Agricultural Catastrophic Insurance g p for Poor Farmers in Perú
Agricultural Catastrophic Insurance g p for Poor Farmers in Perú
Agricultural g Catastrophic p Insurance for Poor Farmers in Perú Lourdes del Carpio p – Manager, g , Agricultural g Insurance Rio de Janeiro, November 2011 La Positiva Seguros g ¿Who we are? La Positiva Seguros is an insurance company with more than 73 years of experience in the insurance market with more than 3’000,000 insured clients in Perú. La Positiva Seguros Innovating La Positiva Seguros : Leads in Agricultural Insurance. Insurance Developed the fisrt area based yield insurance for cotton. Pioneer selling life microinsurance to farmers in Perú. Developed the first index insurance based on sea surface temperature ( Index Insurance against El Niño). Insures crops p of more than 219,000 p poor farmers. International Presence In Latin America • Perú La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros La Positiva Vida • Bolivia Alianza Seguros Generales Alianza Vida • Panamá: Interoceánica de Seguros S.A. •Nicaragua Compañía de Seguros América National Presence In Perú 23 Offices • Arequipa • Cajamarca • Chiclayo Chi l • Chimbote • Cusco • Lima ‐San Isidro ‐Lince ‐‐ Miraflores ‐‐ Los Olivos ‐‐ San Juan de Lurigancho ‐‐ Callao • Trujillo • Huancayo • Ica • Iquitos I i • Ilo • Juliaca • Piura • Pucallpa • Tacna Insurance Market Share INTERSEGUR OTROS O 4,0% 6,7% INVITA 7,6% RIMAC 33,9% MAPFRE 10,7% LA POSITIVA 12 1% 12,1% PACÍFICO 25,0% La Positiva Seguros is third in the Peruvian Insurance Market Fuente: SBS a Julio 2011 Agricultural g cu tu a Secto Sector New Market GDP: 8% % Rural Poverty: 60,3 % Urban Poverty: 21,1% Agricultural Sector New Market Market– New Insurance Products Agroexportation 90,000 Has. Extensive Agriculture 1. 7 Millones Has. Internal commerce Subsistence Agriculture g 2 Millones de Has. Minifundio Self-consumption • Commercial Agricultural Insurance • Index Insurance against El Niño No subsidy Sales channel: Direct, Direct banks, banks farmer farmer´s s orgranization. • Commercial Agricultural Insurance • Index Insurance against El Niño ñ No subsidy Sales channel: Banks, Microfinance institutions, farmer´s organization´s ´ • Catastrhophic Agricultural Insurance 100% government subsidy Net p premiums: 2009 USD 6.1 Millones 2010 USD 6.9 Millones Sales Channel: Direct to Regional Governments Insurance for the poor needs public – private partnership Challenges to sell agricultural insurance to small farmers. Demand Side 1 Smallholders 1. Between 3-10 Ha Less than 3 Ha Between 10-50 Ha More than 50 Ha 2. No insurance culture in rural areas. High costs to implement an educational campaign. Public and private sector could invest on insurance education. Farmers´educational level: 2009 / No education / Incomplete Primary / Completed Primary / Completed Secondary / Superior Supply Side 1 High 1. Hi h transaction t ti costs– t high hi h insurance i premium i rates t . - Government needs to improve the information quality (yields cost of production (yields, cost of production and crop and crop losses due to climate). climate) ‐ Government could subsidize in part or all the premium cost. ‐ Private sector could ld research h mechanisms h to reduce cost d (f (for example can save on loss ajustment with weather index based insurance). ) 2. Limited insurance distribution channels for selling agricultural insurance. - Insurance companies could agree with governement to use some organizations or public programs as distribution channels. Public Sector in Latin America (LA) Susbsidizes Agricultural g Insurance Evolución del Financiamiento del Seguro Agropecuario (millones de US$) 800 36% 40% Sector Privado 700 35% Sector Publico 600 26% 30% 25% Sector Publico/Primas 500 25% 20% 18% 400 300 20% 14% 15% 200 10% 100 5% 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 0% 2009 Public Sector Subsidy Sector Subsidy in LA =US$ 260MM. in LA =US$ 260MM Brasil y México concentrates 90% of public sector subsidies in LA. Source:Ramiro Iturrioz,, Senior Agriculture Insurance Specialist – The World Bank 13 Subsidies in Spain E l ti off subsidies Evolution b idi an insured i d sums Subsidies Insured Sum Subsidies Years Millions of Euros Source: Insured Sum Subsidy in México Assigned and Implemented Budget Implemented Resources 2003-2010 (Million of Dollars) FederalDirect support Direct Total support Federal Total Insurance Insurance The poor are always the most affected by natural disasters, disasters sometimes becoming poorer. Rural population is more affected by natural disasters than urban population Graphic N°17: Population perceives that was affected by natural disasters during the period 2004-2008 Rural Urban The poor affected more by more by disasters between 2004‐2001 2004 2001 Extremely poor Poor Not poor How people respond to natural disasters impact Sold their belongings g g Received aid from government Obtained loans Spent their savings or capital Found another job Diminished consumption Didn´t do anything Disasters economic impact from the households perspective Income diminishes Loss of belongings g g Income diminishes and loss of belongings None Economic losses due to El Niño by sectors Loss 7 % of GDP Loss 5 % of GDP 1997-1998 1982-1983 532 218 485 1389 1626 2533 S i l sector Social t P d ti Sector Productive S t I f t t Infrastructure S i l sector Social t P d ti Sector Productive S t I f t t Infrastructure Sectores sociales Infraestructura Sectores sociales Sectores productivos Infraestructura Sectores productivos Fuente: Estimaciones de la CAF, sobre la base de la cifras de CEPAL Fuente: Programa Desarrollo Rural Sostenible - PDRS Rain registered in Juli District –Puno Region (litro/m2)- Period january-march 900 800 700 Rain accumulated in the period january – march 2011 is the highest level in the last 10 years. 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Agriculture calendar years calendar years Region of Puno 2010 and 2011 Damaged g Crops p Hale Flood Flood When there is a natural disaster Government´s aid to poor usually reaches them late or the poor doesn´t get the aid Government Aid for Natural Disasters (2004 (2004-2008) 2008) Variable Received Government Aid Extremely poor (%) 4.07 Poor 3.12 Not Poor 3.89 The not poor received more government aid than the poor. Pending reconstruction of cities after earthquatke The 2007 Peru earthquake was an earthquake measuring 8.0 richter q g scale that hit the central coast of Perú on Wednesday, August 15, 2007. 519 people dead; 1,366 wounded; 58,581 houses destroyed; 13,585 houses affected; 103 hospitals affected; 14 hospitals destroyed. Cities affected have been reconstructed yet. The Comptroller General's Office detected the public entities involved in the reconstruction have public entities involved in the reconstruction have comitted several irregularities (crimes of misappropriation, embezzlement, incompatible negotiation). Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance ¿What is the agricultural catastrophic insurance? Protects crops in areas cultivated by poor farmers. The guaranteed yield is 40% of the average yield in the insured area. Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance Institutional Framework Government: Pays 100% of the premium. p y del There is a subsidyy fund “Fondo de Garantía del Campo Seguro Agropecuario”. The Fund Th F d Council C il Members: Representatives from Ministry of Economy, Agriculture and from the Ministries Council. Define, insured areas, premium rates, risks covered. Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance Regional Governments Decides what crops to insure and is the policy holder. La Positiva Seguros Retains part of the risk and the other part is transferred to a reinsurer. Pays indemnization if crops are loss due to a catastrophic weather event. Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance Characteristics: Massive: Insures all the farmers on the areas selected y the Ministry of Agriculture. Catastrophic: Indemnization occurs when the crop yield is in the h area insured i d is i below b l 40% off the h average historic hi i yield. i ld Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance Covered risks: Drought, low temperature, hail, high temperatures, humidity excess, flooding, freezing, strong winds plagues, winds, plagues diseases. diseases Sum insured: Between 100 y 200 dollars per hectare. Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance Loss Adjustment • 11points randomly selected to do loss do loss adjustment. • Loss adjusment is not done parcel by parcel. If the average of loss i the in h 11 points i i is below the 60% of the average historic yield in the area insured, La Positiva will need to insure to all the farmers that have crops in the area i insured. d Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance Siniestrality Premiums/Indemnizations 2010‐2011 REGIÒN PRIMAS NETAS SUMA ASEGURADA INDEMNIZACIONES ($) ($) ($) 4,114,182.01 INDICE DE SINIESTRALIDAD AYACUCHO 1,932,621.34 13,804,438.13 213% CAJAMARCA 1,393,399.25 9,952,851.80 HUANUCO 1 418 483 55 1,418,483.55 10 024 618 71 10,024,618.71 201 615 11 201,615.11 14% PASCO 394,647.33 2,798,917.27 215,559.71 55% PUNO 1,807,302.45 12,772,245.32 2,134,964.03 118% Total 6,946,453.92 49,353,071.22 6,666,320.86 96% 0% Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance Indemnizations 2010‐2011 REGIÓN INDEMNIZACIONES CAMPAÑA 2009‐2010 INDEMNIZACIONES CAMPAÑA 2010‐2011 AYACUCHO 1,025,629.50 4,114,182.01 CAJAMARCA 0.00 0.00 HUÁNUCO 587,338.13 201,615.11 PASCO 0.00 215,559.71 PUNO 820,943.40 2,134,964.03 TOTAL ($) 2,433,911.02 6,666,320.86 Catastrophic Agricultural Insurance Poor Farmers that Received Indemnization Región 2009‐2010 2010‐2011 Puno 9,376 29,600 Ayacucho 7,200 30,300 Huánuco Huánuco 7 974 7,974 1 200 1,200 Pasco ‐ 3,900 Total 24,550 61,100 Conclusions 1. Agricultural insurance for the poor is only possible is the Government subsidizes part or all the premium. premium 3. Insurance companies need to do research to find the best agricultural insurance schemes that will lower transaction costs and the premium rate. 4. Private p public p partnership p facilitates the p poor to have access to agricultural insurance. 5. Inurance han help poor farmers not to become poorer.