José Real-Data


José Real-Data
KVSP ISS UK FSV zve všechny zájemce na přednášky
José Real-Data
(Departamento de Derecho, Universidad de Almería, Španělsko)
Changes in Research Training Policy in Spain (1999-2011): A Policy Dynamics Approach
ve středu 7. května 2014, 16.30-18.30 v rámci doktorské semináře oboru Veřejná a sociální politika,
CESES, Celetná 20, místnost č. 216.
Abstract: This seminar will focus on the changes the Spanish research training policy has experienced during the
first decade of the 21st century. These changes have affected one of the core elements of the design of this policy –
the use of research grants. This type of instrument had been used since the first measures devised at the
beginning of the 20th century to foster the training of new researchers to be incorporated mostly into the
organizations of the Spanish research system (universities and research centres). However, in a process lasting a bit
more than a decade and started by the mobilisation of research trainees in 1999, the existing consensus around
the use of grants was dismantled, being replaced by labour contracts in 2011. In this seminar we will explain the
development of this process and its outcomes by using a policy dynamics framework devised by the presenter
(Real-Dato 2009).
Accounting For Policy Dynamics: A Comparison of Four Theoretical Frameworks
v pátek 9. května 2014, 9.30-10.50, v rámci kurzu JSM515 Proces tvorby politik,
Areál UK Jinonice, U Kříže 8, místnost č. 3019.
Abstract: In this lecture, there will be presented a comparison of four theoretical frameworks to explain policy
dynamics. Three of them are theoretical lenses of reference in the field of policy studies – Kingdon’s ‘multiple
streams approach’ (Kingdon 1984, 1995); Baumgartner and Jones’ ‘Punctuated Equilibrium Theory’ (Baumgartner
and Jones 1993, 2009; Jones and Baumgartner 2005); and Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith ‘Advocacy Coalition
Framework’ (Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith 1993, 1999; Sabatier and Weible 2007, 2009). The fourth framework is
the synthetic one elaborated by the presenter (Real-Dato 2009), which intends to cope with the problems
detected in the three reference approaches in order to offer a more comprehensive account of policy dynamics
episodes. These problems and the working of the ‘synthetic’ framework using the case of the changes occurred in
the Spanish research training policy between 1999 and 2011. The presentation will also reflect on the problems
this synthetic approach could pose (particularly with respect to what has been pointed out by Cairney [2013]), and
their possible solutions.
Kontakt: [email protected]
Dr. José Real-Dato is a senior lecturer at the University of Almería (Spain), where he teaches public policy
analysis and public management and administration. His present research interests are the theory of the policy
process, the Europeanization of human resources policies in research and, in the area of political elites, the study
of the attitudes of political elites towards the European Union and political careers in Spain.
A selection of most recent publications (2009-2014)
-Jerez Mir, Miguel, José Real-Dato and Rafael Vázquez (coords.) (forthcoming 2014) Iberian Elites and the EU:
Perceptions towards the European Integration Process in Political and Socioeconomic Elites in Portugal and Spain.
New York: Edward Mellen Press.
-Chou, Meng-Hsuan and José Real-Dato (2014) "Translating the 'European Charter for Researchers and the Code of
Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers' in National arenas: Norway vs. Spain", in M.H. Chou y A. Gornitzka
(eds.) Building the Knowledge Economy in Europe: New Constellations in European Research and Higher Education
Goverance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 51-80.
-Real-Dato, José y Meng-Hsuan Chou (2013) "Los recursos humanos en la construcción del Espacio Europeo de
Investigación: análisis de la implementación de la Carta Europea del Investigador", Presupuesto y Gasto Público,
72(3): 225-240 [‘Human resources in the construction of the European Research Area: an Analysis of the
Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers]
-Real-Dato, José, Miguel Jerez Mir and Juan J. Linz (2013) "Los senadores en la nueva democracia española: una
primera aproximación", in J. R. Montero and J. Miley (eds.) Juan J. Linz, Obras escogidas, vol. 6. Madrid: Centro de
Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, pp. 889-915. [‘Senators in the New Spanish Democracy: a First Overview’]
-Jerez Mir, Miguel y Juan J. Linz and José Real-Dato, (2013) "Los diputados en la nueva democracia española:
pautas de continuidad y de cambio", in J. R. Montero and J. Miley (eds.) Juan J. Linz, Obras escogidas, vol. 6.
Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, pp. 807-888.[‘MPs in the new Spanish Democracy:
Patterns of Change and Continuity’]
-Real-Dato, José (2012) "Grupos de interés". In Inmaculada Szmolka (ed.) Regímenes, instituciones y procesos
políticos comparados. Granada: Universidad de Granada, pp. 189-217 (references). [‘Interest groups’]
-Jerez Mir, Miguel, Juan Rodríguez Teruel and José Real-Dato (2012) "¿Quién gobierna en España? Las elites
parlamentarias y ministeriales. En Josep Mª Reniu (ed.) Sistema político español. Barcelona: Huygens Editorial, pp.
189-203.[‘Who governs Spain?’]
-Real-Dato, José, György Lengyel and Borbala Göncz (2012) "National elites' preferences on the Europeanization of
policy-making". In Heinrich Best, György Lengyel, and Luca Verzichelli (eds.) The Europe of Elites: a Study into the
Europeanness of Europe's Economic and Political Elites. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 67-93.
-Jerez Mir, Miguel, José Real-Dato and Rafael Vázquez-García (2010) "The Perception of the European Union by
Political and Economic Elites in Spain", South European Society and Politics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 35–56.
-Jerez Mir, Miguel, José Real-Dato and Rafael Vázquez-García (2009) "Identity and Representation in the
Perceptions of Political Elites and Public Opinion: A Comparison between Southern and Post-Communist CentralEastern Europe", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 943-966.
- José Real-Dato (2009) "Mechanisms of Policy Change: A Proposal for a Synthetic Explanatory Framework",
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 117-143.
-José Real-Dato y Miguel Jerez-Mir (2009) "Cabinet dynamics in democratic Spain (1977-2008)". In Keith Dowding
and Patrick Dumont (eds.) The Selection of Ministers in Europe: Hiring and Firing. London: Routledge, pp. 101-124.