Year 12 Student, Joan Munar, Competing at the 2012 London
Year 12 Student, Joan Munar, Competing at the 2012 London
Monday October 22nd 2012 Year 12 Student, Joan Munar, Competing at the 2012 London Paralympic Games Read the interview with Joan Munar inside. Years 10 to 13 Cross-Curricular Excursion More information and photos from the excursion inside. King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. www.kingrichard Primary School News Years 5 and 6 Explore La Reserva On October 8th Years 5 and 6 went on their Autumn Term excursion to La Reserva in Puigpunyent. It gave them a great opportunity to observe, first hand, aspects of Science and Geography being taught in the class. As the pupils followed the trails through La Reserva, they participated in an information gathering quiz, which required them to find out about the flora, fauna and geography of La Reserva. Watching bears and gathering information about them. Alicía Font captivated by the waterfall. Chloe Clarkson, Lodewyk Holleboom and Cedric Laufenberg getting close to the mouflons. Spot the bear! Grace Boreggio obviously can’t believe her eyes! King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Primary School News Year 6 History Year 6 are learning about the Victorians in History. Many Victorian children lived in workhouses, where they were very cruelly treated. They had to work long hours every day, doing very boring tasks, and they were beaten if they did not do it properly! Year 5 Numeracy The Year 5 Numeracy class participated in a maths investigation to see whether the recorded landings of a ten-sided dice tallied with what would be expected. They recorded the results in a “Tally Chart”! Morgan Bibiloni and Marcos Juan taking it in turns to roll the dice for their investigation. Year 4 News Here Julian Salleras, Jordi Kegel and Jannis Athanasakos are "picking oakum" which was pulling pieces of rope apart to use to waterproof ships. What boring work it must have been! Year 4 recently learned and performed a poem called “The Scary Skeleton” for their assembly. The poem was related to the term one Science topic, Moving and Growing. When did King Richard III reign in England? The first five pupils from Secondary or Primary to present Mr. McCormick with the exact dates will receive 10 points. King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Primary School News Year 3 Blue Art Year 3 Numeracy Lian Ramadani, Jan Ortiz and Norwin Hug improving their sketching skills. In Numeracy, the pupils from Year 3 are learning to use a tape measure. “We measured lots of things in our classroom, and we even got to measure our teacher! We really enjoyed it!” Year 2 Survey Year 2 have been collecting data and drawing conclusions for their Favourite Fruit Survey. Year 3 Blue: Teeth Year 3 Blue have been learning about different types of teeth and how to look after them. They were able to perform their "Teeth" poem in our Primary Assembly. Year 1 Español Los alumnos de Year 1 aprenden a escribir en español. How many wisdom teeth should an adult have and what type of teeth are they? The first five pupils from Primary to present Mr. McCormick will receive 10 house points. Un trabajo bien hecho, Year 1! King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Primary School News Reception 2 Floating and Sinking Reception 0 Reception Zero have been building and creating new structures. Reception 2 have been investigating “Floating and Sinking” in Science. Ada Ortiz and Lucás Laraudogoitia Kjell Laudon, Antoine Berry and Ramon Nyppeli Reception 1 Raul Berry, Marlene Hansen ad Jenny Stahl-Vives busy building Reception One students are proud of their number paintings Who invented Lego and where was the first Legoland built? The first five pupils Primary to present Mr. McCormick with the exact dates will receive 10 house points. Reception Zero, painting triangles King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Primary School News French in Primary Students from years 1 to 6 have started their weekly French lessons again. Years 3 to 6 have been revising the vocabulary learned last year with games, songs and fun activities, whilst years 1 and 2 have just started learning numbers and colours. Phoebe Wesson showing her work on colours. Star Pupils and Merits For the week ending October 5th Star Pupils Y6 Mario Roig León Y5 Quentin Bruckner Y4 Felix Albers Y3 B Ava Bahms Y3 R Eleanor Bee Y2 Xima DeLacy Y1 Lucas Jackson Merit Pupils Y6 Leon Liebichen Y5 Estefania Liebichen Y4 Martin Deyanov Y3 B Jasmine Guthrie Y3 R Ivan Burdeinoi Y2 Maddy Asher Y1 Lena Zins R2 Sapp Mansaker For the week ending October 12th Year 2 enjoying a game in French. Drama Club We are having lots of fun at the Primary Drama Club. We have been participating in a variety of activities to help us get to know one another and become more confident when performing in front of others. Star Pupils Y6 Mina Kami Y5 Asia Bailer Y4 Anita Koteja Y3 B Ava Bahms Y3 R William Lamprell Y2 Aniela Berry Y1 Olimpia Sennacheribbo Merit Pupils Y6 Ella Holm Y5 Quentin Bruckner Y4 Leonard Holm Y3 B Sam Mora Y3 R Marlon Nyppeli Y2 Lucien Bailer Y1 Cayetana Gonzalez R2 Lucie Bruckner Here we see the Drama Club focusing on movement. King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Secondary School News Years 10 to 13 Visit Mondragó National Reserve On October 3rd 2012, students from years 10-13 worked on beach surveys, coastal erosion, carbon sequestration, chemical analysis of rocks and wave refraction, employing skills in Maths, Science, Art and Geography. Pupils surveyed the beach using equipment they had constructed to produce a beach profile, PH data and Primary Vegetation Succession. UNIVERSITY VISITOR FOR THE 6th FORM Conducting a Chemistry experiment to determine the type of rock which is dominant in Playa Mondragó. Geography students are counting wave patterns to determine the type of process building up the beach. On Thursday the 4th of October, Years 12 and 13 had a visit from an IE University of Segovia representative. We were told about the application procedure and about finding characteristics in a University that would suit us the best. We finished the session off by doing a test in Emotional Intelligence. We all enjoyed the visit very much and learned a lot. By Stephanie Reuszner (Head Girl) Head Students: Harry Wilbraham, Stephanie Reuszner & Toni Bergas with Elisa Melendez from IE University King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Secondary School news English Department News Key Stage 4 English Literature The thought of embarking upon IGCSE study can be a little daunting, however our momentary fears are a distant memory and we are eager little book worms! Prior to starting to read Harper Lee’s classic, To Kill a Mocking Bird we carried out research on aspects of American history and culture. We each focused on a particular area, from the Declaration of Independence through to The Great Depression. We learned from each other and shared our findings, so we were very well prepared. We have been analysing the characters presented in the early chapters of the novel and our favorite so far is, without doubt, the narrator, Scout. She is curious, intelligent, outspoken (maybe a little too much at times) and a tomboy! We are really looking forward to learning how her character develops. We tried to link our studies with National Poetry Day to broaden our knowledge of the term mockingbird, which is a repeated motif in the novel. Believe it or not we analysed the lyrics of Eminem’s song Mockingbird and, in complete contrast, James Taylor and Carly Simon’s song of the same title. You can see that it is possible to link classic American literature with contemporary music! We have just completed a piece of analysis on how Harper Lee uses language in chapter four. It’s our biggest challenge so far but it develops our skills in learning how writers use a variety of literary techniques for different effects. We’re looking forward to receiving our grades soon! We´re also looking forward to participating in drama activities associated with the novel: we’ll be taking it in turns to play Scout! We’re really enjoying the novel, even at this early stage, and we are eager to see how the plot and characters develop. We can certainly understand why it is many people’s favourite book! Written by: Astrid Melin-Shearer, Emma Gow, Zoe SheridanPasch, Beatriz Juan and Borja Laraudogoitia Year 10 discover Boo Radley’s hidden messages. A Level English Below is an extract from Bradley Williams’ (Year 13) Alevel creative writing portfolio ‘The Gothic and Supernatural’ for English Language and Literature. Staring into the Void Time passes slower, when you are staring over the edge of a cliff. It seems that staring death in the face, without a hint of fear, can be a character-building experience. If you stare for too long into the void; it stares back. It seems natural, death that is, it’s socially accepted. It’s normal. Death is easy, and living is hard, wouldn't you like to just let go? All the worries and bad memories won’t matter anymore. You can sit back, for once, and take a backseat. Let whatever death welcomes you with take you away. Nearly everything in nature is painless, why would death be any different? Life ends every single split second; what kind of cruel joke would it be, and how pointless, if whatever happened after you die were bad. How likely is it to be a cruel experience? Why would it be? People tell us that we don’t know what happens after we die, and that’s true. But maybe nature does. Humans, as creatures, have developed into beings of higher intelligence through evolution, or at least that’s the commonly accepted theory, and this all happened through nature; right? We know nothing of death by ourselves, but what if nature knew? What if nature had evolved past the living, or whatever we call it? What if it had a plan, written and developed by nature itself? Death is natural, no? Why wouldn't we assume that we evolve after death too? It’s been around since time began, it’s had plenty of time to write that plan. Why don’t you find out? Solve, for yourself, the greatest question we have. What happens after you die. Maybe nature has already answered that question. We just don’t know it yet. By Bradley Williams By Bradley Williams, Year 13. King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Secondary School News English Department News (Continued) ENGLISH Years 7 – 9 Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have been enjoying reading their novels. Year 7 students are studying the story of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and they are learning the skills of narrative writing and of empathy. Indeed they empathise very strongly with the experiences of young Bruno and how he became drawn into the terrible events of the Holocaust during World War 2. Year 8 are enjoying life on Animal Farm and singing their song, “Beasts of England”! They are learning about the use of allegory and metaphor in storytelling. They have been involved in dramatic improvisations based on the events of the story and have written some stirring and persuasive political speeches of their own, as well as making masks representative of the various animal characters for use in their dramatic presentations. They are learning something of the Russian Revolution and the years of Stalin´s rule in Russia, as the book is an allegory based on this tumultuous period. Year 9 are in the Jazz Age and Prohibition in New York. They are reading F.Scott Fitzgerald´s powerful story of The Great Gatsby; both as a love story and a social commentary on the period of the Roaring 20s in America. They have enjoyed the parties at Gatsby´s house and his over-generous hospitality and are suspending judgement, for the moment, on The American Dream! The students are learning, from a master, how to write effectively and powerfully about people and places. Lecciones de Inglés Para Padres Si deseas mejorar tu inglés, ven a las clases para padres que realizamos los martes por la tarde. Actualmente, estamos trabajando la expresión oral centrándonos en diferentes temas, por ejemplo la comida y la bebida. La semana pasada realizamos una tarde de té y pastas y con ello practicamos el cómo desenvolvernos a la hora de pedir lo que queremos tomar en una cafetería. De esta forma trabajamos el inglés que podemos usar en nuestra vida cotidiana. ¡No importa el nivel que tengas, te damos la bienvenida y esperamos que te unas a la diversión! English Lessons For Parents If you want to improve your English, come along to the English classes for parents on Tuesday afternoons. We are currently developing our oral skills by focusing on different topics, for example food and drink. Last week the students had afternoon tea and cakes as they participated in active learning to make ordering in cafes a little bit more real life! All levels of English are welcome to come and join in the fun! Year 8 made masks of the key characters in Animal Farm, to aid their dramatic reconstructions of important scenes: Auditions are under way for our big school show this year which will be the rock ‘n’ roll hit musical ‘Grease’. We will be performing it at the Palmanova Auditorium in March 2013. Set in Rydell High School in the 1950s, this fantastic show is packed with fun, drama and showstoppers such as ‘Summer Nights’, ‘Go, Greased Lightning’ and ‘We Go Together’. Students in Years 5 to 13 will be taking part and auditions are happening as we speak! Could YOU be our next John Travolta or Olivia Newton-John? King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Secondary School News Business Studies Charley’s Fizzy Friends During our Business Studies class we made some lemonade, as part of the lesson on “Division of Labour”. The lesson included organising your available labour pool to its most efficient state. We decided that the practical lesson would be selling all of the lemonade to other students during break time and again at lunch time. Year 10 were very successful in their sales campaign and made 55 euros in profit. In the next lesson we had to decide what to do with the profits from our business venture. Emma Gow came up with the perfect answer. Invest the money… No! Make more lemonade and make more profit… No! Buy chocolate for everyone… No! Give the money to a small, local boy, Charley Crooks, who is disabled and needs to raise funds to pay for his health care… Yes! Well done everyone! Article by Emma Gow – Year 10 ICT Department News We would like to extend a warm welcome to a new member of the ICT department, Miss Conway. Miss Conway is teaching Primary ICT to Years 1, 2 and 3 and also teaches Year 8 ICT in Secondary School. This year we are utilising the electronic upload facility, ‘Google drive’. Instructions are given to pupils during lessons. To view the files or question papers students log on to the ‘Google drive’ website with their username and password. They select the Secondary folder and the year group they are in, and finally choose the folder relating to the unit currently being studied. Files are downloaded to their workstation as well as any questions papers that they could be working from. This facility is fantastic and we limit the amount of paper used in the ICT room for all year groups, whilst also looking after our environment. The department is also running new ICT Clubs, during which time the room is also open for IGCSE and A Level students to use for revision or to access software that they may not have on their own personal computers. In the ICT Club students can now have a go at photography, digital media and animation. Currently, we are working with Primary students using a programme called ‘Dance Mat Typing’, which is an introduction to touch typing for children aged 7 - 11 years. It will make them very fast writers indeed! Dance Mat Typing. IGCSE French and German Students have once again achieved excellent results in the Cambridge IGCSE exam with 100% of them achieving a A-C grade. The MFL department has been very successful over the past 10 years, ensuring students are fully prepared for their exam and achieve their full potential. Year 10 Business Studies presented the donations raised to Linda Ledwidge, the´Support Charley´coordinator, on Friday, September 28th. Year 10 students practising their verbs. King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Secondary School News Entrevista Joan Munar ¿La retinosis dificulta la competición y entrenamientos en horas de poca luz? A la hora de competir se me hace complicado, ya que a veces tengo que correr sobre todo las curvas por intuición, ya que pierdo de vista las líneas. Entrenar me resulta algo más fácil porque mi entrenador, José Solomando, me ayuda mucho corriendo a mi lado. Hace pocos meses te proclamaste en Holanda campeón europeo paralímpico de 100 y 200 metros ¿Esperabas algo así? La verdad es que ni me esperaba una medalla, pero fueron dos finales que me salieron casi perfectas y que, por pocas centésimas, logré las dos victorias. Sin duda fue una alegría inmensa. Joan es un nuevo alumno de Year 12 del King Richard III College. En pocos meses ha sabido ganarse el corazón de sus compañeros, se ha adaptado al ritmo de las clases y ha demostrado que con esfuerzo se pueden superar muchísimas barreras. Joan padece una enfermedad denominada Retinosis, una dolencia degenerativa que produce ceguera nocturna o lenta capacidad para adaptarse a la oscuridad y una pérdida progresiva del campo visual hasta formar una visión en túnel. Durante años practicó fútbol, pero en los últimos años mostró sus dotes en el mundo del atletismo y se hizo un hueco entre los mejores de España. Este año se ha proclamado campeón de Europa paralímpico, lo que le abrió las puertas para participar en los Juegos Paralímpicos de Londres 2012. ¿Te imaginabas participar con 16 años en unos Juegos? No, la verdad es que nunca se me había pasado por la cabeza, pero cuando me dijeron que iba a participar en los Juegos Paralímpicos de Londres fue una de las mayores alegrías de mi vida. Tras tu participación en Londres 2012 ¿qué experiencia te llevas? Me quedo con unos cuantos momentos de las Paralimpiadas de Londres 2012. En primer lugar, el día de la inauguración cuando entramos al estadio, y dimos la vuelta delante de 80.000 personas, fue un momento que nunca olvidaré. Tampoco podré olvidar el momento antes de correr los 100 metros lisos, cuando todo el estadio hace silencio antes de la salida. Es una sensación extraña, no oyes nada, pero sabes que a tu alrededor hay 80.000 personas. Y por último, y el más emotivo, fue cuando el día de la semifinal de los relevos, ganamos, y tuve el honor de entrar en primera posición en un estadio olímpico. ¿Cuáles son tus objetivos después de estos Juegos? Seguir entrenando más y mejor y prepararme para el Mundial de Lyon que se celebrará en el mes de julio de 2013. Entrevista realizada por I.Meylán y C.Trobat ¿Por qué cambiaste el fútbol por el atletismo? Porque a medida que iban pasando los años me costaba mucho seguir la pelota. Mucha gente me decía que corría mucho y que probara el atletismo. Llegué a un punto que tuve que decidirlo, y así lo hice, me metí de lleno en el atletismo. En atletismo, tus marcas figuran entre los mejores velocistas de Baleares ¿Cuál es tu mayor hándicap a la hora de competir? Concentrarme lo máximo posible y, sobre todo, pensar que lo hago porque me gusta competir, aunque a veces resulta difícil. King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca. Joan Munar Year 12 King Richard III College, Calle Oratorio, 4, 07180, Portals Nous, Mallorca, Spain. Tel. +34 971 67 58 50/51 Fax: +34 971 67 68 20 Email: [email protected] VISIT US ON THE WEB! Editor – Mr. McCormick. Contributions welcome. Email address – [email protected] Next Newsletter Due Out Monday November 12th Joan is a new Year 12 student at our school. In just a few months Joan, with his positive, cheerful attitude and wicked sense of humour has managed to win the hearts of his classmates and has adapted well to the rhythm of his new school. He has shown that with great determination many bridges can not only be crossed, but conquered. Joan suffers from a degenerative eye condition that renders him almost blind, called Retinitis Pigmentosa. The little sight that Joan has is akin to tunnel vision. However, he is slowly losing what little sight he has. Joan’s sight, when natural light is extremely bright, is almost like seeing the world through the lens of a rifle. When darkness begins to descend Joan becomes blind. During many years Joan played football, until his loss of vision denied him this sport. Enjoying sport very much, Joan did not give up and turned his talent to athletics and has made a name for himself among the best in Spain. This year he became European Para Olympic Champion and through this achievement was selected by his country to participate in the London Para Olympics 2012! He was the youngest member of the Spanish national team. Joan, did you ever imagine you would participate in the Olympics at only age 16 ? The truth is, no! It was such a dream that it never entered my head. When I was told that I was to participate in the Para Olympics it was one of the happiest moments of my life. Why did you leave football for athletics? I left football due to my visual impairment as it became increasingly difficult for me to see the ball and follow the game. As I enjoyed running, it was suggested that I try athletics. I made the decision therefore to immerse myself fully in the world of athletics. In athletics your running times compare with the best sprinters in the Baleares. What is your greatest handicap when it comes to competing? Concentration is difficult, but I always think that I am doing this because I am competitive, although at times it is a challenge. Does the lack of light at certain times of the day create difficulties with training and competing? Competing becomes very complicated when the light is poor. I have to run using intuition anticipating where the track curves and I am unable to see the lines that mark the lanes. Training is easier thanks to my trainer José Solomando who runs alongside me. A few months ago in Holland you became European Para Olympic Champion in the 100 and 200m. Were you expecting such success? Well the truth is I was not even expecting to win a medal! However, in the two finals everything went well and with just milliseconds difference managed to win. Without a doubt, I felt euphoric. What experiences did you gain after your participation in London 2012? There are many special moments from my London experience. The first was the Opening Ceremony, entering the stadium with 80,000 spectators, it was an unforgettable moment. Nor will I forget the start of the 100m when the silence descended over the entire stadium. It was a strange feeling; you heard nothing but knew there were 80,000 people surrounding you. Lastly, and the most emotional, was the 200m semi-final relay race. We won! I then had the honour of taking first position in an Olympic Stadium. What are your plans after the experience of the Games? I want to train even more and improve as much as possible in preparation for the World Games in Lyon in July 2013. King Richard III College, Portals Nous. Mallorca.