2013 Beacon Award Nomination - “Connect2Compete” – San Diego


2013 Beacon Award Nomination - “Connect2Compete” – San Diego
2013 Beacon Award Nomination - “Connect2Compete” – San Diego Pilot
Category: Integrated Communications
Planning & Strategy:
In the U.S., 79% of teachers have their students access assignments online and more than 80%
believe that online learning improves education, yet one-third of all students, mostly low-income,
don’t have access to computers and high speed Internet in the home and are being bypassed by
the broadband revolution.
In May 2012, Cox Communications had a unique opportunity to partner with the FCC and
Connect2Compete, a national nonprofit organization, on a pilot program that would offer
discounted high speed Internet service and low-cost computers to K-12 families in the national free
lunch program. The objective: to bring broadband access and computers to underserved
households. Cox would provide high speed Internet service for $9.95 a month. A third-party vendor
would provide computers for as low as $150. When the pilot launched, Cox would be the first cable
company nationwide to partner with the FCC on “Connect2Compete.”
Cox selected its San Diego market for the pilot based on its diverse community, large number of
families participating in the national free school lunch program, and the company’s strong
relationships with the local educational community.
As the pilot company, Cox would need to create and implement processes around school and
family outreach, applications, installations, and measurement. Internal and external collaboration
were key. It was imperative that our cross-functional team, which included local and national Public
Affairs, Sales, Marketing, and Field Operations, worked cohesively to overcome challenges, create
an integrated strategy and tactics, and implement our plan.
Some of the challenges we faced included:
Family Outreach – Families in the national free school lunch program were our target audience
since participation in the lunch program was an eligibility requirement. However, since participation
in the lunch program is private information, schools were not allowed to provide us with a list of
families. In addition, from a call center cost perspective, it was crucial that we minimized the
number of calls from ineligible families. Since we were unable to use direct mail or call families, we
determined that school engagement and outreach to families were critical.
Handling Call Volume – To apply, families first needed to call Connect2Compete to submit their
application, or they could apply online if they had access to a computer via a family member,
school or library. Once Connect2Compete verified eligibility, families would call Cox’s sales team to
process their order for Internet service. This was a pilot, so we had no benchmark to gauge call
Non-English Speaking Audience – Due to San Diego’s ethnic diversity, we anticipated a large
number of eligible families would be non-English speaking. We expected the majority of
translations would be in Spanish, however, other languages such as Tagalog and Farsi were
spoken in the homes. Our challenge was ensuring that language barriers didn’t prevent or
discourage participation.
In order to engage families, we first needed to engage the local educational community. We
presented the program during a Superintendents meeting at the County Office of Education. We
assured them that Cox would provide their schools with support and materials throughout the pilot,
and that Cox and other program partners would cover the financial costs of the program, not the
We also held in-person orientation meetings with district and school liaisons to help create
Connect2Compete “champions.” The liaisons were provided with promotional material posters,
flyers, newsletter templates, PowerPoint presentations, website templates, banners for school
websites, and scripts for robocalls to students’ homes. School posters and flyers were also created
in Spanish. Cox, Connect2Compete, and our computer vendors staffed call centers with Spanishspeaking reps, and Cox Public Affairs and Sales representatives attended school sign-up events to
help families navigate through the enrollment process.
To help forecast call volume, Cox asked schools to provide us with the dates and times of their
sign-up events so we could prepare for call volume spikes. We created a unique code for each
school in the pilot that was included on posters and flyers. Families were instructed to use this
code when they applied so that we could track the number of applicants, eligible applicants, and
the number of families who purchased computers, Internet service, or both. This data helped us
identify which schools were successful and how they found success.
At the end of the two-month pilot, Cox had partnered with six school districts and 56 schools,
enabling us to strengthen existing relationships and build new ones. The local education
community was exciting about the program, and schools began proactively reaching out to us to
participate in the program. We added a second phase of the pilot, and by the end of the year, we
had partnered with more than 100 schools.
Our press event to announce the pilot was standing-room-only, generated more than 20 local and
national news stories, including all six local TV stations, two Spanish-language stations, and two
daily newspapers, one of which also ran a favorable editorial. We received a proclamation by the
San Diego Unified School District during a packed school board meeting.
More than 5% of the eligible families signed up for the Cox offer, which exceeds the average
response rates for marketing campaigns. Sixty-three percent of the calls were conducted in
Spanish, which proved the need for a Spanish strategy.
Of the families that participated in the program, nearly 80% were new relationships for Cox, which
was a testament to reaching the program’s objective of increasing broadband adoption, and 20%
took additional services – increasing advanced telecommunications in the home.
The best result of the pilot: best practices developed through the San Diego pilot are being used as
the foundation for Cox’s national launch in 2013.
Supporting Documents:
You Tube Video: 2013 Beacon Cox CA – Connect2Compete
PDF Folder of Samples Attached:
 2013Beacon_CoxCA_C2C Media Advisory
 2013Beacon_CoxCA_C2C English Flyer
 2013Beacon_CoxCA_C2C Spanish Flyer
 2013Beacon_CoxCA_C2C Event Photos
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D. C. 20554
News Media Information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 1-888-835-5322
This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action.
See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).
May 29, 2012
Neil Grace, 202-418-0506
Email: [email protected]
Washington, D.C. – On Thursday, May 31, 2012, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will join
representatives from Connect2Compete and Cox Communications in San Diego to announce progress on
their national effort to close the broadband adoption gap. Connect2Compete is piloting with Cox and
working in tandem with the cable industry on the program in San Diego, offering eligible families in six
school districts low-cost, high-speed broadband and low-cost, high-quality laptops.
According to the Pew Research Center, one-third of all Americans—100 million people— have not
adopted broadband high-speed Internet at home. Through Connect2Compete, the public-private
partnership seeks to overcome the top obstacles to broadband adoption, including digital literacy,
relevance and cost.
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will visit a San Diego County middle school to
discuss Connect2Compete, an initiative to address broadband adoption in communities
across the country. Representatives from companies, non-profits, and local education
officials will deliver brief remarks.
Julius Genachowski, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
Dave Bialis, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Cox California
John Lee Evans, President, San Diego Board of Education
Ben Hecht, Chairman, Connect2Compete
Jill Vaske, Executive Vice President, Redemtech/Good PC
Brent Wilkes, National Executive Director, League of United Latin American Citizens
10:00AM Pacific
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Horace Mann Middle School
4345 54th Street
San Diego, CA 92115
For media inquiries and to RSVP, please contact FCC Press Secretary Neil Grace at
[email protected] or 202-418-0506.
For families with children receiving free school lunches.
Now through June 30, 2012
Get High Speed
Internet service for
just $9.95 a month.
Being online is critical in today’s world.
Connect2Compete is a non-profit program that brings affordable
Internet and computers to qualifying households across the
country. Connect to the Internet at home for email, homework
help, access to education, job searches, paying bills online,
downloading music and so much more.
Connect2Compete offers any or all of the following:
Your household may be eligible for
$9.95 Internet if it:
1.Has at least one child eligible for free
lunches through the National School
Lunch Program
2.Has not subscribed to Cox Internet
service within the last 90 days
3.Has no outstanding bills or unreturned
equipment with Cox
a month
+ tax
•No deposit required
•No contracts to sign
•No installation or modem
rental fees
•Price guaranteed for 2 years
Brought to you by Good PCSM
+ tax
•Available to all families with children
receiving free school lunches
•Select from a laptop or desktop
•Microsoft Office software installed
•Fast, free shipping
•90 day warranty
See if you’re eligible!
Visit Connect2Compete.org or call toll-free 1-855-222-3217
Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. Offer expires 6/30/12 and is available to qualifying new residential Cox Internet customers in Cox service areas. $9.95/month for up to 2 years only includes
Internet Starter service with one modem on a single outlet. Installation, applicable taxes, and other fees are additional. Actual Internet speeds vary and are not guaranteed. Then-current Internet service and
modem fee lease rates will apply the earlier of 2 years after service activation or if program eligibility requirements are no longer met. Re-enrollment not permitted. Offer, prices and eligibility requirements
are subject to change. Computers, warranty, returns and exchanges provided by Redemtech.® Laptop and desktop options available with prices starting at $150 plus tax. Offer and eligibility are also subject
to Connect2Compete program terms and conditions. Call 1-855-222-3217 for restrictions and complete details, or visit Connect2Compete.org. Connect2Compete is a program to provide home Internet
service for families. It is not a school program, and is not endorsed or required by your school. Your school is not responsible for Connect2Compete accounts. No school funds were used for this notice.
Para familias con niños que reciben almuerzos gratis en la escuela.
Desde ahora hasta el 30 de junio 2012
Reciba Internet de
Alta Velocidad
por sólo $9.95 al mes.
Estar conectado a Internet es muy importante hoy en día.
Connect2Compete es un programa sin fines de lucro que
proporciona Internet y computadoras a precios bajos a hogares que
reúnen los requisitos por todo el país. Conéctese a Internet en su
hogar para enviar mensajes de correo electrónico, recibir ayuda con
las tareas escolares, acceso a educación, buscar trabajo, pagar
facturas, descargar música y mucho más. Connect2Compete
ofrece cualquiera o todas de las siguientes opciones:
Su hogar puede ser elegible
para $9.95 Internet si:
1.Por lo menos uno de sus hijos reúne los requisitos para recibir almuerzos
gratis en la escuela a través el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares
(National School Lunch Program)
2.No se ha inscrito para el servicio de
Internet de Cox en los últimos 90 días
al mes +
•No se requiere un depósito
•Sin contrato para firmar
•No hay cargos de instalación o por alquilar el modem
•Precio garantizado por 2 años
Llevado a usted por Good PCSM
+ impuestos
3.No tener ninguna factura o equipo por
regresar pendiente con Cox
•Disponible para todas las familias
con niños que reciben almuerzos
gratis en la escuela
•Elige entre una computadora de escritorio o portátil
•Microsoft Office software instalado
•90 días de garantía
¡Vea si usted es elegible!
Visite Connect2Compete.org o llame gratis al 1-855-222-3217
Sitio web solo disponible en inglés.
Hay ciertas restricciones. No está disponible en todas las zonas. Oferta expira 6/30/12 y esta disponible para nuevos clientes residenciales que reúnen ciertos requisitos en las zonas de servicio de Cox.
$9.95/mes por 2 años solo incluye servicio de “Internet Starter” con un modem para solo un enchufe. Instalación, impuestos aplicables y otros cargos son adicionales. Velocidad actual de Internet varia y no
es garantizada. El costo actual de servicio de Internet y alquiler del modem serán aplicados después de los 2 años de servicio activado o si los requisitos de elegibilidad del programa ya no son cumplidos.
Reinscripción no es permitida. Oferta, precios y requisitos de elegibilidad están sujetos a cambios. Las computadoras, sus garantías y retornos son proporcionadas por Redemtech. Hay computadoras
portátiles y de escritorio disponibles a precios comenzando desde $150, más impuestos. Sujeto a los términos y condiciones del programa Connect2Compete. Llame al 1-855-222-3217 para informarse
sobre las restricciones y obtener los detalles completos, o visite Connect2Compete.org. Connect2Compete es un programa que proporciona servicio de Internet a familias. No es un programa escolar y no
es promocionado o requerido por su escuela. Su escuela no se hace responsable por las cuentas de Connect2Compete. No se usaron ningunos fondos de las escuelas para este aviso.
Para familias con niños que reciben almuerzos gratis en la escuela.
Desde ahora hasta el 30 de junio 2012
Reciba Internet de
Alta Velocidad
por sólo $9.95 al mes.
Estar conectado a Internet es muy importante hoy en día.
Connect2Compete es un programa sin fines de lucro que
proporciona Internet y computadoras a precios bajos a hogares que
reúnen los requisitos por todo el país. Conéctese a Internet en su
hogar para enviar mensajes de correo electrónico, recibir ayuda con
las tareas escolares, acceso a educación, buscar trabajo, pagar
facturas, descargar música y mucho más. Connect2Compete
ofrece cualquiera o todas de las siguientes opciones:
Su hogar puede ser elegible
para $9.95 Internet si:
1.Por lo menos uno de sus hijos reúne los requisitos para recibir almuerzos
gratis en la escuela a través el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares
(National School Lunch Program)
2.No se ha inscrito para el servicio de
Internet de Cox en los últimos 90 días
al mes +
•No se requiere un depósito
•Sin contrato para firmar
•No hay cargos de instalación o por alquilar el modem
•Precio garantizado por 2 años
Llevado a usted por Good PCSM
+ impuestos
3.No tener ninguna factura o equipo por
regresar pendiente con Cox
•Disponible para todas las familias
con niños que reciben almuerzos
gratis en la escuela
•Elige entre una computadora de escritorio o portátil
•Microsoft Office software instalado
•90 días de garantía
¡Vea si usted es elegible!
Visite Connect2Compete.org o llame gratis al 1-855-222-3217
Sitio web solo disponible en inglés.
Hay ciertas restricciones. No está disponible en todas las zonas. Oferta expira 6/30/12 y esta disponible para nuevos clientes residenciales que reúnen ciertos requisitos en las zonas de servicio de Cox.
$9.95/mes por 2 años solo incluye servicio de “Internet Starter” con un modem para solo un enchufe. Instalación, impuestos aplicables y otros cargos son adicionales. Velocidad actual de Internet varia y no
es garantizada. El costo actual de servicio de Internet y alquiler del modem serán aplicados después de los 2 años de servicio activado o si los requisitos de elegibilidad del programa ya no son cumplidos.
Reinscripción no es permitida. Oferta, precios y requisitos de elegibilidad están sujetos a cambios. Las computadoras, sus garantías y retornos son proporcionadas por Redemtech. Hay computadoras
portátiles y de escritorio disponibles a precios comenzando desde $150, más impuestos. Sujeto a los términos y condiciones del programa Connect2Compete. Llame al 1-855-222-3217 para informarse
sobre las restricciones y obtener los detalles completos, o visite Connect2Compete.org. Connect2Compete es un programa que proporciona servicio de Internet a familias. No es un programa escolar y no
es promocionado o requerido por su escuela. Su escuela no se hace responsable por las cuentas de Connect2Compete. No se usaron ningunos fondos de las escuelas para este aviso.
May 31, 2012 – Connect2Compete – San Diego Pilot
Media Event