2 1 NEWSLETTER Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies November 2015 issue InsidethisIssue ACISconference CONFERENCE 2016 Provisional Venue: Universidade Católica, Porto 2016……………………1 Conferences, Lectures……………….2,3 Jobs……………..……...3-6 Provisional Dates: 7-9 September 2016 Events………………….6,7 Venue and dates still to be confirmed in next executive meeting, so watch this space! 1 * Conferences/ Lectures Transverberations: Iberian Mysticism in a Global Context 5-6 February 2016 Transverberations: Iberian Mysticism in a Global Context is a two-day conference to be held over the 5th and 6th of February 2016 in the SALC Graduate School, University of Manchester. The event aims to explore the cultural, political, and theological impact of Spanish mysticism on global cultures from its nascence into the present day. Taking place in the aftermath of the 500th anniversary of Teresa of Avila’s birth, the conference will offer an opportunity to reflect on the events and achievements of the centenary year and identify new paths and approaches for researchers working in this field. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the sublime, commemoration and memorials, the relation between mysticism and gender, power and empowerment, the transnational, representations of the ineffable, the Teresian legacy and mysticism in the contemporary world. Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Dr Silvia Evangelisi and Prof Andrew Beresford We hope to attract papers and facilitate discussion on the following topics, though certainly we welcome other areas of inquiry: Mysticism and Empire, Mysticism in the Americas, Mysticism in the Portuguese-speaking world, Iberian mysticism in Translation, the origins and influences of Iberian Mysticism, the cultural afterlives of the Iberian Mystics, the reception of Teresa of Avila’s writing, Iberian mysticism in art, literature, film, and television, new perspectives on Iberian mysticism, Francoist appropriations We invite proposals for 20-minute papers in English. Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words and a short bio to [email protected] by December 14th, 2015. More information can be found under 2 VI Simposio Internacional de Hispanistas «Encuentros 2016» 22-24 de septiembre de 2016 Universidad Jaguelónica de Cracovia La Hispanidad Multicultural Vista desde Cracovia PRIMERA CIRCULAR Con la ocasión del 40 aniversario de la existencia de los estudios hispánicos en Cracovia la Universidad Jaguelónica y la Asociación de Hispanistas de Polonia convocan el VI Simposio «Encuentros» bajo el lema La hispanidad multicultural vista desde Cracovia que tendrá lugar del 22 al 24 de septiembre de 2016 en la Universidad Jaguelónica de Cracovia, Polonia. Las personas interesadas en presentar una comunicación deberán enviar sus propuestas antes del 30 de diciembre de 2015, incluyendo los siguientes datos: nombre y apellido(s) correo electrónico institución a la que pertenecen resumen (250 palabras) área temática 3 palabras clave * Job Opportunities Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Portuguese University of Birmingham - College of Arts and Law, School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music The Department of Modern Languages is seeking to appoint a Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer in Portuguese. The particular aims of the post are to teach and expand buoyant Undergraduate and Postgraduate numbers in Portuguese, pursue leading research in the field of Portuguese and Lusophone World Studies, and develop active collaboration and partnerships with public and private organisations in Brazil as part of the University’s significant on-going activity in the area. An ability to contribute towards the Department’s growing Postgraduate and Undergraduate provision in Translation Studies may be an advantage. To download the details and submit an electronic application online visit: alternatively information can be obtained from 0121 415 9000. Closes: 11th of December 2015 3 PhD Scholarships University of Nottingham AHRC Midlands3Cities funding for UK/EU students The Midlands3Cities doctoral training partnership is a collaboration between the universities of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent, Leicester, De Montfort, Birmingham and Birmingham City. The DTP is in the third of five years, awarding up to 89 PhD Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) studentships for UK/EU applicants for 2016 entry. M3C provides research candidates with cross-institutional mentoring, expert supervision (including crossinstitutional supervision where appropriate), subject-specific and generic training, and professional support in preparing for a career. The Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies at the University of Nottingham is inviting applications from students whose research interests include: History of Spain, Modern Spanish culture and literature, Modern Portuguese culture and literature, Memory Studies, Post-conflict, Visual Culture, Literary Theory, Translation The deadline for AHRC M3C funding applications is 12 January 2016, by which time students must have applied for a place to study and have provided two references to a university within the DTP. For full details of eligibility, funding and research supervision areas (including use of the supervision search tool) please visit or contact [email protected] Information and proposal-writing workshops will be hosted in each of the three partner cities. Register for the workshop in Nottingham (taking place on 21st November) through eventbrite Spanish Tutor Swansea University - Arts and Humanities This is a fixed term position from 1 January 2016 - 27 June 2016 ( to cover maternity leave) to support the teaching and student experience within the College of Arts and Humanities. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Deliver and assess Spanish Language classes, both oral and written, general and professional (e.g. Spanish for Professional Purposes), at all levels of the curriculum including MA, for up to 16 hours per week in term. 2. Contribute to the delivery of translation and interpreting classes at all levels 3. Undertake appropriate administrative duties, e.g. in connection with admissions and organisation of the Year Abroad. 4. Act as Personal Tutor to an appropriate number of undergraduate students. 5. Contribute to informal weekly language practice sessions in Spanish. Informal enquiries are welcome and should be directed to the Head of Department Dr Alison Williams at [email protected] This vacancy will expire midnight Monday 23 November 2015. 4 AHRC scholarships The University of Edinburgh 2016-17 AHRC awards in the School of LLC Under the Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) scheme, the consortium - comprised of the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde and Glasgow School of Art - will consider applications for doctoral studentship awards in the majority of Arts and Humanities subjects. Further information can be found by following the link below to the Scottish Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (SGSAH). The School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures will consider applications for the award in the following subject areas: Film History, Theory and Criticism Translation Studies Languages: Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies Candidates will normally hold a relevant First Class Honours degree (such as BA, MS BMus, BSc or LLB) and preferably a similar calibre of Master’s degree Applying Completed PhD applications should be made via the University of Edinburgh online application system by Tuesday 5th January 2016 in order to ensure that your PhD application is processed in time for consideration within a very tight selection timescale. Eligible applicants should complete the SGSAH application form following the guidance given in the webpage link below. The closing date for applications for these scholarships is Friday 8th January 2016. Leverhulme Application Durham University Up to 7 fully-funded three-year PhD studentships are currently available in the Durham Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Training Programme in Visual Culture (DLITP VC) for October 2016. We welcome applications from graduates in the arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and life sciences who wish to pursue a PhD in visual science or visual culture. It is expected that candidates will have a strong first degree in a relevant discipline (2.1 minimum), together with an excellent Master’s qualification, also in a relevant field. Students for whom visual culture generously defined is integral to their research may apply to any of the University’s departments. Students need to be accepted by a department first to be considered for an award. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their applications with potential supervisors if they wish. There is a two-stage application process for the Programme: Two formal applications to both the University (online) and to the Programme (supplementary form to complete). Selection day for shortlisted candidates, which will be held in Durham on 14 – 15 March 2016. Travel expenses (within the UK) and one night's accommodation will be provided for those invited to attend. The deadline for both formal applications to Durham University is 15 JANUARY 2016. 5 VII Premio Internacional «Academia del Hispanismo» de Tesis Doctoral de Investigación Científica y Crítica sobre Literatura Española o Literatura en Español Este Premio Internacional tiene como objetivo galardonar, editar y promocionar aquella tesis doctoral que, presentada y defendida en una institución académica o universitaria durante el año natural en curso, concurra a la presente convocatoria. La obra galardonada se publicará en la colección Biblioteca Canon de Editorial Academia del Hispanismo. Serán considerados por el Jurado del Premio Internacional “Academia del Hispanismo” de Investigación Científica y Crítica sobre Literatura Española los originales de tesis doctorales inéditas, defendidas en el presente año natural, y presentados con arreglo a las siguientes bases. Los originales han de entregarse en formato pdf, por correo electrónico, junto con el CV de su autor o autora, y con un documento o certificado, también en pdf, que acredite que se trata de una tesis doctoral presentada y defendida ante un tribunal académico en una institución científica o universitaria en el año natural correspondiente a la convocatoria del premio, en la siguiente dirección: [email protected]. En el certificado o en un documento adjunto ha de hacerse constar el nombre del director o directora de la tesis, así como los nombres de los miembros que formaron parte del tribunal. El plazo de presentación de originales concluye a las 24.00 horas del 31 de diciembre de cada año natural Utopia, the 6th UK Portuguese Film Festival 17-22 November 2015 6 Utopia, the 6th UK Portuguese Film Festival will display this year a surprising mixture of great cinema: a homage to Manoel de Oliveira and, as a counterpoint, a spotlight on the work of Portuguese women filmmakers. This is the year of Manoel de Oliveira's departure (Portugal's most internationally renowned and awarded filmmaker), and a small tribute is the least the festival could have put together, in celebration of the great author's immense oeuvre. Notwithstanding, the core theme in the 2015 program is “Women and Film”, with the aim of bringing to international attention recent strong work by female filmmakers such as Margarida Cardoso, Catarina Ruivo and Marta Pessoa. The crucial question we are asking and putting forward is how the work of these talented filmmakers has remained largely unseen and unacknowledged, both internationally and at home. This year's festival will also host two free events at Birkbeck College: a documentary and a major debate and Q&A on the invisibility of women in film and in history. Programme For more information see: 7 * Keep in touch – social media and websites ACIS website The International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) @ ACISnewsletter Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies If you wish to advertise an event or have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact the newsletter editor on: [email protected] 8