Dr. Horacio Croxatto Publicaciones
Dr. Horacio Croxatto Publicaciones
Dr. Horacio Croxatto Publicaciones 1. "Luteinizing hormone-like activity in human median eminence extracts". H.B. Croxatto, J. Arrau, H. Croxatto. Nature 204:584-585, 1964. 2. Norethindrone blockade of pituitary gonadotropin release; counteraction by estrogen". J. Hilliard, J.N. Hayward, H.B. Croxatto, C.H. Sawyer. Endocrinol. 78:151-157, 1966. 3. "Norethindrone blockade of LH release to intrapituitary infusion of hypothalamic extract". J. Hilliard, H.B. Croxatto, J.N. Hayward, C.H. Sawyer. Endocrinol. 79:411-419,1966. 4. "Fertility control in women with a progestogen released in microquantities from subcutaneous capsules". H. Croxatto, S. Díaz, R. Vera, M. Etchart, P. Atria. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 105:1135-1138, 1969. 5. "Role of intrauterine environment in the disappearance of eggs in rats bearing an IUD". B. Fuentealba and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 2:179-185, 1970. 6. "Transport of microspheres by the human oviduct in vitro and the effect of treatment with megestrol acetate". S. Avendaño, J. Pelaez and H.B. Croxatto. J. Reprod. Fert. 27:261-264, 1971. 7. "Contraceptive action of megestrol acetate implants in women". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, P. Atria, S. Cheviakoff, S. Rosati and H. Oddó. Contraception 4:155167, 1971. 8. "A simple nonsurgical technique to obtain unimplanted eggs from human uteri". H.B. Croxatto, B. Fuentealba, S. Díaz, L. Pastene, H.J. Tatum. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 112:662-668, 1972. 9. "Studies on the duration of egg transport in the human oviduct. I. The time interval between ovulation and egg recovery from the uterus in normal women". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, B. Fuentealba, H-D. Croxatto, D. Carrillo and C. Fabres. Fertil. Steril. 23:447-458, 1972. 10. "Estudio sobre el transporte del óvulo en la mujer". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, HD. Croxatto, B. Fuentealba, D. Carrillo y C. Fabres. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 37:79-83, 1972. 11. "Transport of microspheres in the genital tract of the female rabbit". H.B. Croxatto, C. Vogel and J. Vásquez. J. Reprod. Fertil. 33:337-341, 1973. 12. "Attempts to programme ovulation with exogenous oestrogens and LH-RH analogue". J. Zañartu, J.M. Rosner, E. Guiloff, A. Ibarra-Polo, H-D. Croxatto, H.B. Croxatto, E. Aguilera, D.H. Coy and A.V. Schally. Brit. Med. J. 42:527529, 1975. 13. "A seven cell human egg recovered from the oviduct". S. Avendaño, H-D. Croxatto, J. Pereda and H.B. Croxatto. Fertil. Steril. 26:1167-1172, 1975. 14. "Study of blood coagulation in women treated with megestrol acetate implants". P. Lira, L. Rivera, S. Díaz and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 12:639-644, 1975. 15. "Adnexal complications in women under treatment with progestogen implants". H-D. Croxatto, S. Díaz, S. Rosati and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 12:629637, 1975. 16. "Clinical assessment of subdermal implants of megestrol acetate, d-norgestrel, and norethindrone as a longterm contraceptive in women". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, E. Quinteros, L. Simonetti, E. Kaplan, R. Rencoret, P. Leixelard and C. Martínez. Contraception 12:615-627, 1975. 17. "Hormona hipotalámica sintética que libera gonadotrofinas (LH-RH) y ovulación: Posibilidad de "programar" ovulación para regular la fertilidad en la mujer". J. Zañartu, J.M. Rosner, E. Guiloff, A. Ibarra, S. Cheviakoff, H-D. Croxatto, H.B. Croxatto, A. Dabancens, D.H. Coy y A.V. Schally. Rev. Méd. Chile 103:775779, 1975. 18. "Effect of particle size on time course of transport of surrogate ova through the rabbit oviduct". B.J. Hodgson, H.B. Croxatto, M-I. Vargas and C.J. Pauerstein. Obstet. Gynec. 47:213-217, 1976. 19. "A study of the time course of egg retention activity in the rabbit oviduct". C.V. Gómez and H.B. Croxatto. J. Reprod. Fertil. 50:69-73, 1977. 20. "Clinical trial with subdermal implants of the progestin R 2323". S. Díaz, M. Pavez, E. Quinteros, D.N. Robertson and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 16:155165, 1977. 21. "Temporal relationships of estrogen, progesterone, and luteinizing hormone levels to ovulation in women and infrahuman primates". C.J. Pauerstein, C.A. Eddy, H-D. Croxatto, R. Hess, T.M. Siler-Khodr and H.B. Croxatto. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 130:876-886, 1978. 22. "Ultrastructure of a seven-cell human embryo". J. Pereda and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 18:481-489, 1978. 23. "Studies on the duration of egg transport by the human oviduct. II. Ovum location at various intervals following LH peak". H.B. Croxatto, M.E. Ortiz, S. Díaz, R. Hess, J.P. Balmaceda, H-D. Croxatto. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 132:629-634, 1978. 24. "Fertility inhibition by intraoviductal copper beads in rabbits". S. Quijada, X. Soza and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 17:553-562, 1978. 25. "Programming ovulation at a pre-determined date of the menstrual cycle. Potential value in fertility regulation and insemination therapy". J. Zañartu, J.M. Rosner, E. Guiloff, A. Ibarra Polo, H-D. Croxatto, A. Dabancens, H.B. Croxatto, D.H. Coy, A.V. Schally. Reproducción 5:291-295, 1978. 26. "Contraception with long acting subdermal implants: I. An effective and acceptable modality in international clinical trials". E. Coutinho, A.R. da Silva, C.E.R. Mattos, S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto, N.C. Nielsen, M. Osler, J. Wiese, P. Holma, F. Alvarez Sánchez, A. Faúndes, L.L. Williams, L. Hew, O. McDonald, S. Segal, H. Nash, D. Robertson, A. Jain, J. Stern, I. Sivin. Contraception 18:315333, 1978. 2 27. "Contraception with long acting subdermal implants: II. Measured and perceived effects in international clinical trials". E. Coutinho, A.R. da Silva, C.E.R. Mattos, S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto, N.C. Nielsen, M. Osler, J. Wiese, P. Holma, F. Alvarez Sánchez, A. Faúndes, L.L. Williams, L. Hew, O. McDonald, S. Segal, H. Nash, D. Robertson, A. Jain, J. Stern, I. Sivin. Contraception 18:335353, 1978. 28. "Clinical trial with subdermal implants containing norgestrienone". S. Díaz, M. Pavez, E. Quinteros, J. Díaz, D.N. Robertson and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 18:429-440, 1978. 29. "Clinical chemistry in women treated with progestogen implants". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, M. Pavez. Contraception 18:441-450, 1978. 30. "Discriminatory effect of anti-Pr-beta-hCG-TT antibodies on the neutralization of the biological activity of placental and pituitary gonadotropins". C. Das, G.P. Talwar, S. Ramakrishnan, M. Salahuddin, S. Kumar, V. Hingorani, E. Coutinho, H.B. Croxatto, E. Hemmingson, E.D.B. Johansson, T. Luukkainen, S. Shahani, K. Sundaram, H.A. Nash, S.J. Segal. Contraception 18:35-50, 1978. 31. "Effect of 15 (S)-15-Methyl-Prostaglandin F2-alpha on human oviductal motility and ovum transport". H.B. Croxatto, M.E. Ortiz, E. Guiloff, A. Ibarra, A.M. Salvatierra, H-D. Croxatto, C.H. Spilman. Fertil. Steril. 30:408-414, 1978. 32. "Transporte de microesferas por el útero humano". J. Vásquez, F. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 43:168-174, 1978. 33. "Transporte ovular en mujeres tratadas con Ritodrine y Ergonovina". R. Hess, M.E. Ortiz, S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 43:288-293, 1978. 34. "Attempts to modify ovum transport in women". H.B. Croxatto, M.E. Ortiz, S. Díaz, R. Hess. J. Reprod. Fertil. 55:231-237, 1979. 35. "Ovum transport in women treated with methyl ergonovine". E. Guiloff, A. Ibarra-Polo, M.E. Ortiz, A.M. Salvatierra, R. Guerrero, H.B. Croxatto. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 134:321-324, 1979. 36. "A three year clinical trial with levonorgestrel silastic implants". S. Díaz, M. Pavez, D.N. Robertson and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 19:557-573, 1979. 37. "Ovum transport and fertility following postovulatory treatment with estradiol in rats". M.E. Ortiz, M. Villalón and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 21:1163-1167, 1979. 38. "Correlation between histologic dating of human corpus luteum and the Luteinizing hormone peak-biopsy interval". H-D. Croxatto, M.E. Ortiz, H.B. Croxatto. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 136:667-670, 1980. 39. "Studies on the duration of ovum transport by the human oviduct. III. Time interval between the Luteinizing hormone peak and egg recovery by transcervical flushing of the uterus in normal women". S. Díaz, M.E. Ortiz, H.B. Croxatto. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 137:116-121, 1980. 40. "Norplant: Reversible implant contraception". I. Sivin, D.N. Robertson, J. Stern, H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, E. Coutinho, A.R. da Silva, F. Alvarez, A. Faúndes, O. 3 McDonald, P. Holma, N.C. Nielsen, M. Osler and H.A. Nash. Stud. Fam. Plann. 11:227-235, 1980. 41. "Efecto de la progesterona sobre la lactancia y la infertilidad postparto". O. Peralta, S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto, G. Juez, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, E. Durán. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 45:131-140, 1980. 42. "Ectopic pregnancies associated with low dose progestagen-releasing IUD's". S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto, M. Pavez, E. Quinteros, D. Carrillo, L. Simonetti, H-D. Croxatto, S. Rosati. Contraception 2:259-269, 1980. 43. "Regulación de la fertilidad por medio de implantes subcutáneos de progestágenos". S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto, M. Pavez, P. Miranda, E. Quinteros. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 45:316-324, 1980. 44. "Plasma levels of levonorgestrel in women during longterm use of Norplant". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, P. Miranda, K. Elamsson and E.D.B. Johansson. Contraception 23:197-209, 1981. 45. "Ovum transport in pregnant, pseudopregnant, and cyclic rats and its relationship to estradiol and progesterone blood levels". M.L. Forcelledo, R. Vera and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 24:760-765, 1981. 46. "Endocrine response and ovum transport in women treated with D-Trp6Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in the post ovulatory period". E. Guiloff, A.M. Salvatierra, M.E. Ortiz, H.B. Croxatto. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 142:148-152, 1982. 47. "Differential transport of fertilized and unfertilized ova in the rat". M. Villalón, M.E. Ortiz, C. Aguayo, J. Muñoz and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 26:337-341, 1982. 48. "Plasma progesterone levels following subdermal implantation of progesterone pellets in lactating women". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, O. Peralta, A.M. Salvatierra and A. Brandeis. Acta Endocrinologica 100:630-633, 1982. 49. "Fertility regulation in nursing women. I. The probability of conception in full nursing women living in an urban setting". S. Díaz, O. Peralta,. Juez, A.M. Salvatierra, M.E. Casado, E. Durán, H.B. Croxatto. J. Biosoc. Sci. 14:329-341, 1982. 50. "Postovulatory aging of human ova: I. Light microscopic observations". M.E. Ortiz, A.M. Salvatierra, J. López, E. Fernández and H.B. Croxatto. Gamete Res. 6:11-17, 1982. 51. "A five year clinical trial of levonorgestrel silastic implants (NorplantTM). S. Díaz, M. Pavez, P. Miranda, D.N. Robertson, I. Sivin and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 25:447-456, 1982. 52. "Changes in nuclear estrogen receptor levels in the rat oviduct during ovum transport". B. Fuentealba, R. Vera, M. Nieto and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 27:12-16, 1982. 53. "Plasma progesterone levels during long-term treatment with levonorgestrel silastic implants". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, M. Pavez, P. Miranda and A. Brandeis. Acta Endocrinol.101:307-311, 1982. 4 54. "Fertility regulation in nursing women. II. Comparative performance of progesterone implants versus placebo and Copper T". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, O. Peralta, G. Juez, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra and E. Durán. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 144:201-208, 1982. 55. "Role of ovarian and adrenal progesterone in the regulation of ovum transport in pregnant rats". M.L. Forcelledo, P. Morales, R. Vera, S. Quijada and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 27:1033-1041, 1982. 56. "Transporte del huevo por el tracto genital y su regulación". H.B. Croxatto, M.E. Ortiz, M.L. Forcelledo y B. Fuentealba. Arch. Biol. Med. Exp. 15:309-314, 1982. 57. "Regulación de la fertilidad por medio de anillos vaginales medicados con estradiol y levonorgestrel". S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto, M. Pavez, P. Miranda y I. Sivin. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 47:266-273, 1982. 58. "Postovulatory aging of human ova: II. Spontaneous division of the first polar body". M.E. Ortiz, P. Lucero and H.B. Croxatto. Gamete Res. 7:269-276, 1983. 59. "Fertility regulation in nursing women. III. Short-term influence of a low-dose combined oral contraceptive upon lactation and infant growth". S. Díaz, O. Peralta, G. Juez, C. Herreros, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, P. Miranda, E. Durán and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 27:1-11, 1983. 60. "Fertility regulation in nursing women. IV. Long-term influence of a low-dose combined oral contraceptive initiated at day 30 postpartum upon lactation and infant growth". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, O. Peralta, G. Juez, C. Herreros, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, P. Miranda and E. Durán. Contraception 27:13-25, 1983. 61. "Fertility regulation in nursing women. V. Long-term influence of a low-dose combined oral contraceptive initiated at day 90 postpartum upon lactation and infant growth". O. Peralta, S. Díaz, G. Juez, C. Herreros, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, P. Miranda, E. Durán and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 27:27-38, 1983. 62. "Clinical chemistry in women treated with levonorgestrel implants (Norplant or a TCU 200 IUD)". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, D.N. Robertson and M. Pavez. Contraception 27:281-288, 1983. 63. "Regulación hormonal del transporte ovular". B. Fuentealba, M.L. Forcelledo, M.E. Ortiz y H.B. Croxatto. Rev. Méd. Chile 111:1057-1060, 1983. 64. "Growth pattern of selected urban chilean infants during exclusive breastfeeding". G. Juez, S. Díaz, M.E. Casado, E. Durán, A.M. Salvatierra, O. Peralta and H.B. Croxatto. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 38:462-468, 1983. 65. "Influencia de un anticonceptivo oral combinado sobre la lactancia y el crecimiento del niño". O. Peralta, S. Díaz, G. Juez, C. Herreros, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, P. Miranda y H.B. Croxatto. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 48:372-380, 1983. 66. "Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis of foreign bodies associated with silastic implants in humans". A.H. Tatum, J.D. Shelburne, P. 5 Ingram, D.N. Robertson, H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz. Contraception 28:543-552, 1983. 67. "Lactancia materna exclusiva: Crecimiento del lactante en un grupo seleccionado de niños chilenos". G. Juez, S. Díaz, O. Peralta, H.B. Croxatto, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, E. Durán, M. Fernández. Rev. Chil. Pediatr. 55:225-230, 1984. 68. "Multicenter clinical trial of implanted norethindrone pellets for long-acting contraception in women". G.N. Gupta, R. Landesman, B.B. Saxena, M. Singh, R.H. Asch, H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, M. Pavez, E.M. Coutinho, R. Rivera and A. Goldsmith. Contraception 30:239-252, 1984. 69. "Fertility regulation in nursing women. VI. Contraceptive efficacy of a subdermal progesterone implant". S. Díaz, O. Peralta, G. Juez, C. Herreros, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, P. Miranda, H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 30:311-325, 1984. 70. "Varying response of ovum transport in mice related to dose and time of administration of oestradiol". H. Moscoso, J. Ellies, R. Vera and H.B. Croxatto. Acta Physiol. Pharmacol. Latinoam. 34:253-261, 1984. 71. "Anticoncepción con pellets de progesterona durante la lactancia". O. Peralta, S. Díaz, G. Juez, C. Herreros, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, P. Miranda, A. Brandeis, C. Romero, E. Nuñez, H.B. Croxatto. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 49:337-345, 1984. 72. "Clinical chemistry in women treated with six levonorgestrel covered rods or with a copper IUD". S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto, M. Pavez. Contraception 31:321330, 1985. 73. "Contraception with long-acting subdermal implants. A five-year clinical trial with silastic covered rod implants containing levonorgestrel". D.N. Robertson, S. Díaz, F. Alvarez-Sánchez, P. Holma, D.R. Mishell, E. Coutinho, V. Brache, H.B. Croxatto, A. Faúndes, M. Lacarra, M. Pavez, S. Roy, A.R. da Silva, I. Sivin and J. Stern. Contraception 31:351-359, 1985. 74. "Plasma levonorgestrel and progesterone levels in women treated with silastic covered rods containing levonorgestrel". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, A. Brandeis, M. Pavez and E.D.B. Johansson. Contraception 31:643-654, 1985. 75. "Fertility regulation in nursing women. VII. Influence of NORPLANTR levonorgestrel implants upon lactation and infant growth". S. Díaz, C. Herreros, G. Juez, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra, P. Miranda, O. Peralta and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 32:53-74, 1985. 76. "Fertility regulation in nursing women. VIII. Progesterone plasma levels and contraceptive efficacy of a progesterone-releasing vaginal ring". S. Díaz, T.M. Jackanicz, C. Herreros, G. Juez, O. Peralta, P. Miranda, M.E. Casado, V. Schiappacasse, A.M. Salvatierra, A. Brandeis and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 32:603-622, 1985. 77. "Influencia de los implantes anticonceptivos NorplantR en la lactancia y el crecimiento de los niños". S. Díaz, C. Herreros, G. Juez, O. Peralta, H.B. 6 Croxatto, M.E. Casado, A.M. Salvatierra y P. Miranda. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 50:421-428, 1985. 78. "Fertilized and unfertilized ova are transported at different rates by the hamster oviduct". M.E. Ortiz, P. Bedregal, M.I. Carvajal and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 34:777-781, 1986. 79. "Bleeding pattern, outcome of accidental pregnancies and levonorgestrel plasma levels associated with method failure in NorplantR implants users". S. Díaz, M. Pavez, C. Herreros, E.D.B. Johansson and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 33:347-356, 1986. 80. "Ensayo clínico de anillos vaginales liberadores de progesterona como anticonceptivo en la lactancia". S. Díaz, O. Peralta, C. Herreros, G. Juez, P. Miranda, M.E. Casado, V. Schiappacasse, A.M. Salvatierra, A. Brandeis, T. Jackanicz y H.B. Croxatto. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 51:270-278, 1986. 81. "Anatomy and pathology of tubal pregnancy". C.J. Pauerstein, H.B. Croxatto, C.A. Eddy, I. Ramzy and M.D. Walters. Obstet. Gynecol. 67:301-308, 1986. 82. "Ovum transport in cyclic rats rendered hypo-estrogenic by treatment with 4hydroxy-4-androstene-3,17-dione". M.L. Forcelledo and H.B. Croxatto. J. Reprod. Fertil. 76:325-330, 1986. 83. "Effectiveness of different estrogen pulses in plasma for accelerating ovum transport and their relation to estradiol levels in the rat oviduct". M.L. Forcelledo, M.L. de la Cerda and H.B. Croxatto. Endocrinology 119:1189-1194, 1986. 84. "Two satisfactory methods for purification of human acrosin". L. Leyton, A. de Ioannes, H.B. Croxatto, E.J. Graham and J.S. Elce. Biochem. Cell. Biol. 64:1020-1024, 1986. 85. "Monoclonal antibodies to bovine and human acrosin". J.S. Elce, E.J. Graham, G. Zboril, L. Leyton, E. Pérez, H.B. Croxatto and A. de Ioannes. Biochem. Cell. Biol. 64:1242-1248, 1986. 86. "Quantitation of RU486 in human plasma by HPLC and RIA after column chromatography". O. Heikinheimo, M. Tevilin, D. Shoupe, H. Croxatto and P. Lahteenmaki. Contraception 34:613-624, 1986. 87. "Plasma concentrations and receptor binding of RU486 and its metabolites in humans". O. Heikinheimo, K. Kontula, H. Croxatto, I. Spitz, T. Luukkainen and P. Lahteenmaki. J. Steroid Biochem. 26:279-284, 1987. 88. "Long-term follow-up of women treated with NorplantR implants". S. Díaz, M. Pavez, P. Miranda, E.D.B. Johansson and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 35:551-567, 1987. 89. "Recovery of fertility and outcome of planned pregnancies after the removal of NorplantR subdermal implants or Copper-T IUDs". S. Díaz, M. Pavez, H. Cárdenas and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 35:569-579, 1987. 90. "The mode of action of IUDs". M.E. Ortiz and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 36:37-53, 1987. 7 91. "Treatment with NorplantR subdermal implants inhibits sperm penetration through cervical mucus in vitro". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, A.M. Salvatierra, P. Morales, C. Ebensperger and A. Brandeis. Contraception 36:193-201, 1987. 92. "Ovum transport in pregnant rats is little affected by RU486 and exogenous progesterone as compared to cycling rats". B. Fuentealba, M. Nieto and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 37:768-774, 1987. 93. "Metabolism and serum binding of RU 486 in women after various single doses". O. Heikinheimo, P.L.A. Lahteenmaki, E. Koivunen, D. Shoupe, H. Croxatto, T. Luukkainen and P. Lahteenmaki. Hum. Reprod. 2:379-385, 1987. 94. "Intravaginal administration of RU 486 in humans and rats: inadequate absorption in humans". O. Heikinheimo, H. Croxatto, A.M. Salvatierra, C.C. Chang, T. Luukkainen and P. Lahteenmaki. Hum. Reprod. 2:645-648, 1987. 95. "Late luteal phase administration of RU486 for three successive cycles does not disrupt bleeding patterns or ovulation". H.B. Croxatto, A.M. Salvatierra, C. Romero and I.M. Spitz. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 65:1272-1277, 1987. 96. "The effect of RU486 on transport, development and implantation of mouse embryos". L.S. Roblero, O. Fernández and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 36:549-555, 1987. 97. "Amenorrea, anovulación e infertilidad asociadas a la lactancia en un grupo seleccionado de mujeres urbanas". S. Díaz, H.B. Croxatto, O. Peralta, C. Herreros, G. Juez, G. Rodríguez, G. Marshall, M.E. Casado, P. Miranda, V. Schiappacasse, A.M. Salvatierra y A. Brandeis. Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol. 52:320-326, 1987. 98. "Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of RU 486". P. Lahteenmaki, O. Heikinheimo, H. Croxatto, I. Spitz, D. Shoupe, L. Birgerson and T. Luukkainen. J. Steroid Biochem. 27:859-869, 1987. 99. "Progesterone abbreviates the nuclear retention of estrogen receptor in the rat oviduct and counteracts estrogen action on egg transport". B. Fuentealba, M. Nieto and H.B. Croxatto. Biol. Reprod. 38:63-69, 1988. 100. "A study on the feasibility of suppressing ovarian activity following the end of postpartum amenorrhea by increasing the frequency of suckling". S. Díaz, P. Miranda, A. Brandeis, H. Cárdenas and H.B. Croxatto. Clin. Endocrinol. 28:525535, 1988. 101. Synthetic microspheres transferred to the rat oviduct on day 1 of pregnancy mimic the transport of native ova". G.D. Moore and H.B. Croxatto. J. Reprod. Fert. 82:735-742, 1988. 102. Inhibition of sperm migration, fertilization and implantation in rats by precoital intrauterine administration of gossypol or nonoxynol-9". G.D. Moore, A. Salazar, H. Cárdenas and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 37:85-98, 1988. 103. "Estradiol plasma levels during long-term treatment with NorplantR subdermal implants". H.B. Croxatto, S. Díaz, M. Pavez, A. Brandeis. Contraception 38:465-475, 1988. 8 104. "Breastfeeding pattern and the duration of lactational amenorrhea in urban chilean women". S. Díaz, G. Rodríguez, G. Marshall, G. del Pino, M.E. Casado, P. Miranda, V. Schiappacasse and H.B. Croxatto. Contraception 38:37-51, 1988. 105. "Lactational amenorrhea and the recovery of ovulation and fertility in fully nursing chilean women". S. Díaz, G. Rodríguez, O. Peralta, P. 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Hermoso, L.A. Velásquez, P. Orihuela. In: New Horizons in Reproductive Medicine. (eds) C. Coutifaris and L. Mastroianni. Parthenon Publishing Co., Casterton, UK, 1997. pp. 233-239. 47. "Oocyte and embryo transport". M. Villalón, L. Velásquez, H.B. Croxatto. In: Encyclopedia of Reproduction. (eds in chief) E. Knobil and J.D. Neill. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1998. 48. "Regulación del transporte ovular". L. Velásquez y H. Croxatto. En: Congreso Extraordinario de Obstetricia y Ginecología: Memorias. (eds) Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Lima, Perú, 1998. pp. 101-104. 49. "Selective oestrogen receptor modulators and progesterone receptor modulators for contraception". H.B. Croxatto. In: New Pharmacological Approaches to Reproductive Health and Healthy Ageing. (eds) W-K. Raff, M.F. Fathalla, F. Saad. Springer, Berlin, 2001. pp. 112-113. 50. "Clinical prospects of progesterone receptor modulators". H.B. Croxatto. In: Menopause: The State of the Art. (ed) H.P.G. Schneider. The Parthenon Publishing Group, London, 2002. pp. 43-46. 51. “Anticoncepción de emergencia: Bibliografía científica – Ultimos avances”. S. Díaz y H.B. Croxatto. (eds) Population Services International, Asunción, Paraguay, 2003. pp. 6-26. 52. “Gametogénesis” E.Bustos-Obregón, H.B.Croxatto. En: Ginecología, 3a edición (ed) A. Pérez-Sánchez. Publicaciones Técnicas Mediterráneas, Santiago, Chile, 2003, pp 60-75. 53. “Transporte ovular, migración espermática, fecundación, desarrollo preimplantacional y nidación”H.B.Croxatto, M.E.Ortiz, P.Morales. En: Ginecología, 3a edición (ed) A. Pérez-Sánchez. Publicaciones Técnicas Mediterráneas, Santiago, Chile, 2003, pp 60-75. 54. “Ciclo Menstrual” H.B. Croxatto, P.Vigil . En: Ginecología, 3a edición (ed) A. Pérez-Sánchez. Publicaciones Técnicas Mediterráneas, Santiago, Chile, 2003, pp 76-96. 55. “Anticoncepción hormonal de emergencia” S Díaz, H Croxatto. En: Ginecología, 3a edición (ed) A. Pérez-Sánchez. Publicaciones Técnicas Mediterráneas, Santiago, Chile, 2003. 56. "Fisiología del transporte de gametos y embriones a través de las trompas de falopio. H.Croxatto. En: Reproducción asistida moderna. Robert Edwards & Francisco Rísquez. Ed. Ares Trading Uruguay S.A. Uruguay, 2003. 57. “Progesterone receptors and opportunities for contraception”. HB Croxatto. En: New mechanisms for tissue-selective estrogen-free contraception. HB Croxatto, R Shurmann, U Fuhrmann, I Schellschmidt.Ed. Springer, Berlin. 2005. 25 58. “Diversidad, versatilidad y algunas funciones reproductivas de los receptores de progesterona”. H.B. Croxatto En: Selección de Temas en Ginecoobstetricia. Eghon Guzmán, ed. Ediciones Publimpacto, Santiago. 2005. pp 845-852. 59. “Anticoncepción Hormonal de Emergencia”. S Diaz, HB Croxatto. En libro “Tratado de Anticoncepcion”. Ed. W Barbato,J Charalambopoulos, Editorial Corpus, Rosario, Argentina, 2005 pp.267-276. 26