Saint Joseph Catholic Church


Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Iglesia Católica San José
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 29, 2010
434 Church Avenue
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101
Phone (270) 842-2525 Fax (270) 843-9624
Web Page:
Weekend Schedule
Horario de fin de semana
Mass/ Misa
Saturday (English)
5:00 pm
Sábado (Español)
7:00 pm
Sunday (English)
8:00 am & 10:30 am
Domingo (Español)
12:30 pm
Reconciliation / Confesiones
Saturday / Sábado
3:00–4:30 pm
Monday-Friday 8am-3pm
Lunes a Viernes, 8 de la mañana a 3 de la tarde
Parish Staff/Personnel Parroquial
Pastor / Párroco .................................................... Rev. D. Andrew Garner ........... [email protected]
Parochial Vicar/Vicario…………………………Rev. Joshua A. McCarty………[email protected]
Deacon / Diácono................................................. Deacon Bob Imel [email protected]
Director of Faith Formation ................................. Mr. John McAllister.......................... [email protected]
Parish Life Coordinator........................................ Mrs. Kathleen Baumgarten ........ [email protected]
Bookkeeper .......................................................... Mrs. Jane Brooks…………………[email protected]
Stewardship & Development ............................... Mrs. Sandy McAllister................…[email protected]
Maintenance ......................................................... Mr. Tim Garrity…………………[email protected]
Saint Joseph Catholic School/Escuela San José
Mrs. Jan Lange, Principal ............................................... 842-1235 ................ [email protected]
School Development Office ............................................ 842-7462 [email protected]
St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store ................. 783-7533
SVdP (new location on 31W Bypass).……..904-1832
La Tienda de San Vicente de Paúl
Monday –Friday 9am—6pm; Sat. 9am—4pm
SVDP website:
Gasper River Catholic Retreat Center....... 781-2466
Opportunities for Life ........................... 800-822-5824
Oportunidades para la vida .................. 800-860-7165
A statewide Catholic effort offering life-affirming hope
and help to those experiencing an untimely pregnancy, 24
hours a day, 7 days per week.
St. Joseph Church................................................ 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ............................................ August 29, 2010
August 28– September 5
5:00 pm…………………………..Clyde & Martha Crabtree†
7:00 pm (Spanish) …………………………Special Intention
8:00 am…………………………………….........Betty Below†
10:30 am…………………................Dorothy Diffenauer†
12:30 pm (Spanish) ……………Parishioners of San José
7:15 am………………………...........Agnes M. Luckett †
7:15 am ……………………………..Sr. Anita Flaugher †
8:00 am (School Mass)…………… Sr. Anita Flaugher †
7:15 am………………………………….In Thanksgiving
7:15 am………………………………..Elizabeth Harmon
6:30 pm…………………………Sr. Agnes Irene Bickett†
7:15 am…………………........... Sr. Agnes Irene Bickett†
5:00 pm……………………………………...Bonnie Crabtree†
7:00 pm (Spanish) …………………………Special Intention
8:00 am…………………………… Sr. Ruth Helen Flaherty†
10:30 am…………………................Dorothy Diffenauer†
12:30 pm (Spanish) ……………Parishioners of San José
The office is accepting Mass intentions to be
offered by Fr. Garner and/or Fr. McCarty.
Devotion To Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Offered Tuesday morning after the 8:00 Mass
in the Marian Shrine Chapel.
Financial Stewardship of the Parish
Administración Financiera de la Parroquia
Income Year to date
Income Budgeted Year to date
Variance from Budget
Restoration Collection 8/22/2010
Loan from Diocese for Restoration
Balance on Loan
Please use separate checks & envelopes
for restoration donations.
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 28-29
5:00 pm
EM............................................................................S. Cardwell
Usher/Greeter…................................J. Crabtree, J. Hutcheson
Lector........................................................................ J. Nowicki
Servers...............................................................A. Baumgarten
7:00 pm Misa
Lectores…….. Oscar Recinos, Enrique Pena y Marvin Rosales
Acolitos…….. Marvin Torres, Katia Pena and Valeria Levisohn
8:00 am
E.M............................................................................D. Lash
Usher/Greeter....................................K. Reynolds, T. Reynolds
Lector....................................................................C. Desmarais
Server.............................................................................J. Case
10:30 am
E.M................................................S. Amos, L. Blair, B. Bowers
Usher/Greeter............................................C. Bryce, B. Colburn
Lector.........................................................................R. Nordike
Servers...............................................A.J. McAllister, J. Spader
Child. Lit. Of the Word...................D. French w/ Rachel French
12:30 pm Misa
ME.................................................................................S. Mejia
pPlease ickup a ministry schedule after Mass..S. Flores
Acólitos/Monaguillo...........A. Itzol, J. Vaquera, Caren, Anthony
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 4-5
5:00 pm
EM............................................................................T. Durbin
Usher/Greeter….........................................B. Clark, J. Crabtree
Lector................................................................... W. Nicholson
Servers...............................................................M. Baumgarten
7:00 pm Misa
Lectores…….. Oscar Recinos, Enrique Pena y Marvin Rosales
Acolitos…….. Marvin Torres, Katia Pena and Valeria Levisohn
8:00 am
E.M..............................................................................J. Martter
Usher/Greeter...........................................J. Korba, J. Reynolds
Lector....................................................................T. Hermann
Server.........................................................................G. Martter
10:30 am
E.M...............................................D. Fortier, D. French, B. Imel
Usher/Greeter............................................B. Hayter, L. Hayter
Lector.........................................................................B. Bowers
Servers.......................................................T. Lakes, A. Spader
Child. Lit. Of the Word.................K. Baumgarten w/ Ciara Scott
12:30 pm Misa
ME.................................................................................S. Mejia
Lectores..................................................................... .S. Flores
Acólitos/Monaguillo...........A. Itzol, J. Vaquera, Caren, Anthony
St. Joseph Church ................................................ 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ............................................ August 29, 2010
This week @ Saint Joseph
Sunday—August 29
22nd Sun. in Ordinary Time
Martyrdom of John the
Monday –August 30
St. Jeanne Jugan
Tuesday –August 31
St. Joseph of Arimathea
Wednesday–September 1
St. Giles
Thursday – September 2
CCD Signup after Mass
6 pm –Parish
Council/Admin. Mtg.
9:30– Legion of Mary
7 pm—R.C.I.A.
7 – 8:30pm Youth Group
4th Annual Parish Picnic
Save the date, September 19th beginning at 2 pm.
Bring drinks and a dish to share. Picnic will be on
the St. Joseph grounds this year.
Wisdom Group
Friday, Sept. 3 after First Friday noon Mass, all
seniors are invited to gather in the Parish Hall and
enjoy a meal together. The main dish and dessert
will be provided. Please bring vegetables or salad.
Rite of Christian Initiaion for Adults
Friday – September 3
St. Gregory the Great
Saturday – September 4
St. Rose of Viterbo
First Friday
Wisdom Group Gathers
First Saturday
SVDP—Share Sunday
Sunday—September 5
23rd Sun. in Ordinary Time
SVDP—Share Sunday
Coffee & Donuts
Parish Leadership Meeting
Parish Council and Administration Committee will
meet jointly Monday at 6 pm in the Youth Room.
Anyone interested in learning more about the
Catholic faith should contact John McAllister (8422525). Classes are every other Tues. evening in the
church library. The next class is August 31.
August Anniversaries:
(40 years plus)
Wallace & Bonnie Gibson—44 years
James & Margaret Chalmers—42 years
Roger & Carol Dales—40 years
Ralph & Mary Wilken—40 years
Legion of Mary
It’s hard to stumble when you’re down on their
knees. Come pray with the Legion of Mary.
K-8 Religious Education
Continuing Catholic Development (CCD) will
begin September 12th. These classes are held from
9:00 – 10:15 am between the Sunday 8 and 10:30
Masses. Signups are after each Mass this weekend.
Volunteer Teachers/Catechists
The CCD program needs another teacher who is
willing to share their faith and knowledge with the
children of our parish. Contact John McAllister.
Youth Group
High School age youth of the parish are invited to a
regular Wed. meeting in the Youth Room from
7-8:30 pm. We will discuss the plans for the year.
The youth group would like to thank Susan
Crabbe for donating tickets to the youth for a Hot
Rods game. Fr. Josh and four seminarians
accompanied the youth and enjoyed the game!
Also, the Youth Room is in need of a small
refrigerator. Please contact the office, if you have
one to donate.
From the Dominican Republic…
A brief note from the Dominican Republic to say
thanks to all for the last seven years of support and
love, for the going away party and gifts, and for
your continued prayers. Because of distance and
logistics, I apologize that I am not able to thank
each personally.
You can keep up with my life via my facebook
page or in a monthly column I’ll be writing for the
Western Kentucky Catholic. Know that St. Joseph
Parish remains in my prayers, and I am so happy to
know that two such wonderful and prayer-filled
priests are with you.
Fr. Stan
To contact me by letter:
Fr. Stan Puryear
CPS 29784
P O Box 149020
Coral Gables FL 33114-9020.
Email: [email protected]
To mail packages or call in the event of an
emergency, please contact the parish office.
St. Joseph Church ............................................... 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ............................................August 29, 2010
Sanctity of Human Life Fall Banquet
Barren River Right to Life will host a Sanctity of
Human Life—Fall Banquet on Friday night,
September 17, 2010 from 6-10 pm at the KC Hall
on Searcy Way. The evening will include a chicken
dinner prepared by the Knights of Columbus, a
silent auction, a guest speaker, attendance prizes,
and live Christian music.
Proceeds to benefit
Barren River Right to Life, Inc. Contact Tom
Parrott, President of BRRTL at 782-6777 or
[email protected] for tickets or more info.
St. Benedict’s Way
A St. Meinred Retreat by Br. Maurus Zoeller,
October 8-10, 2010
This retreat will focus on the holy Rule of St.
Benedict and how it can apply to living in today’s
fast-paced society. Many chapters of the Rule can be
applied and adapted. You’ll learn how to glean ideas
from it that will greatly enhance your spiritual life.
This retreat should help us become better Christians
and give us a greater appreciation for preparing for
our heavenly home. (Fee $225 single, $375 double).
Contact 1(800) 581-6905 for details.
Christian Conversations
Bridge to Visible Unity—four
conversations set for October 16
The Diocesan Office for Ecumenism in partnership
with Brescia University, Kentucky Wesleyan
College and the Kentucky Council of Churches is
happy to announce a special ecumenical event
coming soon. “Ecumenical Conversations: Bridges
to Visible Unity” will be held at Brescia University
on Saturday, October 16. This historic unity
conversation event is free and open to the public.
For more information contact Fr. Tony Bickett,
Ecumenical Officer at [email protected] or call
(27) 756-2356.
Counseling Services
St. Joseph Parish and Catholic Charities have
partnered with Michelle Thomas of Annam Cara,
LLC and Paul Markle, MA, LMFT to provide
confidential psychological counseling services.
For an appointment call at Michelle Thomas at 3939833 or at Paul Markle at 792-6000.
New Orleans Fall Trip Deadline
October 21-25, 2010
Friday, September 3 is the deadline to reserve
your space for the five day, four night getaway to
New Orleans with Brescia President Fr. Larry
Hostetter and other Brescia University alumni.
Call Faith in Travel @ 270-389-1002 or e-mail
[email protected] today.
St. Raphael Picnic—Friday, October 1st
The SPACE, Faith And Light and Fish annual
Gathering/Picnic with our retired Bishop John
McRaith and Bishop William Medley and anyone
(adult or child) with special needs and their
families. All are welcome and asked to bring a
vegetable or salad. Meat and drink provided. RSVP
by September 25 to Donna Biggs at (270) 852-8234
or [email protected].
is a marriage preparation program for couples
preparing for marriage after one or both persons
have experienced a divorce or death of a former
spouse. This program is designed to address the
critical issues of a second marriage and to offer an
opportunity to establish a solid foundation for a new
intimate relationship.
A Once More With Love program will be held
Saturday, September 25, 2010 at the Catholic
Pastoral Center starting at 8:30 AM - and will
conclude with liturgy at 5:00 PM at St. Stephen
Cathedral and a romantic dinner around 6:00 PM.
It is essential that a couple plan to attend the entire
day. The cost for the day is $100.00 and includes
lunch, dinner and materials.
Teens Encounter Christ (TEC)
TEC is a three-day high school/young adult retreat
program based on the Paschal Mystery; they are
held 3-4 times throughout the year and at various
locations throughout the diocese. You must be an
incoming high school junior through a college-age
student to attend. Once you attend, you can assist
the program by working a TEC. The next TEC
weekend will be:
October 22-24, 2010 at Gasper River Retreat Center
Applications are available at
Adults are welcomed to observe a TEC to know
what their youth have experienced.
St. Joseph Church……………..….………………….22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time…………..……………………..August 29, 2010
Pastor’s Column
La Columna del Padre
I am happy to be here with you all at St. Joseph Catholic
Church and St. Joseph School.
Me encuentro feliz de estar acá con todos ustedes en la
Parroquia San José y en la escuela San José.
It has been a whirlwind first couple of weeks with all the
moving in, cleaning, all the people, school children,
learning Bowling Green, and speaking Spanish.
Estas dos semanas han sido de locura! Haciendo tantas cosas
como por ejemplo terminar con la mudanza, hacer limpieza,
atender a las personas de la parroquia y a los niños de la
escuela, aprenderme las calles de Bowling Green y además
hablar Español.
When people ask me where I am from, it is always a
little time consuming and people always get a little bored
when I say that I was born in Henderson while my
parents lived in Owensboro. We moved immediately to
Bowling Green and lived here for ten years. I went to
St. Joseph School grades K – 3. We moved to
Muscatine, Iowa because of my father's work. After
living there for ten years, we moved to Washington,
Indiana where my parents currently reside.
After college, I traveled with NET Ministries as a
missionary. After NET, I went to community college for
two years, spent three years at Ave Maria College. St.
Meinrad was the last stop on the academic circuit. I was
ordained a priest on May 30, 2009 at St. Stephen
Cathedral in Owensboro and spent my first year there at
the cathedral.
I mentioned at Mass our first weekend here that if I turn
sideways, I disappear (at least that's what everyone tells
me), and already some people here have began to help
me work on that. So, we still look forward to spending
time with your families and eating with you. But please
do be patient with us, we are still trying to figure out
where all the light switches are.
We are so thankful for the support that we have received
from the parish. There are many things around the
parish that need attention and we count on your help to
make it happen. We have come here to work with you.
When we all pull together great things will happen, great
God bless you all. Please continue to pray for us priests.
We pray for you all each day.
Fr. Joshua
PS If there are any golfers in the parish, I could use
some company.
Cuando las personas me preguntan de donde soy, me toma un
buen rato explicárselos y hasta se aburren, por eso decidí
ponerlo por escrito. Aquí les va mi historia: Nací en
Henderson mientras mis padres Vivian en Owensboro.
Después de mi nacimiento, casi de inmediato, nos mudamos a
Bowling Green y viví acá por diez años. Estudie en la escuela
San José donde curse desde el kindergarden hasta el 3ro
grado de primaria. Luego debido al empleo de mi padre nos
mudamos a Muscatine en Iowa. Después de diez años de
residir en dicho estado, nos mudamos a Washington en
Indiana, lugar en donde mis padres actualmente residen.
Después de la Universidad (College), viaje como misionero a
través de Ministerios NET. Luego de esto, estudie por tres
años en la Universidad Ave María. Saint Meinrad fue mi
última parada en cuanto al mundo académico se refiere. Me
ordene de sacerdote el 30 de Mayo del 2009 en la Catedral
San Stephen en la ciudad de Owensboro en donde trabaje por
un año.
Referente al comentario que les hice la semana pasada de que
muchas personas me han dicho que cuando me pongo de
costado (de lado) desaparezco de lo flaco que estoy, bueno,
les cuento que algunas personas me están ayudando a
solucionar eso. Les recuerdo que continuamos con el deseo
de compartir con ustedes y sus familias y de que también
queremos que nos inviten a comer.
Les pedimos que sean pacientes mientras nos terminamos de
acomodar porque aun hay muchas cosas que necesitamos
aprender, como por ejemplo saber donde se encienden y
apagan las luces.
Nos sentimos muy agradecidos por todo el apoyo que hemos
recibido de parte de los parroquianos. Aun quedan muchas
cosas por hacer en esta parroquia y nosotros contamos con su
ayuda para poder lograrlo. Nosotros hemos venido para
trabajar unidos a ustedes. ! Uniendo nuestros esfuerzos
podemos lograr cosas maravillosas!!!
Dios los bendiga a todos. Por favor continúen orando por
nosotros los sacerdotes. Nosotros oramos diariamente por
todos ustedes.
Padre Josue
PS Estoy buscando un compañero con quien poder jugar
golf. Avísenme
Iglesia Católica San José .................................. 22
º Domingo Ordinario ................................................ 29 agosto 2010
Esta Semana en la Parroquia San José
Domingo – 29 agosto
22 º Domingo Ordinario
Inscripciones para CCD
Grupo Juvenil
Los jóvenes de la edad de
High School de nuestra parroquia están invitados a
reuniones los miércoles de 7-8:30 pm en la sola
juvenil. Discutiremos planes para el año.
Lunes – 30 agosto
K-8 Doctrina
Martes – 31 agosto
Miércoles – 1 septiembre 7-8:30 Grupo Juvenil
Jueves – 2 septiembre
6:30 - Misa Asamblea
Viernes – 3 septiembre
Sábado – 4 septiembre
Domingo – 5 septiembre
23 º Domingo Ordinario
SVdP Domingo de
SVdP Domingo de
Las Clases de Catequesis y Doctrina (CCD) se
comenzarán en Septiembre. Las clases se reunión
los domingos de las 9 a 10:15 de la mañana. Las
inscripciones serán en agosto. Si uno tiene interés
en ser maestro o voluntario, hable con el Sr. Juan
Inscripciones para las clases de doctrina serán
los últimos dos fines de semana del mes de agosto.
Acuérdense: Si su hijo/a de 6 a 14 años de edad
no recibe su educación religiosa por la Escuela San
José, debe asistir a las Clases de Catequesis y
Doctrina para aprender de su fe católica.
De la Republica Dominicana…
Una nota breve de la Republica Dominicana para
agradecerles a todos por el apoyo y amor de los
ultimos siete anos, por las fiestas y regales, y por
las oraciones.
Por causa de distancia, pido
disculpas que no los puedo agradecer a cada uno
Pueden seguir sabiendo de mi vida por el pagina
internet de facebook o en una columna mensual
que escribiré para el Catolico de Kentucky
Occidental. Quisiera que sepan que la Parroquia
San José sigue en mis oraciones, y estoy feliz en
saber que dos sacerdotes tan amables y tan
dedicados a la oración están con ustedes.
P. Stan
Para contactar me:
Fr. Stan Puryear
CPS 29784
P O Box 149020
Coral Gables FL 33114-9020.
Email: [email protected]
Para enviar paquetes y llamarme en caso de
emergencia, favor de contactar la oficina
Los directorios fotográficos han llegados
Si su foto fue tomada el año pasado para el
directorio, su copia reservado ya está disponible en
la oficina parroquial.
La Escuela Católica San José
Ahorrando el dia! Ahorrando el dia!!
Nuestra comida anual de Espagueti sera el 24 de
Septiembre de las 5p.m.-9.m. en el salon de
Knights of Columbus. Los Esperamos!
El club 50/50 empieza el 16 de agosto del 2010
con un sorteo de $50 cada semana. El precio del
boleto es de uno por $20, 3 por $50 y 6 por $100.
Todo lo que se recauda del club 50/50 será para
apoyar el sistema de computación de la escuela y
parra reemplazar los muebles usados y del todo el
equipo. Si desear comprar uno o mas boletos, los
puedes conseguir en la mesa a la salida de la sala
parroquial. Por favor, venga con su dinero en
También puede conseguir boletos en la escuela o
en la oficina de mantenimiento al
842/ 7462.
Venta de Libros Usados
La venta de libros usados a beneficio de la librería
SJS se realizará de 27-29 de octubre en la sala
parroquial de San José. Ya pueden traer sus libros
usados libros para personas mayores o para niños,
de pasta dura o fragile DVDs, video juegos o
juegos de mesa (con todas las piezas para la
St. Joseph Church ................................................ 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ............................................. August 29, 2010
Prayer List
Please remember those for whom parishioners have
requested your prayers and those whom you have
offered your prayers for in the quiet of your heart:
Por favor recuerde esos parroquianos para quien han
solicitado sus oraciones:
Aaron Haycraft
John Gauthier
Ann Barnes
Katrina Villegas
Betty McCormick
Kevin Bailey
Boonsong Areephant
Leslie Priest
Charles Paddie
Marissa Wood
Don Poston
Matt Nicholson
Doris Webb
M/Sgt. Michael Bowers
Elizabeth Mudd
Paul Budde
Evelyn Holder
Seth Browning
James Millea
Trevor Frastus
Jerry Fulkerson
Trish Johnson
Jodie Fulkerson
Wanda Webb
Zoila Abanto
To have someone enrolled in this list, please call or
email the church office. Names will remain on the list
for sixty (60) days unless otherwise requested.
Spaghetti Supper
Save the Date! Save the Date!
Our annual Spaghetti Supper will be
held on Friday, September 24 from 5pm – 9pm at
Knights of Columbus.
Inaugural Retreat for the
The Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy
The Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy is a
new organization that is a spiritual union for
Catholic women and men who are post-abortive
and have turned to the Lord Jesus for
forgiveness and healing. It is an excellent way
to follow-up spiritually on what we have
received through Rachel's Vineyard retreats.
This retreat and membership in the
Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy is also open
to men and women who, though not personally
post-abortive, desire to join themselves in
spiritual solidarity with those who are postabortive.
The retreat will be a "mostly silent" retreat, with
some periods in which retreatants will be
encouraged to talk about what they are learning.
We will have daily Mass,opportunities for the
Sacrament of Confession, Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, silent time
forprayer and reflection, and several
conferences on our spiritual life.
Retreat Master & Founding Spiritual Director for the
Confraternity: Fr. Ben Cameron, CPM.
When: September 17-19, 2010
Where: Passionist
Monastery and Retreat Center, Whitesville, KY
Cost: $150 per person (double occupancy rooms)
[Capacity for 24 persons]
For more information or for a registration form: Email
Fr. Ben Cameron at: [email protected].
The annual used Book Sale to benefit the SJS library is
scheduled for Oct. 27-29 in St. Joseph’s Parish Hall.
It’s not to early to start bringing your gently used adult
and children’s hardbound and paperback books,
DVD’s, video games and board games (with all pieces)
to the school.
THE 50/50 CLUB
Congratulations to Tim Hammond who was the first
winner of the 50/50! Ticket prices are $20 for one, $50
for 3 and 6 for $100! All of the monies generated from
the 50/50 club support the technology lab as well as
replacing well worn furniture and equipment. If you
wish to purchase one or more tickets, you can find them
on the table at the exit by the Parish Hall. Please return
with your check or cash to St. Joseph School.
Additional tickets are available at the school or call the
development office at 842-7462.
Church Women United (CWU)
CWU is a national volunteer Christian ecumenical
women’s movement initiated and carried out by women
in the United States and Puerto Rico. Church Women
United is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive
Christian women’s movement, celebrating unity in
diversity and working for a world of peace and justice.
It is a movement that brings together women of diverse
races, cultures and traditions in closer Christian
fellowship, prayer, advocacy, and action for peace with
justice in the world. CWU engages millions of women
representing twenty-six supporting denominations and
participating Christian women including Protestant,
Roman Catholic, Orthodox and other Christian women.
Founded in 1941, they have as their motto, “Agreed to
differ, resolved to love, united to serve”. You can learn
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or [email protected].
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B.G. Monuments
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Raise money for
Saint Joseph Parish at:
Dr. Russell K. Heltsley, III, O.D.
2425 Scottville Rd. Suite 114
(270) 846-2500