Church of St. John the Baptist Longmont, Colorado Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 16, 2015 Please visit us at Welcome to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 323 Collyer Street, Longmont, Colorado 80501 Parish Office Hours Sunday Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Liturgy Schedule 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Masses Weekday Mass 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Misa en Español - Jueves 6:00 p.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. Misa en Español - 12:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Monday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 8:45 p.m. To inquire about or sign up for Adoration, please contact Dorothy Sanchez at 303-485-6326 or Benita Valencia (en espanol) at 720-224-6290. First Saturday of the Month 7:30 a.m. Reconciliation 8:30 a.m. Mass in chapel Children’s Adoration Thursday 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. All children and their parents are welcome. Please call Dorothy Sanchez at 303-485-6326 for more information. Baptism Information Parents and godparents must attend baptism preparation class prior to a child’s baptism. We offer classes in both English and Spanish. Adults only—no children, please. Spanish Saturday, September 12th in Benedict Hall 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. English Saturday, October 3rd in Benedict Hall 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Reconciliation Anointing Thursday 4:30 p.m. Saturday 3:30 p.m. Sunday 11:45 a.m. Also by appointment. Please call 303-776-0737 for an appointment. St. John’s Food Bank 804 S. Lincoln Street Longmont, CO 80501 Phone - 303-678-1469 E-mail - [email protected] Food Bank Hours Wedding Information Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Please contact our parish office at least eight months in advance of your planned wedding date. For baptisms and weddings, please contact the parish office at 303-776-0737. 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Gift Shop Hours Saturday 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. - Noon St. John the Baptist Catholic School Summer Office Hours August 17-21: Open daily, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Please contact Nancy Olivari at 303-776-0737. If you need to get in touch with our school office staff, please call 303-776-8760 and leave a message, or e-mail [email protected]. Please see our ad on page 5. 2 TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 16, 2015 A Word from Our Pastor Fr. Ron Weissbeck My dear family in Christ, We have had the privilege of receiving the teaching of the Bread of Life from the Gospel of John. Each week Jesus has disclosed more precisely what that means in relation to His mission. Now we come to the central theme of this whole section, the real presence in the Eucharistic elements. “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day” (John 6:53). This gift has been entrusted to the Church and is offered through the Mass. In the recent revision of the Roman Missal, which was introduced at the same time that I came to St. John the Baptist in 2011, there is a statement in the forward that Christ is the one who actually is the primary agent of the divine action. When I was rereading the introduction I was alerted to the words that still have an impact as when they were first stated in the Council of Trent, “The Eucharistic Sacrifice is in the first place the action of Christ himself, whose inherent efficacy is therefore unaffected by the manner in which the faithful participate in it” (#11, Introduction). These words caught my attention since I have only celebrated the Mass in the vernacular over the years. I have always been convinced that how I celebrate, and how the congregation participates is essential. It is very important, but the words quoted above gave me pause to realize that it is the action of Christ entrusted to the Church that makes it effective. Since the Mass is in the language of the people, in this case English, there is more expectation that everything that is presented sustains the interest and involvement of the participants. That has been an expectation that I have found common among a significant group of Catholics. It is very sobering to realize that it is the action of Christ primarily. He is the one who is present fully: body, blood, soul and divinity. We speak of this as real presence. At the heart of the Eucharistic sacrifice is the Son who is offered to the Father and we, who are members of the Church, are caught up in Christ in offering this inexhaustible gift. What I’m leading toward is the need, on our part, to renew our participation and understanding of what we have in this act of worship. Yes, we are impacted by the atmosphere, the music, and the feeling of belonging. Nevertheless, it is the act of faith that each participant expresses at every celebration that will renew each one of us in fuller, active, and transforming participation. I offer the following challenge: What is my awareness of the real presence in the Eucharistic celebration, and following from this first part, How will I put this into practice? Fr. Ron RCIA, with Anna Campbell We are now hearing the Word of God from the Gospel of John. We are learning about the bread from heaven. I have seen that it is sometimes easier for a person coming from another faith or coming to learn about the Bread of Life to accept this as an absolute truth than some of us who are “cradle Catholics.” Have you been talking to your friends and family members who might be hungry to hear the Word of God? Give them a gift! Talk to them about your faith! Invite them to come explore this faith with us in RCIA. We will start up again on September 13th at 8:30 a.m. Bring them in and introduce them, or ask them to get in touch with me at [email protected]. Holy Spirit Circle of St. John’s Altar and Rosary Society wish to thank parishioners for the generous donations to Undie Sunday! Underwear, socks, T-shirts, and baby items were delivered to Safe Shelter, OUR Center, and H.O.P.E. 3 CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST LONGMONT, COLORADO 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. John’s Food Bank and Outreach There was a man who lived on the edge of a small Midwestern town. He kept to himself, had his groceries delivered, and never ventured past his own front gate. No one made an effort to know him, and it stayed that way for nearly sixty years. When the man passed away, it was found that he had no family. The state-appointed lawyer for his estate ordered everything in his home sold or disposed of. Upon entering his home, the auctioneers found nearly every wall of the home covered in beautiful oil paintings, created by the man no one knew. He had a beautiful gift, yet he kept it to himself, and in doing so he deprived so many others of its beauty. Today’s Gospel reading from John continues the theme of Jesus as the Bread of Life. He tells those listening that whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood will have eternal life. We hear these words at every Mass as the priest recites the similar words from the Last Supper. We hear them so often we might not even react to their true meaning. Yet imagine hearing them for the first time that day with Jesus! The people, who have already witnessed His miracles, still refer to him as “this man.” They cannot believe. We approach the altar solemnly, reverently. The host is placed in our hands; “the body of Christ.” We are offered the cup; “the blood of Christ.” And with each gift, we respond, “Amen.” And it is in that amen that we are truly saying, “Yes, in receiving the true body and blood of Christ, I am becoming the body and blood of Christ and wish to share it with others.” Our faith, our belief in God’s saving grace, “is a treasure of life which is enriched by being shared” (CCC 949). By John Williams Our Thursday morning crew begins at 9:00 a.m. and immediately begins building the boxes of food we will distribute on this day. Using our weekly updated menu board we begin going down the list of items, beginning with the heavier items, and top these boxes off with bread and sweets. Around 10:30 a.m. we begin getting carts loaded for the drivers who come in before noon. The cart holds boxes we have prepared according to size. We then put in the produce, and when the driver arrives, we add the perishable items. Then off they go for delivery! We have two couples that come in for the last two hours who are responsible for sweeping floors, vacuuming the mats, and breaking down the recycled items for appropriate disposal. We have eighteen commercial stainless steel tables which are cleaned with a sanitizer so they will be ready for deliveries the following Tuesday morning. It is an awesome sight to see our warehouse so neat and clean when it is all done. Thank you to our Thursday crew for all the care and pride you take in keeping us sanitary and well-organized! At the Table ©2009 Liturgical Publications Inc In today’s first reading, Wisdom is imagined as a woman rich in poise and grace. She moves smoothly and confidently about her temple-like home. She doesn’t flutter about, nervous with worry. Wisdom sends her maidens to invite all to her open house. The guests do not possess any particular genius or insight. They need only be a people of good will and common sense. They are summoned to leave behind foolishness and to find for themselves a place at Wisdom’s table. There they may and can eat and drink deeply. Today’s gospel draws us back to the table of the Eucharist. Jesus addresses those who seek to understand His words and, sadly, those who seek to avoid them. As people born of God, we are called and equipped to seek God’s will and act on it. 4 TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 16, 2015 New this week in the Gift Shop… MUMS Fundraiser Fall will be here next month and there is every reason to fill it with the brilliant and beautiful colors of the season. M.U.M.S (Mothers Uplifting Mothers Spiritually) will be selling potted chrysanthemums for our annual fundraiser. The ever-popular 2016 Saints Calendar and Daily Planner is a 16-month calendar ready to use in September. The spiral-bound design allows plenty of space for daily appointments in a lay-flat format. This calendar has become a favorite for home or office with professionals, students, and busy families. $15.95 The cost of each ten-inch pot is $15.00. Colors will vary. We will take orders until Tuesday, September 8th. You may pick up your pre-ordered chrysanthemums the weekend of September 12-13. TAN calendars contain special feasts and fascinating Catholic traditions. They are marked with days of fasting, special saints days, and the Sundays of the liturgical year for both the Ordinary and Extraordinary calendar. Please consider supporting our church ministry by sprucing up your fall garden with our mums! Order forms and payment may be turned in directly to our parish office or mailed to St. John the Baptist, 323 Collyer Street, Longmont, CO 80501. Our First Meeting! Come enjoy coffee and breakfast two Thursdays every month with M.U.M.S. beginning September 3rd from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.! Join us as we explore a variety of topics including parenting, marriage, friendship, and spirituality. You will have the opportunity to become acquainted and form friendships with other moms from our community and parish. Moms of all ages are invited to join us! Babysitting is available so you can take a break and enjoy! Newcomers are welcome at every meeting! M.U.M.S. is hiring babysitters for the upcoming year. Adults and teens should contact Janelle at 520-404-0866 or [email protected] for requirements and rates. The Eucharist is a mystery of love that just seems impossible to him who does not believe that Jesus Christ is God, the Creator and Sovereign Lord of the universe. Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City______________________________ Zip__________ E-mail address____________________________________ Phone number____________________________________ Ten inch pots containing beautiful chrysanthemums in various colors are available for $15.00 each. Number of potted chrysanthemums____ Total $___________ Please make checks payable to M.U.M.S. If using cash, please have exact amount. Thank you to our Knights of Columbus Council #14898 for repainting the curbs and speed bumps in our parking lot! 5 Please contact Elisabeth Wanke at 303-485-0970 if you have any questions or concerns. CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST LONGMONT, COLORADO Catechist's Corner Catholic Religious Education (Creed) Hello parish family! We are working like bees at CREED to ensure a fantastic school year! My family and I are gearing up for some long awaited vacation time in Outer Banks, North Carolina, the last week of August. So if anyone needs to reach me, Liz Smith, your SJB CREED Coordinator, please reach out before August 21st at 303-776-0737, ext. 106! WHAT’S UP? Check out our improved website! We strive to make as helpful as possible. We are very excited to bring to you the newest addition, our CATHOLIC ENRICHMENT tab. Under this tab you will find all the current programs our parish offers to assist each family and parishioner to “enrich” our Catholic lives by enhancing the knowledge of our faith. I ask you to check back often as we are constantly working on ways to offer more. We welcome your constructive comments so we can make it most useful to our parish members. CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS EDUCUATION (CREED) is found under this tab. Registration is in full swing! Feel free to stop by my office any time each Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or drop off registration forms and tuition fees at our reception desk. Again, please remember that registration forms for “Catholic Religious Education” may be found on our website under CATHOLIC ENRICHMENT. Our catechists are an ALL STAR team! I cannot express how excited I am to be working with such an amazing group of people this fall. Our catechists are experienced and faith-filled people who are devoted to assisting our SJB families in their pursuit to instill the Catholic faith our parish children. We are blessed to have them, but are still in need of a few assistants to aide our teachers. Please consider this volunteer option and contact me with any questions. What’s old is new again! CREED has decided to embrace an old tradition with our younger CREED students. Grades K-2 classes will be held on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. We recognize that little ones may have some challenges in the standard classroom setting after attending school all day. Our new time for this younger group will go from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m., and falls between the two most popular family Masses, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. To complement these classes, our Children’s Liturgy of the Word will start up again in November at the 10:30 a.m. Mass, and we encourage all families to stay after their child’s class and attend. This is a wonderful Mass for our little ones, especially those preparing for their First Holy Communion. This change will allow for ALL other grades, 3-8, to be held on Tuesday Evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. First Classes begin September 15th Grades 3-8 - Tuesdays, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. RCIC and RCIT (for children in need of missed sacraments) Tuesdays 6:00 - 7:30 p.m Grades K-2 - Sundays, 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. beginning September 20th For any questions about the “Restored Order of the Sacraments of Initiation,” a great article can be found at 6 Attention St. John’s School Parents! The Back-to-School Picnic is next Saturday, August 22nd from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. (Kindly disregard any incorrect times you have seen here or anywhere else in print.) New uniforms will be available for purchase from All School Uniform Apparel and Dennis Uniform, and our Used Uniform Resale will be hosted by Tracy Lewis. We welcome Kona Ice to our picnic. Kona Ice will donate 20% of all sales back to SJB. Be sure and visit our informational tables to find out about the coming school year. You may also drop off school supplies and meet your child’s teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. Be sure and join us for 5:00 p.m. Mass after the picnic. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 16, 2015 LA EUCARISTIA Y LA EVANGELIZACIÓN Hemos tratado algo sobre la evangelización. La evangelización tiene su fuente y su culmen en la Eucaristía. Jesucristo está ahora glorioso en el Cielo y también está en el Sagrario, donde adoramos al Señor, le damos gracias, y pedimos su ayuda. Pero ¿Qué es la Eucaristía? Nos lo dijo muy claro en aquel discurso de Cafarnaúm, donde prometió dejarnos su cuerpo como alimento: “Si alguno come este pan vivirá eternamente; y el Pan que yo le daré es mi Carne para la vida del mundo” (Juan 6:51) “Quien come mi Carne y bebe mi Sangre permanece en mí y yo en él” (Juan 6:56). En el Cenáculo, aquel memorable Jueves Santo, instituye este maravilloso misterio de quedarse hecho pan; “Tomo pan, lo bendijo, lo partió y lo dio a sus discípulos diciendo: “Tomad y Comed esto es mi Cuerpo...”y tomando el cáliz: “Bebed todos de él pues esta es mi sangre, sangre de la alianza nueva y eterna que será derramada por todos para la remisión de los pecados” (Mateo 26:26-28). Lo creemos porque el mismo Jesús lo dejó claro. Y así lo han creído todos los fieles desde la época apostólica hasta nuestros días, como bien lo recoge el reciente Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica en el número 1374: “Jesucristo está verdadera, real y substancialmente con su Cuerpo, con su Sangre, con su Alma y con su Divinidad” Alguien podría decir: nada veo en la Eucaristía, ni nada siento. Y, le podríamos responder: cuando el cielo está nublado, no veo el sol, ¿señal de que no existe? O, no siento que la tierra está girando, ¿señal de que está parada? Pensemos cómo la gran mayoría de las cosas que sabemos es porque aceptamos lo que nos dicen nuestros maestros y nuestros padres: ¿quién ha visto un átomo, la fuerza gravitacional, Neptuno y Plutón?... ¿Quién ha sacado los cálculos de la casa donde vive? ¡Le hemos creído al señor que la hizo!, ¿Quién analiza los alimentos que tomamos? ¡Le hemos creído a la cocinera que los hizo con higiene! Le creemos a tantos humanos, y ¿vamos a dudar de las palabras de Jesús, que nos mostró con su vida, su palabra y sus milagros que es el verdadero Dios? ¿Se habrán equivocado millones de católicos durante 2000 años, muchos de ellos, santos y sabios? La Eucaristía es un misterio de Amor que sólo parece imposible a aquel que no cree que Jesucristo es Dios, Creador y Señor omnipotente del universo. LOS MODOS DE LA EUCARISTÍA (Cfr. Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, nn. 1356-1401) Como un Sacrificio porque hace presente el sacrificio de la Cruz, porque es su memorial y nos aplica su fruto. Es cuando le llamamos Santa Misa. Como Banquete sagrado de la Comunión en el Cuerpo del Señor. Como Presencia Eucarística de Cristo que se queda en el Sagrario, para permanecer a nuestro lado, para sostenernos, para guiarnos. Pues bien, la evangelización tiene su fuerza, su luz y su motivación en la Eucaristía que celebramos en una única fe. Ojalá y podamos valorarla y celebrarla mejor cada día. Educación Religiosa Las clases de Primera Comunión comienzan el lunes 14 y miércoles 16 de septiembre a las 6:00 p.m. y las de Confirmación el jueves 17 de septiembre a las 6:00 p.m. Si no ha registrado a su niño/a por favor pase a la oficina la semana del 10 de agosto. RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Rica no es un programa sino un proceso en el cual la persona, después de oír la explicación del misterio de Cristo, decide libremente seguir a Cristo por el camino de la fe en la Iglesia Católica. Si usted es un apersona adulta y le faltan los sacramentos de indicación: bautismo, Confirmación y Comunión, este proceso es para usted. Las clases se ofrecerán los lunes de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. para registrase puede pasar a la oficina o llamar al 303-776-0737. Para registrarse para la Primera comunión o confirmación, necesita llenar la forma de registración que está disponible en la recepción. Necesita presentar una copia del certificado de nacimiento y de bautismo junto con la forma de registración. El costo es de $75 por niño o $140 por familia. Si tiene preguntas favor de llamar al 303-776-0737. Las clases de adultos comienzan el lunes 21 de septiembre de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. 7 St. John the Baptist Catholic School has been an anchor in our Longmont community since 1922, with longstanding ties to generations of students and their families. We invite you to become a part of our annual Family Fun Weekend to enjoy some of Colorado’s finest scenery, enjoy a run or a walk, eighteen holes of golf, and at the same time, raise awareness for your business while raising funds for our school! A monetary donation, goods, or services from a donor or sponsor to our Family Fun Weekend will result in repeat exposure to our community of over 3,200 St. John’s families by featuring your business on our website, in our church bulletin, and school newsletter. The audience you will reach through advertising is small enough to be able to effectively reach all of them! Proceeds from our Family Fun Weekend are used to provide opportunities to students that will foster academic, social, and spiritual growth. It also sustains innovative technology in our classrooms, facility upgrades, and tuition assistance. Friday, September 25th at 5:30 p.m. 5K Fun Run - McIntosh Lake, Longmont Saturday, September 26th at 8:00 a.m. Golf Classic - Saddleback Golf Course, Firestone COMBINED GOLF and 5K FUN RUN/WALK SPONSORSHIP Platinum: $1,300 Includes: • Golf fees for 4 players • Fun Run entries for entire family • Advertisements and public recognition • Catered lunch for 4 golfers • 4 mulligans • 4 Family Fun Run T-shirts Gold: $850 Silver: $600 Includes: • Golf fees for 3 players • Fun Run entries for entire family • Advertisements and public recognition • Catered lunch for 3 golfers • 3 mulligans • 3 Family Fun Run T-shirts Includes: • Golf fees for 2 players • 4 Fun Run entries • • • • Advertisements and public recognition Catered lunch for 2 golfers 2 mulligans 2 Family Fun Run T-shirts Bronze: $400 Includes: Golf fees for 1 player 2 Fun Run entries • • • • • • Advertisements and public recognition Catered lunch for 1 golfer 2 mulligans 2 Family Fun Run T-shirts GOLF ONLY SPONSORSHIP Platinum: $800 Gold: $600 Silver: $500 Bronze: $280 5K FUN RUN/WALK ONLY SPONSORSHIP Ironman: $500 Triathlete: $250 10K: $100 For additional information, please visit, click on FUNDRAISERS, and FAMILY FUN WEEKEND. You may also contact Dan Knievel - 303-746-9136 or [email protected], or Courtney Bickford - 720-684-7216 or [email protected]. 8 TWENTIETH DEDICATION SUNDAY OF THEOF LATERAN INALL ORDINARY TIME DEPARTED - ALL SOULS DAY COMMEMORATION THEBASILICA FAITHFUL Mass Intentions: NOVEMBER AUGUST 16, 9, 2015 2, 2014 Readings for the Week of August 16 Sunday: ! Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Saturday, August 15, 2015 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 a.m. ♥†All Mothers 5:00 p.m. ♥Marianna Bakowicz Sunday, August 16, 2015 - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. †Benito Sandoval 8:30 a.m. †Anthony and †Katherine Dodero 10:30 a.m. †Mr. and †Mrs. Clarence Merrifield 12:30 p.m. ♥†Parishioners of St. John the Baptist 4:00 p.m. ♥Jeff Seastone Family 6:00 p.m. †Ma de Jesus Sanchez Prv 9:1-6/Eph 5:15-20/Jn 6:51-58 Jgs 2:11-19/Mt 19:16-22 Jgs 6:11-24a/Mt 19:23-30 Jgs 9:6-15/Mt 20:1-16 Jgs 11:29-39a/Mt 22:1-14 Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22/Mt 22:34-40 Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17/Mt 23:1-12 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b/Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32/Jn 6:60-69 Monday, August 17, 2015 6:30 a.m. ♥Taleena Hilbert and ♥Family 8:15 a.m. ♥Tuyen Dang Tuesday, August 18, 2015 6:30 a.m. †Elain F. Miller 8:15 a.m. †Stephen Mattini Select Events at St. John’s Sunday, August 16: • Coffee and donuts, after all Masses, Benedict Hall Wednesday, August 19: • Fr. Ron’s Scripture Class, 9:00 a.m., St. Catherine room • Blue Army, 7:00 p.m., Chapel Thursday, August 20: • Safe Environment Training, 6:30 p.m., Benedict Hall Saturday, August 22: • Back-to-School Picnic, 1:00 p.m., Campus Wednesday, August 19, 2015 6:30 a.m. †Joan Nigrelli 8:15 a.m. †William Kruse Thursday, August 20, 2015 6:30 a.m. †Alida Chavez 8:15 a.m. ♥Ryan Chopyak 6:00 p.m. †Anna C. Wehmeier and ♥Family Friday, August 21, 2015 6:30 a.m. †Stephanie Parker 8:15 a.m. ♥Will Chopyak Saturday, August 22, 2015 5:00 p.m. †Doris Darlene Weibel Love Them Both Sunday, August 23, 2015 - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. †Michael Warhola 8:30 a.m. †Maria Odea 10:30 a.m. †John Angel Family 12:30 p.m. †Elisa Payne Black and ♥†Family 4:00 p.m. ♥†Parishioners of St. John the Baptist 6:00 p.m. †John S. Black and ♥†Family “We must love them both—those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored in the search for truth, and both have helped us in the finding of it.” —Thomas Aquinas Intentions indicated by † deceased and ♥ living. Unmarked if unknown. Peaceful Protest of Planned Parenthood in Longmont Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, has been making national headlines in recent months. An attempt to remove federal funding from the organization passed the House but did not pass the Senate. Since then, several states have advanced efforts to decrease or eliminate state funding to Planned Parenthood. Public outcry is essential in the movement to discredit and defund Planned Parenthood. This will save many lives. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in America, performing 300,000 per year. They receive a half a billion dollars of taxpayer money a year. International Planned Parenthood Federation spent $6 million in 2014 alone funding abortion groups in Catholic Latin America trying to legalize abortion. On Saturday, August 22, pro-life Americans throughout the country will gather at Planned Parenthood locations nationwide to protest the abortion giant’s barbaric practice of aborting babies and selling their body parts. In the wake of the horrific videos exposing this practice, now is the time for Christians to stand up and demand an end to the nation’s largest abortion provider: Event: National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood When: Saturday, August 22, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Where: Planned Parenthood, Burlington Village, 195 South Main Street, Suite 8, Longmont, CO More Information: Call Teresa Dillon at 303-641-3677, 303-828-9566, or e-mail [email protected]. You may choose to be a part of this nationwide event and take a stand against the evil of abortion. 9 Contacts For the weekend of August 8-9 Phone: 303-776-0737 Parish Fax: 303-772-5636 Website: Offertory numbers were unavailable at the time of publication. Please check next week’s bulletin. Clergy St. John’s Food Bank Father Ron Weissbeck, Pastor [email protected] Father Gerardo Garcia, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Deacon Bob Howard [email protected] Deacon Mike Berens [email protected] Deacon Modesto Garcia Families Food bank purchases Assistance Pounds of food distributed 171 $0 $0 6,630 St. John’s also give $150 a month to Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley and $100 a month to the OUR Center. Parish Staff Peggy Belknap, Business Office [email protected], or ext. 148 Anna Campbell, RCIA [email protected], or ext. 140 Mary Ruth Chopyak, Pastoral Assistant and Facility Scheduler [email protected], or ext. 139 Teresa Cuevas, Receptionist [email protected], or ext. 100 Socorro Garcia, Director of Hispanic Ministries [email protected], or ext. 113 Lyle Herrera, Maintenance Manager [email protected], or ext. 135 Maggie Howard, Music and Liturgy [email protected], or ext. 112 Loretta Lewis, Scrip - ext. 107 Nancy Olivari, Gift Shop [email protected], or ext. 108 Karen Sabo, Sacramental Records [email protected], or ext. 109 Liz Smith, Faith Formation Coordinator [email protected], or ext. 106 Theresa Valencia, Director of Administrative Services [email protected], or ext. 111 Joan Willden, Director of Communications [email protected] John Williams, Outreach Coordinator [email protected], or 303-678-1469 Don’t forget to buy your SCRIP this week! A Legacy Gift St. John the Baptist School Investing in Our Children’s Future Since 1922 350 Emery Street, Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-8760 or [email protected] A Catholic learning environment for grades P-8 Kemmery Hill, Principal Beth Ann Rosa, Assistant Principal Tami Moskal, Preschool Director 10 Would you consider committing resources to the future of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School? Your legacy is a reflection of your life, work, and faith. Your legacy gift will honor the organizations or people who have had an impact on your life and will guarantee that future generations have the same opportunities. For more information or to make arrangements, please contact Theresa Valencia at 303-776-0737, ext. 111, or [email protected]. Martha Martin Business Services LLC 623 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 776-5072 • Fax (303) 684-9233 Income Tax • Bookkeeping Translations • Passport Photos MASTER KLEAN Esta solicitando personal para limpieza de oficinas, posiciones de PT y FT. El salario $9.00 por hora. Aplicar en el 2149 S Clermont St. Requisitos tener sus documentos en regla. Tel: 303-753-6084 Jack P. Wolfe Dr. Peter Schmid ATTORNEY AT LAW Board Certified in Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; Head/Neck Cancer; Diseases of the Ears, Nose & Throat 303-776-0880 749 Tanager Circle 1305 Sumner Street, Suite 100 Construction • Real Estate • Corporate Estate Planning • Wills & Probate 303-651-6846 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the internet or yellow pages. Contact John Cornish to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x4305 They that Kevin Cavanaugh, M.D. Board Certified in ENT – Head and Neck Surgery Fellowship trained in Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (720) 494-9111 shall Pray for Vocations WAIT RENEW 303-417-9000 upon the LORD their STRENGTH; • Water Damage • Smoke Damage • Fire Damage • Mold Damage • Restoration They shall mount up with Wings as the Eagles, They shall RUN and Not be weary, They shall walk European & Japanese Auto Care And NOT FAINT. 303-772-4770 1333 Sherman Dr Longmont, CO –Isaiah 40:31 Valley Nissan Subaru, LLC Longmont • 776-0443 FOR AD INFO CALL JOHN CORNISH AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOHN, LONGMONT, CO B 2C 05-0018 MI NINA’S BOUTIQUE Make a difference in the life junto con EL CORRAL VAQUERO WESTERN WEAR of a senior and earn $$ as a * ROPONES DE BAUTISMO * VESTIDOS Y ACCESORIOS PARA: QU * QUINCEAÑERAS * BODAS * PRIMERA COMUNIÓN professional caregiver. * PROM Y TODAS OCASIONES * Sombreros * Texanas * Botas * Cintos * Pantalones * Camisas PH: 303-682-1319 • 23 S. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 [email protected] MENCIONE QUE VIO ESTE ANUNCIO Y SE LE DARÁ UN DESCUENTO DE 20 % DEFALCO CONSTRUCTION CO. 303-651-1100 Our Caregivers Enjoy: Providing Heavy Civil Construction Services for more than 50 years • Flexible work hours • Competitive wages • Excellent training To join our team, CALL 720-204-6163 or apply @ 303-682-9015 510 2nd Ave, Longmont, CO 8am - 5:30pm M-F Excellence, Integrity, Value & Positive Relationships COSMETICS Helen Herman Protect your skin with SPF 30 or 50 303-776-7679 COLORADO COURIER TRADITIONS, INC. CAROL SCHACK, CRS, GRI Ask for Steve Powers or Elizabeth Rittenburg MARY KAY Broker Associate Contact: Cell 303 931-4945 [email protected] Over 25 years real estate experience in Longmont Member of St. John’s adult choir for over 32 years! non-medical care support for seniors “Let me help you have a blessed real estate transaction” 303 • 931 • 8894 THE FRONT RANGE J.E. MOHAN 1610 Hover St., Suite 202 Longmont, CO 80501 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Office: 303-678-7808 Mobile: 303-652-7722 Service/Remodel New Construction • Hydronic Heat • Basement Finish Patrick E. Dowlin Email: [email protected] Wealth Advisor Website: Parishioner Independent, unbiased advice and guidance Securities offered through LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC 303-772-7678 Licensed Insured Jim, Parishioner email: [email protected] • Mobile: 303-901-0796 Sedation, Cosmetic & Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome Complete Care in a Comfortable and Caring Environment 614 Coffman 303-776-2804 Dr. Cliff Rogge (Parishioner) Since 1898 650 20th Ave. 776-4077 303-776-2434 920 S. Hover Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-8888 Artistic Abogados de Inmigración FRANCESCA RAMOS 303-417-6370 En Longmont y Aurora Carniceria Longmont’s Largest Selection of Fresh Meats, Produce and a Wide Variety of Hispanic Groceries Since 1982 303-774-6335 823 Ken Pratt Blvd Longmont CO 80501 Commercial Residential & H.O.A.’s Full Service Landscape Maintenance Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. 303-684-9484 Jody Whitmore - Realtor® “Serving Northern Colorado” Cell: 720-530-4142 Direct: 303-684-7773 [email protected] 24 South Main Street Longmont, CO 80501 “No job too small” (303) 776-6031 Knights of Columbus St. John the Baptist Council #14898 Catholic - Family Fraternal - Service — Parish First — Contact or Brad Jolly • (720) 526-5421 “Where Cleaning is an Art” weddings • corporate • social events picnics • party room • holiday parties 303-772-2247 [email protected] Full Service Dry Cleaning & Laundry Traditions Alterations • Leather Cleaning • Specialty Items Environmentally Friendly Green Earth Cleaning Free Pick up & Delivery 1631 Pace, Longmont 303-684-8585 32 Year Parishioner Alyson Canepa ABR, CDPE, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SFR, SRES 303-912-4663 [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL JOHN CORNISH AT 1-800-950-9952 • Contact John Cornish to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x4305 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOHN, LONGMONT, CO A 4C 05-0018
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