ow - Arizona Historical Society
ow - Arizona Historical Society
H A '!~ No. 23 . was proud, as T T Tucson, Arizona - June 3, 191.i5 all fa- are. ed in my eyes my ts he read, folwed with this: ht-eo far! e'U both be glad when is through_other s.:ld I-.lMid he's to stay. ornes a lot, as of course ow I mothers worry," But knew -h he tried his best not it show _ • athen of brav.e boys , ~. V...·.SHUN! There was no Isumber 20. A mistake ade (To err is human. give - • divine) and Issue ber 20 was ·J1lUmbered one . Excuse it, please. V...·.y, kids, how 'about writo the following boys, have lost track of some . friends! G. Alvarez S 2/c . . .U. (F) 14 Div. L Co. Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Califomia Pfc. Rudy M£I:ldoza USMC Hq. and Gen. Sup. Co. Sup. and Maint. Bn. 8th Ser. Regt. . Co. Fleet Post Office San Franc'isco,·California Rorn to Pfe. alnd Mrs. Edward Mackey a I baby boy on V-E .Day. The baby, born at St. Marv's Hospital•. will be named VICTOR E 5e per cop~ 1 JUN.E, 194;') r"< ----'- Anf.: MENDOZA THE CHATTER ~I W,IT,- H", us NOW H\ T l' E I~ I Wounded" ~~!Q~{)N, ~_RIZ!lNA . '0' In A ' n ctlC HAPPY BIRTIlUA Y ! IfAlejandro Fi'~bres v -- - June ~ Bernard Aros, J l' - June 6 CHA'ITER is published. ", Wounded in the Pacific Manue I H . 0 rona - J une 6' every first and third Sunday theatre, Pvt. Joe Olea, son Arturo~. Aros - June 9 by Spanish-American Moof Mrs. Brigida Olea, 1345 TQI1Y Fierro - June 13 others and Wives Association, ]outh Mission i Gilberto Romero _ June 13 ;j~ north Church ~treet, Tuc-VI Concepcion R. AroB - June h l>on, Arizona, at the expense vhunded in Navy action, Francisco R. Aros - June 16 01 lIle Uub Latino. lJfc. Juan Jaurigues, US'MCR, I Alfredo C. Mendoza - June 17 All Fevenues from the sale brother of Mrs. Maria Livas,: Edward Gradillas June 18 of this paper are to be used exclusively for the erection I J18 30uth Third. Manuel R. Castro _ June 19 - V ' r - ' Enrique C. Olguin - JIMe 20 of a Recreation Center for j the Spanish-American so,Pfc. Manuel Rivera, son of Ramiro Rio s - June 20 diers from Tucson. Juan Rivera, 409 Rosales St.,' Mlltt1uel T. Chiaff.ino - June 22 ~Iiss Rose B. ,Rodriguez, was listed as missing in the Arnold T. Butler June 23 Editor! European theatre. ' Johnny Hernande~ _ June 2-; I don't ever like to say -VGuillermo Galvez - June 25 Missing in Action Pfc. Leo- William' L. Rivera· June 2i:i "goodbye", so it'll be just .. • "riasta La Vista, mis buenos, nardo Sanchez, son of Mr;;;. Jose Arcadio Ochoa - JU'.le 27 amigos." I shall have to take I Josephine Sanchez, Route 1. Ricardo Fimbres - June 2t a few weeks rest, but Mr. Ri-Vi (Tambien muy feliz dia Jll_ cardo Fierro, Editor of the Pk Jesus O. Ruiz, 220 S. nio 24 a todo,;; 103 Juanitos; El Tucsonense, is going to take Grand Ave. and members of se acuerdan cualndo S~ banamy job over, as Editor of, Above, Corporal Abe Men", his rifle comp"ny were able ban en la sequia en la mad';-U.~rliAl'J.'mER". I do~a, honorably dischaq~ed,to survive five days in the gada y 1a orquesta del GoyiMy smcerest thanks to all !rom til:?, Army after servmg Luz:m moun.tall'~s, cut off from to nos tocaba? Them, were my t'riends who sent me cheer, ~8 ,mfllHns ~)Ver-seas. Is now al~ commumc~tlOns a~d sup- the days, and I hope it went ful cards and flowers during I' ~I1. 1 UC~~I, hIS home, 194 No. piles, by eatmg bernes and be long before we'll be domy illness. I'm sure my hours lvle) el ::>treet. I roots. Sent on a two day pa- ing it again.) in the hospital would have . trol to search for pockets of ----seemed longer had it not been . Orders a~e ord~rs and be- Japs, the. patrol lo.st contact BIRTHDAY READING FOR lor your kind thoughts. SIdes the're IS nothmg an Arne WIth theIr battallon when THOSE BORN MAY 20 TO . ,rican boy won't try. This is communications failed. Priva- dUNf.: 21. (GElWINI). proven by Pfc. Albert Ibarra, to Ruiz has been overseas for I V...·.:Pic. J.'..amon Chaparro, USM: J·r. army medical corps, son, 17 mo~ths and entered the I Generous. affectionate an1 ,;1\., son of Mrs. Adela Cha- of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ibarra, nrmy 1Il February 1942. I unselfish are the people born parro, 477 South Stone Ave., 214 South Gand avenue, in, -V'Iunder this sign. They are !IIble \las killed in action on Oki· the following letter received PO' of obtaining great success belIawa, May 1, 1945. Pvt. Cha- by his mother: I vll. scar~. Yrun, son 'cause of their great imaginap~l'ro joined the Marines a- "Dear Mom: . lof Mrs. Hortencla Yrun, 330! tions and creative ability. bout a year and half ago. Well yesterday sure wns ~lltth S,tone, has. completed I are often too generous and liHe was former Tucson News- an exciting day for me. You I hl~ c.ollrse r)f st~d?es as an beral and must guard against p~~~r carrier while at.tendin g ~ee, I'm .t.he·only doctor with-: l~'I,'tl?n mechRnl~ m the ~r~y being outwitted by others. HIgh School and .lat.el was a m 20 miles from here. Well a 311' fOlces techn.lcal trammg I They possess a dual nature pressman apprentice. 'I German civiian came up to!!1e s,e h0.0 I at Amarillo AAF, A-land becaus~ of this t.hey can -Vtoday and told me hIS WIfe .lanllo, Tex. be either miserable fallures or' 'Tedl. 5G Raul F. Vasquez, was expectiIlg ~ baby imme-Vthe most successful people. Three Tucson navy men ~e~ause they are shy and sen80n of Manuel Vasquez, 1228 dlately. I dldn t know wh~t South Fourth avenue, has to do, s.o I cllled up my medl- fou'!ht abo3rd the USS Indin. sltlye ther . do not express cal offICer on the phone. He '1'oolis. a heavy cmiser wh~n theIr opmlOns when they been killecfin action. -Ncame t,o the phone and tells her big guns pounded ;he s~ould: .They are of ,3 nervous ,. me he s too busy at the the pnemv at Okin 'W<l to avenl!e dISpO?ItlOn, and usually. are Sgt. ~anuel V. Bracamonte I moment to come over he~·c. th, d3VS of 191? when they workmg wlth.too many thmgs son 01 Mr. LazaI:o Bracamon-! He then orders .me to dell vel' snokE'! onlv rlefensivelv ag3in- at th.e same tIme and the relC, has been seriously woun-; the baby. He gives me some st t.he thpn dnminflnt Japanese sult IS that few are ever com~ed on OkInawa. He has been instructions over the phone Thev are Fernando S. Sanchez pleted.. They must ~earn t~ d"l 10 the servIce four yea~s. three and I'm off to deliver a b~by, Adolfo V. Celaya and S. A. i one thmg at. a tIme. They ~lonths and has pa~'tIclp,ated with tools and everythmg. Pena. . sho~.ild refram from too '!1l;1ch III m ,'y dangerous InVaSIOnS, Well I guess I did a good job; , eXCItement and over-actlvlty. -Vi'nc}uding Aleutian Islands, , mother and b3by are doing ni' v...-.Attu, Marshall and Kwaja-lein, ! ceo Who ever guess I would be Pfc. Lucy M. Robles, dau!'!was first wounded in the ba-: delivering babies overe here. i hter of Mrs. and Mrs. Rodolfo Pfc. Fred Valencia, 24, son t~.le for the Phillipines, recu-! IPrivate Iharra. whose fa-I R. Rohles 625 South Herbert, lof Mrs. Rita Quihuis, 1211. pera.ted and placed back in the' ther is custodian at the county' was among the members of South Ninth Avenue, who was tierVICe and sent to Okinawa. court house. is 20 years old Itthe 5200 Women's Army Cor wounded in Belgium on Jan. -v~ -.Vps Detachment. United Sttates II 14th, has been sent to the De . Sgt. Alfred C, Garcia. son Army Far E 1St tForces, who Witt General Hospital in Au,Reported dead in the Europ~an .1rea are Pfe. Jose Alva- nf Mrs, .Tulia Chi-lvez. has been recently observed their first burn, California for treatment rez, son of Mrs. Anita Alva-I' aW'lrcled the Good Conduct "lnniversarv overseas. FOUrj of his wounds. Valencia is rez,_ ~?l C~rrillo St. and Pfe. Medlll. At present he is in hrothers. Roclnlfo. Salvador, expected home on furlough CatarIn~ RIOS. son of Mrs. So- i th~ M,rian3s at a B-29 Air Raymond and Oscar. are also as soon as his condition perledad RlOS, Tucson. hase. in the service. mits it. ' I I I I I I' I - - - - - - -JU:~E, - - - -194;; ---_._------_._- Pfc. Jose Mrs. Anita 906 wun ~outh __ ths C I1_::~~_·i'_E._!~ R. Trujillo, son or.of, R. Burruel of .. 10th avenue, had the job for of '- N~ ___=T:..:U=,CSON, ARIZONA W S FR8M PHOENIX .~OlLIAS D.E PHOENIX driving pilots and ggunners of 1 tile IUI1LIl ail' force to briefings : on tile eve of combat missions, 11.e WdS c..:l1ect out any hour of the day or night. -VI Pfe. George A. Valenzuela ot Tucson a Bushmaster with llie .Lo.J~lfI Infantry has been discharged from the army aIler 4\.1 months overseas duty and IS now here. He is the son of Mrs. Lupe A. Johnson, .. ' j ....... /" ':;Outll ,::;~cond avenue. ' ~ -.: jROdarte, esposo de Esperanza Campos Rodarte, 309 calle El Sr. arlos F. Montano, di- Lincoln al Este, Phoenix, en ['ector de los .programas de el ,Pacifico. Heridos tambieen radIO en espanol de potente I en aerea europea: Pfc. Vicen.ransmisora de Phoenix, hace te D. Jacobo hijo de Jose Ja.lOCO fundo en esa capital la cobo, del 607 Avenida 4 al ~ucursal No.1, de la Asocia- Sur, Phoenix; y Sargento de jon Hispano-Americana de Esbdo Mayor Oscar B. Ro.Vladres y Esposas de Tucson, mero, esposo de Ruth Herde la cual tambien fue el nandez Romero, Ruta 9, cacitado Sr. Montano uno de los jon 438, Phoenix. 7 Fundadores. -VSe ha organizado la Direc-N-' tiva en Phoenix con elemeni'..leazar V. Salinas, 22, US tos muy entusiastas y consiFrancisca Leon, 79, died HR, son of Mrs, Frances Wern derando la actividad dinamica I recently at her home, 520 W. '/,j'.< ...,uulh l{ailroad avenue, y la gran inteligencia de Don Washington St. Survivors are was "aboard a veteran battle- . Carlos ambas casas sin duda her daughters, Mmes. Demasn.p wilen she poured a with-, " contribuiran a que 13s Madres, sia Young, Guadalupe Young! t::ndg torrent 01 high explosiEl arriba ilustrado, el Pfc. y Esposas consoliden una a-: Rosano F~entes, Rna Jurahul ve sJle.ls into the Okinawa J";CuL' ... LtOl!lerO, esp030 de grupacion .tan grande como la ,a?~ Ameha Leon, a son Porbedches as a unit of the great- Lupc u, nomero, rcsid~lte Imatriz de Tucson, 0 mas gran fmo an~ an adopted son, GasI;St naval bombardment force en Tucson, ~.l el 1015 calle i de aun, porque .el territorio Iton Molll1a. in history. Huron, rue her;do en accion! del Valle del RIO Salado, 0 -V. , -.Vel 20 de Mayo ultimo en 0-1 sea Phoenix y muchos lugares I ' LUls Walter Romero, 22, J<lidwa ~egun' nota del De-I rircunvecinos, tienen un alto i M'· L'll' A d se.amt:n 1e, son of Mr. and artam~nto de Guerra Ha numero de habitantes de tlU- ht" Iss I Ian cuna, augf t l ' t' 1 d Iestra raza y dicha re<Jion ha A er _0 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mrs. H. R. Romero, 1624 East, P' ... weith street, is among the "I d 0 pues 0 e~ un lOSPI a e Icontribuid~ con ~ucho~ solda-: cuna,. 340 S. Stone, became survivors of the USiS New Me- las Islas Mananas. Ha _serv~-, dos de nuestra sangre. Itth.e bl'lde of Corp. CarlOli V. xico which was hit by Japa- do 7 meses en ultramul ~ 0"-1 En el proximo numero de GnJalva ~on of Mr. and M~s. nese bombs while participat- t~lta la medaHa del Cor~on "Chatter" se empezaran a Jes~s Grijalva of Nog~les, m ing in the preinvasion bom- tepu:pudra yc labt'ltacaAde Intfadn- :hr Noticias de Phoenix" con an mfor?1 a I dJoubleh,nni cebardment of Luzon. Romero rIa e om a e. par e e mas amplitud que ahora. i remony m S t. osep s cb ~ch has been in the Navy since su esposa tlCne J hlJ'ws. 0 DJ<; PHOENIX Nogal~s. After the wedding I<'ebl'uary, 1943. -VEN SERV'I1CIOS receptlO~, the couple left for "~V. Mrs. Alfonsa S. McKenna,.. DE J<JSrA GUERRA a. weddmg tnl? throug~ MeTony R. Quihuis of the 135 South ~aIn, received a oDe notas oficiales- (de la: XICO. Corp: GnJ~lva ~111 re·Navy had the rare opportuni-! telegram notlfylllg her that Oficina de Informacion de I ~urn to hiS statIOn.. 10 ~e ty of meeting members ofl her husband ~vt. Stve O. Mc Guerra. en las ultimas sema-: Islands a.nd Mrs. GnJa~v. WIll his family while overseas. Hei Kenna was slightly wo.unded i nas. se recogieron los detalles ~ remaIn m Tucson wlth her met his brother Robert and Apnl 7th, 1945, on Okll1awa.; siguientes: Iparents for the present. his uncle Mike Quihuis whilel - V - , . IMUERTOS Y -Vin the Marianas. They are Master. Sgt. Alfonso (Mlc- HERIlDOS serving in other departments I key) Espll10sa son of Mr. and Los siguientes muertos y A f""1 h ,... _ -NI-'1 Mrs. Antonio Espinosa, 507 heridos en al'cion POI' Phoe-I . group 0 Juvem el W 0 Albert Ortiz Ruiz, seaman Seventh Ave. has been awac- nix, han sido ' reportados: ~an mto an ambulance p~ked 2-:C,338 Mission avenue, feels, ded the Pu~ple.Heart fo.r Muerto en el area europea, el i m front of the home of .Gilthat of all the good offers in w.o~nds received m the Phl- Pfc. Higinio M. Bernal, hijo' bert Urias, 537 S. Main, who the U. S. Navy, his ship, the IhpIn~s. He has. been ov~rse~.s de Higinio A. Bernal, 904 S. had attempted suicide, were USS Platte is the bestt. The a.l~ost tW? yeals and has pa:- 4th Avenue. Phoenix. ordered by the court to be Platte is a veteran meber of tlclpated In half a dozen maHeridos' en el Pacifico' POl' , ' . ., . '0 b ttle . .. . . held for actIOn by Juvemle the big five, the first group J l' a s. la Manna. el manno de 2da., . , . of fast fleet oilers of the ser- I -Vclase Joaquin Ramirez, Jr., hi authontles. It IS necessary vice force Pacific fleet, which I Pfc. Arturo Palomarez and jo del Sr. y Sra. Joaquin Ra- to call a second ambulance to bore the brunt of fueling thel other members ofa rifle l'om- i mirez Sr.. 1937 Calle Jeffer- transport Urias to the hospifleet during the early stages pany 0 fthe 151st Infantry son al Este. Phoenix. tatl, as the said ambulance of the war driving 12 miles through den- 1 Heridos del Ejercito: en el also crashed into a police car -Vse jungle and bamboo thick- Pacifico Pfc. Ismael L. Mar- parked directly in front of it. Sgt. Rodolfo S. Leon, 642 ets, bagged 19 Japs and cap- \ t inez. hijo de Refugio L. Mar-I The car the juveniles ha:i, Park Ave., has received a tured many enemy weapons tinez, calle Madison al Este I belonged to someone else ancl specia'l cibtion for heroic and on their push to join forces 'lumero 1107. Phoenix; Pfc. it lacked brakes, so the youths magnificent serviCe on land with another company. r OI-enzo G. Salas. hijo de would face charges of driving against the Japs on the Phi·, IPfc. Palomarez wears the Anita G. Salas. 520 calle 5, recklessly, destroying' city llippines. Sgt. Leon by his ac-I combat Infantry Badge. Phi- ,I Este, Phoenix. Pfc. Benja- I property and grand theft. tion prevented the Japs from llippines Liberation Ribbon min F. Bernie pn area euro-I Urias, apparently, will recoentering the hospital where and the Asiatic Pacific Rib- pea, hijo de Refugio F. Ber-, vel' from the effects of the there were many sick and bon with three campaign rue. Ruta 4, Cajon 336, Phoe-; poison he· took. wounded soldiers of ours. stars. nix, Sargento M 1,!.(claleno Y, -..v:-. ~UCURSAL EN PHNX. I II I: I I I I .---------- I - - - - - - - --- 1'LX - I'RISONER OF lJOOAIL rrUCSON NEWS \ ----- TIJC';;ON, .\IUZOnA (' H\ T T E R ,JUNE,1945 Ni.A~S, NOW HERE -- -- ! Gee Chee, 36, 232 South Meyer St. was arrested on charges of opium smugging. Josefina Soto, 36, of Cananea Sonora, was also arraigned on smuggling charges involving the same consignment of one and one half kilos of crude opium and admitted her guilt. -V,- 1"..("":"."" . ~ Saturday, May, 19th was a 'fwo high school ,youths great day as the first of the Iwe~e charged by the fl;lcson city's five municipally ope- pollce .wlth cruelty to amma~s rated swimming pools opened followlOg a repor~ that a pall' for the season. had poured gasollne on a cat ---V--. and set fire to it on South FreMrs. Matea de Campillo,I mont avenue between Miles passed aWQ3 the 19th of this and 12th St. The two boys month in Los Angeles. Sur-/ were seen by Joe Brewer vivors ar# Mr. Juan Campillo i White, who .r-eported the inciAntonio and Florentino and a I dent to 'Pollee. The Humane daughter Mercedes. She was society stated it would pro70 veal'S old. secute the offenders. Mr. • ---V White had to shoot the cat to put it out of its misery. Dailey Brothers' Circus pre ---V--sented performances here May Before an altar decorated 28th and 29th. with sprays of white flowers ---V--and candles, Miss Elva MiranMrs. Maria Luisa Rios, 27,: da became the bride of Lt. 467 Convent St. died recently IFred A.. Treyz. lhe formal at her home here. Survivors I double-rlOg ceremony took include her husband, Manuel" place at the Santa Cruz ~hur a daughter, Cecilia, three sons ch at .6:30 P. M. ~oll?wmg a Luis, Jesus and Enrique Rios, IreceptIOn at the bnde s home her father, Miguel Islas, five i the couple left f?r D~nver brothers and three sisters.' i wh~re Lt. Treyz will await re---V--Iafsslgnment. I I In Mexico City you can still get all the American cigarets you want, but the prices went ., up from 30 to 35 cents a package, and at some paces I frequented by tourists the sky' is the limit. Popular Mexican cigarets sell for 5 cents and some simiar to U. S. brands cost cents. --'V' , ---A--Jimmie Lunceford and his I This is Pfc. Ca~los ~abaThe wedding of Miss Carol Mrs. Manuela Cruz, 63,1250 orchestra appeared at the llero, Who after bemg hbera- melita Duran and Captain West St. Mary's Road, a resiBlue Moon, Sunday May 20 Ited. from a prisoner'S conce!1- George Itule was solemnized I dent of Arizona for 39 years tho Itration camp ffrom tthh e naz~s, at the San Agustin Cathedral and of Tucson for 14, died he -.V.tration camp rom e naZIS, on June 10. carmelita, who/Ire recently. Surviving her are home, where he has many worked at South Stone Ave. three sons, Edward GuadaluB-29 City of Tucson carries good friends. Beauty Shop, is the daUghter, pe and Isa:bel of Tucson and bomb war to heart of Japan. of Mrs. Margarita Duran, Mc- 13 grand children. This Buperfortress is based on Kenna Street, and Georgie is Guam and has already parti. ' brother of Mrs. Mary Duran I M be f h cipated in missions against in- .A coll.ectlon of pI~tures of 33 West Fifth Street. A re: em rs 0 t 8 . dustrial and military targets If~lends lo. the ser:Vlce were ception was held at Mary'sl Latino who par M in Japan. The crew voted to; dIsplayed 10 the wlOdows Of, house in the afternoon, and' .. ' f name the plane in tribute to the O. K. bar-bel' shop recent- another party was held at La the Prmtlng, ef • the pUlbli~ o~ 'Iucson for the: ly, b~ Arthur Otero: Oter~,~ Jolla that evening. this paper: fine hospltahty extended se-, ~ho IS unable to g? mto selAmong those present were veral of the men while they vice because of a c~lppled leg, iPfc. Carlos Caballero and also -V-' were traning in the st.ates. h~s four brothers 10 .the ser- Joe Ayup and Eddie Maseeh,I ---Vr----,:,Ice, one of w~om wlll !1ever recently liberated as German P. M. 'Elias Ieturn. Th~ pictures ~11l be prisoners. and Bob 'Perez, on Ronaldo Elias ~oe Valenzuela, former Tuc part of a display that IS he~- furlough. Muchas feliridades. Miguel Busta..... son High pitcher, who won 13 ded 'Buy Bonds to bomb TokIO ---V--Jacome's Dept• . . . , and ·~ost 10 games for the San ---v,r-,_ _ Carlos ,Robles Diego Padres of the Pacific Cpl. Manuel M. Flores, son Ed. Ja-cobs CGaSt league last season and ,C!t ff S D . 1 Ot son of Mrs. Librada M. Flores, 529 Joe Soltero ~ a gs. ame ero, .~ th M' St t h b Leo Carrillo had dropped four close games Iof Mrs. Francisco Otero, 273' ....ou d d a~n S~lee, sas ~en Tony Urias this year, has been purchased ,North Church ave. was selec- I awlalr e t. e I.ver tFar or b ruby the New York Yankees t e dy b th e war d epar t t l ga antry 10 action on e Gustavo Vasques men as 4' th Ph'll' . I n ed l and will probably be assl'g.. ary. d In e I Ippme sRoy Laos a memb er 0 f one 0 f 25 d emos- 1 Laos Motor Serfte'e to one of their farm clu'bs. Va- tration teams in the "Here's: an s. Rodolfo Higuen le~zuela pitc~ed for :ruc~on Your Infantry" military show ---v.--EI Tuc:sonense High School m 1941, 42 43 staged at the Municipal ball /Pic. Ray Duran, son of Mrs. Otto Ruelas and for the Tucson Legion in park May 29th. Sgt. Otero Rosa Duran, 19 McKenna has l Alberto Brichta . '42 also and in '43 twirled for whose wife lives at 1400 S:I been awarded th.e Combat InFernando Pac~ the Southern Pacific of the Mission St. received his basicl fan try Badge. HIS bud Ernest George Parker '.J city ~emi-pro league. traning with the 45th infan-! has b~en called to the colors Solano Leon try division at camp Barke- and win leave soon. Dr. Edgar RoJJle ---V, ley, Tex. and volunteered for V--Frank Gonzales William Bournas, 63, of 817 duty in the China Burma - InPfe. Alfred R. Nunez, son Ernie Molina South Third ave. recently dia theatre of war as a mem- of Mr. and Mrs. .Jum Nunez, Henry Dalton committed suicide by shooting bel' of Merrill's Marauders. 1102 South Mission, \Vh was Mateo !Diaz Pulido himself through the head with Admission to this show was previously reported missing Arturo Pacheco a 38 calibre revolver bullet. by the purchase of war bonds in action in Germany. is curJesus Fimbres a note was only. More than 4000 ceople rently hospitalized in Eng-attended. land. 111 H A ~UE No. 24 T T E Tucson, A~_z'_·....;J_u_IY~1=2:.!.,_194::.:..::..:5=--_ _~ . --=----,,-:-=~ OROANO DE lIlA .A800lA0ION m~ANO - AMERJiCAN A IDE MMmES Y ·FBPOSAS --. Editor: RICARDO . Director Supremo: ROSIAlJO IRONQUlLLO, Dirrecion !Postal (Mail Address) 38 N. Church Street - Tucson, A~!IIiljr"t~~ Ex -\Editora, Srta. !Rosa Rodriguez, Tucson, Ariom~ =======::0:=====' . -- THE CHATTER I . Wounded in Action CHATTER is published every first and third Sunday by Spanish.American Moothers' and Wives Association, . 3ff North Church Street, Tuc_ son, Arimoa, at the expense . of the Club Latino. All revenues from the sale ~ . of this paper are to be used exclusively for the erection of a Recreation Center for the Spanish.American soldiers from Tucson. ----' WOUNDED I VISITING TUCSON NOW This is Staff Sg1. Elias LOpez, son of' Mr. and Mrs. Antonio B. Lopez, Tucson residents of 248 South Fremount Elias served 5 long years in the Pacific and gained 105 points which will likely mean his prompt release from the Army. He entered the Army the 5th of August 1940, and went overseas in June 1943. --.---v-- Members of the CI Latino who pay' f the Printing of this paper: --v-P. M.Elias Ronaldo Elias Miguel Bustamante Jacome's Dept. Store Carlos ,Robles Ed. Jacobs Joe Soltero Leo Carrillo Tony Urias Gustavo Vasquez Roy Laos Laos Motor Service Rodolfo Higuera El Tucsonense Otto Ruelas Alberto Brichta Fernando Pacheco George Parker Solano Leon Dr. Edlar Romo Frank Gonzales Ernie Molina Henry Dalton Mateo Diaz Pulido Art1U'O Pacheco Jesus Fimbres Pfc. Jose I. Morales, veteran of the Italian and French cam paigns, who was liberated ,from the enemy after 11 mos. captivity, is now in Tucson with his mother Mrs. Teodo' IPvt. Leopoldo R. Martinez, Whose wife, Mrs. Julia Mar ra S. Morales, 449 Rosales S1. tinez, and three daughters live He wears the Bronze Medal at 41a South Melwood, was and Campaign Ribbons. ---V-- slightly wounded in oaction on SANTOS Okinawa on May 2, 1946, ac" cording to a War Department IIARO lIImlE "telegram received yesterday After 5 years of constant by his wife. He is the son of service in the battle fronts, Ramon C. Martinez, also of This is 'Pfc. Frank Flores Sgt. Santos Haro 24 years old, '.1~Jcson. Three brothers are IMoreno, 17 years old, who en- who entered service at the in the service, Tech. Sgt. Ma- tered the armed services since age of 19, has just arrived in - nuel R. Martinez, in. the Ma: 12 years ago, havin~ been over- Tucson where her mother TririaniBj Raul R. Martmez, sea seas 6 months WIth the Ma- nidad Haro lives, at 221 West • man- first class, in the Pacific rines. He was wounded in ae- Kennedy. He is one of the gen area; and py,1. Felix R. Marti- tion in Ok'in'3wa, the 1st of uine "Bushmasters". He left ••• f • • • • • • • f • • • • • f , • • • 'nez, at Camp Wolters, Tex. last May. His parents Mr. and Tucson amongst the first, in ---.----~ Mrs. Loreto Moreno reside~ in 1940. He is .a veteran of many .'Pvt. Francisco B. FederiCcD ~Also wounded in action:- Tucson at 514 North Herbert. bloody battles of the Pacific who was wounded in action With the Army, in the Pacific, W I d t . h' last December by the nazis, I h -V\area. e are g a o gIve 1m in the french frontier, is now -Pte. Reyes N. Gonza es U;our most cordial welcome. band of Helen L. Gonzalez, With the Army, wounded in -Vin Tucson, with his family, at &12 Riverside Drive, Tucsl)n. the Pacific,' Pfc. Eleazar L. ---v--173 Convent. He has been '. Leon, husband of Lucy S. Also in Tucson at present honorably discharged. ~c. Dionisio R. Lucio wh~se Leon, resident here at 327 E. is Pfc. Mal1uel V. Morales, ---V--~andmother Soledad F. RIOS 13th Street. from the European area. His This paper m'ly be obtainlives here, ,at 42rS Columbia parents Mr. and Mrs. M. V. ed at La Casita Restaurant W'oundedi n the Pacific with -,vMorales live here. (Nick Segura), La Concha the- Army. ---V--Drug Store, Reuben's Furni" Pfc. Carlos H. Delahanty, of 1Pfc. Manuel Rivera, son of. ture Store, Arizona Liquor CorD. Francisco M. Ortiz, of the Navy, was wounded in 0- Juan Rivera. Rosales Street, Store, Town Shop, Elysian the !Navy, was wound~ ac- kinawa M'lY the 13th. He is, is expected here immediately, Grove Grocery, Huerta's' 'cordin~ to the OWl. HIS mo· the son of Carmen Delahanty I from the Fort Bliss. Texas, Grocery, Martin Drug Store ther lives in Tucson, Mrs. Ja-I and the husband of Lydia De-I hosoital. After his vac~tion, 6th Ave. and 22nd St., and cinta Molina. lahanty, residents of Tucson., with us he will return there. Rodriguez the Tailor. . O:ntm sor. I Tucson, Ariz. - .July ];!, 19,1;j CHATTER "A~~"~LA~EOUS ALSO I{EDENI'LY _, ";t'.s U1" UUR D-ECORAUID DISCH~\.RGED l'LJG.so~ SU!J1JIERS , Frank R. Goyco<.:nea, techCpl. Benjamin Parra of o nicwn fifth grade, nephcw of T ucson r~-:Cl1 Lly receIved the Pfc. Marvin L. Narcho, 20 t'urple Heart Medal 1ram the : Nil'S. Isabel ttivera, ~O West was killed in action, May 22, commanding ol1icer, U. S. !\ja: J.wenlY IltLIl strect, who has becn v.l the European cantin- while serving with the 6th y,;l Hospital, ;jan Diego, Calif. ,ent since snortly after D-1),.1y, Mari:le Division on 'Okinawa, for wounds reecived on Iwo IS nv\V 111 Germanv it was according to :1 navy telegram Jima while serving with the ,learncd ye,aerday:' He is a received by his parents, Mr, Fifth Marine Division. He lruc.:.k driver in the 3705th and Mrs, Jones J. Narc'ho. 361 was struc:k in the arm by a Quartermaster Truck Compa- 'vlest Twenty-second street, slllper. HIS guardian, Mrs. Art ny, one of the units of the 1st Private Narcho, who gradua- Valenzuela lives at 229 West . u. S. Army that kept supplies ted from Safford Junior High Twen ty-second street. rolling up front during the School and Tucson Senior . sweep through France, Bel- High School. entered the m8Pvt. Fernando L. Bravo, rine corps in September, 1943 whose wife, Mrs. Ruth Brdgium and Germany. liniJe stationed in England Overseas since January, 1941 vo, and two children live at before the invasion, Goyrohea he served on Saipan and 529 North Fifth avenue, has met ;tn<! married Miss Patricia GU3m. been awarded the Combat In~i<.lidenstone of Gloucester an fantryman's Badge for parti' -.Vhas since become the father cipating with the 151st Infanof a son, Frank Patrick, now try Regiment in action against TO THE COLORS six months old. the enemy on Luzon. ' 'This is Staff Serge3nt Gua -VdaIupe S, Lopez, son of Mr Proud pOss2ssor of a GerRecently injected into the 'and Mrs. Ignacio S, L6pez, reo !nan clock weighing almost 30 armed s2rvices, trum 'J. Ll-: Pfc. Arnoldo B. Ochoa, son sidents of Tucson. Lupe was )ounds and sent by her husson: 'Nabor S. fl'uenles. ~Lo- of Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Ochoa recently discharged from the' 'I!l't. Cpl. Carlos G. Alvarez, mundo Romo Garcia, Arturo 2225 South Second avenue service, with the highest com- :;tationed with an army air Ramirez Douglas, Alberto Ser' and husband of Mrs. Mary S: mendations. He is now in Tuc- corps unit in Europ'e is Mrs. meno Ortega, Manuel Castro Ocho.1, 723 St. Mary s road, son. ~leanor U. Alvarez, 1115 so.,' Rabago, Fr.1nk Ferris Ganem has been awarded the Silvel' Vicente Longoria Suarez, AI-, Star for gallantry in' action IBrigadier General Hanford :vfission street. Ma,cNider, The Commander in '1 he clock~ which arrived [freda Romero, Manuel Verdu" 'against the enemy in Ger-. C.hlef of the 158th Army Re- yesterday vIa the U. S. Mail, go FralJoJ, FranCISco Cazares many. glment, said ofthis Lupc: liS a heavy gold-gilt ormolu af- Valdez, Frank Pesquiera Ra"! had the privilege of or" fair surmounted by a large mirez. Henry Bracamonte AI- Pfc. Albert C. Hernandez rlp.!'lng the imposition of the l spread eagle, It WJS not in run varez, Arturo Enriquez Jac 1040 North Thirteenth street: Heclal of the Silver Star fori ning condition when it arrived quez Y Adolfo M.1ldonado w.as recently awarded the Staff Sgt. Gtl1dalupe S. L6- hut otherwise was undamaged. ~ontrera~, Luis. Alvarez Cas- Bronze Star Medal for meriDf'Z, who is a great credit tal -V.ilIa, Emiliano Anguiano A- torious service, according to his Rf'r{iment. and to our Ar-I Julia Fier~o, daughter of '~uilar, Mauro Enrique Yanez. word received from Major Gen. John M. Devine commy. We are lUstly proud of Mrs. Julta Fierro, 723 East manding general 8th Armored -Vbeing at his side". Ewenty·second street, left for Division, 9th U. S. Army, -v'.Iew York, recently for TUCSONIIANS training in the WAVES on prc, Fernan~o R. Marti.nez made the presentation. A UBERA'I'ED the same day that her brother wounded also tn the PacifIC, rifleman, Private Hernandez , S. C, Fierro, petty officer first With the Army, husband of also wears the Combat In. Accordtng to recent informa' class, arrived in the states af-I Henberta D. Martinez resi- fantryman Badge. bon, these tucsonians have' :er 18 months overseas in thel :ltng here. Wounded with the been freed from captivity: Aleutians. A Tucson Hir1h! ~avy, Sgt. Rito R. Leal, broPvt. Eduardo Y. Badilla, 52' ",chool ,graduate, Miss Fier~o ther of Bernardo R. Leal, 331 Cpl. Frank M. Lara, son of ~est 17th. Street; and Second was emplayed at Consolidated West 26th St. Tucson. Mrs. Maril Navarro of CortaLIeutenant Umberto F. Ca- \'ultee before she entered the 1'0, has been awarded the valetto, son of Am',deo Cava- service in April, 1945. Her ---V--Bronze Star Medal by the letto, 1.421 South 7th avenue brat her is now in Tucson on commanding general of the -Va 30 da~' leave visiting his mo- OTRO~ ~ERIDOS ., 6th Infantry Division of "me. ther and his wife. the former En la lIsta de la OflC:ll;} de ntonous ~chlevement in conI h' n IInformacion de Guerra a""-I nectlOn With ml1ltary operaIPlc. Manuel R. Castro son Ml'S~ AII'c H I f M' ' ,,( a e, ane IS,., ,.,,, t' 'h " a "rs. M<~nana ~amo~. 1009 months old son. Richard. :~cida ayer en la prenSJ dia- IOns agatnst t e J~~anese o~ ?al men, Stl eet, arnved Ill. Tuc whom he h lcl never seen. na. se ~a cuenta de que fue-! L~zon from ~an~3IY 9 to A s~n recently f!"om MlIlter t<'jNJ'O. who ent . I th _ ron hendos en accion ~n el pi 11 ~, 1945, al COl dtng to word fl~leld.' Bake~'sfjelcl, Calif. to vi- vice in .JIl1~'. 1;~~~ for~:I~I~ "1r;F·(·o. "0" parte riel l!;jC'rcI-1 r:celved ~rom the 6th InfanSit hiS famIly. It was learned wOl'kecl fCll' tIle S dt C· to, Pvt Federico Felix e S l)o-' tl y DIVISion on Luzon. Lara t d ' . un on-' " " l' h d yes er ay. Pnvate Castro, stntction Comnanv. S? de la Sra. Ramona M, Fe-, IS a wIre corpora tn ea" who 3tten?ed Tucson schools, -V'-:' Ilx resiclcnte en Tucson cr. el quarters battery of the 51st has been 111, the ser~ice near" Pvt. Alex P, Calvi ]]0. hus", 304 calle Court a,l norte,;. y el FIeld ArtIllery of, the 6th, Di~ Iy t~o yeals. He WI]] report h:lf1rl of Adeline Calvillo 9211 Pvt. Pedro 0, Lopez, hllQ de i VISIOn, holder of the contmu to hIS new post at Yuma Ar" North An't t" t h" 'I Ramon G. L6pez de 6sb po- ous combat record for the PaA' F'I la s leI", as ar-, " " ' ' f ' Th 6h ", . my II'. Ie d. ,:"uma, at the rivpd <It ramn \Volters Texas I bbC'ion, con domicilio en el CI IC. e t partIcIpatIOn In conclUSIOn of thiS 17 day fur to hflNin his b s' t. ': , . " ! rume 425 c1 1 11 M C _' the Sa~sapor and M:Jffm Bay lou.rh , a , IC I C\IIlIl1,g as I 1'0 e a ca c c or ,campaigns in New Guinea be" " . 111 ll1f:'1ntrvmnn \ mlc 'k a lOt l " es e. fore" gomg to Luzon. HONORARILY Killed in Acti:,~_ ,. i I '" '. " TUCSON, ARIZONA I Tucson, Ariz. - .July 12, 194;j ~ f CHATTER NEWS FROM PHOENIX -]lTuesonenses ~ ~---------------_._F 0 U N DE R 0 F T H E'fsend the list of the Directors P HOE N I X BRA N lC H of his Branch and other news of MOT HER S - WlWES 0 finterest, to be inserted here Condeeorados YAseendidos TUCSON, ARIZONA (o'r'~~A~~~?A Antier regreso oe Van ~uys, (cerca de LOS Angele",) Ill. es/tlmaUle ::ira. ::;o!~au ham, de vlsltar Va'l'1UlS dlas a su simpatico hijo el joven .Pfc. IJuamw Haro, que e.:lta ahora PHOENICIANS POI' las informaciones que en el HospItal de Van Nu~s, WOUNDED Irinde el Vice Almlrante Wil- I a:tenUienoos~ de males:. que . The following from Phoenix liam Ward :::imlth, Comandan' l~leH,anla. :::iegun nos dUQ J~ . 'have been reported wounded te de las fuerzas de servicio, ::ir~., cltada, Juauito no v~, , in action in the Pacific, ~from en e I P aCIT ICO, .sa bemos que'de a 1unas UCSOn8 ha.:;ta como <1.eqtro semanas ..:. the Army: .Pvt. Norman va1as Leo V, Uelgado fue ascendldo I • son of Dora P, Galas, Phoenix, a Almacenista de terecera cia-I -V~ Pfc. Marciano C. Bojorquez, se. I, ' nephew of Carmen Bojorquez, ADOLFO MORALES PCc. '1smael L. Martinez son of' SOLADOS DE TUCSON DE (o'O-:"VECOH,AOO, \1'.1, ~ ... '.' ," Mrs. Refugio L. Martinez, 1107 SE INCORPORA A . Con gusto conslgnam~·,~... .' East Madison St. LA MA1UNA I notlclas que de fuentes mllittr,'· . ~l joven de 17 anos, AI- i res nos ll~g~n relacio~'." ,; L1~ERATED fonso Acosta Lopez , se enlis- con el Staff ::igt. AdolfQ-: 8.., .! Amongst those recently Ji- to en la Marina, a fines de 1" Morales. Se clta el hecl)o~ lit' •. " ' ." berated from the enemy from re t roprOXIma semana. E s h'I. que C en- ,Enero d M25 de 19«',* " . ' . jo del Sr y Sra Antonio B ompama e orales fue'r.ru" PhoeniX: T5 Pete G. Dlm,ls L6 "d' . damente escarmentada p~"~ I.... I £ Mr CI t'ld G D'· I pez, resl entes en Tucson "!r.... " .' l son 0 ,6 SS' th e40 th e , l.l en el 748 de la Ave. Freemont na fuerza superior ale~- ~. A mas, 91 ou venue, :al Sur. en las cerca~ias de S~h~ and !Pfc. Alfredo M. Trez, hus I . hausen, En clrcunstannas-iW-..... This is Mr. Carlos F. Mon- band of Teresa M. Trez,.1010 IBEA1.'RIZ BERNAL ventajosas, parte de h ONII+ ' , ' tano, director of radio pro·.:3. Montezuma St. PhoeniX. ICON LAS WAVES. Ipaiiia opto por retirarsc'W: grams in Spanish, in Phoenix ! La cOllocida Srita Beatriz ciendo una concentracioIl; ~;'. '. is the Founder of the Branch BAiUDEMAR Bemal, hija de la Sra. R.' ro valerosamente el Staff .... " '. , of the Spanis~ Americ~n GONZALEZ Bernal, con residencia en el' ~orales se hizo de una _ ' Mothers and WIves AssoclaCorp. Baldemar Gonzalez, 30 Oeste de la Calle Kennedy, 1cIOn de la cual acozo al enemition,in Phoenix. age 22 years, is with t.he 30th acaba de unirse al Ejercito I go y protegio a sus com~ Mr. Montano was also one Division ~.1 a unit of tank des- de las WA VE;S, 0, sea el de ros de armas hasta comp• • . of the 7 Founders of the mo- troyers. He is the son of Luis MUJeres de la Manna. una retirada admirable la' • ther group of Tucson. and Sara Gonzalez, 609 West Se enlisto en. la Oficiona' que no se perdio ningun .,." "Chatter" requests him to Had'ley Street, Phoenix. local de Keclutamwllto NavaL bre de su corporacion. , ' -, -, ---'. . JESUS '" EI Staff Sgt. Morales. err, ( . 10 capturaron cuando el aVlO~. ~E. COI(RAL poso de Ofelia G. Morale"~"'" ,/.1, Ie en 9ue ope~aba cayo en terrl- !'"N LlJZON. residencia en el Numero' , l'j tono enemlgo. I . EI Sargent? ~e Esta~a Sur de la Calle Libertad ,Mayor ,Jesus l',;. C,orral, hlJo esta ciudad yhermano d, til-; VA VlEN)~ PVT. del Sr.y Sra. A. Corral, can! cia M T "11 ' tWal~ ALFRI<::nO FEUX I re:H?encia en el 6~5 Oe.;te de mente' vi~~1e~ ~~I~nn' ac, ' , !la Calle Mesa de esta clUdau, e IX. . EI Sr. y Sra Pedro Felix" . h 'd b t' I Por esta y otras I acc...... , . ' ':.a.. tI_ resldentes aqUi• en el 437 de:I Y d qUlen t at vem t0 com a len se Je h a conce d'd loa MIKIUMI '~4 I Est t' . 0 cons an emen e por mas I de Bronce y se ha he h -..o.'lo... HAN LLEGADO 0 Ia ca II e u a e, le,1en no- de seis meses recientemente. '. . c 0 _ ., ESTAN POR LLEGAR ticia de que su hijo,. el Pvt. estuvo de vacaciones (ue '_I cIOn honon.flca por su heroico' " i Alfredo M, Felix, que fue re- cansando) en el Campo de i'a Icomportamlento. , EI Pfc. R amon Vald lVla, cientemente liberado de l a s · , ,. , -Vesta aqui con licencia de 60. " 1 t' Plrlmera DlVISIO.l de CabaIl~- LmRE DEL dias con sus padres el Sr y I prlslO~1 a edmanhas" es a. slpen-J ria al sureste de Luzon. E,,;te I CAUTIVERIO . , . Ido tra::: acl a 0 acla aca. 0t' " '1 Sra. J .. ValdiVia y su hermana see la Meda11a del Corazon clampo es a a ~~as pocas ,ml -I Segun la propia fuente 1ft ., ...·"dez resl'den I as a retaguardw de In lmea f orma t'Iva, 0 f'lCla, , 1 arn. 'b .. - ',;...., . 1a Sra " I Hern" ' ' ' ' . - Pllrpura, par saber sido her, tes en el 582 calIe Mam al ido en accion. je combate. tada, entre los prisionerol·... ,. .sU!". Estuvo 18 mes~s como. __ . -V-----V--I catados se incluye el PvC 'A '. priSlOnero de los nazIs. I 'fredo M. Felix hijo de ~,'. JESUS Vt<.:LLF.-8 IBENJAMINS. Jcsefina M. Felix, resi-' '. --VI VU~NE PRONTO NAVAKKI';'l'K Ide rr..u cson en el numero~·"J'(., ~ . SGTO. MASEEH Par la mas rapid a via lIeEJ j6ven de edad de 19 alio::, ,de 1" calle 34 al Este. ' ;." TAMmEN AQUI ,garona Miami, Florida. ya,IBehjamin S. Navarrete, ma(""1.(" : ,.' . E.1 Sargento Teonico Eddie varios solda ~os de Arizonl1. i rino de primera clase.. hi.io 10% OF INCO-' ';~':'" M118eeh, hijo del Sr. y Sra. ~:Jtre ellos el Joven ~.rc. JeSllS' del Sr. y Sra, Anto,ll~ l<'..... -~i';~ ,; " " Jorge Maseeh, residentes aqui I~' Veles ~uyos fam,tllares,,;e- Navarre~e res~d~ntcs aq1ll e,n "fill. ,.~ }":~ . ~ en el 73 Council al Oeste. sc, slden aqUl en el numero ,,26 la Avemda MIslon al SUr nu~ 'lV, ,:~~': r encuenira entre noootros tras de la calle 31 al Oeste. Opor- mcro 1100 esta ahora de ser'. ... ~ •. ;J de haber estado como pl'isio- tunamente noticia.remos su vicio en 1a Base Naval de .;..~ L'l \V~.R ~~.~: ,'I,. .' ,~ ner de 10 nlamenaes, quie:Jes lIcgada a Tucson. !Seattle, Washington. I --L:.J. ' I I o? ' •• : I i en Soldados nue Han LIegad0 0 Eslan al Llegar en r. I I I I r IS OUR r" • ;:,I.,,, _ _ _--=T:. . .:U'--'C:. . .:S:. . .:O:. . .:N-'-'-, ARIZO~~_A TUCSONIANS DECORATED /"5aIen de AqUIIrAl Servicio Militar Pfc. Manuel A. Murillo, 19 Iyears, has come here from 'the Pacific where he served ,14 months with the Maril1e! /! ~uar.ds. H~ entered the ser' I I l'vlCe 1943. III v-- _ Muertapor ua B0mha Japonesa Cal-da en EU - ° - . OFFI!CE FWAR De parte del ConceJo de Ra' . INFORM.-\,TION cionamiento No. 2 de Tucson Reports the week ended acaban de ser llamados al ser' July 10th, 1945: I v.ici~ activo, entre otros,. los NAVY WOUNfliED slgulentes de nuestra est!rpe, Jhon , ' Charlie Tsihi, Pvt. todos ellos habiendo pasado USMACR. Mother, Mrs. Hu' previa mente, bien, los exame- nibahe Tsihi, Box 127, St. Mines preinduccionales: ' cahels. Pedro Randolfo Brady, Tony' Mc~ay, Malcolm, Charles C. Zepeda, Jr., Wenceslado AViatIOn radIOman 2c USNR, LJra Wilson, Roberto Braca' Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char~es monte Valenzuela, Enrique' F. McKay, Box 2046, Cochise Fonseca, Oton Sanchez, Ma- Co., Lowell. onuel Benitez Verdugo, Manuel I Mead, Marin Keith, SeJman M. Sanchez, Barney Herman 2c USNR, Wife, Mrs. Melba Kengla, Ernesto Arvizu Leon, I Hurd Mead, Box 757, T€mpe. Stt. Oscar Obregon above" Santiago Joaquin Lemas, Jr.,! Army Dead.......:Pacific Regions whose mother Mrs. Virginia, Y Merced R. Valles. Alcaraz, Ysmael u., Pvt. Obr..aon lives at 537 South: A t d t brother om Mrs. Cecilia A. ".,.. 0 os, nues ra mas ex' M 1 343 E L' 1 S . Park Avenu.::, Tucson,. was re' presiva despedida y que Dios, ora ~s, . mco n t., \Sf rvicio "Pixpage" Para cently decorated WIth. the los proteja! : Phoemx. . . ~l 'f~lcsonense) _. Army Wounded-JPaclfIc Reg. Loakeview, Oregon, E~taj('3 .Bronz:: Star. Me~al for. hiS excell.::nt serVIces m actIOn. SACIMIENT.OS . I Christian, Curtis, C., Jr., i lJ~olicl0s-:-,Est.a es la Sra. El~'::;e C?tros recIent~s .n,lclCntes I Pvt son oh Mrs. Margi€ A.I ~lItehe1J, qUlen con sus ci': ~o ---v--1~qUl fueron los sIgUlentes: AI! Christian, 1505 E. Apache St.1 '~ij).to.;; murieron a causa clr: t.:;:)!'. y Sra. Pedro Maldo.lado Phoenix r.n bLmba explosiva que 'lie I~uta 4 Cajon 624, un varon- l o· parte de lJ descarga de UI1 glf) cito, a las 6.25 a.m., Julio 71 Felix, Fedenco, Pvt. hus': bo pponesen la selva del Sm en el Nido de la Cigueiia; al: b~nd of Mrs. Ramona M. F'e-: de (Jrfeon, a donde dirha faSr. y Sra. Juan L. Domingu-Ilix, 304 N. Court St., Tucson p;iiia habia ido a pasea.>e. Es' ez, del 3326 calle Sahuaro al Gatewood, Marcus Pfc. bro'! toil tragedia, que se tuvo secr'~' ~este, un varoncito a las' ther of George Gatewood, c '0 ta pOl' orden militar, fue d~ 10:12 a.m., el mismo 7 de JU-; Bertha Tessay Whiteriver. l'iu a conocer, como advel':(or;lio en la misma casa de mateGutierrez, Edwad M. Pfc. cia cd publico del pais d'.! qUE' rnidad: y al Sr. y Sra. Eddy husband of Mrs. Orpha A. se,1reraviera, dando las i!l:liMartinez, del 924 Ave:lida Fe- Gutierrez, Gen Del., Sonora. CJcj( nes para ello. El e:;p(l~O rrocarril, una nina a las 5:50 Lopez, Pedro 0., Pvt., son d.' F:l:,se, que es clerigo, file p.m., el mismo dia 7, tambien of Ramon G. Lopez, 425 W. el VD'CO que salvo la vida en en cl Sto!'k's Nest. McCormick. Turson. esa descarga. I '. I I I Tacsonenses Mael tOS Y Od Reri OS I 0 - ----- -,- - _._---- - Aplicac,ion De No............... • _._- - --- I -- Ingres~ - ---_._- Fecha .. Ala IAsociacion de !Madres 'y \Esposas de (Arizona YO 0 DIREOCION _ . DE3EO INGRESAR A LA ASOClACION DE MADRES-Y ESPOSA:S DE ARIZONA; DESEO INGRESAR A E.'3TA TAN HONROSA AJ30CIACION SIN COMPROMISO NINGUNO NADA MAS SER FrEL Y SINCERA A SU CONSTITUCTON Y SUiBJETARME A LA MAYORIA DE voros TAMBIEN PROMETQ PROTEGER SUS INTERESES Y TRABAJAR POR ffiL MEJORAMIENirO Y EL PROGREESO DE ELLA. ~us Fl\iMILlARF.s 'EN EL SI<:RVI.CIO MILITAR SON ,LOS SIGUIENTF-S 1 0 2 3. 0" 00 ••• 0 0 ••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• 0 •• 0 0.0 ••• ••• •••••••• 4 5 6 0 0·.0. 0 0 •••••• 0 0 . •••••••••••••••••• . H A ISSUE NO. 25 Tucson, .Arizo~a - T T E July 28, 1945 5c per copy ESPOsAs - Editor: BICABDO FlEBRO Director Supremo: ROSALIO RONQUILLO, Dirrecion Postal (Mail Address) S8 N. Church Street - Tucson, .Ariozna ORGANO DE I1A ASOCI.AOION HlSPANO • AMERICAN A iDE iMADBES Y ===============E=x=="=IEd=i,;to=r=a=,=S=rt=a=.=iRosa::=:::::=:cRodn~,;,·gu~e~z~,~Tu~c~s~on~,~IAr~i~o;;zna~======:::::::::=========~ FRED FIGUEROA VISITING Alfredo Bravo, Pharmacist 'THE CHATTER TU<SON Mate. Second Class. of the MUEHlE EN A{)CION Navy, has returned to Tucson Pfc. Eduardo M. Gradillas, after 16 months of service 0CHATTER i~ published son of Conchita Gradillas, RO-I verseas. in the Pacific. His paevery first and third Sunday sales Street, Tucson, is here, rents are 'Mr. and Mrs. Roberby Spanish-American Meothers and Wives Association, now, with 30 days license, Ito Bravo, 206 North Church 38 North Church Street, Tucfrom Birmingham General Street. son, Arizona, at the expense ' Hospital, Van Nuys, calliorl of the Club Latino. ' nia. ~here he has been recu Major Gen. Frank L. Culin' All revenues irom the sale peratmg. He has served 30 I jr., commanding officer of the of this paper are to be used months. and was brought 87th division in France and to help for the erectiop back from the fighting areas Germany,is at Tuc~'On after of a Recreation Center for in Europe. fighting with the American the ,Spanish:American solthird army. A soldier since diers from Tucson. SGT. .ALZUA HEBE he left Tucson to join the ex'l'ecnnical ,;:,argeant Bernar- pedition against Villa in 1916 WlBEBE TO BUY do Alzua. Jr" has returned Ihe is the city's highest rank" C II AT T E B" from Europe honor~bly diS- ing Army officer of World charged. He served In the a- War 2 He arrived Monday. The Following establishviation in Italy, and got ex· j 4MrT"OM·rT"O,.."..,,..,,..,........................................"P""1, ments in rrucson have kindly cel1ent decorations as the Dish I b-volunteered to sell "Chatter" tinguished Air Cross' Purple I Me~bers of tee u ' LatIno who payoffor at 5 cents a copy. 'This pa~r H~art ~edal. E~ropean camthe Printing dedicated to' the servicemen EI arriba ilustrado, el ma- palgn RIbbon WIth, 4 Combat this paper: of ou~ 1"ace, in iEnglish and rino de segunda clase Federi- Bro~ze S~ars. He IS now es· Spanish, is published the 1st co B. Figueroa, edad 18 anos, tabhshed In Tucson permanen --'VP. M. ,Elias and 3rd. Tuesday of each fue muerto en accion durante t I y . , _," Ronaldo Elias month, the same dates that bombardeos aereos suicidaa Miguel 'Bustamante the Association of Mothers japoneses al atacar el barco From Persia. where he serJacome's -Dept. Store and Wives holds regular sess- Bunker Hill en que Fred ved since 1942, until ver reCarlos ,Robles sions: Economy ,Drug Store; prestaba sus servicios, segun cently, we have now with us Ed. Ja'cobs Ronquillo lBake~les No. 1 a!1~lnOtiCia llegada al Sr. y Sra. I here Pvt. Henry D: Oros, son Joe Soltero ,No.2; La CaSIta Cafe, Mid F. P. Cruz, residentes de Tuc· 1of Mr. and Mrs. VIcente Ores Leo Carrillo town Market, Walgreen Drug -80n en el numero 1510 d~ la 812 S. Main Street. He got a Tony Urias Store, Huerta's Grocery, ~~u· calle niagara al Oeste. Habia 30 days furlough. Gustavo Vasquez tieta Shoe Shop, TruJl110 servido en la Marina un ano Roy Laos Grocery, La Concha Drug S- y a bordo del barco mencionaPfc. Enrique I. Rivera, son Laos Motor Service tore, Martin Drug Store No.5 do 7 meses. of Filiberto y Francisclf, 1327 Rodolfo Higuera (22nd and 6th 'Avenue); The Tiene dos hermanos en el South 11th Avenue is in Tuc· EI Tucsonense TOW'ri ~hop, Reuben's Arizona servicio activo, Gcnaro Figue- son. after long service with Otto Ruelas ._ . ,Home Supply; and Melwood roa asistente electricista que! the 28 Regiment. Eight InAlberto Brichta . ,Grocery. Festa de regreso ahora en este fantry Division. Fernando Pacheco " In ~h~ni~, Mr. Charles pias tras de servir 28 meses e? George Parker Montano 1~ 10 c~arge of the el Pacifico; y Cabo Henry FiIPvt. Felix R. Martinez. son I Solano Leon sale and dlstrihubon. gueroa, que esta con los cuer, of Mr. Ramon Martinez. 413 Dr. Ed~ar Romo Frank Gonz31es n~CK A. FE.:w P~~~_e:'_~~~ancia. IMelwood Street, is here ,from' Ernie Molina "N R·~iAI f r d t Radllr and his new Camp Walter. Texas, With a Henry Dalton IS·, ~"' . e e o. . I '. short furlough. He has 2 bro· Corp Ricardo -A. ,F:erro. so~ Addres!' IS the .fol OWln[!. . thers in the service: Tech. Sgt. Mateo Diaz Pulido of the Editor of 'Chatter Corn. R. A. FIerro. 398!'iOl~?. M I M l' 'th A ' Arturo Pacheco havionft l>a8sed his IOl'li?: course R19th Sqn. Gro. A, P. O. 959. anue ar 10ez 10 e rmy Jesus Fimbres in Radio, in the 88th 'Air- CaN' Po!':tmaster. San Francis- and .seamon 1st. Class Raul Oscar Mendoza ... drome,~quadron,l!l now trans-, co, Calif. Martmez. r' I I I . • Tucson, Ariz. - July 28,1915 CHATTER '~ALU.N~O AH,RlA.OA IAHORA SARGENTO 'T· TUCSON, ARIZONA '.1'0 ,"~H,U1'.1' :K. iH.. <., I Recientemente se ~os infor-I WORKERS m6, que fue ascendido a Sar- i Phoenix, July 21.-;Lt. Col. I gento, el j6ven Alonzo ~rria-I Charles !to Wa.ISh, army serv- I 'ga, hlJO de Don FlorenclO Ar- ! Ice forces representative for I riaga y Dona Ramona Yailez Arizona, announced. touay 1 de Arriaga, y cuya esposa A- tne appointment of admini::;-I 1nita ,y vari~s r.i.jitos residen trative committees which wiill tamblen en esta clUdad. Alon- U1~L ,Monua.y to orgaJUze d I Izo ha estado en el area de ac- reci'uitment d.rive 101' 1,00U; !cion de las Filipinas, en varios additional railroad worKers: combates, en que sin duda se ~he state campaign begins port6 valientemente, pues de I JUlY :ilst as part of a nation-I otra manera no habria alcan-I wid.e effort to obtain 90,000' zado los correspondientes as- I employes to man war-concensos en el corto plazo que gested rail lines. ha estado sirviendo. 'I I V -V'- . lEI arriba ilustrado, el Sar-\ --- --LATIN AiMERIOAN VETS gento ){anuel Ortiz edad 231 ailos, hijo del Sr. y Sra. Julio OI1t~ERED LEGAL HELP Ortiz, del 73' Avenida SePtima al Sur, Tucson, esta ~_, Laredo, Tex., July ~3 Sgt. Manuel V. Bracamonte hora en servicio en Filipinas, ~ne supreme counc!! of the wounded in Okinawa and a s~n noticias pues su padre League of United Latin Ame- former resident of Tucson, is can ~lllzens announced here visiting relatives here, having ibieron en estos dias, inci-I dicandoles pues cree que va a that ItS. councl1s trJroughout a furlough from Hammond geconsiguir pronto licencia para the natlOn ~ould otter legal neral hospital. He is a memvenir a visitarlos. and other aId to returnmg bel' of the famous seventh diOstenta los Listones PacifiLatin American service vete- vision and has been in servicp rans. , ~ four years. He is accompanied co - !Asiatico con 3 Estrellas de Combate, el del Servicio Ex Gen. ~rnulfo Zamora, l~a ,by his niece, Miss Nellie Lntranjero, la Cita Presidencial gue presldente, of Larc<.w: pez of San Bernardino, Calif. de laUnidad a que pertenece said it was not necessary fOf I ---V-.-Y la Placa. de Infanteria de veterans to be members of the TO PHOENIX FOR Combate y la Medalla de organizacion to receive aid in EXA!MlNiATION Buena Conducta. Entro al Esetting ~p busine.sses and fur- I A list of registrants ordered jercito en Octubre de 1942 reb,;ste es el j6ven Pfc. Mike ther theIr educatlOns. for preind.ucuon physical ex'-den graduado de la Escuela Villa, que estuvo un mes en ~VaminatlOn wHn tile next lew Superior de Tucson. Tucson en Junio ultimo, tras days was released by local ---v--de servir 20 meses en ultramar Pfc. George R. Orantez,21, draft board No.1 touay. '.ihe IPLA()A, AiL Pm. Es hijo del Sr. Miguel Villa son of Mrs. Paula Q. Orantez, Abram Valdez Lares, ~warPEDRO PiARRA, Jr.. . y de la Sra. Gertrudis Villa, I 219 West Kennedy street, ha~ list" includes valen Antone, El Soldado de primera Pe- residente de e3te lugar en el reported to the Army .gro~nd. do Leyva Rodriguez Jose dro Parra, Jr., hijo de Mrs. 1243 Avenida 13 al norte. Do- a.nd ser~lce forces redlslnbu-! Cruz Velito, Manuel Grijalva Pedro Parra, residente de Tuc ila Tulita es Vocal de la Aso- ~n~ statlOn a~ Santa Barbara, Bojorquez, Lew \'/ah Lay, son en el 1010 Avenida Co- ciacion de madres y Esposas ,-,al~f., for asslgnm,ent to ne'N Gilberto Frances Rodriguez. lumbia, ha recibido la Placa Mike esta ahora en Delaware dut~es base~ on sllis. and ~X-, Miguel Lopez Rodriguez, de Infanteria de Combate, tras E. U. penenc~ gam~d dunn~ nme Cruz, Arthuro Vallez Valdez, de servir como porta - munimonths duty m a medIcal u· Estanislao Torrez Garcia Arciones para ametralladoras en Arthur Kingman, Jr., hijo nit in Frflnre and Geramny. I nold Cancio Aguirre, J~seph el area del Pacifico Occidental Jel ~l'. y 8ra. Art. Kingman, -A~ Garcia, Rafael Garcia Pare'Entro al servicio en Mayo rie del 934 Sur Novena Avenida ras, Manuel P. Quiroz, Gerar" 1944 y ha estado en ultramar .s!:i ahora e"tacionado en SARGENl'O ,PETE do rtiz Gomez, Manuel Duardp~de Noviembre del mismo Camp,Shoemaker, California, mtENA LLEGA te Loya, Robert Lopez Morohabiendo. sido recientemente EI pasado jueves regreso a yoqui, Gorelon Dewitt Perrine. ano. ---V ascendido a Marino de Segun- rucson, de ultramar, con per-I Eduardo Patricio Canez,. Bill J,JJFAH> A mTA da dase. mise de 30 dias el Sargento Joe Murphey, Roy Goldman. HENRY D. OROS de Estado Mayor Pete Brena, Ralph Marvin Puella, Jimmie Procedente de Persia y en HE ROSITA esposo de Alta Brena e hijo Curry Carpenter, and Arturo donde estuvo desde 1942 lie RODRIGU}~Z de la Sra. G. 'Brena, residentes Miranda Torres. g6 a esta el Pvt. Henry D. 0EI Sr. Fierro, actual editor ell' aqui. Two Ajo youths, Manuel ros. hijo del Sr. y Sra. Vicen- de "Chatter" recibio esta seEstuvo 10 meses en las In- Duran Valenzuela, and Charte Oros y Teodora de Oros. en mana una muy carinosa carti- dias Holandesas en el Paci- les George McCormick, an~ re~idencia en el Numero 812 ta de la e:{-editora Srta. Ro- fico, como arti11ero de aviones included in the list. Three ~ur Calle Main. "it'l Rodriguez. ofreciendo se- fortalezas B-29 y ostenta la men from other draft boards El recien llegado ha venido "uir colaboranc1o con noticias Medalla del Aire con 3 ramas will be included in the group sirviend en el CuerPo de In- nara eQte periodiQuito, pOl' de encina y. el Li!'ltnn A~ia- They &.re: Nicholas Peter .venieros y viene disfrutando "'uva ofert::l Ie quedamos muy tiro - Pacifico con 4 E2trellas Fredona, jr.. Sherman Queal de un permiso de 30 dias. 1'!radecidos. de Combate. !Scott, and tis Prosper Lowing I Tucson, Ariz. - July 28, 1945 CHATTE R -=-----'~-------------- L ~~ FR O~re:~~s~~~: CONroRAE NUPaAS de sussJ II ::o~n~:~,~no::~~:! 'I1UCSON, ARIZONA dados al Sr. Montano, para q' formation). este ~as envie ~ Tucson:,para 'Pfc. Frank Flores Moreno, El Fundador de la Sucurpubhcarse en Ch~tter orga- with the Navy, was woundea sal ae la Aso;:1acion de M.amto de la agrupaclOn. in action. He belongs to the ares y ~posas de Tucson en Marine Corps. Son of Mr. and Phoenix, el joven Don CarLas mexicanas y mexica- Mrs. Loreto Moreno, (.1ucson. los 1". Montano, muy popular nas - americanas de Arizona Director de programas de ra- especialmente que no se Pvt. Ernesto M. Noriega, dio en Espanol, contrajo rna.- unan a la Asoeiacion de 'Ma- husband of Oatalina D. NO'trimonio con la muy estimable dres y :Esposas no ayudan a riega, box 623, Tucson, was Srta. Alicia Bower, en Lords- la unificacion y dignificacioll wounded in the Pacific. He is ~ burg, Nuevo Mexico, el Dom- de 'los nuestros, ni a ganar la with the Army. ingo ultimo, 29 de Julio. Los guerra. Unanse todas, usannovios fueron agAsajados con do los blancos de apl~~acion Wounded in action also:un alegresimo "Shower" en que oaparecen e este Chat- Alfredo Nogales Melendre ter", o. los que por separado Pharmacist's mate from the Tucson en el Club Latino al que Chale pertenece, el sase les den, Cuando haya~ pa- Navy, wounded in'actio.n. His sado las umerosas ocup~lO~es wife Odilio Reyna Melendrez bado 0 sea e! dia 28. 'Sinceramente les deseamos actuales del Sr. Monta!10' 1~- lives in Ajo jurisdiction of E1 joven arriba mil y mil felicidades. clusive 10 de su matnmomo Tucson.' , James J. Contreras, hijo del esperamos que nos ma.nde las Licenciado y amigo nuestro Para conocimiento de liSu- noticias que se necesitan para Pfc. Jose Tiburcio Flores of Don Santiago R. Contreras J cursal de Phoenix, de las Ma-Illenar mas cumplidamente la the Marine Corp. was wo~nd su guapisima espesa Julieta dres y E!lposas ,~les hace sa- Secci0!1 correspo~di~nt~ a ed. He is the husband of Ro- residentes de Tucs0!l en la caber que la matnz de TucsonPhoemx. 'Este penod1qu1to se sario G. Flores now residing I ~l~ Kelso al Este numero 225, boa logrado vender hasta ahora publica dOB veces aI, mes, el in Nogales. IJoven que apenas cuenta la e:. la imoortante suma de . . . . .. primero y tercer martes de , , d a d de 18 aiios, ha logrado ya $63?:~77 en Bonos y Timbres cada, mes, y las notici'as .par~ 'Dead in action, Sgt. Fran- i destacarse como un ,verdader~ de Guerra. el .mlsmo de~n de ven.1~ S1 isco IR. Miranda, former tuc-' heroe, com~ se v~ra en el ~ .A las soeias de la Sucursal qUlera con 6 dlas de antlc1pa sonian in the Pacific, with the gero. ~ parcial resumen de. . de Phoenix p,e les pide que en cion. Army. Son of Eusebio D. Mi- servlClOS. Es Fogonero de Pr1randa resident of Mammoth mera Clase segun ascenso re~U8 HONORABLY near,Tucson. ' ciente, en,la Marina, en la que se entlisto el 7 de Agosto de The sPanish - AmeriCAn DJSO.IIlA.RGED Wounded in the !Pacific 1944 entes de terminllrMc;>thfrs -and Wives A8s0ciaRay H. Borquez, brought tion has sold up to date, the here from the 'Pacific after from the Army, Pfc. Robert~ Escuela Superior. !Poco . des,sum of $632,177 ion War Bonds hard' and dangerous service, E. Acosta well known young pues fue a~lgnado a ser:vlr en un barremu~as s~b.marmas y and Stamps. accumulating 110 points, is man from Florence , Arizona. Iluego Ie toeo partlclpar ~ll las ,The 'I'reasurer of this Asso- working somewhere in rI'ucson in the tan sangrientas acciones de 1-· Wounded in action eiation, Mrs. Andrea Gabusl , having been honorably dis ~acifk, also the 'Army, Pfc. wo Jima y Okinawa en que who has 4 SODS in the armed charged. He is the son of Ri- Leopoldo R. Martinez, hus- murieron tantos marinos nues services, has won the 4 Star ta Borquez, 373 South aMino band of Julia S. ,Martinez, tros. General title, for having sold C G'lbert M Facio son 413 South Melwood, ,Tucson. --v.~-more War Bonds in the Beorp.· 1 . '. venth Loan than any other ;)f ,Mr. and Mrs. Juan FacIO, 'Pvt. Pete O. Lopez, son of ITONY ORTIZ " from said Legion. J.'UCilon, has been honorably Ramon LOpez, has :been re- ASOENDIDO discharged from the !Army port~ wounded in ac~ion ac-I Es hijo de los esposos Joel , In view of the fact that this under the point service. He cordmg to word received by Olson con residencia en la ca, Association is helping so much entered the Army in 1942, and his father. Pvt. LOpez had lIe Church numero 328 norte in the War Bond sales, arran- served in North Africa, Italy served oversea~ for two mon.. ha sido ascendido al grado qJare being made to "ranee and Germany. ths ~fore being ~ounded. artiHero de marina de segub e of the heavy born~VAnother brother servmg over- da clase.. Sirve en una nave r the title of Madres Dead in action, from the N a- "eas is Pvt. Jesus O. Lopez. de transporte y tanque y ha , Jdexicanas de Tue- vy, Federico Bracamonte FiTechnician 5th Grade lEduestado en la zona del Pacifico • mthing like i.t. gueroa ,son of Rosa Braca~ monte Cruz, 1510 Niagara St. ardo E. DuPont, son of Mr. por mas de ~n ano.. ew mem bers accepte d a t and Mrs. A. D. iDuPont, is reTony OrtIz es. natIvo cfe the Mothers and Wives, were Pfc. Eduardo Herrera, Ma ~uperating in a Hospitaltn ~cson y estudlante en l~ recently, Socorro Ortega and rine Corps., ~lso wounded re- California. before he allowed !llgh School por ":las de 3 a Francisco Anaya. cently as well as Jose R. Ro- to enter his civil life, dischar- ?~s..Antes de serVlr en el E,Members of the Association mero, of the Navy in the Pn- cred after 17 months active ser lJ erclto estuvo c~mo emp]ead can give the news about their cific; and Pvt. Manuel 0\. Rl\, ~. h t· t en la Vultee Aircraft Com panv en esta. Tiene 21 arios d dear ones in the service, for mirez wounded recently, he vice as parac u IS • oublication in "Chatter" to is the son of Maria A. Rami- IPVt. Pete O. LOpez, son of edad y como marinero '~ Mr. Ronquillo, Mr. Fierro, or rez, 328 West 29th Street, Ramon iL6pez, of Tucson, was cinp6 en el desembarco en Ok wounded overseas in battle. inawa. Secretary Ruby Hidalgo. Tucson. -I I r A1JFREDO MEJLo\, CONDECORADO 7 TUCSON, ARIZONA CHATTER Tucson, Ariz. - July 28, J9-1;) - - ------- ------::--=---=-=--=-----'~Soldados L II Que Ahora Estan Aqui ;7' i Junta 1cojan con sus familiar-e;,-cuando los tienen, 0 con sus limi' Las'Madres detadascasos,amistades en 1a mayoria IDe deben de sentiI' jusI ' Itamente el deseo de qt:te noso_ IY Esposas tros, los qu permaneclmos en , Icasa mientras ellos arriesga- ("Kennosa I Iban la vida dia pol' dia, lea Se encuentra en Tucson con I L ' t d 1 . t d . t mostremos nuestros reconocia Jun a e ma~ es, e es a miento. permiso, el Pfc. Jose M. Vas-, 'b '1 t d h" d semana, en el Audltono de la' quez, ' A mencana ' cte T ucson, I Concurrieron a esa J'unta'. - arT! D 1 a 1 usVra 0, .... IJO '-e L eglOn D ona 0 ?res asq~",L., reSl d 1 M d Es d E1 Cabo Jose A. Ochoa, acomd~nte de21e"7~tact PloblaclllonEelnpel n~es~~a r:z~esp~senroo~~ ac: I paiiado de su mama Angelita numero e a ca e a'" I dOh J . S'lrVIO , 18 1 E- to muy solemne e lmpreslO-' e c oa. oe paso un ano en ~? 't Emeses en Ie f nante que conmovio a todas' el area activa de aceion en A, 1 . ttl C JercI 0 en uropa, con a a· ' ", f ' las personas presentes cuan-I emama, y os en a e orazon mosa C~uart a D IVlSlOn que ue d d' 1 b' 'ct' 'Purpura pOI' haber sido herido de ~as qdueNParticiPd~ en la in- i p~rS~nolOa fos ~:na~;~1 P:t;i~t~~ en accion; E1 Liston de la vaSlOn e orman lao O s t en- I tucsonenses que concurneron • IC - E uropea con 4 E sampana ta con Justo orgullo el LIston: lId d f T trellas de Combate' 1a MedalEuropeo con 6 E'trellitas ca-' a a 0 e sus amI lar~s m~s , 11 ~ . . 'cercanos portando sus Va:.iOSI':i la de Buena Conducta, la Plad d Por a ~na e e a b ISlu PdartJc~- I condecoracione con orgullo y I ca de Infanteria de Combate; pacIOn en una ata a e p - , pero al ' ,. ' y1aEst ' nglona mlsmo tJempo r e11 a d e B ronce. P er. tor d11en 'd 0BSt enta t amI bMIen con h~mildad caracteristica de tenece a 1a Quinta Division. IImeEr a s re 'a e ronce y a e- 1 ddt ' I , .. ' . ' dalla del Corazon Purpura con os vel' a eros pa ,n,otas. I E1 Pvt. Arnoldo Zamorano, El arnba l1ustrado, e1 Joven d d' C·' Una noble envldla han de acompaiiado de su mama' RI'ta 'M" h' ' d os ramos e encma y una 1 . . . . . Pfc. Alf re d0M .. eJla, IJO e- I t a P resl'd encla . 1 para l' a um'da d sentII' los famlhares de los paZamorano, qUlen Vlene con liM" 'd , . . . D on B enJamm eJla reSl en i ., Ah triotas que regresan de 1a gue cencia de solo 10 dias ora que- . . t de Tuc~on en e1 391 calle a que perteneclO. . e , . da trasferida del E' ercito' a la rr~, a ~ucson, y ~ue pOl' ne- i E1 Pfc. Guadalupe Lopez "Convento, reclblO la Medalla 0 J ghgencla 0 desumon no los a- Granillo recien lIegado de Ade 1a Estrella de Bronce y una ctavt ~~erz!1 Aere~, auniue carrean a donde se debiera en 1emania' con 20 dias de per,rama de encina ,para su Me-' pol' e. a 0 numero, e pun os realidad al seno de la Asocia-I miso F~e acompafiado de !iU ·da1la del Corazon Purpura, pOl' II que " . y slmpatJca . " . . . . hene a su favor ren' eld ser-.cIOn de 'Ma d res y E sposas, A- Joven esposa E1sus patrioticos servicios. en VICIO espera ser Icdenrla 0 0 sociacion que esta lista a dar virita Granillo Sirvio Luoe en ' Lorena dentro e poco. . , a !os . que regre- u1tr<lmar 11 meses ' om b a t es en A I saCIa . ' descar'1ado h la ble'Dvel1lda y entro en el s~etor entre FrancIa.~ ---V--san 0 vienen de visita, aunque a1 serviico desde Noviembre Alemama ,en los cua~es sallo MORE 'POSTAGE ';us familiares no pertenezcan de 1942. Pertenece a la 104 h~ido y: de cuyas hendas que a ella. Division. do ya bIen segun se presume. The newspapers that have En la Cita condecorando10, se been going overseas under se- Q1TIENE'i FIFFm-ON Y el Pfc. Ramon Sardina, dice: "POl' heridas recibidas cond class rate, have to pay I,OS VISITANTES acompanado de su mama Dacomo resultado de ataques en-I now. as fir~t clas~ as letters. :t-a mayoria de nu~~tros he-I i'ia Jesus Sardi.na. de Vino de emigos el 23 de Febrero de T'hose sendmg mall to our sol- rOiCOS solc1ados y ot1clales re- ChecoeslovaqUla, donde fue J945 en el area europea de :lier3 overseas have to be care gresan sin que se les agasaje prisinnero de los nazis y resoperaciones.". ful to put enough postage on formalmentp. :lislarlns e igno- catado pOl' los rusos. que 10 -vtheir newspapers, etc., to pre- rados. 10 eual da tristeza y es pusiernn a !'lJllvo hasta pasar10 TO m'E COLORS "011t delays. I una il1iusticia. Aunqup se I'f~- ll. 106 americanos. DEPARTrED FROM .\ No , .. Fecha, . , TUOSON I • • I I Jesus Gil Carranza, Edmun do Castillo Nogales, William " Aguilar Castro, 'rito Mendoza, alarza, 'Rafael Cuevas Carrasco, Reynaldo !Bracamonte Munguia, Jose Gil Carranza, Manuel Lopez, 'Ramon Almaquis !Faez, Clemente Lisandro Sonoqui, Juan 'Duarte, Melquiades Gastelum, Gilberto Rico, 'Jorge Gil Riesgo, Francisco Romero Mendoza, Ricardo Joaquin Munoz, Joe G. Cruz, Arturo Martinez Gamooa, 'Ernesto Ochoa Duran, ector Juan Manciet, Joe A. ~on, Arturo Perez Hernandez, Arturo Leon, Ray Dai ty Gallego, Bob Gomez Lowe, and Jose Gomez Dorame. I Aplkaclon De Inqreso A 'Asociacion de 'Madres y 'aposas de rArizona 'a YO _ __ __ . DIRmCiON __ __ _ __ .. DESEO INGRE~AR A LA ASOCIACION DE MADRES Y ESPOSAS DE ARIZONA; DESEO INGRESAR A ESTA TAN HONROSA AJSOCIACION RIN COMPROMISO NINGUNO NADA MAS SER FJET... Y SINCERA A SU CONSTITUCION Y SUBJETARME A LA MAYORIA DE voros TAMBIEN PROMF.TO PROTEGER SUS INTERESES Y TRABAJAR POR EL MEJORAMIENTO Y EL PROOREESO DE ELLA. MIS FAMn.IARESENEL SERVICIO MILITA.R SON LOS SIGUIENTES 1. . , .. , ,1. " 2 3. ,,' 5 ' ' 6 __ __ , __ __ . , . , , . , \ \ H A ISSUE No. 26. Tucson, Arizona - T T Aug'us~ E 5c per copy -' 17th, 1945. ORGANO DE ~ ASOOIACION HlSPANO -. AMERICAN A DE iMADRFlS Y ESPOSAS - Editor: 'BIDAIIDO FIERlRO Director Supremo: ~ O RONQUILLO, Dirrecion !Postal (Mail Address) 38 N. Church Street Tucson, Ariozna Supreme Honorary Officials A. P. Martin, Alex Jacome and Roy Laos. ===================E=x='~tEd~i;;.;,;to=r=a:.".,_Srta.iRosa~~,Rod~~n.;J·gu~e~z~,= ================ THE CHAITER LLEGA ,A TUOSON ~MANUEL ROBLE8 jJOSE DMZ ATACA 1 "DE~ARGAIJ)()" • . b . h d MANUEL O O H O A · A JIAPONESES CHA'ITER IS pu lIs e Se nos avisa hoy oficialmenNoticias recien recibidas aevery first and third Sunda7Y ' te, 10 siguiente: qui, hacen saber, que el Prioy Spanish-American Mo· "EI Pfc. Manuel F. Robles, mer Teniente del Comando ~ . others and Wives Association hijo de la Sra. Herminia Ro- Septimo de Aviones de Com-. ' ' '11III 38 ~orth Church Street, Tucbles, residente del 1015 calle bate, Jose Diaz, se ha destacaOntario, Tucson, ha recibido do por su buena suerte y su son, Arizona, at the expense of tne Club Latino. su licenciamiento honroso del gran valor en los ataques re--,~'C'H-ATTEIR" - - . \ Ejercito, en el Hospital Gene- cientes contra Japon. Es hijo ral Torney, Palm Springs, Ca- de Dona Angelita Diaz que . WHERE TO BUY , lifornia, donde ha estado sien- reside aqui, en el 311 de 1$ caThe Following establiSh-I do atendido los ultimos 3 me lIe Corte 'al orte y esposo,nenW> in Tucson have kindly· ses. I de Ada Diaz residente tambien Robles entro al serVIClO el de esta poblacion. volunteered to sell "Chatter" i at 5 cents a copy. Thi~ paper I 28 de Febrero de 1944, entrenandose en Fuerte Benning, Members of the Club dedicated to the servicemen _ of our ,race, in IEnglish and Georgia. Como paracaidista Latino who pay for Spanish, IS published the 1st perteneciente al 511 de Infanthe Printing of and 3rd. rruesday of each teria de Paracaidistas sirvio this· paper: en Nueva Guinea, Leyte, y Lu- I month, the same dates that the Association of Mothers zon, distinguiendose mucho en I --iV-and Wives holds regular sessdos campanas mayores. Osten-I P.M. ,Elias sions: Economy Drug Store; ta el Liston Asiatico _ pacifi- , Ronaldo Elias lton'quillo lBakeriesNo. 1 and co, con 2 Estrellas de Bronce, I Miguel Bustamante No.2; La Casita· Cafe, Mid-: El arriba ilustrado el Sar- el de la Liberacion Filipi?a y ~~~r:e~~e:t. Store town Market, Walgreen 'Drug gento Manuel O. Ochoa llego el de Buena Conducta, aSI cO-, Ed. Jacobs ,Store, Huerta's Grocery, ~~I.t' a esta ciudad la seman; pasa- m? la Medalla del. Corazon I Joe Soltero tista Shoe Shop, TrujIllo da, con permiso de 30 dias. Es I PurpUJ'a y las de Rtflero Ex-, Leo Carrillo Grocp.ry, ~ Concha Drug S- hijo de Don Francisco Ochoa perto e Infante de Combate. Tony Urias ---V--I Gustavo Vasquez tore, Martm Drug Store No.5 y hermano de la Srta. Bernar(22nd and 6th Avenue) ~ The dina del propio apellido. Tie_I . . Roy Laos Town Shop, Reuben's ArIzona ne un hermano tambien Mar 1 El Cabo de par~~a.ldlstas Laos Motor Service Home Supply; and Melwood Och a ' , Manuel M. Flores, hlJO de DoRodolfo Higuera 0 • na Librada M. Flores, residenEI Tucsonense Grocery. cos Otto Ruelas . Manuel pertenece a la 45 i te de esta ciudad en el 529 de _ In Phoemx, Mr. Charles F Division y estuv9 en las cam- la calle aMin al sur, ha reciAlberto Brichta Montano 1.s i? c~arge of the panas de ItaHa, Sicila, Anzio bido la Medalla de Plata, "por Fernando Pachec:o sale and dIstrIbutIon. Sur de Francia y Alemania. i gallardia en accion el 4 de Fe- ~ George Parker - -....iV Nativo de Tucson, ostenta la hrern de 1945, en el Puente Solano Leon .'. Elecclon Anual de nuestl'a Medalla del Corazon Purpura deT Rio Para naque, Luzon, Or. F.dl!'ar. Romo Frank Gonzales Mesa IDIl'edlva, Sept. 4-vean entre otras, por haber sido he Islas Filipinas. Manuel estaba p'lina ultima. rido en combates en A]emania a cargo de ]a guardia que fue I Ernie Molina entre otras de cuyas heridns fuertemente acometida con aHenry Dalton VIEAN PA-GINA (mART.~ esta restablecido completa- metralladoras y canones, y sin I Mateo iDiaz Pulido ,ELEClON, SEP. 4. mente. imnortarle la vida, se arras-! Arturo Pacheco -N't.ro hasta donde salvo a uno' Jesus Fimbres MONEY ON HAND OF Un hermano mas, de Ma. . ~ar Mendoza .MADRlI'S Y ~POSAS nuel, Frank Ochoa, mayor que de 1.os o~lclales que estaba e~ Frank Quiroz 12,100.00 aquel ,esta en ~l servicio de 13 sltuaslOn mas comprometlHector Morales IN CASII paracaidista. da. I •••••••••••••••••••••• I I I I I I '1 I Tucson, Al'izona - Au!.:". IiI h. . _ - - - - - - ---_. r N~WS FROM ---- C HAT TE R - - - - - - - - - - - - -TUCSON, ARIZONA ~ SGTO. A LOS 19 PHO~NIX -~ 'Tucsonense ESTA EN TUCSON .:'.-~--------~--'~ Condecorados Enlace Montano . Bowers i y Ascendidos .. ,,!-~{:' I ..\L SGTO. E. L. 'LCO~ZALEZ ; Al Sargento de Estado MaE. L. Gunzalez, de Tucson I : hiJo de Dona Angelita L. Gon! zalez aqui residente, se ha 0-, ~ I torgado la F'lecha de Bronee' ) I para agregar a su Liston de i IYOI' ' la Campana Europea. Esta ! 1<'lecha se concede a los que' ~, ' destacan en asaltos de in-[ ,3SlUn. D1Cho Joven esta Slr- frk. Ji I vienclo con la Compania M.! l: . ':\ Ie! 143 de Infantena. ! 1,;. ._~~;t ~._~J El arriba ilustrado, el j,'):\Rl'UltO PISENO ven Gilberto V::lidenegro que aB~U.PERADO a los ] 9 ai10s tIe eel'ad 'qllC' El Joven tucsonense, Pfc. cuenta ha c;;,'alado honros:~ Arturo R. PIsano, esposo de mente 4 ,!~raclos E'n e] servicio .1l,uIU C. l'b<1I1u !'eSl.ll'n,e a-len los campos de ace-ion. sienqui en el 224 tIe Ia Tercera I rio ahora 8ar[(ento. acaba LIe \ venida al sur, ha recibido Ia Illegal' a ('sta ciudad, tras ric Rama de Rojas de Encina pa- un' :!ii o en e] arf':1 E'1ll'O' ~f"1 ,Yi ~a. su Medalla del Corazon I no con prrmiso elf' ':lO elias 1ra~ Purpu,ra, pOl' las hcnclas que, C'llrrjdos ]os C'llalC's, ir:1 a Fupr l'cclblU en acclOn, en Luzon, te Benninl~, Geor~i3, Jh esh,sbs Filipinas, en las que se Ido en fihs ] 7 me~es, AntI'S de porto muy valeroso al Iado I"ntr:,r [1 ~0rvil' en el Eip!'cito de 32 Division de Infanteria "1"1 :V'Ili dPDf'IHlieniA ~le las .-;e ha recuperado de sus heri- I RntiC':ls Martin, das y esla de nuevo en Ia linea ---V--Dimos cuenta de la fiesta es tamhien el Fundar!('" de b de fuego, Enlro al servicio en .'n ;HIO JUUO pre-nupcial que el Club Lali- Asaciocion de Marlr!~,; :; Es\}o- Mayo de 19,14 y ostenta tam- IJ)-~S.-\R SANCllf:I. no de 'l'ucson ubsequio a , <;a;: rI~ nues!ra r~I7.'\, s'J('I;rs;l1 bien la Medalla de Infante de l'na reeiente inform~ a ::\ uno de sus micmbro~i, al Sr. de 1a de TUCSOli. A A lic;" Iu- ~omb~tes. !-,rC'l1ci.l, de Ia Oi,c:r':l de Ill' Carlo~.; l"lin Monlano, a lIuie!l \'imos (,I plac('\' dt) tral,,:'!a i\LBEltTO ROMERO :(';':'0; c.ion de Guerra ,inchJyc se ve en este grabado con Ia duran!c 1:1 fies!:l rip: 1.:'1;111., •• "U llA,L\ 'uS L'ja~ sigui.· .le:;, de t:..i~que es ahora su esposa, Alice causanrlonns ma~n i fi(';, i ",-,.81 Pf<:, A Iberlo Romero, e;:- ,~.,nl,) :' loS, en c-,:::r'ilJn. POl' l<l Marian Bowers, cuyo en!:H;e presion POl' sus cua;idad,'s per poso de Mrs" Virginia Romero'),f J)';na, muri6 (;n a,'cion e; se veri fico el dornini~o 1't1timo snn~l1es, su lDlo ('xqll: ;:11) Y c'm resl(,lencla e~ el 1008 0- c.)!1~rG1ador de lliccndios, d~ ric '.st. Mary Sanl -,()()s !'10Vl'()S an(Ian ah')!,;l de Sl' ,':1r:1('I('1' eonstantlrml'nte, ,~:;te , . ' s RO,ld c Ill) "...... ,'11 <.'I' graclo , •J ,I . .• CPtiar ,< • "\;arac;oncs y a su re,ll'('~:c' r:l"" : - '.J u del ~r, y 81':1. Albcrto h, '.'~I'Z, 0l quien i.'·':l~!f'r() se ,J,'. dical'all en Pilo,'nix, ,jrlll;!e ,'j SOl1l1cnte, Su mam<1, Dona i Itomero de la Calle Anita Nr, ('13 CoL:e estaha perdidlJ en nCcontraycnle C,\ O'reclnr oil' Concha Solo Wowers tamblcn: (j6S, aeaba de ser separado ';1,):1 pero qu~ allord s~ h" Programas en Elipai11)I dl' 1:l reside en Phoenix y estu\'o, 110nrnsamellte de! e,il'l'ci~f) l';· r. i,: Cc do que !ll ': :,', Sue; pJradiodilusora KPHO, C;tl'l()~; prcs('nle ell los aiudidos act",; i l~ndo cSl::l<'ionado ~n B:lnll'; ,I"l'~, Sr. y Sr:1, ,'\;I;rrl,} S:·", ,-,.. --.--, -"---",-:'!('l'IH·rallIll:-.;pllaI. \':ll1e:III\(", cht:z l'csidene,l 'l'ucsonlnc! MISCELANIWUS guns :lfld small arms, An tdf,- Wash, He servido en el Cji'I'1,i IlJ,n'l)(; 125 de 1.1 (),IJlC ])1:'_ cpr of tlll' rarl~' was pinned tn pOl' espaciu de ]5 me,;p~', tl if! al Oeste. , , ffhis St'dion by ~Iiss down b~' Cllemv m:leh:'1e ,gun' ('ll 'I !'i" t'\t,' ('11 L'I cur:rpo ,I, ----V---.-Ul),';"; IWmWaiE~) fire :tnd Man!l~' With \I: i "" <1,,-, Tnfanteria. Paratrooper Corporal l\b, rC~~;l"d for hil', own l"I,frol\'.1 ... __ .. _ Repoorled as Navy wounnuel·M, Flores, son lIf Mr,.; (Tawll',l t'll'ward :lnt! ::s'"l:il,'rl, EI Pfe. Romero h:l r('cibieJ.! ded are; Pic, 1'homas Claw, Librada M, Flores. 5:W South the .l!'fi,'cl' In saf('\\', : y usa can toda gallardia un USMC. wife. Mrs, Barbara L, Main, has been awankd 11ll' I buen 11l:lmero de condeeor:l- Claw, Chin Lee. SILVER STAR for galbnl'l'~' - - - - V- - - I('iones; Ml'dalla de CoraZI,l:1 pvt. Edwin Hudspeth Culi;"'-lclion on F'ebruar,v ,) lln "pvt. Manuel F, '-';l'.lz,:r \1'; Pllrpura; iL~tnn de Cam?aiia len, USMCR, brother, Patrick the Par:lnaqlle River Brid::c shes \(' expr('ss hi,; (:l'l'i1<'st : de Europa con una estreila de C, Cullen, Seligman, Luzon, Phillippine TsLlJ1d". condn!l'lll'('S to ~fr:;. ~l:ll'\ hron,'e; Liston 0 Banda de Sgl. Yidefonf;O Garcia G3SManny was in charge of a Leon [:ncl dau~;htc,,-' ')1\ 1hl' Tnfanteria; Liston que ameri- tellum; USMCR, mother Mrs, staff bod~' guard which \\'as death of her son ,,\'!l'lm Iw la Sll BlIena conclueta y una Artemisa G::Jstcl1um 119 W, fired upon by ellPll1Y m:ll'hi'lc met in In !;;,," estrelb de plaia, 2!Jth street, Tucson, i 'h" [se r,/' '. , ' I r " ,', I Tucson, Arizona - Aug. 17th, ESTA AQUI, iDEL AREA DE GUERRiA CHATTER TUCSON, ARIZONA • J~US IMA(HA])() IS WITH NINTH AIR FORCE UNNIJ.' Sgt. Jesus M. Machado, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesus aCAAdo, 1318 Niagara street, is serving overseas in the transportation section of the 442nd I Troop Carrier Croup, based at the small Norman Franch SRGEO. ANDRES town of St. Andre de l'Eure'l it wa~ reported yesterday RODRIGUEZ I from a Ninth Air Force SerLlego ya a Tucson el Sar-! . vice Command Unit in France gento Andy Rodriguez hijo de I He operates one of the giant 1a Sra. C. Machado, residentel: refueling. units that supply the I en el 437 de la Avenida Fer-' . C-47 skytrains with 100-ocrocarril al Sur. Viene con li- I • taine gasoline. Since going cencia tras de terminar re- I : overseas, Sergeant Machado ..... Ihas addede six battle stars to cientemente su curso en la es. , . "'fl. ; his ETO ribbon, -imrl wears a cuela de mec{micos de Bombaderos Aereos 1B-29 ubicada ,Tech. Sgt., Dave Villasenor Presidential Unit Citation for- . en Seattle, Estado de Wash-I a member of the Bushmasters. the part the 442nd played in hasreturned I'ngton . A n t es d e en t rar a f'l 1 as t p T from the it South3 1 ? the invasion of Normandy duera e~tudia~te aqui de la Es- ;ee:rs' a~~r~ic~r~aTaheer gro~; ring June, 19~. (Cortesia del Tucson Citizen) cuea upenor. fought the japanese from Ne\\7 ,TUCSONAN RE-C-Eli-VlS~ . Roy A. Mariscal, petty of- RAY BORQUEZ Guinea to the Philippines PURPLE IHEA,Rtr flcer de tercera, de 1a Marina, Villansenor, now discharged Cpl. Rudolph C. Condova, esm eu'Tucson con licencia LICENCIADO Ifrom the Army: gr.aduated 218 East Thirty-second street unicamente de 1 dias, visitanQ d' h t from Tucson seDior hlgh sch- was among five Arizona rna do a su esposa Nellie y a su t' ue °d ya o~r?sam,eli~t ere-II 001 and was inducted into the rines wounded in battle on ml ar . J an. 24 1941 . Th e wo Jlma ' mama S ra. A . S oto, reSl'dentes Ird.UO Te ·serVlC10 II' li e ,serVH:e who were awarded I de la calle Niagara numero ~ove~ ·tl~IC~ ,de ~umt~, . ra-' ,son of Mr. and Mrs. David Purple Heart Medals in a re~ ( ,1506. Roy regresa de servir 0, a~ . o;quez, hUlen sle" Villasenor, his two brothers cent ceremony at a PacifieJ 8 meses en e pacifico, donde encuend~a en ludcson ace a - are Alfonso, of the Navy, in base, the marine corps angunos a l ·a B0 d e su ma- t h e P an'f'IC, an d R u b en,1O . th e nounced yesterday. Other At omo' par te en 1as campana.! d D -las'R't ~::~~~:; I~~e:im:~r~~:~~ r::ide ~~a el ~:mer~1~;zdi~: I Army in Germany. l'izonans include Sgt. Herbert .aile Mui,n al SUr I Vi J. Green, Buckeye; Pf~. Rotambien en el servicio, el Pfc, . ' . ,.;;,m F MARTINEZ be r t C . B ru t'Ine1, CI't't EBAN ' 'f' " 1 ,~"" lon,--..n r c. D10 magm lCO servlC1O, .a, - WINS BRONZE STAR Jose en Alemania; el Pic. Earl D. Worden, Fact HunManuel en Luzon (Filipinas) canzando 110 p~ntos, partlCl-, ,p F C Esteban F Marti chuca' and Pfc. Fnnk L. PClIpando con el Pnmero de Ca... . , Y e·1 marl'ner0 d e p r I' mera, L' UI~ b 11 . b t N nez, brother of Mrs. ISarah M mer, Avondale. All are mf..men Hawai. a Gerl,a en Icolm adelsAeln . ue- Leon 1346 ISouth Fifth ave-, bers of the Fifth Maline Diva umea, s as e mlran' d d ., t g L t L I I F' nue, recently was awar e VISIOn. VlEN'E BOB, l~'n~s ey e y uzon s as I' the Bronze Star Medal for he -------Vi -ENICINAS 1 I • roic achievement in action in ROBERT 'M. ,ELIAS Italy, it was reported yester-llCOMPLETES COURSE El Guardia Costeno Roberto EnCinas, hijo del Sr. y Sra. FRANK C. SOTO day. He served with the 5th Pvt. Robert M. Elias, son 0 M. B. Encinas, operador de ra ESTA AQUI, YA Army in Company "M" 338th Mrs. M. Elias, 640 South S dio ya viene hacia aca, tras infantry Regiment, 85th "Cus cond avenue was graduat Orgulloso de haber presta- ter" Division. recently from the Enliste de servir 19 meses en invasioCommunications Course, CIa es en el Pacifico. Tiene un do buenos servicios en -1a gue~---'Vi No. 112, at Fort Riley, Kans. hermano, Juan Encinas, can rra, eata ya 'en Tucson ,can la Marina, que esta en Okina- pemiso de 30 dias, el . j6ven SG1'. 'HECTOR eERVANTES aj. Gen, Esaac D. White;-eo.mPfc. Frank C. Soto, mlembro RECEIVES DIlSOHARGE mandant of the cavalry sch wa. del Primer Batallon de la 87 ::;gt. Ector Cervante has re- ·announced yesterday. Privat VlEN,E TAMBIEN Division de Infanteria. Es hi- ceived his discharge and re- Elias was inducted into' th M. T. GASTELUM jo de Dona Magdalena Valen- turned to 'I'ucson after spen- armed forces 'December 1 zuela, residente en la localidad din 43 months in the South 1944. and received his· bll. El Cabo Man~el T. ,~aste- en el numero 307 de la calle C 1 R lu~, edad 24 anos, hlJO de j18 al Oeste. Pacific. He is the son of Mr. training at the ,ava rv Dona Carmen Gastelum q u e · and Mrs. Miguel Cervantes, nlacement Traininl! Cent reside en Tucson en el 431 de Frank pele6 en Europa 10 209 West Simpson street. He Hp. hag a brother. Rudy In cale Elias, ha regreH~.do a· meses y lagro la Medala de 13 was in the army for 47 mon- Elias, in the marine corp Estados Unidos l;!n avian, trl\s Estrella de Bronce del Servi ths, and wears the Bronze I Vl>---de servir 30 me:ilE'S en los tea· cio con dOB ramag de encina Star. He has two brothers, tr:08 de guerra de Europa. Os- asl como la placa de Infante· Sgt. Al Cervantes, now in' NAVY WOUNDED 1.(:nta el Liston ETO y la e- ria de Combate y una mencion ,<San Francisco, and Manuel :Sgt. Joe Ramon Alvarez, U daBa de Buena Conrluct~, Es Presidencial Honorjfi~a de b Cervantes. seamon second SMCR, Wife, Mrs. Mary Al.. . a· Hperado aqui lJ·mtro de poco. unldad a que pertenece. class, stationed in San Diego. rez, Tempe. . iSoldados Que Ahora Eslan Aqui I I: I I I' Tucson, Arizona - Aug. 17th, %::":. CHATTER Plana Ma-! TUCSON, ARIZONA 'ELECCION ANUAL DE LAS MADRES YESPOSAS, EL DIA 4DE SEPTIEMBRE ENTRANTE YOI' Isidoro Salazar, hijo de I Mrs. Josefina T. de Salazar I C.ull residencia en 345 Este de,' la Calle Trece llego a esta ciudad disfrutando de un cor-I a su mAma y demas familia- I res. Ha eetado en servicio en! cl pacifico pOl' mas de 14 me-I ses. Incorporado a un escua-! dron de marinos tomo parte ~'unta en el ataque y ocupacion de , Guam. Ha servido en la mariI na pOl' mas de 4 anos. Tiene dos hermanos sirviendo en el. En la sesion del martes de I Pacifico: soldado de primera Ray T. SaJ~zar de la Marina la Asociacion de Madres y Es I , c.•\rmando T. Salazar !l)Usas,se recordo a la concur· tambien de la Marina. El Sgt.! rencia, que el primer martes lisidoro Salazar cumplida eu i I de Septiembre, 0 sp;a el dia 4 licencia regresara a El Centro, I '. ,de eS,e mes, tendra lugar la Cal. donde esta actualmente. En dlas pa~:'luos .e':l EI Tue- E~eCCl?n Anu8:1 de la Mesa sonense, se dlO notIcla de que Dlrectiva, suphcandose a las I INGRESA MAGGIE Isalio herido en accion el so- socias que se vayan fijando' • '. B. GONZALEZ I bri~o .del Redact?r de e~te desd~ ahara ~n las que mas; I \ .} - l!.Ia 1a junta del Inartes fue peno,dlCo Sr. R. Flerr?, el JO- convl.ene ,eleglr para la .nueobjeto de una de las mas cor- ve.,!clto.. Rob~rto Arnaga A- va DlrectIva, pues es Justo l • . '; diales bienvenidas como nue- bnl arnba llustrado de Tuc- que algunas de las que actual- . . • 1 va socia, la muy popular Sra. s.o~. Aparte de la a!?te~ior no- mente sirven sean reemplaza- I; .; . .). ~ ~ ~aggie B. Gonzalez, quien se- tIcla en l~ l?rensa diana de. a- das porq~~ ya han dado mu- I :. 41-:., ) Ja un elemento muy vallOso yer, la OfICtn.a de Info~maCl?n cho ~rvlclO, adem as cie que . .." , .. , ~ para las Madres y Esposas, de Gue~:a d~ce, que d~cho JO- eonvlene que esos deberes ~e (Cortesla del Tucson Citizen) toda vez que su participacion yen sal.1O hendo en a~clOn, pOl' compartan, para que todas El arriba ilu!'trado, el Pfc. - en las demas soeiedades en la Manna, y cual sena la 501'- vayan estando m~~ prepara- Jose P. Mlrand'l, hijo de Dona que ha tenido cargos direc- rpresa de ~us pad!es ~0!1 Ro- das para. l?s serVICIOS que se Lupe Ramos, est(l ahora en tlv99 118, aido siem!Jre muy u- b~rto Abnl y pona Ahcla Ar- vayan eXlgl~ndo. I;me, Base -:Ie Marinos en Catil; muy entusiasta, muy sen- naga de Abnl al presentar- . Los 3 Mlembros Honora-!, :tornia, tras de pasar en Tucsata y muy conciliadora. Isele_s de rep~!1te ayer en. l.a I riO Supremos~ los ~res. An- son varios dia'J ultimamente. iPro~etio ayudar en cuan-' ~anana. su hlJo, en su domlcl- d~ew P. Martm, AleJandro C. ~,JrvlO en ultra 'nar dc>soe DIto este de su parte, y con tar. ho de este lugar,. 1114 d~ la 1J~come y R?y Laos, que son cH::mbre de 194iJ en Nuev uena voluntad es natural q ,c~lle Delaw~re, sm hendas pl1a.res efect~vos de esta agru- CalP-donia, Isla FIji, Guadaca~~."""--muy buenas dama::. y mngunas. Vlene Bob con per- paClOn, segUiran en sus pues- 1':a1. Guam, Is:as Marshall e damitas de sus amistades in- miso de un mes, y despues :Ie tos. Los oemas estaran suje- Iwo Jima. Ost~n1:1-1 la Medalla gresaran a, la Sociedad. _I' sabra adonde se Ie destina. tos a la Eleccion de Septiem- rie} Cora~o? Purp~l'a l?or hede nuevo. hre. 4. r;Q3S reclbldas en aCClOn. ' , I!.pAB'NID ngel Mungaray, Pedro MoNo... .. Fecha .. no Mendibles, Serafino Moeno Acevedo, Frank Raul Vasquez Mike Duarte Yanez, Bernardo Diaz Lovi , Pablo .Martinez Ochoa, Luhl MontaYO __ __ . DIREOCION __ .. , __ .. . no, Joaquin parra, Frank AIerto Villa, Eduardo Patricio DESEO INGRESAR A LA ASOCIACION DE MADRES Y ESPOSAS DE anez, Frank Obregon Oliva!', ARIZONA; DESEO INGRESAR A ESTA TAN HONROSA ASOCIACION hico Frank Ortega, Gilberta SIN COMPROMISO NINGUNO NADA MAS SER FIEL Y SINCERA A na Noriega, Juan Esteban SU CONSTITUCION Y SUBJETARME A LA MAYORIA DE voros alencia, Agustin Diaz, J csus TAMBIEN PROMETO PRCYrEGER SUS INTERESES Y TRABAJAR 'pez Martinez, Marcelin ada Vi.lega~, Daniel Leon , POR EL MEJORAMIENrO Y EL PROGREESO DE ELLA. orano, Ramon Bernal Bateros, Jose Gomez BasurMIS FAMILIARES ,EN EL SERVICIO ltULITAR SON LOS SIGUIENTES ose Jesus Romo, Jr., Y 09 que probablemente ira"1 1 4 __ . 'en este grupo trasferidos a utr08 COrlSej08 de Reclutamien2 5 . to, Porfirio Lopez. Ataulfo ,stillo Nogales y Robertr 3. ', .. , 6. . .. : . 'rtinez. Acuerdos De Del 7 I I I 'L'" . ';{ i\,;X! I I Aplicacion De Ingreso Afa Asociacion' de Madres y. Es?osas de Arizona