Deportes apasionantes - SEK-El Castillo. Colegio Internacional
Deportes apasionantes - SEK-El Castillo. Colegio Internacional
Deportes apasionantes Inglés para los más pequeños happy summer kids 3-5 años Alborán Happy Summer es un curso de inglés específicamente diseñado para niños de entre 3 a 5 años, la edad perfecta para aprender un idioma de forma natural e instintiva, casi sin esfuerzo. La base del programa Happy Summer es que los niños se familiaricen con Colegio Internacional + 34 902 80 80 82 Catalunya el inglés, mejorando su comprensión y expresión a la vez que disfrutan de Col•legi Internacional las vacaciones con compañeros de su edad en un ambiente sano y seguro. El curso combina juegos con actividades artísticas, creativas, de entretenimiento y deportivas adaptadas a su edad y estudiadas para fomentar el desarrollo intelectual, social y emocional del niño, su creatividad, expresión artística y sus capacidades y destrezas. Los alumnos disfrutarán aprendiendo en un entorno bilingüe y dotado de nuevas tecnologías (PDI, iPad) con profesores SEK altamente cualificados. 7 | Cursos de Verano SEK 2013 LinguiStic and cuLturaL immErSion in Spain SEconDary ScHooL abroaD El Castillo Colegio Internacional Linguistic and Cultural Immersion in Spain Who is it for: Location What does it consist of: This programme is specially designed for The SEK-El Castillo School and Residential Whether they are studying for just one term students between the ages of 12 and 18, who Facilities are located in an exclusive residential or a full academic year, the opportunities that will have the opportunity to: area in the north west of Madrid (the capital of students gain from the experience of being Improve their Spanish language skills Spain), just 20 minutes from the city centre. part of our community will form an essential Become global citizens part of their educational development. Satisfy their curiosity for discovering other SPANISH CULTURE PROGRAMME: cultures Live and study with classmates of the same age This programme includes Spanish language support, helping the student to improve their fluency in Spanish. We also Enjoy an unforgettable experience that will prepare students to ensure their success stay with them for the rest of their lives in official external Spanish language examinations, according to the level they have achieved. Tailored Programme: Students can individually tailor their own programme, choosing subjects and courses that are the best match for their academic interests. Transfer: a collection and transfer service is available from airports and Why international School SEK-El castillo activities course details The curriculum is complemented by an Extension of stay: term, semester or full Students live in residence on campus, extensive programme of activities: academic year. staying in rooms with Spanish students Cultural activities. These include Start of terms: September, January and April During their stay communication between excursions and guided tours to museums, Ages 12 to 18. the school and families will be permanent: monuments and major Spanish cultural families will be informed, in English or Spanish sites: the Prado Museum, Royal Palace, Fees per term (2013-14): 6.200 E on the adaptation and evolution of students. National Library, Toledo, Ávila, etc. Enjoy the perfect combination of classes, Recreational activities, shows and fellowship and activities that ensure leisure: Trips to the theatre, cinema, maximum immersion in our language sports events, visit to the Madrid theme and park, etc. culture: SPANISH CULTURE PROGRAMME. Sports activities: When the school Our commitment to quality: all combining it day is over, students can practise their with International Baccalaureate programs. favourite sports with specialist coaches To ensure their rapid integration during in the school’s facilities or those of the the first few weeks, new students are SEK Club: some of the options available assigned a native student buddy to include swimming, tennis, golf and gym. Enrollment fee: 500 E Fees include: Boarding school School Fees Laundry Service Full board service Sport, cultural and recreational activities School Material Monitoring of the student throughout the stay and academic reports Transfer service available from/to airport support them from day to day and help Coordinator: Paula Blasco [email protected] answer their questions. * Flights, school uniform and pocket money are not included main bus and train stations. Education System Equivalents Español documents required EDUCACION SECUNDARIA European Health Insurance Card (E111 form) Passport (ESO)/PAI (IB) Consent Letter addressed by parents BACHILLERATO/ PROGRAMA DIPLOMA (IB) Americano Británico Francés 1º ESO: 12 años Klasse 7 Alemán Grade 7 Year 8 Cinquième 1st year Secondary Irlandés 2º ESO: 13 años Klasse 8 Grade 8 Year 9 Quatriéme 2nd year Secondary 3º ESO: 14 años Klasse 9 Grade 9 Year 10 Troisième 3rd year Secondary 4º ESO: 15 años Klasse 10 Grade 10 Year 11 Seconde 4th year Secondary (transition Year) 1º Bach.: 16 años Klasse 11 Grade 11 Year 12 Première 5th year Secondary 2º Bach: 17 años Klasse 12 Grade 12 Year 13 Terminale 6th year Secondary