may 22, 2016 - St. Lucy`s Parish


may 22, 2016 - St. Lucy`s Parish
May22,2016 CÊÙÖçÝ C«Ù®Ýã®
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The procession of Corpus Christi will begin in the church at 6:30 p.m. Then we will
process the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of St. Lucy’s parish bestowing
Christ’s blessings on the whole neighborhood. All are invited to process with us,
especially those who will be receiving their First Communion and Confirmation this
month. Sacramental Certificates for First Communion and Confirmation will be
distributed after the procession.
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833 Mƒ‘› Aò›Äç›, BÙÊÄø, NY 10467 - 718-882-0710 - 718-882-8876 (¥ƒø)
May22,2016 Monday- May 23, 2016 - Weekday
8:00 a.m. Mary & Saverio Mangano
9:00 a.m. Kathleen Gallagher
Tuesday- May 24, 2016 - Weekday
8:00 a.m. Special Intention
9:00 a.m. Frances & Caesar Failla
Wednesday- May 25, 2016 - Weekday - St. Bede the
Venerable, Priest & Doctor of the Church;
St.Gregory VII, Pope; St. Mary Magdalene
de’Pazzi, Virgin
8:00 a.m. Sydnia Morris
9:00 a.m. Iris Cordero
Thursday- May 26, 2016 - St. Philip Neri, Priest
8:00 a.m. Wilbur Day
9:00 a.m. Luke Turrisi
7:00 p.m. Roberto Campos
Friday- May 27, 2016 - Weekday - St. Augustine of
8:00 a.m. Special Intention
9:00 a.m. Barbra Betty Porco
Saturday- May 28, 2016 - Weekday
8:00 a.m. Carmelo Fallone
9:00 a.m. Dolores Musela
5:30 p.m. Pjeter, Gjelosh & Tom Vucinaj
7:00 p.m. Catherine Armocida
Sunday- May 29, 2016 - The Most Holy Body and
Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
8:00 a.m. Tony Campanella & Fortunata Golfo
9:00 a.m. Dolores & Juan Pablo Diaz
9:15 a.m. John Genco
10:30 a.m. Romeo & Carmela Vairo & Family
12:00 p.m. For all Parishioners of St. Lucy’s Parish
12:00 p.m. Creole Mass - Center Chapel
1:15 p.m. Minerva Rodriguez
The Most Holy Trinity - May 22, 2016
[T]he love of God has been poured out
into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
— Romans 5:5b
June 5, 2016
Gezim Nilaj & Lizabeta Shqutaj
June 11, 2016
Vasel Pellumbaj & Blerina Rrukaj
First Reading — Before anything was created, the
wisdom of God was brought forth (Proverbs 8:22-31).
Psalm — O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in
all the earth! (Psalm 8).
Second Reading — God’s love has
been poured out into our hearts through
the Holy Spirit that has been given to us
(Romans 5:1-5).
Gospel — Everything that the Father
has is mine; the Spirit will take from
what is mine and declare it to you (John
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved
May22,2016 Message from Fr. Pergjini: It is May! What a beautiful
and gorgeous it is, the month of our Blessed Mother. It is also
the month when our young students receive their first Holy
Communion. As many of us do go back to our first Holy
Communion, I thought to share with you that unique day of my
life. It is through this memory that I try and enter the world of
our wonderful young people now, with all the feelings they have,
hoping for joy in the love for Christ. I have a clear vision of that
beautiful moment of my life. It was a beautiful day of May. In
those days you could not eat an hour before receiving as it is the
rule today. After dinner we knew that we could not eat any more
until next day after receiving the Holy Communion. It was a
small group of students who were prepared by the parish priest
and two sisters whose names I still remember, Sister Filipina and
Sister Serafina. The small church in which I received it was a
little paradise for me. As soon as you approached the church the
smell of blooming roses and other flowers penetrated my senses.
It was beautifully kept by the lovely sisters with their long black
habits. They had a joyful smile that still today I have a clear
vision of their happy faces. The church was decorated always
with the flowers of the garden. The smell of roses was every
where in the church. As I am thinking of that day, I do
remember that I was not feeling well. I had a cold. My dear
mom, may she rests in peace, tried her best one night before to
make me feel better, but still that morning I did feel weak. I
woke up happy knowing the unique importance of that day
regardless the fact that I was not feeling well. We did arrive on
time greeted by the parish priest and the two humble sisters who
were waiting outside the church. They lined us in two straight
lines. The parents went inside the church. When I think of the
silence of that day compared with uncontrolling noise of today’s
first Holy Communion make me feel embarrassed. I have the
desire to think of that peaceful image of silence of my early
childhood. We knew that as long as you were in church talking
was left outside. The nature of Latin Holy Mass was by itself an
imposing silence. The beautiful sound of the organ and
Gregorian chant welcomed us into the beautiful church. We were
told to keep our eyes focused on the Altar in which the
tabernacle was in the middle. The time came to kneel near the
altar rail to receive my first Holy Communion. A paten was
placed by an altar boy under my chin. With folded hands I
quietly opened my mouth receiving the body of Christ and
quietly I went back kneeling. Those were moments of
unforgettable joy. Saint Bernadette before her death was asked
what the happiest day of her life was. They thought that she was
going to say when Our Blessed Mother appeared to her. But she
humbly said: The happiest day of my life was the day when I
received my first holy communion. Yes indeed it is the happiest
day. Finally the Holy Mass was over and we quietly processed
out going to the house of the sisters. They had prepared
breakfast for us. The delicious smell of fresh bread and the
boiled hot milk were waiting for us in that beautiful table
decorated with flowers. It was a humble breakfast prepared with
love by the good sisters. May they rest in peace! And this was
my beautiful memory of my first Holy Communion. I hope and
pray that those who have received and will receive the first Holy
Communion will experience the love and truth of Christ who
shows us in the sacrament of Holy sacrifice of the Mass! May
Our blessed Mother intercede for the parents and their children to
be faithful to Christ and knowing the redeeming value of the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! It is May, a beautiful and gorgeous
Mensaje del Padre Pergjini:
Es mayo! ¡Qué bella y
hermosa que es, el mes de la Mater. También es el mes en el que
nuestros jóvenes estudiantes reciben la primera comunión. Como
muchos de nosotros hacer volver a nuestra primera comunión,
pensé compartir con ustedes ese día único de mi vida. Es a través
de esta memoria que trato de entrar en el mundo de nuestros
maravillosos jóvenes ahora, con todos los sentimientos que
tienen, con la esperanza de alegría en el amor a Cristo. Tengo una
visión clara de ese hermoso momento de mi vida. Era un hermoso
día de mayo. En esos días no se podía comer una hora antes de
recibir, ya que es la norma en la actualidad. Después de la cena
que sabíamos que no podíamos comer nada más hasta el día
siguiente después de recibir la Santa Comunión. Era un pequeño
grupo de estudiantes que han sido formuladas por el párroco y
dos hermanas cuyos nombres aún recuerdo, Sor Filipina y la
hermana Serafina. La pequeña iglesia en la que me recibió era un
pequeño paraíso para mí. Tan pronto como usted se acercó a la
iglesia el olor de la flor de rosas y otras flores penetrado mis
sentidos. Fue muy bien cuidado por las encantadoras hermanas
con sus largos hábitos negros. Tenían una sonrisa alegre que aún
hoy tengo una visión clara de sus caras felices. La iglesia estaba
decorado siempre con las flores del jardín. El olor de las rosas fue
en todas partes en la iglesia. Como pienso en ese día, recuerdo
que no me sentía bien. Tuve un resfriado. Mi querida madre,
pueda ella descansa en paz, hizo todo lo posible una noche antes
de hacerme sentir mejor, pero aún así que mañana me hizo sentir
débil. Me desperté feliz sabiendo la importancia única de ese día
sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que yo no me sentía bien. Nos
hicieron llegar a tiempo recibidos por el párroco y las dos
hermanas humildes que estaban esperando fuera de la iglesia. Nos
alineados en dos líneas rectas. Los padres fueron dentro de la
iglesia. Cuando pienso en el silencio de ese día en comparación
con el ruido uncontrolling de la actual primera comunión hacerme
sentir vergüenza. Tengo el deseo de pensar en esa imagen
pacífica de silencio de mi primera infancia. Sabíamos que todo el
tiempo que estuvo en la iglesia hablar era dejado fuera. La
naturaleza de América Santa Misa era por sí mismo un silencio
imponente. El hermoso sonido del órgano y canto gregoriano nos
acogió en la hermosa iglesia. Nos dijeron que mantener los ojos
centrados en el altar en el que el tabernáculo estaba en el medio.
El tiempo se arrodilló cerca de la baranda del altar para recibir mi
primera comunión. Una patena fue colocada por un monaguillo
debajo de la barbilla. Con las manos juntas en silencio yo abría la
boca recibir el cuerpo de Cristo y en silencio volví de rodillas.
Fueron momentos de alegría inolvidable. Santa Bernadette antes
de su muerte se le preguntó cuál es el día más feliz de su vida fue.
Pensaron que iba a decir cuando la Santísima Virgen se le
apareció. Pero ella humildemente dijo: El día más feliz de mi vida
fue el día en que recibí mi primera comunión. Sí, efectivamente
es el día más feliz. Por último, la santa misa había terminado y
que en silencio procesada fuera ir a la casa de las hermanas.
Habían preparado el desayuno para nosotros. El delicioso olor a
pan fresco y la leche caliente hervida nos esperaban en esa
hermosa mesa decorada con flores. Era un desayuno humilde
preparada con amor por las buenas hermanas. ¡Que descansen en
paz! Y esta fue mi hermoso recuerdo de mi primera comunión.
Espero y rezo para que los que han recibido y recibirán la Primera
Comunión va a experimentar el amor y la verdad de Cristo que
nos muestra en el sacramento del santo sacrificio de la misa! Que
Nuestra Madre bendita interceder por los padres y sus hijos a ser
fieles a Cristo y conociendo el valor redentor del Santo Sacrificio
de la Misa! Es mayo, una bella y hermosa mes!
As our Parish opened the month of May honoring all mothers (Living and Deceased) with the Coronation of our
Blessed Mother, we will close the month of May with Our Blessed Mother. On Tuesday, May 31st at 7:30 p.m.
in the Grotto, all parishioners are invited to pray together an Illuminated Pro-Life Rosary. We will honor all
Mothers-to-be and mothers and fathers of unborn and deceased children. The Illuminated Pro-Life Rosary will be
recited in all languages as an open gate FOR LIFE and an END TO ABORTION.
Rosario Iluminado
A medida que nuestra Parroquia abrió el mes de mayo en honor a todas las madres (vivos y muertos) con la
coronación de la Mater, vamos a cerrar el mes de mayo con la Santísima Virgen. El martes, 31 de mayo a las 7:30
de la noche en la Gruta, a todos los feligreses están invitados a rezar juntos un Pro-Vida Rosario Iluminado. Vamos
a cumplir con todas las madres-a-ser y las madres y los padres de los niños no nacidos y fallecidos. El Iluminado
Pro-Vida Rosario se recita en todas las lenguas como una puerta abierta POR LA VIDA y por el FIN DEL ABORTO.
On June 1st, 1991, the Sisters of Life were
founded by His Eminence John Cardinal O’Connor,
the then-Archbishop of New York. On that day eight
women entered the fledgling community that has
now grown to nearly 100 members.
June 1st, 2016
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
10:30 am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Main Celebrant Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Followed by a BLOCK PARTY celebration
from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
450 W. 51st Street, between 9th and 10th Ave,
(weather permitting).
[Please RSVP online at]
If you would like to make a donation to help
the Sisters and their missions please send your gift to:
Sisters of Life, 38 Montebello Road, Suffern NY 10901
or make an online donation:
We are tremendously grateful for your generosity!
Youth and Young Adult Group Announcement:
St. Lucy’s Youth and Young Adult fellowship group
now meet every Friday in the Chapel at St. Lucy’s
Center on Bronxwood and Waring Avenue from 79pm. Share experiences, give witness, make friends,
pray together, share Faith and learn how to be a
dynamic Catholic in today’s world! We focus on
junior, high school and college students.
Anuncio : Grupo de Jovenes y Jovenes Adultos
La Parroquia de Santa Lucia ha comenzado el Grupo
para Jovenes y Joven-Adultos: se reunen cada
Viernes en la Capilla del Centro de Sta Lucia en
Bronxwood Y Mace Avenue de 7 a 9pm. Comparten
experiencias, como defender la Fe, y un lugar
donde pueden hacerse amigos, orar juntos, y
aprender como ser un Catolico dinamico en el
mundo de hoy. (Para estudiantes de sepƟmo grado
y en adelante. )
To date our parish has received $49,742 in pledges/gifts toward the 2016 Cardinal’s
Appeal, from 251 families. For this Appeal to be truly successful, we must have support
from all of our families. The Appeal is a vital source of funding for the programs and
ministries that sustain the parishes across our Archdiocese. It is not too late to make
your gift. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support.
$49,742 - pledged to date (98% of goal)
251 - gifts - $51,000 - our parish goal
Hasta el día de hoy nuestra parroquia ha recibido $49,742 en promesas/regalos para la
Campaña de Corresponsabilidad del Cardenal 2016, por parte de 251 familias. La Campaña es
un recurso vital de fondos para los programas y ministerios que mantienen a nuestras
parroquias a través de la Arquidiócesis. Todavía están a tiempo para hacer su regalo. Por favor,
sean tan generosos como les sea posible. Muchas gracias por su amable apoyo.
$49,742 - comprometido hasta la fecha (98% de la meta) 251 - regalos - $51,000 - meta de nuestra parroquia
May22,2016 On May 28th,
Cardinal Dolan
will ordain 12 men to the Priesthood in
St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
One of these men is
Reverend Mister Jon Norman Tveit
who spent the summer in our parish
as a seminarian. Please pray for him
and the other men who are going to be
ordained to serve the People of God
in the Church of New York.
Bi-Annual Parish Blood Drive for Hudson Valley Blood Center will take place from 9:30am to 3:30pm in the
School Cafeteria. Give the Gift of Life to someone else. Your Pint of Blood WILL make the differ ence to
someone who desperately needs it. Please sign up in the church vestibule and bring your picture ID at the time
of the Blood Drive. Bring a Friend. Remember, WALK-INS ARE WELCOME!
2016 Pilgrimage Dates
Please register at Rectory Office
June 24th: The beautiful Philadelphia shrines of St. John Neumann and the Central Shrine of the Miraculous
Medal. Holy Mass will be available. Leave St. Lucy's at 8:30 a.m. Cost $35.00 per person. Please bring your
own lunch. Vending machines available. Please register at Rectory Office.
July 15th: The beautiful Shrine of Our Lady of Litchfield in Litchfield, CT. Holy Mass will be available
and celebrated at the outdoor shrine. Leave St. Lucy's 8:30 a.m. and return to parish by 6:30 p.m. Bring your
own lunch. Grotto Café and outdoor patio available. Picnic tables available by the brook and in Pilgrim
Hall. Cost per person $35. Please register at Rectory Office.
September 22nd: The National Centre for Padre Pio Shrine located in Barto, Pennsylvania. Leave St.
Lucy’s at 8:30 a.m. and return to parish by 7 p.m. Cost per person $35.00. Lunch on one’s own. Picnic area
available. Please register at Rectory Office.
October 21st: Sight and Sound Theatre - Samson. He's the original superhero. He can defeat entire armies
and slay lions. But there's a catch to his superpower: He must follow the rules. And that's where the trouble
begins. As Samson battles the Philistines - and his own personal calling - he soon falls prey to temptation,
losing his strength and sight. But has he lost hope? Sit down lunch at Good and Plenty Restaurant prior to the
play, all in beautiful Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Cost per person $130.00. Leave St. Lucy's at 8:30 a.m. and
return to parish by 9:30 p.m. Please register at Rectory Office.
Each of these pilgrimages will be a spiritual experience that will long be remembered.
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