, Lucille Schmidt, Deena
Skucius, Susan Spears, Avelina Suarez, Dolores Tijerina, Mark Torres, Delia
Villafranca, Ken Vollbrecht, Hal Walker, Michael Walker, Marjie Waltmon,
David Zaborowski,Virginia Zamarripa, and Carolyn Zeringue.
Let us pray for all those who have given their life for our freedom
and for those who are serving in our military at home and abroad
and especially the following: Victor J. Broussard, Peter Zachary
Carroll, , Samuel Castillo, Brandon Cook, Matthew Cook, Master Sgt.,
Dean Crawford, Evie Estrada, Nephew Brandon Falcon, Robert
Freedman, Olivia Garza, , Captain Mark Grahmann, Matthew Grissom,
Timothy Groh, Lee Anthony Guerrero, Andrew S. Gutierrez, Bernie
Hanus, Christopher Hernandez, Lucas Hernandez Matthew Hernandez,
Mia Hernandez, Sean Dietrich Hrncir, Samuel Dylan Hrncir, Captain
Mary Hrynyk, Captain Jason Hrynyk, Anthony Handy, Ivan Ibabao,
Elizabeth Grassmann Ibabao, Kelpen, Kayla Loff, Robert Marquez, Jr.,
Aaron Limas, Captain Andrew Locke, Daniel Martinez, John Martinez,
Major Kelly McGovern, Gamaliel Nava, Tony Noser, Dominic
Patronella, Jeremy Redman, Captain Jonathan Reed, Casey Rogers,
Daniel Salinas, The Smith Family, Oscar Sicola, Mertie St. Pierre,
Adam M. Styers, and James Andrew Tammaro.
We will visit Lourdes, Avignon, Nice, Florence, Assisi and Rome, including
Vatican City plus A PAPAL AUDIENCE. Celebrate the Holy Jubilee Year of
Brochures are available in the narthex of the church or you may contact Msgr.
McClosky at 713-449-9022 or Email: asmvscm7@yahoo.
HELP WANTED – We are offering a meal to families after the Mass
of Christian burial for a loved one here at St. Ambrose. If you would
like to help with this Ministry or would like more information, please
call Sr. Charline at 713-682-2242 or email [email protected].
Thank you to those who helped defray the cost of decorating the church
at Christmas in memory of a loved one by making a donation for the
Randy and Dinah Noska
In Memory of Agnes Dostalik, George
Machicek, Larry Machicek, Daniel Hajek,
Leonard Hajek, and John and Agnes Machicek.
STEWARDSHIP Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Sylvia Thoede who
passed away Pray that God grant peace and comfort to her loved ones.
RIDE TO CHURCH - Some of our parishioners would
appreciate a ride to St. Ambrose for weekend Masses. They live in zip
codes 77008 and 77091. If you can help, please call Sister Charline at
“Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful
over a little, I will set you over much…” MATTHEW 25:21
God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts He has
given us. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts
He has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use
them wisely, and be generous with them.
On January 23-24 we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin
America. A lack of priests and trained lay ministers, high emigration rates, and
the alarming pace at which parishioners are leaving the faith make it difficult for
the region’s Church to provide for the faithful. It is more important than ever
that we keep faith with the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean. Please
be generous. Thank you.
Once again our parish ladies are invited to attend a retreat at the Cenacle Retreat
House, 420 N. Kirkwood, just off the Katy Freeway on Friday, March 11, 2016,
7:00 p.m. through Sunday, March 13, 2016, 1:30 p.m. Relax under the tall,
serene pine trees of the Cenacle. Enjoy your own private room, home cooked
meals with desserts and even a massage, if you so wish. The days are scheduled
with conferences with our retreat master, Reverend Terry Ryan, CSP, quite time,
private conferences with the Reverend or the Cenacle staff, as well as free time.
The theme of the retreat is “Women I wish I had met”. During this retreat, we
will be hearing about Etty Hillesum, Dorothy Soelle and Elizabeth Leseur. These
20th century women offer insights to experience God that have their roots in the
early Christian mystics—prayer, interior struggle and growth plus reflection on
and response to one’s life circumstances. What do these women have to say to us
today in our relationship with God? Presentations, guided meditations and
handouts for individual prayer and reflection will be used to facilitate this
Rev. Terry Ryan, CSP is a Paulist priest who travels throughout the US offering
workshops, missions, retreats and evening reflections on the contemplative
experience. The great mystics and the spirituality of the 11th step of a 12-step
recovery program all provide the framework for Father Terry’s discussions of the
contemplative experience.
Don’t miss a truly wonderful weekend. Transporation is arranged. Call Juana G.
Sandoval for more information, questions, or reservations at 281-451-4812 or
713- 688-0702..
will meet on Tuesday, January 14, at
As we celebrated the Miracle of Christmas and the blessings of the Holy
Season, we wish to acknowledge and send very special THANKS to all
our musicians who worked so hard for so many hours in preparation and
performing during all the concerts and Holy Masses.
May the Children and their parents be blessed for helping our parish
celebrate the Lord’s birth at the 5:00PM Mass for Christmas Eve. This
was preceeded by carols sung by many children for one hour before
Mass. We began with a guitar choir of boys and girls who sang and
played their beautiful selections for the Infant Lord. They are taught by
their director Mr. Noe. Following this beautiful music were numerous
soloists on Piano, Voice, Guitar, and Violin. These musicians were
William on guitar and voice; Robert Shapero, voice; Julio Aleman, voice;
Amoree Jones, voice; Andrew Galla, violin; Mia Hietpas; piano and voice;
a vocal Quartet including Alan, Julio, Catherine, and Erik. The additional
singers who joined all the above in a Children’s Choir were: Danna
Garcia, Juliana Garcia, Lilliana Garcia, Viridiana Garcia, their mother
Maria Garcia, and their Aunt, Nicholas Kuciemba, Erin Moore, Marcus
Moore, Mia Esquivel, Tristan Esquivel, Vivian Schulz, Israel Tovar, and
Domenica Sape, and to our Scripture Narrator, Ms. Natalie Grothues who
inspired us with the Word of God.
A very Special Thank You to Alan Saldana-Silva who was appointed the
Assistant Children’s Choir Directolr to Mrs. Stevens.
Also special Thanks to the Soloists and Choir for the Midnight Mass
Concert and Liturgy. They were: Julio Aleman; Marie Cameron,; Marie’s
daughter, Traci Woods-Dennis; Bob Hrncir; Alan Saldana-Silva; Eric
Sandstrom, and his girl friend Archenoor. or ;
A sincere “thank you” also to Kim Dang, Amoree Jones, Frank Krecmer,
and Jerry Rog who sing with the Liturgical Choir all year but were unable
to be with us this Christmas.
A huge thank you to Mr. Robert Connor who served as the Cantata
Narrator and read beautiful Blessings, and also to our other choirs and
their directors. They are: Mr. Robert Korst, Family Choir; Ms. Alpha
Cruz, Spanish Choir; and, Mr. Dylan Ramirez, Youth Choir.
Blessings to all these Music Ministers who serve in St. Ambrose Worship
May Our Infant Savior fill the hearts of all with His love and peace.
1:15PM in Room B.
3:30PM to 4:30PM in church.
In Our Lord’s Service,
Veronica A. Stevens, BFA ,MM
Director of Music
St. Ambrose Catholic Church
JANUARY 10, 2016
will meet on Monday, January 18, at 7:00PM in the
auditorium. This meeting is for all men of the parish. Come and meet your
fellow parishioners and become a member of this very important organization
at St. Ambrose.
I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or its decor.
But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp—
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash.
will be held on Tuesday, January 12, at 7:15PM in the
auditorium. Bring your family and neighbors for an evening of fun and
camaraderie. We will be calling one (1) Bonus Ball Number.
Are you looking for ways to experience God? It can be difficult. God is a
spiritual being. How do you experience a “spiritual being”? Members of
the Society of St. Vincent de Paul invite you to share in their ministry of
experiencing God in the poor. Holy Scripture tells us: “the Word became
flesh and lived among us, and we saw His glory, the glory that is His as
the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (The Gospel according
to John, l:14. We see Christ in the poor and when we see Christ we
experience God. You are invited to serve Christ’s poor in our St.
Ambrose Parish. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is inviting caring
people to assist people in our Parish needing food, clothes, rent
assistance, utility assistance and other emergency needs. Please call
the St. Vincent De Paul Office at 713 686-3068 for more information or to
volunteer your services.
There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.
Herb, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
Looking incredibly well.
I nudged Jesus, “What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake.
“And why is everyone so quiet,
So somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.'
Every saint has a PAST...
Every sinner has a FUTURE!
St. Ambrose Catholic School would like to invite you to their annual
Open House on Thursday, February 4, 2016. Hours are from
8:00AM - 3:00PM,
5:00PM - 8:00PM.
While at St. Ambrose Catholic School, your child will experience
academic, spiritual, and personal growth. With a challenging course
curriculum, state-of-the art technology, and an array of extra-curricular
activities, our five-acre facility promotes a child’s physical, emotional
and social growth. Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference
Eduction Department, St. Ambrose Catholic School is an educational
home for students in Pre-Kindergarten – 3 through Eighth Grade.
St. Ambrose Catholic School: PreK-3 – 8th Grade
Early Childhood Center: Infants – Two Years Old
4213 Mangum Road, Houston, Texas 77092
Come tour the school campus, visit with some of the dedicated faculty
and staff, and explore what it means to “Experience Excellence” at St.
Ambrose Catholic School.
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Christine Langeland,
Assistant tant Principal, at [email protected].
IT TAKES MUCH EFFORT JUST TO make ends meet in our world today.
Do you wish you could talk about something besides all the stresses in your life?
Jesus said: “I will put my spirit in you that you may live.” Come to a Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend and experience Jesus’s love through your spouse
in a unique way. Marriage Encounter gives you the time and tools to revitalize
romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage.
To Find out more about upcoming weekends, visit or call
are invited to meet today, January 10, at Logan’s, 290 Feeder at
2:00PM. For any questions call Sr. Charline or just show up!
In his opening speech at Vatican II, Saint John XXIII acknowledged that, in
the past, the Church had often acted quite severely toward those who were
outside its gates or who did not follow its teachings. Then he said that today we
prefer to make use of the medicine of mercy rather than that of severity. Indeed
it is now Pope Francis’ hope that we will apply this medicine of mercy toward
those in our parish, especially those who feel they are not loved or who have
struggled to be faithful. The purpose of the Jubilee, one might say, is to help us
all learn again about God’s endless mercy – but also to learn and practice our
own call to be people of mercy, indeed to be a Church of Mercy.
Domingo 10 de Enero de 2016
El Bautismo del Señor
Isaias 42,1-4.6-7: Miren a mi siervo, a quien
Salmo 28: El Señor bendice a su pueblo con la paz
Hechos 10,34-38: Ungido con la fuerza del
Espíritu Santo
Lucas 3,15-16.21-22: “Tú eres mi hijo querido”
En algunas ocasiones –pocas, por fortuna— he
escuchado decir a ciertas parejas: “A nuestro hijo no lo
vamos a bautizar porque no queremos imponerle nada; mejor,
cuando crezca, que él escoja qué religión quiere tener”. La
verdad es que a mí me causan una grandísima pena quienes
así piensan porque, además de reflejar la poca fe que ellos
mismos tienen y su escasa formación religiosa, hacen ver con
esos comentarios que no tienen ni idea de lo que es realmente
el bautismo. Si dicen que no quieren imponer la fe a sus hijos,
entonces, ¿por qué no les preguntaron también si querían
venir a esta vida o no, si querían nacer o preferían no haber
vivido nunca?
A lo mejor puede sonar esto un poco duro. Pero así es.
Esos padres de familia no se dan cuenta de que, así como la
vida es un don gratuito que se ofrece al hijo, sin condiciones,
sólo por amor, con el bautismo sucede algo bastante
semejante. La fe es un inmenso regalo, un don de Dios de un
valor incalculable, y los padres –si son de verdad cristianos—
consideran que es la mejor herencia que pueden dar a sus
hijos. Es como si un señor muy rico quisiera regalar a un niño
un millón de dólares y sus padres se opusieran rotundamente
dizque para no "obligar" a su hijo a recibir algo sin su
consentimiento. ¿Verdad que sería el absurdo más grande del
mundo, aunque se hiciera en nombre de una supuesta
Cuentan que san Luis, rey de Francia, cuando alguno
de sus hijos pequeños recibía el bautismo, lo estrechaba con
inmensa alegría entre sus brazos y lo besaba con gran amor,
diciéndole: “¡Querido hijo, hace un momento sólo eras hijo
mío, pero ahora eres también hijo de Dios!”. El apóstol san
Juan se expresa así, con inmensa emoción: "Mirad qué gran
amor nos ha mostrado el Padre para llamarnos hijos de Dios.
¡Y lo somos realmente!" (I Jn 3,2). Y un poco más adelante
dice también: "Quien ha nacido de Dios no peca, porque la
semilla de Dios está en él, y no puede pecar" (I Jn, 3,9).
El Evangelio de hoy nos narra el bautismo de Cristo, y
nos refiere san Lucas que mientras Jesús era bautizado, "se
abrió el cielo, bajó el Espíritu Santo sobre él en forma de
paloma y se dejó oír la voz del Padre que venía del cielo: Tú
eres mi Hijo, el amado, mi predilecto". Es entonces cuando el
Padre da ante el mundo ese maravilloso testimonio a favor de
Cristo, ratifica solemnemente la condición divina de Jesús e
inaugura con su sello la misión que su Hijo estaba para iniciar
sobre la tierra.
Jesús es el Hijo eterno del Padre, el Hijo por
naturaleza, el predilecto por antonomasia. Pero también
nosotros, por una especialísima dignación de Dios y una
predilección de su amor, a través del bautismo, también
quedamos constituidos “hijos en el Hijo” y llegamos a ser
hijos de Dios por adopción.
El bautismo es, pues, el sacramento por el que
nacemos a la vida eterna y el que nos abre las puertas del
cielo. El mismo Juan nos refiere en su evangelio aquellas
profundas palabras que dirigió Jesús a Nicodemo: "En verdad
te digo que quien no naciere del agua y del Espíritu, no podrá
entrar en el reino de los cielos. Lo que nace de la carne, es
carne; pero lo que nace del Espíritu, es espíritu" (Jn 3, 5-6).
Después de las hermosas fiestas navideñas que todos
hemos podido pasar estos días en familia, hoy la Iglesia
quiere celebrando con todos sus hijos la fiesta del bautismo
del Señor. De esta forma, así como Cristo inició su vida
pública con su bautismo, nosotros ahora iniciamos
nuevamente la vida "ordinaria" recordando y reviviendo el
bautismo del Señor.
Pero no es sólo una celebración para iniciar el tiempo
ordinario. La Iglesia, como buena Madre, quiere atraer
nuestra atención hacia las verdades más esenciales y
fundamentales de nuestra vida. Nos remonta hasta los
orígenes de nuestra fe.
Con la colaboracion de Servicio Biblico Latinoamericano
Horario de Servicios
Lunes a Sábado
8:00 a.m. Misa en Ingles
6:30 p.m. Misa en Español
5:00 p.m. Misa en Ingles
8:00 y 10:00 a.m. Misa en Ingles
12:00 p.m. Misa en Español
5:00 p.m. Misa de Jóvenes
Exposición del Santísimo 8:30 a.m. a 6:15 p.m.
Rosario en Español 10:00 a.m.
Oración de la Divina Misericordia 3:00 p.m.
Miércoles de 5:30 a 6:15 p.m.
Sábado de 3:30 a 4:30 p.m.
Misa de Jóvenes
La misa es a las 5:00 p.m.
1er y 3er domingo en español
2do y 4to domingo en Ingles
5to domingo del mes será bilingüe
JANUARY 10, 2016
Adoración ante el
Santísimo Sacramento
Oración y meditación ante el Santísimo Sacramento son dos
maneras de ofrecer a Dios. Usted puede pedir por sus
necesidades o las de sus seres queridos, reflexionar en su
palabra o solamente acompañarle. El realmente quiere verte.
La Exposición son todos los miércoles después de la misa de
8:00 a.m. hasta las 6:15 p.m. en la capilla. Seguido de la misa
en español a las 6:30 p.m.
El Grupo de Oración
Les invita todos los viernes de
7:00 a 9:30 p.m.
Tienen predica, alabanzas y sanación.
Acompáñelos a crecer con el Señor y a tener una
experiencia inolvidable con Jesús.
Los bautizos son el domingo después de la
Misa de 12:00 p.m
Las fechas de los bautizos son las siguientes:
21 de Febrero
20 de Marzo
Necesita llenar la forma de registro y entregarla con
una copia del certificado de nacimiento del bebé. Los
papás y los padrinos deben tomar las clases para
Clases para bautizos:
Las clases para bautizos son el primero y segundo
martes del mes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el salón A
Las siguientes clases para bautizos son:
Febrero 2 & 9, 2016
Marzo 1 & 8, 2016
Iglesia Católica de San Ambrosio y Men’s Club te invitan a
jugar BINGO todos los Martes en el Auditorio a las 7:15 pm
Todos los fondos son para la parroquia.
Ven y diviertete!!!!
Aprende a Orar para aprender a vivir
Fundador: Padre Ignacio Larrañaga
Por medio de un complejo entramado de meditaciones sobre la
palabra, oracion intensiva, reflexion comunitaria y ejercicios de
silenciamientos iras superando paso a paso el mundo interior de
angustias, ansiedades y tristezas.
Como efecto de una vivencia profunda de la fe y del abandono,
iras inundandote de una profunda paz.
Este taller es gratis el cual consta de 15 sesiones y dara inicio el
Lunes 18 de Enero del 2016 de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el salon “A”
para mas inforaicion llame a Josefina de Leon al 832-236-0349
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
Puertas Santas de la Arquidiocesis.
Su Santidad, el Papa Francisco ha proclamado un Jubileo
Extraordinario de la Misericordia que nos permitirá enfocar y
profundizar nuestra gratitud por la misericordia amorosa de
El Año de la Misericordia incluirá el uso de una Puerta Santa,
una entrada especialmente designado que tiene un significado
espiritual y simbólico para los católicos.
En este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, que pasa a través de una
Puerta Santa es parte de la peregrinación que se alienta a todos
los católicos a hacer, ya sea durante un viaje a Roma o un viaje a
las catedrales o iglesias especialmente designados en sus propias
diócesis. Estas peregrinaciones vienen con gracias especiales, y
permiten que cada uno de nosotros para compartir en las muchas
bendiciones del Año Santo.
Ocho iglesias católicas de la Arquidiócesis servirán como
lugares de peregrinación durante el Año Santo de la
2011 Church St., Galveston, 77550
1111 St. Joseph Pkwy., Houston, 77002
15500 El Camino Real, Houston, 77062
2405 Navigation Blvd., Houston 77003
12320 Old Foltin Rd., Houston, 77086
5100 Dabney St., Houston, 77026
7810 Cypresswood Dr., Spring, 77379
705 St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, 77498
Sunday Masses, special Archdiocesan Liturgies, and other services and
celebrations. Anyone with an interest in Music or Singing is encouraged to join
one of the choirs briefly outlined below. For more information, please contact
Veronica Stevens, Music Director, at 281-440-4445, or visit with her after any
weekend Mass.
CHORALE, Saturday evening Mass at 5:00PM
Contact Veronica Stevens at 281-440-4445
CANTOR SOLOIST, Sunday Mass at 7:30AM
Contact Veronica Stevens at 281-440-4445
FAMILY CHOIR, Sunday Mass at 9:00AM
Contact Robert Korst at 713-688-0046
LITURGICAL CHOIR, Sunday Mass at 10:30AM
Contact Veronica Stevens at 281-440-4445
SPANISH CHOIR, Sunday Mass at 12:00Noon
Contact Alpha Omega Cruz – 281-808-3430
Please cut the following ad and present it
the next time you patronize one of our advertisers.
Thank you for advertising in the bulletin of St. Ambrose
\ Church. I am patronizing your business because of it!
: “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.’ Protect them as
they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts
they perform”.
FROM THE CHANCERY - Victims Assistance
Coordinator - “Pastoral Support for Victims of Clergy
Sexual Abuse - In a continuing effort to provide pastoral
care to victims of sexual abuse by clergy of Church
personnel, Archbishop DiNardo would like to remind the
faithful of the Archdiocese of the availability of the Victims
Assistance Coordinator. Anyone who has been the victim
of sexual abuse by clergy of Church personnel is
encouraged to call Sr. Maureen Connell, OP at 713-654—
5799. Please keep in your daily prayers the healing of
victims of abuse and all who suffer in any
JANUARY 10, 2016