Family Science Days 2016 p1 2015 08 14
Family Science Days 2016 p1 2015 08 14
INVITATION INVITACIÓN v a d n A t a n g a e b Family S Ur e h t o t cience e m o c Day! urban advantage Wel m i d d l e s c h o o l s c i e n ce i n i t i a t i ve w w w. u r b a n a d va n t a g e nyc. o r g What? ¿Qué? A great day for NYC “Urban Advantage” students and their families. Un gran día para los estudiantes en el programa de “Urban Advantage” y sus familias. Many institutions offer refreshments on a first come first served basis; look for the asterisk (*). Institutions offer programs that include some of the following activities: Muchas instituciones ofrecen refrescos gratuitos; busca el asterisco (*). Cada institución ofrece programs especiales que incluyen algunas de las siguientes actividades: Hands on investigations Animal Feedings Cow’s eye dissections Touch tanks Plantings Microscopes Special tours Skulls VERY IMPORTANT !! ¡MUY IMPORTANTE!! This invitation is also your admissions voucher to “Urban Advantage Family Science Day”. Please bring it with you and use it for admission. Please complete information printed on the reverse of this invitation. Esta invitación es también su boleto de entrada al “Urban Advantage Family Science Day.” Por favor llévela y entréguela a la entrada. Por favor completa la información imprenta al reverso de esta invitacion. When? ¿Cuándo? Sunday, October 11, 2015 New York Aquarium/WCS* Special Program: 5:00 - 8:00 PM Phone: 1-718-265-3474 Staten Island Zoo* Special Program: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM Phone: 1-718-442-3100 Sunday, October 18, 2015 Bronx Zoo/WCS* Special Program: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Phone: 1-718-220-5136 Where? ¿Dónde? Saturday, October 24, 2015 Brooklyn Botanic Garden* Special Program: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Phone: 1-718-623-7200 Sunday, October 25, 2015 American Museum of Natural History* Special Program: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Phone: 1-212-769-5100 New York Botanical Garden* Special Program: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Phone: 1-718-817-8700 Queens Botanical Garden* Special Program: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Phone: 1-718-886-3800 For directions and other information about the Urban Advantage partner institutions, please call or visit their web sites. New York Hall of Science Special Program: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Phone: 1-718-699-0005 Para las direcciones y la otra información sobre las instituciones del Urban Advantage, llame o visite por favor sus sitios del Web. Family Science Day Free Admission Voucher urban advantage m i d d l e s c h o o l s c i e n ce i n i t i a t i ve Date of Visit: Admits student plus up to 3 accompanyingindividuals to one of the following institutions: Student Name: Teacher Name & ID: American Museum of Natural History (October 25, 2015) School Number & Name: Bronx Zoo (October 18, 2015) Brooklyn Botanic Garden (October 24, 2015) New York Aquarium (October 11, 2015) New York Botanical Garden (October 25, 2015) New York Hall of Science (October 25, 2015) Queens Botanical Garden (October 18, 2015) Staten Island Zoo (October 11, 2015) Number of Visitors (Please fill in): See below for special instructions for each institution. 1 This voucher is good for admission on dates specified. Please note the times of special UA activities at each institution. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Refreshments for UA families are available at many institutions while supplies last; look for the asterisk (*). SPE CIA L ACT I VI T I E S : American Museum of Natural History (October 25, 2015) * – Valid for general admission and admission to one – – – – special exhibition Does not include IMAX or Space Show Special UA activities from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Skull investigation, guided hall tours, topo map activity, and insects under microscopes Free parking available for buses only Bronx Zoo (October 18, 2015)* – Valid for general admission, Boo at the Zoo activities (that are free with general admission) and UA activities in the Congo Gorilla Forest – Does not include special exhibits, rides or parking – Special UA activities from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM – Halloween-themed scat ID game, biofact investigations, and rainforest detective activities in Congo. Brooklyn Botanic Garden (October 24, 2015)* – Valid for general admission and Ghouls and Gourds – Hands-on explorations, dissections, and planting activities – Special UA activities from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM New York Aquarium (October 11, 2015)* – Valid for general admission starting at 5:00 PM – Does not include parking or 4D Theater – Special after dark access and UA activities from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM – Biofact investigations, crafts and more New York Botanical Garden (October 25, 2015)* – Valid for general admission including The Haunted Pumpkin Garden – Special UA activities including carnivorous plants and macroinvertebrates from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM New York Hall of Science (October 25, 2015) – – – – Valid for general admission Special UA activities from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Visit the Science Playground (weather permitting) Science Demonstrations (Cow’s eye dissections) Queens Botanical Garden (October 18, 2015)* – – – – – Valid for General Admission to QBG and Harvestfest Special UA activities from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM in the auditorium Plantings, giveaways, and much more Not valid for pumpkins or petting zoo or other fee based activities Parking is based upon availability only, with a $10 fee. Staten Island Zoo (October 11, 2015)* – Valid for General admission only – Science Marathon for UA families from 12:00-3:00 PM – Meet and greet live animals Public support for the Urban Advantage program is provided by the Speaker and Council of the City of New York, and the New York City Department of Education.
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