Póster del área de odontología sobre la ortodoncia (inglés).
Póster del área de odontología sobre la ortodoncia (inglés).
ORTHODONTIC THERAPY Authors Alba Bensich Maria Mercedes, Parreira Miryam, Rey Eduardo Hospital: Foundation of Hemophilia – Buenos Aires - Argentina OBJECTIVES METHODS Orthodontic therapy is increasingly required and used among adolescents, and this situation is not an exception among young persons with hemophilia. We consider that interdisciplinary work and the implementation of effective Prevention Programs can make Orthodontic Treatments the optimal tool for the correction of malocclusion in people with hemophilia. We began to implement orthodontic treatments in 2009. We are currently performing 11 treatments, and 5 others have been completed. Fixed equipment, straight arch technique, with Roth 22 brackets were used in 12 of these treatments. In the remaining four removable appliances were used to apply orthopedic forces. Four devices are Howley plates with a half Expander screw, Adams retainer and occlusal surfaces of acrylic to avoid interference. The aim of this paper is to document the application of this therapy in our patients during the last five years. Besides the correction of malocclusion we find it interesting to share, a beneficial side effect: the improvement of teeth hygiene. June, 2011 January 2013 Left Cross bite in a six- year- old boy with hemophiiia CONCLUSIONS Due to our patients needs and our personal desire to provide a better quality of life, we began to give orthodontic care in 2009. We found little published information about Orthodontics in patients with Hemophilia. We used the same techniques as with patients without hemophilia. We especially focused on maintaining an excellent oral hygiene to prevent gingivitis and its consequent bleeding. There was also a rigorous inspection of the apartology at the end of each session to detect potential factors capable of hurting soft tissues. The objectives of the treatments were achieved with no more difficulty, and in approximately the same time (from 18 to 24 months) as with patients without Hemophilia. References María José Mauro.” Importancia de las medidas preventivas durante el tratamiento ortodóntico: Un compromiso” Monografía. PECOP III. 2006 Per Axelssoon. ¨Preventive materials, methods and programs¨ Quintessence Publishing. Slovakia. 2004 Barbara Chadwick. ¨Orthodontic Products Update. Products for prevention during orthodontics¨ British Journal of Orthodontics. 21:395-398. 1994. Dra. Angela Argentieri. ¨ Clínica de los fluoruros ¨ Clase teórica. PECOP I. Julio 2006. David Barack. Harry Staffileno, Cyril Sadowsky. ¨Periodontal Complication during orthodontic therapy¨ Am. J. Orthod. 88: 461465, 1985. Samir E. Bishara. ¨ Ortodoncia ¨ Ed. Mc. Growhill Interamericana. México 2001 M. Shirley García de Valente. “ Adolescencia y salud bucal”http://raladolec.bvs.br/pdf/ral/v1n3/a06v01n3.pdf Andrew Brewer, M. Elvira Correa. “Guidelines for dental treatment of patients with inherited Bleeding disorders” Treatment of Hemophilia. N°40 May 2006 . S. Azhar, N. Yazdanie, N. Muhammad. “Periodontal status and IOTN interventions among young hemophiliacs” Haemophilia 12: 401-404, 2006.