Tdap is the vaccine that protects against Pertussis, also known as
Tdap is the vaccine that protects against Pertussis, also known as
Got Tdap? p Tdap is the vaccine that protects against Pertussis, also known as whooping cough. Anyone under age 65 who has contact with children hild under d 12 months th old ld should h ld gett the th Tdap vaccine. This includes: •Parents and Grandparents •Healthcare workers •Dayy care p providers You can get the vaccine FREE at the Meriden Health Department Call (203) 630-4234 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Meriden Health Department 165 Miller Street, Meriden, CT 06450 Vacuna Tdap p Tdap es la vacuna que proteje contra la Pertussis, también conocida Como la (tós ó ferina). f Cualquier persona menor de 65 años que estan en contacto con niños menores de 12 meses deben obtener esta vacuna de Tdap. Incluye: • Padres y Abuelos • Empleados de salud • Centro Cent o de cuidados c idados infantiles (niños) Usted puede recibir esta vacuna gratis en el Departmento de Salud. Para mas información, puede llamar al 203-630-4234. Meriden Health Department 165 Miller Street, Meriden, CT 06450