AAAB AGENCIA DE APOYO A LA ARQUITE CTURA DE BARCELONA AAAB HOME OBSE RVA TION AAAB HOME There, outside, society is under reconstruction. Countries are reconsidering and administrating their resources and cites and its architecture must look for new approaches present and future solutions. The “constructing” business is in crises but at the same time architecture has capacity to act in a wide spectrum. AN SW ER AAAB HOME AAAB is a Research Institute Cultural Production Centre Crucible of Ideas Expression Laboratory Inter-disciplinar Meeting Point AC TI ON AAAB HOME AAAB = EDUCATION + CULTURE + OCCUPATION VAL UES AAAB HOME AAAB is an open laboratory basing its activity from architectonic discipline and extending it to other fields. AAAB is a space hosting workshops, exhibitions, debates, performances, co-working groups; open to research proposals with innovative approaches. AAAB offers the possibility of being involved in programs based in real needs coming from users’ requirements, private customers or enterprises in relation with the engagement with contemporary reality. AAAB trust in an ideology based in the architectonic discipline commitment transmitted through education. AAAB engagement with society, architecture and culture implies a lot of cultural actions aiming to create critic approaches, debates, reflection and specific actions. AAAB hosts national and international students and teachers and agents from other disciplines aiming a cultural interchange inter-discipline and intergenerational in the cosmopolitan environment of Barcelona. AAAB wants to approach new social phenomena and new points of view accepting architecture nowadays is mainly a way of thinking and an attitude. AAAB promotes new ways of participating opening debates to wider social agents and really trust in associative configuration. 2012 AAAB HOME 2012 AAAB E EVENTS E01 CASA DECOR 2012 E02 CASTING “I WISH” ESPECULACCIONES / ETSAM E03 ENCUENTRO JOSEP LLINAS Y VICTORIA GARRIGA E04 SANTIAGO CIRUGEDA Y GUILLERMO CRUZ “EN LA RED” E05 POSTGRADO DE ILUMINACIÓN FUNDACION UPC “LUCES Y SOMBRAS” E06 GILLY KARJEVSKY / 72HUA E07 YUKO MOHRI E08 ROSER AMADÓ Y SANDR LAUDY / MASTER DE LA VIVIENDA DEL SIGLO XXI E09 ¿A QUE JUEGAS? 01 E10 IVAYLO GETOV E11 ¿A QUE JUEGAS? 02 E12 “AMBITOS DE REFLEXIÓN” E13 FESTIVAL LOOP 2012 E14 EXPOSICIÓN DE CONOR RALPHS E15 10+10 ETSAB/LA SALLE E16 ¿A QUE JUEGAS? 03 E17 EXPOSICIÓN “CON EL CABALLETE A CUESTAS” 2012 AAAB D TEACHING E02 KIDS ROOM E03 DRAWING TIME E04 RAMBLAS E05 GRASSHOPPER E06 TIME FOR COMPETITIONS E07 ARCHITECTURE FANZINES E08 SUMMER TIME 01 E09 SUMMER TIME 02 E10 SPEKTRUM ARKITEKTER-ECOSISTEMA URBANO-TERRITORIAL STUDIO E11 DRINK & DRAW E12 CAPSULA BARCELONA E13 OH!!!!!!! EL OBSERVATORIO DE LOS SABADOS E14 MANO DE MONO DIR ECT ORS AAAB HOME Xavi Bustos Co-Director_Coordinator of the cultural program Architect. Cofounder of the architecture studio XNF-arquitectes, which has received several national and international awards. He teaches at the Architecture School of La Salle in Tarragona (Escola d’Arquitectura de la Salle-Tarragona). He has been member of the Ha sido miembro de la monitoring committee of the innovative housing neighbourhood project “barri d`habitage innovador a Cerdanyola del Vallés” and member of the FAD award jury. Nicola Regusci Co-Director_Glogal Affair Architect. Codirector AAAB, Cofounder of the architecture studio XNF-arquitectes, which has received several national and international awards. He has specialized in the design of objects such as “naked-kitchen”, the “skelet-sit” chair, the “stripetable” and the “Tommasina” chair. He has been invited to participate in different national and international university juries. Irma Arribas Co-Directora_Coordinator of the didactic program PhD Architect. Codirector AAAB, Cofounder of the architecture studio POCAA. She teaches at the Barcelona Architecture School (ETSAB Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona) and at the Design and Art School EINA in Barcelona (EINA Escola de Disseny i Art). At a creative and artistic level she has realized numerous exhibitions and has received national and international awards. ST RUC TURE AAAB HOME AAAB is also a collective created with the aim of reinforce the cultural approach around the architectonic discipline from the education context. In the last decades, studies in architecture are obviating many cultural, socio economic and environmental changes which are demanding new points of view from the education and professional context. ivaylo getov atxu amann gonzalo pardo jordi badia edgar gonzalez carolina garcia estevez lena arribas talia arribas xavier rosales ico xavier güell marc aureli santos quim larrea vicente matallana nuria gual marcos catalán anna badia rafa mateo laura meseguer maria güell oscar abril ferran grau chu uroz ramon valls yuko mohri pepe llinás victoria garriga luis bravo nacho lopez daniela hartmann josep fernando toni casamor arian martín pablo plasencia javier planas tere badia jordi llacer vera maeder camilo galetti annie katata mercedes rodriguez santiago cirugeda david cabrera lucas arqueología del punto de vista col:lective Barcelona new now idensitat el globus vermell raons publiques ojo cónico sindicat de arquitectes repensar bon pastor colectivo punto 6 estación transfmadores revista diagonal 100x10 penique productions esfa bcn coac Hangar etsam fundación upc master laboratorio de la vivienda del siglo XXI master arte sonoro factoría creativa ds lab materfad la invisible trespa dpr-barcelona aproximacions materia sensible trueques ines llopart lidia serrano jesus quintana andrea rodriguez adrian pedrazas pau rosello julia leirado laia garcía ivan riba marc subirana giulietta hidalgo helena cepeda alumnos grupo especulaaciones_ETSAM col:lective barcelona_ETSAB AAAB Agencia de Apoyo a la Arquitectura de Barcelona Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 694 08010 Barcelona T +(34) 932 653 399 W E [email protected]