Texas AgriLife Extension - Extension Educationin Presidio County


Texas AgriLife Extension - Extension Educationin Presidio County
October 30, 2008
Volume 2, Issue 1
Texas AgriLife Extension
Fall Newsletter
Jesse Lea Schneider CEA – Ag/NR Presidio County
Special Interest
Desert Landscaping & Water
Harvesting Program
• Desert
Landscaping &
DATE: November 17, 2008
PLACE: Paisano Ballroom ~ Marfa, TX
TIME: Registration at 8:30 a.m.
COST: Free
• Beef Cattle
Poisonous Plant
* 3 CEU’S available for Private Pesticide Applicator Licenses*
This will be an opportunity to talk with professionals in native landscaping
and water harvesting. The agenda includes: Selection & Care of Native
Plants, Water Wise Tree Selection, Water & Wildlife, Landscape
Rainwater Collection, Rain Gardens, Drip System Workshop, and how to
construct your own rain barrel.
4-H Update
Mosquito Control 3
COOL Update
Cow Efficiency
On A Personal
Beef Cattle Marketing Update
Poisonous Plant Workshop
DATE: December 2, 2008
PLACE: Kokernot Lodge ~ Alpine, TX
TIME: Registration 8:30 a.m.
COST: $10.00
RSVP required by November 25, 2008 by calling CEA-Ag Logan
Boswell at 432- 837-6207 or 432-249-0265 or CEA-Ag/NR Jesse
Schneider at 432-729-4746.
* 5 CEU’S available for Private Pesticide Applicator Licenses
This phenomenal educational opportunity will bring to our area, from Logan
Utah, the premiere research scientists on Loco Weed and Twin Leaf
Senna. The Agenda includes: Beef Cattle Market Update, Ecology of Loco
Weed, Grazing Behavior of Livestock on Loco Weed, Toxicology of Loco,
Senecio, and Twin Leaf Senna, Poisonous Plants of the Trans Pecos, Animal
Management to Avoid Toxic Plant Problems, & Grazing Management & Range
Fall Newsletter
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4-H Update
“What an exciting time for 4-Hers in Presidio County!”
“…a total of 65
4-Hers and
leaders attended
the meeting…”
The first meeting of the Marfa 4-H Club was held on Oct. 1, 2009 at the
Courthouse Courtroom in Marfa. A total of 65 4-Hers and leaders
attended the meeting and 54 of those were youth. Officers were elected
for the 2008-09 4-H year and they included: President Stormy Walker,
Vice President Jon Fierro, Sect./Treas. Jerram Rojo, Parliamentarian
Trey Daugherty, and Reporter Robert Morales. Several Adult Leaders
have stepped in to fill educational positions in various projects from
Photography to Vet Science. Currently meeting projects include: Foods
and Nutrition, Vet Science, Poultry, Rabbits, Photography, and Beef.
District 6 joined forces to deliver supplies to the south county as a
community service effort during the flooding.
*We were fortunate to receive the “4-H Friends & Alumni” Grant that will
supply much needed start up funds for the county clubs. Each club will
receive new 4-H banners, flags, year pins, project pins, etc.
*Lambs and Meat Goats were validated on October 25, 2008 at the
Marfa Ag Barn.
Marfa 4-H Manager
Jane Walker was
“4-H Outstanding
District 6
*Marfa 4-H Meeting ~ Monday November 3, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. at the
Courthouse Courtroom.
*Poultry Project ~ Monday November 10, 2008, 6:30 p.m. at the Marfa
Ag Barn.
* Vet Science Project ~ Tuesday November 11, 2008, 5:00 p.m. at the
Marfa Ag Barn.
*Foods & Nutrition Project ~ Monday November 17, 2008, 5:00 p.m. at
the Marfa Cowboy Church.
Marfa 4-H
*On November 22, 2008 anyone interested in showing Swine in the
upcoming Presidio County Livestock Show are asked to bring their
animals to the Marfa Ag Barn for validation at 9:00 a.m. There is no
exception to this validation deadline.
*Presidio County Livestock Show ~ January 17, 2009.
If you are interested in enrolling in 4-H please call Marfa 4-H Manager
Jane Walker at 729-4746.
What is 4‐H?
4‐H is a community of young people across America who are learning
leadership, citizenship
and life skills!
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Fall Newsletter
Controlling Mosquito Breeding in Fields
Recent flooding in the Presidio area provided ideal conditions for
mosquito breeding. The resulting swarms of mosquitoes have raised
concerns for county residents and livestock.
Vector control measures applied by the Texas Department of State
Health Services (DSHS) are based on integrated pest management
principles involving the use of biological, chemical and physical control
measures. County land owners can assist in the mosquito control
efforts by carefully plowing their flooded acreage using physical
control measures.
Flooded agricultural acreage that has vegetation growth,
decomposing organic debris and stagnant water held for more than
seven days is a potential breeding site for mosquitoes, flies and other
Large bodies of water created by flooding cannot feasibly be
chemically treated. As the fields drain and dry out, large cracks and
crevices appear on top of the soil. These cracks and crevices are ideal
sites for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. When the next rainfall occurs,
whether this week or next spring, these cracks will fill with water and
the eggs will hatch.
To prevent breeding mosquitoes, drying fields should be plowed as
soon as the ground is accessible to agricultural equipment. Drainage
and irrigation ditches should be graded and cleaned to allow more
efficient water flow and speed up ground drying time. Physical terrain
conditions that provide water retention should be eliminated by soil
filling or artificial drainage when possible.
Caption describing picture or
“Drainage and
irrigation ditches
should be graded
and cleaned….”
For more information, contact Jeff Heinatz, Sanitarian, DSHS Alpine Field Office, at (432) 837-3877.
Cómo controlar la reproducción del mosquito en los campos
Las recientes inundaciones en el área de Presidio proporcionaron las condiciones ideales para la
reproducción del mosquito. Las resultantes nubes de mosquito han aumentado la preocupación por los
residentes y la ganadería del condado. Las medidas de control de vector aplicadas por el Departamento
Estatal de Servicios de Salud de Texas (DSHS) están basadas en principios integrados de manejo de
control de insectos que implican el uso de medidas de control
biológicas, químicas y físicas. Los propietarios de tierras del condado pueden ayudar en los esfuerzos de
control del mosquito utilizando medidas de control físicas al arar cuidadosamente sus acres inundadas.
Las acres inundadas que tienen crecimiento de vegetación, descomponiendo los residuos orgánicos y el
agua estancada contenida por más de siete días son posibles lugares de reproducción de mosquitos,
moscas y otras plagas.
Fall Newsletter
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“Los grandes
cuerpos de agua
creados por la
Los grandes cuerpos de agua creados por la inundación no pueden de manera
factible tratarse químicamente. En la medida en que los campos se van
drenando y secando, grandes grietas y hendiduras aparecen en la superficie
de la tierra. Estas grietas y hendiduras son sitios ideales para que los
mosquitos pongan sus huevos. Cuando la próxima caída de lluvia ocurra, ya
sea esta semana o la primavera próxima, estas grietas se llenarán de agua y
los huevos incubarán.
Para prevenir la reproducción de los mosquitos, los campos que se van
secando deberán ser arados tan pronto como la tierra esté accesible para el
equipo agricultor. Las zanjas de canalización e irrigación se deberán nivelar y
limpiar para permitir un mejor y más eficiente flujo del agua y para acelerar el
tiempo de secado del suelo. Las condiciones físicas del terreno que
proporcionan retención de agua deberán ser eliminadas llenándolas con tierra
o por medio de desagüe artificial cuando sea posible.
Para informarse al respecto, comuníquese con Jeff Heinatz, Sanitarian, Oficina
local de Alpine del DSHS, al (432) 837-3877.
COOL Update
“…beef exclusively
born, raised and
slaughtered in the U.S.
could be labeled as
multi-country origin.”
Country of Origin Labeling is upon us. The program was implemented on
September 30, with a six-month transition period. There are three
categories under COOL: product born, raised, and slaughtered in the U. S.;
product that is U. S. origin and/or other countries of actual or possible
origin; product from animals imported for immediate slaughter and would
be designated by the country from which imported. Separating domestic
and foreign supply will cause some problems, certainly for the packing
industry. There had been some indication that the simplest procedure
would be to forget about trying to keep up with source and just label
everything as multi-country origin. Some even predicted that a packer
could do so by slaughtering one non-U. S. animal every day to comply with
the regulations. That meant beef exclusively born, raised and slaughtered
in the U. S. could be labeled as multi-country origin. This seemed to defeat
the purpose of COOL so pressure, political and otherwise, has been
exercised. First, Tyson Foods announced they would fully comply by
labeling most of its covered product (estimated by them to be about 90
percent) as U. S. origin. Cargill Foods and JBS-Swift quickly followed. It is
expected that other processors will also get on board.
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Fall Newsletter
The number of beef cows in the U. S. continues a steady decline. According to the
USDA, beef cows decreased from 34.5 million head in 1997 to 32.6 million head in 2008.
However, beef production per cow increased almost 12 percent over that period, so total
production was over five percent higher in 2008 than in 1997.Why? Cattle are simply
getting bigger. This can be seen in several ways. Genetic trend for yearling weight, as
measured by breed association genetic programs, is trending steadily upward (even as
frame size has stabilized). Average slaughter weights are following the same trend. Does
higher production per cow by increasing cattle size mean greater efficiency? To answer
that you must consider the amount and cost of the inputs required to increase size. How
much longer will cattle continue to get bigger? That’s anybody’s guess.
Websites of interest….
If you have an idea for an educational program
please feel free to call me ~ I am always
interested in what you, as Presidio County
residents, Would like to learn more about!
Texas AgriLife Extension
320 N. Highland
Box 581
Marfa, TX 79843
[email protected]
On a personal note…
Hello! I would like to thank all of those who continue to support me in
Presidio County. It has been fun to watch the 4-H program bloom this
fall and I am very thankful for all the adult leaders that stepped forward
to make such a huge difference in these young peoples lives. Thank
you Marfa Ag Barn, for providing such a diverse facility that is a safe
place for project meetings. Thank you to everyone that attended and
participated in the ag programs this fall. I look forward to 2009 and the
wide variety of programs we have yet to touch upon.
Jesse Lea Schneider
CEA – Ag/NR Presidio Co.
About Our Organization…
Improving lives. Improving Texas.
Educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service are
open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability,
religion, age, or national origin.
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
BOX 581
MARFA, TX 79843
CITY, ST 22134