
“My name is Sira Quiroga and I’m a
seamstress. I never imagined my fate
would be to run across town in a foreign
country with a suit of guns on my skin.
But now I know that fate is the total sum
of every decision we make in life, even
those that seemed insignificant at the
time. In my case, it all began with something as minor as learning to thread
a needle…”
Travelling to an exotic and unfamiliar
country to follow a great love, forging a
new identity and starting a fancy workshop, and getting tangled up in a WWII
spy plot are just a few of the situations
Sira Quiroga (Adriana Ugarte), the protagonist of The Time in Between must
face in the new fiction series produced by Boomerang TV and slated for a
Prime Time premiere on Antena 3.
Adriana Ugarte leads the cast as Sira
Quiroga, the protagonist around whom
the plot revolves, in this adaptation of
María Dueñas’ best-seller. The cast of
this fiction series is rounded out by
troupe of outstanding Spanish actors,
including, Elvira Mínguez, Raúl Arévalo, Tristán Ulloa, Carlos Santos, Francesc Garrido, Alba Flores, Mari Carmen
Sánchez, Elena Irureta, David V. Muro,
Pepa Rus and Carlos Olalla. A thorough
and painstaking process was also undertaken in order to select an international
cast composed of Hannah New, Peter
Vives, Filipe Duarte, Rubén Cortada,
Ben Temple and Jimmy Shaw, among
other outstanding performers.
The Time In Between (a.k.a. The Seamstress)
chronicles the life of Sira Quiroga, a
young seamstress who, in the months
leading up the Spanish Civil War, abandons Madrid in order to follow the man
she loves to Tangier. But things there
do not turn out as she had planned,
and she is forced to take charge of her
life. All alone, in an unfamiliar country,
laden with other people’s debts and a
broken heart, Sira ends up in Tetouan,
where she fights with every means at her
disposal just to stay afloat.
The book
María Dueñas’ novel has sold three million copies in over nearly thirty countries. She defines her work as follows:
“The Time in Between is the story of a
young dressmaker driven by fate to take
on a dangerous engagement in which
the patterns and fabrics of her trade become a front for something much shadier and more critical. Underneath this
schematic plot, there is a web of multiple transversal readings that make the
book a novel that is at one and the same
time a novel about personal growth,
a colonial novel, a romantic novel, a novel about historical and political conspiracies, and a spy novel. It’s a fast-paced
novel full of encounters and clashes,
false identities and unexpected turns;
tenderness, betrayals and fallen angels,”
she says.
Adriana Ugarte as Sira Quiroga
“A well-sewn series, it’s as if a
wise pair of hands had managed to
make an exquisitely well-fitted suit.”
The daughter of a working class single
mother, Sira Quiroga learns the trade
of seamstress from a very young age.
Her passion for the wrong man drives
her to foolishly embark upon a journey
from 1930’s Spain to Morocco. In order to survive, the young woman has no
choice but to get ahead doing the only
thing she knows how to do: sewing.
After she has finally opened her own
business in Tetouan, her life takes an
unexpected turn and she ends up collaborating with the British intelligence
service during WWII.
“Splendid, luxurious, novel and beautiful, very beautiful. Technically outstanding and, compared to Spanish
TV production standards, completely
unheard-of. In other words, a timeless story, but told like never before.”
Adriana Ugarte is one of Spain’s most
important actresses. Having won awards
for her work in television on shows such
as Lady and El Comisario, Adriana has
also starred in films such as Doghead
and Combustion.
“A series that looks like a film, and is
especially outstanding thanks to Adriana Ugarte’s excellent performance:
without saying a single word, her eyes
manage to convey Sira’s feelings.”
Raúl Arévalo as Ignacio
He dreams of passing a civil service exam and leading a comfortable life free from worries. He is Sira’s first love, but, with
preparations for their wedding already underway, Sira leaves
him to run away with another man.
Raúl Arévalo is one of Spain’s great acting talents. His recent
work includes the latest films by Pedro Almodóvar, Daniel
Sánchez-Arévalo and Álex de la Iglesia.
Ben Temple as Allan Hilgarth
He is the British Embassy’s Naval Attaché and coordinator of
the Secret Service’s activities in Spain.
In his long career, Ben Temple has had roles in film and
TV in works such as REC, Goya’s Ghosts and I Want to Be
a Soldier.
Rubén Cortada as Ramiro Arribas
This unscrupulous philanderer tears Sira away from her world
with the false promise of a supposed business and undying love.
Ramiro robs her of her innocence, her money and her dreams.
Rubén Cortada is an actor and model who works regularly for
international fashion companies. He is continuing his TV career with The Time In Between having participated in series
such as Bandolera and The Prince.
Filipe Duarte as Manuel Da Silva
The womanizing, seductive and mysterious Portuguese businessman has business relations with the German axis. Upon
request from the English Secret Service, Sira warms up to
him in an attempt to get some very valuable information.
An established name in Portuguese fiction, Felipe Duarte
joins the series after his first foray into Spain with Imanol
Uribe’s Orange Honey.
Hannah New as Rosalinda Fox
The fun and extravagant young English woman becomes Sira’s
best friend and introduces her to Tetouan’s high society. She
has an incredible capacity to combine frivolity with an incredibly vacuous dose of generosity and enormous determination.
Tristán Ulloa as Juan Luis Beigbeder
A colonel in the national army and Spain’s High Commissioner in Morocco. He is a controversial, educated polyglot who
is fascinated by Arab culture and is also charismatic, a huge
womanizer and an eternal conspirator.
English actress Hannah New has worked in film and TV on
works such as Brain Drain and is currently preparing Maleficent and Black Sails.
Tristán Ulloa is one of the best-known faces in Spanish
fiction, having appeared in such works as Sex and Lucía,
Asterix & Obelix and Salvador.
Peter Vives as Marcus Logan
The supposed journalist from Great Britain appears in Tetouan hoping to interview Beigbeder in exchange for helping
Sira’s mother get out of Madrid. He disappears from Sira’s
life when something more than a friendship begins to emerge
between them, and he is reunited with a reinvented Sira.
Savage Grace, Paintball and Invader are just some of the
titles in actor Peter Vives’ filmography.
Locations and Setting
The series was shot in over 100 locations
in Spain, Morocco and Portugal. Over
254 sets were used in order to painstakingly adapt natural settings to the period between the late 30’s and early 40’s.
Throughout the shoot, the crew worked
in the three countries where the novel
takes place, setting the story in its real locations in Morocco, Portugal and Spain.
Luis Valles, five-time Goya Award nominee, was in charge of production design.
Among the key locations are Tangier
and Tetouan, as well as different places
in Portugal such as Lisbon, Cascais and
Estoril. In Spain, the crew shot in locations such as Toledo, the San Francisco
Fort in Guadalajara, and numerous settings throughout Madrid.
In all, The Time in Between has a cast of
135 actors and more than 2,500 extras
including protagonists, supporting cast
and guest apperances.
Four-time Goya Award nominee, Bina
Daigeler was in charge of dressing the
characters in The Time In Between.
Adriana Ugarte’s character shows off 34
original costumes in the first episode alone. Bina Daigeler used more than 2,000
outfits created and imported from Europe’s most prestigious fashion designers.
José Quetglas, winner of six Goya Awards
and a Bafta Award, was in charge of the
hair and makeup team.
Soundtrack and Sound for
The Time In Between
The series’ original soundtrack is an original composition by César Benito, performed by the prestigious Macedonian Radio
Symphonic Orchestra. Benito has won several awards for his work on different TV
series, such as A Normal Family and films
such as Ways to Live Forever.
Iván Marín, one of Pedro Almodovar’s
regular collaborators, was in charge of
sound for The Time In Between.
James Muñoz, six-time Goya Award nominee for titles such as Buried, was in
charge of editing and mixing.
In the first two chapters…
The most daring decision of her life
Sira (Adriana Ugarte) is a shy young woman who has dedicated her entire life to
the sewing workshop where her mother,
Dolores (Elvira Mínguez), works. She becomes engaged to the first man who has
ever courted her, Ignacio (Raúl Arévalo).
But in the months leading up to the Civil
War, Sira leaves Ignacio to run away with
another man, Ramiro.
Just then, her mother introduces her to
Gonzalo (Carlos Olalla), her father, who
offers her the chance to use his surname
and gives her money and some of the family’s jewels.
Just then, Ramiro entices Sira to run away
to Tangier, with Gonzalo’s money, in order to open a business.
Love and espionage in a sewing workshop
Sira is alone in an unfamiliar country and
soon makes a place for herself as a seamstress working for Candelaria, who sees
the young woman as a gold mine, a way
to help pay off her debts and get her passport back. Yet all Sira wants to do is go
back to Madrid with her mother.
Skirting the law with help from Candelaria, they manage to scrounge up a little
money, enough to open a shop so that
Sira can start sewing. Gradually, Sira regains the peace, stability and happiness
she had lost. She also makes some friends
and a few enemies.
Adriana Ugarte as Sira Quiroga
Elvira Mínguez as Dolores
Raúl Arévalo as Ignacio
Tristán Ulloa as Juan Luis Beigbeder
Carlos Santos as Félix Aranda
Francesc Garrido as Vázquez
Peter Vives as Marcus Logan
Hannah New as Rosalinda Fox
Filipe Duarte as Manuel Da Silva
Mari Carmen Sánchez as Candelaria
Alba Flores as Jamila
Elena Irureta as Manuela
Rubén Cortada as Ramiro Arribas
Pepa Rus as Paquita
Carlos Olalla as Gonzalo
Ben Temple as Allan Hilgarth
Jimmy Shaw as Peter Fox
David V. Muro as Palomares
Production Info
Available versions: 11x70’, 8x90’ and 15x45’
Premiere: Fall 2013
Executive Producers: Emilio A. Pina / Reyes Baltanás
Directors: Iñaki Mercero / Iñaki Peñafiel / Norberto López Amado
Screenplay: Susana López / Carlos Montero / Alberto Grondona
based on the novel by Maria Dueñas “El Tiempo entre Costuras”
Original Soundtrack: César Benito
Art Director: Luis Vallés “Koldo”
Wardrobe: Bina Daigeler
Make-up and Hair designer: Pepe Quetglas / Carmen Veinat
Director of Photography: Juan Molina Temboury (A.E.C.)
[email protected]
Editor: Ángel Armada / Cristina G. Aller
Sound: Iván Marín / James Muñoz
Casting Director: Eva Leira / Yolanda Serrano
Boomerang TV Director of Production: Mª Ángeles Caballero
Antena 3 Associate Producer: Ángel Ossorio
Boomerang TV Head of Fiction: Josep Cister
Antena 3 Content Manager: Pablo del Amo
Still Photography: Pipo Fernández
[email protected]