Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra


Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Register to the Papers of
John Victor Murra
Alida Friedrich, M.A., M.L.S.
National Anthropological Archives
Smithsonian Institution
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Page Number
SERIES I – CORRESPONDENCE (1927-1998, 2004) [BULK 1950-1990]
SERIES III – DREAM ARCHIVES [DIARIES] (1951-1996) [BULK: 1951-1983]
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Biographical Note
John Victor Murra was born Isak Lipschitz on August 24, 1916 in Odessa, Ukraine. He
spent his childhood and adolescence in Bucharest, Romania where he passed his
baccalaureate examinations in 1933. Following high school, he worked as an apprentice
in paper factories in Romania and Croatia.
In December 1934, Murra immigrated to Chicago, Illinois, where his uncle lived, to
escape the worsening political turmoil in Romania. Shortly after his arrival in the United
States, Murra enrolled at the University of Chicago where he completed a Bachelor of
Arts in sociology in 1936. He then enlisted in the International Brigade and served as an
infantry corporal in the 58th battalion, 15th brigade in the Spanish Republican Army. At
the end of the Spanish Civil War, he spent almost six months (February-June 1939) in
refugee internment camps, most notably the camp at Argèles-sur-Mer, France. In 1939,
Murra returned to Chicago to continue his studies and it was about this time that he
started to use the name Murra in official documents. He completed his Master of Arts
degree in Anthropology at the University of Chicago in 1942.
The war injuries sustained by Murra during the Spanish Civil War exempted him from
military service during the Second World War. Between 1941 and 1942, Murra traveled
to Ecuador as the assistant to Donald Collier, Conservator at the Field Museum of
Chicago, on an archaeological project sponsored by the Institute of Andean Research.
His work with Collier ultimately led him to contribute to the Handbook of South
American Indians. Between 1942 and 1943, he worked as an interviewer for John
Dollard and Ruth Benedict in their work for the United States Department of War to
survey Abraham Lincoln Brigade veterans. In 1943, Murra was appointed Instructor in
Anthropology at the University of Chicago to fill in for Fred Eggan, who entered military
service. In addition to instructing at the University of Chicago during the mid-1940s,
Murra also served as editor on the topic of anthropology for the Encyclopedia Britannica
The decade or so following the Second World War was often extremely frustrating for
Murra as he pursued his quest for American citizenship. In 1946, the U.S. government
denied his applications for naturalization and travel papers on the grounds that he had
served in the Spanish Republican Army. Consequently, Murra was unable to accept a
fellowship from the Social Science Research Council that would have funded his travel to
Ecuador to pursue his doctoral research. Although he finally won his lawsuit for
citizenship in 1950, Murra did not receive a passport until 1956 and was ultimately
forced to change thesis topics in order to continue his doctoral studies without field work.
To support himself during this difficult period, Murra taught at several American
institutions—most notably at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (1947-1950) and
Vassar College (1950-1961), and supervised a number of field work programs in the
Caribbean for Columbia University, Vassar College, Yale University and the University
of Montreal. He also served briefly as a regional specialist on African land tenure for the
United Nations.
Biographical Note
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
In 1955, Murra defended his Ph.D. dissertation, The Economic Organization of the Inca
State and he was awarded a Ph.D. in Anthropology the following year from the
University of Chicago. Shortly thereafter he took a sabbatical from Vassar College to
teach in Peru (1958-1960) at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima and
pursue research at the archives of Cuzco.
In the 1960s, Murra turned his attention towards pursuing research interests and
cultivating the anthropological training of South American graduate students. He left
Vassar College in 1961 and spent time teaching as a visiting professor, first for the
Organization of American States at the Escuela Nacional de Antropología y Historia,
Mexico (1961) and then at Yale University (1962). Murra received in 1963 a three-year
National Science Foundation grant for his well known study of Huánuco, Peru. During
his fieldwork for this project, he continued to teach at the Universidad Nacional Mayor
de San Marcos in Lima, Peru (1965-1966) and the Universidad de Chile (1965). He also
worked to improve the educational opportunities for South American students by
supporting efforts to establish a graduate school at the Universidad de La Plata. Upon
returning to the United States, Murra was a National Academy of Sciences postdoctoral
associate at the Smithsonian Institution (1966-1967).
From 1968 to 1982, Murra served as Professor of Anthropology at Cornell University.
He continued to travel extensively to archives in Spain and South America during this
period and held a number of academic posts at other institutions including Yale
University (1970-1971), the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University (19741975), l‘Université Paris X Nanterre (1975-1976), the Instituto Nacional de Antropología
e Historia in Mexico (1977) and John Hopkins University (1981). He also served as the
president of the American Society of Ethnohistory (1970-1971), the American
Ethnological Society (1972-1973), and the Institute of Andean Research (1977-1983).
Murra‘s efforts to cultivate educational opportunities for South American graduate
students and promote international dialogue among students from different nationalities
produced three well known programs: the comparative seminar on the Andes and
Mesoamerica that he organized with Angel Palerm (1972), the Lake Titicaca field project
he ran with Luis G. Lumbrebas (1973) and the Otoño Andino held at Cornell University
(1977). In 1969, he received the honor of being the Lewis Henry Morgan Lecturer at the
University of Rochester.
Following his retirement from Cornell University (1982), Murra served as a consultant to
the Banco Nacional de Bolivia at the Museo Nacional de Etnografía, La Paz (1982-1983).
He received a Guggenheim Fellowship (1983-1984), that enabled him to pursue research
at the Archivo Nacional and the Academia de la Historia in Madrid and the Archivo
General de Indias in Seville. During his time in Spain, he also taught at the Universities
of Madrid and Seville and at the Institut Catalá d‘Antropologi in Barcelonia (1985-1986).
The following year, he was a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and
was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun, Peru. He then pursued research at
the Instituto de Antropologia de Buenos Aires (1988-1989) and then returned to Spain,
where he was a fellow at the Archivo de Indias (1990-1991). In 1993, the Universidad de
Barcelona awarded him the honor of Doctor Honoris Causa.
Biographical Note
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Murra was married and divorced twice; neither marriage produced any children. He first
married Virginia Miller in 1936; the date of their divorce is unknown. His second
marriage to Elizabeth ―Tommy‖ Sawyer lasted thirteen years (1945-1958).
Biographical Note
Bibliography of Selected Publications
1943 Survey and Excavations in Southern Ecuador. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural
History, Publication 528, Anthropological series volume 35, May 15, 1943. Coauthored with Donald Collier.
1948 ―The Cayapa and Colorado‖ in the Handbook of South American Indians.
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
1951 Soviet Linguistic Controversy, translated from the Soviet Press. New York:
King‘s Crown Press. Co-authored with Robert M. Hankin and Fred Holling.
1956 The Economic Organization of the Inca State. Chicago: University of Chicago.
1962 Cloth and its Functions in the Inca State.
1964 Visita hecha a la Provincia de Chucuito por Garci Diez de San Miguel en el año
1567. Lima: Casa de la Cultura del Perú. Co-authored with Waldemar Espinoza
Soriano and Frey Pedro Gutiérrez Flores.
1966 New Data on Retainer and Servile Populations in Tawantinsuyu.
1967 Visita de la provincia de León de Huánuco en 1562. Iñigo Ortiz de Zúñiga,
visitador. Huánuco, Peru: Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán, Facultad de
Letras y Educación. Contains articles by several authors.
1970 Current Research and Prospects in Andean Ethnohistory. Ithaca: Cornell
1975 Formaciones económicas y políticas del mundo andino. Lima: Instituto de
Estudios Peruanos.
1976 American Anthropology, the Early Years. St. Paul: West Publishing Co. Edited
for the American Ethnological Society.
1978 La organización económica del Estado inca. México: Siglo Veintiuno. Murra‘s
Ph.D. thesis translated from English to Spanish by Daniel R. Wagner.
1980 The Economic Organization of the Inca State. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press.
Formazioni economiche e politiche nel mondo andino: saggi di etnostoria.
Torino: Giulio Einaudi.
Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno Guamán Poma de Ayala (Waman Puma).
Co-authored with Rolena Adorno and Jorge L. Urioste. Republished in 1987.
Bibliography of Selected Publications
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
1981 Las etnocategorías de un Khipu estatal.
The Mit’a Obligations of Ethnic groups to the Inka State.
The ―Vertical Control‖ of a Maximum of Ecologic Tiers in the Economies of
Andean Societies.
1983 Los Olleros del Inka: Hacia una Historia y Arqueología del Qollasuyu. La Paz:
Centrol de Investigaciones Históricas.
1986 Anthropological History of Andean Polities. New York: Cambridge University
Press. Edited with Nathan Wachtel and Jacques Revel. Originally published in
French in 1978 as Anthropologie historique des sociétés andines by Editions de la
Maison des science de l‘homme in Paris.
1987 Civilizatie inca: organizarea economica a statului incas. Bucharest: Editura
Stiintifica si Enciclopedica. Murra‘s Ph.D. thesis translated from English to
Romanian by Murra‘s sister, Ata Iosifescu.
La teoría de la complementariedad vertical eco-simbiótica. La Paz: Hisbol. Coauthored with Ramiro Condarco Morales.
1991 Visita de los valles de Sonqo en los yunka de coca de La Paz (1568-1570).
Madrid: Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana: Quinto Centenario: Instituo de
Estudios Fiscales.
1996 Las cartas de Arguedas. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo
Editorial. Co-authored with Mercedes López-Baralt.
1999 Historia general de América Latina / 1. Las sociedades originales. Madrid:
Editorial Trotta. Co-authored with Teresa Rojas Rabiela.
2000 Los esfuerzos de Sísifo, coversaciones sobre las ciencias sociales en América
Latina. Heredia, Costa Rica: EUNA. A collection of interviews of John Victor
Murra and others conducted by Fernando Calderón.
Nispa ninchis/decimos diciendo : conversaciones con John Murra. Lima: IEP –
Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and IAR – Institute of Andean Research. Edited
by Victoria Castro, Carlos Aldunate and Jorge Hidalgo.
2002 El mundo andino: población, medio ambiente y economía. Lima: Instituto de
Estudios Peuanos: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Bibliography of Selected Publications
Related Archival Collections
National Anthropological Archives
American Ethnological Society
American Society for Ethnohistory
Handbook of South American Indians (1944-1947)
New York University Libraries, Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archive (ALBA)
John Dollard Research Files for Fear and Courage under Battle Conditions
James Lardner Papers
Truman Presidential Museum & Library
Records on the President‘s Committee on Civil Rights Record Group 220
Related Archival Collections
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Scope and Content Note
The Papers of John Victor Murra document his personal and professional life through
audiovisual materials, correspondence, diaries, graduate school notes, lectures,
photocopies of archival materials, photographs, published materials collected by Murra,
reading and research notes and his own writings. The materials span more than 70 years.
The collection includes materials relating to Murra‘s immigration to the United States
and later lawsuit for naturalization, his undergraduate and graduate studies at the
University of Chicago, his experiences in the Spanish Civil War and in Ecuador during
the Second World War as Don Collier‘s assistant, his teaching career at a number of
colleges and universities in the United States and abroad including the University of
Puerto Rico, Vassar College, Yale University, and Cornell University, and his research
interests such as the fieldwork projects he directed at Huánuco and Lake Titicaca.
Murra is a polyglot and a prolific correspondent, two elements which are reflected
throughout the collection. English, French, Spanish and Romanian are the predominant
languages used in his correspondence, but there are also letters in German, Italian and
Russian. The bulk of his correspondence may be found in Series I – Correspondence
which mostly consists of his communications with former classmates from the University
of Chicago, colleagues in the United States and abroad, and former students.
Series IV – Biographical and Series VII – Graduate School and Teaching contain a
significant amount of material pertaining to Murra‘s studies at the University of Chicago
and his lawsuit for naturalization. Correspondence and newspaper editorials from
F. C. Cole and Robert Redfield as well as oral history transcripts of Murra‘s personal
reminiscences are among the items found in these series. For many years, Murra also
kept personal diaries, originally intended as records of his dreams, which form
Series III – Dream Archives. Although this collection is primarily textual in nature, there
are also a photograph and an audio-visual series. The later includes recordings of
Murra‘s Lewis Henry Morgan lectures. The occasional photograph also appears
throughout other series.
Scope and Content Note
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Processing Note
The John Victor Murra Papers came to the National Anthropological Archives in several
installments over twenty-one years. David Block of Cornell University assisted Murra in
selecting and identifying materials for the last installment of the collection which arrived
at the National Anthropological Archives in September 2003.
The archivist merged the multiple accessions into one collection and established 11
series. Original order and folder titles were retained when possible. When the archivist
established new folder titles, she used square brackets []. The archivist used the Post-it
note labels written by David Block to organize and describe the materials in Series IX –
Photographs, Series X – Audiovisual Materials, and Series XI – Maps. All materials
were refoldered and the photographs were sleeved. The archivist photocopied the
newspaper clippings and removed all staples and paperclips. Folders that contained
oversize materials are indicated in the finding aid and have separation sheets stating the
new location of the oversize items. Social Security Numbers have been redacted from
copies of proposals and grants. The handful of folders that are restricted contain
confidential information concerning individual students (e.g., course grades).
The archivist wishes to thank Ann Hunt, Robert Leopold and Susan McElrath for their
assistance in processing this collection.
In 2009, the sound recordings were separated from the collection and moved to the audio
cabinets. Loose notes were separated from the recordings and placed in a folder titled
―[Audio ephemera]‖ and filed with the rest of the collection.
In 2011, the finding aid was updated to include additional materials sent by David Block
These materials include honorary certificates, site maps of Huanuco, Peru,
correspondence, and audio recordings of John Murra‘s commemoration on December 16,
2006 in Ithaca, New York. Some of the materials suffered water damage prior to their
transfer to the archives and show signs of inactive mold growth. These materials are
stored separated in Accretions, Box 1. Preservation copies were made of the documents
that exhibted more serious signs of mold, and the originals were discarded.
Related Collections
In 2008, the VHS videos in the collection were transferred to the Human Studies Film
Archives. Additional videotapes were sent to the NAA and transferred to HSFA.
Processing Note
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box and Folder Listing
Series I – Correspondence (1927-1998, 2004) [Bulk 1950-1990]
(40 boxes, 19.75 linear feet)
This series contains correspondence with individuals and organizations relating to
Murra‘s family, personal interests, research, and professional activities. It is a testament
to Murra‘s proficiency with languages. Most of the correspondence is written in English,
Spanish and French. However, there is also correspondence written in Romanian, Italian,
German and Russian. Many of the letters also have photographs, newspaper clippings or
other attachments. The bulk of the collection‘s correspondence is in this series but there
is correspondence in other series, most notably in Series II – Chronological
Materials are filed under an individual or an organization name. The arrangement is
alphabetical by individual and institution name. Given the polyglot nature of this
collection, the archivist tried to retain and/or denote the appropriate accent marks in
folder titles. Many of the correspondents from Spanish speaking countries have two
surnames: the first from their father, the second from their mother. Their names are listed
alphabetically by their father‘s name and where known the mother‘s name is included
thereafter (e.g. Rodríguez Suy Suy, Ant. [Victor Antonio]). Items are filed
chronologically with undated materials at back of folder. Multiple folders are indicated
in parenthesis (e.g., (3 folders)). Oversized materials are stored separately from their
folders and notated [Oversize]. Restricted folders contain confidential information
concerning individual students (e.g., course grades).
Among the many notable correspondents in this series are: Murra‘s close friends and
classmates from his days at the University of Chicago (e.g., Robert Armstrong, Conrad
and Priscilla Reining, Anne Lynch, and Philleo Nash) and his colleagues from a variety
of teaching posts and research projects (e.g., Bob Manners, Elena Padilla, and Eric Wolf,
who taught with him at the University of Puerto Rico; Helen Codere, his colleague at
Vassar College; J. H. Rowe, Maria Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, Nathan Wachtel, R.
Tom Zuidema, to name a few). Indeed, his correspondents covered the globe and
included researchers behind the Iron Curtain and in Finland, Japan and Israel.
The correspondents also include a number of Murra‘s former students such as author
Kurt Vonnegut, who sent a letter of congratulations to Murra upon his receiving a
Guggenheim fellowship (see Box 15, Guggenheim Fdtn., 1982-1985). His
correspondence with M.I.T. Professor Heather Lechtman, a former student at Vassar
College, spans one of the longest timeframes in the collection. Another notable Vassar
connection is the feminist Laura Rand Orthwein, who at one time took Murra‘s surname
as her own and is known today as Laura X.
Most of the materials relating to Murra‘s family are found in this series in the folders
titled: [Iosifecu, Ata and family], 1940-1978, 1988-1990 and [Lipschitz, A. and family],
1927-1934. Beatrice Iosifecu, or Ata as he addresses her, is Murra‘s sister. A. Lipschitz
was Murra‘s father and the materials in this folder, which include an invitation to Murra‘s
bar mitzvah, are among the oldest in the collection. Almost all of the correspondence in
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
these two folders are in Romanian as is that in the folder titled Pop, Mihai. Additional
and extensive correspondence among Murra, Ata Iosifecu and Mihai Pop may be found
in Series VIII – J. V. M. Publications in the folder titled [Economic Organization of the
Inca State, Romanian Translation]—Ata, 1978-1988 and n.d. Murra had a difficult
relationship with his mother, whose maiden name appears to be Bialik based on a check
stub found in the folder Matos [Mar], José, 1958-1987 (Box 23).
Most materials of a biographical nature may be found in Series V—Biographical.
However, information about Murra‘s childhood and career may also be found in this
series under Guggenheim, Scott and [The Hispanic American Historical Review] HAHR.
Discussion of Murra‘s experiences in the Spanish Civil War may also be found under
Meyer, Jean and Valledor, J. A. [José Antonio].
Box 1
Abercrombie, Th. [Thomas A.], 1978-1986
[Abril Castello, Vidal], 1989
Academia [Nacional de la] Historia, Lima, 1984
Acosta [Rodriguez], Ant° [Antonio], 1980-1987
Adams, Robt. McC. [Robert McC.], 1984
Adorno, R. [Rolena], 1973-1994 and n.d. (2 folders)
African Analogy [African Studies Association], 1968
African Studies Assoc. [Association], 1958
Agro, Robt. [Robert] J., 1972
Aguirre III [Aguirre Beltrán, Gonzalo], 1970-1971
Aibar, Srta. Elena, 1970-1973
Alanoca [Astigueta], Nancy, n.d.
Albó, Xavier, 1968-1976, 1983-1987, 1992
Alcina F. [Franch], José, 1960-1968, 1976-1990, 1996 [Oversize, See map folder #1]
Aldunate [Del Solar], Carlos, 1982-1990, 1997-1998
[Allen, Catherine], 1981-1988
Allison, Marvin Jerome, 1981
Altamirano [Rua], Teófilo, 1969-1971
Amat O., Hernan, 1970
A. A. A. [American Anthropological Association] Committee on L. [Latin] Amer.
[America], 1965-1967
[American Anthropological Association] – Detroit Talk, 1954
A. A. A. [American Anthropological Association]
—Exec. [Executive] Board, 1967-1971
Box 2
A. A. A. (continued)
—Intergración, 1 Nov. [November 19]66-1970, 1966-1971
—México , 1959, 1959-1960
[American Anthropological Association] Philadelphia Meeting – 1961, 1960-1961
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 2 (continued)
A. A. A. [American Anthropological Association]
Statement—Boggs-Frantz, 1966, 1966, 1968
—Visiting Lectr. [Lecturer Program], 1960-1963
Nov. [November 19]66 – Nov. [November 19]67, 1966-1967
Am. [American] Anthropologist, 1952-1967
[American] Antiquity, 1959-1969
A. C. O. A. [American Committee on Africa], 1959-1961
A. E. S. [American Ethnological Society
—1961 Slate], 1960-1962
—Councillor, 1962-1964], 1962-1964
Box 3
A. E. S. [American Ethnological Society]
Mtg 74 [Meeting 1974], 1973-1975
Presidency [19]72-[19]73, 1969-1973 (2 folders)
A.E.S. Spring Symposium 1974 Notes [includes Charles Leslie‘s edited copy of
his paper on R. Redfield] [See Accretions, Box 1]
[The American Historical Review], 1977, 1992-1993
American Society for Ethnohistory
—Ethnohistory, 1964-1970
—1969 Meeting, 1969-1970
[American Society for] Ethnohistory, Presidency, 1970-1972
[The] Americas Socty. [Society], W. P. [Waman Puma]—[Symposium: Andean Worlds
the Incas, Colonial Cultures, Contemporary Legacies], 1992
Ampuero B., Gonzalo, 1990 and n.d.
Anawalt, Patricia [Rieff]
Andean Consortium [Inter-University Consortium for Andean Studies; Northeast
Consortium for Andean Studies], 1967-1972
Anders, Martha, 1973, 1985-1992
See Also: David, Nicolas
Andrews, David, 1967
Box 4
[Annual Review of Anthropology—Andean Societies], 1982-1984
Antunez, Santiago, 1978
Archivo Nac. [Nacional del Perú], Lima, n.d.
Arguedas, J-M [José M.], 1959-69, 1959-1969
Arica 1975 Congreso [VII Congreso Nacional de Argueologia Chilena], 1975
Armstrong, R. [Robert G.], 1943-1961, 1967, 1970-1973
Arnold, Denise, 1973 and n.d.
Arutunian, Ruben, 1987
Arvelo de Jiménez, N. [Nelly]
[Arze Aguirre, Lic. René; Archivo y Biblioteca Nationales de Bolivia (ABNB)], 1997
Arze Q. [Quintanille], Oscar, 1977-1980
Ascher, [Robert], 1961, 1968-1973
Assn. [Asociación] Peruana [de] Antropólogos, 1967-1968
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 4 (continued)
1983 [Assadourian, Carlos Sempat], 1975-1996
C. [Carlos] Sempat [Publications], 1977 and n.d. (3 folders)
Box 5
Athens 1983—[Foundation Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (F. R. N. S.), Centre
de Recherches Néo-Helléniques], 1982-1983, 1986
Avalos de Matos, R. [Rosalía], 1969-1975
[Aveni, Anthony F.], 1981
Ayala – Quito [Ayala Mora, Enrique], 1992
Balikci, Asen, 1972
[Ballivián de Romero, Florencia], 1997
Banu, Ion, 1970
Barnadas, J. M. [Josep M.], 1974, 1977, 1980-1981, 1990-1995, 1998
Barnes, Katherine, 1973-1974
Barraclough, Frannie, 1960, 1970-1977, 1982-1984
Barreda [Murillo], Luis, 1965-1966
Barth, [Fredrik and Molly], 1950
Barth, Fredrick [Sic] – Sollia MS, other reprints, 1950
Bartra, Roger, 1973
Basadre, Jorge, 1971-1972
Benavides, M. [Maria A.], 1989, 1992-1993
Bennett, Wendel, 1940
[Berdan, Frances Frei], 1971
Bere, Beatriz and Paul 1964
Berenguer [R.], J. [José], 1982-1987
Bergeret, Ida Treat, 1964
Bernand, Carmen M., 1971-1972
Berrema, Gerry, 1982
Berthe, J.-Pierre [Jean-Pierre], 1971-1973
Bethel, [Leslie], Cdge. Hist. [Cambridge History of Latin America], 1979-1983
Bills, Garland, 1967, 1980-1984
Bird, Junius, 1960, 1970, 1973, 1982
Bird, R. [Robert], 1961-1970
Bishop, Charles A., [1978]
Bittman, Bente, 1977-1983
[Black-] Michaud, Andrée, 1968-1977
Blitzer, C. [Charles], 1983
Boggs, Steven [Stephen T.], 1967
Bohannan, Jim [Paul], 1969
Boisset M., Guacolda, 1970-1973
Bolivia, [19]82-[19]83, 1973, 1982-1983 [Oversize, See map folder #1]
Bolton, Ralph, 1968-1975
Box 6
Bonavia, Duccio, 1959-1970
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 6 (continued)
Bonilla, Heraclio, 1964, 1968-1985, 1995
Borah, Woodrow, 1968, 1972-1975
Borhegyi Reports [Borhegyi, Stephan F.], 1963-1967
Boston, 1955, paper on cloth, 1955
Boston University, 1952-1953
Bott, Liz, 1948-1950
Bouysse [Cassagne], Thérèse, 1976-1994
Bradby, Barbara, 1982
Brant, Charles S., 1951-1988
[Braun, Robert], 1971-1972
Bray, Warwick, 1972, 1976, 1983
Briggs, Lucy T., 1973-1974, 1984
Brodeur, P. [Paul], 1982-1983
Brooklyn [College], Fall 1950-1951, 1950-1951
Brougère, A. M. [Anne-Marie], 1976-1983
Browman, David L., 1973-1976
Brown, Jennifer, 1963-1971
Brown, Paula, 1968-1972
[Brown, Robert], 1971-1972
Brownrigg, Leslie Ann, 1969-1974
See Also: Mitchell, Wm. [William] P.
[Brucan, Silviu], 1969
Brundage, Burr [C.], 1964-1966, 1973
Brush, Steve, 1971-1978
Bubba Z. [Zamora], Cristina, 1984-1988
Buenos Aires, [Universidad de], 1988-1989
Buenos Aires I. C. A. 1966 [International Congress of Americanists], 1963-1968
Box 7
Buitron, Anibal, 1945-1955
Bujes, Ioana, 1986
Burchard, Rod, 1969
Burger, Richard, 1995, 1998
Burgos Guevara, Hugo, 1972-1974
[Buried Mirror] [See Accretions, Box 1]
Caballero, Geraldine B. de, 1973-1981
Cάedenas, Dr. Jeśus, 1988
Caillavet, Chantal, 1979-1981
Calnek, Edwd. [Edward] E., 1969-1970
Camino, Alejandro, 1978
Campana, Cristóbal, 1973-1974, 1979
Campbell, Leon, 1973-1974
Canadian Ethnology Society, 1975
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 1972
Cañedo-Argüelles, Teresa, 1994
Carande, Bernardo Víctor, 1989
Cardich, Augusto, 1972, 1982
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 7 (continued)
Carmagnani, Mar° [Marcello], 1976
Caro, Debbie [Deborah A.], 1974-1988
Caro, Isabel S., 1948-1956, 1978
Caro Baroja, Julio, 1971
Carrasco, Pedro, 1971
Carrera [-Damas, Germán] – UNESCO, 1988
Carroll, Mireille Raymonde, 1962
Carro, Isabel, 1971
Carvalho-Neto, Paulo de, 1968
Casagrande, Jos. [Joseph B.], 1977
Casamiquela, Rodolfo [M.], 1971-1975
Casaverde, Juvenal, 1970-1976, 1981
Castillo [A.], Hernan, 1967
[Castillo Domenech, Jesus], 1987
See Also: Valledor, J. A.
Castro, Victoria, 1982-1996, 1999
See Also: Accretions, Box 1
Castro-Klarén, Sara, 1983-1984
Catolica U., Lima [Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru], 1981
Cecilia, Román, 1976
Celestino, Olinda, 1972-1976, 1981-1982
C° [Centro] de Estudios Andinos, Huampani 1963, 1963
[Centro de Estudios Rurales Andinos Bartolomé de las Casas], 1988
[Centro de Investigaciones] CIS-Thalpan [Mexico], 1978-1984
[Centro de Investigaciones Superiores del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia]
CIS-INAH, 1977, 1977, 1981
Cereceda [Bianchi], Verónica,
1977, 1981-1989
[–Publications], n.d.
Box 8
Cerulli, Ernesta, 1970-1972
Chapman, Anne, 1961-1967
Chapmans [Chapman Nyaho, Daniel A.], 1951-1963
Chávez Ballón, M. [Manuel], 1963-1967, 1983
Chávez Rodríguez, Carlos, 1996
Cheng[-Hurtado], Alberto [and Martha], 1959-1967, 1987
Chevalier, F. [François], 1961-1971, 1976
1964-1965, 1975-1976, 1980
—Arica, 1993, 1989, 1992
Emergency, 1973-1974
Oct. 1971, 1971, 1973, 1977
Chincha [Area, Peru], 1981-1983
Choy, Emilio, 1959-1961, 1965-1972, 1985
Christian, Wm. [William], 1981
[CIESAS], 1990
Cigliano, Mario, 1972-1974
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 8 (continued)
Cipoletti, Ma. [María] Susana, 1976-1978
Cock, Guillermo, 1978-1987
Codere, Helen, 1951-1962
Cohen, Lucy M., 1969, 1971
Coifman, Eva (aka Eva Sommaripa), 1963-1968
Coles, Robert, 1972
Collier, Andy, 1957
Collier, Don, 1958-1968, 1981-1988
Columbia [University], 1954-55, 1954
Columbus [Ohio State University] 1986, 1985-1986
Columbus, C. [Claudette K.], 1983
[The] Columbus Encycl. [Encyclopedia], 1990
Comas, Juan, 1953-1962, 1969
Box 9
Comhaire, [Jean Louis and Suzanne Comhaire-Sylvain], 1955-1958, 1977
Condarco M. [Morales], Ramiro, 1974-1982
Condominas, Georges, 1984
[Conference on Latin American History], 1974, n.d.
See Also: Accretions, Box 1
Contreras [Hernándes, Jesús, 1979-1989
Cook, Noble David, 1968
Copeland [Reining], Pris. [Priscilla and Conrad Reining], 1949(?)-1962 See also:
Reining, Priscilla
[Cornejo T., Arturo – Universidad] Agraria, 1968
Cornejo Polar, Jorge, 1996
[Cornell University], 1968, 1978-1980
Cornell [University] Latin Am. [American] Prog. [Program], 1967-1969
Coroma [Bolivia—textiles], 1979-1998 and n.d. (2 folders)
Corr, Edwin, 1983
Costello, Jane, n.d.
Coughlin, Frances, 1976, 1980
Crespo Rodas, Alberto, 1977-1978
Creswell, [Martine], Paris [France], 1985
Cuadros, J. J. [Juan José], 1972
CUENCA, 89-, 1989
Current Anthro. [Anthropology], 1958-1970, 1985
Custred, Glynn, 1966-1979
D‘Altroy, Terence, 1979-1982
D‘Andrade, [Roy] – Soc. Cult. A. [Society for Cultural Anthropology], 1984-1985
D‘Antoni, Hector, 1976, 1979
Dalton, [George], thesis, 1961, 1976-1983
Box 10
Danquah, J. Boakye, 1954-1957
Dauelsberg [H.], Percy, 1987
David, Nicholas, 1990
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 10 (continued)
Davidson, Basil, 1952-1953
Day, Kent, 1971, 1974
Degregori, Carlos Ivan, 1967-1972, 1992
Delgado, Carlos, 1968
Denevan, William, 1968
Desrosiers, Sophie, 1984-1990
Desy, Pierrette, 1976
Diamond, S. [Stanley], 1954, 1962, 1972-1974
Diaz, Pio Pablo, 1980-1981
Diez [de San Miguel, 1567], Garci Correspondence, 1963-1965
Dillehay, Tom, 1974-1988
Diskin, Martin, 1971-1973
Dobyns, Henry F., 1960-1968
Dollfus, Olivier, 1970-1985
Donkin, R. A., 1964
Doughty, Paul, 1970
Doyle, Joe, 1996
Drake, [St. Clair], 1950-1954, 1960-1961
Dreyfus[-Gamelon], Simone, 1964-1982
Drucker-Brown, Susan, 1960-1962, 1976-1979, 1981-1982
Dubreuil, [Guy], 1956-1970
Oaks, ‗84, 1974-1977, 1984, 1991
[Oaks] Summer 1991, 1986, 1990-1991
Dumbrtn [Dumbarton] Oaks, Oct. 2-4, ‗92, 1991-1993, n.d., 2 Photos 1997
Durand, José, 1968-1969
Box 11
Duviols, Pierre, 1962-1973, 1979-1993
Dwyer, Edw. [Edward] and Jane, 1977
Dydo, Ursula Edir, 1964-66
[Earle, Timothy Keese], 1979-1982
Earls, John, 1975 and n.d.
Ecuador, 1952-1954, 1959-1974, 1982-1985
—[See Also: Accretions, Box 2]
—Article on [the] ―[Catholic] Church in Ecuador,‖ 1943
—Buitrón Field Notes, etc., 1930, 1942, 1945-1946
Eder, Ulla, 1980, 1987
Einhorn, Arthur, 1974, 1989
Elliott, John H., 1964-1965, 1973, 1975
Embree, Ella, 1987
Britannica, 1946-1947
Br. [Britannica], 1971-1972, 1988
Engel, Frédéric, 1975, n.d.
Enrices, Sergio, 1975-1976
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 11 (continued)
Eretescu, Constantine [Sic] [Constantin P.], 1974-1981, 1999
[Eretescu, Sanda] Golopenţia, 1970, 1972, 1978-1979, n.d.
Erickson, Clark, 1983-1987
Escandell, Neus, 1984
Escobar, Alberto, 1964-1981
Escobar, Gabriel, 1948-1972, 1977-1984, 1989
Escobar [Moscoso], Mario, 1964-1965
Espinoza, Waldemar, 1959-1967, 1973-1979
[Estessone, Juan Carlos], 1989-1990
Esteva Fábregat, Claudio, 1963, 1971-1972
Evaneri, M., 1962
Evans, Brian, 1974
Box 12
Evans, Clifford, 1961-1981 (2 folders)
[Facultad Latino Americana de Ciencias Sociales (FLASCO)], 1984-1988
Faron, L. [Louis] C., 1967-1969
Farrington, Ian, 1972
Favre, Henri, 1966-1971
Field Museum [of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois], 1975
Finley, M. I., 1964
Fioravanti, Antoinette Molinié, 1990, 1992
See Also: Accretions, Box 1
Fitchen, Janet, 1958-1981
Five Anthropologists [Advertisement], 1970
Flores [Ochua], Jorge [A.], 1961, 1966-1988, 1993-1994 (2 folders)
Florescano, [Enrique] – Nexos, 1975-1979
Fonseca [Martal], César, 1964-1979 [Oversize, See map folder #1]
Box 13
Foundation, 1968-1969, 1966-1973, 1984
[Foundation] – Santiago, [Chile], 1972-1978
Fordham [University], 1954, 1954
Fortun, Julia E., 1968-1976
France Trip 1964, 1963-1966
Francisco, Alice, 1968-1970 (2 folders)
Franco-British for Gunnar [Mendoza], 1983-1986
Frankowska, Maria, 1968-1980
Fresco, A° [Antonio] and Vanya [Wania], 1976-1979
Fresco, Antonio, 1991
Friede, Juan, 1961-1969
Frigole, Juan, 1984
Frizell, R. [Gregg International Publishers Limited], 1970-1971
Fuenzalida, Fernando, 1965-1970
Fullbright, [19]75-[19]76, 1976, 1987
Fung, Rosa, 1959-1971
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 13 (continued)
Gade, Daniel W., 1969-1972, 1980, 1987
Gallardo [I.], Francisco, 1995
Gambier, Mariano, 1977-1984
Gangotena, Fco. [Francisco], 1971, 1973
Garavaglia, J. C. [Juan Carlos], 1980-1986
García, Bernardo, 1981-1982
Gasparini, Graziano [and Luise], 1973-1979
Gayton, Anna H., 1962
Gendrop, Paul, 1986
Genin, Didier, 1995
Gentile, M. [Margarita Elvira], 1985-1989
Ghent, Natasha, 1964-65
Box 14
Gillin, John, 1943
Gillman, Joe [Joseph] [Ghana], 1961-1962
Gisbert, Teresa, 1981-1982
Gimenez, Carlos, 1985
[Giulio] Einaudi [Editore, Torino]
—[Italian Translations], 1975-1976
Glave, Luis M., 1987, 1993
Gluckman, Max, 1946
Goddard, Howard, 1986
Goddard, Ives, 1996
See Also: Sturtevant, William
Godelier, Maurice, 1970-1983
Gold Coast Consultations [Ghana], 1951-1952
Goldin, Liliana, 1979-1984 and n.d.
Goldman, Irving, 1968-1969
Goldschmidt, W. [Walter] [Aldine Publishing Company], 1968-1970
Golte, Jürgen, 1967-1976, 1981
Gondard, Pierre, 1987
Gonzalez, A. [Alberto] Rex, 1968, 1971, 1977, 1982-1983
Gonzalez, Ann de, n.d.
Good, Catherine, 1974-1978 (two folders)
Good, Catherine, 1979- 1993
Grant, B. S. [Nnonka, Barbara S. Grant], 1954-1965
Grebe V. [Vicuña], Ma. [Maria] Ester, n.d.
Greene, Jack P., 1972-1973
Greenwood, D. [Davydd] J., 1971-1976
Greenwood [Publishing Group, Inc.], 1992
Grobman, Alex, 1963
Grosboll, Sue, 1984, 1986
Gross, David, 1970-1973
Grünberg, Georg, 1970
Guerrero, Andrés, 1984-1987, 1993-1998
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 14 (continued)
Guggenheim Fdtn. [Foundation], 1982-1985
Guggenheim, Scott, 1983, 1987
Guillén, Edmundo, 1963-1979
Box 15
Gundermann, Hans, 1985
Gunther, Juan, 1969
Gutiérez Estévez, Manuel, 1997
Guyot, Mireille, 1966-1980
Gyarmati, Janos, 1987
Hadden, Gordon, 1956, 1964-1972, 1982-1984 (2 folders) See also: Series XI – Maps
[Hadden, Gordon—Museo Nacional del Peru], 1983-1984 [Oversize, See map folder #1]
See also: Series XI – Maps
Halpin, Marjorie, 1967-1991
Hamilton, Roland, 1977-1982
Hampe, Teodoro, 1990
Hanke, Lewis, 1962-1963, 1970-1977, 1989
Hardoy, Jorge, 1960, 1969-1971, 1978
Harman, Inge Maria, 1986, 1987, 1989
Harris, Fred, 1967
Harris, Jack, 1947, 1950-1965, 1972-1973, 1979, 1989
Harris, Olivia, 1976-1978
Box 16
Harris, Olivia, 1979-1990, n.d. (2 folders)
Harrison, Barbara, n.d.
Harth-Terré, Emilio, 1964, 1966
Hartmann, Roswith, 1969-1972, 1981-1987
Harwood, F. H., 1964
Hastings, [Charles], 1972, 1977-1981, 1986-1992
Heath, Dwight B., 1965-1970
Helm, J. [June], April 1984, 1982-1984
Helmer, Marie, 1967, 1970
Helms, Mary W., 1980
Henderson, John, 1976-1980
Henige, David, 1981
Henningsen, Gustav, 1972-1974
Herencia, Saturnina, 1987-1988
Hickman, John, 1973
Hidalgo, Jorge, 1972-1999 (2 folders)
Hinshaw, Robt. [Robert], 1967-1968
Box 17
[The Hispanic American Historical Review] HAHR, 1960, 1968-1970, 1982-1989
Hocquenghem, Anne Marie, 1981, 1991
Box 17 (continued)
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Hoffman, Lola, 1962, 1966, 1969, 1995
Holm, Olaf, 1963-1990
Hooker, Jeanne, 1957
[Human Relations Area Files], 1961, 1961 [see notes for Human Rights Paper in
Section V, also see Accretions Box 2]
Hymes, Dell, 1969
Hyslop, John, 1973-1993, n.d. (3 folders) [Oversize, See map folder #1]
[Iberamericana, Universidad] Ibero-Americ. 1972, 1971-1973
Ife [University of], 1962-1963
Indacochea, Edo. [Eduardo], 1971-1973
[The] Institute [for] Advanced Study, 1973-1975
Box 18
I. A. R. [Institute of Andean Research], 1942, 1964-1990, n.d. (2 folders) See Also:
Accretions, Box 1]
I. [Instituto de] Estudios Peruanos, 1964-1970, 1975-1977, 1987
I. G. M. [Instituto Geográfico Militar], 1964-1967
[Instituto] ―Gonzalo [Fernandez]de Oviedo‖ – CLAH [Conference on Latin American
History], 1978-1979
[Instituto Colombiano de Cultura-Bogotá, Colombia], 1980
[Instituto Indigenista Interamericano – Inter-American Indian Institute], 1967-1970
[Instituto] Indigenista Interamericano, 1978 [Inter-American Indian Institute], 1977-1984
Inter-Am. [American] Fdtn. [Foundation], 1970, 1970-1972, 1978, 1983
[International African Institute], 1947
[International Congress of Americanists] 1985 Bogota, 1984-1985
[International Congress of Americanists] ICA
– 1982 Britain, 1979-1982
1970 Lima, 1969-1970
1979 Vancouver, 1979
[International Development Placement Association, Inc.] IDPA, 1952-1954
Box 19
[Iosifecu, Ata and family], 1940-1978, 1988-1990 (two folders)
Isaac, Barry, 1982
Isbell, Wm. [William and Billie Jean], 1970-1978, 1994
Isla, Alejandro, 1984-1988
Itier, Cesar, 1995
Izard, Michel
Jacopin, [Pierre-Yves], 1976
Japa, Santiago 1965-1970
Jara, Victa. [Victoria] de la, 1972, 1983
Jaulin, Rbt. [Robert], 1974
Jennings, F. [Francis], 1987
Jenson, Peter, 1963-1968 [Oversize, See map folder #1]
Jiménez, Alfredo, 1965-1967
Jiménez Borja, Arturo, 1968
[The] J. [John] C. [Carter] Brown [Library], 1985-1986
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 19 (continued)
[The John Carter Brown Library—―The Book in the Americas‖ Conference], 1985
[The] John Hopkins [University], 1980
Johnson, Margaret, 1957, 1962, 1976, n.d.
Judy [Willis ?], 1975-1976
Julien, Catherine, 1975-1979, 1988
Kaarhus, 1994
Katz, Friedrich, 1963, 1970-1986
Kauffmann Doig, F. [Federico], 1963, 1983
Kazu, n.d.
Keating, Richrd. [Richard], 1973-1974
Keith, Robt. [Robert], 1969-1970
Kempner, Robert, 1970, 1972
Kendall, Ann, 1968-1970, 1988
Kennedy, Kenneth A. R., 1971-1973
Kenny, Michael, 1960-1961, 1968
Kerr, Peter, 1992
Khipu [Quipu] at D. [Dumbarton] Oaks, May ‗92, 1992
Klimes, Cath. [Katalin, Klimes Szmik], 1977
Klymshin, Alexa. [Alexandra M. Ulana], 1975-1977
Kolata, Alan, 1985, 1993
Kooros, Leila, 1958-1964
[Kosok, Paul], 1950
Krapovickas, Pedro, 1973-1974, 1980
Kubler, George, 1960-1961, 1970-1975, 1985
Kuntisuyu Project, 1984
Kusch, Rodolfo, 1978, 1984
Kus, James, n.d.
Box 20
La Barre, Weston, 1968-1983
Lafaye, Jacques, 1974-1976
Lalones [La Lone], D. [Darrell] and M. [Mary], 1979-1982
Lambert, Nina, 1959
Lanning, Ed. [Edward], 1962-1963
Lardner, Jr., Ring, 1975
Larrain B. [Barros], Horacio, 1972-1978
Larson, Brooke, 1984-1990
Lathrap, Donald, 1963-1964, 1970-1978
L. A. R. R. [Latin American Research Review], 1969-1970, 1981
LASPAU [The Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities],
Lázaro, Va. [Virginia], 1976
Lechtman, Heather [Theodora], [1956?]-1995 (4f)
Lee, Vincent, 1995
Lema, Ana María, 1992
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 20 (continued)
Łepkowski, Tadeusz, 1970
Leslie, Charles, 1970
Lesser, Alexander, 1972
Letters T [Elizabeth ―Thomas Sawyer‖] to M [Murra] ‘47 – ‘48, 1965
Levak, Zarko, 1968
Box 21
Lévi-Strauss, Claude and Izard, Michel, 1975
Liberman, K. [Kitula], 1974-1986
Liberty, Margo, 1972-1976
[Librairie] Larousse, 1971
Linares, Olga, 1958-1971, 1982
Linder, Professor A., 1989
Lippi, [Ronald D.]—Ethnohistory, 1978
[Lipschitz, A. and family], 1927-1934
Lizarraga, Karen, 1985
Llagostera [Martínez], Agustín, 1972-1994
Llanque Ch. [Chana], Domingo, 1973-1978
Lohmann V. [Villena], Gmo. [Guillermo], 1975-1979
Lomax, Alan, 1964
L. S. E. [The London School of Economics and Political Science], 1986-1987
Lopez Baralt, L. [Luce], 1984
Lopez Baralt, [Mercedes], 1988-1997
Lopez-Ocon, Leoncio, 1985-1990,
López y Sebastian, L. [Lorenzo Eladio], 1976-1980
Lorandi, Ana María, 1967-1995
Loredo, Rafael, 1959-1961
Lorincz, [Ladislaus—] AIUD, 1990
Lounsbury, Floyd, 1963-1970, 1984
Lourties, Maria, 1995 & 1997
Lourie, Nancy Oster, 1983
Lowenthal, [David—], A. [American] Geog. [Geographical] Soc. [Society], 1958
Loza, Carmen Bz. [Beatriz], 1984, 1989
Box 22
Lumbreras, L. [Luis] G., 1967-1979
Lussier, C. [Catherine], 1994-1995
Lynch, Anne [and Kevin], 1943-1977
Lynch, T. [Thomas], 1968-1985
Lyon, Patricia, 1970, 1988
MacCormack, Sabine, 1979-1991 (2f)
MacNeish, Richard S., 1965, 1970, 1981
Macera, Pablo, 1963
Madrazo, Gmo. [Guillermo], 1970-1986
Málaga [Medina], Alejandro, 1973-1983
Malagón, Javier, 1962
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 22 (continued)
Malengreau, Jacques, 1973-1985
Malloy, James M., 1974-1975
Mamani P. [Pocoata], Muricio, 1972-1976
Mangelsdorf Gala, 1985
Mangin, W. [William], 1955-1972
Box 23
Manners, Robert, 1948-1962
Manya [Ambúr], Ant. [Rev. P. Juan Antonio], 1969-1970
Marcellino, Albrto [Alberto], 1973-1974 Box 23 (continued)
Marcos, Jorge, 1973-1982
Marichal, Juan, 1970-1971
Marotzke, H. [Hans], 1973-1974
[Marsilli C., Maria], 1988-1990
Martin, Dolores, [Library of Congress, Hispanic Division, Handbook of Latin
American Studies], 1976-1982
Martínez, Gabriel, 1976-1985
Martínez, Héctor, 1966, 1969
Martínez [Cereceda], José Ls. [Luis], [1980?]-1986
Martínez Alier, J. [Juan], 1973
Maryland, [University of], 1988—[The Andean Uses of the Coca Leaf Lecture],
M. I. T. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology], 1965-1971
Masuda, Shozo, 1967-1987
[Mathewson, Ruth] Murray, 1954, 1963-1981
Maticorena [Estrada], Miguel, 1973
Matos [Mar], José, 1958-1987
Matos [Mar, José] – IEP [Instituto de Estudios Peruanos], 1979-1985, 1990
Matos [Mendieta], Ramiro, 1964-1990
Mayer, Enrique, 1967-1989
Box 24
McKee, Lauris, 1976, 1986
McQuown, Norman, 1967
[McQuown, Norman]—Linguistic Inventory, 1967
McWilliams, [Carey], 1952-1957
See Also: [The] Nation
Medina, Javier – HISBOL [Instituto de Historia Social Boliviana], 1988
Medlin, Mary Ann, 1976-1988, n.d.
Meija X. [Xesspe], Toribio, 1967-1984
Mejías López, [William], 1997
Mellafe, Rolando, 1961-1967, 1973, 1987
Mendizábal [Losack], Emilio, 1964-1972
Mendoza, 1976 [Cuarto Congreso Nacional de Argueologia Argentina], 1975-1976
Mendoza [Müller], Angela, 1965, 1970
Mendoza, Eque. [Enrique], Bog. [Bogota, Colombia], 1989
Mendoza, Gunnar, 1975-1989
See Also: Series V and VIII
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 24 (continued)
Mendoza, Javier, La Paz [Bolivia], 1980-1981
Menegus, Margarita, n.d. and 1994
Menget, Patric, 1973
Menzel, Dorothy, 1959-1964, 1970-1978, 1986
Merritt, Carole, 1962-1967
META [Metropolitan Educational Television Association, Incorporated], 1958
Métraux, A. [Alfred] - H-book [Handbook], 1989
[Métraux, Alfred], 1943-1963, 1989-1990
Mexico, 1957, 1957-1960
Meyer, Jean, 1983, 1987, 1989
Middleton, John, 1966
Milliones, Luis, 1964-1965
Mintz, Sidney, 1972, 1979, 1990-1991, 1993, 1999
Box 25
[Mira, Guillermo], n.d.
Mishkin, Bernard, 1969
Mitchell, Wm. [William] P., 1973-1977
Moffet, Martha, 1986
Molina, Ramiro and R. [Rossana Barragán], 1983-1984
Molinie-Fioravanti, Ant. [Antoinette], 1974-1975, 1980-1984, 1990
Monge, Carlos, 1970, 1991
Montalvo, Abner, 1960-1963
Montané, Julio C., 1968-1973
Montero [de] Gyorffy, Pilar [and Ana Rosa de Bovet], 1961-1965, 1970-1972
Moore, Sally Falk, 1957
Moreno [Yánez], Segundo [E.], 1977-1988
Morlon, P. [Pierre], 1986-1997
Mörner, Magnus, 1968-1972, 1979-1981
Morote B. [Best, Efraín], 1958-1963
Morris, Craig, 1968-1996 (2 folders)
Moseley, M. [Michael] E., 1983-1984
Mróz, Marcin, 1987
Muchnik, Mario, 1977, 1997-1998
Muelle, Jorge, 1962-1963, 1968, 1974-1975
Mujica B. [Barreda], Elias, 1973, 1981-1982
Munizaga [A.], Carlos, 1969
[Muñoz Ovalle, Iván Ricardo], 1981
Murrade, Beatriz, 1989- 1996
Mutual, [Sylvio] – Coloquio Intenl, 1977-1979
Naranjo, Marcelo, 1974
Nash, June, 1968-1973
Box 26
Nash, Philleo, 1961, 1972, 1987-1989
Nash, Sally/Green Acres School, 1961
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 26 (continued)
[The] Nation, 1954-1959, 1972
See also: McWilliams, [Carey]
[National Endowment for the Humanities] Endowmt Humts 1988, 1987-1988
Natl. Geogr. [National Geographic Society], 1977
National Science Foundation, 1964-1969
Navarrete, Mercedes Frias, 1979
Necker, Louis, 1965-1983
Neira [Avendaño], Máximo, 1965
Nelken-Turner, Tony [Antoinette], 1970-1976
Nellie [Harritos, Harriet], 1958-1976 (2f)
Nelson, Steve [ALBA—Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives], 1986, 1991
Netherly, Patricia [Deustua, Patricia], 1967-1979 (2 folders)
Box 27
Netherly, Patricia, 1980-1993
New School [for Social Research] 1958-, 1957-1959
[Newton, Dolores], 1967-1977, 1982
Newton, Saul, 1967
Niemeyer, Hans, 1973, 1975, 1994
Norlan, Lucia, 1998
Norton, Preston [Sic] [Presley], 1977-1978
Nuñez [Atoncio], Lautaro, 1970-1990
Nuñez del Prado, Oscar, 1963-1973
Nuñez [Regueiro], Victor A., 1975
Oberm, Udo, 1962, 1967, 1971-1978, 1986
O‘Brien, Denise, 1959-1960, 1967-1969
[Ochiai, Kazuyasu], 1978
Ochoa, Carlos, 1959-1970, 1991
Ohemaa, Texto de, n.d.
ONERN [Oficina Nacional de Evaluacion de Recursos] – Zamora [J., Carlos], 1973-1974
O‘Phelan, Scarlett, n.d.
Oritz, Resc. [Rescaniere], Alej. [Alejandro], 1967-1970
Oritz [Alcala], Marion [Sic] [Maria J.], 1989 and n.d.
Oritz-Troncoso, O. [Omar R. and Menchaca-Goic, Diana]
Orlove, Ben [Benjamin S.], 1970-1977, 1981
Orthwein, Laura Rand [Laura X; Laura Shaw Murra], 1960-1975, and n.d. (7 folders)
Box 28
Orthwein, Laura Rand (6 folders continued)
Ortiz, 1989
Osborn, Ann, 1968
O‘Siaochain, Séamus, 1987
Ossio, Juan, 1967-1970, 1978 and n.d.
Otazu, Alfonso, 1976-1977
Otoño Adino ‗77 [Concentration in Andean Studies, Autumn Semester 1977], 1976-1977
Ottonello [de García Reinoso], Martha [Marta], 1975
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 29
Padilla, Elena, 1948-1956, 1961, 1968
Palacios [Rios], Félix, 1973-1976, 1994
Palerm, Angel, 1952-1957, 1961-1962, 1968-1984, 1989-1990
Palerm, [Angel], homenaje [Volumes published in memory of Angel Palerm], 1980-1988
Palerm Library, 1994-1997
[Palerm Viqueira, Juan-Vincente (Xan) – Correspondence (1f) /Publications (2f)], 19661983 and n.d.
[Palm, Erwin Walter], 1973
Palma, Julie, 1983
Palomeque, Silvia, 1986-1998
See also Accretions, Box 1
[Pan American Institute of Geography and History] Inst. Pan. Geog. y Hist., 1968-1970
Pan American Union, 1953-1962
[Pan American Union]—PICSA [Programa Interamericano para el Adiestiamiento de
Postgraduados en Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas], 1961-1962 RESTRICTED
UNTIL 2019
[Paramos Andean Ecosystem – International Geographical Union], 1982
Paramos [Andean Ecosystem] – Venezuela, IVIC [Instituto Venezolano de Investiaciones
Cientificas], 1977, 1982
Parker, Gary, 1963-1969
Parsons, Jeff [Jeffrey R.], 1968-1973
Pärssinen, Martti, 91-, 1986-1996
Past and Present, 1973, 1975
Patch, Richard, 1960-1965, 1977
Patterson, Tom [Thomas C.], 1969-1972
Paulsen, Allison 1972-1977
Box 30
Pease, Franklin, 1965-1993
Peluso, Vincent, 1971
Pena y Camara, José [Ma. de la], 1975-1976
Perales [Vallejo], Adriano, 1989
Pereira H. [Herrera], David, 1978-1983, 1990, 1993
Pérez, J. A. [José Antonio], 1979-1986
Perez de Tudela [Bueso], José, 1962
Peru, ‗58-‗59, 1958-1963
Peters, Ann, 1981-1986
Pfeiffer, John L., 1973-1977
Pickersgill, Barbara, 1969
Piel, Jean, 1967-1981
Pino Días, Fermín del, 1974
Pittsburgh, [University of]—Vazquez [Juan Adolfo], 1980
Pla, Alberto, 1975
Platt, Tristan, 1969-1995 (2f)
Polanyi, Karl, 1958-1959
Polišenský, [J. V.], 1976
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 30 (continued)
Pollard, George, 1977-1979
Ponce Sanginés, C. [Carlos], 1966-1974
Ponte [Rosalino], Victor Manuel, 1994
Pop, Mihai, 1968-1974
Pozzi Escot, Inés, 1971,
Preloran, Jorge 1981-1982
[Presta, Ana Maria] 1989
Price, David [H.], 1998
[Puerto Rico, University of], U. P. R., 1947-1949, 1947-1950
Pulgar Vidal, Javier, 1964
Punta, Ana Inés, 1987
Box 31
Quezada, Sergio, 1982-1986
Quijano, Abl. [Aníbal], 1963-1966
Quiroz P-S [Paz-Soldan], Eusebio, 1974-1975
R-J [Eisenbud, Ruth-Jean and other analysts], 1949, 1967-1975
Raffino, Rodolfo, 1973-1987
Ramírez-Horton, Sn. [Susan], 1973-1986
Ramón, Galo, 1987
Rappaport, Joanne, 1994
Rasnake, Roger, 1991-1996, n.d.
Ravines, Luz, 1967-1969
Ravines, Rogger, 1964-1970
Recharte, Jorge, 1986
Reichel-Dolmatoff, G. [Geraldo] and A. [Alicia], 1960-1988
Reichlen, Henry, 1976, 1989
Reid, Mr. & Mrs. T., 1971
Reining, Priscilla, 1966, 1987
See also: Copeland [Reining], Pris. [Priscilla and
Conrad Reining]
Reisman, Karl, 1969-1970, 1984-1985
Remy [Simatovic], Pilar, 1986
Resnake, Rogger, 1995
Restrepo [C.], Elvia, 1981
Rice, Don, 1985-1987
Richardson, E. [Egerton], 1953-1954
Rio, Mercedes del, 1988-1992
Rivera, Mario, 1971-1989
Rivera C. [Cusicanqui], Silvia – Avances, 1976-1989
Roberts, Jack [John M.], 1970
Robinson, Scott, 1967-1972
Roca W. [Wallparimachi], Demetrio, 1969
Rochester, [University of], 1969, 1968-1975
Rodríguez Suy Suy, Ant. [Víctor Antonio], 1961-1973
Roel Pineda, Josafat, 1968
Rojas R. [Rosales], Ant. [Antonio], 1983-1985
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 32
Rolandi de P. [Perrot], [Diana] Susana, 1973-1985
Romano, Ruggiero, 1965-1995
Romero De Valle, Emilia, 1962, 1967
Rosas LaN. [La Noire], Hermilio, n.d.
Rostworowski de D. C. [de Diez Canseco], Mía. [María], 1959-1965 (copies)
Rostworowski de D. C. [de Diez Canseco], Mía. [María], 1968-1973 (2 folders)
Rostworowski de D.C. [de Diez Canseco], Mia. [Maria], 1974-1988
[Rothchild, Nan] Anita, [1956?]-1972
Rowe, Anne P., 1984
Rowe, J. [John] H. [Howland], 1952-1987
Ruiz, Ethelia, 1987
Ruiz, Hugo [Museo Nacional de Etnografia y Folklore, La Paz, Bolivia], 1975-1987
Rumanian Correspdce [Romanian Correspondence], 1968-1970
Sabogal W. [Wiesse], José [R.], 1959-1979 (2 folders)
Sáenz de Sta. [Santa] María, Carmelo, 1980-1981
Sagnes, Jean, 1988-89
Box 33
Saignes, Thierry, 1974-1994
Sahlins, Marshall, 1958, 1979
Salazar, Carmen, 1992
Salomon, Frank, 1972-1997 and n.d. (3 folders)
Salta, [Argentina], 1974, 1973-1974
Salvador Lara, Jorge, 1976
Salvat [Editores, S. A.] – [Miquel] Izard, 1979-1980
San Miguel, Inesu, 1977-1978
Sánchez-Albornóz, Nicolás, 1972-1996
Sanchez [Farfan], Jorge, 1981
Sandweiss, Dan, 1981-1982
Sanueza T. [Tapia], Julio, 1980-1983
Sano, Toshiyuki, 1993, 1995
Santoro [Vargas], Calogero, 1981-1994
Santos Escobar, Robto. [Roberto], 1984
Sanzetenea, Ramón, 1977-1993 and n.d.
Schaedel, Richard, 1947-1989 and n.d. (2 folders)
Scheinman, [William X – African American Students Foundation, Inc.], 1959-1961
and n.d.
Box 34
Schjellerup, Inge, 1974-1994
Schiapacasse, Virgilio, 1972
Schneider, Julie, May 15
Schwab, Fco. [Federico], 1962-1968, 1981
Schwoerbel, Gabla. [Gabriela], 1968, 1980
Scientific American, 1958, 1960, 1971
Scott, [Rebecca], 1978-1983
[Scott, Janet Lee], 2004 [See Accretions, Box 1]
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Seda Bonilla, Eduardo, 1961-1972, 1978
Box 34 (continued)
Serracino, Geo. [George], 1975
Service, Elman, 1956-1960, 1981-1983
Sevilla, [Universidad de], Spain ‘76—[Seminario de Etnohistira Americana 1976], 1976
Shimada, Izumi, 1970-1985
Siegel, J. [James T.], 1969
SIGLO XXI, 1974-1989
Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1989
Silva Santisteban, Fdo [Fernando], 1962-1969, 1986
Silva [Galdames], Osvaldo, 1974-1987
Silverblatt, Irene, 1981, 1986
Siskind, Janet, 1967
[Slobodin, Richard], 1960
Smith, C. T. – Cdge [University of Cambridge], 1965
Smith, Morgan, 1964
Smith, Richd [Richard] Ch. [Chase], [1974?]-1977
Smith, Robt. [Robert], 1969-1975
[Smithsonian Institution], 1966-1971
[Social Science Research Council] SSRC – Markets, Sucre, [Bolivia] 82-83, 1981-984
Société des Americanistes, 1977
Sol decoración – [El Sol del Perú], 1986-1987
Solá, Donald F., 1960-1973, 1981, [1984?]
Šolc, Václav, 1973-1973
Box 35
Soldi, Ana Maria, n.d. and 1968-1969 (7 folders)
Soldi, Ana Maria, 1970-1971
Soldi, Ana Maria, 1972-1973
Soldi, Ana Maria, 1974-1975
Soldi, Ana Maria, 1976-1977
Soldi, Ana Maria, 1978-1984
Soldi, Ana Maria, 1985-1999 and n.d.
Someda, Hidefuji, 1996
SONQO, Madrid 1989-1990, 1986-1988
Soto, Patricia, 1973-1974
Box 36
—‘78-‘79—Miscelns [Miscellaneous], 1978-1979
—Consejo [Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas], 1990-92, 1989-1992
Spalding, Karen, 1964-1976
Spedding, Alison, 1989-1992 and n.d.
Spencer, Kay, 1943-1955, [1962?]
Spillius, Liz, 1976
Spousel, Leslie [Biographical Information on Canadian Anthropologists], 1972
Spurling, Geof, 1980, 1984
Stanford [University] 78, 1979-1982
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Staten Island [Mental Health Society, Incorporated], 1959-1960 and n.d.
Box 36 (continued)
Stein, W. [William] W., 1970-1977
Steinberg, Arthur, 1972
Steiner, Chirstopher, 1982
Stern, Steve, 1975-1984
Sternberg, Monique, 1971-1972
Steward, Julian [H.], n.d.
Steward, [Julian H.] and [the] Handbook of South American Indians, 1939, 1943-1945
Stier, Frances, 1973-1974
Stocking, George, 1977
Stothert, Karen, 1971-1986
Sturtevant, Wm. [William], 1961-1974, 1982, 1985
Suart, Jaime, 1996
Szemiński, Jan, 1972-1993
Tandeter, Eque. [Enrique], 1972-1993
Tapia Inturrieta, Luis, 1993
Tapia, Mario
Tarragó, [Myriam] Noemi, 1980-1984
Box 37
Teaching Library [Donations], 1982-1997 and n.d.
Tello [Exposition], Julio C., 1984
Terada, Kazuo, 1972, 1984-1987
Terrazas [Bilbao], Gloria, 1973-1975
Thapar, Romila, 1977, 1981
Thomann, Franz H., 1972
Thomas, R. [Randal] Brooke, 1974-1984
Thompson, David, 1957, 1961-1964
[Thompson, Donald E.], 1962
See Also: Willey, Gordon R.
Thurston, H. D. [David], 1973
[The] Tinker [Foundation Incorporated], 1979-1984
Titicaca 73, 1972-1974 and n.d.
Topic, J. [John] and Th. [Theresa], 1985-1995
Torero, Alfredo, 1967, 1971-1972
Toronto, [University of], 1974, 1973-1975
Torres, Efraín, 1981, 1984
Tovar, Hermes, 1979
Toulouse 1995, 1994-1995
Turner, Terry, 1984-1985
Tuteleers [R., Sergio], 1987
Ulloa, Liliana, 1985
Underwood, Jody, 1955
U. S. Book List [United States Quarterly Book Review], 1946-1956
Urbano, Enrique, 1994
Urbano, Henrique, 1977, 1988
Uribe, Ma. [Maria] Victoria [Toya], 1980-1989
Urioste, Jorge, 1973-1988
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Urrutia, Jaime, 1968
Box 38
Urton, Gary, 1976-1984, 1991-1994
Usselmann, Pierre, 1972, 1979, 1982
[Vadillo de Romaní, Aída], 1967-1968
Valcarcel, Luis E., 1964, 1969-1972, 1981, 1987
Valencia [Zegarra], Alfredo, 1967, 1972, 1974
Valencia, Enrique, 1967
Valledor, J. A. [José Antonio], 1986-1987
Vallée, Lionel, 1968-1980
Valverde Ayala, Oscar, 1989
Varese, Stefano, 1967-1974
Varón G., Rafael, 1995
Vassar College ‗50-‗51, ‗54-‗61, 1951-1962
Veinbergs, [Shaija], 1958
Venezuela, 1960
Vera Cruz, [Mexico], 1961-1962
Verdery, Kathe. [Katherine], 1987 and n.d.
Vescelius, Gary, 1959, 1968, 1973
Vila Vilar, Enriqueta, 1977-1993
Villanueva [Urteaga], Horacio, 1963
Villar Córdoba, Soc. [Sócrates], 1973
Viqueira, Carmen, 1987
Vokral, Edita, 1983-1985, 1990
Von Hagen, Victor W., 1960-1972
Vreeland, James, 1974-1981
Wachtel, Nathan, 1966-1994
Wagner, Daniel, 1971-1977
Wagner, Erica, 1968-1983
Wakefield, Dan, 1963 and n.d.
Wallace, Dwight, 1972-1981
Walsh, Liam, 1981
Warburg, Jeremy, 1960
Warman, Arturo, 1976
Watters, R. F., 1963
Webster, Steven, 1967-1968, 1972
Weekes, Winnie, 1980
Weidenfeld, [George] – [George Weidenfeld Nicolson, Limited, Publishers], 1959-1964
Weiner, Annette, 1988
Box 39
Wenner-Gren [Foundation for Anthropological Research Incorporated]
1950, 1969-1974, 1983
—Burg Wartenstein, [Austria, 1967], 1966-1968
—Mexico, 1968, 1968
West, Michael, 1973-1974
West, Terry L., 1975, 1982-1984
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Westphalen, Emilio, 1965-1977
[WGBH], 1980, 1985
Wheeler, Jane, 1978-1980
Whitten, N. [Norman E.], 1971-1980
Whyte, Wm. [William] F., 1966-1972, 1981
Willey, Gordon R., 1961-1964
Willner, Dorothy, 1950
Wolf, Eric, 1948-1968
Wolf, Freda, 1967-1975 (2F)
Wolf, Freda, 1976-1994 and n.d.
Box 40
Woodbury, Richd. [Richard B.], 1974-1975
Woodrow Wilson [International] Cntr [Center for Scholars], n.d.
Yale [University], 1961-62-63, 1961-1963
Yale [University], 1970-1971
Yale [University] – Jamaica, 1953
Yamamoto, Miko, 1989
Yapita, Juan de Dios, 1980
Yañez Perez, [Luis], 1953-1960
Zahan, Katherine, 1978 & 1982?
Zevallos M. [Menéndez], Carlos, 1970-1971
Zevallos Q. [Quiñones], Jorge, 1973-1974, 1981
Zorn, Elayne, 1984-1987
Zuidema, R. [Reiner] Tom, 1957-1992
Unidentified, 1985-1991?
Series I – Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series II – Chronological Correspondence (1953-1991)
(2 boxes, 1.0 linear feet)
The correspondence in this series is organized by the year in which it was written. Most
of the letters stand by themselves and do not relate to a specific individual or organization
listed in Series I – Correspondence. Of particular interest is an exchange of letters
between Murra and Robert McMillan in 1974 concerning the history of the Department
of Anthropology at the University of Chicago.
Box 1
[1954 & 1947 & 1952]
[1958 & 1959]
Box 2
See Also: Accretions, Box 1
Series II – Chronological Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
[1994 & 1996]
Series II – Chronological Correspondence
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series III – Dream Archives [Diaries] (1951-1996) [Bulk: 1951-1983]
(5 boxes, 2.25 linear feet)
The Dream Archives are essentially Murra‘s handwritten diaries. At the suggestion of
one of his therapists Murra started writing in these stenograph notebooks to record his
dreams. Hence, the title of this series. However, these notebooks also contain
descriptions of his daily activities, conversations and thoughts including monthly
calendars that Murra sketched on loose pieces of paper and left folded up inside the
notebooks usually at the end. Most of the information relates to family and personal
relationships. Murra often used pseudonyms in writing about others. For instance, Lilac
refers to one of his former Vassar students, Laura Rand Orthwein, who is perhaps better
known by her two pen names: Laura X or Laura Shaw Murra. Occasional details relating
to travels or professional interests also appear. Information about Murra‘s therapists may
also be found in Series I – Correspondence, Box 31 under R-J [Eisenbud, Ruth-Jean and
other analysts], 1949, 1967-1975.
For preservation purposes the cardboard covers of the stenograph notebooks were
discarded. Each diary is housed in an acid-free paper wrapper that is labeled in the
manner Murra labeled the cardboard cover. All relevant notes on the cardboard covers
were preservation photocopied and placed with the diary.
Box 1
Dreams, 1951, 1956-1958 and n.d.
[Undated and untitled], n.d.
[Research Notes circa 1966-1970?], n.d.
[Loose Materials—Monthly Schedules], 1963 and n.d.
[Loose Materials—Monthly Schedules for June and July, n.d.], n.d.
[July 1958 – February 1959]
[4 July 1958 to 22 August 1958]
[23 August 1958 to 1 February 1959]
[February – October 1959]
1959 [9 February to 5 June 1959]
Book IV; 5 June 1959 to 7-X-59
[October 1959 – December 1960]
8 October 1959 – [18] 19 February 1960
4 June 1960 – 15-IX-60
19-IX-60 to 3-XII-60
[February – November 1961]
14 February 1961 to 13 June 1961
[16 June 1961 – 5 September 1961]
10 September 1961 – 6 November 1961
[November 1961 – January 1962]
6 November 1961 to 12 [15] December 1961
15 [16] December 1961 to 31 January 1962
Series III – Dream Archives
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 2
[January – July 1962]
31 January 1962 to 28 March 1962
11 May 1962 – 23 July 1962
[July 1962 – March 1963]
24 July 1962 – 21 Oct. ‗62
22 October 1962 – [21] 26 December 1962
24 Dec. ‗62 – 17 March ‗63
[March – September 1963]
18 March 1963 – 6 June 1963
9-VI-63 to 6-VIII-63
9-VIII-63 to 22-IX-63
[September 1963 – April 1964]
23 Septemb. 63 – 11 Decbr. 63
12 December 1963 – 15 February 1964 [11 March 1964]
15 February 1964 – 10 April 1964
[April 1964 – January 1965]
17 [18] April 1964 – 5 August 1964
6 August 1964 – 23 October 1964
24 October 1964 – [23] 24 January ‗65
[January – September 1965]
24 January 1965 – 10 April 1965
13 April 1965 – 3 July 1965
5 July ‗65 to 28 Sept. ‗65
Box 3
[September 1965 – December 1966]
28 September 1965 to 21 May 1966
23 May 1966 to 16 December 1966
[December 1966 – October 1967]
18 December 1966 to 20 May 1967
22 May 1967 to 23 October 1967
[October 1967 – July 1968]
23 October 1967 – 5 February 1968
6 February 1968 to 20 April 1968
20 April 1968 to 27 July 1968
[August 1968 – July 1969]
5 August ‗68 to 21 [22] February ‗69
Leopol Casteto; 22 February 1969 – 23 July 1969
[July – December 1969]
25 July 1969 to 24 September 1969
24 September 1969 to 18 December 1969
[December 1969 – November 1970]
19-XII-69 to 16-IV-70
19-IV-70 to 30-XI-70
Series III – Dream Archives
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 3 (continued)
[September 1970 – February 1971]
23 Saul 14 Sept. 70 [to 7 February 1971]
Box 4
[November 1970 – March 1972]
30-XI-70 – 27-IV-71
14 September 71, also May-June 71 [May 1971 – March 1972]
[April 1972 to June 1973]
14-IV-72 [to 18 June 1972 and n.d.]
29 April 1972 [and n.d.]
No. 1 from 4 September 72 to 22 December 72 [and n.d.]
4 September 72 to Spring 73 – was supposed to include AYMARA seminar [4
September 1972 to 4 June 1973]
Reinos Lacrestres, 1973
[September 1973 – May 1974]
D. Hatch; 2 September 73 – 11 March 74
Notes, running [from] September 1973 [thru May 1974]
[May 1974 – September 1975]
May 74 Buenos Aires [to 21 November 1974]
At Institute 74-75 in Princeton, also CAEM lects, Arica 75, 2nd copy of Milliraya,
5 December 74 – [July 1975]
29-IX-75 [to n.d.]
9-VII-1976 – [8-XII-1976]
[June 1978 – August 1979]
16 June 1978 – [5] 7 June 1979
11 June 1979 – 3 August 79
No. 2 From 26-XII-72 [Notes and diary entries circa 1971-1978]
[January 1980-July 1982]
20 January 1980 – 7 September 1980
BJC, 7 September 1980 – 1 June 1981, Ithaca & Baltimore
Ithaca, June 1981 – [15 July 1982]
Box 5
[Diary and notes written between 16 March 1981 and 1983(?)]
[Notes written between 29 October 1982 and 16 November 1982 and n.d.]
5 July 1984
[4] January 1986 – [16 September 1986, and 29 February 1992]
[25 January 1991 to 28 December 1992 and n.d.]
April 1996
Series III – Dream Archives
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series IV – Biographical (1937-1995)
(1 box, 0.5 linear feet)
This series focuses exclusively on Murra‘s personal life. The materials in this series
include correspondence, curriculum vitae, interview transcripts, newspaper clippings, and a
variety of legal documents. Of special interest are the folders on his legal struggle for U. S.
citizenship and his oral history interview with John Howland Rowe for The Hispanic
American Historical Review. The Murra Citizenship Case folder includes newspaper
editorials and letters to the editor by F. C. Cole and Robert Redfield, registers of donations
to the John Murra Citizenship Fund, correspondence from his lawyers and supporters and
copies of the legal petitions submitted to the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
Correspondence from F. C. Cole as well as Donald Collier and George C. Vaillant, the
Chairman of the Institute of Andean Research some of which concerns Murra‘s
naturalization and selective service status are also contained in the Ecuador Trip folder. A
certificate from the League of Nations‘ Commission Militaire Internationale attesting to
Murra‘s Romanian citizenship is located in Spain—Civil War. One of the unique aspects of
this document is its use of Murra‘s birth name, Isak Lipschitz. The same folder also
contains correspondence from the Spanish Civil War in Romanian and English. The last
folder in this series, [Spanish Civil War]—Perpignan, consists of materials from a
colloquim at the Université de Perpignan on Les Francais et la Guerre d’Espagne includes
the remarks in French that Murra wrote for the occasion.
Series I – Correspondence also contains significant biographical information: for his
family, see [Ionsifecu, Ata and family] and [Lipschitz, A. and family]; for his childhood and
career, see Guggenheim, Scott and [The Hispanic American Historical Review] HAHR; for
his Spanish Civil War experiences, see Meyer, Jean and Valledor, J. A. [José Antonio]; and
for his fieldwork in Ecuador during the Second World War see [Ecuador]—Article of [the]
―[Catholic] Church in Ecuador‖ and [Ecuador]—Buitrón Field Notes, etc. Additional
information of autobiographic nature may be found in Series IV—Dream Archives.
Box 1
515 Dryden Road, 1971, 1986
Barcelona Ceremony for Hon. Degree (+ photos – (6)), 1993 [See Accretions, Box 1]
Curriculum [Vitae and Biographical Material], 1976-1995
[Divorce—Elizabeth Ann ―Tommy‖ Sawyer], 1958
Ecuador Trip, 1940-1942
HAHR [The Hispanic American Historical Review] Interview—[John Howland Rowe], c.
Homenajes [See Accretions, Box 1]
[Honors], 1986-1988 and n.d.
[Honorary Certificates]
—Il Simposium Internacional Americano de Arte Pupestre, Huanuco Peru 21-26
Agosto 1967 [See Map Drawer, Folder 2]
—Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, August 19, 1998 [See
Map Drawer, Folder 2]
—Sociedad Chilena de Antropologia, October 30, 1965 [See Map Drawer, Folder
— [Universidad de Barcelona November 3, 1993] [See Map Drawer, Folder 2]
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Interviews, 1976-1993 and n.d.
[Last Will and Testament], 1985 and n.d.
Longview [Retirement Community], 1996
Murra Citizenship Case, 1946-1950 and n.d.
[Newspaper Clippings], 1966-1973 and n.d.
[Passport], 1956
Spain—Civil War, 1937-1939, 1978-1979
[Spanish Civil War]—Perpignan, 1989
Series V – Subject and Publications (1922-1996)
(26 boxes, 12.75 linear feet)
This series primarily consists of published materials on subjects or people of interest to
Murra. It includes newspaper clippings, magazine articles, conference and journal papers,
research and grant proposals and handwritten notes by Murra about books or other
publications written by a certain individual or about a certain topic. The folders in this
series often contain publications that individuals personally sent Murra (e.g., a student or
colleague requesting comments on a draft or sending a final copy as a gesture of
appreciation) or biographical information he collected about an individual (e.g., an
obituary). An occassional piece of correspondence or photograph may also be found in this
The series is organized alphabetically by subject title and individual or organization name.
Many of the individual names listed below are identical to those found in
Series I – Correspondence. Given the polyglot nature of this collection, the archivist has
tried to retain and/or denote the appropriate accent marks in folder titles. Many of the
correspondents from Spanish speaking countries have two surnames: the first from their
father, the second from their mother. Their names are listed alphabetically by their father‘s
name and where known the mother‘s name is include thereafter (e.g., Rodríguez Suy Suy,
Ant. [Victor Antonio]). Items are filed chronologically with undated materials at back of
folder. Multiple folders are mostly indicated by indentation and in a few cases by
parenthesis (e.g., (3 folders)). Oversized materials are stored separately from their folders,
which are indicated with the label [Oversize].
Box 1
Afro-Andino, 1965 and n.d.
Agriculture—Chronicles, n.d.
—Fertilizers, n.d.
—Irrigation, 1964-1965 and n.d.
—Modern, 1964, 1965 and n.d.
—Terraces, 1958 and n.d.
Altitude, 1964-1969
1958 and n.d.
—Miscelaneas, 1964-1965 and n.d.
Arqueologia y los Cronistas, n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Ayllu, n.d.
[Black-] Michand, Andrée, 1973
Brigades/España [See Accretions, Box 1]
Canta, n.d.
[Chile—―Plantas Silvestres Chilenas de Frutos Comestibles por el Hombre], 1969
Cloth, 1963 and n.d.
Coast, n.d.
Crafts, n.d.
Ecology, 1950 and n.d.
[Fenton, William N.], 1952
Food, n.d.
Gluckman, Max, 1941-1944, 1963 and n.d.
Goubaud Carrera, A. [Antonio], 1945 and n.d.
Groups Etnicos E Identidad (Cereceda, Veronica; Gabriel Martinez; Ramiro Molina
Homboer y Diosos de Hur (transcript)
Box 2
HRAF [Human Relations Area Files]-No.[North] Asia, 1952-1953, n.d.
Huanuco, 1963-1965 and n.d.
[notes] Human Rights Paper 1959 [see Correspondence, Human Rights]
Inca History, n.d.
Khipu [Quipu], 1973 and n.d.
Kinship, n.d.
Krapovickas, [Pedro]
1969-1979 and n.d.
Kroeber, A. L., 1926, 1939, 1959 and n.d.
Kumai, Shig. [Shigeyuki], 1977
Kutscher, Gerdt, 1950, 1964, 1976
Land Tenure, n.d.
Lanning, Edw. [Edward] P., 1961-1963 and n.d.
Box 3
Larraín [Barros], Horacio, 1972-1978 and n.d.
Latcham, Ricardo, 1969 and n.d.
Lathrap, Donald, 1965-1969, 1977
Law, n.d.
Lechtman, Heather [Theodora]
Box 4
Lechtman, Heather [Theodora], n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 1974 and n.d.
Linares, Olga, 1975, 1979, 1981
Lindberg, Ingeborg, 1967
Lipschutz, Alejdro [Alejandro], n.d.
Llagostera [Martínez], Agn [Agustín], 1976 and n.d.
Llama Article (Leeds), n.d.
Llamas, 1964-1965 and n.d.
Llamas—Chroniclers, n.d.
Llanque Chana, Dmgo. [Domingo], 1972-1976 and n.d.
Llosa, J., 1971
Lockhart, James, c.1972
Lofstrom, Wm. [William], 1969
Lohmann V. [Villena], Guillermo, 1966-1967
Long, Norman, 1972 and n.d.
Lopez-Baralt, Mercds [Mercedes]
[López Betrán, Clara], 1984
Lopez, Martinez, Héctor, 1965-1969
López-Ocón, [Leoncio], n.d.
Lopez [y Sebebastian], Lorenzo [Eladro], 1976
Box 5
Lorandi, Ana Maria, 1968-1984 and n.d.
Loza, Carmen B. [Beatriz], n.d
Lozano [Castro], Alfredo, 1990
Ludeña, Hugo, n.d.
Lumbreras, L. [Luis] G., 1967, 1974 and n.d.
Lumbreras, [Luis G.], Chile ‘71, 1979, 1982 and n.d.
Lussier, Catherine, 1996 and n.d.
Lynch, Barbara, 1981
Lynch, Thomas F., 1966-1981 and n.d.
Macera, Pablo, 1963-1978 and n.d.
Madrazo, Gmo. [Guillermo], n.d.
Mahn-Lot, Marianne, 1973
Málaga [Medina], A. [Alejandro], 1963, 1972-1974
Malengreau, Jscq. [Jacques], 1972-1975
Mamani [Pocoata], Mauuricio, n.d.
Mangeldorf, Paul, 1959
Mangin, W. [William], 1955-1959
Box 6
Mangin, W. [William], c.1960-1971 and n.d.
Mannheim, Bruce, 1977-1986 and n.d.
Maps, n.d.
Marcos, Jorge, 1979-1982 and n.d.
Mariscotti, Ana Ma. [Maria], 1970
Martinez, Gabriel, 1979-1983 and n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Martinez [Gabriel]; Chullpa ‘84, 1984
Martínez, Héctor, 1978-1984
Martínez [C.], José [Luis], 1985
Martinez Alier, J. [Juan], 1972
Mason, Alden J., n.d.
Masuda, [Shozo], 1980-1981
Matícorena Estrada, M. [Miguel], 1958-1959, 1977
Matos M. [Mendieta], Ramiro, 1959-1979
Box 7
Matos Mar, José, 1950-1970 and n.d.
Mayer, E. [Enrique], 1967-1994
McKee, Lauris, 1982-1987 and n.d.
Means, Phi. A. [Philip Ainsworth], 1919 and n.d.
Medlin, M. Ann [Mary Ann], 1989 and n.d.
Medvinsky [Lifschitz], [Dina], 1979
Meggars, Betty J., 1961-1964, 1972
Mejia Xesspe, Toribio, 1968, 1976
Mellafe, Rolando, 1964-1981 and n.d.
Mendizabal L. [Losack], Emilio, 1961, 1963, 1965
Mendoza, Gunnar,
1975, 1987, and n.d.
1993-1994 and n.d.
Memeses, Teodoro, 1987
Box 8
Menzel, Dorothy, 1959 and n.d.
Mesa, J. [José] and Teresa G. De, 1966 and n.d.
Meyers, Albert, 1972, 1974, 1975-1983 and n.d.
Michieli, Catalina, 1978, 1979, 1984
Middendorf, E. W., 1970-1971
Millones, Luis, 1967, 1980 and n.d.
Mintz, Sidney
Box 9
Mintz, Sidney
1977-1980, 1996 and n.d.
Mitchell, Wm. [William] P., 1973, 1976, [1986]
Mohr [Chávez], Karen L. [and Chávez, Sergio Jorge], 1976
Molinié F. [Molinié-Fioravanti], Antoinette, 1979, 1981, 1992
Montané, Julio, 1960, 1967-1972
Montaño, Mario, n.d.
Montoya, Rodrigo, n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
[Morales Padron, Francisco], 1986
Moreno [Yánez], Segundo [E.], 1986 and n.d.
Morgan, Arthur, n.d.
Morlon, P. [Pierre], 1991-1992
Mörner, Magnus, 1966-1984 and n.d.
Morris, C. [Craig], 1970-1978 and n.d.
Box 10
Mosley, Michael, 1980, 1987 and n.d.
[Moxos, map of], n.d.
Mróz, Marcin, n.d.
Muelle, Jorge C., 1936, 1942, 1959, 1974 and n.d.
Mujica, [Elías], 1986, 1994
Munizaga [A.], Carlos, 1963
Muñoz Reyes, Jorge, 1970
Mustapha, Monique, 1978
Nachtigall, Horst, 1964-1968
Naranjo, Plutarco, n.d.
Nash, June, n.d.
Necker, Louis, 1973-1974 and n.d.
Neira S., Hugo, 1964 and n.d.
Neira [Avendaño], Máximo, 1964, 1968, 1972-1973
Netherly, P. [Patricia], 1969-1981 and n.d.
Netting, Robt. [Robert] McC., 1973
Niemayer, Hans, 1969-1970
Norton, Presley, 1977 and n.d.
Nuñez, Patricio, 1976, 1978
Box 11
Nuñez [Atoncio], Lautaro
1976-1985 and n.d.
Nuñez del Prado, Oscar, 1952, 1963-1964 and n.d.
Núñez Regueiro, V. [Victor A.], 1964-1976
Oberm, Udo
1976-1985 and n.d.
Ochoa, C. [Carlos], 1954-1965
Orlove, Benj. [Benjamin] S., 1976-1987 and n.d.
Ottonello, [Marta], 1973, 1982 and n.d.
Box 12
Palacios [Ríos], F. [Félix], 1977
Palacios [Ríos], Félix, n.d.
Palerm, A. [Angel], 1967-1972 and n.d.
Palerm V. [Viqueira], Jn. [Juan] Vicente, 1972
Palm, Erich [sic] [Erwin] W. [Walter], 1973
Palomino, Flores Salv. [Salvador], 1973-1974 and n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Parducci [Z.], Resfa, 1967
Parker, Gary
Pärssinen, Martti, 1996
Parsons, Jeffrey R.
1979, 1986
Patch, Richard W., 1955-1962
Patterson, Thomas C., 1963-1969
Box 13
Patterson, Thomas C.
1974-1983 and n.d.
Paulsen, Allison, 1974
Paulston, Rolland, 1971
Pease, G. Y., Franklin, 1966-1986 and n.d.
Pereira Herrera, Dvd. [David Mauricio], 1981
Perez, José Ao [Antonio], 1973
Perez de Tudela, Jn. [Juan], 1970
Pescador del Hoyo, Ma Carmen [Ma del Carmen], n.d.
Peters, Ann, 1981, 1994
Peterson [Petersen], Georg, 1969
Pickersgill, Barbara, 1969-1972 and n.d.
Piel, Jean, 1967-1973
Pietschmann, Horst, 1974
Platt, Tristan, 1972-1984
Box 14
Platt, Tristan,
1986-1993 and n.d.
n.d. [Oversize, See map folder #1]
Plowman, Timothy, 1975, 1981 and 1984
Polany [Polanyi], Karl, n.d.
Polišenski, [Polišenský] Josef, 1973
Pollard, Gordon, 1977, 1979 and n.d.
Ponce, Fernando, 1966
Ponce de Leon, Federico, n.d.
Ponce Sanginés C. [Carlos], 1969-1974
Poole, Deborah, n.d.
Porras B. [Barrenechea], Raúl, 1963-1974 and n.d.
Box 14 (continued)
Porras, Fa [Porras Garcés, P. Pedro I.], 1972 and n.d.
Portugal [Ortiz], Max, 1975
Box 15
Potatoes, Andean Crops, n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Protzen, J.– Pierre [Jean-Pierre], 1985
Pulgar Vidal, Javier, 1942-1964 and n.d.
Quijano, Aníbal, 1966, 1973
Radicati di Primeglio, Carlos, 1957 and n.d.
Raffino, Rodolfo, 1975-1978 and n.d.
Ramirez, S.—Trade, n.d.
Ramirez-Horton, S. [Susan], 1974-1981 and n.d.
Rasnake, Roger, n.d.
Ravines, Rogger, 1964, 1971
Reed, Charles, 1970, 1973
Reforma Agraria, 1963-1973
Reiche, María, 1963-1975, 1985 and n.d.
Reichel Dolmatoff, G. [Gerardo], 1967-1987 and n.d. [Oversize, See map folder #1]
Box 16
Reichlen, Henri [Henry], n.d.
Reparaz, Gonzalo de, 1967-1969 and n.d.
Richardson, J. B. [James B.], 1971 and n.d.
Rio, M. [Mercedes] del, n.d.
Riva-Agüero, J. [José] de la, 1964 and n.d.
Rivera, Mario, 1976, 1984 and n.d.
Rivera, Dorado, Miguel, 1971-1977
Rivera, S. [Silvia], 1984 and n.d.
Rodríquez Suy Suy, [Victor Antonio]
1961, 1971
1972-1973 [Oversize, See map folder #1]
Rogers, [David J.] (Manioc) [Manioc Conference], 1971
Romano, Ruggiero, 1971-1983 and n.d.
Romero, Carlos, 1937
Romero, Emilio—PUNO, 1928, 1949
Box 17
Romoli, Kathleen, n.d.
Rostworowski [de Diez Canseco], Maria
1976-1986 and n.d.
Rowe, John H.
1959-1989 and n.d.
Sabogal W. [Wiesse], José R., 1967-1971 and n.d.
Box 18
Saignes, Th. [Thierry], 1975, 1979, 1983, and n.d.
[Saignes, Thierry], 1987 and n.d.
Salomon, Frank
1981-1985 and n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Sánchez-Albornoz, Nic. [Nicolás]
1965-1966, 1978-1983 and n.d.
Sanchez Farfán, Jorge, n.d.
Sánchez, Rodrigo, 1976
Box 19
Sanhueza T., Julio, 1978
Santa Cruz, Ao , n.d.
Santoro, Calogero, 1986
Sanzetenea, Ramón, 1974-1975
Schaedel, Richard P.
Schjellerup, Inge, 1979/1980, 1991
Schobinger, Juan, 1971, 1976
Sebill, Nadine, 1987
Seijas, Haydée, 1971 and n.d.
Sempe de GL. [Gomez Llanes], M. [Maria] Carlota, 1973
Serracino, Geo. [George], 1984 and n.d.
Shady, Ruth, n.d.
Shavelzon, D., n.d.
Sherbondy, Jeannette, 1969, 1973 and n.d.
Silva Galdames, Osw. [Osvaldo], n.d.
Silva S. [Santisteban], Fdo. [Fernando], 1962-1964
Silverblatt, Irene, 1976-1978
Smith, C.T., 1970
Smith, Richd. Ch. [Richard Chase], 1971, 1974
Sola, Donald, 1966-1978
Solari, Gertrude [Gertrudis Braunsberger], n.d.
Box 20
Soldi, Ana María, 1979 and n.d.
Spahni, Jean-Ch. [Christian], n.d.
Spalding, Karen, 1970, 1975 and n.d.
Stark, Louisa, 1970-1978 and n.d.
Stehberg, Ruben, 1976, 1980 and n.d.
Stein, William W.,
1976 and n.d.
Stern, Steve, 1975-1981
Box 21
Stothert, Karen, 1975-1981 and n.d.
Strube E. [Erdman], León, 1961-1964
Swanton, John R., n.d.
Szemiński, Jan, 1982-1993 and n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Tandeter, Enrique, 1975-1981
Tapia, Mario, n.d.
Tauro, Alberto, 1971
Tello, Julio C., 1983 and n.d.
Temple, Ella D., 1964, 1971 and n.d.
Textile Museum, 1963-1972
Thapar, Romila, 1971-1976 and n.d.
Thomas, R. Brooke, 1972-1974 and n.d
Box 22
Thomas, [R.] Brooke, 1974-1975
Thompson, Donald E., 1970-1974
Thurston, H. D. [David], 1969-1972
Topic, J. [John] and T. [Theresa], 1983, 1993, 1995 and n.d.
Tord [Nicolini], Javier, n.d.
Torero, Alfredo, 1968-1970
Tovar, Hermes, n.d.
Trelles, Efraín, 1980 and n.d.
Trimborn, Herman, 1962-1975 and n.d.
Troll, Carl, 1968, 1975 and n.d.
Tschopik, Harry, n.d.
Tschudi, J. J., 1966 and n.d.
Ugarte y Ugarte, E. [Eduardo], 1966
Uhle, Max, 1968
Uribe, Ma Victa [Maria Victoria], 1982-1986 and n.d.
Urioste, Jorge [George], 1969, 1980
Urton, Gary, 1981-1994
Box 23
Urton, Gary, n.d.
Urteaga, H., n.d.
Valcárcel, Luis E., 1922-1962
Valencia [Zegarra], Arturo [Alfredo], 1970
Valiente, Teresa, 1983-1984
Vallée, Lionel, 1975
Van Kessel, Juan, 1972
Van der [den] Berghe, n.d.
Varese, Stefano, 1970-1976 and n.d.
Vargas, J. M. [José María], n.d.
Vargas Ugarte, R. [Rubén], 1938, 1945, 1966 and n.d.
Vázquez, Mario, 1966-1967
Vega, Juan José, 1963-1974 and n.d.
Verlinden, Charles, 1966-1968 and n.d.
Vescelius, Gary S., 1971
Vila Vilar, Enriqueta, 1982
Villalobos [R., Sergio], Arica, n.d.
Villar Cordoba [Cordova], Sócrates, 1959
Viteri G. [Gamboa], Julio, 1971, 1974 and n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Vreeland, James, 1974-1979
Box 24
Vreeland, James, 1980-1981 and n.d.
Wachtel, Nathan, 1966-1976 and n.d.
Box 24 (continued)
Wagner, Erika, 1968-1973 and n.d.
Warehouses, 1958 and n.d.
Warehouses—Chroniclers, n.d.
Wassén, S. Henry, 1972-1973
Webster, Steven, 1970-1973 and n.d.
Wedin, Ake, 1966
Wenner-Gren [Foundation for Anthropological Research Incorporated]—
Burg Wartenstein Symposium, 1967 (2 folders)
Wenner-Gren [Foundation for Anthropological Research Incorporated]—
Cedar Cove Meeting, 1983
Box 25
Weiss, Gerald, 1972, 1980
West, Terry L., 1981
Westphalen, Em. A. [Emilio Adolfo], 1984 and n.d.
Wheeler [Pires-Ferreira], Jane, 1976-1977 and n.d.
Wienner, Charles, n.d.
Wilson, David J., 1981
Wing, Elizabeth, 1973
Wittfogel, Karl, n.d.
Wölck, Wolfgang, 1969-1972 and n.d.
Yacovleff, Eugenii, n.d.
Yaranga V. [Valderrama], Abdon, 1979
Yokoyama, M. [Masako], 1951
Zamora J., Carlos, 1972
Zelenka, Georg, 1973-1974
Zevallos, Carlos, 1977
Zevallos Q. [Quiñones], Jorge, 1966-1977
Zorn, Elaine, 1983, 1985
Zuidema‘s Cuzco, 1972-1973
Zuidema, R. Tom, 1962-1969
Box 26
Zuidema, R. Tom,
1970-1974, 1982 and n.d.
[Zurkalowski, Erich], n.d.
No title, n.d.
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series VI – Archival Documents
(3 boxes; 1.25 linear feet)
This series consists of photocopies and transcriptions of archival documents Murra used
in his research and research notes he made pertaining to the documents. The folders are
organized alphabetically by the institution that holds the document and then by subject.
Box 1
Archivo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores – Lima
AGI [Archivo General de Indias]
Charcas 40: Relation que VM…de Alqunas Cosas Tocantesa la probincia de
Chucuito (1584)
Charcas 40: repartimiento de los Yndios que llaman Lipes y Condes
Charcas 45: Don Juan Ayaviri Cuysara cacique principal del repartimiento de
Sacaca (1599)
Charcas 46: del Capitan de Chucinto al Corregidor de Potosi (1593)
Charcas 56
Charcas 56: Cedula…eldho Frenando Ayra Deriutu (1637)
Charcas 56: Processo sobre la verificacion de los contenido en una cedula real
remitida…sobre las pretenssiones de don Fernando Ayra de Arriuta
cacique y gobernador de Copoata (1639)
Charcas 137: En la cibdad de Chucuito (1564) [n.d.]
Charcas 418: Relacion de los Yndios Carangas (1569)
Contaduria 1679
Contaduria 1787: Ynformacion que hizo Juan Ramirez Seqarra corregidor de la
provincial de chucuito
Contaduria 1824: cuenta de las cochechas de la locade Abista 1549
Contraduria 1887: Chucuito (1574)
Escribania de Camara 497-A: Probanza de Servicios de Juan Sanchez Falcon
Escribania de Camara 501A
Escribania de Camara 843-A: retasa del repartimiento de los ampares que tubo en
encomienda don Bernardino de Menenses (1555)
Escribania de Camara 1007-A: Coca de Pocona (1562)
Indiferente Gral. [General] 532
Indiferente General 1383-A: Leqajo de escrituras cuyos originales…(1568)
Indiferente General 1383-A: Sonqo (1568)
Justica 403: Auto de Fernando Alonso Malpartida (1562)
Justicia 405 Provision del Virrey…de los Caciques de Chucuito (1557)
Justicia 413
Justica 420: Encomienda de Copacabana (1548)
Justica 653: Probanza de los Yndios de Sacaca (1571-1572)
Justica 653: Tasa de los indios del repartimiento de Sacaca (1549)
Series VI – Archival Documents
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Box 2
AGI [Archivo General de Indias]
Justicia 1072
Justica 1132: Proceso Criminal Chucuito (1569)
Lima 28-A
Lima 129: Luis Ossorio de Quiñones en nombre de los caciques e yndios de la
provincial de Chucuito (1574)
Lima 145 Chucuito (1615)
Lima 205: Memorial de Francisco Chucichac (1561)
Lima 205: Don Felipe Paucar Cacique Principal en el Valle de Xauxa (1570)
Lima 320
Lima 567
Patronato 28, no. 57: El adelanfado don Pedro de Albarado…querra de Mango
Patronato 28, no. 57: Lo de la fortaleza del Cuzco y querra de Mango
AGN, Buenos Aires, Padrones Potosi, 1612-1619, En el pueblo de Macha (1613)
Archivo Regional de Arequipa
Archivo Nacional de Bolivia
Minas torro 122, documento 1078
Revistas No. 1908: Revisita de Atacama (1804)
Tierras e Indios E. 1754, no. 58: Autos seguidos por los Indios del Pueblo de
Tacamas (San Pedro de Atacama) 1754
Tierras e Indios E. 1755, no. 59: Auto seguidos por los Indios del Pueblo de
Atacama (1755)
Tierras e Indios E. 1757 no. 50: Representacion de Pascual Sebastian Governador
de Atacama (1757)
Tierras e Indios 1781 no. 15: Informe que los capitanes de las milicias Atacama y
Chiuchiu (1781)
Dr. Barros
Dr. Barros – Biography
Dr. Barros - Charcas (Trial)
Dr. Barros Documents, AGI Escribania de Camara 844A
Dr. Barros Documents, AGI Justicia 465 Residencia Dr. Loarte
Box 3
Dr. Barros in Guatemala
Dr. Barros Memorial [n.d.]
Dr. Barros Panama
Dr. Barros Quito
Biblioteca del Palacio Real (Madrid)
Biblioteca Nacional Chilena SALA Medina: Documentos relativos a las Revisitas del
Partido de Atacama
Biblioteca Nacional Madrid
Signatura: MS 2821: Relacion de los fundamentos acerca del notable daño que
resulta de no quardar a los indios sus fueros (1571)
MS 3043: Benito de la Peña escribano Ordenanza de la Coca (1555) [4pp]
MS 3043: Benito de la Peña escribano Ordenanza de la Coca (1555) [9pp]
Series VI – Archival Documents
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
British Museum Additional 13992 Horden Q. [que] El Inga tubo en la gouernacion
Casa de la Moneda (Potosi)
Cajas Reales 7
Cajas Reales 10
Cajas Reales 14
Cajas Reales 18
Cajas Reales 20
University of Texas Latin American Collection, B. de Lameiras, Rare Books JGI-XXXI182
Series VI – Archival Documents
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series VII – Graduate School and Teaching (1936-1992) [Bulk: 1936-1982]
(5 boxes, 2.5 linear feet)
The materials in this series are among the oldest in the collection and the first to be
acquired by the Smithsonian Institution in 1982. The series primarily consists of reading
and class notes taken by Murra while he was a student at the University of Chicago and
class syllabi and lecture materials for the classes Murra later taught at a number of
institutions. The materials in this series also include Murra‘s exam books as a student,
newspaper clippings, class handouts, and exams given by Murra to his students. An
occasional piece of correspondence and publications appear in these files. Among the
most notable items in this series are Murra‘s preparatory work for admission to the Ph.D.
program at the University of Chicago and in particular two pages of handwritten
comments by F. C. Cole on these efforts (see [University of Chicago]—Hopewell—Ph.D.
Project in Archaeology). His notes from the seminar he co-directed with Angel Palerm
in Mexico in 1972 are also in this series. The folder Student Voice is unique in that it is
not a folder containing Murra‘s teaching materials, but rather a folder of newspaper and
magazine clippings about student unrest in the United States and France in the late 1960s.
The folders in this series are organized alphabetically by subject or institution. Where
known with certainty the archivist has grouped folders alphabetically by subject under the
institution at which the materials were created. Similarly, the archivist has placed
materials in chronological order where possible. In instances where most or all of the
materials were undated, the original order of the materials was maintained. The most
notable examples are [Anthropology] 201 – Several Mixed Up Versions Needs
Reworking, in which some of the materials where folded up inside a manila folder that
was itself inside a manila folder, and [Miscellaneous Class Materials and Lecture Notes].
The oldest documents in this series are among the most fragile in the collection.
Consequently some of these documents have preservation photocopies and/or have been
placed between two pieces of acid-free archival paper for better support and protection.
The preservation photocopies appear in the folders with the originals. The archivist has
also employed wrappers and papermarkers made from acid-free archival paper in some
instances to better distinguish groups of notecards or lectures. The restricted folder
contains confidential information concerning individual students (e.g. social security
numbers, course grades).
Additional materials relating to Murra‘s time in graduate school and his academic
teaching may be found in Series I – Correspondence (most often under the name of an
academic institution) and in Series V – Subject and Publications (most often under the
subject title to one Murra‘s research interests).
Box 1
[Africa—Lecture Notes], 1956-1960
Africa [Reading Notes], n.d.
101 – Spring 1970, 1969-1970
See also: [Yale University]—101-2 at Yale
[University] 1970-71, 1969-1971 and n.d.
Series VII – Graduate School and Teaching
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
201 – Several Mixed Up Versions Needs Reworking, n.d. (3 folders)
[Cornell University
—Anthropology 418], n.d.
—Anthropology Course Materials], 1973-1982
Language and Myth, n.d.
[Lecture] Posters, 1975-1992
[Loose Materials—―Odd Notes on Middle American Gods‖], n.d. [Oversize, See map
folder #1]
Box 2
[Loose Materials
—Reading Notes], n.d.
—Research Notes], n.d.
—Research Notecards], n.d.
[Miscellaneous Class Materials and Lecture Notes], 1970-1973 and n.d. (2 folders)
North American Indian also Aztec, n.d. (2 folders)
N. [North] Asia, n.d.
Radcliff-Brown, [A. R.], 1940-1955 and n.d.
South American: Geography, n.d.
Students Voice, 1965-1969
Teaching—Lima, 1965-1966, 1965-1969
Box 3
[l‘Université Paris X Nanterre]
—Nantarre [see Accretions, Box 2]
[University of Chicago]
—Anthropology – Research Problems in Middle America – Spring, 1942 –
[Robert] Redfield, 1942 and n.d. [Oversize, See map folder #1]
—[Anthropology] 203 – Evolution – Krogman – Fall 1939 [and Anthropology
311 – Anthropology and Anatomy – Spring 1940], 1939-1940
—[Anthropology] 325 – No. [North] Am. [American] Anthropology – F. C. Cole
– Fall 1939
—[Anthropology 345] – Redfield, [Robert] 345 – Folk Society, 1940-1941
—[Anthropology] 353 – Maya, Aztec et al – Redfield, [Robert] – Winter 1940
—[Anthropology 363] – Redfield, [Robert] – 363 – Methods, n.d.
—[Anthropology] 375 – Phonetics – Andrade – Autumn, n.d.
—[Anthropology] 483 – Seminar in Anthropology – Report on Colonial
Administration – Winter 1940
—C. [Central] Asia (Reading), n.d.
—Hopewell, n.d.
Box 4
[University of Chicago]
—[Hopewell—Ph.D. Project in Archaeology], 1944-1947
—Hopewell Reading, 1947 (2 folders)
[University of Chicago]
Series VII – Graduate School and Teaching
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
—Methods in Ethnology – Eggan – Autumn 1940
—Ph.D. Ethnology Problem, n.d.
—[Reading--Land and Inheritance]
—Reading—N. Am. [North American] Indians, n.d.
—Soc. Org. N. Am. Ind. [Social Organization of the North American Indian],
—210 – Ethnology – Eggan, [1940?]
—220—Linguistics—Hol [missing word(s)]—Andrade & Halperin, 1936, 1941;
1936 and n.d.
—U. of Chicago (letters, a play, scholarship payment slips) [See Accretions, Box
[Vassar College]
—[Anthropology] 266 [The African Heritage], 1955-1961 RESTRICTED 2023
Box 5
[Vassar College]
—[Anthropology] 364 – Change [Cultural Dynamics], 1954-1959
—Committee on African Scholarships, Vassar, 1960 [see Accretions, Box 2]
[Yale University]
—Africa 62-3, 1962
—Africa Course at Yale, 1962, 1962 and n.d.
— [Anthropology 20], circa 1971
—[Loose Materials—Lecture Notes, February 1970], 1970
—Lounsbury, Floyd G., 1961-1963, 1969 and n.d.
—101-2 at Yale [University] 1970-71, 1969-1971 and n.d.
See also:
[Anthropology] 101 – Spring 1970, 1969-1970
104-57-8, 1959-1961, 1970 and n.d.
1972 Palerm Semr [Seminar]—[Comparative Seminar on the Andes and Mesoamerica],
Series VII – Graduate School and Teaching
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series VIII – J. V. M. Publications (1959-1993)
(3 boxes, 1.25 linear feet)
This series mostly contains the drafts or copies of Murra‘s publications or public remarks.
It also contains reviews by Murra and reviews of his work. Some correspondence also
appears in the folders, most notably in [Economic Organization of the Inca State,
Romanian Translation]—Ata, 1978-1988 and n.d. An accounting book or register is
included in folder two of [Visita de la Provincia de Léon de Huánuco en 1562]—[Inigo]
Oritz I Publication, 65-67, 1965-1967 and n.d. Copies of Murra‘s publications and
public remarks also appear in other series, most notably in Series I – Correspondence and
Series VII – Graduate School and Teaching and copies of two maps used in his
publications may be found in Series XI – Maps.
The folders in this series are organized alphabetically often by the title of a publication.
Items are filed chronologically with undated materials at back of folder.
Box 1
A. E. S. [American Ethnological Society]
Helm 198 -- [―Ethnological Research in Spanish America: the Roles of Foreigners
and the Emergence of National Cadres of Scholars‖], n.d.
Presidt [Presidential Address] ‗74
ALBÓ, ‘83 – [―El Aymara Libre de Ayer‖], 1983
Barcelona, Doctorado, Dr. Barros – [―El doctor Barros de San Millan: defensor de los
‗señores naturales‘ en los Andes‖], n.d.
See Also: Series V, Mendoza,
Gunnar, 1993-1994 and n.d.
Cambridge History [of Latin America], 1975-1985
[Cambridge History of Latin America] – Sp. [Spanish] Cambridge, n.d.
[Cambridge History of Latin America (Spanish Version)], 1987-1990 and n.d.
Cambridge U. [University] Press—Politics—Murra sized blues (from French edition),
Cambridge 1986 – [Cambridge University Press, English Annales], 1979-1984
Cloth ‘87, 1987
[Cloth and Its Function in the Inka State]—Murra—Cloth ‘89
Cloth, W-G [Wenner-Gren Foundation Conference] 1983
[Economic Organization of the Inca State, Romanian Translation]—Ata, 1978-1988 and
[Economic Organization of the Inca State] – Thesis, English, JAI [Press], 1979-1982
Florida, 1983—[―‗El Archipiélago Vertical‘ Revisted‖ presented at the Wenner-Grun
Foundation Symposium 91 at Cedar Cove, Cedar Key, Florida], 1983
Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Art History (1997), 1997
Inventing Hist. 8 – [Inventing an Andean History], n.d.
Box 2
Land Tenure, 1959 – [―Land Tenures in the Inca State‖], 1959
Series VIII – J. V. M. Publications
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
L. H. M. Rochester – [Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures], 1969, 1977, 1980 and n.d. See
Also: Series X, Box 1, 8‖ Reels
Miscel. [Miscellaneous] Reviews 1975 -, 1976-1993
Paramo, Méida ‘78 – [―Some Contrasts between Páramo and Puno as Zones of Historical
Human Habitation‖], 1978
[Pomo de Ayala in Historia 16 edition (1986)], 1984-1986 and n.d.
Qollasuyu ‘75 New Orleans – [―The Conquest and Annexation of Qollasuyu by the Inka
State‖ presented at the Society for American Archeology 40th Annual Meeting],
Quipu—English Translation—[―The Ethno-Categories of a Regional Khipu‖], n.d.
[Reviews for the] American Anthropologist, 1973-1987 and n.d.
[Reviews of Murra‘s Publications], 1975-1982
[Revista] Archivo Hispalense, 1984-1985
Spanish Annales, 1979-1981 and n.d.
Syracuse [University] Publshg. [Publishing], 1985-1986
[UNESCO] – Historia General de América Latina-Pease [G.Y.], [Franklin and] Bonavia,
[Duccio], 1991 and n.d.
UNESCO Project 96 – [Historia General de América Latina], 1989-2003 and n.d.
Vertical Control (translation to English) – [―The ‗Vertical Control‘ of a Maximum of
Ecologic Tiers in the Economies of Andean Societies‖], 1981
Box 3
[Visita de la Provincia de Léon de Huánuco en 1952]
—[Inigo] Oritz I Publication, 65-67, 1965-1967 and n.d. (2 folders)
—Inigo Oritz II, 1966-1974 and n.d.
Series VIII – J. V. M. Publications
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series IX – Photographs (1937-1988)
(1 box, .25 linear feet)
The photographs and slides that make up this small series touch upon many aspects of
Murra‘s life and career. Some of the photographic materials capture his teaching and
research interests over several decades. Others are personal photographs of former
students and colleagues and their families and even a copy of Murra‘s passport
photograph in 1937. Photographic materials are also interspersed throughout other parts
of the collection, most notably in Series I – Correspondence and Series V – Subject and
Almost all of the photographic materials in this series arrived at the Smithsonian
Institution organized and labeled by David Block with Post-it notes under the heading
Fotos. The archivist retained this organization for those items and has included the literal
text of the Post-it notes in the inventory for description. There were no Fotos 1 or Fotos
6 Post-it notes. Fotos 2 though 7 referred to groups of photographs that merited their
own folders. Fotos 8 through 16 tended to be individual miscellaneous photographs
which for space purposes are all in the same folder. For preservation purposes, the Postit notes have been photocopied onto archival acid-free paper that has been placed
alongside the sleeved photograph(s) or slide(s) they identify. The folder titles for
photographs outside of the fotos schema came from Post-it notes, containers or labels on
the reverse of the photographs. The archivist has indicated the number of images in a
group by placing the number in parenthesis after the folder title. The last three
photographs are housed in the same folder for space purposes. The last photograph in
this series did not come from Murra. It was kept by the Smithsonian Institution, at which
Murra was a visiting research fellow from 1966 to 1967.
Box 1
Fotos 2 – Slides tomados por Hislop en su trabajo de campo en los Andes; Slides taken
by John Hyslop in his field work (dated 1975) (17)
Fotos 3 – Serie de imaginerta religiosa – borderias de Moldavia – No recverda cómo las
consignvió. (10)
Fotos 4 – Slides de dibujos de Guamán Poma. Cree que se los envió la editorial mexicana
con quien publicó su libro sobre la obrade Guamán Poma. (38)
Fotos 5 – Slides numerados del 6 al 16 (+ 3 de marco gris). Fotos del lago Titicaca,
chulpas, etc. No recuerdo quién las tomó. (17)
Fotos 7 – Fotos tomadas durante el compamento* organizado por la Universidad de
Chicago (circa 1940). *Campamento de verano para pracicas arqueológica.
Camp for archaeological training @ the University of Chicago—Kincaid dig,
Fotos 8 – Foto postal de Robert Kempner y familia.
Fotos 9 – Foto postal de ―El baile de Los Capitanes‖ enviada por el arqueólogo peruano
Federico Sal y Rosas (see caption on verso)
Fotos 10 – Familia Kempner
Fotos 11 – Fotografia de John Hyslop. (No recrorda quién la tomó o se la envió).
Misc. Photographs, 1990, 1998, ?
Series IX – Photographs
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Fotos 12 – Fotografias de J. Murra en el Vassar College (circa 1960). En la foto grupal,
1ª a la derecha, Laura Murra. (2)
Fotos 13 – Fotografias de J. Murra durante la Recepción para Kidder Group (Febrero
1966, en el ICPMA, Perú). No recuerda quién las tomó ni el nombre de los
colegas que lo acompañan. (2)
Fotos 14 – Fotografia de John Murra en Paris, en la casa de Ruggero Romano (historia
dor italiano).
Fotos 15 – Fotografias de Yauyos (Perú). No reuerda quién las tomó. Terracing @
Yayos (Peru) (2)
Fotos 16 – 3 fotografias tomados por Ana Maria Solchi en el Valle del Colca (Arequipa –
Perú) 12/1988. Fotos taken in Colca (Arequipa) by Ana Maria Soldi (see captions
on verso) (3)
Slides sent to JVM by Colombian archaeologist Gerardo Reichel-Dohmatoff [Sep. 30,
1968] (38)
[Garden, n.d.]—―Asi era el museo del Padre toriallo en thiaray el auo pasado – an fui
hasba el si de may- ?lo recucrde? – Cerro Sechin (Huaraz), Ana Maria Soldi
[Passport, c. 1937]—John Murra, picture from his passport for the Spanish Republic, c.a.
[Smithsonian Research Fellow, c. 1967]—Dr. John V. Murra, neg. made ca. May 1967,
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, 1966-1967
[Yura house roofing mink‘a (photo taken by Inge Hartmann)], 1978 [See Map Drawer,
Folder 2]
Series IX – Photographs
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series X – Audio Visual Materials (1964-1998)
(2 boxes, 1.0 linear feet)
This final series includes VHS tapes (transferred to Human Studies Film Archives in
2008), 5 and 8 inch audio reels, and cassette tapes. Most of these items are housed in
their original containers, which in many instances provide distinctive information about
the recording. In the inventory below the archivist has listed the type and brand name of
the recording materials to help distinguish items. The titles come from either the
containers in which the materials are housed and/or Post-it notes written by David Block,
who listened to and noted the content and audibility of the cassette tapes. His notes on
the cassette tapes are indicated in square brackets []. The Post-it notes have been
photocopied for preservation purposes and the photocopies have been placed with the
cassette tape(s) to which they are relevant and in the processing folder for this collection.
VHS Video [Transferred to Human Studies Film Archives]
―El Camino de las Almas‖/The Road of the Souls (version with English sub-titles)
Copyright by Coroma/Hisbol (1989) Do not duplicate
Homenage a Johnn [Sic] V. Murra 24 Aug. 1998
Maria Rostworowski – Retratos
―You are History, You are Legend,‖ The Legacy of the International Brigades by
Judy Montell
Manuscript Folder 1
[Audio ephemera] – notes separated from sound recordings
Manuscript Folder 2
John V. Murra Commemoration, December 16, 2006, Ithaca, NY [3 cds (16 Bit 44.1kHz,
cd 1 – 46:14 minutes, cd 2 – 36:30, cd 3 37:27]
Audio Cabinets
8‖ Reels
Brand Five Magnetic Recording Tape
Folder 1 Jan. ‘64 – Talk re measures talk by Murrah, in English, clear
Folder 2 CODPDP Speech, 1964 Runasini[?] recorded at 7½, All in Quechua, (ask
Emperor Magnetic Recording Tape
Folder 3 Utilization of Ecology and Agriculture, Murra lecturing in English, seemingly
without an audience, i.e., no background noise, recorded at 3¾
Magnetic Tape
Folder 4 Murra #1 – 8 April 1969 – Lewis Henry Morgan lecture
Folder 5 Murra #2 4/10/69 – Second lecture in Lewis Henry Morgan lecture series
recorded at 3¾
Folder 6 Murra 17IV69 #4 - 4th lecture in Lewis Henry Morgan lecture series,
Murra speaking in English, recorded at 3¾
Series X – Audio Visual Materials
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
5‖ Reel Magnetic Tape
Folder 7 [Kodak] Abril 1965 Pachitea andina. Augusto 1965 Pachitea –Huanco, Peru.
Music by various bands playing @ fiesta: Recordings from Huanuco [1965] [See
backside for a list of recordings]
Folder 8 [Kodak] Andean economics – Godelier seminar, January 1966 recorded @
3¾, Murra speaking in Spanish
Folder 9 [Scotch] Murra lecturing in English, This is Murra, but not a standard speed
Folder 10 The Spanish Civil War: It seems so Long Ago. [See backside for description]
Folder 11 Sony C-60
[Anthropology/History Colloquium, audible 8/26/03 (Murra lectures on
Andean achievement) place not identified]
Folder 12 Verticality lect 1 Sept. 20, 1971—[Murra lectures on Verticality (clarity
Folder 13 [Murra speaks on Andean ecology (altitude, moisture) (audible 8/26/03)]
Folder 14 Andean Ethnology, Oct. 2, 1971, Land Tenure, 1st Lecture [very faint
Folder 15 To 21: Murra lecture, Andean seminar Yale (end) 4/III/71; Land Tenure II
after 21: Lecture 11/III/71 Reciprocity [audible 8/25/03]
Folder 16 Murra 4/III/71 Andean lecture – Yale – 2nd land tenure lecture [audible
Folder 17 Murra 25 Feb. 1971 Ethnohistory Class Lecture – Land Tenure (Yale)
[audible 8/25/03]
Cassette Tapes
A/V Educator—[Series of lectures described on tabel labels audible 08/26/03]
Folder 18 Andean Ethnology Nov. 12, 1971 Sources and events of first four decades
after European invasion
Folder 19 Andean Ethnology Nov. 15, 1971 Events and sources of 1560-80 Mining
operations, TAKI UNQUY Toledo
Folder 20 Andean Ethnology Nov. 17, 1971 Events and sources 1570‘s to Extirpacion
Folder 21 Andean Ethnology Oct. 29, ‗71 Disc. of Chupachu service to local lord and to
Cuzco, list from Visita
Folder 22 Andean Ethnology Nov. 1, 1971 con‘t discus. Of Visita list of Chupachu
service to Cuzco. Mitmaq, Yana, Aqlla.
Folder 23 Andean Ethnology Nov. 3, ‘71 Misc. Questions and presentation of Jauja
document (misc. distrib. Of outlier goods, cloth)
Folder 24 Andean Ethnology Nov. 5, 1971 Discussion of Jauja Quipu as a record of
Spanish impact
Folder 25 Andean Ethnology Nov. 10, 1971 Andean resistance to European invasion
and early sources on invasion
Folder 26 Reprocity lecture, Ch. I, in English, clear
Folders 27-34 [Audible 8/25/03, Symposium in Peru discussing the Social and
Economic Organization of the Andes, reading of papers, discussion] [Archivist‘s note: 8
tapes inside a box marked ―Laissé a l‘Hotel Cujas pour Mme. B-J Isabell‖]
Series X – Audio Visual Materials
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Series XI – Maps
(1 map case folder)
This series consists of maps from the 2003 and 2008 accretions of Murra‘s collection.
Two of the items appear to be copies of maps used in Murra‘s publications. One item
relates to a project Murra worked on with Gordon Hadden. The descriptions below were
taken directly from Post-it notes placed on each item by David Block, who assisted
Murra in sending the last installment of the collection to the Smithsonian Institution.
Photocopies of the Post-it notes may be found in the archivist‘s folder of processing
notes. Most of the maps from 2008 accretion are of excavation sites in Huanuco, Peru.
Map folder 1
Manuscript map of territory between Huanuco and Pucallpa, Peru showing oil pipline
from Ganzo Azul and Pucallpa. (no date) scale: 1:300,000
Map of distribution of coca cultivation published in Visita de los Valles de Sonqo (1991)
p. 8
Map Lupaga Territory as published in ― An Aymara Kingdom in 1567.‖ Ethnohistory 15,
2 (Spring 1968) p. 122
Plans for Museo Nacional de Antropología y Argueología 1983 (never built), see file
―Gordon Hadden Designs for an Exhibit Hall ― for Murra‘s alternative design
(never built either)
See also: Series I – Correspondence, Hadden
Gordon and [Hadden, Gordon—Museum Naconal del Peru]
Map folder #2
Site maps from excavations in Huánuco, Peru
Rolled maps #1
Site maps from excavations in Huánuco , Peru
Drafts of Map ―La Sierra de Huánuco‖ which appears in v. 1 of Visita de la Provencia de
Leon de Huanuco en 1562.
Rolled maps #2
Map taken from Carl Troll‘s Die geographischen Grundlagen der andinen Kulturen und
des Incareiches the depiction of Andean ecological niches which were central to Murra‘s
Series XII. Artwork
3 items
Map folder #2
[ ―Bazar Inca Ventas por mayor y menor Enrique Ywasaki‖ – drawing signed Huaraz
Series XI – Maps
Register to the Papers of John Victor Murra
Peru, Lambert]
[Drawing by Guaman Poma of participants in Cornell University‘s 1977 Otoño Andino
[Caricature, possibly of Murra signed by Germán Vázquez], 1978
Additional materials sent to the NAA by David Block in 2008. Many of these materials
suffered water damage prior to their transfer to the archives and show signs of inactive
mold growth. Preservation copies were made of the documents with more serious signs of
mold, and the originals were discarded. These phocopies are in Box 2. Maps from the
2008 accretion can be found in Series XI – Maps.
Box 1
A.E.S. Spring Symposium 1974 Notes
Buried Mirror,
Castro, Victoria, 2004
Conference on Latin American History Clive Prize, 1985
Fioravanti, Antoinette Molinié, 1992
Institute of Andean Research, 1955-2004, undated
Palomeque, Silvia, 2004
[Scott, Janet Lee], 2004
Patricia‖ [Schmitt?, Netherly? – Not clear who this is (JL.S.)
1993 Barcelona Ceremony for Hon. Degree (+ photos – (6))
U. of Chicago (letters, a play, scholarship payment slips)
Archaeological Survey of Ecuador [field notebook], circa 1941 or 1942
Box 2
Committee on African Scholarships, Vassar, 1960
Last updated: July 2011
Lorain Wang
Series XI – Maps