Our Mission: LITERACY - 2016 Model Schools Conference Handouts


Our Mission: LITERACY - 2016 Model Schools Conference Handouts
Our Mission: LITERACY
For content (both literal and inferential)
To apply pre-reading, during reading and post –reading
strategies to all reading assignments, including determining
purpose and pre-learning vocabulary
To research a topic
To gather information
To comprehend an argument
To determine the main idea of a passage
To expand one’s experiences
To take notes
To explain one’s thinking
To argue a thesis and support one’s thinking
To compare and contrast
To write an open response
To describe an experiment, report one’s findings, and report one’s
To generate a response to what one has read, viewed, or heard
To convey one’s thinking in complete sentences
To develop an expository essay with a formal structure
To convey one’s thinking in complete sentences
To interpret a passage orally
To debate an issue
To participate in class discussion or a public forum
To make an oral presentation to one’s class, one’s peers, one’s
To present one’s portfolio
To respond to what one has read, viewed, or heard
To communicate in a manner that allows one to be both heard
and understood
To listen attentively to the speaker
To listen actively, utilizing the five components:
o Testing understanding (Can I just clarify? You’re saying that…)
o Questioning (Could you tell me some more about…?)
o Building on understanding (What you said about…is really interesting. I
think we should discuss this more.)
o Feedback to the speaker (non-judgmental, clear, honest, immediate, brief)
o Summarizing the discussion (So let’s recap on what has been said and
To critique how listening and questioning benefit learning
To strengthen one’s listening skills and relate to one’s learning styles
To listen, research, and write a well-developed essay identifying Mission Literacy,
its components, and benefits by including supporting details summarized from
listening attentively
To create, interpret and explain a table, chart or graph
To compute, interpret and explain numbers
To read, break, and solve a word problem
To interpret and present statistics that support an argument or
To identify a pattern, explain a pattern, and/or make a prediction
based on a pattern
To detect the fallacy in an argument or solution
To use analogies and/or evidence to support one’s thinking
To explain and/or interpret relationships of space and time
Adapted from the following source: “Transformed by Literacy,” by Dr. Susan Szachowicz, Principal Leadership, November 2010.
A special “thank you” to Ms. Platt and Ms. Brudnak’s 2014-2015 third grade classes for adding the domain of “Listening” to our Mission Literacy Framework.
Para el contenido (tanto literal e inferencial)
para aplicar la lectura, durante la lectura y estrategias de la
lectura a todos leyendo las asignaciones, incluyendo
determinación de propósito y aprender el vocabulario
Para la investigación de un tema
Para recolectar información
Para comprender un discusión
Para determinar la idea principal de un pasaje
Para ampliar las experiencias de uno
Para tomar notas
Para explicar el pensamiento de uno
Parar argumentar una tesis y apoyar el pensamiento de uno
Para comparar y contrastar
Para escribir una respuesta abierta
Para describir un experimento, reportar los resultados de uno, e informar
la conclusión de uno
Para generar una respuesta a lo que uno ha leído , visto o escuchado
Para transmitir el pensamiento de uno en oraciones completas
Para desarrollar un ensayo expositivo con una estructura formal
Para escuchar atentamente al orador
Para escuchar activamente , utilizando los cinco componentes :
o la comprensión de Pruebas (Puedo clarificar? ¿Estás diciendo que...)
o Cuestionamiento (Podría decirme algo más sobre...?)
o Basándose en el entendimiento (Lo que dijiste sobre... es realmente interesante.
Creo que deberíamos hablar de esto más.)
o Comentarios para el orador (No crítico , claro , honesto, inmediato, e breve)
o Resumiendo la discusión (Así que vamos a recapitular sobre lo que se ha dicho y
Para críticar cómo escuchando y cuestionando se beneficia el aprendizaje
Para fortalecer las habilidades de uno para escuchar y relacionar con uno de los estilos de
Para escuchar, investigar y escribir un buen ensayo desarrollado identificando La Misión
de Alfabetización , sus componentes, y beneficios mediantes inclusivo de detalles de
resumidos de escuchar con atención
Para transmitir el pensamiento de uno en oraciones completas
Para interpretar un pasaje oral
Para debatir un problema
Para participar en una discusión en clase o un foro público
Para hacer una presentación oral a la clase de uno , a los
compañeros de uno e la comunidad de uno
Para presentar el portafolio de uno
Para responder a lo que uno ha leído , visto o escuchado
Para comunicar de una manera que permita que uno sea tanto
escuchado y comprendido
Para crear , interpretar y explicar una tabla, una carta o un gráfico
Para calcular , interpretar y explicar números
Para leer , romper , y resolver un problema de palabras
Para Interpretar y presentar estadísticas actuales que apoyan un
argumento o hipótesis
Para identificar un patrón, explica un patrón, y / o hacer una
predicción basada en un patrón
Para detectar la falacia en un argumento o solución
Para utilizar analogías y / o evidencia para apoyar el pensamiento de
Para explicar y / o interpretar relaciones de espacio y tiempo
Adaptado de la siguiente fuente: "Transformados por la Alfabetización", por la Dra. Susan Szachowicz, Liderazgo Principal, Noviembre 2010.
Un agradecimiento especial a la Sra. Platt y la Sra. Brudnak 2014-2015 clases de tercer grado para añadir el dominio de "escuchar" a nuestro marco de Alfabetización Misión.
PCSD Focus District Strategies
1 Receivership – SIG/2 Priority Schools
(PMS/ Morse, Warring)
3 Focus Schools (Clinton, Krieger, PHS)
1 School In Good Standing (ELC)
Improve Use
Intensive Instructional
Coaching and Support
- Principal Coaching – Study Group
Book Leverage Leadership by Paul
-Principal Networking
-Modeling Observations, Feedback,
Data-driven Instructional Protocols,
Focused Instructional Learning
Walks (FILW), Mission Literacy
Monitor and Support
Key Initiatives
Organizational Coherence
Build Capacity at
All Levels of the
Organization to
Focus on Teaching
and Learning
Excellence in
Leadership and
-Strategic Tutoring
-Formative Assessments- Benchmarks
(MAP/NWEA), Imagine Learning
-Scholastic Literacy
-Performance Management (APPR NYSUT, Reeves)
- Removing obstacles (academic
and operations)
- Red/Yellow/Green- Priority School
- 75% shift to instructional focus with
school and classroom visits (FILWs-3
per day minimum)
Improve use of instructional time for
student learning and increase student
engagement- “opt-in” no “opt-out”
Cultivate common planning time
for teacher learning and
collaboration ("communities of
practice" model)
Use EngageNY modules as the
curriculum to support Common Core
Learning Standards planning and
implementation of the core curriculum
Strategic Daily
Tutoring in
Critical Content
Adapted from The Education Innovation Laboratory at Harvard University (Dr. Roland Fryer, 2012)
Last Edited: March 22, 2016
Culture of
Assessments to
Monitor and
Cultivate a college-going
culture (pennants, staff bios)
Robust learning environments
(literacy as a key lever)
Student support systems (RTI,
PBIS/Restorative Justice
approach, Peer mediation, "peace
Use of Instructional Technology
Imagine Learning (AIS and
progress monitoring)
Progress tools/data dash-boards
(attendance, discipline, academics)Infinite Campus
Instructional systems that
empower teachers to identify
struggling students, ( i.e.,
MAP/Regents assessments,
Imagine Learning)
Data-driven approach to
re-teaching, remediation, and
small-group differentiation
(study book: Driven by Data
by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo)
Daily, individualized instruction in grades
3 through 8 and high school (Imagine Learning)
Targeting individual student learning needs, coordinating
with teachers, set SMART Goals (specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic, time-bound)
30-60-90 day planning
Strategic tutoring- Peer tutors, Community-based/Higher
Education Partnerships, Administrators/Title teachers
Last Edited April 1, 2016
Organizational Coherence Effectiveness Framework
District Leadership Team Member School Assignments
Dr. Williams, Superintendent of School
Dr. Cook, Deputy Superintendent for
Mrs. Tracy Farrell, Assistant
Superintendent of C/I/Grants
Mr. Mario Fernandez, Assistant
Superintendent of School Improvement
Dr. Elizabeth Ten Dyke. Director of
Data Analysis and Accountability
Dr. Steve Rappleyea, Executive
Director of Special Education
Mrs. Felicia Schinella, Director of
Special Education
Ms. White, Director of
Curriculum/Teacher Evaluation
5 days
For FILW and evaluation purposes
only; Superintendent’s Hearings,
Mr. Mager, Interim Coordinator for
21st Century Grants
Mrs. Cherry, Director of Family and
Community Engagement
For FILW and
evaluation purposes
5 Days
Mr. Weir, Assistant Principal
Superintendent’s Hearings, Parent
Engagement/Initiatives, Operation
PD, Coaching, APPR, Evaluations,
Ms. Nicole Penn, Assistant Principal
Morse (3)
Clinton (2)
PD, Coaching, APPR, Evaluations,
Ms. Victoria Curry, Assistant Principal
Ms. Sasha Barnes, Assistant Principal
Clinton (3)
PD, Coaching, APPR, Evaluations,
Morse (2)
PD, Coaching, APPR, Evaluations,
Red: Level 1 Support to Principals
 District administrators are scheduled to visit their assigned school 5 days a week;
 Act as the sole support for principals, building capacity at the school level; and throughout the organization to focus on teaching and learning (75% shift of time spent
in classrooms);
 Help principals by removing obstacles and impediments on the academic and operational sides/improve use of instructional time (time on task);
 Cultivate excellence in leadership and instructional practices;
 Perform three Focused Instructional Learning Walks (FILWs) (engagement/students “opt-in”) with the principal to improve the instructional core, with immediate
high-yield feedback to teachers/principal- “Mission Literacy,” Scholastic, Imagine Learning;
 Monitoring attendance, discipline, and academic data and providing targeted recommendations for improvement (draw on Leverage Leadership by Paul BambrickSantoyo, see Chapter 1);
 Focus on supporting the principal in the school’s areas of growth/“grows.” (Draw on Leverage Leadership by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, see Chapter 8); and
 “Adopt” one or two children to tutor (How are the Children initiative). Red/Yellow/Green Operation Excellence/Moving-up/Graduation
Yellow: Level 2 Support Services (i.e., Title I, ENL, Guidance/SW/IST/Psychologist)
District Administrators are scheduled to visit their assigned school 2 days a week;
Focus on supporting results-driven coaching (coaching cycles, differentiated support for teachers, PD)- (draw on Teach like a Champion by Doug Reeves)
Support with Imagine Learning, strategic tutoring initiative (provide targeted instructional support to students- grades 3, 6, 7, 8; high school strategic and peer-to-peer
tutoring), Data Walls- attendance, discipline, and academics; and
 Monitoring the implementation of assessments to improve instruction (draw on Driven by Data by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo).
Green: Level 3 Support, Culture and Climate of the School
 District Administrators are scheduled to visit their assigned school 1 day a week;
 Perform building “learning walkthroughs,” assessing the environment and tone of the school for students, staff, parents, and the community;
 How are students, staff, parents, and the community greeted? Is there a college-going culture? Is there a level of excitement and engagement in the school? Use of
technology? Is there joy? When you “walk the walls,” what do you “notice/wonder” about the learning in the school community?
 Check on and provide support for the school’s current events/initiatives, data walls, “glows.”
Focused Instructional Learning Walk Classroom Visitation Tool
(Aligned with NYSUT Teacher Practice Rubric)
☐ General Ed
☐ Beginning
Type of Class:
☐Special Ed
☐ Middle
Lesson Portion Viewed:
Room No.
☐ End
No. of Students
Name of Reviewer:
Focus: How do we ensure that every classroom is a place of rich and valuable learning for all students?
Coherent Instruction
Culture of learning:
I. 2a. Designs lessons to
include several instructional
strategies for language
acquisition (academic
vocabulary, literacy across the
III. 1a. Aligns instruction to
learning standards
III. 1b. Uses research-based
instructional practices
III. 1c. Instructional practice
engages students at high levels
of cognitive demand
III. 5b. Provides synthesis,
critical thinking, and
IV. 3b. Establishes
instructional groups that are
well organized and students
are productively engaged
IV. 4a. Organizes learning
environment to accommodate
all learning needs
III. 1c. Engages
III. 3b. Implements
Challenging learning
III. 4a. Differentiates
III. 4b. Implements
strategies for mastery of
learning outcomes
IV. 2a. Promotes
student pride in work
IV. 2b. Promotes
student curiosity and
IV 3a. Established
seamless routines
Environment of Respect
and Rapport
IV. 1a. Interactions with
students reflect respect,
caring, cultural
understanding and
promotes risk-taking
IV. 1b. Supports student
diversity to enrich the
learning environment.
IV. 1c. Reinforces
positive interactions
among students
IV. 3a. Establishes
routines/ procedures/
transitions and
expectations for student
Questioning and
Engaging Students in
III.2b. Uses questioning
techniques that challenge
students to think and
demonstrate reasoning
III2c. Responds to
students and challenges
thinking; Bloom's
Taxonomy, Higher Order
Thinking Questions.
III. 5b. Provides regular
opportunities for students
to synthesize information
III. 5a. Provides
opportunities for
collaborating studentcentered learning; high levels
cognitive demand;
II. 5b. Learning experiences
connect to prior knowledge,
new learning and connects
across disciplines
III. 3a. Articulates measures of
III. 6a. Uses formative assessment
to monitor and adjust pacing
III. 6b. Provides feedback during
and after instruction
V. 1a. Designs and/or selects
assessments to establish learning
goals and inform instruction
V.1c. Aligns assessments to
learning goals
V. 2b. Engages students in selfassessment, goal setting strategies
Rigor/Relevance Framework
Student Thinks
Using the Rigor/Relevance Rubric, what ordered pair would
you assign to this lesson?
Assessing Student Learning
Teacher Works
Student Works and Thinks
Student Works
On a scale of 1-5 (1= low; 3= moderate; 5= high), rate the level of engagement.
Source: http://www.leadered.com/our-philosophy/rigor-relevance-framework.php (Dr. Willard R. Daggett)
What coaching/high-yield strategy will you share to increase the level of engagement?
MFernandez V.1 2/20/16
Focused Instructional Learning Walk Classroom Visitation Tool
(Aligned with NYSUT Teacher Practice Rubric)
(Observations/I see…I hear) What is the teacher saying and doing? What are the students saying and doing? What is the task?
Where does the task fall in the Rigor/Relevance Framework quadrant A, B, C, or D? (Rating 1-5)
(What questions come to mind as a result of my NOTICINGS? What quadrant does this learning activity/task fall in? (Rating 1-5)
What feedback/coaching conversation should occur with the teacher to ensure an immediate impact on student learning can be
realized specific to Quadrants B and D? (Pushing the rating along the X-Axis.)
MFernandez V.1 2/20/16
[Type here]
Poughkeepsie City School District Setting High
Expectations on the Road to Success
“The mission of the Poughkeepsie City School District is to
ensure that every child, every day will receive a high
quality education in every classroom. Students will benefit
from a safe learning environment that provides
empowering experiences supporting their academic,
emotional, physical, and social development.”
“It is the vision of the Poughkeepsie City School District to
graduate all students prepared for life, ready for college
and career and instilled with enthusiasm for life-long
learning. Students will be literate, critical thinkers, ethical
users of technology, appreciative of the arts, concerned
about the community in which they live and responsible
for their well-being.”
2015-2016 GOALS
Goal 1- Academic Achievement
Goal 2 -Safety and Security
Goal 3- Family and Community Communication and
Goal 4- Performance Management and Talent
Goal 5- Organizational Efficiency and Accountability
Spring 2016
P o u g h k e e p s i e C i t y Sc h o o l D IST R I C T
Every Child · Every Day · Every Classroom
Message from the Board President
As President of the Board of Education for the Poughkeepsie City School District, it is my pleasure to share
with our community some of the positive things happening in our District.
On the secondary level:
• Poughkeepsie High School was removed from the Priority List and is deemed out of “Receivership” as
of February 26, 2016. (See article on page 8.)
• 204 graduating seniors walked the stage on June 26, 2015 (Cohort 2011), with a goal of 75% for Cohort 2012.
• The Air Force Junior ROTC program commenced in February 2015 with 58 students enrolled in grades 9-12.
• The Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce Career Action Center partnership commenced; close to
50 students participated in internships during the first year.
• At Poughkeepsie Middle School, 235 8th graders met the academic requirements to move up to 9th grade.
• 100% of the 8th grade students participating in the Living Environment Science class successfully passed the
Regents Assessment during the June 2015 administration of the New York State exam.
• The Past and Present Committee conducted the 2nd Annual Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony where 10 individuals and the
1995 New York State Basketball Championship team were celebrated.
• Poughkeepsie High School held their annual Senior Honors Breakfast on March 17, 2016 – 104 students who have maintained
an average of 80 or higher to this point in their high school career were commended and celebrated.
• As the result of securing a competitive grant, the Poughkeepsie City School District implements a dinner program that serves
approximately 215 students per day.
On the elementary level:
• Beginning with 2015-2016 school year, Poughkeepsie City School District implemented full-day kindergarten at the
Early Learning Center at Smith School.
• At Krieger, 120 students met the goal of 90 hours or more using the Imagine Learning Literacy program.
• At Warring, 100% of 1st graders participated in a peer-to-peer reading experience on their 35-book reading journey as part of
Mission Literacy. Students completed a literacy graphic organizer and a writing piece each day during the summer.
• At Morse, 100% of 3rd graders participated in the Imagine Learning literacy program.
• At Clinton, all 1st grade students were introduced to the skill of Number Bonds as part of the
math Common Core curriculum.
We have implemented a new student records management system, Infinite Campus, which is
supporting us with our processes, improving communication, supplying accurate data quickly,
and helping us to individualize instruction for our students. (Please see the article on pg 6.)
We will not consider a discussion to raise the tax cap for 2016-2017. We will not overburden taxpayers, in
spite of the real budget concerns facing the Poughkeepsie City School District for the 2016-2017 school year.
My fellow board members and I continue to work closely with Superintendent Dr. Nicolé Williams and the entire staff to continue to
improve the quality of education and student experiences here in Poughkeepsie. Remember: “teamwork makes the dream work.”
Ralph Coates, President PCSD Board of Education
Poughkeepsie High School Receivership Ends
•Budget Vote – May 17, 2016
May 17yth
•NYU Dental Clinic at Early Learning
Center and Clinton Elementary School
– May 31 – June 3, 2016
•High School AP Exams – May 2 – 13, 2016
•Budget Hearing – May 4, 2016
•Community Health Fair – May 14, 2016
•S.W.A.G. Week – May 16 – 20, 2016
E the DA
Upcoming Events:
See page 8 for complete article
High School
Cohort Graduation
Message from the Superintendent
Our goal is to rank in the top 10 percent of the 700 school districts in New York State by the year 2020. We are relentless in the pursuit of excellence
for the nearly 4,700 students we serve in the Poughkeepsie City School District (PCSD). I encourage all stakeholders to join us on this mission-critical
journey to achieve this unprecedented goal. This “call to action” will require an unwavering commitment, dedication, a laser-like focus, a tremendous
“sense of urgency,” and a belief in the possible. We continue to ask our stakeholders to advocate for adequate funding and resources to support our
District with providing the valuable, intellectually rigorous educational opportunities our children so richly deserve. Working in partnership with
parents, students, and the community, we will achieve excellence. These are some of our “Points of Pride”:
• Poughkeepsie High School (PHS) is trending on a positive slope with both graduation rate and student performance on the New York State Regents exams.
• Four PCSD employees were elected to local offices: Craig Brendli, Poughkeepsie Middle School teacher, was sworn in as the County Legislator for District 8;
Natasha Cherry, Director of Family and Community Engagement, was sworn in as City of Poughkeepsie Council member for Ward 6; Lorraine Johnson, Warring Elementary School Monitor,
was sworn in as City of Poughkeepsie Council member for Ward 3; and Randall A. Johnson, II, Student Worker, was sworn in as City of Poughkeepsie Council member for Ward 7.
• PHS Senior Jawuan Walters received one of two MLK Leadership scholarship awards conferred by Catharine Street Community Center.
• Two PHS Seniors signed National Letters of Intent, in the early period, to participate in crew on the collegiate level: Lindsey Smith will enter the University of Tulsa and Fiona
Mauer will enter Drexel University. Also, Anna O’Shea signed a National Letter of Intent, in the regular period, to row at La Salle University.
• All elementary schools and the Early Learning Center have implemented the Imagine Learning Mission Literacy Program and are beginning to see literacy gains across grades.
• PCSD continues its robust partnership with the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce with the Career Action Center, which focuses on career and technical education at
Poughkeepsie High School. Students are paired with relevant internships with businesses in the City of Poughkeepsie and the Hudson Valley. As a direct result, Juan Arroyo was able to
intern with New York State Senator Sue Serino and Demaj Ffriend interned with the President and CEO of the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce, Frank Castella Jr.
• PCSD was awarded four School Improvement Grants of $2 million per elementary school for five years.
• PCSD was awarded a 2.8 million dollar competitive P-TECH grant to serve a total of 300 students who will graduate in four years with a high school diploma and an Associate's
Degree in Engineering from Dutchess Community College.
• PHS Senior Demaj Ffriend and Junior Christopher Cassidy were two of 10 students selected for a Google Hangout conversation on the topic of technology, with New York State
Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia.
• The Poughkeepsie High School leadership team was invited to the Model School Conference in Atlanta in 2015 and in Orlando in 2016 to showcase their instructional leadership work.
Thank you for entrusting the Poughkeepsie City School District with your most precious gift and our most valuable resource: our children. Together, we will deliver on the promise
of a high-quality, world-class education for every scholar, every day, in every classroom in our District. We will continue to work with intentionality and purpose to achieve
excellence in the Poughkeepsie City School District.
Dr. Nicolé Williams, Superintendent of Schools
Mensaje del Superintendente de las Escuelas
Nuestra meta es estar en el 10 por ciento de los 700 distritos escolares en el Estado de Nueva York en el año 2020. Somos implacables en la búsqueda de la excelencia de los casi 4,700 estudiantes que atendemos en el Distrito de Ciudad de Poughkeepsie (PCSD). Animo a todos los interesados a unirse con nosotros en este viaje de misión-crítica para lograr esta meta sin precedentes. La “llamado a la acción” requiere un firme compromiso, dedicación, un enfoque, un tremendo “sentido de urgencia” y la creencia en que es posible. Seguimos a nuestros accionistas para
abogar por una financiación adecuada y los recursos para apoyar a nuestro distrito con el abastecimiento de las oportunidades educativas valiosas, intelectualmente rigurosas que nuestros
hijos tan ricamente merecen. Estamos trabajando en asociación con los padres y la comunidad, juntos lograremos la excelencia. Estos son algunos de nuestros “Puntos de Orgullo”:
• La Escuela Secundaria de Poughkeepsie (PHS) tiene tendencia de seguir en una cuesta positiva con ambas tasas de graduación y y rendimiento estudiantil en los exámenes de Regentes
del estado de Nueva York.
• Cuatro empleados de la PCSD fueron elegidos a las oficinas locales: Craig Brendli, profesor de la Escuela Secundaria de Poughkeepsie, fue juramentado como el legislador del condado
para el distrito electoral 8, Natasha Cherry, Directora de la familia y Participación de la Comunidad, fue juramentado como miembro del Consejo de la ciudad de Poughkeepsie distrito
electoral 6; Lorena Johnson, Monitor de la Escuela Primaria de Warring, fue juramentado como miembro del Consejo de la ciudad de Poughkeepsie para distrito electoral 3; y
Randall A. Johnson, II, Estudiante Trabajador, fue juramentado como miembro del Consejo de la ciudad de Poughkeepsie distrito electoral 7.
• Jawuan Walters, estudiante de último año, recibió una de dos becas en liderazgo del Dr. Martin Luther King conferidas por el Centro de la Calle Catharine.
• Dos estudiantes de ultimo ano firmaron cartas nacionales de intención, en el período temprano, para participar en equipo de remo al nivel colegial: Lindsey Smith remará en la
Universidad de Tulsa y Fiona Mauer remará en Universidad de Drexel. Recientemente, Anna O'Shea firmo y remara en la Unversidad de La Salle.
• Todas las escuelas primarias y el Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano han implementado el programa de Aprendia alfabetización de la misión de aprendizaje imaginar y están empezando a
ver alfabetización adquiere a través de grados.
• PCSD continúa su sólida alianza con El Centro de Acción de Carrera de la Cámara de Comercio Regional del Condado de Dutchess, que se enfoca la educación técnica y carreras en la Escuela
Secundaria de Poughkeepsie. Los estudiantes son puestos con internados de prácticas pertinentes, con las empresas en la ciudad de Poughkeepsie y el Valle del Hudson. Como resultado
directo, Juan Arroyo pudo internar con la Senador de Nueva York Sue Serino y Demaj Ffriend hiso su internado con el Presidente y CEO de la Cámara de Comercio Regional del Condado de
Dutchess, Frank Castella Jr.
• PCSD fue concedido 4 becas de mejoría escolar de $ 2 millones por cada escuela primaria durante 5 años.
• PCSD fue concedido una beca de la P-TECNOLOGÍA de 2.8 millones de dólares competitiva para servir un total de 300 estudiantes que se graduarán en cuatro años con un diploma de escuela
secundaria y unTítulo de Asociado en la Ingeniería del Colegio del Condado de Dutchess.
• PHS estudiante de último año Demaj Ffriend y Christopher Cassidy fueron dos de los 10 estudiantes seleccionados para una conversación de Google Hangout sobre el tema de la tecnología,
con la Señora Comisario Maryellen Elia del Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York
• El equipo de liderazgo de la Escuela Secundaria de Poughkeepsie fue invitado a la Conferencia de Escuelas de Modelos en Atlanta en el 2015 y en Orlando en el 2016 para mostrar sus
técnicas de liderazgo.
Gracias por confiar en el Distrito Escolar de Poughkeepsie con su más preciado regalo y nuestro recurso más valioso: nuestros hijos. Juntos, vamos a entregar en la promesa de una educación
de alta-calidad de clase-mundial para cada niño, cada día, en cada aula de nuestro distrito. Continuaremos trabajando con intencionalidad y propósito para alcanzar la excelencia en el
Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Poughkeepsie.
Dra. Nicolé Williams, Superintendenta de Escuelas
Pou ghk eeps ie Cit y Sc hool Dis t r ic t P R I D E
Como el Presidente de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Poughkeepsie, es
mi placer de compartir con nuestra comunidad algunas cosas positivas que pasan en nuestro Distrito.
Al nivel secundario:
· La Escuela Secundaria de Poughkeepsie fue removida de la lista estatal de prioridad y se considera
fuera de “receptoría” desde el 26, de Febrero, 2016. Vea el artículo en la página 8.
· 204 graduantes caminaron el estrado el 26 de junio, 2015. (Cohorte 2011).
· El programa Fuerzas Aéreas Subalterno ROTC comenzó en Febrero del 2015 con 58 estudiantes
matriculados en grados 9-12.
· El Centro de Acción de Carrera de la Cámara del Comercio Regional del Condado de Dutchess comenzó, acerca de 50
estudiantes participaron en puestos de interno durante el primer año.
· En la Escuela Intermedia de Poughkeepsie 235 estudiantes de octavo grado cumplieron con los requisitos académicos para
moverse hasta el noveno grado.
· 100% de los estudiantes en octova grado que participaron en la clase de Ciencia del Ambiente Viva, pasaron el examen
estatal de Regentes durante la administración de Junio del 2015.
· El Comité del Pasado y Presente condujo la 2da Ceremonia de Inducción del Salón de la Fama donde 10 individuos y el equipo
del Campeonato del Baloncesto del 1995 de el Estado de Nueva York fueron celebrados.
· La Escuela Secundaria de Poughkeepsie tuvo el Desayuno Anual de Honores de lo Estudiantes Graduantes el 17 de Marzo
de 2016, donde 104 estudiantes que han mantenido un promedio de 80 o más hasta este punto en su carrera de la escuela
secundaria fueron celebrados.
· Como resultado de conseguir una beca competitiva, el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Poughkeepsie lleva a cabo un
programa de la cena que sirve aproximadamente 215 estudiantes por día.
Mensaje del Presidente de la Junta
Al nivel elemental:
· Comenzando con el año escolar 2015-2016, el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Poughkeepsie puso en práctica el jardín de
infancia de día entero en el Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano en la Escuela Smith.
· En la Escuela Krieger, 120 estudiantes lograron la meta de 90 horas o más utilizando del programa de literatura de
Aprendiendo con la Imagen.
· En la Escuela Warring, el 100% de los estudiantes del primer grado recibieron un paquete de lectura del verano, libros,
registro de libro y un bolso para los libros (donado por la Organización “Frente de la Clase”) para llevar a casa y comenzar
su viaje de leer 35 libros para el año escolar 2015-2016. Los estudiantes completaron organizadores gráficos y una pieza de
escritura cada día durante el verano.
· En la Escuela Morse, el 100% de estudiantes en tercer grado participaron en el programa de literatura de Aprendiendo con
la Imagen.
· En la Escuela Clinton, todos los estudiantes del primer grado fueron introducidos con la habilidad de Vínculos de Números
como parte de los Estándares Estatales Comunes de Matemáticas.
Hemos implementado un nuevo sistema de gestión de expedientes de estudiantes, “Infinite Campus” que racionalizara
nuestros procesos, mejorará la comunicación, suministrará datos exactos rápidamente y nos ayudará a individualizar la
instrucción para nuestros estudiantes. Por favor vea el artículo en la página 6. No consideraremos una discusión para
recaudar la tapa de los impuestos para 2016-2017.
Nuestros contribuyentes no serán sobrecargados, a pesar de las preocupaciones del presupuesto real que enfrenta el Distrito
Escolar de Poughkeepsie para el año 2016-2017. Mis compañeros de la Ajunta Educativa y yo trabajamos atentamente en
colaboración con la Superintendente Dr. Nicolé Williams y el personal entero para seguir mejorando la calidad de educación
y experiencias estudiantiles aquí en Poughkeepsie. Recuerde, “el trabajo en equipo hace que el sueño funcione.
Ralph Coates, Presidente de la Junta de Educación
Allegheny College
Canisius College
Cazenovia College
Clark Atlanta University
College of Saint Rose
Dillard University
Drexel University
Dutchess Community College
Fisher College
Fordham University
Franklin Pierce University
Grace College
Hartwick College
Hilbert College
Howard University
Iona College
Johnson & Wales University
Keuka College
La Salle Univeristy
Lebanon Valley College
Lincoln University
LIU Brooklyn
Manhattanville College
Marist College
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Medaille College
Mercy College
Morehouse College
Mount Saint Mary College
New York University
Pace University
R.I.T (Rochester Institute of Technology)
S.U.N.Y. Albany
S.U.N.Y. Alfred
S.U.N.Y Binghamton
S.U.N.Y. Buffalo
S.U.N.Y Cortland
S.U.N.Y Delhi
S.U.N.Y. Geneseo
S.U.N.Y Oswego
S.U.N.Y Plattsburgh
S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook
Sacred Heart University
Saint Peter's University
Siena College
Transylvania University
University of Hartford
University of Maine
University of New Haven
Univeristy of Tulsa
University of Virginia
Utica College
Vassar College
Western Connecticut State University
Wheaton College
- Career Action Center
• Tamika Mincey, Senior, (pictured right) completed a Job Shadow Day with Irwin Goldberg, Consumer
Experience Director/Audience Analyst, at the Poughkeepsie Journal.
• Demaj Ffriend, Senior, completed a Job Shadow Day with Frank Castella, Jr. President and CEO of the Dutchess
County Regional Chamber of Commerce.
• Amber Pinkney, Senior, is completing internship hours at the Poughkeepsie Child Development Center.
• Kiendra Moffitt and Anemarie Diaz-Lopez completed a Job Shadow Day and are looking into a potential internship
at Abilities First Preschool.
www.po ug hk eeps ies c hools . or g
Poughkeepsie City School District PRIDE
Engineering, Technology, Early College High School also known as E-TECH, is a
new “school-within-a-school” grades 9-14 model that brings together the best
elements of high school, college and the professional world. It is part of the New
York State P-TECH program that will prepare students for high-skills technology jobs of the future. The Poughkeepsie City
School District, partnering with Dutchess Community College, The Chazen Companies and Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Corporation, was awarded this $2.8 million competitive grant after a rigorous grant review process.
Participating students in E-TECH are provided with an integrated sequence of high school and college course work,
mentorship by engineering professionals, workplace experience and potential internships, culminating in both a high
school diploma and a college Associate’s degree in the field of engineering.
Along with E-TECH, Poughkeepsie High School is establishing a college-and-career ready culture for students, particularly E-TECH
students, providing tutoring and advising; coaching on college readiness skills such as time management, collaboration,
communication, problem-solving, leadership, studying and tenacity; and reinforcement of key workplace competencies.
Dutchess Community College collaborates with the partners to develop curriculum, work with high school faculty on
course delivery and provide access to library, tutoring and other academic services. All college courses offered to students
enrolled in E-TECH are provided at no cost to the
students and their families.
2015-2016 is the first year of the grant and there are
50 students currently enrolled. Each year, 50 additional
students will be enrolled, serving a maximum of 300
students. Application for enrollment for the next
cohort has begun. Current 8th graders should contact
their guidance counselor for more information.
USDA Grant Bears Fruit
Hail to Kale:
The Poughkeepsie Farm Project
Partners with Poughkeepsie City School District
The Poughkeepsie Farm Project (PFP) has been a resultsdriven, consistent partner with the Poughkeepsie City
School District since 2012. Just in time for new a Federal
school lunch regulation change that increases the serving
of vegetables, this past year PFP applied for and received a support service grant from
the USDA for $100,000. They will continue to provide field trips, still bring fresh
vegetables into the cafeterias for taste testing, and they will continue to provide
learning opportunities for classes with farm or school garden-based instruction. This
two-year grant will also allow for professional development for teachers to encourage
interdisciplinary content, including farm or garden-based curriculum and instruction.
As a result of their dedication to the students, their warm personalities, and
passion for fresh, local food, the PFP team is creating a culture shift in
which vegetables are “cool,” so that the change in federal regulations
for school nutrition does not cause excess waste in the District. PFP
offers educational opportunities and instruction to the staff members in the
Poughkeepsie City School District, which is resulting in students eagerly engaging in eating
more wholesome, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Pou ghk eeps ie Cit y Sc hool Dis t r ic t P R I D E
Two Poughkeepsie High School crew team members have signed National
Letters of Intent (NLI) with universities and will be competing on NCAA
Division I teams next year.
Fiona Mauer is headed to Drexel
University to join the crew team as a
rower; Lindsey Smith will be going
to the University of Tulsa to join the
rowing team as a coxswain and sculler.
“Fiona is the only rower to be
recruited, in recent memory,” said PHS
coach Mike Smith. “We’ve had rowers
go on to compete on the collegiate level but they
did not sign an NLI.”
Fiona has an impressive rowing resume, which includes first place in the
2014 Philadelphia Youth Regatta for U19 Women’s Eight and Four-plus as
well as third place in the 2015 New York State Scholastic Championships,
Junior Women’s Quad.
“Fiona has been a member of crew since the seventh grade. She has excelled
in both sculling and sweep rowing and through her commitment, focus, and
determination, she has become a team leader. Drexel University has recognized these attributes and has extended Fiona a well-deserved scholarship to
row for them,” said coach PHS Warren Buhler.
Lindsey, who also holds a New York State
boating license, has been a part of crew for
10 years. She has competed in the New York
State Championship for the past four years
and made the finals two times; competed in
the Saratoga Invitational the past four years;
and competed at Masters Nationals in 2015,
winning a bronze medal.
“Lindsey’s been at the helm of a lot of
winning crews that I’ve coached,” said her
Hudson River Rowing Association coach Andrew Mauer. “She’s mastered her
role in the sport: her actions and results. I couldn’t be any prouder of her, her
future, and where she’s going.”
On Monday, March 21,
2016, most public
school students in
Dutchess County were
sleeping in, celebrating
Spring Break, but
nearly 250 students in
the Poughkeepsie City
School District were engaged in an enhanced, project-based
learning environment in the Spring Break Academy.
Some of our dedicated teachers volunteered to give up their
spring break and devised innovative lesson plans around realworld, relevant topics including the density of water, a groceries
price comparison, and local ecosystems.
Spring Break
served students
in grades 3-8.
It is the latest
initiative in the
City School
District to
ensure that we
are delivering
on the promise of a high-quality, world-class education for
every scholar, every day, and in every classroom.
Over 250 Served at Holiday Luncheon
Sponsored by the PHS Teen Closet, another holiday luncheon successfully served well over
250 Poughkeepsie City School District (PCSD) students and families during the Winter
Break. Taking place on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and completely run on donations and
by volunteers, the holiday luncheon idea was born out of a desire to bridge the nutrition
gap that occurs during school breaks when school breakfast, lunch, and dinners are not
being served.
We would like to give a special thanks to our super volunteers including: Assemblyman Frank Skartados;
City of Poughkeepsie Mayor Robert Rolison, members of the Poughkeepsie Public Schools Teachers’ Association;
members of the Poughkeepsie Public Schools Administrators’ Association; Lt. M. Clauson and the City of Poughkeepsie Police Department
who supplemented Mission Literacy by handing out books and setting up a “Career in Law Enforcement” table; the Poughkeepsie Farm Project
and their taste testing table; Tom Stinsson from the Probation Department; the PHS Steppers under the direction of Jasmine Davidson for their
fantastic performance; Shahin Daneshvar for his generous donation of 25 turkeys, and Board of Education member Greg Charter for his donation
of four bikes as door prizes.
www.po ug hk eeps ies c hools . or g
Poughkeepsie City School District PRIDE
Infinite Campus
is Here!
The first day of
school always
leads to new
beginnings and
September 9th,
in the Poughkeepsie City School District
was no different. We were pleased to spend
some quality time with Assemblyman Frank
Skartados, who attended the ribbon cutting
ceremony for full-day Kindergarten at the
Early Learning
Center. The
City School
District was able to provide full-day Kindergarten
for the 2015-2016 school year due to the
$1 million in Assembly "bullet aid" secured
for the District by the Assemblyman. In the
new computer lab at the Early Learning Center,
the newly minted kindergarteners read to Assemlyman Skartados, their
peers, and completed lessons with Imagine Learning – an innovative software
program designed to rapidly increase literacy skills.
Infinite Campus is a district-wide student
information system designed to manage
attendance, grades, schedules, test scores,
and other information about the students in
the Poughkeepsie City School District. It is a
confidential and secure website where
information is updated in real time.
When you, as a parent or guardian, log-in, you
have access to information about all of the
students for which you are associated. Class
schedules, attendance and grades can be viewed.
E-mail hyperlinks facilitate communication with
classroom teachers. In addition, schools post
important information on the homepage, such
as events, notices, calendar dates. The Parent
Portal allows report cards to be viewed online
and printed. By using the Infinite Campus
Online Parent Portal, the Poughkeepsie City
School District provides an online communication
tool which can help you as a parent or guardian
stay current with your student’s progress. Also
please be sure to keep emergency contact
information up-to-date. It is important that
we have up-to-date information to contact you
about your child. To use Parent Portal, go to:
NYSED Assistant Commissioner Dr. Cheryl Atkinson
Goes on a Focused Instructional Learning Walk at Poughkeepsie High School
The Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Innovation and School Reform,
Dr. Cheryl Atkinson, visited Poughkeepsie High School (PHS). PHS was one
of 144 schools across New York State identified as a "Receivership" school.
During her visit, Dr. Atkinson, was able to witness Lindsey Smith, a coxswain on the crew team, sign her National Letter of Intent, thereby exclusively
committing to attending the University of Tulsa; visit the Dutchess County
Regional Chamber of Commerce Career Action Center (CAC) at PHS (an
unprecedented public-private partnership focused on college and career
readiness); observe our cadets
conducting their leadership drills
in the AFJROTC (Air Force Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps)
program; and engage in collegial dialogue with the leadership team to "push
the thinking" and debrief on the Rigor/Relevance/Engagement framework
drawing on Quadrant B high-yield strategies, as part of a Focused
Instructional Learning Walk (FILW) with the E-TECH program.
We thank the Poughkeepsie High School staff for setting standards of
excellence, investing in our high school students, and providing opportunities for rigorous, relevant learning.
Pou ghk eeps ie Cit y Sc hool Dis t r ic t P R I D E
Jawuan Walters MLK Breakfast Youth Honoree
Poughkeepsie High School Senior Jawuan M. Walters was one of two student honorees
at the 25th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast sponsored by Catharine Street
Community Center. Jawuan achieved this honor by demonstrating high intellectual
character and focusing on robust academic pursuits. He will graduate in the top 10% of
his class this year, was awarded an Advanced Placement (AP) Scholar Award from the
College Board for achieving a 3 or above on his advanced placement exams, and has
participated in the Exploring College initiative with Vassar College. We are very proud
of Jawuan's accomplishments. We expect more great things from this young man, and
we are pleased to share an excerpt from Jawuan’s winning essay here:
“I believe Poughkeepsie High
School is on the upswing and
with hard work, patience and
dedication, excellence
will be achieved.”
Jawuan Walters
fade, but rather remain up front and seen. In college I want
As I begin the next journey of my life, I hope the attitudes and reasons that have gotten me this far do not
support from my family and friends. MLK once said that “The
to learn more about history, the world, and myself. I truly believe I can do anything, as long as I have the
bitterness.” With all of the negativity in the world today,
aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community, while the aftermath of violence is tragic
we as a community will make it to that promised land.
I choose to follow his philosophy and encourage my peers and all of you to do the same and, we as a people,
Thank You and God bless you all.
Jawuan Walters
Shark Tank’s Daymond John Donates $10,000 to PHS
Daymond John, entrepreneur and star of TV’s Shark Tank, is known for
strategically selecting the best investments. Mr. John chose to invest in
the future of Poughkeepsie High School students by donating $10,000
to Poughkeepsie City School District on December 10, 2015 at the
Patterns for Progress 50th Anniversary Gala. The money is earmarked to
provide mentoring and internship opportunities for Poughkeepsie High
School students through the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of
Commerce Career Action Center.
Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce Action
Great things are happening in room 100 of Poughkeepsie High School! Students
are collaborating, learning about various career and college paths, obtaining business
mentors in the community, as well as taking on-line tests that highlight their strengths and provide information on
careers that value those strengths. All of this is done in the Career Action Center, which is a landmark, first-of-its-kind
partnership between the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce community and the Poughkeepsie City
School District. Professionals from the Chamber’s Workforce Development
Center staff the Career Action Center and support the
career development intensive class. The Career Action Center,
located on the first floor of Poughkeepsie High School,
houses computers, reference materials and other resources
for students to begin to fulfill their dreams, work in partnership with business community
stakeholders, and become college, 21st Century career and life-ready.
For 2015-2016, students can make contact with the Career Action Center in several ways:
1. Career Action Center is open every day after school until 4pm.
Juan Arroyo, senior, began an internship with
2. Monday-Friday - Open Hours: ‘A’ Days: 7,8,9 periods ‘B’ Days: 6,7,8,9 periods
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley, and completed a
shadow day with NYS Senator Susan Serino.
3. Appointment times are open for all other periods.
4. Appointments are easier to make through email: [email protected] or call the Career Action Center at 451-4939.
www.po ug hk eeps ies c hools . or g
Poughkeepsie City School District PRIDE
Board of Education
Ralph S. Coates, President
Raymond K. Duncan, Vice President
Gregory S. Charter
Jacqueline B. Roman
Dr. Felicia A.Watson
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Nicolé Williams
Deputy Superintendent
of Operations
Dr. Ronel Cook
Assistant Superintendent
for Curriculum, Instruction,
and Grants Management
Tracy Farrell
Assistant Superintendent
for Finance and Operations
Wayne Kurlander
Assistant Superintendent
Elementary School Improvement
Mario Fernandez
Executive Director of
Special Education
Dr. Steven Rappleyea
Poughkeepsie City School District
Jane Bolin Administration Building
11 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
(845) 451-4900
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Newburgh, NY
Permit No. 1440
Poughkeepsie PRIDE is published by the Poughkeepsie City School District for the residents of the City of Poughkeepsie.
Equal Opportunity Employer:
The Poughkeepsie City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex or gender, age, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability in the educational
programming, employment, or activities that it offers. This nondiscriminatory policy includes the following areas: recruitment and appointment of employees, pay and benefits, access by students
to educational programs, course offerings, and activities.
Title IX and 504 Compliance:
The Poughkeepsie City School District hereby advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities, including vocational education opportunities
without regard to sex, race, color, national origin or disability. Secondary vocational education opportunities available to district residents under age 21 are courses in the Business Education, Home Economics
and Technology Industrial Arts Programs. Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator and the Section 504 Coordinator at 11 College Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY
12603. Telephone: (845) 451-4900. These officials will provide information, including complaint procedures to any citizen, student or employee who feels that his or her rights under Title IX or Section 504 may
have been violated by the district or its officials.
Poughkeepsie High School Receivership Ends
In April 2015, the New York State Legislature and Governor created a new section of State Education Law pertaining to school
“Receivership. “ “Receivership” schools are defined as “Struggling Schools,” that have been identified since 2012-2013 as
“Priority Schools” (i.e., among the lowest-performing five percent of schools in the state) and “Priority Schools” that have been
in the most severe accountability status since the 2006-2007 school year were identified as ”Persistently Struggling Schools”
under “Receivership.” Under this new law, the provision included a school “receiver” who is granted new authority to, among
other things, develop a school intervention plan. “Struggling schools” were given two years under a “superintendent receiver”
to make demonstrable improvement or a district would be required to appoint an independent receiver and submit the
appointment for approval by the Commissioner.
Poughkeepsie High School and Poughkeepsie Middle School were designated as “Struggling Schools” among the 144 schools in
17 districts labeled as “Struggling” or "Persistently Struggling" by the New York Stated Education Department.
Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce
President and CEO Frank Castella, Jr., Mayor Robert
Rolison, and Department of Community and Family
Services Commissioner Sabrina Jaar Marzouka
participate in our “Principal-for-a-Day” initiative
on March 2, 2016
We are proud to announce that Poughkeepsie High School, under the leadership of Executive Principal Phee Simpson, was
removed from the Priority list and is deemed out of “Receivership” as of February 26, 2016. We are grateful to the entire High
School team for purposeful, strategic, innovative work in delivering on the promise of a competitive, high-quality, world-class
education for our high school scholars.
We are committed to working purposefully in a labor-management collaboration to support Poughkeepsie Middle School with
meeting and/or exceeding the demonstrable improvement targets to ensure that excellence is realized for all students.
BOE: Working Hard in Our Community
Serving on the Board of Education of a public school district is often a tireless, thankless job
that a few brave souls dare to accept. We at the Poughkeepsie City School District are proud to
work with Board members who serve students and families with excellence and give of their
time on committees:
Jacqueline Roman
Ralph Coates, President
• Health and Wellness
• Personnel Committee
• Parent Engagement Taskforce Committee
• Construction and Facilities Committee
• PTA Committee
Raymond Duncan, Vice President
• Safe Schools Against Violence in Education
• Audit and Finance Committee, Chairperson
(SAVE) Committee
• Dutchess County School Boards Liaison
Dr. Felicia Watson
• Policy Committee
• Transformation and Academic Affairs Committee
Gregory Charter
• Construction and Facilities Committee
• Foundation Committee
• Past and Present Committee
Produced by Dutchess BOCES Office of Communications and Grants Research
Genevieve Kellam, Director | Hillari A. Spooner, Special Projects Assistant, and Désirée Ferrara, Public Information Officer
Printed by Dutchess BOCES Shared Printing Service