Student Name: Artur Morado de Pinho Student Number: 55134
Student Name: Artur Morado de Pinho Student Number: 55134
Student Name: Artur Morado de Pinho Student Number: 55134 Home University: Warsaw School of Economics Receiving Institution: Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile Date of stay in the exchange: Summer semester (01/03/2013 – 11/07/2013) Location: University: Private, 10 exchange students on the MBA program. Courses: Dirección de Empresas I: Estrategia Corporativa: El curso se preparó en base a un conjunto de temas que se estudiaran en forma individual aunque finalmente todos ellos están estrechamente relacionados. Los principales temas del curso, en su orden tentativo de presentación, serán: Tema 1: Qué es la Estrategia Corporativa y su alcance Relaciones entre estrategia competitiva y corporativa Fuentes de ventajas corporativas Tema 2: Objetivos de la Empresa e Incentivos Distintas visiones respecto de los objetivos de la Empresa Contratos Problema Principal Agente Tema 3: Decisiones sobre el ámbito de la empresa Decisiones de Integración Vertical Decisiones de Integración Horizontal Decisiones de Integración Geográficas Tema 4: Estrategia y Estructura Conglomerados Alianzas, Franquicias y Licenciamiento Tema 5: Formas de Cambiar el alcance de la Corporación y Reestructuraciones Corporativas Fusiones Adquisiciones Alianzas Restricciones Verticales (contratos) Ventas y Divisiones de Empresas Tema 6: Evaluando la Estrategia Corporativa a través de medidas de creación de valor financiera y relación entre estrategia corporativa y gobierno corporativo. Dirección Financiera I : Note: Despite most classes are held in Spanish, every professor at the University let you participate in English as well as in some cases do your assignments and exams in English without any problem! Facilities: Students can have access to individual study rooms upon request on the same day, have access to few computers and can use the university freely and without any restriction. Housing: The University has no campus so it’s recommended to come few weeks earlier to find some place to stay. There is a high demand for flats in Santiago so sometimes it can take more than 2 weeks to find something that suits you. Reception: On the weekend before the beginning of classes there are some outdoor activities so the students can meet. Miss Monique Delaveau Swett and Sandra Bustamante Flores are the ones who welcome you and deal with all the paperwork. Subsistence: There are two major airlines in Chile: LAN and SKY (the last one is considered “low-‐cost” but LAN sometimes have great promotions). As being enrolled only for one trimester you’re not entitled to get the student discount on the metro. For the Visa you better contact your own embassy once the requirements can be totally different even inside EU (prices visa can differ really much!) If you don’t want to apply for a visa you can always get into Chile with a tourist one -‐ valid for 90 days -‐ and then renew it by going to Mendoza, Argentina (closest city to Chilean-‐Argentinian border). Bare in mind that roads can be close due to weather conditions so if you’re planning doing this you should pay attention in order you visa do not expire while you’re in Chile by a foolish reason. Student life: Santiago exchange network: Miércoles Po’: Cultural adaptation: -‐ experience of adapting to a new country, culture, and survived the culture shock? or in contact with the people was something you did not expect? What can make a person riding a scholarship to make it easier to adapt to a new place? Rating: 5