April 13, 2014 Palm Sunday
April 13, 2014 Palm Sunday
April 13, 2014 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion ST. MONICA Catholic Church One Parish, One Journey Una Parroquia, Una Jornada 6131 N. Michigan Rd. • Indianapolis, IN 46228 • Phone: (317) 253-2193 • Fax: (317) 253-3342 • stmonicaindy.org Mass Schedule/ Horario de las Misas Weekend / Misas de fin de semana Saturday (anticipation)/Sábados 5:30 PM and 7:15 PM (Español) Sunday/Domingos 7:40 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Español) & 6:00 PM Holy Days Please call Parish Office Weekday / Misas Diarias Monday-Thursday / Lunes-Jueves 5:30 PM Wednesday & Friday / Miércoles, Viernes 8:00 AM Reconciliation/Confesiones Saturday 4:00-5:00 PM Monday & Tuesday 6:00 -7:00 PM or by appointment. Lunes y Martes de 6:00 pm a 7:00 pm o por la cita. Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Daily Chapel Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the Church Lunes, Miercoles, Jueves 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Capilla y los Martes de 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Iglesia 24-Hour Adoration is also available at the Divine Mercy Chapel at St. Michael the Archangel Church, 3354 W. 30th Street También hay Adoración las 24-Horas en la Capilla de la Divina Misericordia en la Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel ubicada en el 3354 W. 30th Street Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor Decid a la hija de Sion: “Mira, tu Rey viene a ti, humilde y montado en un asna, y en un pollino, hijo de bestia de carga.” Mateo 5,21 Holy Week Confessions & Liturgies Good Friday: Outdoor Stations of the Cross at 2:00 PM; Good Friday Liturgy at 3:00 PM; Confession 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM; April 14-20 2nd Outdoor Stations of the Cross at Monday: Mass at 5:30 PM; Confessions 6:00 PM 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Holy Saturday: Confessions 5:00 PM to Tuesday: Chrism Mass at Ss. Peter & Paul 7:00 PM; Vigil Mass of Easter at 8:45 PM; Cathedral at 2:00 PM; No 5:30 Mass, No 5:30/7:15 PM Mass Confessions or Adoration at St. Monica Easter Sunday: Masses at 7:15 AM, Wednesday: Masses at 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Spanish), 5:30 PM 6:00 PM Holy Thursday: Confessions 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM; Mass at 7:00 PM Religious Education 7th Grade Confirmation Registration: A reminder this Sunday, April 13, the 7th graders (and some 8th graders) preparing for Confirmation that your registration form (tan) and a copy of your Baptismal certificate are due to the Religious Education Office. First Communion Retreat: On Saturday, April 26, our 220 First Communion candidates and their parents will be on retreat from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please remember them in your prayers as they prepare for to receive their First Communion on May 3 or 4. Visiting Altars of Repose This is an old and beautiful tradition that seems to be making its way back into Catholic practice. After the Holy Thursday liturgy, each parish is required to reserve the Eucharist upon an altar of repose for a short amount of time. This is done so that the Faithful might be able to keep vigil with the Lord as the Apostles did in the Garden prior to the arrest of Jesus. If you’re interested in visiting various Altars of Repose, below is a detailed list of some parishes around this side of town. St. Monica: Open until Midnight Location: Daily Mass Chapel Access: Main Church Doors St. Christopher: Open until 10:00pm Location: Chapel Access: Through side door near chapel St. Gabriel: Open until Midnight Location: Vestibule Access: Enter through Doors 1 or 3 St. Michael: Open until Midnight Location: Main Church Access: Main Church Doors St. Malachy: Open until 11:00pm Location: Holy Family Room Access: Main Church Doors Mary Queen of Peace, Danville: Open until 10:00pm Location: Main Church Access: Main Church Doors St. Thomas More, Mooresville: Open until Midnight Location: Chapel Access: Northside Doors (please knock as they are locked) 2 Holy Trinity (902 N. Holmes Ave.): Open until 10:00pm Location: Bockhold Hall (Directly across the street from the Church) Access: Main Doors of Bockhold Hall (Downstairs) Cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul: Open until 10:00pm Location: Chapel Access: Chapel doors off of Meridian Street St. Joan of Arc: Open until 10:00pm Location: Daily Mass Chapel Access: Any of the Church doors Immaculate Heart of Mary: Open until 10:00pm Location: Chapel Access: Main Church Doors Christ the King: Open until 10:00pm Location: Daily Chapel Access: Daily Mass Chapel Doors St. Luke: Open until Midnight Location: Daily Mass Chapel (the Magnificat Chapel) Access: Main Church Doors off of Holiday Drive Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion It is triumph and tragedy. It is exultation and condemnation. It is a story of unification, and of abandonment, of love and excruciating suffering like nothing we can imagine. Today we share together the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, greeted as a king with waving palms and shouts of Hosanna! We listen almost in disbelief as his followers and closest friends abandon him in his time of need. We hear the prayer of love, in spite of the events to come, to accept whatever God's plan is for him. We grimace at the details of the beatings and the death on the cross. In the depths of our hearts, we know why he would endure this-love. It is perhaps the events in the Garden of Gethsemane that we realize both the humanity and unwavering love of Jesus. It is in the garden that we hear his prayer, a calling to his Father for the strength to accept the fate that is soon to befall him. It is the last opportunity he would ever have to avoid his fate; yet he remains, humanly troubled yet divinely willing. We listen to him chastise his followers-and us-for sleeping when he needs us the most. It is in knowing that he needs us as much as we should need him-that his love for us is forever and pure-that we truly begin to understand the pain he was about to endure. We are reminded in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that it is in the passion of Christ that sin is most manifested and displayed (CCC 1851). The crowds calling for his death, Pilate's indifference, the beatings by the guards, the abandonment by Peter and the disciples; through all of this, it is Christ's death on the cross, in which he accepted and offered redemption for all of our sins, that we turn to today and every day. YOU ARE INVITED… Weekly Collections April 5-6, 2014 Collection Envelopes Electronic Giving Loose Cash Weekly Collections Weekly Budget Weekly Overage Year to Date Actual Year to Date Budget Year to Date Shortfall # 510 112 622 Amount $33, 629 $14, 932 $3, 457 $52, 018 $38, 154 $13, 864 $1, 493, 499 $1, 531, 932 ($38, 433) Total # of Households 2, 981 Total # of Households Donating 522 % Households Donating This Week 21% Mite Boxes Due Back This Week! To join all those in RCIA for a morning of prayer on Holy Saturday, a way we as Parish continue our Triduum prayer. THEN, join again in prayer at the Easter Vigil, the most Glorious Liturgical Celebration of our Church Year, when forty persons will be joined with Christ and with us in baptism. The Easter Vigil begins at 8:45 pm on April 19. Plan today to be a part of this joyous time by celebrating Mass, witnessing the Sacraments, and attending the ST. MONICA TRADITION : THE EASTER VIGIL AFTER-PARTY Easter Vigil begins at 8:45 pm and will be followed by food, fellowship and music! Please return your St. Vincent de Paul Mite Boxes during Holy Week. There will be baskets in the Narthex for them. We appreciate your generosity in supporting our Ministry! We would love to have you, your family, your joyful fellowship, as well as your homemade goodies and favorite native dishes and more to help make this tradition very special. Look for the sign up poster and sheets in the narthex beginning this weekend. Contact Dianne at email [email protected] or 317-919-3853 with questions and donations. Pray for Our Vocations! St. Augustine Home’s Hats Off to Spring Luncheon Style Show Rafael Quintero (priesthood) José Neri (priesthood) Jeffrey Dufresne (priesthood) Vincent Gillmore (priesthood) Evelyn Lobo (religious life) Please pray for these young people from St. Monica Parish as they discern their own vocations to priesthood and religious life, and pray for an increase in vocations throughout the Church! Contemplative Prayer Returns! Contemplative Prayer continues every Monday evening. This Lenten Season, we will be introducing St. John of the Cross through a book called Life and Love. It promises to be a grace-filled series exploring the depths and values of Contemplative Prayer in the style of John of the Cross. The gatherings will begin at 7:00 PM each Monday for 7 weeks in the Holy Family Room and last until Easter. All are welcome to join us! Make your reservations now for the annual “Hats Off to Spring Luncheon Style Show” by Chico's & White House / Black Market (Keystone @ the Crossing) on Wednesday, May 7 at 11:00 A.M. at the Ritz Charles. Tickets are $45 per person and this year all tables will seat 10...more room for your friends. In addition to the Silent Auction, several new events have been added to make this year's event even more exciting. Look for these new raffle opportunities: Flowering Bush with multiple gift cards attached worth several hundred dollars, a "Bling" Booth and a "Pull the Cork" opportunity. Please invite your friends and neighbors as new attendees are always welcome to attend. “Hats Off to Spring Luncheon Style Show” is sponsored by the St. Augustine Guild and benefits the Little Sisters of the Poor St. Augustine Home. For reservations please contact JoAnne Spellman 317-965-8279. NOTE: R.S.V.P. by April 26. Connecting Faith & Life Readings for April 19, Vigil of Easter Reading 1: Genesis 1:1-2:2 Psalm 104 Reading 5: Isaiah 55:1-11 Isaiah 12 Reading 2: Genesis 22:1-18 Psalm 16 Reading 6: Baruch 3:9-15, 32:4-4 Psalm 19 Reading 3: Exodus 14:15-15:1 Exodus 15 Reading 7: Ezekiel 36:16-28 No Psalm Reading 4: Isaiah 54:5-14 Psalm 30 Epistle: Romans 6:3-11 Psalm 118 (Alleluia) Gospel: Mark 16:1-8 3 Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor Como humanos es muy usual que prometamos cosas que luego por varias razones no cumplimos. Los discípulos en este Evangelio le habían prometido a Jesús estar junto a él hasta el final. Sin embargo, sus acciones fueron muy diferentes. Cuando el Señor los invitó a orar en el Huerto de los Olivos, ellos se durmieron tres veces. Pedro también lo negó tres veces. Además los discípulos huyeron llenos de miedo cuando Jesús fue arrestado. ¿Qué nos dice todo esto? ¿Cómo respondemos nosotros a las invitaciones del Señor? Como sus discípulos de hoy, ¿hemos hecho alguna diferencia? Jesús dijo "sí" a la voluntad del Padre y murió por el bien de todos nosotros. ¿Lo dejaremos solo de nuevo? ¿Le acompañaremos esta semana? Con el Domingo de Ramos terminamos la Cuaresma y damos inicio a la Semana Mayor o Semana Santa. Éste es un tiempo especial para entrar en la santidad, cualidad muy peculiar de Dios. El tocar a Dios y su divina presencia por medio de esta Semana Santa es nuestra meta. Lo tangible de la santidad de Dios es lo que nosotros llamamos "gloria". Por eso en la liturgia del triduo pascual, al escuchar su palabra y cantar la gloria del Resucitado, damos un vistazo a la gloria de Dios. Deseo que este tiempo tan sagrado que la Iglesia nos ofrece no sea desaprovechado. Por el contrario, espero que nos demos cuenta de que estamos llenos de vida nueva y que nos abramos completamente a los deseos de resucitar con el Señor. Esto es lo que hemos empezado a celebrar hoy. ¡Con palmas en las manos cantemos vivas al Señor! Welcome to Immigrants at St. Monica! Trying to get answers or information on how to find resources and services about employment, utility assistance, legal advice, ESL, health care access, housing and other services and programs? St. Monica Church has an Immigrant Welcome Center Branch open every Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Help is provided in Spanish, French, Kiswahili and English. Visitando los Altares de Reposo Esta es una antigua y hermosa tradición que parece ser está regresando a la práctica Católica. Después de la Liturgia del Jueves Santo, se requiere que cada parroquia reserve la Eucaristía en un Altar de reposo por un corto tiempo. Se hace esto para que los Fieles puedan estar en vigilia con el Señor como los Apóstoles lo hicieron en el Jardín antes de arrestar a Jesús. Si usted está interesado en visitar varios Altares de Reposo, abajo está una lista detallada de algunas parroquias alrededor de este lado de la ciudad. Santa Mónica: Abierto hasta la media noche Lugar: Capilla Acceso: Puertas Principales de la Iglesia San Cristóbal: Abierto hasta las 10:00pm Lugar: Capilla Acceso: A través de la puerta de al lado cerca de la Capilla San Gabriel: Abierto hasta la media noche. Lugar: Vestíbulo Acceso: Entrada por las puertas 1 o 3 San Miguel: Abierto hasta la media noche. Lugar: Iglesia Principal Acceso: Puertas principales de la Iglesia San Malaquías: Abierto hasta las 11:00pm Lugar: Salón Sagrada Familia Acceso: Puertas principales de la Iglesia María Reina de la Paz, en Danville: Abierto hasta las 10:00pm Lugar: Iglesia Principal Acceso: Puertas principales de la Iglesia Santo Tomás More, en Mooresville: Abierto hasta la media noche Lugar: Capilla Acceso: Puertas al lado Norte (por favor toque, ya que están cerradas con llave) Santísima Trinidad (902 N. Holmes Ave.): Abierto hasta las 10:00pm Lugar: Salón Bockhold (Directamente enfrente de la calle de la Iglesia) Acceso: Puertas Principales del Salón Bockhold (Abajo de las escaleras) Catedral San Pedro y San Pablo: Abierto hasta las 10:00pm Lugar: Capilla Acceso: Puertas de la Capilla por la Calle Meridian Santa Juana de Arco: Abierto hasta las 10:00pm Lugar: Capilla Acceso: Cualquier puerta de la Iglesia Inmaculado Corazón de María: Abierto hasta las 10:00pm Lugar: Capilla Acceso: Puertas Principales de la Iglesia Cristo Rey: Abierto hasta las 10:00pm Lugar: Capilla Acceso: Puertas de la Capilla San Lucas: Abierto hasta la media noche Lugar: Capilla (ejemplo Capilla Magnificat) Acceso: Puertas principales de la Iglesia por la calle Holiday Drive Educación Religiosa Registraciones para las Confirmaciones del 7 Grado: Un recordatorio a los alumnos del 7 grado (y algunos del 8 grado) que se están preparando para la Confirmación este domingo, 13 de abril, es la fecha límite para entregar su forma de registración (color crema) y una copia del certificado de Bautismo en la Oficina de la Educación Religiosa. Retiro para las Primeras Comuniones: El sábado, 26 de abril, nuestros 220 candidatos para la Primera Comunión y sus padres estarán en un retiro de 9:00 AM a 12:00 PM. Por favor recuérdelos en sus oraciones en lo que ellos se preparan para recibir su Primera Comunión en 3 o 4 de mayo. Talleres de Formación Contínua Santa Monica le invita a los talleres de formación continua. Estos talleres le dan la oportunidad de crecer en su fe bajo la luz de las enseñanzas Católicas. Los talleres se realizan cada 3er domingo de cada mes de 2-4 PM en el salón de San Agustín. No tiene que esperar el domingo para asitir a la Santa Misa. Venga de lunes a jueves a las 5:30. Seguido de la Adoración al Santísimo hasta las 9:00 pm. Clases de inglés como segundo idioma para principiantes e intermediarios son cada martes y jueves de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. Todos los adultos están invitados. Confesiones y Liturgias de la Semana Santa Jueves Santo: Confessiones 4:00 PM a 6:00 PM; Misa a 7:00 PM Viernes Santo: Al aire libre Estaciones de 14-20 de Abril la Cruz a 2:00 PM; Liturgia de Viernes Lunes: Misa a 5:30 PM; Confessiones Santo a 3:00 PM; 2°al aire libre Estaciones 6-7 PM de la Cruz a 6:00 PM Martes: Misa de Crisma a la cathedral de Sábado Santo: Confessiones 5:00 PM a Ss. Peter & Paul a 2:00 PM; No misa 5:30, 7:00 PM; Misa de la Vigilia de confesiones, or Adoración en Sta. Mónica Pascua a 8:45 PM; No misas a Miércoles: Misas a 8:00AM y 5:30/7:15 PM 5:30 PM Domingo de Resurreción: Misas a 7:15 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (espanol), 6:00 PM Uniendo la Fe y la Vida Lecturas para el 19 de Abril, la Vigilia de Pascua ¡Bienvenida a los Inmigrantes en Sta. Mónica! ¿Intentado obtener respuestas información de cómo encontrar recursos y servicios acerca de empleos, asistencia con sus utilidades, consejo legal, ESL, acceso a cuidado de salud, vivienda y otros servicios y programas? La Iglesia Santa Mónica tiene una sucursal del Centro de Bienvenida al Inmigrante abierto cada domingo de 2 p.m. a 5 p.m. Legión de María La Legión de María le invita a todas las personas a que nos acompañen a recitar el Santo Rosario todos los domingos en la Capilla a las 2:00pm (después de Misa de 12:30). El rosario se reza en Inglés y en Español. ¡Ore por Nuestras Vocaciones! Por favor tenga a los siguientes feligreses de Santa Mónica en sus oraciones al continuar su jornada al sacerdocio o la vida religiosa— ¡y ore también por más vocaciones! Evelyn Lobo (vida religiosa) Jeffrey Dufresne (sacerdocio) Vincent Gillmore (sacerdocio) José Neri (sacerdocio) Rafael Quintero (sacerdocio Lectura 1: Génesis 1:1-2:2 Salmo 104 Lectura 2: Génesis 22:1-18 Salmo 16 Lectura 5: Isaías 55:1-11 Isaías 12 Lectura 6: Baruc 3:9-15, 32:4-4 Salmo 19 Lectura 7: Ezequiel 36:16-28 No Salmo Lectura 3: Éxodo 14:15-15:1 Éxodo 15 Epístola: Romanos 6:3-11 Salmo 118 (Aleluya) Lectura 4: Isaías 54:5-14 Salmo 30 Evangelio: Marcos 16:1-8 ESTAS INVITADO… A unirse a aquellos que están en RICA para una mañana de oración el Sábado Santo, una manera en la que nosotros como parroquia continuamos orando en el Triduo. DESPUÉS, venga de nuevo a la oración de la Vigilia Pascual, la más Gloriosa Celebración Litúrgica del Año en nuestra Iglesia, cuando 40 personas se unirán a Cristo y a nosotros en el Bautismo. La Vigilia Pascual empieza a las 8:45 pm el 19 de abril. Planee hoy ser parte de este gozoso tiempo celebrando con una Misa, siendo testigo de los Sacramentos, y asistiendo a la TRADICIÓN DE SANTA MÓNICA: FIESTA DESPUÉS DE LA VIGILIA PASCUAL La Vigilia Pascual empieza a las 8:45 pm y después tendremos comida, convivir y música. Nos gustaría que asistiera, usted y su familia con su gozoso convivir, al igual le pedimos que traiga un delicioso platillo casero de una comida favorita de su país de origen, y así ayudarnos a hacer de esto una tradición muy especial. Busque el poster y hojas de registración en el nártex a partir de este fin de semana. Contacte a Dianne al [email protected] o 317-919-3853 si tiene preguntas o donaciones. 5 Small Church Communities (SCC) Join any time! Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office, 253-2193, opt. 5. SAM Substance Addiction Ministry Are YOU or a LOVED ONE touched by Addiction? You are Not Alone. Call 317-690-4624 Ministry to the Sick and Shut-Ins If you know of anyone who would like communion brought to them, please contact the Parish Office, 253-2193, opt. 2. Sacraments Baptism Celebrated each week. Contact the Parish Office for dates and times of baptisms & required prep classes. Marriage Contact parish office 9-12 months prior to your wedding date. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children (RCIA and OCIC) Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office, 253-2193, opt. 5. Religious Education Religious Education (September through May) 3 years-Grade 6 ..... Sunday 9:00-10:00AM or 10:45-11:45 AM Grades 7-8 ....... Sunday 9:00-10:10 AM or 10:45-11:55 AM SPRED (Special Religious Education) Youth—Sunday 9:00 - 10:30AM Adults—Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30PM Confirmation Preparation Grades 7-8 call Mary-Jo Thomas-Day at 253-2193, opt. 4 for details. Automatic Withdrawal Parishioners can now tithe using automatic withdrawal. Find the form on our website www.stmonicaindy.org under the “Contact/How To” tab. Fill it out and return it to the Parish Office with a voided check. Call the Business Manager at 253-2193, ext. 2 with questions. Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body of parishioners who assist the Pastor in guiding the parish on issues requiring practical wisdom and investigation. The PPC has three purposes: 1) to investigate pastoral matters; 2) to give these matters in-depth consideration and prayer; and 3) to propose practical conclusions and assist in cultivating our vision. Twelve parishioners discerned their participation on PPC for a threeyear term through June 30, 2015 related to the parish theme of “Immersed in Christ: One Body. One Mission.” The PPC meets the second Wednesday of the month. All parishioners are welcome to attend! The next meeting is May 14 from 6:45 PM to 9:15 PM in the Holy Family Room. Agendas and meeting minutes can be found on our parish website at www.stmonicaindy.org/serve/parish-and-pastoral-council/ Mass Intentions/Intenciónes de las Misas (I)=Intention of... Monday, April 14, 2014 5:30 PM Aidas Kriauciunas Tuesday, April 15 5:30 PM No Mass Wednesday, April 16 8:00 AM (I) Fr. Paul Dede 5:30 PM Harold Uhl Thursday, April 17 Holy Thursday 5:30 PM Perfecta Marie Escoffery Friday, April 18 Good Friday 3:00 PM No Intentions Saturday, April 19 Vigil of Easter 8:45 PM Sarah McIntire Sunday, April 20 Easter Sunday 7:15 AM Maurice Faye 9:00 AM Gene Dottery 10:45 AM Joseph Butler 12:30 PM (I) Chavero Family 6:00 PM St. Monica Parish Holy Week Semana Santa Wedding Banns Luis Chavez / Maria Cardona III Gonzalo Araujo / Deyra Madrid I Israel Cordoba / Alma Rodriguez I On Saturday, April 19, Frs. Todd Goodson & Dustin Boehm will be hearing confessions from 5-7 PM. Praying for One Another Prayers of the Faithful and Bulletin Prayer List and Prayer Tree: Call the Parish Office at 253-2193, opt. 2 to have your intention included. Prayer Tree email address: [email protected]. Si desea incluir una intención en el boletín por favor llame al 253-2193, anexo 9 y hable con la Hermana Ana Maria o Julia Gonzalez, o déjele un mensaje. Please remember in your prayers / Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones a: Tanya Barker; Kyle Daehler; Sharon Hostetter, Scott Bauserman; Jennifer Perkins; Tom Marshall Recently deceased / Fallecido Recientemente: None Connecting Faith & Life Readings for April 20, Easter Sunday First Reading: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-3 or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 Gospel: John 20:1-9 Lecturas para el 20 de abril, el Domingo de Pascua Primera Lectura: Hechos 10:34a, 37-43 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Segunda Lectura: Colosenses 3:1-3 o 1 Corintios 5:6b-8 Evangelio: Juan 20:1-9 New Parishioners Are Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses! New parishioner registration packets are available at the Welcome Kiosk every weekend in the Narthex Parish Phone...................................................................... (317) 253-2193 Fax .................................................................................. 253-3342 E-mail ......................................... [email protected] Website .................................................... www.StMonicaIndy.org Mass Schedule........................................................................opt. 1 Prayer Tree…………………………………………..317-874-0087 Bulletin Submissions If you would like to submit an article for an upcoming bulletin, the deadline is Noon on the Sunday prior to the weekend announcement is to appear. Please send all bulletin submissions to email address [email protected]. Parish Staff Pastor, Rev. Todd Goodson ..................................................opt. 2 E-mail…..………………………[email protected] Associate Pastor, Rev. Dustin Boehm.....…………………..opt. 2 E-mail…….………………………[email protected] Emergency Line.....................................................................opt.7 Office Secretaries, Linda Pitcher & Martha Horvath . .........opt. 2 Business Manager, Barbara Bacon ........................................opt.2 E-mail ..............................................bbacon@StMonicaIndy.org Maintenance Director, Kevin Starkey .................................opt. 2 Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Young Adults, Doug Hunter……...…………………………………...……..opt. 3 E-mail…………………....………[email protected] Religious Education Director, Mary Jo Thomas-Day .........opt. 4 E-mail .................................... [email protected] Pastoral Associate, Anne Corcoran ......................................opt. 5 E-mail ......................................... [email protected] Music Director, Christine Seitz ............................................opt. 6 E-mail ................................................ [email protected] Director of Communications/Volunteer Coordinator, Mel Ullrich………………….…….………………………….opt. 8 E-mail...……………………….…[email protected] Hispanic Ministry, Sr. Anna Marie Megel ...........................opt. 9 E-mail ..............................................amegel@StMonicaIndy.org School Principal, Michelle Boyd ............................................... 255-7153 Fax .................................................................................. 259-5570 Website ..............................................................www.smsindy.org Ministerio Hispano Hermana Ana María Megel o Julia Gonzalez .............. 253-2193-9 (los días lunes a viernes de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM) Clases para Padres, Percy Consiglieri ......................... .280-8551 Coordinadora de Bodas, Ana Ortega...……..………….493-9436 Coordinadora para Quinceañeras, Luz Maria Florez..717-1635; 280-9362 Clases de Biblia, Enrique y Carmen Rosa Hurtado........ 253-8173 Catecismo y Educación Religiosa, Maria Pimentel-Gannon ........... 298-3033 Jóvenes Adolencentes, Guadalupe Pimentel..............808-430-7455