P - City of Bell Gardens Recreation and Community Services
P - City of Bell Gardens Recreation and Community Services
BELL GARDENS ODAY SUMMER 2013 Bell Gardens Celebrates Anniversary pg. 2 Promoting Healthier Habits pg. 6 New Senior Housing Opens pg. 3 Ford Park Pool Opens For Summer pg 20 A MESSAGE FROM YOUR CITY MANAGER Welcome to the "new and improved" Bell Gardens Today. I hope you'll find each quarterly issue informative. Also, please visit our website at www.bellgardens.org for the most current information about your city’s programs, services and activities. Whether you read the newspaper or watch television news, it’s hard not to have heard about the “Great Recession.” Like most cities throughout the country, the sluggish economy has negatively impacted Bell Gardens. Even though it has been a tremendous challenge, we have made every effort to meet the demand for services, even while facing dwindling tax revenues. I believe that we are slowly emerging from the recession, but I’m cautiously optimistic because it will take some time before we see the same level of tax revenues that we’ve generated in the past. Despite the baby steps the City has made in recovery, we still face some very critical fiscal challenges; however, I assure you that the staff and City Council are working tirelessly to ensure the community experiences minimal impact. We will continue tightening the budget and squeezing as much out of our revenues as possible, but it must be done sensibly and cautiously. In spite of the financial collapse, I’m pleased to report great accomplishments have been achieved in Bell Gardens. Among the achievements, crime in our community continues to decline; an upgraded and enhanced 911 system has been installed to handle emergency calls for police; paramedic and fire services; a new synthetic turf soccer field has been built at Ford Park with grants and corporate sponsorships; the 65-unit Terra Bella low-income senior housing development has just been completed, and ground breaking will soon take place for a seven-story, 100-room hotel at The Bicycle Casino. Even during this ongoing fiscal crisis, the goal of the City Council has been to continue the delivery of high-quality programs and services to this community. I assure you that this will continue to remain our focus. Philip Wagner City Manager Bienvenidos al “nuevo y mejorado” Bell Gardens Today. Espero que encuentre cada publicación trimestral informativa. También, visite nuestra página web al www.bellgardens.org para obtener información actualizada sobre los programas, servicios, y actividades de la ciudad. Ya sea que lean el periódico o vean las noticias, es difícil no enterarse de la “Gran Recesión”. Como a la mayoría de ciudades a través del país, la lenta recuperación económica ha afectado negativamente a Bell Gardens. A pesar de que ha sido un tremendo desafío, hemos hecho todo lo posible para satisfacer las demandas por los servicios, aún con la disminución de los ingresos fiscales. Creo que poco a poco estamos saliendo de la recesión, y me siento optimista aunque con cierta cautela porque tomará algún tiempo antes de ver el mismo nivel de ingresos fiscales recaudados en el pasado. A pesar de los pequeños pasos que la Ciudad ha logrado en la recuperación, todavía enfrentamos algunos desafíos fiscales muy críticos; sin embargo, les aseguro que el personal y el Concejo Municipal están trabajando incansablemente para asegurar que la comunidad sea impactada lo menos posible. Seguiremos ajustando el presupuesto y aprovechando al máximo nuestros ingresos, pero debe hacerse de una manera sensata y cautelosa. A pesar del colapso económico, me complace informarles de los grandes logros que se han realizado en Bell Gardens. Entre estos logros, sigue disminuyendo la delincuencia en nuestra comunidad; se ha instalado un sistema de 911 actualizado para manejar las llamadas de emergencia para los servicios de policía, paramédicos y bomberos; se construyó un campo nuevo de futbol de césped sintético en el Parque Ford con donaciones y patrocinios corporativos; se construyó el conjunto residencial Terra Bella de 65 unidades para adultos mayores de bajos ingresos, y pronto se iniciará la construcción de un hotel de siete pisos con 100 habitaciones en el Bicycle Casino. Aun durante esta crisis financiera, el objetivo del Concejo Municipal ha sido continuar proporcionando programas y servicios de alta calidad para esta comunidad. Les aseguro que esto continuará siendo nuestro enfoque. Philip Wagner Gerente Municipal www.bellgardens.org City of BELL GARDENS City Officials Bell Gardens City Council Pedro Aceituno, Mayor Sergio A. Infanzon, Mayor Pro Tem Daniel Crespo, Councilmember Priscilla Flores, Councilmember Jennifer Rodriguez, Councilmember Philip Wagner, City Manager John Oropeza, Assistant City Manager You’re Invited to our Meetings Bell Gardens City Council 2nd & 4th Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Notice of Special City Council Meetings will be posted at City Hall and city facilities. Education Commission 2nd Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m. All meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Planning Commission 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. All meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Recreation, Cultural & Youth Commission 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Senior Citizen Commission 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Traffic & Safety Commission 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. All meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Council Chambers is located in Bell Gardens City Hall, 7100 Garfield Avenue. Bell Gardens Today is published quarterly by the City of Bell Gardens to provide information to the community about the City’s programs, services and activities. Also, please visit our website at www.bellgardens.org. Lina Hernandez, Editorial Ray Corona, Graphic Design BELL GARDENS ODAY Student Government Day 1 Highlights/Table of Contents Page 2 2 Celebrate Bell Gardens A Collaboration of Lions Club and the City of Bell Gardens celebrating the City’s 52nd Anniversary Improved 911 system Page 5 3 Affordable Housing for Seniors 65 one and two bedroom apartments 4 Meet the New Directors Three great individuals to lead our departments 5 Bell Gardens Supports SB135 California’s earthquake warning system 6 Bell Gardens To Promote Healthier Habits New Contract for City transportation Good nutrition and active habits for children 7 Chivas USA Youth Academy Returns to Bell Gardens Page 6 Opportunity for a talented community 8 Map and Reference 9 Recreation Guide License plate Readers Page 6 10 Pre-School Kindergarten readiness and playgroups 11 Classes Cultural and active development 12 Neighborhood Youth Center Safe after school center 14 Bell Gardens Veterans Park After school activities in a park environment 16 Senior Programming Chivas USA Youth Academy back in town Page 7 Activities and classes for senior citizens 18 Sports 19 Golf Course Tournaments and classes On the Cover Students from Bell Gardens High School that participated in 2013 Student Government Day. From left to right: Jocelyn Morales, Juan Jose Vega, Amanda Magaña, Chris Leon, and Katherine Caro. 20 Aquatics Swim lessons and aquatic activities 21 Excursions Family trips and excursion for youth Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 1 City to Host Carnival, “Celebrate Bell Gardens” T Ciudad AnfitriÓn del Carnaval “Celebrando a Bell Gardens” L he City of Bell Gardens and the Lions Club of Bell Gardens have collaborated once again to co-host the city’s 52nd Anniversary “Celebrating Bell Gardens”. The event will take place on Thursday, August 1st through Sunday, August 4th at Bell Gardens Veterans Park located at 6662 Loveland Street. This four day celebration will feature games, a salsa preparation contest, pancake breakfast, touch-a-truck demonstration, the Miss Bell Gardens reception, in which the participants will be presented to the City Council for the first time. Also, the Police Department will be celebrating National Night Out (an annual nation-community-wide event intended to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness and strengthen police and community partnerships). There will be live entertainment for the entire family and much more. The historical event will become part of Bell Gardens’ tradition. On behalf of the Bell Gardens City Council, please join us and enjoy delicious food, great performances, and fun activities with friends and family as we “Celebrate Bell Gardens”.BG a Ciudad de Bell Gardens y el Club de Leones de Bell Gardens han colaborado una vez más para organizar la celebración del aniversario quincuagésimo de la ciudad, "Celebrando a Bell Gardens". El evento se tomara acabo del jueves, primero de agosto hasta el domingo cuarto de agosto en Bell Gardens Veterans Park situado en 6662 Loveland Street. Esta celebración de cuatro días contará con juegos de carnaval, un concurso de salsa, desayuno de panqueques, subete a un camión, la recepción de la señorita Bell Gardens, en la que los participantes se presentarán al Consejo municipal por primera vez. Además, el departamento de policía tendrá National Night Out (un evento aunual de ámbito nacional destinado a prevenir la delincuencia y aumentar la conciencia de la prevención de drogas y fortalecer la colaboración policíaca y las asociaciones comunitarias). Habra entretenimiento en vivo para toda la familia y mucho más. Este acontecimiento histórico se convertirá en parte de la tradición Bell Gardens. En nombre del Concejo Municipal de Bell Gardens acompañenos a disfrutar de deliciosa comida, grandes actuaciones y actividades de diversión con amigos y familiares, mientras estamos “Celebrando a Bell Gardens".BG Bell Gardens Hosts Student Government Day Bell Gardens Anfitriona el Día de Gobierno Estudiantil E tudents from Bell Gardens High School received hands-onexperience in the inter-workings of municipal government during the recent Annual Student Government Day. The students assumed the roles of the Bell Gardens City Council and city staff to actually experience the day-to-day operation and management of local municipal government. S studiantes de la Preparatoria Bell Gardens experimentaron de forma directa el funcionamiento interno del gobierno municipal durante el reciente Día Anual de Gobierno Estudiantil. Los estudiantes asumieron las funciones del Concejo Municipal y del personal para experimentar realmente la operación y administración cotidiana del gobierno municipal local. “Student Government Day gives us an opportunity to educate the future leaders of our community about the critical role that local government plays in the quality of life of every Bell Gardens resident,” explained the Mayor. “After the program and talking to some of the students, there is no question that they were encouraged and motivated, not just about what we do in public service, but also about the opportunities that are available to them in the future should they choose local government as a career”, he added. "El Día de Gobierno Estudiantil nos da una oportunidad de educar a los futuros líderes de nuestra comunidad sobre el papel fundamental que desempeña la Ciudad en la calidad de vida de cada residente de Bell Gardens", explicó el Alcalde. "Después del evento y de hablar con algunos de los estudiantes, no cabe duda de que se animaron y motivaron, no solamente con lo que hacemos en el servicio público, sino también con las oportunidades que tienen disponibles en el futuro si eligen gobierno local como una carrera", agregó. “The program is designed to give students an understanding of city government and how it functions,” explained City Manager Philip Wagner. “The City has participated in this event for many years and the students definitely receive a true perspective of local government,” Wagner said. "El programa fue creado para darle a los estudiantes conocimiento del gobierno municipal y cómo funciona", explicó el Gerente Municipal Philip Wagner. "La ciudad ha participado en este evento durante muchos años y los estudiantes definitivamente adquieren una perspectiva real de cómo funciona el gobierno local", dijo Wagner. Following the Student City Council Meeting, Bell Gardens officials, staff, students, and representatives from the Montebello Unified School District attended a luncheon hosted by the Bicycle Casino. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal while listening to guest speaker Abel Avalos. Mr. Avalos is a Bell Gardens High School and Harvard University graduate who recently joined the City’s management staff as Director of Community Development. He encouraged students to pursue their education and possibly consider a career in city government. BG 2 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 Después de la reunión del Concejo Estudiantil, los funcionarios municipales, personal, estudiantes y representantes del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Montebello, asistieron a un almuerzo organizado por el Bicycle Casino. Todos disfrutaron de una deliciosa comida mientras escuchaban al orador invitado Abel Avalos. El Sr. Avalos es un graduado de la Preparatoria Bell Gardens y de la Universidad de Harvard, quien recientemente se unió al personal administrativo de la ciudad como Director de Desarrollo Comunitario. El animó a los estudiantes a continuar con sus estudios y considerar una carrera con el gobierno municipal.BG Garfield Avenue Crosswalks to be Improved T o increase safety and pedestrian visibility, the City will install pole-mounted flashers at two intersections, Garfield Avenue at Muller Street and Garfield Avenue at Quinn Street. Installing flashing beacons approved per state standards, mounted signs or sign poles high off the ground provide increase visibility of the crosswalk. The beacons would be activated by a pedestrian pushing the designated button. In addition, the reliability and lifetime of the flashers should be greater than the in-pavement systems since vehicles will not be constantly driving over them. The current in-pavement, solar powered, wireless lighting system at these sites have not proven reliable. Staff will also be identifying appropriate funding for the installation of three ADA compliant pedestrian ramps at these intersections. BG 65-Unit Affordable Senior Housing Project Opens T he Bell Gardens City Council was joined recently by a distinguished gathering of local officials and community leaders, including Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, in a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion and grand opening of the Terra Bella Senior Apartments. Located at 5720 Clara Street, the Spanish revival style development offers 65 one-and-two bedroom apartments for qualified low income seniors. The property was previously underutilized with two blighted vacant buildings that were eye-sores for the community. “Terra Bella is a welcomed addition to the community. By offering affordable and pleasant senior-living, Terra Bella will undoubtedly enrich resident quality of life through an array of substantive services,” the Mayor said. The housing community was developed by Abode Communities, Inc., a company specializing in senior and affordable housing developments. Residents will receive assistance with daily living activities, health and wellness programs, and counseling and recreational activities. The property will also feature a community room, laundry facilities, a community garden, and a mind-body fitness area. The development is slated to achieve a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Homes Platinum rating making it a healthy, environmentally friendly place for seniors to age in place independently.BG Se Harán Mejoras en los Pasos de Peatones en Garfield Avenue P ara aumentar la seguridad y visibilidad peatonal, la ciudad instalará luces intermitentes montadas sobre postes en dos intersecciones, Garfield Avenue en la calle Muller y Garfield Avenue en la calle Quinn. La instalación de las señales intermitentes, rótulos montados o signos sobre postes desde un nivel alto aumentan la visibilidad del paso de peatones. Los señalamientos peatonales se activarían pulsando un botón designado. Además, la fiabilidad y vida útil de estos señalamientos peatonales serán mejores que los sistemas actuales en el pavimento ya que los vehículos no conducirían constantemente sobre ellos. El sistema actual de iluminación inalámbrica de energía solar en el pavimento ha demostrado no ser confiable. El personal también obtendrá fondos para la instalación de tres rampas peatonales en estas intersecciones de acuerdo a la Ley para Personas con Discapacidades (ADA, por sus siglas en inglés). BG Abre Nuevo Complejo de Viviendas Asequibles Para Personas de Edad Avanzada E l Concejo Municipal de Bell Gardens fue acompañado recientemente por un distinguido grupo de funcionarios locales y líderes comunitarios, entre ellos la Congresista Lucille RoybalAllard, en una ceremonia para cortar el listón y celebrar la gran apertura de los Apartamentos Para Personas de Edad Avanzada Terra Bella. Ubicado en 5720 Clara Street, el desarrollo de estilo español ofrece 65 apartamentos de una y dos habitaciones para personas de edad avanzada de bajos ingresos. Anteriormente no se dio buen uso a la propiedad, con dos edificios vacíos y deteriorados que daban una vista desagradable a la comunidad. "Terra Bella es bien recibido por la comunidad. Al ofrecer una vivienda asequible y placentera para las personas de edad avanzada, Terra Bella sin duda enriquecerá la calidad de vida de los residentes a través de una variedad de servicios sustanciales," dijo el Alcalde. El conjunto residencial fue construido por Abode Communities, Inc., una empresa que se especializa en viviendas económicas y para personas de edad avanzada. Los residentes recibirán asistencia con actividades cotidianas de la vida, programas de salud y bienestar, y actividades recreativas y consejería. La propiedad también cuenta con una sala comunitaria, una lavandería, un jardín comunitario y una área de salud para la mente y el cuerpo. El desarrollo está programado para obtener una Calificación Platino LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) para Hogares convirtiéndolo en un lugar sano y ecológico para que las personas de edad avanzada vivan de forma independiente. BG “Terra Bella is a welcomed addition to the community. By offering affordable and pleasant senior-living, Terra Bella will undoubtedly enrich resident quality of life through an array of substantive services,” -Mayor Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 3 New Directors for Public Works, Community Development, and Recreation and Community Services Nuevos Directores de Obras Públicas, Desarrollo Comunitario y Recreación y Servicios Comunitarios he City Manager has named three new Directors to join his management team, Chau Vu as Director of Public Works, Abel Avalos as Director of Community Development and Chris Daste as Director of Recreation and Community Services. T l Gerente Municipal ha nombrado a tres nuevos directores para unirse a su equipo directivo, Chau Vu como Directora de Obras Públicas, Abel Avalos como Director de Desarrollo Comunitario y Chris Daste como Director de Recreación y Servicios Comunitarios. Vu was appointed Director of Public Works in November 2012 after serving as Interim Director for 10 months. She came to the City of Bell Gardens as Public Works Manager in 2009. She previously worked for Garden Grove for 10 years and for the cities of Santa Ana and Lawndale. She graduated from UC Irvine with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Cal State Fullerton. She also holds various certificates in water distribution and green building. Vu is responsible for the engineering, maintenance, and operation of City facilities, infrastructure, public streets and Chau Vu City parks. Vu fue nombrada Directora de Obras Públicas en noviembre de 2012 después de servir como la Directora Interina durante 10 meses. Ella llegó a la ciudad de Bell Gardens como Gerente de Obras Públicas en 2009. Anteriormente trabajó para Garden Grove durante 10 años y para las ciudades de Santa Ana y Lawndale. Se graduó de UC Irvine con una Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y una Maestría en Administración Pública de Cal State Fullerton. También tiene varios certificados en la distribución de agua y construcción verde. Vu es responsable de la ingeniería, mantenimiento y operaciones de las instalaciones municipales, infraestructura, vías públicas y parques de la ciudad. A month later, Avalos was selected for the Director of Community Development position following a comprehensive search and recruitment process resulting in over 50 applicants from throughout the country. His extensive experience in both the public and private sector will prove invaluable to the City of Bell Gardens in our strategic planning for the future growth and redevelopment of our community. Avalos was previously with the City of Anaheim for nine years in various management positions. He is a graduate of California State University, Long Beach where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a concentration in Public Administration and Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government with a concentration in Economic/Community Development. One of the unique aspects of Avalos’ background is that he is a Bell Gardens High School graduate who says he is looking forward to coming back to the community where he spent most of his youth. E Al mes siguiente, Avalos fue seleccionado para el puesto de Director de Desarrollo Comunitario después de un proceso de búsqueda y reclutamiento exhaustivo, resultando en más de 50 aspirantes de todo el país. Su amplia experiencia en el sector privado y público será invaluable para la ciudad de Bell Gardens en nuestra planificación estratégica para el futuro crecimiento y desarrollo de nuestra comunidad. Avalos estuvo previamente con la ciudad de Anaheim durante nueve años en diversos cargos directivos. Se graduó de Cal State Long Beach, donde se recibió en Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas con una concentración en Administración Pública y de la John F. Kennedy School of Government de Harvard University con una concentración en el Desarrollo Económico/Comunitario. Uno de los aspectos singulares de Avalos es que él es un graduado de la Preparatoria Bell Gardens y dice estar contento de regresar a la comunidad donde pasó la mayor parte de su juventud. Recientemente, el Gerente Municipal nombró a Daste como el Director de Recreación y Servicios Comunitarios. Anteriormente Daste trabajó con las ciudades de Burbank, Tracy, Elk Grove y Santa Clarita durante sus más de 24 años de profesión en parques y recreación. Recibió su Título de Moorpark College y Licenciatura en Most recently, the City Manager appointed Daste as Administración Recreativa de Director of Recreation and Community Services. He California Polytechnic State Abel Avalos was previously with the cities of Burbank, Tracy, Elk University. Es miembro de la Grove and Santa Clarita during his more than 24 years Sociedad de Parques y Recreación in the field of parks and recreation. He received his de California (CPRS, por sus Associate degree from Moorpark College and Bachelor of Arts in siglas en inglés), la Asociación Nacional de Recreation Administration from California Polytechnic State Recreación y Parques (NRPA) y la University. He is a member of the California Park and Recreation Federación Atlética Municipal del sur de Society (CPRS), the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), California (SCMAF). Chris Daste and the Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation (SCMAF). "Chau, Abel y Chris resultaron ser los más “Chau, Abel and Chris were found to be the most experienced and the experimentados y mejor cualificados. Estoy best qualified. I am extremely pleased to have employees of their muy contento de tener empleados de su calibre en la ciudad de Bell caliber in the City of Bell Gardens,” said City Manager Philip Wagner. Gardens," dijo el Gerente Municipal Philip Wagner. "Cuentan con “They have impressive credentials and many years of municipal impresionantes credenciales y muchos años de experiencia municipal experience that will be a valuable asset to our city government and que serán un recurso valioso para nuestra ciudad y la comunidad". BG community”.BG New Police Officers Hired T hree new police officers are expected to join our ranks upon successful graduation from the police academy on July 11, 2013. They will then be sworn in and begin a field training program over the course of the next 20 weeks. BG 4 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 Se Emplearon Nuevos Agentes de Policía S e anticipa el ingreso de tres nuevos agentes a nuestra fuerza policíaca luego de su exitosa graduación de la academia de policía el 11 de julio de 2013. Ellos tomarán su juramento y comenzaran su entrenamiento durante las próximas 20 semanas. BG City Council Supports SB 135 Earthquake Warning System El Concejo Municipal Apoya un Sistema de Alerta Para Terremotos T the Bell Gardens City Council adopted a resolution supporting Senate Bill 135 that would create an earthquake warning system in California. The Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (“UCERF”) released in 2008 predicted a 99.7 percent likelihood of a 6.7 magnitude earthquake could occur in California over the next 30 years. In addition, a 2013 study published by CALTECH and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology discovered that a statewide California earthquake involving both the Los Angeles and San Francisco metropolitan areas may be possible. The countries of Japan, Mexico, Turkey, Romania, Italy and China either already have or are currently working on earthquake early warning systems that are capable of saving lives and mitigating loss. Several federal, state, and university agencies have been conducting early earthquake warning research and development in California and together they operate the California Integrated Seismic Network which has a demonstration earthquake early warning capability. E l Concejo Municipal de Bell Gardens adoptó una resolución apoyando la Propuesta de Ley SB 135 para crear un sistema de alerta para terremotos en California. El Pronóstico Uniforme de Terremotos en California (UCERF, por sus siglas en inglés) de 2008 pronostica, con un 99.7 por ciento de probabilidad, que un terremoto de 6.7 de magnitud podría ocurrir en California durante los próximos 30 años. Además, un estudio publicado en el 2013 por CALTECH y la Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología Marina-Terrestre de Japón descubrió que un terremoto puede ser posible en todo el estado de California que involucraría las zonas metropolitanas de Los Ángeles y San Francisco. Los países de Japón, México, Turquía, Rumania, Italia y China ya cuentan con o están elaborando sistemas de alerta temprana de terremotos que son capaces de salvar vidas y reducir las pérdidas. Varias agencias federales, estatales, y universitarias han llevado a cabo investigaciones y desarrollos en la advertencia temprana de terremotos en California y juntos operan la Red Sísmica Integrada de California. “The question is not whether if, but when, the next big earthquake will strike and it is very important to implement potentially lifesaving technology for our communities”, the Mayor said. “This new system would relay earthquake warnings to devices like cell phones and computers providing residents with critical seconds to react and help speed up emergency response,” he added. Una vez que se apruebe la legislación, el dinero para el proyecto, que costará $80 millones, debe obtenerse a través de una combinación de fondos estatales y federales. Una vez que los fondos estén en su lugar, los científicos creen que tardará como un año para que el sistema esté completamente desarrollado. BG Once the legislation is approved, money for the $80 million project must be secured through a combination of state and federal funding. Once the funding is in place, scientists believe it will take a year or so to get the system fully online. BG Upgrade to 911 System will Speed Emergency Response T he police department has nearly completed upgrade of its E911 Telephone System. E911 or Enhanced 911 is a software system by which an emergency call into the police department’s communications center will provide the caller’s address and location on a map. This allows the appropriate police, fire, or medical resources to be dispatched quickly, whether or not the caller knows their exact location. This project is being paid for through the State of California’s PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point i.e. the police department’s communications center) fund.BG Actualización del Sistema 911 Acelerará la Respuesta a Emergencias E l Departamento de Policía está por terminar la actualización del Sistema Telefónico E911. E911 o Enhanced 911 (911 Mejorado) es un software por la cual una llamada de emergencia al centro de comunicaciones del departamento de policía proveerá la dirección y ubicación en un mapa de la persona que llama. Esto le permitirá a los servicios policiacos, de bomberos, y médicos a reaccionar rápidamente, sin importar si la persona que llama sabe su posición exacta. El fondo Centro de Comunicaciones de la Seguridad Pública del Estado de California (PSAP, por sus siglas en inglés) pagará por este proyecto.BG "La cuestión no es si ocurrirá el próximo gran terremoto, sino cuando, y es muy importante poner en marcha la tecnología que salvará vidas en nuestras comunidades", dijo el Alcalde. "Este nuevo sistema le transmitiría advertencias a dispositivos como teléfonos celulares y computadoras dándole a los residentes críticos segundos para reaccionar y ayudar a acelerar la respuesta de emergencia", agregó. T Police to Conduct Mentoring/Leadership Program he police department will be conducting a Mentoring/Leadership Program this summer for its police officers. This is a volunteer program that 17 officers have volunteered to attend. The course will consist of reading, written work, and group discussion of relevant topics to include organizational management, ethics, effective decision making, conflict resolution, self-analysis, supervision, promotion, discipline, emotional health, and budget.BG La Policía Llevará a Cabo un Programa de Tutoría /Liderazgo E l Departamento de Policía va a llevar a cabo un programa de tutoría/liderazgo durante el verano para los agentes de policía. Diecisiete agentes se han ofrecido como voluntarios para este programa. El curso consiste en leer, escribir, y discutir en grupo temas pertinentes sobre administración organizativa, ética, toma de decisiones eficaces, solución de conflictos, introspección, supervisión, ascenso, autocontrol, equilibrio mental, y manejo del presupuesto. BG Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 5 City Council Extends Transportation Contract Bell Gardens to Promote Healthier Habits he City Council has extended the transit contract with Parking Company of American (PCA) for an additional five years. PCA has provided good, professional transit services for the City and its citizens through its Fixed Route, Dial-A-Ride, and Senior Bus programs for over four years. T T PCA began providing its services in January 2009 with a brand-new transit fleet. PCA has paid off the transit vehicles and expressed a desire to share the cost savings with the City as an incentive for the City to consider the contract extension. As part of the new contract approval, PCA will discount the monthly bill for their services by $4,000, which would amount to $48,000 annually. The City was awarded funding through the State of California Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS), NonInfrastructure Grant. The grant will allow the City to create safer streets, improve communities and promote physical activity for children and their families. As a result, these programs help make bicycling and walking to school safer and more appealing transportation choices thus encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age. “City staff has worked well with the contractor’s administrators, bus drivers and various support staff to provide a reliable, consistent public transit service for the community,” the Mayor said. For more information or questions regarding the City’s public transportation services, call (562) 806-7770.BG El Concejo Municipal Renueva el Contrato de Transporte he City of Bell Gardens and the Montebello Unified School District have formed a partnership dedicated to improving the health and safety of our students through the “Safe and Healthy Kids Program”. The City will work closely with elementary and intermediate schools in Bell Gardens to encourage our youth to live healthier. Students and parents will have access to information and programs that encourage good nutrition, exercise, and pedestrian and bicycle safety. The program will include numerous activities designed to educate students and adults on the health benefits and safe practices of walking and bicycling to school. To learn more, visit www.bgsafekids.com.BG E l Concejo Municipal ha prolongado el contrato de tránsito con Parking Company of America (PCA, por sus siglas en inglés) cinco años más. PCA ha proporcionado servicio de tránsito bueno y profesional para la ciudad y los residentes a través de sus programas Fixed Route, Dial-a-Ride y Senior Bus durante los últimos cuatro años. PCA inició sus servicios de transitó en enero de 2009 con una flota de transporte nueva. PCA liquido la deuda de la flota y expresó su deseo de compartir el ahorro con la ciudad como incentivo para que la ciudad renueve el contrato. Como parte del nuevo contrato, PCA reducirá la factura mensual por sus servicios $4,000, que ascendería a $48,000 anualmente. "El personal de la ciudad ha trabajado bien con el contratista, los administradores, los choferes de los autobuses, y varios miembros del personal para brindar un servicio de transporte público confiable y de calidad para la comunidad", dijo el Alcalde. Para más información o preguntas con respecto a los servicios de transporte público de la ciudad, comuníquese al (562) 806-7770.BG National Police and Public Works Weeks Recognize Dedicated Employees T he City of Bell Gardens joined communities throughout the nation and honored our law enforcement community by celebrating National Police Week May 12-18. In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15 falls as National Police Week. It has become a collaborative effort by many organizations dedicated to honoring America’s men and women in public safety who serve our communities. “National Police Week honors the service and sacrifice of public safety officers who have unselfishly committed themselves to protecting others and pays special tribute to those who have lost their lives in the line of duty,” said Chief of Police Robert Barnes. The Neighborhood Watch Program recognized our officers with a luncheon and Annual Blue Mass. 6 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 Police to Install Automatic License Plate Readers T he police department will be installing a stationary Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) System at a heavily traveled location in the City. This technology is already being used in our police vehicles. An ALPR System is a series of cameras that take photographs of vehicle license plates that pass by the police vehicle or the stationary cameras. The license plate is then queried through the Department of Motor Vehicles and other databases to determine if the vehicle is stolen, or it is associated with a wanted person or crime. It will then alert the officer or a dispatcher with the vehicle information. This new technology was paid for through the State Homeland Security Grant Program. BG The week of May 19-25 marks the National Observance of Public Works Week in celebration of the tens of thousands of men and women in America who maintain the public buildings and facilities, roads, parks, and provide services collectively known as Public Works. “Public Works Week seeks to enhance the prestige of the professionals who serve the public good every day with great commitment,” said Bell Gardens Public Works Director Chau Vu. “We depend on these dedicated employees who are always there and always ready to serve the community.”BG Bell Gardens Promueve Hábitos más Saludables L a ciudad de Bell Gardens y el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Montebello han formado una asociación dedicada a mejorar la salud y seguridad de nuestros estudiantes a través del "Programa de Niños Seguros y Saludables". El Estado de California le otorgó fondos a la ciudad a través de la subvención Rutas Seguras para las Escuelas. El subsidio le permitirá a la ciudad construir calles más seguras, mejorar las comunidades y promover la actividad física para los niños y sus familias. Como resultado, estos programas hacen el andar en bicicleta y el caminar opciones de transporte más seguras y atractivas para ir a la escuela, fomentando un estilo de vida sano y activo desde muy temprana edad. La ciudad colaborará con las escuelas primarias y secundarias en Bell Gardens para animar a nuestros jóvenes a vivir más saludable. Los estudiantes y los padres tendrán acceso a la información y programas que promueven el ejercicio, la buena nutrición y normas de seguridad para los ciclistas y peatones. El programa incluirá numerosas actividades para educar a los estudiantes y adultos en los beneficios del cuidado de la salud y hábitos seguros al caminar y montar en bicicleta a la escuela. Para más información, visite www.bgsafekids.com . bg La Policía Instalará Lector de Placas Automatizado E l Departamento de Policía estará instalando un Sistema de Lector de Placas Automatizado Inmóvil (ALPR, por sus siglas en inglés) en un sitio de mucho tráfico en la Ciudad. Esta tecnología se usa actualmente en nuestras patrullas. Un Sistema ALPR es una serie de cámaras que toman fotografías de las placas de los vehículos cuando pasan por delante de una patrulla o las cámaras inmóviles. La placa es buscada en la base de datos del Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados para determinar si el vehículo es robado o si está involucrado con una persona buscada o un delito. Entonces el sistema le avisará a un agente de policía u operador de emergencias con la información del vehículo. El Programa de Subvenciones para la Seguridad Nacional pagó por esta nueva tecnología. BG Las Semanas Nacionales de la Policía y Obras Públicas Reconocen a Empleados Dedicados L a ciudad de Bell Gardens se unió a comunidades de todo el país para honrar a las agencias del orden público al celebrar la Semana Nacional de la Policía el 12 al 18 de mayo. En 1962, el Presidente Kennedy proclamó el 15 de mayo como el Día Nacional Conmemorativo de Los Agentes del Orden y la semana en la que el 15 de mayo cae como la Semana Nacional de la Policía. Es un esfuerzo colaborativo de muchas organizaciones dedicadas a honrar a los hombres y las mujeres de la seguridad pública en los Estados Unidos que sirven a nuestras comunidades. "La Semana Nacional de la Policía honra el servicio y el sacrificio de los oficiales de la seguridad pública que se han comprometido a proteger a los demás y rinde un homenaje especial a quienes han perdido sus vidas en el cumplimiento de su deber," dijo el Jefe de Policía Robert Barnes. La semana del 19 al 25 de mayo marca la observancia Nacional de Chivas USA Youth Academy Returns to Bell Gardens C hivas USA Youth Academy recently returned to Bell Gardens Ford Park. According to Chivas USA Youth Academy officials, the move back to Bell Gardens will allow their youth teams to play in a centrally located area in Southern California. Chivas is renting time on our soccer fields from the Recreation and Community Services Department. “We’re excited to have the Chivas USA Youth Academy program return to the City of Bell Gardens,” said the Mayor. “The youth in this community deserve a quality program where they can learn important soccer skills and tactics while having fun in a safe environment.” The Youth Academy’s objective is to identify talented young soccer players and provide them with a comprehensive development plan, ensuring maximum growth and improvement. For additional information, please contact our Recreation and Community Services Department at (562) 806-7650.bg La Academia Juvenil de Chivas USA Regresa a Bell Gardens L a Academia Juvenil de Chivas USA ha regresado al parque Ford de Bell Gardens. Según funcionarios de la academia de Chivas USA, el regreso a Bell Gardens permitirá que sus equipos juveniles jueguen en una zona céntrica en el sur de California. Chivas utiliza los campos de futbol del Departamento de Recreación y Servicios Comunitarios. "Estamos muy contentos de tener el programa de Chivas USA de vuelta en la ciudad de Bell Gardens," dijo el Alcalde. "La juventud de esta comunidad merece un programa de calidad donde puedan aprender importantes habilidades y tácticas mientras se divierten en un ambiente seguro". La meta de la academia es identificar futbolistas talentosos jóvenes y proporcionarles un plan de desarrollo integral, garantizando el máximo crecimiento y mejoría. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestro Departamento de Recreación y Servicios de Comunitarios al (562) 806-7650. BG las Obras Públicas en celebración de las decenas de miles de hombres y mujeres en los Estados Unidos que mantienen los edificios y las instalaciones públicas, carreteras, parques y proporcionan los servicios conocidos colectivamente como trabajos públicos. "La Semana de Obras Pública intenta realzar el prestigio de los profesionales que sirven el interés público todos los días con gran dedicación " dijo la Directora de Obras Públicas Chau Vu. "Dependemos de estos empleados dedicados que siempre están ahí listos para servir a la comunidad".BG Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 7 City of BELL GARDENS 5 12 2 14 1 11 13 3 15 4 6 7 Bell Gardens City Hall 7100 Garfield Avenue • (562) 806-7700 M-Th, 7:30am-6:30pm 1 2 3 Police Department 7100 Garfield Avenue • (562) 806-7600 M-Sun, 7:00am-6:00pm (office hours) Department of Recreation & Community Services John Anson Ford Park 8000 Park Lane • (562) 806-7650 M-F, 8:00am-5:00pm Bell Gardens Sports Center John Anson Ford Park 8000 Park Lane • (562) 806-7662 M-F, 2:00pm-9:00pm, Sat.-Sun. 10:00am-6:00pm Indoor Gymnasium (basketball, volleyball), soccer fields, basball/softball fields, auditorium 4 Hannon Park 6876 Hannon Avenue Basketball court, picnic benches, BBQ pit, playground 5 6 Julia Asmus Park 8321 Jaboneria Road Basketball court, picnic benches, BBQ pit, playground, public restrooms 2 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 7 Public Works 8327 Garfield Avenue • (562) 806-7770 M-Th, 7:00am-5:30pm (office hours) Bell Gardens Veterans Park 6662 Loveland Street • (562) 806-7654 M-Th, 9:00am-5:00pm (office hours) Picnic tables, BBQ pits, public restrooms, basketball courts, tennis courts, skate park, auditorium, walking paths 8 Bell Gardens Senior Center 6722 Clara Street • (562) 334-1779 M-Th, 8:00am-5:00pm (office hours) 9 Bell Gardens Golf Course John Anson Ford Park 8000 Park Lane • (562) 927-8811 M-Sun., 7:00am-6:00pm Lighted nine hole course, bar and restaurant, practice green, patio dining 10 Neighborhood Youth Center 5856 Ludell Street • (562) 806-7667 M-Th., 2:00pm-7:00pm • Fri. 2:00pm - 8:00pm Picnic Shelter, picnic benches, playground, basketball court, public restrooms, BBQ pit, game room 11 Marlow Park 6640 Marlow Avenue Basketball court, public restrooms, playground, picnic shelter, picnic benches, BBQ pit 12 Gallant Park 5076 Gallant Street Playground, picnic shelter, picnic benches, BBQ pit 13 14 Darwell Park 6867 Darwell Street Playground, picnic shelter, picnic benches, BBQ pit Ford Park Pool John Anson Ford Park 8000 Park Lane • (562) 806-7664 M-Su, 12:00pm-5:00pm (Summer Season only) 15 RECREATION and COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Chris Dasté Armando Andrade Alex Noriega Marco Barcena Angie Contreras Ray Corona Oscar Flores Ben Gonzalez Ana A. Ramirez Ricardo Veloz Estrella Rodriguez Director Supervisor Supervisor Adm. Specialist Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Secretary Activity Guide Early Childhood Kindergarten readiness & academic playgroups. SHELTER RESERVATION ? Applicant must be present when reserving a shelter. Applicant is required to provide proof of residency such as a utility bill and identification card. ? Applicants must fill out paper work at Ford Park and pay assigned fees at City Hall that same day. ? If you wish to have a jumper on park premises you must obtain a jumper permit and show proof of liability insurance. * Liability Insurance is required for your reservation. Cost will vary depending on facility and group size. Refundable Damage Deposit: $75.00 $25.00 Cleaning Fee: $75.00 Weekend Rate: $40.00 Jumper Permit: Classes Programs offered on a monthly basis. NYC Neighborhood Youth Center facility offers after school programing and classes for the youth in the west side of the city. Veterans Park Facility offering after school programs for the youth in the east side of the city. Senior Services Services offered to individuals 55 years and over. ROSS HALL ? Maximum capacity including children is 180 guests. You may reserve Ross Hall six months in advance. ? Applicant must be present when placing the reservation. Applicant is required to provide proof of Bell Gardens residency such as a utility bill and identification card. ? A full deposit is required in order to hold the date, applicant has 14 business days thereafter to pay the remaining balance. Deposit refunds may take up to six weeks and will be mailed to address on file. ? Applicant must fill out paper work at Ford Park and pay assigned fees at City Hall the same day. ? No alcoholic beverages allowed. Cleaning Fee: $200.00 Deposit: $400.00 Hourly Rate: $50.00 Set-up Fee: $150.00 Security Hourly Rate: $40.00 2013 MONTHLY CLASS DATES Class August 1 - 31 September 1 - 30 October 1 -31 November 1 - 30 December 2 - 21 January 2 - 31 Registration Dates July 1 - 31 August 1 - 29 September 3 - 30 October 1 - 31 November 4 - 27 December 2 - 31 Late Reg. Dates August 1 - 7 September 3 - 9 October 1 - 7 November 4 - 7 December 2 - 5 January 2 - 8 All Registration is taken at: City Hall 7100 S. Garfield Ave. Monday-Thursday 7:30am – 6:00pm No Class on Sports Small fry, Teen and Adult Sports. Golf Course Nine hole Par three executive golf course. Aquatics Ford Park Pool, lessons and open recreation swim. Excursions Group excursions offered to the whole family or age group. REGISTRATION ? ALL registration is taken at City Hall unless otherwise stated. September 2 November 28/29 December 23 - 31 January 1 ? Late registration: Only accepted the 1st week of class and a $10.00 late fee will apply. ? Refunds will only be given if the activity is cancelled by the City. ? ALL registration is taken the month prior to class’ start date. ? Proof of residency required at the time of registration. (Identification card and current utility bill with address) ? For more information please call (562) 806-7650 or visit us at www.bgrecreation.org. Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 9 Early Childhood “Kreative Kids” This program is designed for preschoolers to develop social skills by interacting with other children their age and participating in class activities. Children will enjoy music, crafts, outdoor play and also learn their colors, shapes and numbers. Parents benefit from knowing their children are in a safe, well supervised environment. They will also participate in a field trip with their classmates, another way for your child to experience independence. The Following is required for registration • Children must be toilet trained • Copy of birth certificate must be submitted • Results of a current tuberculosis test must be submitted FALL SESSION Registration Dates: August 5-15, 2013 Session Dates: August 19-October 25, 2013 Register At: City Hall Register At: City Hall Age Day Time Location Fee 3-6 2:30pm - 3:30pm NYC $5 ($10NR) Mon I Can Dance Age Day Time Location Fee 3 3 3 4 4 4 8:30am - 10:30am 11:00am - 1:00pm 11:00am - 1:00pm 8:30am - 10:30am 11:00am - 1:00pm 11:00am - 1:00pm BGVP BGVP NYC BGVP BGVP NYC $20 ($40NR) $20 ($40NR) $20 ($40NR) $25 ($50NR) $25 ($50NR) $25 ($50NR) Tu/Th Tu/Th Tu/Th M/W/F M/W/F M/W/F Art Mania Participants will learn a variety of techniques while creating a masterpiece. Children will use paint, chalk, watercolor, and more. You are never too young to experience art. The Recreation Department is offering a special creative movement dance class for preschoolers. Participants will have fun dancing to sing-along songs as they learn how to socialize with other kids. Register At: City Hall Age Day Time Location Fee 3-6 4:30pm - 5:15pm NYC $15 ($25NR) Tu/Thur ABBREVIATIONS KEY BGVP BGGC BGSC FPP SC JAFP NYC NR Bell Gardens Veterans Park Bell Gardens Golf Course Bell Gardens Senior Center Ford Park Pool Bell Gardens Sports Center John Anson Ford Park Neighborhood Youth Center Non Bell Gardens Resident 10 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 Cooking Monsters This is a great class for the little chefs in your family. Kids will have the opportunity to measure pour and stir ingredients in a safe environment. Children must wear an apron to class. Register At: City Hall Age Day Time Location Fee 3-6 4:00pm - 5:00pm NYC $10 ($20NR) Mon Classes Come and be a part of the tradition and art that are the recognized dances of Mexico. Learn to perform some of the most amazing dances of regional Mexico. Learn the tradition and become a part of the art. Register At: City Hall Age Day Time Location Fee 6-18 Sat 4:00pm - 7:00pm JAFP $10 ($15NR) “Pepsters” Club Let’s go BG… LET’S GO! Your children will have great fun learning basic cheer techniques and will get to perform at various city events. There is a cost for the uniform and accessories. Register At: Bell Gardens Veterans Park (BGVP) Age 7-14 7-14 7-14 7-14 Level Beg Int Beg Int Day Fri Fri Sat Sat Time 5:30pm - 7:00pm 6:30pm - 7:30pm 9:00am - 10:30am 10:30pm - 12:30pm Location BGVP BGVP BGVP BGVP Fee Free Free Free Free Step Aerobics Karate Class Work out with great music and energy. This class will get you moving in the morning or make your day seem complete depending what session you decide to take. The class is conveniently offered in the morning and at the end of the day. Learn this ancient martial art under the instruction of the outstanding Sensei Cruz. This is a great way to get physically fit and improve your self-discipline. Beginners start and 6pm while advanced pupils attend the 7pm class. Register At: City Hall Register At: City Hall Age Day Time Location Fee Age Day Time Location Fee 14+ M-Th 14+ M-F 14+ M-Th 8:30am - 9:30am 10:00am - 11:00am 7:00pm - 8:00pm BGVP JAFP JAFP $25 ($30NR) $30 ($35NR) $25 ($30NR) 7+ 7+ 6:00pm - 7:00pm 7:00pm - 8:00pm BGVP BGVP $25 ($35NR) $25 ($35NR) Tu & Th Tu & Th Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 11 Neighborhood Youth Center The NYC (Neighborhood Youth Center) offers a variety of after-school activities for children ages 5-17. Participants have the opportunity to interact with friends and make new ones as we offer a number of fun events, activities and programs: Homework Club, Sports, Crafts, Excursions, Game Room and more! Participants must register at the Neighborhood Youth Center. 5856 Ludell Street, (562) 806-7667 Monday - Thursday 2:00pm - 7:00pm Friday 2:00pm - 8:00pm Homework Club (Jul - Sept) This program will assist your child if they are having a difficult time with their homework. Our main focus is to promote good study habits and a sense of accomplishment for the future. Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 6-17 M-Th 3:00pm - 5:30pm NYC Free Art for Us Reel Kidz Join us as we view the coolest movies on a big screen! The movies are rated PG and a parent release form is required in order to participate. The movies are specially selected for youth ages 8-12. Popcorn, pizza and punch available for purchase. Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 8-12 Aug 8 4:00pm - 7:00pm NYC Free Create fun and exciting arts and crafts projects! This class will include the use of many different art mediums and tons of fun themes! TEEN EXCLUSIVE Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Wed 4:30pm - 5:30pm NYC Free Hour of Power Join us for 60 action packed minutes of fun by participatin in different games and cool daily challenges. Stay fit with friends while jumping, running and laughing! Join the fun! Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 M-F 5:30pm - 6:30pm NYC Free Teen Band Showcase Do you have a band you would like to showcase? Are you a solo singer who would like to showcase your talent? The NYC will open its doors to a Teen Band and Solo artist showcase. Invite your friends to watch you rock on a large stage! Register at: NYC by July 31 Age Day Time Location Fee 13-17 Aug 9 4:00pm - 8:00pm NYC Free Popsicle Design Summer Madness (Jul - Aug) Come join the NYC every Tuesday for an afternoon of FUN! Activities include outdoor games, contests and crafts. Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 6-13 Tu 3:00pm - 4:00pm NYC Free Take seasonal fruit, whizz it up, add an element of sweetness and one secret ingredient pour, it into a mold and freeze!!! Sign up for this fun, creative, and cool summer workshop. Ingredients will be provided. You just have to bring your taste buds! Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Aug 14 4:00pm - 6:30pm NYC $2 TEEN EXCLUSIVE Night Hoops Is it too hot to play ball in the afternoon? The NYC will open its doors to all basketball players who would like a little competition and play on our Nike Grind Basketball Court. Come with your team or be placed on one. Referees will be provided. Join us for the craziest carnival in town. We will have fun homemade carnival games, competitions, outdoor games, hot dogs and more! Sign up today and bring a friend! Register at: NYC Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 13-17 Jul 12 7:00pm - 9:00pm NYC Free 12 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 Carnival Craze Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Aug 16 4:00pm - 7:00pm NYC $3 “El Grito” Art Rocks Be a part of this fun traditional event and learn which countries celebrate their independence. Live music, food booths, stage contests and more! Fun for the whole family! Register at: NYC Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Aug 21 4:00pm - 6:00pm NYC Free Age Day Time Location Fee All 4:00pm - 8:00pm NYC $3 Sep 13 Back to School Crafts TWEEN/TEEN EXCLUSIVE Dance Fest Do you have a dynamic dance crew you would like to showcase. The NYC is openings it’s doors to all dance teams in Bell Gardens. If you got what it takes sign up your group at the Neighborhood Youth Center and get ready to pump up the volume. Register at: NYC by July 31 Age Day Time Location Fee 11-17 Aug 23 4:00pm - 8:00pm NYC Free Outdoor Hockey Tournament Expect to have fun at our NYC outdoor hockey tournament. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play. We will have a mini workshop on how to play the game. Sign up today. Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 11-17 Aug 30 4:00pm - 7:00pm NYC Free Going back to school is going to be so much fun! We will be creating fun crafts for your locker, books or desks. Join us for a fun afternoon of crafts! Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Sep 18 4:00pm - 6:00pm NYC Free NYC Summer Flashback Time fly’s when you are having fun! On this night we will have a special video presentation looking back at all the fun we had this Summer at the NYC. Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Sep 20 7:00pm -8:00pm NYC Free Dodge Ball Tournament Dodge, Duck and Dive! Bring your best game to the NYC and play against your friends to see who is named the King or Queen of the playground! Neighborhood Youth Center Art Rocks combines music, art and fun! Participants will learn to use their imagination and learn fun art techniques using various art mediums. Don't’ miss out on the fun! Register at: NYC TEEN EXCLUSIVE Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Sep 26 4:00pm - 6:00pm NYC Free Cosmic Pizza Night A glow in the dark evening in the game room! Pool tournaments, foosball games, cosmic fun! Add some pizza and glow in the dark lights...enough said! See you here! Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 13-17 Sep 6 7:00pm - 9:00pm NYC $2.00 Karaoke Night The NYC has scheduled a fun Karaoke Night for you and your friends. Come and show off your talent by singing along to your favorite songs. Register at: NYC Hallow-Treat Calling all Halloween goblins to this fun and exciting candy on a stick workshop. Learn how simple it is to make your very own “spooktacular” candy treats! Sign up now! Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Oct 2 4:00pm - 6:00pm NYC $2 The Great Pumpkin Are you ready for Halloween? Do you have your pumpkin ready? If not come to our annual “Great Pumpkin” carving event. We will teach you fun, creative, and traditional ideas in creating the most original Jack-O-Lantern! Age Day Time Location Fee Register at: NYC 7-15 Sep 9 4:00pm - 6:30pm NYC Free Age Day Time Location Fee 7-15 Oct 9 4:00pm - 6:00pm NYC $2 Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 13 BG VETERANS PARK AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM T his program is designed for kids to interact with their old friends and offers the opportunity to make new ones by participating in our varied and fun activities: homework help, sports, games, arts & crafts, excursions, special events, and more! 6662 Loveland Street, (562) 806-7654 Monday - Friday, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Ages 5 - 17 Bell Gardens Veterans Park Soggy Olympics Ready! Set! Go get soggy! Compete in some of the most fun & wet Olympic themed games you ever played – Soggy Jog Relays, Splash Volleyball, Beach Towel Balloon Toss & more! Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Aug 5 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP Free Summer Art Day Express yourself and display your creativity by painting, drawing, or making crafts of some of your favorite summer activities – camping, fitness fun, or family time. We’ll display your work of art in our Game Room. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Aug 15 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Poetry Day Summer Luau We’re midway through summer and the fun isn’t done! Join us for lots of great summer fun in the sun with Hawaiian themed games and dancing! Register at: BGVP Age Day Time 7-14 Aug 7 3:30pm - 5:30pm Location Fee BGVP $2 Write and recite poems created by you. Share your thoughts about friends, family, fun, and some of your favorite things. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Aug 19 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Flying Disc Golf Have a fun-tastic time playing our ultimate flying disc golf course! Bring your friends – we’ll place you on teams. Who will finish the course with the best score? Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Aug 21 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP Free Wacky Contest Day There is only one way to enjoy this day and that’s playing some of the wackiest games ever! Come challenge yourself through an obstacle course and with tons of brain teasers. Hurry and register in our Game Room. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Aug 14 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP Free 14 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 ABBREVIATIONS KEY BGVP BGGC BGSC FPP SC JAFP NYC NR Bell Gardens Veterans Park Bell Gardens Golf Course Bell Gardens Senior Center Ford Park Pool Bell Gardens Sports Center John Anson Ford Park Neighborhood Youth Center Non Bell Gardens Resident Crazy Crafts Day Celebrate summer making interesting and fun crafts. The crafts are easy to make and safe to use anywhere. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Aug 28 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Labor Day Crafts Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Sep 3 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Grandparents Day Craft Celebrate the fantastic people that are your grandparents by making them a special craft. They’re sure to love your hand-made work of art made especially for them. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Sep 10 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP Free Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Oct 10 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Art Festival Come paint or draw your masterpiece. We’ll exhibit everyone’s artwork on our Game Room Wall of Art for visitors to enjoy. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Oct 15 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP Free Fear Factor Competition Is fear a factor for you? Enter to play fun, challenging, and kindagross games. All games are designed with great care to be kidfriendly. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Oct 24 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Mexican Independence Day Fiesta Join the fiesta! Learn about and celebrate Mexico’s Independence with tons of games, trivia, and a huge piñata. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Sep 16 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Wii Rock Competition Calling all gamers! Test your gaming skills alongside all your Game Room friends. It’s a great way to get your daily exercise too. Bell Gardens Veterans Park Make interesting and fun crafts with your friends. These crafts are easy to make and safe to use anywhere. They’re perfect to make and use at home with your family during the long Labor Day weekend. Pumpkin Carving Contest Learn how to carve creative designs on your pumpkin for Halloween. Make your own unique design. We’ll have prizes for the most original carving. Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Sep 26 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Halloween Crafts Enjoy making scary crafts to help decorate your home for Halloween. Let the creative energy flow. Make an extra craft to help decorate our Game Room as well. Halloween Dance Groove to the scariest Halloween tunes ever! Enjoy snacks, games, and the ever-popular costume contest. We’ll have prizes for the most creative and scariest costumes. Register at: BGVP Register at: BGVP Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Oct 1 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP Free Age Day Time Location Fee 7-14 Oct 30 3:30pm - 5:30pm BGVP $2 Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 15 SENIOR SERVICES The Bell Gardens Senior Services is dedicated to our valued older community members. With programing that entertain and foster the individual’s health and wellness, the department prides itself in offering the best service through staff that love what they do. Open Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm. 6722 Clara Street • (562) 334-1779. Smart Start Breakfast Start your day smart and join us for a nutritious monthly breakfast. Please register at least one week prior to the event. Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Age 55+ 55+ 55+ 55+ Day Jul 30 Aug 27 Sep 24 Oct 29 Time 8:30am - 9:30am 8:30am - 9:30am 8:30am - 9:30am 8:30am - 9:30am Location BGSC BGSC BGSC BGSC Fee $3 $3 $3 $3 Movie Matinee Gather with your friends to enjoy the best that cinema has to offer. Light refreshments will be served. Bring a friend, or make a new one! Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Aug 22 55+ Sep 19 55+ Oct 17 1:00pm - 3:00pm 1:00pm - 3:00pm 1:00pm - 3:00pm BGSC BGSC BGSC Free Free Free Lunch Program The Senior lunch program is more than just a meal. It gives seniors the opportunity to enjoy a hot, well-balanced, nutritious meal in the company of other seniors. Stop by any morning, Monday- Friday and enjoy a great meal. *Adults under 60yrs. required to pay $4.50. Please reserve your lunch the day before you plan on attending at (562) 334-1779. Senior Services Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Age Day Time Location Fee 60+ M-F 11:30am BGSC $2.25 MTA PASSES For Seniors & Disabled Persons MTA bus passes are available for senior residents (62 and over) and for disabled residents. Bus passes are sold on the 26th of each month. In the occasion that the 26 lands on Saturday or Sunday, the bus passes will be sold on Monday at the Senior Center. Seniors must have an MTA ID card to obtain a sticker for the month, or a TAP card. The Senior Center office is open Monday- Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm. Day: 26th of Location: Senior Center every month Fee: $8.00 Time: 8:00am-4:00pm Chair Aerobics Chair Aerobics is a form of aerobic exercise where the participant stays seated in a chair for the duration of the exercise session. Improve your day to day activities and raise your fitness level. Get in shape sitting down! Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ M & W 55+ Fri 5:30pm - 6:15pm 2:00pm - 3:00pm BGSC BGSC $5 $5 (Zumba) Painting Class Senior Tournaments Get ready and join us for our monthly tournaments. We will be alternating monthly between Billiards and Poker. So bring your “A” game because winner takes all. Ages 55 and over. Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Event Day Time Location Fee Poker Billiards Poker Billiards July 9 Aug 13 Sept 10 Oct 8 12:30pm - 2:30pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm BGSC BGSC BGSC BGSC 16 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 Free Free Free Free Learn to create your very own work of art! You’ll be instructed in basic painting techniques and have an opportunity to showcase your talent in our art show. Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm BGSC Free ABBREVIATIONS KEY BGVP BGGC BGSC FPP SC JAFP NYC NR Bell Gardens Veterans Park Bell Gardens Golf Course Bell Gardens Senior Center Ford Park Pool Bell Gardens Sports Center John Anson Ford Park Neighborhood Youth Center Non Bell Gardens Resident Cake Decorating Class Wednesdays & Fridays 1:00pm-3:00pm $15.00/R $20.00/NR Summer Luau Get your leis and your Hawaiian attire out and join us for a great celebration with friends and amazing music. We will be celebrating life the Hawaiian way. So come and move your hips to the rhythm of the island. Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Aug 15 3:00pm - 5:00pm BGSC $3 ($5NR) At the Bell Gardens Senior Center SENIOR EXCURSIONS Grandparents Day Celebration Life is great! And one of the best ways to enjoy it is by traveling and experiencing new things. The Senior Center offers some of the best locations to go and explore. Hosted by our great professional staff, the excursions are always a highlight of the season. Join us and help us continue to add to the memories. Registration opens six weeks before the excursion. Lets not forget the Grandparents! Come and enjoy a festive environment where we appreciate grandpa and grandma! There will be music, food and friends. The party can’t start without you so make sure you attend. Age Day Time Location Fee Tips and Reminders s Please wear comfortable shoes as many of our trips require walking. s Protect yourself from the sun, wear a hat and sun block. s If you require assistance, please bring along a friend, relative or caregiver. 55+ Sep 5 1:00pm - 3:00pm BGVP $3 ($5NR) Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Jul 27 9:00am - 7:00pm BGSC $10 ($15NR) Lunch Time Fiesta Monrovia Canyon Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Aug 10 8:30am - 1:30pm BGSC $3 ($5NR) Santa Fe Springs Swap Meet Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Aug 23 4:00pm - 9:00pm BGSC $3 ($5NR) Aquarium of the Pacific Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Sep 6 9:00am - 2:00pm BGSC $3 ($5NR) Old Town Pasadena Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Sep 21 10:00am - 4:00pm BGSC $3 ($5NR) Fantasy Casino (Palm Springs) Age Day 55+ Oct 12 Time 1:00pm - 10:00pm Location BGSC Fee $10 ($15NR) In the theme of our Latin American brothers and sisters we will be celebrating in their honor their Independence Day. We will have “Latino” food and music to our delights. So come out bring your dance shoes and join us for a “fiesta-culous” celebration! (Reservation is required) Register at: SC Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Sep 13 11:00am - 1:00pm BGVP $2.25 Halloween Celebration Senior Services Santa Barbara The ghost and goblins are out and we need to help them feel welcomed. Come join us as we host ghouls and goblins in this great and fun party. Music, costumes and great food will be the attraction of the day. Don’t be left out! Register at: Bell Gardens Senior Center (BGSC) Age Day Time Location Fee 55+ Oct 31 11:00am - 1:00pm BGVP $2.25 Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 17 The Bell Gardens Sports Center is a great facility in Southern California, with state-of-the-art soccer and baseball/softball fields. The City of Bell Gardens is proud to offer matching programs and services for the community. Open Gym General Schedule Monday - Friday 2:00pm - 9:00pm Saturday & Sunday 10:00am - 6:00pm Times are subject to change due to scheduled programing. 8000 Park Lane • (562) 806-7662 Fall Youth Basketball Small Fry Soccer Come join our Basketball league! Youth Basketball gives boys and girls the opportunity to develop basic basketball skills such as shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding, and defending. Participants are also given the chance to enhance life skills, such as sportsmanship, teamwork, and fair play. The league will consist of three age divisions for boys and girls. Every participant that is registered will have the opportunity to attend a free basketball clinic. A team jersey and individual trophy is included in the registration fee. Come out and join us for another exciting basketball season at the Ford Park Gym! The Small Fry Soccer program is offered for boys and girls. This program will be co-ed and two divisions will be formed, one for ages 4 & 5 and the other for 6 & 7 year olds. It is designed to develop basic skills such as kicking, running, and passing. The traditional soccer rules are adjusted to fit their attention span, motor and sensory skills, while implementing the overall purpose of the sport. This program offers a learning experience for the children as well as the opportunity to build confidence, selfesteem, respect, and teamwork skills. Each participant will receive a jersey and trophy. Open Registration Dates: July 29 - Aug. 29 Register at: SC Open Registration Dates: July 29 - Aug. 29 Register at: SC Age Day Time Location Fee Age Day Time Location Fee 8-14* TBA TBA SC $30 ($75NR) 4-7 TBA SC $30 ($60NR) TBA *Must be in 8th grade Co-Ed Softball Men’s Wooden Bat League Register a team to play “Americas Past Time” at the award winning state of the art Bell Gardens Sports Center. Our adult baseball program consists of two divisions; majors for the more experienced and minors for those that play for the love of the game. Teams will be required to wear a complete uniform. * 1st Place team will receive one team award and individual player awards. Division 2 Open Registration Dates: Aug 11 - Sep 7 Register at: BGGC Tuesday – Friday.........7am – 9pm Saturday – Monday.....7am – 5pm Age Day Sports 18+ Sat Time 12:00pm - 7:30pm Location SC Open Registration Dates: Sept. 1 - 7 Register at: BGGC Tuesday – Friday.........7am – 9pm Saturday – Monday.....7am – 5pm Age Day Time Location Fee 18+ Fri 6:30pm - 10:30pm SC $450/Team Fee Men’s Softball $650/Team Compete against some of the best teams in Southern California at the beautiful Bell Gardens Sports Complex. Organized and smooth running, this is one of the best places to play. Don’t be left out and come join the fun. * 1st Place team will receive one team award and individual player awards. Division 1 Open Registration Dates: Sept. 1 - 21 Register at: BGGC Tuesday – Friday.........7am – 9pm Saturday – Monday.....7am – 5pm Age Day Time Location Fee 18+ Sun 8:00am - 7:30pm SC $650/Team 18 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 Don’t pass up the opportunity to play in the southeast’s premier softball facility. Our softball league is for both our most competitive teams and for those teams that are looking for a great way to get in shape and meet new people. * 1st Place team will receive one team award and individual player awards. Open Registration Dates: Aug 18 - 31 Register at: BGGC Tuesday – Friday.........7am – 9pm Saturday – Monday.....7am – 5pm Age Day Time Location Fee 18+ Fri 6:30pm - 10:30pm SC $450/Team BELL GARDENS GOLF COURSE Exclusively located in the back of John Anson Ford Park, the Bell Gardens Golf Course offers an ideal place to enjoy the game of gentlemen and ladies. With renovated amenities, this course is considered one of the best nine holes in the region. The dedicated and enthusiastic staff is always ready and willing to help the veteran and the novice golfer. Open seven days a week with full service clubhouse bar and grill. Play a round of golf, afterwards enjoy a beer while you watch a sporting event! Hours Tuesday - Friday, 7:00am - 10:30pm Saturday - Monday, 7:00am - 6:00pm Monday-Thursday Residents: Adults - $7.00 Adult Repeats- $6.00 Seniors/Students - $4.00 Seniors/Students Repeats - $3.00 Non-Residents: Adults - $8.00 Adult Repeats - $7.00 Seniors/Students - $5.00 Seniors/Students Repeats - $4.00 Friday-Sunday Residents: Adults - $8.00 Adult Repeats - $7.00 Seniors/Students - $5.00 Seniors/Students Repeats - $4.00 Non-Residents: Adults - $10.00 Adult Repeats - $9.00 Seniors/Students - $6.00 Seniors/Students Repeats - $5.00 Night Golf (Tuesday-Friday 6-9pm) Residents: Adults - $9.00 Adult Repeats - $8.00 Seniors/Students - $6.00 Seniors/Students Repeats - $5.00 Non-Residents: Adults - $10.00 Adult Repeats - $9.00 Seniors/Students - $7.00 Seniors/Students Repeats - $6.00 Adult Golf League Summer Golf Camp Play Golf and build lasting friendships!!! League competition will be divided into 4 flights determined by player’s skill level (handicap). Come out and play in the premier Par 3 golf course in the Southland. This seven (7) week camp will introduce our participants to the rules and etiquette of this great game. Our children will develop their putting, chipping, and swing fundamentals. In addition, they will be learning the values ingrained to the game of golf such as respect, perseverance and honesty. BG Summer Golf camp activities consist of: Lessons, competition, games, movies, and of course having FUN. Open Registration Dates: July 29 - Aug. 29 Register at: BGGC Age Day Time Location Fee 18+ Mon 6:00pm - 8:00pm BGGC $25 “Fiestas Patrias” Golf Tournament Register at: BGGC June 30 - July 21 Age Day Time Location Fee 7-17 Th 6:00pm - 8:00pm BGGC $40 Get your team together and come play in one of the best Par 3 courses in the southland. See if your team has what it takes to be crowned tournament champions. Don’t miss out! Age Day Time Location Fee 12+ Sep 20 7:00pm BGGC $20 Golf ABBREVIATIONS KEY BGVP BGGC BGSC FPP SC JAFP NYC NR Bell Gardens Veterans Park Bell Gardens Golf Course Bell Gardens Senior Center Ford Park Pool Bell Gardens Sports Center John Anson Ford Park Neighborhood Youth Center Non Bell Gardens Resident For more information, please contact our starter at (562) 927-8811 or visit our website at www.bgrecreation.org/page/golf-course/bell-gardens-golf-course Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 19 Conveniently located at Ford Park, the Olympic-size Ford Park Pool opens every summer to provide aquatic services to the community. 8000 Park Lane • (562) 806-7664 Monday - Sunday • 12:00pm - 5:00pm June 30 - September 1 Recreation Swim Monday - Friday 1:00pm - 2:30pm 3:00pm - 4:30pm Saturday - Sunday 12:30pm - 2:00pm 2:30pm - 4:00pm 4:30pm - 6:00pm Rec swim fee Fee per session Children & Seniors: $1 (6 mos.-17 & 55 & Over) Adults: $2 (Ages 18-54) Swim Lesson Luau Celebration Celebrate Hawaiian Style! Join us for a great celebration for those that have participated in our swim lesson. As reward for their hard work and commitment we will have a Luau in their honor including one snow cone and one bag of popcorn per admission. The main event will be held during the second Sess Age Day Time Location Fee 1 2 3 11:00am - 1:00pm 1:30pm - 4:30pm 5:30pm - 6:30pm FPP FPP FPP All All All Aug 31 Aug 31 Aug 31 Four family members per offer $5 ($15/fam*) $5 ($15/fam*) $5 ($15/fam*) Free for swim lesson participants Swim Lessons We are proud to offer our community competitive swim lessons for all ages, including adults and infants (Parent & Me), for an affordable price! Whether you have decided to learn how to swim this summer, or simply want to improve your stroke, our Water Safety Instructors can help. Our team is certified through American Red Cross and has numerous years of experience. We offer 30 minute classes four times a week in two-week sessions—space is limited so hurry and come register at our pool today! *Must show ID and Utility bill under parent’s name for resident discount. Registration time: 4:30pm on registration day July 15 - July 25 Water Aerobics The Size Down Water Aerobics exercise program provides a fun and energetic workout atmosphere. It helps participants slim down and shape up while conditioning all body systems. The program will be conducted by a professionally trained instructor. Classes run from July 1 through August 23. Sess Age Day Time Fee 1 2 Mon - Th Mon - Th 11:45am - 12:45pm 4:40pm - 5:40pm $2 $2 14 + 14 + Sess 1 2 3 4 5 Age 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ Time 11:45am - 12:15pm 12:20pm - 12:50pm 4:40pm - 5:10pm 5:15pm - 5:45pm 5:50pm - 6:20pm Fee $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) RegDay Jul 12 Jul 12 Jul 12 Jul 12 Jul 12 Fee $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) RegDay Jul 26 Jul 26 Jul 26 Jul 26 Jul 26 Fee $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) $35 ($45NR) RegDay Aug 9 Aug 9 Aug 9 Aug 9 Aug 9 July 29 - August 8 Sess 1 2 3 4 5 Age 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ Time 11:45am - 12:15pm 12:20pm - 12:50pm 4:40pm - 5:10pm 5:15pm - 5:45pm 5:50pm - 6:20pm Lap Swim Aquatics Now that the 90-degree dog days of summer are upon us, it’s refreshing to head to a lap pool for fitness needs—it sure beats walking, jogging, or even tennis! Sess Age Day Time Fee 1 2 Mon - Th Mon - Th 11:45am - 12:45pm 4:40pm - 5:40pm $2 $2 14 + 14 + 20 ¦ BG Today ¦ Summer 2013 August 12 - August 22 Sess 1 2 3 4 5 Age 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ 6mths+ Time 11:45am - 12:15pm 12:20pm - 12:50pm 4:40pm - 5:10pm 5:15pm - 5:45pm 5:50pm - 6:20pm Beach Bus ABC’s of a Safe Summer Attend a presentation from 12:00pm-12:30pm and learn all pool rules, safety tips, and how much sugar is in your drink to receive free rec swim pass valid from 12:30pm-2:00pm. Age Day Time Location Fee All 12:00pm - 12:30pm FPP Free Jul 21 The Neighborhood Youth Center will be hosting a beach excursion twice a month for youth ages 13-17. All participants must bring their own lunch, towels and sun screen. Transportation will be provided. Parents must sign a release form. Register at: NYC Age Day Time Location Fee 13-17 Jul 8 13-17 Jul 22 13-17 Aug 5 13-17 Aug 19 9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am - 3:00pm NYC NYC NYC NYC $3 $3 $3 $3 Labor Day Splash Closing the summer with a “Splash”. Before school starts again and we say good-bye to Summer, come and enjoy one more day at the world famous Ford Park Pool. Hang out with your friends and beat the heat. The main attraction will take place during the 2nd and will feature special performances, music, games and a HUGE water slide. The pool will also be open during the 1st and nd 2 sessions for great fun! Sess Age Day Time Location Fee 1 2 3 11:00am - 1:00pm 1:30pm - 4:30pm 5:30pm - 6:30pm FPP FPP FPP All All All Sep 2 Sep 2 Sep 2 Rec swim fee $5 ($15/fam*) Rec swim fee “Tween” Excusions Ages 9-12 The Neighborhood Youth Center will host monthly $3.00 excursions for “Tweens” and young teens, (ages 9-12). The excursion will be hosed by Recreation Staff and participants will have an opportunity to visit some of Los Angeles County’s coolest spots! Register at: NYC *Four family members per offer Santa Fe Dam Reg Deadline Day Time Aug 16 Aug 24 10:00am-3:00pm Location NYC Fee $3 Semi-Private Pool Rental Universal City Walk Reg Deadline Day Time Sep 20 Sep 28 3:00pm-8:00pm Location NYC Fee $3 Pumpkin Festival Reg Deadline Day Time Oct 11 Oct 19 10:00am-3:00pm Location NYC Fee $3 Placita Olvera Reg Deadline Day Time Oct 25 Nov 2 12:00pm-5:00pm Location NYC Fee $3 If you are looking to add some magic to your child’s birthday party this summer, give us a call and let our aquatic staff take care of you. Your rental will include a semi-private area with tables and seating for up to 50 of your guests right next to our sparkling and refreshing pool. Only your guests will have access to your VIP area! Call for availability. Capacity: 50 (Banquet Style) Saturday & Sunday 12:00pm-3:00pm and 3:00pm-6:00pm Fee*: $100 per hr. (3 Hour Rental Minimum) $75 security deposit $25 Set-up and clean-up fee** ABBREVIATIONS KEY BGVP BGGC BGSC FPP SC JAFP NYC NR Bell Gardens Veterans Park Bell Gardens Golf Course Bell Gardens Senior Center Ford Park Pool Bell Gardens Sports Center John Anson Ford Park Neighborhood Youth Center Non Bell Gardens Resident Excursions Days and times: Monday-Friday 2:00pm-5:00pm Summer 2013 ¦ BG Today ¦ 21 City of Bell Gardens 7100 Garfield Ave. Bell Gardens, CA 90201 Presort Standard U.S. PostagePAID Permit #213 Bell Gardens CA 90201 Postal Customer Bell Gardens CA 90201 Recreation Swim Monday - Friday Sess 1: 1:00pm - 2:30pm Sess 2: 3:00pm - 4:30pm June 30 - September 1 Saturday - Sunday Sess 1:12:30pm - 2:00pm Sess 2: 2:30pm - 4:00pm Sess 3: 4:30pm - 6:00pm Rec swim fee Fee per session Children & Seniors: $1 (6 mos.-17 & 55 & Over) Adults: $2 (Ages 18-54) 8000 Park Lane • (562) 806-7664 Monday - Sunday • 12:00pm - 5:00pm See page 20 for more details