Pharma 3.0 The third place: health care everywhere and the


Pharma 3.0 The third place: health care everywhere and the
Boletín Fiscal :: Ernst & Young
Pharma 3.0 The third place: health care everywhere and the behavioral change
martes, 24 de abril de 2012
Abril 2012
Pharma 3.0
The third place: health care everywhere and the behavioral change business
Dear executive:
Ernst & Young would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the exclusive breakfast presentation Pharma 3.0 The
third place: health care everywhere and the behavioral change business, that will cover the pharmaceutical industry
Join us on May 16th at 2:00 pm. at Hacienda de los Morales, Salón Ático *. Please find attached additional information
about the event.
Pharma EY 2012.pdf
Thank you in advance for your interest, and please confirm your attendance at (55)1101-6403 or
[email protected]. Seating is limited.
Ernst & Young México
*Hacienda de los Morales is located at Vázquez de Mella 525, Col. Del Bosque, Polanco México City.
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Generado: 1 December, 2016, 02:02