

St. Mary’s Catholic Church
1600 East Avenue R-4, Palmdale, CA 93550
Tel. 661-947-3306 • Fax 661-947-8687
Parish Office Hours
Monday: 12:00PM-7:30PM, Tuesday-Friday: 8:00AM - 7:30PM,
Saturday: 8:00AM-12:00 noon, 1:00-3:00PM
[email protected]
Associate Pastor: Fr. Sengol Rajan
[email protected]
Deacon: Elvys Perez
[email protected]
Associate Pastor: Fr. Xavier
[email protected]
Pastor: Fr. Vaughn Winters
Associate Pastor: Fr. Noe Sanchez
[email protected]
Deacon: Ed Caputo
[email protected]
In Residence: Fr. Tomas White
[email protected]
St. Mary’s School
273-5555 [email protected]
Office of Religious Education
273-5554 FAX: 273-5525 [email protected].
Office Hours—Horario de Oficina
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-3:00PM
Religious Gift Store
Sat. 9 AM - 1 PM & 4:30 - 9:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Monday – Wednesday from 11:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Fridays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon closed on the weekend
Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misa
Saturday Evening Vigil: 5:30 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM
Saturday 4:00PM - 5:30PM & 6:30 - 7:00 PM
Sábado 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM y 6:30 - 7:00 PM
Misas en Español: Sabado 7:30 PM
Domingo 12:30 Mediodia y 3:00 PM
Weekday Masses/Misa Durante la Semana
Monday Through Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM
Saturday: 8:30 AM
Holy Days
6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 6:00 PM (English)
Dias Santos
7:30 PM (Español)
Lake Los Angeles Mission
At Lake Los Angeles School
16310 East Avenue Q
Palmdale, CA 93591
Contact Jackie Hull 264-1135
Sunday Mass:
8:30 AM (Bilingual)
Miracluous Medal: Mon. 6:00 PM
Morning Prayer 8:15 before 8:30 AM Mass
Adoration/Adoración: Wed. 6:00-7:00PM & Fri. 9AM - 6:00PM
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wed. 6:30PM
Rosary: after the 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM daily Mass
Right to Life Rosary: Friday 12:00 noon
Cenacle of Prayer for Vocations: Monday 9:00 AM
Our Lady of the Desert Mission
35647 87th St. East
Littlerock, CA 93543
Contact: 965-6139
Sunday Mass:7:00 AM, 8:30 AM
10:30 AM (English)
Adoration/Confession: Fri./Viernes: 7-8 PM
Acton Mission
At High Desert Jr. High School
3620 Antelope Woods Road
Acton, CA 93510
Contact: Bea Fedor
(805) 279-2618
Sunday Mass
8:30 AM (English)
Welcome to St. Mary’s
April 28, 2013
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 28, 2013
“Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race.”
— Revelation 21:3
Quinto Domingo de Pascua
28 de abril de 2013
“Esta es la morada de Dios con los hombres”.
— Apocalipsis 21:3
En la primera lectura de hoy podemos sentir la energía de la joven, creciente Iglesia. Para Pablo y Bernabé, el
trabajo es fructífero, y para la iglesia que los ayuda en
Antioquía, buena nueva. La segunda lectura –una visión–
ofrece un cuadro de triunfo puro y simple. Podríamos parafrasear las palabras de Dios y decir: “¿No ven? ¡Todo lo
hago nuevo!”
La joven Iglesia permanece nueva y joven hasta
hoy día sólo si sigue los mandatos de
Jesús en su Evangelio: “Ámense unos a
otros”. La actitud y las acciones del
amor definen a los discípulos y los
identifican con su maestro. Cada persona sobre la tierra puede ser un discípulo. El ser discípulo no depende de lo
que se aprende o de la sofisticación o la
edad o el conocimiento arcano de ritos
secretos. Se nos pide estudiar y practicar los caminos del amor, aquí y ahora
en la compañía de gente ordinaria.
One can feel the energy of a young, growing church in
today’s first reading. For Paul and Barnabas, it’s smooth sailing.
For the sponsoring church at Antioch, good news. The second
reading—a vision—offers a picture of triumph, pure and simple.
We might paraphrase God’s direct words to read: “Don’t you
see? I make all things new!”
The young church remains new and young to this day if
and when it follows the command Jesus lays down in the Gospel:
“Love one another.” The attitude and actions of love define the disciples and identify them with their master. Every person
on this earth can be a disciple. For discipleship does not depend on learning or
sophistication or age or arcane knowledge
of secret cults. We are asked to study and
practice the ways of love, right here and
right now in the company of ordinary
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16;
Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;
Jn 14:27-31a
Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
or (for memorial) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or
Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14,
16; Mt 13:54-58
Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11
Friday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14
Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8;
Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
Welcome to St. Mary’s
April 28, 2013
St. Mary’s Church Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
Everyone is invited to our 2nd Annual “Cinco De Mayo Fiesta”
11:00 AM - 11:00 PM at St. Mary’s Athletic Field,
Entrance Fee $ 3.00 Children 12 and under Free. This event features colorful entertainment with Live Music from known
Latin Bands, Folk dancing, Mexican/Hispanic food. We will be serving Beer and Margarita as well. We will be selling Early
Bird Entrance Fee Ticket on April 6th and we are giving away door prizes for early birds. 1st drawing will be April 28th. See
you all on May 4th!!!!!
Fiesta de Cinco de Mayo en la Iglesia Sta. Maria
Invitamos a toda la comunidad a nuestra “Segunda Fiesta Anual de 5 de Mayo” de 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM en el campo atlético
de la Iglesia Sta. María
Las entrada es de $ 3.00 y Gratis para niños menores de 12 años. En este evento de entretenimiento: disfrutaran de música en
vivo de Bandas Latinas conocidas como, bailes folklóricos y deliciosa comida Mexicana/Hispana. Se servirá también cerveza
y margaritas.
Estaremos vendiendo boletos de Entrada anticipada $ 3.00 el 6 de abril y estamos regalando premios para los más madrugadores. Primera rifa será el 28 de abril. ¡Nos vemos el 4 de Mayo!
To read and learn about Sunday readings visit: The site is completely free of charge, sponsored by the Center for Liturgy at Saint Louis University.
Para leer y aprender acerca de las lecturas Dominicales visite el sitio: Luego vaya al enlace español, este sitio es gratis y es
hospiciado por el Centro de Litúrgia de la Universidad de San Luis.
LAST WEEK OF R.E. CLASSES—Ultima semana de clases
Last week of classes for First Communion Program will be:
Lake L.A.: April 28, Palmdale: April 29, 30, & May 1
Littlerock: May, 1
Basic faith Formation is a Program offered to learn the basic Catholic believes in order to be a well prepared Catechist and be effective when
teaching adults, teens and Children. This Program is offered by Los Angeles Archdioceses and when finishing the process: classes, specialization
and practicum participants will be certified as Catholic Catechists. This year will be offered at:
Blessed Junipero Serra Parish 60th St. West, Lancaster
May 29th through August 21st
First Session: Tuesday, May 21 42121 remaining sessions will be Wednesdays All session meet 6 -9 pm
Topics include: Images of God, Revelation, Jesus, Scripture, Church, Sacrament,
Liturgy, Morality, Social Justice, Prayer and Spirituality. For more information please contact the Office of
Religious Education at 661-273-5554
Welcome to St. Mary’s
“Uniting children with their
mothers and fathers in prison”
This year Get on the Bus will take more than
1500 children to see their parent in prison.
This may be the only day each year these children will get to see their parent. Get on the
Bus provides each child free transportation,
meals, activities, travel bags, a photo with their
parent and a t-shirt.
This year, St Mary’s Church is sponsoring the Father’s Day
bus to California Men’s Colony Prison in San Luis Obispo,
CA for our local area children to visit their dads in prison
on Saturday, June 1st.
April 28, 2013
Beginning Experience and the Office of Family Life: Grief
Recovery Weekend for Separated, Divorced, and Widowed
Individuals, Friday, June 7, through Sunday, June 9, in Encino
Beginning Experience is a grief recovery ministry for separated, divorced, and widowed individuals who want to heal and
grow beyond their grief. It is a ministry recognized and endorsed by the Office of Family Life. The next “Beginning Experience” weekend will be from Friday evening, June 7,
through Sunday afternoon, June 9, at the Holy Spirit Retreat
Center in Encino. Cost is $250 per person; financial assistance
may be available. For more information or registration, please
contact Ms. Maria Rojas at (310) 365-0186 or Ms. Peg Setti at
(818) 767-1007. They can also be reached via e-mail at:
mailto:[email protected]
There are several ways that you can help. We need donations of: Teddy Bears, Backpacks, Travel Bag items (activities,
The website for the Beginning Experience ministry is at:
snacks, etc.) Stay connected items (stationary, stamps, pens, disposable cameras, picture frames for 4x6 photo of child with their
Be a family contact
Please leave donated items in the Parish Office and label
“GOTB” so that they will know this is for this trip. For further
information, please contact Diana Cardenas, (661) 406-0868 or
by email at [email protected].
Do you want to become Catholic?
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA 2013-2014 Inquiry classes have begun. Join us on Tuesday evenings from
7:00PM to 9:00PM to begin the RCIA process. Classes are located in the Holy
Family Room (behind the church adjacent to the new hall).
What is RICA?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process established for the
universal Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments
of initiation –Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
RCIA is for…
1. Persons in need of Baptism.
2. Persons baptized in another Christian tradition who desire to become
3. Persons baptized Catholic in need of First Communion and Confirmation
(for those who need Confirmation only, Confirmation only classes will be offered
sometime in early winter of 2014. Contact the Religious Education Office for
more information (661)273-5554).
There is no need to pre-register. We will welcome you any time! If you need
additional information, please call: Debbie at 661-538-1985 or e-mail
[email protected] or Mary Rose Toll (cell call or text) 661-406-3458 email [email protected]
Visit our Website at
Welcome to St. Mary’s
April 28, 2013
Euthanasia: Euthanasia means an act or omission intended to
cause death in order to eliminate suffering. The act or omission
is committed by someone other than the person being euthanized, allegedly for his/her benefit.
Advocates of euthanasia and assisted suicide use terms like
"choice in dying" and "self-determination." They promote the
social and legal acceptance of the "right to die" - that is, the
"right" for individuals to choose how, when, where and why to
die, and to receive assistance in dying from others. Although the
expression"right to die" is seductive, it is fundamentally antlibertarian. Giving the State the right to authorize our "right to
die" begins the progression from voluntary imposed death to
involuntary imposed death. Who will decide for those who cannot make their own choices? At what point does a "right" become an expectation, even a duty?
Instead of pursuing a "right to die," let us strive to create an environment - a culture of Life - in which no person feels compelled to seek the "quick fix" of death and every person's life is
respected by society and protected by law. (Imposed Death article* Human Life Alliance publication)
Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes
death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder
gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the
respect due to the living God, his Creator. [2277] Catechism of
the Catholic Church
The Antelope Valley Magnificat Breakfast will be held
at the Hellenic Center, 43404 30th Street West, Lancaster on May 11th at 9:30 AM. Our speaker, Trish
Short, is best known from EWTN Global Catholic Television Network, where she can be seen singing the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy every weekend, worldwide. Come and hear her compelling testimony. For
information contact Rita at (661)943-6402.
For more information on euthanasia and assisted suicide please
visit www. humanlife. org and
The Respect Life Committee will have a table set up in the vestibule of the church, after all the Masses, for you to pick up information on euthanasia and assisted suicide as well as other "life
issues" relating to the dignity of human life.
COMUNIÓN Y MINISTROS DE LA HOSPITALIDAD (anfitriones, ujieres), al próximo día de formación litúrgica que tendrá lugar
el día 1 de junio, 2012 en la parroquia de San Gabril Mission, de 9:00am a 2:00pm
Three workshop are also offered in English: enrichment for LECTORS, FOR MINISTERS OF HOLY
El importe es de $15 por persona, si se recibe antes del 28 de mayo. Si se inscribe más tarde o en el mismo día del evento, el importe es de
$25. Por $6 adicionales habrá almuerzo disponible (sólo para los preregistrados), para ser pagados en el mero día. Pasen por la oficina
parroquial para obtener el volante con su formulario de inscripción. También lo pueden obtener por el website de la Arquidiócesis:
o llamando a la Oficina del Culto 213-637-7262. P. Manuel Sanahuja (213) 637-7588
[email protected]
St. Mary Catholic Church
Saint Mary’s
Parish BINGO!
Every Thursday Night!
* Friendly Volunteers *
Hot Food *
* Large Parking Lot *
Doors open - 4:30 PM
Regular Program
6:30 - 9:00 PM
* Reserved Parking for Handicap* *
Free Coffee & Tea * * ATM cash machine available *
* Proceeds support the many ministries of Saint Mary’s Parish *
St. Mary’s
1600 E. Av tholic Church
(661)947-3 R-4 Palmdale, CA
= $ 12. 00
2 PACKS = $ 20. 00
19 games
Each game pays $250.00
Assortment of Pull Tabs sold all evening!
IMMIGRATION FRAUD-The Archdiocese has been informed of a possible case of immigration fraud by a group identifying themselves as “Hispanic Students of
America” or “University Catholic Students of California.” The group may be using other names as well.
The group uses possible false names of clergy to make contact with a parish and asks to speak at Mass to identify potential families. They then go to individual
homes and ask for more money using intimidation and threats. This group is not a group recognized by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The authorities have been
alerted of the situation and the activities of this group.
Please refer parishioners in need of assistance with immigration issues to Catholic Charities Los Angeles Immigration and Refugee Services at (213) 251-3411. If
you or your parishioners have any questions about a possible immigration service provider, Catholic Charities can verify if the organization has been accredited by
the Board of Immigration Appeal.
Please report any suspected immigration fraud to your local police or sheriff’s department and to the Archdiocese Legal Counsel Office at (213) 637-7511. You
may also call the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Consumer Protection Division at (213) 580-3273 or visit their website at
FRAUDE MIGRATORIO—La Arquidiócesis ha sido informada sobre un posible caso de fraude migratorio por un grupo que se identifica como "Estudiantes Hispanos de América" o "Estudiantes Universitarios Católicos de California." Es posible que también usen otros nombres similares.
El grupo utiliza nombres falsos de miembros del clero para hacer contacto con una parroquia y pide hablar después de Misa para supuestamente identificar algunas familias que podrían beneficiarse de sus servicios. Luego van a los hogares de estas familias y demandan más dinero con intimidación y amenazas. Este
grupo no es reconocido por la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Las autoridades ya han sido alertadas sobre esta situación y las actividades de este grupo.
Si sus feligreses necesitan asistencia con asuntos de inmigración, pueden recomendarles que llamen al Departamento de Servicios para Refugiados y de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas de Los Ángeles al (213) 251-3411. Si usted o sus feligreses tienen dudas sobre un proveedor de servicios de inmigración, Caridades
Católicas también puede verificar si la organización ha sido acreditada por el Consejo de Apelaciones de Inmigración (BIA, por sus siglas en inglés).
Les pedimos que por favor reporten cualquier sospecha de fraude migratorio al departamento de policía local o del sheriff, así como a la Oficina de Asuntos Legales de la Arquidiócesis al (213) 637-7511. También puede llamar a la División de Protección al Consumidor del Fiscal de Distrito (CPD, por sus siglas en inglés) al
(213) 580-3273 o visite su sitio web:
Welcome to St. Mary’s
April 28, 2013
Educación Religiosa de Santa Maria
Teléfono: (661) 273-5554 Fax: (661) 273-5525
Educación Religiosa 2013– 14
Telephone: (661) 273-5554 Fax: (661) 273-5525
Religious Education 2013– 2014
Please follow on-line registration guidelines and send in the
mail or personally required paper work to finish your registration for more information visit:
and click on R.E. page
Por favor siga las guías de registración por internet y someta
por correo o en persona la papeleria requerida para finalizar
su registración. Para más información visite: en la pagina de R.E.
JUNE 10 TO JUNE 14, 2013
Monday-Tuesday from 1pm to 7pm
Location: Parish Hall
Wednesday –Friday from 8 am TO 3 pm
Location: Office of Religious Education
After these dates registration will remain open if spaces are
10 AL 14 DE JUNIO, 2013
Lunes-Martes de 1pm a 7pm
Lugar: Salón Parroquial
Miercoles a Viernes de 8am a 3 pm
Lugar: Oficina de Educación Religiosa
Después de estas fechas las registraciones
Permanecerán abiertas si hay espacios disponibles.
First Communion students need to bring original of
Birth and Baptism certificates.
• Confirmation students need to bring original of Birth,
Baptism and First Communion Certificate.
First Communion Registration Fee:
$10.00 Registration Fee per family + Tuition Fee
Tuition Fees are as follows:
$ 80.00
1st Child
$ 70.00
2nd Child
$ 70.00
3rd Child
4th Child or more no fee applied (same parents)
$ 25.00 Extra Sacramental Expenditures fee per student for
all those who will register for their second First Communion year. A maximum of $75.00 per family.
Confirmation Registration Fee:
$10.00 Registration Fee per family + Tuition Fee
Tuition Fees as follow:
Year 1
$ 150.00
Year 2
$ 250.00
REGISTRATION (If possible)
Refund Policy: Registration fee is not refundable, only fifty
percent of tuition fee will be refunded, if notice is received
before classes begin. No refunds after classes have begun.
We are happy to make financial arrangements when there
is a need.
Estudiantes de Primera Communion necesitan traer
los originales del los certificados de Nacimiento y
• Estudiantes de Confirmación necesitan traer
certificados de Nacimiento, Bautismo y Primera
Cuotas de Primera Comunion:
$10.00 de Registración por familia + la cuota de E.R.
Cuota de Educación Religiosa:
$ 80.00
1er niño/a
$ 70.00
2do niño/a
$ 70.00
3ro niño/a
4to niño/a o mas no hay cuota aplicada (mismos padres)
$25.00 extras para gastos Sacramentales por estudiante para
los que se registren en su Segundo año de Primera Comunión. Un maximo de $75.00 por familia.
Cuotas del Programa de Confirmación:
$10.00 de Registración por familia + la cuota del año
Cuotas de Confirmación:
Primer año
$ 150.00
Segundo año
$ 250.00
Poliza de reembolso: El cobro de registración no es reembolsable, solamente el 50% de de la cuota será reembolsado si
cancela antes de que empiecen las clases y no reembolsos una
vez las clases han empezado.
Nos complace hacer arreglos financieros cuando la familia lo
Welcome to St. Mary’s
June 7-9, 2013: A “Beginning Experience” weekend will
be held at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino
for those who've experienced the loss of a spouse through
death or divorce/separation. This program helps a person
move from the darkness of grief into the light of a new
beginning with renewed hope. Beginning Experience
is recognized by the Office of Family Life for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
The ministry’s website is
For info/registration, contact Peg Setti at (818) 767-1007
and email
[email protected]
or Maria Rojas (bilingual/Spanish) at 310-365-0186.
April 28, 2013
“The Bethlehem Christian Families (Holy Land)
May 4 & 5, 2013 the Bethlehem Christian Families are here to
sell their hand carved religious articles made of olive wood.
The sale of these precious articles supports their Church Mission which is to maintain the roots and the existence of the
Christian Families who are struggling to remain in Bethlehem.
At least Ninety percent of the funds raised through these sales
go directly to Christians living in the Bethlehem area. The proceeds will create more work which will help them to survive
and stay in the Holy Land since they have no other source of
income and are dependant on the olive wood industry. Thank
you for your generosity.
Hoy venimos buena Madre de lugares diferentes a traerte nuestras penas y plegarias muy fervientes.
¡El recorrido Mariano mas completo
en solo 16 dias!
Visitando 5 Paises en un solo recorrido
Precio por persona $ 4, 285. 00
Mayo 15
Mayo 16
Mayo 16
Mayo 18
Mayo 19
Mayo 20
Mayo 21
Mayo 22
Mayo 23
Mayo 24
Mayo 25
Mayo 26
Mayo 27
Mayo 28
Mayo 29
Mayo 30
Mayo 31
Precio Incluye:
Avión ida y vuelta con itinerario descrito
Noches de alojamiento en hoteles categoría (3***5)
Desayuno y cena tipo bufete en los hoteles diariamente
City Tour en: Roma-Asís-Lisboa con guía local de habla hispana
Entrada a la catedral de Orvieto
Reservación de la Santa Misa diaria
Asistencia la llegada y salida en los Aeropuertos
Autobuses de lujo panorámicos equipados con las mas modernas instalaciones
Guía bilingüe licenciado durante todo el recorrido
Maleteros en los hoteles
Impuestos de Avión
Entradas y visitas a todos lugares de interés que se describen en itinerario
Boleto del Ferry Ancona / Split con cabinas dobles y servicios privados
Cena y desayuno a bordo del Ferry
Impuestos portuarios en Ancona
Boleto de ida y vuelta en el Vaporeto en Venecia
Los Angeles—Roma
Roma - Orvieto - Asis
Asis - Loreto - Ancona / Split
Split - Medjugorje
Medjugorje - Venecia
Venecia - Padua - Montichiari
Montichiari - Niza
Niza - Lourdes
Lourdes - Santander
Santader - Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela - Fatima
Fatima - Lisboa - Salida
No te pierdas la gran
oportunidad de estar en los
Santuarios mas visitados por
toda nuestra comunidad
basado en ocupacion doble
No incluye : almuerzos y bebidas en los alimentos, tasas de aeropuerto, impuestos de frontera,
visados, ningún tipo de seguro, gastos personales, propinas a chofer y guía , Entradas y visitas
que no estén especificadas en itinerario.
Solicita tu hoja de inscripción y mas detalles del Tour Contactando:
al Padre Noe Sanchez (661) 947-3306 [email protected]
Sr. y Sra. Walter De Leon (323) 466-3675 (323) 698-7373 Coordinadores
Welcome to St. Mary’s
April 28, 2013
Sunday Masses
Sat. April 27, 2013
5:30 PM † Jesus, Martin y Emilia Gutierrez
7:30 PM
Dr. Jose M. Perez & Family (Special Intention)
Sun. April 28, 2013
7:00 AM † Abel Grajeda
8:30 AM † Carlos Noriega
10:30 AM Daniel Nasworthy (Birthday)
12:30 PM † Santos Duron & Teresa Macias
2:30 PM † Guadalupe Valenzuela
5:30 PM † Federica Ponce
7:00 AM † Jesus Ordaz
† Jesus Zamora
10:30 AM
Maria Arias (Birthday)
Lake LA
8:30 AM All Community of Lake Los Angeles
8:30 AM Bea & Frank Fedor (Birthday)
Weekday Masses
Mon. April 29th
6:30 AM † Al Bateman
8:30 AM
Luis Alberto Navarette (Cumpleaños Birthday)
Tues. April 30th
6:30 AM † Tito Rafanan
8:30 AM † Jesus Ordaz
Wed. May 1, 2013
6:30 AM † Holy Souls in Purgatory
8:30 AM † Oscar Padua
Thurs. May 2, 2013
6:30 AM † Holy Souls in Purgatory
8:30 AM Miguel & Norma Alvarez (24th Wedding Anniversary)
Fri. May 3, 2013
6:30 AM † Holy Souls in Purgatory
8:30 AM † Yolanda Escobedo Lucero
Sat. May 4, 2013
8:30 AM † Carlos Humberto Urquizu
The Angels of Faith and Fun would like to thank everyone for their support and participation of our boutique
and Bake Sale last weekend.
The event was a great success thanks to the bakers of our
parish, boutique crafters, and many who helped in special
ways. Thank you.
Did you know that you are a member of the Archdiocese
Council of Catholic Women “ACCW”?
There is no need to sign up— automatically, you are a
member. St. Mary Catholic Church is one of six parishes
in the North San Fernando District. There are usually
three to four district meetings annually and three Los Angeles Archdiocesan events.
We are a welcoming group and our next meeting will be
May 15th, 2013 here at St. Mary’s. Our meeting consist of
spiritual talks, Mass, and luncheon. Additional information will be found in an upcoming bulletin.
Come Join us Catholic ladies from all the San Fernando
For unlimited Masses said in Rome please
come to the parish office cost per Mass is $10.
Para las Misas en Roma sin limite puede llegar a la oficina parroquial $10. por cada Misa.
As part of the Ten Year Anniversary Commemoration, the
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is sponsoring a special
Organ Concert by our world-class organist, Samuel Soria. The
concert, on our impressive Dobson organ, will begin at 4:00
PM on Sunday afternoon May 5th and will include works by
historic composers, as well as an original composition by Mr.
Soria entitled “Improvisation on BACH.” For more information please call (213) 680-5205. The suggested donation is $
10.00 and students are free. Secure parking is provided at the
Cathedral for $5.00.
555 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90012-2707
(213) 680-5200 website
Working Together To Prevent Child Abuse
April 28, 2013
VIRTUS® Protecting God's Children™ Program
VIRTUS® Protecting God's Children Adult Awareness Session is a three-hour
training that helps clergy, staff, volunteers and parents to understand the facts and myths
about child abuse; how perpetrators operate; and how caring adults can take five important
steps to keep children safe. The parent session also stresses monitoring of computers, cell
phones and other technology that perpetrators use to gain access to children and young
Protegiendo a los niños de Dios. (VIRTUS) Este taller es requerido
para todos lo voluntarios de la Parroquia incluyendo Educación Religiosa, Programas organizados por la Escuela Santa Maria, todos los ministerios de la Paroquia. Cualquier grupo que se reuna en la Iglesia. Los voluntarios que no lo tomen no podran seguir ayudando en sus ministerios hasta que lo puedan tomar. Proxima
fecha del taller es:
Saint Mary—Palmdale
VIRTUS (First time—por primera vez )
May 6, 2013 / Mayo 6, 2013 6:00 to 9:00 PM Check in 5:45 PM
Pre-chequeo 5:45
RSVP 661-273-5554 or Email: [email protected]
Fingerprint Schedule / Horario para las Huellas
Charles Borromeo 10834 Moorpark St. North Hollywood
Wednesday, May 22nd 12:00 noon - 3:40 p.m. & 5:20 p.m. - 7:20 p.m.
For appointment call 818-766-3838
St. Jane Frances De Chantel 13001 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood
Friday, May 24th 12:00 noon - 3:40 p.m. & 5:20 p.m.- 7:20 p.m.
For appointment call 818-985-8600
Fingerprinting/Huellas Digitales
All clergy, paid parish/school personnel and volunteers who work regularly in a supervisory role with children or youth must be fingerprinted. In
the Parish we all work near children—All Saint Mary’s volunteers must be
For more information, Archdiocese of Los Angeles information: Each site has duplicate forms
that the applicant can fill out on site. One copy is kept by the operator and one is
for the applicant’s record as a proof of compliance.
Sacred Heart 565 W. Kettering St. Lancaster
Friday, May 31st 12:00 noon - 3:40 p.m. & 5:20 p.m.- 7:20 p.m.
For appointment call 661945-8743
If you are being abused, have been abused, or know someone who is being
abused, you can call Victims Assistance Ministry at: (800) 355-2545
for assistance to make a report or seek help directly: LA County Child Abuse Hotline: (800) 540-4000
Si usted es o ha sido víctima de abuso o si usted conoce a alguien que lo es o ha sido, por favor llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Asistencia Para Víctimas de Abuso de
la Arquidiocesis: (800)355-2545. Para hacer un reporte o para buscar ayuda directamente la linea de Emergencia del Condado de Los Angeles: (800)540-4000
Text Messaging: Understanding the Codes
Monitoring a child’s Internet browsing and cell phone use are important and challenging aspects of being a parent and
“Keeping Kids Safe”. In keeping track of your child’s text messaging, with its dizzying array of coded abbreviations and
symbols, there are some codes that every parent should keep his/her eyes open for. These are codes that kids use to warn
others that their parents are around or that they use to talk about sex, drugs, or to arrange a meeting.
For a “Glossary of Text Messaging Abbreviations” and other related resources contact: Office of Safeguard the Children:
[email protected]
Mensajes de Texto: Códigos que todos los padres deben de saber
Como padres, es importante y a veces difícil controlar y monitorear las actividades que llevan a cabo sus hijos cuando se
encuentran frente a la computadora o en sus teléfonos celulares. En el seguimiento de mensajes de texto de sus hijos, con
su increíble variedad de abreviaturas y símbolos codificados, hay algunos códigos que todos los padres deben de saber. Los
jóvenes utilizan algunos de estos códigos para advertir a los demás de que sus padres están cerca o los utilizan para hablar
de sexo, drogas, o para concertar una reunión. Para una "Lista de acrónimos para mensajes de texto", y otros recursos relacionados, contacte a la Oficina arquidiocesana de Protección a los Niños: [email protected]