CADICA Calendar/CADICA Calendario 2011 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Colleagues, Contact/Contacto de NACAC: 11/2 Altamont Crescent • Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I. Telephone: 876-968-5110, 968-5053 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] We are fast approaching the end of what can undoubtedly be claimed as a fairly successful year of athletics for the NACAC area. From the road races in Bermuda in January which signaled the start of the season to the road race in Dominica in December to close the season, it has been a full and rewarding year of activities. I say rewarding because it is quite evident that athletes are emerging from all member federations. These good results are due in a large way to the support that the NACAC office has been able to provide member federations that submitted requests for new or ongoing development programmes and the willingness to correct shortcomings as identified by member federations. I have had the pleasure of attending several events in the area to witness first-hand the overall interest in our sport throughout the region. I wish to congratulate all our member federations that hosted events throughout the year and the overall good participation by most. We must encourage the new thrust of the Women's Committee as we call upon them to accept more positions of leadership within our area and by extension the international arena. Thanks to all who kept the region abuzz with activities in their respective countries, but special mention and congratulations must go to Athletics Canada, President Greenaway of British Virgin Islands and our Central American Competition Director, Carlos Clemente, who all provided continued information about activities in their area. Our Public Relations advisor, Ms. Carmen Clarke, has been relentless in tracking down information for our newsletter for which we are extremely thankful. There have been some changes in leadership within our area, but first, I must congratulate those leaders who have been re-elected to serve and wish to thank those who have given their time but decided to move on. We wish them every success in their new activities and sincerely hope we can call on their expertise and support in the future, if necessary. The region has lost some leaders during the year and most recently within the space of a month, Victor Lopez lost his father and Evelyn lost her mother, both in their nineties. On behalf of all, we extend our condolences to those who have suffered loss and trust that the Almighty will sustain them in their time of grief. The Regional Development Centre in Puerto Rico, under the leadership of Lenford Levy, has fulfilled all their obligations for 2010 and while not operating at full capacity in 200910, the High Performance Training Centre in Kingston did have good success at the International level by the athletes at the Centre. I wish to record my appreciation to all those leaders who have written or verbally expressed their satisfaction with the support they received from the NACAC staff. Finally my friends, as I reflect on 2010, I wish to thank all for your JAMAICAN STARS SHINE AT REGGAE MARATHON 10 Negril, Jamaica - Nearly Long Bay Beach Park, where 1,200 runners from 29 coun- runners poured unto Negril's tries toed the starting line for famous seven-mile white sand the tenth staging of the beach to enjoy post race masReggae Marathon early Dec- sages and a swim. ember, but the day belonged to This year's event boasted its local favourites, with Rupert largest field ever, with an even Green and Elizabeth Mondon mix of local and international taking top honours. Green, the defending men's champion took the lead early and held on to finish in 2:30:27. Mondon ran a slow tactical first half, before pushing ahead of last year's women's champion, Terry Refjimbal (3:09:17) to finish in 2:55:50, a personal record. Mondon, is a native of France, who lives in Kingston and is a member of the Jamdammers Running Club, giving the hosts of the Reggae Marathon their first victory in ten years. On its tenth anniversary, Reggae Marathon cemented its reputation as an exotic destination marathon, its Male winner Rupert Green famous torchbearers and Photo by: Action Sports drummers providing a thrilling International, start that took the runners' runners. minds off the President of the light early Jamdammers' morning rain. Running Club, The skies Emile Leiba, eventually said “We're cleared and proud of creatthe temperaing and sustainture remained ing a world a cool 72• F class event that for most of promotes local the race. The running and route took brings visitors runners along from all over the the Negril world to coastline and Jamaica. Female winner Elizabeth Mondon ended at the Cont’d. on page 2 • Season’s Greetings • Happy New Year • Los saludos de la Estación • Feliz Navidad • Cont’d. on page 3 Credit: Sally Pennock - Reggae Marathon JAMAICAN STARS SHINE LOS ATLETAS JAMAICANOS BRILLAN AL MARATÓN DEL REGGAE 2010 Casi 1, 200 corredores de 29 países acataron la línea de salida para la décima Contd’. from page 1 ocurrencia del maratón de Reggae en el sábado We look forward to seeing Reggae Marathon grow pasado, pero el día perteneció a los locales stronger.” The day's other winners favoritos con Rupert Green Elizabeth Mondon included Jamaicans Kirk y Brown (1:10:57) from ganando los honores altos. Green defendió su título, Clarendon and Twishauna temprano tomando la Williams (1:29:08) from St. Catherine the Half Marathon. delantera y aguantó para en 2:30:27. Shawn Pitter (31:56) and for- terminar mer American Olympian Carrie Mondon corrió una primera mitad táctica y lenta, antes de Tollefson (35:05) were the adelante del men's and women's champi- siguiendo ons in the 10k. Tollefson, who campeón femenino del año Terry Refjimbal represented the USA in 2004 in pasado, the Athens Olympics, donated (3:09:17) para terminar en el her prize money to a local high 2:55:50, un récord personal. Mondon, es de orígen Frances school. St Jago, Holmwood Technical pero vive en Kingston y es un miembro del Jamdammers and Bellefield dominated the hotly contested High School Running Club, dando a los 10k Championships. St. Jago anfitriones del maratón de beat Holmwood in the girls' Reggae su primera victoria en 10k, but lost to them in the diez años. En su décimo aniversario, al maratón de Reggae consolidó su reputación como un maratón del destino exótico, sus abanderados famosos y los tambores que proporcionan un comienzo emocionante que permitió que los corredores se olvidaron la llovizna de la madrugada. Los cielos vaciaron finalmente y la - participants carbo-loading the night temperatura se quedó before they run fresco a 72º F para la mayor parte de la carboys' division. Bellefield took rera. La ruta siguió por el costa de Negril y acabó en Long Bay third place in both events. The Bank of Jamaica, Urban Beach Park donde los correDevelopment Corporation and dores salieron en tropel a la Advanced Integrated Systems playa famosa de siete millas topped the Corporate 10K de arena blanca en Negril para Championships. First time disfrutar de los masajes y un entrant, E. Pihl & Sons fielded nada después de la carrera. Este año, el evento se jactó the largest corporate team of the day and also took the top de un grupo de participantes spot in the Corporate Half más grande, con una mezcla Marathon Championships, uniforme de corredores locales beating veterans LIME and e internacionales. El presiJMMB, who took second and dente del Jamdammers' Running Club, Emile Leiba, dijo third. “Estamos orgullosos de crear y sostener un evento de talla mundial que promueve la par- 2 IAAF/NACAC CALENDAR/ CALENDARIO 2011 campeonatos del 10k entre las escuelas secundarias donde hay mucha competencia. St. Jago supera Holmwood en el 10k para las chicas, pero perdió a ellos en la misma carrera para los chicos. Bellefield ganó la posición tercera en ambos eventos. Reggae Marathon 10 registration poster El banco de ticipación de corredores Jamaica, la corporación del locales y trae a visitantes de desarrollo urbano y sistemas avanzados todo el mundo a Jamaica. integrados sobrepasaron los campeEsperamos que el maratón de onatos 10K corporativos. Un Reggae crezca más fuerte.” Otros ganadores del día participante nuevo, E. Pihl & incluyeron los jamaiquinos Sons organizó el equipo corpocomo Kirk Brown (1:10:57) de rativo más grande del día y Clarendon y Twishauna también ganaban el campeWilliams (1:29:08) de St. Catherine. Shawn Pitter (31:56) y una participante norteamericana antigua de los Juegos Olímpicos Carrie Tollefson (35:05) fueron los campeones de los hombres y de las mujeres respectivamente en el 10k. Tollefson, quién representó el EEUU en Pre Negril Marathon 10 pasta party... 2004 en las Olimpiadas de Atenas, donó su premio a una escuela local onato corporativo del maratón medio, venciendo sobre los secundaria. St. Jago, Holmwood Technical veteranos LIME y JMMB, que y Bellefield dominaron los tomó el segundo y el tercero lugar. Participants in the Reggae Marathon 10 being pampered postrace - Negril is probably the only marathon in the world where at the end of the event runners and walkers can lay down on sevenmile of white sand beach, receive a massage or go for a swim in the azure warm waters of the Caribbean. 23 President’s Message cont’d from page 1 positive support throughout the year, your input for the region's development, and to all my colleagues on the NACAC Executive who undertook various responsibilities, sometimes at very short notice,to provide leadership and guidance wherever they went.. To your families I wish for them a very restful, enjoyable and safe holiday season and look forward to all being refreshed and ready for the challenges of 2011. MENSAJE DEL PRESIDENTE Queridas colegas, 22 El fin de un año muy exitoso del atletismo para NACAC esta terminando muy rápidamente. Desde las carreras en Bermuda en enero que señalaban el comienzo de la temporada, hasta la carrera en Dominica en diciembre que terminaba la temporada, ha sido un año gratificante. Digo gratificante porque es evidente que los atletas están apareciendo de todas las federaciones de NACAC. Estos resultados positivos se deben, en gran parte, al apoyo que NACAC ha sido capaz proporcionar a los miembros que han presentado las peticiones para nuevos programas de desarrollo o en curso, y la buena voluntad para corregir los defectos identificados por los miembros de la federación. He tenido el placer de asistir a varios eventos en el área a ser testigo al interés general en nuestro deporte en toda la región. Quiero felicitar a todas nuestras federaciones que fue sede de eventos durante el año, y también la participación buena por la mayoría. Tenemos que animar a la nueva Comisión de la Mujer y llamarlas a aceptar más posiciones de liderazgo dentro de nuestra área y, por extensión, la arena internacional. Gracias a todos que manténieron la región repleta de actividades en sus países respectivos, pero mención especial y felicitaciones están debidos a Canadá Atletismo, Presidente Greenaway de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas y de nuestra Director de América Central, Carlos Clemente, que todos proveían información continua sobre los actividades en su área. Nuestro asesora de relaciones públicas, la Sra. Carmen Clarke, ha sido implacable en la búsqueda de información para nuestro boletín de noticias para los que estamos muy agradecidos. Ha habido algunos cambios en el liderazgo dentro de nuestra área, pero en primer lugar, debo felicitar a los líderes que han sido re-elegido para servir y dar las gracias a los quienes han dado su tiempo, pero decidió seguir adelante. Les deseamos mucho éxito en sus nuevas actividades y esperamos sinceramente que podemos depender en su experiencia y apoyo en el futuro, si es necesario. La región ha perdido algunos de los líderes durante este año y más recientemente en el plazo de un mes, Víctor López perdió a su padre y Evelyn perdió a su madre, tanto en su década de los noventa. En nombre de todos, nosotros les extendemos nuestras condolencias a aquellos que han sufrido la pérdida y tenemos confianza en que Dios les sostenga en sus momentos de dolor. El Centro de Desarrollo Regional en Puerto Rico, bajo la dirección de Lenford Levy, ha cumplido todas sus obligaciones para el año 2010 y mientras que no operan a plena capacidad en 2009-10, el Centro de Entrenamiento de Alto Rendimiento de Kingston tuvo buen éxito al nivel internacional por los atletas en el centro. Deseo recordar mis agradecimiento a todos los líderes que han escrito o verbalmente expresado su satisfacción por el apoyo que recibieron del personal de NACAC. Por último mis amigos, al reflexionar en el año 2010, quiero dar las gracias a todos por su apoyo positivo durante todo el año, su aportación en el desarrollo de la región, ya todos mis colegas en el Comité Ejecutivo NACAC que llevaron a cabo diversas responsabilidades, a veces en un plazo muy corto , para proporcionar liderazgo y orientación dondequiera que fueran. Para sus familias deseo una temporada navideña muy tranquila y agradable y esperamos que todos serán renovados y listo para los desafíos del 2011. EXCELLENT SEASON FOR JERMAINE GONZALES Jamaican Jermaine Gonzales ran the 400M event to a new national record during the 10th Samsung Diamond League in Monaco earlier this year. Finishing in a NR time of 44.40, Jermaine “Gunzs” Gonzales eclipsed the 44.49 Jamaican record set by Roxbert Martin in 1997. 2010 was a particularly good one for the Racers Track Club, Glen Mills-trained Gonzales who ended his season: IAAF World Challenge, Berlin IAAF Diamond League, Zurich IAAF Diamond League, London IAAF Diamond League, Monaco IAAF Diamond League, Paris IAAF Diamond League, Lausanne Sotteville IAAF World Challenge, Ostrava Daegu Kingston International UWI Invitational 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 300m 400m 400m 400m 1st 2nd 2nd 1st 44.40 NR 2nd 3rd 1st 44.79 secs 2nd 3rd 2nd 1st Jamaican Jermaine Gonzales Under the overall supervision of Glen Mills, Gonzales has, in recent months changed his running style to ensure the results seen on the track this past season. Plagued by injury for the last 3 years he has returned to excellent form in his bid to realize the potential that many track experts, and the athlete himself, knows that he will realize. Coached specifically by Racers Track Club specialist coach, former World 400M Champion Bertland Cameron, Gonzales has completely overhauled his running techniques and style and is now executing a much more balanced race. Coach Cameron, who has direct responsibility for Gonzales' programme, has had great influence in helping him to make fundamental changes in his running style and is of the opinion that it won't be long before Gonzales goes “under 44secs”. 3 ATHLETICS CANADA'S 2010 ANNUAL AWARD RECIPIENTS Athletics Canada recently announced the winners of its twelve annual awards, the winners are chosen by Athletics Canada's Awards Committee from the nominee pool as put forward by the Athletics Canada membership. The award recipients will be honoured at a banquet following the 2011 Canadian Championships in Calgary, Alberta. Priscilla Lopes-Schliep -- is the winner of both the Jack W. Davies Trophy for the outstanding overall athlete of the year and the Phil A. Edwards Memorial Trophy for the outstanding athlete of the year in t r a c k events. Priscilla started the indoor season where she left off outdoors in 2009, on the podium at a World Championships. Her outdoor season was pure dominance finishing at the front in almost every race she entered capping things off by claiming the title in the 100metre hurdles in the inaugural Samsung Diamond League. She finished 2010 as the IAAF World Leader in the hurdles with the three fastest times of the season. The Cal D. Bricker Memorial Trophy (outstanding performance of the year) voting ended in a tie with the honour going to both Simon Bairu and Priscilla Lopes. Simon finished 13th at the World Cross Country Championships crossing the line as the top non-African finisher. His performance at the 2010 World 4 XC Championships ranks up there with the best in Canadian athletics history. Going into the Diamond League Finale (seventh and final meet) American Lolo Jones held a slight lead over Lopes-Schliep who needed to win to capture the inaugural title. On a starting line that featured the very best of the best, Lopes-Schliep came through and won the race earning the title of Diamond League champion. Priscilla Lopes-Schliep As outstanding athlete of the year in off-track events, Simon Bairu is also the recipient of the Fred Begley Memorial Trophy. Dylan Armstrong - is winner of the F.N.A. Rowell Trophy for outstanding athlete of the year in field events. A 4th place finish at the World Indoor Championships highlighted another outstanding year by the Canadian king of throws and a Gold medal and new Games record at the Common-wealth Games. Armstrong also set three new Canadian shot put records he twice improved the indoor record while also setting a new outdoor mark as. The Out-standing ParaAthlete of the Year in Wheelchair Events is Michelle Stilwell. Stilwell made her mark on the 2010 season by setting new World Records in both the T52 classification 100 and 200-metres and established a new Canadian mark in the T52 400-metres. Jamie Adjetey-Nelson is the recipient of the Combined Events Athlete of the Year. In what was a breakthrough year Adjetey-Nelson broke the magical 8000-point barrier in the decathlon on two occasions; a feat achieved by only four other Canadians. He scored 8070 points at the Commonwealth Games to earn himself the gold medal The 2010 recipient of the Dr. Fred Tees Memorial Trophy went to outstanding athlete Sam Effah - who is also enrolled in a Canadian university. Sam laid down the gauntlet early in the season running 10.06 over 100-metres at the NACAC U-23 Championships. Throughout the CIS season he set numerous records and was named CIS and Canada West Track Athlete of the Year. He was also a finalist in the 100metres and 4x100-metre relay at the Commonwealth Games. Kyle Pettey is the Outstanding Para-Athlete of the Year in Ambulatory Events. Kyle's outstanding season was punctuated with a new World Record and a gold medal in the F34 classification shot put at the Commonwealth Games. In March he established a new Canadian record in the F34 discus throw. The Eric E. Coy Trophy for the outstanding junior athlete of the year goes to Taylor Stewart. Stewart won Canada's first medal at the 2010 World Junior Championships held on home soil in Moncton. He qualified for the long jump final by jumping a new personal best of 7.75 metres and in that final earned bronze on his last attempt. He set new meet records at the OFSAA Championships and the Canadian World Junior Trials. He ended his season with a bronze medal at the Canadian Championships. The 2010 Myrtle Cook Trophy for the outstanding youth athlete of the year recognized two very deserving recipients; both Katie Reid of Surrey, BC and Chanice Taylor-Chase of Ajax, ON. Katie earned her spot at the World Junior Championships at the Trials by setting a new Canadian Youth Record in the 400-metres. She also competed in the 400-metres at World Juniors, and was also a member of the 4x400-metres relay team which broke the Canadian junior record at those same champi- Sam Effah (100m and 4x100m) onships. At the first Youth Olympic Games in Singapore she placed 5th. Chanice took to the international stage in two very different events at the World Junior Championships qualifying in the 100-metre hurdles and 400metres. She was also a member of the 5th place 4x400-metre relay squad. Chanice won bronze in the 400-metres at the Canadian Championships. 21 POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE 9 DÉCEMBRE 2010 LES RÉCIPIENDAIRES DES PRIX 2010 20 Pour diffusion imm´diate 9 décembre 2010 les récipiendaires des Prix 2010 annoncés par Athlétisme Canada, OTTAWA Athlétisme Canada a annoncé aujourd'hui les gagnants de ses douze prix annuels, qui seront honorés lors d'un banquet à la suite du Championnat canadien de 2011 à Calgary, en Alberta. Les gagnants sont choisis par le Comité des prix d'Athlétisme Canada à partir des candidatures reçues de la part des membres d'Athlétisme Canada. - Veuillez cliquer ici pour consulter la liste complète des finalistes Priscilla Lopes-Schliep, de Whitby, ON, est la gagnante du Trophée Jack W. Davies pour l'athlète par excellence de l'année, et du Trophée commémoratif Phil A. Edwards pour l'athlète par excellence de l'année dans les épreuves de piste. Priscilla a commencé la saison la saison en salle où elle avait terminé en plein air en 2009, ce qui veut dire sur le podium au Championnat du monde, terminant 3ème au Mondial en salle à Doha. Sa saison en plein air fut une pure domination terminant au devant lors de presque toutes ses courses, et couronnant le tout avec le titre du 100 mètres haies de l'inaugurale (Diamond League ). Elle a terminé 2010 comme leader mondiale de l'IAAF aux haies, détenant les trois temps les plus rapides. Simon Bairu, de Regina, SK, et Priscilla LopesSchliep, de Whitby, ON, ont tous deux été nommés récipiendaires du Trophée commémoratif Cal D. Bricker pour la performance par excellence de l'année. Simon a terminé 13ème au Championnat du monde de cross-country, étant le premier non-Africain à croiser la ligne d'arrivée. La performance de Bairu au Jamie Adjetey-Nelson -- Decathlon Gold Medallist Championnat de XC de 2010 se classe parmi les meilleures de l'histoire de l'athlétisme canadien. Avant la finale de la « Diamond League » (septième et dernière compétition), l'Américaine Lolo Jones détenait une légère avance sur Lopes-Schliep, qui devait gagner pour remporter le titre inaugural. La ligne de départ comportait les meilleures des meilleures et Lopes-Schliep est parvenu à devancer tout ce monde et gagner le titre de championne de la (Diamond League ). Dylan Armstrong, de Kamloops, BC, est le gagnant du Trophée F.N.A. Rowell de l'athlète par excellence de l'année dans les épreuves de concours. Ce fut une autre année formidable du roi canadien des lancers, qui fut marquée par une 4ème place au Championnat du monde en salle et une médaille d'or et nouveau record des Jeux aux Jeux du Commonwealth. Armstrong a aussi établi trois n o u v e a u x records canadiens du lancer du poids, il a amélioré deux fois le record en salle et a aussi établi un nouveau record en plein air. La para-athlète par excellence de l'année dans les épreuves en fauteuil roulant est Michelle Stilwell, de Nanoose Bay, BC. Stilwell a fait sa marque sur la saison 2010 en établissant de nouveaux records mondiaux aux 100 et 200 mètres de classe T52, et en établissant un nouveau record canadien au 400 mètres T52. Jamie Adjetey-Nelson, de Windsor, ON, est le récipiendaire du Prix de l'athlète de l'année dans les épreuves combinées. Pendant une année où il a réalisé une percée sur la scène mondiale, Adjetey-Nelson a brisé la barrière magique des 8000 points au décathlon à deux occasions; un exploit que seulement quatre autres Canadiens avaient accompli avant lui. Lors des Jeux du Commonwealth, Il a accumulé 8070 points et rempoté la médaille d'or. Sam Effah, de Calgary, AB, a capturé le Trophée commémoratif Dr Fred Tees comme athlète par excellence inscrit dans une université canadienne. Sam a lancé un défi tôt en début de saison, courant 10.06 au 100 mètres du Championnat NACAC U-23. Cette perform-ance le place comme quatrième Canadien le plus rapide de l'histoire, derrière les 9.84 secondes de Donovan Bailey et Bruny Surin et le 10.03 de Nicolas Macrozonaris. Durant la saison du SIC, il a établi plusieurs records, étant ultimement nommé l'athlète de l'année sur piste de l'Ouest canadien et du SIC. Il fut aussi finaliste au 100m et au relais 4x100 mètres lors des Jeux du Commonwealth. Comme athlète par excellence de l'année dans les épreuves hors piste, Simon Bairu, de Regina, SK, a remporté le Trophée commémoratif Fred Begley. À la fin de 2009, Simon a remporté les championnats nationaux du 10 km et du crosscountry (ces événements qui ont eu lieu à la fin de 2009 se sont déroulés durant la période critique pour les candidatures). Dylan Armstrong -- Shot Put Gold and Commonwealth Games Record cont’d on page 8 5 ATHLETICS CANADA IDENTIFIES ATHLETES FOR PHASE 3 - TEAM 2012 PROGRAM Athletics Canada recently announced the athletes who have been identified for Phase 3 of Team 2012. The program was initiated in 2009 to identify, support and select athletes and their coaches who display potential to step on the podium or top eight at the 2012 London Olympic Games. Alex Gardiner, Olympic program head coach said, “Athletics Canada continues to focus resources and services to the athletes and coaches who comprise the Team 2012 program. Throughout the next 20 months athletes will have access to additional opportunities for warm weather training and European training bases and support. Team 2012 is a professional program and the expectations and accountability are by necessity at the highest levels. These athletes are competing against the best in the world and we want to ensure that they are in the best position to succeed.” ABOUT TEAM 2012 In addition to ongoing contributions from Sport Canada's athlete assistance program the members of Team 2012 are also eligible for assistance program the members of Team 2012 are also eligible for additional program support from Athletics Canada. The support includes training camp support, personal coach travel and personal development, assistance with international competitions, performance expert consultation, Canadian Centre support, · Dylan Armstrong - Shot Put -Commonwealth Games Gold and Games Record - 4th in the Diamond League - 4th at the World Indoor Championships - 3 Canadian Records (2 indoor and 1 outdoor) - Sultana Frizell - Hammer Throw Commonwealth Games 6 POUR LA PHASE 3 D'ÉQUIPE 2012 Athlétisme Canada a annoncé aujourd'hui les athlètes qui ont été identifiés pour la phase 3 d'Équipe 2012. Le programme a débuté en 2009 afin d'identifier, soutenir et sélectionner les athlètes, et leurs entraîneurs, qui montrent le potentiel de monter sur le podium, ou d'être parmi les huit meilleurs, lors des PHASE 3 - TEAM 2012 PROGRAM enhanced medical services, access to specialized equipment and personal coach support for podium targeted athletes in Daegu and London pending available accreditation. An athlete can be selected or deselected to the team at scheduled assessment and evaluation points. ATHLETICS CANADA'S 2010 ANNUAL AWARD RECIPIENTS cont’d from ppage 4 ATHLÉTISME CANADA A ANNONCÉ ATHLÈTES QUI ONT ÉTÉ IDENTIFIÉS Gold and Games Record - Canadian Championship Gold and Meet Record - Canadian Record - Megann Rodhe - Hammer Throw - Commonwealth Games Finalist - Crystal Smith - Hammer Throw - Commonwealth Games Finalist - New personal best Jeux olympiques de Londres 2012. Alex Gardiner, l'entraîneur-chef du programme olympique, dit : « Athlétisme Canada continue de concentrer ses ressources et services sur les athlètes et entraîneurs qui forment le programme d'Équipe 2012. Durant les 20 prochains mois, les athlètes auront accès à des opportunités supplémentaires d'entraînement en zone tempérée, et pour un soutien ou base d'entraînement en Europe. Équipe 2012 est un programme professionnel, et les attentes et la responsabilisation se trouvent nécessairement aux plus hauts niveaux. Ces athlètes concourent contre les meilleurs au monde, et nous voulons nous assurer qu'ils soient dans la meilleure position possible pour avoir du succès. » SUSAN G KOMEN BAHAMAS 2011 RACE FOR THE CURE By Veronica Duncanson Sunshine Insurance, in its role as the lead sponsor and organizer for Marathon Bahamas, has fostered a strategic partnership between Marathon Bahamas and Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, the global leader of the breast cancer movement and the world's largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists. This partnership will significantly impact the health of Bahamians, especially in the areas of breast cancer and other women's health issues. The Komen Bahamas Race for the Cure is an opportunity for people of all ages to celebrate survivorship, remember those we have lost to the disease and make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. Participation in this event will help raise awareness about a health issue that affects thousands of women in The Bahamas and help make a difference in how breast cancer is understood, diagnosed and treated. The Bahamas Race for the Cure 2011 will be Komen's second race in the Caribbean region and one hundred percent of the money raised by this event will remain in The Bahamas to fund breast cancer programming. The 5K run/walk will start just west of The Cove on Paradise Island and meander around the south side of Paradise Island with a turnaround by the Ocean Club Estates before returning to The Cove via the north side of Paradise Island. Planned events include a breast cancer survivor recognition programme with a special performance by award-winning gospel artists Mary Mary. Teams from all walks of Bahamian life including corporate Bahamas, religious organizations, families and friends are encouraged to support this worthy cause. Teams vie for coveted prizes in the categories of most money raised, best team tshirt, most innovative mascot and largest team to complete the event. Prizes for the competitive 5K will be awarded in the overall and age-group categories. For the more athletic of the community, the 5K can serve as a warm-up for Marathon Bahamas (marathon, half marathon or sixperson relay) which will take place on Sunday, January 16. For additional information, on the Bahamas Race for the Cure, visit www.marathonbahamas. Registration can be done electronically or in person at Sunshine Insurance office on East Shirley Street. AN EMOTIONAL MEETING FOR GIANTS OF 1958 der tracks and slept in army and air Force barracks with common bathrooms," Milkha said. Right from his arrival in Delhi, Parker was keen to meet Milkha. "I think I'm the only one here who competed at Cardiff along with Singh. Then I comCoach Parker (r) enjoying the company of his peted in the long Indian friend the Legendary Milkha Singh. jump final and Legendary Bahamas track and decathlon," Parker reminisced field coach Keith Holland in a chat at the Games village. Parker, who took part in the A native of England, Parker Cardiff Games in 1958 alonghas served the Bahamas for side Milkha Singh, was the last five decades and was delighted to land in the country recently inducted into the of the 'Flying Sikh'. During the Central American and October Commonwealth Caribbean Athletic Games in India, he caught up Confederation (CAC) Hall of with his old friend at the Fame. He has been coach of Jawaharlal Nehru stadium the Bahamas team at four It was a rare reunion of two Olympics and at five world greats who competed together championships. and then went on to script new Giving his thumbs up to the chapters in the history of athDelhi Games, Parker said letics. While Milkha ended his everything about the Games, career as one of India's best including the village, was ever, Parker is still going superb. "I have been to many strong and the 78-year-old Games but I haven't seen a was in Delhi as the coach of better village and facilities for the Bahamas athletics team. training," said Parker, who was "We were meeting after many, made a Member of the British many years and we relived Empire (MBE) in 1978 those old days. Those were the times when we ran on cin- COOLSAET AND GILLIS AT 2011 VIRGIN LONDON MARATHON The 2011 Virgin London Marathon recently released the list of elite athletes who will take part in the event on April 17, 2011. Touted as the best ever, the field includes reigning champions Tsegaye Kebede and Liliya Shobukhova. Two Canadians will be on the start line come April 17, Reid Coolsaet of Hamilton, ON and Eric Gillis of Antigonish, NS, both members of the Guelph Speed River club. Reid Coolsaet was the top Canadian (10th overall) at this year’s Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 2:11:23, just sneaking under the Olympic standard of 2:11:29. Reid is the 2009 Canadian Champion in the marathon. Eric Gillis finished just behind Coolsaet in 2:12:06, good for 11th overall. Coolsaet and Gillis are attending the Virgin London Marathon as a continuation of the Endurance/Marathon project between the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Ottawa Race Weekend and Athletics Canada. The project saw a men’s Canadian team entry in the World Cup held as part of the 2009 World Championships in Berlin. The program will culminate with the 2012 Olympic Games in London. The men’s and women’s line-ups are a who’s who of marathon running, featuring the top five in from the 2010 event, both Olympic and world champions, World Marathon Majors champions, and recent winners in Berlin, Chicago and New York. 19 BVI SPONSORSHIP CHEQUE Officials from OGIER and Deloitte sponsors of the BVI Half Marathon since its 2006 inception, recently presented a cheque to the BVI Athletics Association. The 5th BVI Half Marathon - which was started by Simon Cook - was staged in conjunction with the OECS NEMWIL Half Marathon. L-R: BVI Athletics Association President, Dean "The Sportsman" Greenaway, Michael Fay and Ray Wearmouth of OIGER and Mark Chapman of Deloitte TENTS DONATED TO BVI ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION The British Virgin Islands Athletics Association (BVIAA) recently received two tents from the law firm Harneys. The tents were handed over by Harneys public relations officer Philomena Robertson to BVIAA president Dean “The Sportsman” Greenaway. The tents-one 10 x 10 the other 10 x 20-are branded with both Harneys and the BVI Athletics Association logos. “Harneys regards itself as a responsible corporate citizen and we are committed to supporting community and charitable organisations in the British Virgin Islands,” Robertson said, “youth and sports are an integral part of any territory's development and we are indeed happy to have been able to contribute in some way to the efforts of the BVIAA to help foster such development. We trust that these new tents will be adequately cared for so that they can benefit the athletes and sporting officials who will use them for years to come.” In thanking Harneys for its contributions, the association president noted that the tents were given at an opportune time as they would be used during the November 20, OECS/NEMWIL/BVI Half Marathon. 18 LA ASOCIACION DE ATLETISMO DE LAS ISLAS BVI RECIBE UNA DONACION DE DOS CARPAS The tents were handed over by Harneys public relations officer Philomena Robertson to BVIAA president Dean “The Sportsman” Greenaway. La Asociación de Atletismo de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas (BVIAA) recientemente recibió una donación de dos carpas del bufete de abogados, Harneys. Las carpas dieron al presidente de BVIAA Dean “El Deportista” Greenaway de la agente de relaciones públicas de Harneys, Philomena Robertson. Las carpas - un 10 x 10 y el otro 10 x 20 - estan marcar con los logotipos de Harneys y BVIAA. “Harneys se considera un ciudadano cor porativo responsible y estamos comprometido a apoyar la comunidad y las organizaciónes de beneficencia en British Virgin Islands (BVI),” dijo Robertson, “los jóvenes y deportes estan un parte integral del desarollo de cualquiera país y estamos contento a contribuir a los esfuerzos del BVIAA a ayudar estimular tal desarollo. Esperamos que estas carpas mantienen para beneficiar las atletas athletes y oficiales de deportes que van a usarlas durante años.” Mientras da las gracias a Harneys para su contribución, la presidente de la asociación dijo que las carpas dieron a una vez perfecto como usaran durante la Mitad Maratón de OECS/NEMWIL/BVI el 20 de Noviembre de 2010. LYLE SANDERSON RECEIVES GEOFF GOWAN AWARD The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) announced recently, that the recipient of the 2010 Geoff Gowan Award is track and field coach Lyle Sanderson. The award recognizes lifetime contributions to coaching development including enhancing the role of the coach in the Canadian public and presenting a positive public image of coaching. Lyle Sanderson is not only a track and field coach but was also described as an educator, motivator, mentor, and sport leader. An NCCP Level 5 certified coach, Sanderson has not only influenced and coached at the national level through University athletics but has also coached at the international level, including three Olympic Games. His career and dedication have been rewarded on several occasions; he has received honours as the University of Saskatchewan's Coach of the Year 10 times, CIS Coach of the Year five times, Canada West Track and Field Coach of the Year every year it was awarded but one, a two-time winner of Athletics Canada's Coach of the Year award, and he has been inducted into three halls of fame. A pioneer in integrating NCCP training into university programs, Sanderson has trained hundreds of technical track and field candidates and has conducted coach LYLE SANDERSON RECEVRA LE PRIX GEOFF GOWAN L'Association canadienne and has conducted coach des entraîneurs (ACE) a education clinics and workannoncé aujourd'hui que le shops on four continents. He récipiendaire du Prix Geoff has also held numerous Gowan de 2010 est l'enleadership posts including traîneur d'athlétisme Lyle being a member of the Sanderson. Ce prix reconIAAF's Working Group naît les contributions d'une on Youth Athletics, a team vie au développement des leader of its Athletics World entraîneurs, dont le Plan for School and Youth, rehaussement de l'image du and a member of its School rôle de l'entraîneur auprès Youth Commission. Lyle will join the three previous athletics winners including A n d y Higgins (2007), D o u g Clement (2000) and G e o f f G o w a n (1996). Sanderson will be awarded this prestigious award at the Sport Leadership Awards ceremony on F r i d a y November 19; held in Track and field coach conjunction Lyle Sanderson with the Petroprésentation d'une image Canada Sport Leadership positive des entraîneurs conference in Ottawa, ON. auprès du public. Lyle Sanderson est non seulement un entraîneur d'athlétisme, mais il est aussi décrit comme un éducateur, un motivateur, un mentAor et un leader sportif. Entraîneur certifié au niveau 5 du PNCE, Sanderson a non seulement entraîné au niveau national et influencé l'athlétisme universitaire, mais il a aussi entraîné au niveau international, dont lors de trois Jeux olympiques. Sa carrière et son dévouement ont été été récompensé à maintes occasions; il a reçu des honneurs comme entraîneur de l'année de l'Université de la Saskatchewan à dix reprises, comme entraîneur de l'année du SIC à cinq reprises, et comme entraîneur de l'année en athlétisme de l'Ouest canadien à toutes les années où cette récompense a été remise, sauf une. Gagnant à deux reprises du prix de l'entraîneur de l'année d'Athlétisme Canada, il a été intronisé à trois temples de la renommée. Pionnier de l'intégration de la formation du PNCE dans les programmes universitaires, Sanderson a formé des centaines de candidats aux techniques de l'athlétisme, et a donné des stages et ateliers de formation d'entraîneurs sur quatre continents. Il a aussi détenu de nombreux postes de leadership, dont comme membre du Groupe de travail de l'IAAF sur l'athlétisme chez les jeunes, comme chef d'équipe de son Plan mondial d'athlétisme pour les écoles et les jeunes, et comme membre de sa Commission des jeunes étudiants. Lyle se joindra à trois autres précédents gagnants en athlétisme, incluant Andy Hoffman (2007), Doug Clement (2000) et Geoff Gowan (1996). Sanderson recevra ce prestigieux prix lors de la cérémonie des Prix du leadership sportif, le vendredi 19 novembre, qui a lieu en conjonction avec la conférence sur le leadership sportif de Pétro-Canada, à Ottawa, en Ontario. 7 ORGANIZERS COMMEND POLICE AND VOLUNTEERS DURING OECS NEMWIL BVI HALF MARATHON ATHLETICS CANADA TO LAUNCH NATIONAL TRACK LEAGUE IN 2011 Modeled after the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Diamond League, the National Track League (NTL) will deliver a coherent and sustainable points based Grand Prix style series of meets while in the process harmonizing national, provincial and international calendars with long-term athlete development. The series will begin a few days following the completion of the 2011 Canadian Track and F i e l d International, "Athletics Canada has provided Canada's track and field athletes with a great opportunity in their development for success at the Olympic Games and World Championships by founding the National Track League.” Clement who himself was an Olympian in adds, “This series Olympian in adds, “This series Athletics Canada Chief High Performance Officer Martin Goulet on the launch of NTL, “The creation of this series will support athlete development by providing our athletes with a chance to compete against top international talent on home soil.” Goulet adds, “The high performance competitions within the series will integrate several National Program elements Championships, the Edmonton International Track Classic will kick off the inaugural NTL series on June 29. Dr. Doug Clement, Achilles International Track and Field Society President and cofounder of the Harry Jerome of international competitions from coast to coast will create the stage to lift Canada's finest athletes to the Olympic level." The National Track League will serve as a delivery agent of Athletics Canada's strategic plan in three core areas; Athlete Development, Competitions and Organizational Capacity. and will serve as dynamic marketing platform to help grow the brand of track and field in Canada while helping raise awareness of our athletes and the sport.” With participating meets and dates finalized for 2011, the focus now shifts to raising sponsorship dollars to support the prize purse POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE 9 DÉCEMBRE 2010 LES RÉCIPIENDAIRES DES PRIX 2010 cont’d from page 8 Il a contin ué son bon travail en concourant au Championnat du monde de cross-country de l'IAAF où il a terminé 13ème. Kyle Pettey, de Brampton, ON, est nommé le para-athlète par excellence de l'année dans les épreuves ambulatoires. La saison exceptionnelle de Kyle fut marquée par un nouveau record du monde et une médaille d'or aux Jeux du Commonwealth au lancer du poids F34. En mars, il a établi un nouveau record canadien au lancer du disque de classe F34. Le Trophée Eric E. Coy de l'athlète junior par excellence del'année revient à 8 and ensure sustainability. Stay tuned as Athletics Canada releases more information about this venture in the coming weeks and months. ABOUT NTL The NTL will provide Canadian track & field athletes with the opportunity to compete and win against world-class talent at home and abroad by developing a memo r a b l e sports and entertainment experience that engages fans and sponsors, inspires future generations of athletes, and builds the capacity of Athletics Canada for the benefit of all stakeholders. strategic positions on the course to slow traffic, as he worked during the race. “Participants unanimously singled out the presence of the RBVIPF and road management as one of the most important factors during the race noting in addition a great community spirit as officers not only directed traffic but supported runners along the route,” said Kay Reddy, chair of the BVI Athletics Association Road Racing Committee, BVI Runners. “The lead police motorcycle with its flashing lights and sirens added a professional air, worthy of the highest caliber races and allowed the OECS and front runners to race freely, contributing to new course, BVI All comers Male and BVI All comers Female Half Marathon records. Policing of the road and the cooperation of motorists allowed the BVI to host the most successful OECS Half Marathon event of the past 5 years.” ORGANIZADORES ELOGIABAN LA POLICIA Y LOS VOLUNTARIOS DURANTE LA MITAD MARATON DE BVI cont’d from page 5 Taylor Stewart, de London, ON. Stewart a gagné la première médaille du Canada lors du Championnat du monde junior de 2010 tenu en sol canadien, à Moncton, NB. Il s'est qualifié pour la finale en établissant un nouveau record personnel de 7,75 mètres au saut en longueur. Lors de la finale, il a mérité le bronze lors de son dernier essai. Il a aussi établi de nouveaux records de compétition lors du Championnat de l'OFSAA et les Essais canadiens du Mondial junior. Il a terminé la saison avec la médaille de bronze au Championnat canadien à Toronto. Kyle Pettey -- Para-Athletics Shot Put Gold & World Record F34) cont’d on page 11 Organizers have commended the stellar job of the Royal BVI Police Force's 15 officers and Eldridge “Skellie” Gumbs, who volunteered to work during the successful OECS NEMWIL BVI Half Marathon held in November. Under the direction of Sergeant Kenrick Headley, the 15 officers who worked on their day off, manned various strategic points on the course-including leading the race on motorcycle -- roundabouts, traffic lights and the turnaround point in Pockwood Pond-as a record 68 runners from 11 countries competed. Officers were also heard and seen encouraging runners as they passed by. Gumbs, who laid the mile markers and placed flags adjacent to each segment on the course to enlighten participants, coned off the south entrance to the A. O. Shirley Recreation Grounds allowing runners free access and placed cones in strategic positions on the course to slow traffic, as he worked during the race. Los organizadores elogiaban el trabaja buena de los 15 agentes de policía de La Policía Federal de BVI (RBVIPF) y Eldridge “Skellie” Gumbs, quien se ofrecía a trabajar durante de la Mitad Maratón de BVI de OECS NEMWIL en Noviembre. Con la dirección de Sergeant Kenrick Headley, los 15 agentes que trabajaron en sus tiempos libres, vigilaron lugares estratégico de la maratón-incluyendo guiar el maratón con motocicletas - las rotondas, los semáforos y Pockwood Pond-mientras 68 atletas de 11 países competían. La policía también alentaba las atletas durante las carreras. Gumbs fue poner los señales de millas y las banderas para avisar los participantes y marcaba el entrada del sur al Parque Recreativo de A. O. Shirley que permitían las atletas acceso libre mientras los conos mantuvieron el flujo de tráfico durante el maratón. “Los participants estaban de acuerdo que la presencia del RBVIPF y los directivos de las calles fueron uno de los factores importantes durante el maratón en adición al espíritu fenomenal de la comunidad como la policía mantenían el flujo de tráfico y también alentaba las atletas durante el maratón,” Kay Reddy dijo, la presidenta de la Asociación Atletismo Comité de Carreras de Maratón de BVI, Corredores de BVI. “La primera motocicleta de la policía con su sirenas y luces estaban intermitentes era muy profesional y de buen calibre y permitía el OECS y las atletas a correr sin problemas, que contribuir a nuevos récordes de los paricipantes de la Mitad Maratón de BVI, Masculino y Feminino. El mantenimiento de las calles y la cooperación de las automovilista permitieron el BVI fue la sede de la Mitad Maratón de OECS más exitoso del los 5 años pasados. FIFTY-NINE FOR BVI ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION AWARDS GALA From Dean Greenaway The BVI Athletics Association is inviting all fifty-nine athletes that represented the territory in regional and international competitions during the 2010 season, to its second athletes' awards recognition gala, scheduled for December 30, at the Marine Center at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. During the season these athletes represented the territory at the IAAF World Indoor Championships, the World Jr. Championships; Carifta Games; Leeward Islands Youth Championships; Central American and Caribbean Jr. Championships; NACAC Under 23 Championships; Central American and Caribbean Games; Youth Olympic Games and the Commonwealth Games. With the exception of the Carifta Games, BVI athletes were finalist in every competition and won 33 medals. The Sol Athletes of the Year in youth, junior and senior male and female divisions, as well as track events and field events awards from Under 11 to open divisions will all be announced at the Awards Gala. There will also be a most improved male and female athletes award. Sol will also present the National Record Breakers Awards. Additionally, Sol, will present the National Record Breakers Awards. During the season nine records, in five events, were improved upon the Junior Girls 200m, Women's 400; the 4x100 Women and 4x400m Youth Male and Long Jump. 17 MEN, WOMEN'S RECORDS SHATTERED The British Virgin Islands hosted the OECS champ-overhauled BVI resident OECS NEMWIL Half Marathon for the Maria Mays to demolish Rachael first time in its history, as the event was McDonald's 2009 BVI Half Marathon run in conjunction with the 5th annivermark of 1:43.15 putting down a new time sary of the BVI Half Marathon, proof 1:35.35. Mays and St. Vincent and the duced record after record. Grenadines' Lisa Daniel, in second and While the focus was on whether St. third respectively, were also under the Lucia's Zepherinus Joseph would win a old mark times of 1:36.56 and 1:38.56. sixth straight OECS title or St. Vincent “My strategy was to take it easy and and the Grenadines' Pamenos relaxed for the first half and kick over the Ballantyne would end his six-year title second part,” said Lasaldo, who also coldrought, Michael Aisha transplanted lected $250 from sponsor OGIER for New Zealander living in the USAbreaking the women's BVI Half grabbed the headlines in Saturday's race. Running at a five minutes clip over the first two miles into the 13.1 mile race on Tortola's south coast, Aisha Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004 Olympian who now trains in Boulder, Colorado and was visiting his friend and 2009 BVI Half Marathon champ R a c h a e l McDonald-broke Aisha Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004 Olympian away from the field along with Joseph, Marathon record. “I was surprised to see Ballantyne and Trinidad and Tobago's another woman in front of me but made Curtis Cox the 2009 BVI Half Marathon my move to shake her off over the last champ. mile.” Aish pulled Joseph and Ballantyne There were 68 starters and 68 finishersunder the old mark as they finished in 34 men and 34 women. It was the 1:08:22 and 1:09:50, respectively. Cox largest BVI Half Marathon in its 5-year who was fourth, also dipped under his history, with participants from 11 counold mark with 1:14.27. tries. “This was a very competitive field and I HALF MARATHON RESULTS: MEN: was worried at the start because these 1. Michael Aish (USA), 1:07:38. (New guys come from a lot of different places BVI Half Marathon record. Old record, and have a lot of pedigree to them,” Curtis Cox, Trinidad & Tobago, 1:15.53, said Aish, who collected the $1,000 Nov 28, 2009). prize and additional $500 for breaking 2. Zepherinus Joseph (St. Lucia), the BVI Half Marathon record. “They 1:08:22. are all good accomplished runners, so it 3. Pamenos Ballantyne (St. Vincent & was good to get in there and get a good The Grenadines), 1:09:50. race.” 4. Curtis Cox (Trinidad & Tobago), Joseph said he knew Aish from his col1:14:27. legiate days and what he was capable 5. Bram Sanderson (Dominica), of doing. “My goal at the start was to 1:26:55. 6. O'Brian Huggins (St. Kitts & Nevis), stay with him and hopefully, he would 1:27:43. have gotten me away from the guys, WOMEN: which happened,” Joseph who collect1. Shermin Lasaldo (Trinidad & ed the second placed prize and an Tobago), 1:35:35. (New BVI Half additional $250 dropped in by sponsor Marathon Record. Old Record, Rachael OGIER, as the first OECS athlete under McDonald, 1:43.15. Nov 28, 2009). the old course record. 2. Maria Mays (BVI), 1:36:56. Ballantyne who trained in England for a 3. Lisa Daniel (St. Vincent & The month before the race, said his strategy Grenadines), 1:38:56. was not to go out hard and get dehy4. Rachael McDonald (BVI), 1:46:18. drated after coming from colder climes. 5. Joy Bryan-Silva, (USVI) 1:49:15. On the women's side Trinidad and 6. Angela Berry, 1:49:07 Tobago's Shermin Lasaldo the reigning 16 LOS RECORDES DE LOS HOMBRES Y LAS MUJERES BATIO y se deshidrataba después de llegando Los British Virgin Islands (BVI) fue la de tiempo frío. sede de la Mitad Maratón de OECS Para las mujeres, Shermin Lasaldo de NEMWIL por la primera vez en su hisTrinidad y Tobago- la campeóna de toria, en conjunto con el aniversario OECS -batió Maria Mays de BVI a baitr quinto de la Mitad Maratón de BVI, que el récord de Rachael McDonald de produjo récord después de récord. 1:43.15 de la Mitad Maratón de BVI Mientras el enfoque era si Zepherinus con un nuevo récord de 1:35.35. Mays Joseph de St. Lucia's podía ganar un y Lisa Daniel de St. Vincent y los título sexto de OECS o si Pamenos Grenadines, llegaron en segunda posiBallantyne de St. Vincent y los ción y tercero posición respectivaGrenadines podía terminar su pérdida mente con nuevos récordes de 1:36.56 de seis años, Michael Aish-un hombre y1:38.56. de Nueva Zelanda viviendo en los “Mi estrategia era tener un actitud relaE.E.U.U. - fue “la estrella” de la jada por la primera mitad y hacer mi maratón de Sábado. major personal en el Segundo parte,” Corriendo a un cinco minuto ventaja en Lasaldo dijo, quien recibió $250 del la primera dos millas en el Maratón de espónsor OGIER para batir el récord 13.1 millas en la costa sur de Tortola, de la Mitad Maratón de BVI. “Estaba Aish-un Olympiano de Sydney de 2000 sorpresa a ver una otra mujer en frente y Atenas de 2004 quien ahora entrena de mi pero hice mi mejor a dejar atrás en Boulder, Colorado y estaban visitanla en la milla última. do su amigo Había 68 particiquien es la pantes-34 homcampeóna bres y 34 de la Mitad mujeres. Fue la Maratón de Mitad Maratón BVI de 2009 de BVI mas Rachael grande en su McDonaldhistoria de 5 se ha superaños, con particiado las otras pantes de 11 atletas con países. Joseph, LOS Ballantyne y RÉCORDES DE Curtis Cox de LA MITAD Trinidad y MARATÓN DE Tobago- el BVI : campeón de LOS la Mitad HOMBRES: Maratón de 1. Michael Aish BVI de 2009. (EE.UU), Aish batía 1:07:38. ( Los Joseph y Récordes Ballantyne Nuevos de la quien termiMitad Maratón naron en de BVI. El 1:08:22 y récord previo, 1:09:50, Curtis Cox, Trinidad and Tobago's Shermin Lasaldo respectivaTrinidad y mente. Cox Tobago, 1:15.53, el 28 de Noviembre llegaba en la cuarta posición de 2009). 2. Zepherinus Joseph (St. con1:14.27. Lucia), 1:08:22. “Era una carrera muy competitivo y al 3. Pamenos Ballantyne (St. Vincent y principio estaba preocupado porque los Grenadines), 1:09:50. estas atletas llegan de lugares difer4. Curtis Cox (Trinidad y Tobago), entes y tienen mucho TALENTO ,” Aish 1:14:27. dijo, quien recibió el premio de $1,000 5. Bram Sanderson (Dominica), y una extra $500 para batir el récord de 1:26:55. 6. O'Brian Huggins (St. Kitts la Mitad Maratón de BVI. “Todos estan y Nevis), 1:27:43. atletas buenas, era muy bien a PARLAS MUJERES: 1. Shermin Lasaldo TICIPAR en un maratón bueno.” (Trinidad y Tobago), 1:35:35. (Los Joseph dijo que conocía Aish de Récordes Nuevos de la Mitad Universidad y todo que puede hacer. Maratón de BVI. El Récord previo, “Meta al principio era correr con el y Rachael McDonald, 1:43.15. el 28 de esperaba poder a batir las otras atleNoviembre de 2009). 2. Maria Mays tas, que ocurrió,” Joseph recibió el pre(BVI), 1:36:56. 3. Lisa Daniel (St. mio para el segundo posicion y una Vincent y los Grenadines), 1:38:56. extra $250 del esponsor OGIER, como 4. Rachael McDonald (BVI), 1:46:18. la primera atleta en el record previo. 5. Joy Bryan-Silva, (USVI) 1:49:15. Ballantyne quien entreno en Inglaterra 6. Angela Berry, 1:49:07. por un mes antes el maratón, dijo que su estrategía no era hacer un esfuerzo CHANTAL PETITCLERC INDUCTED INTO CANADA'S SPORTS HALL OF FAME The Canadian Sports Hall of Fame recently welcomed the class of 2010 in Calgary, Alberta at Olympic Park. The 2010 ceremony will feature one of the world's most decorated athletes in wheelchair racing Chantal Petitclerc of Montreal, Quebec. Her induction will mark yet another milestone in her illustrious career as the first female paralympian to join Canada’s Sport’s Hall of Fame. Best known for her accomplishments on the international stage in wheelchair racing, Petitclerc holds 21 Paralympic Games medals including 14 gold, 5 silver and 2 bronze. She also captured an Olympic gold medal in the 800 metres demonstration event at the 2004 Games and set numerous Canadian and World records along the way. The class of 2010 has eight inductees, joining Petitclerc are Bob Ackles (Contributions to the CFL), Jean-Luc Brassard (Moguls), Clara Hughes (Cycling and Speed Skating), Roger Jackson (Advancing Sport) who has previously been inducted as an athlete (Sculling), Patrick Roy (Hockey), Kyle Shewfelt (Gymnastics), Jacque Villeneuve (race car driver). Chantal's induction will bring the number of track & field inductees to 31. The last track and field athlete induction into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame was in 2008 when the Hall welcomed Donovan Bailey, Carlton Chambers, Robert Esmie, Glenroy Gilbert, and Bruny Surin; all members of the 1996 Olympic Games gold medal winning 4 x 100 metres relay team. Other track & field inductees include notables such as Cal Bricker (1956), Myrtle Cook (1955), Bill Crothers (1971), Phil Edwards (1997), Harry CHANTAL PETITCLERC SERA INTRONISÉE AU PANTHÉON DES SPORTS CANADIENS Chambers, Robert Esmie, Glenroy Gilbert, and Bruny Surin; all members of the 1996 Olympic Games gold medal winning 4 x 100 metres relay team. Other track & field inductees include notables such as Cal Le Panthéon des sports canadiens accueillera la classe de 2010 ce soir à Calgary, en Alberta, au Parc olympique. Les nouvelles recrues de 2010 comprendront une des athlètes les plus décorées du monde Bricker (1956), Myrtle Cook (1955), Bill Crothers (1971), Phil Edwards (1997), Harry Jerome (1971), Bruce Kidd (1968), Percy Williams (1955) and Abby Hoffman (2004). dans la coureuse en fauteuil roulant Chantal Petitclerc, de Montréal, Québec. Son intronisation marquera une autre étape importante de son illustre carrière, en devenant la première paralympienne à joindre le Panthéon des sports canadiens. Mieux connue pour ses réussites sur la scène inter- nationale dans les courses en fauteuil roulant, Petitclerc détient 21 médailles des Jeux Paralympiques, dont 14 d'or, 5 d'argent et 2 de bronze. Elle a aussi remporté une médaille d'or olympique dans l'épreuve de 800 mètres, en démonstration lors des Jeux de 2004. Elle a établi de nombreux records canadiens et mondiaux en cours de chemin. La classe de 2010 comprend huit recrues qui seront intronisées ce soir au Parc olympique du Canada, à Calgary. Se joignant à Petitclerc, on trouve Bob Ackles (Contributions à la LCF), Jean-Luc Brassard (Bosses), Clara Hughes (Cyclisme et patinage de vitesse), Roger Jackson (Avancement du sport) qui a déjà été intronisé comme athlète (Aviron), Patrick Roy (Hockey), Kyle Shewfelt (Gymnastique), et Jacques Villeneuve (pilote de course automobile). L'intronisation de Chantal portera le nombre de représentants de l'athlétisme à 31. Les dernières intronisations au Panthéon des sports canadiens pour l'athlétisme remontent à 2008 lorsque le Panthéon a accueilli Donovan Bailey, Carlton Chambers, Robert Esmie, Glenroy Gilbert et Bruny Surin; tous des membres de l'équipe du relais 4 x 100 mètres ayant gagné la médaille d'or des Jeux olympiques de 1996. Les autres personnes intronisées en athlétisme comprennent notamment Cal Bricker (1956), Myrtle Cook (1955), Bill Crothers (1971), Phil Edwards (1997), Harry Jerome (1971), Bruce Kidd (1968), Percy Williams (1955) et Abby Hoffman (2004). 9 CANADIAN WOMEN'S 4X400M RELAY BRONZE MEDAL The Canadian women's 4x400m relay team were awarded the bronze medal following disqualification of the Nigerian team. Nigerian runner Folashade Abugan returned an adverse analytical finding from a test conducted following the women's 400 metre final that was prohibited under the current WADA Prohibited List; subsequently she was disqualified from all events in which she participated during the games. ZELINKA WINS SILVER AT COMMONWEALTH GAMES Jessica Zelinka of Calgary, AB captured the silver medal today at the Commonwealth Games. Zelinka scored 6100 points in the Heptathlon which is comprised of 7 events over two days. Zelinka's medal is the seventh so far at these Games for the track and field team JAMAICAN ATHLETES SHINE IN INDIA Jamaica competed in 20 finals at the Commonwealth Games gaining seven (7) medals. Along the way the country's athletes also garnered three (3) fourth places with three (3) athletes doing their Personal Best marks in their respective events. OTHER TRACK AND FIELD MEDALISTS Jamie Adjetey-Nelson won gold in the decathlon, Dylan Armstrong took gold in the shot put, Sultana Frizell won gold in the hammer throw, Kyle Pettey won the gold in the F34 shot put, Diane Roy won gold in the T54 1500 metres and Tabia Charles took bronze in the triple jump. Jamaica's Lerone Clarke proudly displays his first international Gold Medal which he won at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in India earlier this year. Sharing the moment with him are Silver medallist Mark Lewis Francis (l) and Bronze Medallist Aaron Armstrong. The medals were: 2 Gold, 4 Silver and 1 Bronze Alice Falaiye and Tabia Charles (Long Jump Gold and Bronze The Canadian team of Amonn Nelson of Calgary, AB, Adrienne Power of Halifax, NS, Vicki Tolton of Smithers, BC, and Carline Muir of Edmonton, AB, will be awarded the bronze from their performance of 3:30.20. Also a member of the team was Coquitlam, BC's Ruky Abdulai who ran in the semi-final round helping the Canadian team qualify for the final where she was an alternate. The gold medal was awarded to India with a time of 3:27.77. Zelinka wins silver at Commonwealth Games Jessica Zelinka of Calgary, AB captured the silver medal today at the Commonwealth Games. Zelinka scored 6100 points in the Heptathlon which is comprised of 7 events over two days. Zelinka's medal is the seventh so far at these Games for the track and field team Other Track and Field medalists Jamie Adjetey-Nelson won gold in the decathlon, Dylan Armstrong took gold in the shot put, Sultana Frizell won gold in the hammer throw, Kyle Pettey won the gold in the F34 shot put, Diane Roy won gold in the T54 1500 metres and Tabia Charles took bronze in the triple jump. Throwers re-write Games and World Record Books Canadian throwers made their mark today as the track and field team took 3 gold medals in grand fashion in Delhi, India. Kamloops' Dylan Armstrong earned his first major games victory in the shot put, his throw of 21.02 metres is a new Commonwealth Games record. In the hammer throw Sultana Frizell of Perth, ON also established a new Games record bringing home the gold with a throw of 68.57m. Rounding out today's gold medal hat trick was Brampton, Ontario's Kyle Pettey in the F34 classification shot put with a world record performance of 11.44 metres. Pettey is the first para-athletics Canadian thrower to ever win a medal at the Commonwealth Games. 10 THROWERS RE-WRITE GAMES AND WORLD RECORD BOOKS Canadian throwers made their mark today as the track and field team took 3 gold medals in grand fashion in Delhi, India. Kamloops' Dylan Armstrong earned his first major games victory in the shot put, his throw of 21.02 metres is a new Commonwealth Games record. In the hammer throw Sultana Frizell of Perth, ON also established a new Games record bringing home the gold with a throw of 68.57m. Rounding out today's gold medal hat trick was Brampton, Ontario's Kyle Pettey in the F34 classification shot put with a world record performance of 11.44 metres. Pettey is the first para-athletics Canadian thrower to ever win a medal at the Commonwealth Games. MEN Gold Silver Silver Silver Trecia Kay Smith celebrates as she wins gold in the women's triple jump in the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Lerone Clarke Lanceford Spence Dorian Scott Team Jamaica WOMEN Gold Trecia Smith Silver Sheree Francis Bronze Nickiesha Wilson NEW FEDERATION EXECUTIVES Several member countries held Annual General Meetings at which voting to elect members of the executive took place in recent months. Many of the executives were returned en bloc .. there were however a few exceptions. Below please see the new executives for: ST LUCIA President - Cornelius Breen 1st Vice President - Wayne Burton 2nd Vice Pesident - Gregory Lubin Secretary - Alfred Emmanual Treasurer - Henry Bailey Assistant Secretary/Treasurer - Lisa Joseph Public Relations Officer - Agath Alphonse Floor Representatives - Denise Amedee and Hugh Breustaraal BELIZE President - Ian Gray 1st Vice President - Deon Sutherland 2nd Vice President - Jameel Smith General Secretary - Ellison Flowers Assistant Secretary - Yvonne Moore Treasurer - Harry Pilgrim Committee Members - Phillip Murray, Orson Elrington and Andrew Pilgrim DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1er. Vice-Presidente…Prof. Gregorio Ramírez 2do. Vice-Presidente…....Ing. Alexis Peguero 3er. Vice-Presidente…....Prof. Alberto Florián 4to. Vice-Presidente…….Prof. Manuel Gonel 5to. Vice-Presidente…….Lic. Rosario Castillo Secretaria General……Prof. Mariano Cedeño Tesorero…………………Prof. Ramón Valdez 1er. Co-Secretario..........Prof. Radhames Brea 2do. Co-Secretari…..Ing. Agro. Luis Gonzales Co-Tesorero……...…Prof. Luis Emilio Morban 1er. Vocal…….…Dr. Andrés Humberto Ortega 2do. Vocal………………....Prof. Miguel Núñez 10.12 20.49 20.19 38.79 100m 200m Shot Put 4x100m 14.19 1.88 56.06 Triple Jump High Jump 400m Hurdles NEW DATE FOR CAC CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS The president of the Federation of Athletics of Honduras, Mr Calixto Sierra announced recently that the date of Central American Cross Country Championships has been changed to Saturday, February 5, 2011 in the of Tela, Honduras. President Sierra pointed that the date was changed because the cost of hote accommodation which has increased dramatically for the Christmas season. ********* Ayer recibi comunicacion de parte de la Federacion de Atletismo de Honduras a traves de su presidente Calixto Sierra que el Campeonato Centroamericano Campo Traviesa cambia de fecha. La nueva fecha sera el SABADO 5 DE FEBRERO en la Ciudad de Tela, Honduras. El cambio se debe a la saturacion de hoteles y precios muy elevados por la temporada navideña. 15 NEWS FROM BERMUDA TFA From Donna Watson, President/Bermuda Track & Field Association Two Bermudian athletes participated in the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India. Long Jumper runners through some of Bermuda's most beautiful locations. The season culminated on Tyrone Smith finished 5th in his event and sprinter Tre Houston made it to the semifinals in the 100 and 200 meters running a PB of 10.45 in the 100m. Bermuda also had a very good Cross-country series this season. Approximately 150 athletes between the ages of 9-65 years participated in each of the series. Five competitions were held in different locations, taking the December 11 at the Botanical Gardens where the National Cross Country Champion-ships took place. Bermuda's track and field currently attending university have been having a great introduction to cross country with Ashley Berry representing Duke University ad Henry Stevens-Carty representing Samford University in that event. During the weekend, December 4th & 5th the KPMG Front Street Mile Trials took place with 280 competitors participating. The top 20 in each age group will go forward to the finals which will be held January 14th. The 2012 Carifta Games were officially launched on Saturday December 4, 2010 with a 40m sprint challenge with three of Bermuda's top althletes. 100m runner Devon Dean, Troy Douglas, 200 and 400m representative and triple jumper Brian Welkman were the participants. The event was held at The event was held at the National Sports Centre where the 2012 Carifta Games logom mascot, AJ the Gombey and Games slogan “Sports Bring People Together” were officially revealed. In spite of the inclement weather the event was well received by the large group in attendance. The 40m race was won by the youngest of the three athletes, Devon Bean, who was presented with a trophy by AJ the Gombey. Bermuda's plans for the 2 0 1 2 Carifta Games are in high gear with the organizers looking forward to the event that, by the look of things at the launch, will receive excellent national support. POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE 9 DÉCEMBRE 2010 LES RÉCIPIENDAIRES DES PRIX 2010 cont’d from page 8 14 Jessica Zelinka -- Heptathlon Silver Medallist Le Trophée Myrtle Cook pour l'athlète jeunesse par excellence de l'année a été octroyé à deux gagnantes. Katie Reid, de Surrey, BC, et Chanice Taylor-Chase, d'Ajax, ON, sont les récipiendaires de 2010. Katie a mérité sa place sur l'équipe du Championnat du monde junior lors des Essais de Moncton en établissant un record canadien jeunesse au 400 mètres. En plus de concourir au 400 mètres lors du Mondial junior, Reid fut aussi membre de l'équipe de relais du 4x400 mètres qui a brisé lerecord canadien junior à ce même championnat. Elles continuèrent leur chemin pour finalement terminer 5ème de la finale. Plus tard, au cours de la saison, lors des Jeux olympiques pour jeunes à Singapour, elle a terminé 5ème. Dans deux épreuves très différentes, Chanice est monté sur la scène internationale lors du Championnat du monde junior de l'IAAF, se qualifiant au 100 mètres haies et au 400 mètres. Elle fut aussi membre de l'équipe du relais 4x400 mètres qui a terminé 5ème. Chanice a gagné le bronze au 400 mètres lors du Championnat canadien à Toronto. Le Dr Anatoliy Bondarchuk, de Kamloops, BC, fut nommé l'entraîneur de l'année 2010 d'Athlétisme Canada. Les athlètes du Dr Bondarchuk ont tous réussit des saisons formidables, dont notamment les quatre athlètes, sous sa tutelle, qui furent membres de l'équipe des Jeux du Commonwealth. - Dylan Armstrong - Lancer du poids - Or aux Jeux du Commonwealth et record des Jeux - 4ème de la (Diamond League ) - 3 records canadiens (2 en salle et 1 en plein air) - Sultana Frizell - Lancer du marteau - Or aux Jeux du Commonwealth et record des Jeux - Or au Championnat canadien et record de la compétition - Record canadien· Megann Rodhe - Lancer du marteau - Finaliste aux Jeux du Commonwealth - Crystal Smith - Lancer du marteau - Finaliste aux Jeux du Commonwealth - Nouveau record personnel 11