Jesus wlill give us back our faces, and we will show forth his glory.


Jesus wlill give us back our faces, and we will show forth his glory.
.. hen I was a child, I saw a picture of Lazarus
at the tomb, his face completely bound by a
cloth. It scared me badly~the figures looking
toward Lazarus were pulling away in fear or disgust. Unable
to see his face, they lost any sense of his humanity. \Vithout
eyes, nose, and mouth, Lazarus had become the stuff of
Much later in life, I reflected on that picture and realized
that death~both spiritual and physical-is like that. It robs
us of our humanity. We become faceless, unknown to all but
those who loved us. If we've committed grave sin, we might
even lose those human relationships.
But a second look at the picture revealed the steady figure
of Jesus holding the raised Lazarus in his gaze. He didn't
turn away in fear. Rather, he continued to look at him with
love, as a friend.
Jesus, the face of love, is the only one who can confront the
two things that make us faceless-that take our humanity
from us: sin and death. Sin kills the soul and has the capacity
to make us unrecognizable to others. Death kills the body
and can take us from our loved ones.
Jesus calls us forth from each of these. From sin, he calls
us to conversion; from death, he calls us to eternal life.
If we listen carefully, we can hear him call us by name to
"come out." And then, with infinite love, he will ask those
who love us to untie us and let us go.
Jesus wlill give us back
our faces, and we will
show forth his glory.
He will give us back our faces, and we will show forth his
MARY KATHARINE DEELEY Isundaybulletin@/iguori,org
lODAY'S READ,NGS ... Ez 37:12-14 .. Rom 8:8-11 .. In 11 :1-45 or 11 :3-7, 17,20-27, 33b-45
© 2014 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999, Printed in U,S,A, Imprimatur: "In accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on October 21,
2013, by the Most Reverend Edward M, Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of SI. Louis, Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching
is contained in this work, It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission," No part of this
work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications, Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised
edition © 2010,1991,1986,1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved, Design by Pam Hummelsheim, Images: Shutterstock,
To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521,
Sacred Heart ofJesus Catholic Church
208 South Miller Street, Breckenridge, TX 76424
Office: 254-559-2860
Fax: 254-559-5289
Parochial Administrator: Fr. Fernando Preciado Secretary: Ms. Mary Alvarez Office Hours: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday Our mission Is to love one Qnother Qnd welcome QII through our common /Qith, worship Qnd works in Jesus' nQme. NuestrQ mlsl6n es " QmQrnos unos Q otros e invitQr Q todos Q vivir nuestrQ /e en comlln, Q trQVeS de nuestrQ QdorQcion, rolto y trQbQjo, en nombre de Jesus." Mass Intentionsllntencl6n de la Mlsa
Mass ScheduleslHorario de la Misa:
5:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. E
12:00 p.m. S
+Luz Marentes, +Issac Palacios, +Refugio Palacios
Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart
5 Sunday in March 2013:
+Fred Payne
Stations of the Cross-Bilingual
Please pray for/Favor oren por: Fr. Noel O'Connor, Fr. Anh,
Marcelina Martinez, Paula Gunlock, Kevin Franco, Robert
Ponce, Vicky Martinez, Martha Forbes, Lupe Seballos Jimenez,
Billie Sue Offield, Alanna Offield, Louisa Chavez, Rosa Galindo,
5 Sunday in March 2014:
2 Collection:
For blessings, mass intentions, or other sacraments call the
Para bendiciones, intenciones de misa y otros sacramentos;
favor de lIamar a la oficina con anticipacion.
Isabel Marqueno, Monica Benitez, Trinity Grace Castillo, Anne
Hamilton and for all men and women in the service.
Ministries for Saturday, April 12, 2014
If you would like to put someone on the prayer list, please call
the office at 559-2860 and give us the name or leave message.
S; desea poner a alguna persona en la lista de orac;on, favor de
IIamar a la oficina al 559-2860 y darnos el nombre
dejar un
5:00 p.m. Mass
Lector: Tony Baeza, Mary Alvarez
Extraordinary Ministers of the Cup: Doris Asher, Teresa
Ministries for Sunday, April 13, 2014
Ministros para el 13 de Abril de 2014
10:00 a.m. Mass
Misa de las 12:00 p.m.
Lector: Lupe Ponce, Roy Milne
Lectores: Janine Valdez, Fidel Puebla
Gifts: Family of Robert & Deborah Gonzales
Pan y Vino: La familia de Junior & Cynthia Fernandez
Extraordinary Ministers of t~e Cup: Sylvia Duran, Johnny
Ministros de la CaUz: Veronica Gallegos, Irma Huerta
Colecta: Selecconar el Domingo
Collection: Mike Ramirez, Marvin Phillips
Limpieza de las Toallas: Doris Asher
Altar Linen: Doris Asher
Limpieza de la Iglesia: Grupo de Oracion
Church Cleaning: Grupo de Oracion
Stations of the Cross
Fridays of Lent at 6:30 - Bilingual
Via Crucis Los Viernes de Cuaresma a las 6:30 p.m. bilingue Next Sunday is Palm Sunday; remember to be early.
EI pr6ximo domingo es e l Domingo de Ramos recordar
que debemos estar temprano.
Information about Holy Week Tuesday: April 15th - Chrism Mass - Saint Patrick Cathedral- Fort Worth at 5:00 p.m. Thursday: April 17th - Mass - 7:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m. - children
9:30 p.m. - Jr and High School
10:30 p.m. - Adults
11:30 p.m. - 5:30 a.m.
Friday: April 18th
Semana Santa
7:00 p.m. - Celebration
Stations of the Cross
Saturday: April 19th - 8:30 p.m. - Mass
Sacred Heart of Jesus Lenten Fish Fry
Sacred Heart of Jesus will be having a Lenten Fish Fry
next Friday, April 11 , 2014 from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in
the parish hall. Meal includes, fish, hush puppies, French
fries, cole slaw, beans, and tea. The cost is $8.00/plate for
adults, and $4/plate for children under 12. Tickets can be
purchased at the door or by calling the office for
All persons who have reached their 14th birthday
are bound by the law of abstinence. All adults are bound
by the law of fast up to their 60th year.
The current canonical discipline of penance for
the United States, in addition to the general character of
the Lenten season, may thus be summed up:
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of
abstinence from meat and also days of fast; that is,
limited to a single full meal.
The other Fridays of Lent remain days of
abstinence from meat.!pages/e-bulletin-home
40 Cans For Lent Food Drive
March 5 - April 19
Knights of Columbus is sponsoring "4Q Cans For Lent
Food Drive." Individuals and families are asked to set
aside one non-perishable item of food for each day of Lent
along with a short meditation or prayer. Food can be
brought each Sunday or at one time. A box will be placed
in the back of the church and in the parish hall where the
food items can be deposited. All food gathered will be
used to replenish Sacred Heart of Jesus Food Pantry.
Informaci6n sobre la Semana Santa
EI Martes: ellS de Abril- Misa Crismal­
Catedral de Saint Patrick - Fort Worth a las
EI Jueves: el17 de Abril- Misa - 7:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m. - ninos
9:30 p.m. - Jr y High School
10:30 p.m. - adultos
11:30 p.m. - 5:30 a.m.
EI Viernes: ell18 de Abril
7:00 p.m. - Celebraci6n
Via Crucis / Rosario de
EI Sc\bado: el19 de Abril - 8:30 p.m. - Misa
Sagrado Coraz6n de Jesus tend ran el Fish Fry el proximo
Viernes, 11 de Abril de la 5:00 p.m. hasta las 8:00 p.m. en
el Sal6n Parroquia'l. La comida incluye: pescado, hush
puppies, papas fritas, ensalada de col, frijoles y teo EI
costa es $8 para adultos y $4 para men ores de 12 arios.
Los boletos se pueden comprar en la puerta 0 lIamen a la
oficina para informaci6n.
Todas las personas de 14 arios de edad en
adelante estan obligadas a la abstinencia y todos los
adultos hasta los 60 arios de edad estan obligadas a el
La disciplina can6nica actual para la penitencia
para los Estados Unidos, ademas al caracter general del
tiempo de Cuaresma, se puede resumir de la siguiente
EI Miercole's de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo son
dias de abstinencia de carne y tambien dias de ayuno;
esto es, limitado a una sola com ida completa.
Los otros viernes pe Cuaresma permanecen
los Knights of Columbus esta patrocinando la Campana, "40
latas para Cuaresma Food Drive" el 5 de Marzo - 19 de Abril.
Personal 0 en familia se les invita a traer alimentos no­
perecederos cada dia de la Cuaresma, junto can una breve
meditaci6n u oraci6n. Cada domingo se puede traer comida
o en algun otro momento. los alimentos pueden ser
depositados en la caja de la entrada de la iglesia y en el
sal6n. Todos los alimentos seran para reponer la despensa
de comida el Sagrado Coraz6n de Jesus.
Lenten Weekday
On 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30,
33-62 or 13 :41(-62
In 8:1-11
occasion. ofsin?
Lenten Weekday
Nm 21:4-9
In 8:21-30
My aunt has told her husband he shouldn't watch a certain TV show. She says it's an "occasion of sin." What ;s that?
Lenten Weekday
On 3:14-20/
91-92, 95
In 8:31-42
Occasions o f sin are people, places, or
situations that can easily lead a person to sin
or give them an opportunity to commit a sin .
There are two types: remote and proximate
(also called near).
If the attraction is not strong or has only a
small probability of leading to sin, the occasion is remote. Remote occasions of sin
are always around us, and we have no obligation to try to avoid them.
If the attraction is powerful or the probability of its leading to sin is great, the
occasion is called proximate. St. Alphonsus suggested that if a person sins four out
of ten times in a given situation, that situation should be regarded as a proximate
occasion of sin.
Proximate or near occasions of sin are further classified as necessary or voluntary.
A necessary proximate occasion cannot be avoided or can be avoided only with
great difficulty, for example, an occasion associated with doing one's job or being in
A voluntary proximate occasion is freely and voluntarily entered into. We must
avoid voluntary proximate occasions of grave sin.
Among the many means at our disposal for avoiding occasions of sin, the
sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist have pride of place. Prayer and self­
discipline also help.
FR . DAVID LOUCH, CSSR I 5undaybulletin@/iguori. org
Lenten Weekday
Gn 17:3-9
In 8:51-59
Lenten Weekday
Jer 20 :10-13
In 10 :31-42
Lenten Weekday
Ez 37:21-28
In 11 :45-56
Palm Sunday of the
Passion of the Lord
Is 50:4-7
Phil 2:6-11
Mt 26 :14-27:66 or
30 Days of Prayer
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Item 820366
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© 2014 • Liguori , MO