DSST: Cole Middle School Fees Payment Plan Agreement


DSST: Cole Middle School Fees Payment Plan Agreement
DSST: Cole Middle School Fees Payment Plan Agreement
Please fill out this form if you cannot make the full payment amount today and complete the form before visiting the
Fees Station
Fees are due at the start of the school year on registration day. We ask for your support in
paying your child’s registration fees in order to provide your child with all the benefits of a
strong learning environment.
My annual fee rate is (please check the box that corresponds to you and payment plan):
 2015-2016 Total Fees: $250
 Payment complete by December 2015: $63 per month
 Payment complete by April 2016: $32 per month
 2015-2016 Total Fees, Free and Reduced Lunch Rate: $100
 Payment complete by December 2015: $25 per month
 Payment complete by April 2016: $13 per month
This total amount is due by April 2016. We accept the following forms of payment: cash
(exact change), check, credit/debit card and money order. Payments of cash, check or
money order can be turned in by your student and must be enclosed in an envelope with
the student’s name and total amount. Once a payment is received a statement or receipt
will be printed for our reference. Teachers or other staff will not accept school fees. All
payments must be made directly to Ms. Criss, the Office Assistant. For your convenience
office hours are 8:15-4:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 8:15-2:45pm on
Wednesday. Please contact Ms. Criss if you have any questions regarding student fees.
Please note that student fees will not be accepted on the first week of school.
I ______________________________, the parent of _____________________agree to pay the
annual student fee assigned to my student by making a monthly payment of $____________.
DSST: Cole Middle School Acuerdo de Plan de Pago
Por favor complete esta forma antes de visitar la Estación de Pagos si no puede pagar el pago total de tarifas
Las tarifas se deben al principio del ano durante los días de inscripción. Pedimos su apoyo
en pagar la tarifa de inscripción para poder proveer su estudiante con los beneficios de un
ambiente de aprendizaje exitoso
Mi tarifa anual (por favor marque la caja que le corresponde):
 2015-2016 Tarifa Total: $250
o Pago completo por deciembre 2015: $63 por mes
o Pago completo por abril 2016: $32 por mes
 2015-2016 Tarifa Total si recibe Comida Gratis o Reducida: $100
o Pago completo por deciembre 2015: $25 por mes
o Pago completo por abril 2016: $13 por mes
Se debe el balance total en Abril 2016. Aceptamos las siguientes formas de pago: dinero en
efectivo, cheque, tarjeta de débito/crédito, o money order. Pagos de dinero en efectivo,
cheque, o money order pueden ser enviados con su estudiante en un sobre con el nombre
del estudiante y el total incluido. Le podemos imprimir un recibo cuando tomamos su pago.
Los maestros no aceptan pagos. Cada pago se debe dar a Ms. Criss, la asistente de oficina.
Para su comondidad las horas de oficina son de 8:15 am-4:30 pm los lunes, martes, jueves y
viernes y 8:15 am- 2:45 pm los miércoles. Por favor tenga en cuenta que la oficina no recibe
pagos durante la primera semana de la escuela.
Yo _____________________________________el padre/guardián de
_____________________prometo pagar la tarifa anual asignado a mi estudiante y prometo
pagar $ _____________________ al mes.