St. Therese -


St. Therese -
213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875
March 30, 2014
Fourth Sunday of Lent / La Cuaresma
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral
Rev. William Hoffman - Pastor / Párroco
Rev. Mr. Tony Abts - Deacon / Diácono
Sr. Mary Jane Knitter, SSJ-TOSF - Musician/Directora de Música
Carlos Herrera, Mphil. - Hispanic Ministry / Pastoral Hispana
Margaret Jensen - RE Coordinator / Coordinadora Catecismo
Tina Poppe - Parish Nurse / Enfermera
Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina
Luis Giraldo - Business Manager / Administrador
Chris Armstrong - Receptionist / Recepcionista
Roberto Martinez - Maintenance / Mantenimiento
Trustee-Treasurer / Fideicomisario-Tesorero
Thomas Kohlmann
Trustee-Secretary / Fiducirio-Tesorero
Norys Piña Lozano
Telephone / Teléfono
Office / Oficina ................................................ 733-8568
Carlos Herrera.................................................... 739-0794
Fax ........................................................................ 954-5727
Website / Página internet……
Office Hours / Horas de Oficina
Mon - Thur / lunes a jueves ....... 8:00am-4:30 pm
Fri / viernes ..................................8:00 am-12:30 pm
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Sat - sáb /Confessions/Confesiones 3:00-3:45 pm
Saturday Mass ................................................... 4:00 pm
Sábado Misa ........................................................5:30 pm
Sunday Mass ....................................................... 9:00 am
Domingo Misa ..............................11:00 am y 7:00 pm
Weekday Mass Tue - Fri / martes a viernes8:00 am
1st Thu * Adoration .......................8:30 am -7:00 pm
1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa ................. 6 & 7pm
Ministries / Ministerios
Care Ministry…….. ......................... Fr. Bill Hoffman
Vision In Action ............................ Nancy Bourassa
Prayer Chain ........................................ Judy Hietpas
Worship Committee ................... Sr. Anne Arthur
Ladies of St. Therese ....................... Dorothy Mach
St. Vincent de Paul ................ Greg & Jean Pethan
Coro / Hispanic Choirs ............ Ernesto Gonzalez
Comité de Pastoral Hispana…….Mphil. Carlos Herrera
Litugia y enfermos .......................... Martha Franco
Ministerio de “La Virgen Peregrina” .................
........ Omar Chacón, Carmen Irenn y Rosa García
Divina Misericordia ........................ Lupita Muñoz
Support 2014 Bishop’s Appeal
“At Camp Tekakwitha, we plant the seeds of Faith.”
“Faith, friends, and fun...we’re here to develope faith, it’s the
foundation of what we do,” says Camp Tekakwitha Director,
Eric Blumreich. “I grew deeply in my faith because of camp; this is a
place that can lead to a transformational moment for young people.
Experiencing creation in this environment can be the most
meaningful factor for young campers in understanding
who they are as children and as people of God.”
Sacraments / Sacramentos
Baptism / Bautismo
By appointment with Father / Hay que hacer cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Reconciliation / Confesiones
Saturday / Sábado 3:00 – 3:45 pm or anytime by appointment with Father/
o haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Marriage / Matrimonio
By appointment with Father /Haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Communion Calls / Comunión para los Enfermos
Please call the office to advise us / Por favor avísenos con una llamada a la oficina
“Padre Bill”
Crosswalk / “Paso de Peatones”
“Jesus took up his cross …he shouldered the terrible
burden of our sins.” It was mid-day when Jesus was
nailed to the cross, and then the sky darkened. These
themes of light and darkness fill today’s Gospel of the
man born blind, and in our lives we face light and darkness. St. Paul invites us to “live (walk) as children of the
light” and to not participate in the works of darkness.
May we ask our Lord to “open our eyes” …..…to recognize
the crosses placed in our journeys, and to embrace and walk with
them – to do our “cross walk”.
On the Cross “love is revealed, the promise kept”; Jesus denied himself for us and “as we walk in the way of discipleship,
we are called to deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow Jesus.” On the “cross walk” we are to be mindful of the interests
of others; to take the form of a servant; to be humble; to be willing to lose our lives for His sake …and so to find life, in Christ.
“All who would follow me,” Christ said,
“The cross with me must take.
To lose your life for me will mean
to find it for my sake.”
En nuestras Misas en inglés el canto de entrada
“juega” con la palabra cruz /cruzar, así mis
reflexiones aquí durante La Cuaresma. “Jesús tomó
la cruz …llevó el peso horrible de nuestros pecados.
Fue crucificado al mediodía, luego el sol oscureció.
Este tema de luz y oscuridad llena el Evangelio de
este domingo, y en nuestras vidas enfrentamos luz y
oscuridad. San Pablo nos invita a “vivir (caminar)
como hijos de la luz” y no participar en obras de la
Pidamos al Señor a “abrir nuestros ojos” …a
reconocer las cruces puestos en nuestro camino, y
abrazarlas y caminar con ellas .. son nuestro “paso
de peatones” (crosswalk).
En la Cruz el amor es revelado, la promesa
cumplida; Jesús negó a sí mismo por nosotros, y así
somos llamados a negarnos, a tomar nuestra cruz y
seguir a Jesús. En el paso de peatones en nuestras
vidas debemos estar atentos a los demás; a ser
siervos; ser humildes; estar dispuestos a morir a
nosotros por Cristo …y así encontrar la vida, en
Seder Meal at St. Therese
Celebrate our history- as Jesus did at the Last Supper
Wednesday, April 16th • 6:30 pm • Family Room
Prayers & foods help tell the Exodus story. This is a ceremonial meal with a Christian crossover. You will be sampling herbs, lamb,
matzo, boiled eggs & more. Families are welcome. A free-will offering will be taken.
Please RSVP to the office: 733-8568
Miércoles, 16 de abril • 18:30 en la Sala de Familia
Las oraciones y los alimentos nos ayudan a contar la historia del Exodo. Esta es una comida ceremonial
con un cruce cristiano. Usted probará muestras de hierbas, cordero, matzo, huevos cocidos y más.
Las familias son bienvenidas. Se le pide una donación voluntaria.
Por favor llame a la o! cina si piensa asistir al 920-739-0794. Mil gracias.
Saint Therese Community invites you to join us for Mass @ 8:30 am and a presentation after in Church!
Saturday, 4/5 -“Those who mourn and the merciful” by Fr. Bill Swichtenberg
Saturday, 4/12 -“The pure of heart and peacemeakers” by Fr. Joe Mattern
80 Pictures
taken so far
and we’re
waiting for
March 29-30, April 5-6 and 12-13
(Wear bright colors, casual clothes and similar tones for the whole family).OR YOU CAN SEND IN A PHOTO
THAT WE WILL SCAN OR EMAIL US A DIGITAL PHOTO (email: [email protected]).
If you choose to submit a previously taken photo, we cannot accept photos taken in professional studios due to
copyright laws.
Also, please use a family photo that is clear and large enough to see everyone’s faces.
If you have any questions, please call Carlos at 920-739-0794.
¡PARTICIPE EN EL ALBUM FOTOGRÁFICO! Después de misas: Marzo 22-23y 29-30, Abril 5-6 y 12-13. Use ropa de color
fuerte, que sea simple y del mismo tono para toda la familia. O envíenos su foto familiar a [email protected]
Mil gracias. No dude en llamar al 920-739-0794.
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
Actividades los Sábados: 1.-Rosario por la Paz y
Justicia a los inmigrantes a las 5 pm. 2. Grupo
de Oración a las 6:30 pm. Grupo de la Divina
Misericordia. Se reúne los viernes a las 7 pm en
el Salón de la familia.
Colecta del Obispo. Le recordamos traer o enviar el
sobre para la misión de la Diócesis de Green Bay.
Que Dios le pague su generosidad.
Pláticas de Espiritualidad en Cuaresma. Son en Inglés, Misa a las
8:30 AM y después la conferencia. Sábados Abril 2 y 9.
Adoración al Santísimo. Jueves 3 de Abril. A las 5 pm Adoración, a
las 6 pm Adoración (Grupo Divina) y 7 pm. Misa en Español.
Venga a adorar a Nuestro Señor.
Práctica lecturas Domingo de Ramos y Semana Santa. Domingo 6
de Abril 12 pm.
misas: 29-30, Abril 5-6 y 12-13. Use ropa de color fuerte, que sea
simple y del mismo tono para toda la familia. O envíenos su foto
familiar a [email protected]
Mil gracias. No dude en llamar al 920-739-0794
Fondo Regresando a Casa: Inscríbase en este programa que funciona
como una ayuda adicional para que si algún miembro de su
familia fallece. Cooperación inicial de $20 y llenar la aplicación.
Ministerio Sta. Elizabeth. Oración con las familias que pasen una
situación difícil en partos. Llame Reyna García al 920-268-5797.
Pastoral de Cuidado. Si usted sabe de algún miembro de la iglesia
que desee visitas o recibir el Sacramento de la Eucaristía en su
hogar o casa de asistencia. Llame a la Señora Martha Franco al
Sacramentos, eventos y fotos, vaya a:
Sounds of Hope
A concert fundraiser, with performances by students of the Lawrence
Conservatory of Music, will take place Friday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m.,
at the First Presbyterian Church in Neenah.
The evening of music will benefit the programs of Affinity Visiting
Nurses/Hospice, which provides care and comfort to patients
and their families, regardless of ability to pay.
Tickets are $15 and available by calling (920) 727-2000, or at the door.
You are invited to a marriage enrichment seminar
with Dr. Jim Healy: Making Happiness a Habit.
Saturday, April 12 from 9am- noon at
St. Bernard Parish in Appleton. This FREE event is sponsored by the 8 Catholic parishes of Appleton. Freewill offerings will be accepted. Pre-registration is requested to ensure adequate materials and snacks. Babysitting will be available at no cost. Pre-registration
for babysitting is required by April 7th. We need to know the ages of children who will need on-site babysitting. To register call St Bernard Parish
office at 920-739-0331. Designed for all ages and stages of marriage!
NO CLASS Wed., APRIL 2nd & April 16th
YES CLASS on Wed., April 9th & 23rd
FINAL Class with Mass on Wed. April 30th
Catholic Daughters
The next meeting will be the Education Awards Night at
St. Pius X, held in the cafeteria at 7 pm on Monday,
April,2014. Come and enjoy the children, their artwork
and writing talent. Refreshments will be served.
A short meeting will follow.
Questions, call Rosemary at 734-2806
Thurs., April 10th 6:30 pm
@ St. Thomas More, Appleton.
Bishop David Ricken invites you to a
PRAYER SERVICE FOR HEALING. Please join us as we
pray for all who are in need of healing from the Church,
especially those affected by sexual abuse.
The Holy Land Pilgrimage
November 4-14, 2014
Walk in the footsteps of Jesus and celebrate Mass daily
Base price of &2,899 plus $700 estimated airline taxes
and fuel surcharges per person from Chicago.
Fr. Farrell & Fr. Schmitt are the spiritual advisors.
For more info contact Deacon Rick Simon 733-0575.
A profoundly moving experience awaits you at The
Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play, April 10-13, 2014
Xavier Fine Arts Theatre, 1600 W. Prospect Ave.,
Appleton. Our April 12th matinee will be interpreted for
the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. To purchase tickets please
visit: or call 733-8840.
St. Katharine Drexel Parish Lenten Fish Fries
When: Friday, April 4, 11, and 18
Time: 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Cost: $12.00/Adults, $7/Children (3-12), Under 3/free
St. Aloysius site Social Hall, 2401Main Ave., Kaukauna,
Serving 10 ounces of baked or fried Haddock, Popcorn
Shrimp, and Perch. Plus french fries or potato salad, rye
bread, coffee & milk. Mixed fish plate available. All dine
in meals include full salad and dessert bar. Hot dog meal.
Carry outs & Delivery Available: 766-5111
St. Edward, Mackville,
“World’s Famous Fish Fries”!
April 4th & 11th
On April 4,5,6, St. John's/St. Mary's Menasha Catholic
Parishes will will holding their annual Springfest
at St. John's site at 516 DePere St, Menasha. Great Food,
Refreshments, Prizes, Raffles, Theme Baskets,
Tournaments, etc Friday: Fish Fry from 4:30 - 7 ; Dart
Tournament at 7pm. Saturday, 9am - Texas Hold'um,
Doubles Cribbage at 6:30pm and Luncheon from 4:30 7pm. Sunday consists of Chicken Dinner from 10:30 1pm, Children's Games from 11:30 - 2pm, Sandwiches
from 2:30 - 5pm. There will also be a 3 on 3
Grade School Basketball Tournament held Sunday.
Registration Forms can be picked up in the vestibule of St.
John's church or at St. Mary's Elementary School Office.
For more info contact Chris Lewandowski @
[email protected].
Stewardship / Colecta
“How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?”
03/24/14 Collection / Colecta ................................ $5,543.33
YTD / Año ..................................................................$222,897.64
Budgeted / Presupuestado ................................... $230,192.60
Bishop’s Appeal............................................................ $14,177.00
Give your heart to Christ, and let him direct your giving.
In order for you to be what you should as a church member, you
must first define and confirm your stewardship obligations and
commitments between yourself and the Christ who gave his all
for you. Stewardship of time, talent, and possessions is the very
heart of Christian discipleship and our way of expressing our
love in response to God's amazing grace.
See more at
Entrega tu corazón a Cristo y deja que él dirija tu acción de dar.
Para que seas lo que debes ser como miembro de la Iglesia,
primero debes definir y confirmar tus obligaciones de coresponsabilidad y los compromisos entre tú y el Cristo que se
entregó por ti. La co-responsabilidad sobre nuestro tiempo,
talentos y posesiones está el corazón mismo de nuestro
discipulado cristiano, y es la manera de expresar nuestro amor en
respuesta a la maravillosa gracia de Dios.
As of July 1, 2014, Deacon Tony will be starting a
new job as Diaconate Director for the Diocese
of Green Bay; he will continue
to serve as Deacon here at St. Therese.
Hospital Admittance
If you or a family member are admitted to the hospital, please
contact the Parish Office so we can arrange a pastoral visit.
Hospital visits are an important part of our ministry
and we don’t want to miss anyone.
PLEASE NOTE: The Easter Tridiium Masses need You
to volunteer to help Fr. Bill with the services!!!!!
Sign up sheets in the sacristy and ushers room.
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
4 / 5 & 6, 2014
4:00 pm
Steve L. / Jackie C.
Donnis V. / Tom K. / Lorraine M. / Betty L.
Gregory E. / Emson E. / Francis O. / Gracelo T.
9:00 am
Laura B. / Tom V.
Tony A. / Joni V. / Bob V. / Roger D.
Molly B. / Carl Jensen
Dave V./ James R./ Bill K./ James C./ Catherine N.
5:30 pm
L Mayra B. / Daniela A. / Veronica B.
C Miguel / Ernesto / Carmen / Elena / Jovita
11:00 am
L Miriam A. / Maria V. / Guadalupe A.
C Juana / Ramona / Ernesto / Rosa / Eulalia
Richard H./Robert H. /John W./Larry H./Michael B.
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
Monday, 3/31
6:30 pm ............................................. Handbell Practice / UCR
7:00 pm ....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC
Tuesday, 4/1
8:00 am Mass ............................................................ Don Plass
3:00 pm ............................................................... Mass “A.H.C.C.’
Wednesday, 4/2
8:00 am Mass .................................... Harold & Mary Sachs
9:30 AM ....................................................Mass @ “Randall Ct.”
Thursday, 4/3
8:00 am Mass ....................................................Ruth Herberg
8:30 am............................................................... Bible Study / CR
5:00 .........................................................Divinia Miseriocordia
5-6:30 pm ............................................................. Confesiones
6:00................................................................................. Hora Santa
6:30 pm ......................................................... Choir Practice / FR
7:00 pm ....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC
7:00 pm ......................................................................................Misa
Friday, 4/4
11:00 am ...................................................... Stations of the Cross
11:30 am Mass ................................................. Chick Maloney
7:00 pm .............................................. Divina Misericordia / FR
Saturday, 4/5
8:30 am Mass ................................... Special Lenten Program
........................................................................ w/ Msgr. Jim Feely
4:00 pm Mass..............................................Conrad Bergman
5:00 pm .....Rosario por la Paz y Justicia a los inmigrantes
5:30 pm Misa................................................................................. 
6:30 pm ........................................... Grupo de Oración / Iglesia
Sunday, 4/6
9:00 am Mass ...........................................................Bill Heraly
10:00 am ......................................................................... RCIA / CR
11:00 am Misa ................................................................................. 
7:00 pm Misa ................................................................................ 
First Thursday * Eucharistic Adoration
Do you have an hour to spare?
..half an hour? …ten minutes.
Stop in and enjoy this time of quiet prayer
with our Lord ...
our experts tell us of it’s blessings:
St. Agustine: “Christ held himself in His hands when He gave
His Body to His disciples saying:
‘This is My Body.’
No one partakes of this Flesh before he has adored it.”
Primer Jueves * Adoración Eucarístico
¿Tienes una hora libre? …media hora? …diez minutos?
Venga y disfrute de este tiempo de oración en silencio con
nuestro Señor ..nuestros expertos hablan de sus bendiciones:
San Agustin: “Cristo tuvo Si mismo en Sus manos cuando
entregó Su Cuerpo a Sus discípulos, diciendo:
‘Esto es Mi Cuerpo.’
Nadie participa de su Carne antes de haberlo adorado.”