ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP
ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP
LISTA DE MEDICAMENTOS CUBIERTOS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP 2016 1.877.ICS.2525 1.877.ICS.2525 www.icsny.org www.icsny.org H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315_Approved H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP | 2016 Lista de medicamentos cubiertos (Formulario) Ésta es una lista de medicamentos que los participantes pueden obtener en ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP. ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP es un plan de salud administrado que tiene un contrato con Medicare y el Departamento de salud del estado de New York (Medicaid) proporcionar los beneficios de los dos programas a los participantes a través de un programa FIDA (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage o Organización integral para personas elegibles para ambos programas). Los beneficios, la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos y las redes de proveedores pueden cambiar durante el año y el 1º de enero de cada año. Usted siempre puede revisar la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos actualizada de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP en internet en www.icsny.org/care-plus o llamar a Servicios al participante de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525. Se pueden aplicar limitaciones y restricciones. Para obtener más información, llame a Servicios al participante de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP o lea el Manual del participante de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP. No hay copagos para los medicamentos cubiertos. Usted puede pedir esta información en otros formatos, como Braille o letra grande, de manera gratuita. Llame al 1.877.ICS.2525. La llamada es gratuita. You can get this information for free in other languages. Call 1.877.ICS.2525 and TTY: 711 during 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. The call is free. Usted puede obtener esta información en otros idiomas, de manera gratuita. Llame al 1.877.ICS.2525 y TTY: 711 de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Вы можете бесплатно получить всю эту информацию на других языках. Звоните в ICS по телефону 1.877.ICS.2525 и телетайпу 711 с понедельника по пятницу с 8:00 до 20:00. Звонок бесплатный. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 1 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 您可免费获得所有这些信息的其他语言版本。请在周一至周五上午 8 点至晚上 8 点致 电 ICS,电话号码为 1.877.ICS.2525,听障专线 (TTY) 为 711。此为免费电话。 Ou kapab jwenn tout enfòmasyon sa a gratis nan lòt lang. Rele ICS nan 1.877.ICS.2525 ak TTY 711, ant 8 a.m. ak 8 p.m., lendi jiska vandredi. Apèl la gratis. 이 모든 정보는 타 언어로 무료로 제공됩니다. 월요일~금요일, 오전 8시~오후 8시 사이에 1.877.ICS.2525 및 TTY(청각 장애인용 전화) 711로 ICS에 전화해 주십시오. 이 전화는 무료입니다. Le informazioni in questione sono disponibili gratuitamente anche in altre lingue. Chiamare ICS ai numeri 1.877.ICS.2525 e TTY 711 tra le 8:00 e le 20.00 dal lunedì al venerdì. La chiamata è gratuita. El estado de New York creó un Programa Ombudsman para los participantes para proporcionarle a los Participantes asistencia gratuita, confidencial para los servicios que ofrece ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP. Para comunicarse con el Ombudsman para el participante llame al 1.844.614.8800 o vaya a www.icannys.org. Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ) Encuentre aquí las respuestas a las preguntas que usted tenga sobre esta Lista de medicamentos cubiertos. Usted puede leer todas las Preguntas frecuentes para saber más o buscar preguntas y respuestas. 1. ¿Qué medicamentos de receta se encuentran en la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos? (Llamamos “Lista de medicamentos” a la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos, para abrebiar.) Los medicamentos de la Lista de medicamentos cubiertos que comienza en la página 15 son los medicamentos cubiertos por ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP. Los medicamentos están disponibles en las farmacias dentro de nuestra red. Una farmacia está en nuestra red si tenemos un acuerdo con ellos, para trabajar con nosotros y proporcionarle servicios a usted. Nos referimos a estas farmacias como “farmacias de la red”. ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP cubrirá todos los medicamentos de la Lista, si: Su médico u otro proveedor de la red dice que usted los necesita para mejorar o para seguir sano, Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 2 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 El medicamento es médicamente necesario para su enfermedad, y Usted surte la receta en una farmacia de la red de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP. ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP podría tener pasos adicionales para tener acceso a ciertos tipos de medicamentos (lea en el pregunta #5 de abajo). En algunos casos es probable que usted tenga que hacer algo antes de obtener un medicamento, por ejemplo: primero probar otros medicamentos. Usted puede también leer una lista actualizada de los medicamentos que cubrimos en nuestro sitio web en www.icsny.org/care-plus o llame a Servicios al participante al 1.877.ICS.2525. 2. ¿La Lista de medicamentos cambia alguna vez? Sí. ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP podría agregar o quitar medicamentos de la Lista de medicamentos durante el año. De manera general, la Lista de medicamentos sólo cambiará si: Aparece un nuevo medicamento, que funcione tan bien como algún medicamento que se encuentre actualmente en la Lista de medicamentos o Nos enteramos que algún medicamento no es seguro. También podemos cambiar nuestras reglas sobre sobre algunos medicamentos. Por ejemplo, podríamos: Decidir si exigir o no aprobación previa para algún medicamento. (Aprobación previa es el permiso de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP o su Equipo interdisciplinario (IDT) antes que usted puede obtener un medicamento.) Aumentar o cambiar la cantidad de un medicamento que usted puede obtener (llamado "límite de cantidad”). Agregar o cambiar restricciones de tratamiento progresivo de un medicamento. (Terapia progresiva significa que usted podría tener que probar un medicamento antes que cubramos otro medicamento.) (Para obtener más información acerca de estas reglas para los medicamentos, lea la página 5.) Le avisaremos cuando quitemos de la Lista de Medicamento algún medicamento que usted esté tomando. También le diremos cuando cambiemos nuestras reglas para cubrir algún medicamento. Las preguntas 3, 4 y 7 de abajo tienen más información sobre lo que sucederá cuando cambie la Lista de medicamentos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 3 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 Usted siempre puede leer la Lista de medicamentos actualizada de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP en internet, en www.icsny.org/care-plus. También puede llamar a Servicios al participante para revisar la Lista de medicamentos actual, al 1.877.ICS.2525. 3. ¿Qué sucederá cuando aparezca un medicamento más barato que funcione tan bien como algún medicamento que se encuentre actualmente en la Lista de medicamentos? Si aparece un medicamento más barato que funcione tan bien como algún medicamento que se encuentre actualmente en la Lista de medicamentos: Es probable que su farmacéutico le dé un medicamento más barato la próxima vez que surta su receta. Si usted y su proveedor deciden que el medicamento más barato no es el correcto para usted, su proveedor puede indicarle al farmacéutico que continúe surtiéndole el medicamento que toma ahora. Es probable que ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP decida quitar el medicamento más caro de la Lista de medicamentos. Si usted está tomando un medicamento que quitamos de la Lista de medicamentos, porque aparece un medicamento más barato que funcione tan bien, le avisaremos con 60 días de anticipación antes de quitarlo de la Lista de medicamentos o cuando pida que surtamos nuevamente el medicamento. En ese momento, usted podrá obtener un suministro de 60 días del medicamento antes de que se haga el cambio en la Lista de medicamentos. El plan Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP de ICS informará estos cambios a los miembros por correo e incluirá información sobre cómo presentar una queja, apelación o solicitud de excepción. El plan Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP de ICS también publicará esta información en nuestro sitio web, el cual puede encontrarse en www.icsny.org/care-plus y notificará a los miembros todos los años sobre nuestro formulario actualizado. Esta información puede proporcionarse en formatos alternativos. 4. ¿Qué sucederá cuándo averigüemos que algún medicamento no es seguro? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 4 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 Si la Administración de alimentos y medicamentos (FDA) dice que algún medicamento no es seguro, lo quitaremos inmediatamente de la Lista de medicamentos. También le enviaremos una carta y lo llamaremos para avistarle que el medicamento que no es seguro fue quitado de la Lista de medicamentos. Se le indicará que se comunique con el médico que emite sus recetas lo antes posible para recibir instrucciones a fin de reemplazar el medicamento discontinuado. También puede ponerse en contacto con su gerente de atención para obtener ayuda. 5. ¿La cobertura de medicamentos tiene alguna restricción o límite? ¿O hay que hacer algo en particular para poder obtener ciertos medicamentos? Sí, algunos medicamentos tienen reglas de cobertura o tienen límites en la cantidad que usted puede obtener. En algunos casos, tendrá que hacer algo antes de poder obtener el medicamento. Por ejemplo: Aprobación previa (o autorización previa): Para algunos medicamentos, usted o su médico deben obtener una aprobación de ICS Community Care Plus FIDAMMP o su Equipo interdisciplinario (IDT) antes de surtir su receta. Y si usted no consigue la aprobación, ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP podría no cubrir el medicamento. Límites de cantidad: A veces ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP limita la cantidad de un medicamento que usted puede obtener. Tratamiento progresivo: A veces ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP exige que usted siga un tratamiento progresivo. Esto significa que usted tendrá que probar los medicamentos en un cierto orden para su enfermedad. Usted podría tener que probar un medicamento antes de que cubramos otro medicamento. Si a su médico le parece que el primer medicamento no funciona para usted, entonces cubriremos el segundo. Usted puede averiguar si su medicamento tiene algún requisito o límite adicional, leyendo los cuadros de las página 15. Usted también puede obtener más información en nuestro sitio web en www.icsny.org/care-plus. Hemos publicado documentos en línea que explican nuestra autorización previa y las restricciones de la terapia escalonada. Usted puede pedirnos que le enviemos una copia. Usted también puede pedir una "excepción" a esos límites. Por favor lea en la pregunta 11 más información sobre las excepciones. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 5 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 Si usted está en un hogar para personas de la tercera edad u otra institución de cuidados a largo plazo y necesita algún medicamento que no esté en la Lista de medicamentos o si no puede obtener el medicamento que necesite fácilmente, podemos ayudarle. Cubriremos un suministro de emergencia de 31 días del medicamento que usted necesite (a menos que tenga una receta para menos días), sin importar que usted sea o no un participante nuevo de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP. Esto le dará tiempo para hablar con su médico u otro proveedor médico. Ellos podrán ayudarle a decidir si hay algún otro medicamento similar en la Lista de medicamentos que usted pueda tomar en su lugar o si tiene que pedir una excepción. Por favor lea en la pregunta 11 más información sobre las excepciones. 6. ¿Cómo sabrá si el medicamento que usted quiere tiene limitaciones o si tiene que hacer algo para obtenerlo? La Lista de medicamentos cubiertos de la página 15 tiene una columna llamada "Medidas necesarias, restricciones o límites de uso". 7. ¿Qué sucederá si cambiamos nuestras reglas sobre cómo cubrimos algunos medicamentos? Por ejemplo, si agregamos requisitos de autorización (aprobación) previa, límites de cantidad y/o restricciones de tratamiento progresivo a algún medicamento. Le avisaremos si agregamos requisitos de aprobación previa, límites de cantidad y/o restricciones de tratamiento progresivo a un medicamento. Le avisaremos por lo menos 60 días antes de agregar la restricción o cuando pida su siguiente resurtido. En ese momento, usted podrá obtener un suministro de 60 días del medicamento antes de que se haga el cambio en la Lista de medicamentos. Esto le dará tiempo para hablar con su médico u otra persona que prescribe sobre qué hacer después. 8. ¿Cómo puede encontrar un medicamento en la Lista de medicamentos? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 6 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 Hay dos maneras de encontrar un medicamento: Puede buscar por orden alfabético (si usted sabe cómo se escribe el nombre del medicamento), o Puede buscar por enfermedad. Para buscar por orden alfabético, vaya a la sección alfabética de la lista en la página I-1. Luego busque el nombre en la Lista de medicamentos. Para buscar por enfermedad, busque la sección titulada “Lista de medicamentos por enfermedad” de la página 15. Luego, busque su enfermedad. Por ejemplo, si usted tiene una enfermedad del corazón, usted debe buscar en esa categoría. Ahí encontrará los medicamentos que traten enfermedades del corazón. 9. ¿Qué pasará si el medicamento que usted quiere tomar no está en la Lista de medicamentos? Si usted no encuentra su medicamento en la Lista de medicamentos, llame a Servicios al participante al 1.877.ICS.2525 y pregunte por él. Si se entera que ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP no cubrirá el medicamento, usted puede hacer algo de lo siguiente: Pida a Servicios al participante una lista de medicamentos similar al que quiera tomar. Luego, muestre la lista a su médico u otro proveedor médico. Éste podrá recetarle un medicamento similar al de la Lista de medicamentos que usted quiere tomar. O, Usted también puede pedir al plan o a su Equipo interdisciplinario (IDT) que haga una excepción para cubrir su medicamento. Por favor lea en la pregunta 11 más información sobre las excepciones. 10. ¿Qué pasará si usted es un participante nuevo de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP y no puede encontrar su medicamento en la Lista o tiene problemas para obtener su medicamento? Podemos ayudarle. Debemos cubrir un suministro temporario de hasta 90 días de su medicamento, cuando sea necesario, durante los primeros 90 días que usted sea participante de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP. Esto le dará tiempo para hablar con su médico u otro proveedor médico. Ellos podrán ayudarle a decidir si hay algún otro medicamento similar en la Lista de medicamentos que usted pueda tomar en su lugar o si tiene que pedir una excepción. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 7 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 Cubriremos un suministro de hasta 90 días de su medicamento si: Usted está tomando algún medicamento que no esté en nuestra Lista de medicamentos o Las reglas del plan de salud no le permiten obtener la cantidad recetada por su proveedor médico o El medicamento requiere aprobación previa de ICS Community Care Plus FIDAMMP o de su Equipo interdisciplinario (IDT) o Usted toma algún medicamento que forme parte de una restricción de tratamiento progresivo. Si usted vive en un hogar para personas de la tercera edad u otra institución de cuidados a largo plazo, usted puede resurtir su receta hasta por días por tanto tiempo como 98 días. Usted podrá resurtir el medicamento varias veces durante los 98 días. Esto le dará tiempo a su proveedor médico para cambiar su medicamento por alguno que esté en la Lista de medicamentos o para pedir una excepción. Si es un participante actual que experimenta un cambio en el nivel de atención de un tratamiento por otro, es probable que reúna los requisitos para obtener el suministro para 90 días de un medicamento que no se encuentre en la Lista de medicamentos, a fin de darle tiempo a su médico o a la persona que le emite las recetas para que localice un medicamento en la lista o para que presente una excepción. Es probable que usted reúna los requisitos para obtener el suministro de transición de nivel de atención si: ingresa a un centro de atención a largo plazo (Long-Term Care, LTC) de un hospital u otro establecimiento abandona un centro de LTC y regresa a la comunidad le dan de alta de un hospital y regresa a un hogar finalizó su internación en un centro de enfermería especializada cubierto por la Parte A de Medicare (incluidos los cargos de farmacia) y regresa a la cobertura de la Parte D vuelve del estado de cuidados paliativos a los beneficios estándar de la Parte A y B de Medicare o le dan de alta de un hospital psiquiátrico con regímenes de medicamentos que son altamente individualizados. 11. ¿Puede pedir al plan que haga una excepción para cubrir su medicamento? Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 8 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 Sí. Usted puede pedirle a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP o a su Equipo interdisciplinario (IDT) que haga una excepción para cubrir su medicamento si éste no está en la Lista de medicamentos. Usted también puede pedirle a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP o a su IDT un cambio a las reglas de su medicamento. Por ejemplo, ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP podría limitar la cantidad que cubriremos de un medicamento. Si su medicamento tiene un límite, usted puede pedirnos a nosotros o a su IDT que cambiemos el límite y que cubramos más. Otros ejemplos: Usted puede pedirnos a nosotros o a su IDT que quitemos las restricciones de tratamiento progresivo o los requisitos de aprobación previa. 12. ¿Cuánto tiempo toma obtener una excepción? Primero, ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP o su Equipo interdisciplinario (IDT) recibir una declaración de su proveedor médico apoyando su pedido de una excepción. Después de recibir la declaración, le daremos una decisión sobre su pedido de excepción a más tardar en 72 horas. Si usted o su proveedor médico piensan que su salud podría deteriorarse si tiene que esperar 72 horas para obtener una decisión, entonces usted puede pedir una excepción acelerada. Ésta es una decisión más rápida. Si su proveedor médico apoya su pedido, le daremos una decisión dentro de las 24 horas después de recibir la declaración de apoyo de su proveedor médico. 13. ¿Cómo puede pedir una excepción? Para pedir una excepción, llame a su Administrador de cuidados. Su Administrador de cuidados trabajará con usted y su proveedor para ayudarle a pedir una excepción. 14. ¿Qué son los medicamentos genéricos? Los medicamentos genéricos están hechos con los mismos ingredientes que los medicamentos de marca. Generalmente cuestan menos que los medicamentos de marca y no tienen marcas tan conocidas. Los medicamentos genéricos son aprobados por la Administración de alimentos y medicamentos (FDA). Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 9 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP cubre tanto medicamentos de marca como medicamentos genéricos. 15. ¿Qué son los medicamentos de venta libre (OTC)? OTC quiere decir "medicamentos que se venden sin receta". ICS Community Care Plus FIDAMMP cubre algunos medicamentos de venta libre cuando su proveedor escribe una receta para ellos. Usted puede leer la Lista de medicamentos de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP para ver qué medicamentos de venta libre están cubiertos. 16. ¿ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP cubre algún producto de venta libre que no sea un medicamento? ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP cubre algunos productos de venta libre cuando su proveedor escribe una receta para ellos. Entre los ejemplos se incluyen vendas de gasa, algodones/almohadillas con alcohol, agujas y jeringas para la insulina, etc. Usted puede leer la Lista de medicamentos de ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP para ver qué productos de venta libre, que no son medicamentos, están cubiertos. 17. ¿Cuánto es su copago? A usted no le cobrarán un copago por los medicamentos de la Lista de medicamentos. 18. ¿Qué son los niveles de medicamentos? Los niveles son grupos de medicamentos. Todo medicamento de la Lista de medicamentos del plan se encuentra en uno de los 4 niveles. Usted no tiene que pagar nada por los medicamentos de cualquiera de los niveles. Nivel 1: Medicamentos genéricos cubiertos por Medicare Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 10 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 Nivel 2: Medicamentos de marca y especialidad cubiertos por Medicare Nivel 3: Medicamentos genéricos y de marca no pertenecientes a la Parte D cubiertos por Medicaid Nivel 4: Medicamentos de venta libre (over-the-counter, OTC) cubiertos por Medicaid Lista de medicamentos cubiertos La lista de medicamentos cubiertos que comienza en la página siguiente le da información sobre los medicamentos cubiertos por ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP. Si usted tiene problemas para encontrar su medicamento en la lista, lea el Índice que comienza en la página I-1. La primera columna del cuadro contiene el nombre del medicamento. Los medicamentos de marca están escritos en mayúsculas (p.ej.: AVONEX) y los medicamentos genéricos están escritos en cursivas minúsculas (p.ej.: amoxicillin). La información de la columna titulada "Medidas necesarias, restricciones o límites de uso", le indica si ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP tiene alguna regla para cubrir su medicamento. Abreviaturas y símbolos Dentro del cuerpo de este documento, encontrará las siguientes abreviaturas ABREVIATURA DESCRIPCIÓN EXPLICACIÓN Restricción de administración de uso PA PA BvD Restricción de la autorización previa Restricción de la autorización previa para determinar la Usted (o su médico) debe recibir la autorización previa de parte del plan Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP de ICS para surtir su receta a fin de obtener este medicamento. Sin la autorización previa, es probable que el plan Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP de ICS no cubra este medicamento. Este medicamento puede ser elegible para ser pagado por la Parte B o Parte D de Medicare. Usted (o su médico) debe Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 11 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 ABREVIATURA DESCRIPCIÓN EXPLICACIÓN Parte B frente a la Parte D PA NSO QL ST obtener la autorización previa de parte del plan Community Care Plus FIDAMMP de ICS para determinar que este medicamento está cubierto por la Parte D de Medicare, a fin de surtir su receta para obtener este medicamento. Sin la autorización previa, es probable que FIDA Care Complete no cubra este medicamento. Restricción de autorización previa solo para nuevos miembros Si es miembro nuevo o no ha tomado antes este medicamento, usted (o su médico) debe recibir la autorización previa de parte del plan Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP de ICS para surtir su receta a fin de obtener este medicamento. Sin la autorización previa, es probable que FIDA Care Complete no cubra este medicamento. Restricción de límite de cantidad El plan Community Care Plus FIDAMMP de ICS limita la cantidad de este medicamento que está cubierto por la receta o dentro de un período específico. Restricción de la terapia escalonada Antes de que el plan Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP de ICS brinde cobertura para este medicamento, usted debe probar primero otros medicamentos para tratar su afección médica. Este medicamento solo puede cubrirse si otro(s) medicamento(s) no le funciona(n) a usted. Otras abreviaturas de la cobertura Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 12 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 ABREVIATURA DESCRIPCIÓN EXPLICACIÓN LA Medicamento con acceso limitado Es posible que este medicamento se encuentre disponible solamente en ciertas farmacias. Para obtener más información, consulte su Directorio de farmacias o llame al plan Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP de ICS al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m o TTY al 711. NM Medicamentos pedidos por correo: Es posible que usted pueda recibir suministro de más de un 1 mes de la mayoría de los medicamentos en su formulario a través de pedidos por correo a una cuota de costo reducido. Los medicamentos que no están disponibles a través de su beneficio de pedidos por correo se indican con " NM " en la columna Requisitos / límites de su formulario. Medicamento que no pertenece a la Parte D Este medicamento es un medicamento que no pertenece a la Parte D cubierto por Medicaid. * Nota: El símbolo (*) junto a un medicamento significa que el medicamento no es un “medicamento Parte D”. Estos medicamentos tienen reglas diferentes para las apelaciones. Una apelación es una manera formal de pedirnos que revisemos alguna decisión de cobertura y que la cambiemos, si le parece que hemos cometido un error. Por ejemplo, ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP o su Equipo interdisciplinario (IDT) podría decidir que un medicamento que usted quiere ya no está cubierto por Medicare o Medicaid. Si usted o su médico no están de acuerdo con nuestra decisión, usted puede apelar. Para pedir instrucciones sobre cómo apelar, llame a Servicios al participante, al 1.877.ICS.2525 o al Ombudsman para el participante de FIDA al 1.877.ICS.2525. Usted también puede enterarse de cómo apelar una decisión leyendo el Manual del participante. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 13 H4465_ListofCoveredDrugsSpan_2016_92315 Estos son los significados de los códigos usados en la columna “Pasos necesarios, restricciones o límites de uso”: (g) = Sólo se cubre la version genérica de este medicamento. La versión de marca no está cubierta. M = La versión de marca de este medicamento está en Nivel 3. La versión genérica está en el Nivel 1. PA = Autorización previa (aprobación): usted debe tener aprobación del plan o de su Equipo interdisciplinario (IDT) antes de poder obtener este medicamento. ST = Terapia progresiva: usted debe probar otro medicamento antes de poder obtener éste. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 14 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 (Acetaminophen) (Acetaminophen with Codeine) (Tylenol-Codeine No.3) (Tylenol-Codeine No.3) (Acetaminophen) (Buprenorphine HCl) 4 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 4 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Analgesics Analgesics, Miscellaneous acephen * rectal suppository 120 mg acephen * rectal suppository 325 mg, 650 mg acetaminophen * oral drops,suspension acetaminophen * oral acetaminophen * oral tablet,disintegrating 80 mg acetaminophen * rectal acetaminophen-codeine oral solution acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-15 mg, 300-30 mg acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-60 mg arthritis pain relief (acetam) * buprenorphine hcl injection butalb-acetaminophen-caffeine oral capsule 50-325-40 mg QL (360 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (2700 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days) (Fioricet with PA-HRM; QL (180 per butalbital-acetaminop-caf-cod 1 $0 Codeine) 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (180 per butalbital-acetaminophen (Tencon) 1 $0 30 days) butalbital-acetaminophen-caff oral PA-HRM; QL (180 per (Esgic) 1 $0 capsule 50-325-40 mg 30 days) butalbital-acetaminophen-caff oral PA-HRM; QL (180 per (Esgic) 1 $0 tablet 50-325-40 mg 30 days) butalbital-aspirin-caffeine oral PA-HRM; QL (180 per (Fiorinal) 1 $0 capsule 30 days) BUTRANS 2 $0 QL (4 per 28 days) children's mapap * (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. (Esgic) 1 $0 Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 15 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 codeine sulfate oral tablet codeine-butalbital-asa-caffein oral capsule 30-50-325-40 mg (Acetaminophen) (Acetaminophen) (Infants' Tylenol) (Acetaminophen) (Tylenol Sore Throat) (Codeine Sulfate) (Fiorinal with Codeine #3) 1 $0 1 $0 fentanyl (Duragesic) 1 $0 fentanyl citrate (Actiq) 1 $0 (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 (Hycet) 1 $0 Name of Drug children's non-aspirin * oral children's non-aspirin * oral children's pain & fever relief * oral children's pain reliever * oral children's silapap * feverall * rectal suppository 120 mg, 325 mg, 650 mg hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral solution hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-300 mg, 5-300 mg, 7.5-300 (Norco) mg hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg hydrocodone-ibuprofen hydromorphone (pf) injection solution 10 mg/ml hydromorphone (pf) injection solution 4 mg/ml hydromorphone injection solution hydromorphone injection syringe 2 mg/ml hydromorphone oral liquid 1 $0 (Norco) 1 $0 (Ibudone) (Hydromorphone HCl/PF) 1 $0 1 $0 (Dilaudid) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Hydromorphone HCl) (Hydromorphone HCl) (Dilaudid) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (240 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days) PA; QL (10 per 30 days) PA; QL (120 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (2700 per 30 days) (includes Vicodin, Vicodin ES and Vicodin HP); QL (390 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (150 per 30 days) QL (1200 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 16 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Dilaudid) 1 $0 (Dilaudid) (Acetaminophen) (Acetaminophen) 1 4 4 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug hydromorphone oral tablet 2 mg, 4 mg hydromorphone oral tablet 8 mg jr. acetaminophen * junior mapap * LAZANDA Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (180 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) mapap (acetaminophen) * oral (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 capsule mapap (acetaminophen) * oral QL (240 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 elixir mapap (acetaminophen) * oral (Tylenol Sore QL (120 per 30 days) 4 $0 liquid 500 mg/15 ml Throat) mapap (acetaminophen) * oral QL (240 per 30 days) (Infants' Tylenol) 4 $0 suspension mapap (acetaminophen) * oral QL (360 per 30 days) (Tylenol) 4 $0 tablet mapap (acetaminophen) * oral QL (30 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 tablet,chewable mapap arthritis pain * (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 QL (180 per 30 days) mapap extra strength * (Tylenol) 4 $0 QL (240 per 30 days) methadone hcl oral tablet,soluble 40 QL (90 per 30 days) (Diskets) 1 $0 mg methadone injection (Methadone HCl) 1 $0 methadone oral (Methadone HCl) 1 $0 QL (1800 per 30 days) methadone oral (Diskets) 1 $0 QL (360 per 30 days) morphine concentrate oral solution (Morphine Sulfate) 1 $0 QL (200 per 30 days) morphine concentrate oral syringe (Morphine Sulfate) 1 $0 morphine in dextrose 5 % injection (Morphine pt controlled analgesia syring 50 1 $0 Sulfate/D5W) mg/25 ml (2 mg/ml) morphine injection solution 15 (Morphine Sulfate) 1 $0 mg/ml, 8 mg/ml morphine injection syringe 10 (Morphine Sulfate) 1 $0 mg/ml You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 17 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) 1 1 $0 $0 (Morphine Sulfate) 1 $0 (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) 1 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 (MS Contin) 1 $0 (MS Contin) 1 $0 (Morphine Sulfate) (Acetaminophen) (Tylenol Sore Throat) 1 4 $0 $0 4 $0 (Tylenol) 4 $0 (Acetaminophen) (Acetaminophen) 4 4 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Oxycodone HCl/Acetaminophe n) 1 $0 (Xolox) 1 $0 (Percodan) (Oxycodone HCl) (Oxycodone HCl) (Roxicodone) 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug morphine intramuscular morphine intravenous morphine intravenous solution 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml morphine intravenous morphine oral solution 10 mg/5 ml morphine oral solution 20 mg/5 ml MORPHINE ORAL TABLET morphine oral tablet extended release 100 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg morphine oral tablet extended release 15 mg, 200 mg morphine rectal non-aspirin extra strength * oral non-aspirin extra strength * oral non-aspirin extra strength * oral tablet non-aspirin jr strength * nortemp * oral NUCYNTA NUCYNTA ER oxycodone hcl-acetaminophen oral solution 5-325 mg/5 ml oxycodone hcl-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg oxycodone hcl-aspirin oxycodone oral concentrate oxycodone oral solution oxycodone oral tablet Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (700 per 30 days) QL (300 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (181 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (1800 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (1300 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 18 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Xolox) 1 $0 (Xolox) 1 $0 (Xolox) 1 $0 (Percodan) 1 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug oxycodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg oxycodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-650 mg oxycodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 7.5-500 mg oxycodone-aspirin OXYCONTIN ORAL TABLET,ORAL ONLY,EXT.REL.12 HR 10 MG, 15 MG, 20 MG, 30 MG, 40 MG, 60 MG OXYCONTIN ORAL TABLET,ORAL ONLY,EXT.REL.12 HR 80 MG oxymorphone oral tablet oxymorphone oral tablet extended release 12 hr 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg oxymorphone oral tablet extended release 12 hr 30 mg, 40 mg pain relief adult * pain relief * oral capsule pain relief * oral tablet extended release pain reliever extra strength * pain reliever jr strength * pharbetol * oral tablet 325 mg pharbetol * oral tablet 500 mg q-pap extra strength * q-pap * oral drops q-pap * oral liquid Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (360 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) 2 $0 (Opana) 1 $0 (Opana ER) 1 $0 (Opana ER) 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (Acetaminophen) 4 $0 (Tylenol) (Acetaminophen) (Tylenol) (Tylenol) (Tylenol) (Acetaminophen) (Tylenol Sore Throat) 4 4 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 (Tylenol Sore Throat) (Acetaminophen) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 19 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Tylenol) (Acetaminophen) (Tylenol) (Tylenol) (Ultram) (Ultracet) (Ibudone) 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Motrin Ib) (Ibuprofen) (Ecotrin) (Bayer Chewable Aspirin) 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 2 $0 1 $0 4 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug q-pap * oral tablet silapap * tactinal * tactinal extra strength * tramadol oral tablet tramadol-acetaminophen xylon 10 Nonsteroidal AntiInflammatory Agents advil * oral tablet advil * oral tablet,chewable aspirin * oral tablet aspirin * oral tablet,chewable aspirin * oral tablet,delayed release (Ecotrin) (dr/ec) 325 mg, 500 mg, 81 mg aspirin * rectal (Aspirin) (Aspirin/Calcium aspirin, buffered * Carbonate/Mag) aspir-low * (Ecotrin) (Aspirin/Calcium bufferin * oral tablet 325 mg Carbonate/Mag) CALDOLOR INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN celecoxib (Celebrex) (Children'S children's advil * Motrin) (Choline Sal/Mag choline,magnesium salicylate Salicylate) (Diclofenac diclofenac potassium Potassium) diclofenac sodium oral tablet (Voltaren-XR) extended release 24 hr Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (360 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (150 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 20 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 1 1 4 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 2 1 $0 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 (Ibuprofen) 1 $0 (Motrin Ib) 4 $0 (Ibuprofen) 1 $0 indomethacin oral capsule 25 mg (Indomethacin) 1 $0 indomethacin oral capsule 50 mg (Indomethacin) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 4 3 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug diclofenac sodium oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) diclofenac sodium topical gel diclofenac-misoprostol diflunisal e.c. prin * etodolac fenoprofen oral tablet FLECTOR flurbiprofen ibuprofen * 100 mg/5 ml susp children's (otc) ibuprofen jr strength * ibuprofen * oral ibuprofen oral suspension 100 mg/5 ml ibuprofen * oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg ibuprofen oral tablet 400 mg, 600 mg, 800 mg (Diclofenac Sodium) (Solaraze) (Arthrotec 50) (Diflunisal) (Ecotrin) (Etodolac) (Fenoprofen Calcium) (Flurbiprofen) (Children'S Motrin) (Ibuprofen) (Advil) indomethacin oral capsule, extended (Indomethacin) release (Indomethacin indomethacin sodium Sodium) infant's ibuprofen * (Infants' Motrin) INFANT'S MOTRIN * ketoprofen oral capsule (Ketoprofen) ketoprofen oral capsule,ext rel. (Ketoprofen) pellets 24 hr 200 mg Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA PA-HRM; QL (240 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (120 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (60 per 30 days) PA-HRM You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 21 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Ec-Naprosyn) 1 $0 (Anaprox) 1 $0 (Feldene) (Salsalate) (Bayer Chewable Aspirin) (Ecotrin) (Sulindac) (Tolmetin Sodium) (Aspirin/Calcium Carbonate/Mag) 1 1 $0 $0 4 $0 4 1 1 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 (Advil) 2 4 $0 $0 glydo (Lidocaine HCl) 1 $0 lidocaine (pf) injection solution (Xylocaine-MPF) 1 $0 lidocaine hcl injection solution (Xylocaine) 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug ketorolac oral mefenamic acid meloxicam nabumetone naproxen oral suspension naproxen oral tablet naproxen oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) naproxen sodium oral tablet 275 mg, 550 mg piroxicam salsalate st joseph aspirin * st. joseph aspirin * sulindac oral tolmetin tri-buffered aspirin * VOLTAREN TOPICAL wal-profen * oral (Ketorolac Tromethamine) (Ponstel) (Mobic) (Nabumetone) (Naprosyn) (Naprosyn) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (20 per 30 days) Anesthetics Local Anesthetics lidocaine hcl laryngotracheal (Xylocaine) lidocaine hcl mucous membrane gel (Lidocaine HCl) lidocaine hcl mucous membrane (Lidocaine HCl) jelly in applicator PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 22 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Xylocaine) 1 $0 (Lidocaine HCl) 1 $0 (Lidoderm) 1 $0 lidocaine topical ointment (Lidocaine) 1 $0 lidocaine-prilocaine topical (EMLA) 1 $0 lidocaine-prilocaine topical kit RELADOR PAK (Relador Pak) 1 1 $0 $0 Name of Drug lidocaine hcl mucous membrane solution lidocaine hcl urethral lidocaine topical adhesive patch,medicated Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) Anti-Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment Agents Anti-Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment Agents acamprosate (Acamprosate Calcium) 1 $0 buprenorphine hcl sublingual (Subutex) 1 $0 1 $0 1 2 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 buprenorphine-naloxone bupropion hcl sr 150 mg tablet f/c CHANTIX CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH BOX CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH PAK CHANTIX STARTING MONTH BOX disulfiram naloxone naltrexone hcl naltrexone (Buprenorphine HCl/Naloxone HCl) (Zyban) (Antabuse) (Naloxone HCl) (Revia) (Revia) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) QL (168 per 84 days) QL (56 per 28 days) QL (56 per 28 days) QL (53 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 23 Name of Drug NICODERM CQ * TRANSDERMAL PATCH 24 HOUR 14 MG/24 HR, 21 MG/24 HR NICODERM CQ * TRANSDERMAL PATCH 24 HOUR 7 MG/24 HR nicorelief * buccal gum nicorette * buccal gum 2 mg nicotine (polacrilex) * nicotine * transdermal patch 24 hour 14 mg/24 hr, 7 mg/24 hr nicotine * transdermal patch 24 hour 21 mg/24 hr, 22 mg/24 hr NICOTROL Tier level What the drug will cost you Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (168 per 365 days) 4 $0 4 $0 (Nicorette) (Nicorette) (Nicorette) 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 (Nicoderm Cq) 4 $0 (Nicoderm Cq) 4 $0 2 $0 2 $0 ZUBSOLV QL (180 per 365 days) QL (168 per 365 days) QL (1008 per 90 days) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) Antianxiety Agents Benzodiazepines alprazolam oral tablet (Xanax) 1 $0 QL (120 per 30 days) (Chlordiazepoxide QL (120 per 30 days) chlordiazepoxide hcl 1 $0 HCl) clonazepam oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg (Klonopin) 1 $0 QL (90 per 30 days) clonazepam oral tablet 2 mg (Klonopin) 1 $0 QL (300 per 30 days) clonazepam oral QL (90 per 30 days) tablet,disintegrating 0.125 mg, 0.25 (Clonazepam) 1 $0 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg clonazepam oral QL (300 per 30 days) (Clonazepam) 1 $0 tablet,disintegrating 2 mg clorazepate dipotassium oral tablet QL (120 per 30 days) (Tranxene T-Tab) 1 $0 15 mg clorazepate dipotassium oral tablet QL (60 per 30 days) (Tranxene T-Tab) 1 $0 3.75 mg, 7.5 mg diazepam injection (Diazepam) 1 $0 QL (10 per 28 days) diazepam intensol (Diazepam) 1 $0 QL (1200 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 24 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Diazepam) 1 $0 (Valium) (Diastat) (Ativan) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 ONFI ORAL SUSPENSION 2 $0 ONFI ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 20 MG 2 $0 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug diazepam oral solution 5 mg/5 ml (1 mg/ml) diazepam oral tablet diazepam rectal lorazepam oral tablet Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (1200 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (480 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) Antibacterials Aminoglycosides BETHKIS gentamicin in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback gentamicin injection solution gentamicin sulfate (ped) (pf) gentamicin sulfate (pf) intravenous solution neomycin streptomycin intramuscular (Gentamicin In Nacl, Iso-Osm) (Gentamicin Sulfate) (Gentamicin Sulfate/PF) (Gentamicin Sulfate/PF) (Neomycin Sulfate) (Streptomycin Sulfate) TOBI PODHALER INHALATION tobramycin in 0.225 % nacl (Tobi) (Tobramycin/Sodiu tobramycin in 0.9 % nacl m Chloride) (Tobramycin tobramycin sulfate injection solution Sulfate) Antibacterials, Miscellaneous bacitracin intramuscular (Bacitracin) (Chloramphenicol chloramphenicol sod succinate Sod Succ) PA BvD QL (224 per 28 days) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 25 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Macrodantin) 1 $0 (Macrodantin) 1 $0 Name of Drug clindamycin hcl clindamycin in 5 % dextrose clindamycin palmitate hcl clindamycin phosphate injection clindamycin phosphate intravenous solution colistin (colistimethate na) CUBICIN linezolid methenamine hippurate methenamine mandelate metronidazole in nacl (iso-os) metronidazole oral nitrofurantoin macrocrystal oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg nitrofurantoin macrocrystal oral capsule (Cleocin HCl) (Cleocin Phosphate In D5w) (Cleocin Palmitate) (Cleocin Phosphate) (Cleocin Phosphate) (Coly-Mycin M Parenteral) (Zyvox) (Hiprex) (Methenamine Mandelate) (Metronidazole/So dium Chloride) (Flagyl) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA-HRM; QL (120 per 30 days) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use of nitrofurantoin drugs); QL (120 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 26 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use of nitrofurantoin drugs); QL (120 per 30 days) nitrofurantoin monohyd/m-cryst (Macrobid) 1 $0 polymyxin b sulfate (Polymyxin B Sulfate) 1 $0 2 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 (Cefaclor) 1 $0 (Cefaclor) 1 $0 (Cefadroxil) 1 $0 (Cefadroxil) 1 $0 (Cefadroxil) 1 $0 SYNERCID trimethoprim vancomycin in d5w intravenous piggyback vancomycin intravenous recon soln 1,000 mg, 10 gram, 750 mg vancomycin intravenous recon soln 500 mg vancomycin oral XIFAXAN ORAL TABLET 200 MG XIFAXAN ORAL TABLET 550 MG ZYVOX ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION Cephalosporins cefaclor oral capsule cefaclor oral suspension for reconstitution 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml, 375 mg/5 ml cefadroxil oral capsule cefadroxil oral suspension for reconstitution 250 mg/5 ml, 500 mg/5 ml cefadroxil oral tablet (Trimethoprim) (Vancomycin HCl/D5W) (Vancomycin HCl) (Vancomycin HCl/D5W) (Vancocin HCl) PA; QL (9 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 27 Name of Drug CEFAZOLIN IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OS) INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 1 GRAM/50 ML (Cefazolin cefazolin in dextrose (iso-os) Sodium/Dextrose, intravenous piggyback 2 gram/50 ml Iso) cefazolin injection recon soln 1 gram, 10 gram, 100 gram, 300 g, (Cefazolin Sodium) 500 mg cefdinir (Cefdinir) cefditoren pivoxil (Spectracef) cefepime (Maxipime) CEFEPIME IN DEXTROSE 5 % CEFEPIME IN DEXTROSE,ISOOSM INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK cefotaxime (Claforan) cefoxitin (Cefoxitin Sodium) (Cefoxitin cefoxitin in dextrose, iso-osm Sodium/Dextrose, intravenous piggyback 2 gram/50 ml Iso) (Cefpodoxime cefpodoxime Proxetil) cefprozil (Cefprozil) ceftazidime injection recon soln 2 (Fortaz) gram, 6 gram ceftibuten (Cedax) ceftriaxone in dextrose,iso-os (Ceftriaxone intravenous piggyback 1 gram/50 ml Na/Dextrose, Iso) CEFTRIAXONE IN DEXTROSE,ISO-OS INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 2 GRAM/50 ML ceftriaxone injection recon soln (Rocephin) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 28 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 (Ceftin) 1 $0 (Zinacef) 1 $0 (Zinacef) (Keflex) 1 1 $0 $0 (Cephalexin) 1 $0 (Cephalexin) 1 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 (Zithromax) 1 $0 (Biaxin) 1 $0 (Biaxin) 1 $0 (Clarithromycin) 1 $0 2 2 $0 $0 1 $0 2 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug ceftriaxone intravenous recon soln 1 gram CEFTRIAXONE INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 2 GRAM cefuroxime axetil oral tablet cefuroxime sodium injection recon soln 1.5 gram, 750 mg cefuroxime sodium intravenous cephalexin oral capsule cephalexin oral suspension for reconstitution cephalexin oral tablet MEFOXIN IN DEXTROSE (ISOOSM) SUPRAX ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE TEFLARO Macrolides azithromycin clarithromycin oral suspension for reconstitution clarithromycin oral tablet clarithromycin oral tablet extended release 24 hr DIFICID ERYTHROCIN erythromycin base oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 250 mg, 500 mg ERYTHROMYCIN BASE ORAL TABLET,DELAYED RELEASE (DR/EC) 333 MG erythromycin ethylsuccinate oral suspension for reconstitution 200 mg/5 ml (Ceftriaxone Na/Dextrose, Iso) (Erythromycin Base) (Eryped 200) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (20 per 10 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 29 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 1 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 (Amoxicillin) 1 $0 (Amoxicillin) 1 $0 (Amoxicillin) 1 $0 (Amoxicillin) 1 $0 (Augmentin) 1 $0 (Augmentin) 1 $0 (Augmentin XR) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug erythromycin ethylsuccinate oral tablet 400 mg erythromycin oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) erythromycin oral tablet erythromycin stearate oral tablet 250 mg Miscellaneous B-Lactam Antibiotics aztreonam injection recon soln 1 gram CAYSTON imipenem-cilastatin INVANZ meropenem meropenem-0.9% sodium chloride Penicillins amoxicillin oral capsule amoxicillin oral suspension for reconstitution amoxicillin oral tablet amoxicillin oral tablet,chewable 125 mg, 250 mg amoxicillin-pot clavulanate oral suspension for reconstitution amoxicillin-pot clavulanate oral tablet amoxicillin-pot clavulanate oral tablet extended release 12 hr amoxicillin-pot clavulanate oral tablet,chewable ampicillin (Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate) (Erythromycin Base) (Erythromycin Base) (Erythromycin Stearate) (Azactam) (Primaxin) (Merrem) (Meropenem-0.9% Sodium Chloride) (Amoxicillin/Potas sium Clav) (Ampicillin Trihydrate) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use LA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 30 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 2 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 (Oxacillin Sodium) 1 $0 (Oxacillin Sodium) (Pen G Pot/DextroseWater) (Penicillin G Potassium) (Penicillin G Procaine) (Penicillin V Potassium) (Zosyn) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug ampicillin sodium injection recon soln ampicillin sodium intravenous recon soln ampicillin-sulbactam injection ampicillin-sulbactam intravenous recon soln BICILLIN C-R BICILLIN L-A dicloxacillin nafcillin injection nafcillin intravenous recon soln oxacillin in dextrose(iso-osm) oxacillin injection recon soln 10 gram oxacillin intravenous penicillin g pot in dextrose penicillin g potassium injection recon soln 20 million unit penicillin g procaine penicillin v potassium piperacillin-tazobactam Quinolones ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin hcl oral ciprofloxacin in 5 % dextrose (Ampicillin Sodium) (Ampicillin Sodium) (Unasyn) (Unasyn) (Dicloxacillin Sodium) (Nafcillin Sodium) (Nafcillin Sodium) (Oxacillin Sodium/Dextrose, Iso) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use (Cipro) 1 $0 (Cipro) 1 $0 (Cipro I.V.) 1 $0 (Ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin lactate 1 $0 Lactate) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 31 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Levaquin) 1 $0 (Levofloxacin) (Levaquin) (Avelox) (Ofloxacin) 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Sulfadiazine) (Sulfamethoxazole/ Trimethoprim) (Sulfamethoxazole/ Trimethoprim) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Bactrim) 1 $0 (Azulfidine) (Sulfamethoxazole/ Trimethoprim) (Azulfidine) (Azulfidine) 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 (Morgidox) 1 $0 (Doryx) (Doxycycline Hyclate) 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug levofloxacin in d5w intravenous piggyback levofloxacin intravenous levofloxacin oral moxifloxacin ofloxacin oral tablet 400 mg Sulfonamides sulfadiazine oral sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim intravenous sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim oral suspension sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim oral tablet sulfasalazine sulfatrim sulfazine sulfazine ec Tetracyclines doxycycline hyclate oral capsule 100 mg doxycycline hyclate 100 mg tab f/c doxycycline hyclate intravenous Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use doxycycline hyclate oral capsule (Adoxa) 1 $0 100 mg doxycycline hyclate oral capsule 50 (Morgidox) 1 $0 mg doxycycline hyclate oral tablet 100 (Avidoxy) 1 $0 mg, 50 mg doxycycline hyclate oral tablet 20 (Doryx) 1 $0 mg doxycycline monohydrate oral (Adoxa) 1 $0 capsule You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 32 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Vibramycin) 1 $0 (Avidoxy) (Minocin) (Minocycline HCl) (Tetracycline HCl) 1 1 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Anticancer Agents ABRAXANE 2 $0 ADCETRIS 2 $0 AFINITOR DISPERZ 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 1 2 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug doxycycline monohydrate oral suspension for reconstitution doxycycline monohydrate oral tablet minocycline oral capsule minocycline oral tablet tetracycline TYGACIL Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Anticancer Agents AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 10 MG AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG, 5 MG, 7.5 MG ALIMTA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN anastrozole AVASTIN azacitidine BELEODAQ (Arimidex) (Vidaza) bexarotene (Targretin) 1 $0 bicalutamide (Casodex) (Bleomycin Sulfate) 1 $0 1 $0 BLINCYTO 2 $0 BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 100 MG 2 $0 bleomycin PA NSO; QL (4 per 21 days) PA NSO; QL (112 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (56 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (28 per 28 days) PA NSO PA NSO PA NSO; QL (420 per 30 days) PA BvD PA NSO; QL (140 per 365 days) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 33 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 COMETRIQ 2 $0 COTELLIC 2 $0 1 $0 2 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 500 MG CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 100 MG CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 300 MG cyclophosphamide intravenous recon soln CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE ORAL CAPSULE cyclophosphamide oral tablet (Cyclophosphamid e) (Cyclophosphamid e) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (112 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (63 per 28 days) PA BvD PA BvD; ST PA BvD; ST CYRAMZA 2 $0 PA NSO dactinomycin (Dactinomycin) 1 $0 DARZALEX 2 $0 PA NSO decitabine (Dacogen) 1 $0 doxorubicin hcl intravenous recon PA BvD (Doxorubicin HCl) 1 $0 soln 10 mg doxorubicin hcl peg-liposomal PA BvD (Doxil) 1 $0 intravenous suspension 2 mg/ml doxorubicin, peg-liposomal (Doxil) 1 $0 PA BvD DROXIA 2 $0 ELIGARD SUBCUTANEOUS QL (1 per 84 days) 2 $0 SYRINGE 22.5 MG (3 MONTH) ELIGARD SUBCUTANEOUS QL (1 per 112 days) 2 $0 SYRINGE 30 MG (4 MONTH) ELIGARD SUBCUTANEOUS QL (1 per 168 days) 2 $0 SYRINGE 45 MG (6 MONTH) ELIGARD SUBCUTANEOUS 2 $0 SYRINGE 7.5 MG (1 MONTH) EMCYT 2 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 34 Tier level What the drug will cost you EMPLICITI 2 $0 ERIVEDGE 2 $0 (Floxuridine) 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Fluorouracil) 1 $0 (Flutamide) 1 2 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 IBRANCE 2 $0 ICLUSIG ORAL TABLET 15 MG 2 $0 ICLUSIG ORAL TABLET 45 MG 2 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug ETOPOPHOS etoposide intravenous exemestane FARESTON FARYDAK FASLODEX floxuridine fluorouracil intravenous solution 2.5 gram/50 ml, 5 gram/100 ml, 500 mg/10 ml flutamide GAZYVA (Etoposide) (Aromasin) GILOTRIF GLEEVEC ORAL TABLET 100 MG GLEEVEC ORAL TABLET 400 MG HERCEPTIN HEXALEN hydroxyurea ifosfamide intravenous recon soln ifosfamide intravenous solution ifosfamide-mesna (Hydrea) (Ifex) (Ifex) (Ifosfamide/Mesna ) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA NSO PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO PA BvD PA BvD PA NSO PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (90 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO PA NSO; QL (21 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 35 Tier level What the drug will cost you IMBRUVICA IMLYGIC INJECTION SUSPENSION 10EXP6 (1 MILLION) PFU/ML IMLYGIC INJECTION SUSPENSION 10EXP8 (100 MILLION) PFU/ML 2 $0 2 $0 PA NSO PA NSO; QL (4 per 365 days) 2 $0 PA NSO; QL (8 per 28 days) INLYTA ORAL TABLET 1 MG 2 $0 INLYTA ORAL TABLET 5 MG 2 $0 IRESSA 2 $0 IXEMPRA 2 $0 JAKAFI 2 $0 KEYTRUDA 2 $0 KYPROLIS 2 $0 LENVIMA letrozole LEUKERAN 2 1 2 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug leuprolide subcutaneous kit lomustine LONSURF ORAL TABLET 156.14 MG LONSURF ORAL TABLET 208.19 MG LUPRON DEPOT LUPRON DEPOT (3 MONTH) LUPRON DEPOT (4 MONTH) LUPRON DEPOT (6 MONTH) (Femara) (Leuprolide Acetate) (Gleostine) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA NSO; QL (180 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO PA NSO; QL (6 per 28 days) PA NSO PA NSO; QL (100 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (80 per 28 days) QL (1 per 84 days) QL (1 per 84 days) QL (1 per 168 days) PA NSO; QL (480 per LYNPARZA 2 $0 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 36 Tier level What the drug will cost you LYSODREN MATULANE megestrol oral suspension 625 mg/5 (Megestrol ml Acetate) (Megestrol megestrol oral tablet Acetate) MEKINIST ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG 2 2 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 $0 MEKINIST ORAL TABLET 2 MG 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 NEXAVAR 2 $0 NILANDRON 2 $0 NINLARO 2 $0 ODOMZO ONCASPAR OPDIVO INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 40 MG/4 ML 2 2 $0 $0 2 $0 POMALYST 2 $0 Name of Drug mercaptopurine methotrexate sodium (pf) injection recon soln methotrexate sodium (pf) injection solution methotrexate sodium injection methotrexate sodium oral mitoxantrone (Mercaptopurine) (Methotrexate Sodium/PF) (Methotrexate Sodium) (Methotrexate Sodium) (Methotrexate Sodium) (Mitoxantrone HCl) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA NSO; QL (90 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD; ST PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (3 per 28 days) PA NSO PA NSO PA NSO PA NSO; QL (21 per 28 days) PROLEUKIN 2 $0 PURIXAN 2 $0 REVLIMID 2 $0 PA NSO; LA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 37 Tier level What the drug will cost you RITUXAN SOLTAMOX SPRYCEL ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 140 MG, 50 MG, 70 MG, 80 MG 2 2 $0 $0 2 $0 SPRYCEL ORAL TABLET 20 MG 2 $0 STIVARGA 2 $0 SUTENT 2 $0 SYLVANT 2 $0 SYNRIBO 2 $0 TABLOID 2 $0 TAFINLAR 2 $0 TAGRISSO 2 $0 1 $0 2 $0 2 $0 TARGRETIN ORAL 2 $0 TARGRETIN TOPICAL 2 $0 TASIGNA 2 $0 TEMODAR INTRAVENOUS toposar intravenous TREANDA 2 1 2 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug (Tamoxifen Citrate) tamoxifen TARCEVA ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 25 MG TARCEVA ORAL TABLET 150 MG (Etoposide) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA NSO PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (84 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO PA NSO; QL (28 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (90 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (420 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (112 per 28 days) PA NSO; (vial only) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 38 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 VOTRIENT 2 $0 XALKORI 2 $0 XTANDI 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 11.25 MG/2 ML TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 22.5 MG/2 ML TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 3.75 MG/2 ML tretinoin (chemotherapy) TREXALL TYKERB UNITUXIN VALSTAR VELCADE vinorelbine intravenous solution Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (1 per 168 days) (Tretinoin) (Navelbine) YERVOY INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION YONDELIS ZELBORAF ZOLADEX SUBCUTANEOUS IMPLANT 10.8 MG ZOLADEX SUBCUTANEOUS IMPLANT 3.6 MG ZOLINZA ZYDELIG QL (1 per 84 days) QL (1 per 168 days) (capsule: 10mg) PA BvD; ST PA NSO PA NSO PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO PA NSO PA NSO; QL (240 per 30 days) QL (1 per 84 days) QL (1 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 39 Tier level What the drug will cost you ZYKADIA 2 $0 ZYTIGA 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 $0 QL (4 per 28 days) $0 $0 $0 ST ST (Tegretol) 2 2 1 (Carbatrol) 1 $0 (Tegretol) 1 $0 (Tegretol XR) 1 $0 (Carbamazepine) 1 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA NSO; QL (140 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) Anticholinergic Agents Antimuscarinics/Antispasm odics atropine injection solution 0.4 (Atropine Sulfate) mg/ml atropine injection syringe 0.05 (Atropine Sulfate) mg/ml, 0.1 mg/ml (Propantheline propantheline Bromide) STIOLTO RESPIMAT Anticonvulsants Anticonvulsants APTIOM BANZEL carbamazepine carbamazepine oral capsule, er multiphase 12 hr carbamazepine oral suspension carbamazepine oral tablet extended release 12 hr carbamazepine oral tablet,chewable CELONTIN ORAL CAPSULE 300 MG DILANTIN CAPSULE 30 MG divalproex oral capsule, sprinkle divalproex oral tablet extended release 24 hr divalproex oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 2 $0 (Depakote Sprinkle) 1 $0 (Depakote ER) 1 $0 (Depakote) 1 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 40 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Neurontin) (Neurontin) 1 1 1 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Neurontin) 1 $0 2 $0 2 $0 (Lamictal) 1 $0 (Lamictal XR) 1 $0 (Lamictal) 1 $0 (Lamictal (Blue)) 1 $0 (Keppra) (Keppra) (Keppra) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Keppra XR) 1 $0 (Phenobarbital) 2 2 1 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Phenobarbital) 1 $0 (Phenobarbital) 1 $0 Name of Drug ethosuximide felbamate fosphenytoin FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET gabapentin oral capsule gabapentin oral solution gabapentin oral tablet 600 mg, 800 mg GABITRIL ORAL TABLET 12 MG, 16 MG LAMICTAL ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE DISPERSIBLE 2 MG lamotrigine oral tablet lamotrigine oral tablet extended release 24hr lamotrigine oral tablet, chewable dispersible lamotrigine oral tablets,dose pack 25 mg (35) levetiracetam intravenous levetiracetam oral solution levetiracetam oral tablet levetiracetam oral tablet extended release 24 hr LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE LYRICA ORAL SOLUTION oxcarbazepine OXTELLAR XR PEGANONE phenobarbital oral elixir phenobarbital oral tablet 100 mg, 15 mg, 16.2 mg, 32.4 mg, 60 mg, 64.8 mg, 97.2 mg phenobarbital oral tablet 30 mg (Zarontin) (Felbatol) (Cerebyx) (Trileptal) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST QL (90 per 30 days) QL (900 per 30 days) ST QL (1500 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (200 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 41 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Phenobarbital Sodium) 1 $0 (Dilantin-125) 1 $0 (Dilantin) (Phenytoin Sodium) (Dilantin) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 $0 (Gabitril) (Topamax) 2 1 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Qudexy XR) 1 $0 (Depacon) (Depakene) 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Depakene) 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 QL (200 per 5 days) QL (1200 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) (Zonegran) 2 2 2 1 (Aricept) (Donepezil HCl) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Razadyne ER) 1 $0 QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) (Galantamine Hbr) 1 $0 Name of Drug phenobarbital sodium injection solution phenytoin oral suspension 125 mg/5 ml phenytoin oral phenytoin sodium phenytoin sodium extended POTIGA ORAL TABLET 200 MG, 300 MG, 400 MG POTIGA ORAL TABLET 50 MG primidone SABRIL tiagabine topiramate oral capsule, sprinkle topiramate oral capsule,sprinkle,er 24hr TROKENDI XR valproate sodium valproic acid valproic acid (as sodium salt) oral solution 250 mg/5 ml VIMPAT INTRAVENOUS VIMPAT ORAL SOLUTION VIMPAT ORAL TABLET zonisamide (Mysoline) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (2 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (270 per 30 days) ST Antidementia Agents Antidementia Agents donepezil oral tablet donepezil oral tablet,disintegrating EXELON TRANSDERMAL galantamine oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr galantamine oral solution QL (200 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 42 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 1 $0 $0 1 $0 (Wellbutrin) 1 2 1 $0 $0 $0 (Wellbutrin SR) 1 $0 (Wellbutrin XL) 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Duloxetine) 1 $0 (Duloxetine) 1 $0 (Duloxetine) 1 $0 Name of Drug galantamine oral tablet memantine oral solution memantine oral tablet memantine oral tablets,dose pack NAMENDA XR ORAL CAP,SPRINKLE,ER 24HR DOSE PACK NAMENDA XR ORAL CAPSULE,SPRINKLE,ER 24HR NAMZARIC rivastigmine tartrate (Razadyne) (Namenda) (Namenda) (Namenda) (Exelon) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (60 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (49 per 28 days) QL (28 per 28 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) Antidepressants Antidepressants amitriptyline amoxapine BRINTELLIX bupropion hcl oral tablet bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release , 150 mg bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr citalopram oral solution citalopram oral tablet clomipramine desipramine oral doxepin oral duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 20 mg, 60 mg duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 30 mg duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 40 mg (Amitriptyline HCl) (Amoxapine) (Citalopram Hydrobromide) (Celexa) (Anafranil) (Norpramin) (Doxepin HCl) PA NSO-HRM ST QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO-HRM PA NSO-HRM (Cymbalta); QL (60 per 30 days) (Cymbalta); QL (30 per 30 days) (Irenka); QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 43 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Prozac) 2 1 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Prozac Weekly) 1 $0 (Fluoxetine HCl) (Fluoxetine HCl) (Fluvoxamine Maleate) (Tofranil) (Tofranil-Pm) (Maprotiline HCl) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 (Remeron) (Nefazodone HCl) (Pamelor) (Nortriptyline HCl) (Symbyax) (Paxil) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Paxil CR) 1 $0 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 $0 ST; QL (30 per 30 days) 1 1 2 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO-HRM Name of Drug EMSAM escitalopram oxalate FETZIMA fluoxetine oral capsule fluoxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) fluoxetine oral solution fluoxetine oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg fluvoxamine imipramine hcl imipramine pamoate maprotiline MARPLAN mirtazapine nefazodone nortriptyline oral capsule nortriptyline oral solution olanzapine-fluoxetine paroxetine hcl oral tablet paroxetine hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr PAXIL ORAL SUSPENSION perphenazine-amitriptyline phenelzine (Lexapro) (Perphenazine/Ami triptyline HCl) (Nardil) PRISTIQ protriptyline sertraline SILENOR SURMONTIL tranylcypromine trazodone (Protriptyline HCl) (Zoloft) (Parnate) (Trazodone HCl) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (30 per 30 days) ST PA NSO-HRM PA NSO-HRM PA NSO-HRM You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 44 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Trimipramine Maleate) 1 $0 (Effexor XR) 1 $0 (Venlafaxine HCl) 1 $0 (Venlafaxine HCl) 1 $0 2 $0 1 2 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug trimipramine venlafaxine oral capsule,extended release 24hr venlafaxine oral tablet venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 150 mg, 37.5 mg, 75 mg VIIBRYD Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA NSO-HRM Antidiabetic Agents Antidiabetic Agents, Miscellaneous acarbose CYCLOSET (Precose) GLYXAMBI INVOKAMET ORAL TABLET 150-1,000 MG, 150-500 MG, 501,000 MG INVOKAMET ORAL TABLET 50500 MG INVOKANA ORAL TABLET 100 MG INVOKANA ORAL TABLET 300 MG JANUMET JANUMET XR ORAL TABLET, ER MULTIPHASE 24 HR 1001,000 MG, 50-500 MG JANUMET XR ORAL TABLET, ER MULTIPHASE 24 HR 50-1,000 MG JANUVIA QL (90 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) ST; QL (30 per 30 days) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) ST; QL (120 per 30 days) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) ST; QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) JARDIANCE 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 QL (30 per 30 days) ST; QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 45 Tier level What the drug will cost you JENTADUETO 2 $0 KORLYM 2 $0 (Glucophage) (Glucophage) (Glucophage) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Glucophage XR) 1 $0 (Glucophage XR) 1 $0 (Fortamet) 1 $0 (Starlix) (Actos) (Duetact) (Actoplus Met) 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SYMLINPEN 120 2 $0 SYMLINPEN 60 2 $0 SYNJARDY 2 $0 TRADJENTA TRULICITY VICTOZA Insulins HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTRATED) LANTUS LANTUS SOLOSTAR NOVOLIN 70/30 NOVOLIN N 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug metformin oral tablet 1,000 mg metformin oral tablet 500 mg metformin oral tablet 850 mg metformin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg metformin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 750 mg metformin oral tablet extended release 24hr nateglinide pioglitazone pioglitazone-glimepiride pioglitazone-metformin PRANDIMET repaglinide repaglinide-metformin (Prandin) (Prandimet) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (112 per 28 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (150 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (150 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (150 per 30 days) PA; QL (10.8 per 28 days) PA; QL (6 per 28 days) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) ST; QL (4 per 28 days) ST; QL (9 per 28 days) QL (40 per 28 days) QL (40 per 28 days) QL (30 per 28 days) QL (40 per 28 days) QL (40 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 46 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you NOVOLIN R NOVOLOG NOVOLOG FLEXPEN NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 FLEXPEN NOVOLOG PENFILL TOUJEO SOLOSTAR Sulfonylureas glimepiride oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg glimepiride oral tablet 4 mg glipizide oral tablet 10 mg glipizide oral tablet 5 mg glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr 10 mg glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr 2.5 mg, 5 mg glipizide-metformin oral tablet 2.5250 mg glipizide-metformin oral tablet 2.5500 mg, 5-500 mg glyburide micronized oral tablet 1.5 mg glyburide micronized oral tablet 3 mg glyburide micronized oral tablet 6 mg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 QL (40 per 28 days) QL (40 per 28 days) QL (30 per 28 days) QL (40 per 28 days) QL (30 per 28 days) QL (30 per 28 days) (Amaryl) (Amaryl) (Glucotrol) (Glucotrol) 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Glucotrol XL) 1 $0 QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) (Glucotrol XL) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Glynase) 1 $0 (Glynase) 1 $0 (Glynase) 1 $0 glyburide oral tablet 1.25 mg (Glyburide) 1 $0 glyburide oral tablet 2.5 mg (Glyburide) 1 $0 glyburide oral tablet 5 mg (Glyburide) 1 $0 glyburide-metformin oral tablet 1.25-250 mg (Glucovance) 1 $0 (Glipizide/Metform in HCl) (Glipizide/Metform in HCl) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (30 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (400 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (120 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (280 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (240 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (120 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (240 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 47 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Glucovance) 1 $0 (Tolazamide) (Tolazamide) (Tolbutamide) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Miconazole Nitrate) 4 $0 2 4 $0 $0 4 $0 2 1 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug glyburide-metformin oral tablet 2.5500 mg, 5-500 mg tolazamide oral tablet 250 mg tolazamide oral tablet 500 mg tolbutamide Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA-HRM; QL (120 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) Antifungals Antifungals 3 day vaginal * ABELCET af * aloe vesta antifungal (micon) * AMBISOME amphotericin b antifungal (tolnaftate) * topical antifungal (tolnaftate) * topical antifungal * topical solution baza antifungal * blis-to-sol (tolnaftate) * CANCIDAS ciclopirox topical cream ciclopirox topical gel ciclopirox topical shampoo ciclopirox topical solution (Tinactin) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Amphotericin B) (Tolnaftate) (Tolnaftate) (Undecylenic Acid) (Nuzole) (Tolnaftate) PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD (Ciclodan) (Loprox) (Loprox) (Penlac) (Ciclopirox ciclopirox topical suspension 1 $0 Olamine) ciclopirox-ure-camph-menth-euc (Ciclodan) 1 $0 clotrimazole * 1% cream (otc) (Lotrimin AF) 4 $0 clotrimazole * 1% solution (otc) (Clotrimazole) 4 $0 clotrimazole 3 day * (Gyne-Lotrimin) 4 $0 clotrimazole mucous membrane (Clotrimazole) 1 $0 clotrimazole topical cream 1 % (Clotrimazole) 1 $0 clotrimazole topical solution 1 % (Lotrimin) 1 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 48 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Gyne-Lotrimin) (Clotrimazole) (Gyne-Lotrimin) 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 (Lotrisone) 1 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 4 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug clotrimazole * vaginal cream clotrimazole * vaginal tablet clotrimazole-7 * clotrimazole-betamethasone topical cream clotrimazole-betamethasone topical lotion critic-aid clear af * dermafungal * econazole topical elon dual defense * fluconazole fluconazole in dextrose(iso-o) intravenous piggyback fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 400 mg/200 ml flucytosine foot odor control * fungi cure * FUNGI-NAIL * TOPICAL fungoid-d * griseofulvin microsize oral tablet inzo antifungal * itraconazole ketoconazole oral ketoconazole topical cream ketoconazole topical shampoo LAMISIL (AEROSOL) * lamisil af * topical aerosol powder lamisil af * topical powder LAMISIL AT * TOPICAL (Clotrimazole/Beta methasone Dip) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Econazole Nitrate) (Undecylenic Acid) (Diflucan) (Fluconazole In Nacl,Iso-Osm) (Fluconazole In Nacl,Iso-Osm) (Ancobon) (Tinactin) (Clotrimazole) (Tinactin) (Grifulvin V) (Nuzole) (Sporanox) (Ketoconazole) (Ketoconazole) (Nizoral) (Tinactin) (Tolnaftate) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 49 Name of Drug micatin * miconazole 7 * vaginal suppository miconazole nitrate * topical cream miconazole nitrate * vaginal miconazole nitrate * vaginal (Nuzole) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Nuzole) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Miconazole Nitrate) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use miconazole nitrate * vaginal kit 200 (Monistat 3) 4 $0 mg- 2 % (9 gram) miconazole nitrate vaginal (Monistat 3) 1 $0 suppository 200 mg MONISTAT 3 * VAGINAL COMB 4 $0 PACK,PREFILL APPL & CREAM MONISTAT 3 * VAGINAL KIT 4 $0 (Miconazole monistat 7 * vaginal 4 $0 Nitrate) myco nail a * (Undecylenic Acid) 4 $0 NOXAFIL ORAL 2 $0 NYSTATIN (BULK) POWDER 1 BILLION UNIT, 10 BILLION 1 $0 UNIT nystatin oral (Nystatin) 1 $0 nystatin oral (Nystatin) 1 $0 nystatin topical (Nystatin) 1 $0 nystatin topical powder 100,000 (Nystatin) 1 $0 unit/gram (Nystatin/Triamcin nystatin-triamcinolone 1 $0 ) remedy phytoplex antifungal * (Miconazole 4 $0 topical ointment Nitrate) terbinafine hcl oral (Lamisil) 1 $0 terbinafine hcl * topical (Desenex) 4 $0 tolnaftate * topical (Tinactin) 4 $0 tolnaftate * topical (Tolnaftate) 4 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 50 Name of Drug triple paste af * voriconazole intravenous voriconazole oral (Miconazole Nitrate) (Vfend IV) (Vfend) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 1 1 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Antihistamines Antihistamines alavert d-12 allergy-sinus * allegra allergy * aller-chlor * oral syrup aller-chlor * oral tablet allerclear d-12hr * allerclear d-24hr * allergy (chlorpheniramine) * allergy (diphenhydramine) * oral tablet allergy relief (cetirizine) * oral allergy relief (loratadine) * oral allerhist-1 * aller-tec d * ambi 60pse-4cpm * aprodine * banophen allergy * banophen * oral capsule 25 mg banophen * oral (Claritin-D 12 Hour) (Fexofenadine HCl) (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) (Chlor-Trimeton) (Claritin-D 12 Hour) (Claritin-D 24 Hour) (Chlor-Trimeton) (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Zyrtec) (Claritin) (Clemastine Fumarate) (Zyrtec-D) (Pseudoephed/Chlo rpheniramine) (Pseudoephedrine/ Triprolidine) (Zzzquil) (Benadryl) (Diphenhydramine HCl) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 51 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 (Zyrtec) 4 $0 (Zyrtec-D) 4 $0 (Zyrtec) 4 $0 (Dimetapp) (Dimetapp) (Fexofenadine HCl) (Children'S Zyrtec) 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug benadryl allergy * oral tablet cetirizine * oral solution cetirizine * oral tablet 10 mg cetirizine * oral tablet,chewable 5 mg cetirizine-pseudoephedrine * child allergy relf(cetirizine) * oral tablet,chewable child triaminic cold & allergy * child wal-tap cold-allergy * children's allegra allergy * children's aller-tec * CHILDREN'S CLARITIN * children's wal-dryl allergy * oral children's wal-zyr * oral CHILDREN'S ZYRTEC ALLERGY * CLARITIN LIQUI-GEL * CLARITIN * ORAL TABLET CLARITIN REDITABS * (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Children'S Zyrtec) (Zyrtec) (Zzzquil) (Zyrtec) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use (Clemastine 4 $0 Fumarate) (Triaminic cold & cough * oral liquid Nighttime Cold4 $0 Cough) (Pseudoephedrine/ cold-allergy-sinus * 4 $0 Triprolidine) (Diphenhydramine compoz * 4 $0 HCl) (Cyproheptadine cyproheptadine 1 $0 HCl) (Clemastine dailyhist-1 * 4 $0 Fumarate) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. clemastine * oral tablet 1.34 mg Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 52 Name of Drug (Clemastine Fumarate) dimaphen (pe) * (Dimetapp) (Triaminic dimetapp cold-congestion * Nighttime ColdCough) diphenhist * oral capsule (Benadryl) diphenhist * oral (Zzzquil) (Diphenhydramine diphenhist * oral tablet 25 mg HCl) diphenhydramine hcl injection (Diphenhydramine solution 50 mg/ml HCl) diphenhydramine hcl * oral capsule (Benadryl) diphenhydramine hcl * oral tablet (Diphenhydramine 50 mg HCl) (Chlorpheniramine ed chlorped jr * Maleate) (Fexofenadine fexofenadine * oral suspension HCl) fexofenadine * oral tablet 180 mg, (Fexofenadine 60 mg HCl) levocetirizine (Xyzal) (Children'S loratadine * oral Claritin) loratadine * oral (Claritin) loratadine-d * oral tablet extended (Claritin-D 12 release 12 hr Hour) loratadine-d * oral tablet extended (Claritin-D 24 release 24 hr Hour) (Diphenhydramine nyt-time sleep * HCl) phenylephrine-chlorpheniramine * (Phenylephrine/Chl oral tablet 4-10 mg orpheniramine) (Promethazine promethazine oral syrup HCl) dayhist allergy * Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA-HRM You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 53 Name of Drug q-dryl * oral liquid siladryl sa * simply sleep * sinus & allergy (pseudoephed) * sleep aid (diphenhydramine) * oral sleep aid (doxylamine) * sudogest sinus & allergy * (Zzzquil) (Zzzquil) (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Pseudoephed/Chlo rpheniramine) (Zzzquil) (Doxylamine Succinate) (Pseudoephed/Chlo rpheniramine) TRIAMINIC COLD & COUGH NT (PE) * unisom sleepgels * (Benadryl) (Pseudoephedrine/ wal-act d cold & allergy * Triprolidine) wal-dryl allergy * oral (Benadryl) (Diphenhydramine wal-dryl allergy * oral HCl) (Fexofenadine wal-fex allergy * HCl) wal-finate * (Chlor-Trimeton) (Pseudoephed/Chlo wal-finate-d * rpheniramine) (Claritin-D 24 wal-itin d * Hour) (Claritin-D 12 wal-itin d 12 hour * Hour) (Children'S wal-itin * oral solution Claritin) wal-itin * oral tablet (Claritin) wal-itin * oral tablet,disintegrating (Claritin) (Pseudoephed/Chlo wal-phed * oral tablet 4-60 mg rpheniramine) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 54 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 (Benadryl) 4 $0 (Dimetapp) (Children'S Zyrtec) (Zyrtec) (Zyrtec-D) (Benadryl) (Zzzquil) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 2 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug wal-phed pe sinus & allergy * wal-sleep z * oral capsule wal-sleep z * oral liquid wal-sleep z * oral tablet,disintegrating wal-som (diphenhydramine) * oral capsule wal-tap * wal-zyr (cetirizine) * oral wal-zyr (cetirizine) * oral wal-zyr d * z-sleep * oral capsule z-sleep * oral liquid ZYRTEC * ORAL CAPSULE ZYRTEC * ORAL TABLET ZYRTEC * ORAL TABLET,DISINTEGRATING (Phenylephrine/Chl orpheniramine) (Benadryl) (Zzzquil) (Unisom Sleepmelts) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Anti-Infectives (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Anti-Infectives (Skin And Mucous Membrane) ABREVA * AVC VAGINAL clindamycin phosphate vaginal metronidazole vaginal terconazole vaginal cream terconazole vaginal suppository (Cleocin) (Metrogel-Vaginal) (Terazol 7) (Terconazole) Antimigraine Agents Antimigraine Agents dihydroergotamine injection dihydroergotamine nasal ERGOMAR (D.H.E.45) (Migranal) QL (30 per 28 days) QL (8 per 28 days) QL (40 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 55 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Amerge) (Maxalt) (Maxalt Mlt) (Imitrex) (Sumatriptan Succinate) (Imitrex) 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Imitrex) 1 $0 (Sumatriptan Succinate) 1 $0 (Imitrex) 1 $0 (Imitrex) 1 $0 (Zomig) 1 $0 (Zomig Zmt) 1 $0 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SIRTURO 2 $0 TRECATOR 2 $0 Name of Drug naratriptan rizatriptan oral tablet rizatriptan oral tablet,disintegrating sumatriptan nasal spray sumatriptan 6 mg/0.5 ml inject 2 autoinjector,outer sumatriptan oral tablet sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous cartridge sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous pen injector 4 mg/0.5 ml sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous pen injector 6 mg/0.5 ml sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous solution zolmitriptan oral tablet zolmitriptan oral tablet,disintegrating Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (18 per 28 days) QL (18 per 28 days) QL (18 per 28 days) QL (12 per 28 days) QL (4 per 28 days) QL (18 per 28 days) QL (4 per 28 days) QL (4 per 28 days) QL (4 per 28 days) QL (4 per 28 days) QL (12 per 28 days) QL (12 per 28 days) Antimycobacterials Antimycobacterials CAPASTAT dapsone ethambutol isoniazid oral PASER PRIFTIN pyrazinamide rifabutin rifampin rifampin RIFATER (Dapsone) (Myambutol) (Isoniazid) (Pyrazinamide) (Mycobutin) (Rifadin) (Rifadin) PA; QL (188 per 168 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 56 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Granisetron HCl/PF) 1 $0 (Granisetron HCl) 1 $0 (Granisetron HCl) 1 $0 (Meclizine HCl) 4 $0 4 1 4 4 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 2 $0 $0 Name of Drug Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Antinausea Agents Antinausea Agents AKYNZEO dimenhydrinate injection solution dramamine * oral tablet driminate * dronabinol EMEND INTRAVENOUS EMEND ORAL granisetron (pf) intravenous solution granisetron hcl intravenous solution 1 mg/ml (1 ml) granisetron hcl oral meclizine * 12.5 mg caplet caplet (otc) meclizine * 25 mg tablet (otc) meclizine oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg motion sickness * motion sickness (meclizine) * ondansetron (Dimenhydrinate) (Dimenhydrinate) (Dimenhydrinate) (Marinol) (Meclizine HCl) (Antivert) (Dimenhydrinate) (Meclizine HCl) (Zofran Odt) (Ondansetron ondansetron hcl (pf) HCl/PF) ondansetron hcl oral (Zofran) prochlorperazine (Compazine) prochlorperazine edisylate injection (Prochlorperazine solution Edisylate) prochlorperazine maleate (Compazine) prochlorperazine maleate oral (Compazine) promethazine hcl (Phenergan) (Promethazine promethazine oral tablet HCl) promethazine rectal (Phenergan) TRANSDERM-SCOP PA BvD QL (2 per 28 days) PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA-HRM PA-HRM PA-HRM QL (10 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 57 Name of Drug travel sickness (meclizine) * wal-dram * (Bonine) (Dimenhydrinate) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 4 $0 $0 2 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 2 2 1 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 1 2 2 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Antiparasite Agents Antiparasite Agents ALBENZA ALINIA atovaquone atovaquone-proguanil chloroquine phosphate oral COARTEM DARAPRIM hydroxychloroquine oral ivermectin oral mefloquine NEBUPENT paromomycin PENTAM PRIMAQUINE quinine sulfate (Mepron) (Malarone) (Chloroquine Phosphate) (Plaquenil) (Stromectol) (Mefloquine HCl) (Paromomycin Sulfate) (Qualaquin) PA BvD QL (90 per 30 days) PA; QL (42 per 7 days) Antiparkinsonian Agents Antiparkinsonian Agents amantadine hcl APOKYN AZILECT benztropine oral bromocriptine cabergoline carbidopa carbidopa-levodopa oral tablet (Amantadine HCl) (Benztropine Mesylate) (Parlodel) (Cabergoline) (Lodosyn) (Sinemet CR) QL (60 per 30 days) PA-HRM You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 58 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Sinemet CR) 1 $0 (Stalevo 50) (Comtan) 1 1 $0 $0 2 $0 (Mirapex) (Requip) 1 1 $0 $0 (Requip XL) 1 $0 (Eldepryl) (Selegiline HCl) (Trihexyphenidyl HCl) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 2 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug carbidopa-levodopa oral tablet extended release carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone entacapone NEUPRO pramipexole oral tablet ropinirole oral tablet ropinirole oral tablet extended release 24 hr selegiline hcl oral capsule selegiline hcl oral tablet trihexyphenidyl Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST; QL (30 per 30 days) PA-HRM Antipsychotic Agents Antipsychotic Agents ABILIFY DISCMELT ORAL TABLET,DISINTEGRATING 10 MG ABILIFY MAINTENA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL RECON 300 MG ABILIFY MAINTENA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL RECON 400 MG ABILIFY MAINTENA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING aripiprazole oral solution aripiprazole oral tablet 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 5 mg aripiprazole oral tablet 2 mg QL (90 per 30 days) QL (1 per 28 days) 2 $0 QL (1 per 28 days) 2 $0 (Abilify) 1 $0 (Abilify) 1 $0 (Abilify) 1 $0 QL (900 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 59 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Abilify Discmelt) 1 $0 (Abilify Discmelt) 1 $0 Name of Drug aripiprazole oral tablet,disintegrating 10 mg aripiprazole oral tablet,disintegrating 15 mg ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 441 MG/1.6 ML ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 662 MG/2.4 ML ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 882 MG/3.2 ML $0 2 $0 2 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 FANAPT ORAL TABLET 2 $0 FANAPT ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 clozapine oral tablet 100 mg clozapine oral tablet 200 mg clozapine oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg clozapine oral tablet,disintegrating fluphenazine decanoate fluphenazine hcl GEODON INTRAMUSCULAR haloperidol haloperidol decanoate intramuscular solution 100 mg/ml haloperidol decanoate intramuscular solution 50 mg/ml haloperidol lactate QL (90 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (1.6 per 28 days) 2 chlorpromazine Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (2.4 per 28 days) QL (3.2 per 28 days) (Chlorpromazine HCl) (Clozaril) (Clozaril) (Clozaril) (Fazaclo) (Fluphenazine Decanoate) (Fluphenazine HCl) (Haloperidol) (Haloperidol Decanoate) (Haldol Decanoate 50) (Haloperidol Lactate) QL (270 per 30 days) QL (135 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) ST ST; QL (60 per 30 days) ST; QL (8 per 28 days) QL (6 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 60 Name of Drug INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 1.5 MG, 3 MG, 9 MG INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 6 MG INVEGA SUSTENNA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 117 MG/0.75 ML INVEGA SUSTENNA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 156 MG/ML INVEGA SUSTENNA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 234 MG/1.5 ML INVEGA SUSTENNA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 39 MG/0.25 ML INVEGA SUSTENNA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 78 MG/0.5 ML INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 273 MG/0.875 ML INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 410 MG/1.315 ML INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 546 MG/1.75 ML INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 819 MG/2.625 ML LATUDA ORAL TABLET 120 MG, 20 MG, 40 MG, 60 MG Tier level What the drug will cost you Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use 2 $0 ST; QL (30 per 30 days) 2 $0 ST; QL (60 per 30 days) 2 $0 2 $0 QL (0.75 per 28 days) QL (1 per 28 days) QL (1.5 per 28 days) 2 $0 QL (0.25 per 28 days) 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 QL (0.5 per 28 days) QL (0.875 per 84 days) QL (1.315 per 84 days) 2 $0 QL (1.75 per 84 days) 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 QL (2.625 per 84 days) ST; QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 61 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you LATUDA ORAL TABLET 80 MG 2 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Zyprexa Zydis) 1 $0 (Zyprexa Zydis) 1 $0 2 $0 (Invega) 1 $0 (Invega) 1 $0 (Perphenazine) (Orap) (Seroquel) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 (Risperdal) (Risperdal) 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Risperdal M-Tab) 1 $0 (Risperdal M-Tab) 1 $0 loxapine succinate molindone oral tablet 10 mg molindone oral tablet 25 mg molindone oral tablet 5 mg olanzapine intramuscular olanzapine oral tablet olanzapine oral tablet,disintegrating 10 mg, 15 mg, 5 mg olanzapine oral tablet,disintegrating 20 mg ORAP paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 1.5 mg, 3 mg, 9 mg paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 6 mg perphenazine pimozide quetiapine REXULTI ORAL TABLET 0.25 MG REXULTI ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG REXULTI ORAL TABLET 1 MG, 2 MG, 3 MG, 4 MG RISPERDAL CONSTA risperidone oral solution risperidone oral tablet risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 3 mg, 4 mg (Loxapine Succinate) (Moban) (Moban) (Moban) (Zyprexa) (Zyprexa) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST; QL (60 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (270 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (31 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (4 per 28 days) QL (480 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 62 Name of Drug SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) thioridazine thiothixene trifluoperazine (Thioridazine HCl) (Thiothixene) (Trifluoperazine HCl) VERSACLOZ ziprasidone hcl ZYPREXA RELPREVV INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 210 MG, 405 MG (Geodon) Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 2 $0 1 $0 2 $0 1 1 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO-HRM ST; QL (540 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) Antivirals (Systemic) Antiretrovirals abacavir abacavir-lamivudine-zidovudine APTIVUS ATRIPLA COMPLERA CRIXIVAN ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG, 400 MG didanosine EDURANT EMTRIVA EPIVIR HBV ORAL SOLUTION EPZICOM EVOTAZ FUZEON SUBCUTANEOUS GENVOYA INTELENCE INVIRASE ISENTRESS (Ziagen) (Trizivir) (Videx EC) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 63 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Viramune) (Viramune) 2 1 1 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Viramune XR) 1 $0 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug KALETRA lamivudine lamivudine-zidovudine LEXIVA nevirapine oral suspension nevirapine oral tablet nevirapine oral tablet extended release 24 hr NORVIR PREZCOBIX PREZISTA RESCRIPTOR RETROVIR INTRAVENOUS REYATAZ ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG, 200 MG, 300 MG REYATAZ ORAL POWDER IN PACKET SELZENTRY stavudine STRIBILD SUSTIVA TIVICAY TRIUMEQ TRUVADA VIDEX 2 GRAM PEDIATRIC VIDEX 4 GRAM PEDIATRIC VIRACEPT ORAL TABLET VIRAMUNE XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 100 MG VIREAD VITEKTA ZIAGEN ORAL SOLUTION zidovudine oral capsule (Epivir) (Combivir) (Zerit) (Retrovir) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 64 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Retrovir) (Zidovudine) 1 1 $0 $0 (Foscavir) 1 2 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 DAKLINZA 2 $0 HARVONI 2 $0 OLYSIO 2 $0 SOVALDI 2 $0 TECHNIVIE 2 $0 Interferons INTRON A INJECTION PEGASYS PEGASYS PROCLICK PEGINTRON 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 SYLATRON 2 $0 Name of Drug zidovudine oral syrup zidovudine oral tablet Antivirals, Miscellaneous foscarnet RELENZA DISKHALER rimantadine SYNAGIS TAMIFLU ORAL CAPSULE 30 MG TAMIFLU ORAL CAPSULE 45 MG TAMIFLU ORAL CAPSULE 75 MG TAMIFLU ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION Hcv Antivirals (Flumadine) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD QL (84 per 180 days) QL (48 per 180 days) QL (42 per 180 days) QL (540 per 180 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (56 per 28 days) PA NSO PA PA PA PA NSO; QL (4 per 28 days) Nucleosides And Nucleotides You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 65 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Zovirax) 1 $0 (Zovirax) 1 $0 (Zovirax) (Acyclovir Sodium) (Hepsera) (Baraclude) (Famvir) (Cytovene) (Rebetol) 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Copegus) 1 $0 (Valtrex) (Valcyte) 2 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Lovenox) 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 (Lovenox) 1 $0 (Lovenox) 1 $0 (Lovenox) 1 $0 (Lovenox) 1 $0 (Lovenox) 1 $0 Name of Drug acyclovir oral capsule acyclovir oral suspension 200 mg/5 ml acyclovir oral tablet acyclovir sodium intravenous solution adefovir entecavir famciclovir ganciclovir sodium ribavirin oral capsule 200 mg ribavirin oral tablet 200 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg TYZEKA valacyclovir valganciclovir VIRAZOLE Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Anticoagulants CEPROTIN (BLUE BAR) ELIQUIS enoxaparin subcutaneous solution enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 100 mg/ml enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 120 mg/0.8 ml, 80 mg/0.8 ml enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 150 mg/ml enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 30 mg/0.3 ml enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 40 mg/0.4 ml QL (36 per 30 days) QL (36 per 30 days) QL (27.2 per 30 days) QL (34 per 30 days) QL (18 per 30 days) QL (13.6 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 66 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Lovenox) 1 $0 (Arixtra) 1 $0 (Arixtra) 1 $0 (Arixtra) 1 $0 (Arixtra) 1 $0 (Heparin Sodium,Porcine/D5 W) 1 $0 (Heparin Sod,Pork In 0.45% NaCl) 1 $0 (Heparin Sodium,Porcine/Ns /PF) 1 $0 (Heparin Sodium,Porcine) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 60 mg/0.6 ml fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 10 mg/0.8 ml fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 2.5 mg/0.5 ml fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 5 mg/0.4 ml fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 7.5 mg/0.6 ml heparin (porcine) in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 12,500 unit/250 ml, 20,000 unit/500 ml (40 unit/ml), 25,000 unit/500 ml (50 unit/ml) heparin (porcine) in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 25,000 unit/250 ml(100 unit/ml) heparin (porcine) in nacl (pf) intravenous parenteral solution 1,000 unit/500 ml heparin (porcine) injection solution 1,000 unit/ml, 20,000 unit/ml, 5,000 unit/ml heparin (porcine) injection solution 10,000 unit/ml heparin sodium,porcine-pf intravenous syringe 10 unit/ml heparin, porcine (pf) injection solution 5,000 unit/0.5 ml heparin, porcine (pf) injection heparin, porcine (pf) intravenous syringe (Heparin Sodium,Porcine) (Monoject Prefill Advanced) (Heparin Sodium,Porcine/PF ) (Monoject Prefill Advanced) (Monoject Prefill Advanced) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (20.4 per 30 days) QL (24 per 30 days) QL (15 per 30 days) QL (12 per 30 days) QL (18 per 30 days) PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) PA BvD PA BvD 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 67 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you heparin-0.45% nacl 25,000 units/250 ml (100 units/ml) bag latex-free, inner (Heparin Sod,Pork In 0.45% NaCl) 1 $0 heparin-d5w 25,000 units/250 ml (100 units/ml) bag excel container (Heparin Sodium,Porcine/D5 W) 1 $0 2 $0 1 $0 PRADAXA 2 $0 warfarin (Coumadin) XARELTO Blood Formation Modifiers CINRYZE EPOGEN INJECTION SOLUTION 10,000 UNIT/ML, 2,000 UNIT/ML, 20,000 UNIT/2 ML, 20,000 UNIT/ML, 3,000 UNIT/ML, 4,000 UNIT/ML GRANIX LEUKINE INJECTION RECON SOLN MIRCERA INJECTION SYRINGE 100 MCG/0.3 ML, 50 MCG/0.3 ML, 75 MCG/0.3 ML MOZOBIL NEULASTA NEUMEGA NEUPOGEN PROCRIT INJECTION SOLUTION 10,000 UNIT/ML, 2,000 UNIT/ML, 20,000 UNIT/2 ML, 20,000 UNIT/ML, 3,000 UNIT/ML, 4,000 UNIT/ML 1 2 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 IPRIVASK jantoven (Coumadin) 2 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA; QL (24 per 28 days) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) PA PA; QL (12 per 28 days) PA; QL (0.6 per 28 days) PA; QL (12 per 28 days) 2 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 68 Tier level What the drug will cost you PROCRIT INJECTION SOLUTION 40,000 UNIT/ML 2 $0 PROMACTA 2 $0 ZARXIO Hematologic Agents, Miscellaneous 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug anagrelide (Aminocaproic Acid) (Agrylin) protamine (Protamine Sulfate) 1 $0 tranexamic acid intravenous tranexamic acid oral Platelet-Aggregation Inhibitors AGGRENOX aspirin-dipyridamole BRILINTA cilostazol clopidogrel EFFIENT pentoxifylline Volume Expanders ALBUKED-25 ALBUKED-5 ALBUMIN, HUMAN 25 % ALBUMIN, HUMAN 5 % ALBUMINAR 25 % ALBUMINAR 5 % ALBURX (HUMAN) 5 % ALBUTEIN 25 % ALBUTEIN 5 % BUMINATE 25 % (Tranexamic Acid) (Lysteda) 1 1 $0 $0 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 aminocaproic acid oral (Aggrenox) (Pletal) (Plavix) (Pentoxifylline) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA; QL (6 per 28 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 69 Name of Drug BUMINATE 5 % FLEXBUMIN 25 % FLEXBUMIN 5 % KEDBUMIN PLASBUMIN 25 % PLASBUMIN 5 % Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Caloric Agents Caloric Agents AMINO ACIDS 15 % AMINOSYN 10 % AMINOSYN 3.5 % AMINOSYN 7 % AMINOSYN 7 % WITH ELECTROLYTES AMINOSYN 8.5 % AMINOSYN 8.5 %ELECTROLYTES AMINOSYN II 10 % AMINOSYN II 15 % AMINOSYN II 7 % AMINOSYN II 8.5 % AMINOSYN II 8.5 %ELECTROLYTES AMINOSYN M 3.5 % AMINOSYN-HBC 7% AMINOSYN-PF 10 % AMINOSYN-PF 7 % (SULFITEFREE) AMINOSYN-RF 5.2 % CLINIMIX 5%/D15W SULFITE FREE CLINIMIX 5%/D25W SULFITEFREE PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 70 Name of Drug CLINIMIX 2.75%/D5W SULFIT FREE CLINIMIX 4.25%/D10W SULF FREE CLINIMIX 4.25%/D5W SULFIT FREE CLINIMIX 4.25%-D20W SULFFREE CLINIMIX 4.25%-D25W SULFFREE CLINIMIX 5%-D20W(SULFITEFREE) CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D10W SUL FREE CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D5W SULF FREE CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D10W SUL FREE CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D25W SUL FREE CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D5W SULF FREE CLINIMIX E 5%/D15W SULFIT FREE CLINIMIX E 5%/D20W SULFIT FREE CLINIMIX E 5%/D25W SULFIT FREE CLINISOL SF 15 % cysteine (l-cysteine) intravenous solution d10 %-0.9 % sodium chloride dex4 glucose * oral tablet,chewable (Cysteine HCl) (Dextrose 10 % and 0.9 % NaCl) (Dextrose) Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 71 Name of Drug dextrose 10 % in water (d10w) dextrose 2.5 % in water(d2.5w) dextrose 20 % in water (d20w) dextrose 25 % in water (d25w) dextrose 40 % in water (d40w) dextrose 5 % in ringers dextrose 5 % in water (d5w) intravenous dextrose 50 % in water (d50w) dextrose 70 % in water (d70w) (Dextrose 10 % in Water) (Dextrose 2.5 % in Water) (Dextrose 20 % in Water) (Dextrose 25 % in Water) (Dextrose 40 % in Water) (Dextrose 5% In Ringers) (Dextrose 5 % in Water) (Dextrose 50 % in Water) (Dextrose 70 % in Water) FREAMINE HBC 6.9 % FREAMINE III 10 % gluco burst * glucose gel * glucose * oral tablet,chewable glutose 15 * HEPATAMINE 8% HEPATASOL 8 % (Dextrose) (Dextrose) (Dextrose) (Dextrose) insta-glucose * (Dextrose/Dextrin/ Maltose) INTRALIPID INTRAVENOUS EMULSION 20 %, 30 % KABIVEN LIPOSYN II LIPOSYN III NEPHRAMINE 5.4 % Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 72 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Catapres) (Clonidine HCl/Chlorthalidon e) 1 $0 1 $0 (Catapres-Tts 1) 1 $0 (Catapres-Tts 1) 1 $0 (Cardura) (Tenex) (Midodrine HCl) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 PA-HRM 2 $0 PA; QL (180 per 30 days) (Vazculep) (Minipress) 1 1 $0 $0 (Atacand) (Atacand HCT) 2 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug NUTRILIPID PERIKABIVEN PREMASOL 10 % PREMASOL 6 % PROCALAMINE 3% PROSOL 20 % TRAVASOL 10 % TROPHAMINE 10 % TROPHAMINE 6% Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD Cardiovascular Agents Alpha-Adrenergic Agents clonidine hcl oral tablet clonidine hcl-chlorthalidone clonidine transdermal patch weekly 0.1 mg/24 hr, 0.2 mg/24 hr clonidine transdermal patch weekly 0.3 mg/24 hr doxazosin guanfacine oral tablet midodrine NORTHERA phenylephrine hcl injection prazosin oral Angiotensin Ii Receptor Antagonists BENICAR BENICAR HCT candesartan candesartan-hydrochlorothiazid ENTRESTO QL (4 per 28 days) QL (8 per 28 days) ST ST PA; QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 73 Name of Drug irbesartan irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide losartan losartan-hydrochlorothiazide telmisartan telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazid TRIBENZOR valsartan valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors benazepril benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide captopril captopril-hydrochlorothiazide enalapril maleate enalaprilat intravenous solution enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide fosinopril fosinopril-hydrochlorothiazide lisinopril lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide moexipril moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide perindopril erbumine quinapril quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide ramipril trandolapril (Avapro) (Avalide) (Cozaar) (Hyzaar) (Micardis) (Micardis HCT) (Diovan) (Diovan HCT) (Lotensin) (Lotensin HCT) (Captopril) (Captopril/Hydroch lorothiazide) (Vasotec) (Enalaprilat Dihydrate) (Vaseretic) (Fosinopril Sodium) (Fosinopril/Hydroc hlorothiazide) (Zestril) (Zestoretic) (Moexipril HCl) (Moexipril/Hydroc hlorothiazide) (Aceon) (Accupril) (Accuretic) (Altace) (Mavik) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 74 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Cordarone) 1 $0 (Cordarone) 1 $0 (Norpace) 1 $0 (Tambocor) (Lidocaine HCl/PF) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 2 $0 $0 (Procainamide HCl) 1 $0 (Rythmol SR) 1 $0 (Rythmol) (Quinidine Gluconate) (Quinidine Sulfate) 1 $0 1 $0 1 2 $0 $0 (Sectral) (Tenormin) (Tenoretic 50) (Kerlone) (Zebeta) (Ziac) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug Antiarrhythmic Agents amiodarone hcl oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg amiodarone oral disopyramide phosphate oral capsule flecainide lidocaine (pf) intravenous syringe 50 mg/5 ml (1 %) lidocaine in 5 % dextrose (pf) intravenous parenteral solution 8 mg/ml (0.8 %) mexiletine MULTAQ procainamide injection propafenone oral capsule,extended release 12 hr propafenone oral tablet quinidine gluconate oral quinidine sulfate TIKOSYN Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agents acebutolol atenolol atenolol-chlorthalidone betaxolol oral bisoprolol fumarate bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide BYSTOLIC carvedilol esmolol intravenous (Lidocaine HCl/D5w/PF) (Mexiletine HCl) (Coreg) (Esmolol HCl) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 75 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Labetalol HCl) (Trandate) (Toprol XL) (Lopressor HCT) (Lopressor) (Lopressor) (Corgard) (Pindolol) (Propranolol HCl) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Inderal LA) 1 $0 (Propranolol HCl) (Propranolol HCl) (Propranolol/Hydro chlorothiazid) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 (Betapace) 1 $0 (Betapace) (Timolol Maleate) 1 1 $0 $0 (Cardizem CD) (Cardizem CD) 1 1 $0 $0 (Cardizem CD) 1 $0 (Cardizem CD) 1 $0 (Cardizem CD) 1 $0 (Cardizem CD) 1 $0 (Cardizem LA) 1 $0 (Cardizem CD) (Cardizem CD) 1 1 $0 $0 Name of Drug labetalol intravenous solution labetalol oral metoprolol succinate metoprolol ta-hydrochlorothiaz metoprolol tartrate intravenous metoprolol tartrate oral nadolol pindolol propranolol intravenous propranolol oral capsule,extended release 24 hr propranolol oral solution propranolol oral tablet propranolol-hydrochlorothiazid sotalol hcl oral tablet 120 mg, 160 mg, 240 mg, 80 mg sotalol oral timolol maleate oral Calcium-Channel Blocking Agents cartia xt diltiazem hcl intravenous diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 180 mg, 360 mg, 420 mg diltiazem hcl oral capsule,extended release 12 hr diltiazem hcl oral capsule,extended release 24hr diltiazem hcl oral tablet diltiazem hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr dilt-xr matzim la Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 76 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Cardizem CD) (Verapamil HCl) 1 1 $0 $0 (Verelan Pm) 1 $0 (Verelan) 1 $0 (Calan) 1 $0 (Calan SR) 1 $0 2 2 $0 $0 Name of Drug taztia xt verapamil intravenous syringe verapamil oral capsule, 24 hr er pellet ct verapamil oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr verapamil oral tablet verapamil oral tablet extended release Cardiovascular Agents, Miscellaneous CORLANOR DEMSER digitek oral tablet 125 mcg (Lanoxin) 1 $0 digitek oral tablet 250 mcg (Lanoxin) 1 $0 digoxin injection (Digoxin) 1 $0 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 DIGOXIN ORAL SOLUTION digoxin oral tablet (Lanoxin) dobutamine in d5w intravenous parenteral solution 1,000 mg/250 ml (Dobutamine (4,000 mcg/ml), 250 mg/250 ml (1 HCl/D5W) mg/ml), 500 mg/250 ml (2,000 mcg/ml) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST PA-HRM; (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (30 per 30 days) PA-HRM PA-HRM; QL (300 per 30 days) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 77 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Dobutamine HCl) (Dopamine HCl/D5W) (Dopamine HCl) (Ephedrine Sulfate) (Epinephrine HCl/PF) (Adrenaclick) (Epinephrine) 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 (Epinephrine) 1 $0 2 2 $0 $0 1 $0 2 1 $0 $0 Name of Drug dobutamine intravenous solution dopamine in 5 % dextrose intravenous solution dopamine intravenous solution ephedrine sulfate injection solution epinephrine hcl (pf) intravenous epinephrine injection auto-injector epinephrine injection solution epinephrine injection syringe 0.1 mg/ml (1:10,000) EPIPEN 2-PAK EPIPEN JR 2-PAK ethamolin FIRAZYR hydralazine (Ethanolamine Oleate) (Hydralazine HCl) LANOXIN ORAL TABLET 187.5 MCG, 62.5 MCG milrinone milrinone in 5 % dextrose intravenous piggyback 40 mg/200 ml (200 mcg/ml) norepinephrine bitartrate 2 $0 (Milrinone Lactate) 1 $0 (Milrinone Lactate/D5W) 1 $0 1 $0 (Levophed Bitartrate) (Papaverine HCl) (Papaverine HCl) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA-HRM; (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days) PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD papaverine injection solution 1 $0 PA papaverine oral 1 $0 PA RANEXA 2 $0 Dihydropyridines amlodipine (Norvasc) 1 $0 amlodipine-benazepril (Lotrel) 1 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 78 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 (Felodipine) (Isradipine) (Nicardipine HCl) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Procardia XL) 1 $0 (Adalat CC) 1 $0 (Midamor) (Amiloride/Hydroc hlorothiazide) (Bumetanide) (Chlorothiazide) (Sodium Diuril) 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Chlorthalidone) 1 $0 2 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug amlodipine-valsartan amlodipine-valsartan-hcthiazid AZOR CLEVIPREX INTRAVENOUS EMULSION felodipine isradipine nicardipine oral nifedipine oral tablet extended release 24hr 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg nifedipine oral tablet extended release 30 mg, 60 mg Diuretics amiloride oral amiloride-hydrochlorothiazide bumetanide chlorothiazide chlorothiazide sodium chlorthalidone oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg DYRENIUM furosemide injection furosemide oral solution furosemide oral tablet hydrochlorothiazide oral capsule hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet (Exforge) (Exforge HCT) (Furosemide) (Furosemide) (Lasix) (Microzide) (Hydrochlorothiazi de) (Indapamide) (Methyclothiazide) (Zaroxolyn) (Demadex) indapamide methyclothiazide metolazone torsemide oral triamterene-hydrochlorothiazid oral (Dyazide) capsule Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 79 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Maxzide) 1 $0 (Caduet) (Lipitor) (Questran) (Cholestyramine/A spartame) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 (Questran) 1 $0 (Colestid) 1 2 $0 $0 (Slo-Niacin) 4 $0 (Lofibra) (Tricor) (Lofibra) (Fibricor) (Trilipix) (Lopid) (Mevacor) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Niacin) 4 $0 (Slo-Niacin) 4 $0 (Niaspan) 1 $0 (Slo-Niacin) 4 $0 (Niacinamide) (Lovaza) 4 1 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug triamterene-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet Dyslipidemics amlodipine-atorvastatin atorvastatin cholestyramine (with sugar) oral cholestyramine-aspartame oral powder 4 gram cholestyramine-aspartame oral powder in packet 4 gram colestipol CRESTOR endur-acin * oral tablet extended release 500 mg fenofibrate micronized fenofibrate nanocrystallized fenofibrate oral tablet fenofibric acid fenofibric acid (choline) gemfibrozil oral JUXTAPID KYNAMRO lovastatin niacin * oral capsule, extended release 500 mg niacin * oral tablet 50 mg, 500 mg niacin oral tablet extended release 24 hr niacin * oral tablet extended release 500 mg niacinamide * oral tablet 500 mg omega-3 acid ethyl esters PRALUENT PEN PRALUENT SYRINGE Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA PA; QL (4 per 28 days) PA; QL (2 per 28 days) PA; QL (2 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 80 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 2 2 1 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Inspra) (Aldactone) (Aldactazide) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Isochron) (Isosorbide Dinitrate) (Isosorbide Mononitrate) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug pravastatin REPATHA SURECLICK REPATHA SYRINGE simvastatin VASCEPA ZETIA Renin-AngiotensinAldosterone System Inhibitors eplerenone spironolactone spironolacton-hydrochlorothiaz Vasodilators isosorbide dinitrate oral isosorbide dinitrate sublingual isosorbide mononitrate oral tablet (Pravachol) (Zocor) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA; QL (3 per 28 days) PA; QL (3 per 28 days) QL (30 per 30 days) isosorbide mononitrate oral tablet (Imdur) 1 $0 extended release 24 hr minitran transdermal patch 24 hour QL (30 per 30 days) (Nitro-Dur) 1 $0 0.1 mg/hr, 0.2 mg/hr, 0.6 mg/hr minitran transdermal patch 24 hour QL (60 per 30 days) (Nitro-Dur) 1 $0 0.4 mg/hr minoxidil oral (Minoxidil) 1 $0 NITRO-BID 2 $0 nitroglycerin in 5 % dextrose (Nitroglycerin/D5 1 $0 intravenous solution W) nitroglycerin intravenous (Nitroglycerin) 1 $0 nitroglycerin transdermal patch 24 QL (30 per 30 days) hour 0.1 mg/hr, 0.2 mg/hr, 0.6 (Nitro-Dur) 1 $0 mg/hr nitroglycerin transdermal patch 24 QL (60 per 30 days) (Nitro-Dur) 1 $0 hour 0.4 mg/hr NITROSTAT 2 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 81 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 $0 1 $0 2 $0 (Cafcit) (Cafcit) (Caffeine/Sodium Benzoate) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 (Kapvay) 1 $0 (Focalin) 1 $0 (Dexedrine) 1 $0 (Dexedrine) 1 $0 (Adderall XR) 1 $0 (Adderall XR) 1 $0 (Romazicon) 1 $0 (Intuniv) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Lithobid) 1 $0 (Lithium Citrate) 1 $0 Name of Drug PROGLYCEM Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Central Nervous System Agents Central Nervous System Agents amphetamine salt combo (Adderall) AMPYRA caffeine citrated intravenous caffeine citrated oral caffeine-sodium benzoate clonidine hcl oral tablet extended release 12 hr dexmethylphenidate oral tablet dextroamphetamine oral capsule, extended release dextroamphetamine oral tablet dextroamphetamine-amphetamine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 10 mg, 15 mg, 5 mg dextroamphetamine-amphetamine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 20 mg, 25 mg, 30 mg flumazenil guanfacine oral tablet extended release 24 hr lithium carbonate oral capsule lithium carbonate oral tablet lithium carbonate oral tablet extended release lithium citrate oral solution QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) (Lithium Carbonate) (Lithobid) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 82 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Metadate Cd) 1 $0 (Metadate Cd) 1 $0 (Metadate Cd) 1 $0 (Metadate Cd) 1 $0 (Methylin) (Ritalin) (Methylphenidate HCl) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug methylphenidate oral capsule, er biphasic 30-70 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg methylphenidate oral capsule, er biphasic 30-70 30 mg methylphenidate oral capsule,er biphasic 50-50 20 mg, 40 mg methylphenidate oral capsule,er biphasic 50-50 30 mg methylphenidate oral solution methylphenidate oral tablet methylphenidate oral tablet extended release methylphenidate oral tablet extended release 24hr 18 mg, 27 mg, 54 mg methylphenidate oral tablet extended release 24hr 36 mg NUEDEXTA QUILLIVANT XR riluzole SAVELLA STRATTERA tetrabenazine Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (900 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) (Concerta) 1 $0 (Concerta) 1 $0 (Rilutek) 2 2 1 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 2 $0 3 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Xenazine) XENAZINE QL (60 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (112 per 28 days) PA; QL (112 per 28 days) Contraceptives Contraceptives AFTERA * ashlyna bekyree (28) blisovi 24 fe blisovi fe 1/20 (28) (Seasonique) (Mircette) (Loestrin Fe) (Loestrin Fe) QL (6 per 365 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 83 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Desogen) (Nor-Q-D) (Mircette) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Desogen) 1 $0 (Yaz) (Aftera) (Yaz) (Demulen 1-50-21) (Loestrin) (Loestrin Fe) (Loestrin Fe) (Desogen) (Loestrin Fe) (Mircette) (Seasonique) (Loestrin Fe) (Loestrin Fe) (Aftera) (Plan B One-Step) (Plan B One-Step) (Aftera) 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Amethyst) 1 $0 Name of Drug cyred deblitane desog-e.estradiol/e.estradiol desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol oral tablet 0.1/.125/.15-25 mg-mcg, 0.150.03 mg drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol econtra ez * ELLA ethinyl estradiol/drospirenone ethynodiol d-ethinyl estradiol gildess 1/20 (21) gildess 24 fe gildess fe 1/20 (28) juleber junel fe 24 kimidess (28) l norgest/e.estradiol-e.estrad larin 24 fe larin fe 1/20 (28) levonorgestrel * 1.5 mg tablet (otc) levonorgestrel oral tablet 0.75 mg levonorgestrel oral tablet 1.5 mg levonorgestrel * oral tablet 1.5 mg levonorgestrel-ethin estradiol oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg, 0.15-0.03 mg, 50-30 (6)/75-40 (5)/125-30(10) levonorgestrel-ethin estradiol oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15-30 mg-mcg levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablet levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (6 per 365 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (91 per 84 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (12 per 365 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (91 per 84 days) (LevonorgestrelEthin Estradiol) 1 $0 (Amethyst) 1 $0 (Amethyst) 1 $0 QL (91 per 84 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 84 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Amethyst) 1 $0 (Seasonique) 1 $0 (Plan B One-Step) 1 $0 (Ortho Evra) (Nor-Q-D) (Nor-Q-D) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 (Loestrin) 1 $0 (Loestrin Fe) 1 $0 (Modicon) 1 $0 (Norinyl 1+50) (Ortho-Cyclen) (Norgestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 2 4 3 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 4 4 $0 $0 Name of Drug levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablets,dose pack,3 month l-norgest-eth estr/ethin estra next choice one dose 1.5 mg tb (rx) 1.5 mg norelgestromin/ethin.estradiol norethindrone norethindrone (contraceptive) norethindrone ac-eth estradiol oral tablet 1-20 mg-mcg, 1.5-30 mg-mcg norethindrone-e.estradiol-iron oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (21)/75 mg (7), 1 mg-20 mcg (24)/75 mg (4), 120(5)/1-30(7) /1mg-35mcg (9), 1.5 mg-30 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) norethindrone-ethinyl estrad oral tablet 0.4-35 mg-mcg, 0.5-35 mgmcg, 0.5-35/1-35 mg-mcg/mg-mcg, 0.5/0.75/1 mg- 35 mcg, 0.5/1/0.5-35 mg-mcg, 1-35 mg-mcg norethindrone-mestranol norgestimate-ethinyl estradiol norgestrel-ethinyl estradiol NUVARING opcicon one-step * PLAN B ONE-STEP * setlakin tarina fe 1/20 (28) (Aftera) (LevonorgestrelEthin Estradiol) (Loestrin Fe) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (91 per 84 days) QL (91 per 84 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (3 per 28 days) ST; QL (1 per 28 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (91 per 84 days) Cough And Cold Products Cough And Cold Products 30pse-150gfn-15dm * actinel pediatric * (Trispec Pse) (Trispec Pse) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 85 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use adt robitussin peak cld dm max * (G-Zyncof) 4 $0 (Pseudoephedrine adult nasal decongestant * 4 $0 HCl) (Dextromethorphan adult robitussin lingering cld * 4 $0 Hbr) adult robitussin peak cold dm * (G-Zyncof) 4 $0 (Robitussin adult wal-tussin * Mucus-Chest 4 $0 Congest) adult wal-tussin dm max * (G-Zyncof) 4 $0 (Guaifenesin/Dextr alka-seltzer plus mucus-conges * 4 $0 omethorphan) (Dm/Phenyleph/Ch ambi 10peh-4cpm-20dm * 4 $0 lorpheniramine) ambi 20dm-4cpm * (Coricidin Hbp) 4 $0 ambi 40pse-400gfn-20dm * (Poly-Vent Dm) 4 $0 (D-Methorphan ambi 60pse-4cpm-20dm * Hb/P-Ephed 4 $0 HCl/Cp) benzonatate * (Zonatuss) 3 $0 (D-Methorphan bio-dtuss dmx * Hb/P-Epd 4 $0 HCl/Bpm) bionel pediatric * (Trispec Pse) 4 $0 biospec dmx * (G-Zyncof) 4 $0 (D-Methorphan bromphenex dm * Hb/P-Epd 4 $0 HCl/Bpm) (D-Methorphan brompheniramine-pseudoeph-dm * Hb/P-Epd 4 $0 HCl/Bpm) brompheniram-phenylephrine-dm * (Ala-Hist Dm) 3 $0 cheracol d * (G-Zyncof) 4 $0 cheratussin dac * (Tusnel C) 4 $0 chest congestion relief + dm * (Allfen Dm) 4 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 86 Name of Drug chest congestion relief d * chest congestion relief pe * child cough & sore throat * child mucinex chest congestion * child plus cough & runny nose * child triaminic cough-congest * child wal-tussin cough relief * children's chest congestion * children's mucinex cough * childrens plus multi-symp cold * children's silfedrine * children's sudafed * children's sudafed pe cough * chlophedianol-guaifenesin * chlorpheniramine-phenyleph-dm * codituss dm * cold multi-symptom day/night * (Poly-Vent Ir) (Maxiphen) (D-Methorphan Hb/Acetaminophen ) (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) (Dextromethorphn/ Acetaminoph/Cp) (Cough Formula Dm) (Dextromethorphan Hbr) (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) (G-Zyncof) (Childrens Tylenol Plus Cold) (Pseudoephedrine HCl) (Pseudoephedrine HCl) (Dextromethorphan /Phenylephrine) (Vanacof G) (Dm/Phenyleph/Ch lorpheniramine) (Pyrilamine/Pe/De xtromethorphan) (Dm Hb/Pe/Acetaminop hen/Chlorph) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 87 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 (Poly-Vent Dm) 4 $0 (Delsym) 4 $0 Name of Drug cold relief m/s day/night * cold-flu relief * oral liquid 12.5-301,000 mg/30 ml cold-flu relief, day/night * congestac * coricidin hbp cold-multi sympt * coricidin hbp * oral capsule cough & cold * oral cough & runny nose * daytime cold & cough * daytime cold-flu * day-time cough * daytime-nighttime * daytime-nighttime cold-flu * daytime-nighttime cough * decongestant cough * delsym cough+chest congest dm * despec-dm (pseudoeph-dm-guaif) * oral tablet 30-10-200 mg dextromethorphan polistirex * (Dm Hb/Pe/Acetaminop hen/Chlorph) (DMethorphan/Aceta min/Doxylamn) (Vicks DayquilNyquil) (Poly-Vent Ir) (DMethorphan/Aceta min/Doxylamn) (Guaifenesin/Dextr omethorphan) (Coricidin Hbp) (Vicks Children'S Nyquil) (Triaminic) (DMethorphan/Pe/Ac etaminophen) (Dextromethorphan Hbr) (Vicks DayquilNyquil) (Dm/Pe/Acetamino phen/Doxylamine) (Dextromethorphan Hb/Doxylamine) (Trispec Pse) (G-Zyncof) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 88 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) 4 $0 (G-Zyncof) 4 $0 (G-Zyncof) (D-Methorphan Hb/P-Epd HCl/Bpm) (Dm/Phenyleph/Ch lorpheniramine) (Despec) (Trispec Pse) (G-Zyncof) (Dextromethorphan /Pseudoephed) (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) (Dm/Pe/Acetamino ph/Diphenhydram) (Dm Hb/Pseudoephed/A cetamin/Cp) (Cough Formula Dm) (Tusnel C) (Allfen) 4 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 (Mucinex) 4 $0 (Dm Hb/Pe/Acetaminop hen/Chlorph) 4 $0 Name of Drug diabetic siltussin das-na * diabetic tussin dm * oral liquid 10100 mg/5 ml diabetic tussin max st * d-methorphan hb-p-epd hcl-bpm * oral syrup 2-30-10 mg/5 ml dm-phenyleph-chlorpheniramine * oral drops 1-2-3 mg/ml ed bron gp * entre-cough * expectorant dm * oral liquid expectorant max strength * expectorant * oral flu formula daytime-nighttime * flu severe cold-congestion * geri-tussin dm * guaifenesin dac * guaifenesin * oral tablet 200 mg guaifenesin * oral tablet extended release 12hr head congestion day-night * Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 89 Name of Drug hydrocodone bit-homatrop me-br * oral syrup 5-1.5 mg/5 ml hydrocodone-chlorpheniramine * hydrocodone-homatropine * oral tablet infants' non-aspirin cold * liquibid d-r * lortuss ex * oral syrup mar-cof bp * mar-cof cg * maximum strength flu * medi-brom * mesehist dm * mucus dm * mucus dm max * mucus relief cough * mucus relief * oral tablet 400 mg multi-symptom cold night time * multi-symptom cold-cough * nasal & sinus decongestant * nasohist dm * neo-tuss * NEXAFED * (Hydrocodone Bit/Homatrop MeBr) (Tussionex) (Tussigon) (Dm/Pseudoephed/ Acetaminophen) (Maxiphen) (Tusnel C) (Bromphenira/Pseu doephed/Codein) (M-Clear Wc) (Coricidin Hbp) (D-Methorphan Hb/P-Epd HCl/Bpm) (D-Methorphan Hb/P-Ephed HCl/Cp) (Mucinex Dm) (Mucinex Dm) (G-Zyncof) (Allfen) (Theraflu) (Dm Hb/Pseudoephed/A cetamin/Cp) (Sudafed 12-Hour) (Dm/Phenyleph/Ch lorpheniramine) (G-Zyncof) Tier level What the drug will cost you 3 $0 3 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 3 $0 3 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 90 Name of Drug night time cold-flu * oral night time cold-flu relief * oral liquid night time * oral capsule nighttime cough * (Dm/PEphed/Acetaminop h/Doxylam) (Dm/PEphed/Acetaminop h/Doxylam) (Dm/PEphed/Acetaminop h/Doxylam) (Dextromethorphan Hb/Doxylamine) NITE TIME COLD-FLU RELIEF * ORAL CAPSULE nite time-d cold-flu relief * nohist-dm * non-aspirin cold * non-aspirin flu * oral tablet 30-15500 mg pecgen dmx * oral liquid 15-125 mg/5 ml pedia relief * pedia relief cough-cold * pedia relief infant * pediacare multi-symptom cold * (Dm/PEphed/Acetaminop h/Doxylam) (Dm/Phenyleph/Ch lorpheniramine) (Dm Hb/Pseudoephed/A cetamin/Cp) (Dm/Pseudoephed/ Acetaminophen) (G-Zyncof) (D-Methorphan Hb/P-Ephed HCl/Cp) (D-Methorphan Hb/P-Ephed HCl/Cp) (Dextromethorphan /Pseudoephed) (Dextromethorphan /Phenylephrine) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 91 Name of Drug phenylhistine dh * poly-tussin * promethazine-codeine * promethazine-dm * promethazine-phenyleph-codeine * pseudoephedrine hcl * oral pseudoephedrine hcl * oral q-tapp dm * q-tussin * q-tussin dm * refenesen * oral tablet 200 mg refenesen pe * relcof c * REZIRA * robafen * robafen cough * robafen dm * robitussin cough-chest cong dm * oral capsule ROBITUSSIN LONG-ACTING * (P-Ephed HCl/Cod/Chlorphe nir) (Chlorcyclizine/Co deine) (Promethazine HCl/Codeine) (Promethazine/Dex tromethorphan) (Promethazine/Phe nyleph/Codeine) (Pseudoephedrine HCl) (Sudafed 12-Hour) (D-Methorphan Hb/P-Epd HCl/Bpm) (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) (Cough Formula Dm) (Allfen) (Maxiphen) (M-Clear Wc) (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) (Robitussin) (Cough Formula Dm) (Guaifenesin/Dextr omethorphan) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 3 $0 3 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 3 3 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 92 Name of Drug robitussin pediatric * rydex * rynex dm * safe tussin dm * scot-tussin dm * scot-tussin expectorant * siltussin sa * siltussin-dm * sudogest * suphedrin * oral suphedrine pe day-night * suphedrine severe cold max str * (Dextromethorphan Hbr) (Bromphenira/Pseu doephed/Codein) (Brompheniram/Ph enylephrine/Dm) (G-Zyncof) (Vicks Children'S Nyquil) (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) (Cough Formula Dm) (Sudafed 12-Hour) (Pseudoephedrine HCl) (Diphenhydram/Pe/ Dm/Acetamin/Gg) (Dm/Pseudoephed/ Acetaminophen) THERAFLU DAYTIME COLDCOUGH * THERAFLU MULTI-SYMPTOM COLD * triacting m-sym cold/cough * triaminic cold & cough (pe) * (D-Methorphan Hb/P-Ephed HCl/Cp) (Dextromethorphan /Phenylephrine) TRIAMINIC COUGH-SORE THROAT * Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 93 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (Giltuss) (Guaifenesin/Dm/P seudoephedrine) (Guaifenesin/Dm/P seudoephedrine) (Robitussin) 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (G-Zyncof) 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug tri-dex pe * trymine cg * tusnel diabetic * TUSNEL NEW FORMULA * ORAL SOLUTION TUSNEL PEDIATRIC * ORAL LIQUID TUSSI PRES-B * ORAL LIQUID 4-10-30 MG/5 ML tussin cf cough-cold * tussin cf * oral tussin cold-congestion * tussin cough (dm only) * oral tussin dm cough & chest * oral liquid 10-200 mg/5 ml tussin dm * oral tussin maximum strength * tussin pe * oral liquid valu-tapp dm * (Dm/Phenyleph/Ch lorpheniramine) (M-Clear Wc) (G-Zyncof) (Cough Formula Dm) (Dextromethorphan Hbr) (Despec) (D-Methorphan Hb/P-Epd HCl/Bpm) VANACOF * vicks dayquil cold&flu relief * oral capsule vicks dayquil cough * vicks nature fusion cough * (DMethorphan/Pe/Ac etaminophen) (Dextromethorphan Hbr) (Dextromethorphan Hbr) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 94 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (G-Zyncof) 4 3 4 $0 $0 $0 (Evoxac) 1 $0 (Peridex) 1 $0 (Salagen) 1 3 $0 $0 (Sodium Fluoride) 3 $0 (Triamcinolone Acetonide) 1 $0 2 1 $0 $0 Name of Drug vicks nyquil severe cold-flu * oral liquid virdec dm * virtussin ac * wal-phed * oral tablet 30 mg wal-phed pe day-night * wal-tussin cough & cold cf * wal-tussin cough * oral capsule wal-tussin cough * oral liquid wal-tussin dm * zephrex-d * ZONATUSS * zyncof * oral liquid (Dm/Pe/Acetamino phen/Doxylamine) (Dm/Phenyleph/Ch lorpheniramine) (M-Clear Wc) (Sudafed 12-Hour) (Diphenhydram/Pe/ Dm/Acetamin/Gg) (Giltuss) (Robitussin) (Dextromethorphan Hbr) (Cough Formula Dm) (Sudafed 12-Hour) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Dental And Oral Agents Dental And Oral Agents cevimeline chlorhexidine gluconate mucous membrane mouthwash 0.12 % pilocarpine hcl oral PREVIDENT 5000 SENSITIVE * sodium fluoride * oral tablet,chewable 0.25 mg fluorid (0.55 mg) triamcinolone acetonide dental Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents, Other 8-MOP acitretin (Soriatane) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 95 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Benzoyl Peroxide) 4 $0 (Benzoyl Peroxide) 4 $0 4 $0 4 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (Lac-Hydrin) 1 $0 (Lac-Hydrin) 1 $0 2 $0 (Benzoyl Peroxide) 4 $0 (Calcipotriene) (Dovonex) (Calcipotriene) (Vectical) 4 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug acne medication * topical gel 10 % acne medication * topical lotion 10 % ACNE MEDICATION * TOPICAL LOTION 5 % acne-clear * acyclovir topical ALCOHOL PADS ALCOHOL PREP PADS amlactin * topical lotion ammonium lactate * 12% cream fragrance free (otc) ammonium lactate * 12% lotion (otc) ammonium lactate topical cream 12 % ammonium lactate topical lotion 12 % ANACAINE benzoyl peroxide * topical gel 10 %, 5% BETADINE SPRAY * calcipotriene scalp calcipotriene topical cream calcipotriene topical ointment calcitriol topical CASTELLANI PAINT MODIFIED * CONDYLOX TOPICAL GEL COSENTYX (2 SYRINGES) COSENTYX PEN COSENTYX PEN (2 PENS) FLUOROPLEX (Benzoyl Peroxide) (Zovirax) (Ammonium Lactate) (Ammonium Lactate) (Ammonium Lactate) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (30 per 30 days) PA PA PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 96 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Carac) (Fluorouracil) (Ammonium Lactate) 1 1 $0 $0 4 $0 (Aldara) 1 $0 (Isotretinoin) 1 $0 4 4 1 2 4 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 $0 4 $0 2 2 4 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Bacitracin) 4 $0 (Bacitracin) 4 $0 (Cleocin T) 1 $0 Name of Drug fluorouracil topical cream fluorouracil topical solution geri-hydrolac * topical imiquimod isotretinoin oral capsule 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg LACTINOL HX * lobana bath * methoxsalen rapid PANRETIN persa-gel * PICATO TOPICAL GEL 0.015 % PICATO TOPICAL GEL 0.05 % podofilox podophyllum resin potassium hydroxide (Mineral Oil) (Oxsoralen-Ultra) (Benzoyl Peroxide) (Condylox) (Podophyllum Resin) (Potassium Hydroxide) SANTYL skin treatment * TOLAK VALCHLOR zinc oxide * topical ointment ZOVIRAX TOPICAL CREAM Dermatological Antibacterials bacitracin * topical bacitraycin plus * topical ointment 500 unit/gram clindamycin phosphate topical gel (Ammonium Lactate) (Boudreauxs) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA NSO; QL (24 per 30 days) QL (3 per 56 days) QL (2 per 56 days) QL (15 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 97 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use clindamycin phosphate topical (Cleocin T) 1 $0 lotion clindamycin phosphate topical (Cleocin T) 1 $0 solution clindamycin phosphate topical swab (Cleocin T) 1 $0 (Erythromycin erythromycin base-ethanol 1 $0 Base/Ethanol) erythromycin with ethanol topical (Emgel) 1 $0 gel erythromycin with ethanol topical (Erythromycin 1 $0 solution Base/Ethanol) erythromycin with ethanol topical (Erythromycin 1 $0 swab Base/Ethanol) (Gentamicin gentamicin topical 1 $0 Sulfate) metronidazole topical (Metrocream) 1 $0 metronidazole topical (Rosadan) 1 $0 metronidazole topical (Metrolotion) 1 $0 mupirocin (Centany) 1 $0 mupirocin calcium (Bactroban) 1 $0 (Neosporin G.U. neomycin-polymyxin b gu 1 $0 Irrigant) (Neomycin neosporin (neo-bac-polym) * topical Su/Bacitrac 4 $0 Zn/Poly) selenium sulfide (Selenium Sulfide) 1 $0 (Silver Nitrate silver nitrate applicators 1 $0 Applicator) silver nitrate topical (Silver Nitrate) 1 $0 silver sulfadiazine topical cream 1 (Silvadene) 1 $0 % sulfacetamide sodium (acne) (Klaron) 1 $0 (Neomycin triple antibiotic * topical ointment Su/Bacitrac 4 $0 Zn/Poly) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 98 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 4 4 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Diprolene AF) 1 $0 (Betamethasone Dipropionate) 1 $0 (Diprolene) 1 $0 (Diprolene) 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Dermatological AntiInflammatory Agents alclometasone aquanil hc * beta-hc * betamethasone dipropionate betamethasone valerate topical cream betamethasone valerate topical foam betamethasone valerate topical lotion betamethasone valerate topical ointment betamethasone, augmented topical cream betamethasone, augmented topical gel betamethasone, augmented topical lotion betamethasone, augmented topical ointment clobetasol propionate scalp solution 0.05 % clobetasol scalp clobetasol topical cream clobetasol topical foam clobetasol topical gel clobetasol topical lotion clobetasol topical ointment clobetasol topical shampoo (Alclometasone Dipropionate) (Cortizone-10) (Cortizone-10) (Betamethasone Dipropionate) (Betamethasone Valerate) (Luxiq) (Betamethasone Valerate) (Betamethasone Valerate) (Clobetasol Propionate) (Clobetasol Propionate) (Temovate) (Olux) (Clobetasol Propionate) (Clobex) (Temovate) (Clobex) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 99 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 1 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Hydrocortisone) 4 $0 (Hydrocortisone) 4 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug clobetasol-emollient topical clocortolone pivalate cortizone-10 * topical cream CORTIZONE-10 * TOPICAL LOTION cortizone-10 * topical ointment dermarest eczema (hydrocort) * desonide topical cream desonide topical ointment desoximetasone ELIDEL fluocinonide topical cream 0.05 % fluocinonide topical gel fluocinonide topical ointment fluocinonide topical solution fluocinonide-emollient base fluticasone topical cream fluticasone topical ointment halobetasol propionate hydrocortisone * 1% cream maximum strength (otc) hydrocortisone * 1% ointment carton (otc) hydrocortisone acet-aloe vera topical gel hydrocortisone acetate * topical cream 1 % hydrocortisone acetate-aloe * hydrocortisone acetate-urea hydrocortisone butyrate topical cream (Temovate) (Cloderm) (Hydrocortisone) (Hydrocortisone) (Cortizone-10) (Desowen) (Desonide) (Topicort) (Vanos) (Fluocinonide) (Fluocinonide) (Fluocinonide) (Vanos) (Cutivate) (Fluticasone Propionate) (Ultravate) (Hydrocortisone Acetate/Aloe V) (Hydrocortisone Acetate) (Hydrocortisone Acetate/Aloe V) (Hydrocortisone Acetate/Urea) (Hydrocortisone Butyrate) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 100 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Locoid) 1 $0 (Locoid) 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug hydrocortisone butyrate topical ointment hydrocortisone butyrate topical solution hydrocortisone butyr-emollient (Hydrocortisone Butyrate) (Anusol-HC) (Hydrocortisone) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use hydrocortisone rectal cream 1 % 1 $0 hydrocortisone rectal cream 2.5 % 1 $0 hydrocortisone rectal enema 100 (Cortenema) 1 $0 mg/60 ml hydrocortisone * topical cream 0.5 (Hydrocortisone) 4 $0 % hydrocortisone topical cream 1 %, (Anusol-HC) 1 $0 2.5 % hydrocortisone * topical lotion 1 % (Cortizone-10) 3 $0 hydrocortisone topical lotion 2 % (Scalacort) 1 $0 hydrocortisone * topical ointment (Hydrocortisone) 4 $0 0.5 % hydrocortisone topical ointment 1 (Hydrocortisone) 1 $0 %, 2.5 % hydrocortisone valerate topical (Hydrocortisone 1 $0 cream Valerate) hydrocortisone valerate topical (Westcort) 1 $0 ointment hydroskin * topical lotion (Cortizone-10) 4 $0 mometasone (Elocon) 1 $0 neosporin anti-itch * (Hydrocortisone) 4 $0 prednicarbate (Dermatop) 1 $0 preparation h hydrocortisone * (Hydrocortisone) 4 $0 recort plus * (Hydrocortisone) 4 $0 tacrolimus topical (Protopic) 1 $0 triamcinolone acetonide topical (Triamcinolone 1 $0 cream Acetonide) triamcinolone acetonide topical (Triamcinolone 1 $0 lotion Acetonide) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 101 Name of Drug triamcinolone acetonide topical ointment 0.025 %, 0.1 %, 0.5 % Dermatological Retinoids adapalene topical cream adapalene topical gel 0.1 % TAZORAC TOPICAL CREAM tretinoin microspheres tretinoin topical Scabicides And Pediculicides lice cream rinse * lice killing * lice treatment (permethrin) * lice treatment * topical liquid 1 % malathion permethrin topical cream permethrin * topical liquid (Triamcinolone Acetonide) (Differin) (Differin) (Retin-A Micro) (Retin-A) (Nix) (Piperonyl Butoxide/Pyrethrin s) (Nix) (Nix) (Ovide) (Elimite) (Nix) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 1 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 1 1 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA PA Devices Devices ASSURE ID INSULIN SAFETY SYRINGE BD ECLIPSE LUER-LOK SYRINGE 1 ML 27 X 1/2" BD INSULIN PEN NEEDLE UF SHORT BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAFINE SYRINGE 0.3 ML 31 X 5/16", 1 ML 31 X 5/16", 1/2 ML 31 X 5/16" INSULIN SYRINGE-NEEDLE U100 SYRINGE 0.3 ML 29, 1 ML 29 X 1/2", 1/2 ML 28 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 102 Name of Drug PEN NEEDLE, DIABETIC NEEDLE 29 GAUGE X 1/2 " VGO 40 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 4 $0 2 2 $0 $0 2 $0 2 2 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 1 $0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Disinfectants (For NonDermatologic Use) Disinfectants (For NonDermatologic Use) iodine * (Iodine) Enzyme Replacement/Modifiers Enzyme Replacement/Modifiers ADAGEN ALDURAZYME CEREZYME INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 400 UNIT CREON ELAPRASE ELITEK INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN FABRAZYME INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN KRYSTEXXA KUVAN ORAL TABLET,SOLUBLE lipase-protease-amylase (Lipase/Protease/A mylase) MYOZYME NAGLAZYME ORFADIN PULMOZYME STRENSIQ VIMIZIM VPRIV PA BvD PA PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 103 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you ZAVESCA ZENPEP ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 10,000-34,000 55,000 UNIT, 15,000-51,000 82,000 UNIT, 20,000-68,000 109,000 UNIT, 25,000-85,000136,000 UNIT, 3,000-10,00016,000 UNIT, 40,000-136,000218,000 UNIT 2 $0 2 $0 2 1 4 1 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 1 $0 $0 (Isopto Atropine) 1 $0 (Little Remedies) (Sodium Chloride) 4 4 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (90 per 30 days) Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Agents Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Agents, Miscellaneous AKTEN (PF) altacaine altamist * apraclonidine artificial tears (petro/min) * artificial tears (pf) * ophthalmic dropperette 0.1-0.3 % artificial tears (polyvin alc) * artificial tears * ophthalmic drops 0.1-0.3 % artificial tears(glycerin-peg) * artificial tears(hypromellose) * atropine ophthalmic drops atropine ophthalmic ointment atropine sulfate ophthalmic drops 1 % ayr saline * nasal aerosol,spray ayr saline * nasal drops (Tetcaine) (Little Remedies) (Iopidine) (Genteal Pm) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose/P F) (Polyvinyl Alcohol) (Tears Naturale) (Glycerin/Propylen e Glycol) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Isopto Atropine) (Atropine Sulfate) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 104 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Astepro) 1 $0 (Azelastine HCl) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose/P F) (Carteolol HCl) (Cromolyn Sodium) 1 $0 4 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 $0 1 2 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 (Isopto Homatropine) 1 $0 (Atrovent) 1 $0 (Atrovent) 1 $0 (Genteal Mild To Moderate) 4 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug azelastine nasal aerosol,spray 137 mcg azelastine ophthalmic bion tears (pf) * carteolol cromolyn ophthalmic CYCLOGYL OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.5 % cyclopentolate CYSTARAN deep sea nasal * dristan long lasting * epinastine eq gentle * (Cyclogyl) (Little Remedies) (Oxymetazoline HCl) (Elestat) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) GENTEAL MILD TO MODERATE * GENTEAL GEL * GENTEAL MILD * GENTEAL SEVERE * homatropine hbr ipratropium bromide nasal spray,non-aerosol 0.03 % ipratropium bromide nasal spray,non-aerosol 0.06 % isopto tears * LACRISERT Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (30 per 25 days) QL (30 per 28 days) QL (15 per 10 days) (Carboxymethylcel 4 $0 lulose Sodium) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. lubricant dry eye relief * Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 105 Name of Drug lubricant eye (cmc-glycer)(pf) * lubricant eye (cmc-glycerin) * lubricant eye (pg-peg 400) * lubricant eye (polyv alcohol) * lubricant eye (propyl glycol) * lubricant eye drops * ophthalmic dropperette lubricant eye drops * ophthalmic drops lubricant gel * lubricating drops * lubrifresh pm * muro 128 * naphazoline nasal decongestant (oxymetazl) * natural balance * natural tears (pf) * nature's tears * neo-synephrine 12 h spr (oxym) * nighttime relief eye * (Carboxymethylcel l/Glycerin/PF) (Refresh Optive) (Systane) (Polyvinyl Alcohol) (Propylene Glycol) (Carboxymethylcel lulose Sodium) (Refresh Tears) (Carboxymethylcel l/Hypromellose) (Refresh Optive) (Genteal Pm) (Sodium Chloride) (Naphazoline HCl) (Afrin) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose/P F) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Oxymetazoline HCl) (Petrolat,Wht/Min Oil/Sod Chl) (Little Remedies) (Patanol) (Mydfrin) (Proparacaine HCl) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 1 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ocean nasal * 4 $0 olopatadine ophthalmic 1 $0 phenylephrine hcl ophthalmic 1 $0 proparacaine 1 $0 proparacaine hcl ophthalmic drops (Proparacaine HCl) 1 $0 0.5 % You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 106 Name of Drug proparacaine-fluorescein sod pure & gentle eye * (Proparacaine/Fluo rescein Sod) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) REFRESH CELLUVISC * REFRESH CLASSIC (PF) * REFRESH LACRI-LUBE * REFRESH OPTIVE * OPHTHALMIC DROPS retaine cmc * saline mist * sea soft nasal mist * sodium chloride * ophthalmic SYSTANE * SYSTANE GEL * OPHTHALMIC DROPS,GEL tears again * ophthalmic drops tears again * ophthalmic ointment tears naturale free (pf) * tetracaine hcl (pf) ophthalmic ultra fresh pm * vicks qlearquil(oxymetazoline) * (Carboxymethylcel lulose Sodium) (Little Remedies) (Little Remedies) (Sodium Chloride) (Polyvinyl Alcohol) (Lanolin/Min Oil/Petrolat, Wht) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose/P F) (Tetracaine HCl/PF) (Lanolin/Min Oil/Petrolat, Wht) (Oxymetazoline HCl) (Afrin) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use vicks sinex 12-hour * 4 $0 Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Anti-Infectives Agents acetic acid otic (Acetic Acid) 1 $0 bacitracin ophthalmic (Bacitracin) 1 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 107 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 (Ilotycin) (Zymaxid) (Garamycin) 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Garamycin) 1 $0 (Levofloxacin) 1 2 2 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 Name of Drug bacitracin-polymyxin b ophthalmic CIPRODEX ciprofloxacin hcl ophthalmic ciprofloxacin hcl otic COLY-MYCIN S erythromycin ophthalmic gatifloxacin gentamicin ophthalmic gentamicin sulfate ophthalmic ointment 0.3 % (3 mg/gram) levofloxacin ophthalmic MOXEZA NATACYN neomy sulf-bacitrac zn-poly-hc neomycin-bacitracin-poly-hc neomycin-bacitracin-polymyxin neomycin-polymyxin b-dexameth neomycin-polymyxin-gramicidin neomycin-polymyxin-hc ophthalmic neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic drops,suspension neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic solution neo-polycin ofloxacin ophthalmic ofloxacin otic (Bacitracin/Polymy xin B Sulfate) (Ciloxan) (Cetraxal) (Neomycin Su/Baci Zn/Poly/HC) (Neomycin Su/Baci Zn/Poly/HC) (Neomycin Su/Bacitra/Polymy xin) (Maxitrol) (Neosporin) (Neomycin/Polymy xin B Sulf/HC) (Neomycin/Polymy xin B Sulf/HC) (Cortisporin) (Neomycin Su/Bacitra/Polymy xin) (Ocuflox) (Ocuflox) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 108 Name of Drug polymyxin b sulf-trimethoprim REFRESH OPTIVE ADVANCED * sulfacetamide sodium sulfacetamide sodium ophthalmic drops 10 % sulfacetamide-prednisolone TOBRADEX ST tobramycin trifluridine VIGAMOX ZIRGAN ZYLET Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Anti-Inflammatory Agents ALREX (Polytrim) (Sulfacetamide Sodium) (Sulfacetamide Sodium) (Sulfacetamide/Pre dnisolone Sp) (Tobrex) (Viroptic) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 4 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 1 1 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 bromfenac (Bromfenac Sodium) 1 $0 dexamethasone sodium phosphate ophthalmic (Dexasol) 1 $0 diclofenac sodium ophthalmic (Diclofenac Sodium) 1 $0 2 $0 (Flunisolide) 1 $0 (FML) (Ocufen) (Fluticasone Propionate) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 2 1 2 $0 $0 $0 DUREZOL flunisolide nasal spray,non-aerosol 25 mcg (0.025 %) fluorometholone flurbiprofen sodium fluticasone nasal ILEVRO ketorolac ophthalmic LOTEMAX (Acular) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST QL (50 per 25 days) QL (16 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 109 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 1 $0 $0 1 $0 2 2 $0 $0 (Phazyme) (Simethicone) (Gas-X) (Phazyme) (Gas-X) (Phazyme) (Gas-X) (Gas-X) (Gas-X) (Phazyme) (Simethicone) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Pepcid Ac) (Tagamet Hb) (Prevpac) (Cimetidine HCl) 4 4 1 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Cimetidine) 1 $0 Name of Drug NEVANAC prednisolone acetate prednisolone sodium phosphate ophthalmic PROLENSA RESTASIS (Omnipred) (Prednisolone Sod Phosphate) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (60 per 30 days) Gastrointestinal Agents Antiflatulents anti-gas maximum strength * bicarsim forte * gas relief extra strength * oral gas relief * oral capsule 125 mg gas relief * oral gas-x ultra-strength * mi-acid gas relief * mytab gas * mytab gas maximum strength * simethicone * oral capsule 180 mg simethicone * oral Antiulcer Agents And Acid Suppressants acid reducer (famotidine) * acid relief (cimetidine) * amoxicil-clarithromy-lansopraz CARAFATE ORAL SUSPENSION cimetidine hcl oral cimetidine oral tablet 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 800 mg cvs cimetidine * 200 mg tablet (otc) esomeprazole sodium famotidine (pf) (Rx Product Only) (Tagamet Hb) 4 $0 (Nexium I.V.) 1 $0 (Famotidine) 1 $0 (Famotidine In famotidine (pf)-nacl (iso-os) 1 $0 Nacl,Iso-Osm/PF) famotidine intravenous (Famotidine) 1 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 110 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Pepcid) 1 $0 (Prevacid 24hr) 4 $0 (Prevacid) 1 $0 (Cytotec) (Omeprazole Magnesium) 1 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug famotidine oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg lansoprazole * dr 15 mg capsule na/f (otc) lansoprazole oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 15 mg, 30 mg misoprostol omeprazole magnesium * Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use (Rx Product Only) (Rx Product Only) omeprazole oral capsule,delayed (Prilosec) 1 $0 release(dr/ec) omeprazole * oral tablet,delayed (Omeprazole) 4 $0 release (dr/ec) omeprazole-sodium bicarbonate (Rx Product Only) (Zegerid) 3 $0 oral capsule 20-1.1 mg-gram pantoprazole oral (Protonix) 1 $0 PRILOSEC OTC * 4 $0 pub famotidine * 20 mg tablet max (Pepcid Ac) 4 $0 strength (otc) ra omepraz-bicarb 20-1,100 cap (Zegerid Otc) 4 $0 3x14 day course (otc) ranitidine 150 mg tablet maximum (Zantac) 4 $0 strength (otc) ranitidine hcl injection (Zantac) 1 $0 (Rx Product Only) ranitidine hcl oral syrup (Ranitidine HCl) 1 $0 (Rx Product Only) ranitidine hcl oral tablet 150 mg, (Rx Product Only) (Zantac) 1 $0 300 mg ranitidine hcl * oral tablet 75 mg (Zantac) 4 $0 sucralfate oral suspension (Sucralfate) 1 $0 sucralfate oral tablet (Carafate) 1 $0 wal-zan 75 * (Zantac) 4 $0 ZANTAC 75 * 4 $0 ZANTAC * ORAL TABLET 150 4 $0 MG Gastrointestinal Agents, Other You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 111 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 2 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (Loperamide HCl) 4 $0 (Imodium A-D) 4 $0 (Pepto-Bismol) 4 $0 (Tums) 2 4 $0 $0 (Tums) 4 $0 (Tums) 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug acid gone antacid * almacone * oral suspension almacone-2 * aluminum hydroxide gel * oral suspension 320 mg/5 ml AMITIZA antacid anti-gas * oral suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml antacid anti-gas * oral antacid extra-strength * oral tablet,chewable 300 mg (750 mg) antacid plus extra strength * anti-diarrheal * anti-diarrheal (loperamide) * oral capsule anti-diarrheal (loperamide) * oral bismatrol * oral suspension 262 mg/15 ml BUPHENYL ORAL TABLET calci-chew * calcium antacid * oral tablet,chewable 200 mg calcium (500 mg) calcium carbonate * oral tablet,chewable 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) (Gaviscon) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Aluminum Hydroxide) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Calcium Carbonate/Simethi cone) (Tums) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Pepto-Bismol) (Calcium calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 * oral Carbonate/Vitamin tablet,chewable 500-100 mg-unit D3) cal-gest antacid * (Tums) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 112 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 4 $0 $0 4 $0 1 4 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 2 2 $0 $0 $0 (Maalox Maximum Strength) 4 $0 (Almacone) 4 $0 (Robinul) (Robinul) (Loperamide HCl) 1 1 4 4 4 1 2 1 4 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug CARBAGLU children's soothe * comfort gel extra strength * cromolyn oral diamode * dicyclomine oral capsule dicyclomine oral solution dicyclomine oral tablet diphenoxylate-atropine oral liquid diphenoxylate-atropine oral tablet flanax antacid * foaming antacid * GATTEX 30-VIAL GATTEX ONE-VIAL gelusil antacid & anti-gas * oral suspension gelusil antacid & anti-gas * oral tablet,chewable glycopyrrolate glycopyrrolate imodium a-d * oral liquid IMODIUM A-D * ORAL TABLET kaopectate (bismuth subsalicy) * lactulose LINZESS loperamide oral loperamide * oral LOTRONEX maalox advanced * oral suspension (Tums) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Gastrocrom) (Imodium A-D) (Bentyl) (Dicyclomine HCl) (Bentyl) (Diphenoxylate HCl/Atropine) (Lomotil) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Gaviscon) (Pepto-Bismol) (Lactulose) (Loperamide HCl) (Loperamide HCl) (Maalox Maximum Strength) MAGNEBIND 300 * Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA PA QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 113 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 2 2 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 2 $0 RELISTOR SUBCUTANEOUS 2 $0 RELISTOR SUBCUTANEOUS 2 $0 Name of Drug magnesium oxide * oral capsule 500 (Uromag) mg magnesium oxide * oral tablet 250 (Magox 400) mg, 400 mg, 500 mg (Maalox Maximum masanti double strength * Strength) (Methscopolamine methscopolamine oral Bromide) (Metoclopramide metoclopramide hcl injection HCl) (Metoclopramide metoclopramide hcl oral HCl) metoclopramide hcl oral (Reglan) mgo * (Magox 400) (Maalox Maximum mi-acid * oral suspension Strength) mi-acid * oral tablet,chewable (Rolaids) (Maalox Maximum mintox * Strength) (Maalox Maximum mintox maximum strength * Strength) mintox plus * (Almacone) MOVANTIK NUTRESTORE (Pepto-Bismol Topep-t-med * Go) phillips * (Magox 400) (Pepto-Bismol Topink bismuth * oral tablet,chewable Go) RAVICTI Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (30 per 30 days) PA PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 114 Name of Drug ri-gel ii * ri-mox * sodium bicarbonate * oral tablet 650 mg sodium polystyrene sulfonate oral powder sodium polystyrene sulfonate oral suspension 15 gram/60 ml sodium polystyrene sulfonate rectal enema 30 gram/120 ml soothe (bismuth subsalicylate) * oral soothe regular strength * stomach relief * oral ultra strength antacid * ursodiol oral capsule ursodiol oral tablet Laxatives alophen * bisac-evac * bisacodyl * oral bisacodyl * rectal biscolax * clearlax * oral colace * oral capsule 100 mg doc-q-lace * docu * docusate sodium * oral (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Sodium Bicarbonate) (Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate) (Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate) (Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate) (Bismuth Subsalicylate) (Pepto-Bismol) (Bismuth Subsalicylate) (Tums) (Actigall) (Urso) (Dulcolax) (Dulcolax) (Dulcolax) (Dulcolax) (Dulcolax) (Gavilax) (Sof-Lax) (Sof-Lax) (Docusate Sodium) (Docusate Sodium) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 1 1 $0 $0 $0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 115 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Docusate Sodium) (Sof-Lax) (Docusate Sodium) (Sof-Lax) (Enema) 4 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Enema) 4 $0 (Docusate Sodium) (Docusol Plus) (Calcium Polycarbophil) (Fibercon) (Citrucel) (Psyllium Seed) (Psyllium Seed (With Sugar)) 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 (Citrucel) 4 $0 (Citrucel) (Fibercon) 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug docusol * dok * oral capsule dok * oral tablet dulcolax stool softener (dss) * enema disposable * enema * rectal enema * 19-7 gram/118 ml enemeez * enemeez plus * equalactin * fiber (calcium polycarbophil) * fiber laxative (methylcellulo) * fiber smooth * fiber therapy (psyllium/sugar) * fiber therapy * oral powder 2 gram/19 gram fiber therapy * oral tablet fiber-lax * FLEET BISACODYL * gentlelax * glycolax * oral powder healthylax * hydrocil instant * konsyl (sugar) * oral konsyl fiber * KONSYL SUGAR-FREE * ORAL POWDER IN PACKET laxative peg 3350 * oral powder milk of magnesia * mineral oil laxative * (Gavilax) (Gavilax) (Miralax) (Psyllium Seed) (Psyllium Husk (With Sugar)) (Fibercon) (Gavilax) (Milk Of Magnesia) (Mineral Oil) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 116 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 $0 (Miralax) 4 $0 (Docusate Sodium) (Gavilax) (Miralax) (Psyllium Seed (With Sugar)) (Sennosides) (Senokot) (Senokot) (Senokot) (Sennosides) (Sennosides) (Sennosides/Docus ate Sodium) (Sennosides/Docus ate Sodium) (Docusate Sodium) 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug MOVIPREP natural fiber laxative therapy * oral saline laxative * oral peg 3350-electrolytes peg 3350-na sulf,bicarb,cl-kcl peg-electrolyte soln peri-colace * phillips liqui-gels * phosphate laxative * oral polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder polyethylene glycol 3350 * oral powder in packet promolaxin * purelax * oral powder purelax * oral powder in packet reguloid * oral powder senexon * oral syrup senexon * oral tablet senna lax * senna laxative * oral tablet 8.6 mg senna * oral capsule senna * oral syrup 8.8 mg/5 ml senna with docusate sodium * senokot-s * silace * (Psyllium Seed (With Sugar)) (Na Phos,M-B/Na Phos,Di-Ba) (Golytely) (Golytely) (Nulytely with Flavor Packs) (Sennosides/Docus ate Sodium) (Sof-Lax) (Na Phos,M-B/Na Phos,Di-Ba) (Polyethylene Glycol 3350) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 117 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Miralax) (Nulytely with Flavor Packs) (Surfak) (Dulcolax) 4 $0 1 $0 4 4 $0 $0 (Phoslo) (Calcium Acetate) (Calcium Carbonate/Mag Carb/Fa) (Calcium Acetate) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 4 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 (Oxybutynin Chloride) 1 $0 (Ditropan XL) 1 $0 (Detrol LA) 1 $0 (Detrol) 1 2 $0 $0 (Trospium Chloride) 1 $0 (Uroxatral) (Flomax) (Terazosin HCl) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 Name of Drug smoothlax * oral sodium chloride-nahco3-kcl-peg oral recon soln 420 gram stool softener * oral capsule 240 mg the magic bullet * Phosphate Binders calcium acetate oral capsule calcium acetate oral tablet 667 mg calcium carbonate-mag carb-fa calphron * PHOSLYRA RENAGEL RENVELA Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Genitourinary Agents Antispasmodics, Urinary MYRBETRIQ oxybutynin chloride oral tablet oxybutynin chloride oral tablet extended release 24hr tolterodine oral capsule,extended release 24hr tolterodine oral tablet TOVIAZ trospium Genitourinary Agents, Miscellaneous alfuzosin tamsulosin terazosin Heavy Metal Antagonists You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 118 Name of Drug Heavy Metal Antagonists deferoxamine injection recon soln DEPEN TITRATABS EXJADE FERRIPROX sodium thiosulfate intravenous solution 1 gram/10 ml (100 mg/ml), 12.5 gram/50 ml (250 mg/ml) SYPRINE (Desferal) (Sodium Thiosulfate) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modif ying Androgens ANDRODERM ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN METERED-DOSE PUMP 20.25 MG/1.25 GRAM (1.62 %) ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN PACKET 1.62 % (20.25 MG/1.25 GRAM), 1.62 % (40.5 MG/2.5 GRAM) danazol oral fluoxymesterone oxandrolone testosterone cypionate testosterone enanthate testosterone transdermal gel in packet 1 % (25 mg/2.5gram) Estrogens And Antiestrogens 2 $0 (Danazol) (Fluoxymesterone) (Oxandrin) (DepoTestosterone) (Delatestryl) 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Androgel) 1 $0 2 $0 COMBIPATCH PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (150 per 30 days) PA; QL (150 per 30 days) PA PA; QL (5 per 28 days) PA; QL (300 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (8 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 119 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you $0 $0 $0 DUAVEE ESTRACE VAGINAL estradiol oral estradiol transdermal patch semiweekly (Estrace) 2 2 1 (Vivelle-Dot) 1 $0 estradiol transdermal patch weekly (Climara) 1 $0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 estradiol valerate (Delestrogen) estradiol/norethindrone acet (Activella) estradiol-norethindrone acet (Activella) estropipate (Ogen) FEMRING MENEST PREMARIN INJECTION PREMARIN ORAL PREMARIN VAGINAL PREMPHASE PREMPRO raloxifene (Evista) VAGIFEM Glucocorticoids/Mineralocorticoids betamethasone acet,sod phos (Celestone) cortisone (Cortisone Acetate) dexamethasone oral (Dexamethasone) dexamethasone oral (Dexamethasone) dexamethasone sodium phosphate (Dexamethasone injection solution Sod Phosphate) (Fludrocortisone fludrocortisone Acetate) hydrocortisone oral (Cortef) (Hydrocortisone hydrocortisone sod succinate Sod Succinate) methylprednisolone (Medrol) methylprednisolone acetate (Depo-Medrol) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA-HRM PA-HRM PA-HRM; QL (8 per 28 days) PA-HRM; QL (4 per 28 days) PA-HRM PA-HRM PA-HRM QL (1 per 84 days) PA-HRM PA-HRM PA-HRM PA-HRM QL (18 per 28 days) PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 120 Tier level What the drug will cost you (A-Methapred) 1 $0 (A-Methapred) 1 $0 (Pediapred) 1 $0 (Prednisone) 1 $0 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 2 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug methylprednisolone sodium succ injection recon soln 125 mg, 40 mg methylprednisolone sodium succ intravenous prednisolone sodium phosphate oral solution prednisone SOLU-CORTEF (PF) INJECTION RECON SOLN 100 MG/2 ML triamcinolone acetonide injection (Triamcinolone Acetonide) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD PA BvD Pituitary desmopressin injection desmopressin nasal desmopressin nasal desmopressin oral GENOTROPIN GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK INCRELEX LUPRON DEPOT-PED LUPRON DEPOT-PED (3 MONTH) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO NORDITROPIN NORDIFLEX octreotide acetate injection solution 1,000 mcg/ml, 100 mcg/ml, 200 mcg/ml, 500 mcg/ml octreotide acetate injection solution 50 mcg/ml octreotide acetate injection syringe SAIZEN (Desmopressin Acetate) (DDAVP) (Desmopressin Acetate) (DDAVP) QL (15 per 30 days) QL (15 per 30 days) PA PA QL (1 per 84 days) (Sandostatin) (Octreotide Acetate) (Octreotide Acetate) PA PA 2 $0 PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 121 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you SAIZEN CLICK.EASY SANDOSTATIN LAR DEPOT INTRAMUSCULAR KIT SEROSTIM SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 4 MG, 5 MG, 6 MG SOMATULINE DEPOT SOMAVERT SUPPRELIN LA Progestins DEPO-PROVERA INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION medroxyprogesterone intramuscular medroxyprogesterone oral MEGACE ES megestrol oral suspension norethindrone acetate progesterone progesterone micronized capsules Thyroid And Antithyroid Agents 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 Immunological Agents ARCALYST ASTAGRAF XL 2 2 $0 $0 AUBAGIO 2 $0 1 $0 (Depo-Provera) (Provera) (Megace Es) (Aygestin) (Progesterone) (Prometrium) (Levothyroxine Sodium) levothyroxine oral (Levoxyl) liothyronine oral (Cytomel) methimazole oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg (Tapazole) propylthiouracil (Propylthiouracil) levothyroxine intravenous Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA PA QL (1 per 28 days) QL (1 per 360 days) QL (10 per 28 days) QL (1 per 84 days) Immunological Agents azathioprine (Imuran) PA BvD PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 122 Name of Drug azathioprine sodium CARIMUNE NF NANOFILTERED INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS CIMZIA CIMZIA POWDER FOR RECONST cyclosporine intravenous cyclosporine modified cyclosporine oral capsule cyclosporine, modified ENBREL ENBREL SURECLICK FLEBOGAMMA DIF GAMASTAN S/D GAMMAGARD LIQUID GAMMAPLEX HUMIRA HUMIRA PEN HUMIRA PEN CROHN'S-UC-HS START HYPERRAB S/D (PF) HYQVIA ILARIS (PF) IMOGAM RABIES-HT (PF) (Azathioprine Sodium) (Sandimmune) (Neoral) (Sandimmune) (Neoral) KINERET leflunomide mycophenolate mofetil mycophenolate sodium NULOJIX OCTAGAM ORENCIA (Arava) (Cellcept) (Myfortic) Tier level What the drug will cost you Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use 1 $0 2 $0 2 2 $0 $0 2 $0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 PA BvD PA 2 $0 PA; QL (18.76 per 28 days) 1 1 1 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA PA PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA PA PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA PA PA PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 123 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TYSABRI 2 $0 ZORTRESS 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 ENGERIX-B (PF) 2 $0 ENGERIX-B PEDIATRIC (PF) 2 $0 GARDASIL (PF) GARDASIL 9 (PF) HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE IMOVAX RABIES VACCINE (PF) 2 2 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug ORENCIA (WITH MALTOSE) PRIVIGEN PROGRAF INTRAVENOUS RAPAMUNE ORAL SOLUTION RIDAURA sirolimus tacrolimus oral (Rapamune) (Hecoria) Vaccines ACTHIB (PF) ADACEL(TDAP ADOLESN/ADULT)(PF) BCG VACCINE, LIVE (PF) BEXSERO (PF) BOOSTRIX TDAP CERVARIX VACCINE (PF) COMVAX (PF) DAPTACEL (DTAP PEDIATRIC) (PF) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD PA; LA; QL (15 per 28 days) PA BvD; QL (120 per 30 days) PA BvD PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) QL (1.5 per 365 days) QL (1.5 per 365 days) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 124 Name of Drug INFANRIX (DTAP) (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR IPOL INJECTION SUSPENSION IXIARO (PF) KINRIX (PF) MENACTRA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION MENHIBRIX (PF) MENOMUNE - A/C/Y/W-135 (PF) MENVEO A-C-Y-W-135-DIP (PF) MENVEO MENA COMPONENT (PF) MENVEO MENCYW-135 COMPNT (PF) M-M-R II (PF) PEDIARIX (PF) PEDVAX HIB (PF) PENTACEL (PF) PENTACEL ACTHIB COMPONENT (PF) PROQUAD (PF) QUADRACEL (PF) RABAVERT (PF) RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 10 MCG/ML, 40 MCG/ML RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE ROTARIX ROTATEQ VACCINE TENIVAC (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 $0 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 2 $0 $0 2 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (2 per 365 days) QL (2 per 365 days) PA BvD PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 125 Name of Drug TETANUS TOXOID,ADSORBED (PF) TETANUS,DIPHTHERIA TOX PED(PF) TETANUS-DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDS-TD TICE BCG TRUMENBA TWINRIX (PF) TYPHIM VI VAQTA (PF) VARIVAX (PF) YF-VAX (PF) ZOSTAVAX (PF) Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 2 1 1 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD PA BvD QL (2 per 365 days) QL (1 per 365 days) Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents APRISO ASACOL HD balsalazide budesonide oral DELZICOL DIPENTUM (Colazal) (Entocort EC) ST Irrigating Solutions Irrigating Solutions acetic acid irrigation LACTATED RINGERS IRRIGATION ringers irrigation sodium chloride irrigation sorbitol irrigation (Acetic Acid) (Ringers Solution) (Sodium Chloride Irrig Solution) (Sorbitol Solution) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 126 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 (Alendronate Sodium) 1 $0 (Fosamax) 1 $0 (Fosamax) 1 $0 (Miacalcin) 1 $0 Name of Drug sorbitol-mannitol water for irrigation, sterile (Mannitol/Sorbitol Solution) (Water For Irrigation,Sterile) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Metabolic Bone Disease Agents Metabolic Bone Disease Agents alendronate oral solution alendronate oral tablet 10 mg, 40 mg, 5 mg alendronate oral tablet 35 mg, 70 mg calcitonin (salmon) calcitriol intravenous solution 1 mcg/ml QL (300 per 28 days) QL (4 per 28 days) QL (3.7 per 28 days) PA BvD; (PA for (Calcitriol) 1 $0 ESRD Only) PA BvD; (PA for calcitriol oral (Rocaltrol) 1 $0 ESRD Only) PA BvD; (PA for doxercalciferol intravenous (Doxercalciferol) 1 $0 ESRD Only) PA BvD; (PA for doxercalciferol oral (Hectorol) 1 $0 ESRD Only) PA; QL (2.4 per 28 FORTEO 2 $0 days) FORTICAL 2 $0 QL (3.7 per 28 days) PA BvD; (PA for (Ibandronate ibandronate intravenous solution 1 $0 ESRD Only); QL (3 Sodium) per 84 days) PA BvD; QL (3 per 84 ibandronate intravenous syringe (Boniva) 1 $0 days) ibandronate oral (Boniva) 1 $0 QL (1 per 28 days) PA BvD; (PA for MIACALCIN INJECTION 2 $0 ESRD Only) NATPARA 2 $0 PA; QL (2 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 127 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Zemplar) 1 $0 (Actonel) (Actonel) 2 1 1 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 (Zometa) (Zoledronic Acid/Mannitol and Water) 1 $0 1 $0 (Reclast) 1 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug paricalcitol oral PROLIA risedronate oral tablet 150 mg risedronate oral tablet 30 mg, 5 mg ZEMPLAR INTRAVENOUS zoledronic acid intravenous zoledronic acid-mannitol-water intravenous piggyback zoledronic acid-mannitol-water intravenous solution ZOMETA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 4 MG/100 ML Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) QL (1 per 180 days) QL (1 per 28 days) QL (30 per 28 days) PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) QL (100 per 300 days) PA BvD Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents ACTEMRA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 200 MG/10 ML (20 MG/ML) ACTEMRA SUBCUTANEOUS ACTIMMUNE allopurinol (Zyloprim) (Amifostine amifostine crystalline Crystalline) (Citrate Phosphate anticoag citrate phos dextrose Dextros Soln) AVONEX (WITH ALBUMIN) AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR BENLYSTA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN PA 2 $0 2 2 1 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 PA ST ST ST PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 128 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 1 1 2 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 2 $0 (Acetic Acid) (Droperidol) (Avodart) (Jalyn) 2 4 1 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Ergoloid Mesylates) 1 $0 (Acetic Acid) (Acetic Acid) (Proscar) (Fomepizole) 2 4 4 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 GILENYA 2 $0 GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT (HUMAN) guanidine hydroxyzine hcl intramuscular hydroxyzine hcl oral solution 10 mg/5 ml 2 $0 2 $0 (Guanidine HCl) (Hydroxyzine HCl) 1 1 $0 $0 (Hydroxyzine HCl) 1 $0 Name of Drug BETASERON SUBCUTANEOUS bethanechol chloride buspirone CERDELGA colchicine oral tablet colchicine-probenecid COPAXONE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE CYSTADANE douche vinegar & water extra * droperidol injection solution dutasteride dutasteride-tamsulosin ELMIRON ergoloid EXTAVIA SUBCUTANEOUS extra cleansing douche * feminine care douche * finasteride oral tablet 5 mg fomepizole FUSILEV GAUZE PAD TOPICAL BANDAGE 2 X 2 " (Urecholine) (Buspirone HCl) (Colcrys) (Colchicine/Proben ecid) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ST PA QL (30 per 30 days) ST PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA-HRM PA-HRM You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 129 Tier level What the drug will cost you Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 KEVEYIS 2 $0 LEMTRADA leucovorin calcium injection recon soln 100 mg, 200 mg, 350 mg 2 $0 PA-HRM PA-HRM QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug hydroxyzine hcl oral tablet hydroxyzine pamoate JALYN leucovorin calcium oral levocarnitine (with sugar) (Hydroxyzine HCl) (Vistaril) (Leucovorin Calcium) (Leucovorin Calcium) (Levocarnitine (With Sugar)) levocarnitine oral (Carnitor) 1 $0 mesna MESNEX ORAL MESTINON ORAL SYRUP MESTINON TIMESPAN MINERAL OIL * mineral oil * topical (Mesnex) 1 2 2 2 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 OTEZLA 2 $0 OTEZLA STARTER 2 $0 OTREXUP (PF) PLEGRIDY probenecid PROCYSBI pyridostigmine bromide oral tablet RASUVO (PF) REBIF (WITH ALBUMIN) REBIF REBIDOSE 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 morrhuate sodium (Mineral Oil) (Sodium Morrhuate) (Probenecid) (Mestinon) PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) ST You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 130 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 1 $0 (Acetic Acid) 4 $0 (Acetic Acid) 4 2 $0 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug REBIF TITRATION PACK REMICADE SENSIPAR SIGNIFOR SIMPONI SIMPONI ARIA STELARA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE STERILE PADS TOPICAL BANDAGE 2 X 2 " summer's eve disposable douche * vaginal solution summers eve extra cleansing * SYNAREL TECFIDERA ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 120 MG TECFIDERA ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 120 MG (14)240 MG (46), 240 MG 2 $0 THALOMID 2 $0 TYBOST 2 $0 ULORIC 2 $0 XELJANZ 2 $0 (Diamox Sequels) 1 $0 (Acetazolamide) 1 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA QL (60 per 30 days) PA PA PA PA; QL (14 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) ST; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) Ophthalmic Agents Antiglaucoma Agents acetazolamide oral capsule, extended release acetazolamide oral tablet You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 131 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 2 $0 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 (Neptazane) (Metipranolol) 1 1 2 $0 $0 $0 (Isopto Carpine) 1 $0 (Timoptic) 2 1 $0 $0 (Timoptic-Xe) 1 $0 Name of Drug acetazolamide sodium ALPHAGAN P OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.1 % AZOPT betaxolol ophthalmic bimatoprost brimonidine COMBIGAN dorzolamide dorzolamide-timolol latanoprost levobunolol LUMIGAN OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.01 % methazolamide oral metipranolol PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE pilocarpine hcl ophthalmic drops 1 %, 2 %, 4 % SIMBRINZA timolol maleate ophthalmic drops timolol maleate ophthalmic gel forming solution TRAVATAN Z travoprost (benzalkonium) (Acetazolamide Sodium) (Betaxolol HCl) (Bimatoprost) (Alphagan P) (Trusopt) (Cosopt) (Xalatan) (Betagan) 2 $0 (Travoprost (Benzalkonium)) 1 $0 (Pyridostigmine Bromide) 1 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use (drops: 0.15%, 0.20%) QL (2.5 per 25 days) QL (2.5 per 25 days) QL (2.5 per 25 days) Parasympathomimetic (Cholinergic Agents) Parasympathomimetic (Cholinergic Agents) pyridostigmine bromide oral tablet extended release Replacement Preparations You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 132 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 (Caltrate 600 + D) 4 $0 (Caltrate 600 + D) (Calcium Carbonate) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) (Caltrate 600 + D) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) (Calcium Carbonate) (Calcium Carbonate) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D2) 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) 4 $0 (Caltrate 600 + D) 4 $0 Name of Drug Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Replacement Preparations ca-d3-mag ox-zinc-cop-mang-bor * oral tablet,chewable calcitrate * calcium 500 + d (d3) * calcium 500 + d * oral tablet 500 mg(1,250mg) -400 unit calcium 500 with d * calcium 600 * calcium 600 + d(3) * oral capsule calcium 600 + d(3) * oral tablet calcium 600 with vitamin d3 * oral calcium carbonate * oral calcium carbonate * oral tablet 260 mg calcium (648 mg) calcium carbonate-vitamin d2 * calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 * oral capsule 600 mg(1,500mg) -100 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) -500 unit calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 * oral tablet 1,000 mg(2,500 mg)-800 unit, 500mg (1,250mg) -600 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) -800 unit (Ca/D3/Mag Ox/Zinc/Cop/Mang /Bor) (Calcium Citrate) (Caltrate 600 + D) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 133 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 (Calcium Chloride) (Citracal-Vitamin D) (Calcium Gluconate) (Calcium Gluconate) 1 $0 4 $0 1 $0 4 $0 (Calcium Lactate) 4 $0 (Caltrate 600 + D) 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 1 $0 4 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Name of Drug calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 * oral tablet,chewable 500 mg(1,250mg) 400 unit calcium chloride intravenous calcium citrate-vitamin d3 * oral tablet 315-200 mg-unit calcium gluconate intravenous calcium gluconate * oral tablet 45 mg (500 mg) calcium lactate * oral tablet 84 mg (650 mg) calcium+d * oral tablet CALTRATE 600 + D * CALTRATE WITH VITAMIN D3 * (Calcium 600 + Vit D) (Citracal-Vitamin D) (Citric citric acid-sodium citrate Acid/Sodium Citrate) citrus calcium * oral tablet 315-250 (Citracal-Vitamin mg-unit D) (Dextrose 10 % d10 % & 0.45 % sodium chloride and 0.45 % NaCl) (Dextrose 2.5 % d2.5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride and 0.45 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5 % and d5 % and 0.9 % sodium chloride 0.9 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5 %-0.45 d5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride % NaCl) (Dextrose 10 % dextrose 10 % and 0.2 % nacl and 0.2 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5%dextrose 5 %-lactated ringers Lactated Ringers) citracal + d maximum * Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD; (PA for ESRD Only) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 134 Name of Drug dextrose 5%-0.2 % sod chloride dextrose 5%-0.3 % sod.chloride dextrose with sodium chloride electrolyte-48 in d5w hi-cal plus vit d * HYPERLYTE CR IONOSOL-B IN D5W IONOSOL-MB IN D5W ISOLYTE M IN 5 % DEXTROSE ISOLYTE-H IN 5 % DEXTROSE ISOLYTE-P IN 5 % DEXTROSE ISOLYTE-S KELP (IODINE) * (Dextrose 5 %-0.2 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5 % and 0.3 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5 %-0.2 % NaCl) (Electrolyte-48 Solution/D5W) (Caltrate 600 + D) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use (Potassium 1 $0 Chloride) (Potassium klor-con m10 1 $0 Chloride) (Potassium klor-con m15 1 $0 Chloride) (Potassium klor-con m20 1 $0 Chloride) klor-con sprinkle (Micro-K) 1 $0 (Calcium liquid calcium with vitamin d * Carbonate/Vitamin 4 $0 D3) mag 64 * (Slow-Mag) 4 $0 mag-delay * (Slow-Mag) 4 $0 mag-g * (Magonate) 4 $0 (Magnesium magnesium (oxide/aa chelate) * Oxide/Mag Aa 4 $0 Chelate) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. klor-con 10 Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 135 Name of Drug magnesium chloride injection magnesium gluconate * oral tablet magnesium * oral tablet 250 mg magnesium sulf in 0.45% nacl magnesium sulfate in d5w intravenous piggyback 1 gram/100 ml, 4 gram/100 ml magnesium sulfate in water magnesium sulfate injection natural calcium * NORMOSOL-M IN 5 % DEXTROSE NORMOSOL-R PH 7.4 NUTRILYTE NUTRILYTE II oysco 500/d * oral tablet oysco d * oysco-500 * oyster shell calcium 500 * oyster shell calcium with d * (Magnesium Chloride) (Magonate) (Magnesium) (Magnesium Sulf In 0.45% NaCl) (Magnesium Sulfate/D5W) (Magnesium Sulfate in Water) (Magnesium Sulfate) (Calcium Carbonate) (Caltrate 600 + D) (Caltrate 600 + D) (Calcium Carbonate) (Calcium Carbonate) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D2) (Caltrate 600 + D) (Caltrate 600 + D) (Pedialyte) (Pedialyte) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 4 4 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 4 $0 2 $0 2 2 2 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use oyster shell calcium-vit d3 * 4 $0 oystercal-d * 4 $0 pediatric electrolyte * oral solution 4 $0 pediatric freezer pops * 4 $0 PHOS-NAK * 4 $0 phosphorus #1 (K-Phos Neutral) 1 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 136 Tier level What the drug will cost you 2 2 $0 $0 2 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (K-Tab ER) 1 $0 (K-Tab ER) 1 $0 (Potassium Chloride) 1 $0 Name of Drug PLASMA-LYTE 148 PLASMA-LYTE A PLASMA-LYTE-56 IN 5 % DEXTROSE potassium acetate intravenous potassium bicarb and chloride potassium bicarb-citric acid potassium bicarbonate-cit ac oral tablet, effervescent 25 meq potassium chlorid-d5-0.45%nacl potassium chloride in 0.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l, 40 meq/l potassium chloride in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l, 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l potassium chloride in lr-d5 intravenous parenteral solution potassium chloride intravenous potassium chloride oral capsule, extended release potassium chloride oral liquid potassium chloride oral packet potassium chloride oral tablet extended release potassium chloride oral tablet,er particles/crystals 10 meq potassium chloride oral tablet,er particles/crystals 20 meq (Potassium Acetate) (Pot Chloride/Pot Bicarb/Cit Ac) (Klor-Con-Ef) (Klor-Con-Ef) (Potassium Chloride/D50.45nacl) (Potassium Chloride In 0.9%NaCl) (Potassium Chloride In D5w) (Potassium Chloride In Lr-D5) (Potassium Chloride) (Micro-K) (Potassium Chloride) (Klor-Con) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 137 Name of Drug (Potassium Chloride-0.45% NaCl) (Potassium potassium chloride-d5-0.2%nacl Chloride/D50.2%NaCl) potassium chloride-d5-0.3%nacl (Potassium intravenous parenteral solution 20 Chloride/D5meq/l 0.3%NaCl) (Potassium potassium chloride-d5-0.9%nacl Chloride/D50.9%NaCl) potassium citrate (Urocit-K) potassium citrate-citric acid oral (Potassium packet Citrate/Citric Acid) (Potassium potassium phosphate m-/d-basic Phos,M-Basic-DBasic) ringers intravenous (Ringers Solution) sodium acetate intravenous (Sodium Acetate) sodium bicarbonate intravenous (Sodium solution 1 meq/ml (8.4 %) Bicarbonate) sodium bicarbonate intravenous (Sodium syringe Bicarbonate) (Sodium Chloride sodium chloride 0.45 % intravenous 0.45 %) sodium chloride 0.9 % injection (0.9 % Sodium solution Chloride) (0.9 % Sodium sodium chloride 0.9 % intravenous Chloride) (Sodium Chloride sodium chloride 3 % 3 %) (Sodium Chloride sodium chloride 5 % 5 %) sodium chloride intravenous (Sodium Chloride) potassium chloride-0.45 % nacl Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 138 Name of Drug sodium citrate-citric acid sodium lactate sodium phosphate sod-pot-k cit-sod cit-cit acid (Citric Acid/Sodium Citrate) (Sodium Lactate) (Sodium Phos,MBasic-D-Basic) (Sod/Pot/K Cit/Sod Cit/Cit Acid) TPN ELECTROLYTES TPN ELECTROLYTES II Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 2 2 $0 $0 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use Respiratory Tract Agents Anti-Inflammatories, Inhaled Corticosteroids ADVAIR DISKUS ADVAIR HFA BREO ELLIPTA DULERA FLOVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 100 MCG/ACTUATION, 50 MCG/ACTUATION FLOVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 250 MCG/ACTUATION FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 110 MCG/ACTUATION FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 220 MCG/ACTUATION FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 44 MCG/ACTUATION QVAR Antileukotrienes QL (60 per 30 days) QL (12 per 28 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (13 per 28 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) 2 $0 QL (12 per 28 days) 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 2 $0 QL (24 per 28 days) QL (21.2 per 28 days) QL (17.4 per 25 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 139 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Singulair) (Accolate) 1 1 $0 $0 (Albuterol Sulfate) 1 $0 (Albuterol Sulfate) (Albuterol Sulfate) 1 1 $0 $0 (Vospire ER) 1 $0 2 2 $0 $0 1 $0 2 2 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 1 $0 (Theophylline Anhydrous) 1 $0 (Theophylline/D5 W) 1 $0 Name of Drug montelukast zafirlukast Bronchodilators albuterol sulfate inhalation solution for nebulization albuterol sulfate oral syrup albuterol sulfate oral tablet albuterol sulfate oral tablet extended release 12 hr ATROVENT HFA COMBIVENT RESPIMAT metaproterenol oral (Metaproterenol Sulfate) PROAIR HFA PROAIR RESPICLICK SEREVENT DISKUS SPIRIVA RESPIMAT SPIRIVA WITH HANDIHALER STRIVERDI RESPIMAT terbutaline oral terbutaline subcutaneous theophylline anhydrous oral tablet extended release 12 hr 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg theophylline in dextrose 5 % intravenous parenteral solution 200 mg/100 ml, 200 mg/50 ml, 400 mg/250 ml, 400 mg/500 ml, 800 mg/250 ml (Terbutaline Sulfate) (Terbutaline Sulfate) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA BvD QL (25.8 per 28 days) QL (8 per 30 days) QL (17 per 25 days) QL (2 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (4 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) (Theophylline 1 $0 Anhydrous) (Theophylline theophylline oral 1 $0 Anhydrous) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. theophylline oral Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 140 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 2 $0 QL (1 per 28 days) 1 1 $0 $0 1 $0 PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD 4 2 $0 $0 ESBRIET 2 $0 KALYDECO 2 $0 NUCALA OFEV 2 2 $0 $0 ORKAMBI 2 $0 PROLASTIN-C sodium chloride * inhalation solution for nebulization 0.9 % XOLAIR 2 $0 3 $0 2 $0 Name of Drug theophylline oral TUDORZA PRESSAIR Respiratory Tract Agents, Other acetylcysteine acetylcysteine cromolyn inhalation cromolyn * nasal DALIRESP (Theophylline Anhydrous) (Acetadote) (Acetadote) (Cromolyn Sodium) (Nasalcrom) (Pulmosal) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (270 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (1 per 28 days) PA PA; QL (120 per 30 days) PA Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Skeletal Muscle Relaxants baclofen (Baclofen) 1 $0 carisoprodol (Soma) 1 $0 chlorzoxazone (Parafon Forte DSC) 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 $0 cyclobenzaprine oral tablet 10 mg, 5 (Fexmid) mg dantrolene (Dantrium) dantrolene sodium (Dantrium) PA-HRM; QL (120 per 30 days) PA-HRM PA-HRM You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 141 Name of Drug metaxall metaxalone methocarbamol oral tizanidine (Skelaxin) (Skelaxin) (Robaxin) (Zanaflex) Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA-HRM PA-HRM PA-HRM Sleep Disorder Agents Sleep Disorder Agents BELSOMRA 2 $0 HETLIOZ NUVIGIL ROZEREM XYREM 2 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 zaleplon (Sonata) (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use with any nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic drug); QL (30 per 30 days) PA PA LA PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use with any nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic drug); QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 142 Name of Drug Tier level What the drug will cost you zolpidem oral tablet (Ambien) 1 $0 zolpidem oral tablet,ext release multiphase (Ambien CR) 1 $0 ADCIRCA 2 $0 ADEMPAS 2 $0 1 $0 LETAIRIS 2 $0 OPSUMIT 2 $0 ORENITRAM REMODULIN 2 2 $0 $0 1 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use with any nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic drug); QL (30 per 30 days) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use with any nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic drug); QL (30 per 30 days) Vasodilating Agents Vasodilating Agents epoprostenol (glycine) sildenafil intravenous (Flolan) (Revatio) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) PA BvD PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA PA BvD PA; QL (37.5 per 1 day) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 143 Tier level What the drug will cost you 1 $0 TRACLEER 2 $0 TYVASO TYVASO REFILL KIT TYVASO STARTER KIT 2 2 2 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 Name of Drug sildenafil oral (Revatio) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use PA; QL (90 per 30 days) PA; LA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD Vitamins And Minerals Vitamins And Minerals a thru z advanced formula * a thru z high potency * a thru z select 50+ formula * a thru z select * oral tablet (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Biocel) (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) a thru z select * oral tablet 300-600(Biocel) 300 mcg, 500-300-250 mcg (Multivits Wa thru z select women's * Fe,Other Min/Lut) abc plus * (Biocel) (One-A-Day adult multivitamin gummies * Vitacraves) (One-A-Day adult one daily gummies * Vitacraves) adults 50+ daily formula * (Biocel) (Multivitamin/Iron/ adults' daily formula * Folic Acid) (Vit A,C, and airshield * oral tablet, effervescent E/Dietary Supp 5,000-1000-30 unit-mg-unit No.12) animal chews * (Multivitamin) animal shape vitamins * (Multivitamin) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 144 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (Ascorbic Acid) 4 $0 (Ascorbic Acid) (Vitamin B Complex) (Vitamin B Complex) (Vitamin B Complex) (Dialyvite 800) (Vitamin B Complex) (B-12) (Vitamin B Complex) (Vitamin B Complex) (Vitamin B Complex) (Vitamin B Complex) (Vitamin B Complex) (Vitamin B Complex) 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug animal shapes plus iron * antioxidant * antioxidant vitamins * oral tablet 1,000 unit-200 mg-60 unit-2 mg apatate forte * ascorbic acid * oral tablet extended release 1,500 mg ascorbic acid * oral b complete * b complex 1 * b complex-vitamin b12 * b complex-vitamin c-folic acid * b-100 complex * oral tablet b-12 dots * b-50 complex * oral tablet bal b-100 * bal b-50 * balance b-100 * balance b-50 * balanced b-100 * oral (Multivitamins with Iron) (Beta-Carotene(A) W-C and E/Min) (Vit A,C and E/Lutein/Minerals) (Multivitamin with Minerals) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 145 Name of Drug (Vitamin B Complex/Folic Acid) (Vit B Complex balanced b-100 * oral tablet 100 mg 100 Cmb #3/Herbs) (Vitamin B balanced b-150 * Complex) (Vitamin B balanced b-50 complex * Complex) (Vitamin B balanced b-50 * oral tablet Complex) (Vitamin B b-complex * oral tablet Complex) b-complex with vitamin c * oral (B Complex with capsule Vitamin C) b-complex with vitamin c * oral (Vita-Bee with C) tablet b-complex with vitamin c * oral (Fa/Vit B Complex tablet 400-500 mcg-mg and C/Rice Bran) (Multivitamin with biosupp * Minerals) biotin * oral tablet 300 mcg (Biotin) (Multivitamin with biovol * Minerals) c complex * (Ascorbic Acid) calcidol * (Drisdol) (Multivits Wcentamin * Min/Ferrous Gluc) central vite with lutein * (Biocel) (Multivitamin central-vite for seniors * W/Iron, Minerals) central-vite * oral tablet 18-400 mg- (Multivitamin/Iron/ mcg Folic Acid) balanced b-100 * oral tablet 0.4 mg Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 146 Name of Drug central-vite select * oral tablet central-vite senior * centram-care * centravites 50 plus * centrum complete * centrum * oral liquid centrum silver * oral tablet century adults 50+ * century mature * oral tablet (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Biocel) (Multivits WMin/Ferrous Gluc) (Multivitamin W/Iron, Minerals) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivits WMin/Ferrous Gluc) (Biocel) (Biocel) (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) century mature * oral tablet 0.4300-250 mg-mcg-mcg, 500-300-250 (Biocel) mcg (Multivitamin/Iron/ century * oral tablet 18-400 mg-mcg Folic Acid) century ultimate women's * oral (Multivitamin/Iron/ tablet 18-400 mg-mcg Folic Acid) (Multivits Wcerovite * Min/Ferrous Gluc) (Multivitamin/Iron/ cerovite advanced formula * Folic Acid) certavite senior-antioxidant * (Biocel) certavite-antioxid (iron gluc) * oral (Multivits Wliquid 9 mg iron/15 ml Min/Ferrous Gluc) (Multivitamin/Iron/ certavite-antioxidant * Folic Acid) chewable multi vitamin * (Multivitamin) (Pedi Mv child complete multivitamin * No.58/Ferrous Fumarate) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 147 Name of Drug child vitamin with minerals * (Multivitamin W/Iron, Minerals) (Multivitamin) children's chewable * children's chewable complete * oral (Multivitamin) tablet,chewable children's chewable vitamin * (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin children's chewable w/minerals * W/Iron, Minerals) (Pedi Mv children's complete vitamin * No.67/Ferrous Fumarate) children's multivit w/extra c * (Multivitamin) childs chew vite * (Multivitamin) (Multivitamins child's vitamin with iron * with Iron) child's vitamin with vitamin c * (Multivitamin) (Multivitamins childs/iron * with Iron) cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) * oral capsule 1,000 unit, 10,000 unit, (D3-50) 5,000 unit cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) * oral (Just D) drops 5,000 unit/ml cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) * oral (Cholecalciferol liquid (Vitamin D3)) cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) * oral (Vitamin D3) tablet,chewable complete 50+ * (Biocel) complete multi 50+ * (Biocel) (Multivits,Th Wcomplete multivitamin * oral tablet Fe,Other Min) complete multivitamin * oral tablet (Biocel) 0.4-300-250 mg-mcg-mcg complete multivitamin-mineral * (Multivitamin/Iron/ oral tablet Folic Acid) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 148 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Multivitamin W/Iron, Minerals) 4 $0 (Biocel) 4 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug complete senior * oral tablet complete senior * oral tablet 0.4300-250 mg-mcg-mcg cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) * injection cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) * oral drops 1,000 mcg/ml cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) * oral tablet 1,000 mcg, 100 mcg, 250 mcg, 500 mcg daily gummies * daily multiple * oral tablet daily multiple * oral tablet 18-400 mg-mcg daily multi-vitamin * daily multivitamin with iron * daily multi-vitamins/iron * daily teen multi-vitamin * daily value * daily vitamin * daily vitamin formula * daily vitamin formula + iron * daily vitamin formula-minerals * daily vitamin with iron * daily vites/iron * daily-vite * (Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12)) (Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12)) (B-12) (One-A-Day Vitacraves) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivitamin) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 149 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin W/Iron, Minerals) (B1,B2,B3,B6,B12 /Dexpan/Zn/Mang) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Drisdol) 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 3 $0 (Drisdol) 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 3 $0 3 $0 3 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug dino-life * dino-life with extra c * dino-life with iron-zinc * eldertonic * ellis tonic * eql central-vite select * tablet ergocalciferol (vitamin d2) * ergocalciferol (vitamin d2) * oral drops essentia * essential balance with lutein * essential daily * fe fumarate-doss-fa-bcomp and c * fe fumarate-vit c-b12-if-fa * oral capsule 110-0.5 mg ferotrinsic * ferretts * ferrex 150 * ferrex 150 plus * (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivits WFe,Other Min/Lut) (Tab A Vite) (Fe Fumarate/Doss/Fa/ Bcomp,C) (Fe Fumarate/Vit C/B12-If/Fa) (Fe Fumarate/Vit C/B12-If/Fa) (Ferrous Fumarate) (Pic 200) (Iron Aspgly and Ps Cmplx/C/Sucac) (Ferrous Fumarate) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use ferrocite * 4 $0 ferrous fumarate * oral tablet 324 (Ferrous Fumarate) 4 $0 mg (106 mg iron) ferrous gluconate * oral tablet (Fergon) 4 $0 ferrous sulfate * oral (Fer-In-Sol) 4 $0 ferrous sulfate * oral (Ferrous Sulfate) 4 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 150 Tier level What the drug will cost you (Ferrous Sulfate) 4 $0 (Ferrous Sulfate) 4 $0 (Ferrous Sulfate) 4 $0 (Multivitamin W/Iron, Minerals) 4 $0 (Multivitamin) 4 $0 (Pedi Mv No.79/Ferrous Fumarate) 4 $0 (Multivitamin) 4 $0 (Folic Acid) 4 $0 4 $0 Name of Drug ferrous sulfate * oral ferrous sulfate * oral tablet 325 mg (65 mg iron) ferrous sulfate * oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 324 mg (65 mg iron) flintstones complete (iron) * oral tablet,chewable flintstones multivitamin * oral tablet,chewable flintstones with iron * flintstones/extra c * oral tablet,chewable folic acid * 1,000 mcg tablet p/f,s/f (otc) FOLIC ACID * ORAL CAPSULE 20 MG folic acid * oral tablet 1 mg folic acid * oral tablet 400 mcg Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use (Folic Acid) 3 $0 (Folic Acid) 4 $0 (Calcium/Multivita fosfree * 4 $0 mins W-Iron) geravim * (Pediavit) 4 $0 geriaton * (Pediavit) 4 $0 gummi bear multivitamin * (Multivitamin) 4 $0 gummy swirls * (Multivitamin) 4 $0 (Multivitamins hair vitamins * 4 $0 with Iron) (Multivitamin with hair,skin & nails * oral tablet 4 $0 Minerals) hair,skin & nails * oral tablet 1 mg (Mv,Ca,Min/Iron 4 $0 iron-66.7 mcg-1,000 mcg Gluc/Fa/Biotin) (Vit A,C and healthy eyes * 4 $0 E/Lutein/Minerals) hemocyte * (Ferrous Fumarate) 4 $0 You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 151 Name of Drug (Vitamin B Complex) (Multivitamin Whigh potency multivit-multimin * Minerals/Lutein) honey bears * (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin honey bears with iron-zinc * W/Iron, Minerals) (Multivitamin with icaps plus * Minerals) iferex 150 * (Pic 200) iron high potency * (Fergon) kid's vitamins + extra c * (Multivitamin) (Ped Multivit kids vitamins + iron * #17/Iron Fumarate) (Multivitamins kid's vitamins + iron * with Iron) kid's vitamins * oral tablet,chewable (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin life-pack women's * W/Iron, Minerals) LIQUI-E * little animals * (Multivitamin) little animals-iron * oral (Multivitamins tablet,chewable with Iron) lysiplex plus * oral liquid (Pediavit) MACUVITE * MACUVITE EYE CARE * maximum daily multivitamin * (Tab A Vite) (Multivitamin with mega multiple/chelated mineral * Minerals) mega multivitamin with mineral * (Multivitamin with oral tablet Minerals) (One-A-Day men's daily gummies * Vitacraves) men's multi-vitamin * (Multivitamin) hi-b complex * Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 152 Name of Drug men's one daily * oral tablet (Multivitamin with Minerals) MEPHYTON * milltrium senior * multi complete with iron * multi-day with iron * multi-delyn with iron * multiple vitamin-minerals * multiple vitamins * multiple vitamins with iron * multivital platinum * oral tablet multivital platinum * oral tablet 500-300-250 mcg multivitamin 50 plus * multi-vitamin hp/minerals * multivitamin with iron * multivitamin with minerals * oral liquid multivitamin with minerals * oral tablet multivitamins with min no.7-fa * oral capsule 1 mg multi-vite * (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivitamin/Ferr ous Gluconate) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Biocel) (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Multivitamins,The r W-Minerals) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivits WMin/Ferrous Gluc) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamins with Min No.7/Fa) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 3 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 153 Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (Niacinamide) 4 $0 (Pic 200) (Beta-Carotene(A) W-C and E/Min) (Multivitamins,The rapeutic) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamin) (Tab A Vite) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivitamin) 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 (Quintabs) 4 $0 (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) 4 $0 Name of Drug multi-vite 50 & over * multivit-fluor 0.5 mg tab chew chewable, d/f, s/f 0.5 mg my favorite multiple * my-vitalife * (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Pedi M.Vit No.17 with Fluoride) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin with Minerals) NASCOBAL * natural b-100 * natural b-100 complex * niacinamide * oral tablet extended release nu-iron * ocutabs * oncovite * one daily 50 plus * one daily complete * oral tablet one daily energy * oral tablet one daily essential * oral tablet one daily maximum (with ca) * one daily multi-vit w-mineral * one daily multivitamin * oral tablet one daily multivitamin * oral tablet 400 mcg one daily multivit-iron(folic) * (Vitamin B Complex) (Vit B Complex 100 Cmb #2/Herbs) Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 154 Name of Drug one daily * oral tablet one daily plus iron * oral tablet one daily plus iron * oral tablet 18400 mg-mcg one daily plus minerals * one daily with iron * one-a-day essential * one-a-day maximum formula * one-a-day teen advantage * oral tablet 18-400 mg-mcg one-a-day teen advantage * oral tablet 9 mg iron-400 mcg opti-vitamins * oral tablet opti-vitamins * oral tablet 1,000 unit-200 mg-60 unit-2 mg pediatric multivitamin * pharmacist favorite multi-vit * phytonadione * oral tablet 100 mcg poly-iron * poly-vita * poly-vita (iron) * poly-vitamin * poly-vitamin with iron * (Multivitamin) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivits,Ca,Mine rals/Iron/Fa) (Beta-Carotene(A) W-C and E/Min) (Vit A,C and E/Lutein/Minerals) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin) (Phytonadione) (Pic 200) (Pediatric Multivit Comb No.20) (Ped Multivit #46/Iron Sulfate) (Pediatric Multivit Comb No.20) (Ped Multivit #46/Iron Sulfate) (Multivitamin) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 4 4 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use poly-vitamins * 4 $0 prenatal formula * oral tablet 28 mg (Classic Prenatal) 4 $0 iron- 800 mcg You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 155 Name of Drug prenatal * oral tablet 28 mg iron800 mcg prenatal tablet * (Prenatal) (Classic Prenatal) (Prenatal prenatal vit#96-ferrous fum-fa * Vit#96/Ferrous Fum/Fa) prenatal vitamin with minerals * (Classic Prenatal) prenatal vitamins oral tablet 27 mg (Pnv with iron- 1 mg Ca,No.72/Iron/Fa) prenatal vit-iron fumarate-fa * (Classic Prenatal) (A/C/E/Zinc/Sod prosight * Selenate/Copper) pyridoxine * injection (Pyridoxine HCl) (Multivitamin ra central-vite select * tab p/f W/Iron, Minerals) (Multivitamin scooby-doo one a day * W/Iron, Minerals) senior tabs * (Biocel) (Multivitamin/Iron/ sentry * oral tablet 18-400 mg-mcg Folic Acid) sentry senior * (Biocel) sodium fluoride 1 mg (2.2 mg) (Sodium Fluoride) sodium fluoride oral tablet 1 mg (Pedi M.Vit No.17 fluoride (2.2 mg) with Fluoride) spectravite adult 50+ * oral tablet (Biocel) spectravite advanced formula * oral (Multivitamin/Iron/ tablet Folic Acid) spectravite * oral liquid (Pediavit) (Multivitamins spectravite * oral tablet,chewable with Iron) (Multivitamin spectravite senior * oral tablet W/Iron, Minerals) spectravite senior * oral tablet 500(Biocel) 300-250 mcg Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 2 $0 4 $0 4 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 1 $0 $0 1 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use (All Rx Prenatal Vitamins Covered) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 156 Name of Drug spectravite senior w-lycopene * spectravite ultra women * stress 500 plus zinc * stress b with zinc * stress b-biotin * stress formula * stress formula plus iron * stress formula with iron * stress formula with zinc * sunvite * super b complex-vitamin c * super b maxi complex * super b/c * super b-50 complex * super b-50 complex plus * super multiple * oral tablet super multivitamin * (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Multivitamin/Iron/ Folic Acid) (Multivits,Stress Formula/Zinc) (Multivits,Stress Formula/Zinc) (Vitamin B Complex) (Multivits,Stress Formula) (Iron/Multivits,Stre ss Formula) (Vit B Comp/C/Fa/Iron/Vi t E) (Multivits,Stress Formula/Zinc) (Mv-Min/Iron Fum/Fa/K/Lyco/Lu tn) (Vita-Bee with C) (Vitamin B Complex/Folic Acid) (B Complex with Vitamin C) (Vitamin B Complex) (Vitamin B Complex) (Multivitamin W/Iron, Minerals) (Multivitamin) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 157 Name of Drug super quints * super quints b-50 * super thera vite m * superior 35 * superplex-t * support * support-500 * tab-a-vite * tab-a-vite/iron * tab-a-vite-minerals * thera m plus (ferrous fumarat) * thera vitamin * thera-d * theradex m * thera-m * oral tablet 27-0.4 mg thera-m * oral tablet 9 mg iron-400 mcg therapeutic liquid * therapeutic m + beta-carotene * (Vitamin B Complex/Folic Acid) (Vitamin B Complex) (Multivitamins,The r W-Minerals) (Multivitamin W/Iron, Minerals) (Vita-Bee with C) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (B Complex with Vitamin C) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamins with Iron) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Multivits,Ca,Mine rals/Iron/Fa) (Multivitamins,The rapeutic) (Vitamin D3) (Multivit,Ther Iron,Ca,Fa and Min) (Multivit,Ther Iron,Ca,Fa and Min) (Multivits,Ca,Mine rals/Iron/Fa) (Multivitamins,The rapeutic) (Tab A Vite) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 158 Name of Drug therapeutic vitamin & mineral * therapeutic vitamins/minerals * therapeutic-m * oral tablet 9 mg iron-400 mcg therapeutic-m vitamin/minerals * oral tablet 27-0.4 mg thera-tabs * theratrum complete 50 plus * theratrum complete 50 plus/lut * thiamine hcl * injection thiamine hcl * oral tablet 500 mg total b/c * totalday multiple * tri-vi-sol * tri-vita * tri-vitamin * ultra b-100 complex * oral tablet vision * vision formula * (Multivitamins,The r W-Minerals) (Multivitamins with Min No.7/Fa) (Multivits,Ca,Mine rals/Iron/Fa) (Multivit,Ther Iron,Ca,Fa and Min) (Multivitamins,The rapeutic) (Multivitamin W/Iron, Minerals) (Multivitamin WMinerals/Lutein) (Thiamine HCl) (Thiamine HCl) (Vita-Bee with C) (Multivitamin with Minerals) (Vit A Palmitate/Vit C/Vit D3) (Pedi Multivits A,C, and D3 No.21) (Pedi Multivits A,C, and D3 No.21) (Vitamin B Complex) (Beta-Carotene(A) W-C and E/Min) (Beta-Carotene(A) W-C and E/Min) Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 3 4 4 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 159 Name of Drug (Vit A,C and E/Lutein/Minerals) (Multivitamin Wvision plus lutein * Minerals/Lutein) vit b cmplx 3-fa-vit c-biotin * oral (Vit B Cmplx tablet 1-60-300 mg-mg-mcg 3/Fa/Vit C/Biotin) (Vit B Cmplx vit b cmplx no3-fa-c-biot-zinc * No3/Fa/C/Biot/Zin c) (Vitamin B vit b complex-folic acid * oral tablet Complex/Folic Acid) (Multivitamins vitalets * oral tablet,chewable with Iron) vitamin a * oral capsule 10,000 (Vitamin A) unit, 25,000 unit (Vitamin B vitamin b complex * Complex) (Vitamin B vitamin b-100 complex * Complex) (Cyanocobalamin/ vitamin b12-folic acid * oral Folic Acid) vitamin b-6 * oral tablet 250 mg, 50 (Pyridoxine HCl) mg vitamin c * oral syrup (Ascorbic Acid) vitamin c * oral tablet 1,000 mg, (Ascorbic Acid) 250 mg vitamin c * oral tablet extended (Ascorbic Acid) release vitamin c * oral tablet,chewable 250 (Ascorbic Acid) mg, 500 mg vitamin d3 * oral capsule 1,000 (D3-50) unit, 4,000 unit vitamin d3 * oral tablet 1,000 unit, (Vitamin D3) 400 unit vision formula (with lutein) * Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 3 $0 3 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 160 Name of Drug (Multivitamins,The r W-Minerals) (Vitamin B vitamins b complex * oral tablet Complex) (Vit B vitamins b complex * oral tablet 500 Comp/C/Fa/Iron/Vi mg-400 mcg- 18 mg iron t E) (Vitamin B vitamins b1,b2,b3,b5, and b6 * oral Complex/Folic tablet 0.4 mg Acid) vitamins for hair * oral tablet (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin Wvitrum senior * oral tablet Minerals/Lutein) vitrum senior * oral tablet 500-300(Biocel) 250 mcg (One-A-Day womens daily gummies * Vitacraves) women's daily multivitamin * (Tab A Vite) (Multivitamin/Iron/ yelets * Folic Acid) zoo chews * (Multivitamin) vitamins & minerals * Tier level What the drug will cost you 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 4 $0 Necessary Actions, Restrictions, or Limits on Use You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to the introduction pages of this document. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, vaya a www.icsny.org/care-plus. 161 INDEX 3 3 day vaginal .......................... 48 30pse-150gfn-15dm ............... 85 8 8-MOP.................................... 95 A a thru z advanced formula .... 144 a thru z high potency ............ 144 a thru z select ....................... 144 a thru z select 50+ formula... 144 a thru z select women's ........ 144 abacavir .................................. 63 abacavir-lamivudine-zidovudine ............................................ 63 abc plus ................................ 144 ABELCET.............................. 48 ABILIFY DISCMELT ........... 59 ABILIFY MAINTENA ......... 59 ABRAXANE ......................... 33 ABREVA ............................... 55 acamprosate............................ 23 acarbose.................................. 45 acebutolol ............................... 75 acephen .................................. 15 acetaminophen ....................... 15 acetaminophen-codeine.......... 15 acetazolamide ....................... 131 acetazolamide sodium .......... 132 acetic acid..................... 107, 126 acetylcysteine ....................... 141 acid gone antacid.......... 111, 112 acid reducer (famotidine) ..... 110 acid relief (cimetidine) ......... 110 acitretin .................................. 95 acne medication ..................... 96 ACNE MEDICATION .......... 96 acne-clear ............................... 96 ACTEMRA .......................... 128 ACTHIB (PF) ....................... 124 ACTIMMUNE ..................... 128 actinel pediatric ...................... 85 acyclovir ..................... 65, 66, 96 acyclovir sodium .................... 66 ADACEL(TDAP ADOLESN/ADULT)(PF) 124 ADAGEN ............................. 103 adapalene .............................. 102 ADCETRIS ............................ 33 ADCIRCA ............................ 143 adefovir .................................. 66 ADEMPAS........................... 143 adt robitussin peak cld dm max ............................................ 86 adult multivitamin gummies 144 adult nasal decongestant......... 86 adult one daily gummies ...... 144 adult robitussin lingering cld.. 86 adult robitussin peak cold dm 86 adult wal-tussin ...................... 86 adult wal-tussin dm max ........ 86 adults 50+ daily formula ...... 144 adults' daily formula ............. 144 ADVAIR DISKUS ............... 139 ADVAIR HFA ..................... 139 advil ........................................ 20 af 48 AFINITOR ............................. 33 AFINITOR DISPERZ ............ 33 AFTERA ................................ 83 AGGRENOX ......................... 69 airshield ................................ 144 AKTEN (PF) ........................ 104 AKYNZEO ............................ 57 alavert d-12 allergy-sinus ....... 51 I-1 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 ALBENZA ............................. 58 ALBUKED-25 ....................... 69 ALBUKED-5 ......................... 69 ALBUMIN, HUMAN 25 % ... 69 ALBUMIN, HUMAN 5 % ..... 69 ALBUMINAR 25 % .............. 69 ALBUMINAR 5 % ................ 69 ALBURX (HUMAN) 5 % ..... 69 ALBUTEIN 25 % .................. 69 ALBUTEIN 5 % .................... 69 albuterol sulfate .................... 140 alclometasone ......................... 99 ALCOHOL PADS ................. 96 ALCOHOL PREP PADS ....... 96 ALDURAZYME .................. 103 alendronate ........................... 127 alfuzosin ............................... 118 ALIMTA ................................ 33 ALINIA .................................. 58 alka-seltzer plus mucus-conges ............................................ 86 allegra allergy ......................... 51 aller-chlor ............................... 51 allerclear d-12hr ..................... 51 allerclear d-24hr ..................... 51 allergy (chlorpheniramine) ..... 51 allergy (diphenhydramine) ..... 51 allergy relief (cetirizine) ......... 51 allergy relief (loratadine)........ 51 allerhist-1................................ 51 aller-tec d ................................ 51 allopurinol ............................ 128 almacone .............................. 112 almacone-2 ........................... 112 aloe vesta antifungal (micon) . 48 alophen ................................. 115 ALPHAGAN P..................... 132 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 alprazolam .............................. 24 ALREX ................................ 109 altacaine ............................... 104 altamist ................................. 104 aluminum hydroxide gel ...... 112 amantadine hcl ....................... 58 ambi 10peh-4cpm-20dm ........ 86 ambi 20dm-4cpm ................... 86 ambi 40pse-400gfn-20dm ...... 86 ambi 60pse-4cpm ................... 51 ambi 60pse-4cpm-20dm......... 86 AMBISOME .......................... 48 amifostine crystalline ........... 128 amiloride ................................ 79 amiloride-hydrochlorothiazide79 AMINO ACIDS 15 % ............ 70 aminocaproic acid .................. 69 AMINOSYN 10 % ................. 70 AMINOSYN 3.5 % ................ 70 AMINOSYN 7 % ................... 70 AMINOSYN 7 % WITH ELECTROLYTES ............. 70 AMINOSYN 8.5 % ................ 70 AMINOSYN 8.5 %ELECTROLYTES ............. 70 AMINOSYN II 10 % ............. 70 AMINOSYN II 15 % ............. 70 AMINOSYN II 7 % ............... 70 AMINOSYN II 8.5 % ............ 70 AMINOSYN II 8.5 %ELECTROLYTES ............. 70 AMINOSYN M 3.5 % ........... 70 AMINOSYN-HBC 7% .......... 70 AMINOSYN-PF 10 % ........... 70 AMINOSYN-PF 7 % (SULFITE-FREE) .............. 70 AMINOSYN-RF 5.2 % ......... 70 amiodarone ............................. 75 amiodarone hcl ....................... 75 AMITIZA ............................. 112 amitriptyline ........................... 43 amlactin .................................. 96 amlodipine.............................. 78 amlodipine-atorvastatin .......... 80 amlodipine-benazepril ............ 78 amlodipine-valsartan .............. 79 amlodipine-valsartan-hcthiazid ............................................ 79 ammonium lactate .................. 96 amoxapine .............................. 43 amoxicil-clarithromy-lansopraz .......................................... 110 amoxicillin ............................. 30 amoxicillin-pot clavulanate .... 30 amphetamine salt combo ........ 82 amphotericin b........................ 48 ampicillin ............................... 30 ampicillin sodium................... 31 ampicillin-sulbactam .............. 31 AMPYRA............................... 82 ANACAINE ........................... 96 anagrelide ............................... 69 anastrozole ............................. 33 ANDRODERM .................... 119 ANDROGEL ........................ 119 animal chews ........................ 144 animal shape vitamins .......... 144 animal shapes plus iron ........ 145 antacid anti-gas .................... 112 antacid extra-strength ........... 112 antacid plus extra strength.... 112 anticoag citrate phos dextrose .......................................... 128 anti-diarrheal ........................ 112 anti-diarrheal (loperamide) .. 112 antifungal ............................... 48 antifungal (tolnaftate) ............. 48 anti-gas maximum strength .. 110 antioxidant............................ 145 antioxidant vitamins ............. 145 apatate forte .......................... 145 APOKYN ............................... 58 apraclonidine ........................ 104 APRISO ............................... 126 I-2 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 aprodine .................................. 51 APTIOM ................................ 40 APTIVUS ............................... 63 aquanil hc ............................... 99 ARCALYST ......................... 122 aripiprazole ....................... 59, 60 ARISTADA............................ 60 arthritis pain relief (acetam) ... 15 artificial tears ........................ 104 artificial tears (petro/min) .... 104 artificial tears (pf) ................. 104 artificial tears (polyvin alc) .. 104 artificial tears(glycerin-peg) . 104 artificial tears(hypromellose) 104 ASACOL HD ....................... 126 ascorbic acid ......................... 145 ashlyna.................................... 83 aspirin ..................................... 20 aspirin, buffered ..................... 20 aspirin-dipyridamole .............. 69 aspir-low ................................. 20 ASSURE ID INSULIN SAFETY ........................... 102 ASTAGRAF XL .................. 122 atenolol ................................... 75 atenolol-chlorthalidone .......... 75 atorvastatin ............................. 80 atovaquone ............................. 58 atovaquone-proguanil ............. 58 ATRIPLA ............................... 63 atropine ........................... 40, 104 atropine sulfate ..................... 104 ATROVENT HFA ............... 140 AUBAGIO ........................... 122 AVASTIN .............................. 33 AVC VAGINAL .................... 55 AVONEX ............................. 128 AVONEX (WITH ALBUMIN) .......................................... 128 ayr saline .............................. 104 azacitidine .............................. 33 azathioprine .......................... 122 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 azathioprine sodium ............. 123 azelastine .............................. 105 AZILECT ............................... 58 azithromycin .......................... 29 AZOPT ................................. 132 AZOR ..................................... 79 aztreonam ............................... 30 B b complete ............................ 145 b complex 1 .......................... 145 b complex-vitamin b12 ........ 145 b complex-vitamin c-folic acid .......................................... 145 b-100 complex ..................... 145 b-12 dots............................... 145 b-50 complex ....................... 145 bacitracin .................. 25, 97, 107 bacitracin-polymyxin b ........ 108 bacitraycin plus ...................... 97 baclofen ................................ 141 bal b-100 .............................. 145 bal b-50 ................................ 145 balance b-100 ....................... 145 balance b-50 ......................... 145 balanced b-100 ............. 145, 146 balanced b-150 ..................... 146 balanced b-50 ....................... 146 balanced b-50 complex ........ 146 balsalazide ............................ 126 banophen ................................ 51 banophen allergy .................... 51 BANZEL ................................ 40 baza antifungal ....................... 48 BCG VACCINE, LIVE (PF) 124 b-complex ............................ 146 b-complex with vitamin c .... 146 BD ECLIPSE LUER-LOK .. 102 BD INSULIN PEN NEEDLE UF SHORT ...................... 102 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA-FINE .................. 102 bekyree (28) ........................... 83 BELEODAQ .......................... 33 BELSOMRA ........................ 142 benadryl allergy...................... 52 benazepril ............................... 74 benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................ 74 BENICAR .............................. 73 BENICAR HCT ..................... 73 BENLYSTA ......................... 128 benzonatate............................. 86 benzoyl peroxide .................... 96 benztropine ............................. 58 BETADINE SPRAY .............. 96 beta-hc .................................... 99 betamethasone acet,sod phos 120 betamethasone dipropionate ... 99 betamethasone valerate .......... 99 betamethasone, augmented .... 99 BETASERON ...................... 129 betaxolol ......................... 75, 132 bethanechol chloride ............ 129 BETHKIS ............................... 25 bexarotene .............................. 33 BEXSERO (PF) ................... 124 bicalutamide ........................... 33 bicarsim forte ....................... 110 BICILLIN C-R ....................... 31 BICILLIN L-A ....................... 31 bimatoprost........................... 132 bio-dtuss dmx ......................... 86 bion tears (pf) ....................... 105 bionel pediatric ....................... 86 biospec dmx ........................... 86 biosupp ................................. 146 biotin .................................... 146 biovol ................................... 146 bisac-evac ............................. 115 bisacodyl .............................. 115 biscolax ................................ 115 bismatrol............................... 112 bisoprolol fumarate ................ 75 I-3 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................ 75 bleomycin ............................... 33 BLINCYTO............................ 33 blisovi 24 fe ............................ 83 blisovi fe 1/20 (28) ................. 83 blis-to-sol (tolnaftate) ............. 48 BOOSTRIX TDAP .............. 124 BOSULIF ......................... 33, 34 BREO ELLIPTA .................. 139 BRILINTA ............................. 69 brimonidine .......................... 132 BRINTELLIX ........................ 43 bromfenac ............................. 109 bromocriptine ......................... 58 bromphenex dm ...................... 86 brompheniramine-pseudoephdm ....................................... 86 brompheniram-phenylephrinedm ....................................... 86 budesonide............................ 126 bufferin ................................... 20 bumetanide ............................. 79 BUMINATE 25 % ................. 69 BUMINATE 5 % ................... 70 BUPHENYL ........................ 112 buprenorphine hcl............. 15, 23 buprenorphine-naloxone ........ 23 bupropion hcl ................... 23, 43 buspirone .............................. 129 butalb-acetaminophen-caffeine ............................................ 15 butalbital-acetaminop-caf-cod 15 butalbital-acetaminophen ....... 15 butalbital-acetaminophen-caff 15 butalbital-aspirin-caffeine ...... 15 BUTRANS ............................. 15 BYSTOLIC ............................ 75 C c complex ............................. 146 cabergoline ............................. 58 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 ca-d3-mag ox-zinc-cop-mangbor ............................ 132, 133 caffeine citrated ...................... 82 caffeine-sodium benzoate ...... 82 calci-chew ............................ 112 calcidol ................................. 146 calcipotriene ........................... 96 calcitonin (salmon)............... 127 calcitrate ............................... 133 calcitriol ......................... 96, 127 calcium 500 + d.................... 133 calcium 500 + d (d3) ............ 133 calcium 500 with d ............... 133 calcium 600 .......................... 133 calcium 600 + d(3) ............... 133 calcium 600 with vitamin d3 133 calcium acetate ..................... 118 calcium antacid .................... 112 calcium carbonate ........ 112, 133 calcium carbonate-mag carb-fa .......................................... 118 calcium carbonate-vitamin d2 .......................................... 133 calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 .......................... 112, 133, 134 calcium chloride ................... 134 calcium citrate-vitamin d3 ... 134 calcium gluconate ................ 134 calcium lactate ..................... 134 calcium+d............................. 134 CALDOLOR .......................... 20 cal-gest antacid..................... 112 calphron................................ 118 CALTRATE 600 + D .......... 134 CALTRATE WITH VITAMIN D3 ..................................... 134 CANCIDAS ........................... 48 candesartan ............................. 73 candesartan-hydrochlorothiazid ............................................ 73 CAPASTAT ........................... 56 CAPRELSA ........................... 34 captopril ................................. 74 captopril-hydrochlorothiazide 74 CARAFATE......................... 110 CARBAGLU ........................ 113 carbamazepine ........................ 40 carbidopa ................................ 58 carbidopa-levodopa .......... 58, 59 carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone ............................................ 59 CARIMUNE NF NANOFILTERED ........... 123 carisoprodol .......................... 141 carteolol ................................ 105 cartia xt ................................... 76 carvedilol ................................ 75 CASTELLANI PAINT MODIFIED ........................ 96 CAYSTON ............................. 30 cefaclor ................................... 27 cefadroxil ............................... 27 cefazolin ................................. 28 cefazolin in dextrose (iso-os) . 28 CEFAZOLIN IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OS) ............................ 28 cefdinir ................................... 28 cefditoren pivoxil ................... 28 cefepime ................................. 28 CEFEPIME IN DEXTROSE 5 % ........................................ 28 CEFEPIME IN DEXTROSE,ISO-OSM ..... 28 cefotaxime .............................. 28 cefoxitin ................................. 28 cefoxitin in dextrose, iso-osm 28 cefpodoxime ........................... 28 cefprozil ................................. 28 ceftazidime ............................. 28 ceftibuten ................................ 28 ceftriaxone ........................ 28, 29 CEFTRIAXONE .................... 29 ceftriaxone in dextrose,iso-os 28 I-4 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 CEFTRIAXONE IN DEXTROSE,ISO-OS ......... 28 cefuroxime axetil .................... 29 cefuroxime sodium ................. 29 celecoxib ................................ 20 CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS .......................................... 123 CELONTIN ............................ 40 centamin ............................... 146 central vite with lutein .......... 146 central-vite............................ 146 central-vite for seniors.......... 146 central-vite select . 147, 150, 156 central-vite senior ................. 147 centram-care ......................... 147 centravites 50 plus ................ 147 centrum ................................. 147 centrum complete ................. 147 centrum silver ....................... 147 century .................................. 147 century adults 50+ ................ 147 century mature ...................... 147 century ultimate women's..... 147 cephalexin .............................. 29 CEPROTIN (BLUE BAR) ..... 66 CERDELGA ........................ 129 CEREZYME ........................ 103 cerovite ................................. 147 cerovite advanced formula ... 147 certavite senior-antioxidant .. 147 certavite-antioxid (iron gluc) 147 certavite-antioxidant ............. 147 CERVARIX VACCINE (PF) .......................................... 124 cetirizine ................................. 52 cetirizine-pseudoephedrine .... 52 cevimeline .............................. 95 CHANTIX .............................. 23 CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH BOX .................... 23 CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH PAK .................... 23 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 CHANTIX STARTING MONTH BOX ................... 23 cheracol d ............................... 86 cheratussin dac ....................... 86 chest congestion relief + dm .. 86 chest congestion relief d......... 87 chest congestion relief pe ....... 87 chewable multi vitamin ........ 147 child allergy relf(cetirizine) ... 52 child complete multivitamin 147 child cough & sore throat ....... 87 child mucinex chest congestion ............................................ 87 child plus cough & runny nose ............................................ 87 child triaminic cold & allergy 52 child triaminic cough-congest 87 child vitamin with minerals . 148 child wal-tap cold-allergy ...... 52 child wal-tussin cough relief .. 87 children's advil ....................... 20 children's allegra allergy ........ 52 children's aller-tec .................. 52 children's chest congestion..... 87 children's chewable .............. 148 children's chewable complete .......................................... 148 children's chewable vitamin . 148 children's chewable w/minerals .......................................... 148 CHILDREN'S CLARITIN ..... 52 children's complete vitamin . 148 children's mapap .................... 15 children's mucinex cough ....... 87 children's multivit w/extra c . 148 children's non-aspirin ............. 16 children's pain & fever relief . 16 children's pain reliever ........... 16 childrens plus multi-symp cold ............................................ 87 children's silapap .................... 16 children's silfedrine ................ 87 children's soothe ................... 113 children's sudafed ................... 87 children's sudafed pe cough ... 87 children's wal-dryl allergy...... 52 children's wal-zyr ................... 52 CHILDREN'S ZYRTEC ALLERGY ......................... 52 childs chew vite .................... 148 child's vitamin with iron....... 148 child's vitamin with vitamin c .......................................... 148 childs/iron............................. 148 chlophedianol-guaifenesin ..... 87 chloramphenicol sod succinate ............................................ 25 chlordiazepoxide hcl .............. 24 chlorhexidine gluconate ......... 95 chloroquine phosphate ........... 58 chlorothiazide ......................... 79 chlorothiazide sodium ............ 79 chlorpheniramine-phenyleph-dm ............................................ 87 chlorpromazine....................... 60 chlorthalidone......................... 79 chlorzoxazone ...................... 141 cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) . 148 cholestyramine (with sugar) ... 80 cholestyramine-aspartame ...... 80 choline,magnesium salicylate 20 ciclopirox ............................... 48 ciclopirox-ure-camph-menth-euc ............................................ 48 cilostazol ................................ 69 cimetidine ............................. 110 cimetidine hcl ....................... 110 CIMZIA ............................... 123 CIMZIA POWDER FOR RECONST ....................... 123 CINRYZE .............................. 68 CIPRODEX .......................... 108 ciprofloxacin .......................... 31 ciprofloxacin hcl ............ 31, 108 I-5 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 ciprofloxacin in 5 % dextrose 31 ciprofloxacin lactate ............... 31 citalopram ............................... 43 citracal + d maximum........... 134 citric acid-sodium citrate ...... 134 citrus calcium ....................... 134 clarithromycin ........................ 29 CLARITIN ............................. 52 CLARITIN LIQUI-GEL ........ 52 CLARITIN REDITABS......... 52 clearlax ................................. 115 clemastine ............................... 52 CLEVIPREX .......................... 79 clindamycin hcl ...................... 26 clindamycin in 5 % dextrose .. 26 clindamycin palmitate hcl ...... 26 clindamycin phosphate .... 26, 55, 97, 98 CLINIMIX 5%/D15W SULFITE FREE ................. 70 CLINIMIX 5%/D25W SULFITE-FREE ................. 70 CLINIMIX 2.75%/D5W SULFIT FREE ................... 71 CLINIMIX 4.25%/D10W SULF FREE .................................. 71 CLINIMIX 4.25%/D5W SULFIT FREE ................... 71 CLINIMIX 4.25%-D20W SULF-FREE ....................... 71 CLINIMIX 4.25%-D25W SULF-FREE ....................... 71 CLINIMIX 5%D20W(SULFITE-FREE) ... 71 CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D10W SUL FREE ......................... 71 CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D5W SULF FREE ....................... 71 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D10W SUL FREE ......................... 71 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D25W SUL FREE ......................... 71 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D5W SULF FREE ....................... 71 CLINIMIX E 5%/D15W SULFIT FREE ................... 71 CLINIMIX E 5%/D20W SULFIT FREE ................... 71 CLINIMIX E 5%/D25W SULFIT FREE ................... 71 CLINISOL SF 15 %............... 71 clobetasol ............................... 99 clobetasol propionate ............. 99 clobetasol-emollient ............. 100 clocortolone pivalate ............ 100 clomipramine ......................... 43 clonazepam ............................ 24 clonidine ................................. 73 clonidine hcl ..................... 73, 82 clonidine hcl-chlorthalidone .. 73 clopidogrel ............................. 69 clorazepate dipotassium ......... 24 clotrimazole...................... 48, 49 clotrimazole 3 day .................. 48 clotrimazole-7 ........................ 49 clotrimazole-betamethasone .. 49 clozapine ................................ 60 COARTEM ............................ 58 codeine sulfate ....................... 16 codeine-butalbital-asa-caffein 16 codituss dm ............................ 87 colace ................................... 115 colchicine ............................. 129 colchicine-probenecid .......... 129 cold & cough .......................... 52 cold multi-symptom day/night87 cold relief m/s day/night ........ 88 cold-allergy-sinus ................... 52 cold-flu relief ......................... 88 cold-flu relief, day/night ........ 88 colestipol ................................ 80 colistin (colistimethate na) ..... 26 COLY-MYCIN S ................. 108 COMBIGAN ........................ 132 COMBIPATCH ................... 119 COMBIVENT RESPIMAT . 140 COMETRIQ ........................... 34 comfort gel extra strength .... 113 COMPLERA .......................... 63 complete 50+ ........................ 148 complete multi 50+ .............. 148 complete multivitamin ......... 148 complete multivitamin-mineral .......................................... 148 complete senior .................... 149 compoz ................................... 52 COMVAX (PF) .................... 124 CONDYLOX ......................... 96 congestac ................................ 88 COPAXONE ........................ 129 coricidin hbp .......................... 88 coricidin hbp cold-multi sympt ............................................ 88 CORLANOR .......................... 77 cortisone ............................... 120 cortizone-10 ......................... 100 CORTIZONE-10 .................. 100 COSENTYX (2 SYRINGES) 96 COSENTYX PEN .................. 96 COSENTYX PEN (2 PENS) . 96 COTELLIC ............................ 34 cough & cold .......................... 88 cough & runny nose ............... 88 CREON ................................ 103 CRESTOR.............................. 80 critic-aid clear af .................... 49 CRIXIVAN ............................ 63 cromolyn .............. 105, 113, 141 CUBICIN ............................... 26 cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) .......................................... 149 cyclobenzaprine ................... 141 CYCLOGYL ........................ 105 cyclopentolate ...................... 105 cyclophosphamide .................. 34 CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE ...... 34 I-6 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 CYCLOSET ........................... 45 cyclosporine ......................... 123 cyclosporine modified .......... 123 cyclosporine, modified ......... 123 cyproheptadine ....................... 52 CYRAMZA ............................ 34 cyred ....................................... 84 CYSTADANE...................... 129 CYSTARAN ........................ 105 cysteine (l-cysteine) ............... 71 D d10 % & 0.45 % sodium chloride ............................. 134 d10 %-0.9 % sodium chloride 71 d2.5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride .......................................... 134 d5 % and 0.9 % sodium chloride .......................................... 134 d5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride .......................................... 134 dactinomycin .......................... 34 daily gummies ...................... 149 daily multiple ....................... 149 daily multi-vitamin ............... 149 daily multivitamin with iron. 149 daily multi-vitamins/iron ...... 149 daily teen multi-vitamin ....... 149 daily value ............................ 149 daily vitamin......................... 149 daily vitamin formula ........... 149 daily vitamin formula + iron 149 daily vitamin formula-minerals .......................................... 149 daily vitamin with iron ......... 149 daily vites/iron ...................... 149 dailyhist-1 ............................... 52 daily-vite .............................. 149 DAKLINZA ........................... 65 DALIRESP ........................... 141 danazol ................................. 119 dantrolene ............................. 141 dantrolene sodium ................ 141 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 dapsone .................................. 56 DAPTACEL (DTAP PEDIATRIC) (PF) ........... 124 DARAPRIM .......................... 58 DARZALEX .......................... 34 dayhist allergy ........................ 53 daytime cold & cough ............ 88 daytime cold-flu ..................... 88 day-time cough....................... 88 daytime-nighttime .................. 88 daytime-nighttime cold-flu .... 88 daytime-nighttime cough ....... 88 deblitane ................................. 84 decitabine ............................... 34 decongestant cough ................ 88 deep sea nasal ....................... 105 deferoxamine................ 118, 119 delsym cough+chest congest dm ............................................ 88 DELZICOL .......................... 126 DEMSER ............................... 77 DEPEN TITRATABS .......... 119 DEPO-PROVERA ............... 122 dermafungal ........................... 49 dermarest eczema (hydrocort) .......................................... 100 desipramine ............................ 43 desmopressin ........................ 121 desog-e.estradiol/e.estradiol ... 84 desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol .. 84 desonide ............................... 100 desoximetasone .................... 100 despec-dm (pseudoeph-dmguaif) .................................. 88 dex4 glucose........................... 71 dexamethasone ..................... 120 dexamethasone sodium phosphate ................. 109, 120 dexmethylphenidate ............... 82 dextroamphetamine ................ 82 dextroamphetamineamphetamine ...................... 82 dextromethorphan polistirex .. 88 dextrose 10 % and 0.2 % nacl .......................................... 134 dextrose 10 % in water (d10w) ............................................ 72 dextrose 2.5 % in water(d2.5w) ............................................ 72 dextrose 20 % in water (d20w) ............................................ 72 dextrose 25 % in water (d25w) ............................................ 72 dextrose 40 % in water (d40w) ............................................ 72 dextrose 5 % in ringers........... 72 dextrose 5 % in water (d5w) .. 72 dextrose 5 %-lactated ringers134 dextrose 5%-0.2 % sod chloride .......................................... 135 dextrose 5%-0.3 % sod.chloride .......................................... 135 dextrose 50 % in water (d50w) ............................................ 72 dextrose 70 % in water (d70w) ............................................ 72 dextrose with sodium chloride .......................................... 135 diabetic siltussin das-na ......... 89 diabetic tussin dm................... 89 diabetic tussin max st ............. 89 diamode ................................ 113 diazepam .......................... 24, 25 diazepam intensol ................... 24 diclofenac potassium .............. 20 diclofenac sodium .... 20, 21, 109 diclofenac-misoprostol ........... 21 dicloxacillin............................ 31 dicyclomine .......................... 113 didanosine .............................. 63 DIFICID ................................. 29 diflunisal................................. 21 digitek..................................... 77 digoxin ................................... 77 I-7 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 DIGOXIN ............................... 77 dihydroergotamine ................. 55 DILANTIN CAPSULE 30 MG ............................................ 40 diltiazem hcl ........................... 76 dilt-xr ...................................... 76 dimaphen (pe)......................... 53 dimenhydrinate ....................... 57 dimetapp cold-congestion ...... 53 dino-life ................................ 150 dino-life with extra c ............ 150 dino-life with iron-zinc ........ 150 DIPENTUM ......................... 126 diphenhist ............................... 53 diphenhydramine hcl .............. 53 diphenoxylate-atropine ......... 113 disopyramide phosphate ......... 75 disulfiram ............................... 23 divalproex ............................... 40 d-methorphan hb-p-epd hcl-bpm ............................................ 89 dm-phenyleph-chlorpheniramine ............................................ 89 dobutamine ............................. 78 dobutamine in d5w ................. 77 doc-q-lace ............................. 115 docu ...................................... 115 docusate sodium ................... 115 docusol ................................. 116 dok ........................................ 116 donepezil ................................ 42 dopamine ................................ 78 dopamine in 5 % dextrose ...... 78 dorzolamide .......................... 132 dorzolamide-timolol ............. 132 douche vinegar & water extra .......................................... 129 doxazosin................................ 73 doxepin ................................... 43 doxercalciferol...................... 127 doxorubicin hcl....................... 34 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 doxorubicin hcl peg-liposomal ............................................ 34 doxorubicin, peg-liposomal ... 34 doxycycline hyclate ............... 32 doxycycline monohydrate 32, 33 dramamine.............................. 57 driminate ................................ 57 dristan long lasting ............... 105 dronabinol .............................. 57 droperidol ............................. 129 drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol 84 DROXIA ................................ 34 DUAVEE ............................. 120 dulcolax stool softener (dss) 116 DULERA ............................. 139 duloxetine............................... 43 DUREZOL ........................... 109 dutasteride ............................ 129 dutasteride-tamsulosin ......... 129 DYRENIUM .......................... 79 E e.c. prin................................... 21 econazole................................ 49 econtra ez ............................... 84 ed bron gp .............................. 89 ed chlorped jr ......................... 53 EDURANT ............................ 63 EFFIENT................................ 69 ELAPRASE ......................... 103 eldertonic.............................. 150 electrolyte-48 in d5w ........... 135 ELIDEL................................ 100 ELIGARD .............................. 34 ELIQUIS ................................ 66 ELITEK................................ 103 ELLA ..................................... 84 ellis tonic .............................. 150 ELMIRON ........................... 129 elon dual defense.................... 49 EMCYT.................................. 34 EMEND ................................. 57 EMPLICITI ............................ 35 EMSAM ................................. 44 EMTRIVA ............................. 63 enalapril maleate .................... 74 enalaprilat ............................... 74 enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide 74 ENBREL .............................. 123 ENBREL SURECLICK ....... 123 endur-acin............................... 80 enema ................................... 116 enema disposable ................. 116 enemeez ................................ 116 enemeez plus ........................ 116 ENGERIX-B (PF) ................ 124 ENGERIX-B PEDIATRIC (PF) .......................................... 124 enoxaparin ........................ 66, 67 entacapone .............................. 59 entecavir ................................. 66 entre-cough............................. 89 ENTRESTO ........................... 73 ephedrine sulfate .................... 78 epinastine ............................. 105 epinephrine ............................. 78 epinephrine hcl (pf) ................ 78 EPIPEN 2-PAK ...................... 78 EPIPEN JR 2-PAK................. 78 EPIVIR HBV ......................... 63 eplerenone .............................. 81 EPOGEN ................................ 68 epoprostenol (glycine).......... 143 EPZICOM .............................. 63 eq gentle ............................... 105 equalactin ............................. 116 ergocalciferol (vitamin d2)... 150 ergoloid ................................ 129 ERGOMAR ............................ 55 ERIVEDGE ............................ 35 ERYTHROCIN ...................... 29 erythromycin .................. 30, 108 erythromycin base .................. 29 ERYTHROMYCIN BASE .... 29 erythromycin base-ethanol ..... 98 I-8 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 erythromycin ethylsuccinate . 29, 30 erythromycin stearate ............. 30 erythromycin with ethanol ..... 98 ESBRIET.............................. 141 escitalopram oxalate ............... 44 esmolol ................................... 75 esomeprazole sodium ........... 110 essentia ................................. 150 essential balance with lutein. 150 essential daily ....................... 150 ESTRACE ............................ 120 estradiol ................................ 120 estradiol valerate .................. 120 estradiol/norethindrone acet . 120 estradiol-norethindrone acet . 120 estropipate ............................ 120 ethambutol .............................. 56 ethamolin ................................ 78 ethinyl estradiol/drospirenone 84 ethosuximide .......................... 41 ethynodiol d-ethinyl estradiol 84 etodolac .................................. 21 ETOPOPHOS ......................... 35 etoposide ................................ 35 EVOTAZ ................................ 63 EXELON ................................ 42 exemestane ............................. 35 EXJADE ............................... 119 expectorant ............................. 89 expectorant dm ....................... 89 expectorant max strength ....... 89 EXTAVIA ............................ 129 extra cleansing douche ......... 129 F FABRAZYME ..................... 103 famciclovir ............................. 66 famotidine .................... 110, 111 famotidine (pf) ..................... 110 famotidine (pf)-nacl (iso-os) 110 FANAPT ................................ 60 FARESTON ........................... 35 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 FARYDAK ............................ 35 FASLODEX ........................... 35 fe fumarate-doss-fa-bcomp and c ........................................ 150 fe fumarate-vit c-b12-if-fa ... 150 felbamate ................................ 41 felodipine ............................... 79 feminine care douche ........... 129 FEMRING............................ 120 fenofibrate .............................. 80 fenofibrate micronized ........... 80 fenofibrate nanocrystallized ... 80 fenofibric acid ........................ 80 fenofibric acid (choline) ......... 80 fenoprofen .............................. 21 fentanyl .................................. 16 fentanyl citrate ....................... 16 ferotrinsic ............................. 150 ferretts .................................. 150 ferrex 150 ............................. 150 ferrex 150 plus ..................... 150 FERRIPROX........................ 119 ferrocite ................................ 150 ferrous fumarate ................... 150 ferrous gluconate .................. 150 ferrous sulfate............... 150, 151 FETZIMA .............................. 44 feverall ................................... 16 fexofenadine ........................... 53 fiber (calcium polycarbophil) .......................................... 116 fiber laxative (methylcellulo)116 fiber smooth ......................... 116 fiber therapy ......................... 116 fiber therapy (psyllium/sugar) .......................................... 116 fiber-lax ................................ 116 finasteride ............................. 129 FIRAZYR .............................. 78 flanax antacid ....................... 113 FLEBOGAMMA DIF .......... 123 flecainide ................................ 75 FLECTOR .............................. 21 FLEET BISACODYL .......... 116 FLEXBUMIN 25 % ............... 70 FLEXBUMIN 5 % ................. 70 flintstones complete (iron) ... 151 flintstones multivitamin ....... 151 flintstones with iron ............. 151 flintstones/extra c ................. 151 FLOVENT DISKUS ............ 139 FLOVENT HFA .................. 139 floxuridine .............................. 35 flu formula daytime-nighttime89 flu severe cold-congestion ..... 89 fluconazole ............................. 49 fluconazole in dextrose(iso-o) 49 fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) . 49 flucytosine .............................. 49 fludrocortisone ..................... 120 flumazenil............................... 82 flunisolide............................. 109 fluocinonide ......................... 100 fluocinonide-emollient base . 100 fluorometholone ................... 109 FLUOROPLEX ...................... 96 fluorouracil ....................... 35, 97 fluoxetine ............................... 44 fluoxymesterone ................... 119 fluphenazine decanoate .......... 60 fluphenazine hcl ..................... 60 flurbiprofen ............................ 21 flurbiprofen sodium.............. 109 flutamide ................................ 35 fluticasone .................... 100, 109 fluvoxamine ........................... 44 foaming antacid .................... 113 folic acid ............................... 151 FOLIC ACID ....................... 151 fomepizole............................ 129 fondaparinux .......................... 67 foot odor control..................... 49 FORTEO .............................. 127 FORTICAL .......................... 127 I-9 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 foscarnet ................................. 65 fosfree ................................... 151 fosinopril ................................ 74 fosinopril-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................ 74 fosphenytoin ........................... 41 FREAMINE HBC 6.9 % ........ 72 FREAMINE III 10 % ............. 72 fungi cure ............................... 49 FUNGI-NAIL......................... 49 fungoid-d ................................ 49 furosemide .............................. 79 FUSILEV ............................. 129 FUZEON ................................ 63 FYCOMPA ............................ 41 G gabapentin .............................. 41 GABITRIL ............................. 41 galantamine ...................... 42, 43 GAMASTAN S/D ................ 123 GAMMAGARD LIQUID .... 123 GAMMAPLEX .................... 123 ganciclovir sodium ................. 66 GARDASIL (PF) ................. 124 GARDASIL 9 (PF) .............. 124 gas relief ............................... 110 gas relief extra strength ........ 110 gas-x ultra-strength............... 110 gatifloxacin ........................... 108 GATTEX 30-VIAL .............. 113 GATTEX ONE-VIAL .......... 113 GAUZE PAD ....................... 129 GAZYVA ............................... 35 gelusil antacid & anti-gas ..... 113 gemfibrozil ............................. 80 GENOTROPIN .................... 121 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK .......................................... 121 gentamicin ................ 25, 98, 108 gentamicin in nacl (iso-osm) .. 25 gentamicin sulfate ................ 108 gentamicin sulfate (ped) (pf) .. 25 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 gentamicin sulfate (pf) ........... 25 GENTEAL MILD TO MODERATE ................... 105 GENTEAL GEL .................. 105 GENTEAL MILD ................ 105 GENTEAL SEVERE ........... 105 gentlelax ............................... 116 GENVOYA ............................ 63 GEODON ............................... 60 geravim ................................ 151 geriaton ................................ 151 geri-hydrolac .......................... 97 geri-tussin dm......................... 89 gildess 1/20 (21) ..................... 84 gildess 24 fe ........................... 84 gildess fe 1/20 (28)................. 84 GILENYA ............................ 129 GILOTRIF ............................. 35 GLEEVEC ............................. 35 glimepiride ............................. 47 glipizide.................................. 47 glipizide-metformin ............... 47 GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT ..... 129 GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT (HUMAN) ................ 129 gluco burst .............................. 72 glucose ................................... 72 glucose gel ............................. 72 glutose 15 ............................... 72 glyburide ................................ 47 glyburide micronized ............. 47 glyburide-metformin ........ 47, 48 glycolax ................................ 116 glycopyrrolate ...................... 113 glydo ...................................... 22 GLYXAMBI .......................... 45 granisetron (pf)....................... 57 granisetron hcl ........................ 57 GRANIX ................................ 68 griseofulvin microsize ............ 49 guaifenesin ............................. 89 guaifenesin dac....................... 89 guanfacine ........................ 73, 82 guanidine .............................. 129 gummi bear multivitamin ..... 151 gummy swirls ....................... 151 H hair vitamins ......................... 151 hair,skin & nails ................... 151 halobetasol propionate ......... 100 haloperidol ............................. 60 haloperidol decanoate ............ 60 haloperidol lactate .................. 60 HARVONI ............................. 65 HAVRIX (PF) ...................... 124 head congestion day-night ..... 89 healthy eyes .......................... 151 healthylax ............................. 116 hemocyte .............................. 151 heparin (porcine) .................... 67 heparin (porcine) in 5 % dex . 67, 68 heparin (porcine) in nacl (pf) . 67 heparin sodium,porcine-pf ..... 67 heparin(porcine) in 0.45% nacl ............................................ 68 heparin, porcine (pf) ............... 67 HEPATAMINE 8% ............... 72 HEPATASOL 8 % ................. 72 HERCEPTIN .......................... 35 HETLIOZ ............................. 142 HEXALEN ............................. 35 hi-b complex ........................ 152 hi-cal plus vit d ..................... 135 high potency multivit-multimin .......................................... 152 homatropine hbr ................... 105 honey bears .......................... 152 honey bears with iron-zinc ... 152 HUMIRA ............................. 123 HUMIRA PEN ..................... 123 HUMIRA PEN CROHN'S-UCHS START ....................... 123 I-10 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTRATED) ......... 46 hydralazine ............................. 78 hydrochlorothiazide................ 79 hydrocil instant ..................... 116 hydrocodone bit-homatrop mebr ........................................ 90 hydrocodone-acetaminophen . 16 hydrocodone-chlorpheniramine ............................................ 90 hydrocodone-homatropine ..... 90 hydrocodone-ibuprofen .......... 16 hydrocortisone ...... 100, 101, 120 hydrocortisone acet-aloe vera .......................................... 100 hydrocortisone acetate .......... 100 hydrocortisone acetate-aloe .. 100 hydrocortisone acetate-urea . 100 hydrocortisone butyrate 100, 101 hydrocortisone butyr-emollient .......................................... 101 hydrocortisone sod succinate 120 hydrocortisone valerate ........ 101 hydromorphone ................ 16, 17 hydromorphone (pf) ............... 16 hydroskin .............................. 101 hydroxychloroquine ............... 58 hydroxyurea............................ 35 hydroxyzine hcl ............ 129, 130 hydroxyzine pamoate ........... 130 HYPERLYTE CR ................ 135 HYPERRAB S/D (PF) ......... 123 HYQVIA .............................. 123 I ibandronate ........................... 127 IBRANCE .............................. 35 ibuprofen ................................ 21 ibuprofen jr strength ............... 21 icaps plus .............................. 152 ICLUSIG ................................ 35 iferex 150 ............................. 152 ifosfamide ............................... 35 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 ifosfamide-mesna ................... 35 ILARIS (PF)......................... 123 ILEVRO ............................... 109 IMBRUVICA ......................... 36 imipenem-cilastatin ................ 30 imipramine hcl ....................... 44 imipramine pamoate............... 44 imiquimod .............................. 97 IMLYGIC .............................. 36 imodium a-d ......................... 113 IMODIUM A-D ................... 113 IMOGAM RABIES-HT (PF) .......................................... 123 IMOVAX RABIES VACCINE (PF) .................................. 124 INCRELEX .......................... 121 indapamide ............................. 79 indomethacin .......................... 21 indomethacin sodium ............. 21 INFANRIX (DTAP) (PF) .... 125 infant's ibuprofen ................... 21 INFANT'S MOTRIN ............. 21 infants' non-aspirin cold ......... 90 INLYTA ................................. 36 insta-glucose .......................... 72 INSULIN SYRINGE-NEEDLE U-100 ............................... 102 INTELENCE.......................... 63 INTRALIPID ......................... 72 INTRON A............................. 65 INVANZ ................................ 30 INVEGA ................................ 61 INVEGA SUSTENNA .......... 61 INVEGA TRINZA................. 61 INVIRASE ............................. 63 INVOKAMET ....................... 45 INVOKANA .......................... 45 inzo antifungal ....................... 49 iodine.................................... 103 IONOSOL-B IN D5W ......... 135 IONOSOL-MB IN D5W...... 135 IPOL ..................................... 125 ipratropium bromide ............ 105 IPRIVASK ............................. 68 irbesartan ................................ 74 irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................ 74 IRESSA .................................. 36 iron high potency ................. 152 ISENTRESS ........................... 63 ISOLYTE M IN 5 % DEXTROSE ..................... 135 ISOLYTE-H IN 5 % DEXTROSE ..................... 135 ISOLYTE-P IN 5 % DEXTROSE ..................... 135 ISOLYTE-S ......................... 135 isoniazid ................................. 56 isopto tears ........................... 105 isosorbide dinitrate ................. 81 isosorbide mononitrate ........... 81 isotretinoin ............................. 97 isradipine ................................ 79 itraconazole ............................ 49 ivermectin............................... 58 IXEMPRA .............................. 36 IXIARO (PF)........................ 125 J JAKAFI .................................. 36 JALYN ................................. 130 jantoven .................................. 68 JANUMET ............................. 45 JANUMET XR ...................... 45 JANUVIA .............................. 45 JARDIANCE ......................... 45 JENTADUETO ...................... 46 jr. acetaminophen ................... 17 juleber..................................... 84 junel fe 24............................... 84 junior mapap .......................... 17 JUXTAPID............................. 80 K KABIVEN .............................. 72 KALETRA ............................. 64 I-11 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 KALYDECO ........................ 141 kaopectate (bismuth subsalicy) .......................................... 113 KEDBUMIN .......................... 70 KELP (IODINE) .................. 135 ketoconazole ........................... 49 ketoprofen .............................. 21 ketorolac ......................... 22, 109 KEVEYIS ............................. 130 KEYTRUDA .......................... 36 kid's vitamins........................ 152 kid's vitamins + extra c......... 152 kids vitamins + iron.............. 152 kid's vitamins + iron ............. 152 kimidess (28) .......................... 84 KINERET ............................. 123 KINRIX (PF) ........................ 125 klor-con 10 ........................... 135 klor-con m10 ........................ 135 klor-con m15 ........................ 135 klor-con m20 ........................ 135 klor-con sprinkle .................. 135 konsyl (sugar) ....................... 116 konsyl fiber........................... 116 KONSYL SUGAR-FREE .... 116 KORLYM .............................. 46 KRYSTEXXA...................... 103 KUVAN ............................... 103 KYNAMRO ........................... 80 KYPROLIS ............................ 36 L l norgest/e.estradiol-e.estrad... 84 labetalol .................................. 76 LACRISERT ........................ 105 LACTATED RINGERS....... 126 LACTINOL HX ..................... 97 lactulose................................ 113 LAMICTAL ........................... 41 LAMISIL (AEROSOL) ......... 49 lamisil af ................................. 49 LAMISIL AT ......................... 49 lamivudine .............................. 64 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 lamivudine-zidovudine .......... 64 lamotrigine ............................. 41 LANOXIN ............................. 78 lansoprazole ......................... 111 LANTUS ................................ 46 LANTUS SOLOSTAR .......... 46 larin 24 fe ............................... 84 larin fe 1/20 (28) .................... 84 latanoprost ............................ 132 LATUDA ......................... 61, 62 laxative peg 3350 ................. 116 LAZANDA ............................ 17 leflunomide .......................... 123 LEMTRADA ....................... 130 LENVIMA ............................. 36 LETAIRIS ............................ 143 letrozole.................................. 36 leucovorin calcium ............... 130 LEUKERAN .......................... 36 LEUKINE .............................. 68 leuprolide ............................... 36 levetiracetam .......................... 41 levobunolol .......................... 132 levocarnitine ......................... 130 levocarnitine (with sugar) .... 130 levocetirizine .......................... 53 levofloxacin.................... 32, 108 levofloxacin in d5w................ 32 levonorgestrel ................... 84, 85 levonorgestrel-ethin estradiol. 84 levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad . 84, 85 levothyroxine ....................... 122 LEXIVA ................................. 64 lice cream rinse .................... 102 lice killing ............................ 102 lice treatment ........................ 102 lice treatment (permethrin) .. 102 lidocaine ................................. 23 lidocaine (pf) .................... 22, 75 lidocaine hcl ..................... 22, 23 lidocaine in 5 % dextrose (pf) 75 lidocaine-prilocaine ................ 23 life-pack women's ................ 152 linezolid.................................. 26 LINZESS .............................. 113 liothyronine .......................... 122 lipase-protease-amylase ....... 103 LIPOSYN II ........................... 72 LIPOSYN III .......................... 72 liquibid d-r.............................. 90 liquid calcium with vitamin d .......................................... 135 LIQUI-E ............................... 152 lisinopril ................................. 74 lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide 74 lithium carbonate.................... 82 lithium citrate ......................... 82 little animals ......................... 152 little animals-iron ................. 152 l-norgest-eth estr/ethin estra ... 85 lobana bath ............................. 97 lomustine ................................ 36 LONSURF ............................. 36 loperamide ............................ 113 loratadine ................................ 53 loratadine-d ............................ 53 lorazepam oral solution .......... 25 lortuss ex ................................ 90 losartan ................................... 74 losartan-hydrochlorothiazide . 74 LOTEMAX .......................... 109 LOTRONEX ........................ 113 lovastatin ................................ 80 loxapine succinate .................. 62 lubricant dry eye relief ......... 105 lubricant eye (cmc-glycer)(pf) .......................................... 106 lubricant eye (cmc-glycerin) 106 lubricant eye (pg-peg 400) ... 106 lubricant eye (polyv alcohol) 106 lubricant eye (propyl glycol) 106 lubricant eye drops ............... 106 lubricant gel.......................... 106 I-12 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 lubricating drops................... 106 lubrifresh pm ........................ 106 LUMIGAN ........................... 132 LUPRON DEPOT .................. 36 LUPRON DEPOT (3 MONTH) ............................................ 36 LUPRON DEPOT (4 MONTH) ............................................ 36 LUPRON DEPOT (6 MONTH) ............................................ 36 LUPRON DEPOT-PED ....... 121 LUPRON DEPOT-PED (3 MONTH) .......................... 121 LYNPARZA .......................... 36 LYRICA ................................. 41 lysiplex plus ......................... 152 LYSODREN .......................... 37 M maalox advanced .................. 113 MACUVITE ......................... 152 MACUVITE EYE CARE .... 152 mag 64 .................................. 135 mag-delay ............................. 135 mag-g.................................... 135 MAGNEBIND 300 .............. 113 magnesium ........................... 136 magnesium (oxide/aa chelate) .......................................... 135 magnesium chloride ............. 136 magnesium gluconate ........... 136 magnesium oxide ................. 114 magnesium sulf in 0.45% nacl .......................................... 136 magnesium sulfate ................ 136 magnesium sulfate in d5w .... 136 magnesium sulfate in water .. 136 malathion .............................. 102 mapap (acetaminophen) ......... 17 mapap arthritis pain ................ 17 mapap extra strength .............. 17 maprotiline ............................. 44 mar-cof bp .............................. 90 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 mar-cof cg .............................. 90 MARPLAN ............................ 44 masanti double strength ....... 114 MATULANE ......................... 37 matzim la................................ 76 maximum daily multivitamin .......................................... 152 maximum strength flu ............ 90 meclizine ................................ 57 medi-brom .............................. 90 medroxyprogesterone ........... 122 mefenamic acid ...................... 22 mefloquine ............................. 58 MEFOXIN IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OSM) ........................ 29 mega multiple/chelated mineral .......................................... 152 mega multivitamin with mineral .......................................... 152 MEGACE ES ....................... 122 megestrol ........................ 37, 122 MEKINIST ............................ 37 meloxicam .............................. 22 memantine .............................. 43 MENACTRA (PF) ............... 125 MENEST.............................. 120 MENHIBRIX (PF) ............... 125 MENOMUNE - A/C/Y/W-135 (PF) .................................. 125 men's daily gummies ............ 152 men's multi-vitamin ............. 152 men's one daily..................... 153 MENVEO A-C-Y-W-135-DIP (PF) .................................. 125 MENVEO MENA COMPONENT (PF)......... 125 MENVEO MENCYW-135 COMPNT (PF) ................. 125 MEPHYTON ....................... 153 mercaptopurine ...................... 37 meropenem ............................. 30 meropenem-0.9% sodium chloride............................... 30 mesehist dm............................ 90 mesna ................................... 130 MESNEX ............................. 130 MESTINON ......................... 130 MESTINON TIMESPAN .... 130 metaproterenol ..................... 140 metaxall ................................ 142 metaxalone ........................... 142 metformin ............................... 46 methadone .............................. 17 methadone hcl ........................ 17 methazolamide ..................... 132 methenamine hippurate .......... 26 methenamine mandelate ......... 26 methimazole ......................... 122 methocarbamol ..................... 142 methotrexate sodium .............. 37 methotrexate sodium (pf) ....... 37 methoxsalen rapid .................. 97 methscopolamine ................. 114 methyclothiazide .................... 79 methylphenidate ..................... 83 methylprednisolone .............. 120 methylprednisolone acetate .. 120 methylprednisolone sodium succ .......................................... 121 metipranolol ......................... 132 metoclopramide hcl .............. 114 metolazone ............................. 79 metoprolol succinate .............. 76 metoprolol ta-hydrochlorothiaz ............................................ 76 metoprolol tartrate .................. 76 metronidazole ............. 26, 55, 98 metronidazole in nacl (iso-os) 26 mexiletine ............................... 75 mgo....................................... 114 MIACALCIN ....................... 127 mi-acid ................................. 114 mi-acid gas relief .................. 110 I-13 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 micatin .................................... 50 miconazole 7 .......................... 50 miconazole nitrate .................. 50 midodrine ............................... 73 milk of magnesia .................. 116 milltrium senior .................... 153 milrinone ................................ 78 milrinone in 5 % dextrose ...... 78 mineral oil ............................ 130 MINERAL OIL .................... 130 mineral oil laxative ............... 116 minitran .................................. 81 minocycline ............................ 33 minoxidil ................................ 81 mintox .................................. 114 mintox maximum strength ... 114 mintox plus ........................... 114 MIRCERA.............................. 68 mirtazapine ............................. 44 misoprostol ........................... 111 mitoxantrone .......................... 37 M-M-R II (PF)...................... 125 moexipril ................................ 74 moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................ 74 molindone ............................... 62 mometasone.......................... 101 MONISTAT 3 ........................ 50 monistat 7 ............................... 50 montelukast .................. 139, 140 morphine .......................... 17, 18 MORPHINE ........................... 18 morphine concentrate ............. 17 morphine in dextrose 5 % ...... 17 morrhuate sodium................. 130 motion sickness ...................... 57 motion sickness (meclizine) ... 57 MOVANTIK ........................ 114 MOVIPREP.......................... 117 MOXEZA ............................. 108 moxifloxacin .......................... 32 MOZOBIL.............................. 68 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 mucus dm ............................... 90 mucus dm max ....................... 90 mucus relief ............................ 90 mucus relief cough ................. 90 MULTAQ .............................. 75 multi complete with iron ...... 153 multi-day with iron .............. 153 multi-delyn with iron ........... 153 multiple vitamin-minerals .... 153 multiple vitamins ................. 153 multiple vitamins with iron .. 153 multi-symptom cold night time ............................................ 90 multi-symptom cold-cough .... 90 multivital platinum ............... 153 multivitamin 50 plus ............ 153 multi-vitamin hp/minerals .... 153 multivitamin with iron ......... 153 multivitamin with minerals .. 153 multivitamins with min no.7-fa .......................................... 153 multi-vite .............................. 153 multi-vite 50 & over............. 154 mupirocin ............................... 98 mupirocin calcium ................. 98 muro 128 .............................. 106 my favorite multiple ............. 154 myco nail a ............................. 50 mycophenolate mofetil......... 123 mycophenolate sodium ........ 123 MYOZYME ......................... 103 MYRBETRIQ ...................... 118 mytab gas ............................. 110 mytab gas maximum strength .......................................... 110 my-vitalife ............................ 154 N nabumetone ............................ 22 nadolol.................................... 76 nafcillin .................................. 31 NAGLAZYME .................... 103 naloxone ................................. 23 naltrexone ............................... 23 naltrexone hcl ......................... 23 NAMENDA XR ..................... 43 NAMZARIC .......................... 43 naphazoline .......................... 106 naproxen ................................. 22 naproxen sodium .................... 22 naratriptan .............................. 56 nasal & sinus decongestant .... 90 nasal decongestant (oxymetazl) .......................................... 106 NASCOBAL ........................ 154 nasohist dm ............................ 90 NATACYN .......................... 108 nateglinide .............................. 46 NATPARA ........................... 127 natural b-100 ........................ 154 natural b-100 complex ......... 154 natural balance ..................... 106 natural calcium ..................... 136 natural fiber laxative therapy 117 natural tears (pf) ................... 106 nature's tears ......................... 106 NEBUPENT ........................... 58 nefazodone ............................. 44 neomy sulf-bacitrac zn-poly-hc .......................................... 108 neomycin ................................ 25 neomycin-bacitracin-poly-hc 108 neomycin-bacitracin-polymyxin .......................................... 108 neomycin-polymyxin b gu ..... 98 neomycin-polymyxin bdexameth .......................... 108 neomycin-polymyxingramicidin ........................ 108 neomycin-polymyxin-hc ...... 108 neo-polycin........................... 108 neosporin (neo-bac-polym) .... 98 neosporin anti-itch................ 101 neo-synephrine 12 h spr (oxym) .......................................... 106 I-14 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 neo-tuss .................................. 90 NEPHRAMINE 5.4 % ........... 72 NEULASTA ........................... 68 NEUMEGA ............................ 68 NEUPOGEN .......................... 68 NEUPRO ................................ 59 NEVANAC .......................... 110 nevirapine ............................... 64 NEXAFED ............................. 90 NEXAVAR ............................ 37 niacin ...................................... 80 niacinamide .................... 80, 154 nicardipine .............................. 79 NICODERM CQ .................... 24 nicorelief ................................ 24 nicorette .................................. 24 nicotine ................................... 24 nicotine (polacrilex) ............... 24 NICOTROL............................ 24 nifedipine................................ 79 night time ............................... 91 night time cold-flu .................. 91 night time cold-flu relief ........ 91 nighttime cough ...................... 91 nighttime relief eye .............. 106 NILANDRON ........................ 37 NINLARO .............................. 37 NITE TIME COLD-FLU RELIEF .............................. 91 nite time-d cold-flu relief ....... 91 NITRO-BID ........................... 81 nitrofurantoin macrocrystal .... 26 nitrofurantoin monohyd/m-cryst ............................................ 27 nitroglycerin ........................... 81 nitroglycerin in 5 % dextrose . 81 NITROSTAT.......................... 81 nohist-dm................................ 91 non-aspirin cold ...................... 91 non-aspirin extra strength ....... 18 non-aspirin flu ........................ 91 non-aspirin jr strength ............ 18 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO 121 NORDITROPIN NORDIFLEX .......................................... 121 norelgestromin/ethin.estradiol 85 norepinephrine bitartrate ........ 78 norethindrone ......................... 85 norethindrone (contraceptive) 85 norethindrone acetate ........... 122 norethindrone ac-eth estradiol 85 norethindrone-e.estradiol-iron 85 norethindrone-ethinyl estrad .. 85 norethindrone-mestranol ........ 85 norgestimate-ethinyl estradiol 85 norgestrel-ethinyl estradiol .... 85 NORMOSOL-M IN 5 % DEXTROSE..................... 136 NORMOSOL-R PH 7.4 ....... 136 nortemp .................................. 18 NORTHERA .......................... 73 nortriptyline............................ 44 NORVIR ................................ 64 NOVOLIN 70/30 ................... 46 NOVOLIN N ......................... 46 NOVOLIN R .......................... 47 NOVOLOG ............................ 47 NOVOLOG FLEXPEN ......... 47 NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 ......... 47 NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 FLEXPEN .......................... 47 NOVOLOG PENFILL ........... 47 NOXAFIL .............................. 50 NUCALA ............................. 141 NUCYNTA ............................ 18 NUCYNTA ER ...................... 18 NUEDEXTA .......................... 83 nu-iron .................................. 154 NULOJIX ............................. 123 NUTRESTORE.................... 114 NUTRILIPID ......................... 73 NUTRILYTE ....................... 136 NUTRILYTE II ................... 136 NUVARING .......................... 85 NUVIGIL ............................. 142 nystatin ................................... 50 NYSTATIN (BULK) ............. 50 nystatin-triamcinolone ........... 50 nyt-time sleep ......................... 53 O ocean nasal ........................... 106 OCTAGAM ......................... 123 octreotide acetate.................. 121 ocutabs ................................. 154 ODOMZO .............................. 37 OFEV ................................... 141 ofloxacin......................... 32, 108 olanzapine .............................. 62 olanzapine-fluoxetine ............. 44 olopatadine ........................... 106 OLYSIO ................................. 65 omega-3 acid ethyl esters ....... 80 omeprazole ........................... 111 omeprazole magnesium........ 111 omeprazole-sodium bicarbonate .......................................... 111 ONCASPAR .......................... 37 oncovite ................................ 154 ondansetron ............................ 57 ondansetron hcl ...................... 57 ondansetron hcl (pf) ............... 57 one daily ............................... 155 one daily 50 plus .................. 154 one daily complete ............... 154 one daily energy ................... 154 one daily essential ................ 154 one daily maximum (with ca) .......................................... 154 one daily multi-vit w-mineral .......................................... 154 one daily multivitamin ......... 154 one daily multivit-iron(folic) 154 one daily plus iron ................ 155 one daily plus minerals ........ 155 one daily with iron ............... 155 one-a-day essential ............... 155 I-15 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 one-a-day maximum formula155 one-a-day teen advantage ..... 155 ONFI ...................................... 25 opcicon one-step..................... 85 OPDIVO ................................. 37 OPSUMIT ............................ 143 opti-vitamins ........................ 155 oral saline laxative................ 117 ORAP ..................................... 62 ORENCIA ............................ 123 ORENCIA (WITH MALTOSE) .......................................... 124 ORENITRAM ...................... 143 ORFADIN ............................ 103 ORKAMBI ........................... 141 OTEZLA .............................. 130 OTEZLA STARTER ........... 130 OTREXUP (PF) ................... 130 oxacillin .................................. 31 oxacillin in dextrose(iso-osm) 31 oxandrolone .......................... 119 oxcarbazepine ......................... 41 OXTELLAR XR .................... 41 oxybutynin chloride ............. 118 oxycodone .............................. 18 oxycodone hcl-acetaminophen ............................................ 18 oxycodone hcl-aspirin ............ 18 oxycodone-acetaminophen ..... 19 oxycodone-aspirin .................. 19 OXYCONTIN ........................ 19 oxymorphone.......................... 19 oysco 500/d .......................... 136 oysco d ................................. 136 oysco-500 ............................. 136 oyster shell calcium 500 ....... 136 oyster shell calcium with d ... 136 oyster shell calcium-vit d3 ... 136 oystercal-d ............................ 136 P pain relief ............................... 19 pain relief adult ...................... 19 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 pain reliever extra strength..... 19 pain reliever jr strength .......... 19 paliperidone............................ 62 PANRETIN ............................ 97 pantoprazole ......................... 111 papaverine .............................. 78 paricalcitol............................ 128 paromomycin ......................... 58 paroxetine hcl ......................... 44 PASER ................................... 56 PAXIL .................................... 44 pecgen dmx ............................ 91 pedi m.vit no.17 with fluoride .......................................... 154 pedia relief ............................. 91 pedia relief cough-cold .......... 91 pedia relief infant ................... 91 pediacare multi-symptom cold91 PEDIARIX (PF) ................... 125 pediatric electrolyte .............. 136 pediatric freezer pops ........... 136 pediatric multivitamin .......... 155 PEDVAX HIB (PF) ............. 125 peg 3350-electrolytes ........... 117 peg 3350-na sulf,bicarb,cl-kcl .......................................... 117 PEGANONE .......................... 41 PEGASYS .............................. 65 PEGASYS PROCLICK ......... 65 peg-electrolyte soln .............. 117 PEGINTRON ......................... 65 PEN NEEDLE, DIABETIC . 103 penicillin g pot in dextrose ..... 31 penicillin g potassium ............ 31 penicillin g procaine ............... 31 penicillin v potassium ............ 31 PENTACEL (PF) ................. 125 PENTACEL ACTHIB COMPONENT (PF)......... 125 PENTAM ............................... 58 pentoxifylline ......................... 69 pep-t-med ............................. 114 peri-colace ............................ 117 PERIKABIVEN ..................... 73 perindopril erbumine .............. 74 permethrin ............................ 102 perphenazine .......................... 62 perphenazine-amitriptyline .... 44 persa-gel ................................. 97 pharbetol................................. 19 pharmacist favorite multi-vit 155 phenelzine .............................. 44 phenobarbital .......................... 41 phenobarbital sodium ............. 42 phenylephrine hcl ........... 73, 106 phenylephrine-chlorpheniramine ............................................ 53 phenylhistine dh ..................... 92 phenytoin ................................ 42 phenytoin sodium ................... 42 phenytoin sodium extended ... 42 phillips.................................. 114 phillips liqui-gels.................. 117 PHOSLYRA......................... 118 PHOS-NAK ......................... 136 phosphate laxative ................ 117 PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE.... 132 phosphorus #1 ...................... 136 phytonadione ........................ 155 PICATO ................................. 97 pilocarpine hcl ................ 95, 132 pimozide ................................. 62 pindolol .................................. 76 pink bismuth......................... 114 pioglitazone ............................ 46 pioglitazone-glimepiride ........ 46 pioglitazone-metformin .......... 46 piperacillin-tazobactam .......... 31 piroxicam ............................... 22 PLAN B ONE-STEP .............. 85 PLASBUMIN 25 % ............... 70 PLASBUMIN 5 % ................. 70 PLASMA-LYTE 148 ........... 137 PLASMA-LYTE A .............. 137 I-16 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 PLASMA-LYTE-56 IN 5 % DEXTROSE ..................... 137 PLEGRIDY .......................... 130 podofilox ................................ 97 podophyllum resin .................. 97 polyethylene glycol 3350 ..... 117 poly-iron ............................... 155 polymyxin b sulfate ................ 27 polymyxin b sulf-trimethoprim .......................................... 109 poly-tussin .............................. 92 poly-vita ............................... 155 poly-vita (iron) ..................... 155 poly-vitamin ......................... 155 poly-vitamin with iron.......... 155 poly-vitamins........................ 155 POMALYST .......................... 37 potassium acetate ................. 137 potassium bicarb and chloride .......................................... 137 potassium bicarb-citric acid . 137 potassium bicarbonate-cit ac 137 potassium chlorid-d5-0.45%nacl .......................................... 137 potassium chloride ............... 137 potassium chloride in 0.9%nacl .......................................... 137 potassium chloride in 5 % dex .......................................... 137 potassium chloride in lr-d5... 137 potassium chloride-0.45 % nacl .......................................... 138 potassium chloride-d5-0.2%nacl .......................................... 138 potassium chloride-d5-0.3%nacl .......................................... 138 potassium chloride-d5-0.9%nacl .......................................... 138 potassium citrate................... 138 potassium citrate-citric acid . 138 potassium hydroxide .............. 97 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 potassium phosphate m-/d-basic .......................................... 138 POTIGA ................................. 42 PRADAXA ............................ 68 PRALUENT PEN .................. 80 PRALUENT SYRINGE ........ 80 pramipexole............................ 59 PRANDIMET ........................ 46 pravastatin .............................. 81 prazosin .................................. 73 prednicarbate ........................ 101 prednisolone acetate ............. 110 prednisolone sodium phosphate .................................. 110, 121 prednisone ............................ 121 PREMARIN ......................... 120 PREMASOL 10 % ................. 73 PREMASOL 6 % ................... 73 PREMPHASE ...................... 120 PREMPRO ........................... 120 prenatal ................................. 156 prenatal formula ................... 155 prenatal tablet ....................... 156 prenatal vit#96-ferrous fum-fa .......................................... 156 prenatal vitamin with minerals .......................................... 156 prenatal vitamins .................. 156 prenatal vit-iron fumarate-fa 156 preparation h hydrocortisone 101 PREVIDENT 5000 SENSITIVE ............................................ 95 PREZCOBIX ......................... 64 PREZISTA ............................. 64 PRIFTIN ................................ 56 PRILOSEC OTC .................. 111 PRIMAQUINE ...................... 58 primidone ............................... 42 PRISTIQ ................................ 44 PRIVIGEN ........................... 124 PROAIR HFA ...................... 140 PROAIR RESPICLICK ....... 140 probenecid ............................ 130 procainamide .......................... 75 PROCALAMINE 3% ............ 73 prochlorperazine..................... 57 prochlorperazine edisylate ..... 57 prochlorperazine maleate ....... 57 PROCRIT ......................... 68, 69 PROCYSBI .......................... 130 progesterone ......................... 122 progesterone micronized capsules ............................ 122 PROGLYCEM ....................... 82 PROGRAF ........................... 124 PROLASTIN-C .................... 141 PROLENSA ......................... 110 PROLEUKIN ......................... 37 PROLIA ............................... 128 PROMACTA ......................... 69 promethazine .................... 53, 57 promethazine hcl .................... 57 promethazine-codeine ............ 92 promethazine-dm ................... 92 promethazine-phenylephcodeine ............................... 92 promolaxin ........................... 117 propafenone ............................ 75 propantheline .......................... 40 proparacaine ......................... 106 proparacaine hcl ................... 106 proparacaine-fluorescein sod 107 propranolol ............................. 76 propranolol-hydrochlorothiazid ............................................ 76 propylthiouracil .................... 122 PROQUAD (PF) .................. 125 prosight................................. 156 PROSOL 20 % ....................... 73 protamine ............................... 69 protriptyline ............................ 44 pseudoephedrine hcl ............... 92 PULMOZYME .................... 103 pure & gentle eye ................. 107 I-17 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 purelax .................................. 117 PURIXAN .............................. 37 pyrazinamide .......................... 56 pyridostigmine bromide 130, 132 pyridoxine ............................ 156 Q q-dryl ...................................... 54 q-pap ................................. 19, 20 q-pap extra strength ................ 19 q-tapp dm ............................... 92 q-tussin ................................... 92 q-tussin dm ............................. 92 QUADRACEL (PF) ............. 125 quetiapine ............................... 62 QUILLIVANT XR ................. 83 quinapril ................................. 74 quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide 74 quinidine gluconate ................ 75 quinidine sulfate ..................... 75 quinine sulfate ........................ 58 QVAR .................................. 139 R RABAVERT (PF) ................ 125 raloxifene.............................. 120 ramipril ................................... 74 RANEXA ............................... 78 ranitidine hcl......................... 111 RAPAMUNE ....................... 124 RASUVO (PF) ..................... 130 RAVICTI.............................. 114 REBIF (WITH ALBUMIN) . 130 REBIF REBIDOSE .............. 130 REBIF TITRATION PACK 131 RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) .... 125 recort plus ............................. 101 refenesen ................................ 92 refenesen pe ............................ 92 REFRESH CELLUVISC ..... 107 REFRESH CLASSIC (PF) ... 107 REFRESH LACRI-LUBE ... 107 REFRESH OPTIVE ............. 107 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 REFRESH OPTIVE ADVANCED ................... 109 reguloid ................................ 117 RELADOR PAK .................... 23 relcof c ................................... 92 RELENZA DISKHALER ...... 65 RELISTOR .......................... 114 remedy phytoplex antifungal . 50 REMICADE ......................... 131 REMODULIN...................... 143 RENAGEL ........................... 118 RENVELA ........................... 118 repaglinide.............................. 46 repaglinide-metformin ........... 46 REPATHA SURECLICK ...... 81 REPATHA SYRINGE ........... 81 RESCRIPTOR ....................... 64 RESTASIS ........................... 110 retaine cmc ........................... 107 RETROVIR............................ 64 REVLIMID ............................ 37 REXULTI .............................. 62 REYATAZ ............................. 64 REZIRA ................................. 92 ribavirin .................................. 66 RIDAURA ........................... 124 rifabutin .................................. 56 rifampin .................................. 56 RIFATER ............................... 56 ri-gel ii .................................. 115 riluzole ................................... 83 rimantadine ............................ 65 ri-mox ................................... 115 ringers .......................... 126, 138 risedronate ............................ 128 RISPERDAL CONSTA ......... 62 risperidone.............................. 62 RITUXAN.............................. 38 rivastigmine tartrate ............... 43 rizatriptan ............................... 56 robafen ................................... 92 robafen cough......................... 92 robafen dm ............................. 92 robitussin cough-chest cong dm ............................................ 92 ROBITUSSIN LONG-ACTING ............................................ 92 robitussin pediatric ................. 93 ropinirole ................................ 59 ROTARIX ............................ 125 ROTATEQ VACCINE ........ 125 ROZEREM........................... 142 rydex....................................... 93 rynex dm ................................ 93 S SABRIL ................................. 42 safe tussin dm ......................... 93 SAIZEN ............................... 121 SAIZEN CLICK.EASY ....... 122 saline mist ............................ 107 salsalate .................................. 22 SANDOSTATIN LAR DEPOT .......................................... 122 SANTYL ................................ 97 SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) ............................................ 63 SAVELLA ............................. 83 scooby-doo one a day........... 156 scot-tussin dm ........................ 93 scot-tussin expectorant ........... 93 sea soft nasal mist ................ 107 selegiline hcl .......................... 59 selenium sulfide ..................... 98 SELZENTRY ......................... 64 senexon................................. 117 senior tabs ............................ 156 senna..................................... 117 senna lax ............................... 117 senna laxative ....................... 117 senna with docusate sodium . 117 senokot-s .............................. 117 SENSIPAR ........................... 131 sentry .................................... 156 sentry senior ......................... 156 I-18 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 SEREVENT DISKUS .......... 140 SEROSTIM .......................... 122 sertraline ................................. 44 setlakin ................................... 85 SIGNIFOR ........................... 131 silace ..................................... 117 siladryl sa ............................... 54 silapap .................................... 20 sildenafil oral tablet 20 mg .. 143, 144 SILENOR ............................... 44 siltussin sa .............................. 93 siltussin-dm ............................ 93 silver nitrate ............................ 98 silver nitrate applicators ......... 98 silver sulfadiazine................... 98 SIMBRINZA ........................ 132 simethicone .......................... 110 simply sleep ............................ 54 SIMPONI ............................. 131 SIMPONI ARIA................... 131 simvastatin.............................. 81 sinus & allergy (pseudoephed) ............................................ 54 sirolimus ............................... 124 SIRTURO ............................... 56 skin treatment ......................... 97 sleep aid (diphenhydramine) .. 54 sleep aid (doxylamine) ........... 54 smoothlax ............................. 118 sodium acetate ...................... 138 sodium bicarbonate ...... 115, 138 sodium chloride ... 107, 126, 138, 141 sodium chloride 0.45 %........ 138 sodium chloride 0.9 %.......... 138 sodium chloride 3 %............. 138 sodium chloride 5 %............. 138 sodium chloride-nahco3-kcl-peg .......................................... 118 sodium citrate-citric acid ...... 139 sodium fluoride .............. 95, 156 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 sodium lactate ...................... 139 sodium phosphate................. 139 sodium polystyrene sulfonate .......................................... 115 sodium thiosulfate ................ 119 sod-pot-k cit-sod cit-cit acid 139 SOLTAMOX ......................... 38 SOLU-CORTEF (PF) .......... 121 SOMATULINE DEPOT ...... 122 SOMAVERT........................ 122 soothe (bismuth subsalicylate) .......................................... 115 soothe regular strength ......... 115 sorbitol ................................. 126 sorbitol-mannitol .................. 127 sotalol ..................................... 76 sotalol hcl ............................... 76 SOVALDI .............................. 65 spectravite ............................ 156 spectravite adult 50+ ............ 156 spectravite advanced formula .......................................... 156 spectravite senior ................. 156 spectravite senior w-lycopene .......................................... 157 spectravite ultra women ....... 157 SPIRIVA RESPIMAT ......... 140 SPIRIVA WITH HANDIHALER ............... 140 spironolactone ........................ 81 spironolacton-hydrochlorothiaz ............................................ 81 SPRYCEL .............................. 38 st joseph aspirin...................... 22 st. joseph aspirin..................... 22 stavudine ................................ 64 STELARA............................ 131 STERILE PADS .................. 131 STIOLTO RESPIMAT .......... 40 STIVARGA ........................... 38 stomach relief ....................... 115 stool softener ........................ 118 STRATTERA......................... 83 STRENSIQ........................... 103 streptomycin ........................... 25 stress 500 plus zinc .............. 157 stress b with zinc .................. 157 stress b-biotin ....................... 157 stress formula ....................... 157 stress formula plus iron ........ 157 stress formula with iron........ 157 stress formula with zinc ....... 157 STRIBILD .............................. 64 STRIVERDI RESPIMAT .... 140 sucralfate .............................. 111 sudogest .................................. 93 sudogest sinus & allergy ........ 54 sulfacetamide sodium ........... 109 sulfacetamide sodium (acne) .. 98 sulfacetamide-prednisolone . 109 sulfadiazine ............................ 32 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim ............................................ 32 sulfasalazine ........................... 32 sulfatrim ................................. 32 sulfazine ................................. 32 sulfazine ec ............................. 32 sulindac .................................. 22 sumatriptan nasal spray .......... 56 sumatriptan succinate ............. 56 summer's eve disposable douche .......................................... 131 summers eve extra cleansing 131 sunvite .................................. 157 super b complex-vitamin c ... 157 super b maxi complex .......... 157 super b/c ............................... 157 super b-50 complex .............. 157 super b-50 complex plus ...... 157 super multiple....................... 157 super multivitamin ............... 157 super quints .......................... 158 super quints b-50 .................. 158 super thera vite m ................. 158 I-19 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 superior 35 ............................ 158 superplex-t ............................ 158 suphedrin ................................ 93 suphedrine pe day-night ......... 93 suphedrine severe cold max str ............................................ 93 support .................................. 158 support-500 .......................... 158 SUPPRELIN LA .................. 122 SUPRAX ................................ 29 SURMONTIL ........................ 44 SUSTIVA ............................... 64 SUTENT ................................ 38 SYLATRON .......................... 65 SYLVANT ............................. 38 SYMLINPEN 120 .................. 46 SYMLINPEN 60 .................... 46 SYNAGIS .............................. 65 SYNAREL ........................... 131 SYNERCID ............................ 27 SYNJARDY ........................... 46 SYNRIBO .............................. 38 SYPRINE ............................. 119 SYSTANE ............................ 107 SYSTANE GEL ................... 107 T tab-a-vite .............................. 158 tab-a-vite/iron ....................... 158 tab-a-vite-minerals ............... 158 TABLOID .............................. 38 tacrolimus ..................... 101, 124 tactinal .................................... 20 tactinal extra strength ............. 20 TAFINLAR ............................ 38 TAGRISSO ............................ 38 TAMIFLU .............................. 65 tamoxifen................................ 38 tamsulosin ............................ 118 TARCEVA ............................. 38 TARGRETIN ......................... 38 tarina fe 1/20 (28) ................... 85 TASIGNA .............................. 38 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 TAZORAC ........................... 102 taztia xt ................................... 77 tears again ............................ 107 tears naturale free (pf) .......... 107 TECFIDERA........................ 131 TECHNIVIE .......................... 65 TEFLARO.............................. 29 telmisartan .............................. 74 telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazid ............................................ 74 TEMODAR ............................ 38 TENIVAC (PF) .................... 125 terazosin ............................... 118 terbinafine hcl ........................ 50 terbutaline ............................ 140 terconazole ............................. 55 testosterone .......................... 119 testosterone cypionate .......... 119 testosterone enanthate .......... 119 TETANUS TOXOID,ADSORBED (PF) .......................................... 126 TETANUS,DIPHTHERIA TOX PED(PF) ........................... 126 TETANUS-DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDS-TD ................. 126 tetrabenazine .......................... 83 tetracaine hcl (pf) ................. 107 tetracycline ............................. 33 THALOMID ........................ 131 the magic bullet .................... 118 theophylline.................. 140, 141 theophylline anhydrous ........ 140 theophylline in dextrose 5 % 140 thera m plus (ferrous fumarat) .......................................... 158 thera vitamin ........................ 158 thera-d .................................. 158 theradex m ............................ 158 THERAFLU DAYTIME COLD-COUGH ................. 93 THERAFLU MULTISYMPTOM COLD ............ 93 thera-m ................................. 158 therapeutic liquid.................. 158 therapeutic m + beta-carotene .......................................... 158 therapeutic vitamin & mineral .......................................... 159 therapeutic vitamins/minerals .......................................... 159 therapeutic-m ....................... 159 therapeutic-m vitamin/minerals .......................................... 159 thera-tabs .............................. 159 theratrum complete 50 plus .. 159 theratrum complete 50 plus/lut .......................................... 159 thiamine hcl .......................... 159 thioridazine............................. 63 thiothixene.............................. 63 tiagabine ................................. 42 TICE BCG............................ 126 TIKOSYN .............................. 75 timolol maleate ............... 76, 132 TIVICAY ............................... 64 tizanidine .............................. 142 TOBI PODHALER ................ 25 TOBRADEX ST .................. 109 tobramycin ........................... 109 tobramycin in 0.225 % nacl ... 25 tobramycin in 0.9 % nacl ....... 25 tobramycin sulfate .................. 25 TOLAK .................................. 97 tolazamide .............................. 48 tolbutamide............................. 48 tolmetin .................................. 22 tolnaftate................................. 50 tolterodine ............................ 118 topiramate............................... 42 toposar intravenous ................ 38 torsemide ................................ 79 total b/c................................. 159 I-20 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 totalday multiple................... 159 TOUJEO SOLOSTAR ........... 47 TOVIAZ ............................... 118 TPN ELECTROLYTES ....... 139 TPN ELECTROLYTES II ... 139 TRACLEER ......................... 144 TRADJENTA ......................... 46 tramadol.................................. 20 tramadol-acetaminophen ........ 20 trandolapril ............................. 74 tranexamic acid ...................... 69 TRANSDERM-SCOP ............ 57 tranylcypromine ..................... 44 TRAVASOL 10 % ................. 73 TRAVATAN Z .................... 132 travel sickness (meclizine) ..... 58 travoprost (benzalkonium) ... 132 trazodone ................................ 44 TREANDA ............................. 38 TRECATOR ........................... 56 TRELSTAR............................ 39 tretinoin ................................ 102 tretinoin (chemotherapy) ........ 39 tretinoin microspheres .......... 102 TREXALL.............................. 39 triacting m-sym cold/cough.... 93 triamcinolone acetonide 95, 101, 102, 121 triaminic cold & cough (pe) ... 93 TRIAMINIC COLD & COUGH NT (PE) .............................. 54 TRIAMINIC COUGH-SORE THROAT............................ 93 triamterene-hydrochlorothiazid ...................................... 79, 80 TRIBENZOR ......................... 74 tri-buffered aspirin ................. 22 tri-dex pe ................................ 94 trifluoperazine ........................ 63 trifluridine ............................ 109 trihexyphenidyl ...................... 59 trimethoprim ........................... 27 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 trimipramine........................... 45 triple antibiotic ....................... 98 triple paste af .......................... 51 TRIUMEQ ............................. 64 tri-vi-sol................................ 159 tri-vita................................... 159 tri-vitamin ............................ 159 TROKENDI XR..................... 42 TROPHAMINE 10 % ............ 73 TROPHAMINE 6% ............... 73 trospium ............................... 118 TRULICITY .......................... 46 TRUMENBA ....................... 126 TRUVADA ............................ 64 trymine cg .............................. 94 TUDORZA PRESSAIR ....... 141 tusnel diabetic ........................ 94 TUSNEL NEW FORMULA.. 94 TUSNEL PEDIATRIC .......... 94 TUSSI PRES-B ...................... 94 tussin cf .................................. 94 tussin cf cough-cold ............... 94 tussin cold-congestion ............ 94 tussin cough (dm only)........... 94 tussin dm ................................ 94 tussin dm cough & chest ........ 94 tussin maximum strength ....... 94 tussin pe ................................. 94 TWINRIX (PF) .................... 126 TYBOST .............................. 131 TYGACIL .............................. 33 TYKERB................................ 39 TYPHIM VI ......................... 126 TYSABRI ............................ 124 TYVASO ............................. 144 TYVASO REFILL KIT ....... 144 TYVASO STARTER KIT ... 144 TYZEKA................................ 66 U ULORIC ............................... 131 ultra b-100 complex ............. 159 ultra fresh pm ....................... 107 ultra strength antacid ............ 115 unisom sleepgels .................... 54 UNITUXIN ............................ 39 ursodiol................................. 115 V VAGIFEM ........................... 120 valacyclovir ............................ 66 VALCHLOR .......................... 97 valganciclovir ......................... 66 valproate sodium .................... 42 valproic acid ........................... 42 valproic acid (as sodium salt). 42 valsartan ................................. 74 valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide 74 VALSTAR ............................. 39 valu-tapp dm .......................... 94 VANACOF ............................ 94 vancomycin ............................ 27 vancomycin in d5w ................ 27 VAQTA (PF)........................ 126 VARIVAX (PF) ................... 126 VASCEPA ............................. 81 VELCADE ............................. 39 venlafaxine ............................. 45 verapamil ................................ 77 VERSACLOZ ........................ 63 VGO 40 ................................ 103 vicks dayquil cold&flu relief . 94 vicks dayquil cough ............... 94 vicks nature fusion cough ...... 94 vicks nyquil severe cold-flu ... 95 vicks qlearquil(oxymetazoline) .......................................... 107 vicks sinex 12-hour .............. 107 VICTOZA .............................. 46 VIDEX 2 GRAM PEDIATRIC ............................................ 64 VIDEX 4 GRAM PEDIATRIC ............................................ 64 VIGAMOX .......................... 109 VIIBRYD ............................... 45 VIMIZIM ............................. 103 I-21 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 VIMPAT ................................ 42 vinorelbine.............................. 39 VIRACEPT ............................ 64 VIRAMUNE XR .................... 64 VIRAZOLE ............................ 66 virdec dm ................................ 95 VIREAD ................................. 64 virtussin ac ............................. 95 vision .................................... 159 vision formula ...................... 159 vision formula (with lutein) . 160 vision plus lutein .................. 160 vit b cmplx 3-fa-vit c-biotin . 160 vit b cmplx no3-fa-c-biot-zinc .......................................... 160 vit b complex-folic acid ....... 160 vitalets .................................. 160 vitamin a ............................... 160 vitamin b complex ................ 160 vitamin b-100 complex ........ 160 vitamin b12-folic acid .......... 160 vitamin b-6 ........................... 160 vitamin c ............................... 160 vitamin d3............................. 160 vitamins & minerals ............. 161 vitamins b complex .............. 161 vitamins b1,b2,b3,b5, and b6 161 vitamins for hair ................... 161 VITEKTA .............................. 64 vitrum senior ........................ 161 VOLTAREN .......................... 22 voriconazole ........................... 51 VOTRIENT ............................ 39 VPRIV .................................. 103 W wal-act d cold & allergy ......... 54 wal-dram ................................ 58 wal-dryl allergy ...................... 54 wal-fex allergy ....................... 54 wal-finate................................ 54 wal-finate-d ............................ 54 wal-itin ................................... 54 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 wal-itin d ................................ 54 wal-itin d 12 hour ................... 54 wal-phed ........................... 54, 95 wal-phed pe day-night............ 95 wal-phed pe sinus & allergy .. 55 wal-profen .............................. 22 wal-sleep z ............................. 55 wal-som (diphenhydramine) .. 55 wal-tap.................................... 55 wal-tussin cough .................... 95 wal-tussin cough & cold cf .... 95 wal-tussin dm ......................... 95 wal-zan 75 ............................ 111 wal-zyr (cetirizine) ................. 55 wal-zyr d ................................ 55 warfarin .................................. 68 water for irrigation, sterile ... 127 womens daily gummies........ 161 women's daily multivitamin . 161 X XALKORI.............................. 39 XARELTO ............................. 68 XELJANZ ............................ 131 XENAZINE ........................... 83 XIFAXAN.............................. 27 XOLAIR............................... 141 XTANDI ................................ 39 xylon 10.................................. 20 XYREM ............................... 142 Y yelets .................................... 161 YERVOY ............................... 39 YF-VAX (PF) ...................... 126 YONDELIS ............................ 39 Z zafirlukast ............................. 140 zaleplon ................................ 142 ZANTAC ............................. 111 ZANTAC 75 ........................ 111 ZARXIO................................. 69 ZAVESCA ........................... 104 ZELBORAF ........................... 39 ZEMPLAR ........................... 128 ZENPEP ............................... 104 zephrex-d ................................ 95 ZETIA .................................... 81 ZIAGEN ................................. 64 zidovudine ........................ 64, 65 zinc oxide ............................... 97 ziprasidone hcl ....................... 63 ZIRGAN ............................... 109 ZOLADEX ............................. 39 zoledronic acid ..................... 128 zoledronic acid-mannitol-water .......................................... 128 ZOLINZA .............................. 39 zolmitriptan ............................ 56 zolpidem ............................... 143 ZOMETA ............................. 128 ZONATUSS ........................... 95 zonisamide.............................. 42 zoo chews ............................. 161 ZORTRESS .......................... 124 ZOSTAVAX (PF) ................ 126 ZOVIRAX .............................. 97 z-sleep .................................... 55 ZUBSOLV ............................. 24 ZYDELIG .............................. 39 ZYKADIA.............................. 40 ZYLET ................................. 109 zyncof ..................................... 95 ZYPREXA RELPREVV ........ 63 ZYRTEC ................................ 55 ZYTIGA ................................. 40 ZYVOX .................................. 27 Este formulario se actualizó el 12/31/2015. Si tiene preguntas, llame al plan Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP de ICS al 1.877.ICS.2525, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. La llamada es gratuita. Para obtener más información, visite www.icsny.org/care-plus. I-22 Formulario del plan Community Care Plus 2015 de Medicare-Medicaid de ventaja doble completamente integrado (Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Medicare-Medicaid Plan, FIDA MMP) de ICS Identificación del formulario:16508.000, Versión: 9 Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 01 de enero 2016 1.877.ICS.2525 www.icsny.org Oficina Administrativa Independence Care System 257 Park Ave. South 2nd Floor New York, NY 10010 Centros de Atención al Paciente 400 East Fordham Road 10th floor Bronx, New York 10458 25 Elm Place 5th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201
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ICS Community Care Plus FIDA-MMP
de manera gratuita. Llame al 1.877.ICS.2525. La llamada es gratuita. You can get this information for free in other languages. Call 1.877.ICS.2525 and TTY: 711 during 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday thr...
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