access to the lakes by public transport
access to the lakes by public transport
ACCESS TO THE LAKES BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT July 19 - September 9 Visit to Covadonga and the Lakes SUMMER AND HOLIDAY WEEKENDS Covadonga Sanctuary NO RESTRICTIONS Picos de Europa National Park. Biosphere Reserve 902 300 202 Lakes of Covadonga Inside the National Park, in the Cornión Massif, are the Lakes of Covadonga, which are formed by Lakes Enol and La Ercina at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. Visitors can enjoy a series of marked routes, with different degrees of difficulty to select from.The Picota Vantage Point is another stop not to be missed,to enjoy a spectacular landscape where water and peaks blend together, permanently etching the view in the visitor’s mind. 1 2 Royal Site of Covadonga Access by Public Transport Nature, religion and history join together to make Covadonga a pilgrimage destination and a mandatory stop for visitors. On this same mountain is where the Kingdom of Asturias was founded, we find the Holy Cave, which houses the image of Our Lady of Covadonga, a Neo-Romanesque chapel and the tomb of Pelagius. In order to protect the Picos de Europa National Park, a plan has been designed for access to the Lakes of Covadonga and to ensure the sustainability of this unique enclave. This plan regulates access at the height of tourist season. Below is the lagoon that produces the waterfall into the Deva River, where visitors toss coins and make a wish. The Neo-Romanesque Basilica of Santa María la Real de Covadonga (1901) rises above the Cerro del Cueto, with unrestricted access to Covadonga. 3 The rest of the year, the area may be accessed by private vehicle, with no restrictions. However, the National Park Administration may apply their own conservation guidelines and enact complementary regulations if the access road becomes backed up or if the parking lots located in the vicinity of the Lakes are full (when they reach 90% occupancy). 1. Lake La Ercina. 2. Lake Enol. 3. Basilica of Our Lady of Covadonga. 4. View from the Grotto of Covadonga. 5. Chapel of the Virgin at the Grotto of Covadonga. Public Transport Service 4 Where to purchase tickets Access by bus • July 19 – September 9 both days included, except for: July 25 (Feast of the Shepherd) and September 2 (Cycling Tour of Spain). More information on regulations in effect for those days at: and at the Town Council Tourism Office in Cangas de Onis. • October 12 - 14 and December 6 – 9. Stops and Itineraries Along the route Cangas de OnísCovadonga-Lakes, the buses have set discretionary stops near all points of interest along the route, including areas with lodging, restaurants and other activities available. Important note: Buses only stop if so requested. FEES 8% VAT Included - Parking 2€ (all day) - Adult (all day) - Children under 12 (all day) 7,50 € 3,50 € - Children under 3 Free (all day) - Ticket Cangas de Onís Covadonga (one-way) 5 Only in indicated parking lots,never at stops or on the bus itself (P1, P2, P3 and P4). Access by local taxi May access the space set aside for them if they have previously requested authorization from the Asturias Transport Consortium: Contact: 985 203 974 [email protected] This more personalized means of transport also includes driver-guides with experience in tourist routes and on mountain roads. Access to Covadonga Contact telephone numbers: 985 848 797 - 985 848 373 985 848 032 Where to park vehicles Exceptions and Special Situations Access to the Lakes in private vehicles when plan regulates access is in force, and the road is open, is subject to the availability of parking spaces in the Buferrera area at the Lakes. The road may be closed to traffic ahead of schedule on occasion if this parking lot becomes full. During holiday weekends, after 9 a.m., if the parking lots for the lakes in the Buferrera area are full and the road is closed ahead of time, the transport plan buses will begin to circulate, with the normal times for the last departure and descent. Officially recognized disabled persons: Free, but limited to the number of parking spaces available. There are four signposted parking lots with more than 1600 spaces available: Cangas Centro P1, El Bosque P2, Muñigo P3 y el Repelao P4. For more information INCATUR: Cangas de Onís Town Council: Picos de Europa National Park: www.reddeparquesnacionales. Asturias Transport Consortium (CTA): Infoasturias: Free access by private vehicle. Frequency and schedule 1,45 € Reduced fee for mountaineers who are accredited members planningto engage in mountaineering in the area. Organized groups in buses Road closed Frequency: every 10-15 minutes 1st bus departure to the Lakes Last bus departure to the Lakes Last bus return from the Lakes Summer schedule 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Holiday weekend schedule 10:00:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. P1 CANGAS CENTRO i CANGAS DE ONÍS - Roman Bridge - Holy Cross Chapel /Dolmen - Kingdom of Asturias Hall: - Exhibition“Tourist Gateway Picos de Europa” Soto de Cangas I 2 1 Soto de Cangas II 3 4 P2 EL BOSQUE 5 La Riera I 7 La Riera II AS 262 Muñigu Cangas de Onís P3 8 MUÑIGO EL REPELAO P4 Bus stops and points of interest 10 Priena 9 11 Covadonga Cave and Basilica COVADONGA Río Dobra - Basilica of Covadonga - Holy Cave - Museum and Escolanía Amieva P Onís 6 Río Sella N 625 CO 4 BUFERRERA - Information centre - Bus terminal Permanent bus stop (parking lot + public transport tickets) 12 Tourist establishment areas and bus stop Sames LAKE ENOL LAKE LA ERCINA Point of interest i Benia de Onís AS 114 “PEDRO PIDAL” VISITORS CENTER Information TOURIST ESTABLISHMENTS ON THE ROUTE 1 2 Paco Curras Diseñadores 3 TOURISM - Oficina de Turismo - Centro de Recepción de visitantes Casa Dago HOTELS - Azabache - El Toral Susierra - El Angliru - Avelina - Xana - La Pasera - La Casona de Cardes - Casa de Campo VILLAGE HOUSE - Casa Aurora - La Capilla BOARDING HOUSE - Los Acebos Susierra APARTMENTS - La Venta - El Buxu RESTAURANTS - La Cabaña - Los Ramos - Territorio Astur TOURISM - Alazán Centro Ecuestre CAMPING - Covadonga HOTELS - La Balsa - Bricial - La Trapa BOARDING HOUSE - Casa Pepe - Solahuerta VILLAGE HOUSE - Casa Ortíz APARTMENTS - La Cabaña - Villarrodrigo 985 848 005 985 848 614 985 843 700 985 940 253 985 940 223 985 947 171 985 940 211 985 940 223 985 940 243 985 940 280 4 985 382 851 985 849 418 985 843 700 5 670 772 929 627 717 253 985 940 084 608 145 997 985 947 710 985 940 280 985 940 097 985 940 056 985 940 223 985 940 223 985 940 130 985 940 021 985 940 228 659 979 104 629 875 061 6 7 RESTAURANTS - El Bricial - La Casa de la Fabada - Monte Auseva - La Palmera - La Pasera - Bar tienda La Cabaña del Queso TOURISM - Zoo La Grandera - Caballos El Dorado VILLAGE HOUSE - El Caserón HOTELS - Molino del Partidor RESTAURANTS - El Bosque - Molino del Partidor HOTELS - La Ablanada RESTAURANTS - Orandi CRAFTS SHOP - El Bosque CRAFTS SHOP - Souvenirs HOSTEL - La Riera VILLAGE HOUSE - Cuadriello HOTELS - Peñalba - Los Texos VACATION HOMES - Casa Antonio RESTAURANTS - Peñalba CRAFTS SHOP - La Vega 9 985 940 223 985 940 223 985 940 143 985 940 096 985 940 223 985 940 190 985 940 017 985 940 157 985 940 207 985 940 114 985 940 035 985 940 114 985 940 245 985 940 029 985 940 016 985 940 052 985 846 081 985 210 146 985 846 100 985 846 138 985 401 243 985 846 100 985 846 050 TOURISM - Oficina de turismo VILLAGE HOUSE - El Colladín - La Llosa del Repelao HOTELS - Auseva - El Repelao RESTAURANTS - El Repelao 10 VILLAGE HOUSE - Casa Asprón - Priena - Villastur CRAFTS SHOP - Mino 11 HOTELS - Gran Hotel Pelayo - El Rincon de Don Pelayo PICNIC AREA - Covadonga - La Panera del Molino BOARDING HOUSE - El Peregrino RESTAURANTS - El Huerto del Ermitaño - Gran Hotel Pelayo - Del Peregrino - La Campana TOURISM - Museo Covadonga - Información del Santuario - Tiendas 12 RESTAURANTS - El Casín - Mª. Rosa TOURISM - Centro de Visitantes Pedro Pidal SHELTER - Pastores Vega de Enol 985 846 135 659 941 543 686 159 481 985 846 023 985 846 141 985 846 134 985 846 092 985 846 070 681 010 680 985 846 040 985 846 061 686 136 199 985 846 067 985 846 053 985 846 047 985 846 097 985 846 061 985 846 047 678 981 085 985 846 096 985 846 035 985 846 066 985 922 927 985 922 009 985 942 828