CONSTRUCTIONARYTM English-Spanish Up-to-Date Construction Words and Phrases ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. Constructionary First Printing: July 2000 Second Edition: May 2006 ISBN–13: 978-1-58001-378-9 ISBN–10: 1-58001-378-3 COPYRIGHT 2000 by INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary™ is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, without limitation, electronic, optical or mechanical means (by way of example, and not limitation, photocopying, or recording by or in an information storage retrieval system). For information on permission to copy material exceeding fair use, please contact: Publications, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795 (Phone 800-214-4321). Trademarks: “International Code Council,” the “International Code Council” logo and the “Constructionary” are trademarks of the International Code Council, Inc. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. Preface The ConstructionaryTM has become the tool of preference for increasing communication between the Spanish- and English-speaking communities of the construction industry. The first edition was developed as the result of extensive research done by a team of volunteers and ICC staff members. The success of the Constructionary is reflected in its accceptance. Today, it is widely used to improve efficiency and communication on the jobsite. One of the main goals of the Constructionary was to unify the use of construction terms in Latin America and the Hispanic community of the U.S. As other dictionaries based on or inspired by this work appear on the market, the Constructionary proves its relevance and leads the effort to improve safety, efficiency, quality and uniformity in the construction industry. This second edition features an extended vocabulary, including new sections of plumbing, electrical and mechanical terms. As in the first edition, useful tables and phrases complement the contents of this practical guide. Contractors, construction workers, engineers, architects, building officials and inspectors will continue to find the Constructionary handy in their everyday tasks. Because language is dynamic, the Constructionary is a living document and will continue to grow and improve. Please send your comments and contributions, including any terms you would like to see in future editions of the Constructionary, to [email protected]. Alberto Herrera Editor ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. iii ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. iv Acknowledgements Recognition must be given to Terry Eddy, International Code Council’s Senior Vice President of Human Resources, for his original idea of developing a small, practical dictionary of construction terms for the bilingual and the not so bilingual members of the building industry, and to Maria Aragon, ICC’s Marketing Manager, for her creativity in naming this bilingual guide. Our thanks to Benjamin Rodriguez, David Bautista, David Jamieson, Mark Stevens, Miguel Lamas, Philip Ramos, Sergio Barrueto, and Suzane Nunes for their invaluable contributions to the first edition. We also recognize Paula Chaves, Alberto Iezzi, Raúl Zaradnik and Alejandro Santamaría for their contributions to the plumbing and mechanical sections of this second edition A special thanks to Mark A. Johnson, ICC’s Senior Vice President of Business and Product Development for believing in this work and making possible its development and success. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. v ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. vi Table of Contents Preface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v Pronunciation Guide - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - viii English-Spanish A—Z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Electrical - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93 Plumbing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101 Mechanical - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 113 Tools - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 123 Useful Phrases- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 131 The Numbers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 139 The Months of the Year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 141 The Days of the Week - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 142 Unit Conversion Tables - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 143 Conversion Factors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 145 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. vii Simplified Pronunciation This pronunciation guide was developed from a basic communication perspective and not from the international phonetic system. Accents are indicated by uppercase syllables. Vowels (5) A- pronounced -AH as in father. E- -EH as in mess I- -EE as in see O- -OH as the first sound in owe U- -OO as in boot Diphthongs: The most common used here are: io- -EEOH ie- -YEH (the y sounds like ee) ui- -WEE ua- -WAH ue- -WEH Consonants: Same as in English except: D is voiced T and P are soft ny as in onion R soft, RR rolled CH always as in church ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. viii A Abate Remover (reh-moh-VEHR) Anular (ah-noo-LAHR) Abatement Remoción (reh-moh-SYOHN) Anulación (ah-noo-lah-SYOHN) Access Acceso Access cover Tapa de acceso (ahk-SEH-soh) (TAH-pa deh ahk-SEH-soh) Cubierta de acceso (koo-BYEHR-tah deh ahk-SEH-soh) Acoustical tile Adapter fitting Addition Panel acústico (pah-NEL ah-COOS-tee-koh) Dispositivo adaptador (dees-poh-see-TEE-voh ah-dahp-ta-DOHR) Ampliación (ahm-plee-ah-SYOHN) Expansión (ehk-spahn-SYOHN) Additives and admixtures Air compressor Aisle Aditivos y mezclas (ah-dee-TEE-vos ee mehs-klahs) Compresor de aire (kohm-preh-SOHR deh AH-ee-reh) Pasillo (pah-SEE-joh) Hilera (ee-LEH-rah) Alley Callejón (kah-jeh-HOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 1 all-are Constructionary Alter Modificar Alteration Modificación Anchor Anchor bolts (moh-dee-fee-KAHR) (moh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN) Anclaje (ahn-KLAH-heh) Pernos de anclaje (PEHR-nohs deh ahn-KLAH-heh) Tornillos de anclaje (tohr-NEE-johs deh ahn-KLAH-heh) Angle Iron Hierro angular (YEH-rroh ahn-goo-LAR) Cantonera (kahn-toh-NEH-rah) Annular grooved nail Clavo anular (KLAH-voh ah-noo-LAR) Antisiphon Antisifonaje Apartment house Edificio de departamentos (ahn-tee-see-pho-NAH-heh) (eh-dee-FEE-syoh deh deh-par-tah-MEHNtohs) Apartamento residencial (ah-par-tah-MEHN-toh reh-see-denSYAL) Approved Apron Aprobado (ah-proh-BAH-doh) Repisa (reh-PEE-sah) Delantal (deh-lahn-TAHL) Mandil (mahn-DEEL) Architect Arquitecto Area drain Desagüe de área (ahr-kee-tehk-toh) (deh-SAH-gweh deh AH-reh-ah) Desagüe de patio (deh-SAH-gweh deh PAH-tee-oh) Resumidero (reh-soo-me-DEH-roh) 2 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. Constructionary Asbestos cement shingle asb-awn Teja de cemento de asbestos (TEH-ha deh seh-MEHN-toh deh ahs-BEStohs) Tablilla de fibrocemento (tah-BLEE-jah deh fee-broh-seh-MEHN-toh) Asphalt Asfalto (ahs-FAHL-toh) Atrium Atrio Attic Tapanco (AH-tree-oh) (tah-PAHN-koh) Entrepiso (ehn-treh-PEE-soh) Automatic Automatic closing device Automático (ah-oo-toh-MAH-tee-koh) Dispositivo de cierre automático (dees-poh-see-TEE-voh deh SYEH-rreh ahoo-toh-MAH-tee-koh) Automatic fire sprinkler system Sistema de rociadores automáticos (sees-TEH-mah deh roh-syah-DOH-rehs ah-oo-toh-MAH-tee-kohs) Automatic fireextinguishing system Sistema automático de extinción de incendios (sees-TEH-mah ah-oo-to-MAH-tee-koh deh ehk-steen-SYOHN deh een-SEHN-dee-ohs) Awnings Toldos (TOHL-dohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 3 B Back hoe Retroexcavadora (reh-troh-ex-kah-vah-DOH-rah) Excavadora (ex-kah-vah-DOH-rah) Backfill Backflow Backflow preventer Backing Relleno (reh-JEH-noh) Contraflujo (kohn-trah-FLOO-hoh) Válvula de contraflujo (VAHL-voo-lah deh kohn-trah-FLOO-hoh) Soporte (soh-POHR-teh) Respaldo (rehs-PAHL-doh) Balcony Ball cock Balcón (bahl-KOHN) Válvula de flotador (VAHL-voo-lah deh floh-tah-DOHR) Flotador (floh-tah-DOHR) Llave de flotador (JAH-veh deh floh-tah-DOHR) Ball valve Band joist Bar Llave de flujo (JAH-veh deh FLOO-hoh) Viga lateral (VEE-gah lah-teh-RAHL) Barra (BAH-rrah) Barreta (bah-RREH-tah) Barbed nail Clavo afilado (KLAH-voh ah-fee-LAH-doh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 4 Constructionary Baseboard Basement bas-bee Zócalo (SOH-kah-loh) Sótano (SOH-tah-noh) Subterráneo (soob-teh-RRAH-neh-oh) Bathroom Cuarto de baño (KWAR-to deh BAH-nyoh) Sanitario (sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) Bathroom sink Lavabo Bathtub Bañera (lah-VAH-boh) (bah-NYEH-rah) Tina de baño (TEE-nah deh BAH-nyoh) Bañadera (bah-NYAH-deh-rah) Batten Rastrillo (rahs-TREE-joh) Cubrejuntas (koo-breh-HOON-tahs) Listón travesaño (lees-TON trah-veh-SAH-nyoh) Battery Batería (bah-teh-REE-ah) Pila (PEE-lah) Beam Bearing load Bedroom Viga (VEE-gah) Carga de cojinete (KAHR-gah deh koh-hee-NEH-teh) Cuarto (KWAR-toh) Habitación (ah-bee-tah-SYOHN) Recámara (re-KAH-mah-rah) Dormitorio (dor-mee-TOH-ree-oh) Beech Haya (AH-jah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 5 bel-bol Below-grade walls Constructionary Muros por debajo del nivel de terreno (MOO-rohs pohr deh-BAH-ho dehl neeVEHL dehl teh-RREH-noh Bird’s mouth Incisión recta (een-see-SYOHN REHK-ta) Muesca (MWESS-kah) Ranura (rah-NOO-rah) Rebajo (reh-BAH-hoh) Bleachers Tribunas (tree-BOON-ahs) Gradas (GRAH-dahs) Blind nailed Block, Blocking Con clavos ocultos (kohn KLAH-vohs oh-COOL-tohs) Trabas (TRAH-bahs) Trabar (trah-BAHR) Bloque (BLOH-keh) Bloquear (bloh-KEAHR) Board Panel (PAH-nehl or pah-NEHL) Tabla (TAH-blah) Tablero (TAH-bleh-roh) Boiler Caldera (kahl-DEH-rah) Calentador (kah-len-tah-DOHR) Boiler room Cuarto de calderas Bolt Perno (KWAR-toh deh kahl-DEH-rahs) (PEHR-noh) Tornillo (tohr-NEE-joh) 6 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. Constructionary Bonding jumper bon-bro Borne de enlace (BOHR-neh deh ehn-LAH-seh) Terminal de enlace (tehr-mee-NAHL deh ehn-LAH-seh) Box nail Clavo para madera (KLAH-voh PAH-rah mah-DEH-rah) Clavo de cabeza grande plana (KLAH-voh deh kah-BEH-sah GRAHN-deh PLAH-nah) Brace Bracing Braced frame Tirante (tee-RAN-teh) Arriostramiento (ah-rryohs-trah-MYEN-toh) Estructura arriostrada (ehs-trook-TOO-rah ah-rryohs-TRAH-dah) Pórtico arriostrado (POHR-tee-koh ah-rryohs-TRAH-doh) Bracket Brazo (BRAH-soh) Ménsula (MEHN-soo-lah) Branch Ramal Brass Bronce (rah-MAHL) (BROHN-seh) Latón (lah-TOHN) Braze Brazing alloy Brazing flux Brick Bridging Brown coat Soldar en fuerte (sohl-DAR ehn FWER-teh) Aleación para soldar (ah-leh-ah-SYOHN PAH-rah sol-DAR) Fundente para soldar (foon-DEN-teh PAH-rah sol-DAR) Ladrillo (lah-DREE-joh) Puntales de refuerzo (poon-TAH-les deh reh-FWEHR-soh) Revoque (reh-VOH-keh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 7 buil Building Constructionary Edificación (eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN) Edificio (eh-dee-FEE-syoh) Building department Departamento de construcción/edificación (deh-par-tah-MEN-toh deh kohn-strookSYOHN/eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN) Departamento de obras de edificación (deh-par-tah-MEN-toh deh OH-brahs deehdee-fee-kah-SYOHN) Departamento de obras públicas/privadas (deh-par-tah-MEN-toh deh OH-brahs POOblee-kahs/pree-VAH-dahs) Building drain Desagüe de la edificación/ del edificio (deh-SAH-gweh deh lah eh-dee-fee-kahSYOHN/dehl eh-dee-FEE-syoh) Resumidero (reh-soo-me-DEH-roh) Building documentation Documentación de obra/ ingeniería (doh-koo-mehn-tah-SYOHN deh OH-brah/ een-he-nyeh-REE-ah) Building inspector Inspector de obras (eens-pek-TOHR deh OH-brahs) Inspector de construcción (eens-pek-TOHR deh kohn-strook-SYOHN) Building official Director de obras (dee-rek-TOHR deh OH-brahs) Jefe de obras (HEH-feh deh OH-brahs) Autoridad competente (ah-oo-toh-ree-DAHD kohm-peh-TEHN-teh) Building site Terreno de obra (teh-RREH-noh deh OH-brah) Sitio de construcción (SEE-tee-oh deh kohn-strook-SYOHN) Obra de construcción (OH-brah deh kohn-strook-SYOHN) Built-up roofing 8 Cubierta de techo compuesta (koo-BYEHR-tah deh TEH-choh kohmPWEHS-tah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. Constructionary Bundle bun-byp Atado (ah-TAH-doh) Bulto (BOOL-toh) Bushing Manguito (mahn-GUEE-toh) Forro (BOOL-toh) Butt joint Junta a tope (HOON-tah ah TOH-peh) Junta de cubrejunta (HOON-tah deh koo-breh-HOON-tah) Bypass Derivación (deh-ree-vah-SYOHN) Desvío (dehs-VEE-oh) Paso (PAH-soh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 9 C Cabinet Cabinetmaker Cable tray Caissons Canopy Gabinete (gah-bee-NEH-teh) Ebanista (eh-bah-NEES-tah) Bandeja portacables (bahn-DEH-hah pohr-tah-KAH-blehs) Cajones de aire comprimido (kah-HOH-nehs deh ah-ee-reh kohm-preeMEE-doh) Toldo (TOHL-doh) Cubierta (koo-BYER-tah) Cantilever Voladizo Carpenter Carpintero Cartridge fuse Fusible de cartucho Casing nail Cast stone (volah-DEE-soh) (kahr-peen-TEH-roh) (foo-SEE-bleh deh kahr-TOO-choh) Clavo de cabeza perdida (KLAH-voh deh kah-BEH-sah pehr-DEEdah) Piedra moldeada (PYEH-drah mohl-deh-AH-dah) Piedra de sillar (PYEH-drah deh see-JAHR) Caulking Masillado (mah-se-JAH-doh) Masillar (mah-see-JAHR) Cavity wall Muro hueco (moo-roh WEH-koh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 10 Constructionary Ceiling cei-chu Cielorraso (SYEH-loh-RRAH-soh) Ceramic floor Piso cerámico Ceramic tile Baldosas cerámicas Certificate of occupancy Certificado de uso Chain Chalk line (PEE-soh seh-RAH-mee-koh) (bahl-DOH-sahs seh-RAH-mee-kahs) (sehr-tee-fee-KAH-doh deh OO-soh) Cadena (kah-deh-nah) Linea de marcar (LEE-neh-ah deh mahr-KAHR) Tendel (tehn-DEHL) Linea de gis (LEE-neh-ah de HEES) Chase Canaletas (kah-nah-LEH-tahs) Muesca (moo-EHS-kah) Check valve Chimney Válvula de contraflujo (VAHL-voo-lah deh kohn-trah-FLOO-hoh) Chimenea (chee-meh-NEH-ah) Chimney chase Acanaladura de chimenea Chimney, factory-built Chimenea prefabricada Chimney liner Revestimiento de chimenea Chute Chute, linen Chute, rubbish (ah-kah-nah-lah-DOO-rah deh chee-mehNEH-ah) (chee-meh-NEH-ah preh-fah-bree-KAHdah) (reh-vehs-tee-MYEHN-toh deh chee-mehNEH-ah) Ducto (DOOK-toh) Ducto de lencería (DOOK-toh deh lehn-seh-REE-ah) Ducto de basura (DOOK-toh deh bah-soo-rah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 11 cin-coa Cinder Circuit Circuit breaker Constructionary Cenizas (seh-NEE-sahs) Circuito (seer-KWEE-toh) Apagador (ah-pah-gah-DOR) Interruptor automático (een-teh-rroop-TOHR ah-oo-toh-MAH-teekoh) Interruptor de circuito (een-teh-rroop-TOHR de seer-KWEE-toh) Circuit breaker panel Cuadro de cortacircuito (KWAH-droh dehl kor-tah-seer-KWEE-toh) Tablero de cortacircuito (tah-BLEH-roh deh kor-tah-seer-KWEE-toh) Cistern Aljibe (ahl-HE-beh) Cisterna (sees-TEHR-nah) Clay Arcilla (ar-SEE-jah) Barro (BAH-rroh) Cleanout Registro (reh-HEES-troh) Abertura de limpieza (ah-behr-TOO-rah deh leem-PYEH-zah) Clearance Clear span Espacio libre (ehs-PAH-syoh LEE-bre) Luz libre (loos LEE-breh) Claro (CLAH-roh) Coal Hulla (OO-jah) Carbón (kahr-BOHN) Coarse Grueso (GRWEH-soh) Áspero (AHS-peh-roh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 12 Constructionary cod-con Code Código Code official Autoridad competente (KOH-dee-goh) (ah-oo-toh-ree-DAHD kohm-peh-TEHN-teh) Director/Jefe de obras (dee-rek-TOHR/HEH-feh deh OH-brahs) Oficial de códigos (oh-fee-SYAHL deh KOH-dee-gohs) Collar joint Junta de collar (HOON-tah deh koh-JAHR) Column Columna Combination fixture Artefacto de combinación (koh-LOOM-nah) (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh deh kohm-bee-nahSYOHN) Mueble de combinación (MWEH-bleh deh kohm-bee-nah-SYOHN) Combustible liquid Líquido combustible (LEE-kee-doh kohm-boos-TEE-bleh) Compression coupling Acoplamiento de compresión (ah-koh-plah-MYEHN-toh deh kohm-prehSYOHN) Empalme de compresión (ehm-PAHL-meh deh kohm-preh-SYOHN) Manguito (mahn-GY-toh) Manchón de manguito (mahn-CHON deh mahn-GY-toh) Concealed spaces Espacios ocultos (ehs-PAH-syohs oh-KOOL-tohs) Cavidades ocultas (kah-vee-DAH-dehs oh-KOOL-tahs) Concrete Hormigón (ohr-mee-GOHN) Concreto (kohn-KREH-toh) Concrete cover Condominium Cubierta de hormigón/concreto (koo-BYEHR-tah deh ohr-mee-GOHN/kohnKREH-toh) Condominio residencial (kohn-doh-MEE-nee-oh reh-see-den-SYAL) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 13 con-cop Conductor Conductor wire Conduit Constructionary Conductor (kohn-dook-TOHR) Alambre conductor (ah-LAHM-breh kohn-dook-TOHR) Conducto (kohn-DOOK-toh) Tubería (too-beh-REE-ah) Congregate residence Connection Residencia comunitaria (reh-see-DEN-syah koh-moo-nee-TAH-reeah) Conexión (koh-nek-SYOHN) Unión (oon-YOHN) Connector Construction Health and Safety Conector (koh-nek-TOHR) Higiene y seguridad en la construcción (ee-hee-EH-neh ee seh goo-ree-DAHD ehn lah kohn-strook-SYOHN) Construction joint Construction schedule (CPM) Junta de construcción (HOON-tah deh kohn-strook-SYOHN) Cronograma de construcción (kroh-noh-GRAH-mah deh kohn-strookSYOHN) Plan de avance de obra (PLAHN deh ah-VAHN-seh deh OH-brah) Contamination Contraction joint Contractor Contaminación (kohn-tah-mee-nah-SYOHN) Junta de contracción (HOON-tah deh kohn-trac-SYOHN) Constructor (kohn-strook-TOHR) Contratista (kohn-trah-TEE-stah) Coping Albardilla (ahl-bar-DEE-jah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 14 Constructionary cop-cov Mojinete (mo-hee-NEH-teh) Cumbrera (coom-BREH-rah) Caballete (kah-bah-JEH-teh) Copper, hard drawn Copper, sheet Copper, wrought Cornerite Cornices Corrosion-resistant Cobre estirado en frío (KOH-breh ehs-tee-RAH-doh ehn FREE-oh) Lámina de cobre (LAH-mee-nah deh KOH-breh) Cobre forjado (KOH-breh fohr-HAH-doh) Guardaesquinas (gwar-dah-ehs-KEE-nahs) Cornisas (kor-NEE-sahs) Anticorrosivo (ahn-tee-koh-rroh-SEE-voh) Resistente a la corrosión (reh-sees-TEHN-teh ah lah koh-rrohSYOHN) Corrosive Coupling Corrosivo (koh-rroh-SEE-voh) Acoplamiento (ah-koh-plah-MYEHN-toh) Copla (KOH-plah) Manguito (man-GY-toh) Coupling beams Court Cover, Covering Vigas de acoplamiento (VEE-gahs deh ah-koh-plah-MYEHN-toh) Patio interno (PAH-tee-oh een-TEHR-noh) Recubrimiento (reh-koo-bree-MYEHN-toh) Tapadera (tah-pah-DEH-rah) Revestimiento (reh-veh-stee-MYEHN-toh) Cubierta (coo-BYEHR-tah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 15 cra-cut Cracked walls Constructionary Muros rajados (moo-rohs rah-HA-dohs) Paredes rajadas (pah-REH-dehs rah-HA-dahs) Cracks Rajadas (rah-HA-dahs) Grietas (GRYEH-tahs) Partidas (pahr-TEE-dahs) Crawl space Espacio angosto (ehs-PAH-syoh ahn-GOHS-toh) Sótano de poca altura (SOH-tah-noh deh POH-kah ahl-TOO-rah) Cripple wall Muro corto (MOO-roh KOHR-toh) Cross connection Conexión cruzada Cross-grain Fibra transversal (koh-nek-SYOHN kroo-SAH-dah) (FEE-brah trans-vehr-SAL) Contragrano (kohn-trah-GRAH-noh) Crown Crown face Culvert Corona (grapas) [koh-ROH-nah (GRAH-pahs)] Cara combada (KAH-rah com-BAH-dah) Alcantarilla (alkan-tah-REE-jah) Desagüe (deh-SAH-gweh) Curb Guarnición (gwahr-nee-SYOHN) Cordón (kohr-DON) Flanco (FLAHN-koh) Bordillo (bohr-DEE-joh) Cut-off valve Válvula de cierre (VAHL-voo-lah deh SYEH-rreh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 16 D Damper Dead end Regulador (reh-goo-lah-DOHR) Terminal (tehr-mee-NAHL) Extremos cerrados (ehk-STREH-mohs seh-RRAH-dohs) Sin salida (seen sah-LEE-dah) Dead load Carga muerta (KAHR-gah MWEHR-tah) Carga permanente (KAHR-gah pehr-mah-NEHN-teh) Deck, Decking Design drawings Designer Detached building Device Diagonal bracing Cubierta (koo-BYEHR-tah) Planos (PLAH-nohs) Diseñador (dee-seh-nyah-DOHR) Edificación separada (eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN seh-pah-RAHdah) Dispositivo (dees-poh-see-TEE-voh) Arriostramiento diagonal (ah-rryohs-trah-MYEHN-toh dyah-gohNAHL) Dig Excavar Dilapidation Deterioro Disability Discapacidad (ex-kah-VAHR) (deh-teh-RYOH-roh) (dees-kah-pah-see-DAHD) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 17 dis-dou Constructionary Discharge pipe Tubo de descarga Discontinuous beams Vigas discontinuas Dispense Trasvasar Dispersal area, safe Área segura de dispersión Displacement (TOO-boh deh dehs-KAHR-gah) (VEE-gahs dees-kohn-TEE-nwahs) (trahs-vah-SAHR) (AH-reh-ah seh-GOO-rah deh dees-pehrSYOHN) Corrimiento (koh-rree-MYEHN-toh) Desplazamiento (dehs-plah-sah-MYEHN-toh) Door Door assemblies Puerta (PWER-tah) Sistemas de puertas (sees-TEH-mahs deh PWEHR-tahs) Door sill Umbral Doorbell Timbre Doorway Claro de puerta (oom-BRAL) (TEEM-breh) (KLAH-roh deh PWEHR-tah) Entrada (ehn-TRAH-dah) Portal (pohr-TAHL) Dormer Buharda (boo-AHR-dah) Buhardilla (boo-ahr-DEE-jah) Dormitory Residencias para estudiantes (reh-see-DEN-syahs PAH-rah ehs-tooDYAHN-tehs) Dormitorio estudiantil (dor-mee-TOH-ree-oh ehs-too-dyahn-TEEL) Double plate Double pole breaker Solera doble (soh-LEH-rah DOH-bleh) Interruptor automático bipolar (een-teh-rroop-TOHR ah-oo-toh-MAH-teekoh bee-poh-LAHR) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 18 Constructionary Doubled Doubler plates dou-dum Adosado (ah-doh-SAH-doh) Placas (PLAH-kahs) Placas de refuerzo (PLAH-kahs deh reh-FWEHR-soh) Draft stop Cierre de tiro (SYEH-rreh deh TEE-roh) Barrera contra corriente de aire (ba-RREH-rah kohn-trah koh-RRYEHN-teh deh ah-ee-reh) Draftsman Drain, Drainage Dibujante (dee-boo-HAHN-teh) Desagüe (deh-SAH-gweh) Drenaje (dreh-NAH-heh) Drawn Extruído Dressing room Vestidor Drilling (eks-troo-EE-doh) (vehs-tee-DOHR) Perforación (pehr-foh-rah-SYOHN) Driven Impulsado Dry wall Muro en seco (eem-pool-SAH-doh) (MOO-roh ehn SEH-koh) Tablero de yeso (tah-bleh-roh deh YEH-soh) Dryer Secadora Dual system Sistema doble Duct Dumbwaiter (seh-kah-DOH-rah) (sees-TEH-mah DOH-bleh) Conducto (kohn-DOOK-toh) Montacargas (mohn-tah-KAHR-gahs) Montaplatos (mohn-tah-PLAH-tohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 19 dwe Dwelling Constructionary Vivienda (vee-VYEHN-dah) Residencia (reh-see-DEN-syah) Habitación (ah-bee-tah-SYOHN) Dwelling unit Unidad de vivienda (oo-nee-DAHD deh vee-VYEHN-dah) Unidad habitacional (oo-nee-DAHD ah-bee-tah-syo-NAL) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 20 E Earth work Terraplén (teh-rrah-PLEN) Earthquake load Carga sísmica Eave Alero Edge (on edge) (KAHR-gah SEES-mee-kah) (ah-LEH-roh) Canto (de canto a canto) [KAHN-toh (deh KAHN-toh ah KAHN-toh)] Borde (BOHR-deh) Egress Salida (sah-LEE-dah) Electrical fixture Artefactos eléctricos Electrical outlet Enchufe (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh eh-LEHK-tree-kohs) (ehn-CHOO-feh) Tomacorriente (Toh-mah-koh-RRYEHN-teh) Electrician Electricista Electricity Electricidad Elevator Ascensor (eh-lehk-tree-SEES-tah) (eh-lehk-tree-see-DAHD) (ah-sehn-SOHR) Elevador (eh-leh-vah-DOHR) Elevator car Coche de ascensor Embankment Terraplén Embedded Empotrados (KOH-cheh deh ah-sehn-SOHR) (teh-rrah-PLEN) (ehm-poh-TRAH-dohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 21 emb-exi Constructionary Incrustado (een-kroos-TAH-doh) Arraigado (ah-rrah-ee-GAH-doh) Embedment Empotradura Enclose Encerrar Enclosed Encerrado Enclosure Cerramiento Encompass Ends (ehm-poh-trah-DOO-rah) (ehn-seh-RRAHR) (ehn-seh-RRAH-doh) (seh-rrah-MYEHN-toh) Incluir (een-kloo-EER) Puntas (POON-tahs) Extremos (ehks-TREH-mohs) Enforce Engineer Hacer cumplir (ah-SEHR koom-PLEER) Ingeniero (een-heh-NYEH-roh) Escalator Escalera mecánica Essential facilities Instalaciones esenciales (ehs-kah-LEH-rah meh-KAH-nee-kah) (eens-tah-lah-SYOH-nehs eh-sehn-SYAHlehs) Edificaciones esenciales (eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOH-nehs eh-sehnSYAH-lehs) Exhaust Escape (ehs-KAH-peh) Extracción (ehks-trahk-SYOHN) Exhaust fan Exit Ventilador de extracción (vehn-tee-lah-DOHR deh ehks-trahkSYOHN Salida (sah-LEE-dah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 22 Constructionary Exit door Expansion bolt exi-ext Puerta de salida (PWEHR-tah deh sah-LEE-dah) Perno de expansión (PEHR-noh deh ehk-spahn-SYOHN) Tornillo de expansión (tohr-NEE-joh deh ehk-spahn-SYOHN) Expansion joint Extension cord Exterior wall Exterior/interior surface Junta de dilatación/expansión (HOON-tah deh dee-lah-tah-SYOHN/ehkspahn-SYOHN) Cable de extensión (KAH-bleh deh ehk-stehn-SYOHN) Muro/Pared exterior (MOO-roh/pa-REHD ehk-steh-RYOHR) Superficie exterior/interior (soo-per-FEE-syeh ehk-steh-RYOHR/ een-teh-RYOHR) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 23 F Façade Alzado (al-ZAH-doh) Fachada (fah-CHAH-dah) Face grain Face load Face mount hangers Face shield Facing brick Factory built Factory-made Fan Veta superficial (VEH-tah soo-pehr-fee-SYAHL) Carga ditribuida (KAHR-gah dees-tree-boo-EE-dah) Percha de montaje frontal (PEHR-chah deh mon-tah-HEH fron-TAHL) Careta (kah-REH-tah) Ladrillos para frentes (lah-DREE-johs PAH-rah FREHN-tehs) Prefabricado (preh-fah-bree-KAH-doh) Hecho en fábrica (EH-choh ehn FAH-bree-kah) Ventilador (vehn-tee-lah-DOHR) Abanico (ah-bah-NEE-koh) Fasteners Anclajes Faucet Llave (ahn-KLAH-hehs) (JAH-veh) Grifo (GREE-foh) Feeder cable Felt Cable de alimentación (KAH-bleh de ah-lee-mehn-tah-SYOHN) Fieltro (FYEHL-troh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 24 Constructionary Fence fen-fir Cerca (SEHR-ka) Barda (BAR-dah) Mediera (meh-DYEH-rah) Fiberboard Tablero de fibra (tah-BLEH-roh deh FEE-brah) Field test Prueba en obra Filled Rellenado Finish (PRWEH-bah ehn OH-brah) (reh-jeh-NAH-doh) Acabado (ah-kah-BAH-doh) Terminado (tehr-mee-NAH-doh) Finishing nail Fire alarm system Clavo sin cabeza (KLAH-voh seen kah-BEH-sah) Sistema de alarma contra incendios (sees-TEH-mah deh ah-LAR-mah kohn-trah een-SEHN-dee-ohs) Fire Code Código de Incendios Fire department Cuerpo/Departamento de bomberos (KOH-dee-goh deh een-SEHN-dee-ohs) (KWER-poh/deh-par-tah-MEHN-toh deh bohm-BEH-rohs) Fire department access Acceso para bomberos (ahk-SEH-soh PAH-rah bohm-BEH-rohs) Fire department connection Toma de impulsión (TOH-mah deh eem-pool-SYOHN) Conexión para bomberos (koh-nek-SYOHN PAH-ra bohm-BEH-rohs) Fire extinguisher Extinguidor (ehk-steen-ghee-DOHR) Extintor (ehk-steen-TOHR) Matafuegos (mah-tah-FWEH-gohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 25 fir-fla Fireblock Fireblocking Firebox Firebrick Fireplace Constructionary Bloque antifuego (BLOH-keh ahn-tee-FWEH-goh) Bloqueado antifuego (bloh-keh-AH-do ahn-tee-FWEH-goh) Fogón (foh-GOHN) Ladrillo de fuego (lah-DREE-joh deh FWEH-goh) Chimenea (chee-meh-NEH-ah) Hogar (oh-GAHR) First floor/story Primer piso Fish tape Cinta pescadora Fitting (pree-MER PEE-soh) (SEEN-tah pehs-kah-DOH-rah) Accesorio (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh) Conexión (koh-nek-SYOHN) Fixture Artefacto (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh) Accesorio (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh) Fixture, bathroom Artefacto sanitario Fixture trap Trampa hidráulica (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) (TRAM-pah ee-DRAH-oo-lee-kah) Sifón (see-FOHN) Trampa de artefacto (TRAM-pah deh ahr-teh-FAHK-toh) Flammable Flammable liquid Inflamable (een-flah-MAH-bleh) Líquido inflamable (LEE-kee-doh een-flah-MAH-bleh) Flammability Inflamabilidad Flanges Patines (een-flah-mah-bee-lee-DAHD) (pah-TEE-nehs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 26 Constructionary fla-flu Bridas (BREE-dahs) Alas (AH-lahs) Flashing Cubrejuntas (koo-breh-HOON-tahs) Tapajuntas (tah-pah-HOON-tahs) Plancha de escurrimiento (PLAHN-cha deh ehs-koo-rree-MYEHN-toh) Vierteaguas (vee-er-teh-AH-gwahs) Botaguas (boh-TAH-gwahs) Flashlight Linterna (leen-TEHR-nah) Lámpara (LAHM-pah-rah) Flex conduit Floodlight Conducto portacables flexible (kohn-DOOK-toh pohr-tah-KAH-blehs flek-SEE-bleh) Iluminación industrial (ee-loo-mee-nah-SYOHN een-doosTRYAHL) Foco industrial (FOH-koh een-doos-TRYAHL) Floor Piso (PEE-soh) Solado (soh-LAH-doh) Floor deck Floor tile (small slab) Flooring Plataforma (plah-tah-FOHR-mah) Loseta (loh-SEH-tah) Revestimientos para pisos (reh-vehs-tee-MYEHN-tohs PAH-rah PEEsohs) Material para pisos (mah-teh-RYAHL PAH-rah PEE-sohs) Flue Fluorescent Conductos de humo (kohn-DOOK-tohs deh OO-moh) Fluorescente (floo-oh-reh-SEHN-teh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 27 foo-fra Constructionary Footboard Tabla de piso Footing Zapata (TAH-blah deh PEE-soh) (sah-PAH-tah) Zarpa (SAR-pah) Cimiento (see-MYEHN-toh) Foreman Capataz (kah-pah-TAHS) Sobrestante (soh-breh-STAHN-teh) Supervisor (soo-pehr-vee-SOHR) Forms (concrete) Encofrados Formwork Encofrado Foundation Fundación (ehn-koh-FRAH-dohs) (ehn-koh-FRAH-doh) (foon-dah-SYOHN) Cimentación (see-men-tah-SYOHN) Foundation sill plate Foundation walls Frame Placa de solera de fundación (PLAH-kah deh soh-LEH-rah deh foon-dahSYOHN) Muros de fundación (MOO-rohs deh foon-dah-SYOHN) Marco (MAR-koh) Estructura (ehs-trook-TOO-rah) Pórtico (POHR-tee-koh) Bastidor (bahs-tee-DOHR) Armazón (ar-mah-SOHN) Frame, door/window Marco de puerta/ventana Framed Armado (mar-koh deh PWEHR-tah/vehn-TAH-nah) (ar-MAH-doh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 28 Constructionary fra-fus Framework Armazón Framing Estructura Fumes Gases Furred out, Furring Fuse Fuse box (ar-mah-SOHN) (ehs-trook-TOO-rah) (GAH-sehs) Enrasado (ehn-rah-SAH-doh) Fusible (foo-SEE-bleh) Caja de fusibles (KAH-hah deh foo-SEE-blehs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 29 G Gable Hastial Gable construction Construcción a dos aguas Gable roof Techo a dos aguas Gable rake Cornisa inclinada Gage/Gauge (instrument) Manómetro (ahs-TYAHL) (kohns-trook-SYOHN ah dohs AH-gwahs) (TEH-cho ah dos AH-gwahs) (kor-NEE-sah een-klee-NAH-dah) (mah-NOH-meh-troh) Indicador (een-dee-kah-DOHR) Gage/Gauge (thickness) Calibre (kah-LEE-breh) Espesor (ehs-peh-SOHR) Garage Garaje (gah-RAH-heh) Cochera (koh-CHEH-rah) Garbage disposal Triturador de basura/ desperdicios (tree-too-rah-DOHR deh bah-SOO-rah/ dehs-pehr-DEE-syohs) Gasket Arandela (ar-ahn-DEH-lah) Empaque (ehm-PAH-keh) Junta (HOON-tah) Gas-fired Alimentado por gas (ah-lee-men-TAH-do pohr gahs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 30 Constructionary Gas main gas-gra Conducto/cañería principal de gas (kohn-DOOK-toh/kah-nyeh-REE-ah preensee-PAL deh GAHS) Gate valve Llave de paso Generator Generador Girder Viga maestra (JAH-veh deh PAH-soh) (heh-neh-rah-DOHR) (VEE-gah mah-EHS-trah) Viga principal (VEE-gah preen-see-PAL) Viga (VEE-gah) Jácena (HAH-seh-nah) Glazed, Glazing Vidriado (vee-DRYAH-doh) Encristalado (ehn-krees-tah-LAH-doh) Glass Brick Glue Grab bars Ladrillo de vidrio (lah-DREE-joh deh VEE-dryoh) Pegamento (peh-gah-MEHN-toh) Barras de apoyo (BAH-rrahs deh ah-POH-joh) Barra de soporte (BAH-rrahs deh soh-POHR-teh) Agarraderas (ah-gah-rrah-DEH-rahs) Grade Nivel de terreno (nee-VEHL deh teh-RREH-noh) Rasante (rah-SAHN-teh) Grade beam Graded lumber Viga de fundación (VEE-gah deh foon-dah-SYOHN) Madera elaborada (mah-DEH-rah eh-lah-boh-RAH-dah) Madera clasificada (mah-DEH-rah klah-see-fee-KAH-dah) Grading Nivelación de terreno (nee-veh-lah-SYOHN deh teh-RREH-noh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 31 gra-gro Grandstands Constructionary Tribunas (tree-BOON-ahs) Gradas (GRAH-dahs) Gravel Grava (GRAH-vah) Cascajo (kahs-KAH-hoh) Ripio (REE-pee-oh) Grease interceptor Interceptor de grasas Grease trap Colector de grasas Grille Rejilla (een-tehr-sehp-TOHR deh GRAH-sahs) (koh-lehk-TOHR deh GRAH-sahs) (reh-HEE-jah) Reja (REH-hah) Grip Grommet Agarre (ah-GAH-rreh) Arandela (ar-ahn-DEH-lah) Ojal (oh-HAHL) Groove Gross area Ranura (rah-NOO-rah) Área total (AH-reh-ah toh-TAHL) Área bruta (AH-reh-ah BROO-tah) Ground bond Ground connection Ground level Ground wire Grout Cable de enlace (KAH-bleh deh ehn-LAH-seh) Conexión a tierra (koh-nek-SYOHN ah TYEH-rra) Planta baja (PLAHN-tah BAH-hah) Cable a tierra (KAH-bleh ah TYEH-rra) Lechada de cemento (leh-CHAH-dah deh seh-MEHN-toh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 32 Constructionary gua-gyp Mortero de cemento (mohr-TEH-roh deh seh-MEHN-toh) Guardrail Guest Guest room Baranda (bah-RAHN-dah) Huésped (WEHS-pehd) Cuarto de huéspedes (KWAR-toh deh WEHS-peh-dehs) Guide rail Riel de guía Gusset plate Placa de unión (RYEHL deh GY-ah) (PLAH-kah deh oon-YOHN) Placa de cartela (PLAH-kah deh kahr-TEH-lah) Gutter Gotera (goh-TEH-rah) Canal (kah-NAHL) Canaleta (kah-nah-LEH-tah) Gypsum Gypsum board Yeso (YEH-soh) Panel de yeso (pah-NEHL deh YEH-soh) Tablero de yeso (tah-BLEH-roh deh YEH-soh) Plancha de yeso (PLAHN-chah deh YEH-soh) Plafón de yeso (plah-FOHN deh YEH-soh) Gypsum lath Gypsum plaster Gypsum wallboard Listón yesero (lees-TOHN yeh-SEH-roh) Revoque de yeso (reh-VOH-keh deh YEH-soh) Panel de yeso (pah-NEHL deh YEH-soh) Plancha de yeso (PLAHN-cha deh YEH-soh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 33 H Hallway Handicapped Pasillo (pah-SEE-joh) Discapacitado (dees-kah-pah-see-TAH-doh) Minusválido (mee-noos-VAH-lee-doh) Handle Manipular (mah-nee-poo-LAHR) Manija (mah-NEE-hah) Mango (MAHN-goh) Brazo (BRAH-soh) Agarradera (ah-gah-rrah-DEH-rahs) Handling Handrail Hangers Manipulación (mah-nee-poo-lah-SYOHN) Pasamanos (pah-sah-MAH-nohs) Ganchos (GAHN-chohs) Colgaderos (kohl-gah-DEH-rohs) Hanger’s saddle Montura de la percha Hangings Cortinajes (mon-TOO-rah deh lah PEHR-chah) (kor-tee-NAH-hehs) Colgaderos (kohl-gah-DEH-rohs) Hardboard Hatch Tablero duro (tah-BLEH-roh DOO-roh) Compuerta (kohm-PWEHR-tah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 34 Constructionary Haunches Hazard Hazardous hou-hip Cartelas (kahr-TEH-lahs) Peligro (peh-LEE-groh) Peligroso (peh-lee-GROH-soh) Nocivo (noh-SEE-voh) Dañino (dah-NYEE-noh) Head (door frame) Head joint Header Dintel (de la puerta) [deen-TEHL (deh lah PWEHR-tah)] Junta vertical (HOON-tah vehr-tee-KAHL) Cabezal (kah-beh-SAL) Dintel (deen-TEHL) Heater Calefactor (kahl-eh-fak-TOHR) Estufa (ehs-TOO-fah) Calentador (kahl-ehn-tah-DOHR) Heating High rise building Highly toxic material High-piled storage Calefacción (kahl-eh-fak-SYOHN) Edificio de gran altura (eh-dee-FEE-syoh deh grahn ahl-TOO-rah) Material altamente tóxico (mah-teh-RYAHL AHL-tah-mehn-teh TOHCsee-koh) Almacenamiento en pilas altas (ahl-mah-seh-nah-MYEHN-toh ehn PEElahs AHL-tahs) Hinge Bisagra Hip Lima (bee-SAH-grah) (LEE-mah) Lima hoya (LEE-mah OH-yah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 35 hip-hot Constructionary Lima tesa (LEE-mah TEH-sah) Hip roof Hip tile Hod Hold-down anchor Hole Techo a cuatro aguas (TEH-cho ah KWAH-tro AH-gwas) Teja para limas (TEH-hah PAH-rah LEE-mahs) Cuezo (KWEH-soh) Ancla de retención (AHN-klah deh reh-tehn-SYOHN) Hoyo (OH-yoh) Agujero (ah-goo-HEH-roh) Boquete (boh-KEH-teh) Hood (chimney/kitchen) Campana (chimenea/ cocina) [kahm-PAH-nah (chee-meh-NEH-ah/ koh-SEE-nah)] Hoop Horizontal bracing system Lazo (LAH-soh) Sistema de arriostramiento horizontal (sees-TEH-mah deh ah-rryoh-strahMYEHN-toh oh-ree-sohn-TAHL) Horizontal pipe Tubo horizontal Hose bibb valves Válvulas para grifos de mangueras (TOO-boh oh-ree-sohn-TAHL) (VAHL-voo-lahs PAH-rah GREE-fohs deh mahn-GEH-rahs) Hose Hose threads Hot-dipped Manguera (mahn-GEH-rah) Rosca de manguera (ROHS-kah deh mahn-GEH-rah) Inmerso en caliente (een-MEHR-soh ehn kah-LYEHN-teh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 36 Constructionary Hot bus bar hot-hyd Bandeja de carga (bahn-DEH-hah deh KAHR-gah) Barra ómnibus de carga (BAH-rra OHM-nee-boos deh KAHR-gah) Hot water Agua caliente House trap Trampa doméstica HVAC Calefacción, ventilacion y aire acondicionado (AH-gwah kah-LYEHN-teh) (TRAHM-pah doh-MEHS-tee-kah) (kah-leh-fahk-SYOHN, vehn-tee-lahSYOHN ee AH-ee-reh ah-kohn-dee-syohNAH-doh) Hydrated lime Cal hidratada (KAHL ee-drah-TAH-dah) Calhidra (kah-LEE-dra) Hydraulic cement Cemento hidráulico (seh-MEHN-toh ee-DRAH-oo-lee-koh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 37 I I-Joist Vigueta de madera (vee-GEH-tah deh ma-DEH-rah) Vigueta en doble T (vee-GEH-tah ehn DOH-bleh TEH) Vigueta-I (vee-GEH-tah EE) Incline Declive (deh-KLEE-veh) Inclinación (een-klee-nah-SYOHN) Ladera (lah-DEH-rah) Pendiente (pehn-DYEHN-teh) Inclinar (een-klee-NAHR) Ladear (lah-deh-AHR) Inspector Inspector (eens-pek-TOHR) Supervisor (soo-pehr-vee-SOHR) Insulating Insulation Aislante (ah-ees-LAHN-teh) Aislamiento (ah-ees-lah-MYEHN-toh) Aislante (ah-ees-LAHN-teh) Interior room Cuarto interior Interlay Contrachapar Interlayment Capa intermedia (KWAR-toh een-teh-RYOR) (kohn-trah-chah-PAHR) (KAH-pah een-tehr-MEH-dee-ah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 38 Constructionary Interlocking Interlocking roofing tiles International Building Code int-iso Enclavamiento (ehn-klah-vah-MYEHN-toh) Tejas entrelazadas para techo (TEH-hahs ehn-treh-lah-SAH-dahs PAH-rah TEH-choh) Código Internacional de la Edificación (KOH-dee-goh een-tehr-nah-syoh-NAL deh lah eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN) International Fire Code Código Internacional de Protección contra Incendios (KOH-dee-goh een-tehr-nah-syoh-NAL deh proh-tehk-SYOHN KOHN-trah een-SEHNdee-ohs) International Mechanical Code Código Internacional de Instalaciones Mecánicas (KOH-dee-goh een-tehr-nah-syoh-NAL deh een-stah-lah-SYOH-nehs meh-KAH-neekahs) Internacional Plumbing Code Código Intenacional para Instalaciones Hidráulicas y Sanitarias (KOH-dee-goh een-tehr-nah-syoh-NAL PAH-rah een-stah-lah-SYOH-nehs eeDRAH-oo-lee-kahs ee sah-nee-TAH-ryahs) Intertied Entrelazados Intervening rooms Cuartos intermedios Isolation joint Junta de aislamiento (ehn-treh-lah-SAH-dohs) (KWAR-tohs een-tehr-MEH-dee-ohs) (HOON-tah deh ah-ees-lah-MYEHN-toh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 39 J Jacking force Fuerza de estiramiento (FWEHR-sah deh ehs-tee-rah-MYEHN-toh) Jamb (door frame) Jamba (HAHM-bah) Quicial (kee-SYAHL) Jobsite Lugar de la obra/en la obra (loo-GAR deh lah OH-brah/ehn lah OHbrah) Sitio de construcción (SEE-tee-oh deh kohn-strook-SYOHN) Joint Unión (oon-YOHN) Junta (HOON-tah) Joint compound Joist Pasta de muro (PAHS tah deh MOO-roh) Vigueta (vee-GEH-tah) Viga (VEE-gah) Joist, end Joist, floor Joist hanger Junction Vigueta esquinera (vee-GEH-tah es-kee-NEH-ra) Vigueta del piso (vee-GEH-tah del PEE-soh) Estribo para vigueta (ehs-TREE-boh PAH-rah vee-GEH-ta) Empalme (ehm-PAHL-meh) Unión (oon-YOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 40 K Kettle Key Keystone King post Caldera (kahl-DEH-rah) Llave (JAH-veh) Clave (KLAH-veh) Poste principal (POHS-teh preen-see-PAL) Columna (koh-LOOM-nah) Kiosk Kitchen oven Kitchen stove Kitchen sink Knockout Kraft paper Quiosco (KYOHS-koh) Horno de cocina (OHR-noh deh koh-SEE-nah) Estufa de cocina (ehs-TOO-fah deh koh-SEE-nah) Fregadero de cocina (freh-gah-DEH-roh deh koh-SEE-nah) Agujero ciego (ah-goo-HEH-roh SYEH-goh) Papel Kraft (pah-PEHL krahft) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 41 L Ladder Escalera (ehs-kah-LEH-rah) Landing (stair) Descanso de escaleras Lap siding Revestimiento de tablas con traslape/solape (dehs-KAHN-soh deh ehs-kah-LEH-rahs) (reh-vehs-tee-MYEHN-toh deh TAH-blahs kohn trahs-LAH-peh/soh-LAH-peh) Lap splice Lapping Latch Latching device Lateral (pipe) Lath Traslape (trahs-LAH-peh) Traslapo (trahs-LAH-poh) Cerrojo (seh-RROH-hoh) Dispositivo de traba (dees-poh-see-TEE-voh deh TRAH-bah) Ramal lateral (rahm-AHL lah-teh-RAHL) Listón (lees-TOHN) Malla de enlucir (MAH-jah deh ehn-loo-SEER) Tiras de yeso (TEE-rahs deh YEH-soh) Tira (TEE-rah) Lawn Césped (SEHS-pehd) Pasto (PAHS-toh) Lay out Croquis (KROH-kees) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 42 Constructionary lea-lin Diseño (dee-SEH-nyo) Leader (pipe) Tubo de bajada Lead-free Sin plomo Lead-free solder and flux (TOO-boh deh bah-HAH-dah) (seen PLOH-moh) Soldadura y fundente sin plomo (sohl-dah-DOO-rah ee foon-DEN-teh seen PLOH-moh) Ledger Travesaño (tra-veh-SAH-nyo) Solera (soh-LEH-rah) Lever Palanca Lift Levantamiento (pah-LAHN-kah) (leh-vahn-tah-MYEHN-toh) Alzada (ahl-SAH-dah) Lote (LOH-teh) Hormigonada (ohr-mee-goh-NAH-dah) Colada (koh-LAH-dah) Lightbulbs Focos (FOH-kohs) Bombillas (bohm-BEE-jahs) Light fixture Artefacto de iluminación Limbs Miembros (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh deh ee-loo-mee-nahSYOHN) (MYEHM-brohs) Extremidades (ehk-streh-mee-DAH-dehs) Lime putty Mastique de cal Limestone Caliza (mah-STEE-keh deh kahl) (kah-LEE-sah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 43 lin-loc Line and grade Lining Constructionary Trazar y nivelar (trah-SAR ee nee-veh-LAR) Recubrimiento (reh-koo-bree-MYEHN-toh) Revestimiento (reh-vehs-tee-MYEHN-toh) Link, Linkage Enlace (ehn-LAH-seh) Tirante (tee-RAHN-teh) Conexión (koh-nek-SYOHN) Lintel Live load Dintel (deen-TEHL) Cargas vivas (KAHR-gahs VEE-vahs) Carga variable (KAHR-gah vah-ree-AH-bleh) Load combination Load-bearing joist Loaded area Combinación de cargas (kohm-bee-nah-SYOHN deh KAHR-gahs) Viga de carga (VEE-gah deh KAHR-gah) Área cargada (AH-reh-ah kahr-GAH-dah) Área sometida a carga (AH-reh-ah soh-meh-TEE-dah ah KAHRgah) Lobby Lobby (LOH-bee) Vestíbulo (vehs-TEE-boo-loh) Local vent stack Lock Tubo vertical de ventilación (TOO-boh vehr-tee-KAHL deh vehn-tee-lahSYOHN) Candado (kan-DAH-doh) Cerradura (seh-rrah-DOO-rah) Cerrojo (seh-RROH-hoh) Lock bolts Pernos de seguridad (PEHR-nohs deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 44 Constructionary Locking receptacle Lodging house Loop Lot loc-lvl Tomas con traba (TOH-mahs kohn TRAH-bah) Hospedaje (ohs-peh-DAH-heh) Lazadas (lah-SAH-dahs) Terreno (teh-RREH-noh) Lote (LOH-teh) Louver Lumber Celosía (seh-loh-SEE-ah) Madera de construcción (mah-DEH-rah deh kohns-trook-SYOHN) Madera elaborada (mah-DEH-rah eh-lah-boh-RAH-dah) LVL beams Vigas de madera microlaminada (VEE-gahs deh mah-DEH-rah mee-crohlah-mee-NAH-dah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 45 M Mail box Main Buzón (boo-SOHN) Principal (preen-see-PAHL) Matriz (mah-TREES) Main breaker Main power cable Main vent Mall Manager Manhole Interruptor automático principal (een-teh-rroop-TOHR ah-oo-toh-MAH-teekoh preen-see-PAHL) Cable principal (KAH-bleh preen-see-PAHL) Respiradero matriz (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh mah-TREES) Centro comercial (SEHN-troh koh-mehr-SYAHL) Gerente (heh-REHN-teh) Pozo de confluencia (POH-soh deh kohn-FLWEHN-syah) Boca de inspección (BOH-kah deh eens-pehk-SYOHN) Boca de acceso (BOH-kah deh ahk-SEH-soh) Pozo de entrada (POH-soh deh ehn-TRAH-dah) Mansard roof Mansion Mansarda (mahn-SAHR-dah) Mansión (mahn-SYOHN) Residencia (reh-see-DEN-syah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 46 Constructionary Manual pull station Marquee Mason Masonry man-mor Alarma de incendio manual (ah-LAHR-mah deh een-SEHN-dee-oh mah-NWAHL) Marquesina (mar-keh-SEE-nah) Albañil (ahl-bah-NYEEL) Mampostería (mahm-pohs-teh-REE-ah) Albañilería (ahl-bah-nyee-leh-REE-ah) Mastic Means of egress Mastique (mahs-TEE-keh) Medios de salida (MEH-dee-ohs deh sah-LEE-dah) Measuring tape Cinta de medir Mechanical anchorage Anclaje mecánico Metal deck Metal flagpole Metal roof covering (SEEN-tah deh meh-DEER) (ahn-KLAH-heh meh-KAH-nee-koh) Plataforma metálica (plah-tah-FOR-mah meh-TAH-lee-kah) Mástil metálico (MAHS-teel meh-TAH-lee-koh) Cubierta metálica para techos (koo-BYEHR-tah meh-TAH-lee-kah PAH-rah TEH-chohs) Metal scribe Trazador de metal Meter Medidor Mixing valve Llave de mezcla Moist curing Curado con humedad Molding Moldura Mortar (trah-sah-DOHR deh meh-TAHL) (meh-dee-DOHR) (JAH-veh deh MEHS-clah) (koo-RAH-doh kohn oo-meh-DAHD) (mohl-DOO-rah) Mortero (mohr-TEH-roh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 47 mor-mul Constructionary Argamasa (ar-gah-MAH-sah) Mezcla (MEHS-klah) Mortise Mudsill Ranura (rah-NOO-rah) Solera de base (soh-LEH-rah deh BAH-seh) Mullion (door) Larguero central Multiple gabled roofs Techos a aguas múltiples (lar-GEH-roh sehn-TRAHL) (TEH-chohs ah AH-gwahs MOOL-tee-plehs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 48 N Nailing, face Con clavos sumidos Nailing strip Listón para clavar Nails Clavos Nameplate Placa de características (kohn KLAH-vohs soo-MEE-dohs) (lee-STOHN PAH-rah klah-VAHR) (KLAH-vohs) (PLAH-kah deh kahr-ahk-teh-REES-teekahs) Placa de datos (PLAH-kah deh DAH-tohs) Placa de fábrica (PLAH-kah deh FAH-bree-kah) Natural ventilation Ventilación natural Neutral service wire Cable principal neutro Neutral wire Cable neutro Nonabrasive/abrasive materials (vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN nah-too-RAHL) (KAH-bleh preen-see-PAHL NEHOO-troh) (KAH-bleh NEHOO-troh) Materiales no abrasivos /abrasivos (mah-teh-RYAH-lehs noh ah-brah-SEEvohs/ah-brah-SEE-vohs) Noncombustible materials Nonwoven Nosings Materiales no combustibles (mah-teh-RYAH-lehs noh kohm-boos-TEEblehs) No tejido (noh teh-HEE-doh) Vuelos (VWEH-lohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 49 not-nut Notch Constructionary Muesca (MWEHS-kah) Corte (KOHR-teh) Incisión (een-see-SYOHN) Nuisance Nursing homes Perjuicio (pehr-hoo-EE-syoh) Asilos de ancianos (ah-SEE-lohs deh ahn-SYAH-nohs) Ancianatos (ahn-syah-NAH-tohs) Casas de convalecencia (KAH-sahs deh kohn-vah-leh-SEHN-syah) Nut Tuerca (TWEHR-kah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 50 O Occupancy Destino (deh-STEE-noh) Tenencia (teh-NEHN-syah) Actividades (ahk-tee-vee-DAH-dehs) Clasificación (klah-see-fee-kah-SYOHN) Función (foon-SYOHN) Ocupación (oh-koo-pah-SYOHN) Zona (soh-NAH) Capacidad (kah-pah-see-DAHD) Occupant load Offset Número de ocupantes (NOO-meh-roh deh oh-koo-PAHN-tehs) Desplazamiento (dehs-plah-sah-MYEHN-toh) Pieza en “S” (PYEH-sah ehn “EH-seh”) Pieza de inflexión (PYEH-sah deh een-flek-SYOHN) Desvío (dehs-VEE-oh) Compensar (kohm-pehn-SAR) Offset bars Barras desviadas On center De centro a centro Open air Aire libre (BAH-rrahs dehs-VYAH-dahs) (deh SEHN-troh ah SEHN-troh) (AH-ee-reh LEE-breh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 51 ope-oxi Opening OSB (oriented strand board) Outlet box Constructionary Abertura (ah-behr-TOO-rah) Tableros de viruta orientada (tah-BLEH-rohs deh vee-ROO-tah oh-ryehnTAH-dah) Caja de enchufe (KAH-hah deh ehn-CHOO-feh) Caja de tomacorriente (KAH-hah deh toh-mah-koh-RRYEHN-teh) Overhang Voladizo (voh-lah-DEE-so) Vuelo (VWEH-loh) Alero (ah-LEH-roh) Overhaul Reparación (reh-par-ah-SYOHN) Reparo (reh-PAH-roh) Overlap Traslape (trahs-LAH-peh) Sobresolape (soh-breh-soh-LAH-peh) Superposición (soo-pehr-poh-see-SYOHN) Override Cancelar (kahn-seh-LAR) Anular (ah-noo-LAR) Overstrength Overturning Sobreresistencia (soh-breh-reh-sees-TEHN-syah) Volcamiento (vohl-kah-MYEHN-toh) Vuelco (VWEHL-koh) Volteo (vohl-TEH-oh) Oxidizers Oxidantes (ohk-see-DAHN-tehs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 52 P Pallet Estante (ehs-TAHN-teh) Tarima (tah-REE-mah) Plataforma de carga (plah-tah-FOHR-mah deh CAHR-gah) Paint Pintura (peen-TOO-rah) Painter Pintor Panel edge clips Pinzas de canto de panel Panel sheathing Panel zone Paneling (peen-TOHR) (peen-sahs deh KAHN-toh deh pah-NEHL) Revestimiento de tableros (reh-veh-stee-MYEHN-toh deh tah-BLEHrohs) Franja de tableros (FRAHN-hah deh tah-BLEH-rohs) Empanelado (ehm-pah-neh-LAH-doh) Panic bar Barra de emergencia Panic hardware Herrajes antipánico (BAH-rrah deh eh-mehr-HEN-syah) (eh-RRAH-hehs ahn-tee-PAH-nee-koh) Cerrajería o herrajes de emergencia (seh-rrah-heh-REE-ah oh eh-RRAH-hehs deh) (eh-mehr-HEN-syah) Paper dispensers Parapet wall Particleboard Dispensadores de papel (dees-pehn-sah-DOH-rehs deh pah-PEHL) Muro de parapeto (MOO-roh deh pah-rah-PEH-toh) Madera aglomerada (mah-DEH-rah ah-gloh-meh-RAH-dah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 53 par-pie Partition Constructionary Tabique (tah-BEE-keh) Separación (seh-pah-rah-SYOHN) División (dee-vee-SYOHN) Partition, folding Partition, movable Partition, portable Passageway Passageway (chimney) Pavement Tabique plegable (tah-BEE-keh pleh-GAH-bleh) Tabique movible (tah-BEE-keh moh-VEE-bleh) Tabique portátil (tah-BEE-keh pohr-TAH-teel) Pasillo (pah-SEE-joh) Conducto de humo (kohn-DOOK-toh deh OO-moh) Pavimento (pah-vee-MEHN-toh) Pedestrian walkway Camino peatonal Penthouse Cuarto de azotea Perimeter foundation Fundación perimetral Performance Desempeño (kah-MEE-noh peh-ah-toh-NAHL) (KWAR-toh deh ah-soh-TEH-ah) (foon-dah-SYOHN peh-ree-meh-TRAHL) (deh-sehm-PEH-nyoh) Rendimiento (rehn-dee-MYEHN-toh) Comportamiento (kohm-pohr-tah-MYEHN-toh) Perlite Perlita (pehr-LEE-tah) Permit Permiso (de construcción) Pier Pilar [pehr-MEE-soh (deh kohns-trook-SYOHN)] (pee-LAHR) Pilón (pee-LOHN) Machón (mah-CHOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 54 Constructionary pil-pla Dado (DAH-doh) Piles Pipe, Piping Pilotes (pee-LOH-tehs) Cañería (kah-nyeh-REE-ah) Caño (KAH-nyoh) Tubería (too-beh-REE-ah) Tubo (TOO-boh) Plan review/reviewer Revisión/Revisor de planos Plank Tablón Planking (reh-vee-SYOHN/reh-vee-SOHR deh PLAH-nohs) (tah-BLON) Entablonado (ehn-tah-bloh-NAH-doh) Tablones (tah-BLOH-nehs) Plaster Azotado (ah-soh-TAH-doh) Jaharro (hah-AH-rroh) Enjarre (ehn-HAH-rreh) Enlucido (ehn-loo-SEE-doh) Yeso (YEH-soh) Plaster backing Plastering Soporte para forjados (soh-POHR-teh PAH-rah fohr-HAH-dohs) Revoque (reh-VOH-keh) Enlucido (ehn-loo-SEE-doh) Repello (reh-PEH-joh) Forjados (fohr-HAH-dohs) Plastic foam Espuma de plástico (ehs-POO-mah deh PLAH-stee-koh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 55 pla-ply Plastic insulator Constructionary Aislante plástico (ah-ee-SLAHN-teh PLAH-stee-koh) Plate girder Viga de alma llena Plenum Pleno (VEE-gah deh AHL-mah JEH-nah) (PLEH-noh) Cámara de distribución de aire (KAH-mah-rah deh dees-tree-boo-SYOHN deh AH-ee-reh) Plug Clavija (klah-VEE-hah) Enchufe (ehn-CHOO-feh) Plug fuse Plumber Plumbing Fusible de rosca (foo-SEE-bleh deh ROHS-kah) Plomero (ploh-MEH-roh) Instalaciones hidráulicas y sanitarias (een-stahl-ah-SYOHN-ehs ee-DRAH-oolee-kahs ee sah-nee-TAH-ryahs) Plomería (ploh-meh-REE-ah) Plumbing appliance Mueble sanitario (MWEH-bleh sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) Plumbing fixture Artefacto sanitario Plunger Destapacaños (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) (dehs-tah-pah-CAH-nyos) Sopapa (soh-PAH-pah) Ply Capa Plywood Madera prensada (KAH-pah) (mah-DEH-rah prehn-SAH-dah) Tableros de madera prensada (tah-BLEH-rohs deh mah-DEH-rah prehnSAH-dah) Point load Carga puntal (KAHR-gah poon-TAHL) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 56 Constructionary Poles, Posts Pollution Ponding Portable Pour coat pol-pri Postes (POHS-tehs) Polución (poh-loo-SYOHN) Estancamiento de agua (ehs-tahn-kah-MYEHN-toh deh AH-gwah) Portátil (pohr-TAH-teel) Capa de colada (KAH-pah deh koh-LAH-dah) Capa de vaciado (KAH-pah deh vah-SYAH-doh) Power doors Puertas mecánicas Power strip Zapatilla eléctrica Power supply Premises (PWEHR-tahs meh-KAH-nee-kahs) (sah-pah-TEE-jah eh-LEHK-tree-kah) Fuente de alimentación (FWEHN-teh deh ah-lee-mehn-tah-SYOHN) Local (loh-KAHL) Sitio (SEE-tee-oh) Press box Palco de prensa Pressure Presión Prestressed concrete Hormigón preesforzado (PAHL-koh deh PREHN-sah) (preh-SYOHN) (ohr-mee-GOHN preh-ehs-fohr-SAH-doh) Hormigón precargado (ohr-mee-GOHN preh-kahr-GAH-doh) Hormigón precomprimido (ohr-mee-GOHN preh-kohm-pree-MEE-doh) Hormigón prefatigado (ohr-mee-GOHN preh-fah-tee-GAH-doh) Primed Primer Private Imprimado (eem-pree-MAH-doh) Imprimador (eem-pree-mah-DOHR) Privado (pree-VAH-doh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 57 pri-put Property Constructionary Propiedad (proh-pyeh-DAHD) Parcela (par-SEH-lah) Property line Línea de propiedad (LEE-neh-ah deh proh-pyeh-DAHD) Lindero (leen-DEH-roh) Proportion Proporción (proh-pohr-SYOHN) Proporcionalidad (proh-pohr-syoh-nah-lee-DAHD) Dimensionar (dee-mehn-syoh-NAHR) Determinar las dimensiones (deh-tehr-mee-NAHR lahs dee-meh-SYOHnehs) Proportioned Provision/Proviso Dimensionado (dee-mehn-syoh-NAH-doh) Disposición (dee-spoh-see-SYOHN) Estipulación (ehs-tee-poo-lah-SYOHN) Public safety Seguridad pública (seh-goo-ree-DAHD POO-blee-kah) Protección al público (proh-tehk-SYOHN ahl POO-blee-koh) Public way Vía pública Public welfare Bienestar público Pump Putty coat (VEE-ah POO-blee-kah) (byehn-ehs-TAHR POO-blee-koh) Bomba (BOHM-bah) Enlucido (ehn-loo-SEE-doh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 58 Constructionary Q Quarry Queen post Quick-acting bolt Quick-acting coupler Quick-acting nut Quicklime Quick setting Cantera (kahn-TEH-ra) Columna (koh-LOOM-nah) Perno de acción rápida (PEHR-noh deh ahk-SYOHN RRAH-peedah) Acoplamiento de acción rápida (ah-koh-plah-MYEHN-toh deh ahk-SYOHN RRAH-pee-dah) Tuerca de acción rápida (TWEHR-kah deh ahk-SYOHN RRAH-peedah) Cal viva (KAHL vee-vah) De fraguado/ endurecimiento rápido (deh frah-GWAh-doh/ehn-doo-reh-seeMYEHN-toh RRAH-pee-doh Quoin Piedra angular (PYEH-drah ahn-goo-LAHR) Cuña (KOO-nyah) Quota Cuota (kwoh-tah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 59 Constructionary R Rabbet Muesca (MWEHS-kah) Ranura (rah-NOO-rah) Raceways Rack Conducto eléctrico (kohn-DOOK-toh eh-LEHK-tree-koh) Cremallera (krehm-ah-JEH-rah) Tarima (tah-REE-mah) Rafter Cabrio (KAH-bree-oh) Cabio (KAH-bee-oh) Rafter ends Rail Orillas de cabios (oh-REE-yahs deh KAH-bee-ohs) Cremallera (krehm-ah-JEH-rah) Baranda (bah-RAHN-dah) Barandilla (bah-rahn-DEE-jah) Railing Baranda (bah-RAHN-dah) Barra (BAH-rrah) Carril (kah-RREEL) Range poweroutlet Tomacorriente/Enchufe para estufa (toh-mah-koh-RRYEHN-teh/ehn-CHOO-feh PAH-rah ehs-TOO-fah) Rate Relación (reh-lah-SYOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 60 Constructionary rat-rei Proporción (proh-pohr-SYOHN) Razón (rah-SOHN) Rating Clasificación Ratio Relación (klah-see-fee-kah-SYOHN) (reh-lah-SYOHN) Cociente (koh-SYEHN-teh) Razón (rah-SON) Coeficiente (koh-eh-fee-SYEHN-teh) Ready access Rebar Acceso libre (ahk-SEH-soh LEE-breh) Barra de refuerzo (BAH-rrah de reh-FWEHR-soh) Varilla (vah-REE-jah) Redwood Madera de secoya Reformatory Reformatorio Refuge area Region (mah-DEH-rah deh seh-KOH-yah) (reh-fohr-mah-TOH-ree-oh) Área de refugio (AH-reh-ah deh reh-FOO-hee-oh) Región (reh-hee-ONH) Tramo (TRAH-moh) Register (baseboard/ ceiling/wall) Rejilla (de piso/techo/pared) [reh-HEE-jah (deh pee-soh/TEH-cho/paREHD)] Reglet Regleta Regulator Regulador Reinforced masonry (Reh-GLEH-tah) (reh-goo-lah-DOHR) Mampostería reforzada (mahm-pohs-teh-REE-ah reh-fohr-SAHdah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 61 rei-ret Reinforcement Constructionary Refuerzo (reh-FWEHR-soh) Armadura (ar-mah-DOO-rah) Release Descarga (dehs-KAHR-gah) Liberación (lee-beh-rah-SYOHN) Desenganchador (deh-sehn-gahn-chah-DOHR) Desenganchar (deh-sehn-gahn-CHAR) Relief valve Válvula de alivio (VAHL-voo-lah deh ah-LEE-vee-oh) Llave de alivio (JAH-veh deh ah-LEE-vee-oh) Removal Eliminación (eh-lee-mee-nah-SYOHN) Remoción (reh-moh-SYOHN) Repair Reports Reparación (reh-par-ah-SYOHN) Informes (een-FOR-mehs) Reportes (reh-POHR-tehs) Reshores Residence Restraints Puntales de refuerzo (poon-TAH-lehs deh reh-FWEHR-zoh) Residencia (reh-see-DEN-syah) Sujetadores (soo-heh-tah-DOH-rehs) Fijadores (fee-hah-DOH-rehs) Restroom Baño (BAH-nyo) Sanitario (sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) Retrofitting Retroajuste (reh-troh-ah-HOOS-teh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 62 Constructionary Return bend vent pipe ret-roc Tubo de ventilación con codo doble (TOO-boh deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN kohn KOH-doh DOH-bleh) Return lip Revolving door Rib Ridge Remate de borde (reh-MAH-teh deh BOR-deh) Puerta giratoria (PWEHR-tah hee-rah-TOH-ree-ah) Costilla (koh-STEE-jah) Cresta (KREH-stah) Cumbrera (koom-BREH-rah) Ridge board Tabla de cumbrera (TAH-blah deh koom-BREH-rah) Ridge tile Tejas para cumbrera Riffled Ranurado (TEH-hahs PAH-rah koom-BREH-rah) (rah-noo-RAH-doh) Acanalada (ah-kahn-ah-LAH-dah) Rim Borde Rim board Viga perimetral Ring shank nail Ringed shanks Riser (pipe) Riser (stair) Rivet Rock (BOR-deh) (VEE-gah peh-ree-meh-TRAHL) Clavos con fuste corrugado (KLAH-vohs kohn FOO-steh koh-rroo-GAHdoh) Varillas en aro (vah-REE-jahs ehn AR-oh) Tubo vertical (TOO-boh vehrt-ee-KAHL) Contrahuella (kohn-trah-WEH-jah) Remache (reh-MAH-cheh) Roca (ROH-kah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 63 roo Constructionary Piedra (PYEH-drah) Roof Roof covering Techo (TEH-choh) Revestimiento de techo (reh-veh-stee-MYEHN-toh deh TEH-choh) Cubierta de azotea (koo-BYEHR-tah deh ah-soh-TEH-ah) Cubierta de techo (koo-BYEHR-tah deh TEH-choh) Roof deck Roof drain Roof, flat Roof sheating Roof, sloped Cubierta de techo (koo-BYEHR-tah deh TEH-choh) Desagüe de techo (deh-SAH-gweh deh TEH-choh) Techo plano (TEH-choh PLAH-noh) Entarimado de tejado (ehn-tah-ree-MAH-doh deh teh-JAH-doh) Techo en pendiente (TEH-choh ehn pehn-DYEHN-teh) Roof tile Teja Roofing Techado Roofing square Room (TEH-ha) (Teh-CHAH-doh) Cuadro de cubierta de techo (KWAH-droh deh koo-bee-EHR-tah deh TEH-choh) Cuarto (KWAR-toh) Sala (SAH-lah) Habitación (ah-bee-tah-SYOHN) Room, assembly Sala (SAH-lah) Salón (sah-LOHN) Cuarto de asambleas (KWAR-toh deh ah-sahm-BLEH-ahs ) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 64 Constructionary Rough-in rou-run Instalación en obra negra/gruesa (een-stah-lah-SYOHN ehn OH-brah NEHgrah/GRWEH-sah) Row Rubbish Rubble Runners Fila (FEE-lah) Basura (bah-SOO-rah) Escombro (ehs-COM-broh) Largueros (lar-GUEH-rohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 65 S Safety glazing Sand Sandstone Vidriado de seguridad (vee-DRYAH-doh deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD) Arena (ah-REH-nah) Areniscas (ah-reh-NEES-kahs) Piedra arenisca (PYEH-drah ah-reh-NEES-kah) Sanitation Higiene Saw kerf Corte de sierra Sawn timber Maderos aserrados Sawtooth (ee-hee-EH-neh) (KOHR-teh deh SYEH-rrah) (mah-DEH-rohs ah-seh-RRAH-dohs) Diente de sierra (DYEHN-teh deh SYEH-rrah) Scaffold Andamio Scaffolding Andamiaje Schedule (ahn-DAH-myoh) (ahn-dah-MYAH-heh) Horario (oh-RAH-ree-oh) Planilla (plah-NEE-yah) Scope Alcance Scouring Rozamiento Screw Screw connector (ahl-KAHN-seh) (roh-zah-MYEHN-toh) Tornillo (tohr-NEE-joh) Conector con tornillo (koh-nehk-tohr kohn tohr-NEE-joh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 66 Constructionary sea-sew Sealants Selladores Seasoned wood Madera estacionada Self-closing Autocierre Self-closing device Dispositivo autocerrante (seh-jah-DOH-rehs) (mah-DEH-rah ehs-tah-syoh-NAH-dah) (ah-oo-toh-SYEH-rreh) (dee-spoh-see-TEE-voh ah-oo-toh-sehRRAHN-teh) Dispositivo de cierre mecanizado (dee-spoh-see-TEE-voh deh SYEH-rreh meh-KAH-nee-zah-doh) Self-closing faucet Self-drilling screws Self-ignition Self-luminous Self-tapping screws Sensitizer Grifo de cierre automático (GREE-foh deh SYEH-rreh ah-oo-toh-MAHtee-koh) Tornillos autoperforantes (tohr-NEE-johs ah-oo-toh-pehr-foh-RAHNtehs) Auto-ignición (ah-oo-toh-ee-gnee-SYOHN) Autoluminoso (ah-oo-toh-loo-mee-NOH-soh) Tornillos autorroscantes (tohr-NEE-johs ah-oo-toh-rrohs-KAHN-tehs) Sensibilizador (sehn-see-bee-lee-sah-DOHR) Set out Resaltar Setback Retiro Sewage Aguas negras (reh-sahl-TAR) (reh-TEE-roh) (AH-gwahs NEH-grahs) Cloacas (KLOAH-kahs) Residuos cloacales (reh-SEE-dwohs kloah-KAH-lehs) Sewer Cloaca (KLOAH-kah) Alcantarilla (ahl-cahn-tah-REE-jah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 67 sha-she Constructionary Shaft Recinto Shake, wood Teja de madera (reh-SEEN-toh) (TEH-hah deh mah-DEH-rah) Ripia (REE-pee-ah) Shear wall Muro cortante (MOO-roh kor-TAHN-teh) Muro de corte (MOO-roh deh KOR-teh) Muro sismorresistente (MOO-roh sees-moh-rreh-sees-TEHN-teh) Sheathing Entablado Sheathing edges Bordes del entablado Sheet Pliego (ehn-tah-BLAH-doh) (BOHR-dehs dehl ehn-tah-BLAH-doh) (PLYEH-goh) Chapa (CHAH-pah) Plancha (PLAHN-cha) Lámina (LAH-mee-nah) Tablestacado (tah-bleh-stah-KAH-doh) Sheet metal Lámina/Chapa metálica (LAH-mee-nah/CHAH-pah meh-TAH-leekah) Laminado (lah-mee-NAH-doh) Sheeting Laminado (lah-mee-NAH-doh) Lámina (LAH-mee-nah) Shelf Repisa Shell Cáscara (reh-PEE-sah) (KAHS-kah-rah) Cubierta (koo-BYEHR-tah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 68 Constructionary Shingle shi-sho Teja (TEH-jah) Tejamanil (teh-hah-mah-NEEL) Shingle, asphalt Teja de asfalto (TEH-ha de as-PHAL-to) Shingle, wood Ripia Shiplap Traslape (REE-pee-ah) (trah-SLAH-peh) Rebajo a media madera (reh-BAH-hoh ah MEH-dyah mah-DEH-rah) Shop Shored/Unshored construction Taller (tah-JEHR) Construcción apuntalada/ no apuntalada (kohn-strook-SYOHN ah-poon-tah-LAHdah/noh ah-poon-tah-LAH-dah) Short blocking Bloques cortos Shotcrete Hormigón proyectado (BLOH-kehs KOHR-tohs (ohr-mee-GOHN proh-jehk-TAH-doh) Gunita (goo-NEE-ta) Shotcrete structures Estructura de hormigón proyectado (ehs-trook-TOO-rah deh ohr-mee-GOHN proh-jehk-TAH-doh) Estructuras de gunita (ehs-trook-TOO-rahs deh goo-NEE-tah) Show window Vitrina Showcase Armario de exhibición Shower door Shower stall (vee-TREE-nah) (ar-MAH-ree-oh deh ehk-see-bee-SYOHN) Mampara de ducha (mahm-PAH-rah deh DOO-chah) Ducha (DOO-chah) Regadera (reh-gah-DEH-rah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 69 sho-sit Constructionary Cuarto de regadera (KWAR-toh deh reh-gah-DEH-rah) Showerhead Regadera Shrinkage Contracción (reh-gah-DEH-rah) (kohn-trahc-SYOHN) Encogimiento (ehn-koh-hee-MYEN-toh) Reducción (reh-dook-SYOHN) Shutoff valves Side-hinged door Sidewalk Válvulas de cierre (VAHL-voo-lahs deh SYEH-rreh) Puerta con bisagras laterales (PWEHR-tah kohn bee-SAH-grahs lah-tehRAH-lehs) Acera (ah-SEH-rah) Vereda (veh-REH-dah) Banqueta (bahn-keh-tah) Sill Soporte (soh-POHR-teh) Sill cock Grifo de manguera Sill plate Solera inferior Single pole breaker Interruptor automático unipolar Sink Lavabo Sink, kitchen Fregadero (GREE-foh deh mahn-GUEH-rah) (soh-LEH-rah een-feh-RYOR) (een-teh-rroop-TOHR ah-oo-toh-MAH-teekoh oo-nee-poh-LAHR) (lah-VAH-boh) (freh-gah-DEH-roh) Pileta de cocina (pee-LEH-tah deh koh-SEE-na) Tarja de cocina (TAR-hah deh koh-SEE-na) Site Sitio (SEE-tee-oh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 70 Constructionary Skylight sky-smo Tragaluz (trah-gah-LOOS) Claraboya (klar-ah-BOH-yah) Skyscraper Rascacielos (rahs-kah-SYEH-lohs) Slab Losa Slab foundation Losa de cimentación Slags Slate shingle Sleeper (LOH-sah) (LOH-sah deh see-mehn-tah-SYOHN) Escorias (ehs-KOH-ree-ahs) Teja de pizarra (TEH-hah deh pee-SAH-rrah) Traviesa (trah-VYEH-sah) Durmiente (door-MYEHN-teh) Sleeve Camisa (kah-MEE-sah) Manga (MAHN-gah) Sliding doors/windows Puertas/ventanas deslizantes/ corredizas (PWEHR-tahs/vehn-TAH-nahs deh-sleeSAHN-tehs/koh-rreh-DEE-sahs) Slope Pendiente (pehn-DYEHN-teh) Talud (tah-LOOD) Declive (deh-KLEE-veh) Slump Smoke Smoke barrier Smoke curtain Asentamiento (ah-sehn-tah-MYEHN-toh) Humo (OO-moh) Barrera antihumo (bah-RREH-rah ahn-tee-OO-moh) Cortina antihumo (kor-TEE-nah ahn-tee-OO-moh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 71 smo-spa Constructionary Smoke density Densidad de humo Smoke detector Sensor de humo (den-see-DAHD deh OO-moh) (sehn-SOHR deh OO-moh) Detector de humo (deh-tehk-TOHR deh OO-moh) Smoke exhaust system Smoke layer Sistema de extracción de humo (sees-TEH-mah deh ehks-trahk-SYOHN deh OO-moh) Capa de humo (kah-pah deh OO-moh) Smoke tight Impermeables al humo Smoke-control zone Zona de control de humo Smoke-detection system (eem-pehr-meh-AH-blehs ahl OO-moh) (SOH-nah deh kohn-TROL deh OO-moh) Sistema de detección de humo (sees-TEH-mah deh deh-tehk-SYOHN deh OO-moh) Soffit Sofito Soft story Piso blando (soh-FEE-toh) (PEE-soh BLAHN-doh) Piso flexible (PEE-soh flek-SEE-bleh) Soil pipe Tubo bajante de aguas negras (TOO-boh bah-JAHN-teh deh AH-gwahs NEH-grahs) Soil stack Bajante sanitaria Sole plate Placa de base Solid-sawn wood Madera aserrada de una pieza Spalling Astilladuras Span Luz (bah-HAHN-teh sah-nee-TAH-ryah) (PLAH-kah deh BAH-seh) (mah-DEH-rah ah-she-RRAH-dah deh oonah PYEH-sah) (ah-stee-jah-DOO-rahs) (loos) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 72 Constructionary spa-spl Vano (VAH-noh) Claro (KLAH-roh) Spandrel Jácena exterior (HAH-seh-nah ehk-steh-RYOHR) Tímpano (TEEM-pah-noh) Enjuta (ehn-HOO-tah) Muro de relleno (MOO-roh deh reh-JEH-noh) Spark arrester Trampa para chispas Special hazards Peligros especiales Spigot (TRAHM-pah PAH-rah CHEES-pahs) (peh-LEE-grohs eh-speh-SYAH-lehs) Llave (JAH-veh) Grifo (GREE-foh) Canilla (kah-NEE-jah) Espiga (ehs-PEE-gah) Spike Spiked Clavo especial para madera (KLAH-voh eh-speh-SYAHL PAH-rah mahDEH-rah) Clavado (KLAH-vah-doh) Spiral stairs Escaleras de caracol Spirals Espirales Spire Aguja Splice (ehs-kah-LEH-rahs deh kah-rah-KOHL) (eh-spee-RAH-lehs) (ah-GOO-hah) Empalme (ehm-PAHL-meh) Traslape (trah-SLAH-peh) Junta (HOON-tah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 73 spl-sta Constructionary Unión (oon-YOHN) Splice plates Splined Planchas de empalme (PLAHN-chas deh ehm-PAHL-meh) Acanalado (ah-kah-nah-LAH-doh) Spot mopped Adherido en secciones Spring Resorte Sprinkler Rociador Sprinkler head Boquilla de rociador Sprinkler systems (automatic) (ah-deh-REE-doh ehn sehk-SYOH-nehs) (reh-SOHR-teh) (roh-syah-DOHR) (boh-KEE-jah deh roh-syah-DOHR) Sistemas de rociadores (automáticos) [sees-TEH-mahs deh roh-SYAH-dohrehs ah-oo-toh-MAH-tee-kohs)] Squash blocks Bloques de transferencia de carga (BLOH-kehs deh trans-feh-REHN-syah deh CAHR-ga) Stack Tubería vertical/bajante (too-beh-REE-ah vehr-tee-KAHL/bahHAHN-teh) Tubo vertical de evacuación (TOO-boh vehr-tee-KAHL deh eh-vah-kwahSYOHN) Stack vent Respiradero de bajante (reh-spee-rah-DEH-roh deh bah-HAHN-teh) Tubería bajante de respiradero (too-beh-REE-ah bah-HAHN-teh- deh rehspee-rah-DEH-roh) Stainless steel Acero inoxidable Stairs Escaleras Stairway Escalera (ah-SEH-roh ee-noc-see-DAH-bleh) (ehs-kah-LEH-rahs) (ehs-kah-LEH-rah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 74 Constructionary sta-sti Stairway, enclosed Recinto de escaleras Stairwells Recinto de escaleras Standpipe Columna hidrante (reh-SEEN-toh deh ehs-kah-LEH-rahs) reh-SEEN-toh deh ehs-kah-LEH-rahs) (koh-LOOM-nah ee-DRAHN-teh) Tubería vertical (too-beh-REE-ah vehr-tee-KAHL) Standpipe system Stands (reviewing) Sistema de columna hidrante (sees-TEH-mah deh koh-LOOM-nah heeDRAHN-teh) Estrados (eh-STRAH-dohs) Tribunas (tree-BOO-nah) Gradas (GRAH-dahs) Steam Vapor Steel Acero Steel framing Estructura en/de acero Steel studs Montantes de acero Steeple Campanario Steps Escalones (vah-POHR) (ah-SEH-roh) (eh-strook-TOO-rah ehn / deh ah-SEH-roh) (mohn-TAHN-tehs deh ah-SEH-roh) (kahm-pah-NAH-ree-oh) (ehs-kah-LOH-nehs) Peldaños (pehl-DAH-nyohs) Sterilizer Stiffener Esterilizador (eh-steh-ree-lee-sah-DOHR) Pieza de refuerzo (PYEH-sah deh reh-foo-EHR-soh) Refuerzo (reh-foo-EHR-soh) Atiesador (ah-tee-eh-sah-DOH-rehs) Stiffness Rigidez (ree-he-DEHS) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 75 sti-str Constructionary Stirrups Estribos Stone Piedra (eh-STREE-bohs) (PYEH-drah) Roca (ROH-kah) Stops (door frame) Storage room Topes (TOH-pehs) Cuarto de almacenamiento (KWAR-toh deh ahl-mah-seh-nah-MYEHNtoh) Bodega (boh-DEH-gah) Depósito (deh-POH-see-toh) Store Storm drain Story Tienda (TYEHN-dah) Alcantarilla (ahl-kahn-tar-EE-jah) Piso (PEE-soh) Planta (PLAHN-tah) Strap Fleje (FLEH-heh) Cincho (SEEN-choh) Strapping Flejes Stress Esfuerzo Strip Listón Stripping Tiras metálicas Structure Estructura Strut Puntal (FLEH-hehs) (ehs-foo-EHR-soh) (lee-STON) (TEE-rahs meh-TAH-lee-kahs) (eh-strook-TOO-rah) (poon-TAHL) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 76 Constructionary Stucco stu-sum Revoque (reh-VOH-keh) Enlucido (ehn-loo-SEE-doh) Estuco (ehs-TOO-koh) Stud Montante (mohn-TAHN-teh) Parante (par-AHN-teh) Barrote (ba-RROH-teh) Stud anchors Stud bearing wall Stud walls Barras de anclaje (BAH-rrahs deh ahn-KLAH-heh) Muro portante con montante (MOO-roh pohr-TAHN-teh kohn mohnTAHN-teh) Muros con montantes (MOO-rohs kohn mohn-TAHN-tehs) Paredes de barrotes (pah-REH-dehs deh bah-RROH-tehs) Stud finder Subfloor Buscador de montantes (boos-kah-DOHR deh mohn-TAHN-tehs) Contrapiso (kohn-trah-PEE-soh) Bajopiso (bah-ho-PEE-soh) Subpiso (soob-PEE-soh) Subroof Base de techo Substrate Substrato Suite (hotel) Sump Sump pump (BAH-seh) (soob-STRAH-toh) Suite (soo-EE-teh) Sumidero (soo-mee-DEH-roh) Bomba de sumidero (BOHM-bah deh soo-mee-DEH-roh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 77 sum-swi Sump vent Superintendent Supervisor Constructionary Respiradero de sumidero (reh-spee-rah-DEH-roh deh soo-mee-DEHroh) Superintendente (soo-pehr-een-tehn-DEN-teh) Supervisor (soo-pehr-vee-SOHR) Inspector (eens-pek-TOHR) Supply Suministro (soo-mee-NEES-troh) Abastecimiento (ah-bahs-teh-see-MYEHN-toh) Alimentacion (ah-lee-mehn-tah-SYOHN) Support Apoyo (ah-POH-joh) Soporte (soh-POHR-teh) Support (v) Resistir (reh-see-STEER) Sostener (sohs-teh-NEHR) Soportar (soh-pohr-TAR) Suppressor Amortiguador Suspended ceiling Falso plafón (ah-mohr-tee-gwah-DOHR) (fahl-soh plah-FOHN) Cielorraso suspendido (syeh-loh-RRAH-soh soos-pehn-DEE-doh) Swelling Expansión (ehk-spahn-SYOHN) Hinchazón (heen-chah-SOHN) Swimming pool Piscina (pee-SEE-nah) Alberca (ahl-BEHR-kah) Pileta (pee-LEH-tah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 78 Constructionary swi Swinging door Puerta pivotante Switch Interruptor (PWEHR-tah pee-voh-TAHN-teh) (een-teh-rroop-TOHR) Apagador (ah-pah-gah-DOHR) Switch plate Placa del interruptor (PLAH-kah deh een-teh-rroop-TOHR) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 79 T Tag Taping compound Tar Etiqueta (eh-tee-KEH-tah) Pasta de muro (PAHS tah deh MOO-roh) Alquitrán (ahl-kee-TRAHN) Brea (BREH-ah) Chapopote (chah-poh-POH-teh) Tar paper Papel de brea (pah-PEHL de BREH-ah) Tarp Lona TEE T, injerto Technician Técnico Templates (LOH-nah) (T, een-HEHR-toh) (TEHK-nee-koh) Plantillas (plahn-TEE-jahs) Temporary Provisional Tenant Inquilino Tendons (proh-vee-syoh-NAHL) (een-kee-LEE-noh) Tendones (tehn-DOH-nehs) Tensores (tehn-SOH-rehs) Tension Terminal Tensión (tehn-SYOHN) Terminal (tehr-mee-NAL) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 80 Constructionary Termite Test ter-tin Termita (tehr-MEE-tah) Ensayo (ehn-SAH-joh) Prueba (PRWEH-bah) Someter a ensayo/prueba (soh-meh-TEHR ahehn-SAH-joh/PRWEHbah) Test apparatus Aparato de ensayo (ah-par-AH-toh deh ehn-SAH-joh) Aparato de prueba (ah-par-AH-toh deh PRWEH-bah) Texture Textura (tehks-TOO-rah) Thawing Descongelación Thread Hilo Threshold Tie (dehs-kohn-heh-lah-SYOHN) (EE-loh) Umbral (oom-BRAHL) Amarra (ah-MAH-rrah) Ligadura (lee-gah-DOO-rah) Tirante (tee-RAHN-teh) Tier Hilera Tile Teja Tile, floor Tile, masonry Timber (ee-LEH-rah) (TEH-hah) Baldosas (bahl-DOH-sahs) Ladrillo cerámico (lah-dree-joh seh-RAH-mee-koh) Maderos (mah-DEH-rohs) Madera de construcción (mah-DEH-rah deh kohn-strook-SYOHN) Tin Lata (LAH-tah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 81 toe-tra Constructionary Chapa (CHAH-pah) Estaño (ehs-TAH-nyoh) Toeboard Toenail Toilet Tabla de pie (TAH-blah deh PYEH) Clavo oblicuo (KLAH-voh oh-BLEE-koo-oh) Inodoro (ee-noh-DOH-roh) Sanitario (sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) Escusado (ehs-koo-SAH-doh) Retrete (reh-TREH-teh) Tongue and groove Tools Top-mount hangers Torch Townhouses Tracer Machihembrado (mah-chee-ehm-BRAH-doh) Herramientas (eh-rrah-MYEHN-tahs) Percha de montaje superior (PEHR-chah deh mon-TAH-heh soo-pehRYOHR) Antorcha (ahn-TOHR-chah) Casas contiguas (KAH-sahs kohn-TEE-gwahs) Alambre testigo (ah-LAHM-breh teh-stee-goh) Alambre rastreador (ah-LAHM-breh Rahstreh-ah-dohr) Trap Sifón (see-FOHN) Trampa hidráulica (TRAHM-pah hee-DRAH-oo-lee-kah) Trap seal Travel distance Sello de trampa hidráulica (SEH-joh deh TRAHM-pah hee-DRAH-oolee-kah) Distancia de desplazamiento/ recorrido (dees-TAHN-syah deh dehs-plah-sahMYEN-toh/rreh-koh-RREE-doh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 82 Constructionary Tread (stair) tre-tur Huella (WEH-jah) Peldaño (pehl-DAH-nyoh) Treated wood Madera tratada Trench Zanja Trim Molduras Truss Cercha (mah-DEH-rah trah-TAH-dah) (SAHN-hah) (mohl-DOO-rahs) (SEHR-chah) Reticulado (reh-tee-koo-LAH-doh) Armadura (ar-mah-DOO-rah) Cabreada (kah-breh-AH-dah) Caballete (kah-bah-JEH-teh) Tubing Cañería (kah-nyeh-REE-ah) Tubería (too-beh-REE-ah) Tufted De bucles Turned-down footings Zapatas invertidas (deh BOO-klehs) (sah-PAH-tahs een-vehr-TEE-dahs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 83 U Unbalanced fill Relleno sin consolidar Unbalanced loads Cargas no balanceadas Uncased concrete piles (reh-JEH-noh seen kohn-soh-lee-DAR) (KAHR-gahs noh bah-lahn-seh-AH-dahs) Pilotes sin encamisar/ sin camisa (pee-LOH-tehs seen ehn-KAH-mee-SAR/ seen kah-MEE-sah) Undercut Underground Underlap Underlayment Resquicio (rehs-KEE-syoh) Subterráneo (soob-teh-RRAH-neh-oh) Subsolape (soob-soh-LAH-peh) Capa base (KAH-pah BAH-seh) Capa de soporte (KAH-pah deh soh-POHR-teh) Capa bituminosa debajo del piso de madera (KAH-pah bee-too-mee-NOH-sah deh-BAHjoh dehl PEE-soh deh mah-DEH-rah) Substrato (soob-STRAH-toh) Bajopiso (bah-joh-PEE-soh) Union Unión (oon-YOHN) Junta (HOON-tah) Unlimited area Área ilimitada (AH-reh-ah ee-lee-mee-TAH-dah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 84 Constructionary uns-uti Unsafe buildings Edificaciones inseguras Unstable ground Terreno inestable Uplift (wind) Remonte (eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOH-nehs een-sehGOO-rahs) (teh-RREH-noh ee-neh-STAH-bleh) (reh-MOHN-teh) Levantamiento (por viento) (leh-vahn-tah-MYEHN-toh (pohr VYEHNtoh) Urinal Urinario (oo-ree-NAH-ree-oh) Urinal (oo-ree-NAHL) Mingitorio (meen-hee-TOH-ree-oh) Use Uso (OO-soh) Utilizar (oo-tee-lee-SAR) Utility Utilidad (oo-tee-lee-DAHD) Uso general (OO-soh heh-neh-RAHL) Utility (public service) Servicios públicos (sehr-VEE-syohs POOH-blee-kohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 85 V Vacuum Vacío (vah-SEE-oh) Aspiradora (ahs-pee-rah-DOH-rah) Vacuum breaker Interruptor de vacío (een-teh-rroop-TOHR deh vah-SEE-oh) Valuation Valuación Value Valor Valve, bleeder Válvula de purga Valve, hub Valve, key Veneer Veneer plaster (vah-luah-SYOHN) (vah-LOHR) (VAHL-voo-lah deh POOR-gah) Válvula de cubo (VAHL-voo-lah deh KOO-boh) Válvula de llave (VAHL-voo-lah deh JAH-veh) Revestimiento (reh-veh-stee-MYEHN-toh) Revestimiento de enlucido/ revoque (reh-veh-stee-MYEHN-toh deh ehn-looSEE-doh/reh-VOH-keh) Vent Vent (v) Respiradero (reh-spee-rah-DEH-roh) Ventilar (vehn-tee-LAR) Evacuar (eh-vah-KWAR) Aliviar (ah-lee-VYAR) Desahogar (dehs-ah-oh-GAR) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 86 Constructionary Vent pipe Vent shaft Vent stack ven-vol Tubo de ventilación (TOO-boh deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) Recinto de ventilación (reh-SEEN-toh deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) Respiradero vertical (reh-spee-rah-DEH-roh vehr-tee-KAHL) Vent system Sistema de ventilación Ventilate Ventilar Venting system Sistema de evacuación Vertical pipe Tubería vertical Vessel Recipiente Vestibule Vestíbulo Vinyl siding (sees-TEH-mah deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) (vehn-tee-LAR) (sees-TEH-mah deh eh-vah-kwah-SYOHN) (too-beh-REE-ah vehr-tee-KAHL) (reh-see-PYEHN-teh) (vehs-TEE-boo-loh) Revestimiento vinilo (reh-veh-stee-MYEHN-toh vee-NEE-loh) Vise Morsa Void space Espacio vacío Volatile memory (MOHR-sah) (ehs-PAH-syoh vah-SEE-oh) Memoria volátil (meh-MOH-ree-ah voh-LAH-teel) Voltage Voltaje Volts Voltios (vohl-TAH-heh) (VOHL-tee-ohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 87 W Wafer head Wainscot, Wainscoting Cabeza plana (kah-BEH-sah PLAH-nah) Friso (FREE-soh) Alfarje (ahl-FAR-heh) Material de revestimiento (mah-teh-RYAHL deh reh-veh-steeMYEHN-toh) Zócalos altos (SOH-kah-lohs AHL-tohs) Waive Descartar (dehs-kahr-TAHR) Renunciar a un derecho (reh-noon-SYAR- ah oon deh-REH-choh) Walk-in cooler Frigorífico (free-goh-REE-fee-koh) Walking surface Superficie/Área peatonal Walks, moving Caminos móviles Walkway Camino Wall Muro (soo-pehr-FEE-syeh/AH-reh-ah peh-ah-tohNAHL) (kah-MEE-nohs MOH-vee-lehs) (kah-MEE-noh) (MOO-roh) Pared (pa-REHD) Barda (BAR-dah) Wall face Placa de pared (PLAH-cah deh pa-REHD) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 88 Constructionary Wall frames Wallboard wal-web Estructuras de muros (ehs-trook-TOO-rahs deh MOO-rohs) Plancha de yeso (PLAHN-chah deh YEH-soh) Cartón de yeso (kahr-TOHN deh YEH-soh) Warehouse Depósito (deh-POH-see-toh) Bodega (boh-DEH-gah) Almacén (ahl-mah-SEHN) Galpón (gahl-POHN) Washer and Dryer Washer Lavadora y secadora (lah-vah-DOH-rah ee seh-kah-DOH-rah) Arandela (ah-rahn-DEH-lah) Planchuela de perno (plahn-CHWEH-lah deh PEHR-noh) Water heater Calentador/Calentón de agua (kah-leh-tah-DOHR/kah-lehn-TOHN de AHgwah) Calefón (kah-leh-FOHN) Termotanque (tehr-moh-TAHN-keh) Water main Tubería principal (too-beh-REE-ah preen-see-PAL) Tubería matriz (too-beh-REE-ah mah-TREES) Water well Aljibe (ahl-HEE-beh) Pozo de agua (POH-soh deh AH-gwah) Waste Wax seal Web Desperdicios (dehs-pehr-DEE-syohs) Empaque de cera (ehm-PAH-keh deh SEH-rah) Alma (AHL-mah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 89 web-woo Constructionary Membrana (mehm-BRAH-nah) Web stiffener Weeds Wedge Welding Welding rod Well, dug Window Window sill Atiesador de alma (ah-tyeh-sah-DOHR deh AHL-mah) Yerbajos (jehr-BAH-hos) Cuña (KOO-nyah) Soldadura (sohl-dah-DOO-rah) Electrodo (eh-lehk-TROH-doh) Pozo excavado (POH-soh ehk-SKAH-vah-doh) Ventana (ven-TAH-nah) Soporte de ventana (so-POR-teh deh ven-TAH-nah) Repisa de ventana (reh-PEE-sah deh ven-TAH-nah) (see-mehn-ta-SYOHN) Wire Alambre Wire backing Alambre de soporte Wire, chicken Wire connectors (ah-LAM-breh) (ah-LAM-breh deh soh-pohr-TEH) Alambre de pollo (ah-LAM-breh deh POH-joh) Conectores de alambre (koh-nek-TOH-rehs deh ah-LAM-breh) Cable alambre conector (KAH-bleh ah-LAM-breh koh-nek-TOHR) Wire fabric Wire mesh Wire tie Wood board Malla de alambre (MAH-jah deh ah-LAM-breh) Tela metálica (TEH-lah meh-TAH-lee-kah) Alambre de paca (ah-LAM-breh deh PAH-kah) Tabla de madera (TAH-blah deh mah-DEH-rah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 90 Constructionary Wood framing woo-wor Estructura en/de madera (eh-strook-TOO-rah ehn/deh mah-DEH-rah) Entramado de madera (ehn-trah-MAH-doh deh mah-DEH-rah) Bastidores de madera (bah-stee-DOH-rehs deh mah-DEH-rah) Wood members Wood shakes Wood shingles Wood strip flooring Wood truss Woodworker Work Elementos de madera (eh-leh-MEHN-tohs deh mah-DEH-rah) Duela de madera (DWEH-lah deh mah-DEH-rah) Tejas de madera (TEH-hahs deh mah-DEH-rah) Piso enlistonado de madera (PEE-soh ehn-lee-stoh-NAH-doh deh mah-DEH-rah) Cercha de madera (SEHR-chah deh mah-DEH-rah) Ebanista (eh-bah-NEES-tah) Obra (OH-brah) Trabajo (trah-BAH-hoh) Work, completion of Working drawings Terminación de obra (tehr-mee-nah-SYOHN deh OH-brah) Planos (PLAH-nohs) Dibujos (dee-BOO-hos) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 91 Constructionary ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 92 Electrical Terms Accessible Accesible Adapter Adaptador Amperes Amps Appliance (ahk-seh-SEE-bleh) (ah-dap-dah-DOHR) Amperios (ahm-PEH-ree-ohs) Amperios (ahm-PEH-ree-ohs) Electrodoméstico (eh-lehk-troh-doh-MEHS-tee-kohs) Aparato eléctrico (ah-pah-RAH-toh eh-LEHK-tree-koh) Appliance circuit Bare conductor Bending machine, single operation Circuito para aparatos (seer-KWEE-toh pah-rah ah-pah-RAH-tohs) Conductor desnudo (kohn-dook-TOHR dehs-NOO-doh) Máquina de curvar de un solo golpe (MAH-kee-nah deh koor-VAHR deh oon SOH-loh GOHL-peh) Bend radius Radio de curvatura Bonding jumper Puente de conexión equipotencial (RAH-dee-oh deh koor-vah-TOO-rah) (PWEN-teh deh koh-nehk-SYOHN eh-keepoh-ten-see-AL) Puente eléctrico (PWEN-teh eh-LEHK-tree-koh) Branch Rama Branch circuit Circuito secundario (RAH-mah) (seer-KWEE-toh seh-koon-DAH-ree-oh) Circuito derivado (seer-KWEE-toh deh-ree-VAH-doh) Ramal (rrah-MAHL) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 93 Electric Busbar Circuit Constructionary Barra colectora (BAH-rrah koh-lehk-TOH-rah) Circuito (seer-KWEE-toh) Circuit breaker Interruptor automático Clamp Abrazadera (een-teh-rroop-TOHR ah-oo-toh-MAH-teekoh) (ah-brah-sah-DEH-rah) Mordaza (mohr-DAH-sah) Conductors Continuity checker Conductores (kohn-dook-TOH-rehs) Rastreador de continuidad (rahs-treh-ah-DOHR deh kohn-tee-nweeDAHD) Continuity meter Multímetro Controller Controlador Cross sectional area Área común Delta-Wye (mool-TEE-meh-troh) (kohn-troh-lah-DOHR) (AH-reh-ah koh-MOON) Delta-estrella (DEHL-tah ehs-TREH-yah) Derating Factor de corrección Device box Caja de dispositivos Dustproof Duty Fault current (fahk-TOHR deh koh-rrehk-SYOHN) (KAH-hah deh dees-poh-see-TEE-vohs) A prueba de polvo (ah-PRWEH-vah deh POHL-voh) Servicio (sehr-VEE-syoh) Corriente de falla (koh-RYEHN-teh deh FAH-yah) Corriente de falta (koh-RYEHN-teh deh FAHl-tah) Corriente de pérdida (koh-RYEHN-teh deh PEHR-dee-dah) Feeder circuit Circuito de suministro (seer-KWEE-toh deh soo-mee-NEES-troh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 94 Electric Constructionary Feeder tap Toma de corriente de circuito de suministro (TOH-mah deh koh RRYEHN- teh de seerKWEE-toh deh soo-mee-NEES-troh) Field bend Fittings Fixtures Galvanic action Grounding Grounded Ground fault circuit Curva hecha en obra (koor-vah EH-chah ehn OH-brah) Herrajes (eh-RRAH-hehs) Aparatos (ah-pah-RAH-tohs) Reacción galvánica (reh-ahk-SYOHN gahl-VAH-nee-kah) De puesta a tierra (deh PWEHS-tah ah TYEH-rrah) Puesto a tierra (PWEHS-toh ah TYEH-rrah) Interruptor fusible de seguridad a tierra (een-teh-rroop-TOHR foo-SEE-bleh deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD ah TYEH-rra) Ground-fault circuit interrupter(GFCI) Interruptor contra faltas a tierra (een-teh-rroop-TOHR kohn-trah FAHL-tahs ah TYEH-rrah) Ground/neutral bus bar Bandeja neutra/a tierra (bahn-DEH-hah NEH-oo-trah/ah TYEH-rra) Guys Hickey High-leg conductor Inductive heat Input voltage Cuerdas (KWEHR-dahs) Adaptador (ah-dap-dah-DOHR) Conductor de extremo alto (kohn-dook-TOHR deh ehks-TREH-moh AHL-toh) Calentamiento por inducción (kah-lehn-tah-MYEHN-toh pohr een-dookSYOHN) Tensión del suministro (tehn-SYOHN dehl soo-mee-NEES-troh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 95 Electric Inverse time circuit breaker Constructionary Interruptor automático de retardo inverso (een-teh-rroop-TOHR ah-oo-toh-MAH-teekoh deh reh-tahr-doh een-vehr-soh) Isolated Junction box Aislado (ah-ees-LAH-doh) Caja de bornes (KAH-hah deh BOHR-nehs) Caja de conexiones de empalme (KAH-hah deh koh-nek-SYOH-nehs deh ehm-PAHL-meh) KVA kVA (kah-veh-ah) Kilo voltioamperios (KEE-loh VOHL-tee-oh ahm-PEH-ree-ohs) Kilovatios (KEE-loh VAH-tee-ohs) Kilowatts (kee-loh-WATS) Lighting Live parts Lug Iluminación (ee-loo-mee-nah-SYOHN) Partes en tensión (PAHR-tehs ehn tehn-SYOHN Talón (tah-LOHN) Asiento (ah-SYEHN-toh) Made electrode Electrodo fabricado Molded case switch Interruptor de maniobra en caja moldeada (eh-lek-TROH-doh fah-bree-KAH-doh) (een-teh-rroop-TOHR deh mah-NYOH-brah ehn KAH-hah mohl-deh-AH-dah) Interruptor de sección en caja moldeada (een-teh-rroop-TOHR deh sehk-SYOHN ehn KAH-hah mohl-deh-AH-dah) Non-metallic sheathed cable Cable de cubierta no metálica (KAH-bleh deh koo-bee-EHR-tah noh mehTAH-lee-kah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 96 Electric Constructionary Nontime delay fuse Fusible sin retardo Objectionable current flow Flujo de corriente inaceptable Open conductor (foo-SEE-bleh seen reh-TAHR-doh) (FLOO-hoh de koh-ree-EHN-teh een-ahsehp-TAH-bleh) Conductores a la vista (kohn-dook-TOH-rehs ah lah VEES-tah) Outlet Toma de corriente Overcurrent Sobreintensidad Overhead service conductors (TOH-mah deh koh RRYEHN- teh) (soh-breh een-tehn-see-DAHD) Conductores aéreos de acometida (kohn-dook-TOH-rehs ah-EH-reh-ohs deh ah-koh-meh-TEE-dah) Overhead spans Tramos aéreos (TRAH-mohs ah-EH-reh-ohs) Overload Sobrecarga Panelboard Panel de distribución (soh-breh-KAHR-gah) (pah-NEHL deh dees-tree-boo-SYOHN Tablero de distribución (tah-BLEH-roh deh dees-tree-boo-SYOHN Cuadro general (KWAH-droh heh-neh-RAHL) Pressure connectors Conectores a presión (koh-nehk-TOH-rehs ah preh-SYOHN) Push box Pulsador Raceway Canalización Rainproof (pool-sah-DOHR) (kah-nah-lee-sah-SYOHN) A prueba de lluvia (ah PRWEH-bah deh JOO-vee-ah) Resistente a la lluvia (reh-sees-TEHN-teh ah lah JOO-vee-ah) Rated Nominal (noh-mee-NAHL) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 97 Electric Rating Constructionary Régimen nominal (REH-hee-mehn noh-mee-NAHL) Potencia de servicio (poh-TEHN-syah deh sehr-VEE-syoh) Readily accessible Fácilmente accesible Reamed Abocardado (FAH-seel-mehn-teh ahk-seh-SEE-bleh) (ah-boh-kahr-DAH-doh) Escariado (ehs-kah-ree-AH-doh) Receptacle Base de toma de corriente (BAH-seh deh TOH-mah deh koh RRYEHNteh) Toma de corriente (TOH-mah deh koh RRYEHN- teh) Enchufe (ehn-CHOO-feh) RMC Schedule Tubos de metal rígidos (TOO-bohs deh meh-TAHL RREE-heedohs) Plan (plahn) Cronograma (kroh-noh-GRAH-mah) Service Service drop Service conductors Service-entrance Service disconnect Acometida (ah-koh-meh-TEE-dah) Acometida aérea (ah-koh-meh-TEE-dah ah-EH-reh-ah) Conductores de la acometida (kohn-dook-TOH-rehs deh lah ah-koh-mehTEE-dah) Entrada a la acometida (ehn-TRAH-dah deh lah ah-koh-meh-TEEdah) Desconexión de la acometida (dehs-koh-nehk-SYOHN deh lah ah-kohmeh-TEE-dah) Service lateral Acometida subterránea Service mast Poste de acometida (ah-koh-meh-TEE-dah soob-teh-RRAHneh-ah) (POHS-teh de ah-koh-meh-TEE-dah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 98 Electric Constructionary Shunt field Campo inductor en derivación (KAHM-poh een-dook-TOHR ehn deh-reebah-SYOHN) Single phase Monofásica Size (conductors) Sección Smallest size (conductors) Sección inferior Snap switches Interruptores de acción rápida Squirrel-cage rotor Rotor de cortocircuito (moh-noh-FAH-see-kah) (sehk-SYOHN) (sehk-SYOHN een-feh-ree-OHR) (een-teh-rroop-TOHR-ehs deh ahk-SYOHN RAH-pee-dah) (roh-TOHR deh kohr-toh-seer-KWEE-toh) Rotor de jaula de ardilla (roh-TOHR deh ha-oo-lah deh ahr-DEE-jah) Step down voltage transformer Transformador reductor de voltaje (trahns-fohr-mah-DOHR reh-dook-TOHR deh vohl-TAH-heh) Switch Interruptor Switchboard Cuadro de distribución Switch leg Rama local Tap Toma de corriente Three phase Three (3)-wire Torque motor Underground (een-teh-rroop-TOHR) (KWAH-droh deh dees-tree-boo-SYOHN (RAH-mah loh-KAHL) (TOH-mah deh koh RRYEHN- teh) Trifásico (tree-FAH-see-koh) Tripolar (tree-poh-LAHR) Motor de baja velocidad (moh-TOHR deh BAH-hah veh-loh-seeDAHD) Subterráneos (soob-teh-RRAH-neh-ohs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 99 Electric Ungrounded Constructionary No puesto a tierra (NOH PWEHS-toh ah TYEH-rrah) Sin puesta a tierra (seen PWEHS-tah ah TYEH-rrah) Volt amps (VA) Vatios (VAH-tee-ohs) Voltioamperios (vohl-tee-oh-ahm-PEH-ree-ohs) Volts Voltios Waterproof A prueba de agua (VOHL-tee-ohs) (ah PRWEH-bah deh AH-gwah) Resistente al agua (reh-sees-TEHN-teh ahl AH-gwah) Wire Alambre (ah-LAHM-breh) Cable (KAH-bleh) Wiring Wiring method Cables (KAH-blehs) Método de instalación (MEH-toh-doh deh eens-tah-lah-SYOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 100 Mechanical Terms Abrasive materials Materiales abrasivos Absorption Absorción Air Aire Air conditioning Aire acondicionado Air distribution system Sistema de distribución de aire Air makeup Aire de reposición Air-space clearance Espacio de aire libre Air-handling Manejo de aire Alteration Modificación Ampacity Intensidad máxima admisible Appliance Aparato (Mah-teh-RYALH-lehs ah-brah-SEE-vos) (Ahb-sohr-SYOHN) (AH-ee-reh) (AH-ee-reh) (sees-TEH-mah deh dees-tree-boo-SYOHN deh AH-ee-reh) (AH-ee-reh deh reh-poh-see-SYOHN) (ehs-PAH-syoh deh AH-ee-reh LEE-breh) (mah-NEH-hoh deh AH-ee-reh) (moh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN) (een-tehn-see-DAHD MAHK-see-mah ahdmee-SEE-bleh) (ah-pah-RAH-toh) Artefacto (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh) Appliance type Tipo de artefacto Appliance, existing Artefacto existente Appliance, vented Automatic boiler ( deh ahr-teh-FAHK-toh) (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh ehk-sees-TEHN-teh) Artefacto con ventilación (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh kohn vehn-tee-lahSYOHN) Caldera automática (kahl-DEH-rah ah-oo-toh-MAH-tee-kah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 101 Mechanical Backdraft Backdraft damper Constructionary Contratiro (kohn-trah-TEE-roh) Regulador de tiro de contratiro (reh-goo-lah-DOHR deh TEE-roh deh kohntrah-TEE-roh) Backshelf hood Campana trasera Baseboard convector Convector de zócalo Booster fan Ventilador reforzador Boot Brazed, joint Brazing Btu Burner Bypass valve (kahm-PAH-nah trah-SEH-rah) (kohn-vehk-TOHR deh SOH-kah-loh) (vehn-tee-lah-DOHR reh-fohr-sah-DOHR) Accesorio de transición (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh deh trahn-see-SYOHN) Junta soldada en fuerte (HOON-tah sohl-DAH-dah ehn FWER-teh) Soldadura en fuerte (sohl-dah-DOO-rah ehn FWER-teh) Btu (Unidad Térmica Británica) (beh-teh-oo [oo-nee-DAHD TEHR-mee-kah bree-TAH-nee-kah]) Quemador (keh-mah-DOHR) Válvula de derivación (VAHL-voo-lah deh deh-ree-vah-SYOHN) Casing Carcasa Chimney connector Conector de chimenea Chimney passageway Pasillo de chimenea Closed combustion Clothes dryer Combustible assembly Combustible liquids (kahr-KAH-sah) (koh-nehk-TOHR deh chee-meh-NEH-ah) (pah-SEE-joh deh chee-meh-NEH-ah) Combustión cerrada (kohm-boos-TYOHN seh-RRAH-dah) Secadora de ropas (seh-kah-DOH-rah deh RROH-pahs) Conjunto combustible (kohn-HOON-toh kohm-boos-TEE-bleh) Líquidos combustibles (LEE-kee-dohs kohm-boos-TEE-blehs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 102 Mechanical Constructionary Combustible material Material combustible Combustion Combustión Combustion air Aire de combustión Combustion chamber Cámara de combustión Combustion products Commercial cooking appliances (mah-teh-RYHAL kohm-boos-TEE-bleh) (kohm-boos-TYOHN) (AH-ee-reh deh kohm-boos-TYOHN) (KAH-mah-rah deh kohm-boos-TYOHN) Productos de combustión (proh-DOOK-tohs deh kohm-boos-TYOHN) Artefactos de cocina comercial (ahr-teh-FAHK-tohs deh koh-SEE-nah kohmehr-SYAHL) Concealed location Localización oculta Condensate Condensados Condenser (loh-kah-lee-sah-SYOHN oh-KOOL-tah) (kohn-den-SAH-dohs) Condensador (kohn-den-sah-DOHR) Condensing unit Unidad condensadora Conditioned space Espacio acondicionado Confined space Contact lap Control Conversion burner Cooling equipment (oo-nee-DAHD kohn-den-sah-DOH-rah) (ehs-PAH-syoh ah-kohn-dee-syoh-NAHdoh) Espacio confinado (ehs-PAH-syoh kohn-fee-NAH-doh) Solapadura de contacto (soh-lah-pah-DOO-rah deh kohn-TAHK-toh) Control (kohn-ROHL) Quemador de conversión (keh-mah-DOHR deh kohn-vehr-SYOHN) Equipo de enfriamiento (eh-KEE-poh deh ehn-FRYAH-myehn-toh) Cooking appliance Artefacto de cocina Crawl space Espacio angosto (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh deh koh-SEE-nah) (ehs-PAH-syoh ahn-GOHS-toh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 103 Mechanical Constructionary Cutoff Cierre Direct-vent appliance Artefactos de ventilación directa (SYEH-rreh) (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh deh vehn-tee-lahSYOHN dee-REHK-tah) Double island canopy hood Down draft Draft Campana de doble isla (kahm-PAH-nah deh DOH-bleh EES-lah) Tiro descendente (TEE-roh deh-sehn-DEN-teh) Tiro (TEE-roh) Drilling Perforación Drip Colector Dry cleaning Limpieza en seco Duct heater Calefactor de conducto Duct system Sistema de conductos Evaporative cooler Evaporative cooling (pehr-foh-rah-SYOHN) (koh-lehk-TOHR) (leem-PYEH-sah ehn SEH-koh) (kah-leh-fahk-TOHR deh kohn-DOOK-toh) (sees-TEH-mah deh kohn-DOOK-tohs) Enfriador evaporativo (ehn-fryah-DOHR eh-vah-poh-rah-TEE-voh) Enfriamiento evaporativo (ehn-fryah-MYEHN-toh eh-vah-poh-rahTEE-voh) Evaporator Evaporador Excess air Aire en exceso Exfiltration Exfiltración Exhaust air Exhaust rate (eh-vah-poh-rah-DOHR) (AH-ee-reh ehn ehk-SEH-soh) (ehks-feel-trah-SYOHN) Aire de extracción (AH-ee-reh deh ehks-trahk-SYOHN) Gasto de extracción (GAHS-toh deh ehks-trahk-SYOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 104 Mechanical Constructionary Exhaust system Sistema de extracción Exhauster Aspirador Extra-heavy duty De uso muy pesado Eyebrow hood Factory-built fireplace (sees-TEH-mah deh ehks-trahk-SYOHN) (ahs-pee-rah-DOHR) (deh OO-soh MOO-ee peh-SAH-doh) Campana de tipo ceja (kahm-PAH-nah deh TEE-poh SEH-ha) Chimenea prefabricada (chee-meh-NEH-ah preh-fah-bree-KAHdah) Hogar prefabricado (oh-GAR preh-fah-bree-KAH-doh) Fan Ventilador (vehn-tee-lah-DOHR) Fireplace Hogar Fireplace stove Hogar tipo estufa Flame safeguard Salvaguarda de llama Flame spread index Flanged fitting Flash (oh-GAHR) (oh-GAHR TEE-poh ehs-TOO-fah) (sal-vah-GWAHR-dah deh YAH-mah) Índice de propagación de llama (EEN-dee-seh deh proh-pah-gah-SYOHN deh YAH-mah) Accesorio embridado (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh em-bree-DAH-doh) Babeta (bah-BEH-tah) Flash point Punto de ignición Floor area, net Área neta de piso Flue liner Revestimiento de conducto de humo (POON-toh deh ee-gnee-SYOHN) (AH-reh-ah NEH-tah deh PEE-soh) (reh-vehs-tee-MYEHN-toh deh kohn-DOOKtoh deh OO-moh) Revestimiento interior (reh-vehs-tee-MYEHN-toh een-teh-RYOHR) Forced air Aire forzado (AH-ee-reh forh-SAH-doh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 105 Mechanical Constructionary Forced-draft venting Ventilación de tiro forzado Fuel gas Gas combustible Fuel oil Petróleo Furnace Furnace blower Furnace room (vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN deh TEE-roh fohrSAH-doh) (gahs kohm-boos-TEE-bleh) (peh-TROH-leh-oh) Calefactor (kah-leh-fahk-TOHR) Ventilador del calefactor (vehn-tee-lah-DOHR deh kah-leh-fahkTOHR) Cuarto del calefactor (KWAHR-to dehl kah-leh-fahk-TOHR) Glass gauge Tubo indicador Ground source heat pump Bomba de calor geotérmica Hazardous location Localización peligrosa Hearth Hogar Heat exchanger Heat pump Heat transfer liquid (TOO-boh een-dee-kah-DOHR) (BOHM-bah deh kah-LOHR heh-oh-TEHRmee-kah) (loh-kah-lee-sah-SYOHN peh-lee-GROHsah) (oh-GAHR) Intercambiador de calor (een-tehr-kahm-byah-DOHR deh kahLOHR) Bomba de calor (BOHM-bah deh kah-LOHR) Líquido de transferencia de calor (LEE-kee-doh deh trahns-feh-REHN-syah deh kah-LOHR ) Heavy duty De uso pesado High-heat appliance Artefacto de alto calor Hood (deh OO-soh peh-SAH-doh) (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh deh AHL-toh kah-LOHR) Campana (kahm-PAH-nah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 106 Mechanical Constructionary Ignition source Induced-draft venting Joint, flanged Joint, flared Fuente de ignición (FWEHN-teh deh ee-gnee-SYOHN) Ventilación de tiro inducido (vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN deh TEE-roh eendoo-SEE-doh) Junta bridada (HOON-tah bree-DAH-dah) Junta abocinada (HOON-tah ah-boh-see-NAH-dah) Joint, mechanical Junta, mecánica Joint, plastic adhesive Junta de adhesivo plástico Joint, soldered Joint, welded Label Labeled (HOON-tah meh-KAH-nee-kah) (HOON-tah deh ah-deh-SEE-voh PLAHStee-koh) Junta soldada (HOON-tah sohl-DAH-dah) Junta soldada por fusión (HOON-tah sohl-DAH-dah) Sello (SEH-joh) Sellado (seh-JAH-doh) Light-duty De uso ligero Limit control Control de límites Limited charge system Sistema de carga limitada Lining Living space Load bearing member Location (deh OO-soh lee-HEH-roh) (kohn-TROHL deh LEE-mee-tehs) (sees-TEH-mah deh KAHR-gah lee-meeTAH-dah) Revestimiento interior (reh-vehs-tee-MYEHN-toh een-teh-RYOHR) Espacio habitado (ehs-PAH-syoh ah-bee-TAH-doh) Miembro de carga (MYEHM-broh deh KAHR-gah) Ubicación (oo-beek-ah-SYOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 107 Mechanical Constructionary Lower explosive limit (LEL) Límite explosivo inferior Lower flammability limit (LFL) Límite inferior de inflamabilidad Mechanical draft Mechanical exhaust system (LEE-mee-teh ehks-ploh-SEE-voh een-fehRYOHR) (LEE-mee-teh een-feh-RYOHR deh eenflah-mah-bee-lee-DAHD) Tiro mecánico (sees-TEH-mah deh TEE-roh meh-KAHnee-kph) Sistema de extracción mecánica (sees-TEH-mah deh ehks-trahk-SYOHN meh-KAH-nee-kah) Mechanical joint Junta mecánica Mechanical system Sistema mecánico Medium-duty De uso medio (HOON-tah meh-KAH-nee-kah) (sees-TEH-mah meh-KAH-nee-koh) (deh OO-soh MEH-dyoh) Medium-heat appliance Artefacto de mediano calor (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh deh meh-DYAH-noh kah-LOHR) Metal chimney Chimenea de metal Modular boiler Caldera modular Natural draft Outdoor air Outdoor opening Outlet Output (chee-meh-NEH-ah deh meh-TAHL) (kahl-DEH-rah moh-doo-LAHR) Tiro natural (TEE-roh nah-too-RAHL) Aire exterior (AH-ee-reh ehk-steh-RYOHR) Abertura exterior (ah-behr-TOO-rah ehk-steh-RYOHR) Boca de salida (BOH-kah deh sah-LEE-dah) Rendimiento (rehn-dee-MYEHN-toh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 108 Mechanical Constructionary Output rating Clasificación de rendimiento Piping Tubería Plastic, thermoplastic Plástico termoplástico Plastic, thermosetting (klah-see-fee-kah-SYOHN deh rehn-deeMYEHN-toh) (too-beh-REE-ah) (PLAHS-tee-koh tehr-moh-PLAHS-tee-koh) Plástico termoendurecido (PLAHS-tee-koh tehr-moh-ehn-doo-rehSEE-doh) Plenum Pleno Power venting Ventilación mecánica Pressure relief device Dispositivo de alivio de presión Pressure relief valve Válvula de alivio de presión Pressure vessels Recipientes a presión (PLEH-noh) (vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN meh-KAH-nee-kah) (dees-poh-see-TEE-voh deh ah-LEE-vyoh deh ) (VAHL-voo-lah deh - deh preh-SYOHN) (reh-see-PYEHN-teh ah preh-SYOHN) Pressure-limiting device Dispositivo limitador de presión (dees-poh-see-TEE-voh lee-mee-tah-DOHR deh preh-SYOHN) Purge Quick-opening valve Radiant heater Radiant heating Purgar (poor-GAHR) Válvula de apertura rápida (VAHL-voo-lah deh ah-pehr-TOO-rah RRAH-pee-dah) Calefactor radiante (kah-leh-fahk-TOHR rah-DYAHN-teh) Calefacción radiante (kah-leh-fahk-SYOHN rah-DYAHN-teh) Range Cocina económica Rated capacity Capacidad nominal Rated output capacity Capacidad nominal de salida (koh-SEE-nah eh-koh-NOH-mee-kah) (kah-pah-see-DAHD noh-mee-NAHL) (kah-pah-see-DAHD noh-mee-NAHL deh sah-LEE-dah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 109 Mechanical Receiver, liquid Constructionary Receptor de líquido (reh-sehp-TOHR deh LEE-kee-doh) Recirculated air Aire recirculado Recirculating system Sistema de recirculación Reclaimed refrigerants Refrigerantes regenerados Refrigerated room Cuarto refrigerado Refrigerating system Sistema de refrigeración Return air system Sistema de retorno de aire Room heater vented Calefactor de cuarto con ventilación (AH-ee-reh reh-seer-koo-LAH-doh) (sees-TEH-mah deh reh-seer-koo-lahSYOHN) (reh-free-heh-RAHN-tehs reh-he-neh-RAHdohs) (KWAR-toh reh-free-heh-RAH-doh) (sees-TEH-mah deh reh-free-heh-rahSYOHN) (sees-TEH-mah deh reh-TOHR-noh deh AH-ee-reh) (kah-leh-fahk-TOHR deh KWAHR-toh kohn vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) Saddle joint Safeguard device Safety valve Self-contained Shaft enclosure Junta saliente (HOON-tah sah-LYEHN-teh) Dispositivo de seguridad (dees-poh-see-TEE-voh deh seh-goo-reeDAHD) Válvula de seguridad (VAHL-voo-lah deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD) Autocontenido (ah-oo-toh-kohn-teh-NEE-doh) Cerramiento de recinto (see-rrah-MYEHN-toh deh reh-SEEN-toh) Shield plate Placa de defensa Solid-fuel Combustibles sólidos Stacked washer (PLAH-kah deh deh-FEN-sah) (kohm-boos-TEE-blehs SOH-lee-dohs) Arandela entongada (ar-ahn-DEH-lah ehn-tohn-GAH-da) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 110 Mechanical Constructionary Stop valve Supply air Supply plenum Válvula de cierre (VAHL-voo-lah deh SYEH-rreh) Aire de suministro (AH-ee-reh deh soo-mee-NEES-troh) Pleno de suministro (PLEH-noh deh soo-mee-NEES-troh) Theoretical air Aire teórico Thermal resistance (R) Resistencia térmica (R) Tightfitting Hermético Toxicity classification Clasificación de toxicidad Vent (AH-ee-reh teh-OH-ree-koh) (reh-sees-TEHN-syah TEHR-mee-kah) (ehr-MEH-tee-koh) (klah-see-fee-kah-SYOHN deh tohk-seesee-DAHD) Respiradero (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh) Vent connector Conector de respiradero Vent damper Regulador de tiro de respiradero ( deh rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh) (reh-goo-lah-DOHR deh TEE-roh deh rehspee-rah-DEH-roh) Vented floor furnace Calefactor de piso con ventilación (kah-leh-fahk-TOHR deh PEE-soh kohn vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) Ventilation Ventilación (vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) Ventilation air Aire de ventilación Ventilation rate Gasto de ventilación Venting system Sistema de ventilación Volume damper (AH-ee-reh deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) (GAHS-toh deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) (sees-TEH-mah deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) Regulador de tiro de volumen (reh-goo-lah-DOHR deh TEE-roh deh vohLOO-mehn) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 111 Mechanical Wall canopy hood Working space Constructionary Campana de muro (kahm-PAH-nah deh MOO-roh) (kah-leh-fahk-TOHR deh AH-ee-reh deh ) Espacio de trabajo (ehs-PAH-syoh deh trah-BAH-hoh) Working space clearanceEspacio libre de trabajo (ehs-PAH-syoh LEE-breh deh trah-BAHhoh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 112 Plumbing Terms Access cover Tapa de acceso Air admittance valve Válvula de admisión de aire Air break Interruptor de aire Airflow rate Tasa de flujo de aire (TAH-ph deh ahk-SEH-soh) (VAHL-voo-lah deh ahd-mee-SYOHN deh AH-ee-reh) (een-teh-rroop-TOHR deh AH-ee-reh) (TAH-sah deh FLOO-hoh deh AH-ee-reh) Tasa de gasto de aire (TAH-sah deh deh AH-ee-reh) Air gap Area drain Espacio de aire (ehs-PAH-syoh deh AH-ee-reh) Desagüe de área (deh-SAH-gweh deh AH-reh-ah) Desagüe de patio (deh-SAH-gweh deh PAH-tee-oh) Resumidero (reh-soo-me-DEH-roh) Aspirator Backflow Backflow connection Backflow preventer Aspirador (ahs-pee-rah-DOHR) Contraflujo (kohn-trah-FLOO-hoh) Conexión de contraflujo (koh-nek-SYOHN deh kohn-trah-FLOO-hoh) Válvula de contraflujo (VAHL-voo-lah deh kohn-trah-FLOO-hoh) Interruptor de contraflujo (een-teh-rroop-TOHR deh kohn-trah-FLOOhoh) Backpressure, low head Contraflujo, salto bajo (kohn-trah-FLOO-hoh, SAHL-toh BAH-hoh) Backsiphonage Contrasifonaje Backwater valve Válvula de contrapresión (kohn-trah-see-pho-NAH-heh) (VAHL-voo-lah deh kohn-trah-preh-SYOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 113 Plumbing Constructionary Ball cock Llave de flotador Bracket Ménsula Branch Ramal Bathroom group Grupo de muebles sanitarios Building drain Desagüe de la edificación (JAH-veh deh floh-tah-DOHR) (MEHN-soo-lah) (rah-MAHL) (GROO-poh deh MWEH-blehs sah-neeTAH-ryohs) (deh-SAH-gweh deh lah eh-dee-fee-kahSYOHN) Resumidero (reh-soo-me-DEH-roh) Building subdrain Tubo de avenamiento de la edificación (TOO-boh ah-veh-nah-MYEN-toh deh lah eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN) Building trap Trampa hidráulica de la edificación (TRAHM-pah ee-DRAH-oo-lee-kah deh lah eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN) Branch vent Cesspool Circuit vent Respiradero de ramal (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh deh rah-MAHL) Sumidero (soo-me-DEH-roh) Respiradero en circuito (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh en seer-KWEE-toh) Cistern Cisterna Cleanout Registro Coextruded Coextruido Combination fixture Artefacto de combinación Combined drain (sees-TEHR-nah) (reh-HEES-troh) (koh-eks-troo-EE-doh) (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh deh kohm-bee-nahSYOHN) Desagüe sanitario combinado (deh-SAH-gweh sah-nee-TAH-ryoh khombee-NAH-doh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 114 Plumbing Constructionary Common vent Respiradero común (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh) Critical level Nivel crítico Culvert Alcantarilla (nee-VEHL KREE-tee-koh) (alkan-tah-REE-jah) Desagüe (deh-SAH-gweh) Developed length Longitud desarrollada Discharge pipe Tubo de descarga Drain Desagüe Drainage fitting Accesorio de desagüe sanitario Drainage system Sistema de desagüe sanitario Elastomeric gasket Empaque elastomérico Expansion joint (lohn-hee-TOOD deh-sah-rroh-JAH-dah) (TOO-boh deh dehs-KAHR-gah) (deh-SAH-gweh) (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh deh deh-SAH-gweh sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) (sees-TEH-mah deh deh-SAH-gweh sahnee-TAH-ryoh) (ehm-PAH-keh eh-lahs-toh-MEH-koh) Junta de expansión (HOON-tah deh eks-pahn-SYOHN) Faucet Llave Fill valve Válvula de llenado (JAH-veh) (VAHL-voo-lah deh jeh-NAH-doh) Válvula de alimentación (VAHL-voo-lah deh ah-lee-mehn-tahSYOHN) Fixture Artefacto (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh) Fixture branch Ramal de artefactos Fixture drain Desagüe de artefactos Fixture fitting Accesorio de artefacto (rah-MAHL deh ahr-teh-FAHK-tohs) (deh-SAH-gweh deh ahr-teh-FAHK-toh) (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh deh ahr-teh-FAHK-toh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 115 Plumbing Flexible joint Fixture supply Flood level rim Flow pressure Flush tank Flush valve Flushometer valve Constructionary Junta flexible (HOON-tah flek-SEE-bleh) Alimentación de artefactos (ah-lee-mehn-tah-SYOHN deh ahr-tehFAHK-tohs) Nivel de inundación (nee-VEHL deh ee-noon-dah-SYOHN) Presión de flujo (preh-SYOHN deh FLOO-hoh) Tanque de inundación (TAHN-keh deh ee-noon-dah-SYOHN) Válvula de baldeo (VAHL-voo-lah deh bahl-DEH-oh) Válvula fluxómetro (VAHL-voo-lah deh flook-SOH-meh-tro) Flushometer tank Tanque fluxómetro Forged Forjado Gate valve Válvula de compuerta Grease interceptor Interceptor de grasa Grease trap Colector de grasas Gutters Canaletas Hydrants Hidrantes (TAHN-keh flook-SOH-meh-tro) (fohr-HAH-doh) (VAHL-voo-lah deh kohm-PWEHR-tah) (een-tehr-sehp-TOHR deh GRAH-sah) (koh-lehk-TOHR deh GRAH-sahs) (kah-nah-LEH-tahs) (ee-DRAHN-tehs) Horizontal branch drain Ramal sanitario horizontal (rah-MAHL sah-nee-TAH-ryoh oh-ree-sohnTAHL) Hot water Agua caliente House trap Trampa doméstica Indirect waste pipe Tubo de desagüe indirecto (AH-gwah kah-LYEHN-teh) (TRAHM-pah doh-MEHS-tee-kah) (TOO-boh deh deh-SAH-gweh een-deeREHK-toh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 116 Plumbing Constructionary Individual vent Respiradero individual (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh een-dee-veeDWAL) Individual water supply Abastecimiento de agua individual (ah-bahs-teh-see-MYEHN-toh deh AH-gwah een-dee-vee-DWAL) Leader Tubo de bajada Leakage Fugas Macerating toilet systems (TOO-boh deh bah-ha-dah) (FOO-gahs) Sistemas sanitarios de macerado (sees-TEH-mahs sah-nee-TAH-ryohs deh mah-seh-RAH-doh) Manifold Distribuidor Manifold systems Sistemas múltiples de distribución (dees-tree-boo-ee-DOHR) (sees-TEH-mahs MOOL-tee-plehs deh dees-tree-boo-SYOHN) Mechanical joint Junta mecánica Notching Entalladura Open air Aire libre Plumbing Instalaciones hidráulicas y sanitarias (HOON-tah meh-KAH-nee-kah) (ehn-tah-jah DOO-rah) (AH-ee-reh LEE-breh) (een-stah-lah-SYOH-nehs ee-DRAH-oo-leekahs ee sah-nee-TAH-ryahs) Instalaciones hidrosanitarias (een-stah-lah-SYOH-nehs ee-DROH-sahnee-TAH-ryahs) Plumbing appliance Mueble sanitario (MWEH-bleh sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) Plumbing appurtenance Accesorio sanitario (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) Plumbing fixture Artefacto sanitario (ahr-teh-FAHK-toh sah-nee-TAH-ryoh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 117 Plumbing Potable water Public water main Quick closing valve Rate of flow Constructionary Agua potable (AH-gwah poh-TAH-bleh) Tubo matriz público (TOO-boh mah-TREES POO-blee-koh) Válvula de acción rápida (VAHL-voo-lah deh ahk-SYOHN RRAHpee-dah) Tasa de flujo (TAH-sah deh FLOO-hoh) Tasa de gasto (TAH-sah deh GAHS-toh ) Reduced pressure Presión reducida Relief valve Válvula de alivio Relief vent (preh-SYOHN re-doo-SEE-dah) (VAHL-voo-lah deh ) Respiradero de alivio (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh deh ) Rim Borde Riser Tubería vertical montante Riser water pipe Tubería hidráulica vertical Roof drain Runoff (BOHR-deh) (too-beh-REE-ah vehr-tee-KAHL mohnTAHN-teh) (too-beh-REE-ah ee-DRAH-oo-lee-kah vehr-tee-KAHL) Desagüe de techo (deh-SAH-gweh deh TEH-choh) Escurrimiento (ehs-koo-rree-MYEHN-toh) Self-scouring Autodesengrasante Separator Separador Sewage ejector Eyector de aguas negras Sewer (ah-oo-toh-dehs-ehn-grah-SAHN-teh) (seh-pah-rah-DOHR) (eh-jehk-TOHR deh AH-gwahs NEH-grahs) Cloaca (KLOAH-kah) Alcantarilla (ahl-cahn-tah-REE-jah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 118 Plumbing Constructionary Sewer, building Sewer, combined Sewer, public Cloaca de la edificación (KLOAH-kah deh lah eh-dee-fee-kahSYOHN) Cloaca combinada (KLOAH-kah khom-bee-NAH-dah) Cloaca pública (KLOAH-kah POO-blee-kah) Sewer, sanitary Cloaca sanitaria Sewer, storm Cloaca pluvial Scupper Embornal Softener Ablandador Soil pipe Spillproof vacuum breaker (KLOAH-kah sah-nee-TAH-ryah) (KLOAH-kah ploo-VYAHL) (ehm-bohr-NAHL) (ah-blahn-dah-DOHR) Tubo de residuos cloacales (TOO-boh deh reh-see-DWOHS kloh-ahKAH-lehs) Interruptor de vacío a prueba de derrame (een-teh-rroop-TOHR deh ) Stack Stack vent Bajante (bah-HAHN-teh) Respiradero de bajante (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh deh bah-HAHN-teh) Stack venting Ventilación en bajantes Stoppages Obstrucciones en tuberías Storm drain Subsoil drain Subsurface drainage system (vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN ehn bah-HAHN-tehs) (ohb-strook-SYOH-nehs ehn too-beh-REEahs) Desagüe pluvial (deh-SAH-gweh ploo-VYAHL) Desagüe del subsuelo (deh-SAH-gweh soob-SWEH-loh) Sistema de drenaje freático (sees-TEH-mah deh dreh-NAH-heh frehAH-tee-koh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 119 Plumbing Sump Sump pump Sump vent Constructionary Sumidero (soo-me-DEH-roh) Bomba de sumidero (BOHM-bah deh soo-me-DEH-roh) Respiradero de sumidero (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh deh soo-me-DEHroh) Supply fitting Accesorio de suministro Tapping Enrosque hembra Tempered water Agua templada Trap Trampa hidráulica Trap seal Tunneling Vacuum Vacuum breaker (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh deh soo-mee-NEEStroh) (ehn-ROHS-keh EHM-brah) (AH-gwah tehm-PLAH-dah) (TRAHM-pah ee-DRAH-oo-lee-kah) Sello de trampa hidráulica (SEH-joh deh TRAHM-pah ee-DRAH-oolee-kah) Colocación en túneles (koh-loh-kah-SYOHN ehn TOO-neh-lehs) Vacío (vah-SEE-oh) Interruptor de vacío (een-teh-rroop-TOHR deh ) Vent pipe Tubo de ventilación Vertical pipe Tubería vertical Vent stack Vent system Washer (TOO-boh deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) (too-beh-REE-ah vehr-tee-KAHL) Respiradero vertical (rehs-pee-rah-DEH-roh vehr-tee-KAHL) Sistema de ventilación (sees-TEH-mah deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) Arandela (ar-ahn-DEH-lah) Waste fitting Accesorio de desagüe Waste pipe Tubo de evacuación (ahk-seh-SOH-ryoh deh deh-SAH-gweh) (TOO-boh deh eh-vah-kwah-SYOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 120 Plumbing Constructionary Waste water Aguas residuales (AH-gwahs reh-see-DWAH-lehs) Water-hammer arrestor Disminuidor de golpe de ariete (dees-nee-nwee-DOHR deh GOHL-pe deh ah-RYEH-teh) Water heater Calentador de agua Water main Tubería maestra de abastecimiento de agua (kah-len-tah-DOHR deh AH-gwah) (too-beh-REE-ah mah-EHS-trah deh ahbahs-teh-see-MYEHN-toh deh AH-gwah) Water outlet Water pipe Boca de salida (boh-kah deh sah-LEE-dah) Tubería hidráulica (too-beh-REE-ah ee-DRAH-oo-lee-kah) Water service pipe Tubería hidráulica de servicio Water supply system Abastecimiento de agua Well Pozo Well, bored Pozo perforado Well, dug Pozo excavado Well, drilled Pozo taladrado Well, driven Wet vent Whirlpool bathtub Wrought (too-beh-REE-ah ee-DRAH-oo-lee-kah deh sehr-VEE-syoh) (ah-bahs-teh-see-MYEHN-toh deh AHgwah) (POH-soh) (POH-soh pehr-foh-RAH-doh) (POH-soh ehks-kah-VAH-doh) (POH-soh tah-lah-DRAH-doh) Pozo hincado (POH-soh een-KAH-doh) Tubería húmeda de ventilación (too-beh-REE-ah deh OO-meh-dah deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) Tina de remolino (TEE-nah deh reh-moh-LEE-noh) Forjado (fohr-HAH-doh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 121 Plumbing Yoke vent Constructionary Yunque de ventilación (YOON-keh deh vehn-tee-lah-SYOHN) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 122 Tools Axe Ball-peen hammer Hacha (AH-chah) Martillo de bola (mar-TEE-joh deh BOH-lah) Bar Barreta Basin wrench Llave pico de ganso Blower Brace and bit (bah-RREH-tah) (JAH-veh PEE-koh deh GAHN-soh) Sopladora (soh-plah-DOH-rah) Taladro de mano (tah-LAH-droh deh MAH-no) Berbiquí y barrena (ber-bee-KEE ee bah-RREH-nah) Broom Brush Escoba (ehs-KOH-bah) Pincel (peen-SEHL) Brocha (BROH-chah) Cepillo (seh-PEE-joh) Bucket Cubeta (koo-BEH-tah) Balde (BALH-deh) Carpenter’s apron Mandil (mahn-DEEL) Delantal (deh-lahn-TAHL) Carpenter’s square C-clamp Escuadra (ehs-KWAH-drah) Prensa en c (PREN-sah en seh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 123 Tools Chain pipe wrench Chain saw Chisel wood Constructionary Llave de cadena (JAH-veh deh kah-DEH-nah) Sierra de cadena (SYEH-rrah deh kah-DEH-nah) Escopio (ehs-KOH-pee-oh) Formón (for-MON) Cincel (seen-SEL) Circular saw Sierra circular de mano Circular saw blade Disco Claw hammer Come-along (SYEH-rrah seer-koo-LAR deh MAH-noh) (DEES-koh) Martillo chivo (mahr-TEE-joh CHEE-voh) Mordaza tiradora de alambre (mohr-DAH-sah tee-rah-DOH-rah deh ahLAM-breh) Combination square Escuadra de combinación Compound mitre saw Sierra de corte angular (ehs-KWAH-drah deh kohm-bee-nahSYOHN) (SYEH-rrah deh KOHR-teh ahn-goo-LAHR) Sierra de ingletes compuesta (SYEH-rrah deh een-GLEH-tehs kohmPWEHS-tah) Cut-off saw Sierra para cortar (SYEH-rrah PAH-rah kohr-TAHR) Sierra de madera (SYEH-rrah deh mah-DEH-rah) Darby Plana (PLAH-na) Flatacho (flah-TAH-choh) Drill Drill bit Taladro (tah-LAH-droh) Broca (BROH-kah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 124 Tools Constructionary Mecha (MEH-cha) Drill, electric File Flashlight Taladro eléctrico (tah-LAH-droh eh-LEHK-tree-koh) Lima (LEE-ma) Linterna (leen-TEHR-nah) Flat head Desarmador de hoja plana Forklift Montacargas Framing square Escuadra Funnel Goggles Gloves Hammer Hand saw Hawk Hoe (des-ar-mah-DOR deh OH-ha PLAH-na) (mohn-tah-CAHR-gahs) (ehs-KWAH-dra) Embudo (ehm-BOO-doh) Lentes de seguridad (LEHN-tehs deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD) Guantes (GWAN-tehs) Martillo (mar-TEE-joh) Serrucho de mano (seh-RROO-cho deh MAH-noh) Esparavel (ehs-pah-ra-VEL) Azadón (ah-sah-DOHN) Zapa (SAH-pah) Hose Manguera Jigsaw Sierra de vaivén Jointer Jointer plane (mahn-GEH-rah) (SYEH-rrah deh vahy-VEHN) Cepillo automático (seh-PEE-yoh ah-oo-toh-MAH-tee-koh) Cepillo de mano (seh-PEE-yoh deh MAH-no) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 125 Tools Knife, utility Constructionary Navaja (nah-VAH-hah) Cortapluma (kohr-tah-PLOO-mah) Ladder Lawnmower Escalera de mano (ehs-kah-LEH-rah deh MAH-no) Cortadora de césped/pasto (kor-tah-DOH-rah deh SEHS-pehd/PAHStoh) Cortacésped (kor-tah-SEHS-pehd) Level Mallet Mask Nivel (nee-VEL) Mazo (MAH-soh) Máscara (MAHS-kah-rah) Careta (kah-REH-tah) Medicine cabinet Botiquín Mitre box Caja de corte a ángulos Mitre saw Sierra de retroceso para ingletes (boh-tee-KEEN) (KAH-hah deh KOHR-teh ah AHN-goo-lohs) (SYEH-rrah deh reh-troh-SEH-soh PAH-rah een-GLEH-tehs) Mixer Mezcladora (mehs-klah-DOH-rah) Revolvedora (reh-vohl-veh-DOH-rah) Nail gun Nail set Clavadora automática (klah-vah-DOH-rah ah-oo-toh-MAH-tee-kah) Botador/embutidor de clavos (boh-tah-DOHR/ehm-boo-tee-DOHR deh KLAH-vohs) Phillips Desarmador de punta de cruz Pick Pico (des-ar-mah-DOR deh POON-tah deh kroos) (PEE-koh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 126 Tools Constructionary Pick-axe Zapapico (sah-pah-PEE-koh) Plane Cepillo Pliers Alicates (seh-PEE-joh) (ah-lee-KAH-tehs) Pinzas (PEEN-sas) Pliers, channel lock Pliers, vise grips Alicates de extensión (ah-lee-KAH-tehs deh ehk-stehn-SYOHN) Alicates de presión (ah-lee-KAH-tehs deh preh-SYOHN) Pinzas perras (PEEN-sas PEH-rras) Plumb bob Plumb line Pump Punches Radial arm saw Radial saw Rake Plomada (ploh-MAH-dah) Hilo de plomada (EE-loh deh ploh-MAH-dah) Bomba (BOHM-bah) Punzones (poon-SOH-nehs) Serrucho guillotina (seh-RROO-choh gheeh-joh-TEE-nah) Sierra fija (SYEH-rrah FEE-hah) Rastrillo (rahs-TREE-joh) Rebar bender Doblador de varilla Reciprocating saw Sierra alternativa Roller Aplanadora Router Fresadora (doh-blah-DOR deh vah-REE-jah) (SYEH-rrah ahl-tehr-nah-TEE-vah) (ah-plah-nah-DOH-rah) (freh-sah-DOH-rah) Contorneador (kohn-tohr-neh-ah-DOHR) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 127 Tools Constructionary Buriladora (boo-ree-lah-DOH-rah) Safety glasses Gafas de seguridad Sander Lijadora Saw Sierra (GAH-fahs deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD) (lee-hah-DOH-rah) (SYEH-rrah) Serrucho (seh-RROO-choh) Saw, electric Sierra eléctrica Saw, hack Sierra para metales Saw, hand Serrucho de mano Saw, power Sierra eléctrica Sawhorse Burro Screwdriver (SYEH-rrah eh-LEHK-tree-ka) (SYEH-rrah PAH-rah meh-TAH-les) (seh-RROO-cho deh MAH-noh) (SYEH-rrah eh-LEHK-tree-ka) (BOO-rroh) Destornillador (dehs-tor-nee-jah-DOR) Desarmador (dehs-ar-mah-DOR) Sheet metal shears Shingling hammer Shovel Sledgehammer Tijeras para metal (Tee-HEH-rahs PAH-rah meh-TAHL) Martillo para tejamanil (mar-TEE-joh PAH-rah teh-hah-mah-NEEL) Pala (PAH-lah) Marro (MAH-rroh) Mazo (MAH-soh) Square Solderer Escuadra (ehs-KWAH-drah) Soldador (sohl-dah-DOHR) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 128 Tools Constructionary Soldering torch Soplete (soh-PLEH-teh) Stapler Engrapadora Staple gun Engrapadora automática Strap wrench (ehn-grah-pah-DOH-rah) (ehn-grah-pah-DOH-rah ah-oo-toh-MAHtee-kah) Llave de correa (JAH-veh deh koh-RREH-ah) Llave de cincho (JAH-veh deh SEEN-cho) Table saw Sierra fija (SYEH-rrah FEE-hah) Sierra de mesa (SYEH-rrah deh MEH-sah) Sierra circular de mesa (SYEH-rrah seer-koo-LAR deh MEH-sah) Thread Tool box Trowel, joint filler Trowel, mason’s Hilo (EE-loh) Caja de herramientas (KAH-hah deh eh-rrah-MYEN-tahs) Paleta de relleno (pah-LEH-tah deh reh-JEH-noh) Paleta de albañil (pah-LEH-tah deh al-bah-NYEEL) Trowel, square Llana T-square Regla T Valve seat wrench Llave de asientos de válvula Vice bench Welding mask Wheel barrow (JAH-nah) (REH-glah TEH) (JAH-veh deh ah-SYEN-tohs deh VAHLvoo-lah) Torno/tornillo de banco (TOR-noh/tohr-NEE-joh deh BAHN-koh) Careta para soldar (kah-REH-tah PAH-rah sohl-DAHR) Carretilla (kah-rreh-TEE-jah) Carrucha (kah-RROO-chah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 129 Tools Constructionary Engarilla (ehn-gah-REE-jah) Worm drive circular saw Sierra circular con tornillo sinfin (SYEH-rrah seer-koo-LAR cohn tohr-NEEjoh seen-FEEN) Wrench Llave (JAH-veh) Wrench, adjustable Llave francesa Wrench, basin Llave pico de ganso Wrench, crescent (JAH-veh frahn-SEH-sa) (JAH-veh PEE-koh deh GAHN-soh) Llave de tuercas (JAH-ve deh TWER-kas) Llave francesa ajustable (JAH-veh frahn-SEH-sa ah-HOOS-tah-bleh) Wrench, plumbers Llave inglesa Work light Lámpara de trabajo (JAH-veh een-GLEH-sa) (LAHM-pah-rah deh trah-BAH-hoh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 130 Useful On-the-job Phrases 1. Do you speak English? ¿Habla inglés? (AH-blah een-GLEHS) 2. What is your name? ¿Cómo se llama (usted)? [KOH-moh seh JAH-ma (oos-TEHD)] ¿Cuál es su nombre? (KWAL ehs soo NOHM-breh) 3. My name is.../I am... Mi nombre es.../ Me llamo... (mee NOHM-breh ehs.../ Meh JAH-mo...) 4. Pleased to meet you. Mucho gusto (en conocerlo) [MOO-choh GOOS-toh (en koh-noh-SEHR-loh)] 5. What is your phone number? ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? (KWAHL ehs soo NOO-meh-roh deh teh-LEH-foh-noh) 6. Please fill out this application. Por favor, complete (usted) ésta solicitud. [pohr fah-VOR com-PLEH-teh (oos-TEHD) EHS-ta soh-lee-see-TOOD] 7. I need you to fill out this federal tax form. Necesito que complete éste formulario de impuestos federales. (neh-ceh-SEE-toh keh com-PLEH-teh EHS-teh for-moo-LAH-ree-oh deh eem-PWES-toss feh-deh-RAH-less) 8. And this one for state taxes. Y éste de impuestos estatales. (EE EHS-teh deh eem-PWES-toss ehs-tah-TAH-less) 9. Also this I-9 form from the government. También éste formulario I-9 del gobierno. (tam-BYEN EHS-teh for-moo-LAH-ree-oh EE-NWEH-veh dehl go-BYERnoh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 131 Useful Phrases Constructionary 10. I need to see the actual identification you list on the form. Necesito ver la identificacion que indicó (usted) en el formulario [neh-ceh-SEE-toh vehr la ee-den-tee-fee-kah-SEEOHN keh een-dee-KOH (oos-TEHD) ehn el for-moo-LAH-ree-oh] 11. Either one from column A or one each from columns B and C. Se requiere una de la columna A o una de cada una de las columnas B y C. (seh reh-KYEH-reh oo-nah deh la koh-LOOM-nah AH oh oo-na deh lass koh-LOOM-nas BEH ee CEH) 12. Without I.D., I can’t hire you. Sin la identificación adecuada, no puedo emplearlo. (seen la ee-den-tee-fee-kah-SEEOHN ah-deh-KWAH-dah noh PWEH-doh ehm-pleh-AR-loh) 13. Do you have a union card? ¿Tiene su credencial de la unión? [TYEH-neh soo kreh-den-SEE-al deh la oon-YOHN] 14. Can I see it please? ¿Puedo verla por favor? (PWEH-doh VEHR-la por fah-VOHR) 15. Did the union send you? Lo manda la unión (el sindicato)? [loh MAHN-dah la oon-YOHN (ehl seen-dee-KAH-toh)] 16. Can I see the referral. ¿Puedo ver la hoja (referencia)? [PWEH-doh VEHR-la OH-hah (reh-feh-REHN-syah)] 17. Do you have your own tools? ¿Tiene (usted) sus propias herramientas de mano? [TYEH-neh (oos-TEHD) soos PROH-pee-as EHR-rah-MYEN-tas deh MAH-noh] 18. If not, I can’t use you. Si no, entonces no puedo emplearlo. (see NOH, ehn-TOHN-cehs noh PWEH-doh ehm-pleh-AR-loh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 132 Constructionary Useful Phrases 19. Your pay is going to be — per hour. Se le va a pagar — por hora. (seh leh VAH ah pah-GAHR — pohr OH-rah) 20. ...less tax withholding (...benefits ...union dues). ...menos descuentos por impuestos (...beneficios ...cuota de la unión). [...MEH-nohs des-KWEN-tos pohr eem-PWES-toss (beh-neh-FEE-syohs ...KWOH-tah deh lah oon-YOHN)] 21. I will pay you at the end (of the day/weekmonth) Le pagaré al final (del día/semana/mes) [leh pah-gah-REH ahl fee-NAHL (dehl DEE-ah/seh-MAH-nah/MEHS)] 22. Payday is every Friday (Saturday, Sunday, etc.) El día de pago es cada viernes (sábado, domingo, etc.) [ehl DEE-ah deh PAH-goh ehs KAH-dah VYEHR-nes (SAH-bah-doh, dohMEEN-goh)] 23. Can you work tomorrow? ¿Puede trabajar mañana? (PWEH-deh trah-bah-HAR mah-NYAH-nah) 24. See you tomorrow. Nos vemos mañana. (nohs VEH-mohs mah-NYAH-nah) 25. Please do not waste materials. Por favor no malgaste los materiales. (pohr fah-VOHR noh mal-GAHS-teh lohs mah-teh-RYAH-less) 26. Can you drive a car? ¿Sabe conducir? (SAH-beh kohn-doo-SEER) 27. Do you have a driver’s license? ¿Tiene licencia de conducir? (TYEH-neh lee-SEHN-syah deh kohn-doo-SEER) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 133 Useful Phrases Constructionary 28. You may use this bathroom. Puede usar este baño. (PWEH-deh oo-SAHR EHS-teh BAH-nyo) 29. How late can you work? ¿Qué tan tarde puede trabajar? (keh tahn TAHR-deh PWEH-de trah-bah-HAR) 30. Are you hungry — thirsty? ¿Tiene hambre — sed? (TYEH-neh AHM-breh-SEHD) 31. What do you want to eat — drink? ¿Qué quiere comer — tomar? (keh KYEH-reh KOH-mehr-toh-MAHR) 32. Come with me. Venga conmigo. (VEHN-gah kohn-MEE-goh) 33. Here is your job safety booklet. Read it and use it. Aquí está su folleto de seguridad en el trabajo. Léalo y úselo. (ah-KEE ehs-TAH soo foh-YEH-toh deh se-goo-ree-DAD en el trah-BAHho. LEH-ah-loh ee OO-seh-loh) 34. Wear these glasses (hat, gloves) for your protection Use estos lentes (casco, guantes) para su protección. [OO-seh EHS-tohs LEHN-tehs (KAHS-coh, GWAHN-tehs) PAH-rah soo proh-tehk-SYOHN] 35. Are you sick? You need to go home. ¿Se siente enfermo? Necesita regresar a casa. (seh SYEHN-teh en-FEHR-moh) 36. Are you injured? Go to the doctor/clinic now! ¿Se lesionó? ¡Vaya al doctor/a la clínica ahora mismo! (seh leh-syoh-NOH. VAH-yah ahl dohk-TOHR/ah lah KLEE-nee-kah ahOH-rah MEES-moh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 134 Constructionary Useful Phrases 37. Bring the doctor’s report when you come back. Tráigame el reporte (la nota) del doctor cuando regrese. [TRAHY-gah-meh el reh-POHR-teh (la NOH-tah) dehl dohk-TOHR KWANdoh re-GREH-seh] 38. Don’t use any tools (without asking). No use ninguna herramienta (sin mi permiso). [noh OO-seh neen-GOO-nah eh-rrah-MYEN-ta (seen mee per-MEE-soh)] 39. I don’t allow beer drinking on the job site. No se permite tomar cerveza en el área de trabajo. (noh seh per-MEE-teh toh-mar sehr-VEH-sah ehn ehl AH-reh-ah deh trahBAH-ho) 40. Drug use is not tolerated. No se tolera el uso de drogas. (noh seh toh-LEH-rah ehl OO-soh deh DROH-gahs) 41. Whenever a building inspector shows up, let me know immediately. Cuando llegue un inspector, avíseme inmediatamente. (KWAHN-doh JEH-geh oon eens-pec-TOHR, ah-VEE-seh-meh een-mehDYAH-tah-men-teh) 42. Be careful! ¡Ten(ga) cuidado! [TEHN(gah) kwee-DAH-doh] 43. Watch out! ¡Cuidado! (kwee-DAH-doh) ¡Ojo! (OH-ho) ¡Aguas! (AH-gwas) ¡Pon(ga) atención! [POHN(gah) ah-tehn-SYOHN] 44. Follow me. Sígame. (SEE-gah-meh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 135 Useful Phrases Constructionary 45. Pull! ¡Jale! (HA-leh) ¡Tire! (TEE-reh) 46. Push! ¡Empuje! (ehm-POO-heh) 47. Bring me that 2x4 (...that fixture, ...that fitting, ...that duct, etc) Tráigame ese dos por cuatro (...ese accesorio, ...esa conexion, ...ese conducto, etc.) [TRAHY-gah-meh EH-seh dohs por KWAH-troh (...EH-seh ak-seh SOHree-oh, ...EH-sah koh-nehk-SYOHN, etc.)] 48. Help me unload the truck (...lift the beam, ...install the drain, etc.) Ayúdeme a descargar el camión (...levantar la viga, ...instalar el desagüe, etc.) [AH-YU-deh-meh ah dehs-car-GAR el kah-MEEOHN (...leh-vahn-TAR la VEE-gah, ...een-stah-LAR el deh-SAH-gweh)] 49. Stack the (lumber/pipe/insulation) over there. Apile (la madera/la tubería/el aislamiento) allá [ah-PEE-leh (lah mah-DEH-rah/lah too-beh-REE-ah/ehl ah-ees-lahMYEHN-to) ah-JAH] 50. Cut it at a 45-degree angle. Córtelo a un ángulo de cuarenta y cinco grados. (KOHR-teh-loh ah oon AHN-goo-loh deh kwa-REHN-tay ee SEEN-co GRAH-dos) 51. Hold it there and nail it Sosténgalo allí y clávelo. (sohs-TEHN-gah-loh ah-GEE ee KLAH-veh-lo) 52. Hold it there while I nail. Sosténgalo allí mientras lo clavo. (sohs-TEHN-gah-loh ah-GEE MYEHN-trahs loh KLAH-vo) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 136 Constructionary Useful Phrases 53. Pick this up. Levante esto. (leh-VAHN-teh EHS-toh) 54. Turn it over... Turn it clockwise (counterclockwise) Voltéelo... Gírelo a la derecha (a la izquierda) [vohl-TEH-eh-loh... HEE-reh-loh ah la deh-REH-cha (ah la ees-KYEHRda)] 55. Raise it a little. Levántelo un poco. (leh-VAHN-teh-loh oon POH-co) 56. Lower it a little. Bájelo un poco. (BAH-heh-loh oon POH-co) 57. That is too heavy. Don’t try to lift/carry it alone. Eso es demasiado pesado. No intente levantarlo/llevarlo solo. (EH-soh ehs deh-mah-SYAH-doh peh-SAH-do. Noh een-TEHN-teh lehvahn-TAHR-loh/jeh-VAHR-loh SOH-lo) 58. Get someone to help you. Pida a alguien que le ayude. (PEE-dah ah AHL-guee-ehn keh leh ah-YOO-deh) 59. Shovel this into the wheel barrow. Cargue esto en la carretilla (KAHR-geh EHS-toh ehn lah kah-rreh-TEE-jah) 61. Put it in the trash bin (or dump truck). Póngalo en la basura (o camión de volteo). [POHN-gah-loh ehn lah bah-SOO-rah (oh kah-MYON-deh vohl-TEH-oh)] 62. Clean these... (windows, doors, walls, etc.) Limpie estas... (ventanas, puertas, paredes, etc.) [LEEM-pyeh EHS-tahs... (vehn-TAH-nahs, PWER-tahs, pah-REH-dehs, etc.)] 63. Sweep this up. Barra esto. (BAH-rrah EHS-toh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 137 Useful Phrases Constructionary 64. Hammer this. Martille esto. (mahr-TEE-jeh EHS-toh) 65. Where is the saw? ¿Dónde está la sierra? (DOHN-deh ehs-TAH lah SYEH-rrah) 65. Tie this... (with wire, rope). Amarre esto... (con alambre, soga) [ah-MAH-rreh EHS-toh... (cohn ah-LAHM-breh, SOH-gah)] 67. It is break time. Es hora de descanso. (ehs OH-rah deh dehs-KAHN-soh) 68. No! Don’t do it like that. Please, do it this way. ¡No! Así no lo haga. Por favor, hagalo así. (NOH. Ah-SEE noh loh AH-gah. Pohr fah-VOHR. AH-gah-loh ah-SEE) 69. Use (the pick, the shovel, the hammer) like this. Use (el pico, la pala, el martillo) así. [OO-seh (ehl PEE-koh, lah PAH-lah, ehl mahr-TEE-joh) ah-SEE] 70. Take this to the truck, please. Lleve esto al camión/camioneta, por favor. (JEH-veh EHS-toh ahl kah-MYON/kah-myo-NEH-tah, pohr fah-VOHR) 71. Don’t drop it, it’s very fragil. No lo deje caer, es muy frágil. (noh loh DEH-heh kah-EHR, ehs MOOY FRAH-heel) 72. Watch your step. Cuidado al pisar. (kwee-DAH-doh ahl pee-SAHR) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 138 The numbers Los números 0 zero cero 1 one uno (una) 2 two dos 3 three tres 4 four cuatro 5 five cinco 6 six seis 7 seven siete 8 eight ocho 9 nine nueve 10 ten diez 11 eleven once 12 twelve doce 13 thirteen trece 14 fourteen catorce 15 fifteen quince 16 sixteen dieciséis 17 seventeen diecisiete 18 eighteen dieciocho 19 nineteen diecinueve 20 twenty veinte ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 139 Tables Constructionary 21 twenty-one veintiuno 22 twenty-two veintidós 30 thirty treinta 31 thirty-one treinta y uno 40 forty cuarenta 50 fifty cincuenta 60 sixty sesenta 70 seventy setenta 80 eighty ochenta 90 ninety noventa 100 one hundred cien 101 one hundred and one ciento uno 200 two hundred doscientos 300 three hundred trescientos 400 four hundred cuatrocientos 500 five hundred quinientos 600 six hundred seiscientos 700 seven hundred setecientos 800 eight hundred ochocientos 900 nine hundred novecientos 1,000 one thousand mil 2,000 two thousand dos mil 1,000,000 one million un millón 2,000,000 two million dos millones ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 140 Tables Constructionary The months of the year Los meses del año January enero February febrero March marzo April abril May mayo June junio July julio August agosto September septiembre October octubre November noviembre December diciembre ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 141 Tables Constructionary The days of the week Los días de la semana Monday lunes Tuesday martes Wednesday miércoles Thursday jueves Friday viernes Saturday sábado Sunday domingo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 142 UNIT CONVERSION TABLES SI SYMBOLS AND PREFIXES BASE UNITS Quantity Length Mass Time Electric current Thermodynamic temperature Amount of susbstance Luminous intensity Unit Meter Kilogram Second Ampere Kelvin Mole Candela SI SUPPLEMENTARY UNITS Quantity Unit Plane angle Radian Solid angle Steradian SI PREFIXES Multiplication Factor Symbol m kg s A K mol cd Symbol rad sr 0.1 = 10-1 Prefix exa peta tera giga mega kilo hecto deka deci 0.01 = 10-2 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 1018 1 000 000 000 000 000 = 1015 1 000 000 000 000 = 1012 1 000 000 000 = 109 1 000 000 = 106 1 000 = 103 100 = 102 10 = 101 Symbol E P T G M k h da d centi c 10-3 milli m 0.000 001 = 10-6 micro µ 10-9 nano 0.000 000 000 001 = 10-12 pico n p femto f atto a 0.001 = 0.000 000 001 = 0.000 000 000 000 001 = 10-15 -18 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 143 Tables Constructionary SI DERIVED UNIT WITH SPECIAL NAMES Quantity Unit Symbol Frequency (of a periodic phenomenon) hertz Hz Force newton N Pressure, stress pascal Pa Energy, work, quantity of heat joule J Power, radiant flux watt W Quantity of electricity, electric charge coulomb C Electric potential, potential difference, electromotive force volt V Capacitance farad F Electric resistance ohm Ω Conductance siemens S Magnetic flux weber Wb Magnetic flux density tesla T Inductance henry H Luminous flux lumen lm Illuminance lux lx Activity (of radionuclides) becquerel Bq Absorbed dose gray Gy Formula 1/s kg·m/s2 N/m2 N·m J/s A·s W/A C/V V/A A/V V·s Wb/m2 Wb/A cd·sr lm/m2 l/s J/kg ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 144 Tables Constructionary CONVERSION FACTORS to multiply by LENGTH 1 mile (U.S. statute) km 1.609 344 1 yd m 0.9144 1 ft m 0.3048 mm 304.8 1 in mm 25.4 AREA 1 mile2 (U.S. statute) km2 2.589 998 1 acre (U.S. survey) ha 0.404 6873 m2 4046.873 1 yd2 m2 0.836 1274 m2 0.092 903 04 1 ft2 1 in2 mm2 645.16 VOLUME, MODULUS OF SECTION l acre ft m3 1233.489 3 m3 0.764 5549 1 yd 100 board ft m3 0.235 9737 m3 0.028 316 85 1 ft3 L(dm3) 28.3168 mm3 16 387.06 1 in3 mL (cm3) 16.3871 0.158 9873 1 barrel (42 U.S. gallons) m3 (FLUID) CAPACITY 1 gal (U.S. liquid)* L** 3.785 412 1 qt (U.S. liquid) mL 946.3529 1 pt (U.S. liquid) mL 473.1765 1 fl oz (U.S.) mL 29.5735 1 gal (U.S. liquid) m3 0.003 785 412 To convert *1 gallon (UK) approx. 1.2 gal (U.S.) **1 liter approx. 0.001 cubic meter 1 in4 1° (degree) 1’ (minute) 1” (second) SECOND MOMENT OF AREA mm4 416 231 4 416 231 4 10-7 m4 PLANE ANGLE rad 0.017 453 29 mrad 17.453 29 urad 290.8882 urad 4.848 137 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 145 Tables 1 ft/s 1 mile/h 1 ft3/s 1 ft3/min 1 gal/min 1 gal/min 1 gal/h 1 million gal/d 1 acre ft/s 1°F Constructionary VELOCITY, SPEED m/s km/h m/s VOLUME RATE OF FLOW m3/s L/s L/s m3/min mL/s L/s m3/s TEMPERATURE INTERVAL °C or K 0.3048 1.609 344 0.447 04 0.028 316 85 0.471 9474 0.063 0902 0.0038 1.051 50 43.8126 1233.49 0.555 556 5 9°C = /9K EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE (toC = TK - 273.15) tOF tc t F = 9/5tOC + 32 MASS 1 ton (short ***) metric ton 0.907 185 kg 907.1847 1 lb kg 0.453 5924 1 oz g 28.349 52 ***1 long ton (2,240 lb) kg 1016.047 MASS PER UNIT AREA kg/m2 4.882 428 1 lb/ft2 1 oz/yd2 g/m2 33.905 75 g/m2 305.1517 1 oz/ft2 DENSITY (MASS PER UNIT VOLUME) 1 lb/ft3 kg/m3 16.01846 kg/m3 0.593 2764 1 lb/yd3 t/m3 1.186 553 1 ton/yd3 FORCE 1 tonf (ton-force) kN 8.896 44 1 kip (1,000 lbf) kN 4.448 22 1 lbf (pound-force) N 4.448 22 MOMENT OF FORCE, TORQUE 1 lbf·ft N·m 1.355 818 1 lbf·in N·m 0.112 9848 1 tonf·ft kN·m 2.711 64 1 kip·ft kN·m 1.355 82 O 5/ O ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 146 Constructionary Tables FORCE PER UNIT LENGTH 1 lbf/ft N/m 14.5939 1 tonf/ft kN/m 29.1878 1 lbf/in N/m 175.1268 PRESSURE, STRESS, MODULUS OF ELASTICITY (FORCE PER UNIT AREA) (1 Pa = 1 N/m2) MPa 13.7895 1 tonf/in2 1 tonf/ft2 kPa 95.7605 MPa 6.894 757 1 kip/in2 1 lbf/in2 kPa 6.894 757 Pa 47.8803 1 lbf/ft2 Atmosphere kPa 101.3250 1 inch mercury kPa 3.376 85 1 foot (water column at 32°F) kPa 2.988 98 WORK, ENERGY, HEAT (1J = 1N·m = 1W·s) 1 kWh (550 ft·lbf/s) MJ 3.6 1 Btu (Int. Table) kJ 1.055 056 J 1055.056 1 ft·lbf J 1.355 818 COEFFICIENT OF HEAT TRANSFER 1 Btu/(ft2·h·°F) W/(m2·K) 5.678 263 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 1 Btu/(ft·h·°F) W/(m·K) 1.730 735 ILLUMINANCE 1 lm/ft2 (footcandle) lx (lux) 10.763 91 LUMINANCE 1 cd/ft2 cd/m2 10.7639 1 foot lambert cd/m2 3.426 259 3.183 099 1 lambert kcd/m2 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 147 Tables Constructionary ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 148 CONSTRUCCIONARIOTM Español-Inglés Términos de la Construcción Actualizados y Frases Útiles ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. Construccionario Primera Impresión: Julio de 2000 Segunda Edición: Mayo de 2006 ISBN–13: 978-1-58001-378-9 ISBN–10: 1-58001-378-3 COPYRIGHT 2006 por INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. DERECHOS RESERVADOS. El Construccionario™ es un trabajo con derechos registrados y es propiedad del International Code Council, Inc (ICC). Sin el consentimiento escrito previo del dueño de estos derechos registrados, ninguna parte de este libro puede ser reproducida, distribuida, o transmitida en forma alguna, incluyendo, sin que esto sea limitante, medios electrónicos, ópticos o mecánicos (como por ejemplo, y sin que sea limitante, fotocopiado, o grabado en cualquier tipo de sistema de grabación). Para información sobre permisos de copiado de material más allá de su uso adecuado, favor dirigirse a: Publications, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795, U.S.A. (Tel. 1-800-214-4321). Marcas registradas: Tanto “International Code Council,” el logotipo de “International Code Council,” el “Construccionario” son marcas registradas del International Code Council, Inc. IMPRESO EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. Prefacio El ConstruccionarioTM se ha convertido en la herramienta preferida para incrementar la comunicación entre las comunidades de habla hispana e inglesa de la industria de la construcción. La primera edición de esta guía fue desarrollada como resultado de una investigación exhaustiva realizada por un equipo de voluntarios y personal del ICC. El éxito del Construccionario se ve reflejado en su aceptación al ser usado ampliamente para incrementar la eficiencia y la comunicación en el sitio de trabajo. Uno de los objetivos principales del Construccionario fue unificar el uso de términos de la construcción en latinoamérica y la comunidad de habla hispana de los Estados Unidos. El Construccionario ha probado su relevancia cuando se ven surgir en el mercado otros diccionarios basados o inspirados en éste y reafirma su compromiso en los esfuerzos de mejorar la seguridad, la eficiencia, la calidad y la uniformidad en la industria de la construcción. Esta segunda edición presenta un vocabulario más ámplio que incluye nuevas secciones de términos électricos y de instalaciones hidrosanitarias y mecánicas. Como en la primera edición, frases útiles y tablas complementan los contenidos de esta guía práctica que los constructores, trabajadores de la construcción, ingenieros, arquitectos, jefes de obras e inspectores han encontrado ser útil para el desarrollo de sus tareas cotidianas. Porque el lenguje es dinámico, el Construccionario es un documento vivo que continúa creciendo y mejorándose. Favor de enviar comentarios y contribuciones, incluyendo los términos que les gustaría ver en la futuras ediciones del Construccionario, a [email protected]. Alberto Herrera, Editor. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. iii ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. iv Reconocimientos Se debe reconocer a Terry Eddy, Vicepresidente Senior de Recursos Humanos de ICC, quien tuvo la idea original de elaborar un diccionario práctico de términos de la construcción para personas bilingües, y quienes no lo son tanto, dentro la industria de la construcción. Al igual reconocemos a Maria Aragon, Gerente de Mercadotecnia del ICC quien con su creatividad encontró el nombre apropiado para esta guía. Se reconoce también a Benjamín Rodríguez, David Bautista, David Jamieson, Mark Stevens, Miguel Lamas, Philip Ramos, Sergio Barrueto, y Suzane Nunes por sus valiosas contribuciones a la primera edición. Se agradece a Alberto Iezzi, Raúl Zaradnik, Paula Chaves y Alejandro Santamaría por su contribución a las secciones de instalaciones mecánicas y plomería. Un agradecimiento muy especial es para Mark A. Johnson, Vicepresidente Senior de Negocios y Desarrollo de Productos de ICC quien con su confianza en este producto ha hecho posible su realización y producción. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. v ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. vi Tabla de Contenidos Prefacio- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iii Reconocimientos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v Pronunciación simplificada - - - - - - - - - - - - - - viii Español-Inglés A-Z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Eléctrico - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 105 Plomería - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 113 Instalaciones mecánicas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 125 Herramientas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 135 Frases útiles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 145 Los números - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 149 Los meses del año - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 151 Los días de la semana - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 152 Tablas de conversión por unidades - - - - - - - 153 Factores de conversión- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 155 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. vii Pronunciación Simplificada Las guía de pronunciación en los dos idiomas fueron desarrolladas desde una perspectiva de comunicación básica y no desde la perspectiva del sistema fonético internacional como se realiza en la mayoría de diccionarios de idiomas. Mientras que otras guías de pronunciación usan palabras en inglés para simular los sonidos propios al español aqui recomendamos el uso esta guía de pronunciación para una mejor comunicación. Acentos: Se han puesto acentos sólo en las palabras que pueda haber duda. Vocales: a es una vocal abierta entre la a y la e. No existe en español. a es una a cerrada que resuena en la parte posterior de la cavidad bucal. No existe en español. e es una e cerrada y que resuena en la parteposterior de la cavidad bucal. No existe en español. u es una u cerrada. Después de la o sólo se usa para cerrar el diptongo rápidamente. o vocal abierta casi como para decir a. iy es una i larga. Otros símbolos usados: dy es un sonido fuerte de la y o ll. s suena como el zumbido de la abeja. th como la z castellana (thin) o th como d en (then) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. viii A Abanico Abastecimiento Fan (fan) Supply (suplai) Abertura Opening Abertura de limpieza Cleanout (chimney) Acabado Acanalado (opening) [klinaut (chemni)] Finish (fenesh) Splined (splined) Riffled (ref·ld) Acanaladura de chimenea Chimney chase Acceso Access Acceso libre Ready access Acceso para bomberos Accesorio (chemni cheis) (ákses) (redi ákses) Fire department access (fáier d·partment ákses) Fitting (feting) Fixture (fextiur) Acera Acero Sidewalk (saidwak) Steel (stiyl) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 1 ace-agu Acero fundido/ moldeado/colado Construccionario Cast steel (kast stiyl) Acero galvanizado Galvanized steel Acero inoxidable Stainless steel Acoplamiento Coupling Acoplamiento de compresión Compression coupling Acoplamiento de acción rápida Quick actinging coupler Adherido en secciones Spot mopped Aditivos y mezclas Adosado Agarradera (galvanaizt stiyl) (steinles stiyl) (kapling) (kampreshwn kapling) (kuek actin cupl·r) (spat maped) Additives and admixtures (adetevs and admekstiurs) Doubled (dab·ld) Handle (jand·l) Agarre Grip Aglutinante Binder Agua caliente Agua no potable Agua potable Agua templada Aguas negras (grep) (baind·r) Hot water (jat water) Nonpotable water (nanpótab·l water) Potable water (pótab·l water) Tempered water (temperd water) Sewage (súedsh) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 2 Construccionario Aguas residuales Aguja agu-ala Waste water (weist water) Spire (spaier) Agujero Hole Agujero ciego Knockout Aire libre Aislamiento, Aislante (joul) (nakaut) Open air (open er) Insulation (enseléishwn) Insulating (enseleiting) Aislante plástico Alambre Alambre conductor Alambre de paca Alambre de pollo Alambre de relleno Plastic insulator (plastek enseléitor) Wire (waier) Conductor wire (kandact·r waier) Wire tie (waier tai) Chicken wire (cheken waier) Filler wire (féler waier) Alambre de soporte Wire backing Alambre para amarres Tie wire Alambre rastreador/ testigo Tracer Alarma de incendio manual Manual pull station Alas (columna/viga) Flanges (column/beam) (waier baking) (tai waier) (treisr) (maniual pul steishwn) [fleindyes (kálemn/bim)] ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 3 alb-ali Albañil Albañilería Construccionario Mason (méison) Masonry (méisonry) Albardilla Coping Alberca Swimming pool Alcance Scope Alcantarilla Culvert (couping) (sweming pul) (scoup) (kalvert) Sewer drain (súer drein) Conduit (kanduit) Storm drain (storm drein) Aleación para soldar Brazing alloy (breising aloy) Aleación principal Parent alloy Alero Eave Aleros voladizos Eave overhangs Alfarje Wainscot (pérent aloy) (iv) (iv over-jangs) (wéinscat) Wainscoting (weinscating) Alféizar Sill (sel) Splay (spley) Alimentacion Alimentación eléctrica para estufa/cocina Supply (suplai) Range power outlet (reindsh pauer aut-let) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 4 Construccionario Aliviar Aljibe Alma (columna/viga) ali-anc To vent (tu vent) Cistern (sestern) Web (column/beam) [web (kálemn/bim)] Almacén Warehouse Almacén de líquidos Liquid storage warehouse Almacenamiento en pilas altas High-piled storage Alquitrán Tar Altura Aluminio Alzada (de mortero de cemento) Alzado (wérjaus) (lékuid stóredsh wérjaus) (jai-paild stóredsh) (tar) Height (jait) Aluminum (alumenam) Grout lift (graut left) Façade (fasad) Front (of a building) [front (av ei belding)] Amarre, Amarra Binder (baind·r) Tie (tay) Amortiguador Ampliación Ancianato Ancla de retención Suppressor (sepresr) Addition (adeshwn) Nursing home (nersing joum) Hold-down anchor (jold daun enker) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 5 anc-apr Anclaje Construccionario Anchor (enker) Anchorage (enkeredsh) Fastener (fasn·r) Anclaje mecánico Andamiaje Andamio Anticorrrosivo Antisifonaje Mechanical anchorage (mekánek·l énkeredsh) Scaffolding (scáfolding) Scaffold (scáfold) Corrosion-resistant (karroshwn riséstent) Antisiphon (antaisaifen) Antorcha Torch Anulación Abatement Anular Override (torch) (abeitment) (overraid) Abate (abeit) Apagador Circuit breaker (serkuit breik·r) Switch (swetch) Aparato de ensayo/ prueba Test apparatus (test aparatus) Apartamento residencial Apartment house Apoyo Support Aprobado Approved (apartment jaus) (suport) (apruvd) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 6 Construccionario Arandela ara-arm Grommet (grámet) Washer (washr) Gasket (gasket) Arcilla Clay Área bruta/total Gross area Área cargada/ sometida a carga Área ilimitada Área de refugio Área segura de dispersión (kley) (gros erea) Loaded area (louded erea) Unlimited area (anlemeted erea) Refuge area (réfiudsh erea) Safe dispersal area (seif dispérsal erea) Arena Sand Areniscas Sandstone Argamasa Mortar Armado Framed Armadura Truss (sand) (sandstoun) (mort·r) (fréimd) (tras) Reinforcement (ri-enforsment) Armario de exhibición Showcase Armazón Framework (shou-keis) (fréim-wark) Frame (fréim) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 7 arq-ast Construccionario Arquitecto Architect Arraigado Embeded Arriostramiento (arke·tect) (embeded) Bracing (breising) Artefacto Fixture Artefacto de combinación Combination fixture Artefacto de iluminación Artefacto eléctrico Artefacto sanitario Ascensor Asentamiento Aserradero Asfalto Asilo de ancianos (fextiur) (kambeneishwn fextiur) Light fixture (lait fextiur) Electrical fixture (electrical fextiur) Bathroom/Plumbing fixture (bath·rum/plaming fextiur) Elevator (eleveitor) Slump (slamp) Lumber mill (lamber mel) Asphalt (ásfalt) Nursing home (nersing joum) Áspero Coarse Aspirador Aspirator Aspiradora Vacuum Astilladuras Spalling Astrágalo (cors) (áspereitor) (vákium) (spaling) Astragal (ástrag·l) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 8 Construccionario Atado ata-azo Bundle (band·l) Atarjea Sewer Atiesador Stiffener Atmósfera común (súer) (stefener) Common atmosphere (cam·n atmosfir) Atrio Atrium Autocierre Self-closing Autoenrasado (éitriam) (self-clóusing) Self-furring (self-ferring) Autoignición Self-ignition Autoluminoso Self-luminous Automático Autoridad competente (self-egneshwn) (self-luminas) Automatic (atomátic) Building official (belding afesh·l) Code official (coud afesh·l) Azotado Plaster (plast·r) Plastering (plast·ring) Azotea Roof (flat) [ruf (flat)] Terrace (térras) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 9 B Bajante Bajante de aguas negras Stack (stack) Soil pipe (soil paip) Bajante sanitaria Soil stack Bajopiso Subfloor (soil stack) (sab·flor) Underlayment (anderléiment) Balcón Baldosas Baldosas cerámicas Bandeja de carga Bandeja neutra/a tierra Bandeja portacables Banqueta Bañera, Bañadera Baño Balcony (bálkeni) Floor tile (flor tail) Ceramic tile (siramik tail) Hot bus bar (jat bas bar) Ground/neutral bus bar (graund/niutral bas bar) Cable tray (keibl trei) Sidewalk (saidwak) Bathtub (bath·tab) Bathroom (bath·rum) Restroom (restrum) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 10 Construccionario bar Toilet compartment (toilet kampárment) Water closet (water klaset) Baranda Guardrail (gard-reil) Railing (reiling) Rail (reil) Barandilla Rail Barda Wall (reil) (wal) Fence (fens) Barra Railing (reiling) Bar (bar) Barra de emergencia Barra de refuerzo Barra de anclaje Barra ómnibus de carga Panic bar (pánec bar) Rebar (ríbar) Stud anchor (stad einker) Hot bus bar (jat bas bar) Barras de apoyo/soporte Grab bars Barras desviadas Offset bars Barrera antihumo Smoke barrier Barrera contra corriente de aire Draft stop (grab bars) (áfset bars) (smouk berrier) (draft stap) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 11 bar-boc Barreta Barro Barrote Base de techo Bastidor Bastidores de madera Basura Batería Construccionario Bar (bar) Clay (kley) Stud (stad) Subroof (sabruf) Frame (fréim) Wood framing (wud fréiming) Rubbish (rabesh) Battery (batery) Bienestar público Public welfare Bisagra Hinge Bloque, Bloquear (páblec wel-fer) (jendsh) Block (blak) Blocking (blaking) Bloque antifuego Bloqueado antifuego Boca de acceso Fireblock (fáier-blak) Fireblocking (fáier-blakin) Manhole (man-jol) Boca de incendio Hydrant Boca de inspección Manhole Boca de salida Water outlet (jaidrent) (man-jol) (water aut-let) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 12 Construccionario Bodega bod-bre Storeroom (stor rum) Storage room (stóredsh rum) Boiler Bomba Bomba de sumidero Bombilla Boquete Boquilla de rociador Borde Boiler (boiler) Pump (pamp) Sump pump (samp pamp) Lightbulb (lait-bulb) Hole (joul) Sprinkler head (sprinkler jed) Rim (rem) Edge (edsh) Bordes del entablado Sheating edges Bordillo Curb Borne de enlace Bonding jumper Botaguas Flashing Botiquín Bóveda Brazo (shiyting edyes) (kerb) (banding dyamper) (flashing) Medicine cabinet (medes·n kabenet) Vault (valt) Bracket (braket) Handle (jand·l) Brea Tar (tar) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 13 bri-buz Construccionario Brida Flange Bronce Brass Buharda, Buhardilla Bulto (fleindsh) (bras) Dormer (dorm·r) Bundle (band·l) Buscador de montantes Stud finder Buzón Mail box (stad fainder) (meil bax) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 14 C Caballete Coping (kouping) Truss (tras) Cabeza de pilote Cabeza plana Pile cap (pail cap) Wafer head (weifer jed) Cabezal Header Cabio, Cabrio Rafter (jeder) (raft·r) Cable alambre conector Wire connector (waier kanéct·r) Cable a tierra Ground wire Cable de alimentación Feeder cable Cable de enlace Ground bond Cable de extensión (graund waier) (fid·r keib·l) (graund band) Extension cord (extenshwn kord) Cable principal Main power cable Cable neutro Neutral wire Cable principal neutro Neutral service wire Cabreada (mein pauer keib·l) (niutral waier) (niutral serves waier) Truss (tras) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 15 cad-cam Cadena Caja de enchufe/ tomacorriente Construccionario Chain (chein) Outlet box (aut-let bax) Caja de fusibles Fuse box Cajones de aire comprimido Caissons Cal hidráulica Hydrated lime Cal viva Quicklime Caldera (fius bax) (keisans) (jaidreited laim) (kuek laim) Boiler (boiler) Kettle (ket·l) Calefacción Calefactor, Calentador Calentador de agua Heating (jiting) Heater (jiter) Water heater (water jiter) Boiler (boiler) Calhidra Calibre Calificación climática Hydrated lime (jáidreited laim) Gage/Gauge (gueidsh) Climatic rating (claimatek reiting) Caliza Limestone Callejón Alley Cámara de aire (laim-stoun) (ali) Air gap (er gap) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 16 Construccionario cam-cañ Cámara de distribución de aire Plenum Camino Walkway Camino peatonal (plén·m) (wak-wey) Pedestrian walkway (pedestrian wak-wey) Caminos móviles Moving walks Camisa Sleeve Campana (chimenea/cocina) Hood Campanario Canal (muving waks) (sliv) (jud) Steeple (stip·l) Gutter (garer) Rib (reb) Raceway (reiswey) Canaleta Chase (cheis) Gutter (garer) Canalizaciones Masonry chase Cancelar Override Candado Canilla Canto (a canto) Cañería, Caño (meisonry cheis) (overaid) Lock (lak) Spigot (spegat) Edge (on edge) [edsh (an edsh)] Pipe (paip) Piping (paiping) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 17 cañ-car Construccionario Tubing (tiubing) Cañería/conducto principal de gas Gas main (gas mein) Capa Ply Capa base Underlayment (plai) (anderleyment) Capa bituminosa debajo del piso de madera Underlayment (anderleyment) Capa de colada/vaciado Pour coat (por cout) Capa de cubierta de techo compuesta Capa de humo Built-up roofing ply (belt ap rufing plai) Smoke layer (smouk ley·r) Capa de soporte Underlayment Capa intermedia Interlayment Capataz Foreman Carbón Coal (anderleyment) (enerleyment) (for-man) (col) Charcoal (charcol) Carbon (kárb·n) Carga Load Carga muerta Dead load Carga nominal Carga permanente (loud) (ded loud) Nominal load (namen·l loud) Dead load (ded loud) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 18 Construccionario Carga sísmica Carga variable car-cel Earthquake load (erth-kueik loud) Live load (laiv loud) Cargas no balanceadas Unbalanced loads (anbalansd louds) Cargas vivas Live loads Carpintero Carpenter Carril Cartela (laiv louds) (kárpent·r) Railing (reiling) Bolster (bolst·r) Haunch (jaunch) Cartelera Cartón de yeso Tackboard (tak-bord) Wallboard (walbord) Casa de convalecencia Nursing home Cascajo Gravel Cáscara Shell Casas contiguas (nersing joum) (grav·l) (shel) Townhouses (taun-jauses) Caseta de rociado Spray booth Casquete Cap Cavidades ocultas Concealed spaces Celda Celosía (sprei buth) (kap) (kansil·d speises) Cell (sel) Louver (luver) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 19 cem-chi Cemento hidráulico Cenizas Centro comercial Construccionario Hydraulic cement (jaidrolik simént) Cinder (sender) Mall (mal) Cepa Trench Cerca Fence Cercha Cercha de madera Cerradura (trench) (fens) Truss (tras) Wood truss (wud tras) Lock (lak) Cerrajería de emergencia Panic hardware Cerramiento Enclosure Cerrojo Latch (pánec járduer) (encloshiur) (latch) Lock (lak) Certificado de uso Certificate of occupancy Césped Lawn Chapa Sheet Chapa metálica Chapopote Chimenea (certéfekeit av ákiupency) (lahn) (shiyt) Sheet metal (shiyt métal) Tar (tar) Chimney (chemni) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 20 Construccionario chi-cla Chimenea de mampostería Masonry chimney Chimenea prefabricada Factory-built chimney/fireplace (meisonri chemni) (facteri-belt chemni/fáierpleis) Pre-fab chimney/fireplace (pri-fab chemni/fáierpleis) Cielorraso Ceiling (siling) Cielorraso suspendido Suspended ceiling Cierre de tiro Draft stop Cimiento, Cimentación (sespénded siling) (draft stap) Foundation (faundeyshwn) Footing (futing) Cincho Strap Circuito Circuit Circuito a tierra Ground fault circuit Cisterna Cistern Claraboya Skylight Claro Span (strap) (serkuit) (graund falt serkuit) (sestern) (skailait) (span) Clear span (kliyr span) Claro de puerta Clasificación Doorway (dorwey) Rating (reiting) Occupancy (ákiupency) Clavado Spiked (spaikt) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 21 cla-cob Clave Clavija Clavo Clavo afilado Clavo anular Clavo con fuste corrugado Construccionario Keystone (ki-stoun) Plug (plag) Nail (neil) Barbed nail (barb·d neil) Annular grooved nail (aniuler gruv·d neil) Ring shank nail (ring sheink neil) Clavo de cabeza grande plana Box nail Clavo de cabeza perdida Casing nail Clavo largo especial para madera Spike Clavo oblicuo Toenail Clavo para madera Clavo sin cabeza Cloaca Cloruro de calcio Cobre Cobre estirado en frío Cobre forjado (bax neil) (keising neil) (spaik) (touneil) Box nail (bax neil) Finishing nail (feneshing neil) Sewer (súer) Calcium chloride (calsiam cloraid) Copper (kaper) Hard drawn copper (hard dran kaper) Wrought copper (wrat kaper) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 22 Construccionario Coche de ascensor Cochera Cociente, Coeficiente coc-com Elevator car (eleveitor kar) Garage (garádsh) Ratio (reishio) Código Code Código Uniforme Uniform Code Colada de mortero de cemento Colar Colada Colector de grasas Colgadero (coud) (iuneform coud) Grout pour (graut pour) Pour/Cast concrete (pour/kast kankrit) Lift (left) Grease trap (gris trap) Hanger (jang·r) Hanging (janguing) Columna Column Columna hidrante Standpipe (kálemn) (stand-paip) Combinación de cargasLoad combination (loud kambeneishwn) Combustible Fuel Combustión Burning Comerciable Marketable Compensar (fiul) (barning) (márketab·l) To offset (tu afset) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 23 com-con Comportamiento Compresor Compuerta Con clavos ocultos Con clavos sumidos Concreto Construccionario Performance (perfórmans) Air compresssor (er camprésor) Hatch (jatch) Blind nailed (blaind neild) Nailing, face (neiling feiz) Concrete (kankrit) Condominio residencial Condominium (kandomenium) Conducto Duct (dakt) Conduit (kanduit) Conducto de humo Conducto eléctrico Conducto principal de gas Conducto portacables flexible Conductor Conductos de humo Passageway (chimney) [pásedshwey (chemni)] Raceway (reiswey) Gas main (gas mein) Flex conduit (flex kanduit) Conductor (kandact·r) Flue (flu) Conector Connector Conector con tornillo Screw connector Conector de alambre Wire connector (kanéct·r) (scru kanéct·r) (waier kanéct·r) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 24 Construccionario con Conector de chimenea Chimney connector Conexión Connection (chemni kanéct·r) (kanécshwn) Linkage (lenkedsh) Fitting (feting) Conexión a tierra Conexión cruzada Conexión para bomberos Construcción a dos aguas Ground connection (graund kanécshwn) Cross connection (kras kanécshwn) Fire department connection (fáier d·partment kanécshwn) Gable construction (geib·l kanstrakshwn) Construcción apuntalada/ no apuntalada Shored/Unshored construction Constructor Contractor Contaminación Contamination Contención Containment Contracción Shrinkage Contrachapa de escurrimiento Counterflashing Contrachapar Interlay Contracorriente Backwater Contraflujo Backflow (shord/anshord kanstrakshwn) (kántrakt·r) (kantameneishwn) (kanteinment) (shrinkedsh) (kauner-flashing) (enterley) (bakwater) (bakflou) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 25 con-cor Contragrano Construccionario Cross-grain (kras-grein) Contrahuella Riser Contrapiso Subfloor Contrapresión Backpressure Contrasifonaje Backsiphonage Contratista Contractor Copla Cordón Cornisa Cornisa inclinada Corona (grapas) Corrediza Corredor de servicio Corrimiento Corrosivo Cortacircuito Corte (de una casa) (rais·r) (sabflor) (bakpreshwr) (baksaifonedsh) (kantrakt·r) Coupling (kapling) Curb (kerb) Cornice (córnes) Gable rake (geib·l reik) Crown (kraun) Sliding (slaiding) Service corridor (serves kórridor) Displacement (despleisment) Corrosive (corósev) Circuit breaker (serkuit breik·r) Section (sécshwn) Cortina Curtain Cortina antihumo Smoke curtain (kert·n) (smouk kert·n) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 26 Construccionario Cortinajes Costilla Cremallera cor-cua Hangings (janguings) Rib (reb) Rack (rak) Rail (reil) Cresta Criterios de carga Cronograma de construcción Croquis Cuadro Ridge (redsh) Loading criteria (louding craiteria) Construction schedule (CPM) (kanstrakshwn skédyul) Lay out (lei-aut) Table (teib·l) Cuadro de cortacircuito Circuit breaker panel Cuadro de cubierta de techo Roofing square Cuarto Cuarto de almacenamiento Cuarto de azotea Cuarto de baño Cuarto de calderas Cuarto de huéspedes (serkuit breik·r pán·l) (rufing skuér) Room (rum) Storage room (stóredsh rum) Penthouse (pent-jaus) Bathroom (bath·rum) Boiler room (boiler rum) Guest room (guest rum) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 27 cua-cub Cuarto interior Cuarto de regadera Cuarto intermedios Cubierta Construccionario Interior room (enterior rum) Shower stall (shauer stal) Intervening room (entervining rum) Decking (deking) Deck (dek) Casing (keising) Canopy (kánapy) Cover (kaver) Shell (shel) Cubierta de acceso Cubierta de azotea/techo Access covering (ákses kavering) Roof covering (ruf kavering) Roof deck (ruf deck) Cubierta de hormigón/concreto Cubierta de techo compuesta Cubierta de techo de asfalto Cubierta metálica para techos Cubrejuntas Concrete cover (kankrit kaver) Built-up roofing (belt ap rufing) Built-up roof covering (belt ap ruf kavering) Metal roof covering (métal ruf kavering) Flashing (flashing) Batten (bat·n) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 28 Construccionario Cuerpo/Departamento de bomberos Cuezo Cumbrera cue-cur Fire department (fáier d·partment) Hod (jad) Coping (kouping) Ridge (redsh) Ridge cap (redsh cap) Ridgepole (redshpoul) Cuña Wedge (uedsh) Quoin (kuoin) Cuota Curado con humedad Quota (cuota) Moist curing (moist kiuring) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 29 D Dañino De bucles De centro a centro Declive Hazardous (jáserdes) Tufted (taft·d) On center (an cent·r) Incline (inclayn) Delantal Apron Densidad de humo Smoke density Departamento/Cuerpo de bomberos (éipron) (smouk dénsety) Fire department (fáier d·pártment) Departamento de obras/ de construcción/ de edificación Building department (belding d·pártment) Depósito Storeroom (stor rum) Storage room (stóredsh rum) Derivación Bypass Desagüe Drain (báipas) (drein) Drainage (dréinedsh) Desagüe de área/patio Area drain (erea drein) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 30 Construccionario Desagüe de techo Desagüe pluvial des Roof drain (ruf drein) Storm drain (storm drein) Desagüe (sanitario) de la edificación/ del edificio Building drain Desahogar To vent Descanso de ascensores o de escaleras Landing Descarga Descartar Descongelación Desempeño Desenganchador Desenganchar Desperdicios Despiece Desplazamiento (belding drein) (tu vent) (landing) Release (rilís) To waive (tu weiv) Thawing (tha·ing) Performance (perfórmans) Release (rilís) To release (tu rilís) Waste (weist) Detailing (diteiling) Offset (áfset) Drift (dreft) Displacement (despleisment) Destino Occupancy (ákiupency) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 31 des-dis Construccionario Desviación Offset Desvío Bypass (áfset) (báipas) Offset (áfset) Detector de humo Deterioro Determinar las dimensiones Smoke detector (smouk ditect·r) Dilapidation (dilapedeishwn) To proportion (tu proporshwn) Dibujante Draftsman Dibujos Working drawings Dimensionado Dimensionar Dintel (de la puerta) (drafts-man) (warking dráings) Proportioned (proporshwn·d) To proportion (tu proporshwn) Lintel (lentel) Header (door frame) [jeder (dor freim)] Director de obras Building official (belding afesh·l) Code official (coud afesh·l) Discapacidad Disability (desabeleti) Handicap (jandicap) Discapacitado Handicapped Diseño Lay out Diseñador Designer (jandicapt) (lei-aut) (disainer) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 32 Construccionario Dispensadores de papel Disposición dis-duc Paper dispensers (peiper despensers) Provision (proveshwn) Proviso (provaiso) Dispositivo Dispositivo adaptador Device (divais) Adapter fitting (adápter feting) Dispositivo autocerrante/ de cierre automático/ mecanizado/ Self-closing device (self-clóusing divais) Automatic closing device (atomátic clóusing divais) Dispositivo de traba División Documentación de obra/ingeniería Latching device (laching divais) Partition (partéshwn) Building documentation (belding dakiumenteishwn) Dormitorio Bedroom Dormitorio estudiantil Dormitory Drenaje Drainage Ducha Shower stall Ducto Ducto de basura Ducto de lencería (bedrum) (dormetory) (dréinedsh) (shauer stal) Chute (shut) Chute, rubbish (shut, rabesh) Chute, linen (shut, lainen) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 33 due-dur Duela de madera Durmientes Construccionario Wood shakes (wud sheiks) Sleepers (slipers) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 34 E Ebanista Cabinetmaker (kabenet-meiker) Woodworker (wud-warker) Edificaciones esenciales Edificación, Edificio Edificaciones inseguras Edificación separada Edificio de apartamentos/ departamantos Edificio de gran altura Electricidad Electricista Electrodo Electrodoméstico Elementos de madera Essential facilities (isénshal faséletis) Building (belding) Unsafe buildings (anseif beldings) Detached building (ditachd belding) Apartment house (apartment jaus) High rise building (jai rais belding) Electricity (ilektrécity) Electrician (ilektreshwn) Welding rod (uelding rad) Appliance (appláiyans) Wood members (wud membr·s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 35 ele-enc Elevador Eliminación Empalme Construccionario Elevator (eleveitor) Removal (rimuval) Junction (dyankshwn) Splice (splais) Empalme de compresión Empanelado Empaque Compression coupling (kampreshwn kapling) Paneling (páneling) Gasket (gasket) Empaque de cera Wax seal Empotrados Embedded Empotradura Embedment Empotramiento Bedding Encerrado Enclosed Encerrar Enchufe (uax siyl) (embeded) (embedment) (beding) (enclousd) To enclose (tu enclous) Electrical outlet (electrical aut-let) Plug (plag) Enchufe para estufa/cocina Enclavamiento Encofrado Range power outlet (reindsh pauer aut-let) Interlocking (enerlaking) Formwork (form-wark) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 36 Construccionario enc-ent Encofrados Forms (concrete) Encogimiento Shrinkage Encristalado Glazed [forms (kankrit)] (shrinkedsh) (gleis·d) Glazing (gleising) Enjarre Plaster Enjuta Spandrel Enlace Link (plast·r) (spandr·l) (lenk) Linkage (lenkedsh) Enlucido Plaster (plast·r) Plastering (plastering) Stucco (stakko) Putty coat (paty cout) Enrasado Furred out (ferd aut) Furring (fering) Ensayo Test Entablado Sheathing Entablonado (test) (shiything) Planking (plenking) Entarimado de tejado Roof sheeting Entrada Doorway Entramado de madera Wood framing (ruf shiyting) (dorwey) (wud fréiming) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 37 ent-esp Construccionario Entrelazados Intertied Entrepiso Attic Entubado (entertaid) (atik) Casing (keising) Enyesar To plaster Equiviscosa Equiviscous Escalera (tu plast·r) (ekuivescas) Stairway (sterwey) Stairs (sters) Escalera de mano Ladder Escalera mecánica Escalator Escalera privada Escaleras circulares Escaleras de caracol (lader) (escaleit·r) Private stairway (praivet sterwey) Circular stairs (serculer sters) Spiral stairs (spair·l sters) Escalones Steps Escape Exhaust Escombro Rubble Escopio Chisel wood Escorias Slags Esfuerzo Stress Espacio angosto (steps) (exast) (rab·l) (ches·l wud) (slags) (stres) Crawl space (kral speis) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 38 Construccionario esp-est Espacio habitable Habitable space Espacio libre Clearance Espacio vacío Void space Espacios ocultos (jabetab·l speis) (kliyrens) (void speis) Concealed spaces (kansil·d speises) Espesor Thickness Espiga Spigot Espirales Espuma de plástico (theknes) (spegat) Spirals (spair·ls) Plastic foam (plastek foum) Estancamiento de agua Ponding (panding) Pooling (puling) Estante Pallet (palet) Rack (rak) Esterilizador Estipulación Sterilizer (sterelaiser) Provision (proveshwn) Proviso (provaiso) Estrados Estribo para vigueta Estribos Estructura Stands (stands) Joist hanger (dyoist jang·r) Stirrups (steraps) Frame (fréim) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 39 est-exp Construccionario Structure (straktiur) Structural Frame (straktiural fréim) Framing (fréiming) Estructura armada Framed structure Estructura arriostrada Braced frame Estructura de gunita/ hormigón proyectado Shotcrete structure Estructura en/de acero Estructura en/de madera (fréimd straktiur) (breist fréim) (shatkrit strak-tiur) Steel framing (stiyl fréiming) Wood framing (wud fréiming) Estructura de muro/pared Wall frame Estuco Stucco Estufa (wal fréim) (stakko) Stove (stouv) Heater (jiter) Etiqueta Evacuar Excavar Excusado Expansión Tag (tag) To vent (tu vent) Dig (deg) Toilet (tóilet) Swelling (suéling) Addition (adeshwn) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 40 Construccionario Exposición a la intemperie Extinguidor, Extintor exp-ext Exposure (expóshiur) Fire extinguisher (fáier extingüisher) Extracción Exhaust Extremidades Limbs Extremos cerrados Dead end Extruído (exast) (lembs) (ded end) Drawn (dran) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 41 F Fachada Façade (fazád) Falso plafón Suspended ceiling Fibra transversal Cross-grain Fibroso afieltrado Fibrous-felted Fieltro Felt Fijadores (sespénded siling) (kras grein) (fáibres félted) (felt) Restraints (ristréints) Fila Row Flanco Curb Fleje Flejes Flexión Flotador Fluorescente Foco Foco industrial (rou) (kerb) Strap (strap) Strapping (straping) Bending (bending) Ball cock (bal kak) Fluorescent (floresent) Lightbulb (lait-bulb) Floodlight (flad-lait) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 42 Construccionario Fogón Forjados Formón Forro Franja de tableros Fraguado/ endurecimiento rápido Fregadero Fregadero de cocina Frigorífico Friso fog-fus Firebox (fáierbax) Plastering (plastering) Chisel wood (ches·l wud) Bushing (Bushin) Panel zone (pán·l soun) Quick setting (kuek settin) Sink (senk) Kitchen sink (kétchen senk) Walk-in cooler (wak-en kuler) Wainscot (wéinscat) Fuente de alimentación Power supply (pauer suplai) Fuerza de estiramiento Función Jacking force (dyaking fors) Occupancy (ákiupency) Fundación Foundation Fundente para soldar Brazing flux (faundéyshwn) (breysing flax) Welding flux (welding flax) Fusible Fusible de bayoneta Fuse (fius) Knife-blade cartridge fuse (naif-bleid kartredsh fius) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 43 fus Fusible de cartucho Fusible de rosca Construccionario Cartridge fuse (kartredsh fius) Plug fuse (plag fius) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 44 G Gabinete Cabinet (kabenet) Gancho Hanger Garaje Garage Gas, conducto/ cañería principal Gases Generador Gerente Gotera Gradas, Graderías (jang·r) (garádsh) Gas main (gas mein) Fumes (fiúms) Generator (dyenereitor) Manager (manedyer) Gutter (garer) Bleachers (blíchers) Grandstands (grandstands) Stands (stands) Grava Grieta Grifo Gravel (grav·l) Crack (kracs) Spigot (spegat) Faucet (facet) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 45 gri-gun Grifo de cierre automático Grifo de manguera Grosor Grueso Guardaesquinas Guarnición Gunita Construccionario Self-closing faucet (self-clóusing facet) Sill cock (sel kak) Depth (depth) Coarse (cors) Cornerite (korneráit) Curb (kerb) Gunite (ganáit) Shotcrete (shatkrit) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 46 H Habitación Bedroom (bedrum) Dwelling (dueling) Hacha Hastial Haya Hecho en fábrica Axe (ax) Gable (geyb·l) Beech (bich) Factory made (facteri meid) Hermético Tightfitting Herrajes antipánico/ de emergencia Panic hardware Herramienta Higiene Higiene y seguridad en la construcción Hilada Hilera (tait feting) (pánec járduer) Tool (tul) Sanitation (sanetéishwn) Construction Health and Safety (kanstrakshwn jelth and seifty) Wythe (uayth) Tier (ti·r) Aisle (aiel) Hogar Fireplace (fáierpleis) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 47 hog-hoy Hogar de mampostería Hogar prefabricado Construccionario Masonry fireplace (meisnri fáierpleis) Factory-built fireplace (facteri-belt fáierpleis) Pre-fab fireplace (pri-fab fáierpleis) Horario Hormigón Hormigón de yeso Hormigón liviano Hormigón postensado Schedule (skédyul) Concrete (kankrit) Gypsum concrete (dyepsam kankrit) Lightweight concrete (lait-weit kankrit) Posttensioned concrete (postenshwnd kankrit) Hormigón preesforzado/ precargado/pretensado/ precomprimido/ prefatigado/ Prestressed concrete (pristresd kankrit) Hormigón premezclado Ready-mixed concrete (redi-mixt kankrit) Hormigón premoldeado Precast concrete (prikast kankrit) Hormigón proyectado Hormigón reforzado Hormigonada Hormigón simple estructural Hospedaje Hoyo Shotcrete (shatkrit) Reinforced concrete (ri-enforst kankrit) Lift (left) Structural plain concrete (stráktiural plein kankrit) Lodging house (ládshing jaus) Hole (joul) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 48 Construccionario Huella hue-hum Tread (tred) Step (step) Huésped Guest Hulla Coal Humo (guest) (kol) Smoke (smóuk) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 49 I Iluminación industrial Floodlight (flad-lait) Impermeabilización Waterproofing Impermeables al humo Smoke tight Imprimado Primed Imprimador Primer Impulsado Inclinación Incluir Incrustado Indicador Inflamabilidad Inflamable Informes Ingeniero Inodoro (waterprufing) (smouk tait) (praim·d) (praimer) Driven (dréven) Incline (enclayn) Encompass (enkampas) Embedded (embeded) Gauge/Gage (instrument) (gueidsh) Flammability (flamabeleti) Flammable (flamab·l) Reports (repórts) Engineer (endyenir) Toilet (toilet) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 50 Construccionario inq-int Water closet (water klaset) Inquilino Tenant (ténent) Inspector (de obras/ construcción) Inspector Instalación Facility Instalación en obra negra o gruesa Instalaciones esenciales (enspéctor) (fasélety) Rough-in (raf-en) Essential facilities (isénshal faséletis) Instalaciones hidráulicas y sanitarias Plumbing (plaming) Instalaciones hidrosanitarias Plumbing Integridad estructural Structural integrity Intemperización Weathering Interceptor de grasas Grease interceptor Interruptor Switch Interruptor automático Circuit breaker Interruptor automático bipolar Double pole breaker Interruptor automático principal Main breaker Interruptor automático unipolar Single pole breaker (plaming) (straktiural entégrety) (wedering) (gris enersept·r) (swetch) (serkuit breik·r) (dob·l poul breik·r) (mein breik·r) (sing·l poul breik·r) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 51 int Construccionario Interruptor de circuito Circuit breaker Interruptor fusible de seguridad a tierra Ground fault circuit Interruptor de vacío Vacuum breaker (serkuit breik·r) (graund falt serkuit) (vákium breik·r) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 52 J Jácena Jácena exterior Jaharro Girder (guerder) Spandrel (spandr·l) Plaster (plast·r) Plastering (plastering) Jamba Jefe de obras Jamb (door frame) [dyamb (dor freim)] Building official (belding afesh·l) Code official (coud afesh·l) Junta Joint (dyoint) Union (yúnion) Overlap (overlap) Splice (splais) Gasket (gasket) Junta a tope Junta de aislamiento Junta de collar Junta de construcción Butt joint (but dyoint) Isolation joint (aisoleishwn dyoint) Collar joint (kal·r dyoint) Construction joint (kanstrakshwn dyoint) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 53 jun Junta de contracción Junta de control Junta de cubrejunta Junta de dilatación/ expansión Junta horizontal Junta movediza Junta vertical Construccionario Contraction joint (kantrákshwn dyoint) Control joint (kantról dyoint) Butt joint (but dyoint) Expansion joint (expánshwn dyoint) Bed joint (bed dyoint) Slip joint (slep dyoint) Head joint (jed dyoint) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 54 L Ladera Ladrillo Ladrillo cerámico Ladrillo de fuego Ladrillo para frentes Ladrillo de vidrio Lámina, Laminado Incline (enclayn) Brick (brek) masonry tile (meisnry tail) Firebrick (fáierbrek) Facing brick (feising brek) Glass brick (glas brek) Sheeting (shiyting) Sheet metal (shiyt métal) Lámina de cobre Sheet copper Laminadora Mill Lámpara Larguero central Larguero (shiyt kaper) (mel) Flashlight (flash-lait) Mullion (door) [malion (dor)] Runner (raner) Stringer (stringuer) Latón Lavabo Brass (bras) Sink (senk) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 55 lav-liq Lavadora y secadora Lazadas Lazo Construccionario Washer and Dryer (washr and draier) Loop (lup) Hoop (jup) Lechada Laitance Lechada de cemento Grout Levantamiento Lift Levantamiento (por viento) Liberación Ligadura Lima (hoya/tesa) Lindero Linea Línea de centro Linea de gis/de marcar Línea de propiedad Línea media Líquido combustible Líquido inflamable (leit·ns) (graut) (left) Uplift (apleft) Release (rilís) Tie (tai) Hip (jep) Property line (práperti lain) Line (lain) Center line (cent·r lain) Chalk line (chak lain) Property line (práperti lain) Center line (cent·r lain) Combustible liquid (kambústeb·l lékuid) Flammable liquid (fleim·bl lékuid) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 56 Construccionario Listón lis-los Strip (strep) Lath (lath) Listón de enrasado Listón para clavar Listón travesaño Furring strip (farring strep) Nailing strip (neiling strep) Batten (bat·n) Listón yesero Gypsum lath Llave Faucet (dyepsam lath) (facet) Spigot (spegat) Llave de alivio Llave de contraflujo Llave de flotador Llave de flujo Llave de mezcla Relief valve (relif valv) Check valve (check valv) Ball cock (bal kak) Ball valve (bal valv) Mixing valve (mexing valv) Llave de paso Gate valve Lobby Lobby Local Lona Losa Loseta (geit valv) (labi) Premises (prémeses) Tarp (tarp) Slab (slab) Floor tile (flor tail) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 57 lot-luz Construccionario Small slab (smal slab) Lote Lot (lat) Lift (left) Lugar de la obra/en la obra Site (sait) Jobsite (dyab-sait) Luz Span Luz libre Clear span (span) (kliyr span) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 58 M Machihembrado Madera aglomerada Tongue and groove (tang and gruv) Particleboard (pártec·l bord) Madera clasificada/ elaborada Graded lumber Madera contrachapada Plywood (greided lamb·r) (plai·wud) Madera de construcción Timber (temb·r) Lumber (lamb·r) Madera de secoya Madera estacionada Madera prensada Madera tratada Maderos Redwood (redwud) Seasoned wood (sisand wud) Plywood (plai·wud) Treated wood (tríted wud) Timber (temb·r) Maderos aserrados Sawn timber Maderos estructurales Heavy timber Malla de alambre Malla de enlucir (sahn temb·r) (jevy temb·r) Wire fabric (waier fabric) Lath (lath) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 59 mam-mar Construccionario Mampara Bulkhead Mampara de ducha Shower door Mampostería Mampostería reforzada Manchón de manguito (balkjed) (shawer dor) Masonry (meisnry) Reinforced masonry (ri-enforst meisnry) Compression coupling (kampreshwn kapling) Manga Sleeve Mango Handle Manguera Hose Manguito Coupling (sliv) (jand·l) (jous) (kapling) Sleeve (sliv) Bushing (Bushin) Manija Handle (jand·l) Manipulación Handling Manipular Handle Mano de obra Manómetro Mansarda Marco Marco de puerta (jandling) (jand·l) Workmanship (warkmanshep) Gauge/Gage (instrument) (gueidsh) Mansard roof (mansard ruf) Frame (fréim) Door frame (dor fréim) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 60 Construccionario Marco de ventana Marquesina Masillado, Masillar Mástil metálico Mastique Mastique de cal mar-med Window frame (wendou fréim) Marquee (markí) Caulking (ka·king) Metal flagpole (métal flag-poul) Mastic (mastik) Lime putty (laim paty) Matafuegos Fire extinguisher Material altamente tóxico Highly toxic material Material de revestimiento Wainscoting Material para pisos Flooring Material peligroso Hazardous material (fáier exténgüisher) (jai·ly taxek matérial) (weinscating) (floring) (jaserdes matérial) Materiales no abrasivos/ abrasivos Nonabrasive/abrasive materials (nanabreisef/abreisef matérials) Materiales no combustibles Materiales resistentes a la corrosión Matriz Noncombustible materials (nankambústeb·l matérials) Corrosion-resistant materials (karroshwn-riséstent matérial) Main (mein) Mediera Fence Medidor Meter (fens) (miter) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 61 med-mon Construccionario Medios de salida Means of egress Memoria volátil Volatile memory Mezcla Mortar Mezcla aditiva Admixture Mezcladora Mixer Miembros Limbs (mins av igrés) (volatail mem·ry) (mort·r) (admextiur) (mexer) (lembs) Members (membr·s) Mingitorio Urinal (yúrinal) Minusválido Handicapped Modificar Alter Modificación (jándicapt) (alter) Alteration (altereishwn) Mojinete Coping Moldura Molding (kouping) (molding) Trim (trem) Montacargas Forklift (forkleft) Dumbwaiter (dam-weiter) Montaje Assembly (asembly) Installation (enstaléishwn) Mounting (maunting) Montante Stud (stad) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 62 Construccionario mon-mur Gable stud (geib·l stad) Montante de acero Montaplatos Steel stud (stiyl stad) Dumbwaiter (dam-weiter) Morsa Vise Mortero Mortar Mortero de cemento Grout (vais) (mort·r) (graut) Mueble de combinación Combination fixture (kambenéishwn fextiur) Mueble sanitario Plumbing appliance Muesca Rabbet (plaming appláiyans) (rabet) Chase (cheis) Muro Wall (wal) Muro cortante/de corte Shear wall Muro con montantes Stud wall Muro de carga Muro de contención /retención Muro de fundación (shir wal) (stad wal) Bearing wall (bering wal) Retaining wall (reteining wal) Foundation wall (faundéishwn wal) Muro de parapeto Parapet wall Muro de retención en voladizo Cantilever retaining wall (parapet wal) (kanteliver ritéining wal) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 63 mur Muro de relleno Muro doble Muro en seco Muro exterior Muro hueco Muro no portante Muro portante Muro portante con montante Muro subterráneo Muro revestido Muro sismorresistente Muros rajados Construccionario Spandrel (spandr·l) Wythe (waith) Dry wall (dray wal) Exterior wall (extírior wal) Cavity wall (káveti wal) Nonbearing wall (nanbering wal) Bearing wall (béring wal) Stud bearing wall (stad béring wal) Below-grade wall (biló-greid wal) Faced wall (feist wal) Shear wall (shir wal) Cracked walls (kract wals) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 64 N Nivel (de terreno) Level (lev·l) Floor (flor) Grade (greid) Nivel de inundación Flood level rim Nivel de piso Floor (flad lev·l rem) (flor) Nivel de piso terminado Finished floor level (féneshd flor lev·l) Nivelación Grading Nivelación de terreno Grading Nocivo Hazardous No tejido Número de ocupantes (greiding) (greiding) (jásardes) Nonwoven (nan uov·n) Occupant load (ákiupant loud) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 65 O Obra Work (wark) Field (fiyld) Obra negra Obra de construcción Oficial de códigos Rough in (raf en) Building site (belding sait) Code official (coud afesh·l) Ojal Grommet Oleaje de las mareas Tidal surge Oxidantes (gramet) (taid·l serdsh) Oxidizers (axedais·rs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 66 P Palco de prensa Press box Pandeo Buckling (pres bax) (bakling) Crippling (crepling) Panel Board Panel acústico Acoustical tile Panel de yeso (bord) (acústecal tail) Gypsum board (dyepsam bord) Gypsum wallboard (dyepsam walbord) Paneles colocados Papel de brea Papel Kraft Parante Parcela Lay-in panels (ley-en pán·ls) Tar paper (tar peiper) Kraft paper (kraft peiper) Stud (stad) Property (práperti) Parcel (párcel) Pared Pared exterior Pared de barrotes Wall (wal) Exterior wall (extirior wal) Stud wall (stad wal) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 67 par-ped Paredes rajadas Parrilla Partidas Pasador Construccionario Cracked walls (kract wals) Barbecue (barbekiú) Cracks (kracs) Pin (pen) Drift pin (dreft pen) Dowel pin (dauel pen) Pasamanos Handrail Pasillo Passageway (jándreil) (pásedshwey) Hallway (jálwey) Aisle (aiel) Paso Run (ran) Bypass (báipas) Pasta de muro Joint compound (dyoint kampaund) Taping compound (teiping kampaund) Pasto Patín Patio externo Patio interno Pavimento Pedestales Lawn (lon) Flange (fleindsh) Yard (yard) Court (court) Pavement (peivment) Sills (sels) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 68 Construccionario Pegamento peg-pie Glue (glu) Peldaños Steps Peligro Hazard Peligros especiales Peligroso Pendiente (steps) (jáserd) Special hazards (speshal jáserds) Hazardous (jáserdes) Slope (sloup) Incline (enclain) Peralte Perforación Perjuicio Perlita Riser (rais·r) Drilling (dreling) Nuisance (niusens) Perlite (perlait) Permiso (de construcción) Permit Perno Bolt Perno de anclaje Anchor bolt Perno de acción rápida (pérmet) (bolt) (éinker bolt) Quick actinging bolt (kuek actin botl) Perno de expansión Expansion bolt Perno de seguridad Lock bolt Piedra Rock (expánshwn bolt) (lak bolt) (rak) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 69 pie-pis Construccionario Stone (stoun) Piedra angular Quoin Piedra arenisca Sandstone Piedra de sillar Piedra moldeada Pieza de inflexión Pieza de refuerzo Pieza de unión Pieza en S Pila (kuoin) (sandstoun) Cast stone (kast stoun) Cast stone (kast stoun) Offset (áfset) Stiffener (stefener) Binder (baind·r) Offset (áfset) Battery (batery) Pileta Swimming pool Pileta de cocina Kitchen sink Pilotes Piles Pilotes sin encamisar/ sin camisa (sweming pul) (kétchen senk) (pails) Uncased concrete piles (ankéist kankrit pails) Pincel Brush Pintor Painter Piscina Swimming pool Piso (brash) (peinter) (sweming pul) Floor (flor) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 70 Construccionario pis-pla Story (story) Piso blando Piso cerámico Piso enlistonado de madera Soft story (saft story) Ceramic floor (siramek flor) Wood strip flooring (wud strep floring) Piso flexible Soft story Placa Plate Placa de base Placa de cartela Placa de datos/ características (saft story) (pleit) Sole plate (soul pleit) Gusset plate (gueset pleit) Nameplate (neim pleit) Placa de fábrica Nameplate Placa de pared Wall face Placa de refuerzo Doubler plate Placa de solera Placa de solera de fundación Placa de unión Placa del interruptor Placa plegada (neim pleit) (wal feis) (dabler pleit) Sill plate (sel pleit) Foundation sill plate (faundéishwn sel pleit) Gusset plate (gueset pleit) Switch plate (swetch pleit) Folded plate (folded pleit) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 71 pla Plafón de yeso Plan de avance de la obra Plancha Plancha de blindaje Construccionario Gypsum board (dyepsam bord) Construction schedule (CPM) (kanstrakshwn skédyul) Sheet (shiyt) Shield plate (shild pleit) Plancha de escurrimiento Flashing Plancha de yeso Gypsum board (flashing) (dyepsam bord) Gypsum wallboard (dyepsam walbord) Wallboard (walbord) Planchas de empalme Planchuela de perno Planos Splice plates (splais pleits) Washer (washr) Design drawings (disáin draings) Working drawings (warking dráings) Planos de ejecución Planta Shop drawings (shap draings) Floor (flor) Story (story) Floor level (flor lev·l) Plant (plant) Planta baja Ground level Planta central de calefacción Central heating plant (graund lev·l) (céntral jiting plant) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 72 Construccionario pla-poz Plantillas Templates Plataforma Floor deck Plataforma de carga Pallet Plataforma metálica Metal deck Pleno Pliego Plomada Plomería (témpleits) (flor dek) (palet) (métal dek) Plenum (plén·m) Sheet (shiyt) Plumb bob (plam bab) Plumbing (plaming) Plomero Plumber Polución Pollution Portal Portante Portátil Pórtico (plam·r) (palushwn) Doorway (dorwey) Bearing (béring) Portable (portab·l) Frame (fréim) Pórtico arriostrado Braced frame Postes Poles (breist fréim) (pouls) Posts (pousts) Pozo Well Pozo de agua Water well (wel) (water wel) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 73 poz-pro Pozo de confluencia/ de entrada Pozo excavado Pozo hincado Pozo perforado Pozo taladrado Prefabricado Construccionario Manhole (man-jol) Dug well (dag wel) Driven well (drev·n wel) Bored well (bor·d wel) Drilled well (drel·d wel) Factory-built (facteri-belt) Presion Pressure Pretil Parapet (preshwr) (párapet) Concrete (stone/brick) railing [kankrít (stoun/brek) reiling] Primer piso First story (ferst story) First floor (ferst flor) Principal Main (mein) Privado Private Propiedad Property Proporción Rate (práivet) (práperti) (reit) Proportion (propórshwn) Protección al público Protección contra la humedad Public safety (páblec seifty) Dampproofing (damp-prufing) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 74 Construccionario pro-pun Provisional Temporary Prueba en obra Field test Puerta Door Puerta con bisagras laterales Side-hinged door Puerta/ventana deslizante/corrediza Sliding door/window Puerta de salida Puerta giratoria Puerta pivotante Puertas mecánicas Puntal Puntales (temporéry) (fiyld test) (dor) (said-jendsht dor) (slaiding dor/wendou) Exit door (éxet dor) Revolving door (rivalving dor) Swinging door (swinging dor) Power doors (pauer dor) Strut (strat) Shores (shors) Shoring (shoring) Puntales de refuerzo Reshores (rishors) Bridging (bredying) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 75 Q Quebrada Ditch (detch) Ravine (ravin) Gulch (galch) Quebradizo Brittle (bret·l) Querosén, Querosín Kerosene Quicio, Quicial Jamb (door frame) Quiosco (kerosin) [dyamb (dor freim)] Kiosk (kiosk) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 76 R Rajaduras Cracking Ramal Branch Ramal lateral Lateral pipe Ranura Rabbet (craking) (branch) (láteral paip) (rabet) Groove (gruv) Mortise (mórtis) Ranurado Riffled (ref·ld) Rasante Grade (ground elevation) Rascacielos Skyscraper Razón Rate [greid (graund elevieshwn)] (skai-scréiper) (reit) Ratio (reishio) Rebajo a media madera Shiplap (sheplap) Recámara Bedroom Recinto Shaft Recinto de ascensor Elevator shaft Recinto de escaleras (bedrum) (shaft) (eleveitor shaft) Stairwells (sterwels) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 77 rec-rej Construccionario Enclosed stairway (enclost sterwey) Recinto de ventilación Vent shaft Recipiente Vessel Recojegotas Weep screed Recubrimiento Cover (vent shaft) (vesel) (wip skrid) (kaver) Lining (laining) Reducción Shrinkage Reformatorio Reformatory Refuerzo Reinforcement (shrinkedsh) (refórmatory) (rinfórsment) Stiffener (stefener) Regadera Showerhead (shauer-jed) Shower stall (shauer stal) Región Registro Regleta Regulador Region (ridsh·n) Cleanout (klinaut) Reglet (reglet) Damper (damper) Regulator (regiuleitor) Reja, Rejilla Rejilla (pared/techo) Grille (gril) Register (wall/ceiling) [redyister (wal/siling)] ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 78 Construccionario Rejilla de piso Relación rej-rep Baseboard register (béisbord redyister) Ratio (reishio) Rate (reit) Rellenado Relleno Relleno sin consolidar Remache Filled (feld) Backfill (bakfel) Unbalanced fill (anbalansd fel) Rivet (revet) Remanso Backwater Remate de borde Return lip Remoción Removal (bakwater) (riturn lep) (remuv·l) Abatement (abeitment) Remonte Remover Rendimiento Renunciar a un derecho Reparación, Reparo Uplift (ápleft) Abate (abeit) Performance (perfórmans) To waive (tu weiv) Repair (ripér) Overhaul (over-jául) Repello Repisa Plastering (plastering) Apron (éipran) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 79 rep-res Construccionario Shelf (shelf) Repisa de ventana Window sill (wendou sel) Reportes Reports (riports) Resaltar Set out (set aut) Residencia Dwelling (dueling) Residence (resedens) Mansion (manshwn) Residencia comunitaria Congregate residence Residencias para estudiantes Dormitory Resistir To support Resistente a la corrosión (kangregueit resedens) (dormetory) (tu saport) Corrosion-resistant (karroshwn riséstent) Resorte Spring Respaldo Backing Respiradero Vent Respiradero con codo de 180 grados (spreng) (baking) (vent) Return bend vent pipe (riturn bend vent paip) Respiradero de bajante Stack vent (stack vent) Respiradero de sumidero Sump vent (samp vent) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 80 Construccionario res-rev Respiradero en circuito Circuit vent (serkuit vent) Respiradero matriz Main vent (mein vent) Respiradero vertical Vent stack Resquicio Undercut Resumidero Building drain (vent stack) (andercat) (belding drein) Area drain (erea drein) Reticulado Retiro Retrete Truss (tras) Setback (setbak) Toilet (toilet) Retroajuste Retrofitting Revestido Faced Revestimiento Veneer (retroféting) (feisd) (venír) Siding (saiding) Facing (feising) Covering (kavering) Lining (láining) Revestimiento de chimenea Revestimiento de enlucido/revoque Chimney liner (chemni lainer) Veneer plaster (venír plast·r) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 81 rev-roc Construccionario Revestimiento de tablas con traslape/solape Lap siding Revestimiento de tableros Panel sheathing Revestimiento de techo Roof covering Revestimiento vinilo Vinyl siding Revestimientos para pisos (lap saiding) (pán·l shiding) (ruf kavering) (vain·l saiding) Flooring (floring) Revisión/Revisor de planos Plan review/reviewer Revoque Plaster (plan riviu/reviuer) (plast·r) Plastering (plastering) Stucco (stakko) Brown coat (braun cout) Revoque de yeso Riel de guía Rigidez Gypsum plaster (dyepsam plast·r) Guide rail (gaid reil) Stiffness (stefnes) Ripia Wood shingle/shake Ripio Gravel Roca (wud shing·l/sheik) (grav·l) Rock (rak) Stone (stoun) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 82 Construccionario roc-roz Rociador Sprinkler Rosca de manguera Hose threads Rozamiento (sprinkler) (jous threds) Scouring (scauring) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 83 S Sala (de conferencias) Assembly/Conference room Salida Egress (asémbli/kanferens rum) (igrés) Exit (éxet) Salida horizontal Saliente Salón Salto de corriente Sanitario Horizontal exit (joresantal éxet) Abutment (abatment) Assembly room (asémbli rum) Current draw (kerrent dra) Restroom (restrum) Bathroom (bath·rum) Toilet compartment (toilet kampártment) Water closet (water klaset) Toilet (toilet) Seguridad pública Public safety (páblec seifty) Selladores Sealants Sello de trampa hidráulica Trap seal (siylants) (trap siyl) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 84 Construccionario Sensibilizador Sensor de humo Separación sen-sis Sensitizer (sensetáis·r) Smoke detector (smouk ditect·r) Partition (partéshwn) Separación de atmósfera Atmosphere separation Servicios públicos Utilities (átmosfir separéishwn) (yutéletis) Public services (páblec serveses) Sifón Sillar Sin plomo Trap (trap) Cast stone (kast stoun) Lead-free (led-fri) Sin salida Dead end Sistema Assembly Sistema automático de extinción de incendios (ded end) (asémbli) Automatic fire extinguishing system (atomátic fáier exténgüishing séstem) Sistema de alarma contra incendios Fire alarm system Sistema de arriostramiento horizontal Horizontal bracing system Sistema de columna hidrante Standpipe system Sistema de detección de humo (fáier alarm séstem) (joresantal brésing séstem) (stand-paip séstem) Smoke-detection system (smouk ditécshwn séstem) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 85 sis-sob Sistema de evacuación Construccionario Venting system (venting séstem) Sistema de extracción de humo Smoke exhaust system Sistema de puertas Door assembly Sistema de rociadores Sistema de rociadores automáticos Sistema de ventilación (smouk exast séstem) (dor asembli) Sprinkler system (sprinkler séstem) Automatic fire sprinkler system (atomátic fáier sprinkler séstem) Vent system (vent séstem) Sistema doble Dual system Sitio Premises (dual séstem) (prémeses) Site (sait) Sitio de construcción Building site (belding sait) Jobsite (dyab-sait) Sobrecarga de nieve transportada Drift surcharge Sobrerresistencia Overstrength Sobresolapar To overlap Sobresolape Overlap Sobrestante Foreman (dreft serchardsh) (over-strength) (tu overlap) (overlap) (for-man) Overseer (oversi·r) Supervisor (supervais·r) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 86 Construccionario Sofito Soldador Soldadura Soldadura y fundente sin plomo Soldar en fuerte Solado Solera Solera doble Solera inferior Someter a ensayo/ a prueba Soporte sof-sot Soffit (safit) Solderer (soderer) Welding (uelding) Lead-free solder and flux (led-fri sad·r and flax) Braze (breis) Floor (flor) Ledger (ledyer) Double plate (dab·l pleit) Sill plate (sel pleit) Test (test) Support (saport) Backing (baking) Shoulder (should·r) Sill (sel) Soporte de ventana Soporte para forjados Window sill (wendou sel) Plaster backing (plast·r baking) Sostener, Soportar Support Sótano Basement (supórt) (béisment) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 87 sot-sup Construccionario Sótano de poca altura Subpiso Subsolape Substrato Crawl space (kral speis) Subfloor (sab·flor) Underlap (anderlap) Underlayment (anderléiment) Substrate (sabstreit) Subterráneo Basement (béisment) Underground (andergraund) Suelo expansivo Expansive soil Suite Suite (hotel) Sujetadores Restraints Sumidero Sump Suministro (expansef soil) [suit (jotel)] (ristréints) (Samp) Supply (suplai) Superficie exterior/interior Exterior/Interior surface Superficie/Área peatonal Walking surface Superponer, Superintendente (exterior/enterior sarfes) (waking sérfes) Overlap (overlap) Foreman (for-man) Overseer (oversi·r) Supervisor Supervisor (supervais·r) Inspector (enspéctor) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 88 T T, injerto Tabique Tabique movible Tabique plegable Tabique portátil Tabla TEE (ti) Partition (partéshwn) Movable partition (muvab·l partéshwn) Folding partition (folding partéshwn) Portable partition (pórtab·l partéshwn) Board (bord) Table (teib·l) Tabla de cumbrera Tabla de madera Tabla de pie Tabla de piso Ridge board (redsh bord) Wood board (wud bord) Toeboard (tou-bord) Footboard (fut-bord) Tablero de cortacircuito Circuit breaker panel (serkuit breik·r pán·l) Tablero de fibra Tablero de largueros Tablero de madera prensada Fiberboard (faib·r bord) Ribbon/ledger board (rébon/lédyer bord) Plywood (plaiwud) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 89 tab-tap Tablero de muro arriostrado Tablero de soporte Tablero de yeso Construccionario Braced wall panel (breist wal pán·l) Backer board (bakerbord) Gypsum board (dyepsam bord) Dry wall (dray wal) Tablero duro Hardboard (jard-bord) Plywood (plai·wud) Tablilla de fibrocemento Tablón Tablones Taller Talud Tambor Tanque Tapa de acceso Tapadera Asbestos cement shingle (asbestos simént shing·l) Plank (pleink) Planking (pleinking) Shop (shap) Slope (sloup) Drums (drams) Tank (teink) Access cover (ákses kaver) Cover (kaver) Covering (kavering) Tapajuntas Flashing Tapanco Attic (flashing) (atik) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 90 Construccionario Tarima tar-tej Pallet (pálet) Rack (rak) Tarja de cocina Kitchen sink Techado Roofing Techado de asfalto Built-up roof Techo Roof Techo a aguas múltiples (kétchen senk) (rufing) (belt ap ruf) (ruf) Multiple gabled roof (máltip·l geib·ld ruf) Techo a dos aguas Gable roof Techo a cuatro aguas Hip roof Techo en pendiente Sloped roof Techo plano Flat roof Técnico Technician (geib·l ruf) (jep ruf) (sloupt ruf) (flat ruf) (tekneshian) Technical (teknecal) Teja Shingle (shing·l) Roof tile (ruf tail) Tile (tail) Teja de asfalto Teja de cemento de asbestos Teja de madera Asphalt shingle (asfalt shing·l) Asbestos cement shingle (asbestos simént shing·l) Wood shake/shingle (wud sheik) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 91 tej-ter Teja de pizarra Tejas para bordes Teja para cumbreras Teja para limas Tejamanil Construccionario Slate shingle (sleit shing·l) Rake tile (reik tail) Ridge tile (redsh tail) Hip tile (jep tail) Roof tile (ruf tail) Shingle (shing·l) Tejas entrelazadas para techo Interlocking roofing tiles (enerláking rufing tails) Tela metálica Wire mesh Tendel Chalk line Tendones Tenencia Tensión (waier mesh) (chak lain) Tendons (téndans) Occupancy (ákiupency) Tension (tenshwn) Stress (stres) Tensores Terminación de obra Terminado Terminal Terminal de enlace Tendons (téndans) Completion of work (kamplishwn av wark) Finish (fenesh) Terminal (términal) Dead-end bonding jumper (ded end banding dyamp·r) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 92 Construccionario Termita Termotanque Terraplén ter-tir Termite (termait) Water heater (water jiter) Earth work (erth wark) Embankment (embankment) Terraza cubierta Porch Terreno Lot Terreno de obra Terreno inestable Textura Tienda Timbre (porch) (lat) Building site (belding sait) Unstable ground (anstéib·l graund) Texture (textiur) Store (stor) Doorbell (dorbel) Tímpano Spandrel Tina de baño Bathtub Tira Lath (spandr·l) (bath·tab) (lath) Strip (strep) Stripe (straip) Tirante Tie (tay) Link (link) Brace (breis) Tirante de diafragma Diaphragm strut (daiafram strat) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 93 tir-tra Tiras metálicas Tiras de yeso Toldo Construccionario Stripping (streping) Lath (lath) Awning (aning) Canopy (kánapy) Tomacorriente Tomacorriente para estufa/cocina Toma de impulsión Toma con traba Topes (de puerta) Tornillo Electrical outlet (electrical aut-let) Range power outlet (reindsh pauer aut-let) Fire department connection (fáier d·partment kanékshwn) Locking receptacle (laking reséptak·l) Stops (door frame) [staps (dor freim)] Screw (scru) Bolt (bolt) Tornillo autoperforante Tornillo autorroscante Tornillo de anclaje Tornillo de expansión Trabado Self-drilling screw (self-dreling scru) Self-tapping screw (self-taping scru) Anchor bolt (énker bolt) Expansion bolt (expánshwn bolt) Blocked (blakt) Bonded (banded) Trabajo Work Trabar Block (wark) (blak) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 94 Construccionario tra Trabas Blocking Trabazón Binder Tragaluz Skylight Tramo Region Trampa doméstica Trampa hidráulica/ de artefacto Trampa para chispas (blaking) (baind·r) (skai-lait) (ridsh·n) House trap (jaus trap) Fixture trap (fextiur trap) Spark arrester (spark arrest·r) Transformador Transformer Traslapar To overlap Traslape Lap splice (transform·r) (tu overlap) (lap splais) Shiplap (sheplap) Overlap (overlap) Traslapo Trasvasando Trasvasar Lapping (laping) Dispensing (despensing) Dispense (despens) Travesaño Ledger Travesaño superior Top plate Traviesa Sleeper Trazar y nivelar Line and grade (ledyer) (tap pleit) (sliyper) (lain and greid) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 95 tra-tub Construccionario Trazo Stroke Tribunas Grandstands (strouk) (grandstands) Bleachers (blíchers) Stands (stands) Triturador de basura/ desperdicios Garbage disposal Tubería Conduit (garbesh disposal) (kanduit) Plumbing (plaming) Tubing (tiubing) Pipe (paip) Piping (paiping) Tubería bajante Stack (stack) Tubería bajanta de respiradero Stack vent Tubería de revestimiento Casing Tubería hidráulica Water pipe Tubería principal Water main Tubería vertical Stack (stack vent) (keising) (water paip) (water mein) (stack) Standpipe (stand-paip) Vertical pipe (vertical paip) Tubería y accesorios sin plomo Lead-free pipe and fittings (led fri paip and fetings) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 96 Construccionario Tuberías/Cañerías de protección contra incendios Tubo tub-tue Fire-protection piping (fáier-protécshwn paiping) Pipe (paip) Piping (paiping) Tubo de bajada Tubo bajante de aguas negras Tubo de descarga Tubo de ventilación Tubo de ventilación con codo doble Leader (pipe) [líder (paip)] Soil pipe (soil paip) Discharge pipe (deschardsh paip) Vent pipe (vent paip) Return bend vent pipe (return bend vent paip) Tubo horizontal Horizontal pipe Tubo vertical Riser pipe Tubo vertical de evacuación Stack Tubo vertical de ventilación Local vent stack Tuerca Nut Tuerca de acción rápida (joresantal paip) (rais·r paip) (stack) (local vent stack) (nat) Quick actinging nut (kuek actin nat) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 97 U Umbral Door sill (dor sel) Threshold (thre-shold) Unidad habitacional/ Unidad de vivienda Unión Dwelling unit (dueling yúnet) Binder (baind·r) Connection (kanécshwn) Joint (dyoint) Union (yúnion) Urinal, Urinario Uso Urinal (yúrinal) Occupancy (ákiupency) Use (yus) Uso general Utilidad Utility (yutélety) Utility (yutélety) Utilizar To use Utilizar en sistema abierto Use, open system Utilizar en sistema cerrado Use, closed system (tu yus) (yus, open séstem) (yus, cloust séstem) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 98 V Vaciado en sitio Cast in place Vacío Vacuum Valor Value Valuación Valuation Válvula de alivio Relief valve Válvula de cierre Cut-off valve (cast en pleis) (vákium) (váliu) (valiuéishwn) (rilíf valv) (cat-af valv) Shutoff valve (shat-af valv) Válvula de combinación Mixing valve (mexing valv) Válvula de contraflujo Backflow preventer (bakflou prevént·r) Check valve (check valv) Válvula de contrapresión Backwater valve (bakwater valv) Válvula de cubo Hub valve Válvula de flotador Ball cock Válvula de llave Key valve Válvula de purga Bleeder valve (hab valv) (bal kak) (ki valv) (blider valv) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 99 val-vet Construccionario Válvula de remanso Backwater valve Válvula fluxómetro Flushometer valve Válvulas para grifos de mangueras Hose bibb valves Vano Span Vapor Steam Varilla Rebar Varillas en aro Ringed shanks Ventana Window Ventilación natural (bakwater valv) (flashámiter valv) (jous beb valvs) (span) (stim) (ríbar) (rendsh shanks) (wendou) Natural ventilation (natchiural venteleishwn) Ventilador Fan Ventilador de extracción Exhaust fan Ventilar To ventilate (fan) (exast fan) (tu venteleit) To vent (tu vent) Vereda Path (path) Sidewalk (saidwak) Vestíbulo Vestibule Vestidor Dressing room Veta superficial Face grain (véstebiul) (dresing rum) (feis grein) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 100 Construccionario Vía pública Vidriado via-vig Public way (páblec wey) Glazed (gleist) Glazing (gléising) Vidriado de seguridad Vierteaguas Viga Safety glazing (seifty gléising) Flashing (flashing) Girder (guerder) Joist (dyoist) Beam (bim) Viga de alma abierta Viga de alma llena Viga de carga Viga de enlace Viga de fundación Viga maestra/principal Open-web girder (open-web guerder) Plate girder (pleit guerder) Load-bearing joist (loud bering dyoist) Link beam (link bim) Grade beam (greid bim) Girder (guerder) Joist girder (dyoist guerder) Vigas de acoplamiento Vigas discontinuas Coupling beams (kapling bims) Discontinuous beams (descontenias bims) Vigas de madera microlaminada LVL beams Vigueta Joist (el-vi-el bims) (dyoist) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 101 vig-vue Construccionario Purlin (perlen) Vigueta de piso Vigueta esquinera Vitrina Vivienda Voladizo Floor joist (flor dyoist) End joist (end dyoist) Show window (shou wendou) Dwelling (dueling) Overhang (over-jang) Cantilever (kanteliver) Voltaje Voltage Volteo, Vuelco, Volcamiento Overturning Voltios Volts Vuelo Overhang Vuelos Nosings (valteidsh) (over-tiurning) (valts) (over-jang) (nousings) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 102 Y Yarda Yerbajos Yesca Yard (iard) Weeds (uíds) Punk (pank) Tinder (tender) Yeso Gypsum (dyepsam) Plaster (plast·r) Yugo Yoke Yunque Anvil Yunque de banco (iouk) (anvel) Bench anvil (bench anvel) Yunque de tornillo Anvil vise Yodo Iodine (anvel vais) (aiodain) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 103 Z Zanja Zapata Trench (trench) Footing (futing) Zapatas invertidas Turned-down footings Zapatilla eléctrica Power strip Zarpa (turn daun futing) (pauer strep) Footing (futing) Zócalo Baseboard Zócalos altos Wainscoting Zona Occupancy Zona de control de humo Zona de evacuación Zonas de inundación Zonas sísmicas (béisbord) (wéinscating) (ákiupency) Smoke-control zone (Smouk-kantról soun) Exit discharge (éxet deschardsh) Flood zones (flad souns) Seismic zones (saísmik souns) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 104 Términos Eléctricos Abocardado Reamed (riym·d) Abrazadera Clamp Accesible Accessible Acometida Service Acometida aérea Service drop Acometida subterránea Adaptador (clamp) (akséseb·l) (serves) (serves drap) Service lateral (serves lateral) Adapter (edapter) Hickey (jeki) Agua, a prueba de, resistente Waterproof Alambre Wire Amperios Amperes (water-pruf) (waier) (ampirs) Amps (amps) Aparato eléctrico Appliance Aparatos Fixtures Área común Cross sectional area Aislado Isolated Asiento (appláiyans) (fextiurs) (cras seccion·l erea) (aisoleited) Lug (lug) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 105 Eléctrico Bandeja neutra/a tierra Construccionario Ground/neutral bus bar (graund/niutral bas-bar) Barra colectora Busbar Base de toma de corriente Receptacle Bomba de sumidero Sum pump Cable (basbar) (reséptak·l) (sam pamp) Wire (waier) Cables Wiring Cable de cubierta no metálica Non-metallic sheathed cable Calentamiento por inducción Canalización Caja de bornes Caja de dispositivos Campo inductor en derivación (waierin) (nan metálik shided keib·l) Inductive heat (endaktiv jit) Raceway (reiss-uei) Junction box (dyank-shwn baks) Device box (divais baks) Shunt field (shant fiyld) Circuito Circuit Circuito de suministro Feeder circuit Circuito derivado Branch circuit Circuito para aparatos Circuito secundario (serkuit) (fiyder serkuit) (branch serkuit) Appliance circuit (appláiyans serkuit) Branch circuit (branch serkuit) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 106 Eléctrico Construccionario Conectores a presión Pressure connectors Conductores aéreos de acometida Overhead service conductors Conductores de la acometida Service conductors Conductor de extremo alto Conductor desnudo Conductores Conductores a la vista Controlador Corriente de falla, de falta, de pérdida Cronograma (preshwr kanectr·s) (ov·r-jed serves kandectr·s) (ov·r-jed serves kandectr·s) High-leg conductor (jai-leg kandectr) Bare conductor (Ber kandectr) Conductors (kandectr·s) Open conductor (open kandectr) Controller (kantrol·r) Fault current (Folt kerrn·t) Schedule (skedyul) Cuadro de distribución Switchboard Cuadro general Panelboard Cuerdas Curva hecha en obra Delta-estrella Desconexión de la acometida (swetch-bord) (pan·l-bord) Guys (gais) Field bend (fiyld-bend) Delta-Wye (delta uai) Service disconnect (serves deskaneckt) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 107 Eléctrico Electrodo fabricado Electrodoméstico Construccionario Made electrode (meid electroud) Appliance (appláiyans) Enchufe Receptacle Entrada a la acometida Service-entrance Escariado Reamed Fácilmente accesible Factor de corrección Flujo de corriente inaceptable Fusible sin retardo Herrajes Iluminación Interruptor Interruptor automático de retardo inverso Interruptor automático Interruptor de maniobra/sección en caja moldeada Interruptor contra faltas a tierra (GFCI) (reséptak·l) (serves entrans) (riym·d) Readily accessible (redily aksésebl·) Derating (di-reitin) Objectionable current flow (abdyék-shwn-ab·l kerrn·t flou) Nontime delay fuse (nan taim delei fius) Fittings (fetings) Lighting (laitin) Switch (swetch) Inverse time circuit breaker (envers taim redily serkuit breik·r) Circuit breaker (serkuit breik·r) Molded case switch (moulded keis swetch) Ground-fault circuit interrupter (graund folt serkuit enterrapt·r) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 108 Eléctrico Construccionario Interruptores de acción rápida Interruptor fusible de seguridad a tierra Snap switches (snap swetch·s) Ground fault circuit (graund folt serkuit) kVA, Kilo voltioamperios, Kilovatios, Kilowatts KVA (kei vyi ei) Lluvia, a prueba de Máquina de curvar de un solo golpe Rainproof (rein- pruf) Bending machine, single operation (bendin mashiyn seng·l apereishwn) Método de instalación Wiring method Mordaza Clamp Monofásica Single phase Motor de baja velocidad Torque motor Multímetro Continuity meter Nominal Panel de distribución Placa de características/datos Plan Polvo, a prueba de Poste de acometida (wairin meth·d) (clamp) (seng·l feis) (tork mor·r) (kanteniu-eti miyr·r) Rated (reited) Panelboard (pan·l-bord) Nameplate (neim-pleit) Schedule (skédyul) Dustproof (dust-pruf) Service mast (serves mast) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 109 Eléctrico Potencia de servicio Construccionario Rating (reitin) Puente de conexión equipotencial Bonding jumper Puente eléctrico Bonding jumper Pulsador (bandin dyamp·r) (bandin dyamp·r) Push box (push baks) Radio de curvatura Bend radius Rama Branch Ramal Rama local (bend reidi-us) (branch) Branch circuit (branch serkuit) Switch leg (swetch leg) Rastreador de continuidad Continuity checker Reacción galvánica Galvanic action Régimen nominal (kanteniu-eti chek·r) (galvanek akshwn) Rating (reitin) Resistante a la lluvia Rainproof Rotor de cortocircuito Squirrel-cage rotor (rein- pruf) (skwer·l-keish ror·r) Rotor de jaula de ardilla Squirrel-cage rotor (skwer·l-keish ror·r) Servicio Sección (conductores) Sección inferior (conductores) Duty (diury) Size (sais) Smallest size (smálest sais) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 110 Eléctrico Construccionario Sobrecarga Overload Sobreintensidad Overcurrent Subterráneos Underground Tablero de distribución Talón Tensión del suministro Tensión, partes en Tierra, de puesta a Tierra, puesto a Tierra, no puesto a; sin puesta a Toma de corriente (av·r-loud) (av·r-kerrent) (und·r-graund) Panelboard (pan·l-bord) Lug (lug) Input voltage (enput valteidsh) Live parts (laiv parts) Grounding (graundin) Grounded (graund·d) Ungrounded (un-graund·d) OutletTap (aut-let tap) Receptacle (reséptak·l) Tap (tap) Toma de corriente de circuito de suministro Feeder tap Tramos aéreos Overhead spans (Fiyd·r tap) (av·r-jed spans) Transformador reductor de voltaje Step down voltage transformer (step-daun valteidsh transform·r) Trifásico Three phase (thri feiss) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 111 Eléctrico Construccionario Tripolar 3-wire Tubos de metal rígidos RMC Vatios Voltios Voltioamperios (thri waier) (ar-em-si) Volt amps (VA) (vatl amps [vi-ei]) Volts (valts) Volt amps (VA) (vatl amps [vi-ei]) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 112 Términos de Instalaciones Mecánicas Abertura exterior Absorción Outdoor opening (aut-dor openin) Absorption (absorshwn) Accesorio de transición Boot Accesorio embridado Flanged fitting Aire Air Aire acondicionado Aire de combustión Aire de extracción Aire de reposición Aire de suministro Aire de ventilación Aire forzado Aire en exceso Aire exterior Aire recirculado Aire teórico (but) (flandy·d feting) (er) Air conditioning (er kandeshwnin) Combustion air (kambustiwn er) Exhaust air (exast er) Air makeup (er meikap) Supply air (suplai er) Ventilation air (venteleishwn er) Forced air (forst er) Excess air (eksés er) Outdoor air (aut-dor er) Recirculated air (ri-serculeited er) Theoretical air (thio-retical er) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 113 Instalaciones Mecánicas Aparato Arandela entongada Área neta de piso Artefacto Construccionario Appliance (appláiyans) Stacked washer (stak·t wash·r) Floor area, net (flor erea, net) Appliance (appláiyans) Artefacto con ventilación Vented appliance (vented appláiyans) Artefacto de alto calor High-heat appliance (jai jit appláiyans) Artefacto de cocina Cooking appliance Artefacto de mediano calor Medium-heat appliance Artefacto existente Existing appliance Autocontenido Artefactos de cocina comercial (kukin appláiyans) (midiam jit appláiyans) (eksestin appláiyans) Self-contained (self-kantein·d) Commercial cooking appliances (kamersh·l kukin appláiyanses) Artefactos de ventilación directa Aspirador Babeta Boca de salida Bomba de calor Bomba de calor geotérmica Direct-vent appliance (dairect-vent appláiyans) Exhauster (exast·r) Flash (flash) Outlet (aut-let) Heat pump (jit pamp) Ground source heat pump (graund sors jit pamp) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 114 Instalaciones Mecánicas Construccionario Btu Btu (British Thermal Unit) (bi ti iu [bretesh thermal iunet]) Caldera automática Automatic boiler Caldera modular Modular boiler Calefactor Furnace Calefactor de conducto Calefactor de cuarto con ventilación Calefactor de piso con ventilación Calefactor radiante (atomátic boil·r) (madyul·r boil·r) (fernas) Duct heater (duct jiter) Room heater vented (rum jiter vented) Vented floor furnace (vented flor fernas) Radiant heater (jiter) Cámara de combustión Combustion chamber (kambustiwn cheimb·r) Campana Campana de doble isla Campana de muro Hood (jud) Double island canopy hood (dobl ailand kánapy jud) Wall canopy hood (wal kánapy jud) Campana de tipo ceja Eyebrow hood Campana trasera Backshelf hood Capacidad nominal Capacidad nominal de salida Carcasa (ai-brou jud) (bakshelf jud) Rated capacity (reited kapasety) Rated output capacity (reited aut put kapasety) Casing (keisin) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 115 Instalaciones Mecánicas Cerramiento de recinto Chimenea de metal Chimenea prefabricada Construccionario Shaft enclosure (shaft encloshiur) Metal chimney (métal chemni) Factory-built chimney/fireplace (facteri-belt chemni/fáierpleis) Pre-fab chimney/fireplace (pri-fab chemni/fáierpleis) Cierre de baja presión de agua para calderas Cierre Clasificación de rendimiento Clasificación de toxicidad Cocina económica Colector Combustión cerrada Combustible sólidos) Boiler low-water cutoff (boil·r lou water kat of) Cutoff (kat of) Output rating (aut-put reitin) Toxicity classification (taksesety) Range (reindsh) Drip (drep) Closed combustion (cloust kambustiwn) Solid fuel) (saled fiul) Combustión Combustion Condensador Condenser Condensados Condensate Conducto de humo Conducto envuelto con cinta aisladora (kambustiwn) (kandénsr) (kandenséit) Flue (flu) Duct wrap (duct wrap) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 116 Instalaciones Mecánicas Construccionario Conector de chimenea Chimney connector (chemni kanéct·r) Conector de respiradero Vent connector (vent kanéct·r) Conjunto combustible Combustible assembly Contratiro Backdraft Control (kambústeb·l) (bak-draft) Control (kantról) Control de límites Limit control Convector de zócalo Baseboard convector Cuarto del calefactor Furnace room Cuarto refrigerado De uso ligero De uso medio De uso muy pesado De uso pesado Dispositivo de alivio de presión Dispositivo de seguridad Dispositivo limitador de presión Enfriador evaporativo (lémet kantról) (béisbord kanvéct·r) (fernas rum) Refrigerated room (refridyeréit·d rum) Light-duty (lait diuty) Medium-duty (midiam diuty) Extra-heavy duty (extra jevi diuty) Heavy duty (jevi diuty) Pressure relief device (preshwr rilíf divais) Safeguard device (seif-gard divais) Pressure-limiting device (preshwr lémetin divais) Evaporative cooler (evéiporatif kuler) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 117 Instalaciones Mecánicas Construccionario Enfriamiento evaporativoEvaporative cooling (evéiporatif kulin) Equipo de enfriamiento Cooling equipment (kulin ekuipment) Espacio acondicionado Conditioned space (kandeshwn·d speis) Espacio angosto Espacio confinado Crawl space (kral speis) Confined space (kanfain·d speis) Espacio de aire libre Air-space clearance Espacio de trabajo Working space Espacio habitado Living space (er speis kliyrens) (warking speis) (leving speis) Espacio libre de trabajo Working space clearance (warking speis kliyrens) Evaporador Exfiltración Fuente de ignición Gas combustible Gasto de extracción Gasto de ventilación Hermético Hogar Evaporator (evaporator) Exfiltration (exfetreishwn) Ignition source (egneshwn sors) Fuel gas (fiul gas) Exhaust rate (exast reit) Ventilation rate (venteleishwn reit) Tightfitting (tait-feting) Fireplace (fáierpleis) Hearth (jerdth) Hogar tipo estufa Fireplace stove (fáierpleis stouv) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 118 Instalaciones Mecánicas Construccionario Índice de propagación de llama Intensidad máxima admisible Flame spread index (fleim spred éndex) Ampacity (ampasety) Intercambiador de calor Heat exchanger (jit excheindyer) Junta abocinada Junta bridada Junta de adhesivo plástico Junta mecánica Junta saliente Junta soldada Junta soldada en fuerte Flared joint (flerd dyoint) Flanged joint (flandy·d dyoint) Plastic adhesive joint (plastek dyoint) Mechanical joint (mekánek·l dyoint) Saddle joint (sad·l dyoint) Soldered joint (sader·d dyoint) Brazed joint (breis·t dyoint) Junta soldada por fusión Welded joint Límite explosivo inferior (LEL) Lower explosive limit (LEL) Límite inferior de inflamabilidad (LFL) Limpieza en seco Líquido de transferencia de calor (weld·d dyoint) (louer eksplasev lémet [el iy el]) Lower flammability limit (LFL) (louer flamabeleti lémet [el ef el]) Dry cleaning (drai klinin) Heat transfer liquid (jit transf·r lékuid) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 119 Instalaciones Mecánicas Líquidos combustibles Localización oculta Construccionario Combustible liquids (kambústeb·l lékuids) Concealed location (kansil·d lakaishwn) Localización peligrosa Hazardous location Manejo de aire Air-handling Material combustible Combustible material Materiales abrasivos Abrasive materials Miembro de carga Load bearing member Modificación Alteration Pasillo de chimenea Chimney passageway Perforación Petróleo Placa de defensa (jáserdes lakaishwn) (er jandling) (kambústeb·l matérial) (abreisef matérials) (loud berin memb·r) (altereishwn) (chemni pásedshwey) Drilling (drelin) Fuel oil (fiul oil) Shield plate (shiyld pleit) Plástico termoendurecido Plastic, thermosetting (plastek thermosetin) Plástico termoplástico Pleno Pleno de suministro Productos de combustión Punto de ignición Plastic, thermoplastic (plastek thermoplastek) Plenum (plén·m) Supply plenum (suplai plén·m) Combustion products (kambustiwn praducts) Flash point (flash point) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 120 Instalaciones Mecánicas Construccionario Purgar Purge Quemador Burner Quemador de conversión Receptor de líquido Recipientes a presión Refrigerantes regenerados Regulador de tiro de contratiro (perdsh) (bern·r) Conversion burner (kanvérshwn bern·r) Liquid receiver (lékuid riciyvr) Pressure vessels (preshwr) Reclaimed refrigerants (recleim·d refridyerants) Backdraft damper (bak-draft damper) Regulador de tiro de respiradero Vent damper Regulador de tiro de volumen Volume damper Rendimiento (vent damper) (valium damper) Output (aut put) Resistencia térmica (R) Thermal resistance (R) (thermal reséstans) Respiradero Revestimiento de conducto de humo Vent (vent) Flue liner (flu lain·r) Revestimiento interior Lining Salvaguarda de llama Flame safeguard Secadora de ropas Clothes dryer (lainin) (fleim seif-gard) (clouths draier) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 121 Instalaciones Mecánicas Construccionario Sellado Labeled Sello Label Sistema de carga limitada Limited charge system Sistema de conductos (leibl·d) (leib·l) (lémet·d chardsh séstem) Duct system (duct séstem) Sistema de distribución de aire Air distribution system Sistema de extracción Exhaust system Sistema de extracción mecánica Mechanical exhaust system Sistema de recirculación Sistema de refrigeración Sistema de ventilación Sistema mecánico Sistema de retorno de aire (er destrebushwn séstem) (exast séstem) (mekánek·l exast séstem) Recirculating system (ri-serculeitin séstem) Refrigerating system (refridyeréitin séstem) Venting system (ventin séstem) Mechanical system (mekánek·l séstem) Return air system (ritchurn er séstem) Solapadura de contacto Contact lap (kantact lap) Soldadura en fuerte Tipo de artefacto Tiro Brazing (breisin) Appliance type (appláiyans taip) Draft (draft) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 122 Instalaciones Mecánicas Construccionario Tiro descendente Tiro mecánico Tiro natural Tubería Tubo indicador Ubicación Unidad condensadora Válvula de alivio de presión Válvula de apertura rápida Down draft (daun draft) Mechanical draft (mekánek·l draft) Natural draft (natchiural draft) Piping (paiping) Glass gauge (glas gueidsh) Location (lakaishwn) Condensing unit (kandénsin iunet) Pressure relief valve (preshwr rilíf valv) Quick-opening valve (kuek openin valv) Válvula de cierre Stop valve Válvula de derivación By pass valve Válvula de seguridad Safety valve Ventilación Ventilación de tiro inducido Ventilación de tiro forzado (valv) (valv) (valv) Ventilation (venteleishwn) Induced-draft venting (ventin) Forced-draft venting (forst-draft ventin) Ventilación mecánica Power venting Ventilador Fan (ventin) (fan) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 123 Instalaciones Mecánicas Construccionario Blower (blouer) Ventilador del calefactor Furnace blower (fernas) Ventilador reforzador Booster fan (bust·r fan) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 124 Términos de Plomería Abastecimiento de agua Water supply system (water suplai séstem) Abastecimiento de agua individual Individual water supply Ablandador Softener Accesorio de artefacto Accesorio de desagüe Accesorio de desagüe sanitario (endevédyual water suplai) (saf-ner) Fixture fitting (fextiur feting) Waste fitting (weist feting) Drainage fitting (dréinedsh feting) Accesorio de suministro Supply fitting (suplai feting) Accesorio sanitario Agua caliente Agua potable Agua templada Aguas residuales Aire libre Alcantarilla Plumbing appurtenance (plaming apert-nans) Hot water (jat water) Potable water (pótab·l water) Tempered water (tempr·d water) Waste water (weist water) Open air (open er) Culvert (kalvert) Sewer (súer) Alimentación de artefactos Fixture supply (fextiur suplai) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 125 Plomería Construccionario Arandela Washer Artefacto Fixture Artefacto de combinación Combination fixture Artefactosanitario Aspirador Autodesengrasante Bajante Boca de salida Bomba de sumidero Borde Calentador de agua (washer) (fextiur) (kambenéishwn fextiur) Plumbing fixture (plaming fextiur) Aspirator (aspereit·r) Self-scouring (self-skaurin) Stack (stak) Water outlet (water aut-let) Sump pump (Samp pamp) Rim (rem) Water heater (water jiter) Canaletas Gutters Cisterna Cistern Cloaca Cloaca combinada (garers) (sestern) Sewer (súer) Combined sewer (cambain·d súer) Cloaca de la edificación Building sewer (belding súer) Cloaca pluvial Cloaca pública Storm sewer (storm súer) Public sewer (páblec súer) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 126 Plomería Construccionario Cloaca sanitaria Coextruido Colector de grasas Colocación en túneles Sanitary sewer (santetery súer) Coextruded (kou-ekstruded) Grease trap (gris trap) Tunneling (tanelin) Conexión de contraflujo Backflow connection (bakflou kanécshwn) Contraflujo Backflow Contraflujo, salto bajo Backpressure, low head Contrasifonaje Backsiphonage Tasa de flujo/gasto Desagüe (bakflou) (bakpreshwr, lou jed) (baksaifonedsh) Rate of flow (reit of flou) Drain (drein) Culvert (kalvert) Desagüe de área Area drain Desagüe de artefactos Fixture drain Desagüe de patio Area drain Desagüe de techo Roof drain Desagüe del subsuelo Subsoil drain Desagüe pluvial Desagüe sanitario combinado (erea drain) (fextiur) (erea drain) (ruf drein) (sab-soil drein) Storm drain (storm drein) Combined drain (cambain·d drein) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 127 Plomería Desagüe de la edificación Desagüe de piso de emergencia Construccionario Building drain (belding drein) Emergency floor drain (emerdyensi flor drein) Disminuidor de golpe de ariete Water-hammer arrestor Distribuidor Manifold Embornal Scupper Empaque elastomérico Elastomeric gasket Enrosque hembra Tapping Entalladura Escurrimiento Espacio de aire Esterilizador Eyector de aguas negras Forjado (water jamer erest·r) (mánefold) (skup·r) (elastomerek gasket) (tapin) Notching (natchin) Runoff (run-of) Air gap (er gap) Sterilizer (sterelais·r) Sewage ejector (súedsh iyect·r) Forged (fordsh·t) Wrought (wrat) Fugas Gasto de flujo de aire Grupo de muebles sanitarios Leakage (liykedsh) Airflow rate (er-flou reit) Bathroom group (bath·rum grup) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 128 Plomería Construccionario Hidrantes Hydrants (jaidrants) Instalaciones hidráulicas y sanitarias Plumbing (plaming) Instalaciones hidrosanitarias Interceptor de grasa Interruptor de aire Plumbing (plaming) Grease interceptor (gris entercept·r) Air break (er breik) Interruptor de contraflujo Backflow preventer Interruptor de vacío Vacuum breaker Interruptor de vacío a prueba de derrame Junta de expansión Junta flexible Junta mecánica Llave de flotador Llave Longitud desarrollada (bakflou prevént·r) (vákium breik·r) Spillproof vacuum breaker (spel-pruf vákium breik·r) Expansion joint (expánshwn dyoint) Flexible joint (flekseb·l dyoint) Mechanical joint (mekánek·l dyoint) Ball cock (bal kak) Faucet (facet) Developed length (develop·t length) Ménsula Bracket Mueble sanitario Plumbing appliance Nivel crítico Critical Level (braket) (plaming appláiyans) (kretical lev·l) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 129 Plomería Construccionario Nivel de inundación Flood level rim Obstrucciones en tuberías Stoppages Pozo Well Pozo excavado Dug well Pozo hincado Driven well Pozo perforado Pozo taladrado Presión de flujo Presión reducida Privado Ramal (flad lev·l rem) (stapadyes) (wel) (dug wel) (driv·n wel) Bored well (bor·d wel) Drilled well (drel·d wel) Flow pressure (flou preshwr) Reduced pressure (redius·d preshwr) Private (práivet) Branch (branch) Ramal de artefactos Fixture branch Ramal sanitario horizontal Horizontal branch drain Registro Respiradero común Respiradero de alivio (fextiur branch) (joresantal branch drein) Cleanout (klinaut) Common vent (kaman vent) Relief vent (rilíf vent) Respiradero de bajante Stack vent (stak vent) Respiradero de ramal Branch vent (branch vent) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 130 Plomería Construccionario Respiradero de sumideroSump vent (Samp vent) Respiradero en circuito Circuit vent (serkuit vent) Respiradero individual Individual vent Respiradero vertical Vent stack Resumidero Area drain (endevédyual vent) (vent stak) (erea drain) Building drain (belding drein) Sello de trampa hidráulica Trap seal Separador Separator Sistema de desagüe sanitario Drainage system Sistema de drenaje freático Subsurface drainage system Sistema de ventilación Sistemas múltiples de distribución Sistemas sanitarios de macerado Sumidero (trap siyl) (separeit·r) (dréinedsh séstem) (sab-sefarce dréinedsh séstem) Vent system (vent séstem) Manifold systems (mánefold séstems) Macerating toilet systems (macereitin toilet séstems) Sump (Samp) Cesspool (ses-pul) Tanque de inundación Tanque fluxómetro Flush tank (flash tank) Flushometer tank (flashámeter tank) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 131 Plomería Tapa de acceso Tasa de flujo de aire Terminal Tina de remolino Trampa doméstica Trampa hidráulica Trampa hidráulica de la edificación Construccionario Access cover (ákses kaver) Airflow rate (er-flou reit) Dead end (ded end) Whirlpool bathtub (jhuirpul bath·tab) House trap (jaus trap) Trap (trap) Building trap (belding trap) Tubería hidráulica Water pipe Tubería hidráulica de servicio Water service pipe Tubería hidráulica vertical Tubería húmeda de ventilación Tubería maestra de abastecimiento de agua Tubería vertical Tubería vertical montante Tubo de avenamiento de la edificación (water paip) (water paip) Riser water pipe (rais·r water paip) Wet vent (wet vent) Water main (water mein) Vertical pipe (paip) Riser (rais·r) Building subdrain (belding sab-drein) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 132 Plomería Construccionario Tubo de bajada Tubo de desagüe indirecto Tubo de descarga Tubo de evacuación Leader (liyrer) Indirect waste pipe (enderect weist paip) Discharge pipe (deschardsh paip) Waste pipe (weist paip) Tubo de residuos cloacales Soil pipe Tubo de ventilación Vent pipe Tubo matriz público Public water main Vacío Vacuum Válvula de acción rápida Quick closing valve Válvula de admisión de aire (soil paip) (vent paip) (páblec water mein) (vákium) (kuek clóusing valv) Air admittance valve (er admet·ns valv) Válvula de alimentación Fill valve (fel valv) Válvula de alivio Válvula de baldeo Relief valve (rilíf valv) Flush valve (flash valv) Válvula de compuerta Gate valve Válvula de contraflujo Backflow preventer (geit valv) (bak-flou prevént·r) Válvula de contrapresión Backwater valve (bak-uat·r valv) Válvula de llenado Fill valve (fel valv) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 133 Plomería Válvula fluxómetro Construccionario Flushometer valve (flashámeter valv) Ventilación en bajantes Stack venting (stak ventin) Yunque de ventilación Yoke vent (iouk vent) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 134 Herramientas Alicates Alicates de extensión/presión Pliers (plaiers) Channel lock pliers (chan·l lak plaiers) Aplanadora Roller Azadón Hoe Balde Bucket Barreta Bar Berbiquí y barrena Brace and bit Bomba Pump Botador/embutidor (de clavos) Botiquín Broca Brocha Buriladora Burro Cadena Caja de corte a ángulos (roler) (jou) (baket) (bar) (breis and bet) (pamp) Nail set (neil set) Medicine cabinet (medes·n kabenet) Drill bit (drel bet) Brush (brash) Router (rauter) Sawhorse (sah-jors) Chain (chein) Mitre box (mitre bax) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 135 Herramientas Construccionario Caja de herramientas Tool box Careta Mask (tul bax) (mask) Face shield (feis shild) Careta para soldar Carretilla, Carrucha Cepillo Welding mask (uelding mask) Wheelbarrow (juil-barrou) Plane (plein) Brush (brash) Cepillo automático Jointer Cepillo de mano Jointer plane Cincel Chisel Cinta de medir Measuring tape Cinta pescadora Fish tape Clavadora automática Contorneador Cortacésped Cortadora de césped/pasto Cortapluma Cubeta Cuchara de albañil (dyointer) (dyointer plein) (ches·l) (meshuring teip) (fesh teip) Nail gun (neil gan) Router (rauter) Lawnmower (lanmouer) Lawnmower (lanmouer) Utility knife (iutelety naif) Bucket (baket) Mason’s trowel (méisons tróuel) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 136 Herramientas Construccionario Delantal Apron Desarmador/ Destornillador Screwdriver Desarmador plano (eipron) (scrudráiv·r) Flathead (flat-jed) Desarmador de punta de cruz Phillips Disco Circular saw blade Doblador de varilla Rebar bender Embudo Funnel Engarilla Engrapadora (feleps) (sercular sah bleid) (ríbar bender) (fan·l) Wheelbarrow (juil-barrou) Stapler (steipler) Engrapadora automática Stapler gun Escalera de mano Ladder Escoba Broom Escopio Chisel wood Esparavel Escuadra (steipler gan) (larer) (brum) (chesel-wud) Hawk (jak) Square (skuér) Framing square (fréiming skuér) Carpenter’s square (karpenters skuer) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 137 Herramientas Construccionario Escuadra de combinación Combination square Excavadora Back hoe Flatacho Darby Fresadora Formón Gafas/lentes de seguridad (kambenéishwn skuér) (bak jou) (darbi) Router (rauter) Chisel wood (chesel-wud) Safety glasses (seifty glases) Goggles (gag·ls) Guantes Gloves (glavs) Hacha Axe Hilo Thread Hilo de plomada Lámpara de trabajo (ax) (thred) Plumb line (plam lain) Work light (wark lait) Linterna Flashlight Llana Square trowel Llave Wrench (flash-lait) (skuér trou·l) (rench) Key (ki) Llave de asientos de válvula Llave de cadena Valve seat wrench (valv sit rench) Chain pipe wrench (chein paip rench) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 138 Herramientas Construccionario Llave de correa/cincho Llave de tuercas Strap wrench (strap rench) Crescent wrench (créscent rench) Llave española/ de astrias/de dado Wrench Llave francesa ajustable Crescent wrench Llave inglesa Plumber’s wrench Llave pico de ganso (rench) (créscent rench) (plamers rench) Basin wrench (beis·n rench) Lijadora Sander Lima File Mandil de carpintero Carpenter’s apron Manguera Hose Marro Sledgehammer Martillo Hammer Martillo de bola Martillo chivo Martillo para tejamanil Máscara Mazo (sander) (fai·l) (karpenters eipron) (jous) (sledsh-jámer) (jámer) Ball-peen hammer (bal piyn jámer) Claw hammer (klah jámer) Shingling hammer (shing·l jámer) Mask (mask) Sledgehammer (sledsh jámer) Mallet (málet) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 139 Herramientas Mezcladora Mecha Mordaza tiradora de alambre Navaja Construccionario Mixer (mekser) Drill bit (drel bet) Come-along (cam-alang) Utility knife (iutelety naif) Nivel Level Pala Shovel Paleta de albañil Paleta de relleno Pico Pincel Pinzas Pinzas de canto de panel Pinzas perras Plomada (lev·l) (shav·l) Mason’s trowel (méisons tróuel) Joint filler trowel (dyoint féler tróuel) Pick (pek) Brush (brash) Pliers (plaiers) Panel edge clips (pán·l edsh cleps) Vise grip pliers (vais grep plaiers) Plumb bob (plam bab) Plana Darby Prensa Clamp Prensa en C C-Press (darbi) (clamp) (si-pres) C-Clamp (si-clamp) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 140 Herramientas Construccionario Punzones Rastrillo Punches (panches) Batten (bat·n) Rake (reik) Regla T T-square Retroexcavadora Back hoe Revolvedora Mixer Secadora Dryer Segueta Hacksaw Serrucho Serrucho de mano Serrucho guillotina Sierra Sierra alternativa/ reciprocante Sierra circular de mesa Sierra circular de mano Sierra circular con tornillo sinfin Sierra de cadena Sierra de corte angular (ti skuér) (bak jou) (mekser) (draier) (jak sah) Saw (sah) Handsaw (jand-sah) Radial arm saw (reidial arm sah) Saw (sah) Reciprocating saw (receprokeiting sah) Table saw (teib·l sah) Circular saw (sercular sah) Worm drive circular saw (warm draiv sercular sah) Chain saw (chein sah) Compound mitre saw (campaund mitre sah) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 141 Herramientas Sierra de disco Sierra de ingletes compuesta Sierra de madera Sierra de retroceso para ingletes Sierra de vaivén Sierra eléctrica Construccionario Circular saw blade (sercular sah bleid) Compound mitre saw (campaund mitre sah) Cut-off saw (kat-af sah) Mitre saw (mitre sah) Jigsaw (dyeg-sah) Electric saw (ilektrek sah) Power saw (pauer sah) Sierra fija Table saw (teib·l sah) Radial saw (reidial sah) Sierra para metales Sierra para cortar Sopapa Sopladora Soplete Taladro Taladro de mano Taladro eléctrico Tijeras para metal Hacksaw (jak sah) Cut-off saw (kat-af sah) Plunger (plandyer) Blower (blouer) Soldering torch (sadering torch) Drill (drel) Brace and bit (breis and bet) Electric drill (eléctrec drel) Sheet metal shears (shiyt métal shirs) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 142 Herramientas Construccionario Torno/tornillo de banco Trazador de metal Zapa Zapapico Vice bench (vais bench) Metal scribe (métal scraib) Hoe (jou) Pick-axe (peck-ax) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 143 Herramientas Construccionario ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 144 Frases útiles 1. Busco trabajo. I am looking for work. (ai em luking for wark) 2. Tengo experiencia como carpintero (plomero, electricista, jornalero, albañil, etc.). I have experience as a carpenter (plumber, electrician, laborer, bricklayer, etc.). [ai jav experiens as ei carpenter (plamer, electrishan leibor·r, brek-lei·r)] 3. Soy buen trabajador. No soy torpe. I am a good worker. I am not clumsy. (ai em ei gud wark·r ai em not clamsy) 4. Tengo mi tarjeta verde. I have my green card. (ai jav mai grin card) 5. Soy miembro de la unión — aquí esta mi credencial. I am a member of the union — here is my membership card. (ai em a member av da iunion-jir es mai membershep card) 6. Tengo mis propias herramientas. I have my own tools. (ai jav mai oun tuls) 7 . He trabajado por varios años en los Estados Unidos (México, Guatemala, etc.). I have worked for years in the U.S. (Mexico, Guatemala, etc). (ai jav workt for yirs in da IU-ES) 8. Tengo transportación (carro, camioneta, etc.). I have transportation (a car, a pick-up, etc.). [ai jav transporteishwn (ei car, ei pikap)] ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 145 Useful Phrases Constructionary 9. Puedo trabajar todos los dias. I can work every day. (ai can wark evry dei) 10. Haré muy buen trabajo para usted. I will do a very good work for you. (ai uil du ei very gud wark for iu) 11. Estudio mi Construccionario todos los días para aprender inglés. I study my Constructionary every day to learn English. (ai stadi mai constracshonery evry dei tu lern inglesh) 12. ¿Cuánto paga este trabajo? How much does this job pay? (jau mach das des dyob pey) 13. ¿Puedo trabajar más horas? Can I work more hours? (can ai work mor auers) 14. Ya terminé con eso. ¿Qué quiere que haga ahora? I finished that. What do you want me to do now? (ai feneshd dat. Juat du iu uant mi tu du nau) 15. ¡Ojo!/¡Aguas! Look out! (luk aut) 16. ¡Agáchese! Duck! (dak) 17. Ayúdeme a (levantar, llevar, clavar, amontonar, etc.) esto. Help me (lift, carry, nail, load, stack, etc.) this [jelp mi (left kerri, neil, loud, stack, etc.) thes] 18. Permítame ayudarle con eso. Let me help you with that. (let mi jelp iu with dat) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 146 Constructionary Useful Phrases 19. ¿Dónde...? ¿Dónde está...? ¿Dónde están...? Where...? Where is...? Where are...? (juer...? juer es...? juer ar...?) 20. ¿Puedo tomar el día libre? No me siento bien May I have the day off? I am not feeling well (mei ai jav de dei off? ai am not fifling uel) 21. ¿Dónde quiere que ponga esto? Where do you want me to put this? (juer du iu uant me.to pat dis?) 22. ¿Está bien si tomo un descanso? Is it OK if I take a break? (is et okey ef ai taik a breik?) 23. Conozco a alguien que hace ese trabajo I know someone that does this kind of work (ai nou somuan dat das dis kaind av wark) 24. Me duele (la cabeza, la pierna, el brazo la mano, el estomago) My (head, leg, arm, hand, stomach) hurts (mai [jed, leg, arm, jand, stomak] jurts) 25. ¿Cuándo voy a recibir mi pago? When am I going to get paid? (juen am ai going to guet peid?) 26. ¿Puedo usar el telefono? May I use the phone? (mei ai ius da foun?) 27. ¿No es eso peligroso? Isn’t that dangerous? (isnt dat danyeros?) 28. No acostumbro tomar durante horas de trabajo I don’t drink during working hours (ai dont drink darin warking auers) 29. Lo hare enseguida/inmediatamente I’ll do that right away/immediately (ai’ll do dat rairauey/imidiatly) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 147 Useful Phrases Constructionary 30. ¿Como dijo? No lo escuche bien I beg your pardon? I could’t hear you well (ai beg iur pardn? ai coudn jir iu uel) 31. Conozco a un buen abogado I know a good lawyer (ai nou ai gud loyer) 32. No se preocupe, ya lo estamos haciendo Don’t worry, we are already doing that (dont uorry ui ar alredi duin dat) 33. Necesito ir al baño I have to go to the bathroom (ai jav tu go tu da bath·rum) 34. Tengo sed/hambre I am thirsty/hungry (ai am thersti/jangri) 35. ¿Puedo usar (la pala, la sierra, el martillo, etc)? May I use the (shovel, saw, hammer, etc)? (mei ai ius da [shov-l, so, jamer] ) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 148 Los números The numbers 0 cero zero 1 uno (una) one 2 dos two 3 tres three 4 cuatro four 5 cinco five 6 seis six 7 siete seven 8 ocho eight 9 nueve nine 10 diez ten 11 once eleven 12 doce twelve 13 trece thirteen 14 catorce fourteen 15 quince fifteen 16 dieciséis sixteen 17 diecisiete seventeen 18 dieciocho eighteen 19 diecinueve nineteen 20 veinte twenty ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 149 Tablas Construccionario 21 veintiuno twenty-one 22 veintidós twenty-two 30 treinta thirty 31 treinta y uno thirty-one 40 cuarenta forty 50 cincuenta fifty 60 sesenta sixty 70 setenta seventy 80 ochenta eighty 90 noventa ninety 100 cien one hundred 101 ciento uno one hundred and one 200 doscientos two hundred 300 trescientos three hundred 400 cuatrocientos four hundred 500 quinientos five hundred 600 seiscientos six hundred 700 setecientos seven hundred 800 ochocientos eight hundred 900 novecientos nine hundred 1,000 mil one thousand 2,000 dos mil two thousand 1,000,000 un millón one million 2,000,000 dos millones two million ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 150 Tablas Construccionario Los meses del año The months of the year enero January febrero February marzo March abril April mayo May junio June julio July agosto August septiembre September octubre October noviembre November deciembre December ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 151 Tablas Construccionario Los días de la semana The days of the week lunes Monday martes Tuesday miércoles Wednesday jueves Thursday viernes Friday sábado Saturday domingo Sunday ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 152 TABLAS DE CONVERSIÓN POR UNIDADES SÍMBOLOS Y PREFIJOS EN UNIDADES SI (SISTEMA INTERNACIONAL) Cantidad UNIDADES DE BASE Unidad Longitud Masa Tiempo Corriente eléctrica Temperatura termodinámica Cantidad de sustancia Intensidad luminosa Símbolo Metro Kilogramo Segundo Amperios Kelvin Mol Candela Cantidad UNIDADES SI SUPLEMENTARIAS Unidad Ángulo plano Ángulo sólido Radián Estereorradián m kg s A K mol cd Símbolo rad sr PREFIJOS SI Factor de multiplicación Prefijo exa 1 000 000 000 000 000 000=1018 peta 1 000 000 000 000 000=1015 tera 1 000 000 000 000=1012 9 giga 1 000 000 000=10 1 000 000=106 mega kilo 1 000=103 2 hecto 100=10 deca 10=101 -1 deci 0.1=10 0.01=10-2 Símbolo E P T G M k h da d centi c mili m 0.000 001=10-6 micro µ -9 nano n -12 pico p -15 femto f -18 ato a -3 0.001=10 0.000 000 001=10 0.000 000 000 001=10 0.000 000 000 000 001=10 0.000 000 000 000 000 001=10 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 153 Tablas Construccionario UNIDAD SI DERIVADA CON NOMBRES ESPECIALES Cantidad Unidad Símbolo Fórmula Frecuencia (de un fenómeno periódico) hertz Hz 1/s Fuerza newton N kg·m/s2 Presión, esfuerzo pascal Pa N/m2 Energía, trabajo, cantidad de calor joule J N·m Potencia eléctrica, flujo radiante vatio W J/s Cantidad de electricidad, carga eléctrica culombio C A·s Potencia eléctrica, diferencia de potencial, fuerza electromotriz voltio V W/A Capacidad eléctrica faradio F C/V Resistencia eléctrica ohm W V/A Conductancia siemens S A/V Flujo magnético weber Wb V·s Densidad del flujo magnético tesla T Wb/m2 Inductancia henrio H Wb/A Flujo luminoso Lumen lm cd·sr Iluminancia lux lx lm/m2 Actividad (de radionúclidos) bequerel Bq l/s Dosis absorbida gray Gy J/kg ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 154 Tablas Construccionario FACTORES DE CONVERSIÓN a Multiplicar por LONGITUD 1 milla (normativa de Estados Unidos) Km 1.609 344 1 yarda = 1 yd M 0.9144 1 pie = 1 ft M 0.3048 Mm 304.8 1 pulgada = 1 in Mm 25.4 ÁREA 1 milla2 (normativa de Estados Unidos) Km2 2.589 998 1 acre (agrimensura de Estados Unidos) Ha 0.404 6873 m2 4046.873 1 yd2 m2 0.836 1274 m2 0.092 903 04 1 ft2 1 in2 mm2 645.16 VOLUMEN, MÓDULO DE SECCIÓN l acre ft m3 1233.489 3 m3 0.764 5549 1 yd 100 tablón ft m3 0.235 9737 m3 0.028 316 85 1 ft3 L(dm3) 28.3168 mm3 16 387.06 1 in3 mL (cm3) 16.3871 0.158 9873 1 barril (42 galones de Estados Unidos) m3 CAPACIDAD (FLUIDO) 1 galón (líquido Estados Unidos)* 1 gal L** 3.785 412 1 cuarto (líquido Estados Unidos) = 1 qt mL 946.3529 1 pinta (líquido Estados Unidos) = 1 pt mL 473.1765 mL 29.5735 1 onza fluida (Estados Unidos) = 1 fl oz m3 0.003 785 412 1 gal (líquido de Estados Unidos) Para convertir **1 litro aprox. *1 galón (Reino Unido) aprox. 1.2 gal (Estados Uni- 0.001 metro dos) cúbico 1 in4 1° (grado) 1' (minuto) 1" (segundo) SEGUNDO MOMENTO DEL ÁREA mm4 416 231 4 m4 416 231 4 10-7 ÁNGULO PLANO rad 0.017 453 29 mrad 17.453 29 urad 290.8882 urad 4.848 137 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 155 Tablas Construccionario VELOCIDAD m/s 0.3048 km/h 1.609 344 m/s 0.447 04 TASA DE VOLUMEN DEL FLUJO 1 ft3/s m3/s 0.028 316 85 1 ft3/min L/s 0.471 9474 1 gal/min L/s 0.063 0902 1 gal/min m3/min 0.0038 1 gal/h mL/s 1.051 50 1 millón gal/d = 1 million gal/d L/s 43.8126 1233.49 1 acre ft/s m3/s INTERVALO DE TEMPERATURA 1°F °C o K 0.555 556 5/9 °C = 5/9K TEMPERATURA EQUIVALENTE (toC = TK - 273.15) tO C tOF = 5/9tOC + 32 tOF MASA 1 tonelada (corta ***) = 1 ton tonelada 0.907 185 métrica kg 907.1847 1 libra = 1 lb kg 0.453 5924 1 onza = 1 oz g 28.349 52 ***1 tonelada larga (2,240 lb) Kg 1016.047 MASA POR UNIDAD DE ÁREA 1 lb/ft2 Kg/m2 4.882 428 g/m2 33.905 75 1 oz/yd2 1 oz/ft2 g/m2 305.1517 DENSIDAD (MASA POR UNIDAD DE VOLUMEN) 1 lb/ft3 Kg/m3 16.01846 3 Kg/m3 0.593 2764 1 lb/yd 1 ton/yd3 t/m3 1.186 553 FUERZA 1 tonf (tonelada-fuerza) KN 8.896 44 1 kip (1,000 lbf) Kn 4.448 22 1 lbf (libra-fuerza) N 4.448 22 1 ft/s 1 milla/h ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 156 Construccionario Tablas MOMENTO DE FUERZA, TORSIÓN N·m 1.355 818 N·m 0.112 9848 kN·m 2.711 64 kN·m 1.355 82 FUERZA POR UNIDAD DE LONGITUD 1 lbf/ft N/m 14.5939 1 lbf/in N/m 175.1268 1 tonf/ft kN/m 29.1878 PRESIÓN, ESFUERZO, MÓDULO DE ELASTICIDAD (FUERZA POR UNIDAD DE ÁREA) (1 Pa = 1 N/m2) MPa 13.7895 1 tonf/in2 1 tonf/ft2 kPa 95.7605 MPa 6.894 757 1 kip/in2 1 lbf/in2 kPa 6.894 757 1 lbf/ft2 Pa 47.8803 Atmósfera kPa 101.3250 1 pulgada de mercurio kPa 3.376 85 1 pie (columna de agua a 32°F) kPa 2.988 98 TRABAJO, ENERGÍA, CALOR (1J = 1N·m = 1W·s) 1 kWh (550 ft·lbf/s) MJ 3.6 1 Btu (Tabla int.) kJ 1.055 056 J 1055.056 1 ft·lbf J 1.355 818 COEFICIENTE DE TRANSFERENCIA DE CALOR W/(m2·K) 5.678 263 1 Btu/(ft2·h·°F) CONDUCTIVIDAD TÉRMICA 1 Btu/(ft·h·°F) W/(m·K) 1.730 735 ILUMINANCIA 1 lm/ft2 (pie candela) lx (lux) 10.763 91 LUMINANCIA 1 cd/ft2 cd/m2 10.7639 1 pie lambert cd/m2 3.426 259 3.183 099 1 lambert kcd/m2 1 lbf·ft 1 lbf·in 1 tonf·ft 1 kip·ft ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 157 Tablas Construccionario ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Constructionary. is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced. 158