Tomas Rivera Elementary School English Learner Advisory
Tomas Rivera Elementary School English Learner Advisory
Tomas Rivera Elementary School English Learner Advisory Committee Thursday, March 6th, 2014 1. MINUTES In attendance Members: Yujie Jia and Jaime Montes de Oca School Staff: Janie Rhoades (Principal), and Marta Gutierrez (Translator) 2. Call meeting to order/introductions The meeting was called to order at 2:54 p.m. 3. Oral communications None at this time. 4. Action agenda Minutes of January 23rd, 2014 were approved (1st—Mr. Jaime Montes De Oca; 2nd—Mrs. Janie Rhoades) 5. Reports Mrs. Rhoades started our meeting by informing our members about our new principal, Mr. Wilson Cuellar, whom will be starting on March 26th, 2014. Mrs. Rhoades gave them some background information about Mr. Cuellar and told them that Mr. Cuellar will be meeting with Mrs. Rhoades on March 16th on his own time to discuss with her school matters. Mrs. Rhoades continued to present an overview of our Comprehensive School Safety Plan to our members. She handed out a table of contents to all of our members. Also, she brought in the original Comprehensive School Safety Plan binder to the meeting, for members to view if desired. She explained some of the elements from the Safety Plan. She talked about our Site Security Plan, section A, she explained that each school has a SRO, School Resources Officer. For our school we have assigned Officer Karla Corbett, whom is stationed at King High School and she is around the corner and on our speed dial in case we need her. Mrs. Rhoades talked about Section C, School Disaster Preparedness Plan. She talked about our Disaster Plan and how every staff member has assigned duties and we also have a national Disaster Drill once per school year. She also informed the members that our new principal will be doing a training called “Active Shooter” with all of our staff. It’s a new strategy that was introduced to all of our principals and they will need to make sure that all of our school staff is also trained. Mrs. Rhoades asked for our members to review the contents and if they had any questions about or input for any of the sections to let her know. None of the members had any questions. One of our parents asked about the dates for our Summer Science Program. Mrs. Rhoades told her that that program is still pending due to the budget cuts on the budget that provides funds for that program. Mrs. Rhoades told them that Mr. Cuellar will notify them if they will be able to fund the program. 6. Comments Comments from school and English Learner Advisory Committee members concerning school, district or school business. No Action may be taken on comments. 7. Future agenda items Lexia levels, Summer Boot Camp, CELDT 8. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:27 p.m. 9. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Mrs. Janie Rhoades and Miss Marta Gutierrez Escuela Primaria Tomas Rivera Junta del Comité Consejero de los Alumnos que Están Aprendiendo Ingles Jueves, 6 de marzo del 2014 Minutas 1. En Asistencia: Miembros: Yujie Jia, y Jaime Montes de Oca Personal Escolar: Janie Rhoades (Directora) y Marta Gutierrez (Traductor) 2. Llamar la Junta a orden/introducciones La junta fue llamada a orden a la 2:54 p.m. 3. Comunicaciones orales Ninguna en estos momentos. 4. Acción de agenda Las minutas del 23 de enero del 2013 fueron aprobadas (1ro Sr. Jaime Montes De Oca; 2do—Sra. Janie Rhoades) 5. Reportes Mrs. Rhoades started our meeting by informing our members about our new principal, Mr. Wilson Cuellar, whom will be starting on March 26th, 2014. Mrs. Rhoades gave them some background information about Mr. Cuellar and told them that Mr. Cuellar will be meeting with Mrs. Rhoades on March 16th on his own time to discuss with her school matters. Mrs. Rhoades continued to present an overview of our Comprehensive School Safety Plan to our members. She handed out a table of contents to all of our members. Also, she brought in the original Comprehensive School Safety Plan binder to the meeting, for members to view if desired. She explained some of the elements from the Safety Plan. She talked about our Site Security Plan, section A, she explained that each school has a SRO, School Resources Officer. For our school we have assigned Officer Karla Corbett, whom is stationed at King High School and she is around the corner and on our speed dial in case we need her. Mrs. Rhoades talked about Section C, School Disaster Preparedness Plan. She talked about our Disaster Plan and how every staff member has assigned duties and we also have a national Disaster Drill once per school year. She also informed the members that our new principal will be doing a training called “Active Shooter” with all of our staff. It’s a new strategy that was introduced to all of our principals and they will need to make sure that all of our school staff is also trained. Mrs. Rhoades asked for our members to review the contents and if they had any questions about or input for any of the sections to let her know. None of the members had any questions. One of our parents asked about the dates for our Summer Science Program. Mrs. Rhoades told her that that program is still pending due to the budget cuts on the budget that provides funds for that program. Mrs. Rhoades told them that Mr. Cuellar will notify them if they will be able to fund the program. 6. Comentarios Comentarios de la escuela y los miembros del comité de los alumnos aprendices del idioma Ingles consultivo sobre estudiantes de la escuela, el distrito o los negocios de la escuela. Ninguna acción se puede tomar en los comentarios. 7. Elementos futuros para la agenda Lexia levels, Summer Boot Camp, CELDT 8. Aplazamiento La reunión fue clausurada a las 3:27p.m. 9. Minutos respetuosamente presentados por: Sra. Janie Rhoades y la Srita. Marta Gutierrez