Hablar - Speaking Part of Test
Hablar - Speaking Part of Test
HABLAR Español I – Examen del Semestre 1 Call my Google Voice mailbox at (937)-705-5888 and respond to one of the two following prompts. Opción Número 1: Be sure to introduce yourself before you begin the task by saying “me llamo…” and please include your Spanish name and last name. Also, please state which option you are choosing by saying, “Yo escojo opción número #”. Situation: My name is Mario and I am a new student in your Spanish class. Using the clues about your classroom and classmates below, communicate the following information: • introduce the other students to me (¿Quién es/Quiénes son?) • tell me how they are (¿Cómo está/están?) • where they are from (¿De dónde es/son?) • what time class is (¿A qué hora es la clase?) • what class it is (¿Qué clase es?) • what is in the classroom (¿Qué hay en la clase?) • what you do in the class (¿Qué haces en la clase?) • tell me what you like to do at school (¿Qué te gusta hacer en la escuela?) • tell me what your favorite class is (¿Cuál es tu clase favorita?) Objective: In a clear and concise manner, help a new student get settled into Spanish class. Use as much vocabulary as possible from the lecciones we studied this semester and speak in complete, Spanish sentences with as accurate pronunciation as possible. Rubric/Evaluation: ¡Excelente! Bueno Más o menos Mal Inaceptable 25-35 20-24 15-10 10-14 0-9 All questions were answered/task is complete; Many expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is very comprehensible; mechanics are very accurate. Most questions were answered/task is mostly complete; Several expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is mostly comprehensible; mechanics are mostly accurate. Some questions were answered/task is somewhat complete; Some expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is somewhat comprehensible; mechanics are sometimes accurate. Few questions were answered/task is mostly incomplete; Few expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is not very comprehensible; mechanics are mostly inaccurate. Very few questions were answered/task is very incomplete; Very few expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is not comprehensible; mechanics are inaccurate. ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Alejandro y sus amigos Carlota Sancho Opción Número 2: Be sure to introduce yourself before you begin the task by saying “me llamo…” and please include your Spanish name and last name. Also, please state which option you are choosing by saying, “Yo escojo opción número #”. Situation/Objective: Jorge is typically a very good student, but he’s having a really bad day today and unfortunately it was all caught on camera. Using the photos below as clues about why Jorge is having such a horrible day and your own creativity, tell the story of Jorge’s horrible day at school. (“El día horrible de Jorge”) Use as much vocabulary as possible from the lecciones we studied this semester and speak in complete, Spanish sentences with as accurate pronunciation as possible. Here are some transition words to help you get started. Be sure to create clear, coherent sentences in your narration that flow. Make sure you pay attention to your grammar and conjugate your verbs, but not two verbs together in a single clause! Remember, when two verbs go walking the first the one does the talking and the second one stays as an infinitive. Use adverbs and as much detail as possible so that your sentences are interesting! Primero – First Próximo – Next Más tarde – Later Entonces – Then Por fin - Finally Rubric/Evaluation: Más o menos Mal Inaceptable 15-10 10-14 0-9 Some storyboards were addressed/task is somewhat complete; Some expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is somewhat comprehensible; mechanics are sometimes accurate. Few storyboards were addressed/task is mostly incomplete; Few expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is not very comprehensible; mechanics are mostly inaccurate. Very few storyboards were addressed/task is very incomplete; Very few expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is not comprehensible; mechanics are inaccurate. Unidad2 2 Unidad 44 4 4 ¡Avancemos! ¡Avancemos! 11 33 3 3 Unidad2 2 Unidad Fecha Fecha Clase Clase Nombre Nombre 22 2 2 ¡Avancemos!1 1 ¡Avancemos! Fecha Fecha Clase Clase Nombre Nombre 11 1 1 Copyright © by McDougal Littell, aLittell, division of Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright © by McDougal a division of Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright © by McDougal Littell, aLittell, division of Houghton Mifflin Miffl Company. Copyright © by McDougal a division of Houghton in Company. 11 20-24 Most storyboard were addressed/task is mostly complete; Several expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is mostly comprehensible; mechanics are mostly accurate. 11 25-35 All storyboards were addressed/task is complete; Many expressions used correctly and appropriately; context is very comprehensible; mechanics are very accurate. 5/15/094:48:30 4:48:30 PM 5/15/09 PM Bueno utb_u2_001-002(BW).indd _u2_001-002(BW).indd 1 1 ¡Excelente!