ingles ejercicios 4A - CEPA La Raña, Navahermosa (Toledo)
ingles ejercicios 4A - CEPA La Raña, Navahermosa (Toledo)
CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Cuaderno de ejercicios Nº 4 A NAVAHERMOSA La Raña Centro de Educación para Adultos de los Montes de Toledo TOLEDO CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ BLANCO Consejería de Educación y Ciencia. Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. C/Navarrisquillos, 3 45.150 Navahermosa TFNO: 925.428.371 689.073.473 e-mail: [email protected] web: navahermosa/index3.html INGLÉS 4A Contenidos: Contenido 1 3 Contenido 2 11 Contenido 3 12 Contenido 4 Contenido 5 Contenido 6 Contenido 7 Contenido 8 Contenido 9 SÍGUENOS EN... EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA PARA PERSONAS ADULTAS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS CIOS CICIOS EJERCI- EJERCICIOS EJER- EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCI- NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO: LOCALIDAD: CIOS EJERCICIOS CICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS CIOS EJER- EJERCICIOS EJERCI- EJERCICIOS EJER- CICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS EJERCICIOS Materiales Curriculares del CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Alumno ÍNDICE de temas Tema Pag. 1 3 Will, going to, Present Continuous, Whwords. Director: Carlos Bustamante. 2 11 Modal verbs Diseño: Carlos Bustamante. 3 12 Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN DE ADULTOS ‘LA RAÑA’ NAVAHERMOSA (TOLEDO) Contenidos Maquetación y Redacción: Irene López Rufo ORIENTACIONES PARA LA REALIZACIÓN DEL CUADERNILLO CONSEJERÍA DE EDUCACIÓN, CULTURA Y DEPORTE. JUNTA DE COMUNIDADES DE CASTILLA - LA MANCHA. Nº DEP. LEGAL: TOISSN: Título clave: Cuaderno del alumno (EJERCICIOS_4A—INGLÉS) Título abreviado: Cuaderno del alumno (EJERCICIOS_4A_INGLÉS) Imprime: IMACO TALAVERA S.L. Talavera de la Reina (TOLEDO) 2013 CEPA LA RAÑA C/ Navarrisquillos 3 45150 Navahermosa-Toledo TF. 925428371 Fax. 925428371 mail: [email protected] DE ACTIVIDADES DEL ÁMBITO COMUNICACIÓN: LENGUA El trabajo consistirá en responder a una serie de preguntas en el espacio habilitado para ello en el presente cuaderno de actividades. En aquellas preguntas en las que creas que no hay hueco, estas se adaptarán al espacio asignado. Recuerda que es obligatorio la entrega del trabajo. Si tienes alguna duda sobre las preguntas, en las horas de tutoría, tu profesor podrá resolverlas. Los trabajos se entregarán escritos a mano a bolígrafo azul o negro, nunca a lápiz. Se entregarán, obligatoriamente, con este formato, nunca las respuestas en folios a parte . Se valorará por encima de todo: * Que las respuestas se ajusten al tema. * Que se traten todos las cuestiones que marca cada pregunta. * La redacción personal de las respuestas, es decir, la utilización de lenguaje y expresiones propias (además de correctas). * Presentación. © CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’. Todos los derechos reservados. Esta publicación no puede ser—ni en todo ni en parte— reproducida, distribuida, comunicada públicamente a través de ningún otro soporte sin la previa autorización del titular de los derechos. Conforme a lo dispuesto en el artículo 3.2 de la Ley de Propiedad intelectual. Limpieza, buena estructuración con uso correcto de los distintos epígrafes, uso correcto de márgenes … Deberá ser presentado grapado, en una funda de plástico tamaño folio. También podrá ser encuadernado con una funda, canutillo, alambre... aunque no será necesario y resulta más costoso. Especial atención a no cometer faltas de ortografía. CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Página 3 INGLÉS 1. Will, going to, Present Continous, WH Questions 1.Completa con WILL. 1. You …………………….….(earn) a lot of money 2. You………………….…… (travel) around the world. 3. You…………………………. (meet) lots of interesting people. 4. Everybody……………..……. (adore) you 5. You ( have) ...............................any problems. 6. Many people (serve) 7. They (anticipate) .................................your wishes. 8. There (be) ......................................anything left to wish for. 9. Everything (be)..............................perfect. 10. But all these things (happen ) .................................if you marry 2. Cambia las oraciones a NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA a) Susan will go with you. b) Jenny and Chris will show you the way home. c) They'll be in London next week. d) I'll drive to Sydney. CUADERNO DE INGLÉS 4A Página 4 e) We'll see Brent tomorrow. f) She'll phone me later. g) you'll drive his car. h) They'll take photos at the party. i) It'll be hot tomorrow. j) Gerard will take the dog for a walk. 3. Escribe oraciones en futuro con los dibujos que tienes a continuación. A) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. B) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. C) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. D) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. E) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. F) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Página 5 4. Escribe las oraciones con Going To en Afirmativa A. (she / call / her boyfriend) b. (they / play / squash) c. (She / visit / her grandma) d. (we / walk / in the mountains) e. (we / wash / the car) f. (I / brush / my teeth) g. (he / repair / the car) h. (they / light / the bonfire) i. (I / write / some postcards) CUADERNO DE INGLÉS 4A Página 6 5. Escribe las oraciones en Negativa con going to a) (I / sell / my car) b) (he / help / us) c) (they / study / harder) d) (we / cook / dinner tonight) e) (I / celebrate / my birthday this year) f) (she / cleaning / her room) g) (they / move / house) h) (she / stay / with Amy) i) (they / change / their clothes) j) (we / get up early / next Sunday 6. Escribe las oraciones con Going To en Interrogativa 1. (he / cook dinner / tonight) 2. (you / run / in the race) 3. (they / climb / that mountain) 4. (she / exercise / at the gym / in the afternoon) 5. (you / carry / that heavy box) 6. (the computer / crash) 7. (we / eat / fish / tonight) CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Página 7 8. (he / play football / tomorrow) 9. (Lucy / call / a taxi) 10. (you / sing / a song / for us) 7. Completa con GOING TO. 1. It (rain) ........................................ 2. They (eat)……………………meat. 3. I (wear)……………………….blue shoes tonight. 4. We (not / help)……………………. you. 5. Jack (not / walk)………………………… home. 6. (cook / you) …………………………dinner? 7. Sue (share / not)…………………………… her biscuits. 8. (leave / they)…………………………… the house? 9. (take part / she)…………………………… in the contest? 10. I (not / spend)…………………………… my holiday abroad this year. 8. Escribe oraciones utilizando las palabras entre paréntesis y futuro con“GOING TO”. Mira el ejemplo: Ejemplo: (buy a car) [+] I am going to buy a car a) (get up before 7.00) [+] b) (have a big breakfast) [+] c) (listen to the radio in the morning) [-] d) (have lunch at home) [-] e) (drive a car) [-] f) (be with your family) [+] CUADERNO DE INGLÉS 4A Página 8 9. Escribe oraciones fijándote de los dibujos. Utiliza going to A) …………………………………………………………………… B) …………………………………………………………………… C) …………………………………………………………………… D) …………………………………………………………………… E) …………………………………………………………………… F) …………………………………………………………………… 10. Completa con Presente Continuo 1. The birds ........................................ (sing). 2. My sister ....................................... (watch) TV and I ………….………… (read) a great novel 3. We ........................................ (have) a very good time on holidays. 4. She .......................................... (work) at the moment but she finishes at 6. 5. ...................... it ........................... (rain) now? Yes, it is. 6. James ................................. (play) football in the park now. 7. Harry and Anne ................................ (go) to the cinema. 8. They ................................... (clean) the whole house. 11. Escribe las oraciones en Negativa 1. Mrs Thompson is watching her favourite series on TV. ........................................................................................... 2. That boy is eating an ice-cream. CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Página 9 ........................................................................................... 3. I´m going to the mountain. ........................................................................................... 4. They are making dinner. ........................................................................................... 12. Haz preguntas como en el ejemplo 1. Man / run Is the man running? 2. Mum / eat / cake ............................................................................................. 3. That man / read / the paper ............................................................................ 4. They / wear / T-shirts ...................................................................................... 5. The birds / fly .................................................................................................. 6. You / listen / to me .......................................................................................... 13. Corrige las oraciones 1. We´s having a great time. .............................................................................. 2. They´re puting on their coats ......................................................................... 3. I are listening to her ....................................................................................... 4. We are going home? ..................................................................................... 14. Completa con How much or How many. ______________birds are there? There are two birds. ______________money is there? There are three thousand dollars. ______________dolphins are there? There are two dolphins. ______________pencils are there? There are thirteen pencils. ______________books are there? There are three books. ______________milk is there? There are four litres of milk. 15. Escribe preguntas con WHO y WHAT. En estas oraciones, actúan de sujeto. 1. Somebody is going to phone you. 2. Something is going to happen. 3. Somebody is reading my books. CUADERNO DE INGLÉS 4A Página 10 16. Ahora escribe preguntas con WHO y WHAT en las que actúen como objeto. 1. I’m meeting somebody. 2. I’m doing something tomorrow. 3. I’m going to see somebody now. 4. I’m going to cook something tonight. 17. Completa las siguientes oraciones con los pronombres interrogativos que faltan según sea necesario. How often / Where / When / How far / Why / How/ What Whose / How long / Which / Who / How much / How many 1. __________ is this girl in the photograph? My little sister. 2. __________ are you going on holiday next summer? I’m going to Denia. 3. __________ will you be in Italy next summer? I’ll be there for two weeks.66 4. __________ is your favourite ice cream? Chocolate or vanilla? 5. __________ money do you need to buy a dress? I need 60 €. 6. __________ do you think about me? I think you are very nice. 7. __________ children are you going to have? I’m going to have three kids. 8. __________ are you crying? Because I’m very sad. 9. __________ glasses are these? They are mine. 10. __________ do you go to the supermarket? Once a week. 11. __________ are you? Fine, thanks 12. __________ is Albacete from Alicante? About 170km. 13. __________ is Helen’s party? It’s next Saturday. CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Página 11 INGLÉS 2. Modal verbs. 1. Completa con CAN / MUST / MUSTN’T 1. In France, you __________ ride a moped at the age of 14 2. You ________ be 18 to have a driving licence. 3. You ________ drive fast. 4. Young drivers ________have an A-sticker on their cars. 2. Completa las frases con “MUST” y con uno de los verbos siguientes meet read buy phone go help 1. We ____________ to the bank today. We haven’t got any money. 2. She’s a very interesting candidate. You ____________ her. 3. I didn’t phone Tim yesterday. I ____________ him today. 4. This is an excellent book. You ____________ it. 5. I have a very big problem. You ____________ me. 6. We ____________ some food. We haven’t got anything for dinner. 3. Completa las frases con “MUSTN’T” y uno de los verbos de la tabla. be tell smoke use 1. This secret is very important. You ____________ anyone. 2. This is a public building. You ____________ here. 3. This interview is very important. You ____________________late. 4. You ____________ my car. 4. Completa las frases con “SHOULD” y uno de los verbos de la tabla. Be, go, read, visit, look, wear 1. When you speak to the manager, you ____________ at him. 2. She looks tired. She ____________ to bed. 3. Everybody ____________ on time for the meeting. 4. The cafeteria is very nice. We ____________ it. 5. When you are driving, you ____________ a seat-belt. 6. It’s a very good book. He ____________ it. 5. . Escribe las siguientes oraciones utilizando “MAY” Ejemplo: Perhaps I will go to the cinema → I may go to the cinema 1. Perhaps I will see Tom tomorrow. → __________________________________________ 2. Perhaps I will get the job. → _________________________________________________ 3. Perhaps Monica will have a baby. ____________________________________________ 4. Perhaps Andrew will buy a car. ____________________________________________ CUADERNO DE INGLÉS 4A Página 12 INGLÉS 3. Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect PAST SIMPLE 1. Completa con el verbo TO BE en pasado (1)………………….you and Susan at the party last night? (2)………………………… it good? The music (3)………. awful. Where (4)………………. you? I (5)………………………. was ill Where (6)………………………….. you born? I (7)…………………born in Australia in 1919 (8)…………………… your parents Australian? My mother (9)………………….Italian and my father (10)………………Greek. 2. Cambia las oraciones de presente a pasado Present Simple Past Simple I’m tired I…………….....…..tired last week Today is Sunday Yesterday …………..……. Saturday Where are you now? Where …………..…….you yesterday? We are in Munich today We………...……… in Berlin yesterday I’m in Italy this month. I ………………… in France last month My father’s a pilot. My grandfather ……………… a pilot too It isn’t open now. It ……………..…….open this morning Why aren’t you at work today? Why ………...……. you at work yesterday? 3. Transforma las oraciones en negativa e interrogativa The peolple screamed Lisa was very happy You went to Paris last year Sofia visited her grandmother yesterday I was in Hong Kong last month CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Página 13 John went to the cinema last week Shakespeare wrote a lot of books You were at school yesterday It was very cold yesterday 4. Escribe preguntas en pasado simple. 1. when / study English / you .........................................................? 2. what / do / yesterday / she .........................................................? 3. like / the film / he .........................................................? 4. live / in Paris / your parents .........................................................? 5. walk / down / the road / they .........................................................? 5. Escribe preguntas para las siguientes respuestas. Fíjate en el ejemplo. Example: Where did you go yesterday? I went to the cinema yesterday. _______________________________________________? We arrived at 2 o’clock. _______________________________________________? I had lunch at a restaurant yesterday. _______________________________________________? Yes, I did. I really liked the party. _______________________________________________? I bought a pair of jeans and a skirt. _______________________________________________? I met my friends yesterday PASADO CONTINUO 6. Completa estas oraciones con el Pasado Continuo de los verbos entre paréntesis. a) While he _____________ (talk) on the phone, I _____________ (watch) TV. b) I _____________ (overtake) a lorry when I heard a noise. c) We _____________ (watch) a movie when the television went black. d) While she _____________ (pack) the bags, I_____________ (look) for our passports. e) We _____________ (complain) about the weather when it stopped raining. f) Sandra _____________ (wash) the dishes when she broke a glass. _ it. 4. Something is CUADERNO DE INGLÉS 4A making noise Página 14 7. Escribe oraciones en Pasado Continuo you / play / cards Alice / walk / around the lake Caron / listen / to the radio we / read / a book about Australia Linda / look for / her ring Fiona and Sam / visit / the castle 8. Escribe los verbos en Pasado Continuo 1. When I phoned my friends, they (play)……………………….monopoly. 2. Yesterday at six I (prepare)…………………………………dinner. 3. The kids (play)……………………in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. 4. I (practice)……………………………….the guitar when he came home. 5. We (not / cycle)………………………………..all day. 6. While Aaron (work)………………… his room, his friends (swim)…………………in the pool. 7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not)………………………….. 8. What (you / do)…………………………….yesterday? PASADO PERFECTO 9. Completa con PASADO PERFECTO 1. When he arrived I........................................(clean) the house already. 2. By six o´clock she ..............................................(finish) her homework. 3. Sandra called me at 2, but I ...........................................(leave) by then. 4. I was surprised when I met her. I ........................................(not meet) anyone like her before. 5. How was your trip to Paris? ....................................................(you / be) there before? 6. If I .................................................(know) the answer I would have passed the test. 10. Completa con Pasado perfecto 1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build)……………………….. 2. He (not / be)…………………….to Cape Town before 1997. 3. When she went out to play, she (do)………………..her homework. 4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make)…………………... 5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put)……………….. on six weeks before. 6. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order)………………………. 7. I could not remember the poem we (learn)…………………the week before. 8. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall)……………from the tree. 9. (he / phone)…………………Angie before he went to see her in London? 10. She (not / ride)………………………..a horse before that day. CEPA ‘LA RAÑA’ Página 15 11. Escribe los verbos en pasado perfecto 1. The pupils talked about the film they (watch)…………………….. 2. I was late for work because I (miss)………………………..the bus. 3. We lived in the house that my father (build)………………………….. 4. We admired the picture that Lucy (paint)……………………………….. 5. They watered the trees that they (plant)…………………………………... 6. The teacher corrected the tests that the pupils (write)……………………. 7. I received a good mark in my test because I (practice) ……………………. on ego4u. 8. The mail order house did not send me the shirt that I (order) ……………. 9. I had to clean the floor because my cats (eat)……………………over the carpet 12.Escribe los verbos en Pasado Perfecto en Negativa. 1. In the shopping centre, I met a friend who I (see / not) …………………… for ages. 2. The thief could walk right into the house because you (lock / not) …………………. the door. 3. We lost the match because we (practise / not)…………….. the days before. 4. At school, Jim quickly copied the homework that he (do/not) ……………………………….. 5. We ate at a restaurant last night because I (buy / not)………………………… anything for dinner. 6. When we came back, it was cold in the house because Alice (close / not) ……………………….the windows. 7. All day long, Phil was angry with me just because I (greet / not) ………………………….him first. 8. When I met Jane at eleven o’clock, she (have / not) …………………………..breakfast yet. 9. I couldn’t go to the cinema with my friends last night because I (finish / not) ……………………….my homework yet. CUADERNO DE INGLÉS 4A Página 16 13. Completa con PASADO PERFECTO 1. When he arrived I........................................(clean) the house already. 2. By six o´clock she ..............................................(finish) her homework. 3. Sandra called me at 2, but I ...........................................(leave) by then. 4. I was surprised when I met her. I ...................................(not meet) anyone like her before. 5. How was your trip to Paris? ...............................................(you / be) there before? 6. If I .................................................(know) the answer I would have passed the test 14. Completa con Pasado perfecto 1. Astronauts (fly) ............... through space for hours. 2. The boys (steal) ............... the bicycles. 3. They (have) ............... a long and uncomfortable trip. 4. The beggar (find) ............... five bottles of beer. 5. He (show) ............... me the content of the parcel. 6. My sister Ann (begin) ............... her diet a week ago. 7. She (think) ............... a good idea. 8. The postman (deliver) ............... my letter. 9. He (retire) ............... from political life. 10. Alice (leave) ............... her bag on a chair. 15. Completa con Pasado perfecto 1. She (buy) ............... a new pair of red shoes. 2. We (have) ............... lunch at a village inn. 3. He (drink) ............... whisky before dinner. 4. My sister (lose) ............... U$S 50 in the street. 5. The children (kick) ............... a ball very hard. 6. My mother (receive) ............... a letter from Canada. 7. My father (give) ............... me some money. 8. Jenny (finish) ............... her job at the office. 9. They (enjoy) ............... Roy's party. 10. Pupils (learn) ............... the English lesson.