CONDITIONS FOR USE OF THE FS22000 logo 1. An accredited


CONDITIONS FOR USE OF THE FS22000 logo 1. An accredited
Foundation for Food Safety Certification
Board of Stakeholders
9 July 2010
Conditions for use of the FS22000 logo
1. An accredited certification body may use the FS22000 logo only in conjunction
with its own certification symbol on its certificates, stationery and literature associated
with its accredited certification activities, subject to the conditions below.
2. An FS22000 certified organization may use the FS22000 logo only in
conjunction with the accredited certification bodies certification mark on the facilities
stationery, literature, and website subject to the conditions below and to the
certification bodies own conditions for use of its certification mark.
3. The FS22000 logo shall be reproduced in the specified colours and in a size which
makes all features of the logo clearly distinguishable.
4. When using the FS22000 logo the CB or the certified organization, its size must
not differ from the size of the certification bodies mark.
5. The FS22000 logo shall not be used by an certification body on any document,
website, or other such public material unless the document relates in whole or in part
to certification activities of the certification body which are accredited for FS22000.
This shall not prevent a FS22000-accredited certification body from including the
accreditation mark on its preprinted letterhead paper.
6. Neither the FS22000 logo nor the certification bodies mark and the accreditation
mark shall be used on a product by a certified organization, its labelling or packaging,
or in such a way as to suggest that the certification body have certified or approved
any product, process or service of a certified facility, or in any other misleading
7. If necessary, the Board of Stakeholders FS22000 can decide about other
requirements with regard to the use of the FS22000 logo. Such requirements will be
made part of the agreement with the certification body and the certification body will
immediately be subject to such requirements.
8. The use of the FS22000 logo shall be audited during each surveillance and reaccreditation audit. Any non-conformance associated with the use of the logo
requires remedial action to correct the use of the logo on issued documents as well
as corrective action for future use.
9. The certification body shall audit the use of the FS22000 logo by certified clients
during every surveillance and recertification audit. Any non-conformance associated
with the use of the logo requires remedial action to correct the use of the logo on
issued documents as well as corrective action for future use.
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