Manual Instructions for SAP Note 1919345
Manual Instructions for SAP Note 1919345
Manual Instructions for SAP Note 1919345 SAP_BASIS Enhancements after HCMPSe604 SP 10 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 CHANGES TO HR_CHECK_PERCENTAGE FUNCTION MODULE .............................................. 3 Insert the code below: ..................................................................................................................... 3 Insert the code below: ..................................................................................................................... 4 Modify the code below: ................................................................................................................... 6 Insert the code below: ..................................................................................................................... 7 2 2.1 CHANGES TO LOM_OVERVIEW_FUNCTIONSF01 REPORT ....................................................... 9 Insert the code below: ..................................................................................................................... 9 3 3.1 3.2 CHANGES TO LRHOMDETAILMANAGERF01 REPORT ............................................................ 10 Insert the code below: ................................................................................................................... 10 Insert the code below: ................................................................................................................... 10 4 4.1 CHANGES TO LSDSDF05 REPORT ............................................................................................. 11 Insert the code below: ................................................................................................................... 11 2 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS To perform the following changes, please, log on to the system in ES language. 1 CHANGES TO HR_CHECK_PERCENTAGE FUNCTION MODULE 1.1 Insert the code below: *** ini add C5115973 26/10/2009 IF SY-TCODE = 'HRPBSES40'. DATA: L_ALTAGEN. CLEAR L_ALTAGEN. IF IP1001-ISTAT = '2'. CLEAR ip1001-istat. L_ALTAGEN = 'X'. ENDIF. DATA: IS_DUMMY TYPE C. CALL FUNCTION 'HR_PSE_GET_IFDUMMY' EXPORTING PERNR = IP1001-OBJID IMPORTING DUMMY = IS_DUMMY. ENDIF. DATA: NUMREAL TYPE PERSNO. DATA: TEMP_SOBID TYPE PERSNO. IMPORT NUMREAL FROM MEMORY ID 'NUMREAL'. *** fin add C5115973 26/10/2009 After these changes, the resulting source code should be like the one in the image below: 3 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.2 Insert the code below: IF SY-TCODE = 'HRPBSES40'. IF IS_DUMMY = 'X'. IP1001-ISTAT = '2'. LOOP AT CHECK_BUFFER. * se borran los enlaces con ISTAT = 2 que no * correspondan al dummy actual IF CHECK_BUFFER-OTYPE = IP1001-SCLAS AND CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '2' AND CHECK_BUFFER-VDATA+2(8) <> OBJID. DELETE CHECK_BUFFER. ENDIF. * para los demás enlaces, los activos, se cambia el istat = 2 IF CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '1'. CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '2'. MODIFY CHECK_BUFFER. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. * primera alta generado IF NUMREAL IS INITIAL AND L_ALTAGEN = 'X'. IP1001-ISTAT = '1'. LOOP AT CHECK_BUFFER. IF CHECK_BUFFER-OBJID = OBJID OR CHECK_BUFFER-VDATA+2(8) = OBJID. CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '1'. MODIFY CHECK_BUFFER. ENDIF. IF CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '2'. DELETE CHECK_BUFFER. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF. After these changes, the resulting source code should be like the one in the image below: 4 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 5 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.3 Modify the code below: * * * * DATA: NUMREAL TYPE PERSNO. DATA: TEMP_SOBID TYPE PERSNO. IMPORT NUMREAL FROM MEMORY ID 'NUMREAL'. After these changes, the resulting source code should be like the one in the image below: 6 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.4 Insert the code below: *** ini add C5115973 26/10/2009 *** si es un dummy pasamos el istat 2 para comprobar el porcentaje *** de ocupación IF SY-TCODE = 'HRPBSES40'. IF IS_DUMMY = 'X'. IP1001-ISTAT = '2'. LOOP AT CHECK_BUFFER. * se borran los enlaces con ISTAT = 2 que no * correspondan al dummy actual IF CHECK_BUFFER-OTYPE = IP1001-SCLAS AND CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '2' AND CHECK_BUFFER-VDATA+2(8) <> OBJID. DELETE CHECK_BUFFER. ENDIF. * para los demás enlaces, los activos, se cambia el istat = 2 IF CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '1'. CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '2'. MODIFY CHECK_BUFFER. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. * primera alta generado IF NUMREAL IS INITIAL AND L_ALTAGEN = 'X'. IP1001-ISTAT = '1'. LOOP AT CHECK_BUFFER. IF CHECK_BUFFER-OBJID = OBJID OR CHECK_BUFFER-VDATA+2(8) = OBJID. CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '1'. MODIFY CHECK_BUFFER. ENDIF. IF CHECK_BUFFER-ISTAT = '2'. DELETE CHECK_BUFFER. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF. After these changes, the resulting source code should be like the one in the image below: 7 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 8 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 2 CHANGES TO LOM_OVERVIEW_FUNCTIONSF01 REPORT 2.1 Insert the code below: if sy-tcode = 'HRPBSESRPT'. PERFORM hrpbsesrpt_objetos IN PROGRAM RPUFORMALRPTEPBS TABLES SEL_OBJECTS using okcode. if sel_objects[] is initial. exit. endif. ENDIF. After these changes, the resulting source code should be like the one in the image below: 9 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 3 CHANGES TO LRHOMDETAILMANAGERF01 REPORT 3.1 Insert the code below: *** Formalizacion RPT, fecha infotipos IF SY-TCODE = 'HRPBSESRPT'. IF DISPLAY_PERIOD-BEGDA LE ACT_DETAIL_DATE. DISPLAY_PERIOD-BEGDA = ACT_DETAIL_DATE. ENDIF. ENDIF. After these changes, the resulting source code should be like the one in the image below: 3.2 Insert the code below: IF sy-tcode = 'HRPBSESRPT'. MESSAGE W214(HRPBSES_HR). EXIT. ENDIF. After these changes, the resulting source code should be like the one in the image below: 10 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 4 CHANGES TO LSDSDF05 REPORT 4.1 Insert the code below: if shlp_top-shlpname = 'PREM' and callcontrol-step = 'SELECT'. DATA: WA_SELOPT LIKE DDSHSELOPT OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. data: rgnum_low like wa_selopt-low, rgnum_high like wa_selopt-low, rgnum LIKE INRI-NRRANGENR, OBJECT LIKE INRI-OBJECT VALUE 'RP_PREL'. PERFORM GET_DUMMY_RANGE IN PROGRAM RPUDUMMYFORMSEPBS CHANGING rgnum OBJECT RGNUM_LOW RGNUM_HIGH. MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE SHLP_CURR-SHLPNAME 'PERNR' 'E' 'BT' rgnum_low rgnum_high TO TO TO TO TO TO WA_SELOPT-SHLPNAME. WA_SELOPT-SHLPFIELD. WA_SELOPT-SIGN. WA_SELOPT-OPTION. WA_SELOPT-LOW. WA_SELOPT-HIGH. APPEND WA_SELOPT TO SHLP_CURR-SELOPT. endif. After these changes, the resulting source code should be like the one in the image below: 11 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 12 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies (“SAP Group”) for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Please see for additional trademark information and notices.